Time Since Intercourse: Studies and Estimates

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Time Since

Studies and
Joseph E. Warren, Ph.D., F-ABC
Dept. of Forensic and Investigative
Why TSI in DNA Age?
• Basic Forensic Serology is becoming a lost field of
• Cases from pre-DNA tests are now on appeal.
Present day analysts do not understand the older
• DNA can tell identity but not time
• TSI estimates depend on seminal fluid constituents
• TSI- Not a new question.
• 1827-Orfila- Molestation of a13 year old female.
• Physician id’d semen from vaginal secretions 9 days
post intercourse.
• Orfila doubted the finding
• His tests indicated no semen present
Studies in Spermatozoa Survival
• Most studies done by fertility/sterility researchers
• Medical Examiners
• Controlled subjects
• Casework samples
Limitations of Studies
• Objective of fertility studies different than forensic
• Inaccuracies in post-mortem interval
• Problems with volunteer subjects
• Problems with casework samples
• Initial number of spermatozoa in ejaculate not known
• Menstrual cycle stage which coitus occurred not
Limitations of Studies
• Example: Mengee (1887)
• Recovered sperm cells from child 14 days after
• Age: survival times for adult females shorter
• Manner of collection
• Location: spermatozoa survive longer in cervical
samples than vaginal samples
Studies and Results:
• Sharp (1963):
• Motile Sperm:
• Vagina- 30 minutes-6 hours
• Cervix- 7 hours- 5 days
• Non-Motile Sperm:
• Vagina- 7 hours-12 hours; less often after 24 hours
rarely 3-4 days post-coitus
• Cervix- 17 days
Studies and Results:
• Enos & Beyer (1977);
• Rectal Swabs- 24 hours
• Oral Swabs- 6 hours (survive tooth brush,
• Vaginal Swabs- 3 days post-coitus
• Note: Found sperm cells on anal swabs w/o anal
intercourse. Drainage from vagina.
Studies and Results:
• Nicholson (1965): 85 patients
• Cervix- non- motile sperm cells- 8 days; motile
sperm- 6 days
• Rupp(1969): 84 rape cases
• Vagina- motile sperm- 8 hours; non-motile 8-14
Studies and Results:
• Morrison(1972): Effect of menstruation
• Sperm cells survived longer if coitus occurred in the
first 14 days after menstruation.
• Studies 104 subjects
• Most cases could not find sperm in vagina after 48
hours. Longest period was 9 days (coitus occurred
5th day post-menstruation)
• Cervix- 12 days (coitus occurred 8th day post
Studies and Results:
• Found sperm in pregnant women in vagina up to 7
days post coitus
• Georgidaes & Schneider (1972):
• Cervix- motile 8 days non-motile 10.5 days
• Wallace and Haager (1975): 22 subjects throughout
menstrual cycle
• Vagina- Motile- 12 hours
• 6% of samples found spermatozoa after 48 hours
Studies and Results:
• Breen (1972): vagina- motile 28 hours; non-motile 48
• Brown (1977): vagina- motile 6 hours; non-motile 72
• Dahlke (1977): 500 sexual assault victims- longest
interval sperm could be found after assault was 48
Studies and Results:
• Rape/ Homicide Cases: Sperm cells survive longer
• Wilson (1974): vagina- 16 days
• Willott (1975): vagina dead between 3 and 4 months
Studies and Results:
• Everard (1971): vagina- motile sperm- 4 days
• Silverman and Silverman (1978)- cervix 15 days
intact sperm cells
• Paul (1984): vagina- motile sperm 72 hours
• Allard (1997): vagina- intact sperm 5 days *
• Jones (2005): vagina- intact sperm 7 days *
• * note: both of these instances each was just one
victim who due to illness was immobile or with
limited movement
Acid Phosphatase (AP)
• All of these studies address the persistence of AP
activity in the vagina
• Pinto (1959): developed a color chart. Intensity
decreased from 6 hours to 48 hours post-coitus
• Rupp (1969) AP activity survived > 24 hrs.
• David and Wilson (1974) AP activity present up to 3
days, but most useful w/in 24 hours, rarely useful > 2
Acid Phosphatase (AP)
• McCloskey (1975): between 24 and 48 hours AP
activity decreased from 50 U* to 25 U*. 25 U was
cut-off value for a negative test result.
