Jamadagni Jamadagni: - V.V.B. Rama Rao
Jamadagni Jamadagni: - V.V.B. Rama Rao
Jamadagni Jamadagni: - V.V.B. Rama Rao
(Children Series)
- V.V.B. Rama Rao
Telugu Version
Pudi Venkata Ramaiah
English Translation
V.V.B. Rama Rao
Published by
Executive Officer
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Tirupati.
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams,
Srinivasa Bala Bharati -120 FOREWORD
(Children Series)
The minds of little children we are rearing with love and affection
JAMADAGNI are pure. They reflect the qualities of culture we present before them.
They keep those qualities we teach them and show them throughout
Telugu Version their lives. The more virtuous and noble their qualities, the more would
Pudi Venkata Ramaiah they be able to transform and maintain the nation’s culture. The need to
foster noble qualities right from their tender age is important and
immense. However educated and however famous they may rise to,
English Translation without noble and proper qualities in them, real culture would slowly
V.V.B. Rama Rao degenerate engulfing our nation in darkness.
Our effort in these publications is to make children know the stories
Editor-in-Chief of sages and seers, our Maharshis. The main object is to place before
Prof. Ravva Sri Hari their plastic minds the high ideals and achievements of our sages and
T.T.D. Religious Publications Series No. 975
It is with this intention that Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams brought
©All Rights Reserved
the series of small booklets Bala Bharati. Many grown ups also have
been saying that though called Bala Bharati, the slender books are
First Edition : 2013
found illuminating to the elders also. When elders read these and make
their young ones read and understand them, our efforts would bear
Copies : fruit.
I am grateful to the Editor-in-Chief and to those scholars and
Price : employees who have worked to produce the series.
Published by
L.V. Subrahmanyam, I.A.S. In the Service of the Lord
Executive Officer
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams
Tirupati. Executive Officer,
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams,
Printed at
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Press
Our Bharat has acquired renoun for great culture, moralistic and
To-day’s children are to-marrow’s citizens. They need at tender dharmic ideals even before other countries in other continents could
age apt acquintance with the life-histories of celebrated persons so open their eyes to any cultural greatness. Every one born in this land of
that they get opportunity to lead their lives in an exemplary way. They ours has been fighting against evil and violation of dharma, the holy law
will come to know that great things such as Indian culture, basic tenants of life and living-thus making our lives fruitful and meaningful. Every
of life and moral teachings are abundantly available in the life- one has been acquiring Punya (merit) and nearing God. The presence
experiences of great men. It is observed that there is no scope to teach of great minds and sacred souls is our valuable source of Joy. If we
such subjects in school curriculam. understand their ideals, the effect would be very great. Every boy and
Observing such circumstances the Publication Division of Tirumala girl believing and saying that this is our culture and this is our tradition
Tirupati Devastanams has published about hundred booklets in Telugu would dedicate himself or herself to the service of mother land.
about the lifes of famous sages and great men written by various authors In fact there have been many great sages and seers, holy men and
under the editorship of Dr. B. Raghunathacharyulu under “Balabharati women born and grown up have laying foundations of our culture and
Series”. The response over these books is tremendous and it has given traditions. They helped the pure flow of splendid living to us all. How
impetus to publish them in other languages also. To begin with some of fortunate we are! We have behind us a great and sublime history and
the books are now brought out with English and Hindi rendering by culture. If those great sages and seers; holy and sacred men and women
T.T.D. For the benefit of boys and girls and the interested public. were not born and inspired us, how could this culture and tradition
These booklets primarily intended to the growing children and have come to us? Knowing about and understanding those great minds
also generally intended to the elders to study and narrate the stories to is an education that gives us valuable knowledge and deep wisdom.
their children, will go a long way to sublimate the aspirations of the Their lives and achievements would throw light and illumine us and our
children to greater heights. coming generations to forge ahead in glory.
It is with this intention that Bala Bharati Series has come up bringing
R. SRI HARI before you the lives and achievements of great sages and seers.
Editor-In-Chief Now is your chance to know about them and grow.
T.T.D. Children! Come! Come forward to read and learn.
Our hearty welcome to you all.
S.B. Raghunathacharya
Cheif Editor
Great incarnations assume human form with sublime intentions.
