Acharya Vaibhavam
Acharya Vaibhavam
Acharya Vaibhavam
LEFT: HH SrImad 44th paTTam SrImadazhagiya Singar. CENTER: HH 45th paTTam SrImadazhagiya Singar.
There are 46 SrImat Azhagiya Singar-s up to now in the AcArya Paramparai of
SrI Ahobila MaTham. All of their nAmAngitams begin with “SrI VaN
SaThakopa” and conclude with “yatIndra mahA deSikan”. The founding jIyar of
the SrI MaTham “SaThakopa jIyar” has the unique prefix of “Adi VaN” before
His ASrama tirunAmam. Let us reflect on how that came about.
NammAzhvAr from the mountain lake into which He was thrown by jealous
people of other matams,
2. The jIyar’s persistence in bringing the revered AzhvAr back to His sannidhi
in the temple and
this way: “Oh VaN SaThakopa jIyar! We are very pleased with Your
consecration of ourselves and for
performing RaamAnuja darSana
Pravacanam. In recognition of Your much
appreciated kaimkaryams, we would like
to give us pAridoshikam (bahumAnam,
parisu) the Hamsa Mudrai, which we are
wearing in our finger. Oh jIyar! You
embraced me with such great ardour at
the time of My restoration to
Hamsa mudrai - SrI Ahobila MaTham My sannidhi and in recognition of Your
devotion, We join the “Adi” prefix from
the name of My Lord, Adi pirAn so that You will be revered from now on as “Adi
VaN SaThakopa jIyar”.
mahotsavam for Swamy Desikan thereafter; he had his doubts cleared directly
from Swamy Desikan about the
paramountcy of BhagavatAj~nA
(Lord’s commands) over those of
the Srutis and Smrutis. Swamy
NammAzhvAr was so pleased
with the intricate questions that
the jIyar asked of Swamy
Desikan that He spoke through
His arcakA and said: “Oh Adi VaN
SaThakopa jIyar! From now on,
we command Your parijanams
(sishyAs) to address You as
The First jIyar was also commanded by Swamy NammAzhvAr to use the
signature (hastAksharam) of “SrI SaThakopa SrI”. All the jIyars who adorn
the SrI MaTham throne after the founding jIyar on to the Prakrtam jIyar bear
the above tirunAmams and use “SrI SaThakopa SrI” as their
HastAksharam even today.
Let us now reflect on the
tirunAmams the successors of the
founding jIyar selected for
themselves on their ASrama
svIkAram day.
s”. These 9 belong to the 13th, 15th,
17th, 20th, 23rd, 27th, 32nd, 37th and
the 43rd PaTTam jIyars. The 15th
paTTam Azhagiya Singar has Tiruevvul SrI VeerarAghava perumAL
additional prefix of “KalyANa”
before “VeerarAghava yatIndra MahA deSikan”. Most of them are from the
VaidIka grAmams (villages) in and around TiruveLLUr or Kaancipuram in toNDai
MaNDalam such as YesanUr, PiLLaippAkkam and Ilanagar. There are however
number of Azhagiya Singar-s from toNDai MaNDalam, who chose the names
of other divya deSa EmperumAns or pUrvAcAryAs.
is known as: “lakshmi nrsimha SaThakopa yatIndra MahA deSikan”.
A.3: EIGHT more of the 46 Azhagiya Singar-s have borne the title of
“nArAyaNa yatIndra MahA deSikan” including the Prakrtam 45th paTTam
(Periya) Azhagiya Singar. The 2nd, 9th, 12th, 14th, 18th, 22nd, 31st and the 45th
paTTam Azhagiya Singars are revered as: “SrI VaN SaThakopa SrI nArAyaNa
yatIndra MahA deSikan-s”. There is no suffix or prefix before the nArAyaNa
A.6: SIX of the 46 Azhagiya Singar-s carry the tirunAmam of Lord RanganAtha
of Srirangam. These are the 26th, 28th, 35th, 40th, 42nd and the 46th paTTam
SrImat Azhagiya Singar-s.
Prakrtam Cinna Azhagiya Singar
is the 46th paTTam jIyar.
aDiyEn will now cover the
Azhagiya Singar-s’ places of
birth, AsthAna nirvAha kAlam
namperumAL - SrIrangam
and the places where their
BrndAvanams are located. We will be covering a period starting
from September 1379 C.E (The tiru avatAra samvatsaram of the First jIyar of
SrI maTham) to present year, 2010. Many things happened during this time in
BhArata deSam that affected Astika darSanams one way or the other. Let us
highlight some of the events as they impacted/influenced Bhagavat RaamAnuja
B.1: Links to AcArya RaamAnuja and Swamy Desikan in the AcArya Paramparai
AcArya RaamAnuja (born 1017 C.E) ascended Paramapadam in 1137 C.E, 243
years before the birth of the future first jIyar of Sri Ahobila MaTham (Adi
VaN SaThakopa jIyar); Swamy Desikan (born 1268 C.E) ascended Paramapadam
in 1369 C.E, ten years before
the birth of the future first
jIyar of SrI Ahobila MaTham.
In the year, 1398 C.E, Adi VaN
SaThakopa jIyar was initiated in
to sanyASramam by the Lord,
SrI nrsimha Himself at
Ahobilam on the banks of
BhavanASini river. He was just
twenty years old, when He
became the founding jIyar of
Ahobila MaTham. The AcArya
Pramparai of Adi VaN
Let us now look at the samASrayaNa and kAlakshepa Paramparai of Adi VaN
SaThakopa jIyar by tracing it back to AcArya RaamAnuja.
B.2.1: The samAsrayaNa Paramparai of Swami Desikan and Adi vaN SaThakopa
The samAsrayaNa Paramparai of Adi VaN SaThakopa jIyar goes like this:
B.2.2: The kAlakskepa paramparai of Adi VaN SaThakopa jIyar
Among early Azhagiya Singar-s (those who are chronologically closer to the
Founding jIyar, there are 5 Azhagiya Singar-s, whose exact place of birth is
not known. These Azhagiya Singar-s are the 2nd (possibly Karnataka desam), 4th,
8th, 9th and the 10th paTTam pIThAdipatis. We know only how long they reigned
and where their BrndAvanams are! It is not clear whether KaNDalUr (5th
PaTTam) and LaalApeTTai (29th PaTTam) are in toNDai MaNDalam or Chozha
nADu. The above seven Azhagiya Singar-s out of 46 Azhagiya Singar-s is 15%
of the Total coverage.
