GERDES, Paulus. The Philosophical-Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx On Differential Calculus
GERDES, Paulus. The Philosophical-Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx On Differential Calculus
GERDES, Paulus. The Philosophical-Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx On Differential Calculus
Paulus Gerdes
Author: Paulus Gerdes
Or search ‘Paulus Gerdes’ on the webpage
Presentation 9
Acknowledgements 12
1 Marx the mathematician? 13
2 Why did Marx study mathematics? 15
2.1 To avoid computational errors 15
2.2 Soothing effect of mathematics 16
2.3 Twofold purpose 17
3 Still so little known? 20
3.1 Best known works 20
3.2 The History of the Mathematical Manuscripts 21
4 Manuscripts: Contents and background 25
4.1 Contents of the Manuscripts? 25
4.2 Why was Marx interested in the foundations of 26
differential calculus?
4.2.1 Calculus did not drop out of the sky... 26
4.2.2 A challenge ... “to strip away the veil of mystery” 28
4.3 Marx’s research on the history of mathematics 31
4.3.1 The “mystical” calculus of Newton and Leibniz 31 Refuting the attacks of idealists 39 Without artificial premises 41
4.3.2 The “rational” differential calculus of 43
D’Alembert and Euler How to remove the veil of mysticism 44
from calculus? The zeros of Euler 46 Marx’s main criticism 47
4.3.3 The “purely algebraic” differential calculus of 48
5 The dialectical method of Marx 53
5.1 A real development 56
5.2 Negation of the negation 59
dy 61
5.3 Symbolic equivalent
5.4 Inversion of the method 63
6 The significance of the Mathematical Manuscripts 67
! the development of mathematics
6.1 Karl Marx and 67
6.1.1 Refinements of the concepts of calculus in the 68
nineteenth century Integrals, infinitely small quantities, and 69
the limit Function, continuity, differentiability, 71
real numbers
6.1.2 Original contributions 74 Rediscoveries 74 Discoveries 77
6.2 Philosophic problems of mathematics 78
6.2.1 Only one science 78
6.2.2 Symbolization and terminology 78
6.2.3 Algorithms 79
6.2.4 Reflection of the real world in mathematics 80 Achilles and the tortoise 81
6.3 Influence of mathematical thought on other works of 85
7 Source of inspiration 87
7.1 On the negation of the negation in mathematics 88
7.1.1 A student-teacher dialogue 89
7.1.2 What constitutes discovery? 91
7.1.3 Other examples 94 In elementary algebra 94 In geometry 95 In trigonometry 97 In calculation of limits 99
7.1.4 A method for discovery of new results 100
8 The Sun Appears 103
Bibliography 105
Additional bibliography (2008) 110
Cover of the original Portuguese-language edition of 1983
Paulus Gerdes
February 27, 2014
Powell, Arthur B. (1986), Marx and Mathematics in Mozambique.
Review: Paulus Gerdes, Marx demystifies mathematics, Science
and Nature, Nos. 7/8, 119-123.
Powell, Arthur B. & Frankenstein, Marilyn (Eds.) (1997),
Ethnomathematics: Challenging Eurocentrism in Mathematics
Education, SUNY, New York, 440 pp.
Struik, Dirk (1948), Marx and Mathematics, Science and Society, Vol.
12, No. 1, pp. 181-196 [reproduced in: Powell, A. B. &
Frankenstein, M. (Eds.) (1997), pp. 173-192].
Acknowledgements (1983)
Acknowledgements (1985)
Translator’s note (1985)
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Chapter 1
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Chapter 2
3 MEW, 1961, vol. 29, p. 256; Marx & Engels, 1983, vol. 40, p.
4 Struik, 1948a, p. 181; 1975, p. 139; Kennedy, 1977, p. 305.
5 Yanovskaya, 1969, p. 21.
6 MEW, 1961, Vol. 20, p. xvi.
7 Mehring, 1962, p. 505.
8 MEW, 1961, Vol. 30, p. 113.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
In another letter to Engels, dated July 6, 1863, we read:
“My free time is dedicated to differential and integral
calculus. By the way – I have a superabundance of
publications on this subject and will send you some if
you would like to begin a study of this discipline. I
think it’s almost necessary for your military studies.
Besides, this constitutes a much easier part of
mathematics with regard to the purely technical
aspects, easier than, for example higher algebra.” 9
In the 1860s, Marx was deeply involved in the organization of
working people. 10 In 1864 he founded the International Working
Men’s Association, the first international organization of the
proletariat. At the same time he finished the first volume of Capital,
in which he demonstrated that the fall of capitalism was inevitable.
But his physique could not always sustain such titanic theoretical and
practical work. Many times sickness kept him in bed, since he was
living under very difficult material conditions. More than once, for
example, in a letter of May 20, 1865, Marx pointed out the of
mathematics as a diversion:
“In the hours in-between – when I can’t write
constantly – I dedicate myself to differential calculus,
. I don’t have patience to read anything else. All
other reading makes me return to the table to write.”
2.3 Twofold purpose
In the last 15 years of the life of Marx, his scientific work became
continuously more extensive and encyclopedic. He continued his
preparatory studies for Volumes II and III of Capital. He was
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Paulus Ge rdes
A plane figure
at point M
y 3
slope = tan α
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
3 3
Consider the function y = x , that is, f(x) = x , and the graph of
this function in a system of Cartesian coordinates [This is an example
used by Marx – B. L.].
Let M be the point on the curve that corresponds to a given value
of x, let us say x0.
Paulus Ge rdes
y 3
x0 x1
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Thus, the secant MM1 is very close to the tangent line at M. And
the slope of secant MM1 is also very close in value to the slope of the
tangent line at M.
Mathematicians of the seventeenth century, such as Leibniz,
advanced their argument in the following manner:
y A
x0 x1
Paulus Ge rdes
M µ
x0 x1
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
We have dx = x1 – x0, which means x1 = x0 + dx, and
dy = y1 – y0, where
3 3
y1 = (x1) = (x0 + dx) =
(2) 3 2 2 3
= (x0) + 3(x0) .dx + 3x0.(dx) + (dx) .