As they choose to take incarnations in a particular place or a particular
time, they choose their parents too. The Supreme Being in ten
incarnations (we call them dasaavataaras) has saved innumerable
people. In his sixth incarnation also he has selected his father and mother.
Consequently there came about a combination of the radiance of the
Brahmin and Kshatriya qualities that contributed of the welfare of the
worlds. Bhagawan Vishnu, the Supreme Lord, roared like a warrior
and killed evil kings and rulers not just once but twenty-one times and
is acclaimed by all.
Who could be the father of such a valiant one? The one having
mastered Dhanurveda (the art of archery) and horrified the sun himself,
the one who with his power of tapas (intense contemplatial) has created
Kamadhenu (the celestial wish-fulfilling cow) is the one named
Jamadagni. He is the very name of valour, kindness and patience.
Renuka was his wife’s name.
The patience, tolerance, dynamism, holiness and purity of Maharshi
Jamadagni have to be our ideals now. Only by following his ideals we
can have the opportunity to give the world such an incarnated divinity
Our heritage:
Our sages and seers are called Maharshis. They are
revered as right worshipful. They inspired and promoted
spiritual values. They preached Dharma, the ideal way
of living according to holy law. They paved the way to
mukti, salvation. In this regard they gave alms to the entire
Making truth, non-violence and rectitude their base,
they paved the way of rectitude and righteousness. They
spent their lives in forests eating only tubers and such
simple food. They spent all their time in Tapas (intense
and deep contemplation, dhyana). They dedicated a part
of their Punya (merit) to all. They gave away their powers
and intelligence to the kings in the land. They helped
them perform fire rituals (yagnas and yagas) besides
performing such rituals themselves. They wrote scriptures
(sacred writings) besides legends, history, sciences and
commentaries and explanations of the Vedas and
Upanishads. Through these, the sages and seers said the
foundation for moral and spiritual values. They advocated
dharma chintana (thinking of dharma) (the sacred law of
behaviour and action), noble qualities and righteous
thinking. This has been their effort down the ages. For
this reason gotras are linked-even today with Maharshis.
There are several gotras with the names of these sages
and saints. Kasyapa gotra, Bharadwaja gotra, Atreya gotra
and Kaundinya gotra are a few of these signifying the
genealogies of Rishis.
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Violating even the divine being or God dhyana and contemplation) committed to truth. He also
to establish or refurbish the sacred law (Dharma): knew dhanurveda (the veda related to archery)
Our Maharshis laid down dharma, a law and a way completely. All the four Vedas are in his hand,
of life and action in a manner that it could not be changed idiomatically as gooseberries in his palms.
or violated. But the Maharshis sometimes went against Give your daughter in marriage:
even god and even cursed divines, heavenly ones. Being
In those days king Gaadhi was the ruler. He belonged
in such a sublime condition they inspired faith in man.
to Jahnu Vamsa. It is also called Kushika Vamsa. One
Sri MahaVishnu had to take birth as Rishis twice as
day Ruchika Maharshi went to king Gaadhi. Satyavati,
Vamana and Parasurama. Their renown is eternal. The
his daughter was an extraordinary beauty. The Maharshi
stars glowing in the sky as Saptarshi Mandala are
was enamoured of Satyawati and wanted to marry her.
symbols of the greatness of our renowned Maharshis.
Then he spoke to the king.
Who are Saptarshis?
“Maharaja! I am impressed by your daughter’s
The most renowned among the Maharshis are beauty. I wish to marry her. My heart,mind and intellect got
Vasishtha, Atri, Gautama, Kasyapa, Bharadwaja, fixed on her. Have kindness on me and give her to me in
Jamadagni and Vishwamitra. Each of these has a marriage.”
wonderful history. All these Maharshis belonged to
Vaiwaswata Manu. Manu is the law giver and ruler. At the The rishi’s words caused anger, surprise and fear in
time of each Manu there used to be ten sages and seers the king. Surprise because the rishi was a poor Brahmin.
as officers of law and dharma. The Saptarshis are among fear that, if he refused, he might be cursed; anger that
these. such a man should ask for a princess. He thought for a
while and cleverly said.