A large number of Azhagiya Singar-s hail from either divya desams and VaidIka
agrahArams around Kaancipuram, SriperumbhutUr, TiruveLLUr and other
locations in ToNdai MaNDalam ruled earlier by Pallava Kings. Many of the
VaidIka agrahArams were founded by one or other early Azhagiya Singar-
s. Some of the VaidIka agrahArams from which these Azhagiya Singar-s hailed
from are: MalayAnkuLam (3rd PaTTam) KaraLapAkkam (6th PaTTam), ILankAdu
(7th PaTTam), YesanUr (15th PaTTam), SohattUr (16th PaTTam),TiruvallikkENi
(19th PaTTam), PiLLaippAkkam (20th and the 37th PaTTams), TayyAr (21st
PaTTam), ParantUr (33rd and 36th PaTTams), Pon ViLainta KaLattUr (35th
PaTTam), TiruveLLUr (11th, 12th, 18th PaTTams), AttippaTTu (34th PaTTam),
MukkUr (44th PaTTam), Villivalam (45th PaTTam-Prakrtam Azhagiya Singar). The
ToNDai MaNDalam Azhagiya Singars based on their avatAra sthalams are
eighteen in number. If we add KaNDalUr to this list, it becomes ninteen
Azhagiya Singars (41%) as hailing from Thondai nADu divya desams or VaidIka
agrahArams close to them.
The divya desams and villages in ChOzha nADu/ Cauvery delta that gave birth
to some of the Azhagiya Singars are:
PaTTams), KalyANapuram (24th PaTTam), RaajamannAr Koil (39th PaTTam),
devanAr vilAgam/Oppiliappan Koil (43rd PaTTam) and tillaiviLAgam (46th
The Chozha nATTu Azhagiya Singars are 12 out of the total of 46 Azhagiya
Singars (26%). Thus 67% of the Azhagiya Singars, two thirds of them, have
come so far from ToNDai MaNDalam and ChOzha nADu.
Four Azhagiya Singars were born in PaaNDya nADu divya desams or VaidIika
vllages of that region: Tirukkurungudi (28th PaTTam), SrivilliputtUr (32nd
PaTTam) and Kaaraikkuricchi (40th and 41st PaTTams). That adds up to about 9
In summary, The ToNDai MaNDalam divya desams and villages have
provided the largest group of Azhagiya Singars (41%) of the total number of
pIThAdipati-s. It is not surprising since in ToNDai MaNDalam are the sannidhis
of Lord ParthasArathy of TiruvallikkENi, SriperumbhUtUr, Veeraraghavan of
ThiruveLLUr, Kaanci VaradarAjan as well as Swamy Desikan’s avatAra sthalam
(TUppul) and the birth places of many AcArya PurushALs. Three mudal AzhvArs
and Tirumazhisai AzhvAr were born here. ChOzha nADu with fourty divya
desams comes second in the total count of Azhagiya Singars accounting for
26% of the total. The three AzhvArs from here are TiruppANAzhvArar,
ToNDaraDippoDi AzhvAr and Tirumangai AzhvAr. PaaNDya and Cera nADu
(modern day KeraLa) with 31 divya desams account for 9 Percent of the total.
This region gave birth to PeriyAzhvAr, ANDAL, Swamy NammAzhvAr, Madhura
Kavi and KulaSekharar. KarnAtaka desam with the sambandham of AcArya
6. The 44th PaTTam (35 Years)
The total nirvAha kAlam of SrI Malola ArAdhanam in the descending order of
years for a total of 13 Azhagiya Singars are: 401.7 Years
After the 27th PaTTam, there was a gap in succession for one year and eleven
months (from August 17, 1831). There was another gap at the beginning of the
20th century. Some Azhagiya Singars sat on the throne of SrI MaTham for less
than two years: The 18th PaTTam (18 months), 29th PaTTam (13 Months), 37th
PaTTam (11 Months) and the 22nd PaTTam (7 Months).
(2) The next large clusters of 5 Azahgiya Singars are at Nrisimhapuram near
AdanUr divya desam (25th, 26th, 30th, 37th and the 38th PaTTams). Equal number
of 5 BrndAvanams are at the bank of TiruveLLUr Paapa nASini PushkaraNi
tIram (32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th and 42nd PaTTam Azhagia singars).
(3) Four BrndAvanams are at TirunArAyaNapuram (1st, 2nd, 10th, 12nd PaTTam
Azhagiya Singars).
HH 2nd paTTam SrImad Azhagiya Singar’s HH 4th paTTam SrImad Azhagiya Singar’s
brndAvanam at Melkote, Karnataka brndAvanam at Singarkudi, Pondicheri
(4) PaalameDu (Karnataka?) and Northern India (NamiSAraNyam) have two
BrndAvanams each.
(4) The divya desams and AgrahArams with one BrndAvanam are 17 in number:
KokkarAyan PeTTai,
1) In the case of Adi VaN SaThakopa jIyar,
the first jIyar of SrI MaTham,
TirunArAyaNan, the EmperumAn of
TirunArAyaNapuram commanded “His favorite
son” to return home just as SrI RanganAthA
commanded AcArya RaamAnujA to stay at
Srirangam until His last moments on earth
(atraiva SukhamAsva). The ascent of the first
jIyar of Ahobila MaTham was April 1458 C.E.
and reside there until his last days in leelA
VibhUti. From Melkote, this jIyar ascended to
MelnAdu (SrI VaikuNTham). In pUrvASramam SrImad AdivaN SaThakopa
jeeyar’s pAdukai - SrI
days, He had published sixty SrI sUktis at the
request of His AcAryan. Many of them are
luptam (extinct) now. This jIyar attained Paramapadam in 1473 C.E.
3) The third Azhagiya Singar had great affection for BhU VarAhan of SrI
MushNam and chose to stay there until His last days. He had the name of
KrishNa YajvA in pUrvASramam since He had performed many soma yAgams. He
helped to establish Many VaidIka AgrahArams (NeeraLUr, UragaDam, Nemmili,
Kadankarai and PalApputtUr. This jIyar entered His BrndAvanam in January
1485 C.E.
4) The Fourth Azhagiya Singar had extensive sancArams across the length and
breadth of India during His AsthAna nirvAham of 8 years and five months. He
felt asakti at Singar Koil (SrI Nrisimhan sannidhi) near Cuddalore/ Pondichery,
stayed there and attained Paramapadam (April 1493 C.E.) after identifying His
successor as directed by Malolan. He is saluted as “SrI BhAshyAmrta sAgaram”
in His taniyan because He was such an expert in SrI BhAshyam kAlakshepam.
