Cheat Sheet Collection

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Mnemonic Description Example Parameters Flags affected

ADC r Add register r and the carry flag to the Accumulator A. ADC B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL S Z H V N C
ADC A,# Add 8 bit number # and the carry to A. ADC 128 '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) S Z H V N C
ADC HL,rr Add 16 bit register rr and the carry to HL. ADC HL,BC 'rr': BC DE HL SP S Z H V N C
'rr1': HL IX IY
ADD rr2,rr1 Add 16 bit register rr1 to 16 bit register rr2. ADD HL,BC 'rr2': BC DE SP *HL IX IY* - - H - N C
ADD r Adds 8 bit register r to A. ADD B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL S Z H V N C
ADD # Adds 8 bit value # to A. ADD B '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) S Z H V N C
AND r Logical AND of bits in register r with Accumulator A. AND B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL S Z H V N C
AND # Logical AND of bits in 8 bit value # with Accumulator A. AND $64 '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) S Z H V N C
'b': 0-7 (%76543210)
BIT b,r Test bit b from 8 bit register r and set the Z flag to that bit. BIT 7,B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L s Z H v N -
CALL addr Call Subroutine at address addr CALL $1000 'addr': 0-65535 ($0000-$FFFF) - - - - - -
'addr': 0-65535 ($0000-$FFFF)
CALL c,addr Call Subroutine at address addr only IF condition c is true. CALL Z,$1000 'c': c m nc nz p po pe z - - - - - -
CCF Complement the Carry Flag. C flag will inverted CCF - - H - N C
CP r Compare the Accumulator to register r. CP B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L S Z H V N C
CP # Compare the Accumulator to 8 bit immediate value #. CP 32 '#':0-255 ($00-$FF) S Z H V N C
CPD Compare A to the byte at address HL and decrease HL and BC. CPD S Z H V N -
CPDR Compare A to the byte at address HL and Decrease and Repeat CPDR S Z H V N -
CPI Compare A to the byte at address HL and increase HL but decrease BC (Bytecount). CPI S Z H V N -
CPIR Compare A to the byte at addr HL and inc HL dec BC (Bytecount) and Rep until match or BC=0. CPIR S Z H V N -
CPL Invert all bits of A (this is known as 'One's Complement'). CPL - - H - N -
DAA Decimal Adjust Accumulator (Binary Coded Decimal) DAA S Z H V - C
DEC r Decrease value in 8 bit register r by one. DEC B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL S Z H V N -
DEC rr Decrease value in 16 bit register rr by one. DEC HL Valid registers for 'rr': BC DE HL IX IY SP - - - - - -
DI Disable Maskable Interrupts DI - - - - - -
DJNZ ofst Decrease B and Jump if NonZero to address offset #. DJNZ label 'ofst': -128 to +127 - - - - - -
EI Enable Maskable Interrupts. EI - - - - - -
EX (SP),HL Exchange HL with the top item of the stack EX (SP),HL - - - - - -
EX AF,AF' Exchange the Accumulator and Flags with the shadow Accumulator and Flags. EX AF,AF' S Z H V N C
EX DE,HL Exchange HL and DE EX DE,HL - - - - - -
EXX Exchange the registers BC, DE and HL with the shadow registers EXX - - - - - -
HALT Stop the CPU until an interrupt occurs. HALT - - - - - -
IM0 Enable Interrupt mode 0. IM0 - - - - - -
IM1 Enable Interrupt mode 1. IM1 - - - - - -
IM2 Enable Interrupt mode 2. IM2 - - - - - -
IN A,(#) Read in an 8 bit byte A from 8 bit port #. IN A,($10) '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) S Z H V N -
IN r,(C) Read in an 8 bit byte into register r from port (C) IN A,(C) 'r': A B C D E H L S Z H V N -
INC r Increase value in 8 bit register r by one. INC B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL S Z H V N -
INC rr Increase value in 16 bit register r by one. INC HL 'rr': BC DE HL IX IY SP - - - - - -
IND Read a byte IN from port (C) and save to address in HL, then Decrease HL and B. IND s Z h v N -
INDR Read a byte IN from port (C) and save to address in HL. then Decrease HL and B, rep until B=0. INDR s Z h v N -
INI Read a byte IN from port (C) and save to address in HL, then increase HL and decrease B. INI s Z h v N -
INIR Read a byte IN from port (C) and save to the address in HL, inc HL and dec B, rep until B=0. INIR s Z h v N -
JP (HL) Jump to the address in register HL. JP (HL) - - - - - -
JP addr Jump to the 16 bit address addr. JP $4000 'addr': 0-65535 ($0000-$FFFF) - - - - - -
'addr': 0-65535 ($0000-$FFFF)
JP c,addr Jump to the 16 bit address addr only IF condition c is true in the flags register. JP Z,$4000 'c': c m nc nz p po pe z - - - - - -
JR ofst Jump to the 8 bit offset #. JR TestLabel '#': -128 to +127 - - - - - -
JR c,ofst Jump to the 8 bit offset ofst IF condition c is true. JR Z,TestLabel 'ofst': -128 to +127 - - - - - -
LD (rr),A Load the 8 bit value in the Accumulator into the address in register rr. LD (DE),A 'rr': BC DE HL IX+# IY SP - - - - - -
'r': A B C D E H L
LD (HL),B Load the 8 bit value in register r into the address in register rr. LD (HL),B 'rr': HL IX+# IY+# - - - - - -
LD (addr),A Load the 8 bit value in the Accumulator into memory address addr. LD ($C000),A 'addr': 0-65535 ($0000-$FFFF) - - - - - -
'addr': 0-65535 ($0000-$FFFF)
LD (addr),rr Load the 16 bit value in register pair rr into memory address addr. LD ($C000),BC 'rr': BC DE HL IX IY SP - - - - - -
LD A,(rr) Load the 8 bit value from the address in register rr into the Accumulator. LD A,(DE) 'rr': BC DE HL IX+# IY SP - - - - - -
LD A,(addr) Load the 8 bit value from memory address addr into the Accumulator. LD A,($C000) '##': 0-65535 ($0000-$FFFF) - - - - - -
LD r,# Load the 8 bit register r with value #. LD B,32 '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) - - - - - -
LD A,I Load the 8 bit value from the I register to the Accumulator. LD A,I S Z H V N -
LD A,R Load the 8 bit value from the R register to the Accumulator. LD A,R S Z H V N -
LD rr,(addr) Load the 16 bit register pair rr from memory address addr. LD BC,($C000) 'addr': 0-65535 ($0000-$FFFF) - - - - - -
LD rr,#### Load the 16 bit register pair rr with immediate value #### LD BC,$C000 'addr': 0-65535 ($0000-$FFFF) - - - - - -
LD I,A Load the 8 bit value from the Accumulator into the I register. LD I,A - - - - - -
LD R,A Load the R register with the 8 bit value in the Accumulator. LD R,A - - - - - -
LD SP,HL Load the 16 bit Stack Pointer register SP with the value in HL. LD SP,HL - - - - - -
LD r1,r2 Load the 8 bit register r1 from register r2. LD H,B 'r1' and 'r2': A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL - - - - - -
'r': A B C D E H L
LD r,(rr) Load the 8 bit register r from the address in register rr. LD B,(HL) 'rr': HL IX+# IY+# - - - - - -
LDD Load and Decrement. Copies bytes down from HL to DE with BC as a byte count. LDD - - H V N -
LDDR Load, Decrement and Repeat. Copies bytes down from HL to DE with BC as a Byte count LDDR - - H V N -
LDI Load and Increment. Copies bytes upwards from HL to DE with BC as a byte count LDI - - H V N -
LDIR Load, Decrement and Repeat. Copies bytes upwards from HL to DE with BC as byte count LDIR - - H V N -
NEG Negate the 8 bit value in the accumulator (Two's Complement of the number). NEG S Z H V N C
NOP No Operation. This command has no effect on any registers or memory. NOP - - - - - -
OR r Logical OR of bits in register r with Accumulator A. OR B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL S Z H V N C
OR # Logical OR of bits in 8 bit value # with Accumulator A. OR $64 '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) S Z H V N C
OTDR Out Decrement Repeat. Transfers B bytes from HL to port (C) moving downwards. OTDR s Z h v N -
OTIR Out Increment Repeat. This command transfers B bytes from HL to port (C) moving upwards. OTIR s Z h v N -
OUT (#),A Output an 8 bit byte from A to 8 bit port #. OUT ($10),A '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) - - - - - -
OUT (C),r On a system with 8 bit ports, this will output an 8 bit byte from register r to port (C) . OUT (C),r 'r': A B C D E H L - - - - - -
OUT (C),0 On a system with 8 bit ports, this will output an 8 bit byte zero to port (C). OUT (C),0 - - - - - -
OUTD Out and Decrement. This command transfers a byte from HL to port (C) moving downwards. OUTD s Z h v N -
OUTI Out and Increment. This command transfers a byte from HL to port (C) moving upwards. OUTI s Z h v N -
POP rr Pop a pair of bytes off the stack into 16 bit register rr. POP AF 'rr': AF BC DE HL IX IY all if AF / none

PUSH rr Push a pair of bytes from 16 bit register rr onto the top of the stack. PUSH AF 'rr': AF BC DE HL IX IY - - - - - -
'b': 0-7 (%76543210)
RES b,r Reset bit b from 8 bit register r to 0. RES 7,B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L - - - - - -
RET Return from a subroutine. RET - - - - - -
RET c Return from a subroutine only if condition c is true. RET Z 'c': c m nc nz p po pe z - - - - - -
RETI Return from an interrupt. RETI - - - - - -
RETN Return from a non maskable interrupt (NMI). RETN - - - - - -
RL r Rotate bits in register r Left with Carry. RL B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L S Z H P N C
RLC r Rotate bits in register r Left and Copy the top bit to the Carry. RLC B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L S Z H P N C
RLD Rotate Left for binary coded Decimal. RLD S Z H V N -
RR r Rotate bits in register r Right with carry. RR B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L S Z H P N C
RRC r Rotate bits in register r Right and Copy the bottom bit to the Carry. RLC B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L S Z H P N C
RRD Rotate Right for binary coded Decimal. RRD S Z H V N -
RST # ReSeT function. RST is a single byte call to $00xx address. RST $38 - - - - - -
SBC r Subtract register r and the carry flag from the Accumulator A. SBC B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL S Z H V N C
SBC A,# Subtract 8 bit number # and the carry from A. SBC 128 '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) S Z H V N C
SBC HL,rr Subtract 16 bit register rr and the carry from HL. SBC HL,BC 'rr': BC DE HL SP S Z H V N C
SCF Set the carry flag to 1. SCF - - H - N C
'b': 0-7 (%76543210)
SET b,r Set bit b from 8 bit register r to 1. SET 7,B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L - - - - - -
SLA r Shift the bits register r Left for Arithmetic. SLA A 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L S Z H P N C
SLL r Shift the bits in register r Left Logically (for unsigned numbers). SLL A 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L S Z H P N C
SRA r Shift the bits in register r Right for Arithmetic. ' SRA A 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L S Z H P N C
SRL r Shift the bits in register r Right Logically. SRL A 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L S Z H P N C
SUB r Subtract 8 bit register r from A. SUB B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL S Z H V N C
SUB # Subtract 8 bit value # from A. SUB 32 '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) S Z H V N C
XOR r Logical XOR (eXclusive OR) of bits in register r with Accumulator A. XOR B 'r': (HL) (IX+#) (IY+#) A B C D E H L IXH IXL IYH IYL S Z H V N C
XOR # Logical XOR (eXclusive OR) of bits in immediate value # with Accumulator A. XOR $64 '#': 0-255 ($00-$FF) S Z H V N C
Condition Meaning Flag
Z Zero Z Set
NZ Non Zero Z Clear
C Carry C Set
NC No Carry C Clear
PO Parity Odd P/V Clear
PE Parity Even P/V Set
P Positive Sign S Clear
M Minus Sign S Set
Z80 - GBZ80
Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags
ADC A,(HL) 8E 1/7 -zvc CALL addr CD dr ad 3 / 17 20
---- LD (IY+d),A FD 77 d 3 / 19 ---- LD IXL,A DD 6F 2/8 ---- RES 7,(HL) CB BE 2 / 15 ---- SET 4,(HL) CB E6 2 / 15 ----
3 / t17f10
ADC A,(IX+d) DD 8E d 3 / 19 -zvc CALL c,addr DC dr ad 12/20
---- LD (IY+d),B FD 70 d 3 / 19 ---- LD IXL,B DD 68 2/8 ---- RES 7,(IX+d) DD CB d BE 4 / 23 ---- SET 4,(IX+d) DD CB d E6 4 / 23 ----
ADC A,(IY+d) FD 8E d 3 / 19 -zvc CALL m,addr FC dr ad 3 / t17f10
---- LD (IY+d),C FD 71 d 3 / 19 ---- LD IXL,C DD 69 2/8 ---- RES 7,(IY+d) FD CB d BE 4 / 23 ---- SET 4,(IY+d) FD CB d E6 4 / 23 ----
ADC A,A 8F 1/4 -zvc CALL nc,addr D4 dr ad 3 / t17f10
---- LD (IY+d),D FD 72 d 3 / 19 ---- LD IXL,D DD 6A 2/8 ---- RES 7,A CB BF 2/8 ---- SET 4,A CB E7 2/8 ----
ADC A,B 88 1/4 -zvc CALL nz,addr C4 dr ad 3 / t17f10
---- LD (IY+d),E FD 73 d 3 / 19 ---- LD IXL,E DD 6B 2/8 ---- RES 7,B CB B8 2/8 ---- SET 4,B CB E0 2/8 ----
ADC A,C 89 1/4 -zvc CALL p,addr F4 dr ad 3 / t17f10
---- LD (IY+d),H FD 74 d 3 / 19 ---- LD IXL,IXH DD 6C 2/8 ---- RES 7,C CB B9 2/8 ---- SET 4,C CB E1 2/8 ----
ADC A,D 8A 1/4 -zvc CALL po,addr E4 dr ad 3 / t17f10
---- LD (IY+d),L FD 75 d 3 / 19 ---- LD IXL,IXL DD 6D 2/8 ---- RES 7,D CB BA 2/8 ---- SET 4,D CB E2 2/8 ----
ADC A,E 8B 1/4 -zvc CALL pe,addr EC dr ad 3 / t17f10
---- LD (IY+d),n FD 36 d n 4 / 19 ---- LD IXL,n DD 2E n 3 / 11 ---- RES 7,E CB BB 2/8 ---- SET 4,E CB E3 2/8 ----
ADC A,H 8C 1/4 -zvc CALL z,addr CC dr ad 3 / t17f10
---- LD A,(addr) 3A dr ad
/ F/A dr ad
3 / 16 ---- LD IYL,A FD 6F 2/8 ---- RES 7,H CB BC 2/8 ---- SET 4,H CB E4 2/8 ----
ADC A,IXH DD 8C 2/8 -zvc CCF 3F 1/4 ---x LD A,(BC) 0A 1/78 ---- LD IYL,B FD 68 2/8 ---- RES 7,L CB BD 2/8 ---- SET 4,L CB E5 2/8 ----
ADC A,IYH FD 8C 2/8 -zvc CP (HL) BE 1/7 -=v< LD A,(DE) 1A 1/78 ---- LD IYL,C FD 69 2/8 ---- RET C9 1 / 10 12
---- SET 5,(HL) CB EE 2 / 15 ----
ADC A,L 8D 1/4 -zvc CP (IX+d) DD BE d 3 / 19 -=v< LD A,(HL) 7E 1/78 ---- LD IYL,D FD 6A 2/8 ---- RET C D8 1 / t11 f8 8/16
---- SET 5,(IX+d) DD CB d EE 4 / 23 ----
ADC A,IXL DD 8D 2/8 -zvc CP (IY+d) FD BE d 3 / 19 -=v< LD A,(IX+d) DD 7E d 3 / 19 ---- LD IYL,E FD 6B 2/8 ---- RET M F8 1 / t11 f8 8/16
---- SET 5,(IY+d) FD CB d EE 4 / 23 ----
ADC A,IYL FD 8D 2/8 -zvc CP A BF 1/4 -=v< LD A,(IY+d) FD 7E d 3 / 19 ---- LD IYL,IYH FD 6C 2/8 ---- RET NC D0 1 / t11 f8 8/16
---- SET 5,A CB EF 2/8 ----
ADC A,n CE n 2/7 -zvc CP B B8 1/4 -=v< LD A,A 7F 1/4 ---- LD IYL,IYL FD 6D 2/8 ---- RET NZ C0 1 / t11 f8 8/16
---- SET 5,B CB E8 2/8 ----
ADC HL,BC ED 4A 2 / 15 -zvc CP C B9 1/4 -=v< LD A,B 78 1/4 ---- LD IYL,n FD 2En 3 / 11 ---- RET P F0 1 / t11 f8 8/16
---- SET 5,C CB E9 2/8 ----
1 / t11 f8 8/16
ADC HL,DE ED 5A 2 / 15 -zvc CP D BA 1/4 -=v< LD A,C 79 1/4 ---- LD R,A ED 4F 2/9 ---- RET PE E8 ---- SET 5,D CB EA 2/8 ----
ADC HL,HL ED 6A 2 / 15 -zvc CP E BB 1/4 -=v< LD A,D 7A 1/4 ---- LD SP,(addr) ED 7B dr ad 4 / 20 ---- RET PO E0 1 / t11 f8 8/16
---- SET 5,E CB EB 2/8 ----
ADC HL,SP ED 7A 2 / 15 -zvc CP H BC 1/4 -=v< LD A,E 7B 1/4 ---- LD SP,hilo 31 lo hi 3 / 10 ---- RET Z C8 1 / t11 f8 8/16
---- SET 5,H CB EC 2/8 ----
ADD A,(HL) 86 1/7 -zvc CP IXH DD BC 2/8 -=v< LD A,H 7C 1/4 ---- LD SP,HL F9 1/6 ---- RETI ED 4D / D9 1/8 ---- SET 5,L CB ED 2/8 ----
ADD A,(IX+d) DD 86 d 3 / 19 -zvc CP IYH FD BC 2/8 -=v< LD A,IXH DD 7C 2/8 ---- LD SP,IX DD F9 2 / 10 ---- RETN ED 45 2 / 14 ---- SET 6,(HL) CB F6 2 / 15 ----
ADD A,(IY+d) FD 86 d 3 / 19 -zvc CP L BD 1/4 -=vc LD A,IYH FD 7C 2/8 ---- LD SP,IY FD F9 2 / 10 ---- RL (HL) CB 16 2 / 15 - z p r7 SET 6,(IX+d) DD CB d F6 4 / 23 ----
ADD A,A 87 1/4 -zvc CP IXL DD BD 2/8 -=v< LD A,I ED 57 2/9 -zi- LDD ED A8 2 / 16 - - BC - RL (IX+d) DD CB d 16 4 / 23 - z p r7 SET 6,(IY+d) FD CB d F6 4 / 23 ----
ADD A,B 80 1/4 -zvc CP IYL FD BD 2/8 -=v< LD A,L 7D 1/4 ---- LDDR ED B8 2 / z16nz21
---- RL (IY+d) FD CB d 16 4 / 23 - z p r7 SET 6,A CB F7 2/8 ----
ADD A,C 81 1/4 -zvc CP n FE n 2/7 -=v< LD A,IXL DD 7D 2/8 ---- LDI A,(HL) 2A 2/8 ---- RL A CB 17 2/8 - z p r7 SET 6,B CB F0 2/8 ----
ADD A,D 82 1/4 -zvc CPD ED A9 2 / 16 ? - BC - LD A,IYL FD 7D 2/8 ---- LDI (HL),A 22 2/8 ---- RL B CB 10 2/8 - z p r7 SET 6,C CB F1 2/8 ----
ADD A,E 83 1/4 -zvc CPDR ED B9 2 / =16#21
? - BC - LD A,n 3E n 2/78 ---- LDD A,(HL) 32 2/8 ---- RL C CB 11 2/8 - z p r7 SET 6,D CB F2 2/8 ----
ADD A,H 84 1/4 -zvc CPI ED A1 2 / 16 ? - BC - LD A, ($FF00+n) F0 n 2 / 12 ---- LDD (HL),A 3A 2/8 ---- RL D CB 12 2/8 - z p r7 SET 6,E CB F3 2/8 ----
ADD A,IXH DD 84 2/8 -zvc CPIR ED B2 2 / =16#21
? - BC - LD A,($FF00+C) F2 1/8 ---- LDI ED A0 2 / 16 - - BC - RL E CB 13 2/8 - z p r7 SET 6,H CB F4 2/8 ----
ADD A,IYH FD 84 2/8 -zvc CPL 2F 1/4 ---- LD A,R ED 5F 2/9 -zi- LDIR ED B0 2 / zI6 nz21
---- RL H CB 14 2/8 - z p r7 SET 6,L CB F5 2/8 ----
ADD A,L 85 1/4 -zvc DAA 27 1/4 -zpc LD B,(HL) 46 1/7 ---- NEG ED 44 2/8 - z A80 A0
RL L CB 15 2/8 - z p r7 SET 7,(HL) CB FE 2 / 15 ----
ADD A,IXL DD 85 2/8 -zvc DEC (HL) 35 1 / 11 -zv- LD B,(IX+d) DD 46 d 3 / 19 ---- NOP 0 1/4 ---- RLA 17 1/4 - - - r7 SET 7,(IX+d) DD CB d FE 4 / 23 ----
ADD A,IYL FD 85 2/8 -zvc DEC (IX+d) DD 35d 3 / 23 -zv- LD B,(IY+d) FD 46 d 3 / 19 ---- OR (HL) B6 1/7 -zP- RLC (HL) CB 06 2 / 15 - z p r7 SET 7,(IY+d) FD CB d FE 4 / 23 ----
ADD A,n C6 n 2/7 -zvc DEC (IY+d) FD 35d 3 / 23 -zv- LD B,A 47 1/4 ---- OR (IX+d) DD B6 d 3 / 19 -zp- RLC (IX+d) DD CB d 06 4 / 23 - z p r7 SET 7,A CB FF 2/8 ----
ADD HL,BC 09 1 / 11 ---c DEC A 3D 1/4 -zv- LD B,B 40 1/4 ---- OR (IY+d) FD B6 d 3 / 19 -zp- RLC (IY+d) FD CB d 06 4 / 23 - z p r7 SET 7,B CB F8 2/8 ----
ADD HL,DE 19 1 / 11 ---c DEC B 5 1/4 -zv- LD B,C 41 1/4 ---- OR A B7 1/4 -zp- RLC A CB 07 2/8 - z p r7 SET 7,C CB F9 2/8 ----
ADD HL,HL 29 1 / 11 ---c DEC BC 0B 1/6 - - - BUG LD B,D 42 1/4 ---- OR B B0 1/4 -zp- RLC B CB 00 2/8 - z p r7 SET 7,D CB FA 2/8 ----
ADD HL,SP 39 1 / 11 ---c DEC C 0D 1/4 -zv- LD B,E 43 1/4 ---- OR C B1 1/4 -zp- RLC C CB 01 2/8 - z p r7 SET 7,E CB FB 2/8 ----
ADD IX,BC DD 09 2 / 15 ---c DEC D 15 1/4 -zv- LD B,H 44 1/4 ---- OR D B2 1/4 -zp- RLC D CB 02 2/8 - z p r7 SET 7,H CB FC 2/8 ----
ADD IX,DE DD 19 2 / 15 ---c DEC DE 1B I/6 - - - BUG LD B,IXH DD 44 2/8 ---- OR E B3 1/4 -zp- RLC E CB 03 2/8 - z p r7 SET 7,L CB FD 2/8 ----
ADD IX,IX DD 29 2 / 15 ---c DEC E 1D 1/4 -zv- LD B,IYH FD 44 2/8 ---- OR H B4 1/4 -zp- RLC H CB 04 2/8 - z p r7 SLA (HL) CB 26 2 / 15 - z p r7
ADD IX,SP DD 39 2 / 15 ---c DEC H 25 1/4 -zv- LD B,L 45 1/4 ---- OR IXH DD B4 2/8 -zp- RLC L CB 05 2/8 - z p r7 SLA (IX+d) DD CB d 26 4 / 23 - z p r7
ADD IY,BC FD 09 2 / 15 ---c DEC IXH DD 25 2/8 -zv- LD B,IXL DD 45 2/8 ---- OR IYH FD B4 2/8 -zp- RLCA 7 1/4 - - - r7 SLA (IY+d) FD CB d 26 4 / 23 - z p r7
ADD IY,DE FD 19 2 / 15 ---c DEC IYH FD 25 2/8 -zv- LD B,IYL FD 45 2/8 ---- OR L B5 1/4 -zp- RLD ED 6F 2 / 18 -zp- SLA A CB 27 2/8 - z p r7
ADD IY,IY FD 29 2 / 15 ---c DEC HL 2B 1/6 - - - BUG LD B,n 06 n 2/78 ---- OR IXL DD B5 2/8 -zp- RR (HL) CB 1E 2 / 15 - z p r0 SLA B CB 20 2/8 - z p r7
ADD IY,SP FD 39 2 / 15 ---c DEC IX DD 2B 2 / 10 12
---- LD BC,(addr) ED 4B dr ad 4 / 20 ---- OR IYL FD B5 2/8 -zp- RR (IX+d) DD CB d 1E 4 / 23 - z p r0 SLA C CB 21 2/8 - z p r7
ADD SP,n E8 n 1 / 16 nzvc DEC IY FD 2B 2 / 10 12
---- LD BC,hilo 01 lo hi 3 / 10 12
---- OR n F6 n 2/7 -zp- RR (IY+d) FD CB d 1E 4 / 23 - z p r0 SLA D CB 22 2/8 - z p r7
AND (HL) A6 1/7 -zpc DEC L 2D 1/4 -zv- LD C,(HL) 4E 1/7 ---- OTDR ED BB 2 / z16nz21
?-?- RR A CB 1F 2/8 - z p r0 SLA E CB 23 2/8 - z p r7
AND (IX+d) DD A6 d 3 / 19 -zpc DEC IXL DD 2D 2/8 -zv- LD C,(IX+d) DD 4E d 3 / 19 ---- OTIR ED B3 2 / zI6nz21
?I?- RR B CB 18 2/8 - z p r0 SLA H CB 24 2/8 - z p r7
AND (IY+d) FD A6 d 3 / 19 -zpc DEC IYL FD 2D 2/8 -zv- LD C,(IY+d) DD 4E d 3 / 19 ---- OUT (C),A ED 79 2 / 12 16
---- RR C CB 19 2/8 - z p r0 SLA L CB 25 2/8 - z p r7
AND A A7 1/4 -zpc DEC SP 3B 1/6 ---- LD C,A 4F 1/4 ---- OUT (C),B ED 41 2 / 12 16
---- RR D CB 1A 2/8 - z p r0 SLL (HL) CB 36 2 / 15 - z p r7
2 / 12 16
AND B A0 1/4 -zpc DI F3 1/4 ---- LD C,B 48 1/4 ---- OUT (C),C ED 49 ---- RR E CB 1B 2/8 - z p r0 SLL (IX+d) DD CB d 36 4 / 23 - z p r7
AND C A1 1/4 -zpc DJNZ d 10 d 2 / t13f8
---- LD C,C 49 1/1 ---- OUT (C),D ED 51 2 / 12 16
---- RR H CB 1C 2/8 - z p r0 SLL (IY+d) FD CB d 36 4 / 23 - z p r7
AND D A2 1/4 -zpc EI FB 1/4 ---- LD C,D 4A 1/1 ---- OUT (C),E ED 59 2 / 12 16
---- RR L CB 1D 2/8 - z p r0 SLL A CB 37 2/8 - z p r7
2 / 12 16
AND E A3 1/4 -zpc EX (SP),HL E3 1 / 19 ---- LD C,E 4B 1/4 ---- OUT (C),H ED 61 ---- RRA 1F 1/4 - - - r0 SLL B CB 30 2/8 - z p r7
AND H A4 1/4 -zpc EX (SP),IX DD E3 2 / 23 ---- LD C,H 4C 1/4 ---- OUT (C),L ED 69 2 / 12 16
---- RRC (HL) CB 0E 2 / 15 - z p r0 SLL C CB 31 2/8 - z p r7
AND IXH DD A4 2/8 -zvc EX (SP),IY FD E3 2 / 23 ---- LD C,IXH DD 4C 2/8 ---- OUT (n),A D3 n 2 / 11 12
---- RRC (IX+d) DD CB d 0E 4 / 23 - z p r0 SLL D CB 32 2/8 - z p r7
AND IYH FD A4 2/8 -zvc EX AF,AF' 8 1/4 s' z' p' c' LD C,IYH FD 4C 2/8 ---- OUTD ED AB 2 / 16 25 ? <>B ? - RRC (IY+d) FD CB d 0E 4 / 23 - z p r0 SLL E CB 33 2/8 - z p r7
AND L A5 1/4 -zpc EX DE,HL EB 1/4 ---- LD C,L 4D 1/4 ---- OUTI ED A3 2 / 16 25 ? <>B ? - RRC A CB 0F 2/8 - z p r0 SLL H CB 34 2/8 - z p r7
AND IXL DD A5 2/8 -zvc EXX D9 1/4 ---- LD C,IXL DD 4D 2/8 ---- POP AF F1 1 / 10 Popped RRC B CB 08 2/8 - z p r0 SLL L CB 35 2/8 - z p r7
AND IYL FD A5 2/8 -zvc HALT 76 1 / min 4 - - - BUG LD C,IYL FD 4D 2/8 ---- POP BC C1 1 / 10 ---- RRC C CB 09 2/8 - z p r0 SRA (HL) CB 2E 2 / 15 - z p r0
AND n E6 n 2/7 -zpc IM 0 ED 46 2/8 ---- LD C,n 0E n 2/78 ---- POP DE D1 1 / 10 ---- RRC D CB 0A 2/8 - z p r0 SRA (IX+d) DD CB d 2E 4 / 23 - z p r0
BIT 0,(HL) CB 46 2 / 12 ? <>b ? - IM 1 ED 56 2/8 ---- LD D,(HL) 56 1/7 ---- POP HL E1 1 / 10 ---- RRC E CB 0B 2/8 - z p r0 SRA (IY+d) FD CB d 2E 4 / 23 - z p r0
BIT 0,(IX+d) CB DD 46 d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - IM 2 ED 5E 2/8 ---- LD D,(IX+d) DD 56 d 3 / 19 ---- POP IX DD E1 2 / 14 ---- RRC H CB 0C 2/8 - z p r0 SRA A CB 2F 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 0,(IY+d) CB FD 46 d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - IN A,(C) ED 78 2 / 12 16
-zp- LD D,(IY+d) FD 56 d 3 / 19 ---- POP IY FD E1 2 / 14 ---- RRC L CB 0D 2/8 - z p r0 SRA B CB 28 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 0,A CB 47 2/8 ? <>b ? - IN A,(n) DB n 2 / 11 12
---- LD D,A 57 1/4 ---- PUSH AF F5 1 / 11 ---- RRCA 0F 1/4 - - - r0 SRA C CB 29 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 0,B CB 40 2/8 ? <>b ? - IN B,(C) ED 40 2 / 12 16
-zp- LD D,B 50 1/4 ---- PUSH BC C5 1 / 11 ---- RRD ED 67 2 / 18 -zp- SRA D CB 2A 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 0,C CB 41 2/8 ? <>b ? - IN C,(C) ED 48 2 / 12 16
-zp- LD D,C 51 1/4 ---- PUSH DE D5 1 / 11 ---- RST 0 C7 1 / 11 16
---- SRA E CB 2B 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 0,D CB 42 2/8 ? <>b ? - IN D,(C) ED 50 2 / 12 16
-zp- LD D,D 52 1/4 ---- PUSH HL E5 1 / 11 ---- RST 8 (1) CF 1 / 11 16
---- SRA H CB 2C 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 0,E CB 43 2/8 ? <>b ? - IN E,(C) ED 58 2 / 12 16
-zp- LD D,E 53 1/4 ---- PUSH IX DD E5 2 / 15 ---- RST 16 (2) D7 1 / 11 16
---- SRA L CB 2D 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 0,H CB 44 2/8 ? <>b ? - IN H,(C) ED 60 2 / 12 16
-zp- LD D,H 54 1/4 ---- PUSH IY FD E5 2 / 15 ---- RST 24 (3) DF 1 / 11 16
---- SRL (HL) CB 3E 2 / 15 - z p r0
BIT 0,L CB 45 2/8 ? <>b ? - IN L,(C) ED 68 2 / 12 16
-zp- LD D,IXH DD 54 2/8 ---- RES 0,(HL) CB 86 2 / 15 ---- RST 32 (4) E7 1 / 11 16
---- SRL (IX+d) DD CB d 3E 4 / 23 - z p r0
BIT 1,(HL) CB 4E 2 / 12 ? <>b ? - INC (HL) 34 1 / 11 12
-zv- LD D,IYH FD 54 2/8 ---- RES 0,(IX+d) DD CB d 86 4 / 23 ---- RST 40 (5) EF 1 / 11 16
---- SRL (IY+d) FD CB d 3E 4 / 23 - z p r0
BIT 1,(IX+d) CB DD 4E d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - INC (IX+d) DD 34 d 3 / 23 24
-zv- LD D,L 55 1/4 ---- RES 0,(IY+d) FD CB d 86 4 / 23 ---- RST 48 (6) F7 1 / 11 16
---- SRL A CB 3F 2/8 - z p r0
3 / 23 24
BIT 1,(IY+d) CB FD 4E d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - INC (IY+d) FD 34 d -zv- LD D,IXL DD 55 2/8 ---- RES 0,A CB 87 2/8 ---- RST 56 (7) FF 1 / 11 16
---- SRL B CB 38 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 1,A CB 1F 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC A 3C 1/4 -zv- LD D,IYL FD 55 2/8 ---- RES 0,B CB 80 2/8 ---- SBC A,(HL) 9E 1/7 -zvb SRL C CB 39 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 1,B CB 48 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC B 4 1/4 -zv- LD D,n 16 n 2/78 ---- RES 0,C CB 81 2/8 ---- SBC A,(IX+d) DD 9Ed 3 / 19 -zvb SRL D CB 3A 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 1,C CB 49 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC BC 3 1/68 - - - BUG LD DE,(addr) ED 5B dr ad 4 / 20 ---- RES 0,D CB 82 2/8 ---- SBC A,(IY+d) FD 9Ed 3 / 19 -zvb SRL E CB 3B 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 1,D CB 4A 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC C 0C 1/4 -zv- LD DE,hilo 11 lo hi 3 / 10 12
---- RES 0,E CB 83 2/8 ---- SBC A,A 9F 1/4 -zvb SRL H CB 3C 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 1,E CB 4B 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC D 14 1/4 -zv- LD E,(HL) 5E 1/7 ---- RES 0,H CB 81 2/8 ---- SBC A,B 98 1/4 -zvb SRL L CB 3D 2/8 - z p r0
BIT 1,H CB 4C 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC DE 13 1/68 - - - BUG LD E,(IX+d) DD 5E d 3 / 19 ---- RES 0,L CB 85 2/8 ---- SBC A,C 99 1/4 -zvb STOP 10 00 2/4 ----
BIT 1,L CB 4D 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC E 1C 1/4 -zv- LD E,(IY+d) FD 5E d 3 / 19 ---- RES 1,(HL) CB 8E 2 / 15 ---- SBC A,D 9A 1/4 -zvb SUB (HL) 96 1/7 -zvb
BIT 2,(HL) CB 56 2 / 12 ? <>b ? - INC H 24 1/4 -zv- LD E,A 5F 1/4 ---- RES 1,(IX+d) DD CB d 8E 4 / 23 ---- SBC A,E 9B 1/4 -zvb SUB (IX+d) DD 96 d 3 / 19 -zvb
BIT 2,(IY+d) CB FD 56 d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - INC IXH DD 24 2/8 -zv- LD E,B 58 1/4 ---- RES 1,(IY+d) FD CB d 8E 4 / 23 ---- SBC A,H 9C 1/4 -zvb SUB (IY+d) FD 96 d 3 / 19 -zvb
BIT 2,(LY+d) CB DD 56 d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - INC IYH FD 24 2/8 -zv- LD E,C 59 1/4 ---- RES 1,A CB 8F 2/8 ---- SBC A,IXH DD 9C 2/8 -zvb SUB A 97 1/4 -zvb
BIT 2,A CB 57 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC HL 23 1/68 - - - BUG LD E,D 5A 1/4 ---- RES 1,B CB 88 2/8 ---- SBC A,IYH FD 9C 2/8 -zvb SUB B 90 1/4 -zvb
BIT 2,B CB 50 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC IX DD 23 2 / 10 ---- LD E,E 5B 1/4 ---- RES 1,C CB 89 2/8 ---- SBC A,L 9D 1/4 -zvb SUB C 91 1/4 -zvb
BIT 2,C CB 51 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC IY FD 23 2 / 10 ---- LD E,H 5C 1/4 ---- RES 1,D CB 8A 2/8 ---- SBC A,IXL DD 9D 2/8 -zvb SUB D 92 1/4 -zvb
BIT 2,D CB 52 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC L 2C 1/4 -zv- LD E,IXH DD 5C 2/8 ---- RES 1,E CB 8B 2/8 ---- SBC A,IYL FD 9D 2/8 -zvb SUB E 93 1/4 -zvb
BIT 2,E CB 53 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC IXL DD 2C 2/8 -zv- LD E,IYH FD 5C 2/8 ---- RES 1,H CB 8C 2/8 ---- SBC A,n DE n 2/7 -zvb SUB H 94 1/4 -zvb
BIT 2,H CB 54 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC IYL FD 2C 2/8 -zv- LD E,L 5D 1/4 ---- RES 1,L CB 8D 2/8 ---- SBC HL,BC ED 42 2 / 15 -zvb SUB IXH DD AC 2/8 -zvb
BIT 2,L CB 55 2/8 ? <>b ? - INC SP 33 1/6 ---- LD E,IXL DD 5D 2/8 ---- RES 2,(HL) CB 96 2 / 15 ---- SBC HL,DE ED 52 2 / 15 -zvb SUB IYH FD AC 2/8 -zvb
BIT 3,(HL) CB 5E 2 / 12 ? <>b ? - IND ED AA 2 / 16 25 ? <>B ? - LD E,IYL FD 5D 2/8 ---- RES 2,(IX+d) DD CB d 96 4 / 23 ---- SBC HL,HL ED 62 2 / 15 -zvb SUB L 95 1/4 -zvb
BIT 3,(IX+d) CB DD 5E d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - INDR ED BA 2 / z16 nz21
?-?- LD E,n 1E n 2/78 ---- RES 2,(IY+d) FD CB d 96 4 / 23 ---- SBC HL,SP ED 72 2 / 15 -zvb SUB IXL DD AD 2/8 -zvb
BIT 3,(IY+d) CB FD 5E d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - INI ED A2 2 / 16 25 ? <>B ? - LD H,(HL) 66 1/7 ---- RES 2,A CB 97 2/8 ---- SCF 37 1/4 ---- SUB IYL FD AD 2/8 -zvb
BIT 3,A CB 5F 2/8 ? <>b ? - INIR ED B2 2 / z16 nz21
?-?- LD H,(IX+d) DD 66 d 3 / 19 ---- RES 2,B CB 90 2/8 ---- SET 0,(HL) CB C6 2 / 15 ---- SUB n D6 n 2/7 -zvb
BIT 3,B CB 58 2/8 ? <>b ? - JP (HL) E9 1/4 ---- LD H,(IY+d) FD 66 d 3 / 19 ---- RES 2,C CB 91 2/8 ---- SET 0,(IX+d) DD CB d C6 4 / 23 ---- SWAP A CB 37 2/8 -zvz
BIT 3,C CB 59 2/8 ? <>b ? - JP (IX) DD E9 2/8 ---- LD H,A 67 1/4 ---- RES 2,D CB 92 2/8 ---- SET 0,(IY+d) FD CB d C6 4 / 23 ---- SWAP B CB 30 2/8 -zvz
BIT 3,D CB 5A 2/8 ? <>b ? - JP (IY) FD E9 2/8 ---- LD H,B 60 1/4 ---- RES 2,E CB 93 2/8 ---- SET 0,A CB C7 2/8 ---- SWAP C CB 31 2/8 -zvz
BIT 3,E CB 5B 2/8 ? <>b ? - JP addr C3 dr ad 3 / 10 12
---- LD H,C 61 1/4 ---- RES 2,H CB 94 2/8 ---- SET 0,B CB C0 2/8 ---- SWAP D CB 32 2/8 -zvz
3 / 10 12
BIT 3,H CB 5C 2/8 ? <>b ? - JP c,addr DA dr ad ---- LD H,D 62 1/4 ---- RES 2,L CB 95 2/8 ---- SET 0,C CB C1 2/8 ---- SWAP E CB 33 2/8 -zvz
BIT 3,L CB 5D 2/8 ? <>b ? - JP m,addr FA dr ad 3 / 10 12
---- LD H,E 63 1/4 ---- RES 3,(HL) CB 9E 2 / 15 ---- SET 0,D CB C2 2/8 ---- SWAP H CB 34 2/8 -zvz
BIT 4,(HL) CB 66 2 / 12 ? <>b ? - JP nc,addr D2 dr ad 3 / 10 12
---- LD H,H 64 1/4 ---- RES 3,(IX+d) DD CB d 9E 4 / 23 ---- SET 0,E CB C3 2/8 ---- SWAP L CB 35 2/8 -zvz
3 / 10 12
BIT 4,(IY+d) CB FD 66 d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - JP nz,addr C2 dr ad ---- LD H,L 65 1/4 ---- RES 3,(IY+d) FD CB d 9E 4 / 23 ---- SET 0,H CB C4 2/8 ---- SWAP (HL) CB 36 2 / 16 -zvz
BIT 4,(LY+d) CB DD 66 d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - JP p,addr F2 dr ad 3 / 10 12
---- LD H,n 26 n 2/78 ---- RES 3,A CB 9F 2/8 ---- SET 0,L CB C5 2/8 ---- XOR (HL) AE 1/7 -zp-
BIT 4,A CB 67 2/8 ? <>b ? - JP po,addr E2 dr ad 3 / 10 12
---- LD IXH,A DD 67 2/8 ---- RES 3,B CB 98 2/8 ---- SET 1,(HL) CB CE 2 / 15 ---- XOR (IX+d) DD AC d 3 / 19 -zp-
BIT 4,B CB 60 2/8 ? <>b ? - JP pe,addr EA dr ad 3 / 10 12
---- LD IXH,B DD 60 2/8 ---- RES 3,C CB 99 2/8 ---- SET 1,(IX+d) DD CB d CE 4 / 23 ---- XOR (IY+d) FD AC d 3 / 19 -zp-
BIT 4,C CB 61 2/8 ? <>b ? - JP z,addr CA dr ad 3 / 10 12
---- LD IXH,C DD 61 2/8 ---- RES 3,D CB 9A 2/8 ---- SET 1,(IY+d) FD CB d CE 4 / 23 ---- XOR A AF 1/4 -zp-
BIT 4,D CB 62 2/8 ? <>b ? - JR c,d 38 d 2 / t12f7 8/12
---- LD IXH,D DD 62 2/8 ---- RES 3,E CB 9B 2/8 ---- SET 1,A CB CF 2/8 ---- XOR B A8 1/4 -zp-
BIT 4,E CB 63 2/8 ? <>b ? - JR d 18 d 2 / 12
---- LD IXH,E DD 63 2/8 ---- RES 3,H CB 9C 2/8 ---- SET 1,B CB C8 2/8 ---- XOR C A9 1/4 -zp-
BIT 4,H CB 64 2/8 ? <>b ? - JR nc,d 30 d 2 / t12f7 8/12
---- LD IXH,IXH DD 64 2/8 ---- RES 3,L CB 9D 2/8 ---- SET 1,C CB C9 2/8 ---- XOR D AA 1/4 -zp-
BIT 4,L CB 65 2/8 ? <>b ? - JR nz,d 20 d 2 / t12f7 8/12
---- LD IXH,IXL DD 65 2/8 ---- RES 4,(HL) CB A6 2 / 15 ---- SET 1,D CB CA 2/8 ---- XOR E AB 1/4 -zp-
BIT 5,(HL) CB 6E 2 / 12 ? <>b ? - JR z,d 28 d 2 / t12f7 8/12
---- LD IXH,n DD 26 n 3 / 11 ---- RES 4,(IX+d) DD CB d A6 4 / 23 ---- SET 1,E CB CB 2/8 ---- XOR H AC 1/4 -zp-
BIT 5,(IX+d) CB DD 6E d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - LD (addr),A 32 dr ad / EA dr ad 3 / 13 ---- LD IYH,A FD 67 2/8 ---- RES 4,(IY+d) FD CB d A6 4 / 23 ---- SET 1,H CB CC 2/8 ---- XOR IXH DD AC 2/8 -zp-
BIT 5,(IY+d) CB FD6E d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - LD (addr),BC ED 43 dr ad 4 / 20 24
---- LD IYH,B FD 60 2/8 ---- RES 4,A CB A7 2/8 ---- SET 1,L CB CD 2/8 ---- XOR IYH FD AD 2/8 -zp-
BIT 5,A CB 6F 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (addr),DE ED 53 dr ad 4 / 20 24
---- LD IYH,C FD 61 2/8 ---- RES 4,B CB A0 2/8 ---- SET 2,(HL) CB D6 2 / 15 ---- XOR L AD 1/4 -zp-
3 / 16 24
BIT 5,B CB 68 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (addr),HL 22 dr ad ---- LD IYH,D FD 62 2/8 ---- RES 4,C CB A1 2/8 ---- SET 2,(IX+d) DD CB d D6 4 / 23 ---- XOR IXL DD AC 2/8 -zp-
BIT 5,C CB 69 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (addr),HL ED 63 dr ad 4 / 20 24
---- LD IYH,E FD 63 2/8 ---- RES 4,D CB A2 2/8 ---- SET 2,(IY+d) FD CB d D6 4 / 23 ---- XOR IYL FD AD 2/8 -zp-
BIT 5,D CB 6A 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (addr),IX DD 22 dr ad 4 / 20 24
---- LD IYH,IYH FD 64 2/8 ---- RES 4,E CB A3 2/8 ---- SET 2,A CB D7 2/8 ---- XOR n EE n 2/7 -zp-
BIT 5,E CB 6B 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (addr),IY FD 22 dr ad 4 / 20 24
---- LD IYH,IYL FD 65 2/8 ---- RES 4,H CB A4 2/8 ---- SET 2,B CB D0 2/8 ----
BIT 5,H CB 6C 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (addr),SP ED 73 dr ad
/ 08 dr ad
4 / 20 ---- LD IYH,n FD 26 n 3 / 11 ---- RES 4,L CB A5 2/8 ---- SET 2,C CB D1 2/8 ---- Alternate instructions with the same meaning:

BIT 5,L CB 6D 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (BC),A 2 1/7 ---- LD HL,(addr) 2A dr ad 3 / 16 ---- RES 5,(HL) CB AE 2 / 15 ---- SET 2,D CB D2 2/8 ---- LD ($FF00+n) , A LDH (n),A

BIT 6,(HL) CB 76 2 / 12 ? <>b ? - LD (DE),A 12 1/7 ---- LD HL,(addr) ED 6B dr ad 4 / 20 ---- RES 5,(IX+d) DD CB d AE 4 / 23 ---- SET 2,E CB D3 2/8 ---- LD A, ($FF00+n) LDH A,(n)

BIT 6,(IX+d) CB DD 76 d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - LD HL,hilo 21 lo hi 3 / 10 12

---- RES 5,(IY+d) FD CB d AE 4 / 23 ---- SET 2,H CB D4 2/8 ---- LDI (HL),A LD (HLI),A or LD (HL+),A

BIT 6,(IY+d) CB FD 76 d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - LD (HL),A 77 1/7 ---- LD HL,SP+n F8 n 2 / 12 ---- RES 5,A CB AF 2/8 ---- SET 2,L CB D5 2/8 ---- LDI A,(HL) LD A,(HLI) or LD A,(HL+)

BIT 6,A CB 77 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (HL),B 70 1/7 ---- LD I,A ED 47 2/9 ---- RES 5,B CB A8 2/8 ---- SET 3,(HL) CB DE 2 / 15 ---- LDD (HL),A LD (HLD),A or LD (HL-),A

BIT 6,B CB 70 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (HL),C 71 1/7 ---- LD IX,(addr) DD 2A dr ad 4 / 20 ---- RES 5,C CB A9 2/8 ---- SET 3,(IX+d) DD CB d DE 4 / 23 ---- LDD A,(HL) LD A,(HL-) or LD A,(HLD)

BIT 6,C CB 71 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (HL),D 72 1/7 ---- LD IX,hilo DD 21 lo hi 4 / 14 ---- RES 5,D CB AA 2/8 ---- SET 3,(IY+d) FD CB d DE 4 / 23 ---- LD A,(C) LD A,($FF00+C)

BIT 6,D CB 72 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (HL),E 73 1/7 ---- LD IY,(addr) FD 2A dr ad 4 / 20 ---- RES 5,E CB AB 2/8 ---- SET 3,A CB DF 2/8 ---- LD (C),A LD ($FF00+C),A

BIT 6,E CB 73 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (HL),H 74 1/7 ---- LD IY,hilo FD 21 lo hi 4 / 14 ---- RES 5,H CB AC 2/8 ---- SET 3,B CB D8 2/8 ---- LD HL,SP+n LDHL SP,n ..

