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Virtual Design and Construction A New Co

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Virtual Design and Construction: a new communication in

construction industry
Hasnanywati Hassan Nooriati Taib ZainurulAbdul Rahman
Universiti Sains Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia
School of Housing, Building and School of Housing, Building and School of the Arts,
Planning Planning 11800 Minden, Penang, Malaysia.
11800 Minden, Penang, MalaYsia. 11800 Minden, Penang, MalaYsia +60 '17-529 1300
+6012-4929271 +60 12-364 6644 nu rulrahman@gma il. com
hasnanyhassan@gmai l. com [email protected]

dcgree ol' complcr 'fhe
Construclion proiects involve a high succcss of construction pro.iects is highll' dcpcndent on the
procurement processcs. I'he incrcasing usc ol Virtual Design and decisions macle during early' stages ol'construction pro.jcct lil'e
Construction (VDC) is changing the rvar of uorking in lhe c1,cle (Ali Abbas. ct. al 2016). Not onll that. pro.icct planning in
construction industrl'. VDC. a visual representalion ol data. is thc carlv design phasc is most eflcctive and critical" nhich *'oirld
introduced lbr a better communication to clicnts in a clcar and thcn detelminc the successful crccution ol'a pro.lect (llr'rang and
concise rvay. Its implemcntation in bidding stage is to support the Ho. 2012: Mollaoglu-Korkmaz. ct al. 2013). I'he constructiott
construction planning in vi(ual environment and expcctcd to inclustry is highll liagrncnted and multidisciplinarl . lhcrefbre-
improve etllciencl. speed and accurac). Wilh the introduction of' cftectivc corrmunication among disciplines is crucial firr a

VI)C tbllorvs the crcation o1' nes roles and nerv wa1's ol' construction pro.iect 1o be successfulll' executcd. uith clicnt's
communicating within the industrl'. lhc aim ol- this papcr is ttr rcquiremenl being tulfilled. Besides. a stird."'- b1 Rashvand and
identili the application o1-VDC practices during bidding stage. Abd Maiid (201,1) supported the prcvious lindings rvhcre client's
his includes partics involved in the bidding stage- thcir emphasis was on their cxpectation. Nevcrlhclcss. the liagmentcd
perception on rvhat bidding that applies VDC should possess anci nature o1'the industn rvill bring dilllcultics to all prot-essions
clcflnition and perccived bcneflts of VDC--. An intenieri rras involvcd to mcct the clicnt's expcclalion. 'l'hc scquential "over thc
conductcd in onc of thc Malal'sia's largest construction companies. rvall" svndromc (lrigurc l) shorvs that thc client's rcquircnlcnt
1'he tinding shotvs that there is high agreemcnt conccrning thc should not be an interpreted vcrsion liom the perspcctivc rl1'
goals o1' VI)C within the companl'. A team of spccialist and another prol'ession. Ihcrctbre. i1 is crucial 1br cverr tcanl
enrplol ees nho possess VDC skills ncrc emplol'ed. Thc companr rrembers to be collaborative and he clcar aboul thc client's
hcarill inrcsted on tcchnologl in order to be competitive ancl expectation at an earlv slage o1'the proicct to rninin-rize occurrence
remains relerant.'l-he cnvironmcnt olbidding that involvcs V[)C of variations at latcr stagcs. could bc achicvcd h1 capturing
prcsentlr is at inlhncl stage. Irinalll'. thc utilization ol' VDC in client's cxpectation and opinion rvhen conceptual or developed
bidding stage and other stages o1'prtlicct c1'clc needs an activc clcsign is thc usc ol 2l) clrauings as
presentcd. Horvcver.
engagemcnl and support from the government and all actors firr it prescntation tools rnight limit the client's irnrrginrtiorr.
to reach its maturitl . subsequentll reclucing thc ctl'ectivcness o1- detccting rcquirecl
changes iflhcrc is anr'.
CCS Concepts
. Social and professional topics-'Project management

techniques'Applied computing+Architecture (buildings)
. Applied computing-'Computer-aided design