SrI MAlOlan and other SrI Narasimha archai-s of SrI Ahobilam with SrImad
AdivaN SaThakopa jeeyar
5) The fifth PaTTam Azhagiya Singar, sarva tantra svatantra SrI SaThakopa
yatIndra MahA deSikan fell ill during His sancAram in Andra Pradesh and has
His BrndAvanam on the banks of KrishNa River. The month and the year of His
ascent to SrI VaikuNTham is January 1499 C.E.
6) The sixth paTTam Azhagiya Singar, shashTa ParAnkuSa MahA Desikan was
commanded by Malolan to come to Ahobilam, enter the cave where the Lord was
and it is believed that He continues to perform Sri NrismhArAdhanam inside
that cave even today. The month and year of the entry in to the cave by this
Azhagiya Singar was February 1513 C.E. He was the AcAryan for Panca
mata bhanjana TatAcchAr Swamy, the mUla kUDastar for the TatAchArya
7) The seventh PaTTam IlangAdu Azhagiya Singar was a great poet as well
and blessed us with VaasantikA PariNayam (Marriage of Chenchu Lakshmi with
Sri Nrisimhan: Book #2 in He is the first of the
Azhagiya Singar to have His BrndAvanam at Srirangam. He joined with all the
“MukkOl Munivars” at Srirangam enjoying Lord RanganAtha in iham and param
during April 1522 C.E. His vandanam in the taniyan is: “samasta SAstra
pArINam bhaje”.
8) The 8th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar chose Srirangam for nitya vAsam and He is
the second jIyar to have His BrndAvanam there. He attained His AcAryan
tiruvaDi during January, 1538 C.E. He is revered as “sarva SAstrArtha
tattvaj~nar” in His taniyan.
9) The 9th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar chose Ahobilam for His nitya vAsam and
performed Kaimkaryams for nava Narasimhars there and has also His
BrndAvanam there (July 1542 C.E.) Those were difficult days to travel or stay
in Ahobilam. In His taniyan, He is saluted as “SrI bhAshya deSika”.
10) The 10th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar was pulled to TirunArAyaNapuram after
extensive sancArams and stayed permanently there and has His BrndAvanam
there (July 1559 C.E). He is the third Azhagiya Singar, who was attracted to
the proximity of His pUrvAcAryAs and TirunArAyaNan at Melkote.
11) The 11th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar was the seer for whom TirunArAyaNan
and Lord RanganAthan competed for residence at their divya desams and Lord
Ranganathan won this time and this jIyar’s BrndAvanam is at Srirangam (April
1598). This Azhagiya Singar had one of the longest AsthAna nirvAha
kAlam (38.9 Years).
12) The 12th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar was won over by TirunArAyaNan this time
and Lord RanganAthA lost in the kshetra nitya vAsam contest. This Azhagiya
Singar who reigned for 34 years and 5 months stayed at the first jIyar’s
BrndAvanam until His last days (September 1632 C.E.) at TirunArAyaNapuram.
13) The 13th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar known for Bhagavat Vishaya kAlakshepam
14) The 14th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar chose the divya desam of TirukkaNDiyUr
(SrI Hara SApa Vimocana PerumAL) near Tanjavur and entered in to His
BrndAvanam on a sacred ADi AmAvAsya day (August 1686). He is saluted as
“sarva rakshaNa dakshar”, one who is skilled in protecting all ASritALs.
15) The 15th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar was won over by Kaanci Varadan and has
His BrndAvanam there at Kaanci (October 1694 C.E.). He is saluted as “kalyANa
GuNa pUrNar” in His MangaLa mAlA.
17) The 17th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar known for His extensive sancArams and
divya desa Kaimkaryams developed asakti at Lord Vijaya Raaghavan’s
Tirupputkkuzhi divya desam and has His BrndAvanam there (January 1734).
18) The 18th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar chose Srirangam daSAvatAra sannidhi for
nitya vAsam. The daSAvatAra sannidhi was presented to Koil KantADai ANNan
Swamy to His AcAryan; SrI ANNan Swamy and His pUrvALs were given control
of this sannidhi by Adi VaN SaThakopa jIyar and that sannidhi was returned
to Ahobila MaTham again. The year of ascent to Paramapadam of the 18th jIyar
was July 1735 C.E. His mastery of SrI BhAshyam earned Him the title of “SrI
bhAshya deSikar”.
19) The 19th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar enjoyed the MangaLASAsanam of Valvil
Raaman of PuLLambUtanguDi and has His BrndAvanam on the west bank of the
Lord's PushkaraNi. Prakrtam 45th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar is opening a passage
in the western wall for Valvil Raaman to give His sevai to this Azhagiya Singar
at His BrndAvanam on his Panca Parva PuRappADu and utsavam days. His taniyan
salutes Him as “vedAnta dvaya deSika” or ubhaya vedAnta deSikan.
20) The 20th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar’s BrndAvanam location is not clear. It is
somewhere between Tirumala and Ahobilam. He fell ill during sancAram to
Ahobilam from Tirumala and it is not known where exactly his BrndAvanam is.
The year is 1748 C.E.
21) The 21st PaTTam Azhagiya Singar stayed for extended times at
TirunArAyaNapuram and one day wished to have Lord Ranganathan’s sevai.
During sancAram to Srirangam, He became ill and ascended to paramapadam at
PaaalmeDu in KarnAtakA on the way. His BrndAvanam is at PaalameDu. He is the
author of the Adi vaN SaThakopa yatIndra mahA deSikan aDaikkalapattu
beginning with “Adi maRai uruvAna”, which is used by SrI sannidhi and the
homes of all SrI MaTham sishyAs. His vidvat (scholarship) in ubhaya vedAntam
is recognized as “vidvat SirobhUshaNam”, the shining jewelry on the head of
PaalameDu, traveled to TirunArAyaNapuram and had extended stays there and
at Srirangam. Once traveling back from TirunArAyaNapuram to Srirangam, He
fell ill like His AcAryan exactly at PaalameDu and ascended to Paramapadam
from there. His BrndAvanam by a strange coincidence is thus at PaalameDu. The
month and year of His attaining Paramapadam is August 1758 C.E. He is the
first of the GadAdharapuram Azhagiya Singars and had ASrama nirvAham only
for 7 Months. He is celebrated in His Taniyan as “khyAta samasta tantra kuSala
vyAkhyAmrta SAli” (a skilled expert in commenting on sarva tantrams like sarva
tantra svatantrar, Swami Desikan).