BIT 6,H CB 74 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (HL),L 75 1/7 ---- LD L,(HL) 6E 1/7 ---- RES 5,L CB AD 2/8 ---- SET 3,C CB D9 2/8 ----
BIT 6,L CB 75 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (HL),n 36 n 2 / 10 ---- LD L,(IX+d) DD 6E d 3 / 19 ---- RES 6,(HL) CB B6 2 / 15 ---- SET 3,D CB DA 2/8 ---- GB BUG: INC rr / DEC rr when rr is between
BIT 7,(HL) CB 7E 2 / 12 ? <>b ? - LD ($FF00+C),A E2 2/8 ---- LD L,(IY+d) FD 6E d 3 / 19 ---- RES 6,(IX+d) DD CB d B6 4 / 23 ---- SET 3,E CB DB 2/8 ---- &FE00-&FEFF will cause sprites to flicker
BIT 7,(IX+d) CB DD 7E d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - LD ($FF00+n) , A E0 n 2 / 12 ---- LD L,A 6F 1/4 ---- RES 6,(IY+d) FD CB d B6 4 / 23 ---- SET 3,H CB DC 2/8 ---- GB BUG: HALT with DI set will not stop the CPU,
BIT 7,(IY+d) CB FD 7E d 4 / 20 ? <>b ? - LD (IX+d),A DD 77 d 3 / 19 ---- LD L,B 68 1/4 ---- RES 6,A CB B7 2/8 ---- SET 3,L CB DD 2/8 ---- but will 'skip' one command, so put a NOP after
BIT 7,A CB 7F 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (IX+d),B DD 70 d 3 / 19 ---- LD L,C 69 1/4 ---- RES 6,B CB B0 2/8 ---- HALT
BIT 7,B CB 78 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (IX+d),C DD 71 d 3 / 19 ---- LD L,D 6A 1/4 ---- RES 6,C CB B1 2/8 ---- Black: GBZ80 & Z80
BIT 7,C CB 79 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (IX+d),D DD 72 d 3 / 19 ---- LD L,E 6B 1/4 ---- RES 6,D CB B2 2/8 ---- Blue: Z80 only
BIT 7,D CB 7A 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (IX+d),E DD 73 d 3 / 19 ---- LD L,H 6C 1/4 ---- RES 6,E CB B3 2/8 ---- Red: GBZ80 only
BIT 7,E CB 7B 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (IX+d),H DD 71 d 3 / 19 ---- LD L,L 6D 1/4 ---- RES 6,H CB B4 2/8 ---- Purple: Cpc Timings
BIT 7,H CB 7C 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (IX+d),L DD 75 d 3 / 19 ---- LD L,n 2E n 2/7 ---- RES 6,L CB B5 2/8 ----
BIT 7,L CB 7D 2/8 ? <>b ? - LD (IX+d),n DD 36 d n 4 / 19 ----
Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags
Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags
Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags
Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags
Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags
Instruction Opcodes B/T Flags

ADC A,(HL) 8E 1/2 s z h p n c

CALL z,addr CC dr ad 3 / 6+ - - - - - -
LD (IX+d),DE DD 1F d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IY,(HL) ED 31 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
RES 3,A CB 9F 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 1,D CB CA 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,(IX+d) DD 8E d 3/4 s z h p n c

CCF 3F 1/1 - - h - n c
LD (IX+d),E DD 73 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IY,(IX+d) DD 31 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
RES 3,B CB 98 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 1,E CB CB 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,(IY+d) FD 8E d 3/4 s z h p n c

CP (HL) BE 1/2 s z h p n c
LD (IX+d),H DD 71 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IY,(IX+d) FD 31 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
RES 3,C CB 99 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 1,H CB CC 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,A 8F 1/1 s z h p n c

CP (IX+d) DD BE d 3/4 s z h p n c
LD (IX+d),HL DD 2F d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IY,hilo FD 21 lo hi 4 / 4+ - - - - - -
RES 3,D CB 9A 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 1,L CB CD 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,B 88 1/4 s z h p n c

CP (IY+d) FD BE d 3 / 19 s z h p n c
LD (IX+d),IX DD 3F d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IYH,A FD 67 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 3,E CB 9B 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 2,(HL) CB D6 2/3 - - - - - -

ADC A,C 89 1/4 s z h p n c

CP A BF 1/4 s z h p n c
LD (IX+d),IY DD 3E d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IYH,B FD 60 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 3,H CB 9C 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 2,(IX+d) DD CB d D6 4/5 - - - - - -

ADC A,D 8A 1/4 s z h p n c

CP B B8 1/4 s z h p n c
LD (IX+d),L DD 75 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IYH,C FD 61 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 3,L CB 9D 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 2,(IY+d) FD CB d D6 4/5 - - - - - -

ADC A,E 8B 1/4 s z h p n c

CP C B9 1/4 s z h p n c
LD (IX+d),n DD 36 d n 4/5 - - - - - -
LD IYH,D FD 62 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,(HL) CB A6 2/3 - - - - - -
SET 2,A CB D7 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,H 8C 1/4 s z h p n c

CP D BA 1/4 s z h p n c
LD (IY+d),A FD 77 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IYH,E FD 63 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,(IX+d) DD CB d A6 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 2,B CB D0 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,IXH DD 8C 2/2 s z h p n c

CP E BB 1/4 s z h p n c
LD (IY+d),B FD 70 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IYH,IYH FD 64 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,(IY+d) FD CB d A6 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 2,C CB D1 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,IXL DD 8D 2/2 s z h p n c

CP H BC 1/4 s z h p n c
LD (IY+d),BC FD 0F d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IYH,IYL FD 65 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,A CB A7 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 2,D CB D2 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,IYH FD 8C 2/2 s z h p n c

CP IXH DD BC 2/2 s z h p n c
LD (IY+d),C FD 71 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IYH,n FD 26 n 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,B CB A0 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 2,E CB D3 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,IYL FD 8D 2/2 s z h p n c

CP IXL DD BD 2/2 s z h p n c
LD (IY+d),D FD 72 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IYL,A FD 6F 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,C CB A1 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 2,H CB D4 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,L 8D 1/4 s z h p n c

CP IYH FD BC 2/2 s z h p n c
LD (IY+d),DE FD 1F d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IYL,B FD 68 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,D CB A2 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 2,L CB D5 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC A,n CE n 2/2 s z h p n c

CP IYL FD BD 2/2 s z h p n c
LD (IY+d),E FD 73 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IYL,C FD 69 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,E CB A3 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 3,(HL) CB DE 2/3 - - - - - -

ADC HL,BC ED 4A 2/2 s z h p n c

CP L BD 1/4 s z h p n c
LD (IY+d),H FD 74 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IYL,D FD 6A 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,H CB A4 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 3,(IX+d) DD CB d DE 4/5 - - - - - -

ADC HL,DE ED 5A 2/2 s z h p n c

CP n FE n 2/2 s z h p n c
LD (IY+d),HL FD 2F d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IYL,E FD 6B 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 4,L CB A5 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 3,(IY+d) FD CB d DE 4/5 - - - - - -

ADC HL,HL ED 6A 2/2 s z h p n c

CPD ED A9 2/3 s z h p n -
LD (IY+d),IX FD 3F d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IYL,IYH FD 6C 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 5,(HL) CB AE 2/3 - - - - - -
SET 3,A CB DF 2/2 - - - - - -

ADC HL,SP ED 7A 2/2 s z h p n c

CPDR ED B9 ? s z h p n -
LD (IY+d),IY FD 3E d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IYL,IYL FD 6D 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 5,(IX+d) DD CB d AE 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 3,B CB D8 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,(HL) 86 1/2 s z h p n c

CPI ED A1 2/3 s z h p n -
LD (IY+d),L FD 75 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IYL,n FD 2E n 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 5,(IY+d) FD CB d AE 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 3,C CB D9 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,(IX+d) DD 86 d 3/4 s z h p n c

CPIR ED B1 ? s z h p n -
LD (IY+d),n FD 36 d n 4/5 - - - - - -
LD L,(HL) 6E 1/2 - - - - - -
RES 5,A CB AF 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 3,D CB DA 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,(IY+d) FD 86 d 3/4 s z h p n c

CPL 2F 1/1 - - h - n -
LD A,(addr) 3A dr ad 3 / 4+ - - - - - -
LD L,(IX+d) DD 6E d 3/4 - - - - - -
RES 5,B CB A8 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 3,E CB DB 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,A 87 1/1 s z h p n c

DAA 27 1/1 s z h p - c
LD A,(BC) 0A 1/2 - - - - - -
LD L,(IY+d) FD 6E d 3/4 - - - - - -
RES 5,C CB A9 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 3,H CB DC 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,B 80 1/1 s z h p n c

DEC (HL) 35 1/ 4 s z h p n -
LD A,(DE) 1A 1/2 - - - - - -
LD L,A 6F 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 5,D CB AA 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 3,L CB DD 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,C 81 1/1 s z h p n c

DEC (IX+d) DD 35 d 3/6 s z h p n -
LD A,(HL) 7E 1/2 - - - - - -
LD L,B 68 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 5,E CB AB 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 4,(HL) CB E6 2/3 - - - - - -

ADD A,D 82 1/1 s z h p n c

DEC (IY+d) FD 35 d 3/6 s z h p n -
LD A,(IX+d) DD 7E d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD L,C 69 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 5,H CB AC 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 4,(IX+d) DD CB d E6 4/5 - - - - - -

ADD A,E 83 1/1 s z h p n c

DEC A 3D 1/1 s z h p n -
LD A,(IY+d) FD 7E d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD L,D 6A 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 5,L CB AD 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 4,(IY+d) FD CB d E6 4/5 - - - - - -

ADD A,H 84 1/1 s z h p n c

DEC B 05 1/4 s z h p n -
LD A,A 7F 1/1 - - - - - -
LD L,E 6B 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 6,(HL) CB B6 2/3 - - - - - -
SET 4,A CB E7 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,IXH DD 84 2/2 s z h p n c

DEC BC 0B 1/1 - - - - - -
LD A,B 78 1/1 - - - - - -
LD L,H 6C 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 6,(IX+d) DD CB d B6 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 4,B CB E0 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,IXL DD 85 2/2 s z h p n c

DEC C 0D 1/4 s z h p n -
LD A,C 79 1/1 - - - - - -
LD L,L 6D 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 6,(IY+d) FD CB d B6 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 4,C CB E1 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,IYH FD 84 2/2 s z h p n c

DEC D 15 1/4 s z h p n -
LD A,D 7A 1/1 - - - - - -
LD L,n 2E n 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 6,A CB B7 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 4,D CB E2 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,IYL FD 85 2/2 s z h p n c

DEC DE 1B 1/1 - - - - - -
LD A,E 7B 1/1 - - - - - -
LD MB,A ED 6D 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 6,B CB B0 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 4,E CB E3 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,L 85 1/1 s z h p n c

DEC E 1D 1/4 s z h p n -
LD A,H 7C 1/1 - - - - - -
LD R,A ED 4F 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 6,C CB B1 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 4,H CB E4 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD A,n C6 n 2/2 s z h p n c

DEC H 25 1/4 s z h p n -
LD A,I ED 57 2/2 s z h p n -
LD SP,(addr) ED 7B dr ad 4/5 - - - - - -
RES 6,D CB B2 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 4,L CB E5 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD HL,BC 09 1/1 - - h - n c

DEC HL 2B 1/1 - - - - - -
LD A,IXH DD 7C 2/2 - - - - - -
LD SP,hilo 31 lo hi 3/3 3 / 3
RES 6,E CB B3 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 5,(HL) CB EE 2/3 - - - - - -

ADD HL,DE 19 1/1 - - h - n c

DEC IX DD 2B 2/2 - - - - - -
LD A,IXL DD 7D 2/2 - - - - - -
LD SP,HL F9 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 6,H CB B4 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 5,(IX+d) DD CB d EE 4/5 - - - - - -

ADD HL,HL 29 1/1 - - h - n c

DEC IXH DD 25 2/2 s z h p n -
LD A,IYH FD 7C 2/2 - - - - - -
LD SP,IX DD F9 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 6,L CB B5 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 5,(IY+d) FD CB d EE 4/5 - - - - - -

ADD HL,SP 39 1/1 - - h - n c

DEC IXL DD 2D 2/2 s z h p n -
LD A,IYL FD 7D 2/2 - - - - - -
LD SP,IY FD F9 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 7,(HL) CB BE 2/3 - - - - - -
SET 5,A CB EF 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD IX,BC DD 09 2/2 - - h - n c

DEC IY FD 2B 2/2 - - - - - -
LD A,L 7D 1/1 - - - - - -
LDD ED A8 2/5 - - h p n -
RES 7,(IX+d) DD CB d BE 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 5,B CB E8 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD IX,DE DD 19 2/2 - - h - n c

DEC IYH FD 25 2/2 s z h p n -
LD A,MB ED 6E 2/2 - - - - - -
LDDR ED B8 2/? - - h p n -
RES 7,(IY+d) FD CB d BE 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 5,C CB E9 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD IX,IX DD 29 2/2 - - h - n c

DEC IYL FD 2D 2/2 s z h p n -
LD A,n 3E n 2/2 - - - - - -
LDI ED A0 2/5 - - h p n -
RES 7,A CB BF 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 5,D CB EA 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD IX,SP DD 39 2/2 - - h - n c

DEC L 2D 1/4 s z h p n -
LD A,R ED 5F 2/2 s z h p n -
LDIR ED B0 2/? - - h p n -
RES 7,B CB B8 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 5,E CB EB 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD IY,BC FD 09 2/2 - - h - n c

DEC SP 3B 1/1 - - - - - -
LD B,(HL) 46 1/2 - - - - - -
LEA BC,IX+d ED 02 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RES 7,C CB B9 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 5,H CB EC 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD IY,DE FD 19 2/2 - - h - n c

DI F3 1/1 - - - - - -
LD B,(IX+d) DD 46 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LEA BC,IY+d ED 03 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RES 7,D CB BA 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 5,L CB ED 2/2 - - - - - -

ADD IY,IY FD 29 2/2 - - h - n c

DJNZ d 10 d 2 / 2-4 - - - - - -
LD B,(IY+d) FD 46 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LEA DE,IX+d ED 12 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RES 7,E CB BB 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 6,(HL) CB F6 2/3 - - - - - -

ADD IY,SP FD 39 2/2 - - h - n c

EI FB 1/1 - - - - - -
LD B,A 47 1/1 - - - - - -
LEA DE,IY+d ED 13 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RES 7,H CB BC 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 6,(IX+d) DD CB d F6 4/5 - - - - - -

AND (HL) A6 1/2 s z h p n c

EX (SP),HL E3 1 / 5-7 - - - - - -
LD B,C 41 1/1 - - - - - -
LEA HL,IX+d ED 22 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RES 7,L CB BD 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 6,(IY+d) FD CB d F6 4/5 - - - - - -

AND (IX+d) DD A6 d 2/3 s z h p n c

EX (SP),IX DD E3 2 / 6-8 - - - - - -
LD B,D 42 1/1 - - - - - -
LEA HL,IY+d ED 23 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RET C9 1 / 5+ - - - - - -
SET 6,A CB F7 2/2 - - - - - -

AND (IY+d) FD A6 d 2/3 s z h p n c

EX (SP),IY FD E3 2 / 6-8 - - - - - -
LD B,E 43 1/1 - - - - - -
LEA IX,IX+d ED 32 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RET C D8 1 / 2+ - - - - - -
SET 6,B CB F0 2/2 - - - - - -

AND A A7 1/1 s z h p n c
EX AF,AF' 08 1/4 s z h p n c
LD B,H 44 1/1 - - - - - -
LEA IX,IY+d ED 54 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RET M F8 1 / 2+ - - - - - -
SET 6,C CB F1 2/2 - - - - - -

AND B A0 1/1 s z h p n c
EX DE,HL EB 1/1 - - - - - -
LD B,IXH DD 44 2/2 - - - - - -
LEA IY,IX+d ED 55 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RET NC D0 1 / 2+ - - - - - -
SET 6,D CB F2 2/2 - - - - - -

AND C A1 1/1 s z h p n c
EXX D9 1/1 - - - - - -
LD B,IXL DD 45 2/2 - - - - - -
LEA IY,IY+d ED 33 d 3/3 - - - - - -
RET NZ C0 1 / 2+ - - - - - -
SET 6,E CB F3 2/2 - - - - - -

AND D A2 1/1 s z h p n c
HALT 76 1/1 - - - - - -
LD B,IYH FD 44 2/2 - - - - - -
MLT BC ED 4C 2/6 - - - - - -
RET P F0 1 / 2+ - - - - - -
SET 6,H CB F4 2/2 - - - - - -

AND E A3 1/1 s z h p n c
IM 0 ED 46 1/2 - - - - - -
LD B,IYL FD 45 2/2 - - - - - -
MLT DE ED 5C 2/6 - - - - - -
RET PE E8 1 / 2+ - - - - - -
SET 6,L CB F5 2/2 - - - - - -

AND H A4 1/1 s z h p n c
IM 1 ED 56 1/2 - - - - - -
LD B,L 45 1/1 - - - - - -
MLT HL ED 6C 2/6 - - - - - -
RET PO E0 1 / 2+ - - - - - -
SET 7,(HL) CB FE 2/3 - - - - - -

AND IXH DD A4 2/2 s z h p n c

IM 2 ED 5E 1/2 - - - - - -
LD B,n 06 n 2/2 - - - - - -
MLT SP ED 7C 2/6 - - - - - -
RET Z C8 1 / 2+ - - - - - -
SET 7,(IX+d) DD CB d FE 4/5 - - - - - -

AND IXL DD A5 2/2 s z h p n c

IN A,(BC) ED 78 2/3 s z h p n -
LD BC,(addr) ED 4B dr ad 4/6 - - - - - -
NEG ED 44 2/2 s z h p n c
RETI ED 4D 2 / 6+ - - - - - -
SET 7,(IY+d) FD CB d FE 4/5 - - - - - -

AND IYH FD A4 2/2 s z h p n c

IN A,(n) DB n 2/3 - - - - - -
LD BC,(HL) ED 07 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
NOP 00 1/1 - - - - - -
RETN ED 45 2 / 6+ - - - - - -
SET 7,A CB FF 2/2 - - - - - -

AND IYL FD A5 2/2 s z h p n c

IN B,(BC) ED 40 2/3 s z h p n -
LD BC,(IX+d) DD 07 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
OR (HL) B6 1/2 s z h p n c
RL (HL) CB 16 2/5 s z h p n c
SET 7,B CB F8 2/2 - - - - - -

AND L A5 1/1 s z h p n c
IN C,(BC) ED 48 2/3 s z h p n -
LD BC,(IY+d) FD 07 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
OR (IX+d) DD B6 d 3/4 - - - - - -
RL (IX+d) DD CB d 16 4/7 s z h p n c
SET 7,C CB F9 2/2 - - - - - -

AND n E6 n 2/2 s z h p n c
IN D,(BC) ED 50 2/3 s z h p n -
LD BC,hilo 01 lo hi 3/3 - - - - - -
OR (IY+d) FD B6 d 3/4 - - - - - -
RL (IY+d) FD CB d 16 4/7 s z h p n c
SET 7,D CB FA 2/2 - - - - - -

BIT 0,(HL) CB 46 2/3 s z h p n -

IN E,(BC) ED 58 2/3 s z h p n -
LD C,(HL) 4E 1/2 - - - - - -
OR A B7 1/1 s z h p n c
RL A CB 17 2/2 s z h p n c
SET 7,E CB FB 2/2 - - - - - -

BIT 0,(IX+d) CB DD 46 d 4 / 5 s z h p n -
IN H,(BC) ED 60 2/3 s z h p n -
LD C,(IX+d) DD 4E d 3/4 - - - - - -
OR B B0 1/1 s z h p n c
RL B CB 10 2/2 s z h p n c
SET 7,H CB FC 2/2 - - - - - -

BIT 0,(IY+d) CB FD 46 d 4 / 5 s z h p n -
IN L,(BC) ED 68 2/3 s z h p n -
LD C,(IY+d) DD 4E d 3/4 - - - - - -
OR C B1 1/1 s z h p n c
RL C CB 11 2/2 s z h p n c
SET 7,L CB FD 2/2 - - - - - -

BIT 0,A CB 47 2/2 s z h p n -

IN0 A,(n) ED 38 2/4 s z h p n -
LD C,A 4F 1/1 - - - - - -
OR D B2 1/1 s z h p n c
RL D CB 12 2/2 s z h p n c
SLA (HL) CB 26 2/5 s z h p n c

BIT 0,B CB 40 2/2 s z h p n -

IN0 B,(n) ED 00 2/4 s z h p n -
LD C,B 48 1/1 - - - - - -
OR E B3 1/1 s z h p n c
RL E CB 13 2/2 s z h p n c
SLA (IX+d) DD CB d 26 4/7 s z h p n c

BIT 0,C CB 41 2/2 s z h p n -

IN0 C,(n) ED 08 2/4 s z h p n -
LD C,D 4A 1/1 - - - - - -
OR H B4 1/1 s z h p n c
RL H CB 14 2/2 s z h p n c
SLA (IY+d) FD CB d 26 4/7 s z h p n c

BIT 0,D CB 42 2/2 s z h p n -

IN0 D,(n) ED 10 2/4 s z h p n -
LD C,E 4B 1/1 - - - - - -
OR IXH DD B4 2/2 s z h p n c
RL L CB 15 2/2 s z h p n c
SLA A CB 27 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 0,E CB 43 2/2 s z h p n -

IN0 E,(n) ED 18 2/4 s z h p n -
LD C,H 4C 1/1 - - - - - -
OR IXL DD B5 2/2 s z h p n c
RLA 17 1/1 - - h - n c
SLA B CB 20 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 0,H CB 44 2/2 s z h p n -

IN0 H,(n) ED 20 2/4 s z h p n -
LD C,IXH DD 4C 2/2 - - - - - -
OR IYH FD B4 2/2 s z h p n c
RLC (HL) CB 06 2/5 s z h p n c
SLA C CB 21 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 0,L CB 45 2/2 s z h p n -

IN0 L,(n) ED 28 2/4 s z h p n -
LD C,IXL DD 4D 2/2 - - - - - -
OR IYL FD B5 2/2 s z h p n c
RLC (IX+d) DD CB d 06 4/7 s z h p n c
SLA D CB 22 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 1,(HL) CB 4E 2/3 s z h p n -

INC (HL) 34 1/4 s z h p n -
LD C,IYH FD 4C 2/2 - - - - - -
OR L B5 1/1 s z h p n c
RLC (IY+d) FD CB d 06 4/7 s z h p n c
SLA E CB 23 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 1,(IX+d) CB DD 4E d 4 / 5 s z h p n -
INC (IX+d) DD 34 d 3/6 s z h p n -
LD C,IYL FD 4D 2/2 - - - - - -
OR n F6 n 2/2 s z h p n c
RLC A CB 07 2/2 s z h p n c
SLA H CB 24 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 1,(IY+d) CB FD 4E d 4/5 s z h p n -

INC (IY+d) FD 34 d 3/6 s z h p n -
LD C,L 4D 1/1 - - - - - -
OTD2R ED BC 2/? - z - - n -
RLC B CB 00 2/2 s z h p n c
SLA L CB 25 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 1,A CB 1F 2/2 s z h p n -

INC A 3C 1/1 s z h p n -
LD C,n 0E n 2/2 - - - - - -
OTDM ED 8B 2/5 - z - - n -
RLC C CB 01 2/2 s z h p n c
SLP ED 76 2/2 - - - - - -

BIT 1,B CB 48 2/2 s z h p n -

INC B 04 1/1 s z h p n -
LD D,(HL) 56 1/2 - - - - - -
OTDMR ED 9B 2/? - z - - n -
RLC D CB 02 2/2 s z h p n c
SRA (HL) CB 2E 2/5 s z h p n c

BIT 1,C CB 49 2/2 s z h p n -

INC BC 03 1/1 - - - - - -
LD D,(IX+d) DD 56 d 3/4 - - - - - -
OTDR ED BB 2/? - z - - n -
RLC E CB 03 2/2 s z h p n c
SRA (IX+d) DD CB d 2E 4/7 s z h p n c

BIT 1,D CB 4A 2/2 s z h p n -

INC C 0C 1/1 s z h p n -
LD D,(IY+d) FD 56 d 3/4 - - - - - -
OTDRX ED CB 2/? - z - - n -
RLC H CB 04 2/2 s z h p n c
SRA (IY+d) FD CB d 2E 4/7 s z h p n c

BIT 1,E CB 4B 2/2 s z h p n -

INC D 14 1/1 s z h p n -
LD D,A 57 1/1 - - - - - -
OTI2R ED B4 2/? - z - - n -
RLC L CB 05 2/2 s z h p n c
SRA A CB 2F 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 1,H CB 4C 2/2 s z h p n -

INC DE 13 1/1 - - - - - -
LD D,B 50 1/1 - - - - - -
OTIM ED 83 2/5 - z - - n -
RLCA 07 1/4 - - h - n c
SRA B CB 28 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 1,L CB 4D 2/2 s z h p n -

INC E 1C 1/1 s z h p n -
LD D,C 51 1/1 - - - - - -
OTIMR ED 93 2/? - z - - n -
RLD ED 6F 2/5 s z h p n c
SRA C CB 29 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 2,(HL) CB 56 2/3 s z h p n -

INC H 24 1/1 s z h p n -
LD D,E 53 1/1 - - - - - -
OTIR ED B3 2/? - z - - n -
RR (HL) CB 1E 2/5 s z h p n c
SRA D CB 2A 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 2,(IX+d) CB DD 56 d 4/5 s z h p n -

INC HL 23 1/1 - - - - - -
LD D,H 54 1/1 - - - - - -
OTIRX ED C3 2/? - z - - n -
RR (IX+d) DD CB d 1E 4/7 s z h p n c
SRA E CB 2B 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 2,(IY+d) CB FD 56 d 4/5 s z h p n -

INC IX DD 23 2/2 - - - - - -
LD D,IXH DD 54 2/2 - - - - - -
OUT (BC),A ED 79 2/3 - - - - - -
RR (IY+d) FD CB d 1E 4/7 s z h p n c
SRA H CB 2C 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 2,A CB 57 2/2 s z h p n -

INC IXH DD 24 2/2 s z h p n -
LD D,IXL DD 55 2/2 - - - - - -
OUT (BC),B ED 41 2/3 - - - - - -
RR A CB 1F 2/2 s z h p n c
SRA L CB 2D 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 2,B CB 50 2/2 s z h p n -

INC IXL DD 2C 2/2 s z h p n -
LD D,IYH FD 54 2/2 - - - - - -
OUT (BC),C ED 49 2/3 - - - - - -
RR B CB 18 2/2 s z h p n c
SRL (HL) CB 3E 2/5 s z h p n c

BIT 2,C CB 51 2/2 s z h p n -

INC IY FD 23 2/2 - - - - - -
LD D,IYL FD 55 2/2 - - - - - -
OUT (BC),D ED 51 2/3 - - - - - -
RR C CB 19 2/2 s z h p n c
SRL (IX+d) DD CB d 3E 4/7 s z h p n c

BIT 2,D CB 52 2/2 s z h p n -

INC IYH FD 24 2/2 s z h p n -
LD D,L 55 1/1 - - - - - -
OUT (BC),E ED 59 2/3 - - - - - -
RR D CB 1A 2/2 s z h p n c
SRL (IY+d) FD CB d 3E 4/7 s z h p n c

BIT 2,E CB 53 2/2 s z h p n -

INC IYL FD 2C 2/2 s z h p n -
LD D,n 16 n 2/2 - - - - - -
OUT (BC),H ED 61 2/3 - - - - - -
RR E CB 1B 2/2 s z h p n c
SRL A CB 3F 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 2,H CB 54 2/2 s z h p n -

INC L 2C 1/1 s z h p n -
LD DE,(addr) ED 5B dr ad 4/6 - - - - - -
OUT (BC),L ED 69 2/3 - - - - - -
RR H CB 1C 2/2 s z h p n c
SRL B CB 38 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 2,L CB 55 2/2 s z h p n -

INC SP 33 1/1 - - - - - -
LD DE,(HL) ED 17 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
OUT (n),A D3 n 2/3 - - - - - -
RR L CB 1D 2/2 s z h p n c
SRL C CB 39 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 3,(HL) CB 5E 2/3 s z h p n -

IND ED AA 2/5 - z - - n -
LD DE,(IX+d) DD 17 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
OUT0 (n),A ED 39 n 3/4 - - - - - -
RRA 1F 1/1 - - h - n c
SRL D CB 3A 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 3,(IX+d) CB DD 5E d 4/5 s z h p n -

IND2 ED 8C 2/5 - z - - n -
LD DE,(IY+d) FD 17 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
OUT0 (n),B ED 01 n 3/4 - - - - - -
RRC (HL) CB 0E 1/5 s z h p n c
SRL E CB 3B 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 3,(IY+d) CB FD 5E d 4/5 s z h p n -

IND2R ED 9C 2/? - z - - n -
LD DE,hilo 11 lo hi 3/3 - - - - - -
OUT0 (n),C ED 09 n 3/4 - - - - - -
RRC (IX+d) DD CB d 0E 4/7 s z h p n c
SRL H CB 3C 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 3,A CB 5F 2/2 s z h p n -

INDM ED 8A 2/5 - z - - n -
LD E,(HL) 5E 1/2 - - - - - -
OUT0 (n),D ED 11 n 3/4 - - - - - -
RRC (IY+d) FD CB d 0E 4 / 23 s z h p n c
SRL L CB 3D 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 3,B CB 58 2/2 s z h p n -

INDMR ED 9A 2/? - z - - n -
LD E,(IX+d) DD 5E d 3/4 - - - - - -
OUT0 (n),E ED 19 n 3/4 - - - - - -
RRC A CB 0F 2/2 s z h p n c
STMIX ED 7D 2/2 - - - - - -

BIT 3,C CB 59 2/2 s z h p n -

INDR ED BA ? - z - - n -
LD E,(IY+d) FD 5E d 3/4 - - - - - -
OUT0 (n),H ED 21 n 3/4 - - - - - -
RRC B CB 08 2/2 s z h p n c
SUB (HL) 96 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 3,D CB 5A 2/2 s z h p n -

INDRX ED CA 2/? - z - - n -
LD E,A 5F 1/1 - - - - - -
OUT0 (n),L ED 29 n 3/4 - - - - - -
RRC C CB 09 2/2 s z h p n c
SUB (IX+d) DD 96 d 2/4 s z h p n c

BIT 3,E CB 5B 2/2 s z h p n -

INI ED A2 5 - z - - n -
LD E,B 58 1/1 - - - - - -
OUTD ED AB 2/5 - z - - n -
RRC D CB 0A 2/2 s z h p n c
SUB (IY+d) FD 96 d 2/4 s z h p n c

BIT 3,H CB 5C 2/2 s z h p n -

INI2 ED 84 2/5 - z - - n -
LD E,C 59 1/1 - - - - - -
OUTD2 ED AC 2/5 - z - - n -
RRC E CB 0B 2/2 s z h p n c
SUB A 97 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 3,L CB 5D 2/2 s z h p n -

INI2R ED 94 2/? - z - - n -
LD E,D 5A 1/1 - - - - - -
OUTI ED A3 2/5 - z - - n -
RRC H CB 0C 2/2 s z h p n c
SUB B 90 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 4,(HL) CB 66 2/3 s z h p n -

INIM ED 82 2/5 - z - - n -
LD E,H 5C 1/1 - - - - - -
OUTI2 ED A4 2/5 - z - - n -
RRC L CB 0D 2/2 s z h p n c
SUB C 91 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 4,(IX+d) CB DD 66 d 4/5 s z h p n -

INIMR ED 92 2/? - z - - n -
LD E,IXH DD 5C 2/2 - - - - - -
PEA IX+d ED 65 d 3/5+ - - - - - -
RRCA 0F 1/1 - - h - n c
SUB D 92 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 4,(IY+d) CB FD 66 d 4/5 s z h p n -

INIR ED B2 2/? - z - - n -
LD E,IXL DD 5D 2/2 - - - - - -
PEA IY+d ED 66 d 3/5+ - - - - - -
RRD ED 67 2/5 s z h p n -
SUB E 93 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 4,A CB 67 2/2 s z h p n -

INIRX ED C2 2/? - z - - n -
LD E,IYH FD 5C 2/2 - - - - - -
POP AF F1 1 / 3+ Popped
RSMIX ED 7E 2/2 - - - - - -
SUB H 94 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 4,B CB 60 2/2 s z h p n -

JP (HL) E9 1/3 - - - - - -
LD E,IYL FD 5D 2/2 - - - - - -
POP BC C1 1 / 3+ - - - - - -
RST 0 C7 1 / 5+ - - - - - -
SUB IXH DD AC 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 4,C CB 61 2/2 s z h p n -

JP (IX) DD E9 2/4 - - - - - -
LD E,L 5D 1/4 - - - -
POP DE D1 1 / 3+ - - - - - -
RST 16 (2) D7 1 / 5+ - - - - - -
SUB IXL DD AD 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 4,D CB 62 2/2 s z h p n -

JP (IY) FD E9 2/4 - - - - - -
LD E,n 1E n 2/2 - - - - - -
POP HL E1 1 / 3+ - - - - - -
RST 24 (3) DF 1 / 5+ - - - - - -
SUB IYH FD AC 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 4,E CB 63 2/2 s z h p n -

JP addr C3 dr ad 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
LD H,(HL) 66 1/2 - - - - - -
POP IX DD E1 2/4+ - - - - - -
RST 32 (4) E7 1 / 5+ - - - - - -
SUB IYL FD AD 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 4,H CB 64 2/2 s z h p n -

JP c,addr DA dr ad 3 / 3+ - - - - - -
LD H,(IX+d) DD 66 d 3/4 - - - - - -
POP IY FD E1 2/4+ - - - - - -
RST 40 (5) EF 1 / 5+ - - - - - -
SUB L 95 1/1 - z v b

BIT 4,L CB 65 2/2 s z h p n -

JP m,addr FA dr ad 3 / 3+ - - - - - -
LD H,(IY+d) FD 66 d 3/4 - - - - - -
PUSH AF F5 1 / 3+ - - - - - -
RST 48 (6) F7 1 / 5+ - - - - - -
SUB n D6 n 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 5,(HL) CB 6E 2/3 s z h p n -

JP nc,addr D2 dr ad 3 / 3+ - - - - - -
LD H,A 67 1/1 - - - - - -
PUSH BC C5 1 / 3+ - - - - - -
RST 56 (7) FF 1 / 5+ - - - - - -
TST A,(HL) ED 34 2/3 s z h p n c

BIT 5,(IX+d) CB DD 6E d 4/5 s z h p n -

JP nz,addr C2 dr ad 3 / 3+ - - - - - -
LD H,B 60 1/1 - - - - - -
PUSH DE D5 1 / 3+ - - - - - -
RST 8 (1) CF 1 / 5+ - - - - - -
TST A,A ED 3C 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 5,(IY+d) CB FD 6E d 4/5 s z h p n -

JP p,addr F2 dr ad 3 / 3+ - - - - - -
LD H,C 61 1/1 - - - - - -
PUSH HL E5 1 / 3+ - - - - - -
SBC A,(HL) 9E 1/2 s z h p n c
TST A,B ED 04 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 5,A CB 6F 2/2 s z h p n -

JP pe,addr EA dr ad 3 / 3+ - - - - - -
LD H,D 62 1/1 - - - - - -
PUSH IX DD E5 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
SBC A,(IX+d) DD 9Ed 3 /4 s z h p n c
TST A,C ED 0C 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 5,B CB 68 2/2 s z h p n -

JP po,addr E2 dr ad 3 / 3+ - - - - - -
LD H,E 63 1/1 - - - - - -
PUSH IY FD E5 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
SBC A,(IY+d) FD 9Ed 3 /4 s z h p n c
TST A,D ED 14 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 5,C CB 69 2/2 s z h p n -

JP z,addr CA dr ad 3 / 3+ - - - - - -
LD H,H 64 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 0,(HL) CB 86 2/3 - - - - - -
SBC A,A 9F 1/1 s z h p n c
TST A,E ED 1C 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 5,D CB 6A 2/2 s z h p n -

JR c,d 38 d 2 / 2+ - - - - - -
LD H,L 65 1/1 - - - - - -
RES 0,(IX+d) DD CB d 86 4/5 - - - - - -
SBC A,B 98 1/1 s z h p n c
TST A,H ED 24 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 5,E CB 6B 2/2 s z h p n -

JR d 18 d 2/3 - - - - - -
LD H,n 26 n 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 0,(IY+d) FD CB d 86 4/5 - - - - - -
SBC A,C 99 1/1 s z h p n c
TST A,L ED 2C 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 5,H CB 6C 2/2 s z h p n -

JR nc,d 30 d 2 / 2+ - - - - - -
LD HL,(addr) 2A dr ad 3/5 - - - - - -
RES 0,A CB 87 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC A,D 9A 1/1 s z h p n c
TST A,n ED 64 n 3/3 s z h p n c

BIT 5,L CB 6D 2/2 s z h p n -

JR nz,d 20 d 2 / 2+ - - - - - -
LD HL,(HL) ED 27 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
RES 0,B CB 80 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC A,E 9B 1/1 s z h p n c
TSTIO n ED 74 n 3/4 s z h p n c

BIT 6,(HL) CB 76 2/3 s z h p n -

JR z,d 28 d 2 / 2+ - - - - - -
LD HL,(IX+d) DD 27 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
RES 0,C CB 81 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC A,H 9C 1/1 s z h p n c
XOR (HL) AE 1/2 s z h p n c

BIT 6,(IX+d) CB DD 76 d 4/5 s z h p n -

LD (addr),A 32 dr ad 3/4 - - - - - -
LD HL,(IY+d) FD 27 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
RES 0,D CB 82 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC A,IXH DD 9C 2/2 s z h p n c
XOR (IX+d) DD AC d 3/4 s z h p n c

BIT 6,(IY+d) CB FD 76 d 4/5 s z h p n -

LD (addr),BC ED 43 dr ad 4/6 - - - - - -
LD HL,hilo 21 lo hi 3/3 - - - - - -
RES 0,E CB 83 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC A,IXL DD 9D 2/2 s z h p n c
XOR (IY+d) FD AC d 3/4 s z h p n c

BIT 6,A CB 77 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (addr),DE ED 53 dr ad 4/6 - - - - - -
LD HL,I ED D7 2/2 s z h p n -
RES 0,H CB 81 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC A,IYH FD 9C 2/2 s z h p n c
XOR A AF 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 6,B CB 70 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (addr),HL 22 dr ad 3/5 - - - - - -
LD I,A ED 47 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 0,L CB 85 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC A,IYL FD 9D 2/2 s z h p n c
XOR B A8 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 6,C CB 71 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (addr),IX DD 22 dr ad 4/6 - - - - - -
LD I,HL ED C7 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 1,(HL) CB 8E 2/3 - - - - - -
SBC A,L 9D 1/1 s z h p n c
XOR C A9 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 6,D CB 72 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (addr),IY FD 22 dr ad 4/6 - - - - - -
LD IX,(addr) DD 2A dr ad 4/6 - - - - - -
RES 1,(IX+d) DD CB d 8E 4/5 - - - - - -
SBC A,n DE n 2/2 s z h p n c
XOR D AA 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 6,E CB 73 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (addr),SP ED 73 dr ad 4/6 - - - - - -
LD IX,(HL) ED 37 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
RES 1,(IY+d) FD CB d 8E 4/5 - - - - - -
SBC HL,BC ED 42 2/2 s z h p n c
XOR E AB 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 6,H CB 74 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (BC),A 02 1/2 - - - - - -
LD IX,(IX+d) DD 37 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
RES 1,A CB 8F 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC HL,DE ED 52 2/2 s z h p n c
XOR H AC 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 6,L CB 75 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (DE),A 12 1/2 - - - - - -
LD IX,(IY+d) FD 37 d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
RES 1,B CB 88 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC HL,HL ED 62 2/2 s z h p n c
XOR IXH DD AC 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 7,(HL) CB 7E 2/3 s z h p n -

LD (HL),A 77 1/2 - - - - - -
LD IX,hilo DD 21 lo hi 4 / 4+ - - - - - -
RES 1,C CB 89 2/2 - - - - - -
SBC HL,SP ED 72 2/2 s z h p n c
XOR IXL DD AC 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 7,(IX+d) CB DD 7E d 4/5 s z h p n -

LD (HL),B 70 1/2 - - - - - -
LD IXH,A DD 67 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 1,D CB 8A 2/2 - - - - - -
SCF 37 1/1 - - h - n c
XOR IYH FD AD 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 7,(IY+d) CB FD 7E d 4/5 s z h p n -

LD (HL),BC ED 0F 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
LD IXH,B DD 60 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 1,E CB 8B 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 0,(HL) CB C6 2/3 - - - - - -
XOR IYL FD AD 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 7,A CB 7F 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (HL),C 71 1/2 - - - - - -
LD IXH,C DD 61 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 1,H CB 8C 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 0,(IX+d) DD CB d C6 4/5 - - - - - -
XOR L AD 1/1 s z h p n c

BIT 7,B CB 78 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (HL),D 72 1/2 - - - - - -
LD IXH,D DD 62 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 1,L CB 8D 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 0,(IY+d) FD CB d C6 4/5 - - - - - -
XOR n EE n 2/2 s z h p n c

BIT 7,C CB 79 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (HL),DE ED 1F 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
LD IXH,E DD 63 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,(HL) CB 96 2/3 - - - - - -
SET 0,A CB C7 2/2 - - - - - -

