NH Màn Hình 2021-08-28 Lúc 13.25.13

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Mình phải học vì mình yêu anh Đạo rất nhiều

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
Elizabeth “Betsy” Ross is known throughout America as the woman who designed the first flag of the United
States. Ross was born in Philadelphia in 1742. She was renowned in New York and Philadelphia as an excellent
seamstress. She used high quality materials such as satin and silk. Moreover, she had a good sense of how colors
mixed together. She especially enjoyed using bright primary colors in her designs. She decorated many public
places and private businesses such as hotels and theaters.
Her work became so famous that the leaders of the American Revolution asked Betsy Ross to design the first
flag of the United States. She chose her favorite colors – red, white, and blue. She made thirteen red and white
stripes and a blue square field in the upper left-hand corner. Upon the field was a picture of an eagle with thirteen
stars. Each star on the flag represented a state. Betsy Ross chose red for the flag because it meant passion. The
white meant purity and the blue represented unity and power.
Upon the new flag, Ross marked “The United States of America”. Congress approved Ross’ flag design before
the new country was even called “The United States of America”. Before that, it was called “Columbia” and the
states were called “colonies”. The new flag was finished and signed on July 4, 1776. It was put up in the Hall of
Independence for everyone to see. The flag was a major part of the celebrations of American independence. The
flag was officially adopted as the United States flag on June 14, 1777.
The flag has changed over the years. A star has been added to the flag for each of the new states that has joined
the country since then. Now there are 50 stars on the flag. Betsy Ross continued making flags for the United States
until her death in 1832. She is widely regarded as an American hero.
1. According to the article, when was Betsy Ross born?
A. 1742 B. 1776 C. 1777 D. 1832
2. The word 'renowned' in paragraph 1 could best be replaced with:
A. hated B. fired C. famous D. ordered
3. The word 'sense' in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to:
A. understanding B. advantage C. benefit D. wisdom
4. According to the article, why was Betsy Ross asked to design the flag?
A. she volunteered to do it B. she was known as a good designer
C. she was friends with Ben Franklin D. she was a very nice person
5. The word 'it' in paragraph 2 refers to:
A. passion B. red C. the flag D. a state
6. The word 'it' in paragraph 3 refers to:
A. the flag B. the design C. the new country D. the states
7. The phrase 'put up' in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to:
A. built B. stored C. prepared D. displayed
8. According to the article, what is one way that the flag has changed?
A. it has gotten bigger B. more stars have been added
C. some colors have changed D. the stripes were removed
Cyber-bullying is a form of online harassment of a person. This problem was almost unheard of only 15 years
ago. However, more and more people are now using the Internet. This is creating new problems for society. On
the Internet, it is easier for people to hide their identity. This can encourage bullies to use the Internet to engage in
this kind of harmful behavior. There are many ways that cyber-bullies use the Internet to hurt their victim.
Cyber-bullies might use social media sites like Facebook or Twitter to make hurtful comments about another
person. They may spread rumors or lies about someone, which can damage the victim’s reputation. Cyber-

bullies often pose as another person in order to try and make their victim say something
embarrassing. They might also try to trick their victim into believing they are in a romantic relationship or
friendship that is not real. Another form of cyber-bullying is to post embarrassing photographs or videos of the
victim without asking permission. These can remain on the Internet for years so they are very distressing for
This type of bullying is becoming more common, especially among young people. A 2010 CBS News report
showed that 42% of young Americans have been the victim of cyber-bullying. Some victims of cyber-bullying
have even committed suicide. Many governments are trying to make online harassment illegal. Forty-five states
in America have passed laws to prevent online bullying. Canada is currently considering passing a strict law
against cyber-bullying. It will take some time before society learns how to cope with the potential drawbacks of
this new technology.
1. According to the article, what is cyber-bullying?
A. when someone hides their identity online
B. when someone encourages a person to post content online
C. when someone uses the internet to harm or frighten another person
D. when someone hurts or frightens someone who is smaller or less powerful
2. According to the article, why was cyber-bullying almost unheard of 15 years ago?
A. because recently most societies are worse than ever
B. because recently more people are now using the Internet
C. because recently more people are turning into bullies
D. because bullying someone online is easier than bullying someone physically
3. The word 'hurt' in paragraph 1 could be replaced with:
A. abuse B. burn C. assist D. smash
4. The word 'reputation' in paragraph 1 could be replaced with:
A. fame B. character C. appearance D. excellence
5. The word 'these' in paragraph 2 refers to:
A. victims B. cyber-bullies C. romantic relationships D. photographs or
6. The word 'they' in paragraph 2 refers to:
A. victims B. boyfriends C. girlfriends D. cyber-bullies
7. The word 'common' in paragraph 3 could be replaced with:
A. general B. popular C. accepted D. private
8. According to the article, why are many governments are trying to make online harassment illegal?
A. because of the tragedies which have been caused by online bullying
B. because 42% of young Americans want stricter laws
C. because Canada is currently considering passing a strict law against cyber-bullying
D. because society cannot cope with cyber-bullying
9. According to the article, how many American states have passed legislation on cyber-bullying?
A. 42 B. 43 C. 44 D. 45
10. The phrase 'cope with' in paragraph 3 could be replaced with:
A. put up with B. run with C. deal with D. go with

Giới từ là từ hay cụm từ thường được dùng trước danh từ hay đại từ để chỉ mối liên hệ giữa các từ này với các
thành phần khác trong câu.
I. Các loại giới từ (Kinds of preposition):
1. Giới từ chỉ thời gian (Prepositions of time):
• IN (trong, vào) được dùng để chỉ các buổi trong ngày (ngoại trừ at night), tháng, năm, mùa, thập niên, thế kỷ
hoặc khoảng thời gian ở tương lai.
Ex: in the morning, in January, in 1990, in the summer, in the 1990s, in the 20th century,
in the Middle Age, in ten minutes

IN TIME: đúng lúc, kịp lúc
Ex: Will you be home in time for dinner?
• AT (vào lúc) được dùng để chỉ thời điểm hoặc các kỳ nghỉ (tòan bộ những ngày trong kỳ nghỉ)
Ex: at 6 o’clock, at night, at noon, at midnight, at bedtime, at dawn, at the weekend,
at Christmas, at New Year, at Easter
At : được dùng trong một số cụm từ chỉ thời gian: at the moment, at present, at the same time, at once, at that
time, at first, at last
• ON (vào) được dùng để chỉ ngày trong tuần, ngày tháng trong năm, ngày trong kỳ nghỉ hoặc các buổi trong ngày
cụ thể.
Ex: on Monday, on 5th January, on Christmas Day, on Monday morning, on one’s birthday
ON TIME: đúng giờ
Ex: The train arrived right on time.
• FOR (trong) + khoảng thời gian: for two months, for a long time
• SINCE (từ, từ khi) + mốc thời gian: since last Monday, since 2002
• UNTIL/ TILL (đến, cho đến): until 5 o’clock, till midnight
• BEFORE (trước, trước khi): before lunchtime
• AFTER (sau, sau khi): after luchtime
• DURING (trong, suốt): during World War II
• BY (vào lúc): by the end of May
• FROM … TO (từ … đến): from morning to noon
2. Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn (Prepositions of place):
• AT (ở, tại) được dùng để chỉ vị trí tại một điểm.
Ex: at home, at school, at the bus stop, at the airport, at the office, at the cinema, at the seaside, at the grocer’s,
at the top/ bottom, at the beginning/ end, at the front/ back
* Lưu ý: arrive at the village/ the airport/ the railway station
But: arrive in Vietnam/ Ho Chi Minh City
• IN (trong, ở trong) được dùng để chỉ vị trí trong một diện tích, một không gian; dùng trước tên đường, tên thị
trấn, thành phố, quốc gia, miền, phương hướng hoặc dùng với các phương tiện đi lại bằng xe hơi (car).
Ex: in a box, in a small room, in the countryside, in the world, in Oxford Street, in London, in Vietnam, in the
east, in a car/ taxi
* Lưu ý: in a car (trong xe hơi), but: by car (bằng xe hơi)
• ON (trên, ở trên) được dùng để chỉ vị trí trên bề mặt, số tầng trong một tòa nhà, trước tên đường (US) hoặc dùng
với một số phương tiện đi lại.
Ex: on the table, on the wall, on the ground, on the first floor, on Albert Street, on a bus/ train/ plane/
(motor)bike/ horse, on foot
On cịn được dùng trong một số cụm từ: on the left/ right, on the farm, on the coast/ beach, on TV/ radio…
• ABOVE/ OVER (bên trên – không tiếp xúc với bề mặt)
Ex: Her name comes above mine on the list.
The sign over the door said: “Exit”.
• UNDER/ BELOW (ở dưới, dưới)
Ex: The shoes are under the chair.
The temperature has fallen below zero.
• IN FRONT OF (ở phía trước), BEHIND (ở phía sau), IN THE MIDDLE OF (ở giữa)
Ex: I hung my raincoat in front of/ behind the door.
• NEAR (gần)
Ex: Is there a train station near here?
• NEXT TO, BY, BESIDE (bên cạnh, kế bên)
Ex: Peter is standing by the gate.
• BETWEEN (ở giữa hai người/ vật), AMONG (ở giữa nhiều người/ vật)
Ex: Tom is sitting between Mary and Peter.

