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Comparative Study On Physical and Mechanical Properties of Plywood Produced From Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Camaldulens...

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Comparative Study on Physical and Mechanical

Properties of Plywood Produced from Eucalyptus
(Eucalyptus camaldulens....

Article · January 2012


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4 authors:

Nazmul Alam Md. Nazrul Islam

The University of Asia Pacific BRAC University


Kh. Siddikur Rahman Md. Rabiul Alam

Solidaridad Network Asia Khulna University


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Research Journal of Recent Sciences _________________________________________________ ISSN 2277-2502
Vol. 1(9), 54-58, September (2012) Res.J.Recent Sci.

Comparative Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Plywood

Produced from Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.) and Simul
(Bombax ceiba L.) Veneers
Nazmul Alam D.M.1, Md. Nazrul Islam1,2, Khandkar-Siddikur Rahman1* and Md. Rabiul Alam1
Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna – 9208, BANGLADESH
JSPS Post Doctoral Fellow, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3-5-8 Saiwai-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, JAPAN
Available online at: www.isca.in
Received 28th June 2012, revised 3rd July 2012, accepted 14th July 2012
Plywood becomes very important material for various structural purposes in Bangladesh and used as a substitute of solid
wood. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine and compare the physical and mechanical properties of
plywood produced with veneers of eucalyptus and simul tree. The commercial urea formaldehyde resin was used for
fabricating the panels. Physical properties i.e., density, moisture content, water absorption and thickness swelling; and
mechanical properties i.e., modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) of the panels were determined
according to the procedure of ASTM standards. It was found that the density of eucalyptus and simul plywood was 879 and
536 kg/m3 respectively. Further, it was also observed that MOE and MOR of eucalyptus plywood were almost 2 and 2.5
times higher respectively than those of simul plywood. These differences were attributed to the variation in properties of
veneer wood species and the effect of veneer wood species on some physical and mechanical properties of plywood was
found statistically different.

Key words: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Bombax ceiba, plywood, physical properties, mechanical properties.

Introduction plywood from eucalyptus is perhaps one such approach to

ensure the proper utilization of eucalyptus wood.
Wood is one of the earth’s most important renewable building
materials which can be used for different purposes as the Eucalyptus plantations are being raised over an area of 8 million
properties of wood are comparable to those of other structural ha in the world6. It grows in poor and dry soil and is fast
materials. Hence, with the modernization throughout the world, growing in nature with a high level of resistance against
the utilization of woody materials increases day by day for diseases. After seven years, some species of eucalyptus can
making furniture, paper, wood based composites etc. in reach 35m in height7. In 1930, Eucalyptus camaldulensis was
Bangladesh and are resulting in large quantities of woody raw introduced in Bangladesh from Australia and used for plantation
material consumption by the processing industries. But forest throughout the Bangladesh by the farmers8. It becomes very
degradation and deforestation occurs as a result of increased popular for fuel wood because of its fast growing nature. But the
demand for wood products results in shortage of wood1,2. In- use of these valuable eucalyptus wood remains restricted in only
addition, solid wood goes through the three crucial drawbacks as fuelwood because of the limited research on the utilization of
such as material anisotropy and heterogeneity, insufficient wood9. However the usage of the eucalyptus wood is very
dimensional stability in the course of changes in the moisture limited in Bangladesh. But eucalyptus becomes a subject of
content and problems in creating large areas and forms3. interest as raw material for wood composite panels in many
Therefore, to meet this ever increasing demand and overcome tropical and subtropical countries including Thailand, Chile,
the crucial drawbacks of using solid wood, it is essential to use Brazil and Malaysia7. In this study, the physical and mechanical
appropriate production techniques for the best yield. Therefore, properties of plywood produced from Eucalyptus and Simul
plywood has been developed as an alternative to solid wood veneers were characterized and the results were compared with
because it can overcome the three crucial drawbacks of solid each other. These species were chosen because eucalyptus
wood by their cross banded construction arrangement4. Besides reaches the suitable diameter in a short time with a straight bole
adhesive, wood is the primary raw material for plywood and the simul wood has been used mostly to produce rotary cut
manufacturing. Though, it can be produced from small sized veneer for manufacturing plywood in Bangladesh.
logs but the logs should be straight and defect free to ensure the
quality of the plywood. Moreover, plywood has clear-cut Material and Methods
advantages over the solid because of its cross banded
Panel manufacturing: Some physical and mechanical
construction as reported by Baldwin5. Thus, production of
properties of plywood obtained from eucalyptus and simul