BIT 7,D CB 7A 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (HL),E 73 1/2 - - - - - -
LD IXH,IXH DD 64 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,(IX+d) DD CB d 96 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 0,B CB C0 2/2 - - - - - -
xxx.S 52 xxx 1/1
BIT 7,E CB 7B 2/2 s z h p n -
LD (HL),H 74 1/2 - - - - - -
LD IXH,IXL DD 65 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,(IY+d) FD CB d 96 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 0,C CB C1 2/2 - - - - - -
xxx.L 49 xxx 1/1
BIT 7,H CB 7C 2/2 s z h p n -
LD (HL),HL ED 2F 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
LD IXH,n DD 26 n 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,A CB 97 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 0,D CB C2 2/2 - - - - - -

BIT 7,L CB 7D 2/2 s z h p n -

LD (HL),IX ED 3F 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
LD IXL,A DD 6F 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,B CB 90 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 0,E CB C3 2/2 - - - - - -
.IS 40 1/1
CALL addr CD dr ad 3/5 - - - - - -
LD (HL),IY ED 3E 2 / 4+ - - - - - -
LD IXL,B DD 68 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,C CB 91 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 0,H CB C4 2/2 - - - - - -
.IS ADL 49 1/1
CALL c,addr DC dr ad 3 / 6+ - - - - - -
LD (HL),L 75 1/2 - - - - - -
LD IXL,C DD 69 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,D CB 92 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 0,L CB C5 2/2 - - - - - -
.IL 52 1/1
CALL m,addr FC dr ad 3 / 6+ - - - - - -
LD (HL),n 36 n 2/3 - - - - - -
LD IXL,D DD 6A 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,E CB 93 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 1,(HL) CB CE 2/3 - - - - - -
IL ADL 5B 1/1
CALL nc,addr D4 dr ad 3 / 6+ - - - - - -
LD (IX+d),A DD 77 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IXL,E DD 6B 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,H CB 94 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 1,(IX+d) DD CB d CE 4/5 - - - - - -

CALL nz,addr C4 dr ad 3 / 6+ - - - - - -
LD (IX+d),B DD 70 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IXL,IXH DD 6C 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 2,L CB 95 2/2 - - - - - -
SET 1,(IY+d) FD CB d CE 4/5 - - - - - -
.SIS 40 1/1
CALL p,addr F4 dr ad 3 / 6+ - - - - - -
LD (IX+d),BC DD 0F d 3 / 5+ - - - - - -
LD IXL,IXL DD 6D 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 3,(HL) CB 9E 2/3 - - - - - -
SET 1,A CB CF 2/2 - - - - - -
.LIL 5B 1/1
CALL pe,addr EC dr ad 3 / 6+ - - - - - -
LD (IX+d),C DD 71 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IXL,n DD 2E n 2/2 - - - - - -
RES 3,(IX+d) DD CB d 9E 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 1,B CB C8 2/2 - - - - - -
SLL is removed
CALL po,addr E4 dr ad 3 / 6+ - - - - - -
LD (IX+d),D DD 72 d 3/4 - - - - - -
LD IY,(addr) FD 2A dr ad 4/6 - - - - - -
RES 3,(IY+d) FD CB d 9E 4/5 - - - - - -
SET 1,C CB C9 2/2 - - - - - -
LD B,B C,C D,D E,E removed
Mnemonic Description Example Addressing Modes Flags
ADC <ea> Add <ea> and the carry flag to the Accumulator A. ADC #61 Imm ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X ; N Z C - - V
Abs,Y ; (ind) {65c02}; (Ind,X), (Ind),Y
AND <ea> Logical AND of bits in 8 bit value <ea> with Accumulator AND $12 Accum ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X N Z C - - -
ASL <ea> Shift <ea> Left for Arithmetic. ASL Accum ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X - - - - - -
Bcc ofst Branch to the 8 bit offset ofst IF condition cc is true. BEQ TestLabel - - - - - -
BIT <ea> Test bits in Accumulator compared to <ea> BIT $61 Imm {65c02} ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X {65c02} ; N Z - - - V
Abs ; Abs,X {65c02}
BRK Stop the CPU and execute an interrupt. BRK - - - I - -
CLC Clear the Carry Flag. C flag will be set to Zero. CLC - - C - - -
CLD Clear the Decimal Flag. (BCD off) CLD - - - - D -
CLI Clear the Interrupt Flag. (Enable Interrupts) CLI - - - I - -
CLV Clear the oVerflow Flag. V flag will be set to Zero. CLV - - - - - V
CMP <ea> Compare the Accumulator to <ea>. CMP #10 Imm ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X ; N Z C - - -
Abs,Y ; (ind) {65c02} ; (Ind,X), (Ind),Y
CPX <ea> Compare the X register to <ea>. CPX #10 Imm ; ZeroPg ; Abs N Z C - - -
CPY <ea> Compare the Y register to <ea>. CPY #10 Imm ; ZeroPg ; Abs N Z C - -
DEC <ea> Decrease the 8 bit value <ea> by one. DEC $10 Accum {65c02}; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; N Z - - - -
DEX Decrease register X by one. DEX N Z - - - -
DEY Decrease register Y by one. DEY N Z - - - -
EOR <ea> Logical EOR (Exclusive OR) of bits in <ea> with A EOR <ea> Imp ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X ; N Z - - - -
Abs,Y ; (ind) {65c02} ; (Ind,X), (Ind),Y
INC <ea> Increase the 8 bit value <ea> by one. INC $10 Accum {65c02}; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; N Z - - - -
INX Increase register X by one. INX N Z - - - -
INY Increase register Y by one. INY N Z - - - -
JMP addr Jump to the 16 bit address addr. JMP $4000 Abs ; (Ind Abs,X) {65c02} ; (Ind) - - - - - -
JSR addr Jump to Subroutine at address addr. JSR addr Abs - - - - - -
LDA <ea> Load the 8 bit value from <ea> into the Accumulator. LDA #100 Imm ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X ; N Z - - - -
Abs,Y ; (ind) {65c02} ; (Ind,X), (Ind),Y
LDX <ea> Load the 8 bit value from <ea> into the X register. LDX #100 Imm ; ZeroPg ZeroPg,Y ; Abs ; Abs,Y N Z - - - -
LDY <ea> Load the 8 bit value from <ea> into the Y register. LDY #100 Imm ; ZeroPg ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X N Z - - - -
LSR <ea> Shift the bits of <ea> Right Logically. LSR $1000 Accum ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X N Z C - - -
NOP No Operation. NOP - - - - - -
ORA <ea> Logical OR of bits in 8 bit value <ea> with Accumulator ORA #61 Imm ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X ; N Z C - - V
Abs,Y ; (ind) {65c02}; (Ind,X), (Ind),Y
PHA Push a byte from register A onto the top of the stack. PHA - - - - - -
PHP Push the flags (P) onto the stack. PHP - - - - - -
PLA Pull a byte off the stack into register A. PLA - - - - - -
PLP Pull a byte off the stack into register A. PLP N Z C I D V
ROL <ea> Rotate bits of <ea> Left with the Carry. ROL $40 Accum ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X N Z C - - -
ROR <ea> Rotate bits of <ea> Right with the Carry. ROR $40 Accum ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X N Z C - - -
RTI Return from an interrupt. RTI N Z C I D V
RTS Return from a subroutine. RTS - - - - - -
SBC <ea> Subtract <ea> and the carry flag from the Accumulator SBC #61 Imm ; ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X ; N Z C - - V
Abs,Y ; (ind) {65c02}; (Ind,X), (Ind),Y
SEC Set the carry flag to 1. SEC - - C - - -
SED Set the Decimal Flag. (BCD on) SED - - - - D -
SEI Set the Interrupt Flag. SEI - - - I - -
STA <ea> Store the Accumulator into memory address <ea>. STA $10 ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs ; Abs,X ; Abs,Y ; - - - - - -
(ind) {65c02} ; (Ind,X), (Ind),Y
STX <ea> Store the X register into memory address <ea>. STX $10 ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,Y ; Abs - - - - - -
STY <ea> Store the Y register into memory address <ea>. STY $10 ZeroPg ; ZeroPg,X ; Abs - - - - - -
TAX Transfer the Accumulator into register X. TAX N Z - - - -
TAY Transfer the Accumulator into register Y. TAY N Z - - - -
TSX Transfer the Stack pointer into register X. TSX N Z - - - -
TXA Transfer the X register into the Accumulator. TXA N Z - - - -
TXS Transfer the X Register into the Stack pointer. TXS - - - - - -
TYA Transfer the Y register into the Accumulator. TYA N Z - - - -

Mnemonic Description Example Addressing Modes Flags

BRA ofst Branch always to the 8 bit offset ofst (without condition). BRA TestLabel - - - - - -
PHX Push a byte from register X onto the top of the stack. PHX - - - - - -
PHY Push a byte from register Y onto the top of the stack. PHY - - - - - -
PLY Pull a byte off the stack into register Y. PLY - - - - - -
STZ <ea> Clear the 8 bit value in memory address <ea>. STZ $1000 - - - - - -

Mnemonic Description Condition

BCC label Branch to label if Carry Clear C=0
BCS label Branch to label if Carry Set C=1
BEQ label Branch to label if Equal (Zero) Z=1
BNE label Branch to label if Not Equal (NonZero) Z=0
BMI label Branch to label if MInus N=1
BPL label Branch to label if PLus N=0
BVC label Branch to label if oVerflow Clear V=0
BVS label Branch to label if oVerflow Set V=1
6502 – 65816 – 6280
Abs,X Absolute Indir Direct Pg Direct Pg Abs (Long Stack SR Indirect
Implied Relative Accum Immediate Zero Page Zero Pg,X Zero PG,Y Absolute Absolute,X Absolute,Y Indir Indirect (Indirect,X) (Indirect),Y C Z I D B V N Long Long Indirect Ind Lng Long,X Indirect),Y Relative Indexed

#nn $nn $nn,X $nn,Y $0100 $0100,X $0100,Y ($nnnn,X) ($nnnn) ($nn,X) ($nn),Y $100000 [$1000] ($nn) [$nn] $010000,X [$nn],Y $ss,S ($ss,S),Y
no params jr works on A &nn (&00nn) (&00nn+X) (&00nn+Y) (&0100) (&0100+X) (&0100+Y) +X)) ((&nnnn)) ((&00nn+X)) ((&00nn)+Y) ($100000) (($1000)) ($dpnn) ($dpdpnn) (&010000+X) ((&dpdpnn)+Y) ($ss+S) (($ss,S)+Y)

ADC Add with Carry $69 2 2 $65 2 3 $75 2 4 $6D 3 4 $7D 3 4/5 $79 3 4/5 $72 3 $61 2 6 $71 2 5/6 Ovf7 Z - - - +– 7 $6F 3 4 $72 2 5 $67 2 6 $7F 4 5 $77 2 6 $63 2 4 $73 2 7
AND Logical AND $29 2 2 $25 2 3 $35 2 4 $2D 3 4 $3D 3 4/5 $39 3 4/5 $32 3 $21 2 6 $31 2 5/6 - Z - - - - 7 $2F 4 5 $32 2 5 $27 2 4 $3F 4 5 $37 2 6 $23 2 4 $33 2 7
ASL Arithmetic Shift Left $0A 1 2 $06 2 5 $16 2 6 $0E 3 6 $1E 3 7 7 Z - - - - 7

BCC Branch if Carry Clear C=1 (Aka BLT) $90 2 2-4 - - - - - - -

BCS Branch if Carry Set C=0 (Aka BGE) $B0 2 2-4 - - - - - - -

BEQ Branch if Equal to Zero $F0 2 2-4 - - - - - - -

BIT Bit Test (set flags like AND) $89 2 $24 2 3 $34 2 $2C 3 4 $3C 3 - Z - - - 6 7

BMI Branch if Minus (S = 1) $30 2 2-4 - - - - - - -

BNE Branch if Not Equal to Zero $D0 2 2-4 - - - - - - -

BPL Branch if Plus (S = 0) $10 2 2-4 - - - - - - -

BRK Break $00 1 7 - - - - =1 - -

BVC Branch if Overflow Clear $50 2 2-4 - - - - - - -

BVS Branch if Overflow Set $70 2 2-4 - - - - - - -

CLC Clear Carry Flag =0 - - - - - -

CLD Clear Decimal Mode $D8 1 2 - - - =0 - - -

CLI Clear Interrupt Mask (Enable Interrupts) $58 1 2 - - =0 - - - -

CLV Clear Overflow Flag $B8 1 2 - - - - - =0 -

CMP Compare Accumulator to Memory $C9 2 2 $C5 2 3 $D5 2 4 $CD 3 4 $DD 3 4/5 $D9 3 4/5 $D2 3 $C1 2 6 $D1 2 5/6 > = - - - - 7 $CF 4 5 $D2 2 5 $C7 2 6 $DF 4 5 $D7 2 6 $C3 2 4 $D3 2 7
CPX Compare with Index Register X $E0 2 2 $E4 2 3 $EC 3 4 > = - - - - 7

> = - - - - 7
CPY Compare with Index Register Y $C0 2 2 $C4 2 3 $CC 3 4
DEC Decrement (Aka DEA) $3A $C6 2 5 $D6 2 6 $CE 3 6 $DE 3 7 - Z - - - - 7

- Z - - - - 7
DEX Decrement Index Register X $CA 1 2
DEY Decrement Index Register Y $88 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

EOR Logical Exclusive-OR (XOR) $49 2 2 $45 2 3 $55 2 4 $4D 3 4 $5D 3 4/5 $59 3/4/5 $52 3 $41 2 6 $51 2 5/6 - Z - - - - 7 $4F 4 5 $52 2 5 $47 2 6 $5F 4 5 $57 2 6 $43 2 4 $53 2 7
INC Increment (Aka INA) $1A $E6 2 5 $F6 2 6 $EE 3 6 $FE 3 7 - Z - - - - 7

INX Increment Index Register X $E8 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

INY Increment Index Register Y $C8 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

JMP Jump to New Location (or JML for long) $4C 3 3 $7C $6C - - - - - - - $5C 4 4 $DC
3 35 36
JSR Jump to Subroutine (or JSL for long) $20 3 6 $FC 3 8 - - - - - - - $22 4 8
LDA Load Accumulator $A9 2 2 $A5 2 3 $B5 2 4 $AD 3 4 $BD 3 4/5 $B9 3 4/5 $B2 3 $A1 2 6 $B1 2 5 - Z - - - - 7 $AF 4 5 $B2 2 5 $A7 2 6 $BF 4 5 $B7 2 6 $A3 2 4 #B3 2 7
LDX Load Index Register X $A2 2 2 $A6 2 3 $B6 2 4 $AE 3 4 $BE 3 4/5 - Z - - - - 7

LDY Load Index Register Y $A0 2 2 $A4 2 3 $B4 2 4 $AC 3 4 $BC 3 4/5 - Z - - - - 7

LSR Logical Shift Right $4A 1 2 $46 2 5 $56 2 6 $4E 3 6 $5E 3 7 - Z - - - - 7

NOP No Operation $EA 1 2 - - - - - - -

ORA Logical (Inclusive) OR $09 2 2 $05 2 3 $15 2 4 $0D 3 4 $1D 3 4/5 $19 3 4/5 $12 3 $01 2 6 $11 2 5/6 - Z - - - - 7 $0F 4 5 $12 2 5 $07 2 6 $1F 4 5 $07 2 6 $03 2 4 $13 2 7
- - - - - - -
PHA Push Accumulator onto Stack $48 1 3
PHP Push Processor Status $08 1 3 - - - - - - -

- Z - - - - 7
PLA Pull Accumulator from Stack $68 1 4
PLP Pull Processor Status $28 1 4 S S S S S S S

ROL Rotate Left through Carry $2A 1 2 $26 2 5 $36 2 6 $2E 3 6 $3E 3 7 old7 Z - - - - 7

ROR Rotate Right through Carry $6A 1 2 $66 2 5 $76 2 6 $6E 3 6 $7E 3 7 old0 Z - - - - 7

RTI Return from Interrupt (RETI) $40 1 6 S S S S S S S

RTS Return from Sub (RET) (or RTL for long) $60 1 6 - - - - - - -
$6B 1 6
SBC Subtract with Carry $E9 2 2 $E5 2 3 $ED 3 4 $FD 3 4/5 $F9 3 4/5 $F2 3 $E1 2 6 $F1 2 5/6 Ovf7 Z - - - - 7 $EF 4 5 $F2 2 5 $E7 2 6 $FF 4 5 $F7 2 6 $E3 2 4 $F3 2 7
SEC Set Carry (SCF) $38 1 2 1 - - - - - -

SED Set Decimal Flag $F8 1 2 - - - 1 - - -

SEI Set Interrupt Mask (Disable Interrupts) $78 1 2 - - 1 - - - -

STA Store Accumulator $85 2 3 $95 2 4 $8D 3 4 $9D 3 5 $99 3 5 $92 3 $81 2 6 $91 2 6 - - - - - - - $8F 4 5 $92 2 5 $87 2 6 $9F 4 5 $97 2 6 $83 2 4 $93 $2 7
STX Store Index Register X $86 2 3 $96 2 4 $8E 3 4 - - - - - - -

STY Store Index Register Y $84 2 3 $94 2 4 $8C 3 4 - - - - - - -

TAX Transfer Accumulator to Index Reg X $AA 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

- Z - - - - 7
TAY Transfer Accumulator to Index Reg Y $A8 1 2
TSX Transfer Stack Pointer to X $BA 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

- Z - - - - 7
TXA Transfer Index Register X to Accumulator $8A 1 2
TXS Transfer X to Stack Pointer $9A 1 2 - - - - - - -

TYA Transfer Index Register Y to Accumulator $98 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

BRA Branch Relative Always (JR) $80 2 - - - - - - -

(BRL for long) $82 3 4
COP Coprocessor Enable $02 2 7 - - I D - - -

MVN Block Move Next (LDIR) $54 3 ? - - - - - - -

MVN M,N A bytes from MX->NY (Alters DBR)
MVP Block Move Previous (LDDR) $44 3 ? - - - - - - -
MVP M,N A bytes from MX→NY (Alters DBR)

PEA Push Effective Absolute address $F4 3 5 - - - - - - -

PEI Push Effective Indirect Address - - - - - - - $D4 2 6

- - - - - - -
PER Push effective PC Relative Indirect Addr $62 3 6
PHB Push 8 bit Data Bank Reg (DBR) $8B 1 3 - - - - - - -

- - - - - - -
PHD Push 16bit Direct Page Register $0B 1 4
PHK Push 8 bit Program Bank Register (PBR) $4B 1 3 - - - - - - -

PHX Push X $DA 1 - - - - - - -

PHY Push Y $5A 1 - - - - - - -

PLB Pull 8 bit Data Bank Reg (DBR) $AB 1 4 - Z - - - - 7

PLD Pull 16bit Direct Page Register $2B 1 5 - Z - - - - 7

PLX Pull X $FA 1 - Z - - - - 7

PLY Pull Y $7A 1 - Z - - - - 7

REP Reset Status Bits $C2 2 3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

SEP Set Status Bit $E2 2 3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

STP Stop processor until next RST $DB 1 - - - - - - -

STZ Store Zero to address $64 2 $74 2 $9C 3 $9E 3 - - - - - - -

TCD Transfer A to Direct page register (aka TAD) $5B 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

TDC Transfer Direct Page register to A (aka TDA) $7B 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

TCS Transfer Accumulator to SP (aka TAS) $1B 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

TRB Test and Reset Bits with A $14 2 $1C 3 - Z - - - - -

TSB Test and Set Bits with A $04 2 $0C 3 - Z - - - - -

TSC Transfer SP to Accumulator (aka TSA) $3B 1 2 - Z - - - - -

TXY Transfer X to Y $9B 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

TYX Transfer Y to X $BB 1 2 - Z - - - - 7

WAI Wait until any interrupt $CB 1 - - - - - - -

- - - - - - -
WDM Reserved for future use! $42 2
XBA Exchange A and B (aka SWA) $EB 1 3 - Z - - - - 7

XCE Exchange Carry (C ) and Emu bits (E) $FB 1 2 E - - - M B - -

BBR Branch if bit n is Reset (also on some 65c02) $0F-$7F 2 - - - - - - -

BBS Branch if bit n is Reset (also on some 65c02) $8F-$FF 2 - - - D - - -

BSR Branch to subroutine (Call Relative) $44 2 8

CLX Clear X $82 1 2
CLY Clear Y $C2 1 2
CSH Change Speed High (7.16 MHz) $D4 1 3
CSL Change Speed Low (1.78 MHz) $54 1 3
RMB Reset Memory Bit n (also on some 65c02) $07-$77 - - - - - - -

SAX Swap A and X $22 1 3

SAY Swap A and Y $42 1 3
SET Set T flag $F4 1 2
SMB Set Memory Bit n (also on some 65c02) $87-$F7 - - - - - - -

ST0 ST0 - Store (HuC6270) VDC No. 0 $03 2 5

ST1 ST1 - Store (HuC6270) VDC No. 1 $13 2 5
ST2 ST2 - Store (HuC6270) VDC No. 2 $23 2 5
SXY Swap X and Y registers $02 1 3
TAI Transfer Alternate Increment $F3 7 17+ >=6502
TAM Transfer Accumulator to MPR $53 2 5 65C02, 65816, 6280
TIA Transfer Increment Alternate $E3 7 17+ 65C02,6280 NOT 65816
TII Transfer Increment Increment $73 7 17+ 6280
TIN Transfer Increment $D3 7 17+ 6280 + 65816
TMA Transfer MPR to Accumulator $43 2 4 65816
TST Test Bits at n2 with n1 $83 3 7 $A3 3 7 $93 4 8 $B3 4 8 16 bit in 65816 M=0 / X=0
Mnemonic Description Example Valid Lengths Addressing Modes Flags
ABCD -(Am),-(An) Adds two 8 bit Binary Coded Decimal numbers with eXtend ABCD D1,D2 B XnZvC
ADD <ea>,Dn
ADD Dn,<ea>
ADDA <ea>,An
ADDI #,<ea> Adds two numbers together. ADD D1,D2 B,W,L XNZVC
ADDQ #,<ea> Adds a short immediate value # to <ea>. ADDQ #1,A1 B,W,L XNZVC
AND <ea>,Dn
AND Dn,<ea>
ANDI #,<ea> logically ANDs two numbers together. AND D1,D2 B,W,L XNZVC
ANDI #,CCR logically ANDs immediate value # with the CCR ANDI #$F0,CCR B XNZVC
ANDI ##,SR is only available in Supervisor Mode. ANDI #$0F,SR W XNZVC
ASL #<data>,Dn
ASL <ea> Shift the bits Left for Arithmetic ASL.W D1,D2 B,W,L XNZVC
ASR #<data>,Dn
ASR <ea> Shift the bits Right for Arithmetic ASR.W D1,D2 B,W,L XNZVC
Bcc # Branch to offset/Label # if the condition cc is true. BCC TestLabel B,W -----
BCHG Dn,<ea>
BCHG #,<ea> Test Bit Dn / # of destination <ea>, and flip bit in <ea> BCHG #1,D1 B,L --Z--
BCLR Dn,<ea>
BCLR #,<ea> Test Bit Dn / # of destination <ea>, and zero bit in <ea> BCLR #1,D1 B,L --Z--
BRA ofst BRA TestLabel BRA TestLabel B,L -----
BSET Dn,<ea>
BSET #,<ea> Test Bit Dn / # of destination <ea>, and set bit in <ea> BSET #1,D1 B,L --Z--
BSR # Branch to Subroutine at relative offset #. BSR TestLabel B,W -----
BTST Dn,<ea>
BTST #,<ea> Test Bit Dn or # of destination <ea> BTST #1,D1 B,L --Z--
CHK <ea>,Dn
CHK #,Dn Compare Dn to upper bound # Trap 6 if out of range CHK #1000,D1 W, L {on 68020+} -Nzvc
CLR <ea> Clear <ea> setting it to zero. CLR.B $1000 B,W,L -NZVC
CMP <ea>,Dn
CMPA <ea>,An
CMPI #,<ea> B, W, L
CMPM (Am)+,(An)+ CMP compares <ea> to Dn. CMPI.B #$FF,(A1) (W,L for CMPA) -NZVC
DBcc Dn,# Decrease Dn, if Dn > -1 and branch if cc not true DBRA D0,TestLabel B,W -----
DIVS <ea>,Dn Divide Signed numbers. Dn is divided by <ea>. Dn=Dn / <ea>. DIVS #4,D1 L = L/w -NZVC
EOR Dn,<ea>
EORI #,<ea> Logical EOR (Exclusive OR) of bits in Dn or # with <ea>. EOR #$20,D1 B,W,L -NZVC
EORI #,CCR Logical EOR # with the CCR EORI #$F0,CCR B XNZVC
EORI ##,SR is only available in Supervisor Mode. EORI #$F0,SR XNZVC
EXG An,Am Exchange the contents of registers Dn and Dm. EXG D1,D2 L -----
EXT Dn Sign extend register Dn, either extending a Byte to Word. EXT.W D1 W,L -NZVC
ILLEGAL execute "Illegal Instruction Vector" (Trap 4). ILLEGAL -----
JMP # Jump to absolute address #. JMP TestLabel L -----
JSR # Jump to Subroutine at absolute address #. JSR TestLabel L -----
LEA <ea>,An Load the effective address <ea> into An. LEA (Label,PC),A1 -----
LINK An,# Creates a ‘Tepmporary area’ on the stack for work LINK A1,#-4 -----
LSL #,Dn
LSL <ea> Shift the bits in register Dn Left Logically by Dm or # bits. LSL #1,D1 XNZVC
LSR #,Dn
LSR <ea> Shift the bits in register Dn Right Logically by Dm or # bits. LSR #1,D1 B, W, L XNZVC
MOVE <ea>,<ea2>
MOVEA <ea>,An Move the contents of source <ea> to the destination <ea2>. MOVE #15,D1 B, W, L -NZVC
MOVE <ea>,CCR moves a 16 bit value from <ea> to the CCR MOVE D0,CCR W XNZVC
MOVE SR,<ea>
MOVE <ea>,SR Move to or from the Status Register MOVE SR,D0 W XNZVC
MOVE An,USP Transfer the User Stack Pointer to or from address register An. MOVE USP,A0 L -----
MOVEM <ea>,<Regs>
MOVEM <Regs>,<ea> The MOVEM command moves multiple registers MOVEM.L (A1),D0/D3 B,W,L -----
MOVEP Dn,(#,An)
MOVEP (#,An),Dn Move 16 or 32 bits to a set of memory mapped byte data ports. MOVEP.L D0,(4,A1) W,L -----
MOVEQ #,Dn adds short immediate # to the register Dn. MOVEQ #1,D1 L -----
MULS <ea>,Dn Multiply Signed numbers. Dn=Dn*<ea>. MULS #4,D1 L=W*W -NZVC
MULU <ea>,Dn Multiply Unsigned numbers. Dn=Dn*<ea>. MULU #4,D1 L=W*W -NZVC
NBCD Dn Negates BCD byte with eXtend. Dn. Dn=(0-Dn)-{X flag} NBCD D1 B XnZvC
NEG <ea> Negate <ea> NEG D0 B, W, L XNZVC
NEGX <ea> Negate <ea> with eXtend NEGX <ea> B, W, L XNZVC
NOP No Operation. NOP ------
NOT <ea> Invert/Flip all the bits of <ea>. NOT.L D1 B, W, L -NZVC
OR <ea>,Dn
OR Dn,<ea>
ORI #,<ea> logically ORs two numbers together. OR D1,D2 B, W, L -NZVC
ORI #,CCR logically ORs immediate value # with the CCR ORI #$0F,CCR B XNZVC
ORI ##,SR logically ORs immediate value ## with the Status Register. ORI #$0F,SR W XNZVC
PEA <ea>,An Push the effective address <ea> onto the stack. PEA (Label,PC) L -----
RESET Sends an "RSTO" signal RESET -----
ROL #,Dn
ROL <ea> Rotate bits in Dn to the Left by a number of bits ROL.B #8,D1 B, W, L -NZVC
ROR #,Dn
ROR <ea> Rotate bits in Dn to the Right by a number of bits ROR.B #8,D1 B, W, L -NZVC
ROXL <ea> Rotate bits in Dn to the Left, with the eXtend bit ROXL.B #8,D1 B, W, L XNZVC
ROXR <ea> Rotate bits in Dn to the Right, with the eXtend bit ROXR.B #8,D1 B, W, L XNZVC
RTE Return from Exception. RTE XNZVC
RTR Return and Restore condition codes. RTR XNZVC
RTS Return from a Subroutine. RTS -----
SBCD -(Am),-(An) Subtracts two 8 bit Binary Coded Decimal with eXtend carry SBCD D1,D2 B XnZvC
Scc <ea> Set <ea> to 255 or 0 according to condition cc. SEQ.B TestLabel B -----
STOP ## Load the SR Status register with 16 bit immediate ## and halt
SUB <ea>,Dn
SUB Dn,<ea>
SUBA <ea>,An
SUBI #,<ea> Subtracts two numbers. SUBI.B #1,(A1) B, W, L XNZVC
SUBQ #,<ea> Subtracts a short immediate value # from <ea>. SUBQ #1,A1 B, W, L XNZVC
SUBX -(Am),-(An) Subtracts with the eXtend bit. SUBX D1,D2 B, W, L XNZVC
SWAP Dn Swap the high and low words of register Dn. SWAP D1 W -NZVC
TAS <ea> Test and set <ea>. TAS D1 B -NZVC
TRAP # causes a jump to exception vector number #. TRAP #1 -----
TRAPV If the oVerflow flag (V) is set, call overflow trap vector TRAPV -----
TST <ea> Set the flags according to <ea>. TST.B D1 B, W, L -NZVC
UNLK An Reverse the process performed by the LINK command. UNLK An -----