Tom is among the crowd.
• INSIDE (ở bên trong), OUTSIDE (ở bên ngòai)
Ex: Luckily, no one was inside the building when it collapsed.
• OPPOSITE (đối diện)
Ex: They sat opposite each other.
3. Giới từ chỉ sự chuyển động (Prepositions of movement):
• TO (đến)
Ex: He goes to school by bus.
• FROM … TO (từ … đến)
Ex: How far is it from New York to California?
• THROUGH (xuyên qua)
Ex: They walked through the woods.
• ACROSS (ngang qua)
Ex: The children ran straight across in front of our car.
• ROUND/ AROUND (quanh)
Ex: The earth moves round/ around the sun.
• ALONG (dọc theo)
Ex: We had a walk along the river bank.
• UP (lên)/ DOWN (xuống)
Ex: We followed her up the stair.
• TOWARD(S) (về phía)
Ex: Mary stood up and walked towards Peter.
4. Một số giới từ khác:
- Giới từ chỉ mục đích: for, to, in order to, so as to (để)
- Giới từ chỉ nguyên nhân: for, because of, owning to (bởi vì)
- Giới từ chỉ phương tiện: by, with (bằng), through (nhờ qua)
- Giới từ chỉ thể cách: with ( với), without (không có)
- Giới từ chỉ sự tương quan: according to (tùy theo), instead of (thay vì), in spite of (mặc dù)
II. Giới từ theo sau danh từ, tính từ và động từ (Prepositions following nouns, adjectives, and verbs):
1. Noun + preposition:
affection for: yêu mến need for: sự cần thiết cho
demand for: nhu cầu về reputation for: sự nổi tiếng
reason for: lý do về regret for: nuối tiếc
responsibility for: trách nhiệm admiration for: khâm phục
talent for: tài năng desire for: sự mong muốn
cure for: việc chữa trị cho
rise in: phát triển, tăng increase in: phát triển, tăng
decresase in: giảm belief in: tin
experience in: có kinh nghiệm interest in: thích, quan tâm
delay in: trì hõan
cause of: nguyên nhân advantage/ disadvantage of: thuận lợi/ bất lợi
knowledge of: kiến thức lack of: thiếu
opinion of: ý kiến benefit of: lợi ích
example of: ví dụ sense of: ý thức
damage to: sự hư hại đối với invitation to: lời mời

reaction to: phản ứng solution to: giải pháp
attitude to: thái độ access to: phương tiện
threat to: đe dọa reply to: đáp lại
effect on: ảnh hưởng influence on: ảnh hưởng
advice on: khuyên report on: báo cáo
relationship with: mối quan hệ connection with: sự liên quan với
contact with: sự tiếp xúc với association with: sự kết giao với
link with: liên kết với trouble with: có vấn đề với
difference between: sự khác biệt comparison between: so sánh
2. Adjective + preposition:
annoyed (with sb) about: bực tức excited about: hào hứng
anxious/ worried about: lo lắng furious about: điên tiết về
careful about: cẩn thận về happy about: hạnh phúc
careless about: bất cẩn về sad/ upset about: buồn/ thất vọng
concerned about: quan tâm serious about: nghiêm túc về
confused about: nhầm lẩn về sorry about/ for: xin lỗi về
amazed at: kinh ngạc về good at: dở về (good for: tốt cho)
bad at: dở về (bad for: xấu cho) quick at: nhanh nhẹn về
clever at: khéo léo về skillful at: khéo léo về
excellent at: xuất sắc về surprised at: ngạc nhiên về
available for: có sẵn late for: trễ
eager for: nóng lòng chờ necessary for: cần thiết cho
eligible for: xứng đáng cho responsible for: chịu trách nhiệm
famous for: nổi tiếng useful for: có ích cho
known for: nổi tiếng
absent from: vắng mặt ở free from/ of: thóat khỏi
different from: khác với safe from: an tòan
disappointed in/ with: thất vọng involved in: có liên quan
interested in: quan tâm rich in: giàu có, phong phú
successful in: thành công
afraid of: sợ full of: đầy
ahead of: đi trước guilty of: có tội
ashamed of: hổ thẹn independent of: độc lập
aware/ conscious of: ý thức jealous of: ghen tị
capable of: có khả năng proud of: tự hào
certain of/ about: chắc về scared of: hoảng sợ
confident of: tự tin short of: cạn kiệt
envious of: ghen tị sure of: chắc
fond of: thích tired of: chán
frightened of: sợ typical of: tiêu biểu

accustomed to: quen grateful to sb for sth: biết ơn
addicted to: nghiện opposed to: phản đối
committed to: tận tụy harmful to: có hại cho
contrary to: trái với important to: quan trọng với
dedicated to: tận tụy married to: thành hơn với
devoted to: tận tâm open to: mở ra cho
equal to: bằng với similar to: tương tự với
essential to/ for: cần thiết cho
acquainted with: quen với friendly with: thân thiện
angry with/ at sb about sth: giận happy with/ about: hạnh phúc về
angry with/ at sb for doing sth: giận honest with: thành thật với
bored with/ fed up with: chán với identical with: giống hệt với
busy with: bận rộn với impatient with: mất kiên nhẫn với
crowded with: đông đúc patient with: kiên nhẫn với
disappointed with: thất vọng pleased/ satisfied with: hài lòng với
familiar with: quen thuộc với popular with: phổ biến với
generous/ good/ kind/ nice/ polite/ rude/ stupid… to sb
generous/ good/ kind/ nice/ polite/ rude/ stupid… of sb to do sth
3. Verb + preposition:
care about sb/ sth: coi trọng remind sb about sth: nhắc ai nhớ
(care for: thích) (remind sb of sb/ sth: gợi ai nhớ đến)
complain about: phàn nàn talk about sb/ sth: nói chuyện về
dream about/ of sb/ sth: mơ về tell sb about sb/ sth: nói với ai về
forget about: quên think about/ of sb/ sth: nghĩ về
hear about sth: nghe nói về warn sb about/ of sth: cảnh báo về
(hear from sb: nghe tin tức của ai) worry about: lo lắng
learn about: biết
aim (sth) at sb/ sth: nhắm vào shout at sb: la mắng ai
arrive at/ in: đến tại (shout to sb: goi lớn ai)
glance at sb/ sth: liếc nhìn smile at sb: mỉm cười với ai
laugh at sb: cười nhạo ai stare at sb/ sth: nhìn chăm chú
look at sb/ sth: nhìn vào throw sth at sb: ném mạnh vào ai
point (sth) at sb/ sth: chĩa vào (throw sth to sb: ném cho ai bắt)
apply for sth: nộp đơn xin leave (a place) for: rời.... để đi đến
account for: giải thích look for sb/ sth: tìm kiếm
apologize for: xin lỗi (look after sb/ sth: chăm sóc)
ask sb for sth: yêu cầu ai về pay for sth: trả tiền cho
blame sb for sth: đổ lỗi cho ai về search for sb/ sth: tìm kiếm
excuse for: xin lỗi thank sb for (doing) sth: cảm ơn
forgive sb for (doing) sth: tha thứ wait for sb/ sth: chờ đợi
hope for sth: hy vọng về

escape from: trốn thóat khỏi protect sb from sth: bảo vệ
prevent sb from (doing) sth: ngăn chặn suffer from sth: chịu, bị (bệnh, đau khổ…)

believe in sb/ sth: tin vào specialize in sth: chuyên về
participate in: tham gia succeed in (doing) sth: thành công về
crash into: tông, đụng vào divide/ split into: chia ra
cut into: cắt ra thành translate (from a language) into: dịch ra
accuse sb of (doing) sth: buộc tội ai disapprove of sth: không đồng ý
approve of: đồng ý, chấp thuận hear of: nghe tin
consist of sb/ sth: bao gồm suspect sb of (doing) sth: nghi ngờ
die of/ from: chết vì think of: nghĩ về
concentrate on sth: tập trung vào live onsb/ sth: sống nhờ vào
congratulate sb on (doing) sth: chúc mừng plan on: kế hoạch
comment on: phê bình rely on: tin cậy
depend on: phụ thuộc spend (money) on sth: tiêu (tiền)
insist on (doing) sth: nài nỉ
adapt to: thích nghi explain sth to sb: giải thích cho ai
add to: thêm vào happen to sb/ sth: xảy ra với
adjust to: điều chỉnh listen to: lắng nghe
apologize to sb for (doing) sth: xin lỗi ai về object to: phản đối
complain to sb about sth: phàn nàn prefer … to …: thích … hơn
describe sth to sb: mô tả cho ai talk/ speak to sb: nói với
devote to: cống hiến
agree with: đồng ý fill with: làm đầy
argue with: cãi nhau với provide sb with sth: cung cấp
collide with: tông, đụng vào (provide sth for sb: cung cấp)
communicate with: giao tiếp supply sb with sth: cung cấp
compare with/to: so sánh (supply sth to sb: cung cấp)

Fill in each blank with the correct preposition.