International Science Congress Association 54

Research Journal of Recent Sciences ______________________________________________________________ ISSN 2277-2502
Vol. 1(9), 54-58, September (2012) Res. J. Recent Sci.

veneers were compared. Eucalyptus and simul logs had an In this study the 24 h water soak test determines the water
average age of 5 years and diameter of 25-30 cm were collected absorption behavior of the panels and the effects of the absorbed
from Manikgonj district in Bangladesh. Eucalyptus logs were water on panel thickness. The water absorption and thickness
steamed at 60-70°C for 20 hours before rotary cutting. The swelling was measured by the difference in weight and
thickness of the veneers was 2.6 mm for both the species. The thickness of the samples respectively, before and after 24 hrs
veneers were dried to the moisture content of 4 to 6% by an immersion in water. The water absorption (A) and thickness
automatic roller track veneer drier. Five (5) ply plywood was swelling (G) of the samples were calculated as percentages and
manufactured where urea formaldehyde (UF) resin was applied are measured by using electrical balance and digital slide
to the alternative layers (glue line method) for both types of calliper respectively.
veneers by a glue spreader with a rate of 300 g/m2. Table 1
illustrated the ingredients of UF resin. It was then hot pressed The water absorption was calculated by the following equation:
for 15 minutes at a temperature of 115°C with 9 N/mm2 m2 − m1
pressure according to Rahman et al.2. The expected thickness of A(%) = × 100
the panel was 1.2 cm. The panels were trimmed into 240 cm × m1
120 cm with a circular saw and sanded by a 80 grade sand paper Where m2 is the weight of the sample after immersion in water
by a belt sander. and m1 is the weight of the sample before immersion in water.
Evaluation of plywood properties: Before going to sample The thickness swelling was calculated using the following
preparation, the panels were conditioned in a conditioning equation:
chamber at a temperature of 23°C and a relative humidity of
65±2% for 48 hours. Samples were prepared according to the A2 − A1
G (%) = ×100
ASTM D 1037-93 standard for physical and mechanical A1
properties testing10. During sample testing, temperature and Where A1 is the thickness before the test and A2 is the thickness
relative humidity of the room were maintained to 23±2°C and (mm) after the test.
65±2%, respectively. Six specimens were used for each type of
panel for evaluation of each physical and mechanical property. Mechanical properties: MOE and MOR were measured
following the three point bending test by using universal testing
Table-1 machine IMAL-IB600 according to the ASTM D 1037-93
Formulation of UF adhesive mixture standard10. Plywoods were cut into rectangular sections for
Ingredients of Adhesive Quantity (%) determining MOE and MOR. The dimension of each plywood
Liquid UF resin (solid content 58%) 82 sample was 240 mm × 50 mm × 12 mm. MOE and MOR were
Wheat flour 17.5 calculated using the following equations:
NH4Cl 0.5 / 3
Physical properties: The density and moisture content of / 3
4 ∆ bd
plywood was measured based on the ovendry weight, which was 3 PL
obtained after drying the samples at 103±2°C until constant 2 bd 2

weight is reached. The weight of the samples of each board was In both equations, b is the width of sample (mm); d is the
measured by an electrical balance. The dimensions of each test thickness (depth) of sample (mm); P' is the load at proportional
sample were measured using a digital slide caliper, and thus limit (N); ∆′ is the center deflection at proportional limit load
volume of the samples was calculated by multiplying the length, (mm); MOE is the modulus of elasticity (N/mm2); MOR is the
width and thickness of the samples. modulus of rupture (N/mm2); L is the length of span (mm); P is
the static bending maximum load (N).
Density (D) was determined from the mass and volume of each
sample by the following equation:
Statistical Analysis: For the different plywood properties,
m general statistical description including average and standard
D = deviation were determined. The significance of different
v treatments was determined by using unpaired t-test (α ≤ 0.05)
Where m is the mass v is the Volume of the plywood sample. and the data analysis was carried out by using the SPSS
Moisture content (mc) was calculated by the following equation: software package.
mint − mod
mc(%) = ×100
mod Results and Discussion
Density: Density is the characteristic property of plywood that
Where mint initial mass (g) and mod is the oven-dry mass of the explains the plywood strength. It was found that, the average
plywood sample (g). density of eucalyptus and simul plywood was 879 and 536

