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Systematic design and optimization of operational transconductance amplifier

using gm/ID design methodology

Article  in  Microelectronics Journal · May 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2018.02.002


33 2,325

3 authors, including:

Nagwa Sabry Hesham Omran

Minia University Ain Shams University


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Systematic Design and Optimization of Operational

Transconductance Amplifier Using gm/ID Design
Mostafa N. Sabry, Hesham Omran, and Mohamed Dessouky

1 Abstract—The simple square-law MOSFET model fails to and intuition to make his design work. In addition to requiring 43
2 describe the behavior of short channel and moderate/weak significant design time and expensive simulation tools licenses, 44
3 inversion devices. The gm/ID methodology is a promising tech- this design methodology hinders the understanding of design 45
4 nique that addresses the square-law shortcomings and bridges
5 the gap between hand analysis and simulation. This paper trade-offs, the development of valuable designer intuition, and 46

6 describes a systematic procedure for the design of a single-stage the systematic porting of designs from one technology node 47

7 operational-transconductance amplifier (OTA) using the gm/ID to another. 48

8 methodology. Both small signal and large signal specifications A promising methodology that addresses the previous lim- 49
9 are used to constrain the design process, which is graphically itations, and bridges the gap between hand analysis and 50
10 illustrated using trade-off charts. The presented design procedure
11 is automated using MATLAB, and an iterative procedure is used simulation is the gm /ID design methodology [4]–[9]. The 51

12 to take the OTA self-loading into consideration. Moreover, an basic idea of this methodology is to describe the transistor 52

13 automated optimization procedure is presented to maximize the behavior using a dataset generated from simulation sweeps 53

14 speed of a unity-gain buffer under current consumption, DC (or measurements) rather than inaccurate simple models. This 54
15 gain, and input capacitance constraints. The designed circuits dataset characterizes different normalized transistor parameters 55
16 are verified using Cadence Spectre and the 180 nm Predictive
17 Technology Model (PTM), where the simulation results are in and figures-of-merit vs the transconductance-to-current ratio 56

18 close agreement with hand analysis and automation results. (gm /ID ). The gm /ID is used as a primary design variable 57

instead of the overdrive voltage which is common in square- 58

19 Index Terms—OTA design; systematic analog design; gm/ID
20 methodology; analog design automation; analog design optimiza- law based design flow. The gm /ID can be thought as a 59

21 tion; CMOS normalized measure of the channel inversion level for all 60

operating regions, and it directly captures the relation between 61

the basic function of the transistor (the transconductance) and 62

22 I. I NTRODUCTION the most valuable resource (the power consumption). The 63

23 Analog IC design will always be there because we live in gm /ID dataset is one-time generated for a given technology, 64

24 an analog world. Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and and can be reused in the form of trade-off charts or lookup 65

25 digital-to-analog converter (DACs) will always be needed tables. The design process becomes a systematic procedure, 66

26 (together with their associated circuits such as amplifiers, where hand analysis expectations are in close agreement with 67

27 filters, references, and regulators) to interface between our simulation results. 68

28 analog world and our digital electronic devices. It may be One of the early works that discussed the gm /ID method- 69

29 thought that CMOS analog design is an art that depends on lots ology was proposed by Silveira et al. in [4]. This pioneering 70

30 of experience and intuition. One reason that may support this work proposed using the gm /ID methodology for OTA design; 71

31 claim is that the simple square-law MOSFET model common however, several design variables were assumed without being 72

32 to most textbooks and university courses fails to describe the constrained by clear circuit specifications. In addition, the 73

33 behavior of short channel devices, as well as devices operated details of the optimization procedure used to select the gm /ID 74

34 in moderate and weak inversion (which are becoming increas- values and the transistor sizing were not explained. Moreover, 75

35 ingly popular in energy-efficient designs [1]–[3]) regardless of important circuit specifications such as input range, noise, and 76

36 their channel length. On the other hand, more accurate device common-mode rejection were not considered. Finally, it did 77

37 models are too complicated, and are not amenable to hand not consider the variation of the gm /ID characteristics with 78

38 analysis. In addition, there is no definite systematic recipe that channel length, since this variation was negligible for the 3 µm 79

39 the designer can follow to design an analog block, even if it technology used in the design. The gm /ID methodology was 80

40 is a fundamental block like an operational transconductance used to optimize a gain boosted cascode in [5]. However, 81

41 amplifier (OTA). As a result, the analog designer has to rely on similar to [4], it suffered from the same previously mentioned 82

