Experiment 1 - Basic Logic Gates

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Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Digital Circuits - ECED 2200

Experiment 1 - Basic Logic Gates


1. To study the truth tables of various basic logic gates

2. To verify DeMorgan’s Theorem

3. To implement an INVERTER using NAND or NOR gates

4. To implement an OR gate using NAND gates

Note: There is no lab report required for this lab. Fill out the observation sheets,
and submit them into Brightspace folder for Lab1a.

Required IC’s:

Binary Explorer Board 7404 INV Gate

7408 AND Gate 7402 NOR Gate
7432 OR Gate 7486 XOR Gate
7400 NAND Gate Mystery Chip
Note: The internal architecture of each IC can be found on page 7.


Basic Logic Gates

The symbols and the Boolean expression for each basic logic gate are shown on page 6 of
this lab.

DeMorgan’s Theorem

DeMorgan proposed two theorems that are used frequently in Boolean algebra. The first
theorem states:

The complement of two variables ANDed is equivalent to the OR of the complements of

the individual variables.

This theorem can be expressed using the following formula:

A + B = A• B

The second theorem states:

The complement of two variables ORed is equivalent to the AND of the complements of
the individual variables.

This theorem can be expressed using the following formula:

A• B = A + B

Part 1. Analysis of Basic Logic Gates


Setup the circuits shown on page 4 to analyze the operation of the various basic logic
gates. For each gate:

1. Vary the inputs of each gate and measure the output. Do this for all possible
combinations of inputs.

2. Construct the truth table for each gate.

Part 2. Verifying DeMorgan’s Theorem


Set up circuits to verify DeMorgan’s two theorems. For each circuit:

1. Vary the inputs to each circuit and measure the output for all possible combinations
of inputs.

2. Using the above results construct the truth table for each circuit. Show that these
circuits verify both of DeMorgan’s Theorems.

Part 3. Implementing an INVERTER using NAND or NOR gates


Set up one of the two circuits shown on page 5. For the circuit you choose:

1. Vary the input and construct the truth table.

2. Do you conclude that the circuit behaves like an INVERTER? If yes/no why?

Part 4. Implementing an OR gate using NAND gates

A+ B = A + B = A• B


Setup a circuit to implement an OR gate using NAND gates only. For this circuit:

1. Vary the inputs and make the truth table

2. Do you conclude that the circuit behaves like and OR gate? If yes/no why?

Summary of Internal architecture of each IC

7408 AND Gate 7402 NOR Gate

7432 OR Gate
7404 INV Gate

7400 NAND Gate 7486 XOR Gate

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