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Samuelson define the production function as “the technical relationship which reveals the
maximum amount of output capable of being produced by each and every set of inputs”
Michael define production function as “that function which defines the maximum amount of
The production function expresses a functional relationship between physical inputs and physical
outputs of a firm at any particular time period. The output is thus a function of inputs.
Q = F(L1,L2,C,O,T)
Where Q is the quantity of production, F explains the functions, that is, the type of relation
between inputs and outputs , L1,L2,C,.O,T refer to land, labout, capital, organization and
technology respectively. These inputs have been taken in conventional terms. In reality,
A manufacturer has to make a choice of the production function by considering his technical
knowledge, the process of various factors of production and his efficiency level to manage. He
should not only select the factors of production but also should work out the different
permutations and combinations which will mean lower cost of inputs for a given level of
In case of an agricultural product, increasing the other factors of production can increase the
production, but beyond a point, increase output can be had only with increased use of
agricultural land, investment in land forms a significant portion of the total cost of production
for output, whereas, in the case of the software industry, other factor such as technology , capital
management and others become significant. With change in industry and the requirements the
The laws of returns states that when at least one factor of production is fixed or factor input is
fixed and when all other factors are varied, the total output in the initial stages will increase at an
increasing rate, and after reaching certain level or output the total output will increase at
declining rate. If variable factor inputs are added further to the fixed factor input, the total output
may decline. This law is of universal nature and it proved to be true in agriculture and industry
also. The law of returns is also called the law of variable proportions or the law of diminishing
“If equal increments of one input are added, the inputs of other production services being held
constant, beyond a certain point the resulting increments of product will decrease i.e. the
According to F. Benham
“As the proportion of one factor in a combination of factors is increased, after a point, first the
marginal and then the average product of that factor will diminish”.
(mp) (ap)
1 10 10 10 Stages 1
2 22 12 11
3 33 11 11
4 40 7 10 Stages 2
5 45 5 9
6 48 3 8
7 48 0 6.85 Stages 3
8 45 -3 5.62
From the above graph the law of variable proportions operates in three stages. In the first stage,
total product increases at an increasing rate. The marginal product in this stage increases at an
increasing rate resulting in a greater increase in total product. The average product also increases.
stage continues up to the point where average product is equal to marginal product. The law of
increasing returns is in operation at this stage. The law of diminishing returns starts operating from
second stage awards. At the second stage total product increases only at a diminishing rate. The
average product also declines. The second stage comes to an end where total product becomes
maximum and marginal product becomes zero. The marginal product becomes negative in the third
stage. So the total product also declines. The average product continues to decline.
Production process that requires two inputs, capital© and labour (L) to produce a given
output(Q). There could be more than two inputs in a real life situation, but for a simple analysis, we
restrict the number of inputs to two only. In other words, the production function based on two
can be expressed as
Q = f( C,L)
Normally, both capital and labour are required to produce a product. To some extent, these two
inputs can be substituted for each other. Hence the producer may choose any combination of labour
capital that gives him the required number of units of output, for any one combination of labour and
capital out of several such combinations. The alternative combinations of labour and capital yielding
given level of output are such that if the use of one factor input is increased , that of another will
decrease and vice versa. How ever, the units of an input foregone to get one unit of the other input
changes, depends upon the degree of substitutability between the two input factors, based on the
The term Isoquants is derived from the words „iso‟ and „quant‟ – „Iso‟ means equal and
„quent‟ implies quantity. Isoquant therefore, means equal quantity. Isoquant are also called
curves, an isoquant curve show various combinations of two input factors such as capital and labour,
As an isoquant curve represents all such combinations which yield equal quantity of output, any
or every combination is a good combination for the manufacturer. Since he prefers all these
B 2 7 50
C 3 4 50
D 4 4 50
E 5 1 50
Combination „A‟ represent 1 unit of labour and 10 units of capital and produces „50‟ quintals of
a product all other combinations in the table are assumed to yield the same given output of a
product say
„50‟ quintals by employing any one of the alternative combinations of the two factors labour and
If we plot all these combinations on a paper and join them, we will get continues and smooth curve
Labour is on the X-axis and capital is on the Y-axis. IQ is the ISO-Product curve which shows all the
Features of isoquant
1. Downward sloping: isoquant are downward sloping curves because , if one input increase, the
other one reduces. There is no question of increase in both the inputs to yield a given output. A
degree of
substitution is assumed between the factors of production. In other words, an isoquant cannot be
increasing, as increase in both the inputs does not yield same level of output. If it is constant, it
that the output remains constant through the use of one of the factor is increasing, which is not
2. Convex to origin: isoquant are convex to the origin. It is because the input factors are not perfect
substitutes. One input factor can be substituted by other input factor in a diminishing marginal rate.
If the
input factors were perfect substitutes , the isoqunt would be a falling straight line. When the inputs
used infixed proportion, and substitution of one input for the other cannot trake place, the isoquant
be L shaped
3. do not intersect: two isoquant do not intersect with each other. It is because, each of these
denote a
particular level of output. If the manufacturer wants to operate at a higher level of output, he has to
switch over to another isoquant with a higher level of output and vice versa.
4. do not axes: the isoquant touches neither X-axis nor Y- axis, as both inputs are required to
produce a
given product.
Iso cost refers to that cost curve that represent the combination of inputs that will cost the
producer the same amount of money. In other words, each isocost denotes a particular level of total
for a given level of production. If the level of production changes, the total cost changes and thus the
Isocost curve is the locus traced out by various combinations of L and K, each of which costs the
producer the same amount of money (C ) Differentiating equation with respect to L, we have dK/dL =
w/r This gives the slope of the producer‟s budget line (isocost curve). Iso cost line shows various
combinations of labour and capital that the firm can buy for a given factor prices. The slope of iso
line = PL/Pk. In this equation , PL is the price of labour and Pk is the price of capital. The slope of iso