Taking into account y0 = (x0) , we can write:
2 2 3
y1 = y0 + 3(x0) .dx + 3x0.(dx) + (dx) ,
2 2 3
that is, dy = y1 – y0 = + 3(x0) .dx + 3x0.(dx) + (dx) .
And, dividing both members by dx we get:
dy 2 2
= 3(x0) + 3x0.dx + (dx) .
Obviously Marx was not the first to criticize the naïve opinions of
Newton and Leibniz. The founders themselves already had their
Traditional mathematicians did not accept the new differential
calculus. Philosophers and even poets, such as Jonathan Swift (l676-
1745) in his Gulliver’s Travels, 57 criticized the new calculus.
Idealists did not hesitate to exploit the philosophical, logical-
mathematical weaknesses in the foundations of differential calculus. 58
The Irish bishop-philosopher George Berkeley (1685-1753) perceived
the indeterminate and ambiguous nature of the “infinitely small
quantities,” and in his pamphlet, The Analyst, launched an attack on
the progressive mathematicians: Who believes in this “staggering”
differential calculus has no reason at all for not believing in God ... 59
Here he referred to the fact that many of those mathematicians
who accepted differential calculus were atheists and interpreted
mathematics in a spontaneous, materialist form as a science that
describes the proprieties of real quantities that exist outside of human
consciousness. These same mathematicians connected the concepts of
“infinitely small” and “infinitely large” to the recognition of a material
substance and its unlimited divisibility. Thus behind Berkeley’s
negative attitude toward differential calculus was his desire to refute
atheism and materialism.
Others, already convinced of the practical value of calculus, tried
to take advantage of its growing prestige. However, their objectives
were similar to those of Berkeley.
62 Wussing, 1979, p. 223 [See also Lenin, 1960, Vol. 38, p. 118:
“Characteristic is the title – Carnot, Reflections sur la
Metaphysique du calcul infitesimal!” – G.W.].
63 Marx, 1983, pp. 84, 92; Marx, 1974b, p. 118; Marx, 1975, p. 136.
See Marx, 1974b, p. 111; Marx, 1975, p. 128.
64 Actually, we say, “If dx is not an Archimedean number.”
65 Molodschi, 1977, p. 162.
Paulus Ge rdes
66 to new branches of mathematical research without argumentation or
justification. Such an example is the treatment of the series
1 – 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 - 1+ ... = ...,
that we met in an earlier paragraph.
According to Marx, it is erroneous to treat, right from the start,
the finite difference x1 – x0 or Δx, the increment of the variable x, as an
“infinitely small quantity”, dx.
“The arbitrary supposition, x1 – x0 = dx results in
the need … to juggle away the terms in dx in the
binomial expansion of (x0 + dx) in order to get the
correct result.” 67
The question arises, why this juggling act?
“Why the violent suppression of the terms standing in
the way? That specifically assumes that one knows
they stand in the way ...” 68
How can we know which terms stand in the way? Marx
concluded that this is possible only when we know in advance what
dy 2
the result should be – in our example = 3x – and simply look for
some justification to make the result plausible. 69
Summing up, we can say that Marx considered the differential
calculus of Newton and Leibniz ! to be mystical because they had
introduced the differentials dx and dy in a metaphysical manner, 70
that is to say, as infinitely small quantities, 71 without having clarified
In accord with the appearance of in his method, Euler
considered all the differentials equal to zero: 80
dx = 0 and dy = 0.
dy 0 !
Then we have = . But how can we divide 0 by 0? How
dx 0
could this be possible? 81
The expression = 3 means that 12 = 4 × 3 and that there exists
! ! 4
no number different from 3 such that 4 times that number equals 12.
In general, division of two numbers is defined in the following
manner: !
= c means that c is the unique number such that a = b × c.
Taking this definition into account, we ask, what can be the
0 0
significance of . We conclude that = c means that c is the unique
! 0 0
number such that 0 = 0 × c. But we have 0 × 1 = 0, 0 × 2 = 0, 0 × 3 =
0, 0 × 4 = 0, etc., or c=1, 2, 3, etc. In other words, the number c is not
! as required by the definition
! of division. This means that
does not exist, as every student learns in secondary school these days.
Yes, arithmetically 0 cannot be divided by 0, Leonhard Euler
said, but … !
Skillfully, in his book, Differential Calculus of 1755, he
introduced other “zeros,” “zeros in the geometric sense,” 82 still
speaking in terms of “infinitely small quantities.”
“There exists an infinity of orders of infinitely small
quantities, although they are all equal to zero. But
Why not immediately define as the coefficient of Δx in the
expression of y1 or f(x0 +Δx) as a sum of powers of Δx?
89 Marx, 1974b, p. 121; Marx, 1975, p. 140; Struik, 1948b, p. 189.
90 Marx, 1974b, p. 128; Marx, 1975, p. 149.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
This is precisely what the Frenchman Joseph Lagrange (1736-
1813) did in his famous handbook, Theory of Analytic Functions. The
subtitle of his book already indicates Lagrange’s objective:
“Theory of analytic functions, including the principles
of differential calculus, freed from any contemplation
of infinitely small quantities, of quantities that
disappear, of limits and fluxions, and reduced to
algebraic analysis of finite quantities.” 91
3 3
Pursuing the example, y = x or f(x) = x , we have
3 3 2 2 3
f(x+Δx) = (x + Δx) = x + 3x . Δx + 3x.(Δx) + (Δx) .
Lagrange called 3x , the coefficient of Δx is this expansion, the
derivative, labeling it as f (x):
1 2
f (x) = 3x .
Introducing the derivative in this manner, Lagrange avoided the
differentials dy and dx, and the quotient of differentials . In
Lagrange’s opinion, an expression of the type f(x+Δx) could be
expanded (almost) always in a series of the type:
2 3
f(x) + p(x) . Δx + q(x) . (Δx) + r(x) . (Δx ) + ...!,
where p, q, r, etc. are new functions in x, “derived” from the initial
function f(x). 92
Summing up Lagrange’s argument as follows: 93
f(x+Δx) – f(x) = 0, when Δx = 0.