1. The price of electricity is going up _______ August.
2. They came to visit us _________ my birthday.
3. Did you have a good time _____ Christmas?
4. The children are really excited _____ their summer vacation.
5. We were very disappointed _____ the organization of the festival.
6. John missed a lot of lessons. He was ill _____ January to March.
7. Helen had said goodbye to everybody in the class _____ she left for the hometown.
8. My cat is very fond _____ fish.
9. I waited _____ 10 o’clock and then went home.
10. I can’t remember exactly when the accident happened. I think it was _____ nine and half past nine.
11. Are you acquainted _____ the lady?
12. _____ the children left, the house was very quiet.
13. These photographs were taken _____ a friend of mine.

14. The river Rhine flows _____ the North sea.
15. I shall meet you _____ the corner _____ the street.
16. I always come _____ school _____ foot.
17. He had learned the whole poem _____ heart.
18. He has waited _____ her for a long time.
19. He’s not very keen _____ watching football, but his wife is.
20. Are you worried _____ the final examination?
Mark the best answer to each of the following questions.
1) Your father is very kind (with/for/to/in) David. 56) Don’t shout (to/at/with/for) the child when he
2) Hurry or you will be late (for/at/on/from) school. makes a mistake.
3) Were they present (in/at/on/about) the meeting? 57) Last Sunday I was invited (to/on/in/at) his
4) She was confused (with/on/about/in) the dates. wedding party.
5) His book is different (about/from/for/between) 58) I have been looking (after/for/into/at) my dog for
mine. two days but I haven’t seen it yet.
6) Your plan is similar (with/to/of/for) his. 59) I don’t care (about/for/with/to) what they have
7) The boy is afraid (of/on/in/about) snakes. said.
8) She is accustomed (with/to/on/of) getting up early. 60) I talked to him so enjoyably that I lost track
9) He was successful (in/with/of/to) his job. (to/with/of/for) the time.
10) That student is very quick (with/at/for/about) 61) He spent too much money (with/on/to/in) that car.
mathematics. 62) Do you believe (on/at/to/in) God?
11) Iraq is rich (on/for/to/in) oil. 63) You must make allowance (to/for/with/of) him
12) Are you aware (with/to/of/for) the time? because he has been ill.
13) Are you acquainted (to/with/in/of) this man? 64) May I start now? Yes, go (up/down/ahead/back).
14) He has been absent (from/of/to/with) school 65) She caught sight (with/of/to/for) a car in the
lately. distance.
15) They are interested (in/on/about/with) buying a 66) She is leaving (to/for/with/at) Paris.
new house. 67) Don’t make noise! I’m concentrating (to/on/in/at)
16) Smoking is harmful (for/with/to/about) our the question.
health. 68) Things are going (to/on/out/off) nicely.
17) She is serious (with/about/of/for) learning to be a 69) She has suffered (from/to/with/about) her heart
doctor. attack.
18) I couldn’t believe what he said. It was contrary 70) The exchange rate of dollars is going
(to/with/for/in) his thought. (up/down/on/with) from 16,000 VND to 15,750 VND
19) Our study is very important (for/with/to/about) for one US dollar.
our future and useful (for/to/with/in) our country. 71) We have lost touch (with/of/for/over) each other
20) Don’t give up your hope. Be confident for a long time.
(of/about/in/with) yourself. 72) I must study hard to keep pace (with/of/for/to) my
21) I have some tickets available (for/to/of/with) you. classmates.
22) Are you capable (with/of/for/to) that job? 73) The prices of petrol are going (up/down/on/out)
23) He is accustomed (to/with/for/in) driving fast like from 52 US dollars to 54 US dollars for a barrel.
this. 74) I usually regard him (with/in/as/at) my close
24) Are you confident (with/of/about/in) what she has friend.
said? 75) Don’t make a fuss (over/on/at/of) such trifles.
25) The room was available (with/for/to/on) 2 people. 76) The bomb has gone (out/off/over/with) in a
26) Finally, Jack is successful (on/in/at/to) his trade. crowded street.
27) This theatre is often crowded (with/to/on/about) 77) Who will look (for/after/at/around) the child
viewers. when you’re away?
28) Your bag is similar (with/to/about/for) mine. 78) Congratulate you (in/to/on/with) winning the
29) The bottle is full (with/of/in/at) water. game.
30) Poison is harmful (to/with/for/about) humans. 79) I feel very hot because the electricity has gone
31) Cheques are useful (with/to/for/on) travellers. (off/out/along/after).
32) Are you successful (on/in/at/to) your experiment? 80) The plane crashed (into/on/in/with) the mountain.
33) She got back safe (for/from/with/to) her 81) I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me look
adventure. (at/for/after/into) them?
34) It was very lucky (to/for/of/with) me that my bag 82) The book is divided (to/in/into/for) three parts.

was found. 83) I wrote to the company asking them
35) He seems friendly (on/to/for/about) everyone in (to/for/about/with) more information about the job.
the village. 84) Many people regard him (as/to/in/of) one of the
36) She was sad (about/for/with/to) my refusal. greatest pianists in the world.
37) Quang Linh is popular (with/for/to/in) folk songs. 85) Our teacher was very kind (of/to/for/with) us.
38) The student is quick (with/at/on/to) understanding 86) Her children are very quick (with/about/at/for)
what the teacher explains. computer games.
39) The story is very pleasant (to/with/for/in) us. 87) This kind of music is popular (for/to/with/about)
40) He is very kind (to/of/with/for) me. the young.
41) I’m capable (of/with/for/to) speaking two 88) Boys are fond (in/of/on/at) playing football.
languages. 89) Last week the beach was overcrowded
42) She is never late (to/for/with/from) work. (of/over/with/for) people.
43) It was very nice (to/of/in/for) him to give me a 90) She’s very worried (for/with/at/about) her
lift. mother’s health.
44) Yesterday Nga was absent (with/from/to/for) 91) Why are these two schools different
class because she was ill. (to/from/with/at) each other?
45) Contrary (to/with/for/about) his doctor’s orders, 92) Most children are ill-prepared (to/for/from/at)
he has gone back to work. employment.
46) Don’t worry (about/with/to/for) the money! I’ll 93) Four-fifths of the world’s computers use
lend you. programs (at/in/on/about) English.
47) They have been waiting (for/with/to/at) the bus 94) Attending all the lectures is important
for half an hour. (to/with/at/in) us.
48) Why don’t you ask (with/to/for/on) a pay 95) English belongs (from/to/on/in) those who use it.
increase? 96) Clean air provides us (for/at/with/about) a healthy
49) He took advantage (of/in/about/for) this supply of oxygen.
opportunity to explain why he had done that. 97) My brother is very interested (in/at/on/about)
50) The weeks went slowly (by/with/of/for). chess but he is not good at it.
51) You have to move this box to make room 98) I don’t think he was present (in/at/on/of) the
(for/to/about/with) the new television set. meeting yesterday.
52) Nowadays we rely increasingly (on/in/at/to) 99) Are you serious (for/about/with/over) learning to
computers to regulate the flow of traffic in the town. be an architect?
53) Translate these sentences (for/into/with/of) 100) She has become very famous (for/at/on/with)
English. her novels.
54) Have you taken notice (to/for/of/with) the sign
“No Smoking”?
55) Ken prefers Chinese food (about/to/over/with)
French food.

