Project Synopsis: Babu Banarasi Das

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towards partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the award of degree of

Master of Computer Applications


Babu Banarasi Das University


Academic Session 2020 - 2021

School of Computer Applications

Submitted by: Under Guidance of:

Priya Kumari Ayush Jaiswal
2190212045 (Programmer)

I Floor, H-Block, BBDU, BBD City, Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U. P.) INDIA 226028
PHONE: HEAD: 0522-3911127, 3911321 Dept. Adm. & Exam Cell: 0522-3911326 Dept. T&P Cell: 0522-3911305; E-Mail: [email protected]

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Table of Content
Sr. Contents Page No.

1. Title of the project 1

2. Objective and scope of the project 2-3

3. Resources used 4-5

4. Project Schedule Plan 5-6

5. Project Teams 7

6. Process Description 7-8

7. Contribution of the student in the 8-9


8. Conclusion 10

1) Introduction:

Troli is a python-based web application that helps the

tourists in exploring and planning to visit and explore places

according to city and kind of places. This project plans the tour such

that the user can save more time in exploring maximum places other

than waiting in reaching their destinations.

Initially, it takes the information about the city, the user wants to

visit. Then it will show the list of places of attractions of that place

from which the user can choose the places of his choice according to

his priority.
2) Objective and Scope:
This project is developing to provide best travelling services to the
customers who are interested in visiting new places and want to spend
some time in exploring the city. We developed this project to provide a
search platform where a people can find information about the places
like hotels, hospitals, shopping destinations, restaurants, nightlife, etc.
which is popular in the city so that they can find places of their choices.
This system helps to promote and create forms of tourism that provide
healthy opportunities for better understanding of different cultures,
customs, lifestyles, traditional knowledge and believes. This project
also provides a better way to connect with a various event.
This system also provide tours related information like which places
are tourist attraction centers, city specialty, shopping, fun places, and
best hotels. Through our project people can also register for hotels for
different types of rooms. Email gateway is also present in this system
which timely provides information about all the events which is
currently happening in the city, which places is best for you to visit,
what is the rating provided by the user to that city or hotels. Payment
gateway is also available in this project, through which people can
make payment via different online modes or you can choose offline
payment method too.
The purpose of the project is mainly to provide booking services for the
user. The system provides online registration for hotels in the desired
destinations. Customer can register in the website and can plan their
trip so that they get all the information about booking of rooms in a
hotel, places near to visit, what are the modes of transport, what are the
famous cuisine, nearest hospitals and so on.
The following works will become easier by this project and some extra
functionalities that will help in extracting more benefits:
• Our objective is to make strong relationship with the customers so
that they can enjoy their holiday of their dreams.
• It saves lots of time, now a day there is fast process world any one
can work quickly so, this project helps that people who are
searching for booking in the hotels, so they can easily fill the form
and search rooms and different tourist’s places.
• User provide their valuable feedback for the services provided in
the hotel as well as to the city.
• User can ask for any help via helpdesk provided in the project.
• User can search and filter the information according to their need.

3) Resources (Hardware and Software):

 Software Requirement:
 Server
Browser : IE 8.0 or later
Database : PostGrey SQL, PgAdmin (manager)
Web server : Internet Information Server (IIS) 8.0
Operating System : Windows, Linux, MAC
 Client
Browser : IE 8.0 or any browser
Operating System : Any O.S. Windows/Linux/MAC
 Developer
Browser : IE 8.0 or any browser
IDE : Visual Studio Code, Pycharm
Database : PostGrey SQL, PgAdmin(manager)
Operating System : Window 8 or above
Web server : Internet Information Server (IIS) 7.0
Documentation tool : MS Word, MS Power Point
Scripting language : JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4
Server side language: Python
Framework : Django
 Hardware Specification:
 Server
Processor : 2 .0 (GHz) Pentium i3 or above processor
HDD : 80GB
Display : 1024 x 768 High color-32-bit
 Client
Processor : i3 or above
RAM : 2 GB
HDD : 40GB
Display : 1024 x 768 High color-32-bitSOFTWARE
 Developer
Processor : i3 and above
RAM : 2 GB
HDD : 40GB
Display : 1024 x 768 High color-32-bitSOFTWARE
4) Planning and Scheduling:
The objective of Software Planning is to provide a framework that
enables the manager to make reasonable estimates of resources, cost,
and schedule. These estimates are made within a limited time frame at
the beginning of a software project and should be updated regularly as
the project progresses. In addition, estimates should attempt to define
best case and worst case scenario so that project outcomes can be
 Gantt Chart:
A Gantt chart is popular type of chart that illustrates a project schedule.
Gantt chart illustrates the start and finish dates of the terminal elements
and summary elements of a project. Terminal element and summary
comprise the work breakdown structure of the project.