23) The 23rd PaTTam Azhagiya Singar developed asakti during His stay at
SrirangapattiNam (Adi Ranga Kshetram on the banks of paScima vAhini, Cauveri
river) and attained His AcAryan TiruvaDi there. His BrndAvanam is there from
February 1764 C.E. He is saluted as “Srita vatsalar” (having deep vAtsalyam for
those who sought the refuge of His sacred feet), jita rAgar (One who
conquered attachments and desires), and “vidvat SlAgita kIrtimAn” (One with
the fame of a MahA vidvAn celebrated by all other vidvAns).
24) The 24th Azhagiya Singar developed asakti during sancAram from Tirumalai
to Srirangam at the village of KokkarAyan pEttai and has His BrndAvanam
there. The time was March 1776. This jIyar is saluted in the MangaLa mAlai as
“vairAgya sAgaram” (Ocean of detachment/dispassion).
25) The 25th Pattam Azhagiya Singar was presented a village on the banks of
Cauvery river near AdanUr divya desam by the Tanjavur MarATTA king
Sarabhoji (1798-1833 C.E.) because of the message that he received in his
dream, where Malolan appeared and commanded him to deed such a village. The
king obeyed that command and the jIyar accepted that samarpaNam and named
that new village as Narasimhapuram and consecrated it. This Azhagiya Singar is
considered as the amsam of GaruDan (Vynateyar). He is the first of the five
Azhagiya Singars, who will have their BrndAvanams at Nrisimhapuram
(November 1811 C.E.).
26) The 26th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar is considered as “ANDAL amsa bhUtar”.
He is the author of SrI
Sannidhi Ahnikam and
is the son of the 25th
PaTTam Azhagiya
Singar. He ascended to
paramapadam during
December 1828 C.E and
has His BrndAvanam at
Nrisimhapuram. His
MangaLa mAlai salutes
Him as “sarva sampat
samrddhar” (full with
all kinds of wealth:
j~nAnam, anushThAnam
and VairAgyam).
28) The 28th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar was celebrated for His mantra Sakti and
could talk directly to Lord Nrsimhan (nrsimha sAkshAthkAram). His
BrndAvanam is in MadhurAntakam, where AcArya RaamAnujA had
samASrayaNam from Periya Nambi. His MangaLa mAlai Slokam salutes Him for
His celebrated Atma GuNams (SlAganIya guNADyar). He ascended
Paramapadam during December 1836 C.E.
29) The BrndAvanam of 29th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar is at TiruppARkkaDal, an
ekAnta kshetram on the banks of PaalARu, fit for the residence of sanyAsis.
He attained Paramapadam there (December 1837 C.E.) and reigned only for 13
months. He has been saluted as “vidyA vArinidhi” and “vedArtha sAraj~nar”.
30) The 30th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar is also from GadAdharapuram and is the
author of “SrI lakshmI nrsimha suprabhAtam” that is used in SrI sannidhi
every morning. His BrndAvanam like His ancestors is at Nrsimhapuram. He
ascended to Paramapadam during September 1842 C.E. He is saluted as “jita
cittar” (manatai venRavar) to celebrate His VairAgyam.
31) The 31st PaTTam Azhagiya Singar known for His SrI sUktis of SrI Nrsimha
MangaLam and SAnga Prapatti nishThai chose the quiet village of
ThyAgarAjapuram near Nrisimhapuram and ascended to Paramapadam from
there during March 1847. His BrndAvanam is at this tranquil village. He was
born in Adirangam (Cauvery taDam at KarnAtakA) and reached His AcAryan
tiruvaDi at a village on the banks of the same Cauvery river serving SrI
ArAvamudan of TirukkuDantai. He has been saluted in his taniyan as: “vairAgya
bhaktimukha sadguNa sAgaram”, (Ocean of auspicious virtues gained through
the route of His vairAgyam and Bhakti).
32) The 32nd PaTTam Azhagiya Singar is known as AdanUr Azhagiya Singar and
has His BrndAvanam at TiruveLLUr (October 1853 C.E.). He is hailed as “SAstra
mArgAnusAri”, a firm traveler in the path of Bhagavat SAstrams.
33) The 33rd PaTTam Azhagiya Singar has also His BrndAvanam at TiruveLLUr.
He accepted AsthAna nirvAham at the young age of 26 and reigned for 26
years (until September 1879). He is saluted as a ”dhIrar” and had SrI Nrsimha
sAkshAtkAram, which made Him perform “atimAnusha kAryams” to grow the
glories of SrI MaTham. During the next 60 years after this Azhagiya Singars’
ascent to SrI VaikuNTham, eight vidvAns with links to this jIyar adorned
the simhAsanam of SrI MaTham. The Vaibhavam of this Azhagiya Singar
becomes evident from this outreach.
34) The 34th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar is known as AttipaTTu Azhagiya Singar.
He reigned from Sep 12, 1879 to October 5, 1882 (AsthAna NirvAha kAlam of
three years and one month). He has His BrndAvanam at TiruveLLUr. He is
revered as “rshi svAmi” and has blessed us with many SrI sUktis. One of them
is the “lakshmI nrsimhan aDaikkalapattu”, which is used at SrI sannidhi and
sishyA’s homes during sevA kAlam. He ascended to Paramapadam during
October 1882 C.E. The 37th and the 41st PaTTam Azhagiya Singars sought the
refuge (ASrayam) of this Azhagiya Singar’s sacred feet. He is revered in His
taniyan as “vipaScittamar” or the supreme among Vidvat ghoshThi.
in his Taniyan as “guruvaram” (the best among AcAryAs) and “anagam” (sinless/
36) The 36th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar is known as the ParantUr Azhagiya
Singar and he is the brother of the 33rd PaTTam Azhagiya Singar. He has his
BrndAvanam in the western PrAkAram of PaatUr Koil. He ascended SrI
VaikuNTham during December of 1898 C.E.