This implies that f(x+Δx)-f(x), considered as a polynomial in Δx, is
divisible by Δx-0, that is, by Δx (Bézout’s theorem). Let p(x+Δx) be
the quotient. Then:
f(x+Δx) – f(x) = p(x+Δx). Δx , that is:
f(x+Δx) = f(x) + p(x+Δx). Δx.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Chapter 5
a) To the right:
2 2
The expression (x1) goes back to (x0) ; the expression x1.x0
goes to x0.x0, or (x0) . Thus on setting x1 = x0, the provisional
derivative is transformed from
2 2
(x1) + x1.x0 + (x0)
2 2 2 2
(x0) + (x0) + (x0) , that is, to 3(x0) .
The expression 3(x0) is called the definitive derivative,
abbreviated as f1(x ).0
Thus, the definitive derivative is
“... the provisional derivative reduced to its absolute
minimum value.” 102
What happens at the same time on the left side?
102 Marx, 1974b, p. 55; Marx, 1975, p. 49. Use of the term
“minimum value” presupposes, in our example, that the variable
x (positive) had been increased from x0 to x1. If it had decreased,
we would have had to say, “maximum value.”
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
b) To the left:
x1 goes back to x0, and finally becomes equal to x0. After x1 has
reached x0, we have:
x1 – x0 = 0 ,
which implies that
Δx = x1 – x0 = 0.
What about Δy?
3 3
Δy = y1 – y0 = (x1) – (x0) .
3 3
When x1 becomes equal to x0, we have (x1) = (x0) .
3 3
Then (x1) – (x0) = 0, and Δy = 0.
"y 0 0
Thus, the left member, is transformed in . Again ?
"x 0 0
“Because, in the expression , any vestige of its
origin, and
! of its significance !has disappeared,
! we
substitute for it , where the finite differences,
x1 – x0, or Δx and y1 – y0, or Δy, appear as
symbolized, 103 as abolished differences.” 104
! dy
We need not be afraid of the expression , observed Karl Marx:
“... the symbolic misfortune occurs only on the left-
hand side, but it has already lost its terror, as it
appears now only as ! the expression of a process that
c) Final result
105 Marx, 1974b, p. 55; Marx, 1975, p. 50. See also Struik, 1948b, p.
191. Marx’s method treated the differential quotient as a function
of two variables x0 and x1 and defined the definitive derivative as
the extension of this function at the critical point x1 = x0.
106 Frequently, they write h instead of Δx.
107 Marx, 1974b, p. 114; Marx, 1975, p. 131.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
3 3 3 2 2 3
(x1) = (x0+ Δx) = (x0) + 3(x0) .Δx + 3 x0.(Δx) + (Δx) ,
where the definitive derivative 3(x0) as we saw earlier has already
appeared as the coefficient of Δx, that is, before differentiation, before
the calculation of y1 – y0, x1 – x0, and of , and the substitution,
Δx = 0.
In the method of Marx, the definitive derivative 3(x0) appears
! when x has returned to x . Then,
for the first time only at the end 1 0
2 2
when x1 = x0 anew, the provisional derivative (x1) + x1.x0 + (x0) is
transformed to 3(x0) . Here, the definitive derivative is the end result
of the process differentiation. 108
Consider another example.
Let y = x + 4x. Let us compare the method of Marx with an
earlier method, that of D’Alembert and Euler: 109
y1 = f(x0+ Δx) = (x0+ Δx) + 4(x0+ Δx) =
2 2
= (x0) + 2x0.Δx + (Δx) + 4x0 + 4Δx =
2 2
= (x0) + 4x0 + (2x0 + 4) . Δx + (Δx) .
2 2 2
Δy = y1 – y0 = {(x0) + 4x0 + (2x0 + 4) . Δx + (Δx) } – {(x0) + 4x0}
= (2x0 + 4) . Δx + (Δx) .
= (2x0 + 4) + Δx.
0 dy
Set Δx = 0; then = 2x0 + 4, or = 2x0 + 4.
0 dx
108 Or “differential process;” Marx, 1974b, pp. 52, 53, 56, etc.;
! 1975, p. 48!etc.
109 The others are essentially equal to this.
Paulus Ge rdes
Marx’s Method
2 2
y1 = (x1) + 4x1 and y0 = (x0) + 4x0 .
2 2
Δy = y1 – y0 = {(x1) + 4x1} – {(x0) + 4x0} =
2 2
= {(x1) – (x0) } + 4(x1 – x0) =
= (x1 + x0) (x1 – x0) + 4(x1 – x0) =
= (x1 – x0) (x1 + x0 +4).
"y y1 " y 0 (x " x )(x + x 0 + 4)
= = 1 0 1 = x1 + x0 +4.
"x x1 " x 0 x1 " x 0
When x1 = x0, we obtain = x0 + x0 + 4 = 2x0 + 4, or
! ! 0
= 2x0 + 4.
In the first method, the derivative 2x0 + 4 appears immediately,
! from the outset, “the fetus before it was fertilized”:
2 2
y1 = (x0) + 4x0 + (2x0 + 4) . Δx + (Δx) .
113 Marx, 1974b, pp. 54-55; Marx, 1975, p. 49. Also, cf. Engels’s
letter to Marx, August 18, 1881: “After the function has passed
through the process from x0 to x1 with all its consequences, x1 can
be quietly allowed to become x0 again. It is no longer the old x0,
which was only variable in name; it has passed through real
change and the result of the change remains, even if we liquidate
it again … .” (MEW, 1961, Vol. 35, pp. 24-25). Cf. Struik,
1948b, p. 192.
114 Marx, 1974b, p. 51, Marx, 1975, p. 46. Cf. Kennedy, 1977, p.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Later, in discussing the Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx
as a source of inspiration for new research, I will return to the question
of how to negate, of how to negate the first negation.
5.3 Symbolic equivalent
3 3
In our example, y = x , or f(x) = x , we obtained as an end result:
dy 2
! = 3x .
At the right, we have the definitive derivative 3x .
On the left of this definitive derivative appears
0 dy
“... its double, , or as symbolic equivalent.” 115
0 dx
0 dy 2
On the other side, or has in 3x its
0 dx
! 116
In !place !of , we could have chosen another symbolic
equivalent, such as y’ and y'x , which we find in differential calculus
books, 117 or even
! y x
y y y
! x
, , , x , etc.,
if we wish to invent new symbols.