The tradition and lineage of Bhrugu:
“Maharshi! I consent and give my daughter in
In the world of sages and seers, the lineage of Bhrugu, marriage to you, but on one condition. You have to give
Bhrugu vamsa is highly revered and renowned. The her Vunkuva or Oli, a gift.”
originator of this lineage (vamsha) is Bhrugu Maharshi.
He was born from the heart of the creator Brahma. “Yes, Maharaja! I would give whatever you ask me
All those in the lineage are called Bhargavas. Chyavana to,” said the Maharshi.
was Bhrugu’s son. Aurva was Chyavan’s son. Aurva’s Then said the king: “Listen to me. You should bring
son was Rucheeka, also called Ruchika. Maharshi a thousand white horses with black ears. Then I would
Ruchika had a splendid strength of tapas (deep and intense give my daughter in marriage to you.”
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Rishi Ruchika replied that he would give the horses “While you are in your monthly period you embrace
as desired and left. He went to the north bank of the river a fig tree. You ask your mother to embrace in her periods
Ganga, had his bath and contemplated on Varun. Varun a peepal tree. Later you take the ball of cooked rice which
appeared and told him that he would get them whenever would make you give birth to an effulgent and devout
he asked for them. The rishi went to the king with the Brahmin. Your mother takes the other ball of cooked rice
horses created by him. The king was sursprised by the which would make her give birth to a valorous and
rishi's ability but felt happy that it was good to have one invincible Kshatriya like son.”
such as a son-in-law and performed the marriage. So telling the Maharshi went to the river for a bath.
Bless my mother too-to have a male offspring! Charuvus (blessed cooked rice balls) changed:
Ruchika went to his asram (hermitage) with his wife. King Gaadhi and his queen came to sage Ruchika's
Satyawati served him as an ideal wife. Time went by. asram to see their daughter and son-in-law. Satyawati
One day the maharshi thought of begetting progeny honoured her parents. She showed the blessed cooked
(children). He went to his wife and told her that time was rice balls to her mother. She told her what they were asked
going to be favourable for them and that she would to do. Since both of them happened to be in their periods,
become a mother. Satyawati was immensely pleased. She they went to the trees to embrace them. By Gods will the
requested her husband for another blessing. fig tree that should be embraced by Satyawati was
embraced by her mother. The Peepal tree that should be
“Swami! You have rich power of penance. You can embraced by her mother was embraced by the daughter.
do anything. My mother asked me to seek your blessing The mother and daughter also took the charuvus wrongly.
for her also. She has no male offspring. Bless her with
your grace to have a son.” What they thought and what happened:
The Maharshi listened to his better-halfs request. Maharshi Ruchika returned to his asram and was
Immediately he created with his powers two blessed food happy to see his in-laws. While in conversation, the
balls of boiled rice (charuvus) and two havis (ghee in the Maharshi saw in his divine vision (divya drushti) the
yajna). Of these one charuvu would give an effulgent son mistake. The mother and daughter made the same mistake.
into tejas (great radiance) and the other a valourous and He called his wife and told her:
heroic son. One would be a pious and devout Brahmin “The saying that one thinks of something God thinks
and the other a warrior like Kshatriya. of something and else is true.
Showing the two blessed balls of cooked rice the You and your mother have made an error in
maharshi told his wife. embracing the trees and taking the blessed cooked rice
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balls. For that reason there would be a difference in the seen on his face. In addition to that Rishi Ruchika his
sons you give birth to as prescribed. You give birth not father made his son imbibe Dhanurveda (the science and
to a splendid son with Brahmin effulgence-but to a cruel art of archery) fully. He became extremely proficient in
one, a killer of Kshatriyas and your mother would give it. There was none equal to him in archery not only among
birth to a son with the radiance of a devout taapasi (one the Rishis but also in the entire world of Kshatriyas or
also does tapas).” rulers. He was comparable only to himself. His infancy
and boyhood passed he became youthful.
Satyawati trembled listening to her husband’s words.
She broke into tears and fell at the rishi’s feet, praying Without cause there is no effect:
for his mercy and kindness. She prayed to him not to Satyawati and her mother embraced the wrong trees
give her a son who would be cruel. and used the charuvus balls of cooked food wrongly.