1. You have been reading for four hours. This book _________ be very interesting.
A. can B. might C. must D. should

2. Don t phone Ann now. She _________ be having lunch.
A. might B. can C. must D. has to
3. This road is very narrow. It _________to be widened.
A. might B. needs C. mustn’t D. may

4. They have plenty of time, so they needn t _________.
A. be hurry B. to hurry C. hurry D. to be hurried
’ ’
5. You re having a sore throat. You d better_________ to the doctor.
A. to go B. went C. go D. going
6. My mother permitted me to go out at night. She said, “You _________ go out tonight.”
A. may B. have to C. must D. ought to
7. He advised me to take an English course. I _________ it early.
A. should have taken B. should take C. will have taken D. may take
8. You _________ ring the bell; I have a key.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t
9. It must _________ without delay.
A. be done B. have been done C. do D. be doing
10. By the time a baby has reached his first birthday, he should _________ sit up or even stand up.
A. to be able to B. able to C. to be able D. be able to
11. Many birds will _________ more than 3,000 miles to reach their winter homes.
A. flying B. fly C. be fly D. flew

12. The pen won t write; It _________ out of ink.
A. must run B. must be running C. must have run D. must have ran
13. The line is busy; someone _________ the telephone now.
A. must be using B. must have used C. must use D. must have been using

14. She told me that she d rather _________ on the committee.
A. not to serve B. not serving C. not serve D. serving not
15. “Are you still going to Florida for vacation?” “Yes, but I really _________because I don’t have much money.”
A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. won’t
16. “Did Peter go downtown by car or by train?” “He _________by train because his car was in the mechanics.”
A. must go B. has to go C. had gone D. must have gone

17. “Why are you so mad?” “You _________ me you weren t coming to dinner. I waited for you for two hours.”
A. should tell B. should have told C. should told D. should had told
18. “Do you like to play tennis?” “I _________, but now I prefer golf”
A. used to B. used to do C. used to played D. used to playing
19. “Have you seen Kate?” “No, but she _________ be at her desk.”
A. may B. ought C. would D. can
20. “Can I borrow twenty dollars?” “No, you know I _________ lend you money any more.”
A. might not B. shouldn’t have C. won’t D. not going to
21. The plane _________ take off after the fog had lifted.
A. must B. can C. was able to D. may
22. _________ you remember what you were doing at this time yesterday?
A. Can B. Must C. May D. Should
23. I _________ understand this letter. Will you translate it for me?
A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. shouldn’t
24. Daisy s parents don t let her go to late- night disco. She _________ be at home at 9 o’clock in the evening.
’ ’

A. must B. may C. can D. has to

25. _________ you give me some advice about the language course?
A. Have B. Should C. May D. Could

26. Why didn t you give me a call yesterday? We _________ discuss everything together.
A. can B. may C. must D. could
27. Yesterday I _________ finish the work because I was very tired.
A. could B. can’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t
28. I would rather _________ poor but happy than become rich without happiness.
A. being B. be C. to be D. was
29. Sit down, please. _________ a cup of tea?
A. Do you like B. Do you like to drink C. Would you like D. Will you like
30. It could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz. It _________ tell the difference between Indian
and jazz.
A. might not B. may not C. mustn’t D. wasn’t able to
31. I’d rather _________ in the field than _________ home.
A. to work- to stay B. work – stay C. working – staying D. worked- stayed

32. He spent all that money last week. He _________ so much.
A. didn’t need to spend B. shouldn’t spend C. needn’t have spent D. didn’t have to spend
33. Sorry, I _________ stay any longer. I really must go home.
A. mustn’t B. can not C. couldn’t D. may not

34. “It _________rain this evening. Why don t you take an umbrella?”
“That’s a good idea. May I borrow yours?”
A. had better B. could be C. must D. might
35. “_________taking me downtown on your way to work this morning?”
“Not at all.”
A. Can you B. Why don’t you C. Would you mind D. Could you please
36. Tommy and Mary were mischievous children. They _________tricks on their teachers, which always got them
into a lot of trouble.
A. could play B. used to play C. could have play D. may have played
37. “Since we have to be there in a hurry, we _________ take a taxi.”
“I agree.”
A. had better B. may C. have been used to D. are able to

38. 007 didn t need _________ out of his room in Moscow.
A. go B. to going C. going D. to go

39. I couldn t _________ it even though I had wanted.
A. had bought B. buy C. buying D. have bought
40. She ought not _________ him but she did.
A. to tell B. to telling C. tell D. to have told

41. I d rather you _________ that.
A. do B. don’t do C. won’t do D. didn’t do
42. _________ you speak any foreign languages?
A. Could B. Must C. Can D. Might
43. We _________have gone away if we had enough money.
A. could B. must C. can D. might

44. “You _________ pay the bills today.” “I know, I promise. I won t forget.”
A. would B. shall C. must D. may
45. _________ you mind my staying here for some days?
A. Would B. Could C. Can D. Should
46. The ground is wet. It _________last night.
A. must rain B. must have rain C. must have rained D. had to rain
47. You _________ trust your daughter more. You _________ treat her like a child.
A. ought to-should not B. must-need not C. can-may not D. must-may not
48. “I really do this translation today?” “No, you___. You _________do it tomorrow if you like.”
A. Must-needn’t –may B. May – mustn’t – need

C. Can – may not – mustn t D. Must – may not - need
49. I told him that he _________hope to catch a big fish with a small rod like this.
A. can B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. may

50. The boss said that I __________be at work at nine o clock.
A. had to B. can C. ought D. will be able to

Trong bài này, anh đưa đến cho các mày hai cách tiếp cận, bạn nào thấy hiểu theo cách nào dễ hơn thì mình
tra theo cách đó nhé.
- Tiếp cận theo: chức năng diễn đạt của câu (chức năng gì đi với những từ nào)
- Tiếp cận theo từ: một từ thì gồm có những chức năng biểu đạt như thế nào

Lưu ý: Các hình thức động từ nguyên mẫu.
1. Simple infinitive (Động từ nguyên mẫu đơn): Diễn tả hành động xảy ra sau hành động được diễn tả
bởi hành động đi trước [KHÔNG CẦN NHỚ ĐỊNH NGHĨA, NHỚ CÔNG THỨC]

- We planned to meet in the Town Hall.

- They will decide to delay the test.

2. Present Infinitive (Động từ nguyên mẫu tiếp diễn): Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra vào thời gian
được đề cập tới ở động từ đi trước.

- We are lucky to be living in such a beautiful house

- The plane seemed to be losing weight.

3. Perfect infinitive (Động từ nguyên mẫu hoàn thành): gồm “to have + PII”, được đùng để diễn tả
hành động xảy ra trước hành động ở động từ đi trước.

- I seem to have left my briefcase behind.

- The pilot was believed to have survived the crash.

Lưu ý: Động từ khuyết thiếu kết hợp được với cả ba dạng động từ trên

I. Tiếp cận theo chức năng diễn đạt của câu.

Các động từ tình thái luôn luôn có cùng hình thức cho tất cả các ngôi. Chúng được dùng để chỉ phương thức,
thái độ của chủ ngữ.
1. Diễn tả sự xin phép (asking permission) → can/ may/ could

- Can I take your umbrella? Of course you can.

- May I come in? Yes, of course.
- Could I borrow this dictionary, please? Well, I need it actually.

2. Diễn tả sự cho phép (giving permission) → can/ may

- You can stay here if you like.

- May I read the letter? Yes, of course you may
3. Diễn tả sự chắc chắn, giả định (certainty, assumption) [ĐÂY LÀ PHẦN QUAN TRỌNG]
→ must (chắc hẳn là)/ will (hẳn là)/ can’t (không thể nào là)

- You talked to her yesterday, so you must know her name.

- There is someone at the door. It will be the post man.
- The bill can’t be so much. There must be a mistake.
- The train is late. It must be coming soon.
- John isn’t here. He’ll be sitting somewhere in the canteen.

Khi mức độ chắc chắn không cao, chúng ta dùng may/ might và could (có lẽ)

- The shop may/ might/ could be closed today.

4. Diễn tả sự bắt buộc.

- You must go now.

- People must eat in order to live

Lưu ý số 1: Hình thức phủ định mustn’t (cấm) được dùng để chỉ sự cấm đoán. Khi muốn nói không phải,
chúng ta dùng don’t have to hoặc needn’t

- You mustn’t drive so fast. It is against the law.

- You do not have to drive so fast. We have plenty of time.

Lưu ý số 2: Must và have to đều có nghĩa là “phải làm gì đó”, tuy nhiên “must” thường dùng để chỉ sự bắt
buộc một cách mạnh mẽ, hoặc cấm đoán do luật lệ đưa ra.
“Have to” dùng để nói khi điều kiên ngoại cảnh tác động vào.

5. Diễn tả sự khuyên bảo (advisability). → should/ ought to (nên)

- You broke Jane’s bike, so you should buy her a new one.
- You shouldn’t leave your car here.
- Students ought to revise before the exam → Students ought not to revise before the exam.

6. Diễn tả năng lực (ability) → can (có thể). Quá khứ của “can” là “could”

- Little Jack can play the piano, I taught him.

- He could play the piano when he was nine.

Can có thể được thay thế bằng be able to trong các câu trên và đặc biệt ở các thì hoàn thành và tương lai.

- Little Jack can/ is able to play the piano. I taught him

- He could/ was able to play the piano when he was nine.
- My father has been ill. He hasn’t been able to work for some time.
- Take this course and you will be able to swim well.

7. Diễn tả sự cần thiết (necessity) → need (chủ yếu dùng trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn)

- You needn’t apologize. It’s not your fault.