The first reason to choose as our symbol is historic,
continuing the tradition begun by Leibniz. This does not imply that
115 Marx, 1974b, p. 61; Marx, 1975, p. 58.
116 Marx, 1974b, p. 61; Marx, 1975, p. 58.
117 For example, Piskounov, 1979, p. 74.
Paulus Ge rdes
the interpretation of remains the same. Marx rejected equally
Leibniz’s concept of as the quotient od two “infinitely small
quantities” !and Euler’s idea, to consider in the sense of a
“geometric ratio
! of two zeros.” Nothing mysterious, is only a
symbolic notation for the definitive derivative.
Tradition could never constitute a sufficiently strong reason to
continue the symbolic notation . The ! fundamental reason is
practical. 118 In practice, it was verified that the choice of the symbol
in the form of a quotient greatly facilitates calculations. For
dx !
example, in determining the derivative of a composite function y =
f(u), where u = g(x), we use:
dy dy du 119
= . ,
dx du dx
a rule which is analogous to the multiplication for fractions:
a a c
= .
! ! !b c b
and therefore easy to remember.
! ! !
! !
120 Cf. Struik, 1948b, p. 194; Struik, 1975, p. l54
Paulus Ge rdes
du dz
“symbolic values” and are given, and the task is to find their
dx dx
“real values.” 121
In our example we get:
! !du dz 2
= 4x+3, and = 3x – 1.
dx dx
Substituting in
dy du dz
= z. + u. ,
! dx ! dx dx
dy 2
we get = z(4x+3) + u(3x – 1).
2 3
Noting that u =!2x +3x!and z = x!- x, we see that
dy 3 2 2
! = (x -x)(4x+3) + (2x +3x) (3x – 1) =
4 3 2 4 2 3
= 4x +3x -4x -3x+6x -2x +9x -3x =
4 3 2
= 10x +12x -6x -6x.
du dz
Here and serve as a starting point. They indicate the
dx dx
operations to be carried out with the functions u and z. Thus the
du dz
symbols , , etc., initially the result of the process of
dx dx
! differentiation,
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Chapter 6
a b
128 Perhaps this was the reason that Marx almost never applied
himself to problems of integral calculus.
129 Molodschi, 1977, p. 192.
130 See, for example, Boyer, 1960, p. 564.
131 Cited in Boyer, 1960, p. 563.
Paulus Ge rdes
In this context, Cauchy, and independently of him, the
progressive Czech priest, Bernhard Bolzano (1781-1848), succeeded
in sharpening the concept of the limit. Wrote Cauchy,
“When the successive values attributed to a variable
approach indefinitely a fixed value so as to end by
differing from it as little as one wishes, this last is
called the limit of all the others.” 132
The German Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897) perfected this
definition, introducing the so-called delta-epsilon terminology 133 that
is used today in our university courses:
A function y = f(x) tends to the limit b (briefly y → b)
when x tends to a (briefly, x → a), if for each positive
number ε, no matter how small, one can indicate a
positive number δ such that for all x different from a,
where the inequality |x – a| < δ holds, then the
inequality |f(x) – b| < ε is satisfied. 134
If b is the limit of the function f(x) when x tends to a, one writes:
lim f(x) = b.
x "a
In this way we have also gained a new foundation for the concept of
the derivative: 135
f1(x) = lim
! "x #0 "x
f (x + "x) # f (x)
= lim
"x #0 "x
dy "y!
or = lim .
dx ! "x #0 "x
! !
! 132 Cited in Boyer, 1960, p. 563.
133 Originally η – ε
134 See, for example, Piskounov, 1979, Vol. 1, p. 37.
135 Also dialectics. See Yanovskaya, 1969, p. 29.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx Function, continuity, differentiability, real numbers
x x +6x
0 0
when Δx tends to zero, Δy also tends to zero; point B moves along the
curve in the direction of A. And when Δx becomes equal to 0, secant
AB coincides with the tangent AT.
They did not have a single doubt. Each function was continuous
(without gaps or leaps), because it represented the motion of an object.
Each function was differentiable (meaning at each point of its graph, a
tangent line could be produced).
These ideas, apparently so natural, were surpassed in the
nineteenth century.
It was verified that not only the known continuous functions 138
!could be represented by a trigonometric series, but also, for example,
‘functions’ corresponding to the following graphs:
0 2/ 4/ 6/
0 2/ 4/ 6/
137 See, for example, Molodschi, 1977, p. 196; Boyer, 1960, p. 598-
138 Periodic.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
representing functions. These functions are not differentiable at some
points (1st graph), or not continuous at some points (2nd graph).
In 1837, the Frenchman Lejeune Dirichlet (l805-1859)
formulated a definition, which broadened the concept of function:
“if a variable y is so related to a variable x of that
whenever a numerical value is assigned to x, there is a
rule according to which a unique value of y is
determined, then y is said to be a function of the
independent variable in x.” 139
Thus, the concept of function was liberated from the geometric
and mechanical ideas of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,
becoming an instrument more and more applicable to more branches
of science. Independently of Dirichlet, the Russian Nikolai
Lobatchevsky (1793-1856) reached a definition of the concept of
function almost equal to that of Dirichlet. These definitions
constituted only the first step in the generalization and extension of
concept of function.
In extension, the German mathematicians Hermann Hankel
(1839-1873), Richard Dedekind (1831-1916), 140 and Georg Cantor
(1845-1918); the English logicians, Augustus de Morgan (1816-1871),
141 and Charles Peirce (1839-1914); and the Italian, Giuseppe Peano
(1858-1932), made fundamental contributions. 142
In 1834, Bolzano discovered a continuous function that was not
differentiable at any point. At none of the points of its graph does there
exist a tangent line, incredible as this appears! Here it is interesting to
note that Marx, without knowing about this work on the European
continent, also reached the conclusion that it was necessary to separate
differential calculus from geometric representation. 143
I have already referred to the fact that the French Revolution and
the Napoleonic period created extremely favorable conditions for the
development of mathematics. Particularly, in France, and a little later
in Germany, there took place major economic and political changes in
the transition to a new capitalist structure. In England, although it was
the heart of the Industrial Revolution, mathematics remained sterile for
some decades. 144 Even in 1917, the well-known English specialist in
number theory, Godfrey Hardy (1877-1947), wrote that he felt like a
“missionary” on introducing the methods of Weierstrass, Dedekind,
and Cantor in England. 145 Rediscoveries
6x = dx !