BIM: construction comPanl intcrvieu,: r,irtual design ancl
construction (VI)C)
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Copyrights for conlponents olthis uork owned by olhcrs than A('M
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Various mcans have bccn lzrkcn b1 thc industr) to ilnprove thc
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visualization crperience ofclicnt thrtlughout the pro.icct litc ci'cle.
ICDSP 2018, February 25 27.2018. Tok-vo. Japan VI)C. hcrc uscd synonymousll rvith BIM- rnanagement in rr
i-1, 20 I 8 Associalion fbr Computing Machinery.
broadcr sense (Volk. ct al. 201:t). VDC ancl []lM processcs allorr
ACM ISBN 978-I-.1501-6402-7It8102 515 00 pro.lccts to be virtualll designed" annll zecl- simulatcd- and
DOI : https ://doi.org/ 1 0. | 1 45 I 3 1 93025.3 1 93 062 optirrized bcf'ttre conslruclion starts- pror"iding bcncllts o1'

improved design visualization. cost and tirne savings. streamlined sct ol critcria that are dcscribed in the rcquest or invitation tcr
u'orkt'lon's" better tlt to thc cnvironment. more sustainable tcnder. In bidding stage. therc arc sevcral obicctivcs to bc
solutions. and increased. understandablc communication n ith achicred lirr the succcsslil erccution ol'the prcl.icct. l-rc cxpcctcd
local stakeholdcrs (Xu. et al..20l't: l)ry'de ct al.- 2013). Vl)C or outcorncs in thc bidcling stage are schcdule. project scope. and
BIM is not onll' about tools but primarill about thc processes. cost estimatcs. LJtilizing VI)C enablcs the transtbrmation o1'data
methods" and peoplc behind it (Sirceni and l'}arvc.20l2). or client's specification into decisions and actions is rcquircd
during thc planning proccss. l his proccss had changc the
2. VDC AND BIDDING traditional procedurcs of the procurcment and the roles ol-thc
l'he (lcntre fbr Management o1- Infirrnration (CMI) at thc partl's participation at the carll'stagc as soon at the bidding stage
[Jnivcrsity'o1-Arizona deflncs visual ization as "transfbrmation and Baldrvin et al. (2009). Ilorlever. the u'av bidding proposal
anallsis to aid in the firrmation ol'a mental picture o1'symbolic preparation is operating currcntlf in Malal sia is hcavilr on
clata". It can bc concludcd that visualization tools arc tools used hardcopl" documentation submissions. lhis is duc to thc thct that
to enhance and case thc process ofdclivering ideas. Apparentll- it IllM in Malay'sia has gained attraction fiom construction plalcrs
is casicr tbr onc to gain clearcr understanding ola sub.icct through only reccntll'.
r isual sense comparcd to written or spokcn rvords. M1'riads o1- .l
hc succcss of AIICI pro.lccts is highll dcpcndent on the dccisions
studies have becn conducted to erplorc the use ol'visualiation
maclc during earll'conceptual design and planning proccsscs
tools in rarious applications (Gill. et.al.20l3: Portman" 201'l). In
rvherc 70-tl0 percent of-the production olcrhcads arc incurrecl (CII.
thc contcrt o1'construction. visualization can be vierved as a
2012). Not only'that. pro.ject planning in the earll design phasc is
method usc bl
the proiect team 1tl prcscnt and communicatc
most cl'ltctive and critical. r'r'hich rvould thcn cletern.rine thc
inttrrmation r. isualll . Clonvcntionalh. thc reprcsentation ol-
successfirl cxeculion r.tfa proiect (Fluang. et. al.2017). l"igure 2
designs and ideas are prcsented in 2[) drau'ings or documcnts.
sho*s thc dcgrcc ol'stakcholder's inf'lucncc. risk and unccrtaintl
rvhich has limitation in lcrms of visualization crperiencc of thc
and the cosl ofchanges along the pro.ject linrc.
slakeholders (Wal1' & Thabct. 2002).
L ['he tcrm Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) r'as llrst Hish
introclucecl in 2001 al thc Ccntcr f or Integratcd Fircilitv
Fingincering (CIFtr). Standlord Iiniversitr tirr research and StrlchoHcr hlhEncc, Ri:l, and Unc"rlaintY