cc Description Flags
CC Carry clear C=0
CS Carry set C=1
EQ Equal Z=1
GE Greater than or equal (N=1 & V=1) or (N=0 & V=0)
GT Greater than (N=1 & V=1 & Z=0) or (N=0 & V=0 & Z=0)
HI Higher than C=0 & Z=0
LE Less than or equal Z=1 or (N=1 & V=0) or (N=0 & V=1)
LS Lower than or same C=1 or Z=1
LT Less than (N=1 and V=0) or (N=0 and V=1)
MI Minus N=1
NE Not equal Z=0
PL Plus N=0
T True =0
F False =1
VC Overflow clear V=0
VS Overflow set V=1
Cmd Meaning Inherent Immediate Direct Exteded Indx/Indir Relative H N Z V C
ABX Add B to X $3A (3/1) - - - - -
ADCA Add with Carry to A $89 (2/2) $99 (4/2) $B9 (5/3) $A9 (4+/2+) * * * * *
ADCB Add with Carry to B $C9 (2/2) $D9 (4/2) $F9 (5/3) $E9 (4+/2+) * * * * *
ADDA Add to A $8B (2/2) $9B (4/2) $BB (5/3) $AB (4+/2+) * * * * *
ADDB Add to B $CB (2/2) $DB (4/2) $FB (5/3) $EB (4+/2+) * * * * *
ADDD add to AB (16 bit) $C3 (4/3) $D3 (6/2) $F3 (7/3) $E3 (6+/2+) - * * * *
ANDA And with A $84 (2/2) $94 (4/2) $B4 (5/3) $A4 (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
ANDB And with B $C4 (2/2) $D4 (4/2) $F4 (5/3) $E4 (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
ANDCC And with ConditionCode $1C (3/2) - - - - 7
ASL Arithmatic Shift Left $08 (6/2) $78 (7/3) $68 (6+/2+) 8 * * * *
ASLA Arithmatic Shift Left A $48 (2/1) 8 * * * *
ASLB Arithmatic Shift Left B $58 (2/1) 8 * * * *
ASR Arithmatic Shift Right $07 (6/2) $77 (7/3) $67 (6+/2+) 8 * * - *
ASRA Arithmatic Shift Right A $47 (2/1) 8 * * - *
ASRB Arithmatic Shift Right B $46 (2/1) 8 * * - *
BCC Branch if Carry Clear C=0 $24 (3/2) - - - - -
BCS Branch if Carry Set C=1 $25 (3/2) - - - - -
BEQ Branch if Equal Z=1 $27 (3/2) - - - - -
BGE Branch if Greater than or equal to zero $2C (3/2) - - - - -
BGT Branch if Greater than Zero $2E (3/2) - - - - -
BHI Branch if Higher Z+C=0 $22 (3/2) - - - - -
BHS Branch if Higher or Same C=0 $24 (3/2) - - - - -
BITA Bit Test A $85 (2/2) $95 (4/2) $B5 (5/3) $A5 (4+/2+) 8 * * 0 *
BITB Bit Test B $C5 (2/2) $D5 (4/2) $F5 (5/3) $E5 (4+/2+) 8 * * 0 *
BLE Branch if Less than or Equal to Zero $2F (3/2) - - - - -
BLO Branch if Lower C=1 $25 (3/2) - - - - -
BLS Branch if Lower or Same C+Z=1 $23 (3/2) - - - - -
BLT Branch if Less Than Zero $2D (3/2) - - - - -
BMI Branch if Minus N=1 $2B (3/2) - - - - -
BNE Branch if Not Equal to Zero Z=0 $26 (3/2) - - - - -
BPL Branch if Plus N=0 $2A (3/2) - - - - -
BRA Branch Always $20 (3/2) - - - - -
BRN Branch Never $21 (3/2) - - - - -
BSR Branch to Subroutine $8D (3/2) - - - - -
BVC Branch if Overflow Clear V=0 $28 (3/2) - - - - -
BVS Branch if Overflow Set V=1 $29 (3/2) - - - - -
CLR Clear $0F (6/2) $7F (7/3) $6F (6+/2+) - 0 1 0 0
CLRA Clear A $4F (2/1) - 0 1 0 0
CLRB Clear B $5F (2/1) - 0 1 0 0
CMPA Compare with A $81 (2/2) $91 (4/2) $B1 (5/3) $A1 (4+/2+) 8 * * * *
CMPB Compare with B $C1 (2/2) $D1 (4/2) $F1 (5/3) $E1 (4+/2+) 8 * * * *
CMPD Compare with AB $10 83 (5/4) $10 93 (7/3) $10 B3 (8/4) $10 A3 (7+/3+) - * * * *
CMPS Compare with S $11 8C (5/4) $11 9C (7/3) $11 BC (8/4) $11 AC (7+/3+) - * * * *
CMPU Compare with U $11 83 (5/4) $11 93 (7/3) $11 B3 (8/4) $11 A3 (7+/3+) - * * * *
CMPX Compare with X $8C (4/3) $9C (6/2) $BC (7/3) $AC (6+/2+) - * * * *
CMPY Compare with Y $10 8C (5/4) $10 9C (7/3) $10 BC (8/4) $10 AC (7+/3+) - * * * *
COM Complement $03 (6/2) $73 (7/3) $63 (6/2) - * * 0 1
COMA Complement A $43 (2/1) - * * 0 1
COMB Complement B $53 (2/1) - * * 0 1
CWAI And with CC and Wait $3C (20/2) - - - - 7
DAA Decimal Adjust after Addition $19 (2/1) - * * 0 *
DEC Decrement $0A (6/2) $7A (7/3) $6A (6+/2+) - * * * -
DECA Decrement A $4A (2/1) - * * * -
DECB Decrement B $5A (2/1) - * * * -
EORA Exclusive Or A (Xor) $88 (2/2) $98 (4/2) $B8 (5/3) $A8 (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
EORB Exclusive Or B (Xor) $C8 (2/2) $D8 (4/2) $F8 (5/3) $E8 (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
EXG Exchange Register Contents $1E (8/2) - - - - -
INC Increment $0C (6/2) $7C (7/3) $6C (6+/2+) - * * * -
INCA Increment A $4C (2/1) - * * * -
INCB Increment B $5C (2/1) - * * * -
JMP Jump $0E (3/2) $7E (4/3) $6E (3+/2+) - - - - -
JSR Jump to Subroutine $9D (7/2) $BD (8/3) $AD (7+/2+) - - - - -
LBCC Long Branch if Carry Clear C=0 $10 24 (5+/4) - - - - -
LBCS Long Branch if Carry Set C=1 $10 25 (5+/4) - - - - -
LBEQ Long Branch if Equal Z=1 $10 27 (5+/4) - - - - -
LBGE Long Branch if Greater than or equal to zero $10 2C (5+/4) - - - - -
LBGT Long Branch if Greater than Zero $10 2E (5+/4) - - - - -
LBHI Long Branch if Higher Z+C=0 $10 22 (5+/4) - - - - -
LBHS Long Branch if Higher or Same C=0 $10 24 (5+/4) - - - - -
LBLE Long Branch if Less than or Equal to Zero $10 2F (5+/4) - - - - -
LBLO Long Branch if Lower C=1 $10 25 (5+/4) - - - - -
LBLS Long Branch if Lower or Same C+Z=1 $10 23 (5+/4) - - - - -
LBLT Long Branch if Less Than Zero $10 2D (5+/4) - - - - -
LBMI Long Branch if Minus N=1 $10 2B (5+/4) - - - - -
LBNE Long Branch if Not Equal to Zero Z=0 $10 26 (5+/4) - - - - -
LBPL Long Branch if Plus N=0 $10 2A (5+/4) - - - - -
LBRA Long Branch Always $16 (5/3) - - - - -
LBRN Long Branch Never $10 21 (5/4) - - - - -
LBSR Long Branch to Subroutine $17 (9/3) - - - - -
LBVC Long Branch if Overflow Clear V=0 $10 28 (5+/6) - - - - -
LBVS Long Branch if Overflow Set V=1 $10 29 (5+/6) - - - - -
LDA Load A $86 (2/2) $96 (4/2) $B6 (5/3) $A6 (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
LDB Load B $C6 (2/2) $D6 (4/2) $F6 (5/3) $E6 (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
LDD Load AB $CC (3/3) $DC (5/2) $FC (6/3) $EC (5+/2+) - * * 0 -
LDS Load S $10 CE (4/4) $10 DE (6/3) $10 FE (7/4) $10 EE (6+/3+) - * * 0 -
LDU Load U $CE (3/3) $DE (5/2) $FE (6/3) $EE (5+/2+) - * * 0 -
LDX Load X $8E (3/3) $9E (5/2) $BE (6/3) $AE (5+/2+) - * * 0 -
LDY Load Y $10 8E (4/4) $10 9E (6/3) $10 BE (7/4) $10 AE (6+/3+) - * * 0 -
LEAS Load Effective Address into S $32 (4+/2+) - - - - -
LEAU Load Effective address into U $33 (4+/2+) - - - - -
LEAX Load Effective Address into X $30 (4+/2+) - - * - -
LEAY Load Effective Address into Y $31 (4+/2+) - - * - -
LSL Logical Shift Left $08 (6/2) $78 (7/3) $68 (6+/2+) - * * * *
LSLA Logical Shift Left A $48 (2/1) - * * * *
LSLB Logical Shift Left B $58 (2/1) - * * * *
LSR Logical Shift Right $04 (6/2) $74 (7/3) $64 (6+/2+) - 0 * - *
LSRA Logical Shift Right A $44 (2/1) - 0 * - *
LSRB Logical Shift Right B $54 (2/1) - 0 * - *
MUL Multiply A*B – result in AB $3D (11/1) - - * - 9
NEG Negate $00 (6/2) $70 (7/3) $60 (6+/2+) 8 * * * *
NEGA Negate A $40 (2/1) 8 * * * *
NEGB Negate B $50 (2/1) 8 * * * *
NOP No Operation $12 2/1 - - - - -
ORA Or A $8A (2/2) $9A (4/2) $BA (5/3) $AA (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
ORB Or B $CA (2/2) $DA (4/2) $FA (5/3) $EA (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
ORCC Or Condition Code $1A (3/2) - - - 7 -
PSHS Push onto S stack (PC U Y X DP B A CC) $34 (3/2) - - - - -
PSHU Push onto U stack (PC S Y X DP B A CC) $36 (3/2) - - - - -
PULS Pull off S stack (PC U Y X DP B A CC) $35 (3/2) - - - - -
PULU Pull off U stack (PC S Y X DP B A CC) $37 (3/2) - - - - -
ROL Rotate Left through Carry $09 (6/2) $79 (7/3) $69 (6+/2+) - * * * *
ROLA Rotate Left through Carry A $49 (2/1) - * * * *
ROLB Rotate Left through Carry B $59 (2/1) - * * * *
ROR Rotate Right through Carry $06 (6/2) $76 (7/3) $66 (6+/2+) - * * - *
RORA Rotate Right through Carry A $46 (2/1) - * * - *
RORB Rotate Right through Carry B $56 (2/1) - * * - *
RTI Return from Interrupt $3B (6/15) - - - - 7
RTS Return From Subroutine $39 (5/1) - - - - -
SBCA Subtract with Carry from A $82 (2/2) $92 (4/2) $B2 (5/3) $A2 (4+/2+) 8 * * * *
SBCB Subtract with Carry from B $C2 (2/2) $D2 (4/2) $F2 (5/3) $E2 (4+/2+) 8 * * * *
SEX Sign Extend B into AB $1D (2/1) - * * 0 -
STA Store A $97 (4/2) $B7 (5/3) $A7 (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
STB Store B $D7 (4/2) $F7 (5/3) $E7 (4+/2+) - * * 0 -
STD Store AB $DD (5/2) $FD (6/3) $ED (5+/2+) - * * 0 -
STS Store S $10 DF (6/3) $10 FF (7/4) $10 EF (6+/3+) - * * 0 -
STU Store U $DF (5/2) $FF (6/3) $EF (5+/2+) - * * 0 -
STX Store X $9F (5/2) $BF (6/3) $AF (5+/2+) - * * 0 -
STY Store Y $10 9F (6/3) $10 BF (7/4) $10 AF (6+/3+) - * * 0 -
SUBA Subtract from A $80 (2/2) $90 (4/2) $B0 (5/3) $A0 (4+/2+) 8 * * * *
SUBB Subtract from B $C0 (2/2) $D0 (4/2) $F0 (5/3) $E0 (4+/2+) 8 * * * *
SUBD Subtract from AB $83 (4/3) $93 (6/2) $B3 (7/3) $A3 (6+/2+) - * * * *
SWI Software Interrupt $3F (19/1) - - - - -
SWI2 Software Interrupt 2 $10 3F (20/2) - - - - -
SWI3 Software Interrupt 3 $11 3F (20/2) - - - - -
SYNC Syncronise to Ext Event (wait for interrupt) $13 (2/1) - - - - -
TFR Transfer Register to Register (X,Y,U,S,A,B,D,PC,CC) $1F (7/2) - - - - -
TST Test (Set flags) $0D (6/2) $7D (6/3) $6D (6+/2+) - * * 0 -
TSTA Test A $4D (2/1) - * * 0 -
TSTB Test B $5D (2/1) - * * 0 -
Cmd Meaning Inherent Immediate Direct Exteded Indx/Indir Relative E F H I N Z V C
ADCD Add Memory Word plus Carry with Accumulator D $18 09 (4/4-5) $10 99 (3/5-7) $10 B9 (6-8) $10 A9 (6-7/3) - - - - * * * *
ADCR Add Source Register plus Carry to Destination Register $10 31(3/4) - - - - * * * *
ADDE Add Memory Byte to 8-Bit Accumulator E $11 8B (3/3) $11 9B (4-5/3) $11 BB (3+/5+) $11 AB (3+/5+) - - * - * * * *
ADDF Add Memory Byte to 8-Bit Accumulator F $11 CB (3/3) $11DB (5/4) $11 FB (4/5-6) $11 EB (3+/5+) - - * - * * * *
ADDW Add Memory Word to 16-Bit Accumulator W $10 8B (4/4-5) $10 9B (3/5-7) $10 BB (4/6-8) $10 AB (3+/6+) - - - - * * * *
ADDR Add Source Register to Destination Register $10 30 (3 /4) - - - - * * * *
AIM Logical AND of Immediate Value with Memory Byte $02 (3/6) $72 (4/7) $62 (3+/7+) - - - - * * 0 -
ANDD Logically AND Memory Word with Accumulator D $10 84 (4/4-5) $10 94 (3/5-7) $10 B4 (4/6-8) $10 A4 (3+/6+) - - - - * * 0 -
ANDR Logically AND Source Register with Destination Register $10 34 (3/4) - - - - * * 0 -
ASLD Arithmetic Shift Left of Accumulator D $10 84 (2/2-3) - - * - * * - *
ASRD Arithmetic Shift Right of Accumulator D $10 3F (2/2-3) - - - - * * - *
BAND Logically AND Register Bit with Memory Bit $11 30 (4/6-7) - - - - - - - -
BEOR Exclusive-OR Register Bit with Memory Bit $11 34 (4/6-7) - - - - - - - -
BIEOR Exclusively-OR Register Bit with Inverted Memory Bit $11 35 (4/6-7) - - - - - - - -
BIOR Logically OR Register Bit with Inverted Memory Bit $11 33 (4/6-7) - - - - - - - -
BITD Bit Test Accumulator D with Memory Word Value $10 85 (4/4-5) $10 95 (3/5-7) $10 B5 (4/6-8) $10 A5 (3+/6+) - - - - * * 0 -
BITMD Bit Test the MD Register with an Immediate Value $11 3C (3/4) - - - - - * - -
BOR Logically OR Memory Bit with Register Bit $11 32 (4/6-7) - - - - - - - -
CLRD Load Zero into Accumulator $10 4F (2/2-3) - - - - 0 1 0 0
CLRE Load Zero into Accumulator $11 4F (2/2-3) - - - - 0 1 0 0
CLRF Load Zero into Accumulator $11 5F (2/2-3) - - - - 0 1 0 0
CLRW Load Zero into Accumulator $10 5F (2/2-3) - - - - 0 1 0 0
CMPE Compare Memory Byte from 8-Bit Accumulator $11 81 (3/3) $11 91 (3/4-5) $11 B1 (3/5-6) $11 A1 (3/4-5) - - * - * * * *
CMPF Compare Memory Byte from 8-Bit Accumulator $11 C1 (3/3) $11 D1 (3/4-5) $11 F1 (3/5-6) $11 E1 (3/4-5) - - * - * * * *
CMPW Compare Memory Word from 16-Bit Register $10 81 (4/4-5) $10 91 (3/5-7) $10 B1 (4/6-8) $10 A1 (3+/6+) - - - - * * * *
CMPR Compare Source Register from Destination Register $10 37 (3/4) - - - - * * * *
COMD Complement Accumulator $10 43 (2/2-3) - - - - * * 0 1
COME Complement Accumulator $11 43 (2/2-3) - - - - * * 0 1
COMF Complement Accumulator $11 53 (2/2-3) - - - - * * 0 1
COMW Complement Accumulator $10 43 (2/2-3) - - - - * * 0 1
DECD Decrement Accumulator $10 4A (2/2-3) - - - - * * * -
DECE Decrement Accumulator $11 4A (2/2-3) - - - - * * * -
DECF Decrement Accumulator $11 5A (2/2-3) - - - - * * * -
DECW Decrement Accumulator $10 4A (2/2-3) - - - - * * * -
DIVD Signed Divide of Accumulator D by 8-bit value in Memory $11 8D (3/25) $11 9D (3/26-27) $11 BD (4/27-28) $11 AD (3+/27+) - - - - * * * *
DIVQ Signed Divide of Accumulator Q by 16-bit value in Memory $11 8E (4/34) $11 9E (3/25-36) $11 BE (4/36-37) $11 AE (3/36+) - - - - * * * *
EIM Exclusive-OR of Immediate Value with Memory Byte $05 (3/6) $65 (3+/7+) $75 (4/7) - - - - * * 0 -
EORD Exclusively-OR Memory Word with Accumulator D $10 88 (4/4-5) $10 98 (3/5-7) $10 B8 (4/6-8) - - - - * * 0 -
EORR Exclusively-OR Source Register with Destination Register $10 36 (3/4) - - - - * * 0 -
INCD Increment Accumulator $10 4C (2/2-3) - - - - * * * -
INCE Increment Accumulator $11 4C (2/2-3) - - - - * * * -
INCF Increment Accumulator $11 5C (2/2-3) - - - - * * * -
INCW Increment Accumulator $10 5C (2/2-3) - - - - * * * -
LDE Load Data into 8-Bit Accumulator $11 86 (3/3) $11 96 (3/3) $11 B6 (3/3) $11 A6 (3/3) - - - - * * 0 -
LDF Load Data into 8-Bit Accumulator $11 C6 (3/3) $11 D6 (3/3) $11 F6 (3/3) $11 E6 (3/3) - - - - * * 0 -
LDW Load Data into 16-Bit Register $10 86 (4/4) $10 96 (3/5-6) $10 B6 (4/6-7) $10 A6 (3+/6+) - - - - * * 0 -
LDBT Load Memory Bit into Register Bit $11 36 (4/6-7) - - - - - - - -
LDMD Load an Immediate Value into the MD Register $11 3D (3/5) - - - - - - - -
LDQ Load 32-bit Data into Accumulator Q $CD (5/5) $10 DC (3/7-8) $10 FC (4/8-9) $10 EC (3+/8+) - - - - * * 0 -
LSLD Logical Shift Left of Accumulator D $10 48 (2/2-3) - - - - * * * *
LSRD Logical Shift Right of 16-Bit Accumulator $10 44 (2/2-3) - - - - 0 * - *
LSRW Logical Shift Right of 16-Bit Accumulator $10 54 (2/2-3) - - - - 0 * - *
MULD Signed Multiply of Accumulator D and Memory Word $11 8F (4/28) $11 9F (3/29-30) $11 BF (4/30-31) $11 AF (3+/30+) - - - - * * - -
NEGD Negation (Twos-Complement) of Accumulator $10 40 (2/2-3) - - - - * * * *
OIM Logical OR of Immediate Value with Memory Byte $01 (3/6) $71 (4/7) $61 (3+/7+) - - - - * * 0 -
ORD Logically OR Accumulator D with Word from Memory $10 8A (4/4-5) $10 9A (3/5-7) $10 BA (4/6-8) $10 AA (3+/6+) - - - - * * 0 -
ORR Logically OR Source Register with Destination Register $10 35 (3/4) - - - - * * 0 -
PSHSW Push Accumulator W onto the Hardware Stack $10 38 (2/6) - - - - - - - -
PSHUW Push Accumulator W onto the User Stack $10 3A (2/6) - - - - - - - -
PULSW Pull Accumulator W from the Hardware Stack $10 39 (2/6) - - - - - - - -
PULUW Pull Accumulator W from the User Stack $10 3B (2/6) - - - - - - - -
ROLD Rotate 16-Bit Accumulator Left through Carry $10 49 (2/2-3) - - - - * * * *
ROLW Rotate 16-Bit Accumulator Left through Carry $10 59 (2/2-3) - - - - * * * *
RORD Rotate 16-Bit Accumulator Right through Carry $10 46 (2/2-3) - - - - * * - *
RORW Rotate 16-Bit Accumulator Right through Carry $10 56 (2/2-3) - - - - * * - *
SBCD Subtract Memory Word and Carry from Accumulator D $10 82 (4/4-5) $10 92 (3/5-7) $10 B2 (3+/6+) $10 A2 (3+/6+) - - - - * * * *
SBCR Subtract Source Register and Carry from Destination Register $10 33 (3/4) - - - - * * * *
SEXW Sign Extend a 16-bit Value in W to a 32-bit Value in Q $14 (1/4) - - - - * * - -
STE Store 8-Bit Accumulator to Memory $11 97 (3/4-5) $11 B7 (4/5-6) $11 A7 (3+/5+) - - - - * * 0 -
STF Store 8-Bit Accumulator to Memory $11 D7 (3/4-5) $11 F7 (4/5-6) $11 E7 (3+/5+) - - - - * * 0 -
STW Store 16-Bit Register to Memory $10 97 3/5-6) $10 B7 (4/6-7) $10 A7 (3+/6+) - - - - * * 0 -
STBT Store value of a Register Bit into Memory $11 37 (4/7-8) - - - - - - - -
STQ Store Contents of Accumulator Q to Memory $10 DD (3/7-8) $10 FD(4/8-9) $10 ED (3+/8+) - - - - * * 0 -
SUBE Subtract from value in 8-Bit Accumulator $11 80 (3/3) $11 90 (3/4-5) $11 B0 (4/5-6) $11 A0 (4/5-6) - - * - * * * *
SUBF Subtract from value in 8-Bit Accumulator $11 C0 (3/3) $11 D0 (3/4-5) $11 F0 (4/5-6) $11 E0 (4/5-6) - - * - * * * *
SUBW Subtract from value in 16-Bit Accumulator $10 80 (4/4-5) $10 90 (3/5-7) $10 B0 (4/6-8) $10 A0 (3+/6+) - - - - * * * *
SUBR Subtract Source Register from Destination Register $10 32 (3/4) - - - - * * * *
TFM ++ Transfer Memory $11 38 (3/9+) - - - - - - - -
TFM -- Transfer Memory $11 39 (3/9+) - - - - - - - -
TFM +x Transfer Memory $11 3A (3/9+) - - - - - - - -
TFM x+ Transfer Memory $11 3B (3/9+) - - - - - - - -
TIM Bit Test Immediate Value with Memory Byte $0B (3/6) $7B (4/7) $6B (3+/7+) - - - - * * 0 -
TSTD Test Value in Accumulator $10 4D (2/2-3) - - - - * * 0 -
TSTE Test Value in Accumulator $11 4D (2/2-3) - - - - * * 0 -
TSTF Test Value in Accumulator $11 5D (2/2-3) - - - - * * 0 -
TSTW Test Value in Accumulator $10 5D (2/2-3) - - - - * * 0 -
Mnemonic Description Example Valid Regs Flags affected
AAA ASCII Adjust for Addition. Treats AL as an unpacked binary coded decimal number AAA o s z A p C
AAD ASCII Adjust for Division. AL=AL+(AH*10), AH=0. AAD o S Z a P c
AAM ASCII Adjust for Multiplication. We can use the normal MUL command then use AAM AAM o S Z a P c
AAS ASCII Adjust for Subtraction. This treats AL as an unpacked binary coded decimal number AAS o s z A p C
ADC dest,src Add src and the carry flag to dest. ADC CX,1000h O S Z A P C
ADD dest,src Add src to dest. ADD CX,1000h O S Z A P C
AND dest,src Logical AND of bits in dest with Accumulator scr. AND AX,1100h O S Z A P C
CALL dest Call Subroutine at address dest. CALL 1000h - - - - - -
CBW Convert the 8 bit byte in AL into a 16 bit word in AX. CBW - - - - - -
CLC Clear the Carry Flag. C flag will be set to Zero. CLC - - - - - C
CLD Clear the Direction Flag. D flag will be set to Zero. This is used for 'String functions'. CLD D - - - - - -
CLI Clear the Interrupt enable flag. I flag will be set to 0. This disables maskable interrupts. CLI I - - - - - -
CMC Complement the Carry flag. If C=1 it will now be 0. If it was 0 it will now be 1. CMC - - - - - C
CMP dest,src Compare the Byte or Word dest to src. This sets the flags the same as "SUB dest,src" would. CMP AL,32 O S Z A P C
CMPSBCMPSW Compare DS:SI to ES:DI. This command can work in bytes or words. Sets flags like CMP REPZ CMPSB O S Z A P C
CWD Convert the 16 bit word in AX into a 32 bit doubleword in DX.AX. This 'Sign Extends' AX CWD - - - - - -
DAA Decimal Adjust for Addition. This treats AL as a packed binary coded decimal number. DAA O S Z A P C
DAS Decimal Adjust for Subtraction. This treats AL as a packed binary coded decimal number. DAS O S Z A P C
DEC Dest Divide Unsigned number AX or DX.AX by src. DEC AL O S Z A P -
DIV src Divide Unsigned number AX or DX.AX by src. AL=AX/src (8 bit) or AX=DX.AX/src (16 bit) DIV CX o s z a p c
ESC #,src This command is for working with multiple processors - it's not something you will need. ESC 1,AH - - - - - -
HLT Stop the CPU until an interrupt occurs HLT - - - - - -
IDIV src Divide Signed number AX or DX.AX by src. AL=AX / src (8 bit) or AX=DX.AX / src (16 bit) IDIV CX o s z a p c
IMUL src Multiply Signed number AX or DX.AX by src. AX=AL*src (8 bit) or DX.AX=AX*src (16 bit) IMUL CX O s z a p C
IN dest,port Read in an 8 bit byte or 16 bit word into dest (either AX, AL or AH). Use DX for 16 bit port num IN AX,F0h - - - - - -
INC Dest Increase Dest by one. This is faster than using ADD with a value of 1. INC AL O S Z A P -
INT # Causes software interrupt #. The flags are pushed onto the stack before call INT 33h - - - - - -
INTO INTO will cause Interrupt 4 if the Overflow flag (O) is set, otherwise it will have no effect. INTO - - - - - -
IRET Restore the flags from the stack and return from an Interrupt. IRET O S Z A P C
Jcc addr Jump to 8 bit offset addr if condition cc is true. JO ErrorHandle - - - - - -
JCXZ addr Jump to 8 bit offset addr if CX=0. JCXZ NoLoop - - - - - -
JMP addr Jump to address addr. JMP BX - - - - - -
LAHF Load AH from the Flags. This only transfers the main flags: SZ-A-P-C LAHF - - - - - -
LDS reg,addr Load a full 32 bit pointer into DS segment register and register reg. LDS BX,TestPointer AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI - - - - - -
LEA reg,src Load the effective address src into reg. LEA CX,[BX+DI] AX, BX, CX, DX,SI, DI, - - - - - -
LES reg,addr Load a full 32 bit pointer into ES segment register and register reg. LES AX,MyLabel AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI - - - - - -
LOCK Enable the LOCK signal. This is for multiprocessor systems. LOCK - - - - - -
LODSBLODSW Load from DS:SI into AX or AL. This command can work in bytes or words. LODSB - - - - - -
LOOP addr Decrease CX and jump to label addr if CX is not zero. LOOP LoopLabel - - - - - -
LOOPNZ addr Decrease CX and jump to label addr if CX is not zero and the Zero flag is not set.
LOOPNE addr LOOPNZ LoopLabel - - - - - -
LOOPZ addr Decrease CX and jump to label addr if CX is not zero and the Zero flag is set.
LOOPE addr LOOPZ LoopLabel - - - - - -
MOV dest,src Move a value from source src to destination dest. MOV AX,BX - - - - - -
MOVSB Move a byte or word from DS:SI to ES:DI.
MOVSW This command can be combined with repeat command REP, to repeat CX times. REPZ MOVSB - - - - - -
MUL src Multiply unsigned number AX or DX.AX by src.AX=AL*src (8 bit) or DX.AX=AX*src (16 bit) MUL CX O s z a p C
NEG dest Negate dest (Twos Complement of the number). NEG AL - - - - - -
NOP No Operation. This command has no effect on any registers or memory. NOP - - - - - -
NOT dest Invert/Flip all the bits of dest. NOT dest - - - - - -
OR dest,src Logically ORs the src and dest parameter together. OR AX,BX O S Z a P C
OUT port,src Send an 8 bit byte or 16 bit word from src (either AX or AL) to hardware port number port. OUT 100,AL - - - - - -
POP reg Pop a pair of bytes off the stack into 16 bit register reg. POP ES AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, - - - - - -
POPF Pop a pair of bytes off the stack into the 16 bit Flags register. POPF O D I T S Z A P C
PUSH reg Push a pair of bytes from 16 bit register reg onto the top of the stack. PUSH AX - - - - - -
PUSHF Push a pair of bytes off the stack into the 16 bit Flags register. PUSHF - - - - - -
RCL dest,count Rotate bits in Destination dest to the Left by count bits, with the carry flag acting as an extra bit. RCL AX,1 O - - - - C
RCR dest,count Rotate bits in Destination dest to the Right by count bits, with the carry flag acting as an extra bit RCR AX,1 O - - - - C
REP stringop Repeat string operation stringop while CX>0. Decrease CX after each iteration REP LODSW - - - - - -
REPE stringop Repeat string operation stringop while the Z flag is set and CX>0. Decrease CX each time
REPZ stringop REPZ CMPSB - - - - - -
REPNE stringopRRepeat string operation stringop while the Z flag is not set and CX>0. Decrease CX each time REPNZ CMPSB - - - - - -
RET Return from a subroutine. RET - - - - - -
ROL dest,count Rotate bits in Destination dest to the Left by count bits ROL AX,1 O - - - - C
ROR dest,count Rotate bits in Destination dest to the Right by count bits ROR AL,1 O - - - - C
SAHF Store AH to the Flags. This only transfers the main flags: SZ-A-P-C . SAHF - S Z A P C
SAL dest,count Shift the bits for Arithmetic in Destination dest to the Left by count bits. SAL AX,1 O - - - - C
SAR dest,count Shift the bits for Arithmetic in Destination dest to the Right by count bits. SAR AX,1 O - - - - C
SBB dest,src Subtract src and the Borrow (carry flag) from dest. SBB AL,BL O S Z A P C
SCASBSCASW Scan ES:DI and compare to AX or AL. This command can work in bytes or words. (Like CMP) REPZ SCASB O S Z A P C
SHL dest,count Shift the bits logically Left in destination dest by count bits. SHL AX,1 O - - - - C
SHR dest,count Shift the bits logically Right in destination dest by count bits. SHR AX,1 O - - - - C
STC Set the Carry Flag. C flag will be set to 1. STC - - - - - C
STD Set the Direction Flag. D flag will be set to 1. This is used for 'String functions'. STD D - - - - - -
STI Set the Interrupt enable flag. I flag will be set to 1. This enables maskable interrupts. STI I - - - - - -
STOSBSTOSW Store AX or AL to ES:DI. This command can work in bytes or words. REP STOSB - - - - - -
SUB dest,src Subtract src from dest. SUB AX,BX O S Z A P C
TEST dest,src Test dest, setting the flags in the same way a logical "AND src" would. Dest unchanged TEST BX,64h O S Z A P C
WAIT Wait until the busy pin of the CPU is inactive. WAIT O S Z A P C
XCHG reg1,reg2 Exchange the contents of registers reg1 and reg2. XCHG BH,AL - - - - -
XLAT Translate AL using lookup table DS:BX. AL is read from memory address [DS:BX+AL]. XLAT - - - - - -

Command Details Flags

JA / JNBE Above / Not Below or Equal (For Unsigned Numbers) C=0 AND Z=0
JBE / JNA Below or Equal / Not Above (For Unsigned Numbers) C=1 OR Z=1
JC JB / JNAE Carry Below / Not Above or Equal (For Unsigned Numbers) C=1
JE / JZ Equal / Zero Z=1
JG / JNLE Greater / Not Less than or Equal (For Signed Numbers) ((S XOR O) OR Z)=0
JGE / JNL Greater or Equal / Not Less (For Signed Numbers) (S XOR O)=0
JLE / JNG Less than or Equal / Not Greater (For Signed Numbers) ((S XOR O) OR Z)=1
JL / JNGE Less / Not Greater or Equal (For Signed Numbers) (S XOR O)=1
JNC JAE / JNB No CarryAbove or Equal / Not Below (For Unsigned Numbers) C=0
JNE / JNZ Not Equal / Not Zero Z=0
JNO Not Overflow O=0
JNP / JPO Not Parity / Parity Odd P=0
JNS Not Signed (not negative) S=0
JO Overflow O=1
JP / JPE Parity / Parity Equal (bits 0-7 only) P=1
JS Signed (is positive) S=1
Opcode (Octal)
Mnemonic Function Notes NZVC F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
HALT Stop ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0
WAIT Stop until interrupt ---- 0 0 0 0 0 1
RESET Reset all IO devices ---- 0 0 0 0 0 5
NOP NoOp ---- 0 0 0 2 4 0
CLR{B} dest Set to zero 0100 0 0 5 0 D D
INC{B} dest Add 1 ***- 0 0 5 2 D D
DEC{B} dest Sub 1 ***- 0 0 5 3 D D
ADC{B} dest Add with carry **** 0 0 5 5 D D
SBC{B} dest Subtract with Carry **** 0 0 5 6 D D
TST{B} dest Set Condition Codes **00 0 0 5 7 D D
NEG{B} dest Negate **** 0 0 5 4 D D
COM{B} dest Ones compliment **01 0 0 5 1 D D
ROR{B} dest Rotate Right (through Carry) **** 0 0 6 0 D D
ROL{B} dest Rotate Left (through Carry) **** 0 0 6 1 D D
ASR{B} dest Arithmatic shift Right **** 0 0 6 2 D D
ASL{B} dest Arithmatic shift Left **** 0 0 6 3 D D
SWAB Swap Bytes in a word ***0 0 0 0 3 D D
SXT Sign Extend -*0- 0 0 6 7 D D
MUL s,d Multiply (if even registers 32 bit (r0+r1) else 16 (r1) **0* 0 7 0 R S S mul r0,r2 ;R2.R3=R0*R2
DIV src,dest Divide (dest reg must be even - r1=result r0=remaind **** 0 7 1 R S S
ASH n,reg Arithmatic shift (by n bits) (n Positive=Right Neg=Left **** 0 7 2 R S S
ASHC n,reg Arithmatic shift combined (32 bit pair) **** 0 7 3 R S S
XOR src,dest Flip bits of dest with src **0- 0 7 4 R S S div r0,r2 ;R2=R2.R3/R0 Rmdr in R3
MOV{B} src,dest Move src to dest B 1 S S D D
ADD src,dest Add src to dest 0 6 S S D D
SUB src,dest Subtract s from d 1 6 S S D D
CMP{B} src,dest Compare (set flags like src-dest) B 2 S S D D
BIS{B} src,dest Bit Set (OR) B 5 S S D D
BIC{B} src,dest Bit Clear (for AND use with COM/ ^C to flip bits) B 4 S S D D
BIT{B} src,dest Bit Test (like AND but doesn’t alter dest) B 3 S S D D
BR ofst Branch Always 0 0 0 1 B B B B
BNEofst Branch Not Equal Z=0 0 0 1 0 B B B B
BEQ ofst Branch Equal Z=1 0 0 1 1 B B B B
BPL ofst Branch if plus N=0 1 0 0 0 B B B B
BMI ofst Branch if minus N=1 1 0 0 1 B B B B
BVC ofst Branch if Overflow Clear V=0 1 0 2 0 B B B B
BVS ofst Branch if Overflow Set V=1 1 0 2 1 B B B B
BHIS ofst Branch if higher or same C=0 1 0 3 0 B B B B
BCC ofst Branch if carry clear C=0 1 0 3 0 B B B B
BLO ofst Branch if lower C=1 1 0 3 1 B B B B
BCS ofst Branch if carry set C=1 1 0 3 1 B B B B
BGE ofst Branch if greater than or equal to N xor V=0 0 0 2 0 B B B B
BLT ofst Branch if less than N xor V=1 0 0 2 1 B B B B
BGT ofst Branch if greater than Z not (N xor V)=0 0 0 3 0 B B B B
BLE ofst Branch on less than or equal to Z not (N xor V)=1 0 0 3 1 B B B B
BHI ofst Branch on higher than C not Z =0 1 0 1 0 B B B B
BLOS ofst Branch on lower than or same as C not Z = 1 1 0 1 1 B B B B
JMP dest Jump 0 0 0 1 A A
SOB Subtract 1 and branch 0 7 7 R N N
JSR reg,Label Jump to subroutine, setting reg to return address 0 0 4 R A A
RTS reg Return from subroutine to address reg, and pop reg from the stack 0 0 0 2 0 R
RTI Return from interrupt/trap 0 0 0 0 0 2
TRAP Trap T>=400 1 0 4 T T T
BPT Breakpoint trap 0 0 0 0 0 3
IOT I/O Trap 0 0 0 0 0 4
EMT Emulator Trap T<=400 1 0 4 T T T
RTT Return from trace trap 0 0 0 0 0 6
SPL Set priority level 0 0 0 2 3 N
- Clear Multiple 0 0 0 2 1 0 N Z V C
CLC Clear Carry flag C=0 0 0 0 2 4 1
CLV Clear Overflow flag V=0 0 0 0 2 4 2
CLZ Clear Zero flag Z=0 0 0 0 2 4 4
CLN Clear Negative flag N=0 0 0 0 2 5 0
CCC Clear Condition codes All=0 0 0 0 2 5 7
- Set Multiple 0 0 0 2 1 1 N Z V C
SEC Set Carry flag C=1 0 0 0 2 6 1
SEV Set Overflow flag V=1 0 0 0 2 6 2
SEZ Set Zero flag Z=1 0 0 0 2 6 4
SEN Set Negative flag N=1 0 0 0 2 7 0
SCC Set condition codes All=1 0 0 0 2 7 7
1 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 1
.ASCII Ascii
.ASCIZ Ascii followed by zero byte
ALIGN Base address
ORG Base address
.BYTE Byte data
.WORD Word data
.BLKW n output n zero words
.BLKB n output n zero bytes
.END end of source code
.INCLUDE include another file
CALL addr Call subroutine – same as JSR PC,n
RETURN Return from subroutine -same as RTS PC
MFPS r Move from Processor status to register r
MTPS r move to Processor Status from reg r
{B}=Byte (0=word / 1 = Byte)
Opcode Meaning Bytes Fmt LA=CVPX Details Example
A S,D Add A000 1 *****-- A @>100,R2
AB S,D Add Bytes B000 1 ******-
C S,D Compare 8000 1 ***----
CB S,D Compare Bytes 9000 1 ***--*- CB R1,R2
S S,D Subtract 6000 1 *****--
SB S,D Subtract Bytes 7000 1 ******-
SOC Set ones Corresponding (OR) E000 1 ***----
SOCB Set ones Corresponding Bytes (OR) F000 1 ***--*-
SZC Set Zeros Corresponding (Reverse AND) 4000 1 ***----
SZCB Set Zeros Corresponding Bytes (Reverse AND) 5000 1 ***--*-
MOV S,D Move C000 1 ***----
MOVB S,D Move Bytes D000 1 ***--*-
COC S,D Compare Ones Corresponding 2000 3 --*---- ones in S also in D? COC R1O,Rll
CZC S,D Compare Zeros Corresponding 2400 3 --*----
XOR S,D Flip Bits 2800 3 ***----
MPY S,D Multiply s*d – result in d,d+1 3800 9 ------- MPY R2,R3
DIV Ss,D Divide d,d+1 by s, result in d,d+1 3C00 9 ----*-- DIV @>FEOO,R5
XOP A,n Extend Operation 2800 9 2222222 Load new settings from address at vector AXOP @>FFOO,4
BR Branch to register R / @addr 0440 6 ------- R->PC B *R2
BL A Branch and Link address A 0680 6 ------- PC→WR11, SA→PC
BLWP Branch and Load Workspace Pointer 0400 6 ------- (A)→WP (A+2)→PC ST→R15, PC→R14, WP→R13 (addr is 2 pntrs)
CLR D Clear Operand 04C0 6 -------
SETO Set To Ones 0700 6 -------
INV D Invert 0540 6 ***----
NEG D Negative 0500 6 *****--
ABS D Absolute Value 0740 6 *****--
SWPB D Swap Bytes 06C0 6 -------
INC D Increment 0580 6 *****--
INCT D Increment by 2 05C0 6 *****--
DEC D Decrement 0600 6 *****--
DECT D Decrement by 2 0640 6 *****--
XD Execute 0480 6 2222222 .
LDCR S,B Load Communication Register… 3000 4 ***--1- Transfer B bits from S
STCR S,B Store Communication Register 3400 4 ***--1- Transfer B bits from S
SBO n Set CRU Bit to 1 1D00 x ------- SBO 4
SBZ n Set CRU Bit to 0 1E00 x -------
TB n Test CRU Bit 1F00 x --*----
JEQ n Jump Equal 1300 2 ------- Jump to offset n JEQ $+4
JGT Jump Greater Than (Signed) 1500 2 -------
JH Jump High 1B00 2 -------
JHE Jump Higher or Equal 1400 2 -------
JL Jump Lower 1A00 2 -------
JLE Jump Lower or Equal 1200 2 -------
JLT Jump Less Than (Signed) 1100 2 -------
JMP Jump 1000 2 ------- JMP $
JNC Jump No Carry 1800 2 -------
JNE Jump Not Equals 1600 2 -------
JNO Jump No Overflow 1900 2 -------
JOC Jump On Carry 1800 2 -------
JOP Jump Odd Parity 1C00 2 -------
SLA D,B Shift Left Arithmatic 0A00 5 *****-- Shift D by B bits (0=use R0) SLA Rl,O
SRA D,B Shift Right Arithmatic 0800 5 ****--- Shift D by B bits (0=use R0) SRA Rl,2
SRC D,B Shift Right Circular 0B00 5 ****--- Circular shift D by B bits (0=use R0) SRC R5,4
SRL D,B Shift Right Logical 0900 5 ****---
AI D,nn Add Immediate 0220 8 *****-- Add n to reg D
ANDI D,nn And Immediate 0240 8 ***---- AI R2,>FF
CI D,nn Compare Immediate 0280 8 ***---- Compare D to n CI R2,>10E
LI D,nn Load Immediate 0200 8 ***----
ORI Or Immediate 0260 8 ***----
LWPI A Load Workspace Pointer Immediate 02E0 x ------- A→WP LWPI >FCOO
LIMI Load Interrupt Mask 0300 x -------
STST Store Status Register 02C0 x -------
STWP Store Workspace Pointer 02A0 x ------- STWP R2
RTWP Return from Context Switch 0380 x ******* R13→WP, R14→PC, R15→ST
IDLE Idle 0340 7 -------
RSET Reset 0360 7 -------
CKOF User Defined 03C0 7 -------
CKON User Defined 03A0 7 -------
LREX User Defined 03E0 7 -------
B *R11 RETurn
Instruction Delay? RISCV Example F EDCBA9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F EDCBA9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
LA dest,addr Load LA Load address LUI $at,>label ORI Rd,$at,<label
I LB dest,addr R3000 Load LB Load byte 1 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I LBU dest,addr R3000 Load LBU Load byte unsigned 1 0 0 1 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
LH dest,addr R3000 Load LH Load halfword 1 0 0 0 0 1 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I LHU dest,addr R3000 Load LHU Load halfword unsigned 1 0 0 1 0 1 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I LW dest,addr R3000 Load LW Load word 1 0 0 0 1 1 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
LWL dest,addr R3000 Load word left (can Load partial data from unword aligned data) 1 0 0 0 1 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
LWR dest,addr R3000 Load word right (can Load partial data from unword aligned data) 1 0 0 1 1 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
LD dest,addr Load double lui $at,%hi_addr addiu $at,$at,%lo_addr lw $t2,0($at) lw $t3,4($at)
ULH dest,addr Unaligned Load Halfword LB Rd,4(Rs) LBU $at,3(Rs) SLL Rd,Rd,8 OR Rd,Rd,$at
ULHU dest,addr Unaligned Load Halfword Unsigned LBU Rd,4(Rs) LBU $at,3(Rs) SLL Rd,Rd,8 OR Rd,Rd,$at
ULW dest,addr Unaligned Load Word LWL Rd, 6(Rs) LWR Rd,3(Rs)
LI dest,expr LI Load Immediate LUI $at,>imm ORI Rd,$at,<imm ori Rt,$0,imm
I LUI dest,expr R3000 LUI Load Upper Immediate 0xFFFF---- 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I SB source,addr R3000 SB Store Byte 1 0 1 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
SD expr,dest Store Doubleword
I SH expr,dest R3000 SH Store Halfword 1 0 1 0 0 1 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
SWL expr,dest R3000 Store Word Left (can Store partial data from unword aligned data) 1 0 1 0 1 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
SWR expr,dest R3000 Store Word Right (can Store partial data from unword aligned data) 1 0 1 1 1 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I SW expr,dest R3000 SW Store Word 1 0 1 0 1 1 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
USH dest,expr Unaligned Store Half Word SB Rd,3(Rs) SRI $at,Rd,8 SB $at,4(Rs)
USW dest,expr Unaligned Store Word SWL Rd,6(Rs) SWR Rd,3(Rs)
R ADD rd, rs, rt R3000 ADD Add (Signed) 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
I ADDI rt,rs,imm R3000 ADDI Add Immediate 0 0 1 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I ADDIU dest,src1,imm R3000 Add Immediate Unsigned 0 0 1 0 0 1 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
R ADDU dest,src1,src2 R3000 Add Unsigned 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
R AND rd,rs,rt R3000 AND AND 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
I ANDI dest,src1,imm R3000 ANDI And Immediate 0 0 1 1 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
R DIV dest,src1,src2 R3000 DIV Divide (Signed) (Low=Quotient / High=Remainder) 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
R DIVU dest,src1,src2 R3000 DIVU Divide Unsigned (Low=Quotient / High=Remainder) 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
R XOR dest,src1,src2 R3000 Exclusive OR 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
XORI dest,src,imm R3000 Xor Immediate 0 0 1 1 1 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
MUL dest,src1,src2 MUL Multiply MULT Rs,Rt MFLO Rd
MULO dest,src1,src2 MULH Multiply with Overflow MULT Rs,Rt MFHI $at MFLO Rd SRA Rd,Rd,31 BEQ $at,Rd,ok BREAK $0 ok:MFLO Rd
MULOU dest,src1,src2 MULHU Multiply with Overflow Unsigned MULTU Rs,Rt MFHI $at BEQ $at, $0, ok ok: BREAK $0 MFLO Rd
R NOR dest,src1,src2 R3000 Not Or 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
R OR dest,src1,src2 R3000 OR OR 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
I ORI dest,src1,imm R3000 ORI OR Immediate 0 0 1 1 0 1 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
SEQ dest,src1,src2 Set Equal BEQ Rt,Rs,yes ORI Rd,$0,0 BRQ $0,$0,skip yes:ORI Rd,$0,1 skip:
SGT dest,src1,src2 Set Greater SLT Rd, Rt, Rs
SGE dest,src1,src2 Set Greater/Equal BNE Rt,Rs,yes ORI Rd,$0,1 BEQ $0,$0,skip yes:SLT Rd,Rt,Rs skip:
SGEU dest,src1,src2 Set Greater/Equal Unsigned BNE Rt,Rs,yes ORI Rd,$0,1 BEQ $0,$0,skip yes:SITU Rd,Rt,Rs skip:
SGTU dest,src1,src2 Set Greater Unsigned SLTU Rd, Rt, Rs
R SLT dest,src1,src2 R3000 Set Less Than 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
I SLTI dest,src,imm R3000 Set on Less Than Immediate 0 0 1 0 1 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I SLTIU dest,src,imm R3000 Set on Less Than Immediate Unsigned 0 0 1 0 1 1 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
SLE dest,src1,src2 Set Less/Equal BNE Rt,Rs,yes ORI Rd,$0,1 BEQ $0,$0,skip yes:SLT Rd, Rs, Rt skip:
SLEU dest,src1,src2 Set Less/Equal Unsigned BNE Rt,Rs,yes ORI Rd,$0,1 BEQ $0,$0,skip yes:SLTU Rd,Rs,Rt skip:
R SLTU dest,src1,src2 R3000 Set Less Unsigned 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
SNE dest,src1,src2 Set Not Equal BRQ Rt,Rs,yes ORI Rd,$0,1 BEQ $0,$0,skip yes:ORI Rd,$0,0 skip:
R SUB dest,src1,src2 R3000 Subtract (With Overflow) 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
R SUBU dest,src1,src2 R3000 Subtract (Without Overflow) 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
REM dest,src1,src2 REM Remainder (Signed) BNE Rt,$0,8 BREAK $0 DIV Rs,Rt MFHI Rd
REMU dest,src1,src2 REMU Remainder (Unsigned) BNE Rt,$0,ok BREAK $0 ok: DIVU Rs,Rt MFHI Rd
ROL dest,src1,src2 Rotate Left (Reg or imm) SUBU $at,$0,Rt SRLV $at,Rs,$at SLLV Rd,Rs,Rt OR Rd,Rd,$a SRL $at,Rs,32-sa SLL Rd,Rs,sa OR Rd,Rd,$at

ROR dest,src1,src2 Rotate Right (Reg or imm) SUBU $at,$0,Rt SLLV $at,Rs,$at SRLV Rd,Rs,Rt OR Rd,Rd,$at SLL $at,Rs,32-sa SRI Rd,Rs,sa OR Rd,Rd,$at

SRA dest,src1,imm R3000 SRAI Shift Right Arithmatic Immediate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t t t t t d d d d d i i i i i 0 0 0 0 1 1

R SRAV dest,src1,src2 R3000 SRA Shift Right Arithmatic 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
SLL dest,src, imm R3000 SLLI Shift Left Logical Immediate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t t t t t d d d d d i i i i i 0 0 0 0 0 0
R SLLV dest,src1,src2 R3000 SLL Shift Left Logical by Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
SRL dest,src, imm R3000 SRLI Shift Right Logical Immediate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t t t t t d d d d d i i i i i 0 0 0 0 1 0
R SRLV dest,src1,src2 R3000 SRL Shift Right Logical by Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
ABS dest,src Absolute value ADDU Rd,$0,Rs BGEZ Rs,1 SUB Rd,$0,Rs
NEG dest,src NEG Negate (Signed) SUB Rd,$0,Rs
NEGU dest,src Negate (Unsigned) SUBU Rd,$0,Rs
NOT dest,src NOT Not Or NOR Rd,Rs,$0
MOVE dest,src MV Move ADDU Rd,$0,Rs
R MULT src1,src2 R3000 Multiply... result in HI/LOW (leave 2 instructions before next Mult/Div) 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
R MULTU src1,src2 R3000 Multiply (Unsigned)... result in HI/LOW (leave 2 instructions before next Mult/Div) 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
J J addr R3000 J Jump 0 0 0 0 1 0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
J JAL addr R3000 JAL Jump and link 0 0 0 0 1 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
JALR return,reg R3000 JA:LR Jump and link Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
R JR reg R3000 JR Jump to address in register 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
I BEQ src1, src2, label R3000 Branch BEQ Branch on Equal 0 0 0 1 0 0 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
BGT src1, src2, label Branch Branch on Greater SLT $at,Rs,Rt BNE $at,$0,Label
BGE src1, src2, label Branch BGE Branch on Greater/Equal SLT $at, rs,rt BEQ $at,$0,Label
BGEU src1, src2, label Branch BGEU Branch on Greater/Equal unsigned SLTU $at, rs,rt BEQ $at,$0,Label
BGTU src1, src2, label Branch Branch on Greater unsigned SLTU $at,Rs,Rt BNE $at,$0,Label
BLT src1, src2, label Branch BLT Branch on Less than SLT $at,Rs,Rt BNE $at,$0,Label
BLE src1, src2, label Branch Branch on Less/Equal SLT $at, Rt,Rs BEQ $at,$0,Label
BLEU src1, src2, label Branch Branch on Less/Equal Unsigned SLTU $at, Rt,Rs BEQ $at,$0,Label
BLTU src1, src2, label Branch BLTU Branch on Less Unsigned SLTU $at,Rs,Rt BNE $at,$0,Label
I BNE src1, src2, label R3000 Branch BNE Branch on Not Equal 0 0 0 1 0 1 s s s s s t t t t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
BEQZ src1, label Branch on Equal to Zero BEQ Rs,$0,Label
BGEZ src1, label R3000 Branch on greater/equal to zero 0 0 0 0 0 1 s s s s s 0 0 0 0 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I BGTZ src1, label Branch on Greater than zero 0 0 0 1 1 1 s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
BGEZAL src1, label R3000 Branch on Greater or equal to zero 0 0 0 0 0 1 s s s s s 1 0 0 0 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
BLTZAL src1, label R3000 Branch on less than zero and link 0 0 0 0 0 1 s s s s s 1 0 0 0 0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
I BLEZ src1, label R3000 Branch on Less than or equal to zero 0 0 0 1 1 0 s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
BLTZ src1, label R3000 Branch on less than zero 0 0 0 0 0 1 s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
BNEZ src1, label Branch on not equal to zero BNE Rs,$0,Label
B label Branch Bgez $0,label
BAL label Branch and Link 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
BREAK breakcode R3000 Break 0 0 0 0 0 0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 0 0 1 1 0 1
RFE Restore from exception 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
SYSCALL ecall System Call 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 i i i i i i i i
R MFHI register R3000 Move from HI to Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
R MTHI register R3000 Move to HI from Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
R MFLO register R3000 Move from LOW to register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
R MTLO register R3000 Move to LOW to Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
LWCz dest,addr R3000 LWC2 $1,0(a0) Load Word Coprocessor Z 1 1 0 0 0 1 b b b b b r r r r r i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
SWCz source,addr R3000 SWC2 $1,0(a0) Store Word Coprocessor z 1 1 1 0 0 1 b b b b b f f f f f i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
R MFCz dest-gpr,source R3000 MFC2 a0,$1 Move from Coprocessor z 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MTCz src-gpr, destination R3000 MTC2 a0,$1 Move to Coprocessor z 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 t t t t t d d d d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CFCz dest-gpr, source R3000 CFC2 a0,$1 control from Coprocessor z
COPz cofun R3000 COP2 1 Perform Coprocessor operation cofun on coprocessor z
CTCz src-gpr,destionation R3000 CTC2 a0,$1 move reg RT into control register RD of coprocessor z
NOP No Operation OR $0,$0,$0