This interpretation of the differentials dy and dx, according to
Kolmogorov, corresponds
“completely to that stated in our modern textbooks
and was absent from the texts studied by Marx.” 151
150 Consider the function y = x; the tangent coincides with the graph
of the function itself.
In Karl Marx’s method, appears as the expression of the
process of differentiation; is the symbolic equivalent of the
definitive derivative. !Once it appears, can figure as a operational
symbol, that is, to indicate what operation is to be performed with the
function y = f(x). Kolmogorov, one of the greatest mathematicians of
the twentieth century, founder of the axiomatics of probability theory,
observed in 1954: !
“In an especially detailed manner, Marx analyzed the
question of the content of the concept of the
differential. He proposed the concept of the
differential as a “operational symbol,” anticipating an
idea that came forward again only in the 20th century.”
Here, Marx surpassed the mathematicians of the nineteenth
century. It was in 1927 that the Frenchman Jacques Hadamard (1865-
1963), obviously unaware of the work of Marx, showed the operator
role of the differential. 153
His fellow countryman, Maurice Fréchet (1878-1956), extended
this concept of the “differential operator,” or “differentiation
operator,” 154 to “functional analysis.” Functional analysis constitutes
one of the principal branches of twentieth century mathematics. 155 K.
A. Rybnikov pointed out, in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, that:
“The concept of the differential as an operational
symbol, first discovered by Karl Marx, acquires ... a
particular significance in the contemporary
156 Cited in Kennedy, 1976, p. 492; see also Kennedy, 1977, p. 314.
157 Rieske & Schenk, 1972, p. 475.
158 Rieske & Schenk, 1972, p. 479.
159 Cf. Rieske & Schenk, 1972, p. 481.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
2 n d 2 y dy "z
dx, dy, d y, d y, , , , etc.
dx 2 dx "x
In the past (Leibniz, Euler, etc.), the differentials were considered as
quantities of a very particular nature. Presently, this is not so. The old
symbols and terminology!are maintained,
! ! although the corresponding
concepts never have had any meaning. How could this have
The best answer even today, according to the philosopher
Yanovskaya, is found in the Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx.
160 Marx understood that the essence of the problem is shown in the
operational role of the symbols of differential calculus. He clearly
showed why it is necessary to introduce new symbols:
* to avoid the continued repetition of the same process of
* to reduce a complicated problem to simpler problems – for
example, by means of the formula:
d(uz) du dz
=z +u
dx dx dx
as we saw.
6.2.3 Algorithms
! ! !
163 See, for example, Ruzavin, 1977, p. 139 and chapters 7, 8 and 9
in the book by Molodschi, 1977.
164 Marx, 1974b, p. 54; Marx, 1975, p. 49.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx Achilles and the tortoise
0 0
0 0 1
Paulus Ge rdes
When Achilles covers this distance, from A1 to T1 (A1= T0, the
initial position of the tortoise), the tortoise will have advanced a
little more, say, to point T2.
0 0 1 2
= = =
1 2 3
And so it continues, with the result that the speedy Achilles never
could overtake the slow tortoise, according to Zeno.
The distance between Achilles and the tortoise, initially |A0T0|, later
|A1T1|, |A2T2|, |A3T3|, |A4T4|, etc., becomes smaller each time, tending
to zero. But does the distance ever become equal to zero?
The mathematicians and philosophers who base themselves on
the Cauchy-Weierstrass definition of limit leave open the question
whether or not ∆x becomes equal to zero. For them it appears to be
only a question of our will whether or not Achilles catches up to the
tortoise. It is this hidden voluntarism that Marx implicitly criticizes.
In reality, Achilles is capable of overtaking the tortoise; the
distance between the two will at one time be equal to zero. Therefore
the limit will be reached. Or, in the case of the process of
differentiation, the occurrence of ∆x = 0 takes place objectively, and
the limit is reached.
We can verify that Marx demanded maximum clarity of thought
in interpreting the formal apparatus of the symbols (in this example,
!∆x only tends to 0, or becomes equal to zero), pointing out as a
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
materialist that mathematics can be significant and relevant only when
it reflects processes of the real world. 165
Thus x1 really has to become equal to x0, meaning that x1 – x0, or
∆x, is equal to 0, for this corresponds to motion in the real world.
With the paradox “Achilles and the tortoise” and others, Zeno
tried to show that motion cannot be explained under the hypothesis of
the infinite divisibility of space and time. This hypothesis, so
important and necessary in the construction of mathematics (for
example, in the construction of the set of real numbers), is an
abstraction of such order that it cannot be justified by empirical
experience. The philosopher Ruzavin points out:
“The idea of infinite divisibility of objects and figures
is an abstraction. It simplifies and schematizes real
processes and thus contradicts experience.” 166
To resolve the paradox, because in reality Achilles is capable of
overtaking the tortoise, we must find a method, also abstract, to
calculate the distance traveled by Achilles to reach the tortoise, that is,
to calculate the infinite sum of
|A0A1| + |A1A2| + |A2A3|...
in order to know when Achilles reaches the tortoise (What is the finite
distance to be covered by Achilles?)
In other words:
“We have to eliminate an abstraction [the infinite
divisibility – P.G.], with the aid of another [infinite
sum – P.G.],” 167
that is, with the aid of the abstraction of the sum of an infinite series to
be able to reflect the real world in mathematics.
165 Cf. Struik, 1948b, p. 193; Struik, 1975, p. 154. Marx’s thinking
implies both a critique of “formalism” and of “empiricism” in the
interpretation of mathematics. See, for example, Rieske &
Schenk, 1972, p. 481.
166 Ruzavin, 1977, p. 131.
167 Ruzavin, 1977, p. 131. This is an excellent example in
mathematics of the negation of the negation.