Why did this happen so? There must be some cause or
The merciful rishi took pity on his wife. But the
reason without which nothing would take place. In
blessed cooked rice balls he created will surely give the
Brahmaloka all the celestials were in an assembly
effect they believed to produce. The Maharshi thought
discussing many things. Among them Varna samkara is
that this was all Gods will and doing. Still, he said, he
one subject. Varna samkara is the inter mixture of castes.
would change the effect in another way. The cruelty would Brahma said that soon there was going to be Varna
come to her grandson and not to her son. This comforted samkara between Bhrugu (Brahmin) and Kshatriya (kingly/
Satyawati a little bit. royal) kushika lineages. Bhrugu‘s son Chyavana was in
Jamadagni’s birth: the assembly. He heard this and began thinking as to
In due course Satyawati and her mother were have to stop that. He wanted to stop the inter mixture to
pregnant. After nine months at an auspicious moment, protect the Brahmin lineage and its renown. This is a
very adventurous action. He knew that it was not easy to
Satyawati and her mother delivered male babies. Gaadhi
go against the creator’s decision. Chyavana wanted to
the king’s son was named Viswamitra. Ruchika named
destroy the lineage of Kushiks. He went to the king of
his son Jamadagni.
Kushiks. The king and the queen served him with
Jamadagni was slowly growing. He was very calm obedience showing their reverence for him. Chyavana
and peaceful. He was always interested in dhyana and examined the couple in many ways. But they served him
contemplation. He learnt and mastered all the four Vedas. so well that he could find no reason to be angry. The
Maharshis living in the asrams used to feel delighted seeing king and the queen drew the chariot in which they seated
the little boy. The radiance of Brahmateja used to be the sage and seer. They bore the whippings that horses
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would get. They bled but did not lose their reverence for acquired Kaamadhenu, a sacred wish fulfilling cow which
the Maharshi. They served him for twenty one days gave him all he needed and wanted. This cow could give
without having food or rest. Chyavana did not have a him whatever food he wanted and however much he
chance to give them a curse. He thought that it was wanted. Renuka Devi and Jamadagni were leading a happy
impossible to curse them. Then he revealed the secret and pious life.
behind his visit to the king and the queen.” Your son I would make the sun collapse!
Gaadhi’s daughter to be born (Satyawati) was going to
marry my grandson Ruchika. They would have a son Jamadagni had the habit of testing his skill in archery
Jamadagni. He would get Dhanurveda imbibed in him every now and then. His wife Renuka used to help him
through his father. This would shine further in his son in getting back the arrows he shot to a great distance.
Parasurama. Parasurama with his extraordinary skill in One day after midday, when the Sun was very hot Renuka
archery would destroy all Kshatriya rulers. He is the sixth was a little delayed in bringing back the arrows. Jamadagni
incarnation of Sri Mahavishnu. That is Parasuramavatara. was angry and asked why she returned so late. She was
This is god’s decision.” a very delicate woman and she was very tired.
You see! Because of this cause the mistake was made “I could not come back quickly because I was
by Satyawati and also by her mother. How can there be stopping in the shade of the trees. It was very hot with
the Sun shining hot above. This made Maharshi angry
anything different from what Ruchika Maharshi said
with the Sun god. "The Sun made my wife suffer with
earlier? In this is involved an incarnation of MahaVishnu.
his heat. So I would make him fall down from the sky."
Related to that is Ramaavatara also.
He said and he took up his bow and arrow.
The sacred cow that can give all and everything: This is the first creation:
Jamadagni married Renukadevi, the daughter of The sun god was trembling . He came down as an
Prasenajit, a king of the Ikshwaku lineage (vamsa). After old Brahmin. He came to Jamadagni and said O Maharshi!
his son’s marriage, Jamadagni’s father left family life and It is because of the Sun that the clouds are giving rain. Is
went away for penance.. His mother Satyawati became it not with the rain water that medicinal plants and food
the river kaushiki and flowed. Jamadagni was in the family crops are growing ? It is with his work that the celestials
state called Grihasthaasrama. He was radiant with sama are getting havyas, ghee from fire rituals. Is it right for
and dama peacefulness and austerity in a subdued state you to punish the friend of all worlds? You are a hermit
mortifying, his flesh and not paying much attention to and a taapasi, is it fitting that such a one as you should
the body with the splendid powers of Penance, he act so cruelly?”
