Acknowledgement-WPS Office
Acknowledgement-WPS Office
Acknowledgement-WPS Office
The completion of this research could not have been possible without the participation
and assistance of many people .Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and greatly
acknowledged. With the deepest gratitude the researcher would like to extend their warm
gratitude to the following person that helped accomplished this research study.
To our Almighty God for giving us strength , good health and guidance to get this
research done.
To our school of head of Lawaan National High School, Mrs. Vangie P. Gabisan for
We would like to extend also our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to our subject
teacher, Manuel M. Moncada Jr. for making this research a little bit easier to and for sharing his
wide onowledge about this Research writing, for teaching ,guiding us in every step throughout
the process and for providing us the following:Printer tab and bonpapers for free.By this, we
exactly feel the convenience of and somehow maximize our expenses upon completing this
research. And also for checking and correccting any grammar of our work.
Special thanks also to the respondents, the Grade 11-GAS for answering the
Lastly we would like to thank our parents for giving us financial and moral support for
this thesis to our dearest researchers and to finish this t research. And to all people whom we
forget to mention, who contributed in accomplishing this Research, thank you. All of you are our