Paulus Ge rdes
On this question, Lenin writes in his Philosophical Notebooks,
“The question is not whether there is movement but
how to express it in the logic of concepts.” 168
With his method of differentiation, Karl Marx succeeded in
expressing fundamental aspects of motion in the real world. Similarly
Lenin analyzed it later, reflecting on the arguments of Zeno:
“Movement means to be in a given place and
simultaneously not be in it. It is the unity of
discontinuity and continuity 169 of space and time that
makes motion possible.” 170
Marx understood this “to be in a given place and simultaneously
not be in it,” in his method of differentiation: x1 moves away from x0
(“not to be in a given place”), and x1 goes back to x0 (“to be in it”).
The dialectical character of Marx’s method, for example, the law
of the negation of the negation, reflects in thought, the objective
dialectics of motion in the real world. Yanovskaya says that the study
of the Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx is fundamental, to an
understanding of the concept of a variable, 171 and how motion is
introduced into mathematics.
Now we can better understand why the great theoretician and
leader of the working class, Karl Marx, was so interested in the
foundations of calculus, perceiving that it dealt with:
“… the most profound kernel of the dialectical
process, with the essence of change.” 172
How can we change the world, consciously transform the world,
construct a new world free of exploitation of people by people, without
understanding the essence of change?
168 Cited by Ruzavin, 1977, p. 132. Cf. Lenin, 1960, Vol. 38, p. 256.
169 This is the Law of the Unity of Opposites; see Lenin, 1960, Vol.
38, p. 258; also see Hegel, 1955, Vol. 1, p. 270.
170 Lenin, 1960, Vol. 38, p. 259; Hegel, 1955, Vol. 1, pp. 273-4; Cf.
Rosental & Iudin, 1977, Vol. 5, p. 208.
171 Yanovskaya, 1969 , pp. 27-28.
172 Struik, 1948b, p. 185; Struik, 1975, p. 144.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Marx’s analysis is pertinent, alive, and timely. This is why the
Soviet academician, Boris W. Gnedenko, advised the philosophers and
mathematicians to connect the study of the most recent developments
in mathematics with the study of Dialectics of Nature, by Engels; the
Philosophic Notebooks of Lenin; and the Mathematical Manuscripts of
Marx, in order to be able to:
“find new paths for the solution of a whole series of
principal questions which are met on the frontier
between mathematics and philosophy.” 173
Such questions include: the relation between mathematics and
material reality; the role of the axiomatic method in mathematics; rigor
in the foundations of mathematics; the content and significance of
symbolic mathematics; the problem of infiniteness (actual, potential,
or a unity the two?); the question of mathematical truth; the struggle of
opposites: discrete and continuous, concrete and abstract, finite and
176 Rieske & Schenk, 1972, p. 483 [See also Zeleny, 1980, pp. 100-
02 – G.W.].
177 See Yanovskaya, 1980; Rieske & Schenk, 1972, p. 482; Segeth,
in: Klaus & Buhr, 1976, Vol. 1, p. 452; also Marx, 1974b, p. 141;
Marx, 1975, p. 170.
178 See Gerdes, 1980; Yanovskaya, 1980.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Chapter 7
179 Engels, 1964, p. 262; MEW, 1961, Vol. 20, p. 522; Engels,
1974b, p. 274; cf. Alexandrov, 1977, p. 51.
180 Engels, 1964, p. 271; MEW, 1961, Vol. 20, p. 530; Engels,
1974b, p. 286.
Paulus Ge rdes
“Men thought dialectically long before they knew
what dialectics was, just as they spoke prose, long
before the term prose existed.” 181
Immediately, Paul Labérenne added:
“And what is true for people in general, is perhaps –
in the case of dialectics – even truer of
mathematicians.” 182
Now two apparently unconnected questions arise:
1) How to learn to think dialectically?;
2) What dialectical instances do we find in mathematics, including
elementary mathematics?
These two questions, once fully analyzed – an analysis enriched
by study of the Mathematical Manuscripts of Marx – will constitute an
incentive to work out new methods of teaching mathematics.
Application of dialectics may improve the quality of teaching, as I will
try to show from my personal experience.
I must limit myself to my own personal experience since to date
I have not found any publication about the relevance of the
Mathematical Manuscripts of Marx to the teaching of mathematics.
181 Engels, 1962, p. 195; MEW, 1961, Vol. 20, p. 133; Engels,
1974a, p. 179.
182 Labérenne, 1971, p. 67.
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
! !
Paulus Ge rdes
Is that correct?
The last step is wrong too? What is the problem? ...
Why did Pedro wanted to work with squares?
2 2
( x1 ) – ( x 0 ) = x1 – x0 .
That’s right.
Or, if we could transform the numerator
! ! 2 2
x1 – x 0 to ( x1 ) – ( x 0 ) ,
it would be easy to carry out the division by x1 – x0.
Now how can we get
! ! ! 2 ! 2
( x1 ) – ( x 0 ) ?
2 2
In general, how can we go from b – c to b – c ?
2 2
b !– c = ... !
2 2
b – c = (b – c) . ... ?
2 2
b – c = (b – c) . (b + c)
Can we use this?
Now each student tries on his or her own and gets:
x1 " x 0 ( x1 " x 0 ).( x1 + x 0 )
= =
x1 " x 0 (x1 " x 0 ).( x1 + x 0 )
( x1 ) 2 " ( x 0 ) 2
= =
(x1 " x 0 ).( x1 + x 0 )
! !
x1 " x 0 1
= = .
(x1 " x 0 ).( x1 + x 0 ) x1 + x 0
in this way we obtain the provisional derivative:
! ! x1 + x 0
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Now by moving x1 back to x0, the students easily find the derivative
(putting x1 = x0)
1 1
f1(x0) = =
x0 + x0 2 x0
Or, in general:
f1(x) = .
! !2 x
These are only some parts of the dialogue between the teacher
and students in the process of collective discovery. Let us analyze this
discovery process more closely.
92 ! !