International Science Congress Association 55

Research Journal of Recent Sciences ______________________________________________________________ ISSN 2277-2502
Vol. 1(9), 54-58, September (2012) Res. J. Recent Sci.

kg/m3 respectively (table 2). From statistical analysis (table 2) in the molecular structure, cellulose and hemicelluloses are
it was found that the density of eucalyptus and simul plywood is responsible for water absorption as reported by Wardrop18. The
significantly different. This variation is mainly attributed to the Holocellulose content of eucalyptus wood is 55.6% as reported
raw material's density that affects the plywood density as the by Dutt and Tyagi19 where as simul wood contains 75%. Thus,
manufacturing condition was same for both types of plywood. the lower holocellulose content of eucalyptus wood compared to
Based on the oven dry volume, the specific gravity value for simul wood might restrict the absorption of water in eucalyptus
eucalyptus is 0.68 as reported by Kabir et al.9 while the value of panels. The water absorption of eucalyptus plywood (36.9%)
simul is 0.3411. Tenorio et al.12 reported that there would be were lower than that of bamboo mat plywood (37.03%)16 but it
significant differences in the physical properties of the plywood was higher than bamboo mat-wood veneer plywood (30.83%)2,
fabricated from the different raw materials by maintaining the garjan-bamboo plywood (34.24%)16.
same manufacturing conditions due to the variation in physical
properties of raw materials. Moreover, according to ASTM Thickness swelling: It was found that the trend of thickness
standards13 and Franz et al.14, the density of standard plywood is swelling was similar to the trend of water absorption of
430 kg/m3 to 794 kg/m3. Therefore, the plywood made from eucalyptus and simul plywood (table 2). Thickness swelling is
eucalyptus follows the standard. It was also observed that the independent of panel size and thickness of veneer as stated by
mean density of eucalyptus plywood was substantially higher Kelly20. When the thickness swelling values were compared, the
than that of bamboo mat-wood veneer plywood (694 Kg/m3)2, mean value of eucalyptus plywood (1.5%) was evidently lower
southern pine plywood (514.24 kg/m3), douglas-fir plywood than that of simul plywood (2.9%) (table 2). From the statistical
(512.64 kg/m3)15, Gmelina arborea plywood (516 kg/m3)12 and analysis, it was also observed in this study that, higher density
spruce plywood (475.99 kg/m3)4 but lower than that of bamboo and lower water absorption of eucalyptus plywood lead to a
mat plywood (939.96 Kg/m3) and garjan-bamboo plywood decrease in thickness swelling (table 2), than those of eucalyptus
(938.89 Kg/m3)16. panels. Again this variation in thickness swelling is mainly due
to the difference in holocellulose content of eucalyptus and
Moisture content: Dimensional stability of lignocellulosic simul wood. Dutt and Tyagi19 found 55.6% holocellulose for
materials is closely related to moisture content. After curing it eucalyptus wood, while simul wood consists of 75%
was found that, the moisture content was 7.4 and 15.5% holocellulose. It was also observed in this study that, higher
respectively for eucalyptus and simul plywood and it was also density and lower water absorption of eucalyptus plywood lead
observed that the moisture content of two types of plywood is to a decrease in thickness swelling. Therefore, the thickness
statistically different (table 2) . This may be due to the variation swelling varies with the types of panels i.e., with veneer species
in density of plywood i.e., higher density of plywood restricts though they are produced by maintaining the same
moisture uptake because higher board density results in a lower manufacturing conditions. Further, thickness swelling of
number of pores in the plywood. According to ASTM standard13 eucalyptus plywood (1.5%) was substantially lower than that of
and Franz et al.14, the moisture content of standard plywood is bamboo mat-wood veneer plywood (2.5%)2, bamboo mat
7.30 % to 12.70 %. Therefore, the plywood made from plywood (5.73%) and garjan-bamboo plywood (5.46%)16.
eucalyptus follows the standard. The moisture content of
eucalyptus plywood (7.4%) was substantially lower than that of Table-2
bamboo mat-wood veneer plywood (11.7%)2, bamboo mat Physical properties Eucalyptus and Shimul Plywood
plywood (10.73%) and garjan-bamboo plywood (10.51%)16, Physical Eucalyptus Simul t-value Significant
Gmelina arborea plywood (12.35%)12 but it was higher than Properties Plywood Plywood
Spruce plywood (6.47%)17. Density 879 536 45.794 *
(Kg/m3) (10.2) (21.3)
Water absorption: When water absorption of eucalyptus and Moisture 7.4 15.5 -11.771 *
simul plywood was compared, it was observed that the mean content (1.6) (1.4)
value of water absorption followed the same trend of moisture (%)
content. Table 2 showed the mean water absorption of two types Water 36.9 65.4 - *
of 12 mm thick plywood after 24 hours immersion in water. The absorption (3.82) (9.4) 8.81897
mean water absorption of eucalyptus plywood (36.9%) was (%)
significantly lower than that of simul plywood (65.4%) Thickness 1.5 2.9 1.603 *
suggesting that the eucalyptus panels are less susceptible to swelling (0.6) (0.7)
water absorption than the simul panels. According to the result (%)
of t-test, the differences between water absorption of panels Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations from the sample
made of eucalyptus and simul veneers were found to be mean. * indicates significantly different values within the same
significant when t-value is -8.82 (table 2). This variation in row.
water absorption is mainly attributed to the difference in
holocellulose (cellulose and hemicelluloses) content of the Modulus of Elasticity (MOE): MOE of eucalyptus and simul
studied veneer species. Due to the presence of free –OH group plywood was 7879 and 3870 N/mm2, respectively (table 3). The