37) The 37th Azhagiya Singar is known as PiLLaippAkkam Azhagiya Singar who
reigned from January 31, 1889 to December 16, 1899 (A brief reign of 11
months and one ChAthurmAsyam). He performed the reconstruction/
restoration (jIrNottAraNam) of the tirumALigai of Swamy Desikan at
TiruvahIndrapuram. His SrI sUkti celebrating Swamy Desikan’s Brahmotsavam
there is known as SrI VedAnta deSika utsava mAlikA - 12th e-book in http:// This SrI sUkti was created during His cAturmAsyam
during September 1899 C.E. Prakrtam 45th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar spent His
cAturmAsyam exactly 100 Years later at TiruvahIndrapuram. The AttippaTTu
Azhagiya Singar stayed as pIThAdipati for only 11 months and has his
BrndAvanam at SrI Nrisimhapuram. He ascended Paramapadam during
December 1899 C.E.
HH 38th paTTam SrImad azhagiya singar
39) The 39th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar hails from RaajamannArguDi and has his
BrndAvanam there itself. He adorned SrI VaikuNTham during May 1915 C.E.
40) The 40th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar hails from Kaaraikkuricchi, a village on
the banks of TaamraparaNi river. His BrndAvanam is at TuvarimAn, an
agrahAram near Madurai. He ascended to Paramapadam in January 1923 C.E.
41) The 41st PaTTam Azhagiya Singar also hails from Kaaraikkuricchi. His
BrndAvanam is at daSAvatAra sannidhi in Srirangam (October 1941 C.E.).
42) The 42nd PaTTam Azhagiya Singar is known as InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar
and has his BrndAvanam at TiruveLLUr (March 1953 C.E.). He is the
samASrayaNa AcAryan for Prakrtam, the 45th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar. His
creation of SrI Nrsimhapriya, Malola Vidvat sadas and MadhurAntakam
PaaThasAlA are splendid events in the annals of SrI MaTham. His Atma
GuNams are saluted in his taniyan as: “dAnti kshAnti dayAdibhi: SubhaguNair-
bhAntam Sreyonidhi”.
This Azhagiya Singar is aDiyEn’s samASrayaNa AcAryan and that is a great
bhAgyam. His taniyan salutes Him as “prAj~naya” and “sakala guNa nidhi”.
44) The 44th Azhagiya Singar (MUkkUr Azhagiya Singar) is the nirmAthA
(builder) of the magnificent Southern Raaja Gopuram for Lord RanganAthA at
Srirangam. His BrndAvanam is at Srirangam and He ascended Paramapadam on
August 16, 1992. He is the only Azhagiya Singar with the Asrama tirunAmam of
SrI VedAnta deSika yatIndra mahA deSika.
6. Administration of divya desams (Ahobilam), TiruveLLUr, PuLLambhutanguDi,
AdanUr, where they are managing trustees and other temples and sannidhis
belonging to SrI MaTham
9. nitya bhagavat ArAdhanam for Malolan and the mUrti-s inside the Golden
aDiyEn will focus now on the SrI sUktis that have been created by number of
SrImat Azhagiya Singars. Some of the SrImat Azhagiya Singars confined their
efforts to the traditional kAlakshepam route instead of writing and some
others have created the source granthams and commentaries for pUrvAcArya
Granthams besides attending to kAlakshepams. Prakrtam SrI NaarAyaNa
yatIndra MahA Desikan is prolific in grantha nirmANam and kAlakshepams.
In this coverage of the SrI sUktis linking to SrImat Azhagiya Singars, aDiyEn
will cover not only the SrI sUktis created by several Azhagiya Singars but also
about AcArya Vandanams by individual Azhagiya Singars.
1. Grhya Ratnam,
2. ghaNDa BhUshaNam,
3. smrti ratnAkaram,
5. daSa nirNayam,
7. asauca nirNayam.
Adi VaN jIyar was so pleased with his sishyar’s SrI sUktis that he conferred
the title of “VaidIka sArva bhaumar” on Thozhappar.
Four Azhagiya Singars have presented six SrI sUktis on the Vaibhavam of SrI
Adi VaN SaThakopa jIyar:
SrI sannidhi vAzhi tirunAmam.
SrI VaN SaThAri Gadyam by HH the 27th PaTTam SrImat Azhagiya Singar.
available are:
tiruvArAdhana kramam
During the 276 year time period that spanned the reigns of the 3rd to the 20th
Azhagiya Singars (1473-1748 C.E), much of the focus was on kAlakshepams,
Malola ArAdhanams, divya desa kaimkaryams and sancArams for blessing
The 21st PaTTam SrI ParAnkuSa yatIndra MahA Desikan resumed grantha
nirmANams and blessed us with the much recited Adi VaN SaThakopa
ADaikkalapattu starting with “Adi maRai uruvAana”. This daSakam is part of the
daily sevA Kramam at SrI sannidhi and in the house holds of the Sri sannidhi
SishyAs. The other SrI sUktis by this Azhagiya Singar are:
(ii) MangaLams on Dolai KaNNan and krtis to be sung during dolotsavams for
During His extended stay at Tirumala, this Azhagiya Singar blessed us with five
SrI Prapatti,
SrI Nrsimha MangaLASAsanam,
SrI pancASat.
Three of the five are about MahA Lakshmi/SrI Devi sitting on the left thigh of
Malolan: PurushakAra Prapatti and a stavam with 100 Slokams and a PancASat
with 50 Slokams on the Vaibhavam of SrI Devi.
this book from the house of the vamsattArs.
This Azhagiya Singar with his searching intellect has blessed us with 8 nirNaya
granthams, VyAkhyAna granthams, tarka-mImAmsA granthams, khaNDana
granthams, gadyam and many stavams. He is the grandson of the 25th PaTTam
Azhagiya Singar and the son of the 26th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar. He has
blessed us with 28 SrI sUktis:
VaikuNTha Vijaya campu as the khaNDana grantham for the advaitic work of
nIlakaNta campu
Jayanti nirNayam
nadI-rajodosha nirNayam
KrpAsAgara stavam
VihageSvara stavam
Kaaveri sangama Vaibhavam
DevarAja Vaibhavam
nandA dIpostavam.