- If it rains tomorrow, you need not go out

Lưu ý: Hình thức quá khứ phủ định của need:

- Needn’t have PII : (đáng lẽ ra không cần làm gì) Đã làm một việc gì đó rồi và nghĩ lại thấy rằng nó không
cần thiết
It was a beautiful day yesterday. We needn’t have brought our umbrellas.
- Didn’t need to do: Chưa làm công việc đó trong quá khứ và không cần làm nó.
The sun came out so we didn’t need to bring umbrellas.

8. Diễn tả là đề nghị (request) → will/ would/ shall’

- Will/ would you please pass the tea? (Dùng will/ would khi chủ ngữ là “you”)
- Shall I open the window? (Dùng Shall khi mình tự đề nghị làm gì đó)

9. Các cụm động từ thông dụng với động từ nguyên mẫu hoàn thành
(Phỏng đoán trong quá khứ)

Must have PII mustn’t have PII (Không có dạng mustn’t have PII trong tiếng anh)
Can/ could have PII
May have PII
Might have PII

Should (not) have PII (đáng lẽ ra nên/ không nên làm gì)
Need (not) have PII (đáng lẽ ra cần/ không cần làm gì)
9.1. Must have PII : chắc chắc đã.

- The streets are wet. It must have rained last night.

- I cannot see my pen. I must have left it at home.

9.2. Could have PII : có thể/ lẽ ra/ có thể đã…

- They could have lent me some money (but they didn’t)

- I could have finished the work (but I didn’t)
- My umbrella has disappeared! Who could have taken it away?
- John could have taken my wallet; he was in my room yesterday.

9.3. Can’t/ couldn’t have PII : không thể nào đã… diễn tả sự phủ định về một sự việc trong quá khứ
(negative past deduction). Chúng được coi là hình thức phủ định của must have PII.

- He can’t/ couldn’t have moved the piano himself. It takes two men to lift it.
- We know he couldn’t have crossed the river, because the bridge was broken and there was no boat.

9.4. May/ might have PII : có lẽ đã (mang tính không chắc chắn) , suy đoán trong quá khứ (past

- They all think that the plane might have been crashed.
- I don’t know where the letter is. I may have thrown it away.

9.5. Needn’t have PII : lẽ ra không cần phải làm gì

- We needn’t have hurried. Now we are to early.

- It’s a beautiful day. We needn’t have brought this umbrella.

9.6. Should have PII : đáng lẽ ra nên làm gì

- I’ve forgotten the address. I should have written it down.

- He’s a very selfish man. He should have helped her.

9.7. Was/ were to have PII: lẽ ra đã…: diễn tả một kế hoạch không được thực hiện trong quá khứ (an
unfulfilled plan)
- There were to have been motor-cycle races on the sands but as it is so wet they have been cancelled.
- The harvest was to have been ready but the heavy rain delayed it.

II. Tiếp cận theo từng từ.

Model Verbs Chức năng Ví dụ Chú ý

Diễn tả khả năng hiện
- Can và Could còn được dùng trong
tại hoặc tương lai là You can speak Spainish. câu hỏi đề nghị, xin phép, yêu cầu.
Can một người có thể làm
Ví dụ: - Could you please wait a
được gì, hoặc một sự It can rain.
việc có thể xảy ra

Can I ask you a question?
Could (quá khứ Diễn tả khả năng xảy ra My brother could speak -Có thể dùng “be able to” thay cho
của “Can”) trong quá khứ English when he was five. “can hoặc could”

Diễn đạt sự cần thiết, You must get up earily in

bắt buộc ở hiện tại hoặc the morning.
tương lai
You must be hungry after
Must Đưa ra lời khuyên hoặc work hard. Mustn’t – chỉ sự cấm đoán
suy luận mang tính
chắc chắn, yêu cầu You must be here before 8
được nhấn mạnh a.m

Diễn tả sự cần thiết

phải làm gì nhưng là do I have to stop smoking. My Don’t have to= Don’t need to (chỉ sự
Have to
khách quan (nội quy, doctor said that. không cần thiết)
quy định…)

Diễn tả điều gì có thể - May và might dùng để xin phép.

May May I call her? Nhưng might ít được dùng trong văn
xảy ra ở hiện tại
nói, chủ yếu trong câu gián tiếp:
May I turn on TV?
I wonder if he might go there alone.
Might (quá khứ Diễn tả điều gì có thể
She might not be his house. - Might được dùng không phải là quá
của “May”) xảy ra ở quá khứ khứ của May
Where is John? I don’t know. He
may/might go out with his friends.
Diễn đạt, dự đoán sự
việc xảy ra trong tương Tomorrow will be sunny.
Will lai Did you buy sugar? Oh,
Đưa ra một quyết định sorry. I’ll go now. Dùng Will hay Would trong câu đề
tại thời điểm nói nghị, yêu cầu, lời mời
Will you have a cup of coffee?
Diễn tả một giả định
She was a child. She would Would you like a cake?
xảy ra hoặc dự đoán sự
Would be upset when hear this bad
việc có thể xảy ra trong
quá khứ
Dùng để xin ý kiến,lời
Shall khuyên. “Will” được sử Where shall we eat tonight?
dụng nhiều hơn
Chỉ sự bắt buộc hay You should send this report
bổn phận nhưng ở mức by 8th September.
độ nhẹ hơn “Must” You should call her.
Đưa ra lời khuyên, ý She worked hard, she
kiến should get the best result.
Dùng để suy đoán
Chỉ sự bắt buộc. Mạnh You ought not to eat candy
Ought to hơn “Should” nhưng at night.
chưa bằng “Must”
Needn't have and didn't need to
You needn’t go yet, need Có 1 sự khác biệt nhỏ giữa 2 cách
(1)necessity (negative you? dùng này. Hãy so sánh nhé:
& interrogative I needn't have arrived at seven. -
Tôi đáng nhẽ không cần phải tới lúc
7h, nhưng tôi đã làm.

( I arrived at seven, but it wasn't
necessary )
I didn't need to arrive at seven. -
Trước đó tôi đã biết mình không
phải tới lúc 7h.
( we don't know when I arrived -
maybe seven or later )
Nhưng thông thường trong văn nói,
người ta thường dùng didn't need to
trong cả 2 trường hợp.
In speech, have is often contracted
in the forms in this unit.

1. Cách sử dụng các động từ khiếm khuyết để diễn đạt các trạng thái ở hiện tại.

1.1. Could / may/ might.

Could/may/might + [Verb in simple form]

Có thể /có lẽ.
Chỉ một khả năng có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại song người nói không chắc.
- It might rain tomorrow It will possibly rain tomorrow
- It may rain tomorrow = OR
- It could rain tomorrow Maybe it will rain tomorrow

Maybe là sự kết hợp của may và be, nhưng nó là một từ và không phải là trợ động từ. Nó đồng nghĩa với perhaps.
Một số ví dụ về Could, may, và might:
- The president said that there might be a strike next month.
- I don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow. I may go to the beach or I may stay home.
(Lưu ý là người Anh thường nói là stay at home nhưng người Mỹ lại nói là stay home.)
- It might be warmer tomorrow.
- I may not be able to go with you tonight.
- I don’t know where Jaime is. He could be at home.
1.2. Should

Should + [Verb in simple form]

Nghĩa là :
- Nên ( diễn đạt một lời khuyên, đề nghị hoặc bắt buộc nhưng không mạnh lắm)
- Có khi - dùng để diễn đạt mong muốn điều gì xảy ra.
Ví dụ:
- It should rain tomorrow ( I expect it to rain tomorrow)
- My check should arrive next week. ( I expect it to arrive next week).
- Had better, ought to, be supposed to nói chung là đồng nghĩa với should với điều kiện là động từ to be phải chia
ở thời hiện tại.
- be supposed to ngoài nghĩa tương đương với should còn mang nghĩa quy định phải, bắt buộc phải.
Ví dụ:
- We are supposed to have a math test this afternoon, but it was postponed because the Professor had to
attend a science conference.
( Theo quy định là ....)

1.3. Must

Must + [verb in simple form]

Nghĩa là : - Phải - bắt buộc rất mạnh (người bị bắt buộc không có sự lựa chọn nào khác)
- One must endorse a check before one cashes it. (người ta phải ký sau tấm séc trước khi rút tiền).
- George must call his insurance agent today.
- A pharmacist must keep a record of the prescriptions that are filled.
- An automobile must have gasoline to run.
- An attorney must pass an examination before practising law.
- This freezer must be kept at -200.