International Science Congress Association 56

Research Journal of Recent Sciences ______________________________________________________________ ISSN 2277-2502
Vol. 1(9), 54-58, September (2012) Res. J. Recent Sci.

MOE of eucalyptus and simul plywood were statistically manufacturing of eucalyptus plywood is feasible in terms of
different according to the unpaired t-test applied to compare the studied physical and mechanical properties. The properties of
effect of wood species on the MOE of two types of 12mm thick eucalyptus plywood meet the minimum requirements of ASTM
plywood. Moreover, higher plywood strength results from the and APA standards. The specific conclusions of this study are as
higher plywood density as seen in table 2 and 3, because there is follows - the plywood produced from eucalyptus and simul
a close correlation exists between density and mechanical veneers showed difference in physical properties i.e., density,
properties. Thus, the results also indicated that the eucalyptus moisture content, water absorption and thickness swelling.
plywood posses almost 2 times higher MOE (7879 N/mm2) than Eucalyptus plywood showed superior physical properties
those of simul plywood (3870 N/mm2). According to ASTM13, compared to simul plywood. It was also found that the studied
MOE of the standard plywood ranges from 6,890 to 13,100 mechanical properties i.e., MOE and MOR were higher for
N/mm2. The APA21 requirements for MOE of the standard eucalyptus plywood compared to the simul plywood. Finally,
plywood is little higher than that of ASTM. The MOE of simul the obtained variation in physical and mechanical properties of
panels were below than the standards but the MOE of eucalyptus and simul plywood were due to the difference in
eucalyptus panels meet the requirements of both standards. inherent characteristics of veneer wood species (eucalyptus and
Eucalyptus plywood in this study also showed higher MOE than simul wood).
those of previous researches on plywood includes bamboo mat-
wood veneer plywood (5276 N/mm2)2, spruce (5176 N/mm2)4 Acknowledgement
and douglus-fir (890 N/mm2)22 but it showed lower MOE than
bamboo mat plywood (8110.02 N/mm2) and garjan-bamboo The authors thank the authority of Akij Particleboard Mills Ltd.
plywood (8041.09 N/mm2)16. Manikganj, Bangladesh for technical-logistical support and
panels manufacturing.
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