42 lengthy multi-variable sweeps on simulation tools, experience, drawbacks. The optimization of a three-stage nested-Miller 83

OTA using gm /ID methodology was proposed in [8]. The 84

Mostafa N. Sabry is with Si-Vision LLC, Cairo, Egypt design procedure aimed at optimizing both noise and settling 85
(email: [email protected]). Hesham Omran and time specifications. However, it neglected other circuit spec- 86
Mohamed Dessouky are with the Integrated Circuits Lab, Faculty
of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (email: ifications, and assumed that the gm /ID values and channel 87

{hesham.omran,mohamed.dessouky} lengths of all transistors are known a priori. A common 88


1 shortcoming in the aforementioned works is that they do Table I

2 not demonstrate a fully-constrained complete design example. OTA SPECIFICATIONS .
3 Lastly, it is difficult for the interested designer to replicate or
Technology 0.18 µm CMOS
4 apply the proposed design procedures due to the lack of details
Supply Voltage 1.8 V
5 and the use of proprietary device models.
6 As a result, there is a need for a complete and detailed Reference Current 10 µA
7 design example that clearly demonstrates the gm /ID method- Current Consumption 20 µA
8 ology for a simple but real-life analog block, starting from Capacitive Load 5 pF
9 a complete set of specifications and up to verification. This Gain-Bandwidth Product 5 M Hz
10 paper aims at providing such a design example to promote Phase Margin 70o
11 the gm /ID methodology among experienced designers who
Open-Loop DC gain 32 dB
12 are not used to this powerful methodology, as well as novice
13 designers who are embarking their analog IC design journey. A Total Integrated Thermal Noise 50 µV rms
14 key merit that differentiates this work is that it clearly explains Input Range 0.2 V − 1.1 V
15 the design and optimization procedure for a complete design Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) @ DC 70 dB
16 example using publicly available device models. Consequently,
17 the interested reader can replicate the results, or apply the
18 presented techniques to his own design problems. A simple M6 M5
19 single-stage OTA (also known as five-transistor OTA [10]) is
20 used as a design example, which despite its simplicity still
Vin+ M1 M2 Vin-
21 finds use in complex mixed-signal systems (e.g., [11]). The
22 OTA design process is constrained by both small-signal and Vout
23 large-signal specifications, and is graphically illustrated using IREF M3 M4 CL
24 trade-off charts. The presented procedure is automated using
25 MATLAB, and the automation program is applied to solve
26 more sophisticated design problems. Analytical expressions Figure 1. Schematic of the five-transistor (5T) OTA. IREF and CL are
27 for the OTA self-loading and input capacitance are derived, external elements used in the testbench. The feedback connection for unity-
28 verified, and used in the automation program. The proposed gain buffer operation is not shown.
29 design examples are verified using Cadence Spectre and
30 the publicly available 180 nm Predictive Technology Model transistors are stacked in the targeted OTA architecture, VDS 56
31 (PTM) [12]. is set at VDD /3. The previous simulations are performed only 57

once, and the results can be saved in the form of charts or 58

32 II. S YSTEMATIC D ESIGN P ROCEDURE U SING gm /ID lookup tables for further reuse. 59
34 A. OTA Specifications C. Design of the Input Pair 60

35 The target design example is a single-ended output five- The first step is to choose the type of the OTA input pair. 61

36 transistor OTA to be used as a unity-gain buffer to drive a Since the required input range (0.2 V − 1.1 V ) is close to the 62

37 large capacitive load. The design specifications are shown in ground rail, a PMOS input stage is necessary. The schematic 63

38 Table I. The available current consumption for the OTA is of the OTA is shown in Fig. 1. From the GBW and CL 64

39 20 µA. In addition, a 10 µA reference current is externally specifications the transconductance of the input pair can be 65