Nghĩa là: Hẳn là - diễn đạt một sự suy luận có logic dựa trên những hiện tượng có thật ở hiện tại.
- John’s lights are out. He must be asleep.
- (We assume that John is asleep because the lights are out.)
- The grass is wet. It must be raining.
- (We assume that it is raining because the grass is wet.)
Must được thay thế bằng have to trong những trường hợp sau đây
- Đứng sau Will ở thời tương lai.
Ví dụ:
We will have to take a TOEFL test at the end of this year.
- Had to thay cho must ở quá khứ.
Ví dụ:
The teacher had to attend a science conference yesterday.
ở thời hiện tại have to được thay thế cho must khi:
Hỏi xem mình có bị buộc phải làm điều gì không hoặc diễn đạt sự bắt buộc do khách quan mang lại để làm
giảm nhẹ tính bắt buộc của must.
Ví dụ:
Q : Do I have to leave a deposit?
A : No, you needn’t but you have to sign in this register, I’m sorry but that’s the rule.
2. Cách sử dụng các động từ khiếm khuyết để diến đạt các trạng thái ở thời quá khứ.

May/ might + have +P2 (có lẽ đã)

Chỉ một khả năng ở quá khứ song người nói không dám chắc.
- It might have rained last night, but I’m not sure.
(Có lẽ đêm qua trời mưa)
- The cause of death could have been bacteria.
(Nguyên nhân của cái chết có lẽ là do vi trùng)
- John might have gone to the movies yesterday.
(Có lẽ John đã tới rạp chiếu bóng ngày hôm qua)

Could + have +P2 (có lẽ đã có thể - nhưng thực tế thì không)

- We could have solved this problem at that time (But we couldn’t in fact)
(Lẽ ra lúc đó chúng tôi đã có thể giải quyết được vấn đề này.)

SHOULD + HAVE + P2 (lẽ ra phải, lẽ ra nên - nhưng thực tế thì

Thành ngữ này tương đương với Was / were / Supposed to.

MUST HAVE P2 - Hẳn là đã
(Chỉ sự suy luận logic dựa trên những hiện tượng có thật trong quá
Ví dụ:
- Paul did so well in his speech today that he could have rehearsed it many times this past week.
(Hôm nay Paul đã có lời phát biểu rất hay, hẳn là tuần qua nó đã diễn tập rất nhiều lần ).

MIGHT HAVE BEEN VERB+ ING - có lẽ lúc ấy đang

(Chỉ sự suy luận logic dựa trên những hiện tượng có thật trong quá
Ví dụ:
- I didn’t hear the telephone ring, I might have been sleeping at that time.
- I didn’t watch that scene on television, I might have been paying attention to the argument.

MUST HAVE BEEN VERB+ ING - chắc hẳn lúc ấy đang

(Chỉ sự suy luận logic dựa trên những hiện tượng có thật trong quá
Ví dụ:
- I didn’t hear you knock, I must have been sleeping at that time.
- I didn’t see him this morning, he must have been working in the office.


1. She ___ be ill. I have just seen her playing basket ball in the school yard.
A. needn't B. shouldn't C. mustn't D. can't
2. Hiking the trail to the peak _____ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes.
You _____ research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent.
A. might / can B. may / mustn't C. can / should D. must / needn't
3. Peter has been working for 10 hours. He _______ be very tired now.
A. needn't B. must C. has to D. should
4. He is unreliable. What he says _______ be believed.
A. cannot B. must not C. may not D. might not
5. I _______ find my own way there. You _______ wait for me.
A. should / can't B. have to / must C. can / needn't D. might / mustn't
6. I was reading the book last night before I went to bed. I never took it out of this room. It ____ be lying around
here somewhere. Where ________ it be?
A. might / needn't B. can / should C. shouldn't / may D. must / can
7. When you have a small child in the house, you _______ leave small objects lying around. Such objects
_______ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
A. should / must B. should not / might C. needn't / may D. mustn't / can't
8. Jenny's engagement ring was precious! It _______ have cost a fortune.
A. must B. should C. can D. needn't
9. You _____ take your umbrella along with you today. It ______rain later on this afternoon.
A. ought to / mustn't B. needn't / will C. will / must D. should / might
10. I _____be at the meeting by 10:00. I will probably _____ take a taxi if I want to be on time.
A. must/ have to B. may / must C. should / needn't D. mustn't / shouldn't
11. You ____ forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about paying on time.
A. needn't B. mustn't C. do not have to D. may not
12. I am not deaf. You _______ shout.
A. must B. mustn't C. need D. needn’t

13. _______ I borrow your lighter for a minute? - Sure, no problem. Actually, you _______ keep it if you want
A. May / can B. Must / might C. Will / should D. Might / needn’t
14. I do not mind at all. You _______ apologize.
A. shouldn't B. needn't C. mustn't D. oughtn't to
15. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He _______ exhausted after such a long flight now.
A. must be B. must be being C. must have been D. should have been
16. The lamp _______ be broken. Maybe the light bulb just burned out.
A. should not B. might not C. must not D. will not
17. It is a top secret. You _______ tell anyone about it.
A. mustn't B. needn't C. mightn't D. won't
18. We have plenty of time for doing the work. We _______ be hurried.
A. needn't B. shouldn't C. mustn't D. mayn't
19. Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He _______ it here last night.
A. must have left B. should have left C. must be leaving D. needn't leave
20. John failed again. He _______ harder.
A. must have tried B. should have tried C. can tried D. may have tried
21. The television isn't working. It _______ during the move.
A. should have been damaged B. needn't be damaged
C. must have been damaged D. ought not be damaged
22. She spoke in a low voice, but I _______ what she was saying
A. can understand B. could understand
C. were able understand D. could have under stood
23. Robert arrived without his books. He ________ it.
A. could have lost B. would have lost C. should have lost D. will have lost
24. “ where do you think Roony is today?”. “ I have no idea. He _____ late.”
A. should have left B. would sleep C. would have sleep D. may have sleep
25.The photos are black. The X-ray at the airport ______ them
A. should have damage B. would have damage C. would damage D. must have damage
26. The children _________ “thank you” to you when you gave them their gifts
A. will have said B. should have said C. must say D. should say
27. Jean did very badly on the exam. She _________ harder.
A. must have studied B. could have studied C. sholud have studied D. must studied
28. These two boys are identical. They _________ twins.
A. must have been B. should be C. must be D. should have been
29. Had we known your new address, we _________ to see you.
A. came B. will come C. would have come D. would come
30. My car stopped on the high way. It ______ out of gas.
A. may run B. must be C. may have run D. should have run
31. You have been reading for four hours. This book ___ be very interesting.
A. can B. might C. must D. should

32. Don t phone Ann now. She ___ be having lunch.
A. might B. can C. must D. has to
33. This road is very narrow. It ___to be widened.
A. might B. needs C. mustn’t D. may
34. My mother permitted me to go out at night. She said, “You ___ go out tonight.”
A. may B. have to C. must D. ought to
35. He advised me to take an English course. I ___ it early.
A. should have taken B. should take C. will have taken D. may take

36. You ___ ring the bell; I have a key.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t
37. The line is busy; someone ___ the telephone now.
A. must be using B. must have used
C. must use D. must have been using
38. “Are you still going to Florida for vacation?” “Yes, but I really ___because I don’t have much money.”
A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. won’t
39. “Did Peter go downtown by car or by train?” “He ___by train because his car was in the mechanics.”
A. must go B. has to go C. had gone D. must have gone
40. “Have you seen Kate?” “No, but she ___ be at her desk.”
A. may B. ought C. would D. can
41. “Can I borrow twenty dollars?” “No, you know I ___ lend you money any more.”
A. might not B. shouldn’t have C. won’t D. not going to
42. ___ you remember what you were doing at this time yesterday?
A. Can B. Must C. May D. Should
43. I ___ understand this letter. Will you translate it for me?
A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. shouldn’t
44. Daisy’s parents don’t let her go to late- night disco. She ___ be at home at 9 o’clock in the evening.
A. must B. may C. can D. has to
45. ___ you give me some advice about the language course?
A. Have B. Should C. May D. Could
46. Why didn’t you give me a call yesterday? We ___ discuss everything together.
A. can B. may C. must D. could
47. Yesterday I ___ finish the work because I was very tired.
A. could B. can’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t
48. Sit down, please. ___ a cup of tea?
A. Do you like B. Do you like to drink C. Would you like D. Will you like
49. Sorry, I ___ stay any longer. I really must go home.
A. mustn’t B. can not C. couldn’t D. may not

50. “It ___rain this evening. Why don t you take an umbrella?”
“That’s a good idea. May I borrow yours?”
A. had better B. could be C. must D. might
51. This building__________ finished by the end of last year but there have been so many strikes that it isn't
finished yet.
A. will have been B. should have been C. was to have been D. may have been
52. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ________have cost a fortune
A. can B. must C. could D. should
53. Oh no! Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He_________ have left it here last night.
A. must B. should C. could D. can
54. Tom painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He __________ a different colour.
A. has to choose B. should have chosen
C. must have chosen D. could have been choosing
243. Dan appears__________ some weight. Has he been ill?
A. having been lost B. to have lost D. have lost C. have been lost
244, I'm certain that Tim has gone home. His jacket's not here. He____________ gone home
A. could have B. might have C. should have D. must have
245. I don't know who rang, but it__________ Jim
A. could have been B. should have been C. might have been D. shouldn't have been
55.”I heard their phone ringing" - You ________ their phone ringing. They haven't got a phone “

