Question 4

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College of social science and humanities

Department of educational planning and management

Questionnaire: To be filled by teachers and instructional supervisors

The purpose of this questionnaire is to examine the relationship between instructional supervision and
teaching learning effectiveness, which in this case refers to questionnaire, interview and professional
documents, on supervision and teacher teaching effectiveness in secondary schools. Kindly respond to
each question by providing appropriate responses. Please note that there is no right or wrong answer. The
researcher wants to know your honest opinion on various issues concerning the relationship between
instructional supervision and teaching learning effectiveness. All your responses and information obtained
will be treated with confidentiality and only used for academic purpose of the study.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


1. Don’t write your name on the questionnaire.

2. Use a thick mark -ended questionnaire from the given rating scale.

3. Write briefly your response for open-ended questionnaire.

4. Please, give appropriate response based on your school experience.

Part one: General Information and Respondents’ Personal Data

Direction; Indicate your response by using "√"or "X" in the blank space provided.

1.) Name of school………………………………

2.) Gender Male………. Female……….

3.) Educational qualification Certificate ……. Diploma……. Bachelors Degree………Masters………….


4). Year of experience. A) ____ 5-10 B)_____ 11-15 C)_____ 16-20 D)____ 21-25 E____ above

5). Current work position

Teacher___________, School principal________ vice principal_________ cluster supervisor__________

Part 2: This part of the questionnaire containing that focused to examine the instructional supervision
most commonly practiced in secondary schools.

Direction: Indicate your responses for the following Likert Scale items using ”√” or "X"mark in the
box corresponding to question.

Key: 5= Strongly Agree (SA), 4=Agree (A), 3=Undecided (UD), 2=Disagree (D), 1=Strongly Disagree

No Scales
SD DA Undecided A SA
1 The supervisor helps to ensure professional development of teachers

2 supervisor help teachers when they have problems in their lessons

3 supervisor assist teachers to improve their teaching process

supervisor checks how teachers prepare their lesson plans and lesson
4 notes on daily bases

5 Supervisor supervises teachers during teaching and learning to ascertain

lesson effectiveness.

6 supervisor checks scheme of work to ensure that it is adhere to

7 Supervisor visit classes, inspects books and student’s note books

8 supervisor checks weekly diaries to ensure topics coverage

9 Supervisor performs his duty of instructional supervision accordingly.

10 Supervisors plan and make agreements with teachers on the suitable time
for classroom observation
11 Supervisors analyze the lesson plan of the supervisee teacher before
classroom visit.

12 Supervisors record important data on the teaching learning process and

how the teacher and students are performing
13 Supervisors follow up the lesson attentively from the beginning to the end

14 Supervisors give immediate feedback to the teachers.

15 Supervisors discuss with the supervisee teacher on the collected data

during the class observation.
16 Supervisors and the supervisee discussion more emphasizes on
improvement of teaching learning process.

Part 3: This part of the questionnaire containing that focused on factors that affect the practice of
instructional supervision in selected secondary school.
Direction: Indicate your responses for the following Likert Scale items using ”√” or "X"mark in the
box corresponding to question.

Key: 5= Strongly Agree (SA), 4=Agree (A), 3=Undecided (UD), 2=Disagree (D), 1=Strongly Disagree

N Scales
o Items
SD DA Undecided A SA

1 Teachers perceive supervision as a fault finding than helping activity.

2 Teachers perceive supervisors as incompetent to the position.
3 Teachers perceive supervision a means to promote teachers autonomy.

Teachers perceive instructional supervision preferable means of teachers’

4 supportive
5 Supervisors are well trained in instructional supervision to give support to

6 Workshops, seminars, trainings were arranged for supervisors to upgrade their

advisory status
7 Experience sharing session has been organized for instructional supervisors.

8 There is lack of follow up the activities of teachers by the supervisors.

9 There is inadequate number of supervisors to assist the school teachers properly.
10 There is lack of relevant supervision manual in the school
11 There is inadequate availability of educational resources
12 The supervisors are overloaded with classroom activities and administrative tasks

11. .If there are any other challenges faced on secondary school instructional supervisors, please write
them briefly


12. Which strategies do you think can improve instructional supervision?


Part 4: The following shows the present situation of teaching and learning process in selected secondary

Direction: Indicate your responses for the following Likert Scale items using ”√” or "X"mark in the
box corresponding to question.

Key: 5= Strongly Agree (SA), 4=Agree (A), 3=Undecided (UD), 2=Disagree (D), 1=Strongly Disagree

No Scales
SD DA Undecided A SA

1 Teacher making schemes of work

2 Teacher making lesson plans
3 Teachers Preparing lesson notes

Teachers assessing student's prior knowledge

5 Teachers using variety of teaching methods

6 Teachers using real life examples to teach

7 Teachers giving class exercises

8 Teachers giving homework
9 Teachers revising homework exercises with students
10 Teachers giving regular tests
11 Teachers returning marked scripts in time
12 Teachers help students make corrections
13 My students are more attentive in my class
14 My students perform well in exams
15 Students enjoy my improved teaching style

16 Explain if any strategies done in your school to ensure effective teaching and learning.


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