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Jamadagni cooled down. He realized that he had no If the fence eats away the crop?
santa, a peaceful condition of the mind. He felt bad. In their youth Renuka and Jamadagni once went to
Meanwhile the Sun God took over his regular form. the banks of the river Narmada. They came across a
Jamadagni made a fitting and proper salutation to the beautiful garden. There was none there. There were a
Sun God. Surya, the Sun God was happy. number of trees and plants with fruits and flowers. There
The Sun God created just with his will an umbrella was cool and sweet smelling breeze. There were beautiful
and foot wear that would protect people from his heat. birds and peacocks. The couple had feelings for romance
He asked Jamadagni to use them. The Maharshi was and sexual gratification. They made a flower bed and
surprised. Till now these are not in the creation. “How got into amorous love making. But alone in the sky the
could you create these,” asked Jamadagni the Sun God. (Karma Saakshi) witness of Action, the Sun was there.
“Yes, truly these are not in the creation. I created He felt that dharma was being violated by the rishi couple.
them for you. By using these both your head and feet He came down in the guise of an old Brahmin and said.
could be protected form heat.” So saying He added!” “Maharshi Jamadagni! You are not an ordinary
By giving in daana these things to the peaceful minded person. You are the grandson of the creator, Brahma.
people like you, the giver would be satisfied and would You are the one who made the Vedas and you are a great
acquire merit (punya).” tapasvi. It is not right that you should fall down to love
Jamadagni accepted them and along with his wife making in this day time. If great men like you go against
offered worship to the Sun God. By giving old people dharma, ordinary people would follow such actions. So
these umbrellas and foot wear one would get punya dharma is going to come down and get sullen. Since I
(merit). For this reason in the rites for the departed these am the witness of action, I came down to tell you this.”
articles are given. The forefathers, would be pleased.
Would you criticize and object to my action?
This tradition has come down to us from Jamadagni and
the Sun God. Jamadagni was angry with the Sun God. The couple
got up from the bed. Renuka being naked ran away in
In the ancient times man had to get drenched in rain, shame. Her going away like that angered the maharshi
or walk under the hot sun. Man used to just stand under more. He said.
a tree to protect himself. Thanks to Jamadagni, the
condition came to be changed. How can one have shade “Dinakara! With pride and evil arrogance you came
without having to go under a tree? This involves down to make me learn. Don’t you know who I am? I
knowledge. was born in Bhrugu lineage. I know the four Vedas and
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all dharmas and adharmas very well. Listen to what I Brahmadeva’s act of conciliation:
would tell you. Ignorant one (ajnaani) would suffer for Brahma said pacifying both. “O Bhaskara! One day
his bad deeds and be an inactive dull one. Vijnaani (the you would be covered by the clouds. But after a short
knowing one) would not get the results of his bad deeds while you would come out. When the clouds are many
and be every splendid with radiance like the Sun. You are or when it is raining you would be swallowed by Rahu.
proud and arrogant being the fruit giver and witness of Even then some would see you and some wouldn’t be
action, Karmasaakshi. I don’t need any of your help to able to see you. Those who see and offer salutations to
be saved. For the knowing ones, Jnaana moortis, and you would have their sins washed away. Eswar would
those who have the wealth of tapas the saviour is Sri defeat you in a war he was fighting against Maali-Sumaali”.
Maha Vishnu. Not anyone like you. There is no need for Thus he softened the effect of the curse.
us to learn from you or be punished by you. Infact you
Your death would be the seed for the welfare of the
do not have such capacity either. No one can punish us,
not Brahma, not Maheshwara and not even Yama, the
God of death. You have disturbed us while we are in Seeing Jamadagni, Brahmadeva, said.
copulation. So you be affected by Rahu and lose all “Maharshi! Leave the Sun God suffering from insult
your brilliance as a "sinner." thus cursed Jamadagni the now. With the power of your splendorous brilliance all
Sun God. the worlds would be burnt in a minute. You have such
effulgence in you. But you are wasting your power because
An opposite curse:
of your anger and fury. Both of you are great, both of
The Sun God listened to the curse given by Jamadagni you are worshipful. In the future you would have insult,
and cursed them in return. “you cursed me without reason. defeat and death because of Kartaveeryarjuna. Even then
So you would be insulted by a Kshatriya and be killed Sri Mahavishnu would be born as your son. Going round
with his weapon”. and searching again and again, he would kill Kshatriyas
You would fall down from Eswar’s blow: in this world twenty times. Your demise (death) would
be the seed for the welfare and joy, of the world.”