A. shouldn't have heard B. mustn't have heard C. must have heard D. couldn't have heard
56. I know you didn't see me yesterday because I was in New York. You ________ me
A. may not have seen B. mustn't have seen C. shouldn't have seen D. can't have seen
57. "I left a cookie on the table, but now it's gone. What happened to it?" don't know. One of the children
A. may have eaten B. could eat. C. had to eat D. should have eaten
58. "I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn't know what to do." You___________ your roommate
A. could have called B. should have called C. would have called D. may have called
59. It's a pity you didn't ask because I __________you
A. could help B. could have helped C. should have helped D. would help
60.”I went with him to show him the way” – “You ___________ that. He knows the way."
A. needn't have done B. shouldn't have done
C. may not have done D. appeared not to have done
61. "I've written to Paul. You________. He's coming here tomorrow. You'll see him before he gets your letter."
A. shouldn't have written B. needn't have written C. mustn't have written D. were to have written
62. "The instructions were in French. I translated them into English for him." You_________ them. He knows
A. needn't have translated B. oughtn't to have translated
C. shouldn't have translated D. can't have translated
63. They _________ a two-storey house, but money ran out so they built a bungalow instead.
A should have built B. may have built C ought to have built D. were to have built
64. They ___________ married next week but now they have quarrelled and the wedding has been cancelled.
A. will have B. were to have been C. will have been D. should have been

Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that doesn’t change the meaning of the original.
1. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
→ _____________________________________________
2. They think that he has died for many years.
3. They say that John is the biggest student in class.
→ _____________________________________________
4. They thought that she won the first prize.
5. They know that English is an international language.
→ _____________________________________________
6. People said that he was living in London.
→ _____________________________________________
7. Someone says that she has got married.
→ _____________________________________________
8. They said that she was a famous artist.
→ _____________________________________________
9. People said that he was jealous of her.
→ _____________________________________________
10. People say that there is oil under the sea.
→ _____________________________________________
11.They told me that you were the best architect in this city.
→ _____________________________________________
12. She reported that the flowers were killed by frost.
→ _____________________________________________

13. That officer announced that the meeting was delayed until next week.
→ _____________________________________________
14. He discovered that this cotton was grown in Egypt.
→ _____________________________________________
15. They promise that the performance will start on time.
→ _____________________________________________
16. People believe that the houses were destroyed by the storm last night.
→ _____________________________________________
17. People think that the painting is genuine.
→ _____________________________________________
18. They say that she works 16 hours a day.
→ _____________________________________________
19. People allege that Mark kicked a police officer.
→ _____________________________________________
20. They believe that the missing boy is wearing a white sweater and blue jeans.
→ _____________________________________________
21. People say that there is a secret tunnel between those two houses.
→ _____________________________________________
22. They allege that a stranger has robbed the store of $3,000 in cash.
→ _____________________________________________
23. They report that the building was badly damaged by the fire.
→ _____________________________________________
24. People say that Michael eats spiders.
→ _____________________________________________
25. They say that he knows a lot of people.
→ _____________________________________________
26. They say that her company has grown from one small shop.
→ _____________________________________________
27. Everyone expects that the soap opera “Round the Corner” will end next year.
→ _____________________________________________
28. Journalists suppose that the footballer Wayne Johnson is earning £10 million a year.
→ _____________________________________________
29. They say that Henry is in love with Claire.
→ _____________________________________________
30. They think that the company is planning a new advertising campaign.
→ _____________________________________________
31. Journalists report that the President suffered a heart attack.
→ _____________________________________________
32. We agree that changes to the scheme are necessary.
→ _____________________________________________
33. I suppose that this program is very funny.
→ _____________________________________________
34. The police prove that he stole £90.
→ _____________________________________________
35. People expect that the government will lose election.
→ _____________________________________________


examples: for example or for instance: ví dụ như
For example Namely refers to something by name. "There are two problems: namely, the expense and
For instance the time."

Và, hơn nữa, thêm vào đó, cũng, bên cạnh, vả lại…
In a list, you put a comma between each item, but not before and. Ex: "We discussed
training, education and the budget."
Adding Also: add an extra idea or emphasis. Ex: "We also spoke about marketing." + "We are
information concerned not only by the costs, but also by the competition."
And We don't usually start a sentence with also. If you want to start a sentence with a phrase
In addition that means also, you can use In addition, or In addition to this…
As well as As well as: at the beginning or the middle of a sentence.
Also "As well as the costs, we are concerned by the competition." + "We are interested in costs
Too as well as the competition."
Furthermore Too goes either at the end of the sentence, or after the subject and means as well. Ex:
Moreover "They were concerned too." + "I, too, was concerned."
Apart from Apart from and besides are often used to mean as well as, or in addition to.
In addition to Ex: "Apart from Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer." + "Besides Rover, we
Besides are the largest sports car manufacturer."
Moreover and furthermore: Ex: "Marketing plans give us an idea of the potential
market. Moreover, they tell us about the competition."

In short
In brief Tóm lại, nói chung,
In summary His novels belong to a great but vanished age. They are, in short, old-fashioned.
To In brief, the meeting was a disaster.
summarise And so I would say, in summary, that the campaign has been a great success or And so in
In a nutshell summary, I would say that the campaign has been a great success
To conclude
In conclusion

The former, Đầu tiên, kế đến, sau đó, cuối cùng,
… the latter "Marketing and finance are both covered in the course. The former is studied in the
Firstly, first term and the latter is studied in the final term."
secondly, Firstly, … secondly, … finally (or lastly) are useful ways to list ideas.
The first It's rare to use "fourthly", or "fifthly". Instead, try the first point, the second point, the
point is third point and so on.
Lastly “After a long delay, finally, the performance started” + "The following people have been
The following chosen to go on the training course: N Peters, C Jones and A Owen."
Next, then,
after that….

Mark the
Giving a Bởi vì, tại vì letter A,
reason Due to and owing to must be followed by a noun phrase. Ex: "Due to the rise in oil B, C or
prices, the inflation rate rose by 1.25%." + "Owing to the demand, we are unable to D to
Due to / due supply all items within 2 weeks." indicate
to the fact With a clause (a subject, verb and object), must use the fact that. Ex: "Due to the fact the
that that oil prices have risen, the inflation rate has gone up by 1%25." + "Owing to the fact correct
Owing to / that the workers have gone on strike, the company has been unable to fulfil all its answer
owing to the orders." to each
fact that Because / because of. Because of: a noun, or a noun phrase. Ex: "Because of bad of the
Because weather, the football match was postponed." following
Because of Because: a clause. Ex: "Because it was raining, the match was postponed." + Since / as questions
Since .
Since and as mean because. Ex: "Since the company is expanding, we need to hire more
As staff." + "As the company is expanding, we need to hire more staff." 1. I don’t
like this
book. It
Giving a result Vì thế, do đó, kết quả là…….. is
Therefore Therefore, so, consequently and as a result are all used in a similar way. Ex: "The ______
So, hence company is expanding. Therefore / So / Consequently / As a result, they are taking on interestin
Consequently extra staff." g ______
This means cheap.
So is more informal. Ex: the shops were closed, so I didn't get any milk
that A. both –
As a result and
Contrasting 2.
ideas Neither
Nhưng, tuy nhiên, mặc dù…. Linda nor
However But is more informal than however. Ex: "He works hard, but he doesn't earn much." I _____
Although / "He works hard. However, he doesn't earn much." classical
even though Although, despite and in spite of : contrast. Ex: "Although it was cold, she went out in music.
Despite / shorts." A. liking
despite (the "In spite of the cold, she went out in shorts." 3. The
fact that) Despite and in spite of: a noun phrase. Ex: "Despite the fact that the company was baby is
In spite of / in doing badly, they took on extra employees." Although: a clause only two
spite of (the Nevertheless and nonetheless mean in spite of that or anyway. Ex: "The sea was cold, months
fact that) but he went swimming nevertheless." (In spite of the fact that it was cold.) old. He
Nevertheless "The company is doing well. Nonetheless, they aren't going to expand this year." can ____
Nonetheless While, whereas and unlike: show how two things are different from each other. Ex: speak
While "While my sister has blue eyes, mine are brown." + "Taxes have gone up, whereas social ____wal
Whereas security contributions have gone down." + "Unlike in the UK, the USA has cheap petrol." k.
Unlike In theory… in practice…: show an unexpected result. Ex: "In theory, teachers should A.
In theory… in prepare for lessons, but in practice, they often don't have enough time." neither /
practice… nor
Yet 4. He
_______ a teacher or a doctor.
A. is neither B. neither is C. is either D. either is
5. She is ______friendly _____intelligent so I can’t help admiring her.
A. not only / but also B. either / or C. both / and D. A&C are correct
6. John is very poor. He has ______ house ______ money.
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
7. ______ Linh ______ her sister like listening to pop music .
A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also
8. Neither my friend nor I _____ that movie.
A. don’t like B. likes C. doesn’t like D. like
9. Who wrote you this love letter? - I'm not sure. I think it was ___ Michael ___ Paul.

