We, the researchers, extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to
the successful completion of this research project. Their unwavering support and
encouragement were truly invaluable throughout this journey.
First and foremost, we offer our deepest thanks to the Lord God, whose guidance
and blessings provided us with the knowledge, wisdom, and strength needed to
accomplish this research.
We sincerely appreciate our Practical Research teacher, Mrs. Daryl Winer
Ganade, for her expertise, guidance, and steadfast support throughout this study. We
also extend our gratitude to our statisticians, Mrs. Vanessa Ochea and Mrs. Nhystlee
Salise, for their invaluable assistance in analyzing and interpreting the data, which
significantly enhanced the reliability of this research.
Our heartfelt gratitude also goes to Mr. Jefford S. Cañas, PhD, the school principal,
for granting final approval for this study and supporting its implementation.
Special thanks are extended to the respondents who willingly shared their time and
experiences, making this study possible. Their valuable contributions were instrumental
in broadening our understanding of this field.
We are also deeply grateful to our parents for their unwavering moral and financial
support, which served as a constant source of motivation in completing this study.
Finally, we acknowledge the institutions and resources that facilitated this research,
particularly Katipunan National High School, whose conducive research environment
provided a strong foundation for exploration and learning.
This research would not have been possible without the collective effort and
contributions of these individuals and institutions. We are truly grateful for their
significant roles in the success of this project.
The 4Ps program is a government initiative designed to help poor families by giving
them financial support for their children's education and health needs. The goal of the
program is to reduce poverty by investing in the future of children, ensuring they grow
up healthy and educated. This study examined the relationship between the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P's) and the academic performance of senior high school
student beneficiaries at Katipunan National Highschool, during school year 2024-2025.
Furthermore, this study used the correlational research design with 190 respondents
using the adapted-modified research questionnaire and the data mining technique in
research. Based on the study's findings, Pearson's correlation coefficient revealed a
very weak positive correlation (r=0.225) between the 4P's program and students'
academic performance, with the relationship determined statistically insignificant at 0.05
significance level. However, respondents generally agreed that the 4P's program helped
their education by reducing financial burdens as shown by a grand mean of 3.07.
Therefore there was no significant relationship between 4P's program and the academic
performance of senior high school students.