BCzF label Branch Coprocessor z false

BCzT label Branch Coprocessor z true
Cz expr Store Coprocessor z operation
Group Instruction MIPS Name Pseudocode F E DCBA9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F E DCBA9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
U RV32I LUI rd,imm LUI Load Upper Immediate (Top 20 bits of rd) rd ← imm Imm [31:12] rd 0010111
U RV32I AUIPC rd,offset Add Upper Immediate to PC rd ← pc + offset Imm [31:12] rd 0010111
UJ RV32I JAL rd,offset JAL Jump and Link rd ← pc + len(inst)… pc ← pc + off [20][10:1] [11][19:12] rd 1101111
I RV32I JALR rd,rs1,offset JALR Jump and Link Register (return to rs1 when off=0) rd ← pc + len(inst)…pc ← (rs1+off)∧-2 Imm [11:0] Rs1 000 rd 1100111
SB RV32I BEQ rs1,rs2,offset BEQ Branch Equal if rs1 = rs2 then pc ← pc + offset Imm [12][10:0] Rs2 Rs1 000 Im [11][4:1] 1100011
SB RV32I BGE rs1,rs2,offset BGE Branch Greater than Equal if rs1 ≥ rs2 then pc ← pc + offset Imm [12][10:3] Rs2 Rs1 101 Im [11][4:1] 1100011
SB RV32I BGEU rs1,rs2,offset BGEU Branch Greater than Equal Unsigned if rs1 ≥ rs2 then pc ← pc + offset Imm [12][10:5] Rs2 Rs1 111 Im [11][4:1] 1100011
SB RV32I BLT rs1,rs2,offset BLT Branch Less Than if rs1 < rs2 then pc ← pc + offset Imm [12][10:2] Rs2 Rs1 100 Im [11][4:1] 1100011
SB RV32I BLTU rs1,rs2,offset BLTU Branch Less Than Unsigned if rs1 < rs2 then pc ← pc + offset Imm [12][10:4] Rs2 Rs1 110 Im [11][4:1] 1100011
SB RV32I BNE rs1,rs2,offset BNE Branch Not Equal if rs1 ≠ rs2 then pc ← pc + offset Imm [12][10:1] Rs2 Rs1 001 Im [11][4:1] 1100011
I RV32I LB rd,offset(rs1) LB Load Byte rd ← s8[rs1 + offset] Imm [11:0] Rs1 000 rd 0000011
I RV32I LBU rd,offset(rs1) LBU Load Byte Unsigned rd ← u8[rs1 + offset] Imm [11:0] Rs1 100 rd 0000011
I RV32I LH rd,offset(rs1) LH Load Half rd ← s16[rs1 + offset] Imm [11:0] Rs1 001 rd 0000011
I RV32I LHU rd,offset(rs1) LHU Load Half Unsigned rd ← u16[rs1 + offset] Imm [11:0] Rs1 101 rd 0000011
I RV32I LW rd,offset(rs1) LW Load Word rd ← s32[rs1 + offset] Imm [11:0] Rs1 010 rd 0000011
S RV32I SB rs2,offset(rs1) SB Store Byte u8[rs1 + offset] ← rs2 Imm [11:5] Rs2 Rs1 000 Imm [4:0] 0100011
S RV32I SH rs2,offset(rs1) SH Store Half u16[rs1 + offset] ← rs2 Imm [11:5] Rs2 Rs1 001 Imm [4:0] 0100011
S RV32I SW rs2,offset(rs1) SW Store Word u32[rs1 + offset] ← rs2 Imm [11:5] Rs2 Rs1 010 Imm [4:0] 0100011
I RV32I ADDI rd,rs1,imm ADDI Add Immediate rd ← rs1 + sx(imm) Imm [11:0] Rs1 000 rd 0010011
I RV32I ANDI rd,rs1,imm ANDI And Immediate rd ← ux(rs1) ∧ ux(imm) Imm [11:0] Rs1 111 rd 0010011
I RV32I ORI rd,rs1,imm Or Immediate rd ← ux(rs1) ∨ ux(imm) Imm [11:0] Rs1 110 rd 0010011
I RV32I SLTI rd,rs1,imm SLTI Set Less Than Immediate (rd=1/0) rd ← sx(rs1) < sx(imm) Imm [11:0] Rs1 010 rd 0010011
I RV32I SLTIU rd,rs1,imm SLTIU Set Less Than Immediate Unsigned (rd=1rd ← ux(rs1) < ux(imm) Imm [11:0] Rs1 011 rd 0010011
I RV32I XORI rd,rs1,imm XORI Xor Immediate rd ← ux(rs1) ⊕ ux(imm) Imm [11:0] Rs1 100 rd 0010011
R RV32I SLLI rd,rs1,imm Shift Left Logical Immediate rd ← ux(rs1) « ux(imm) 0000000 shamt Rs1 001 rd 0010011
R RV32I SRLI rd,rs1,imm Shift Right Logical Immediate rd ← ux(rs1) » ux(imm) 0000000 shamt Rs1 101 rd 0010011
R RV32I SRAI rd,rs1,imm Shift Right Arithmetic Immediate rd ← sx(rs1) » ux(imm) 0100000 shamt Rs1 101 rd 0010011
S RV32I ADD rd,rs1,rs2 ADD Add rd ← sx(rs1) + sx(rs2) 0000000 shamt Rs1 000 rd 0110011
S RV32I AND rd,rs1,rs2 And rd ← ux(rs1) ∧ ux(rs2) 0000000 shamt Rs1 111 rd 0110011
S RV32I OR rd,rs1,rs2 Or rd ← ux(rs1) ∨ ux(rs2) 0000000 shamt Rs1 110 rd 0110011
S RV32I SUB rd,rs1,rs2 Subtract rd ← sx(rs1) - sx(rs2) 0100000 shamt Rs1 000 rd 0110011
S RV32I SLL rd,rs1,rs2 SLLV Shift Left Logical rd ← ux(rs1) « rs2 0000000 shamt Rs1 001 rd 0110011
S RV32I SLT rd,rs1,rs2 Set Less Than rd ← sx(rs1) < sx(rs2) 0000000 shamt Rs1 010 rd 0110011
S RV32I SLTU rd,rs1,rs2 Set Less Than Unsigned rd ← ux(rs1) < ux(rs2) 0000000 shamt Rs1 011 rd 0110011
S RV32I SRL rd,rs1,rs2 SRLV Shift Right Logical rd ← ux(rs1) » rs2 0000000 shamt Rs1 101 rd 0110011
S RV32I SRA rd,rs1,rs2 SRAV Shift Right Arithmetic rd ← sx(rs1) » rs2 0100000 shamt Rs1 101 rd 0110011
S RV32I XOR rd,rs1,rs2 XOR Xor rd ← ux(rs1) ⊕ ux(rs2) 0000000 shamt Rs1 100 rd 0110011
I RV32I FENCE pred,succ Fence Fm Pred Suc Rs1 000 rd 1110011
I RV32I FENCE.I Fence Instruction Imm Rs1 001 rd 0001111
I RV64I LWU rd,offset(rs1) Load Word Unsigned rd ← u32[rs1 + offset] Imm [11:0] Rs1 110 rd 0000011
RV64I LD rd,offset(rs1) Load Double rd ← u64[rs1 + offset] Imm [11:0] Rs1 011 rd 0000011
RV64I SD rs2,offset(rs1) Store Double u64[rs1 + offset] ← rs2 Imm [11:5] Rs2 Rs1 011 Imm [4:0] 0100011
RV64I SLLI rd,rs1,imm SLL Shift Left Logical Immediate rd ← ux(rs1) « sx(imm) 000000 shamt Rs1 001 rd 0010011
RV64I SRLI rd,rs1,imm SRL Shift Right Logical Immediate rd ← ux(rs1) » sx(imm) 000000 shamt Rs1 101 rd 0010011
RV64I SRAI rd,rs1,imm SRA Shift Right Arithmetic Immediate rd ← sx(rs1) » sx(imm) 010000 shamt Rs1 101 rd 0010011
RV64I ADDIW rd,rs1,imm Add Immediate Word rd ← s32(rs1) + imm Imm [11:0] Rs1 000 rd 0011011
RV64I SLLIW rd,rs1,imm Shift Left Logical Immediate Word rd ← s32(u32(rs1) « imm) 000000 shamt Rs1 001 rd 0011011
RV64I SRLIW rd,rs1,imm Shift Right Logical Immediate Word rd ← s32(u32(rs1) » imm) 000000 shamt Rs1 101 rd 0011011
RV64I SRAIW rd,rs1,imm Shift Right Arithmetic Immediate Word rd ← s32(rs1) » imm 010000 shamt Rs1 101 rd 0011011
RV64I ADDW rd,rs1,rs2 Add Word rd ← s32(rs1) + s32(rs2) 000000 Rs2 Rs1 000 rd 0111011
RV64I SUBW rd,rs1,rs2 Subtract Word rd ← s32(rs1) - s32(rs2) 010000 Rs2 Rs1 000 rd 0111011
RV64I SLLW rd,rs1,rs2 Shift Left Logical Word rd ← s32(u32(rs1) « rs2) 000000 Rs2 Rs1 001 rd 0111011
RV64I SRLW rd,rs1,rs2 Shift Right Logical Word rd ← s32(u32(rs1) » rs2) 000000 Rs2 Rs1 101 rd 0111011
RV64I SRAW rd,rs1,rs2 Shift Right Arithmetic Word rd ← s32(rs1) » rs2 010000 Rs2 Rs1 101 rd 0111011
nn RV32M MUL rd,rs1,rs2 MULT Multiply (First 32 bits) rd ← ux(rs1) × ux(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 000 Rd 0110011
S RV32M MULH rd,rs1,rs2 Multiply High (Second 32 bits) rd ← (sx(rs1) × sx(rs2)) » xlen 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 001 Rd 0110011
S RV32M MULHSU rd,rs1,rs2 Multiply High Signed*Unsigned Mix rd ← (sx(rs1) × ux(rs2)) » xlen 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 010 Rd 0110011
S RV32M MULHU rd,rs1,rs2 Multiply High Unsigned rd ← (ux(rs1) × ux(rs2)) » xlen 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 011 Rd 0110011
S RV32M DIV rd,rs1,rs2 DIV Divide Signed rd ← sx(rs1) ÷ sx(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 100 Rd 0110011
S RV32M DIVU rd,rs1,rs2 DIVU Divide Unsigned rd ← ux(rs1) ÷ ux(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 101 Rd 0110011
S RV32M REM rd,rs1,rs2 REM Remainder Signed rd ← sx(rs1) mod sx(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 110 Rd 0110011
S RV32M REMU rd,rs1,rs2 REMU Remainder Unsigned rd ← ux(rs1) mod ux(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 111 Rd 0111011
S RV64M MULW rd,rs1,rs2 Multiple Word rd ← u32(rs1) × u32(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 000 Rd 0111011
S RV64M DIVW rd,rs1,rs2 Divide Signed Word rd ← s32(rs1) ÷ s32(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 100 Rd 0111011
S RV64M DIVUW rd,rs1,rs2 Divide Unsigned Word rd ← u32(rs1) ÷ u32(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 101 Rd 0111011
S RV64M REMW rd,rs1,rs2 Remainder Signed Word rd ← s32(rs1) mod s32(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 110 Rd 0111011
S RV64M REMUW rd,rs1,rs2 Remainder Unsigned Word rd ← u32(rs1) mod u32(rs2) 0000001 Rs2 Rs1 111 Rd 0111011
Directive .2byte 16-bit comma separated words (unaligned)
Directive .4byte 32-bit comma separated words (unaligned)
Directive .8byte 64-bit comma separated words (unaligned)
Directive .half 16-bit comma separated words (naturally aligned)
Directive .word 32-bit comma separated words (naturally aligned)
Directive .dword 64-bit comma separated words (naturally aligned)
Directive .byte 8-bit comma separated words
Directive .dtpreldword 64-bit thread local word
Directive .dtprelword 32-bit thread local word
Directive .sleb128 expression signed little endian base 128, DWARF
Directive .uleb128 expression unsigned little endian base 128, DWARF
Directive .asciz “string” emit string (alias for .string)
Directive .string emit string
Directive .incbin “filename” emit the included file as a binary sequence of octets
Directive .zero integer zero bytes
Directive .align integer align to power of 2 (alias for .p2align)
Directive .balign b,[pad_val=0] byte align
Directive .p2align p2,[pad_val=0],max align to power of 2
Directive .globl symbol_name emit symbol_name to symbol table (scope GLOBAL)
Directive .local symbol_name emit symbol_name to symbol table (scope LOCAL)
Directive .equ name, value constant definition
Directive .text emit .text section (if not present) and make current
Directive .data emit .data section (if not present) and make current
Directive .rodata emit .rodata section (if not present) and make current
Directive .bss emit .bss section (if not present) and make current
Directive .comm sym_nam,sz,aln emit common object to .bss section
Directive .common sym_name,sz,aln emit common object to .bss section
Directive .section sect emit section (if not present, default .text [{.text,.data,.rodata,.bss}]
Directive .option opt RISC-V options {rvc,norvc,pic,nopic,push,pop}
Directive .macro name arg1 [, argn] begin macro definition \argname to substitute
Directive .endm end macro definition
Directive .file “filename” emit filename FILE LOCAL symbol table
Directive .ident “string” accepted for source compatibility
Directive .size symbol, symbol accepted for source compatibility
Directive .type symbol, @function accepted for source compatibility
Psuedo NOP No operation addi zero,zero,0
Psuedo LI rd, imm LI Load immediate (several expansions) (LUA+ADDI)
Psuedo LA rd, symbol LA Load address (several expansions)
Psuedo MV rd, rs1 MOVE Copy register addi rd, rs, 0
Psuedo NOT rd, rs1 NOT One’s complement xori rd, rs, -1
Psuedo NEG rd, rs1 NEG Two’s complement sub rd, x0, rs
Psuedo NEGW rd, rs1 Two’s complement Word subw rd, x0, rs
Psuedo SEXT.W rd, rs1 Sign extend Word addiw rd, rs, 0
Psuedo SEQZ rd, rs1 Set if = zero sltiu rd, rs, 1
Psuedo SNEZ rd, rs1 Set if ≠ zero sltu rd, x0, rs
Psuedo SLTZ rd, rs1 Set if < zero slt rd, rs, x0
Psuedo SGTZ rd, rs1 Set if > zero slt rd, x0, rs
Psuedo FMV.S frd, frs1 Single-precision move fsgnj.s frd, frs, frs
Psuedo FAB.S frd, frs1 Single-precision absolute value fsgnjx.s frd, frs, frs
Psuedo FNEG.S frd, frs1 Single-precision negate fsgnjn.s frd, frs, frs
Psuedo FMV.D frd, frs1 Double-precision move fsgnj.d frd, frs, frs
Psuedo FABS.D frd, frs1 Double-precision absolute value fsgnjx.d frd, frs, frs
Psuedo FNEG.D frd, frs1 Double-precision negate fsgnjn.d frd, frs, frs
Psuedo BEQZ rs1, offset Branch if = zero beq rs, x0, offset
Psuedo BNEZ rs1, offset Branch if ≠ zero bne rs, x0, offset
Psuedo BLEZ rs1, offset Branch if ≤ zero bge x0, rs, offset
Psuedo BGEZ rs1, offset Branch if ≥ zero bge rs, x0, offset
Psuedo BLTZ rs1, offset Branch if < zero blt rs, x0, offset
Psuedo BGTZ rs1, offset Branch if > zero blt x0, rs, offset
Psuedo BGT rs, rt, offset Branch if > blt rt, rs, offset
Psuedo BLE rs, rt, offset Branch if ≤ bge rt, rs, offset
Psuedo BGTU rs, rt, offset Branch if >, unsigned bltu rt, rs, offset
Psuedo BLEU rs, rt, offset Branch if ≤, unsigned bltu rt, rs, offset
Psuedo J offset J Jump jal x0, offset
Psuedo JR offset JR Jump register jal x1, offset
Psuedo RET Return from subroutine jalr x0, x1, 0

Syntax: Imm [12][10:5] = Bits 12 & 10-5 of immediate (other bits in other part)
Mnemonic Description Example
ADCccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Add With Carry. ADC R0,R0,#4
ADDccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Add Op2 to Rm and store the result in Rn. ADD R0,R0,#4
ANDccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Logically AND Op2 with Rm and store the result in Rn. AND R0,R0,#4
Bcc Label Branch to a relative Label. BEQ ConditionalJump
BICccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Logically Bit Clear Op2 with Rm and store the result in Rn. BIC R0,R0,#4
BLcc Label Branch and Link to a relative subroutine Label. BL TestSub
CMNcc Rn, Op2 Compare Negative Rn to Op2. set the flags like"ADDS Rn,Op2" CMN R0,#4
CMPcc Rn, Op2 Compare Rn to Op2. set the flags, the same as "SUBS Rn,Op2" CMP R0,#4
EORccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Logically Exclusive OR Op2 with Rm and store the result in Rn. EOR R0,R0,#4
LDMccadm Rn!, {Regs} Transfer range of registers {Regs} to address in Rn. Like POP LDMFD sp!,{r0,r1,r2}
LDRcc Rn, Flex
LDRccB Rn, Flex Load register Rn from address Flex LDR R0,NearLabel
LDRccH Rn, Off
LDRccSH Rn, Off
LDRccSB Rn, Off HalfWord (16 bit), Signed Word (16 Bit) and Signed Byte (8 Bit) load LDRSB R0,[R1,#-255]
MLAccS Rn, Rm, Ro, Rp 32 bit Multiplication and Add. Rn=(Rm*Ro)+ Rp MLA R0,R1,R2,R3
MOVccS Rn, Op2 Move value in Op2 into Rn. MOV R0,#0xFF
MRScc Rn,sr Move sr (either CPSR or SPSR) to register Rn. MRS R0,SPSR
MSRcc sr_f,#
MSRcc sr_f,Rn Move immediate # or register into flags f of sr (either CPSR or SPSR). MSR CPSR_F,#0
MULccS Rn, Rm, Ro 32 bit Multiplication. Rn=Rm*Ro. MUL R0,R1,R2
MVNccS Rn, Op2 Move Not. Flip all the bits of Op2 and move result into Rn. MVN R0,#0xFF
ORRccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Logically OR Op2 with Rm and store the result in Rn. ORR R0,R0,#4
RSBccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Reverse Subtract. This performs the calculation Rn=Op2-Rm. RSB R0,R0,#6
RSCccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Reverse Subtract with Carry. Rn=(Op2-Rm)-C . RSC R0,R0,#6
SBCccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Reverse Subtract with Carry. Rn=(Op2-Rm)-C . SBC R0,R0,#6
STMccadm Rn!, {Regs} Transfer range of registers {Regs} to the address in Rn. Like PUSH STMFD sp!,{r0,r1,r2}
STRcc Rn, Flex
STRccB Rn, Flex Store register Rn to address Flex. STR r0,[r1,r2,asl #2]
STRccH Rn, Off
STRccSH Rn, Off
STRccSB Rn, Off Half Word (16 bit), Signed half Word (16 Bit) and Signed Byte (8 Bit) store STRSB R0,[R1,#-255]
SUBccS Rn, Rm, Op2 Subtract. This performs the calculation Rn=Rm-Op2. SUB R0,R0,#6
SWIcc # Software Interrupt. SWI 3
SWPccB Rn, Rm, [Ro] Swap a register and memory. Rn=[Ro], [Ro]=Rm. SWPB R0,R1,[R2]
TEQcc Rn, Rm, Op2 Test for bitwise Equality. Set the flags like "EOR Rn,Rm,Op2" TEQ R0,R0,#6
TSTcc Rn, Rm, Op2 Test bits. Set the flags like “AND Rn,Rm,Op2" TST R0,R0,#6

Abbreviation Meaning Flag

EQ EQual Z=1
NE Not Equal Z=0
CS Carry Set
HS Higher or Same (Unsigned) C=1
CC LO Carry Clear LOwer (Unsigned) C=0
MI MInus (Negative) N=1
PL PLus (Positive) N=0
VS oVerflow Set V=1
VC oVerflow Clear V=0
HI HIgher (Unsigned) C=1 and Z=0
LS Lower or Same (Unsigned) C=0 and Z=1
GE Greater or Equal (Signed) N=V
LT Less Than (Signed) N<>V
GT Greater Than (Signed) Z=0 and N=V
LE Less than or Equal (Signed) Z=1 or N<>V
AL ALways No condition
ARM Thumb
Command Detail Example OP Cycles Opcode NZCV ValidRegs
LDR Rd,[Rn,#] LoaD Register (32 bit) LDR r3,[r5,#0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 124 (Multiples of 4)
LDRB Rd,[Rn,#] LoaD Register (8 bit) LDRB r3,[r5,#2] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 31 (Multiples of 1)
LDSB Rd,[Rn,#] LoaD Register (Signed 8 bit) LDRSB r3,[r5,#2] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 31 (Multiples of 1)
LDRH Rd,[Rn,#] LoaD Register (16 bit) LDRH r3,[r5,#4] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 62 (Multiples of 2)
LDSH Rd,[Rn,#] LoaD Register (Signed 16 bit) LDRSH r3,[r5,#4] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 62 (Multiples of 2)
STR Rd,[Rn,#] Store Register (32 Bit) STR r3,[r5,#0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 124 (Multiples of 4)
STRB Rd,[Rn,#] Store Register (8 Bit) STRB r3,[r5,#0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 31 (Multiples of 1)
STRH Rd,[Rn,#] Store Register (16 Bit) STRH r3,[r5,#0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 62 (Multiples of 2)
POP {reglist} Pop registers from the stack POP {r1-r3,r5} ---- R0-R7,LR
PUSH {reglist} Push registers on to the stack PUSH {r1-r3,r5} ---- R0-R7,PC
LDMIA Rn!,{reglist} Load Multiple and increment afterLDMIA R0!,{r1-r3,r5} ---- R0-R7
STMIA Rn!,{reglist} Store Multiple and increment afteSTMIA R0!,{r1-r3,r5} ---- R0-R7
ADD Rd,Rn,Rm Add Rd=Rn+Rm NZCV R0-R7
ADD Rd,Rn,# Add Rd=Rn+# NZCV R0-R7 #=0 to 7
ADD Rd,# Add Rd=Rd+# NZCV R0-R7 #=0 to 255
SUB Rd,Rn,Rm Subtract Rd=Rn-Rm NZCV R0-R7
SUB Rd,Rn,# Subtract Rd=Rn-# NZCV R0-R7 #=0 to 7
SUB Rd,# Subtract Rd=Rd-# NZCV R0-R7 #=0 to 255
ADD Rd,Rm Add Low/High Regs (Can't both be low) Rd=Rd+Rm NZCV R0-R15,SP
ADD SP,# Add to Stack Pointer SP=SP+# NZCV #0 to 508 (Multiple of 4)
SUB SP,# Add to Stack Pointer SP=SP+# NZCV #0 to 508 (Multiple of 4)
ADD Rd,PC/SP,# Add immediate to SP/PC Rd=PC/SP+# NZCV R0-R7, Rp=PC/SP #=0 to 1020 (Multiples of 4)
ADC Rd,Rm Add with carry Rd=Rd+Rm+C NZCV R0-R7
SBC Rd,Rm Subtract with carry Rd=Rd-(Rm+C) NZCV R0-R7
MUL Rd,Rm Multiply Rd=Rd*Rm NZ-- R0-R7
AND Rd,Rm Logical AND Rd=Rd AND Rm NZ-- R0-R7
ORR Rd,Rm Logical OR Rd=Rd OR Rm NZ-- R0-R7
EOR Rd,Rm Logical Exclusive OR (XOR) Rd=Rd EOR Rm NZ-- R0-R7
BIC Rd,Rm Logical Bit Clear Rd=Rd AND (NOT Rm) NZ-- R0-R7
ASR Rd,Rs Arithmetic Shift Right Rs bits Rd=Rd ASR Rs NZC- R0-R7
ASR Rd,# Arithmetic Shift Right # bits Rd=Rd ASR # NZC- R0-R7, #1 to 32
LSR Rd,Rs Logical Shift Right Rs bits Rd=Rd LSR Rs NZC- R0-R7
LSR Rd,# Logical Shift Right # bits Rd=Rd LSR # NZC- R0-R7, #1 to 32
LSL Rd,Rs Logical Shift Left Rs bits Rd=Rd LSL Rs NZC- R0-R7
LSL Rd,# Logical Shift Left # bits Rd=Rd LSL # NZC- R0-R7, #0 to 31
ROR Rd,Rs Rotate Right Rs bits Rd=Rd ROR Rs NZC- R0-R7
CMP Rn,Rm Compare (Set flags like SUB) Flags=Rn-Rm NZCV R0-R15
CMP Rn,# Compare (Set flags like SUB) Flags=Rn-# NZCV R0-R7, #0 to 255
CMN Rn,Rm Compare Negative (Set flags like ADD) Flags=Rn+Rm NZCV R0-R7
MOV Rd,# Move Immediate Rd=# NZCV R0-R7, #0 to 255
MOV Rd,Rm Move Rd=Rm NZCV R0-R15 (Flags unchanged R8+)
MVN Rd,Rm Move Not (Flip bits of Rm) Rd=NOT Rm NZCV R0-R7
NEG Rd,Rm Negate Rd=-Rm NZCV R0-R7
TST Rn,Rm Test Masked (AND) Flags= Rn AND Rm NZ-- R0-R7
B label Branch to label ---- Label= -2048 to +2048
BEQ label Branch if Equal Z=1 ---- -252 to +258
BNE label Branch if Not Equal Z=0 ---- -252 to +258
BCS label Branch Carry Set C=1 ---- -252 to +258
BHS label Branch if Higher or Same (Unsigned) C=1 ---- -252 to +258
BCC label Branch if Carry Clear C=0 ---- -252 to +258
BLO label Branch if Lower or Same (Unsigned) C=0 ---- -252 to +258
BMI label Branch if Minus N=1 ---- -252 to +258
BPL label Branch if Plus N=0 ---- -252 to +258
BVS label Branch if oVerflow Set V=1 ---- -252 to +258
BVC label Branch if oVerflow Clear V=0 ---- -252 to +258
BHI label Branch if Higher (Unsigned) C=1 and Z=0 ---- -252 to +258
BLS label Branch if Lower or Same (Unsigned) C=0 or Z=1 ---- -252 to +258
BGE label Branch if Greater or Equal (Signed) N=V ---- -252 to +258
BLT label Branch if Less than (Signed) N<>V ---- -252 to +258
BGT label Branch if Greater than (Signed) Z=0 N=V ---- -252 to +258
BLE label Branch if Less than or Equal (Signed) Z=1 N<>V ---- -252 to +258
BL label Branch and Link PC=label R14/LR=Return Address ---- -4mb to +4mb
BX Rm Branch and Exchange to Rm PC=Rm T=Bit0 R0-R15, -4mb to +4mb
SWI # Software Interrupt ---- #=0 to 255
BKPT # Breakpoint (enter debug mode) ---- #=0 to 255
ADR Rn,addr Load address into Rn ADD Rn,PC,# #=0 to 1024
NOP No operation MOV R8,R8

LDR Rd,[Rn,Rm] LoaD Register (32 bit) LDR r3,[r5,r0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 124 (Multiples of 4)
LDRB Rd,[Rn,Rm] LoaD Register (8 bit) LDRB r3,[r5,r0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 31 (Multiples of 1)
LDSB Rd,[Rn,Rm] LoaD Register (Signed 8 bit) LDRSB r3,[r5,r0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 31 (Multiples of 1)
LDRH Rd,[Rn,Rm] LoaD Register (16 bit) LDRH r3,[r5,r0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 62 (Multiples of 2)
LDSH Rd,[Rn,Rm] LoaD Register (Signed 16 bit) LDRSH r3,[r5,r0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 62 (Multiples of 2)
STR Rd,[Rn,Rm] Store Register (32 Bit) STR r3,[r5,r0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 124 (Multiples of 4)
STRB Rd,[Rn,Rm] Store Register (8 Bit) STRB r3,[r5,r0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 31 (Multiples of 1)
STRH Rd,[Rn,Rm] Store Register (16 Bit) STRH r3,[r5,r0] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 62 (Multiples of 2)

LDR Rd,[PC,#] LoaD Register PC relative (32 bit)LDR r3,[pc,#4] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 124 (Multiples of 4)
LDR Rd,[SP,#] LoaD Register SP relative (32 bit)LDR r3,[sp,#4] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 124 (Multiples of 4)
STR Rd,[SP,#] Store Register SP Relative (32 BitSTR r3,[sp,#4] ---- R0-R7,#= 0 to 124 (Multiples of 4)
ARM Complete
Command Detail Example OP Cycles Opcode Arch
ADCccS R0, R1, OP2 Add with Carry ADC R0,R1,R2 R0 = R1+R2+C 1 0101
ADDccS R0, R1, OP2 Add ADD R0,R1,R2 R0 = R1+R2 1 0100
ANDccS R0, R1, OP2 Bitwise AND AND R0,R1,R2 R0 = R1 and R2 1 0000
Bcc addr Branch (JP) B label R15=addr 3
BICccS R0, R1, OP2 Bit Clear R0 = R1 and (CPL R2) 1 1110
BLcc addr Branch and Link (CALL) BL label R14=R15… R15=addr 3
CDPcc #,e,Crd,Crn,Crm,e2 CDO2Return From Exception 2,5
CMNccP R1, OP2 Compare Negative (Set flags like ADD) flags=R1+R2 1 1001
CMPccP R1, OP2 Compare (Set flags like SUB) flags=R1-R2 1 1010
EORccS R0, R1, OP2 Exclusive OR (XOR) R0 = R1 xor R2 1 0001
LDCccLTN #,Crd,addr,L LDC2 Load Coprocessor 2,5
LDMccmm R0!,{R1,R2...R3} Load Multiple (POP) Move R1,R2...R3→(R0) 1+
LDRccBT R0,addr,shft LoaD Register (B=8 bit / T=access in user mode) R0=(addr) 3+ psuedo
LDRccH R0,addr,shft LoaD Register (16 bit) R0=(addr) 3+ 4T+
LDRccSB R0,addr,shft LoaD Register (8 bit signed) R0=(addr) 3+ 4
LDRccSH R0,addr,shft LoaD Register (16 bit signed) R0=(addr) 3+ 4
MCRcc #,e,Rd,Crn,Crm,e2 MCR2,MCRR
Move from registers to coprocessor 2,5,5Ed
MLAccS R0,R1,R2,R3 Multiply with Accumulate R0=(R1*R2)+R3 16 2
MOVccS R0, R2 ,shft Move R0 = R2 1 1101
MRCcc #,e,Rd,Crn,Crm,e2 ,MRC2Coprocessor Register transfer 2,5
MRScc R0,flags Move from CPSR/SPSR to register… MSR R0,CPSR MRS R4, CPSR =PSR 3
MSRcc fields,#n/R0 Move from register to CPSR MSR CPSR, R4 PSR=Rm 3
MULccS R0, R1, R2 Multiply R0=R1*R2 16 2
MVNccS R0, R2 ,shft Move Not (Flip bits of R2) R0 = -R2 1 1111
ORRccS R0, R1, R2 ,shft Inclusive Or R0 = R1 or R2 1 1100
RSBccS R0, R1, R2 ,shft Reverse SuBtract R0 = R2-R1 1 0011
RSCccS R0, R1, R2 ,shft Reverse Subtract with Carry R0 = R2-R1+C-1 1 0111
SBCccS R0, R1, R2 ,shft Subtract with carry R0 = R1-R2+C-1 1 0110
STCccLTN #,Crd,addr,L STC2 Store to Coprosessor 2,5ExP
STMccmm R0,{R1,R2...R3}! Store Multiple (PUSH) Restore (R0)-> R1,R2... 2+
STRccBT R0,(addr),shft Store Register (32 Bit) (addr)=R0 2+
STRccH R0,(addr) Store Register (16 bit) (addr)=R0 2+ (H=4+) 4T+
SUBccS R0, R1, R2 ,shft Subtract R0 = R1-R2 1 0010
SWIcc #n Software Interrupt (RST) 3
SWPccB r0,r1,[base] Load r0 from [base],store r1 in [base] Rd=Rn… Rn=Rd 3
TEQccP R1, R2 ,shft Test Inverted (EOR) (P=set flags) teqp R4,#0 flags=R1 xor R2 1 1001
TSTccP R1, R2 ,shft Test Masked (AND) (P=set flags) flags=R1 AND R2 1 1000
ADRcc Rn,addr Load relative address into register R0=addr psuedo
ADRccL Rn,label Load Long relative address into register psuedo
NOP no operation psuedo

P - Alter Processor Flags S – Set condition codes cc – Condition Code B – Byte

H - 16 Bit D - 64 bit T- Translation (User Privilages in Super mode)

Arm 5+
Command Detail Example OP Cycles Opcode Arch
BXJcc R0 Branch and change to Jazelle state 6
BKPT imm Breakpoint 5
BLX addr,BLXcc R0 Branch , link and exchange 5Tb
BXcc R0 Branch and exchange R15=Rn… Tbit=Rn[0] 5tb
CLZcc R0, R1 Count Leading Zeros 5
CPSeeff #n Change Processor state 6
CPYcc R0, R1 Copy one register to another R0=R1 6
LDRccD R0,addr LoaD Register (64 bit) R0=(addr),R1=(addr+4) 3+ 5TE
LDREXcc R0,R1 LoaD Register and set memory exclusive R0=(R1) 3+ 6
MAR Mover from registers to 40 bit acc Xscale
MCRRcc #,e,Rd,Rn,Crn,Crm,e2 MCRR2
Move from 2 registers to coprocessor 5TE,6
MIA,MIAPH,MIAxy Multiply with internal 40 bit accumulate Xscale
MRA Multiply from 40 bit accumulator to registers Xscale
MRRCcc #,e,Rd,Rn,Crm, MRC2 Move from coprocessor to 2 regs 5E
PKHBTcc R0, R1, R2 ,shft Pack Halfword Bottom/Top (L from R1 / H from R2) R0=R2H+R1L 6
PKHTBcc R0, R1, R2 ,shft Pack Halfword Top/Bottom (H from R1 / L from R2) R0=R1H+R2L 6
PLD mode Cache Preload 5E
QADDcc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Arithmatic 5Exp
QADD16cc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Arithmatic (16 bit) 6
QADD8cc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Arithmatic (8 bit) 6
QADDSUBXcc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Add and Subtract with Exchange 6
QDADDcc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Double and Add 5TE
QDSUBcc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Double and Subtract 5TE
QSUBcc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Subtract 5TE
QSUB16cc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Subtract (16 bit) 6
QSUB8cc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Subtract (8 bit) 6
QSUBADDXcc R0, R1, R2 Saturating Add and Subtract with Exchange 6
REVcc R0, R1 reverses the byte order in a 32-bit register. 6
REV16cc R0, R1 reverses the byte order in a 16-bit register. 6
REVSHcc R0, R1 reverses the byte order in a 16-bit register, and sign extend 6
RFE<mode> R0! Return From Exception 6
SADD16cc R0, R1, R2 Signed Add two 16 bit numbers 6
SADD8cc R0, R1, R2 Signed Add four 8-bit signed integer additions 6
SADDSUBXcc R0, R1, R2 Signed 16-bit Add and Subtract with Exchange 6
SELcc R0, R1, R2 Select bytes from R1/R2 based on GE flags 6
SETEND <endian> Set Endian mode 6
SHADD16cc R0, R1, R2 Signed Halving Add (16 bit) 6
SHADD8cc R0, R1, R2 Signed Halving Add (8 bit) 6
SHADDSUBXcc R0, R1, R2 Signed Halving Add and Subtract with Exchange (16 bit) 6
SHSUB16cc R0, R1, R2 Signed Halving Subtract (16 bit) 6
SHSUB8cc R0, R1, R2 Signed Halving Subtract (8 bit) 6
SHSUBADDXcc R0, R1, R2 Signed Halving Subtract and Add with Exchange (16 bit) 6
SMLALxycc R0L, R1H, R2,R3 Signed Multiply-accumulate Long 5TE
SMLAxycc Signed Multiply-accumulate 5TE
SMLADXcc Signed Multiply-accumulate Dual 6
SMLALccS R0L, R1H, R2,R3 Signed Multiply-accumulate Long 6
SMLAWycc Signed Multiply-accumulate Word B and T 5ExP
SMLSDXcc R0, R1, R2,R3 Signed Multiply Subtract accumulate Dual 6
SMLSLDXcc R0, R1, R2,R3 Signed Multiply Subtract accumulate LongDual 6
SMMLARcc R0, R1, R2,R3 Signed Most significant word Multiply Accumulate 6
SMMLSRcc R0, R1, R2,R3 Signed Most significant word Multiply Subtract 6
SMULLRcc R0, R1, R2 Signed Multiply (R=Round) 6
SMUADXcc R0, R1, R2 Signed Dual Multiply Add 6
SMULXYcc R0, R1, R2 Signed Multiply BB , BT , TB , or TT ARMv5TE
SMULLcc R0L, R1H, R2,R3 Signed Multiply Long ARMv5TE
SMULWYcc R0, R1, R2 Signed Multiply Word B and T ARMv5TE
SMUSDXcc R0, R1, R2 Signed Dual Multiply Subtract 6
SRS<Mode> #mode! Store Return State 6
SSAT16cc R0,#n, R1,shft Signed Saturate (16 bit) 6
SSATcc R0,#n, R1,shft Signed Saturate 6
SSUB16cc R0, R1, R2 Signed Subtract (16 bit) 6
SSUB8cc R0, R1, R2 Signed Subtract (8 bit) 6
SSUBADDXcc R0, R1, R2 Signed Subtract and Add with Exchange (16 bit) 6
STRccD R0,(addr) Store Register (64 bit) (addr)=R0,(addr+4)=R1 2+ ARMv5TE
STREXcc R0,R1,R2 Store Register Exclusive 6
SXTABcc R0,R1,R2,shft Extract an 8 bit value, and sign extend 6
SXTAB16cc R0,R1,R2,shft Extract two 8 bit value, and sign extend to 16 bits 6
SXTAHcc R0,R1,R2,shft Extract a 16 bit value, and sign extend 6
SXTBcc R0,R1,shft Take a 8-bit value from a register and sign extends it to 32 bits. 6
SXTB16cc R0,R1,shft Take two 8-bit value from a register and sign extends it to 16 bits. 6
SXTHcc R0,R1,shft Take two 16-bit value from a register and sign extend to 32 bits 6
UADD16cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Add (16 bit) 6
UADD8cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Add (8 bit) 6
UADDSUBXcc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Add and Subtract with Exchange 6
UHADD16cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Halving Add (16 bit) 6
UHADD8cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Halving Add (8 bit) 6
UHSUB16cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Halving Subtract (16 bit) 6
UHSUB8cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Halving Subtract (8 bit) 6
USUBADDXcc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Subtract and Add with Exchange 6
UMAALccS R0L, R1H, R2,R3 Unsigned Multiply Accumulate Long 6
UMULLccS R0L, R1H, R2,R3 Unsigned Multiply Long 6
UQADD16cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Saturating Add (16 bit) 6
UQADD8cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Saturating Add (8 bit) 6
UQADDSUBXcc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Saturating Add and Subtract with Exchange 6
UQSUB16cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Saturating Subtract (16 bit) 6
UQSUB8cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Saturating Subtract (8 bit) 6
UQSUBADDXcc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Saturating Subtract and Add with Exchange 6
USAD8cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Sum of Absolute Differences 6
USADA8cc R0,R1,R2,R3 Unsigned Sum of Absolute Differences and Accumulate 6
USATcc R0,#n, R1,shft Unsigned Saturate 6
USAT16cc R0,#n, R1,shft Unsigned Saturate (16 bit) 6
USUB16cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Subtract (16 bit) 6
USUB8cc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Subtract (8 bit) 6
USUBADDXcc R0,R1,R2 Unsigned Subtract and Add with Exchange 6
UXTABcc R0,R1,R2,shft Extract an 8 bit value and Zero extend 6
UXTAB16cc R0,R1,R2,shft Extract two 8 bit values and Zero extend 6
UXTAHcc R0,R1,R2,shft Extract an 16 bit value and Zero extend 6
UXTBcc R0,R1,shft Extract an 8 bit value and Zero extend 6
UXTB16cc R0,R1,shft Extract two 8 bit values and Zero extend 6
UXTHcc R0,R1,shft Extract a 16 bit value and Zero Extend 6

P - Alter Processor Flags S – Set condition codes cc – Condition Code B – Byte

H - 16 Bit D - 64 bit T- Translation (User Privilages in Super mode)
Power PC
Opcode Integer Arithmetic Instructions Details

addi rd,ra,simm Add Immediate The sum (rAID) + SIMM is placed into register rD.
addis rd,ra,simm Add Immediate Shifted The sum (rAID) + (SIMM II x '0000') is placed into register rD.
add rD,rA,rB Add The sum (rA) + (rB) is placed into register rD.
add. rD,rA,rB Add with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
addo rD,rA,rB Add with Overflow Enabled. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
addo. rD,rA,rB Add with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
subf rD,rA,rB Subtract from The sum --. (rA) + (rB) + 1 is placed into rD
subf. rD,rA,rB Subtract from with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
subfo rD,rA,rB Subtract from with Overflow Enabled. The o suffix enables the overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
subfo. rD,rA,rB Subtract from with Overflow and CR Update The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
addic rD,rA,SIMM Add Immediate Carrying The sum (rA) + SIMM is placed into register rD.
addic. rD,rA,SIMM Add Immediate Carrying and Record The sum (rA) + SIMM is placed into rD. The condition register is Immediate updated.
subflc rD,rA,SIMM Subtract from Immediate Carrying The sum --. (rA) + SIMM + 1 is placed into register rD.
addc rD,rA,rB Add Carrying The sum (rA) + (rB) is placed into register rD.
addc. rD,rA,rB Add Carrying with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
addco rD,rA,rB Add Carrying with Overflow Enabled. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
addco. rD,rA,rB Add Carrying with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
subfc rD,rA,rB Subtract from Carrying The sum -, (rA) + (rB) + 1 is placed into register rD.
subfc. rD,rA,rB Subtract from Carrying with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
subfco rD,rA,rB Subtract from Carrying with Overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
subfco. rD,rA,rB Subtract from Carrying with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
adde rD,rA,rB Add Extended The sum (rA) + (rB) + XER(CA) is placed into register rD.
adde. rD,rA,rB Add Extended with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
addeo rD,rA,rB Add Extended with Overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
addeo. rD,rA,rB Add Extended with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
subfe rD,rA,rB Subtract from Extended The sum -,(rA) + (rB) + XER(CA) is placed into register rD.
subfe. rD,rA,rB Subtract from Extended with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
subfeo rD,rA,rB Subtract from Extended with Overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
subfeo. rD,rA,rB Subtract from Extended with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow (OV) bit in the XER.
addme rD,rA Add to Minus One Extended The sum (rA) + XER(CA) + x'FFFFFFFF' is placed into register rD.
addme. rD,rA Add to Minus One Extended with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
addmeo rD,rA Add to Minus One Extended with Overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
addmeo. rD,rA Add to Minus One Extended with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow (OV) bit in the XER.
subfme rD,rA Subtract from Minus One Extended The sum..., (rA) + XER(CA) + x'FFFFFFFF' is placed into register rD.
subfme. rD,rA Subtract from Minus One Extended with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
subfmeo rD,rA Subtract from Minus One Extended with Overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
subfmeo. rD,rA Subtract from Minus One Extended with Overflw & CR updt. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
addze rD,rA Add to Zero Extended The sum (rA) + XER(CA) is placed into register rD.
addze. rD,rA Add to Zero Extended with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
addzeo rD,rA Add to Zero Extended with Overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
addzeo. rD,rA Add to Zero Extended with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
subfze rD,rA Subtract from Zero Extended The sum..., (rA) + XER(CA) is placed into register rD.
subfze. rD,rA Subtract from Zero Extended with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
subfzeo rD,rA Subtract from Zero Extended with Overflow. The 0 suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
subfzeo. rD,rA Subtract from Zero Extended with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
neg rD,rA Negate The sum..., (rA) + 1 is placed into register rD.
neg. rD,rA Negate with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
nego rD,rA Negate with Overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
nego. rD,rA Negate with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
muIli rD,rA,SIMM Multiply Low Immediate The low-order 32 bits of the 48-bit product (rA)*SIMM are placed into register rD. The low-order 32 bits of the product are the correct 32-bit product. The low-order bits are independent of whether the operands
are treated as signed or unsigned integers. However, XER[OV] is set based on the result interpreted as a signed integer. The high-order bits are lost. This instruction can be used with mulhwxto calculate a full
64-bit product.

mullw rD,rA,rB Multiply Low The low-order 32 bits of the 64-bit product (rA) *(rB) are placed into Low register rD. The low-order 32 bits of the product are the correct 32-bit product. The low-order bits are independent of whether the operands
are treated as signed or unsigned integers. However, XER[OV] is set based on the result interpreted as a signed integer.
The high-order bits are lost. This instruction can be used with mulhwxto calculate a full 64-bit product. Some implementations may execute faster if rB contains the operand having the smaller absolute value.

mullw. rD,rA,rB Multiply Low with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
mullwo rD,rA,rB Multiply Low with Overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
mullwo. rD,rA,rB Multiply Low with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
mulhw rD,rA,rB Multiply High Word The contents of rA and rB are interpreted as 32-bit signed integers.The 64-bit product is formed. The high-order 32 bits of the 64-bit product are placed into Rd. Both operands and the product are interpreted as
signed integers. This instruction may execute faster if rB contains the operand having the smaller absolute value.

mulhw. rD,rA,rB Multiply High Word with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
mulhwu rD,rA,rB Multiply High Word Unsigned The contents of rA and of rB are extracted and interpreted as 32-bit unsigned integers. The 64-bit product is formed. The high-order 32 Unsigned bits of the 64-bit product are placed into rD.
Both operands and the product are interpreted as unsigned integers.
This instruction may execute faster if rB contains the operand having the smaller absolute value.

mulhwu. rD,rA,rB Multiply High Word Unsigned with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
divw rD,rA,rB Divide Word The dividend is the signed value of (rA). The divisor is the signed value of (rB). The 64-bit quotient is formed. The low-order 32 bits of the 64-bit quotient are placed into rD. The remainder is not supplied as a
result.Both operands are interpreted as signed integers. The quotient is the unique signed integer that satisfies the following:
dividend = (quotient times divisor) + r
where 0 <= r < Idivisorl if the dividend is non-negative, and -Idivisorl <r <= 0 if the dividend is negative.
If an attempt is made to perform any of the divisions x'8000_0000' /-1 or <anything> / 0
the contents of register rD are undefined, as are the contents of the LT, GT, and EQ bits of the condition register field CRO if the instruction has condition register updating enabled. In these cases, if instruction
overflow is enabled, then XER[OV] is set. The 32-bit signed remainder of dividing (rA) by (rB) can be computed as follows, except in the case that (rA) = _2 31 and (rB) = -1:
divw rD,rA,rB rD = quotient
mull rD,rD,rB rD = quotient*divisor
subf rD,rD,rA rD = remainder
divw. rD,rA,rB Divide Word with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
divwo rD,rA,rB Divide Word with Overflow. The o suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
divwo. rD,rA,rB Divide Word with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
divwu rD,rA,r8 Divide Word Unsigned The dividend is the value of (rA). The divisor is the value of (r8). The 32 bit quotient is placed into rD. The remainder is not supplied as a result.Both operands are interpreted as unsigned integers. The quotient is
the unique unsigned integer that satisfies the following: dividend = (quotient times divisor) + r where 0 <= r < divisor.
If an attempt is made to perform the division <anything> / 0 the contents of register rD are undefined, as are the contents of the LT, GT, and EQ bits of the condition register field CRO if the
instruction has the condition register updating enabled. In these cases, if instruction overflow is enabled, then XER[OV] is set.
The 32-bit unsigned remainder of dividing (rA) by (r8) can be computed as follows:
divwu rD,rA,r8 rD = quotient
mull rD,rD,r8 rD = quotient*divisor
subf rD,rD,rA rD = remainder
divwu. rD,rA,rB Divide Word Unsigned with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
divwuo rD,rA,rB Divide Word Unsigned with Overflow. The a suffix enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
divwuo. rD,rA,rB Divide Word Unsigned with Overflow and CR Update. The o. suffix enables the update of the condition register and enables the overflow bit (OV) in the XER.
Opcode Integer Compare Instructions Details

cmpi crfD,L,rA,SIMM Compare Immediate The contents of register rA is compared with the sign-extended value of the SIMM operand, treating the operands as signed
integers. The result of the comparison is placed into the CR field specified by operand crfD.
cmp crfD,L,rA,rB Compare The contents of register rA is compared with register rB, treating the operands as signed integers. The result of the
comparison is placed into the CR field specified by operand crfD.
cmpli crfD,L,rA,UIMM Compare Logical Immediate The contents of register rA is compared with x'OOOO' II UIMM, treating the operands as unsigned integers. The result of the
comparison is placed into the CR field specified by operand crfD.
cmpl crfD,L,rA,rB Compare Logical The contents of register rA is compared with register rB, treating the operands as unsigned integers. The result of the
comparison is placed into the CR field specified by operand crfD.
cmpwi crfD,rA,SIMM Compare Word Immediate Equivalent to: cmpi crfD,O,rA,SIMM
cmpw crfD,rA,rB Compare Word Equivalent to: cmp crfD,O,rA,rB
cmplwi crfD,rA,UIMM Compare Logical Word Immediate Equivalent to: cmpli crfD,O,rA,UIMM
cmplw crfD,rA,rB Compare Logical Word Equivalent to: cmpl crfD,O,rA,rB
Opcode Integer Logical Instructions Details

andi. rA,rS,UIMM AND Immediate The contents of rS is ANDed with x'OOOO' II UIMM and the result is placed into rA.
andis. rA,rS,UIMM AND Immediate Shifted The contents of rS is ANDed with UIMM II x'OOOO' and the result is placed into rA.
ori rA,rS,UIMM OR Immediate The contents of rS is ORed with x'OOOO' II UIMM and the result is placed into rA. The preferred no-op is ori 0,0,0
oris rA,rS,UIMM OR Immediate Shifted The contents of rS is ORed with UIMM Ilx'OOOO' and the result is placed into rA.
xori rA,rS,UIMM XOR Immediate The contents of rS is XORed with x'OOOO' II UIMM and the result is placed into rA.
xoris rA,rS,UIMM XOR Shifted The contents of rS is XORed with UIMM IIx'OOOO' and the result is Immediate placed into rA.
and rA,rS,rB AND The contents of rS is ANDed with the contents of register rB and the result is placed into rA.
and. rA,rS,rB AND with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
or rA,rS,rB OR The contents of rS is ORed with the contents of rB and the result is placed into rA.
or. rA,rS,rB OR with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
xor rA,rS,rB XOR The contents of rS is XORed with the contents of rB and the result is placed into register rA.
xor. rA,rS,rB XOR with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
nand rA,rS,rB NAND The contents of rS is ANDed with the contents of rB and the one's complement of the result is placed into register rA.
NAND with rA=rB can be used to obtain the one's complement.
nand. rA,rS,rB NOR with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
eqv rA,rS,rB Equivalent The contents of rS is XORed with the contents of rB and the complemented result is placed into register rA.
eqv. rA,rS,rB Equivalent with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
andc rA,rS,rB AND with Complement The contents of rS is ANDed with the complement of the contents of andc. rB and the result is placed into rA.
andc. rA,rS,rB AND with Complement with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
orc rA,rS,rB OR with Complement The contents of rS is ORed with the complement of the contents of rB and the result is placed into rA.
orc. rA,rS,rB OR with Complement with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
extsb rA,rS Extend Sign Byte Register r S[24-31] are placed into rA[24-31]. Bit 24 of rS is placed into rA[O-23].
extsb. rA,rS Extend Sign Byte with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
extsh rA,rS Extend Sign Half Word Register r S[16-31] are placed into rA[16-31]. Bit 16 of rS is placed into rA[O-15].
extsh. rA,rS Extend Sign Half Word with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
cntlzw rA,rS Count Leading Zeros Word A count of the number of consecutive zero bits of rS is placed into rA. This number ranges from 0 to 32, inclusive.
cntlzw. rA,rS Count Leading Zeros Word with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register. When the Count Leading Zeros Word instruction has condition
register updating enabled, the LT field is cleared to zero in CR0.
Opcode Integer Rotate Instructions Details

rlwinm rA,rS,SH,MB,ME Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask The contents of register rS are rotated left by the number of bits specified by operand SH. A mask is generated having 1-bits from the bit specified by operand MB through the bit specified by operand ME and a-
bits elsewhere. The rotated data is ANDed with the generated mask and the result is placed into register rA. Simplified mnemonics:
extlwi rA,rS,n,b rlwinm rA,rS,b,O,n-1
srwi rA,rS,n rlwinm rA,rS,32-n,n,31
clrrwi rA,rS,n rlwinm rA,rS,O,O,31-n
Note: The rlwinm instruction can be used for extracting, clearing and shifting bit fields using the methods shown below:
To extract an n-bit field that starts at bit position b in register rS, , right-justified into rA (clearing the remaining 32-n bits of rA), set SH",b+n, MB",32-n, and ME",31.
To extract an n-bit field that starts at bit position bin rS, left-justified into rA, set SH=b, MB '" a, and ME",n-1.
To rotate the contents of a register left (right) by n bits, set SH",n (32-n), MB=O, and ME",31.
To shift the contents of a register right by n bits, set SH=32-n, MB",n, and ME",31.
To clear the high-order b bits of a register and then shift the result left by n bits, set SH",n, MB",b-n and ME",31-n.
To clear the low-order n bits of a register, set SH=O, MB",O, and ME=31-n.
rlwinm. rA,rS,SH,MB,ME Rotate Left Word Imm & AND with Mask with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
The contents of rS are rotated left by the number of bits specified by rB[27-31]. A mask is generated having 1-bits from the bit specified by operand MB through the bit specified by operand ME and O-bits
rlwnm rA,rS,rB,MB,ME Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask elsewhere. The rotated data is ANDed with the generated mask and the result is placed into rA.rotlw rA,rS,rB rlwnm rA,rS,rB,O,31
Note: The rlwinm instruction can be used to extract and rotate bit fields using the methods shown below:
To extract an n-bit field that starts at the variable bit position bin the register specified by operand rS, right-justified into rA (clearing the remaining 32-nbits of rA), set r B[27-31]=b+n, MB=32-n, and ME=31.
To extract an n-bit field that starts at variable bit position b in the register specified by operand rS, left-justified into rA (clearing theremaining 32-n bits of rA), set rB[27-31]=b, MB = 0, and ME=n-1.
To rotate the contents of the low-order 32 bits of a register left (right) by variable n bits, set rB[27-31]=n (32-n), MB=O, and ME=31.
rlwnm. rA,rS,rB,MB,ME Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
The contents of rS are rotated left by the number of bits specified by operand SH. A mask is generated having 1-bits from the bit specified by MB through the bit specified by ME and O-bits elsewhere. The
rlwimi rA,rS,SH,MB,ME Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask rotated data is inserted into rA under control of the generated mask. Simplified mnemonic:
inslw rA,rS,n,b rlwim rA,rS,32-b,b,b+n-1
Note: The opcode rlwimi can be used to insert a bit field into the contents of register specified by operand rA using the methods shown below:
To insert an n-bit field that is left-justified in rS into rA starting at bit position b, set SH=32-b, MB=b, and ME=(b+n)-1.
To insert an n-bit field that is right-justified in rS into rA starting at bit position b, set SH=32-(b+n), MB=b, and ME=(b+n)-1.
rlwimi. rA,rS,SH,MB,ME Rotate Left Word Immediate & Mask Insert with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
Opcode Integer Shift Instructions Details

slw rA,rS,rB Shift Left Word The contents of rS are shifted left the number of bits specified by slw. rB[26-31]. Bits shifted out of position 0 are lost. Zeros are supplied to the vacated positions on the right. The 32-bit result is placed into rA.
It rB[26]=1, then rA is filled with zeros.