A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
10. ___ Linda ___ Helen called to say sorry. I'm very sad and frustrated.
A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also
11. ___ Ryan ___ Susie have disappointed me. They didn't come to my birthday party.
A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also
12. He hurt ___ her feelings ___ her dignity. This is unforgivable.
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
13. ___ loyalty ___ honesty are essential in a friendship.
A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also
14. You should ___ disrespect ___ deceive your friends.
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
15. I will take you ___ to the cinema ___ to the theatre. That's a promise.
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. You should keep the milk in the refrigerator_____________ it doesn’t go bad.
A. since B. So that C. Because D. After
2. You should say goodbye to your brother _____________ you leave for Europe.
A. despite B. After C. Since D. before
3. The class discussion was short;_____________, we gained some knowlegde from it.
A. however B. Moreover C. Although D. therefore
4. The underground is cheap;_____________, it’s faster than the train.
A. however B. Moreover C. But D. so
5. _____________ you study harder, you won’t win the scholarship.
A. unless B. Because C. If D. in order that
6. The countrytside air is fresh,________________, it’s not polluted.
A. however B. Whenever C. Moreover D. beside
7. ________________ she spoke slowly, I don’t understand her.
A. since B. Although C. If D. As
8. We will wait her ____________ she comes back.
A. while B. Until C. Since D. for
9. Our teacher explained the lesson slowly ______________ we might understand him.
A. and B. So that C. If not D. or
10. _____________ it rained heavily, we went to school on time.
A. even though B. Despite C. Because D. though not
11. Our visit to Japan was delayed___________ my wife’s illness.
A. because B. Because of C. Thanks to D. although
12. __________ he comes to the theatre with me, I shall go alone
A. because of B. Because C. Unless D. when
13. He tries his best to work hard ______________ help her family get over the difficulties.
A. so as that B. In order that C. in order to D. so as not to
14. We moved to the front row _____________ we could hear and see better.
A. so as that B. Because C. Although D. so that
15. I made a mistake ____________ I was tired after the work.
A. though B. So that C. Because D. if
16. Minh had a terrible headache. __________________, he still wanted to go to school.
A. therefore B. But C. However D. although
17. My sister will take the plane to Singapore______________ she dislikes flying.
A. because B. So that C. Therefore D. though
18. My car broke down on the way.____________, when I got the airport, the plane had taken off.

A. because B. However C. Therefore D. although
19. His mother was sick._________________, Jane had to stay at home to look after her.
A. but B. However C. So D. therefore
20. They asked me to wait for them; ____________, he didn’t turn back.
A. but B. However C. So D. Therefore
21. Many people still believe him very much __________ he sometimes tell lies.
A. because B. since C. although D. despite
22. They were walking on the street _________ there was an accident.
A. when B. while C. because D. so that
23. __________ the darkness in the room, we couldn’t continue our studying.
A. because of B. since C. although D. In spite of
24. Mary tries to study as hard as possible ___________ she can get the scholaship to study in England.
A. in order to B. so that C. because D. because of
25. She stopped at the post office ___________ she could send the letter to her parents.
A. although B. so as to C. in order that D. despite
26. He didn’t wear warm clothes __________________ the cold weather in winter.
A. because B. although C. because of D. in spite of
27. What had you done ____________ I phoned you?
A. as soon as B. by the time C. after D. while
28. Tom couldn’t get a job _____________ he couldn’t speak English well.
A. because B. although C. because of D. in spite of
29. _____________ he knew the danger of smoking, he couldn’t give it up.
A. since B. though C. because of D. despite
30. He knew the danger of smoking;______________, he couldn’t give it up.
A. therefore B. But C. However D. although
31. ____________ their poverty in their family, they live happily together everyday.
A. as B. though C. because D. despite
32. He didn’t drink beer _______________ he was really thirsrty.
A. in spite of B. even though C. because D. since
33. We will go without him ____________ he comes here on time.
A. though B. unless C. Because D. If
34. Mike went to the bank ______________ he cashed his cheque.
A. Therefore B. So that C. However D. Although
35. The students finish the test well _________________ its difficulties yesterday.
A. therefore B. In spite of C. However D. Although
36. She has driven a car _____________ she studied at the university.
A. as soon as B. by the time C. after D. since
37. We started out on the trip ______________ the weather was extremely hot.
A. because B. In spite of C. Because of D. Although
38. We should wait for her __________ we had much time.
A. though B. unless C. Because D. If
39. ____________ we had much time, we shouldn’t wait for her
A. though B. unless C. Because D. If
40. The food didn’t look appetizing;______________, many people liked enjoying it.
A. Therefore B. So that C. However D. Although
41. It was already 6p.m, ______________ we closed our office and went home.
A. therefore B. But C. However D. So
42. Ok! you can take Chemistry as your major.______________, you should remember that it is not easy to learn.
A. therefore B. But C. However D. Although

43. John succeeded in the exam ______________ his hard and methodical work.
A. because B. In spite of C. Because of D. Although
44. He didn’t stop his car ___________ the traffic light turned red.
A. because B. In spite of C. Because of D. Although
45. She didn’t join our programme _________________ she had to take a summer course at the college.
A. so that B.because of C. Because D. Although
46. She wanted to go to bed early ________________ her bad tiredness.
A. because B. In spite of C. Because of D. Although
47. _________________ he had to take her mother to the hospital, he still attended our party yesterday.
A. because B. In spite of C. Because of D. Although
48. ______________ they had read these books, they went out.
A. as soon as B. before C. after D. since
49. The students couldn’t do the test ______________ its copmplicated problems.
A. because B. In spite of C. Because of D. Though
50. ______________ it got dark, they continued working.
A. because B. In spite of C. Because of D. Even though
51. I want to work as an interpreter in the future, ________, I am studying Russian at university.
A. but B. so C. however D. therefore
52. I am going shopping for food this evening ________ I do not have to go at the weekenD.
A. so B. but C. however D. moreover
53. When she got the news from her family, she could not do anything, ________ cry.
A. but B. and C. so D. however
54. We live in the same building ________ we have hardly seen each other
A. and B. therefore C. but D. so
55. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD ________ the shop didn't have it.
A. and B. but C. therefore D. so
56. Anna needed some money, ________, she took a part-time job.
A. furthermore B. moreover C. however D. therefore
57. Julie has a guitar ________ she plays it really well.
A. and B. so C. but D. therefore
58. My fingers were injured ________ my sister had to write the note for me.
A. and B. however C. so D. but
59. The concert was cancelled ________ we went to a nightclub instead.
A. so B. however C. so on D. but
60. This is an expensive ________ very useful book.
A. but B. so C. therefore D. however
61. ________ long it takes, I will wait for you.
A. However B. But C. So D. Therefore
62. I must say that you have done very well. ________, you should be aware that you still have a lot of thing to
A. Therefore B. So C. But D. However
63. He is only sixteen, and ________, he is not eligible to drive a car.
A. nevertheless B. but C. therefore D. however
64. Maria tried to read a novel in French ________ the book was too difficult for her to understanD.
A. so that B. therefore C. but D. and
65. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly, ________ you can ride the ferry.
A. or B. but C. so D. however
66. I bought a bottle of wine ________ we drank it together.
A. therefore B. so C. and D. but

67. The waiter was not very nice, _____, the food was delicious.
A. however B. but C. so D. and so
68. ___ hard he worked, he could earn enough money to support the family.
A. But B. However C. Therefore D. Whatever
69. I wanted to give him some money after he helped me with the car _____ he absolutely refused to accept it.
A. so B. but C. therefore D. and so
70. Everyone is ready for the discussion, ________ him.
A. however B. but C. so D. therefore
71. The first part of the test was easy; the second, ________, took hours.
A. therefore B. but C. so D. however
72. He has done nothing to prepare for the final examination, ______ played.
A. but B. so C. therefore D. and
73. He told me not to do it; ________, I did it.
A. Therefore B. So C. But D. However
74. We have not yet won; ________, we will keep trying.
A. moreover B. however C. therefore D. so as
75. I am afraid that the company is in deep trouble. ________, we are going to make some people redundant.
A. Therefore B. However C. But D. And


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