7) The 29th PaTTam (LaalApeTTai) SrImat Azhagiya Singar:
He is one of the four SrImat Azhagiya Singars, who originate from the Cauvery
delta VaidIka agrahAram. He blessed us with another SrI Lakshmi Nrsimha
suprabhAtham that is used today to awaken Malolan. The first 6 Slokams wish
suprabhAtam to SrI Devi and the next 8 Slokams wish SuprabhAtam to
LakshmI nrkeSari (Malolan) and the last four Slokams of the 18 Slokam long
SuprabhAtam awakens SrI RanganAtha, SrInivAsan and Dolai KaNNan. SrImat
Azhagiya Singar names his suprabhAtam as “rAma nrhari-ranga durINa-Sesha
SaileSa yAdava kulAdipa suprabhAtam”. This suprabhAtam has mellifluous
words. The meanings and commentaries on the 18 Slokams is being released as a
separate ebook by adiyEn in
10) The 34th PaTTam “AtthippaTTu” Azhagiya Singar:
Anandya nirNayam
KimgrheSa stuti.
Further, He has examined/edited/printed SrImat rAmAyaNam, SrImat
Rahasya traya sAram, the stotrams of Swamy Desikan and SrI satsampradhAya
MuktAvaLi, the SrI Sannidhi Guru Paramparai.
This Azhagiya Singar blessed us with:
SrivedapAdhASIti stavam
AcArya dinacaryA
nyAsa-nishThAmImAmsA and
upAkarma nirNayam
KrttikA dIpa nirNayam.
satsanga Vaibhavam,
Madhu VidyA VicAram (Reflections on
one of the VidyAs celebrated in HH 43rd paTTam SrImad Azhagiya
ChAndogya Upanishad), Singar
SArIrakAdi-karaNa krama bhodini
dayAsAgara Satakam
PancAmrta stotram
HH 44th paTTam SrImad
Azhagiya Singar
dvAdaSa stotram saluting all the MangaLa mUrtis inside the then Silver
Our AcAryan has been the beneficiary of attending kAlakshepams with both
InjimEDu and DevanArviLAgam Azhagiya singars. Prior to that, our dear
AcAryan has been blessed by many AcAryAs like His own elder brother,
NaavalpAkkam AcAryAs and Kaanci AcAryAs. Our AcAryan has distilled
the essence of all those upadesams and kAlakshepams to develop a uniquely
astounding vaikari (style) in his upanyAsams to make it possible for one and all
to develop a clear understanding of the sUkshmArthams of Rahasya granthams
and the esoterics of vaidIka anushThAnams. In addition to many upanyAsams,
Our AcAryan has published extensively in SrI Nrsimha PriyA over number of
years. The DVD on the SrI Nrsimha PriyA issues (1945-2005) has most of
these anugraha bhAshaNams and essays. This DVD can be purchased online
HH prakrtam SrImad azhagiya singar
Here is a partial list of SrI koSams created by Prakrtam 45th PaTTam SrImat
Azhagiya Singar:
Ahnika grantham (SudI PriyA) with samskrta and Tamil tippaNis including
MelpAkkam Swamy’s asauca Satakam as an anubandham
AdyAtma grantha nirmANam in His own unique and inimitable style that are
archived in SrI Nrisimha PriyA issues and deal with Vedams, SAstrams,
smrti, AgamAs, itihAsa-PurANams, AzhvAr-AcArya SrI sUktis. What He
has absorbed through AcArya Mukham, our dear Azhagiya Singar has made
them famous through grantha Mukham. The releases in this category are:
elegant and erudite commentary for the 2nd and 3rd valli of KaThopanishad
edited version of SrI bhAshyam with srta PrakASikai and bhAva PrakASikai
sankshepa rAmAyaNam
The PramANa Slokam for the various blessed kaimkaryams of SrImat Azhagiya
Singars is:
The goals of great AcAryAs during their blessed life are the creation of
adhyAtma granthams on tattva-hita-PurushArthams, teaching of them to many
sishyAs and the deep enjoyment of the arcA mUrtis (MangaLASAsanams) at
various divya desams and abhimAna sthalams and performing kaimkaryams
17) The 46th PaTTam SrImat Azhagiya Singar, SrI RanganAtha yatIndra MahA
In pUrvASramam, this Azhagiya Singar’s tirunAmam was U.Ve.
Agnihotram RangarAjAcchAr Swamy of TirukkuDantai. He was a Rg Veda
adyApAkar at the Veda pAThasAlA there. He chose a beautiful Rg Veda
Mantram to pay his tribute to Prakrtam 45th PaTTam SrImat Azhagiya Singar
during His SatAbhisheka utsavam at Srirangam:
hinkrshvatI vasupatnI vasUnAm vatsamicchantI manasAbhyAgAt |
Just as the Earth (BhUmi) fulfills our wishes, just as the cow grants us yAga
dravyams to gain the desired phalans, similarly our Azhagiya Singar nurtures
the sishya vargams like a cow nurturing its calves and seeks our homes and
comes there to bless us through panca samskArams and corrects (sikshaNam)
us from our viparIta anushThAnams, removes our afflictions with His nectarine
anugraha bhAshaNams, instructs us on MokshopAyam (Prapatti) and removes
our samsAric tApams. He removes the sufferings of the sishya vargams and
blesses them with sakala kshema lAbhams through His kaTAksha ViSesham and
attracts every one through his vAtsalyam for them. This paramAtma svarUpi
blesses every one with ishTa pUrti and banishes all inauspiciousness (arishTa
SrImat Azhagiya Singars are well known for their MangaLASAsanams of divya
desa EmperumAns and their many kaimkaryams there. That tradition started
with SrI Adi VaN SaThakopa jIyar and continues until today and grows day by
(1) Adi VaN SaThakopa jIyar
(a) The first of the divya desa kaimkaryams was the reconstruction of the
Raaja Gopuram of TirunArAyaNan at Melkote following the command of
TirunArAyaNan Himself. Yatis do not have their own funds and they select one
or more sishyAs to undertake these kaimkaryams. The jIyar asked the king of
KarnAtaka desam to help with this kaimkaryam and he completed it and the
fierce disease that troubled this king was cured thereafter.
(b) During the first jIyar’s time, every one who wanted to visit Tirumala has to
climb the steep hills through rough paths to reach BhagavAn’s sannidhi. Many
elderly people could not cope with the arduous climb and felt sad. Lord
SrinivAsan appeared in the jIyar’s dream and commanded him to construct
steps with resting places in between to help young and old to travel easily and
have His darSana saubhAgyam. Millions of devotees have climbed these steps
and continue to climb every day. The pleased Lord of TiruvEnkaDam blessed the
jIyar and informed him that He would grant Moksham to anyone who
receives the jIyar’s yAdrucchikAbhimAnam and nirantara abhimAnam.