• Gomez (1975): assayed vaginal washings from 41
• Two quantitative and 2 qualitative tests
• Group 1- no intercourse; Group 2- recent intercourse
• Found quantitative tests more sensitive than
Acid Phosphatase (AP)
• Results: higher AP values from group 1 overlapped
lower AP values from group 2
• Example: one person who had been raped 5 hours
before sample collection had lower AP values than
the patient who had no intercourse 60 hours prior to
• Good correlation between quantitative and
qualitative tests
Acid Phosphatase (AP)
• Enos (1963): 36 sexual assault cases
• Observed a decrease in AP activity over time
• 100 U- 1 hour
• 30 U- 2-3 hours
• 10 U- 6 hours
• 5 U- 12 hours
• 0 U- > 24 hours
Acid Phosphatase (AP)
• Rupp (1969)- detected AP >24 hours
• Schurmman (1976) & Findley (1977) quantitative
assay can develop cut - off thresholds for seminal
• Davis (1978) & Allard& Davis (1978): set cut-off limit
at 20 U.
• Dahlke (1977) & Duenhooter (1977): Found less AP
activity in cases examined w/in 2 hours than those
tested 3-12 hours post intercourse
Acid Phosphatase (AP)
• Sensabaugh (1979) & Rutter (1980)
• 400 data set points combined
• 1.) regular pattern of AP activity decline
• 2.) loss of activity is 1st order (log-linear) throughout
the 1st 10 hours. Half-life is 2.6 hours
• 3.) Rate of loss becomes gradual ( levels off) past 10
• 4.) at 60 hours AP activity virtually the same as
semen free vaginal fluid
Acid Phosphatase (AP)
• 5.) rate of decline in the vagina is more rapid than in
the test tube mixture of semen and vaginal fluid
• 6.) after 15 hours the false negative percentage was
• Conclusion: AP test is not precise indicator of TSI.
Best to determine interval limit beyond which value
is unlikely. Example: > 256 U unlikely after 12 hours;
values 64-128 U unlikely after 24 hours
Acid Phosphatase (AP)
• Davis and Wilson (2001): AP test most useful w/in
24 hours post coitus. Rarely useful past 2 days
though did find one case where AP tested positive at
3 days.
• Caution: If victim has fungal (Candida albicans)
infection or high levels of microbial flora or is
pregnant can give misleading AP test results.
• Increased AP reaction time
Post- Mortem AP Activity
• Standeffer and Street (1977)
• Vaginal- 7 days
• Oral – 36 hours
• Anal- 24 hours
p-30 (PSA) Stability
• Macaluso (1999): PSA (p-30) levels decrease with
TSI. Amount of ejaculate a factor.
• Inoculate female volunteers with partners semen
• Three doses:10, 100 and 1000 uL
• Results: 10-100 uL levels fell to normal background
w/in 24 hours. 1000 uL levels fell to back ground
w/in 48 hours
p-30 (PSA) Stability
• Hochmeister (1997): PSA detectable 14-47 hours
post coitus
• Kameneve (1989): PSA detectable 10.5- 24 hours
• Grous (1985): PSA detectable 13-47 hours with an
average of 27 hours
Choline and Blood Group
• Davis and Wilson (2001): majority of samples failed
to detect choline between 14-26 hours. Some gave
weak results at 32, 36 and 54 hours
• Blood Group Substances: Davis and Wilson (2001)
will fail to detect presence w/in 48 hours
• Drainage is the primary cause of loss of seminal fluid
constituents followed by dilution with vaginal
• Effect of drainage is enhanced by menstruation and
• Spermatozoa is the longest lasting seminal fluid
constituent with the number of sperm decreasing
over time.
TSI: Sorry No Easy Answer
• Take into account:
• 1.) Test results: sperm (number, tails present), AP
(reaction time and intensity), p30. Blood Group
Substances, Enzymes (pre-DNA testing). DNA test
results full or partial profile
• 2.) Location of sample: vaginal (inner/ outer) cervix,
anal, oral
• 3.)State of victims health, activity, reported time of
event and time of last known consensual partner
TSI: Sorry No Easy Answer
• Victim’s age
• Menstruating and post menstruation time frame.
• Would like to thank Mr. George Schiro, DNA
Technical Leader, Acadiana Criminallistics
Laboratory, New Iberia, LA. for his assistance and

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