Week 002 Calculus Derivatives of Trig Functions

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9/4/2020 Calculus I - Derivatives of Trig Functions

Paul's Online Notes

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I apologize for the outage on the site yesterday and today. Lamar University is in Beaumont
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days as they work to get everything back up and running properly. I apologize for the

August 27, 2020

Section 3-5 : Derivatives Of Trig Functions

With this section we’re going to start looking at the derivatives of functions other than polynomials
or roots of polynomials. We’ll start this process off by taking a look at the derivatives of the six trig
functions. Two of the derivatives will be derived. The remaining four are left to you and will follow
similar proofs for the two given here.

Before we actually get into the derivatives of the trig functions we need to give a couple of limits
that will show up in the derivation of two of the derivatives.


sinθ cosθ − 1
lim =1 lim =0
θ→0 θ θ→0 θ

See the Proof of Trig Limits section of the Extras chapter to see the proof of these two limits.

Before proceeding a quick note. Students often ask why we always use radians in a Calculus
class. This is the reason why! The proof of the formula involving sine above requires the angles
to be in radians. If the angles are in degrees the limit involving sine is not 1 and so the formulas
we will derive below would also change. The formulas below would pick up an extra constant that
would just get in the way of our work and so we use radians to avoid that. So, remember to
always use radians in a Calculus class!

Before we start differentiating trig functions let’s work a quick set of limit problems that this fact
now allows us to do.

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Example 1 Evaluate each of the following limits.

(a) lim
θ → 0 6θ

(b) lim
x→0 x

(c) lim
x→0 sin(7x)

(d) lim
t→0 sin(8t)

sin(x − 4)
(e) lim
x→4 x−4

cos(2z) − 1
(f) lim
z→0 z

(a) lim Show Solution 
θ → 0 6θ

(b) lim Show Solution 
x→0 x

(c) lim Show Solution 
x→0 sin(7x)

(d) lim Show Solution 
t→0 sin(8t)

sin(x − 4)
(e) lim Show Solution 
x→4 x−4

cos(2z) − 1
(f) lim Show Solution 
z→0 z

Okay, now that we’ve gotten this set of limit examples out of the way let’s get back to the main
point of this section, differentiating trig functions.

We’ll start with finding the derivative of the sine function. To do this we will need to use the
definition of the derivative. It’s been a while since we’ve had to use this, but sometimes there just
isn’t anything we can do about it. Here is the definition of the derivative for the sine function.

d sin(x + h) − sin(x)
(sin(x)) = lim
dx h→0 h

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Since we can’t just plug in h = 0 to evaluate the limit we will need to use the following trig formula
on the first sine in the numerator.

sin(x + h) = sin(x)cos(h) + cos(x)sin(h)

Doing this gives us,

d sin(x)cos(h) + cos(x)sin(h) − sin(x)

(sin(x)) = lim
dx h→0 h
sin(x)(cos(h) − 1) + cos(x)sin(h)
= lim
h→0 h
cos(h) − 1 sin(h)
= lim sin(x) + lim cos(x)
h→0 h h→0 h

As you can see upon using the trig formula we can combine the first and third term and then
factor a sine out of that. We can then break up the fraction into two pieces, both of which can be
dealt with separately.

Now, both of the limits here are limits as h approaches zero. In the first limit we have a sin(x) and
in the second limit we have a cos(x). Both of these are only functions of x only and as h moves in
towards zero this has no effect on the value of x. Therefore, as far as the limits are concerned,
these two functions are constants and can be factored out of their respective limits. Doing this

d cos(h) − 1 sin(h)
(sin(x)) = sin(x) lim + cos(x) lim
dx h→0 h h→0 h

At this point all we need to do is use the limits in the fact above to finish out this problem.

(sin(x)) = sin(x)(0) + cos(x)(1) = cos(x)

Differentiating cosine is done in a similar fashion. It will require a different trig formula, but other
than that is an almost identical proof. The details will be left to you. When done with the proof you
should get,

(cos(x)) = − sin(x)

With these two out of the way the remaining four are fairly simple to get. All the remaining four
trig functions can be defined in terms of sine and cosine and these definitions, along with
appropriate derivative rules, can be used to get their derivatives.

Let’s take a look at tangent. Tangent is defined as,

tan(x) =

Now that we have the derivatives of sine and cosine all that we need to do is use the quotient
rule on this. Let’s do that.

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(tan(x)) =
( )
dx cos(x)
cos(x)cos(x) − sin(x)(− sin(x))
(cos(x)) 2
cos 2(x) + sin 2(x)
cos 2(x)

Now, recall that cos 2(x) + sin 2(x) = 1 and if we also recall the definition of secant in terms of cosine
we arrive at,

d cos 2(x) + sin 2(x)

(tan(x)) =
dx cos 2(x)
cos 2(x)
= sec 2(x)

The remaining three trig functions are also quotients involving sine and/or cosine and so can be
differentiated in a similar manner. We’ll leave the details to you. Here are the derivatives of all six
of the trig functions.

Derivatives of the six trig functions

d d
(sin(x)) = cos(x) (cos(x)) = − sin(x)
dx dx
d d
(tan(x)) = sec 2(x) (cot(x)) = − csc 2(x)
dx dx
d d
(sec(x)) = sec(x)tan(x) (csc(x)) = − csc(x)cot(x)
dx dx

At this point we should work some examples.

Example 2 Differentiate each of the following functions.

(a) g(x) = 3sec(x) − 10cot(x)

(b) h(w) = 3w − 4 − w 2tan(w)

(c) y = 5sin(x)cos(x) + 4csc(x)
(d) P(t) =
3 − 2cos(t)

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(a) g(x) = 3sec(x) − 10cot(x) Show Solution 

(b) h(w) = 3w − 4 − w 2tan(w) Show Solution 

(c) y = 5sin(x)cos(x) + 4csc(x) Show Solution 

(d) P(t) = Show Solution 
3 − 2cos(t)

As a final problem here let’s not forget that we still have our standard interpretations to

Example 3 Suppose that the amount of money in a bank account is given by

P(t) = 500 + 100cos(t) − 150sin(t)

where t is in years. During the first 10 years in which the account is open when is the amount of
money in the account increasing?

Show Solution 

In this section we saw how to differentiate trig functions. We also saw in the last example that our
interpretations of the derivative are still valid so we can’t forget those.

Also, it is important that we be able to solve trig equations as this is something that will arise off
and on in this course. It is also important that we can do the kinds of number lines that we used in
the last example to determine where a function is positive and where a function is negative. This
is something that we will be doing on occasion in both this chapter and the next.

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