TaaLapAkkam AnnamAcchAr was one who received the atyanta abhimAnam of
SrI Adi VaN SaThakopa jIyar and became one of His PradhAna sishyAs and
composed one sankIrtanam per day on Lord Venkatesa and presented it to the
(c) While the jIyar was at Tirumalai, SrI VaishNavAs from Kaanci arrived at
His MaTham and requested Him to help with the creation of a special
maNTapam at Lord VaradarAjan’s temple for use during viSesha utsavams. The
jIyar was very happy to receive this request and traveled to Hastigiri. There,
Lord VaradarAjan commanded the jIyar standing in front of Him through
arcaka mukham to construct a 100 pillar maNTapam on the banks of the temple
pushkaraNi (ananta Saras). The jIyar was immensely pleased with the Lord’s
command and with the help of a wealthy sishyA had a beautiful maNTapam
constructed and the sishyA carved small images of Malolan and Adi VaN
SaThakopa jIyar on one of the pillars to record the fact that this maNTapam
was built by the first jIyar. A special (first) utsavam was conducted by the
(d) After defeating in debate an advaita darSana expert by the name of Udaya
BhAnu miSrar at Kaanci, the jIyar acquired him as His sishya and received as
guru dakshiNai a considerable sum and used it to build a sannidhi for Swamy
Desikan near the dvaja stambham. The sannidhi was created as an expression of
gratitude for Swamy Desikan, who had suggested the jIyar to use the vAdams
in Sata dUshaNI to defeat this advaitic scholar.
(f) At Srirangam, SrI RanganAtha commanded the jIyar to rebuild the fallen
down prAkArams built originally by Tirumangai Mannan and the attend to the
construction of daSAvatAra sannidhi and the consecration of Kaliyan’s arcA
there; further, the Lord of Srirangam commanded the founding jIyar of
Ahobila MaTham to build a sannidhi for Swamy Desikan opposite SrI
RanaganAyaki’s sannidhi. The jIyar quickly repaired the sapta PrAkArams and
(re)constructed the daSAvatAra sannidhi and consecrated Kaliyan’s arcai there.
One more command from Lord RanganAtha was the construction of the uttara
Veedhi gopuram for Him by the jIyar, which the jIyar fulfilled. At the uttara
veedhi gopuram base, the jIyar’s sishyAs carved images of Malolan and the
jIyar to remind future generations that this gopuram was built by their
AcAryan, Adi VaN SaThakopa jIyar. The jIyar himself performed daily
ArAdhanam for Swamy Desikan at the inner sannidhi next to SrI RanganAyaki
for some time. The jIyar stayed for many years at the uttara Veedhi SrI
Ahobila MaTham while he was at Srirangam.
(g) One day, TirunArAyaNan appeared in the jIyar’s dream and commanded the
jIyar to return to his place of birth. When the jIyar informed Lord Ranganatha
of the dream and requested His permission to return to TirunArAyaNapuram.
Lord RanganAtha reluctantly gave permission to the jIyar. Back at
TirunArAyaNapuram, the jIyar was commanded by the Lord to build a sannidhi
for Swamy Desikan there. The jIyar completed this last kaimkaryam and stayed
at Melkote for the rest of his life in BhagavAn’s leelA VibhUti.
This jIyar consecrated Adi VaN SaThakopa arcais at the BrndAvanam of His
AcAryan and in the TirunArAyaNapuram temple. He performed
MangaLASAsanams at many divya desams and His successors followed this
kramam. Many Azhagiya Singars chose one or other divya desams or abhimAna
sthalams for nitya vAsam and performed many kaimkaryams like
TiruvAbharaNa, utsava vAhana samarpaNams et al there. Many AbharaNams,
kaimkarya sAmagriyais and land were also assembled for Malolan’s kaimkaryams.
TiruveLLUR Veeraraghavan.
43rd PaTTam Azhagiya Singar traveled from Setu to Himalaya and performed
many kaimkaryams during His brief reign of 5 years and ten months.
Raajagopura kaimkaryams at TiruveNNainallUr, TiruveLLUr and the building of
new Ahobila MaThams at KadapA (CudappA), VaanamAmalai and
TirukkoshtiyUr took place during His nirvAham. This jIyar was a great devotee
of Lord Oppiliappan of TiruviNNagar.
44th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar built the BrndAvanam for His AcAryan at
NaimiSAraNyam, the MukkUr Koil, tAyAr sannidhi at Injimedu, Swamy
On August 24, 1992, Prakrtam SrI nArAyaNa yatIndra MahA Desikan was
crowned as the 45th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar and a golden era of divya desa
kaimkaryams commenced. This jIyar has traveled across the length and breadth
of BhArata desam number of times and has performed innumerable
kaimkaryams. He continues that tradition and has initiated pioneering and
farsighted kaimkaryams at the divya desams and abhimAna sthalams. Sixty five
pages have been devoted to cover briefly the MangaLASAsanams and
kaimkaryams at various divya desams and abhimAna sthalams as well as navIna
sthalams from 1992 to 2006 C.E in the satAbhiseka utsava Malar: Volume I.
indeed are these sancArams with stops at more than 75 divya desams and 400
The Prakrtam 46th PaTTam Azhagiya Singar has joined with His AcAryan
(Periya Azhagiya Singar – 45th PaTTam) now and is enriching this tradition. They
follow the command of Malolan (grAme grAme gatvA) and bless the sishyAs and
abhimAnis. SrI Ahobila MaTham itself is a mobile divya desam because of the
sancAram of Malolan from the nava narasimha divya desam.
(NyAsa Tilakam: Ahobilavalli e-book #13 –
Meaning of this Slokam:
Oh Lord of Tiruvarangam! aDiyEn is a major sinner. aDiyEn is incapable of
pursuing karma or bhakti yOgams. Therefore, aDiyEn has come forward to
perform Prapatti and utter the dvaya mantram associated with bhara nyAsam.
In view of aDiyEn’s impure mind, my bhara nyAsam does not get fulfilled.
