Chef Order of Execution

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Order of Execution

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chef-client Run
In what order is ?a chef cookbook executed
Recipes are run in the order they occur in the runlist. Only recipes that
occur in the run list will be executed (plus any recipes that are included in
place using include_recipe. Note that each recipe will only run once, even
if it occurs multiple times in the runlist.

Attribute files from cookbooks are loaded in this order:

• Attributes of dependencies are loaded (i.e. cookbooks declared with

depends in metadata.rb
• attributes/default.rb
• all other attribite files in alphabetical order.

Note that all attribute files in a cookbook are loaded, irregardless of their
name. Only attributes of cookbooks which either occur in the runlist or
which are dependencies of cookbooks in the runlist will be loaded.

Why are resources in an “include_recipe” step

being skipped?


Chef seems to be processing resources in a

strange order, causing my build to fail.
It turns out this is a pretty normal (but under-documented) part of how Chef works: it compiles
everything, and then starts running. Except some recipes (like Postgres) jump the queue to
actually install at compile-time, using code like this:

action :nothing

The solution is that anything that needs to run before Postgres also needs to do this. Fortunately,
newer versions of Build-essentials allow this. You set attributes on a role as follows:

name "myapp"
"build_essential" => {
"compiletime" => true
Order of executing Chef recipes in a single
There are two phases to a Chef client run.
– First is the resource compilation stage, where all
the ruby is loaded, node attributes are resolved
and a run list generated.
– Next is the execution phase, where the recipes in
the run list are executed.
How to Force the order of recipes with Chef?
Chef always executes recipes in the order you specify them. It will not arbitraily reorder things. So if
you want one recipe to be run before another, just load them in that order (e.g. In the run_list)

To further enforce this (at the expense of additional coupling between your recipes) you can also
use include_recipe at he beginning of the second recipe to load the first one.

You have indeed two phases: the compile phase where your recipes are evaluated and the resource
collection is built and the converge phase where this collection is executed one after another.
Normally, resources are just added at the end of the resource collection during the compile phase.
You can however influence this (e.g. by custom code or by using notifications).

If you need to install packages before, the you're on the right path using a recipe before in the run
list (chef respect the order you give), but you have to enforce this package installation at compile
time too.

package "libzma-dev" do
action :nothing

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