English Paper

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Sulochana Natu Vidya Mandir, Pune - 16

II Unit Test - 2021-22
Sub. : English
Std. : VIII M. Marks : 20
Date : 10 Jan‟22 Time : 1 hr.

Section I – Language Study

Q.1. Do as directed : (5)

1. Identify the type of sentence come here and sit down.
2. Complete the word chain with adjectives long, ------
3. Write any two compound words.
4. Find out two hidden words from the given words (minimum 4 letters) traditional.
5. Underline the verb form in the following sentences and state their tense.
They are waiting for the right winds.

Section B : Prose.

Q.2. A1. State whether the following statements are True or False. (2)
1. Fibreglass kites led to creating power drwiven aeroplanes------.
2. In Gujrat, the kite flying festival is celebrated to welcome the spring-----
3. Uttaryan starts from Makar Sankranti onwards ------
4. Makar Sankranti is celebrated on January 13 and 14 -----

Years ago, the harassed mother would often say to her restless son, who needed to be kept busy
during his holidays, “Why don‟t you go fly a kite ?” And the little boy would happily pick up his
kite and run out into the field. That, of course, was in the past when the only kites available were
made of kite paper and thin wooden frames. Kite -flying has come a long way since then with the
invention of motorised and even fibreglass kites to compete with the old-fashioned kites. Today, kite
-flyers can be found in different parts of the world, carrying different types of kites - waiting for the
right winds! Kite -flying has a long history. There are many Greek, Indian and other mythological
stories which tell us about human beings wanting to or trying to fly. Over a period of time, this
desire of humans and their imagination probably led to the invention of kites. And it is likely that
the box- kites, designed more than a hundred years ago, later inspired others to create power-
driven aeroplanes. In India, however, the tradition of kite -flying has not changed. Be it during the
coming of Spring which is celebrated as Basant or during the festival of Makar Sankranti, people of
all ages go out into the open to try their luck with their kites. In towns and cities, where open spaces
are difficult to find, terraces and rooftops are often used for this traditional sport. In Gujarat,
Makar Sankranti is kite -flying day. Traditionally celebrated on January 13 or 14, it is a holiday
when people meet outdoors, „to cut‟ each other‟s kites. This day also coincides with the festival of
Uttarayan, when the sun is said to begin its journey to the northern hemisphere. The people of
Gujarat celebrate Uttarayan with a lot of enthusiasm and all business comes to a grinding halt for a
couple of days. It is also a celebration to mark the end of winter.

A2. When is kite flying at its peak in India? 1

A3. Vocabulary :
1. Give the anytonyms of the words givenbelow : 1) Modern - ----- 2) Start ------ 2
2. Write the adjective form of the word given below :
1) Happiness___________ 2) imagination _____________
A4. Grammar – Do as directed 2
1. People of all ages go out into the open to try their luck with their kites. \
(Pick out the infinitive)
2. It is also a celebration to mark the end of winter. (Rewrite using „which‟)

Section C – Poetry

Q.3. A1. Do as directed. 2

1. Where is squirrels store their food?
2. Where did Beutys smile begin?
3. Where do the cows and sheep stand?
4. Where do store shine in the daytime?

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare ?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows ?
No time to see, when woods we pass
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass ?
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night ?
No time to turn at Beauty‟s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance ?
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
- William Henry Davis

A2. What does the poet want us to stare at and gain from it? 1
A3. Name and explain the figure of speech. 1
„And stare as long as sheep or cows.‟

Section D – Writing Skills

1. Write a letter to the ward Officer of your area requesting him to get the garbage 4\
Heap near your house removed.
Explain the hardships you are facing.

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