Understanding Diversity Lesson Plan 2
Understanding Diversity Lesson Plan 2
Understanding Diversity Lesson Plan 2
by Sara Baiza
Think/Pair/Share - Students will be assessed on participating in discussing and writing
down ways to be inclusive. Students will earn points based on meeting the requirement
for three ideas of inclusiveness, and overall participation in the activity. (5pts)
Penpal Letters - Students will be assessed on their overall structure of each letter they
write. Students will be encouraged to make their letters personable and interesting for
their penpal. This will be a monthly assignment that is done in class during the last week
of each month.
Date - Month, Day and Year in upper right hand corner (1 pt)
Introduction - Must have greeting along with their friends name (Hello Jimmy, Dear
Melissa, Etc.) (2 pt)
Body - The letter will be a minimum of four sentences. One of the sentences must be a
question. (5 pts)
Closing - Must have a fond farewell (Yours Truly, Sincerely, etc.) (1pt)
Signature - Student must sign their full name (1 pt)
Total - 10 pts
Short Essays - This will be a writing assignment that students will complete after every
in-person visit they have with their penpal. (3 in total) These short essays must be a
minimum of five sentences in length and include recollections of the visit. Students will
write about at least one new thing they learned about their penpal. Students will be
assessed on the overall detail of their essay (what activity did they do, what they
enjoyed about it, etc.). Instructions will be given on how I expect the essays structured
and how to write an engaging essay. Simple sentences such as “it was fun.” will not be
counted towards the minimum sentence requirement. (10 pts)