Angry with the Sun God for his curse, Jamadagni
cursed him again "you would fall in the battle field under So saying Brahmadeva left. Surya and Jamadagni
the power of Eswar". congra tulated each other and went to their abodes (places
of living).
Brahma, the creator, knew about this from Kasyapa
Maharshi. The two made their appearance before the rishi In the asram, Renuka offered her services to her
and the Sun God. husband. With his grace she gave birth to five sons,
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Rumanvanta, Suveshana, Vasu, Viswavasu and Children who wouldn’t obey him:
Parasurama in that order.
Rumanvanta was the eldest son. He was intelligent
Pot cannot be made of sand: and knowledgeable knowing the Vedas. Killing the mother
One day Renukadevi went to the river to fetch water. was sinful. The Vedas said that mother is god’s first form-
She saw accidentally the Gandharva king Chitraradha in father the later form. He told his father that he would not
copulation with his wife. She felt joyful seeing them in be able to kill his mother. The second and the third sons
their love play. Thus she committed a sin and her too did not consent to their father’s order. The fourth
wifeliness got sullen. For that reason the pot in her hand son did the same. Jamadagni, angered, cursed his four
fell down and got broken. Whenever it happened Renuka sons.
used to make another pot with her sacredness. She tried
Cut off your mother’s head:
to do it again, but could not. The pious and devoted
wife realized her mistake. She wanted to take away her The youngest son Parasurama was very intelligent
life by falling into the river. But she felt that it would be and dynamic. Now he thought his turn would come. If
wrong to do so without telling her husband. She went he disobeyed his father he too would be cursed. So he
back home empty handed.. wanted to obey his father first and seek the boons
Cut off your mother’s head! necessary to restore life to his mother and save his
Jamdagni saw his wife not having the pot in her hands. brothers too from the curse. He remembered the Veda
With his divine vision he learnt what had happened. She saying that the father’s soul would be only in the son’s
looked at a man with some kind of sinful feeling. He body. Meanwhile his father called him and gave him his
hated her for that sin and thought that death was the order, Parasurama obeyed it immediately. Renuka’s head
punishment she deserved. Without thinking further, he fell at her husband’s feet. Having obeyed his father,
called his eldest son and ordered him to cut off his Parasurama fell at his father’s feet and made a salutation.
mother’s head. My mother should live again!
See, Jamadagni’s action! He felt that even looking at
a man not her own was a sin for a woman. He know that Jamadagni was pleased with his son’s action and
his wife was a Saadhvi, a very devoted and pure woman. asked him to seek boons.
Even then, he asked his son to slay her. He felt that his "My mother should live again and my brothers should
wife should better be killed than bear humiliation and be freed from the curses" said Parasurama. He also asked
insult. See how respectful the rishi was to his wife! for a boon making him long-lived.
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river for a bath. A celestial called Krodha wanted to test For that reason, Jamadagni was born as a mongoose.
the maharshi’s sense of calm and peace, the quality called When Dharmaraja was performing Ashwamedha Yaga,
santa. He went there into the house and upset the Jamadagni found fault with an act in the Yajna (fire ritual).
container having milk in it. The milk fell on the floor. Jamadagni as a mangoose said that the dana Dharmaraja
Jamadagni come and saw the milk thus wasted. He also made was not comparable and equal to the dana of
saw Krodha in disguise. Krodha told him that it was an Saktuprastha. He also said that a Yajna with the killing of
accident. Jamadagni did not lose his temper or get angry. an animal was not good. When the Brahmins asked the
He simply asked the celestial to go away. Krodha in a mongoose narrated to them the tale of Saktuprastha. The
human form was surprised. He said that those in Bhrugu very next moment his form and appearance as a mongoose
lineage were renowned as angry and rash. But it was not was gone. Jamadagni acquired his original form.
