The School Culture Survey

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Name (Optional) : ______________________________________________________________________

Directions: Please indicate the degree to which each statement describes conditions in your school using
the scale below. Put a ( / ) mark on the appropriate column.

Scale Indicator

1 Strongly Disagree
2 Disagree
3 Undecided
4 Agree
5 Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5

1. Teachers utilize professional networks to obtain information and resources for

classroom instruction.

2. Leaders value teacher’s ideas.

3. Teachers have opportunities for dialogue and planning across grades and


4. Teachers trust each other.

5. Teachers support the mission of the school.

6. Teachers and parents have common expectations for student performance.

7. Leaders in the school trust the professional judgment of teachers.

8. Teachers spend considerable time planning together.

9. Teachers regularly seek ideas from seminars, colleagues, and conferences.

10. Teachers are willing to help out whenever there is a problem.

11. Leaders take time to praise teachers who perform well.

12. The school mission provides a clear sense of direction for teachers.

13. Parents trust teachers’ professional judgments.

14. Teachers are involved in the decision-making process.

15. Teachers take time to observe each other teaching.

16. Professional development is valued by the faculty.

17. Teachers’ ideas are valued by other teachers.

18. Leaders in the school facilitate teachers working together.

19. Teachers understand the mission of the school.

20. Teachers are kept informed on current issues in the school.

21. Teachers and parents communicate frequently about student performance.

22. Teacher involvement in policy or decision-making is taken seriously.

23. Teachers are generally aware of what other teachers are teaching.

24. Teachers maintain a current knowledge about the learning process.

25. Teachers work cooperatively in groups.

26. Teachers are rewarded for experimenting with new ideas and techniques.

27. The school mission statement reflects the values of the community.

28. Leaders support risk taking and innovation in teaching.

29. Teachers work together to develop and evaluate programs and projects.

30. The faculty values school improvement.

31. Teaching performance reflects the mission of the school.

32. Administrators protect instruction and planning time.

33. Disagreements over instructional practice are voiced openly and discussed.

34. Teachers are encouraged to share ideas.

35. Students accept responsibility for their schooling, for example by being

mentally engaged in class and completing homework assignments.

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