slw. rA,rS,rB Shift Left Word with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
srw rA,rS,rB Shift Right Word The contents of rS are shifted right the number of bits specified by Word srw. rB[26-31]. Zeros are supplied to the vacated positions on the left. The 32-bit result is placed into rA.
It rB[26]=1, then rA is filled with zeros.
srw. rA,rS,rB Shift Right Word with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
srawi rA,rS,SH Shift Right Algebraic Word Immediate The contents of rS are shifted right the number of bits specified by operand SH. Bits shifted out of position 31 are lost. The 32-bit result is sign extended and placed into rA. XER[CA] is set if r S contains a
negative number and any 1-bits are shifted out of position 31 ; otherwise XER(CA) is cleared. An operand SH of zero causes rA to be loaded with the contents of rS and XER[CA] to be cleared to 0.
srawi. rA,rS,SH Shift Right Algebraic Word Immediate with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
sraw rA,rS,rB Shift Right Algebraic Word The contents of rS are shifted right the number of bits specified by sraw. rB[26-31]. The 32-bit result is placed into rA. XER[CA] is set to 1 if rS contains a negative number and any 1-bits are shifted out of position
31; otherwise XER[CA] is cleared to O. An operand (rB) of zero causes rA to be loaded with the contents of rS, and XER[CA] to be cleared to O. If rB[26]= 1, then rA is filled with 32 sign bits (bit 0) from rS. If
rB[26]=0, then rA is filled from the left with sign bits. Condition register field CRO is set based on the value written into rA.
sraw. rA,rS,rB Shift Right Algebraic Word with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
Opcode Integer Load Instructions Details

Ibz rD,d(rA) Load Byte and Zero The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+d. The byte in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[24-31]. The remaining bits in register rD are
cleared to 0.
Ibzx rD,rA,rB Load Byte and Zero Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). The byte in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[24-31]. The remaining bits in register rD are
cleared to 0.
Ibzu rD,d(rA) Load Byte and Zero with Update The effective address (EA) is the sum (rAI0)+d. The byte in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[24-31]. The remaining bits in register rD are cleared to 0. The EA is placed into register rA. If
operand rA=0 the MPC601 does not update rD, or if rA=rD the load data is loaded into register rD and the register update is suppressed.
Although the PowerPC architecture defines load with update instructions with operand rA=0 or rA=rD as invalid forms, the MPC601 allows these cases.
Ibzux rD,rA,rB Load Byte and Zero with Update Indexed The effective address (EA)is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). The byte addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[24-31]. The remaining bits in register rD are cleared to 0. The EA is placed into register rA. If operand
rA=O the MPC601 does not update register rD, or if rA=rD the load data i5 loaded into register rD and the register update is suppressed. Although the PowerPC architecture defines load with update instructions
with operand rA=0 or rA=rD as invalid forms, the MPC601 allows these cases.
lhz rD,d(rA) Load Half Word and Zero The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+d. The half-word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[16-31]. The remaining bits in rD are
cleared to 0.
Ihzx rD,rA,rB The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). The half-word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[16-31]. The remaining bits in register rD
Load Half Word and Zero Indexed are cleared.
Ihzu rD,d(rA) Load Half Word and Zero with Update The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. The half-word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rO[l6-31]. The remaining bits in register rO are cleared.
The EA is placed into register rA.
If operand rA=O the MPC601 does not update register rO, or if rA=rO the load data is loaded into register rO and the register update is suppressed. Although the PowerPC architecture defines load with update
instructions with operand rA=O or rA=rO as invalid forms, the MPC601 allows these cases.

Ihzux rD,rA,rB Load Half Word and Zero with Update Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). The half-word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded Into register rD[l6-31]. The remaining bits in register rD are cleared. The EA is placed into register rA.
Although the PowerPC architecture defines load with update instructions with operand rA=0 or rA=rD as invalid forms, the MPC601 allows these cases.

Iha rD,d(rA) Load Half Word Algebraic The effective address is the sum (rA)+d. The half-word in memory addressed by the EA Is loaded into register rD[l6-31]. The remaining bits In register rD are
filled with a copy of bit 0 of the loaded half-word.
Ihax rD,rA,rB Load Half Word Algebraic Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). The half-word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rO[16-31]. The remaining bits in register rD
are filled with a copy of bit 0 of the loaded half-word.
Ihau rD,d(rA) Load Half Word Algebraic with Update The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+d. The half-word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[16-31]. The remaining bits in register rO are filled with a copy of bit 0 of the loaded half-word.
The EA is placed into register rA. If operand rA=0 the MPC601 does not update register rD, or if rA=rD the load data is loaded into register rD and the register update is suppressed. Although the PowerPC
architecture defines load with update instructions with operand rA=0 or rA=rD as invalid forms, the MPC601 allows these cases.

Ihaux rD,rA,rB Load Half Word Algebraic with Update Indexed The effective address Is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). The half-word In memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[l6-31]. The remaining bits in register rD are filled with a copy of bit 0 of the loaded half-word.
The EA is placed into register rA. If operand rA=0 the MPC601 does not update rD, or if rA=rD the load data is loaded into register rD and the register update Is suppressed. Although the PowerPC architecture
defines load with update instructions with operand rA=0 or rA=rD as Invalid forms, the MPC601 allows these cases.

Iwz rD,d(rA) Load Word and Zero The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+d. The word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[0-31].
Iwzx rD,rA,rB Load Word and Zero Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). The word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[0-31].
Iwzu rD,d(rA) Load Word and Zero with Update The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+d. The word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[0-31]. The EA is placed into register rA. If operand rA=0 the MPC601 does not update register rD,
or if rA=rD the load data is loaded into register rD and the register update is suppressed. Although the PowerPC architecture defines load with update instructions with operand rA=0 or rA=rD as invalid forms, the
MPC601 allows these cases.

Iwzux rD,rA,rB Load Word and Zero with Update Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). The word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD[0-31]. The EA is placed into register rA. If operand rA=O the MPC601 does not update register
rO, or if rA=rD the load data is loaded into register rD and the register update is suppressed. Although the PowerPC architecture defines load with update instructions with operand rA=O or rA=rD as invalid forms,
the MPC601 allows these cases.

Opcode Integer Store Instructions Details

stbu rS,d(rA) Store Byte with Update The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+d. rS[24-31] is stored into the byte in memory addressed by the EA. The EA is placed
into register rA.
stbux rS,rA,rB Store Byte with Update Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). rS[24-31] is stored into the byte in memory addressed by the EA. The EA is
placed into register rA.
sth rS,d(rA) Store Half word The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. rS[16-31] is stored into the half-word in memory addressed by the EA.
sthx rS,rA,rB Store half-word Indexed The effective address (EA) is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). rS[16-31] is stored into the half-word in memory addressed by the EA.
sthu rS,d(rA) Store Half word with Update The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. rS[16-31] is stored into the half-word in memory addressed by the EA. The EA is
placed into register rA.
sthux rS,rA,rB Store Half word with Update Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). rS[16-31] is stored into the half-word in memory addressed by the EA. The EA
is placed into register rA.
stw rS,d(rA) Store Word The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. Register rS is stored into the word in memory addressed by the EA.
stwx rS,rA,rB Store Word Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). rS is stored into the word in memory addressed by the EA.
stwu rS,d(rA) Store Word with Update The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. Register rS is stored into the word in memory addressed by the EA. The EA is
placed into register rA..
stwux rS,rA,rB Store Word with Update Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). Register rS is stored into the word in memory addressed by the EA. The EA is
placed into register rA.
Opcode Integer Load and Store with Byte Reversal Instructions Details

Ihbrx rD,rA,rB Load Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). Bits 0-7 of the half-word in memory addressed by the EA are loaded into rD[24-
31]. Bits 8-15 of the half-word in memory addressed by the EA are loaded into rD[16-23]. The rest of the bits in rD are cleared
to 0.
Iwbrx rD,rA,rB Load Word Byte-Reverse Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). Bits 0-7 of the word in memory addressed by the EA are loaded into rD[24-31].
Bits 8-15 of the word in memory addressed by the EA are loaded into rO[16-23]. Bits 16-23 of the word in memory
addressed by the EA are loaded into rO[8-15]. Bits 24-31 of the word in memory addressed by the EA are loaded into rD[0-7].

sthbrx rS,rA,rB Store HallWord Byte-Reverse Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAI0)+(rB). rS[24-31] are stored into bits 0-7 of the half-word in memory addressed by the
EA. rS[16-23] are stored into bits 8-15 of the half-word in memory addressed by the EA.
stwbrx rS,rA,rB Store Word Byte-Reverse Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). rS[24-31] are stored into bits 0-7 of the word in memory addressed by EA.
Register rS[16-23] are stored into bits 8-15 of the word in memory addressed by the EA. Register rS[8-15] are stored into
bits 16-23 of the word in memory addressed by the EA. rS[0-7] are stored into bits 24-31 of the word in memory addressed by
the EA.
Opcode Integer Load and Store Multiple Instructions Details

Imw rD,d(rA) Load Multiple Word The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. n= 32-rD. n consecutive words starting at EA are loaded into GPRs rD through 31.
If the EA is not a multiple of 4 the alignment exception handler may be invoked if a page boundary is crossed.
stmw rS,d{rA) Store Multiple Word The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+d. n= (32-rS). n consecutive words starting at the EA are stored from GPRs rS
through 31. If the EA is not a multiple of 4 the alignment exception handler may be invoked if a page boundary is crossed.
Opcode Integer Move String Instructions Details

The EA is (rAIO). Let n = NB if NB:;t:O, n = 32 if NB=O; n is the number of bytes to load. Let nr= (nI4); nris the number of registers to receive data.
Iswi rD,rA,NB Load String Word Immediate n consecutive bytes starting at the EA are loaded into GPRs rD through rD+nr-1. Bytes are loaded left to right in each register. The sequence of registers wraps around to rO if required. If the four bytes of register
rD+nr-1 are only partially filled, the unfilled low-order byte(s) of that register are cleared to 0.
If rA is in the range of registers specified to be loaded, it will be skipped in the load process. If operand rA=O, the register is not considered as used for addressing, and will be loaded.

Iswx rD,rA,rB Load String Word Indexed The EA is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). Let n = XER[25-31]; n is the number of bytes to load. Let nr = CEIL(nI4); nris the number of registers to receive data.
If n>O, n consecutive bytes starting at the EA are loaded into registers rD through rD+nr-1.
Bytes are loaded left to right in each register. The sequence of registers wraps around to rO if required. If the four bytes of register rD+nr-1 are only partially filled, the unfilled low-order byte(s) of that register are
cleared to 0. If n=O, the contents of register rD is undefined.
If rA is in the range of registers specified to be loaded, it will be skipped in the load process. If operand rA=O, the register is not considered as used for addressing, and will be loaded.
Iscbx rD,rA,rB Load String and Compare Byte Indexed The EA is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). XER[25-31] contains the byte count. Register rD is the starting register. n=XER[25-31], which is the number of bytes to be loaded. nr=CEIL(nI4), which is the number of registers to
receive data. Starting with the leftmost byte in rD, consecutive bytes in storage addressed by the EA are loaded into rD through rD+nr-1, wrapping around back through GPR ° if required, until either a byte match
is found with XER[16-23] or n bytes have been loaded. If a byte match is found, that byte is also loaded.
Bytes are always loaded left to right in the register. In the case when a match was found before n bytes were loaded, the contents of the rightmost byte(s) not loaded of that register and the contents of all
succeeding registers up to and including rD+nr-1 are undefined. Also, no reference is made to storage after the matched byte is found. In the case when a match was not found, the contents of the rightmost
byte(s) not loaded of rD+nr-1 is undefined. When XER[25-31]=O, the content of rD is unchanged. The count of the number of bytes loaded up to and including the matched byte, if a match was found, is placed in
Iscbx. rD,rA,rB Load String and Compare Byte Indexed with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
The EA is (rAIO). Let n = NB if NB*O, n = 32 if NB=O; n is the number of bytes to store. Let nr = CEIL(nI4); nris the number of registers to supply data. n consecutive bytes starting at the EA are stored from
stswi rS,rA,NB Store String Word Immediate register rS through rS+nr-1.
Bytes are stored left to right from each register. The sequence of registers wraps around through rO if required.

stswx rS,rA,rB Store String Word Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). Let n = XER[25-31]; n is the number of bytes to store. Let nr= CEIL(n/4); nris the number of registers to supply data. n consecutive bytes starting at the EA are stored
from register rS through rS+nr-1.
Bytes are stored left to right from each register. The sequence of registers wraps around through r0 if required.

Opcode Memory Synchronization Instructions Details

eieio Enforce In·Order Execution of I/O The eieio instruction provides an ordering function for the effects of load and store instructions executed by a given processor. Executing an eieio instruction ensures that all memory accesses previously initiated
by the given processor are complete with respect to main memory before allowing any memory accesses subsequently initiated by the given processor to access main memory.
The eieio instruction orders load and store operations to cache inhibited memory, and store operations to write through cache memory.
The eieio instruction performs the same function as a sync instruction when executed by the MPC601.
This instruction waits for all previous instructions to complete, and then discards any prefetched instructions, causing subsequent instructions to be fetched (or refetched) from memory and to execute in the
isync Instruction Synchronize context established by the previous instructions. This instruction has no effect on other processors or on their caches.
The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). The word in memory addressed by the EA is loaded into register rD. This instruction creates a reservation for use by a stwcx. instruction.
Iwarx rD,rA,rB Load Word and Reserve Indexed An address computed from the EA is associated with the reservation, and replaces any address previously associated with the reservation. The EA must be a multiple of 4. If it is not, the alignment exception
handler will be invoked if the word loaded crosses a page boundary, or the results may be undefined.

stwcx. rS,rA,rB Store Word Conditional Indexed The effective address is the sum (rAIO)+(rB). If a reservation exists, register rS is stored into the word in memory addressed by the EA and the reservation is cleared. If a reservation does not exist, the instruction
completes without altering memory. The EO bit in the condition register field CRO is modified to reflect whether the store operation was performed (Le., whether a reservation existed when the stwcx. instruction
began execution). If the store was completed successfully, the EO bit is set to one. The EA must be a multiple of 4; otherwise, the alignment exception handler will be invoked if the word stored crosses a page
boundary, or the results may be undefined.

sync Synchronize Executing a sync instruction ensures that all instructions previously initiated by the given processor appear to have completed before any subsequent instructions are initiated by the given processor. When the
sync instruction completes, all memory accesses initiated by the given processor prior to the sync will have been performed with respect to all other mechanisms that access memory. The sync instruction can be
used to ensure that the results of all stores into a data structure, performed in a "critical section" of a program, are seen by other processors before the data structure is seen as unlocked. The Enforce In-Order
Execution of liD (eieio) instruction may be more appropriate than sync for cases in which the only requirement is to control the order in which memory references are seen by I/O devices.

Opcode Branch Instructions Details

b imm_addr Branch. Branch to the address computed as the sum of the immediate address and the address of the current instruction.
ba imm_addr Branch Absolute. Branch to the absolute address specified.
bl imm_addr Branch then Link. Branch to the address computed as the sum of the immediate address and the address of the current instruction. The
instruction address following this instruction is placed into the link register (LR).
bla imm_addr Branch Absolute then Link. Branch to the absolute address specified. The instruction address following this instruction is placed into the link register (LR).

bc BO,BI,target_addr Branch Conditional. Branch conditionally to the address computed as the sum of the immediate address and the address of the current
instruction. The BI operand specifies the bit in the condition register (CR) to be used as the condition of the branch.
bca BO,BI,target_addr Branch Conditional Absolute. Branch conditionally to the absolute address specified.
bcl BO,BI,target_addr Branch Conditional then Link. Branch conditionally to the address computed as the sum of the immediate address and the address of the current
instruction. The instruction address following this instruction is placed into the link register.
bcla BO,BI,target_addr Branch Conditional Absolute then Link. Branch conditionally to the absolute address specified. The instruction address following this instruction is placed into the link
bclr BO,BI Branch Conditional to Link Register Branch Conditional to Link Register. Branch conditionally to the address in the link register.
The BI operand specifies the bit in the condition register to be used belrl as the condition of the branch.
bclrl BO,BI Branch Conditional to Link Register then Link. Branch conditionally to the address specified in the link register.
The instruction address following this instruction is then placed into the link register.
bcctr BO,BI Branch Conditional to Count Register. Branch conditionally to the address specified in the count register. The BI operand specifies the bit in the condition register to be used as the condition of the branch. Note: If the
"decrement and test CTR" option is specified (BO[2]=0), the instruction form is invalid. For the MPC601 , the decremented count register is tested for zero and branches based on
this test, but instruction fetching is directed to the address specified by the non-decremented version of the count register. Use of this invalid form of this instruction is not
bcctrl BO,BI Branch Conditional to Count Register then Link. Branch conditionally to the address specified in the count register. The instruction address following this instruction is placed
into the link register.
Opcode Condition Register Logical Instructions Details

crand crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register AND The bit in the condition register specified by crbA is ANDed with the bit in the condition register specified by crbB. The result
is placed into the condition register bit specified by crbD.
cror crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register OR The bit in the condition register specified by crbA is ORed with the bit in the condition register specified by crbB. The result is
placed into the condition register bit specified by crbD.
crxor crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register XOR The bit in the condition register specified by crbA is XORed with the bit in the condition register specified by crbB. The result
is placed into the condition register bit specified by crbD.
crnand crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register NAND The bit in the condition register specified by crbA is ANDed with the bit in the condition register specified by crbB. The
complemented result is placed into the condition register bit specified by crbD.
crnor crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register NOR The bit in the condition register specified by crbA is ORed with the bit in the condition register specified by crbB. The
complemented result is placed into the condition register bit specified by crbD.
creqv crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register Equivalent The bit in the condition register specified by crbA is XORed with the bit in the condition register specified by crbB. The
complemented result is placed into the condition register bit specified by crbD.
crandc crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register AND with Complement The bit in the condition register specified by crbA is ANDed with the complement of the bit in the condition register specified
by crbB and the result is placed into the condition register bit specified by crbD.
crorc crbD,crbA,crbB Condition Register OR with Complement The bit in the condition register specified by crbA is ORed with the complement of the bit in the condition register specified by
crbB and the result is placed into the condition register bit specified by crbD.
mcrf crfD,crfS Move Condition Register Field The contents of crfS are copied into crfD. No other condition register fields are changed.
Opcode System Linkage Instructions Details

sc System Call When executed, the effective address of the instruction following the sc instruction is placed into SRR0. Bits 16–31 of the MSR are placed into bits 16–31 of SRR1, and bits 0–15 of SRR1 are set to undefined
values. Then a system call exception is generated. The exception causes the MSR to be altered as described in Section 5.4, “Exception Definitions.”
The exception causes the next instruction to be fetched from offset x'C00' from the base physical address indicated by the new setting of MSR[IP]. For a discussion of POWER compatibility with respect to
instruction bits 16–29, refer to Appendix B, Section B.10, “System Call/Supervisor Call.” To ensure compatibility with future versions of the PowerPC architecture, bits 16–29 should be coded as zero and bit 30
should be coded as a 1. The PowerPC architecture defines bit 31 as reserved, and thereby cleared to 0; in order for the 601 to maintain compatibility with the POWER architecture, the execution of an sc
instruction with bit 31 (the LK bit) set to 1 will cause an update of the Link register with the address of the instruction following the sc instruction.
This instruction is context synchronizing.

rfi Return from Interrupt Bits 16–31 of SRR1 are placed into bits 16–31 of the MSR, then the next instruction is fetched, under control of the new MSR
value, from the address SRR0[0–29] || b'00'. This instruction is a supervisor-level instruction and is context synchronizing.

Opcode Trap Instructions and Mnemonics Details

twi TO,rA,SIMM Trap Word Immediate The contents of rA is compared with the sign-extended SIMM operand. If any bit in the TO operand is set to 1 and its corresponding condition is met by the
result of the comparison, then the system trap handler is invoked.
tw TO,rA,rB Trap Word The contents of rA is compared with the contents of rB. If any bit in the TO operand is set to 1 and its corresponding condition is met by the result of the
comparison, then the system trap handler is invoked.
Opcode Move to/from Machine State Register/Condition Register Details

mtcrf CRM,rS Move to Condition Register Fields The contents of rS are placed into the condition register under control of the field mask specified by operand CRM. The field mask identifies the 4-bit fields affected. Let i be an integer in the range 0–7. If CRM( i )
= 1, then CR field i (CR bits 4* i through 4* i +3) is set to the contents of the corresponding field of r S. In some PowerPC implementations, this instruction may perform more slowly when only a portion of the
fields are updated as opposed
to all of the fields. This is not true for the 601.

mcrxr crfD Move to Condition Register from XER The contents of XER[0–3] are copied into the condition register field designated by crfD. All other fields of the condition
register remain unchanged. XER[0–3] is cleared to 0.
mfcr rD Move from Condition Register The contents of the condition register are placed into rD.
mtmsr rS Move to Machine State Register The contents of rS are placed into the MSR.
This instruction is a supervisor-level instruction and is context synchronizing.
mfmsr rD Move from Machine State Register The contents of the MSR are placed into rD. This is a supervisor-level instruction.
Opcode Move to/from Special Purpose Register Instructions Details

mtspr SPR,rS Move to Special Purpose Register The SPR field denotes a special purpose register. The contents of rS are placed into the designated SPR. Simplified mnemonic examples:
mtxer rA mtspr 1,rA
mtlr rA mtspr 8,rA
mtctr rA mtspr 9,rA
The SPR field denotes a special purpose register. The contents of the designated SPR are placed into rD. Simplified mnemonic examples:
mfspr rD,SPR Move from Special Purpose Register mfxer rA mfspr rA,1
mflr rA mfspr rA,8
mfctr rA mfspr rA,9

Opcode Cache Management Supervisor-Level Instruction Details

dcbi rA,rB Data Cache Block Invalidate The effective address is the sum (rA|0)+(rB). The action taken depends on the memory mode associated with the target, and the state (modified, unmodified) of the block. The following list describes the action to
take if the block containing the byte addressed by the EA is or is not in the cache.
• Coherency required (WIM = xx1)
— Unmodified block—Invalidates copies of the block in the caches of all processors.
— Modified block—Invalidates copies of the block in the caches of all processors. (Discards the modified contents.)
— Absent block—If copies are in the caches of any other processor, causes the copies to be invalidated. (Discards any modified contents.)
• Coherency not required (WIM = xx0)
— Unmodified block—Invalidates the block in the local cache.
— Modified block—Invalidates the block in the local cache.
(Discards the modified contents.)
— Absent block—No action is taken.
When data address translation is enabled, MSR[DT]=1, and the logical (effective) address has no translation, a data access exception occurs. See Section 5.4.3, “Data Access Exception (x'00300').”
The function of this instruction is independent of the write-through and cache-inhibited/allowed modes determined by the WIM bit settings of the block containing the byte addressed by the EA.
This instruction is treated as a store to the addressed byte with respect to address translation and protection. The reference and change bits are modified appropriately.
If the EA specifies a memory address for which T = 1 in the corresponding segment register, the instruction is treated as a no-op. This is a supervisor-level instruction.
Opcode User-Level Cache Instructions Details

dcbt rA,rB Data Cache Block Touch The EA is the sum (rA|0)+(rB). This instruction provides a method for improving performance through the use of software-initiated fetch hints. The 601 performs the fetch for the cases when the address hits in the
UTLB or the BTLB, and when it is permitted load access from the addressed page. The operation is treated similarly to a byte load operation with respect to memory protection.
If the address translation does not hit in the UTLB or BTLB, or if it does not have load access permission, the instruction is treated as a no-op. If the access is directed to a cache-inhibited page, or to an I/O
controller interface segment, then the bus operation occurs, but the cache is not updated. This instruction never affects the reference or change bits in the hashed page table. While the 601 maintains a cache line
size of 64 bytes, the dcbt instruction may only result in the fetch of a 32-byte sector (the one directly addressed by the EA). The other 32-byte sector in the cache line may or may not be fetched, depending on
activity in the dynamic memory queue. A successful dcbt instruction will affect the state of the TLB and cache LRU bits as defined by the LRU algorithm.
dcbtst rA,rB Data Cache Block Touch for Store The EA is the sum (rA|0)+(rB). The dcbtst instruction operates exactly like the dcbt instruction as implemented on the 601.
clcs rD,rA Cache Line Compute Size This is a POWER instruction, and is not part of the PowerPC architecture. This instruction will not be supported by other PowerPC implementations.
This instruction places the cache line size specified by operand rA into register rD. The rA operand is encoded as follows:
01100 Instruction cache line size (returns value of 64)
01101 Data cache line size (returns value of 64)
01110 Minimum line size (returns value of 64)
01111 Maximum line size (returns value of 64)
All other encodings of the rA operand return undefined values. This instruction is specific to the 601.
dcbz rA,rB Data Cache Block Set to Zero The EA is the sum (rA|0)+(rB).
If the block (the cache sector consisting of 32 bytes) containing the byte addressed by the EA is in the data cache, all bytes are cleared to 0. If the block containing the byte addressed by the EA is not in the data
cache and the corresponding page is caching-allowed, the block is established in the data cache without fetching the block from main memory, and all bytes of the block are cleared to 0. If the page containing the
byte addressed by the EA is caching-inhibited or write-through, then the system alignment exception handler is invoked. If the block containing the byte addressed by the EA is in coherence required mode, and
the block exists in the data cache(s) of any other processor(s), it is kept coherent in those caches. The dcbz instruction is treated as a store to the addressed byte with respect to address translation and
protection. If the EA corresponds to an I/O controller interface segment
dcbst rA,rB Data Cache Block Store The EA is the sum(rA|0)+(rB). If the block (the cache sector consisting of 32 bytes) containing the byte addressed by the EA is in coherence required mode, and a block containing the byte addressed by the EA
is in the data cache of any processor and has been modified, the writing of it to main memory is
initiated. The function of this instruction is independent of the write-through and cache-inhibited/allowed modes of the block containing the byte addressed by the EA.
This instruction is treated as a load from the addressed byte with respect to address translation and protection.
If the EA corresponds to an I/O controller interface segment (SR[T] = 1), the dcbst instruction is treated as a no-op.
dcbf rA,rB Data Cache Block Flush The EA is the sum (rA|0) + (rB). The action taken depends on the memory mode associated with the target, and on the state of the block. The following list describes the action taken for the various cases,
regardless of whether the page or block containing the addressed byte is designated as write-through or if it is in the caching-inhibited or caching-allowed mode.
• Coherency required (WIM = xx1)
— Unmodified block—Invalidates copies of the block in the caches of all processors.
— Modified block—Copies the block to memory. Invalidates copies of the block in the caches of all processors.
— Absent block—If modified copies of the block are in the caches of other processors, causes them to be copied to memory and invalidated. If unmodified copies are in the caches of other processors, causes
those copies to be invalidated.
• Coherency not required (WIM = xx0)
— Unmodified block—Invalidates the block in the processor’s cache.
— Modified block—Copies the block to memory. Invalidates the block in the processor’s cache.
— Absent block—Does nothing.

Opcode Segment Register Manipulation Instructions Details

mtsr SR,rS Move to Segment Register The contents of rS is placed into segment register specified by operand SR. This is a supervisor-level instruction.
mtsrin rS,rB Move to Segment Register Indirect The contents of rS are copied to the segment register selected by bits 0–3 of rB. This is a supervisor-level instruction.
mfsr rD,SR Move from Segment Register The contents of the segment register specified by operand SR are placed into rD. This is a supervisor-level instruction.
mfsrin rD,rB Move from Segment Register Indirect The contents of the segment register selected by bits 0–3 of rB are copied into rD. This is a supervisor-level instruction.
Opcode Translation Lookaside Buffer Management Instruction Details
tlbie rB Translation Lookaside Buffer Invalidate Entry The effective address is the contents of rB. If the TLB contains an entry corresponding to the EA, that entry is removed from the TLB. The TLB search is done regardless of the settings of MSR[IT] and MSR[DT].
Also, a TLB invalidate operation is broadcast on the system bus unless disabled by setting bit 17 in HID1. Block address translation for the EA, if any, is ignored.
Because the 601 supports broadcast of TLB entry invalidate operations, the following must be observed:
• The tlbie instruction must be contained in a critical section of memory controlled by software locking, so that the tlbie is issued on only one processor at a time.
• A sync instruction must be issued after every tlbie and at the end of the critical section. This causes hardware to wait for the effects of the preceding tlbie instructions(s) to propagate to all
processors. A processor detecting a TLB invalidate broadcast does the following:
1. Prevents execution of any new load, store, cache control or tlbie instructions and prevents any new reference or change bit updates
2. Waits for completion of any outstanding memory operations (including updates to the reference and change bits associated with the entry to be invalidated)
3. Invalidates the two entries (both associativity classes) in the UTLB indexed by the matching address
4. Resumes normal execution
This is a supervisor-level instruction. Nothing is guaranteed about instruction fetching in other processors if tlbie deletes the page in which another processor is executing.
Opcode External Control Instructions Details

eciwx rD,rA,rB External Control Input Word Indexed The EA is the sum (rA|0) + (rB). If the external access register (EAR) E-bit (bit 0) is set to 1, a load request for the physical address corresponding to the EA is sent to the device identified by the EAR Resource
ID bits (bits 28–31), bypassing the cache. The word returned by the device is placed in rD. The EA sent to the device must be word aligned.
If the EAR[E] = 0, a data access exception is invoked, with bit 11 of DSISR set to 1, and bit 6 cleared to 0 to indicate that the exception occurred during a load operation.
The eciwx instruction is supported for EAs that reference ordinary memory segments (SR[T] = 0), for EAs mapped by BAT registers, and for EAs generated when MSR[DT] = 0.The instruction is treated as a no-
op for EAs in I/O controller interface segments (SR[T] = 1).
The access caused by this instruction is treated as a load from the location addressed by the EA with respect to protection and reference and change recording.
ecowx rS,rA,rB External Control Output Word Indexed The EA is the sum (rA|0) + (rB). If the External Access Register (EAR) E-bit (bit 0) is set to 1, a store request for the physical address corresponding to the EA and the contents of rS are sent to the device
identified by EAR[RID] (resource ID) (bits 28–31), bypassing the cache. The EA sent to the device must be word aligned.
If the EAR[E] = 0, a data access exception is invoked, with bit 11 of DSISR set to 1, and bit 6 set to 1 to indicate that the exception occurred during a store operation.
The ecowx instruction is supported for EAs that reference ordinary memory segments (SR[T] = 0), for EAs mapped by BAT registers, and for EAs generated when MSR[DT] = 0.The instruction is treated as a no-
op for EAs in I/O controller interface segments (SR[T] = 1).
The access caused by this instruction is treated as a store to the location addressed by the EA with respect to protection and reference and change recording
Opcode Miscellaneous Simplified Mnemonics Details

no-op No-Op (equivalent to ori 0,0,0)

li rD,value Load Immediate Load a 16-bit signed immediate value into rA (equivalent to addi rA,0,value)
lis rD,value Load Shifted Immediate Load a 16-bit signed immediate value, shifted left by 16 bits, into rA (equivalent to addis rA,0,value)
la rD,SIMM(rA) Load Address equivalent to addi rD,rA,SIMM
la rD,v Load Address If the variable v is located at offset SIMMv bytes from the address in register rv, and the assembler has been told to use
register rv as a base for references to the data structure containing v, then the following line causes the address of v to be
loaded into register rD. (equivalent to addi rD,rA,SIMMv)
mr rA,rS Move Register (equivalent to or rA,rS,rS)
not rA,rS Complement Register (equivalent to nor rA,rS,rS)

Opcode Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions Details

fadd frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Add The floating-point operand in register frA is added to the floating-point operand in register frB. If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a one the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the
target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD. Floating-point addition is based on exponent comparison and addition of the two
significands. The exponents of the two operands are compared, and the significand accompanying the smaller exponent is shifted right, with its exponent increased by one for each bit shifted, until the two
exponents are equal. The two significands are then added algebraically to form an intermediate sum. All 53 bits in the significand as well as all three guard bits (G, R, and X) enter into the computation. If a carry
occurs, the sum's significand is shifted right one bit position and the exponent is increased by one. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when
FPSCR[VE] = 1.
fadd. frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Add with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
The floating-point operand in register frA is added to the floating-point operand in register frB. If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a one, the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the
fadds frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Add Single-Precision target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD. Floating-point addition is based on exponent comparison and addition of the two
significands. The exponents of the two operands are compared, and the significand accompanying the smaller exponent is shifted right, with its exponent increased by one for each bit shifted, until the two
exponents are equal. The two significands are then added algebraically to form an intermediate sum. All 53 bits in the significand as well as all three guard bits (G, R, and X) enter into the computation. If a carry
occurs, the sum's significand is shifted right one bit position and the exponent is increased by one. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when
FPSCR[VE] = 1.
fadds. frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Single-Precision with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fsub frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Subtract The floating-point operand in register frB is subtracted from the floating-point operand in register frA. If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a 1, the result is normalized. The result is rounded
to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD. The execution of the Floating-Point Subtract instruction is identical to that of Floating-
Point Add, except that the contents of register frB participates in the operation with its sign bit (bit 0) inverted. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when
FPSCR[VE] = 1.
fsub. frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Subtract with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fsubs frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Subtract Single-Precision The floating-point operand in register frB is subtracted from the floating-point operand in register frA. If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a 1, the result is normalized. The result is rounded
to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD. The execution of the Floating-Point Subtract instruction is identical to that of Floating-
Point Add, except that the contents of register frB participates in the operation with its sign bit (bit 0) inverted. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when
FPSCR[VE] = 1.

fsubs. frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Subtract Single-Precision with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a 1, the result is normalized. The result is rounded to
fmul frD,frA,frC Floating-Point Multiply the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD. Floating-point multiplication is based on exponent addition and multiplication of the
significands. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1.

fmul. frD,frA,frC Floating-Point Multiply with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a 1, the result is normalized. The result is rounded to
fmuls frD,frA,frC Floating-Point Multiply Single-Precision the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD. Floating-point multiplication is based on exponent addition and multiplication of the
significands. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1.

fmuls. frD,frA,frC Floating-Point Multiply Single-Precision with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fdiv frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Divide The floating-point operand in register frA is divided by the floating-point operand in register frB. No remainder is preserved. If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a 1, the result is normalized.
The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD. Floating-point division is based on exponent subtraction and
division of the significands. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1 and zero divide exceptions when FPSCR[ZE] = 1.

fdiv. frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Divide with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fdivs frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Divide Single-Precision The floating-point operand in register frA is divided by the floating-point operand in register frB. No remainder is preserved. If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a 1, the result is normalized.
The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD. Floating-point division is based on exponent subtraction and
division of the significands. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1 and zero divide exceptions when FPSCR[ZE] = 1.

fdivs. frD,frA,frB Floating-Point Divide Single-Precision with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
Opcode Floating-Point Multiply-Add Instructions Details

The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. The floating-point operand in register frB is added to this intermediate result. If the most significant bit of the
fmadd frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Multiply-Add resultant significand is not a one the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD.
FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1

fmadd. frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Multiply-Add with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. The floating-point operand in register frB is added to this intermediate result. If the most significant bit of the
fmadds frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Multiply-Add Single- Precision resultant significand is not a one the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD.
FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1.

fmadds. frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Multiply-Add Single-Precision with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. The floating-point operand in register frB is subtracted from this intermediate result. If the most significant bit of
fmsub frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Multiply-Subtract the resultant significand is not a one the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the
FPSCR and placed into register frD. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1.

fmsub. frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Multiply-Subtract with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fmsubs frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Multiply-Subtract Single-Precision The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. The floating-point operand in register frB is subtracted from this intermediate result. If the most significant bit of
the resultant significand is not a one the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR and placed into register frD.
FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1
fmsubs. frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Multiply-Subtract Single-Precision + CR Udt. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fnmadd frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Negative Multiply-Add The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. The floating-point operand in register frB is added to this intermediate result. If the most significant bit of the
resultant significand is not a one the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR, then negated and placed into
register frD. This instruction produces the same result as would be obtained by using the floating-point multiply-add instruction and then negating the result, with the following exceptions:
• QNaNs propagate with no effect on their sign bit.
• QNaNs that are generated as the result of a disabled invalid operation exception have a "sign" bit of zero.
• SNaNs that are converted to QNaNs as the result of a disabled invalid operation exception retain the "sign" bit of the SNaN.
FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1 .
fnmadd. frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Negative Multiply-Add with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fnmadds frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Negative Multiply-Add Single-Precision The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. The floating-point operand in register frB is added to this intermediate result.
If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a one the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR,
then negated and placed into register frD.
This instruction produces the same result as would be obtained by using the floating-point multiply-add instruction and then negating the result, with the following exceptions:
• QNaNs propagate with no effect on their sign bit.
• QNaNs that are generated as the result of a disabled invalid operation exception have a “sign” bit of zero.
• SNaNs that are converted to QNaNs as the result of a disabled invalid operation exception retain the “sign” bit of the SNaN.
FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1 .
fnmadds. frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Neg Multiply-Add Single-Precision + CR Upd The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fnmsub frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Negative Multiply-Subtract The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. The floating-point operand in register frB is subtracted from this intermediate result.
If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a one the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR,
then negated and placed into register frD. This instruction produces the same result as would be obtained by using the floating-point multiply-subtract instruction and then negating the result, with the following
• QNaNs propagate with no effect on their sign bit.
• QNaNs that are generated as the result of a disabled invalid operation exception have a sign bit of zero.
• SNaNs that are converted to QNaNs as the result of a disabled invalid operation exception retain the sign bit of the SNaN.
FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1.
fnmsub. frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Negative Multiply-Subtract with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fnmsubs frD,frA,frC,frB Floating-Point Negative Multiply-Subtract Single-Precision The floating-point operand in register frA is multiplied by the floating-point operand in register frC. The floating-point operand in register frB is subtracted from this intermediate result.
If the most significant bit of the resultant significand is not a one the result is normalized. The result is rounded to the target precision under control of the floating-point rounding control field RN of the FPSCR,
then negated and placed into register frD. This instruction produces the same result as would be obtained by using the floating-point multiply-subtract instruction and then negating the result, with the following
• QNaNs propagate with no effect on their "sign" bit.
• QNaNs that are generated as the result of a disabled invalid operation exception have a "sign" bit of zero.
• SNaNs that are converted to QNaNs as the result of a disabled invalid operation exception retain the "sign" bit of the SNaN.
FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1.
fnmsubs. frD,frA,frC,frB Single-Precision with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
Opcode Floating-Point Rounding and Conversion Instructions Details

frsp frD,frB Floating-Point Round to Single-Precision If it is already in single-precision range, the floating-point operand in register frB is placed into register frD. Otherwise the floating-point operand in register frB is rounded to single-precision using the rounding
mode specified by FPSCR[RN] and placed into register frD. FPSCR[FPRF] is set to the class and sign of the result, except for invalid operation exceptions when FPSCR[VE] = 1.

frsp. frD,frB Floating-Point Round to Single-Precision with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fctiw frD,frB Floating-Point Convert to Integer Word The floating-point operand in register frB is converted to a 32-bit signed integer, using the rounding mode specified by FPSCR[RN], and placed in bits 32–63 of register frD. Bits 0–31 of register frD are undefined.
If the operand in register frB is greater than 2 31 – 1, bits 32–63 of register frD are set to x'7FFF_FFFF'. If the operand in register frB is less than –2 31 , bits 32–63 of register frD are set to x '8000_0000'.Except
for trap-enabled invalid operation exceptions, FPSCR[FPRF] is undefined. FPSCR[FR] is set if the result is incremented when rounded. FPSCR[FI] is set if the result is inexact.

fctiw. frD,frB Floating-Point Convert to Integer Word with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
fctiwz frD,frB Floating-Point Convert to Integer Word with Round Toward The floating-point operand in register frB is converted to a 32-bit signed integer, using the rounding mode Round toward Zero, and placed in bits 32–63 of register frD. Bits 0–31 of register frD are undefined. If the
operand in frB is greater than 2 31 – 1, bits 32–63 of frD are set to x'7FFF_FFFF'. If the operand in register frB is less than –2 31 , bits 32–63 of register frD are set to x '8000_0000'.
Zero The conversion is described fully in Appendix F, “Floating-Point Models.” Except for trap-enabled invalid operation exceptions, FPSCR[FPRF] is undefined. FPSCR[FR] is set if the result is incremented when
rounded. FPSCR[FI] is set if the result is inexact.
fctiwz. frD,frB Float-Point Conv to Int Word with Rnd To Zero + CR Upd The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
Opcode Floating-Point Compare Instructions Details

fcmpu crfD,frA,frB Floating-Point Compare Unordered The floating-point operand in register frA is compared to the floating-point operand in register frB. The result of the compare is placed into CR field crfD and the FPCC. If an operand is a NaN, either quiet or
signaling, CR field crfD and the FPCC are set to reflect unordered. If an operand is a Signaling NaN,VXSNAN is set.
fcmpo crfD,frA,frB Floating-Point Compare Ordered The floating-point operand in register frA is compared to the floating-point operand in register frB. The result of the compare is placed into CR field crfD and the FPCC. If an operand is a NaN, either quiet or
signalling, CR field crfD and the FPCC are set to reflect unordered. If an operand is a Signalling NaN, VXSNAN is set, and if invalid operation is disabled (VE = 0) then VXVC is set. Otherwise, if an operand is a
Quiet NaN, VXVC is set.