true in his case. He spoke the truth and went away. That I would experience the suffering:
night the Pitru Devatas, manes appeared in Jamadagni’s
dream and told him that his santa (peaceful mind) is not Once the bundle of fibres of lotus (tamara toondlu)
a virtue.” Being silent and calm all the time is not good. which the seven sacred seers kept saved to alleviate their
Getting angry for some reason, when it is necessary is hunger disappeared. One suspected another and everyone
peace itself. It is a lapse (dosha) to be peaceful when took oaths. At this juncture Maharshi Jamadagni took an
you need to be angry. So for your lapse, or mistake you oath like this:
would be born as a mangoose.” They cursed him like “If I happen to be the one who stole the bundle, I
this. would suffer the punishment for stealing. I suffer also
Curse would be gone only when dharma is faulted: the punishment that comes from copulating with the wife
during the time of her periods; the punishment for
Jamadagni simply made salutations to his manes and promoting or causing discord, or enmities,; the
replied. “Great souls! I kept silent because for a tapaswi punishment for quarrelling with others; the punishment
anger is not right. It is not my intention to insult you. It is for honouring one with an intention to get benefit.”
of course my lapse to be silent and peaceful when I should
have been courageous and angry. I realize my mistake. See how Jamadagni took an oath which would
Pray forgive me and grace me with a way to save myself enlighten our people to live with morality and righteous
from the curse.” action.
The manes pitied him and said: “When you fault a Maha Mantropasana:
Dharma , right action acceptable in the holy law, you would Upasana is a kind of contemplation and observance
be absolved of the curse.” of religious principles and action. Once Jamadagni went
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to Naimisaranya to clear his doubts about mantropasana This kind of voluntary death of the wife is called Satee
the deep observance of mantras. He listened to Lomasa sahagamana.
Maharshi preaching Devimahaatmyam. He also heard the Message: (Samdesa):
Maharshi narrating the story of Satyavrata. He learnt the
secret and the power of Saraswata beeja mantra, the Jamadagni’s life manifests different curious stages.
incantation of the seed, the basis, of saraswata literature. In youth he was furious – always being angry even for
He contemplated and repeated the incantation. He could small things and so called mukkopi. After youth, in middle
age he was calm, peaceful and peace loving. In old age he
get absolved of the lapse that was caused by the killing
of Renuka Devi. became extremely peaceful. He said that even the one to
be rightly killed should only be forgiven. He told us of
In the hands of Soora: various ways of absolving one’s sins. He proved that
Soora, son of Kaartaveeryarjuna knew that his father every one should suffer the consequences for wrong
was killed by Jamadagni. He wanted to wreak vengeance doings. He suffered the consequence of his lapse by living
on the maharshi. When Parasurama was not there in the as a mongoose. He showed and illustrated how
asram he killed Jamadagni. Renuka was extremely pilgrimages wash away one's sins and do good. He
distressed on seeing her husband’s death. She cried out showed very clearly and powerfully the evil deeds one
loudly “Rama! Rama!.” She beat her bosom, her chest should not do. He showed practically that the one in the
twenty-one times. Parasurama came after a while and suffering of hunger would not consider what is wrong or
saw the corpse of his father. He was angry and totally what is right. This naked truth he acquired and explained
beside himself. He was furious and started destroying from his own life. He related practically the truths of human
Mahishmati city. He killed every Kshatriya he came across life. He gave away his life for a lunatic’s action. He looks
without any discrimination – He killed Soora and his at us on the earth from the sky in the form of a star. Why?
brothers. He slew innumerable Kshatriyas. He went He wanted to give us useful lessons from his own
searching for Kshatriyas twenty-one times, killing all of experiences. We should make use of all those for our
them he had seen. With the blood of the slain ones he benefit.
made pitrutarpan, a water offering to his dead and May the Dharma of Rishis grow!
departed father. (This is called Samanta panchaka now).
He gave away in dana all the land he acquired by winning Translator’s note:
battles to Kasyapa Maharshi. Renukadevi offered herself, Many deeply religious words either in our language
her body and life to the pyre along with her husband’s. Telugu (or Sanskrit) are not easy to translate into English.
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