Fig. Gantt Chart

 Use Case Diagram:

Fig. Use Case Diagram

5) Project Team:
 Instructor : Ayush Jaiswal (Programmer)
 Mentor: Ravi Prakash Singh
 Project Team Members:
Team member 1: Abhishek Gupta
Team member 2: Priya Kumari
6) Process Description:
Modules of the project:
a. Admin: All the updation and deletion of the information related
to places and other information in this module.
b. Account: Creating of account by providing personalized data of
c. Profile: User’s personal information can be seen and update here.
d. Payment: Traveler need to book online ticket then they have to
login to the website and provide the necessary information and
destination, date of journey, number of passengers. After entering
the data, the system asks for payment via online or offline mode.
e. QR Code: QR code is a machine-readable label that contain
information about booking, user to which it is attached.
f. Email Gateway: Website provides the feasibility to send
notification related to booking and payment.
g. Filter Searching: User can filter and search data as per their
h. Rating: User can provide their valuable rating as per their
experience. An admin has the authority to check the rating.
i. Categorized Filtering (City Wise): Category wise search in a
particular city suppose you are in any place and you want find
temples near you so you have to select temple option in category
for all the temples in city.
j. Dashboard: Dashboard having information about all the
packages, customer information like booking, previous visits and
payments. Only those users can get discount who take the
k. Helpdesk: User can ask for help and get information related to
their problem.
l. Booking: User can book their package accordingly to their choices.
m. Checkout: Final payment with discount/without discount
for member and non-members respectively can be calculated here
which redirect to the payment module.
n. City Specialization: All the information about nightlife, food,
shopping, hospitals, and fun related to particular cities provided
here by the admin. Package details can also be check here by the
7) Contribution by the student:
 Module: Account
• User’s personal information for creating an account.
• Verified email and password needed to login for registered
• Updation and deletion of account information.
 Module: Profile
• Personalized information of account holder.
• Personal information updation.
• Account holder pictures and ratings.
 Module: QR Code
• Overall information related to booking, account holder, and
payment can be seen through the help QR Code.
• Each profile has their unique QR Code.
 Module: Filter Searching
• User can filter their data as per their need.
• Helpful in searching City and hotels.
 Module: Help Desk
• User can ask for any help related to system through text.
• Through conventional help desk services Admin solve the
customers problem.
 Module: Checkout
• Booking information for number of persons and number of
• Final payment with discount/ without discount for member
and non-member respectively.
• After the confirmation this will redirected to the Payment
 Module: City Specialization
• All the city related information such as shopping
destinations, historical places, center of attractions, malls,
temples, etc. can be checked here by the user.
• Package details in the particular city can also be seen here.
• Timely updation of packages details and place can also
shown here.
 Module: Admin
• Manage User information.
• Update package details and places details.
• Blocking of Account.
• Manage Hotel Bookings.
• Can check all the payment by the customers.
 Module: Payment
• Receives payment from the user.
• Payment via online mode.
• User can pay through different ways.
• Real time payment.
 Module: Email Gateway
• Sending information related to packages, city and payments.
• Sending guidelines and appropriate information to the user.
• Sending email automatically to the user for booking purpose.
• Real time updates.
 Module: Booking
• Booking of rooms in hotels for individual or for group.
• Information and reviews of all the popular hotels in the city.
• Choose hotel as per your choice from multiple options.
• Booking cancellation available.
 Module: Dashboard
• New Bookings, Previous Bookings, and all payments related
information can be seen here.
• Images related to Hotels and cities.
• Reviews of cities and hotels.
 Module: Categorized Filtering
• User can search for any place category wise in a particular

 Module: Rating
• User can give reviews to the particular city, hotels, packages,
• Every user can see the reviews of other customers.

8) Conclusion:
Troli provides easy way to booking and provide suggestions to visit
places of attraction in the city. This project is designed in such a way
that any further enhancements can be done with ease. The main
purpose of this project is to provide a convenient way for customer to
book hotels and provide a suggestion to visit places near you.
We will make an easier way to searching places to visit and booking

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