Opcode Floating-Point Compare Instructions Details

mffs frD Move from FPSCR The contents of the FPSCR are placed into bits 32–63 of register frD.In the 601, bits 0–31 of floating-point register frD are set
to the value x'FFFF_FFFF'.
mffs. frD Move from FPSCR with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
mcrfs crfD,crfS Move to Condition Register from FPSCR The contents of FPSCR field specified by operand crfS are copied to the CR field specified by operand crfD. All exception bits
copied are cleared to zero in the FPSCR.
mtfsfi crfD,IMM Move to FPSCR Field Immediate The value of the IMM field is placed into FPSCR field crfD. All other FPSCR fields are unchanged.When FPSCR[0–3] is specified, bits 0 (FX) and 3 (OX) are set to the values of IMM[0] and IMM[3] (that is, even if
this instruction causes OX to change from 0 to 1, FX is set from IMM[0] and not by the usual rule that FX is set to 1 when an exception bit changes from 0 to 1).
Bits 1 and 2 (FEX and VX) are set according to the usual rule, and not from IMM[1–2].
mtfsfi. crfD,IMM Move to FPSCR Field Immediate with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
mtfsf FM,frB Move to FPSCR Fields Bits 32–63 of register frB are placed into the FPSCR under control of the field mask specified by FM. The field mask identifies the 4-bit fields affected. Let i be an integer in the range 0–7. If FM = 1 then FPSCR
field i (FPSCR bits 4 ∗ i through 4 ∗ i +3) is set to the contents of the corresponding field of the low-order 32 bits of register frB. When FPSCR[0–3] is specified, bits 0 (FX) and 3 (OX) are set to the values of
frB[32] and frB[35] (that is, even if this instruction causes OX to change from 0 to 1, FX is set from frB[32] and not by the usual rule that FX is set to 1 when an exception bit changes from 0 to 1). Bits 1 and 2
(FEX and VX) are set according to the usual rule described in Section 2.2.3, “Floating-Point Status and Control Register (FPSCR),” and not from frB[33–34].

mtfsf. FM,frB Move to FPSCR Fields with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register. In other PowerPC implementations, the mtfsf instruction may perform more slowly when only a
portion of the fields are updated.This is not the case in the 601.
mtfsb0 crbD Move to FPSCR Bit 0 The bit of the FPSCR specified by operand crbD is cleared to 0. Bits 1 and 2 (FEX and VX) cannot be explicitly reset.
mtfsb0. crbD Move to FPSCR Bit 0 with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
mtfsb1 crbD Move to FPSCR Bit 1 The bit of the FPSCR specified by operand crbD is set to 1. Bits 1 and 2 (FEX and VX) cannot be reset explicitly.
mtfsb1. crbD Move to FPSCR Bit 1 with CR Update. The dot suffix enables the update of the condition register.
Opcode Instruction Description Function Code Tbit Cycl Example
ADD Rm,Rn ADD Binary Adds general register Rn data to Rm data, and stores the result in Rn Rm + Rn → Rn 0011nnnnmmmm1100 - 1 ADD R0,R1
ADD #imm,Rn ADD Binary 8-bit immediate data can be added instead of Rm data. Since the 8-bit immediate data Rn + #imm → Rn 0111nnnniiiiiiii - 1 ADD #H'01,R2
is sign-extended to 32 bits, this instruction can add and subtract immediate data.
ADDC Rm,Rn ADD with Carry Adds Rm data and the T bit to general register Rn data, and stores the result in Rn. The Rn + Rm + T → Rn, 0011nnnnmmmm1110 Carry 1 ADDC R3,R1
T bit changes according to the result. carry → T
ADDV Rm,Rn ADD with V Flag Overflow Adds general register Rn data to Rm data, and stores the result in Rn. If an overflow Rn + Rm → Rn, 0011nnnnmmmm1111 Ovfw 1 ADDV R0,R1
Check occurs, the T bit is set to 1. overflow → T
AND Rm,Rn AND Logical Logically ANDs general registers Rn and Rm, and stores the result in Rn. Rn & Rm → Rn 0010nnnnmmmm1001 - 1 AND R0,R1
AND #imm,R0 AND Logical The contents of general register R0 can be ANDed with zero-extended 8-bit immediate R0 & imm → R0 11001001iiiiiiii - 1 AND #H'0F,R0
AND.B #imm,@(R0,GBR) AND Logical 8-bit memory data pointed to by GBR relative addressing can be ANDed with 8-bit (R0 + GBR) & imm 11001101iiiiiiii - 3 AND.B #H'80,@(R0,GBR)
immediate data. → (R0 + GBR)
BF label Branch if False Reads the T bit, and conditionally branches. If T = 0, it branches to the branch When T = 0, disp × 2 + PC → PC; 10001011dddddddd - 3/1 BF TRGET_F
destination address. If T = 1, BF executes the next instruction. The branch destination is When T = 1, nop
an address specified by PC + displacement.
BF/S label Branch if False with Delay Reads the T bit and conditionally branches. If T = 0, it branches after executing the next When T = 0, disp × 2+ PC → PC; 10001111dddddddd - 2/1 BF/S TRGET_F
Slot instruction. If T = 1, BF/S executes the next instruction. The branch destination is an When T = 1, nop
address specified by PC + displacement.
BRA label Branch Branches unconditionally after executing the instruction following this BRA disp × 2 + PC → PC 1010dddddddddddd - 2 BRA TRGET
instruction. The branch destination is an address specified by PC + displacement
However, in this case it is used for address calculation.
BRAF Rm Branch Far Branches unconditionally. The branch destination is PC + the 32-bit contents of the Rm + PC → PC 0000mmmm00100011 - 2
general register Rm.
BSR label Branch to Subroutine Branches to the subroutine procedure at a specified address. The PC value is stored PC → PR, disp × 2+ PC → PC 1011dddddddddddd - 2 BSR TRGET
in the PR, and the program branches to an address specified by PC + displacement
However, in this case it is used for address calculation.
BSRF Rm Branch to Subroutine Far Branches to the subroutine procedure at a specified address after executing the PC → PR, Rm + PC → PC 0000mmmm00000011 - 2 BRSF R0
instruction following this BSRF instruction. The PC value is stored in the PR.
BT label Branch if True Reads the T bit, and conditionally branches. If T = 1, BT branches. If T = 0, BT When T = 1, disp × 2 + PC → PC; 10001001dddddddd - 3/1 BT TRGET_T
executes the next instruction. The branch destination is an address specified by PC + When T = 0, nop
BT/S label Branch if True with Delay Reads the T bit and conditionally branches. If T = 1, BT/S branches after the When T = 1,disp × 2 + PC → PC; 10001101dddddddd - 2/1 BT/S TARGET_T
Slot following instruction executes. If T = 0, BT/S executes the next instruction. The branch When T = 0, nop
destination is an address specified by PC + displacement
CLRMAC Clear MAC Register Clear the MACH and MACL Register. 0 → MACH, MACL 0000000000101000 - 1 CLRMAC
CLRT Clear T Bit Clears the T bit. 0→T 0000000000001000 - 1 CLRT
CMP/EQ Rm,Rn Compare Conditionally If Rn = Rm, T = 1 When Rn = Rm,1 → T 0011nnnnmmmm0000 reslt 1
CMP/GE Rm,Rn Compare Conditionally If Rn • Rm with signed data, T = 1 When signed and Rn • Rm, 1 → T 0011nnnnmmmm0011 reslt 1 CMP/GE R0,R1
CMP/GT Rm,Rn Compare Conditionally If Rn > Rm with signed data, T = 1 When signed and Rn > Rm, 1 → T 0011nnnnmmmm0111 reslt 1
CMP/HI Rm,Rn Compare Conditionally If Rn > Rm with unsigned data, T = 1 When unsigned and Rn > Rm, 1 → T 0011nnnnmmmm0110 reslt 1
CMP/HS Rm,Rn Compare Conditionally If Rn • Rm with unsigned data, T = 1 When unsigned and Rn • Rm, 1 → T 0011nnnnmmmm0010 reslt 1 CMP/HS R0,R1
CMP/PL Rn Compare Conditionally If Rn > 0, T = 1 When Rn > 0, 1 → T 0100nnnn00010101 reslt 1
CMP/PZ Rn Compare Conditionally If Rn • 0, T = 1 When Rn • 0, 1 → T 0100nnnn00010001 reslt 1
CMP/STR Rm,Rn Compare Conditionally If a byte in Rn equals a byte in Rm, T = 1 When byte in Rn = byte in Rm, 1 → T 0010nnnnmmmm1100 reslt 1 CMP/STR R2,R3
CMP/EQ #imm,R0 Compare Conditionally If R0 = imm, T = 1 When R0 = imm, 1 → T 10001000iiiiiiii reslt 1
DIV0S Rm,Rn Divide Step 0 as Signed DIV0S is an initialization instruction for signed division. It finds the quotient by MSB of Rn → Q, 0010nnnnmmmm0111 reslt 1 DIV0S R0,R1
repeatedly dividing in combination with the DIV1 or another instruction that divides for MSB of Rm → M,M^Q → T
each bit after this instruction.
DIV0U Divide Step 0 as Unsigned DIV0U is an initialization instruction for unsigned division. It finds the quotient by 0 → M/Q/T 0000000000011001 0 1 DIV0U
repeatedly dividing in combination with the DIV1 or another instruction that divides for
each bit after this instruction.
DIV1 Rm,Rn Divide 1 Step Uses single-step division to divide one bit of the 32-bit data in general register Rn 1 step division (Rn ÷ Rm) 0011nnnnmmmm0100 reslt 1 DIV1 R0,R1
(dividend) by Rm data (divisor). It finds a quotient through repetition either
independently or used in combination with other instructions. During this repetition, do
not rewrite the specified register or the M, Q, and T bits.
DMULS.L Rm,Rn Double-Length Multiply as Performs 32-bit multiplication of the contents of general registers Rn and Rm, and With sign,Rn × Rm 0011nnnnmmmm1101 - 2-4 DMULS.L R0,R1
Signed stores the 64-bit results in the MACL and MACH register. The operation is a signed →MACH, MACL
arithmetic operation.
DMULU.L Rm,Rn Double-Length Multiply as Performs 32-bit multiplication of the contents of general registers Rn and Rm, and Without sign,Rn × Rm 0011nnnnmmmm0101 - 2-4 DMULU.L R0,R1
Unsigned stores the 64-bit results in the MACL and MACH register. The operation is an unsigned →MACH, MACL
arithmetic operation.
DT Rn Decrement and Test The contents of general register Rn are decremented by 1 and the result compared to Rn – 1 → Rn;When Rn is 0,1 → T, 0100nnnn00010000 reslt 1 DT R5
0 (zero). When the result is 0, the T bit is set to 1. When the result is not zero, the T bit when Rn is nonzero, 0 → T
is set to 0.
EXTS.B Rm,Rn Extend as Signed Sign-extends general register Rm data, and stores the result in Rn Sign-extend Rm from byte → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm1110 - 1 EXTS.B R0,R1
EXTS.W Rm,Rn Extend as Signed Sign-extends general register Rm data, and stores the result in Rn Sign-extend Rm from word → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm1111 - 1 EXTS.W R0,R1
EXTU.B Rm,Rn Extend as Unsigned Zero-extends general register Rm data, and stores the result in Rn. Zero-extend Rm from byte → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm1100 - 1 EXTU.B R0,R1
EXTU.W Rm,Rn Extend as Unsigned Zero-extends general register Rm data, and stores the result in Rn. Zero-extend Rm from word → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm1101 - 1 EXTU.W R0,R1
JMP @Rm Jump Branches unconditionally to the address specified by register indirect addressing. The Rm → PC 0100mmmm00101011 - 2 JMP @R0
branch destination is an address specified by the 32-bit data in general register Rm.
JSR @Rm Jump to Subroutine Branches to the subroutine procedure at the address specified by register indirect PC → PR, Rm → PC 0100mmmm00001011 - 2 JSR @R0
addressing. The PC value is stored in the PR. The jump destination is an address
specified by the 32-bit data in general register Rm. The stored/saved PC is the address
four bytes after this instruction.
LDC Rm,SR Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register Rm → SR 0100mmmm00001110 LSB 1 LDC R0,SR
LDC Rm,GBR Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register Rm → GBR 0100mmmm00011110 - 1
LDC Rm,VBR Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register Rm → VBR 0100mmmm00101110 - 1
LDC Rm,MOD Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register Rm → MOD 0100mmmm01011110 - 1
LDC Rm,RE Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register Rm → RE 0100mmmm01111110 - 1
LDC Rm,RS Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register Rm → RS 0100mmmm01101110 - 1
LDC.L @Rm+,SR Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register (Rm) → SR, Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm00000111 LSB 3
LDC.L @Rm+,GBR Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register (Rm) → GBR, Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm00010111 - 3 LDC.L @R15+,GBR
LDC.L @Rm+,VBR Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register (Rm) → VBR, Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm00100111 - 3
LDC.L @Rm+,MOD Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register (Rm) → MOD, Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm01010111 - 3
LDC.L @Rm+,RE Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register (Rm) → RE, Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm01110111 - 3
LDC.L @Rm+,RS Load to Control Register Store the source operand into control register (Rm) → RS, Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm01100111 - 3
LDRE @(disp,PC) Load Effective Address to Stores the effective address of the source operand in the repeat end register RE. The disp × 2 + PC → RE 10001110dddddddd - 1 LDRE END
RE Register effective address is an address specified by PC + displacement.
LDRS @(disp,PC) Load Effective Address to Stores the effective address of the source operand in the repeat start register RS. The disp × 2 + PC→ RS 10001100dddddddd - 1 LDRS STA
RS Register effective address is an address specified by PC + displacement.
LDS Rm,MACH Load to System Register Store the source operand into the system register MACH, MACL, or PR or the DSP Rm → MACH 0100mmmm00001010 - 1
LDS Rm,MACL Load to System Register register DSR, A0, X0, X1, Y0, or Y1. When A0 is designated as the destination, the Rm → MACL 0100mmmm00011010 - 1
LDS Rm,PR Load to System Register MSB of the data is copied into A0G. Rm → PR 0100mmmm00101010 - 1 LDS R0,PR
LDS Rm,DSR Load to System Register Rm → DSR 0100mmmm01101010 - 1
LDS Rm,A0 Load to System Register Rm → A0 0100mmmm01111010 - 1
LDS Rm,X0 Load to System Register Rm → X0 0100mmmm10001010 - 1
LDS Rm,X1 Load to System Register Rm → X1 0100mmmm10011010 - 1
LDS Rm,Y0 Load to System Register Rm → Y0 0100mmmm10101010 - 1
LDS Rm,Y1 Load to System Register Rm → Y1 0100mmmm10111010 - 1
LDS.L @Rm+,MACH Load to System Register Store the source operand into the system register MACH, MACL, or PR or the DSP (Rm) → MACH,Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm00000110 - 1
LDS.L @Rm+,MACL Load to System Register register DSR, A0, X0, X1, Y0, or Y1. When A0 is designated as the destination, the (Rm) → MACL,Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm00010110 - 1 LDS.L @R15+,MACL
LDS.L @Rm+,PR Load to System Register MSB of the data is copied into A0G. (Rm) → PR,Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm00100110 - 1
LDS.L @Rm+,DSR Load to System Register (Rm) → DSR,Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm01100110 - 1
LDS.L @Rm+,A0 Load to System Register (Rm) → A0,Rm + 4 → Rm 0100mmmm01110110 - 1
LDS.L @Rm+,X0 Load to System Register (Rm) → X0,Rm+4 → Rm 0100nnnn10000110 - 1
LDS.L @Rm+,X1 Load to System Register (Rm) → X1,Rm+4 → Rm 0100nnnn10010110 - 1
LDS.L @Rm+,Y0 Load to System Register (Rm) → Y0,Rm+4 → Rm 0100nnnn10100110 - 1
LDS.L @Rm+,Y1 Load to System Register (Rm) → Y1, Rm+4 → Rm 0100nnnn10110110 - 1
MAC.L @Rm+,@Rn+ Multiply and Accumulate Does signed multiplication of 32-bit operands obtained using the contents of general Signed operation 0000nnnnmmmm1111 - 3/2-4 MAC.L @R0+,@R1+
Calculation Long registers Rm and Rn as addresses. The 64-bit result is added to contents of the MAC (Rn) × (Rm) + MAC→ MAC
register, and the final result is stored in the MAC register. Every time an operand is
read, they increment Rm and Rn by four.
MAC.W @Rm+,@Rn+ Multiply and Accumulate Does signed multiplication of 16-bit operands obtained using the contents of general With sign, (Rn) × (Rm) + MAC 0100nnnnmmmm1111 - 3/2-4 MAC.W @R0+,@R1+
MAC @Rm+,@Rn+ Calculation Word registers Rm and Rn as addresses. The 32-bit result is added to contents of the MAC → MAC
register, and the final result is stored in the MAC register. Rm and Rn data are
incremented by 2 after the operation.
MOV Rm,Rn Move Data Transfers the source operand to the destination. When the operand is stored in Rm → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm0011 - 1 MOV R0,R1
MOV.B Rm,@Rn Move Data memory, the transferred data can be a byte, word, or longword. Loaded data from Rm → (Rn) 0010nnnnmmmm0000 - 1
MOV.W Rm,@Rn Move Data memory is stored in a register after it is sign-extended to a longword. Rm → (Rn) 0010nnnnmmmm0001 - 1 MOV.W R0,@R1
MOV.L Rm,@Rn Move Data Rm → (Rn) 0010nnnnmmmm0010 - 1
MOV.B @Rm,Rn Move Data (Rm) → sign extension → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm0000 - 1
MOV.W @Rm,Rn Move Data (Rm) → sign extension → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm0001 - 1
MOV.L @Rm,Rn Move Data (Rm) → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm0010 - 1
MOV.B Rm,@–Rn Move Data Rn – 1 → Rn,Rm → (Rn) 0010nnnnmmmm0100 - 1
MOV.W Rm,@–Rn Move Data Rn – 2 → Rn,Rm → (Rn) 0010nnnnmmmm0101 - 1 MOV.W R0,@–R1
MOV.L Rm,@–Rn Move Data Rn – 4 → Rn,Rm → (Rn) 0010nnnnmmmm0110 - 1
MOV.B @Rm+,Rn Move Data (Rm) → sign ext → Rn,Rm + 1 → Rm 0110nnnnmmmm0100 - 1 MOV.B @R0,R1
MOV.W @Rm+,Rn Move Data (Rm) → sign ext → Rn, Rm + 2 → Rm 0110nnnnmmmm0101 - 1
MOV.L @Rm+,Rn Move Data (Rm) → Rn, Rm + 4 → Rm 0110nnnnmmmm0110 - 1 MOV.L @R0+,R1
MOV.B Rm,@(R0,Rn) Move Data Rm → (R0 + Rn) 0000nnnnmmmm0100 - 1 MOV.B R1,@(R0,R2)
MOV.W Rm,@(R0,Rn) Move Data Rm → (R0 + Rn) 0000nnnnmmmm0101 - 1
MOV.L Rm,@(R0,Rn) Move Data Rm → (R0 + Rn) 0000nnnnmmmm0110 - 1
MOV.B @(R0,Rm),Rn Move Data (R0 + Rm) → sign extension → Rn 0000nnnnmmmm1100 - 1
MOV.W @(R0,Rm),Rn Move Data (R0 + Rm) → sign extension → Rn 0000nnnnmmmm1101 - 1 MOV.W @(R0,R2),R1
MOV.L @(R0,Rm),Rn Move Data (R0 + Rm) → Rn 0000nnnnmmmm1110 - 1
MOV #imm,Rn Move Immediate Data Stores immediate data, sign-extended to a longword, into general register Rn. imm → sign extension → Rn 1110nnnniiiiiiii - 1 MOV #H'80,R1
MOV.W @(disp,PC),Rn Move Immediate Data Stores immediate data, sign-extended to a longword, into general register Rn. (disp × 2 + PC) → sign ext → Rn 1001nnnndddddddd - 1 MOV.W IMM,R2
MOV.L @(disp,PC),Rn Move Immediate Data Stores immediate data, sign-extended to a longword, into general register Rn. (disp × 4 + PC) → Rn 1101nnnndddddddd - 1 MOV.L @(4,PC),R3
MOV.B @(disp,GBR),R0 Move Peripheral Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for the peripheral module area. (disp + GBR) → sign ext → R0 11000100dddddddd - 1
MOV.W @(disp,GBR),R0 Move Peripheral Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for the peripheral module area. (disp × 2 + GBR) → sign ext → R0 11000101dddddddd - 1
MOV.L @(disp,GBR),R0 Move Peripheral Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for the peripheral module area. (disp × 4 + GBR) → R0 11000110dddddddd - 1 MOV.L @(2,GBR),R0
MOV.B R0,@(disp,GBR) Move Peripheral Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for the peripheral module area. R0 → (disp + GBR) 11000000dddddddd - 1 MOV.B R0,@(1,GBR)
MOV.W R0,@(disp,GBR) Move Peripheral Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for the peripheral module area. R0 → (disp × 2 + GBR) 11000001dddddddd - 1
MOV.L R0,@(disp,GBR) Move Peripheral Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for the peripheral module area. R0 → (disp × 4 + GBR) 11000010dddddddd - 1
MOV.B R0,@(disp,Rn) Move Structure Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for structure or a stack. R0 → (disp + Rn) 10000000nnnndddd - 1
MOV.W R0,@(disp,Rn) Move Structure Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for structure or a stack. R0 → (disp × 2 + Rn) 10000001nnnndddd - 1
MOV.L Rm,@(disp,Rn) Move Structure Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for structure or a stack. Rm → (disp × 4 + Rn) 0001nnnnmmmmdddd - 1 MOV.L R0,@(H'F,R1)
MOV.B @(disp,Rm),R0 Move Structure Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for structure or a stack. (disp + Rm) → sign extension → R0 10000100mmmmdddd - 1
MOV.W @(disp,Rm),R0 Move Structure Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for structure or a stack. (disp × 2 + Rm) → sign extension → R0 10000101mmmmdddd - 1

MOV.L @(disp,Rm),Rn Move Structure Data Transfers the source operand to the dest. Designed for structure or a stack. (disp × 4 + Rm) → Rn 0101nnnnmmmmdddd - 1 MOV.L @(2,R0),R1
MOVA @(disp,PC),R0 Move Effective Address Stores the effective address of the source operand into general register R0. The 8-bit disp × 4 + PC → R0 11000111dddddddd - 1 MOVA @(0,PC),R0
displacement is zero-extended and quadrupled
MOVT Rn Move T Bit Stores the T bit value into general register Rn. When T = 1, 1 is stored in Rn, and T → Rn 0000nnnn00101001 - 1 MOVT R0
when T = 0, 0 is stored in Rn.
MUL.L Rm,Rn Multiply Long Performs 32-bit multiplication of the contents of general registers Rn and Rm, and Rn × Rm → MACL 0000nnnnmmmm0111 - 2-4 MULL R0,R1
stores the bottom 32 bits of the result in the MACL register. The MACH register data
does not change.
MULS.W Rm,Rn Multiply as Signed Word Performs 16-bit multiplication of the contents of general registers Rn and Rm, and Signed operation, Rn × Rm → MACL 0010nnnnmmmm1111 - 1-3 MULS R0,R1
MULS Rm,Rn stores the 32-bit result in the MACL register. The operation is signed and the MACH
register data does not change.
MULU.W Rm,Rn Multiply as Unsigned Word Performs 16-bit multiplication of the contents of general registers Rn and Rm, and Unsigned, Rn × Rm → MACL 0010nnnnmmmm1110 - 1-3 MULU R0,R1
MULU Rm,Rn stores the 32-bit result in the MACL register. The operation is unsigned and the MACH
register data does not change.
NEG R0,R1 Negate Takes the two’s complement of data in general register Rm, and stores the result in 0 – Rm → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm1011 - 1 NEG R0,R1
Rn. This effectively subtracts Rm data from 0, and stores the result in Rn.
NEGC Rm,Rn Negate with Carry Subtracts general register Rm data and the T bit from 0, and stores the result in Rn. 0 – Rm – T → Rn, Borrow → T 0110nnnnmmmm1010 - 1 NEGC R1,R1
If a borrow is generated, T bit changes accordingly. This instruction is used for inverting
the sign of a value that has more than 32 bits.
NOP No operation Increments the PC to execute the next instruction. No operation 0000000000001001 - 1 NOP
NOT Rm,Rn NOT—Logical Complement Takes the one’s complement of general register Rm data, and stores the result in Rn. ~Rm → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm0111 - 1 NOT R0,R1
This effectively inverts each bit of Rm data and stores the result in Rn.
OR Rm,Rn OR Logical Logically ORs the contents of general registers Rn and Rm, and stores the result in Rn | Rm → Rn 0010nnnnmmmm1011 - 1 OR R0,R1
OR #imm,R0 OR Logical Rn. The contents of general register R0 can also be ORed with zero-extended 8-bit R0 | imm → R0 11001011iiiiiiii - 1 OR #H'F0,R0
OR.B #imm,@(R0,GBR) OR Logical immediate data, or 8-bit memory data accessed by using indirect indexed GBR (R0 + GBR) | imm → (R0 + GBR) 11001111iiiiiiii - 3 OR.B #H'50,@(R0,GBR)
addressing can be ORed with 8-bit immediate data.
ROTCL Rn Rotate with Carry Left Rotates the contents of general register Rn and the T bit to the left by one bit, and T ← Rn ← T 0100nnnn00100100 MSB 1 ROTCL R0
stores the result in Rn. The bit that is shifted out is transferred to the T bit
ROTCR Rn Rotate with Carry Right Rotates the contents of general register Rn and the T bit to the right by one bit, and T → Rn → T 0100nnnn00100101 LSB 1 ROTCR R0
stores the result in Rn. The bit that is shifted out of is transferred to the T bit
ROTL Rn Rotate Left Rotates the contents of general register Rn to the left by one bit, and stores the result T ← Rn ← MSB 0100nnnn00000100 MSB 1 ROTL R0
in Rn . The bit that is shifted out of the operand is transferred to the T bit.
ROTR Rn Rotate Right Rotates the contents of general register Rn to the right by one bit, and stores the LSB → Rn → T 0100nnnn00000101 LSB 1 ROTR R0
result in Rn . The bit that is shifted out of the operand is transferred to the T bit.
RTE Return from Exception Returns from an interrupt routine. The PC and SR values are restored from the stack, Delayed branch, Stack area → PC/SR 0000000000101011 LSB 4 RTE
and the program continues from the address specified by the restored PC value. The T
bit is used as the LSB bit in the SR register restored from the stack area.
RTS Return from Subroutine Returns from a subroutine procedure. The PC values are restored from the PR, and Delayed branch, PR → PC 0000000000001011 - 2 RTS
the program continues from the address specified by the restored PC value. This
instruction is used to return to the program from a subroutine program called by a BSR,
BSRF, or JSR instruction.
SETRC Rm Set Repeat Count to RC Sets the repeat count to the SR register’s RC counter. When the operand is a register, Rm[11:0] RCCSR[27:16] 0100mmmm00010100 - 1
the bottom 12 bits are used as the repeat count. When the operand is an immediate Repeat control flag → RF1, RF0
SETRC #imm data value, 8 bits are used as the repeat count. Set repeat control flags to RF1, RF0 bits imm → RC [23:26] zeros → SR[27:24], 10000010iiiiiiii - 1 SETRC #32
of the SR register. Use of the SETRC instruction is subject to any limitations. Repeat control flag → RF1, RF0
SETT Set T Bit Sets the T bit to 1. 1→T 0000000000011000 1 1 SETT
SHAL Rn Shift Arithmetic Left rithmetically shifts the contents of general register Rn to the left by one bit, and stores T ← Rn ← 0 0100nnnn00100000 MSB 1 SHAL R0
the result in Rn. The bit that is shifted out of the operand is transferred to the T bit
SHAR Rn MSB → Rn → T Arithmetically shifts the contents of general register Rn to the right by one bit, and MSB → Rn → T 0100nnnn00100001 LSB 1 SHAR R0
stores the result in Rn. The bit that is shifted out is transferred to the T bit
SHLL Rn T ← Rn ← 0 Logically shifts the contents of general register Rn to the left by one bit, and stores T ← Rn ← 0 0100nnnn00000000 MSB 1 SHLL R0
the result in Rn. The bit that is shifted out of the operand is transferred to the T bit
SHLL2 Shift Logical Left n Bits Logically shifts the contents of general register Rn to the left by 2, 8, or 16 bits, and Rn << 2 → Rn 0100nnnn00001000 - 1 SHLL2 R0
SHLL8 Shift Logical Left n Bits stores the result in Rn. Bits that are shifted out of the operand are not stored Rn << 8 → Rn 0100nnnn00011000 - 1 SHLL8 R0
SHLL16 Rn Shift Logical Left n Bits Rn << 16 → Rn 0100nnnn00101000 - 1 SHLL16 R0
SHLR Rn Shift Logical Right Logically shifts the contents of general register Rn to the right by one bit, and stores 0 → Rn → T 0100nnnn00000001 LSB 1 SHLR R0
the result in Rn. The bit that is shifted out of the operand is transferred to the T bit
SHLR2 Rn Shift Logical Right n Bits Logically shifts the contents of general register Rn to the right by 2, 8, or 16 bits, and Rn>>2 → Rn 0100nnnn00001001 - 1 SHLR2 R0
SHLR8 Rn Shift Logical Right n Bits stores the result in Rn. Bits that are shifted out of the operand are not stored Rn>>8 → Rn 0100nnnn00011001 - 1 SHLR8 R0
SHLR16 Rn Shift Logical Right n Bits Rn>>16 → Rn 0100nnnn00101001 - 1 SHLR16 R0
SLEEP Sleep Sets the CPU into power-down mode. CPU waits for an interrupt request. Sleep 0000000000011011 - 3 SLEEP
STC SR,Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. SR → Rn 0000nnnn00000010 - 1 STC SR,R0
STC GBR,Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. GBR → Rn 0000nnnn00010010 - 1
STC VBR,Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. VBR → Rn 0000nnnn00100010 - 1
STC MOD,Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. MOD → Rn 0000nnnn01010010 - 1
STC RE,Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. RE → Rn 0000nnnn01110010 - 1
STC RS,Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. RS → Rn 0000nnnn01100010 - 1
STC.L SR,@-Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. Rn – 4 → Rn, SR → (Rn) 0100nnnn00000011 - 2
STC.L GBR,@-Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. Rn – 4 → Rn, GBR → (Rn) 0100nnnn00010011 - 2 STC.L GBR,@-R15
STC.L VBR,@-Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. Rn – 4 → Rn, VBR → (Rn) 0100nnnn00100011 - 2
STC.L MOD,@-Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. Rn – 4 → Rn,MOD → (Rn) 0100nnnn01010011 - 2
STC.L RE,@-Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. Rn – 4 → Rn, RE → (Rn) 0100nnnn01110011 - 2
STC.L RS,@-Rn Store Control Register Stores control register into a specified destination. Rn – 4 → Rn, RS → (Rn) 0100nnnn01100011 - 2
STS MACH,Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination MACH → Rn 0000nnnn00001010 - 1 STS MACH,R0
STS MACL,Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination MACL → Rn 0000nnnn00011010 - 1
STS PR,Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination PR → Rn 0000nnnn00101010 - 1
STS DSR,Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination DSR → Rn 0000nnnn01101010 - 1
STS A0,Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination A0 → Rn 0000nnnn01111010 - 1
STS X0,Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination X0→Rn 0000nnnn10001010 - 1
STS X1,Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination X1→Rn 0000nnnn10011010 - 1
STS Y0,Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Y0→Rn 0000nnnn10101010 - 1
STS Y1,Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Y1→Rn 0000nnnn10111010 - 1
STS.L MACH,@–Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Rn – 4 → Rn,MACH → (Rn) 0100nnnn00000010 - 1
STS.L MACL,@–Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Rn – 4 → Rn,MACL → (Rn) 0100nnnn00010010 - 1
STS.L PR,@–Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Rn – 4 → Rn,PR → (Rn) 0100nnnn00100010 - 1 STS.L PR,@–R15
STS.L DSR,@–Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Rn – 4 → Rn,DSR → (Rn) 0100nnnn01100010 - 1
STS.L A0,@–Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Rn – 4 → Rn, A0 → (Rn) 0100nnnn01100010 - 1
STS.L X0,@-Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Rn–4→Rn,X0→(Rn) 0100nnnn10000010 - 1
STS.L X1,@-Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Rn–4→Rn,X1→(Rn) 0100nnnn10010010 - 1
STS.L Y0,@-Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Rn–4→Rn,Y0→(Rn) 0100nnnn10100010 - 1
STS.L Y1,@-Rn Store System Register Stores data from system register into a specified destination Rn–4→Rn,Y1→(Rn) 0100nnnn10110010 - 1
SUB Rm,Rn Subtract Binary Subtracts general register Rm data from Rn data, and stores the result in Rn. To Rn – Rm → Rn 0011nnnnmmmm1000 - 1 SUB R0,R1
subtract immediate data, use ADD #imm,Rn.
SUBC Rm,Rn Subtract with Carry Subtracts Rm data and the T bit value from general register Rn data, and stores the Rn – Rm– T → Rn, Borrow → T 0011nnnnmmmm1010 - 1 SUBC R3,R1
result in Rn. The T bit changes according to the result. This instruction is used for
subtraction of data that has more than 32 bits.
SUBV Rm,Rn Subtract with V Flag Subtracts Rm data from general register Rn data, and stores the result in Rn. If an Rn – Rm → Rn, underflow → T 0011nnnnmmmm1011 Under 1 SUBV R0,R1
Underflow Check underflow occurs, the T bit is set to 1. Flow
SWAP.B Rm,Rn Swap Register Halves Swaps the upper and lower bytes of the general register Rm data, and stores the Rm → Swap upper and lower halves 0110nnnnmmmm1000 - 1 SWAP.B R0,R1
result in Rn. If a byte is specified, bits 0 to 7 of Rm are swapped for bits 8 to 15. The of lower 2 bytes → Rn
SWAP.W Rm,Rn Swap Register Halves upper 16 bits of Rm are transferred to the upper 16 bits of Rn. If a word is specified, bits Rm → Swap upper and 0110nnnnmmmm1001 - 1 SWAP.W R0,R1
0 to 15 of Rm are swapped for bits 16 to 31. lower word → Rn
TAS.B @Rn Test and Set Reads byte data from the address specified by general register Rn, and sets the T bit When (Rn) is 0, 1 → T, 0100nnnn00011011 reslt 4 TAS.B @R7
to 1 if the data is 0, or clears the T bit to 0 if the data is not 0. Then, data bit 7 is set to 1, 1 → MSB of (Rn)
and the data is written to the address specified by Rn. During this operation, the bus is
not released.
TRAPA #imm Trap Always Starts the trap exception processing. The PC and SR values are stored on the stack, PC/SR → Stack area, 11000011iiiiiiii - 8 TRAPA #H'20
and the program branches to an address specified by the vector. The vector is a (imm × 4 + VBR) → PC
memory address obtained by zero-extending the 8-bit immediate *4 . The PC is the start
address of the next instruction. TRAPA and RTE are used for system calls.
TST Rm,Rn Test Logical Logically ANDs the contents of general registers Rn and Rm, and sets the T bit to 1 Rn & Rm, when result is 0, 1 → T 0010nnnnmmmm1000 reslt 1 TST R0,R0
TST #imm,R0 Test Logical if the result is 0 or clears the T bit to 0 if the result is not 0. The Rn data does not R0 & imm, when result is 0, 1 → T 11001000iiiiiiii reslt 1 TST #H'80,R0
TST.B #imm, @(R0,GBR) Test Logical change. The contents of general register R0 can also be ANDed with zero-extended 8- (R0 + GBR) & imm, 11001100iiiiiiii reslt 1 TST.B #H'A5,@(R0,GBR)
bit immediate data, or the contents of 8-bit memory accessed by indirect indexed GBR when result is 0, 1 → T
addressing can be ANDed with 8- bit immediate data. The R0 and memory data do not
XOR Rm,Rn Exclusive OR Logical Exclusive ORs the contents of general registers Rn and Rm, and stores the result in Rn ^ Rm → Rn 0010nnnnmmmm1010 - 1 XOR R0,R1
XOR #imm,R0 Exclusive OR Logical Rn. The contents of general register R0 can also be exclusive ORed with zero-extended R0 ^ imm → R0 11001010iiiiiiii - 1 XOR #H'F0,R0
XOR.B #imm,@(R0,GBR) Exclusive OR Logical 8-bit immediate data, or 8-bit memory accessed by indirect indexed GBR addressing (R0 + GBR) ^ imm → (R0 + GBR) 11001110iiiiiiii - 3 XOR.B #H'A5,@(R0,GBR)
can be exclusive ORed with 8-bit immediate data.
XTRCT Rm,Rn Extract Extracts the middle 32 bits from the 64 bits of coupled general registers Rm and Rn, Rm: Center 32 bits of Rn → Rn 0010nnnnmmmm1101 - 1 XTRCT R0,R1
and stores the 32 bits in Rn
IBM 370
Instruction Description Format Opcode Class Instruction Description Format Opcode Class Instruction Description Format Opcode Class
A R1,D2(X2,B2) Add RX 5A c SD R1,D2(X2,B2) Subtract Normalized (L) RX 6B c VLVCU GR1 Load VCT and Update RRE A645 NO C
AD R1,D2(X2,B2) Add Normalized (L) RX 6A c SDR R1,R2 Subtract Normalized (L) RR 2B c VLVM RS2 Load VMR VS A680 NC
ADR R1,R2 Add Normalized (L) RR 2A c SE R1,D2(X2,B2) Subtract Normalized (S) RX 7B c VLY VR1,RS2(RT2) Load Expanded VST A40B IC
AE R1,D2(X2,B2) Add Normalized (S) RX 7A c SER R1,R2 Subtract Normalized (S) RR 3B c VLYD VR1,RS2(RT2) Load Expanded (L) VST A41B IC
AER R1,R2 Add Normalized (S) RR 3A c SH R1,D2(X2,B2) Subtract Halfword RX 4B c VLYE VR1,RS2(RT2) Load Expanded (S) VST A40B IC
AH R1,D2(X2,B2) Add Halfword RX 4A c SIGP R1,R3,D2(B2) Signal Processor RS AE pc VLZDR VR1 Load Zero (L) VV A51B IC
AL R1,D2(X2,B2) Add Logical RX 5E c SIO D2(B2) Start I/O S 9C00 pc VLZER VR1 Load Zero (S) VV A50B IC
ALR R1,R2 Add Logical RR 1E c SIOF D2(B2) Start I/O Fast Release S 9C01 pc VLZR VR1 Load Zero VV A50B IC
AP D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) Add Decimal SS FA c SL R1,D2(X2,B2) Subtract Logical RX 5F c VM VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply VST A522 IM
AR R1,R2 Add RR 1A c SLA R1,D2(B2) Shift Left Single RS 8B c VMAD VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Add (L) VST A414 IM
AU R1,D2(X2.B2) Add Unnormalized (S) RX 7E c SLDA R1,D2(B2) Shift Left Double RS 8F c VMADQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Multiply and Add (L) QV A594 IM
AUR R1,R2 Add Unnormalized (S) RR 3E c SLDL R1,D2(B2) Shift Left Double Logical RS 8D VMADS VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Add (L) OST A494 IM
AW R1,D2(X2,B2) Add Unnormalized (L) RX 6E c SLL R1,D2(B2) Shift Left Single Logical RS 89 VMAE VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Add (S/L) VST A404 IM
AWR R1,R2 Add Unnormalized (L) RR 2E c SLR R1,R2 Subtract Logical RR 1F c VMAEQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Multiply and Add (S/L) QV A584 IM
AXR R1,R2 Add Normalized (E) RR 36 c SP D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) Subtract Decimal SS FB c VMAES VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Add (S/L) QST A484 IM
BAL R1,D2(X1,B2) Branch and Link RX 45 SPKA D2(B2) Set PSW Key from Address S B20A q VMCD VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Accumulate (L) VST A416 IM
BALR R1,R2 Branch and Link RR 05 SPM R1 Set Program Mask RR 04 n VMCDR VR1,VR3,VR2 Multiply and Accumulate (L) VV A516 IM
BAS R1,D2(X2.B2) Branch and Save RX 4D SPT D2,(B2) Set CPU Timer S B208 p VMCE VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Accumulate (S/L) VST A406 IM
BASR R1,R2 Branch and Save RR 0D SPX D2,(B2) Set Prefix S B210 p VMCER VR1,VR3,VR2 Multiply and Accumulate (S/L) VV A506 IM
BC M1,D2(X2.B2) Branch on Condition RS 47 SR R1,R2 Subtract RR 1B c VMD VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply (L) VST A412 IM
BCR M1,R2 Branch on Condition RR 07 SRA R1,D2(B2) Shift Right Single RS 8A c VMDQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Multiply (L) QV A592 IM
BCT R1,D2(X2.B2) Branch on Count RX 46 SRDA R1,D2(B2) Shift Right Double RS 8E c VMDR VR1,VR3,VR2 Multiply (L) VV A512 IM
BCTR R1,R2 Branch on Count RR 06 SRDL R1,D2(B2) Shift Right Double Logical RS 8C VMDS VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply (L) QST A492 IM
BXH R1,R3,D2(B2) Branch on Index High RS 86 SRL R1,D2(B2) Shift Right Single Logical RS 88 VME VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply (S/L) VST A402 IM
BXLE R1,R3,D2(B2) Branch on Index Low RS 87 SRP D1(L1.B1),D2(B2),l3 Shift and Round Decimal SS F0 c VMEQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Multiply (S/L) QV A582 IM
C R1,D2(X2,.B2) Compare RX 59 c SSAR R1 Set Secondary ASN RRE B225 q VMER VR1,VR3,VR2 Multiply (S/L) VV A502 IM
CD R1,D2(X2,B2) Compare (L) RX 69 c SSK R1,R2 Set Storage Key RR 08 p VMES VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply (S/L) QST A482 IM
CDR R1,R2 Compare (L) RR 29 c SSKE R1,R2 Set Storage Key Extended RRE B22B p VMNSD VR1,FR3,GR2 Minimum Signed (L) VR A611 IM
CDS R1,R3,D2(B2) Compare Double and Swap RS BB c SSM D2,(B2) Set System Mask S 80 p VMNSE VR1,FR3,GR2 Minimum Signed (S) VR A601 IM
CE R1,D2(X2,B2) Compare (S) RX 79 c ST R1,D2(X2,B2) Store RX 50 VMQ VR1,GR3,VR2 Multiply QV A5A2 IM
CER R1,R2 Compare (S) RR 39 c STAP D2,(B2) Store CPU Address S B212 p VMR VR1,VR3,VR2 Multiply VV A522 IM
CH R1,D2(X2,B2) Compare Halfword RX 49 c STC R1,D2(X2,B2) Store Character RX 42 VMRRS D2(B2) Restore VMR S A6C3 NZ
CL R1,D2(X2,B2) Compare Logical RX 55 c STCK D2,(B2) Store Clock S B205 c VMRSV D2(B2) Save VMR S A6C1 NZ
CLC D1,(L,B1),D2(B2) Compare Logical SS D5 c STCKC D2,(B2) Store Clock Comparator S B207 p VMS VR1,GR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply QST A5A2 IM
CLCL R1,R2 Compare Logical Long RR 0F ic STCM R1,M3,D2(B2) Store Characters under Mask RS BE VMSD VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Subtract (L) VST A415 IM
CLI D1(B1),l2 Compare Logical SI 95 c STCTL R1,R3,D2(B2) Store Control TS B6 p VMSDQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Multiply and Subtract (L) QV A595 IM
CLM R1,M3,D2(B2) Comp Logical Chars under Mask RS BD c STD R1,D2(X2,B2) Store (L) RX 60 VMSDS VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Subtract (L) QST A495 IM
CLR R1,R2 Compare Logical RR 15 c STE R1,D2(X2,B2) Store (S) RX 70 VMSE VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Subtract (S/L) VST A405 IM
CLRCH D2(B2) Clear Channel S 9F01 pc STH R1,D2(X2,B2) Store Halfword RX 40 VMSEQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Multiply and Subtract (S/L) QV A585 IM
CLRIO D2(B2) Clear I/O S 9D01 pc STIDC D2,(B2) Store Channel ID S B203 pc VMSES VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Multiply and Subtract (S/L) QST A485 IM
CONCS D2(B2) Connect Channel Set S B200 pc STIDP D2,(B2) Store CPU ID S B202 p VMXAD VR1,FR3,GR2 Maximum Absolute (L) VR A612 IM
CP D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) Compare Decimal SS F9 c STM R1,R3,D2(B2) Store Multiple RS 90 VMXAE VR1,FR3,GR2 Maximum Absolute (S) VR A602 IM
CR R1,R2 Compare RR 19 c STNSM D1(B1),l2 Store Then AND System Mask SI AC p VMXSD VR1,FR3.GR2 Maximum Signed (L) VR A610 IM
CS R1,R3,D2,(B2) Compare and Swap RS BA c STOSM D1(B1),l2 Store Then OR System Mask SI AD p VMXSE VR1,FR3,GR2 Maximum Signed (S) VR A600 IM
CVB R1,D2(X2.B2) Convert to Binary RX 4F STPT D2,(B2) Store CPU Timer S B209 p VN VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) AND VST A424 IM
CVD R1,D2(X2,B2) Convert to Decimal RX 4E STPX D2,(B2) Store Prefix S B211 p VNQ VR1,GR3,VR2 AND QV A5A4 IM
D R1,D2(X2,B2) Divide RX 5D SU R1,D2(X2,B2) Subtract Unnormalized (S) RX 7F VNR VR1,VR3,VR2 AND VV A524 IM
DD R1,D2(X2,B2) Divide (L) RX 5D SUR R1,R2 Subtract Unnormalized (S) RR 3F VNS VR1,GR3,RS2(RT2) AND QST A4A4 IM
DDR R1,R2 Divide (L) RR 2D SVC I Supervisor Call RR 0A VNVM RS2 AND to VMR VS A684 NC
DE R1,D2(X2,B2) Divide (S) RX 7D SW R1,D2(X2,B2) Subtract Unnormalized (L) RX 6F VO VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) OR VST A425 IM
DER R1,R2 Divide (S) RR 3D SWR R1,R2 Subtract Unnormalized (L) RR 2F BOQ VR1,GR3,VR2 OR QV A5A5 IM
DISCS D2(B2) Disconnect Channel Set S B201 pc SXR R1,R2 Subtract Normalized (E) RR 37 VOR VR1,VR3,VR2 OR VV A525 IM
DP D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) Divide Decimal SS FD TB R1,R2 Test Block RRE B22C ipc VOS VR1,GR3,RS2(RT2) OR QST A5A5 IM
DR R1,R2 Divide RR 1D TCH D2(B2) Test Channel S 9F00 pc VOVM RS2 OR to VMR VS A685 NC
ED D1,Ll,B1),D2(B2) Edit SS DE c TIO D2(B2) Test I/O S 9D00 pc VRCL D2(82) Clear VR S A6C5 IZ
EDMK D1(L,B1),D2(B2) Edit and Mark SS DF c TM D1(B1),I2 Test under Mask SI 91 c VRRS GR1 Restore VR RRE A648 IZ XC
EPAR R1 Extract Primary ASN RRE B226 q TPROT D1(B1),D2(B2) Test Protection SSE E501 pc VRSV GR1 Save VR RRE A64A IZ C
ESAR R1 Extract Secondary ASN RRE B227 q TR D1(L,B1),D2(B2) Translate SS DC VRSVC GR1 Save Changed VR RRE A649 IZ PC
EX R1,D2(X2,B2) Execute RX 44 TRT D1(L,B1),D2(B2) Translate and Test SS DD c VS VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Subtract VST A421 IM
HDR R1,R2 Halve (L) RR 24 TS D2(B2) Test and Set S 93 c VSD VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Subtract (L) VST A411 IM
HDV D2(B2) Halt Device S 9E01 pc UNPK D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) Unpack SS F3 VSDQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Subtract (L) QV A591 IM
HER R1,R2 Halve (S) RR 34 VA VR1, VR3,RS2(RT2) Add VST A420 IM VSDR VR1,VR3,VR2 Subtract (L) VV A511 IM
HIO D2(B2) Halt I/O S 9E00 pc VACD VR1,RS2(RT2) Accumulate (L) VST A417 IM VSDS VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Subtract (L) QST A491 IM
IAC R1 Insert Address Space Control RRE B224 qp VACDR VR1,VR2 Accumulate (L) VV A517 IM VSE VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Subtract (S) VST A401 IM
IC R1,D2(X2,B2) Insert Character RX 43 VACE VR1,RS2(RT2) Accumulate (S/L) VST A407 IM VSEQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Subtract (S) QV A581 IM
ICM R1,M3,D2(B2) Insert Characters under Mask RS BS c VACER VR1,VR2 Accumulate (S/L) VV A507 IM VSER VR1,VR3,VR2 Subtract (S) VV A501 IM
IPK Insert PSW Key S B20B q VACRS D2(B2) Restore VAC S A6CB NO P VSES VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Subtract (S) QST A481 IM
IPTE R1,R2 Invalidate Page Table Entry RRE B221 p VACSV D2(B2) Save VAC S A6CA NO P VSLL VR1, VR3,D2(B2) Shift Left Single Logical RSE E425 IM
ISK R1,R2 Insert Storage Key RR 09 p VAD VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Add (L) VST A410 IM VSPSD VR1,FR2 Sum Partial Sums (L) VR A61A ipc
ISKE R1,R2 Insert Storage Key Extended RRE B229 p VADQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Add (L) QV A490 IM VSQ VR1,GR3,VR2 Subtract QV A5A1 IM
IVSK R1,R2 Insert Virtual Storage Key RRE B223 q VADR VR1,VR3,VR2 Add (L) VV A510 IM VSR VR1,VR3.VR2 Subtract VV A521 IM
L R1,D2(X2,B2) Load RX 58 VADS VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Add (L) QST A490 IM VSRL VR1,VRa,D2(B2) Shift Right Single Logical RSE E424 IM
LA R1,D2(X2,B2) Load Address RX 41 VAE VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Add (S) VST A400 IM VSRRS D2(B2) Restore VSR S A6C2 IZ X
LASP D1(B1),D2(B2) Load Address Space Parameters SSE E500 pc VAEQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Add (S) QV A580 IM VS RSV D2(B2) Save VSR S A6C0 NO X
LCDR R1,R2 Load Complement (L) RR 23 c VAER VR1, VR3,VR2 Add (S) VV A500 IM VSS VR1,GR3,RS2(RT2) Subtract QST A4A1 IM
LCER R1,R2 Load Complement (S) RR 33 c VAES VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Add (S) QST A480 IM VST VR1,RS2(RT2) Store VST A40D IC
LCR R1,R2 Load Complement RR 13 c VAQ VR1,GR3,VR2 Add QV A5A0 IM VSTD VR1,RS2(RT2) Store (L) VST A41D IC
LCTL R1,R3,D2(B2) Load Control RS B7 p VAR VR1,VR3,VR2 Add VV A520 IM VSTE VR1,RS2(RT2) Store (S) VST A40D IC
LD R1,D2(X2,B2) Load (L) RX 68 VAS VR1,GR3,RS2(RT2) Add QST A4A0 IM VSTH VR1,RS2(RT2) Store Halfword VST A42D IC
LDR R1,R2 Load (L) RR 28 VC M1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Compare VST A428 IC VSTI VR1,VR3,D2(B2) Store Indirect RSE E401 IC
LE R1,D2(X2,B2) Load (S) RX 78 VCD M1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Compare (L) VST A418 IC VSTID VR1,VR3,D2(B2) Store Indirect (L) RSE R411 IC
LER R1,R2 Load (S) RR 38 VCDQ M1,FR3,VR2 Compare (L) QV A598 IC VSTIE VR1,VR3,D2(B2) Store Indirect (S) RSE R401 IC
LH R1,D2(X2,B2) Load Halfword RX 48 VCDR M1,VR3,VR2 Compare (L) VV A518 IC VSTK VR1,RS2(RT2) Store Compressed VST A40F IC
LM R1,R2,D2(B2) Load Multiple RS 98 VCDS M1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Compare (L) QST A498 IC VSTKD VR1,RS2(RT2) Store Compressed (L) VST A41F IC
LNDR R1,R2 Load Negative (L) RR 21 c VCE M1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Compare (S) VST A408 IC VSTKE VR1,RS2(RT2) Store Compressed (S) VST A40F IC
LNER R1,R2 Load Negative (S) RR 31 c VCEQ M1,FR3,VR2 Compare (S) QV A588 IC VSTM VR1,RS2(RT2) Store Matched VST A40E IC
LNR R1,R2 Load Negative RR 11 c VCER M1,VR3,VR2 Compare (S) VV A508 IC VSTMD VR1,RS2(RT2) Store Matched (L) VST A41E IC
LPDR R1,R2 Load Positive (L) RR 20 c VCES M1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Compare (S) QST A488 IC VSTME VR1,RS2(RT2) Store Matched (S) VST A40E IC
LPER R1,R2 Load Positive (S) RR 30 c VCOVM GR1 Count Ones in VMR RRE A643 NC C VSTVM RS2 Store VMR VS A682 NC
LPR R1,R2 Load Positive RR 10 c VCQ M1,GR3,VR2 Compare QV A5A8 IC VSTVP D2(B2) Store Vector Parameters S A6C8 NO
LPSW D2(B2) Load PSW S 82 pn VCR M1.VR3,VR2 Compare VV A528 IC VSVMM D2(B2) Set Vector Mask Mode S A6C6 NO
LR R1,R2 Load RR 18 VCS M1,GR3,RS2(RT2) Compare QST A4A8 IC VTVM Test VMR RRE A640 NC C
LRA R1,D2(X2,B2) Load Real Address RX B1 pc VCVM Complement VMR RRE A641 NC VX VR1, VR3,RS2(RT2) Exclusive OR VST A426 IM
LRDR R1,R2 Load Rounded (E/L) RR 25 VCZVM GR1 Count Left Zeros in VMR RRE A642 NC C VXEL VR1 ,GR3,GR2 Extract Element VR A629 N1
LRER R1,R2 Load Rounded (L/S) RR 35 VDD VR1, VR3,RS2(RT2) Divide (L) VST A413 IM VXELD VR1,FR3,GR2 Extract Element (L) VR A619 N1
LTDR R1,R2 Load and Test (L) RR 22 c VDDQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Divide (L) QV A493 IM VXELE VR1,FR3,GR2 Extract Element (S) VR A609 N1
LTER R1,R2 Load and Test (S) RR 32 c VDDR VR1,VR3,VR2 Divide (L) VV A513 IM VXQ VR1,GR3,VR2 Exclusive OR QV A5A6 IM
LTR R1,R2 Load and Test RR 12 c VDDS VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Divide (L) QST A493 IM VXR VR1,VR3,VR2 Exclusive OR VV A526 IM
M R1,D2(X2,B2) Multiply RX 5C VDE VR1,VR3,RS2(RT2) Divide (S) VST A403 IM VXS VR1,GR3,RS2(RT2) Exclusive OR QST A4A6 IM
MC D1(B1),l2 Monitor Call SI AF VDEQ VR1,FR3,VR2 Divide (S) QV A583 IM VXVC GR1 Extract VCT RRE A644 NO
MD R1,D2(X2,B2) Multiply (L) RX 6C VDER VR1,VR3,VR2 Divide (S) VV A503 IM VXVM RS2 Exclusive OR to VMR VS A686 NC
MDR R1,R2 Multiply (L) RR 2C VDES VR1,FR3,RS2(RT2) Divide (S) QST A483 IM VXVMM GR1 Extract Vector Mask Mode RRE A646 NO
ME R1,D2(X2,B2) Multiply (S/L) RX 7C VL VR1,RS2(RT2) Load VST VST A409 IC VZPSO VR1 Zero Partial Sums (L) VR A61B IP
MER R1,R2 Multiply (S/L) RR 3C VLBIX VR1,GR3,D2(B2) Load Bit Index RSE E428 IG C WRD D1(B1),l2 Write Direct SI 84 P
MH R1,D2(X2,B2) Multiply Halfword RX 4C VLCDR VR1,VR2 Load Complement (L) VV A552 IM X R1,D2(X2,B2) Exclusive OR RX 57 C
MP D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) Multiply Decimal SS FC VLCER VR1,VR2 Load Complement (S) VV A542 IM XC D1(L,B1),D2(B2) Exclusive OR SS D7 C
MR R1,R2 Multiply RR 1C VLCR VR1,VR2 Load Complement VV A562 IM XI D1(B1),l2 Exclusive OR SI 97 C
MVC D1(L,B1),D2(B2) Move SS D2 VLCVM RS2 Load VMR Complement VS A681 NC XR R1,R2 Exclusive OR RR 17 C
MVCIN D1(L,B1),D2(B2) Move Inverse SS E8 VLD VR1,RS2(RT2) Load (L) VST A419 IC ZAP D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) Zero and Add SS F8 C
MVCK D1(R1,B1),D2(B2),R3 Move with Key SS D9 qc VLDO VR1,FR2 Load (L) QV A599 IC Model-dependent Diagnose - 83 PY
MVCL R1,R2 Move Long RR 0E ic VLDR VR1,VR2 Load (L) VV A519 IC
MVCP D1(R1,B1),D2(B2),R3 Move to Primary SS DA qc VLE VR1,RS2(RT2) Load (S) VST A409 IC c. Condition code set.
MVCS D1(R1,B1),D2(B2),R3 Move to Secondary SS DB qc VLEL VR1,GR3,GR2 Load Element VR A628 N1 i. Interruptible instruction.
MVI D1(B1),L2 Move SI 92 VLELD VR1,FR3,GR2 Load Element (L) VR A618 N1 n. New condition code loaded.
MVN D1(L,B1),D2(B2) Move Numerics SS D1 VLELE VR1,FR3,GR2 Load Element (S) VR S608 N1 p. Privileged instruction.
MVO D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) Move with Offset SS F1 VLEQ VR1.FR2 Load (S) QV A608 IC q. Semiprivileged instruction.
MVZ D1(L,B1),D2(B2) Move Zones SS D3 VLER VR1,VR2 Load (S) VV A589 IC x. Execution in problem state and supervisor state differs.
MXD R1,D2(X2,B2) Multiply (L/E) RX 67 VLH VR1,RS2(RT2) Load Halfword VST A429 IC y. Condition code may be set.
MXDR R1,R2 Multiply (L/E) RR 27 VLI VR1, VR3,D2(B2) Load Indirect RSE E400 IC
MXR R1,R2 Multiply (E) RR 26 VLID VR1,VR3,D2(B2) Load Indirect (L) RSE E410 IC Floating-point operand lengths: Notes:
N R1,D2(X2,B2) AND RX 54 c VLIE VR1, VR3,D2(B2) Load Indirect (S) RSE E400 IC (E) Extended source and result.
NC D1(L,B1 ),D2(B2) AND SS D4 c VLINT VR1,RS2(RT2) Load Integer Vector VST A42A IC (E/L) Extended source, long result.
NI D1(B1),l2 AND SI 94 c VLM VR1,RS2(RT2) Load Matched VST A40A IC (L/E) Long source, extended result.
NR R1,R2 AND RR 14 c VLMD VR1,RS2(RT2) Load Matched (L) VST A41A IC (L) Long source and result.
O R1,D2(X2,B2) OR RX 56 c VLMDQ VR1,FR2 Load Matched (L) QV A59A IC (L/S) Long source, short result.
OC D1(L,B1 ),D2(B2) OR SS D6 c VLMDR VR1,VR2 Load Matched (L) VV A51A IC (S/L) Short source, long result.
OI D1(B1l.l2 OR SI 96 c VLME VR1,RS2(RT2) Load Matched (S) VST A40A IC (S) Short source and result.
OR R1,R2 OR RR 16 c VLMEQ VR1,FR2 Load Matched (S) QV A58A IC
PACK D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) Pack SS F2 VLMER VR1,VR2 Load Matched (S) VV A50A IC Class (for instructions subject to vector-control bit, CR 0 bit 14)
PC D2(B2) Program Call S B218 q VLMQ VR1,GR2 Load Matched QV A5AA IC IC: Interruptible; IVCT - VIX) elements processed.
PT R1,R2 Program Transfer RRE B228 q VLMR VR1,VR2 Load Matched VV A50A IC IG: Interruptible; either (bit count in a general register) elements
PTLB Purge TLB S B20D p VLNDR VR1,VR2 Load Negative (L) VV A551 IM or (section-size - VIX) elements processed, whichever is fewer.
RDD D1(B1).I2 Read Direct SI 85 p VLNER VR1,VR2 Load Negative (S) VV A541 IM IM: Interruptible; (VCT - VIX) elements processed, vector-mask mode.
RIO D2(B2) Resume I/O S 9C02 pc VLNR VR1,VR2 Load Negative VV A561 IM IP: Interruptible; (partial-sum-number - VIX) elements processed.
RRB D2(B2) Reset Reference Bit S B213 pc VLPDR VR1,VR2 Load Positive (L) VV A550 IM IZ: Interruptible; (section-size) elements processed.
RABE R1,R2 Reset Reference Bit Extended RRE B22A pc VLPER VR1,VR2 Load Positive (S) VV A540 IM NC: Not interruptible; (VCT) elements processed.
S R1,D2(X2,B2) Subtract RX 5B c VLPR VR1,VR2 Load Positive VV A560 IM NZ: Not interruptible; (section-size) elements processed.
SAC D2(B2) Set Address Space Control S B219 q VLQ VR1,GR2 Load QV A5A9 IC NO: Not interruptible; no elements processed (VSRIVAC housekeeping).
SCK D2(B2) Set Clock S B204 pc VLR VR1,VR2 Load VV A509 IC N1: Not interruptible; one element processed.
SCKC D2(B2) Set Clock Comparator S B206 p VLVCA D2(B2) Load VCT from Address S A6C4 NO C
Bases 1