Oh Lord! when aDiyEn was in this terrible state, You took pity on aDiyEn and
out of Your compassion pointed out an AcAryan for me. The dayA-laden glances
of that AcAryan fell on aDiyEn. His first glance became my supporting stick and
fulfilled my Prapatti for moksham. Oh Lord! You are the primary cause for this
auspiciousness arising from the efficacy of the AcAryan’s kaTAksham. Your
benevolence (sauhArtam) is the prime factor for AcArya mukha Prapatti for
Let us now study the upadesam on this matter of AcArya sambandham and its
importance from a ChillaRai Rahasyam named Rahasya RatnAvaLi. Swamy
Desikan himself wrote an elaborate commentary for that SrI sUkti and
provided plenty of pramANams for the unique role of one’s AcAryan and the
importance of performing Kaimkaryams to that AcAryan. In vAkyam 20 of the
ChillaRai Rahasyam, Rahasya RatnAvaLi, Swamy Desikan defines as to what
is Kaimkaryam for a SrI VaishNavan: “kaimkaryamAvatu svAmy ukanta Eval
tozhil seykai AkaiyAlE itu yathA SAstram paNNinAl uhappAm”
Here, Swamy Desikan points out that the cetanam’s svarUpam is performing
kaimkaryam to EmperumAn and that Kaimkaryam has to be consistent with His
SAstrams to please the Lord’s tiruvuLLam.
In the vAkyam 21, Swamy Desikan says that there are many kinds of
Kaimkaryams and instructs us on what their priorities are:
When Kaimkaryam to BhagavAn and His BhAgavatAs come together and creates
a dilemma as to what is of higher priority, BhAgavata Kaimakryam has to be
chosen over Bhagavat Kaimkaryam.
Why is it so? Swamy Desikan quotes three PramANams in support of his view:
(1) tasmAt vishNu prasAdAya vaishNavAn paritoshayet |
To gain the grace of EmperumAn, we have to cultivate and celebrate His
BhAgavatAs. Pleased with that celebration of His BhAgavatAs, EmperumAn will
shower His grace on the cetanam.
Among all the ArAdhanams, the ArAdhanam of VishNu is the most superior.
The ArAdhanam of the BhAgavatAs (tadeeyArs) of the Lord is even more
superior to Bhagavat ArAdhanam.
EmperumAn grants the desired fruits to any one, who worships His BhAgavatAs
even at the expense of not worshipping Him. They may abandon His worship as
long as they worship His aDiyArs.
In his 22nd vAkyam of Rahasya RatnAvaLi, Swamy Desikan goes one step further
in his evaluation of the highest priority among the three Kaimkaryams:
Bhagavat, BhaAgavata and AcArya Kaimkaryams:
significance of the 22nd vAkyam focusing on what is of the highest priority
among the three kinds of Kaimkaryams. Swamy Desikan builds up his case for
the supreme most kaimkaryam step by step with these four pramANams. The
first pramAnam cited is about the uniqueness of one’s AcAryan:
There is nothing grander and nobler than one’s AcAryan. One should not
meditate on any one other than one’s AcAryan and His paramparai. One should
always speak about the glories of one’s AcAryan and reflect on Him. One should
perform always japam of His nAmam (taniyan).
The second pramANam is about the multi-facted role that one’s AcAryan plays
in our lives here and thereafter:
One’s AcAryan is the Supreme Being. He is the Supreme upAyam for gaining
The third PramANam deals with the futility of ignoring some thing in hand and
chasing after some thing not invisible to one’s senses:
3) cakshurgamyam gurum tyaktvA SAstragamyam ya: smaret
Strange indeed is the situation of one who abandons his AcAryan, who can be
seen with physical eyes right here on earth and chases after the invisible
BhagavAn, who can only be inferred from SAstrAs; strange indeed is the lot of
one (thirsty man), who abandons the water in his cupped palm and longs for the
water in the rainy cloud.
The fourth PramANam from SrI sAtva samhitai follows the line of thought of
the third pramANam and focuses on the sad state of one on earth, who
abandons his AcAryan who is easy to gain and goes after BhagavAn, who can
only be known by abstruse SAstrAs. The samhitA vAkyams labels this man as a
fool, who casts aside the treasure on hand and goes after a dubious treasure
buried somewhere.
Swamy Desikan concludes the discussion on the 22nd vAkyam with the third
pAsuram of Madhura Kavi AzhvAr’s KaNNinuNNsiRuttAmbhu pAsuram
explaining why He offers his salutations to EmperumAn:
tiritantAkilum devappirAnuDaik-
Madhura Kavi AzhvAr is one who declared that he does not know of any deivam
other than his AcAryan, Swamy NammAzhvAr: “mARanai allAl anRi enRum
maRantum maRRa oru tEvu aRiyEn”. In this third pAsuram of his prabandham,
Madhura Kavi declares: “I see only through the AzhvAr (his AcAryan) the divine
blue form of the Lord of nitya sUris. The greatest blessing of life I have
achieved is the opportunity to serve the great and merciful AzhvAr”. Madhura
Kavi AzhvAr observes here: Until I became the aDiyavan of my Swamy
NammAzhvAr, my mind was chasing vishaya sukhams; after becoming His
sishyan, I have come forward to enjoy the beautiful form of EmperumAn. This I
do only because of my utter devotion for my AcAryan and such an adoration of
His deivam would please His tiruvuLLam.
and can be purchased online from / It is a
delectable treat on AcArya Bhakti of SrI Madhurakavi AzhvAr for Swamy
NammAzhvAr (mEvinEn avan ponnaDi meymaiyE, tEvu maRRaRiyEn) as explained
by Srimat Azhagiya Singar.
aDiyEn concludes this special samarpaNam for asmat AcAryan on His 84th
Tirunakshatram day (December 14, 2010) with the customary AcArya
Vandanam and a Mantram from SvetasvatAra Upanishad. We will start with the
Upanishad mantram first:
For One who has special bhakti towards EmperumAn and the same level of
Bhakti for His AcAryan, even the sUkshmArthams of mantrams not received
directly from his AcAryan will become available through his AcArya Bhakti.
Additional reading material on AcArya Vaibhavams are available as e-books in
the Sundarasimham (SSI), Ahobilavalli (AH), and SrI Hayagrivan (SH) series:
SSI –-
AH --
SH --
3. Vedic Salutations to AcAryAs: 52nd e-book in AH
13. Chitra Desikeeyam: e-book #56 in SSI
18. Vaibhavam of Sri Naarayana YatIndra MahA Desikan: e-book #45 in SSI