teaching purposcs rvhcre VI)CI had been taught in firrmal class

since then. VDC providecl mcthod lbr design. construction and
operation model cstablished b1' John Kunz and Martin ["ischcr
during its first stage (Kunz and Fischer. 2007). VDC lunctioned as
multi-disciplinarl' perfilrmance modcls 1br design ol' thc
construction pro.lects lvhich include thc product firr instance thc
tncilities. rvork process. team organization and econonlic impact
(mociel tirr cost and valuc of capital investments- etc.) to achievc
the business obiectivcs of the stakeholdcrs (Kunz c1.al. 2003).
Corl of Chtng.t
Khanzoclc et al. (200tt) discussed that Virtual l)csign ancl
Construction (VDCI) and Building Infbrmation Model (BlM) use
Project Time *-*---+
the conrputer-aided design (CAI)) models lbr thc putpose ol'
analysis lbr rarious design and construction problcms such as 3D
/ 4l) C'AD. Mortenson Ju11 20l'l Pro.icct Anall'sis Rcpott Figure 2: The influence, risk and uncertainty of stakeholder
cmploy'ed VDC in the construction nr()cL-sscs liom
construction. VDC is and cost ofchanges across proiect time (Project Management
construction (that includes bidding) until
lnstitute' 2008)
bccoming an impoftant parl of architecture" enginecring. and
(ihangcs to thc design during construction phase u'ould havc
construction (AEC) practice and rcsearch. Kunz and Fischer
(2007) deflnc VDC as thc usc of integratcd multi-disciplinarl' grcater impact k) thc construction cost comparccl to that ol'the
\- perfbrmance models of dcsign-construction pro.iects to support initial phasc. 'l his shoivs that marimum bcneflt occurs lhen irll
explicit and public business ob.iectir"es. F)xisting VI)Cl methods stakcholders rvith sufflcicnl knorvled-ec invollc earll ilr thc
havc demonstrateti the bcnefits ol'visualization. integration' and pro.lcct.
automation of AFIC tasks. in particular lo predict pro.iect outcorncs
antl manage torvards the dcsircd perlbrmance ((ioulding. et al' 3.
2009: Khanzode et al. 2008). hc studicd companv is one ol'the lcading construction c()lllnilll)
in Malal sia rvith approximatelr' '1000 cmplol'ccs and a turnorcr of'
'l'hc bidding stagc is critical to the success of a pro.icct. It is not RM4. lTlmillion (rcar 2016).'l'he compan\ is engagecl in urban
hard to bclievc that the success olthc entirc pro.icct is built upon rails. tunnels. high$'a1 s. airports and bridges 1tl po\\cr gcnL-rati()n-
this phase rvhen thc actual construction has not cven heen slartecl' \\atcr lreatmcnt. multi-lrlrposc pofts and sustainable torvnship
It is an approach to a client in tlrdcr trl gain signilicanl ne\\ or dcvelopment. lhe fbcus o1'thc intcrvie\\' was to collcct opinions
repcat business. Bids. b)' their naturc. involve stafF fiom across lionr senior construction manager. scnior quirntitl' survcvor antl
Ihe rvholc breadth ol'one or more organizations. l'he Bid Manager assistant managcr of contracls and comnlcrcial depannlent. lhe
nceds to bc ablc to intcract rvith manv t1'pes of spccialisls - liom semi slruclured questions on the application ol' VD(i practices
technical to lcgal. linancc" HR and senior managemcnt' and r'vill cluring bidding stagc. paftics involvecl in bidding stage. thcir
need lo knorv their roles. rcsponsibilities. and rvhat thcv czrn and perception on uhat bidding that applies V[)C shoulcl possess and
cannot bc askcd to deliver. l'hc terrr "bid" or
"bidding" can alscr
dcllnition and pcrceivcd bencl'its of'VDC iiere askecl to gathcr the
relate to the documentcd Oltcr submitted in responsc to a rcquesl in-dcpth cliscussion.
or invitation to tcnder. l'he'bid'uill thcn be cvaluatcd against a