Ctrl Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary Asc Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary Asc Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary Asc Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary Asc
NULL 0 0 00 ### 00000000 32 -224 20 040 00100000 64 -192 40 100 01000000 @ 96 ### 60 140 01100000 `
SOH 1 -255 01 ### 00000001 ☺ 33 -223 21 041 00100001 ! 65 -191 41 101 01000001 A 97 ### 61 141 01100001 a
STX 2 -254 02 ### 00000010 ☻ 34 -222 22 042 00100010 " 66 -190 42 102 01000010 B 98 ### 62 142 01100010 b
ETX 3 -253 03 ### 00000011 ♥ 35 -221 23 043 00100011 # 67 -189 43 103 01000011 C 99 ### 63 143 01100011 c
EOT 4 -252 04 ### 00000100 ♦ 36 -220 24 044 00100100 $ 68 -188 44 104 01000100 D 100 ### 64 144 01100100 d
ENQ 5 -251 05 ### 00000101 ♣ 37 -219 25 045 00100101 % 69 -187 45 105 01000101 E 101 ### 65 145 01100101 e
ACK 6 -250 06 ### 00000110 ♠ 38 -218 26 046 00100110 & 70 -186 46 106 01000110 F 102 ### 66 146 01100110 f
BEL 7 -249 07 ### 00000111 • 39 -217 27 047 00100111 ' 71 -185 47 107 01000111 G 103 ### 67 147 01100111 g
BS 8 -248 08 ### 00001000 ◘ 40 -216 28 050 00101000 ( 72 -184 48 110 01001000 H 104 ### 68 150 01101000 h
TAB 9 -247 09 ### 00001001 ○ 41 -215 29 051 00101001 ) 73 -183 49 111 01001001 I 105 ### 69 151 01101001 i
LF 10 -246 0A ### 00001010 ◙ 42 -214 2A 052 00101010 * 74 -182 4A 112 01001010 J 106 ### 6A 152 01101010 j
VT 11 -245 0B ### 00001011 ♂ 43 -213 2B 053 00101011 + 75 -181 4B 113 01001011 K 107 ### 6B 153 01101011 k
FF 12 -244 0C ### 00001100 ♀ 44 -212 2C 054 00101100 , 76 -180 4C 114 01001100 L 108 ### 6C 154 01101100 l
CR 13 -243 0D ### 00001101 ♪ 45 -211 2D 055 00101101 - 77 -179 4D 115 01001101 M 109 ### 6D 155 01101101 m
SO 14 -242 0E ### 00001110 ♫ 46 -210 2E 056 00101110 . 78 -178 4E 116 01001110 N 110 ### 6E 156 01101110 n
SI 15 -241 0F ### 00001111 ☼ 47 -209 2F 057 00101111 / 79 -177 4F 117 01001111 O 111 ### 6F 157 01101111 o
DLE 16 -240 10 ### 00010000 ► 48 -208 30 060 00110000 0 80 -176 50 120 01010000 P 112 ### 70 160 01110000 p
DC1 17 -239 11 ### 00010001 ◄ 49 -207 31 061 00110001 1 81 -175 51 121 01010001 Q 113 ### 71 161 01110001 q
DC2 18 -238 12 ### 00010010 ↕ 50 -206 32 062 00110010 2 82 -174 52 122 01010010 R 114 ### 72 162 01110010 r
DC3 19 -237 13 ### 00010011 ‼ 51 -205 33 063 00110011 3 83 -173 53 123 01010011 S 115 ### 73 163 01110011 s
DC4 20 -236 14 ### 00010100 ¶ 52 -204 34 064 00110100 4 84 -172 54 124 01010100 T 116 ### 74 164 01110100 t
NAK 21 -235 15 ### 00010101 § 53 -203 35 065 00110101 5 85 -171 55 125 01010101 U 117 ### 75 165 01110101 u
SYN 22 -234 16 ### 00010110 ▬ 54 -202 36 066 00110110 6 86 -170 56 126 01010110 V 118 ### 76 166 01110110 v
ETB 23 -233 17 ### 00010111 ↨ 55 -201 37 067 00110111 7 87 -169 57 127 01010111 W 119 ### 77 167 01110111 w
CAN 24 -232 18 ### 00011000 ↑ 56 -200 38 070 00111000 8 88 -168 58 130 01011000 X 120 ### 78 170 01111000 x
EN 25 -231 19 ### 00011001 ↓ 57 -199 39 071 00111001 9 89 -167 59 131 01011001 Y 121 ### 79 171 01111001 y
SUB 26 -230 1A ### 00011010 → 58 -198 3A 072 00111010 : 90 -166 5A 132 01011010 Z 122 ### 7A 172 01111010 z
ESC 27 -229 1B ### 00011011 ← 59 -197 3B 073 00111011 ; 91 -165 5B 133 01011011 [ 123 ### 7B 173 01111011 {
DS 28 -228 1C ### 00011100 ∟ 60 -196 3C 074 00111100 < 92 -164 5C 134 01011100 \ 124 ### 7C 174 01111100 |
GS 29 -227 1D ### 00011101 ↔ 61 -195 3D 075 00111101 = 93 -163 5D 135 01011101 ] 125 ### 7D 175 01111101 }
RS 30 -226 1E ### 00011110 ▲ 62 -194 3E 076 00111110 > 94 -162 5E 136 01011110 ^ 126 ### 7E 176 01111110 ~
US 31 -225 1F ### 00011111 ▼ 63 -193 3F 077 00111111 ? 95 -161 5F 137 01011111 _ 127 ### 7F 177 01111111 

Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary Asc Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary Asc Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary Asc Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary Asc
128 -128 80 200 10000000 Ç 160 -96 A0 240 10100000 á 192 -64 C0 300 11000000 └ 224 -32 E0 340 11100000 α
129 -127 81 201 10000001 ü 161 -95 A1 241 10100001 í 193 -63 C1 301 11000001 ┴ 225 -31 E1 341 11100001 ß
130 -126 82 202 10000010 é 162 -94 A2 242 10100010 ó 194 -62 C2 302 11000010 ┬ 226 -30 E2 342 11100010 Γ
131 -125 83 203 10000011 â 163 -93 A3 243 10100011 ú 195 -61 C3 303 11000011 ├ 227 -29 E3 343 11100011 π
132 -124 84 204 10000100 ä 164 -92 A4 244 10100100 ñ 196 -60 C4 304 11000100 ─ 228 -28 E4 344 11100100 Σ
133 -123 85 205 10000101 à 165 -91 A5 245 10100101 Ñ 197 -59 C5 305 11000101 ┼ 229 -27 E5 345 11100101 σ
134 -122 86 206 10000110 å 166 -90 A6 246 10100110 ª 198 -58 C6 306 11000110 ╞ 230 -26 E6 346 11100110 µ
135 -121 87 207 10000111 ç 167 -89 A7 247 10100111 º 199 -57 C7 307 11000111 ╟ 231 -25 E7 347 11100111 τ
136 -120 88 210 10001000 ê 168 -88 A8 250 10101000 ¿ 200 -56 C8 310 11001000 ╚ 232 -24 E8 350 11101000 Φ
137 -119 89 211 10001001 ë 169 -87 A9 251 10101001 ⌐ 201 -55 C9 311 11001001 ╔ 233 -23 E9 351 11101001 Θ
138 -118 8A 212 10001010 è 170 -86 AA 252 10101010 ¬ 202 -54 CA 312 11001010 ╩ 234 -22 EA 352 11101010 Ω
139 -117 8B 213 10001011 ï 171 -85 AB 253 10101011 ½ 203 -53 CB 313 11001011 ╦ 235 -21 EB 353 11101011 δ
140 -116 8C 214 10001100 î 172 -84 AC 254 10101100 ¼ 204 -52 CC 314 11001100 ╠ 236 -20 EC 354 11101100 ∞
141 -115 8D 215 10001101 ì 173 -83 AD 255 10101101 ¡ 205 -51 CD 315 11001101 ═ 237 -19 ED 355 11101101 φ
142 -114 8E 216 10001110 Ä 174 -82 AE 256 10101110 « 206 -50 CE 316 11001110 ╬ 238 -18 EE 356 11101110 ε
143 -113 8F 217 10001111 Å 175 -81 AF 257 10101111 » 207 -49 CF 317 11001111 ╧ 239 -17 EF 357 11101111 ∩
144 -112 90 220 10010000 É 176 -80 B0 260 10110000 ░ 208 -48 D0 320 11010000 ╨ 240 -16 F0 360 11110000 ≡
145 -111 91 221 10010001 æ 177 -79 B1 261 10110001 ▒ 209 -47 D1 321 11010001 ╤ 241 -15 F1 361 11110001 ±
146 -110 92 222 10010010 Æ 178 -78 B2 262 10110010 ▓ 210 -46 D2 322 11010010 ╥ 242 -14 F2 362 11110010 ≥
147 -109 93 223 10010011 ô 179 -77 B3 263 10110011 │ 211 -45 D3 323 11010011 ╙ 243 -13 F3 363 11110011 ≤
148 -108 94 224 10010100 ö 180 -76 B4 264 10110100 ┤ 212 -44 D4 324 11010100 ╘ 244 -12 F4 364 11110100 ⌠
149 -107 95 225 10010101 ò 181 -75 B5 265 10110101 ╡ 213 -43 D5 325 11010101 ╒ 245 -11 F5 365 11110101 ⌡
150 -106 96 226 10010110 û 182 -74 B6 266 10110110 ╢ 214 -42 D6 326 11010110 ╓ 246 -10 F6 366 11110110 ÷
151 -105 97 227 10010111 ù 183 -73 B7 267 10110111 ╖ 215 -41 D7 327 11010111 ╫ 247 -9 F7 367 11110111 ≈
152 -104 98 230 10011000 ÿ 184 -72 B8 270 10111000 ╕ 216 -40 D8 330 11011000 ╪ 248 -8 F8 370 11111000 °
153 -103 99 231 10011001 Ö 185 -71 B9 271 10111001 ╣ 217 -39 D9 331 11011001 ┘ 249 -7 F9 371 11111001 ∙
154 -102 9A 232 10011010 Ü 186 -70 BA 272 10111010 ║ 218 -38 DA 332 11011010 ┌ 250 -6 FA 372 11111010 ·
155 -101 9B 233 10011011 ¢ 187 -69 BB 273 10111011 ╗ 219 -37 DB 333 11011011 █ 251 -5 FB 373 11111011 √
156 -100 9C 234 10011100 £ 188 -68 BC 274 10111100 ╝ 220 -36 DC 334 11011100 ▄ 252 -4 FC 374 11111100 ⁿ
157 -99 9D 235 10011101 ¥ 189 -67 BD 275 10111101 ╜ 221 -35 DD 335 11011101 ▌ 253 -3 FD 375 11111101 ²
158 -98 9E 236 10011110 ₧ 190 -66 BE 276 10111110 ╛ 222 -34 DE 336 11011110 ▐ 254 -2 FE 376 11111110 ■
159 -97 9F 237 10011111 ƒ 191 -65 BF 277 10111111 ┐ 223 -33 DF 337 11011111 ▀ 255 -1 FF 377 11111111  
Bases 2

Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary Dec Neg Hex Oct Binary
0 0 0000 000000 00000000 00000000 0 0 0000 000000 00000000 00000000

1 -65535 0001 000001 00000000 00000001 2,048 -63488 0800 004000 00001000 00000000

2 -65534 0002 000002 00000000 00000010 4,096 -61440 1000 010000 00010000 00000000

4 -65532 0004 000004 00000000 00000100 6,144 -59392 1800 014000 00011000 00000000

8 -65528 0008 000010 00000000 00001000 8,192 -57344 2000 020000 00100000 00000000

16 -65520 0010 000020 00000000 00010000 10,240 -55296 2800 024000 00101000 00000000

32 -65504 0020 000040 00000000 00100000 12,288 -53248 3000 030000 00110000 00000000

64 -65472 0040 000100 00000000 01000000 14,336 -51200 3800 034000 00111000 00000000

128 -65408 0080 000200 00000000 10000000 16,384 -49152 4000 040000 01000000 00000000

192 -65344 00C0 000300 00000000 11000000 18,432 -47104 4800 044000 01001000 00000000

256 -65280 0100 000400 00000001 00000000 20,480 -45056 5000 050000 01010000 00000000

320 -65216 0140 000500 00000001 01000000 22,528 -43008 5800 054000 01011000 00000000

384 -65152 0180 000600 00000001 10000000 24,576 -40960 6000 060000 01100000 00000000

448 -65088 01C0 000700 00000001 11000000 26,624 -38912 6800 064000 01101000 00000000

512 -65024 0200 001000 00000010 00000000 28,672 -36864 7000 070000 01110000 00000000

576 -64960 0240 001100 00000010 01000000 30,720 -34816 7800 074000 01111000 00000000

640 -64896 0280 001200 00000010 10000000 32,768 -32768 8000 100000 10000000 00000000

704 -64832 02C0 001300 00000010 11000000 34,816 -30720 8800 104000 10001000 00000000

768 -64768 0300 001400 00000011 00000000 36,864 -28672 9000 110000 10010000 00000000

832 -64704 0340 001500 00000011 01000000 38,912 -26624 9800 114000 10011000 00000000

896 -64640 0380 001600 00000011 10000000 40,960 -24576 A000 120000 10100000 00000000

960 -64576 03C0 001700 00000011 11000000 43,008 -22528 A800 124000 10101000 00000000

1,024 -64512 0400 002000 00000100 00000000 45,056 -20480 B000 130000 10110000 00000000

1,088 -64448 0440 002100 00000100 01000000 47,104 -18432 B800 134000 10111000 00000000

1,152 -64384 0480 002200 00000100 10000000 49,152 -16384 C000 140000 11000000 00000000

1,216 -64320 04C0 002300 00000100 11000000 51,200 -14336 C800 144000 11001000 00000000

1,280 -64256 0500 002400 00000101 00000000 53,248 -12288 D000 150000 11010000 00000000

1,344 -64192 0540 002500 00000101 01000000 55,296 -10240 D800 154000 11011000 00000000

1,408 -64128 0580 002600 00000101 10000000 57,344 -8192 E000 160000 11100000 00000000

1,472 -64064 05C0 002700 00000101 11000000 59,392 -6144 E800 164000 11101000 00000000

1,536 -64000 0600 003000 00000110 00000000 61,440 -4096 F000 170000 11110000 00000000

1,600 -63936 0640 003100 00000110 01000000 63,488 -2048 F800 174000 11111000 00000000

1,664 -63872 0680 003200 00000110 10000000 65,535 -1 FFFF 177777 11111111 11111111

1,728 -63808 06C0 003300 00000110 11000000

1,792 -63744 0700 003400 00000111 00000000 16,777,215 FFFFFF 77777777 24 Bit
1,856 -63680 0740 003500 00000111 01000000 4,294,967,295 FFFFFFFF 3.7778E+10 32 Bit
1,920 -63616 0780 003600 00000111 10000000

1,984 -63552 07C0 003700 00000111 11000000

2,048 -63488 0800 004000 00001000 00000000

Colors & Resolutions

Screen Bytes Hex Size (K) Tile/Sprite Bytes Hex

256x192 256 color 49,152 C000 48K 8x8 2 color 8 08
256x192 16 color 24,576 6000 24K 8x8 4 color 16 10
256x192 8 color 18,432 4800 18K 8x8 8 color 24 18
256x192 4 color 12,288 3000 12K 8x8 16 color 32 20
256x192 2 color 6,144 1800 6K 8x8 256 color 64 40
16x16 2 color 32 20
Screen Bytes Hex Size (K) 16x16 4 color 64 40
320x200 256 color 64,000 FA00 64K 16x16 8 color 96 60
320x200 16 color 32,000 7D00 32K 16x16 16 color 128 80
320x200 8 color 24,000 5DC0 24K 16x16 256 color 256 100
320x200 4 color 16,000 3E80 16K
320x200 2 color 8,000 1F40 8K

Screen Bytes Hex Size (K)

32x32 Word Tiles 2,048 0800 2K
32x24 Word Tiles 1,536 0600 1.5K
32x32 Byte Tiles 1,024 0400 1K
32x24 Byte Tiles 768 0300 0.7K

Common Color combinations Systems such as the ZX Spectrum, Camputers Lynx

Fujitsu FM-7 and Sinclair QL use a palette based on
Color -RGB Combinations of 3 primary color channel bitplanes:
Red -F00
Green -0F0 Color Number -GRB
Blue -00F Black 0 -000
Blue 1 -001
Cyan -FF0 Red 2 -010
Magenta -F0F Magenta 3 -011
Yellow -FF0 Green 4 -100
Cyan 5 -101
Black -000 Yellow 6 -110
Grey -888 White 7 -111
White -FFF

Orange -F80
Pink -F88
Lilac -88F
Sky Blue -08F
Purple -80F

Byte Byte
0 0 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.571 0.000 #NUM! 1.000 #NUM! 0 0
15 0.262 0.259 0.966 0.268 0.259 0.262 1.309 0.253 3.864 1.035 3.732 11 33
30 π/6 0.524 0.500 0.866 0.577 0.500 0.524 1.047 0.464 2.000 1.155 1.732 21 64
45 π/4 0.785 0.707 0.707 1.000 0.707 0.785 0.785 0.615 1.414 1.414 1.000 32 90
60 π/3 1.047 0.866 0.500 1.732 0.866 1.047 0.524 0.714 1.155 2.000 0.577 43 110
75 1.309 0.966 0.259 3.732 0.966 1.309 0.262 0.768 1.035 3.864 0.268 53 123
90 π/2 1.571 1.000 0.000 ### 1.000 1.571 0.000 0.785 1.000 ### 0.000 64 127
105 1.833 0.966 -0.259 -3.732 0.966 1.309 0.262 0.768 1.035 -3.864 -0.268 75 123
120 2π/3 2.094 0.866 -0.500 -1.732 0.866 1.047 0.524 0.714 1.155 -2.000 -0.577 85 110
135 3π/4 2.356 0.707 -0.707 -1.000 0.707 0.785 0.785 0.615 1.414 -1.414 -1.000 96 90
150 5π/6 2.618 0.500 -0.866 -0.577 0.500 0.524 1.047 0.464 2.000 -1.155 -1.732 107 64
165 2.880 0.259 -0.966 -0.268 0.259 0.262 1.309 0.253 3.864 -1.035 -3.732 117 33
180 π 3.142 0.000 -1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.571 0.000 ### -1.000 ### 128 0
195 3.403 -0.259 -0.966 0.268 -0.259 -0.262 1.833 -0.253 -3.864 -1.035 3.732 139 -33
210 3.665 -0.500 -0.866 0.577 -0.500 -0.524 2.094 -0.464 -2.000 -1.155 1.732 149 -64
225 3.927 -0.707 -0.707 1.000 -0.707 -0.785 2.356 -0.615 -1.414 -1.414 1.000 160 -90
240 4.189 -0.866 -0.500 1.732 -0.866 -1.047 2.618 -0.714 -1.155 -2.000 0.577 171 -110
255 4.451 -0.966 -0.259 3.732 -0.966 -1.309 2.880 -0.768 -1.035 -3.864 0.268 181 -123
270 3π/2 4.712 -1.000 0.000 ### -1.000 -1.571 3.142 -0.785 -1.000 ### 0.000 192 -127
285 4.974 -0.966 0.259 -3.732 -0.966 -1.309 2.880 -0.768 -1.035 3.864 -0.268 203 -123
300 5.236 -0.866 0.500 -1.732 -0.866 -1.047 2.618 -0.714 -1.155 2.000 -0.577 213 -110
315 5.498 -0.707 0.707 -1.000 -0.707 -0.785 2.356 -0.615 -1.414 1.414 -1.000 224 -90
330 5.760 -0.500 0.866 -0.577 -0.500 -0.524 2.094 -0.464 -2.000 1.155 -1.732 235 -64
345 6.021 -0.259 0.966 -0.268 -0.259 -0.262 1.833 -0.253 -3.864 1.035 -3.732 245 -33
360 2π 6.283 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.571 0.000 ### 1.000 ### 256 0
375 6.5450 0.2588 0.9659 0.2679 0.2588 0.2618 1.3090 0.2533
390 6.8068 0.5000 0.8660 0.5774 0.5000 0.5236 1.0472 0.4636

Cos (X) = Sin ( X + 90°) Csc (X) = 1/Sin (X) Cot (X) = 1/Tan (X)
Sin (X) = Cos ( X - 90°) Sec (X) = 1/Cos (X) Cot (X) = Cos (X) / Sin (X)

degrees = radians × 180° / π Small Angle Approximations

radians = degrees × π / 180° Sin a ~= a
90 Degrees = π/2 rad Cos a ~= 1 - (a * a) / 2 ~= 1
Tan a ~= a

Trigonometry Sin (α) = Opposite / Hypotenuse


Trigonometry Cos (α) = Adjacent / Hypotenuse

Trigonometry Tan (α) = Opposite / Adjacent
Trigonometry Csc (α) = Hypotenuse / Opposite
Trigonometry Sec (α) = Hypotenuse / Adjacent
90 °
α Trigonometry Cot (α) = Adjacent / Opposite

Adjacent 180 Rule

90 + α + β = 180°
H² = A² + O²

Adj = Opp = Hyp = α=

Trigonometry Cos (α) * H Sin (α) * H O / Sin (α) ATan ( O / A )
Trigonometry O / Tan (α) Tan (α) * A A / Cos (α) ACos ( A / H )
Trigonometry ASin ( O / H )
Pythagoras √( H² - O² ) √( H² - A² ) √( A² + O²)
180 Rule 180 - ( 90 + β)
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5708 0.0000 #NUM! 1.0000 #NUM! 0 0
15 0.2618 0.2588 0.9659 0.2679 0.2588 0.2618 1.3090 0.2533 3.8637 1.0353 3.7321 11 33
30 π/6 0.5236 0.5000 0.8660 0.5774 0.5000 0.5236 1.0472 0.4636 2.0000 1.1547 1.7321 21 64
45 π/4 0.7854 0.7071 0.7071 1.0000 0.7071 0.7854 0.7854 0.6155 1.4142 1.4142 1.0000 32 90
60 π/3 1.0472 0.8660 0.5000 1.7321 0.8660 1.0472 0.5236 0.7137 1.1547 2.0000 0.5774 43 110
75 1.3090 0.9659 0.2588 3.7321 0.9659 1.3090 0.2618 0.7681 1.0353 3.8637 0.2679 53 123
90 π/2 1.5708 1.0000 0.0000 ### 1.0000 1.5708 0.0000 0.7854 1.0000 ### 0.0000 64 127
105 1.8326 0.9659 -0.2588 -3.7321 0.9659 1.3090 0.2618 0.7681 1.0353 -3.8637 -0.2679 75 123
120 2π/3 2.0944 0.8660 -0.5000 -1.7321 0.8660 1.0472 0.5236 0.7137 1.1547 -2.0000 -0.5774 85 110
135 3π/4 2.3562 0.7071 -0.7071 -1.0000 0.7071 0.7854 0.7854 0.6155 1.4142 -1.4142 -1.0000 96 90
150 5π/6 2.6180 0.5000 -0.8660 -0.5774 0.5000 0.5236 1.0472 0.4636 2.0000 -1.1547 -1.7321 107 64
165 2.8798 0.2588 -0.9659 -0.2679 0.2588 0.2618 1.3090 0.2533 3.8637 -1.0353 -3.7321 117 33
180 π 3.1416 0.0000 -1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5708 0.0000 ### -1.0000 ### 128 0
195 3.4034 -0.2588 -0.9659 0.2679 -0.2588 -0.2618 1.8326 -0.2533 -3.8637 -1.0353 3.7321 139 -33
210 3.6652 -0.5000 -0.8660 0.5774 -0.5000 -0.5236 2.0944 -0.4636 -2.0000 -1.1547 1.7321 149 -64
225 3.9270 -0.7071 -0.7071 1.0000 -0.7071 -0.7854 2.3562 -0.6155 -1.4142 -1.4142 1.0000 160 -90
240 4.1888 -0.8660 -0.5000 1.7321 -0.8660 -1.0472 2.6180 -0.7137 -1.1547 -2.0000 0.5774 171 -110
255 4.4506 -0.9659 -0.2588 3.7321 -0.9659 -1.3090 2.8798 -0.7681 -1.0353 -3.8637 0.2679 181 -123
270 3π/2 4.7124 -1.0000 -0.0000 ### -1.0000 -1.5708 3.1416 -0.7854 -1.0000 ### 0.0000 192 -127
285 4.9742 -0.9659 0.2588 -3.7321 -0.9659 -1.3090 2.8798 -0.7681 -1.0353 3.8637 -0.2679 203 -123
300 5.2360 -0.8660 0.5000 -1.7321 -0.8660 -1.0472 2.6180 -0.7137 -1.1547 2.0000 -0.5774 213 -110
315 5.4978 -0.7071 0.7071 -1.0000 -0.7071 -0.7854 2.3562 -0.6155 -1.4142 1.4142 -1.0000 224 -90
330 5.7596 -0.5000 0.8660 -0.5774 -0.5000 -0.5236 2.0944 -0.4636 -2.0000 1.1547 -1.7321 235 -64
345 6.0214 -0.2588 0.9659 -0.2679 -0.2588 -0.2618 1.8326 -0.2533 -3.8637 1.0353 -3.7321 245 -33
360 2π 6.2832 -0.0000 1.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 1.5708 -0.0000 ### 1.0000 ### 256 -0
375 6.5450 0.2588 0.9659 0.2679 0.2588 0.2618 1.3090 0.2533
390 6.8068 0.5000 0.8660 0.5774 0.5000 0.5236 1.0472 0.4636
MatrixA * MatrixB Matrix B MatrixA + MatrixB Small Angle Approximations
A Rows Must = B Cols A B C D E Must Be Same Size Sin a ~= a
F G H I J A B C Cos a ~= 1 - (a * a) / 2 ~= 1
Matrix A


O P OA+PF OB+PG OC+PH OD+PI OE+PJ + Cos(X) = Sin(X+ 90degrees)
Q R QA+RF QB+RG QC+RH QD+RI QE+RJ J K L degrees = radians × 180° / π
M N O radians = degrees × π / 180°
3D Space

X 1 0 0 0 X = Across = CSC = 1/SIN (A)

Y 0 1 0 0 Y = Up A+J B+K C+L SEC = 1/COS (A)
Z 0 0 1 0 Z = In D+M E+N F+O COT = 1/TAN (A)
W 0 0 0 1 W = Transformation G+P H+Q I+R






X 1 0 0 X cos (A) 0 -sin (A) X cos (A) sin (A) 0


Y 0 cos (A) sin (A) Y 0 1 0 Y -sin (A) cos (A) 0

Z 0 -sin (A) cos (A) Z sin (A) 0 cos (A) Z 0 0 1
X2 = X X2 = Z * sin (A) + X * cos (A) X2 = X * cos (A) - Y * sin (A)
Y2 = Y * cos (A) - Z * sin (A) Y2 = Y Y2 = X * sin (A) + Y * cos (A)
Z2 = Y * sin (A) + Z * cos (A) Z2 = Z * cos (A) - X * sin (A) Z2 = Z


Trigonometry Sin (α) = Opposite / Hypotenuse 180 Rule 90 + α + β = 180°

Trigonometry Cos (α) = Adjacent / Hypotenuse
Trigonometry Tan (α) = Opposite / Adjacent Pythagoras H² = A² + O²
Trigonometry Csc (α) = Hypotenuse / Opposite
90 ° Trigonometry Sec (α) = Hypotenuse / Adjacent Cos (X) = Sin ( X + 90°)
α Trigonometry Cot (α) = Adjacent / Opposite Sin (X) = Cos ( X - 90°)
Csc (X) = 1/Sin (X)
Adjacent Sec (X) = 1/Cos (X)
Cot (X) = 1/Tan (X)
Adj = Opp = Hyp = α= Cot (X) = Cos (X) / Sin (X)
Trigonometry Cos (α) * H Sin (α) * H O / Sin (α) ATan ( O / A )
Trigonometry O / Tan (α) Tan (α) * A A / Cos (α) ACos ( A / H ) 90 Degrees = π/2 rad
Trigonometry ASin ( O / H )
Pythagoras √( H² - O² ) √( H² - A² ) √( A² + O²) Degrees = rad × 180 / π
180 Rule 180 - ( 90 + β) Radians = deg × π / 180

X ... Roll α Y ... Pitch β Z ... Yaw γ

X cos(rz) * cos(ry) cos(rz)*sin(ry)*sin(rx) - sin(rz)*cos(rx) cos(rz)*sin(ry)*cos(rx) + sin(rz)*sin(rx)

Y sin(rz) * cos(ry) sin(rz)*sin(ry)*sin(rx) + cos(rz)*cos(rx) sin(rz)*sin(ry)*cos(rx) - cos(rz)*sin(rx)


Z -sin(ry) cos(ry) * sin(rx) cos(ry) * cos(rx)

x2 = x1* (cosz*cosy) + y1* (sinz*cosy) - z1* siny
y2 = x1* (cosz*siny*sinx-sinz*cosx) + y1* (sinz*siny*sinx+cosz*cosx) + z1* (cosy*sinx)
z2 = x1* (cosz*siny*cosx+sinz*sinx) + y1* (sinz*siny*cosx-cosz*sinx) + z1* (cosy*cosx)

X Y Z X Y Z Sources:

X 1 α 0 X 1 α 0



Y -α 1 -β Y -α 1 -β

Z -αβ β 1 Z -αβ β 1

X=X+α*Y X = X + α * (Y - α * X)

Y=Y-α*X-β*Z Y=Y-α*X-β*Z

Z = Z + β * (Y - α * X) Z = Z + β * (Y - α* X - β * Z)

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