Self Reflection

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Joshua Marrone

Mrs. Cramer

Comp Pd. 1

28 April. 2022

I have learned a tremendous amount about writing throughout this course. Strategies such

as creating a matrix, changing word counts, and creative title making were highlights.

Additionally, I learned the fine-tuning on core writing essentials including citations, creative title

making, topic and concluding sentence creation, and full explanations of source material. Not

only were writing aspects and strategies learned, but aspects of the self as well. I have discovered

that I am able to flow creatively and seamlessly construct an essay when the topic is a choice that

I can relate to and enjoy.

Splintering from discoveries of self, the topic of self-improvement must be examined.

Aspects of the writing process that I need work in are wording choices, making source material

flow with the essay, and writing about myself and my own experiences. I often hit a mental

roadblock when writing of myself and have a hard time overcoming this obstacle.

Looking back on this course, the assignment that most stood out to me as my favorite was

the literary analysis essay. I wrote this essay on the book Kent State, by Deborah Wiles. I read

the book and continued to re-read it several more times, appreciating the text and analyzing the

themes and importance. I was able to choose this book and was allowed to write whatever I

wanted about it, which allowed me to be freer and enjoy the process significantly more than any

other. However, the assignment that I believe helped me the most is this one, the self-reflection.
This is because it is a step in overcoming my difficulty with writing on the self, as discussed


By the near end of this course, I’ve come to a conclusive method of writing. I start with a

brainstorm of ideas for what I will write about. This could be a side to choose if the essay is

argumentative in nature, or a theme to choose if it is an analysis. Next, I begin researching the

topic I decide on and find sources to use. Having a topic and information on said topic, I

construct a thesis to form my essay around. After having a thesis with points of discussion, I can

then make a matrix of ideas from my sources revolving around my points. Next, I would

organize my ideas using my thesis and matrix. After this I would create a rough draft of my

essay, perform a self-edit, and read it aloud to find mistakes. Then the rough draft would be peer

edited by others and using the critiques I would formulate a final draft. Finally, I would make a

portfolio draft, thus completing the process that I have come to learn and use.

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