intensive process duc to the manr rcciprocal dcpendcncics
4. FINDINGS benvccn thc continuations tll thc MIt I slstems. It involvcs
In this section. we present thc folloning l) lhe application ol' dcsigners and specialtr contractol's. l he dctailing r'vork firr cach
VI)Cl during biciding stagc 2) Parlies involvcd in bidcling 3) l'heir tradc is dependent on inlbrmalion liom thc designers and othcr
pcrception on s'hat bidding that applies VI)C shoulcl possess 4) 'l-hc compan] hclievcs that thc supporl ancl
trade contractors.
Dellnition and perceivcd hcne flts of- VDC. awarcness liom the government and all plalers in lhe cottstruction
,1.1 The application of VDC during bidding industry is neeclcd fbr VDC to be fulll utilisecl not limited to
bidding stage but to all phases of pro.icct c1'cle
Thc proicct hid is considercd an international pro.icct u'herc 4.4 Definitions and perceived benefits of VDC
hiildins proposal submission tbr a pro.icct uas locatcd outsicle 'f
he rcspondents in thcir opinions hal'e no clcar dellnition ot'*'ha1
\lallr sia. I'hc Instructitln to I endcrer togethcr r'r'ith other VIX' cntails but thel do agrcc on that V[)C do not onlr mean use
.locumcnts serc maclc knolvll to thc conlpanl inviting to bid lor of 3D rrodels but as a supporting function to thc u()llstrucli()ll
thc nra:s rail transit (MRI') pro.icct. Thc submission o1'tcnder ancl pro.jcct uhcre thel wcre ablc ttl identif-t clashcs when the 3t)
bici proposal iras in harclcopl' documents and somc portion ol'
,nil.llun'.r. built.'Ihc client on the other hancl receir'ed
r i:ual prcsentation \vas required in thc Instruction to aclditional ne* infirrnration *'hich \\'as not knoun during tendcr
fhe companr lultlllcd the criteria stalcd in the Instruction to *hen the visual presentatitln u'iis prcsenlccl in the lirrm ol'clash
I cndercr b1 submitting the hardcopv documents that includcs detections" positions of the structural clemcnts ol' MI{ I
design. price documentation in the lirrm of tlills ol Quantitics" componenls and rcsoll'c conflicts. dcsign tcam is percciled to
method ol' construction. tcchnical specifications" day'rvork and spcnd substanlialll less tin-re cluring the construction phase o1'the
other supporting documcnts relatcd to proposed matcrials' pro.!cct doing construction administration. Subcontractors are
'l'he coordination eflbrt involves ir
methods and technologl used. pcrc'eived to be nrorc knoulcdgcable aboul the pro.ject as thcl'
f-air amount of reciprocal clependencies that necd to be rcsolvc Lane hcen involved sooncr and are rcsolving issues in the design
quickll . l-atencv in decision rraking and intilrmation acccss ctltl and dctailing stage that uould t1 picall) comc up in the licld.
L,- seriouslv irnpact thc tast track prcr.lcct schedule.
4.2 Parties involved in bidding l]asecl on our tinclings. \\e contributc with the tbllo$ing l
'l'he knonledgc ancl expcrience that thc VDC prol-cssionals should ovcrall irnpression liom the anall'sis of thc intcrvicu findings is
have according to theln is "tcchnical knor'vlcdgc" conccrning 3D that VDC as a nc\\ technologf is seen somcthing positive ancl
modclling" understanding ol' thc construction processcs and
'lhc cornpanr important fbr thc studied companr''s tuturc success' 2' It is
understanding of thc involved prot'cssional groups. believed that the rolc of panies involved during hidding and thc
has emplovecl a specialist in IllM/VDC wherc the international usc olVI)CI lrill bc tlt'larger imponance in thc luturc. In tcrms trl'
projcct biddine. \\i1s cxccuted. VDC uas enrplovcd to facilitatc thc practical irnplications of the current pro.icct using V[)C' ue
e,,nrmunication hetseen thc companv and the client.'lhc dcsign ,.a it ,,,ora as a contribution to a rvidcr discussion concerning thc
iL'iilr. toscthcr *ith BIM/VDC specialist lbrmcd a team durin-e irrplementation ol'nerl tools and ual's of'uorkitlg" and hos this is
hi.1.ling stage and worked togethcr during bidding stage' I'herc hoth pcrceivccl nncl adopted ivithin thc industry. Since this studl
r.r. n(., separation benrcen dcsign lcam and lllM/VI)C specialisi has only bccn basccl on onc companl. luturc rescarch uill tbcus
occurred during hidding stagc. On lhe bidding lbr MI{'l pro.iect' more on the implications of VDC means. as llell as on the impact
the gencral contractor enabled the BIM / VI)C specialist ol'thc partics involvc in hidtling. ['urthenrore- thc consccluences
coorJination proccss bl acting as the main tacilitator rather than o1'a nrore application ol VI)C lbr a bctter roles and structttrcs is
thc author the clrar.lings irnd rnodels.
o1' gencral contractor anothcr theme that hccomcs irrportant to lili up. lhe linclings lili
enabled and coordinated the hand-off ol inlbrmation liom thc up that it is irrlportant in rvhal VI)C infbnrration is shared
archilecrs ancl cnginecrs to thc subcontractors as u.ell as the thc companl. eithcr dircctll or indirectly'. I-'inalll" usagc o1'