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
x1 + x 0
1= .
x1 + x 0
x1 + x 0
Out of its context, the equality 1 = is vacuous, sterile. But
x1 + x 0
in its context, by reflecting the understanding by the mathematical
subject of the contents of the process of transformation, the same
equality is extremely fertile.
The first negation expresses a deep understanding of the
transformation process: where it takes off and where – in what
direction – we want to go. In this example, the second negation is an
immediate consequence of the first, required algebraically to
reestablish the equality.
Summarizing, we can reach the conclusion that the essence of the
discovery lies in understanding the necessary process of algebraic
transformation, a dialectical process that is characterized by the
“negation of the negation.” As Engels explains:
“And so, what is the negation of the negation? An
extremely general – and for this reason extremely far-
reaching and important – law of development of
nature, da history, and thought, a law which ... holds
good in the animal and plant kingdoms, in geology, in
mathematics, in history and in philosophy...” 183
183 MEW, 1961, Vol. 20, p. 131; Engels, 1974a, p. 177; Engels,
1962, p. 193. I adapted the translation (Engels, 1974a, p. 177).
The original translation says, for example, that dialectics “has
application … in mathematics,” etc. This suggests that dialectics
comes from outside nature, meaning ideas transplanted to nature.
Understood thus, dialectics would be only subjective. “Has
application to” hides an idealist point of view, conscious or
unconscious of the translator.
Paulus Ge rdes
7.1.3 Other examples
How can we obtain the general formula for the solution of second
degree equations?
x + px + q = 0.
Transform the left member so that it becomes a perfect square:
2 2
x + px + ... = (x + …) ,
2 p2 p 2
x + px + = (x + ) .
4 2
p2 2
By adding to the left, we are negating x + px. In order not to
! again, but this time, the p :
! we negate
violate the rules of algebra,
2 2
! 2 2 p p
x + px = x + px + – .
4 4
p2 p2 !
Or briefly stated, 0 = – . In this way, the equation
4 4
2 ! !
x + px + q = 0,
is transformed to
! !
2 p2 p2
x + px + – + q = 0,
4 4
(x + p )2 – + q = 0,
! !2 4
(x + p )2 = – q.
! ! 2 4
! !
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
And thus, with
p p2
x + =± "q,
2 2
we obtain the solutions of the initial equation:
p p2
! x!= - ± "q.
2 2
p2 p2
The discovery was crystallized at: 0 = – .
4 4
! ! p2
In general, we have 0 = k – k. The choice of k = reflects profound
comprehension of the dialectical process
! ! through which the equation
must pass in order to be solved. In geometry !
When AC = BC and ∠ACD = ∠BCD , then AD = BD.
Paulus Ge rdes
and construct an isosceles triangle, EFG, with this segment as base:
We construct GH, the bisector of angle EGF:
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
By constructing the isosceles triangle EFG, we “left” the segment
EF, meaning, we negated it. By returning to the segment EF, through
the bisector GH (= median GH), we negated “having left” the segment
EF, that is to say, negated the negation.
Neither the first negation nor the second were accidental. They
reflect a profound understanding of the process needed to reach the
objective. By this negation of the negation, we did not return to our
point of departure, the segment EF in itself, but to its midpoint H, as
we intended. In trigonometry
First example
How can we obtain a formula for the tangent of the sum of two
angles, knowing the formulas for the sine and the cosine of the sum of
two angles:
tan(α + β) = ...?
sin(! + " )
tan(α + β) = =
cos(! + " )
sin(! ).cos(" ) + cos(! ).sin(" )
cos(! ).cos(" ) ! sin(! ).sin(" )
Now, multiplying the quotient by 1 in the form , where t =
, we easily get the formula:
cos(" ).cos(# )
tan(! ) + tan(
!" )
tan(α + β) =
1! tan(! )tan(" )
Why do we choose
t= ?
cos(" ).cos(# )
Did it fall from the sky? Clearly the choice of t = was
cos(" ).cos(# )
based on an understanding
! of the process of negation of the negation
needed to reach the objective of tan(α + β) expressed in terms of
tan(α) and tan(β).
Paulus Ge rdes
Second example
How do we get a formula for the tangent of half an angle?
tan( ) = ... ?
sin( )
! 2
tan( ) =
2 !
cos( )
At this point, multiply the quotient by 1 in the form , where
" !
t = 2 cos( ) [An alternative is t = 2 sin( ) !], and obtain the
2 2
intermediate result: !
! !
! 2sin( ).cos( )
tan( ) = 2 2 = sin(! ) .
2 ! !
2 cos2 ( ) 2 cos2 ( )
2 2
In the denominator, still appears. How can this be avoided?
Here we find that, in place of a process of transformation of the
type 1 = , another type is needed. Knowing that
t !
2 cos2 ( ) – 1 = cos(α)
!we write:
" "
2 cos2 ( ) – 1 + 1 in place of 2 cos2 ( ) ,
! 2 2
In other words, we use the equality 0 = -1+1. This is the second time
that we encounter a negation of the negation. After this we easily
arrive !
at the result: !
! sin(! ) sin(! ) sin(! )
tan( ) = = =
2 ! ! cos(! ) +1
2 cos2 ( ) 2 cos2 ( ) !1+1
2 2
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Chapter 8
May 5, 1983
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
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matematici di Marx, Critica marxista, Quaderni, No. 6.
Ruccio, David F. (1991), The Merchant of Venice, or Marxism in the
Mathematical Mode, Social Scientist, Vol. 19, Nos. 1 / 2, 18-46.
Smith, C. (1983), Hegel, Marx and the Calculus, in: Marx (1983), pp.
Paulus Ge rdes
Struik, Dirk (1948), Marx and Mathematics, Science and Society, Vol.
12, No. 1, 181-196 [reproduced in: Powell, A. B. &
Frankenstein, M. (Eds.) (1997), pp. 173-192].