modelling and coordination rvork ilsell. I'he proicct tcam agrecd VDC in Malavsiarr construction industry is still at inlirncl stagc
that gencral conlractor's role in initial modelling and coordination and support liom thc govcrnmcnt and all actors 1br it is desirahlc
in thc BIM i VI)C enabled hidding process is much thc same as to reach its maluriq.
k_ on the pro.iect as a whole: devcloping a u'orkablc dctailing
schedule togcther with the architect. engineers and suhcontractors 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
to support thc construction schedule. Our thanks to Llnivcrsiti Sains Malal'sia lbr thc llcse arch
tJniversity' (RLl) Grant ancl the conslruction companY involved in
4.3 Perception on what bidding that applies this rescarch.
VDC should possess
'l'he company bclievcs that lirr a bidding that entails VD(l as onc
ol- the ctlnrponent in submission. ample tirneline shoulcl be
lll Ali Abbas. 1,ia lltl l)in. Rizrvan Farooqrri 20l6' Achier'ing
lbr a compiehensir,'c visual presentation. T'he parties involre lbr a & Profitabilitl' through [)re-
Greater Pro"ject Success
VDC to be crecuted is not limited to design team but to inclr-rde (lonstruction Planning: A (lasc-Bascd Studl l'rocedia
general contractors. mechanical contractor. clectrical contractor'
trngineering 145. lt04 ttl l.
t2l Baldnin. A.. t.i" II.. tluang" t'.. Kong. C.. Ciuo' Il ' Chan' N '
rcsponsible to model their portion ol r'vork using 3D tools tJsing
& Wong. .1. 2009. Supporling pre-lcnder construction
rhe BIM / Vl)C tools tbr bidcling coordination" the gencral
planning u'i1h virtual prototl'ping. F.ngincering" Construclion
contractor took the lead role in thc coordination process' Thc l6(2). 150-l6l'
and Archilcctural N4anagcment-
specialtl contractors arc also involvcd carll in thc process so that
thel can providc input into thc constructability and operations
issues to ihe clcsign team. Coordination of detailcd design is an


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