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Paulus Ge rdes
Demidov, Sergei S.: (1943-…) Gnedenko, Boris V. (1912-
24, 105 1995): 85
Descartes, René (1596-1650): Gokieli, Levan P. (1901-1975):
87 23, 106, 110
Dirichlet, Lejeune (l805-1859): Grandi, Guido (l671-1742): 40
73 Gregory, James (1638-1675):
Endemann, Wolfgang: 19, 23, 27
105, 107 Gross, Horst-Eckart: 11
Engels, Frederick (1820-1895): Gu, Jin-yong: 24, 106
15, 16, 19, 21, 26, 31, 42,
43, 53, 60, 73, 75 85, 87-8, Guldin, Paul (1577-1643): 27
93, 103, 105-6, 108 Gurjew, S. : 45
Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783): Hadamard, Jacques (1865-
28, 43-7, 56-7, 69, 79 1963): 23, 77
Fedoseyev, P. N.: 15, 17, 21, Hankel, Hermann (1839-1873):
106 73
Feller, Friedrich: 18 Hardy, Godfrey (1877-1947):
Fermat, Pierre (1601-1665): 27 74
Flores, Fernando: 110 Hegel, Georg W. F. (1770-
1831): 84, 106, 111
Fourier, Joseph (1768-1830):
72, 75 Heitsch, Wolfram: 85, 106
Frankenstein, Marilyn (1947- Huygens, Christian (1629-
...): 9-11, 111-2 1695): 27
Fréchet, Maurice (1878-1956): Ilyichov, L. F.: 21, 106
77 Iudin, R.: 84, 109
Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642): Ivanov, Nikolai: 21, 106
Janovskaja, S. A. See
Gel’fand, Israel M. (1913- Yanovskaya, Sofia A.
2009): 77, 106 Kautsky, Karl (1854-1938): 20
Gerdes, Paulus (1952-…): 27,
Kennedy, Hubert (1931-…):
86, 101, 106, 110
16, 23, 24, 43, 50, 59, 60,
Glivenko, Valerii I. (1897- 76-8, 107
1940): 22-3, 106, 110
Kepler, Johann (1571-1630):
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Klaus, Georg: 86, 100, 107 Mehring, Franz (1846-1919):
Kline, George L.: 110 16, 21, 108
Kol’man, Ernst (1893-1979): Meo, Michael: 12, 38, 108, 111
22, 25, 107, 111 Méray, Charles (1835-1911):
Kolmogorov, Andrey (1903- 74
1987): 23, 75, 77, 100, 105 Mercator, Nicolaus (1620-
Krober, Günter: 100 1687): 27
Labérenne, Paul (1902-1985): Miller, Maximillian: 23-4, 49,
18, 22, 30, 85, 88, 100, 51, 108
107 Molodschi, Vladimir (1906-
Lacroix, S.: 45 …): 8, 24, 28, 40-1, 45, 51,
69, 71-2, 80, 85, 108, 111
Lafargue, Paul (1842-1911):
18, 21 Moore, Samuel: 22
Lagrange, Joseph (1736-1813): Mullin, A. A.: 108
28, 48-51, 56, 67 Mussino, António: 11
Landen, John (1719-1790): 75 Natiello, Mário: 110
Lebesgue, Henri (1875-1938): Newton, Isaac (1643-1727):
69 27-8, 31, 38-42, 44-5, 48,
Leibniz, Gottfried W. (1646- 56, 68-9, 78
1716): 27-8, 31-2, 35-40, Odermann, Carl: 18
42, 44-5, 48, 51, 56, 61-2, Olesko, Kathryn: 111
68-9, 78-9
Paul, Siegfried: 85, 108
Lenin, Vladimir (1870-1924):
22, 31, 41, 84-5, 107 Peano, Giuseppe (1858-1932):
Lipschutz, Peggy: 4
Peirce, Charles (1839-1914):
Lobatchevsky, Nikolai (1793- 73
1856): 73
Petrovsky, Ivan (1901-1973):
Lumpkin, Beatrice (1919-…): 23
4, 9, 11-2, 33, 44, 105
Piskounov, Nikolai S. (1908-
Marquit, Erwin: 11 1977): 31, 61, 70, 76, 108
Marx, Karl (1818-1883): 9, etc. Plato (427-347 BC): 104
Matarrese, Francesco: 24, 108 Ponzio, Augusto: 19, 24, 108
Matthews, Peter H.: 111
Paulus Ge rdes
Powell, Arthur B. (1953-…): 9- 63, 67-8, 74, 77, 79, 83-4,
11, 111-2 109, 112
Purkert, Walter: 11 Struik, Ruth: 46, 109
Rachanov, P.: 45 Swift, Jonathan (l676-1745):
Radice, Lúcio: 111 39, 109
Riemann, Bernhard (1826- Thiel, Rainer: 18, 38, 109
1866): 69 Torricelli, Evangelista (1608-
Rieske, Günter: 18, 24-5, 46, 1647): 27
74, 78, 83, 85-6, 108 Valerio, Luc (1552-1618): 27
Rosental, M.: 84, 109 van Ewijk, Chrit: 11
Ruccio, David F.: 111 Vazjulin, V.: 86
Ruzavin, Georgii I.: 38-9, 80, Volodarsky, A. I.: 24, 105
83-5, 108-9 Wallis, John (1616-1703): 27
Rybnikov, Konstantin A. Weierstrass, Karl (1815-1897):
(1913-2004): 23, 77 13, 70, 74, 79, 82
Ryvkin, A. S. : 23 Welty, Gordon: 4, 12, 31, 39,
Schenk, Günter: 18, 24-5, 46, 41, 86
74, 78, 83, 85-6, 108 Wussing, Hans (1927-2011):
Schlauch, Ronald: 11 11, 27, 39-41, 49, 51, 68,
Schnirelmann, Lev (1905- 73, 109
1938): 100 Yanovskaya, Sofia (1896-
Segeth, Wolfgang: 86 1966): 16, 18-9, 23-4, 43,
47, 49, 67, 70, 74-5, 79,
Smith, C.: 111 84, 86, 107, 109, 111
Stepanova, Eugueniia: 15, 17, Zeleny, Jindrich (1922-1997):
21, 109 86, 110
Struik, Dirk-Jan (1894-2000): Zimianin, Leonid: 11
10-1, 16, 22-3, 25, 28, 39,
40, 42-5, 47-8, 56, 58, 60, Zeno of Elea (490-430 B.C.):
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
The philosophic-mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx
Paulus Ge rdes