40 provided. The OTA gain-bandwidth product (GBW) is roughly determined [10] 66

41 equal to the buffer closed-loop bandwidth (BWCL ), and the GBW = (1)
42 OTA common-mode input range (CMIR) is itself the buffer 2πCL
43 input range. where the OTA internal capacitors were neglected compared 67

to the large output load (more about this point in Section II-F 68

and Section III). Substituting in (1) yields gm1,2 ≈ 160 µS. 69

44 B. Trade-off Charts Generation
Since the 20 µA OTA bias current is split equally between M1 70
45 DC simulation is used to generate the operating point and M2, the gm /ID of the input pair is 71
46 parameters, and AC noise simulation is used to extract the
47 value of the noise coefficient (γ). DC sweep is used for VGS (gm /ID )1,2 ≈ 16 S/A (2)
48 from ≈ VT H −100 mV to ≈ VT H +500mV . Parametric sweep The channel length can selected from the gain spec. The 72
49 is used for the channel length (L). The channel width (W ) is differential DC gain of the OTA is given by [10] 73
50 kept constant since the transistor parameters are approximately gm1,2
51 proportional to W regardless of the operating region. A Avdc = (3)
gds2 + gds4
52 channel width of 10 µm is selected to avoid narrow width
From (2) and Table (I), the requirement on the output conduc- 74
53 effects, noting that relatively large W is typically used for
tance of M2 and M4 is 75
54 analog circuits. A finger width of 2 µm is assumed; thus,
55 all widths are selected to be multiples of 2 µm. Since three gds2 + gds4 < 4 µS (4)

10 1
L = 2 7m
L = 2 7m 200 L = 0.4 7m
10 1

ID/W (uA/um)

ID/W (uA/um)

150 L = 2 7m
200 X: 15
10 1

ID/W (uA/um)
X: 16 Y: 83.84
10 0 X: 16

Y: 88.62 150
100 Y: 0.437 X: 15
Y: 83.84 10 0
50 L = 2 7m
50 L = 2 7m L = 0.4 7m
L = 0.4 7m 0 10 0
50 L = 2 7m
0 10 -1 5 10 15 20 5
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 L = 0.4 7m
0 gm/ID (S/A)
gm/ID (S/A) 5 gm/ID (S/A) 10 15 20 5
0.8 (a) 0.3
(a) gm/ID (S/A)
X: 8.333
Y: 0.67 0.25
0.8 0.3
-0.55 1 L = 0.4 7m

(V) (V)
10 L = 2 7m -0.1
X: 8.333
Y: 0.67 X: 16 0.25

Vdsat Vdsat
-0.6 X: 16 0.6

ID/W (uA/um)Vdsat (V)

L = 0.4 7m 0.7

10 1 Y: -0.09491L = 0.4 7m
Y: -0.5703 0.15

ID/W (uA/um)

-0.65 L = 2 7m -0.15
L = 0.4 7m
200 0.5
X: 16 -0.7 0
L = 0.4 7m L = 2 7m 0.1
10 X: 16 0.15
Y: 88.62 -0.2

150 Y: 0.437
-0.75 X: 16 0.4
0.5 0.05
10 0 L = 2 7m 10 X: 16 0.1 5
Y: 88.62 5 15 20
100 Y: 0.437
-0.8 L = 2 7m -0.25 gm/ID (S/A)
5 10 15 20 5 0.410 15 20 0.05
L = 0.4 7m 5 10 15 20 5
-1 gm/ID (S/A) L = 2 7m gm/ID (S/A)
10 0.92
15 20 5 10 15
L = 0.4 7m
20 gm/ID (S/A)
0 gm/ID (S/A) -1
0.9 (b)

(r/s) (r/s)
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 0.92
10 10 (b) (S/A)
gm/ID 10 10 gm/ID (S/A) 0.9

L = 0.4 7m

gm/Cgg (r/s)

-0.5 0.88 10 10 X: 10 0.9

L = 2 7m
-0.1 200 Y: 6.665 0.88
10 1
ID/W (uA/um)
L = 0.4 7m
0.87 10 9

10 1 X: 16

X: 16 -0.55 X: 16
(V) (V)

10 9 L = 2 7m

Y: -0.5703 1 150 Y: -0.09491 -0.1 Y: 0.8571

10 X: 15

-0.6 L = 0.4 7m X: 16 0.86 X: 16 0.88
Vdsat (V)

Y: 83.84 0.86
100 Y: -0.5703 10 9 5 Y: -0.09491
ID/W (uA/um)

7m L = 0.4 7m 0.85 5 10 15 20
-0.65 -0.15
0 gm/ID (S/A)
ID/W (uA/um)

-0.2 L = 2107m
X: 16 8 50 L = 0.4 7m 0.84 L = 2 7m 0.86
10 0
10-0.7 X: 16
1688.62 5 10 15 Y: 16
0.437 20 7m5
L = 0.4-0.2 5
10 10
15 15
20 20 5
10 0 X:
Y: 88.62 -0.75
-0.25 0 gm/ID (S/A) gm/ID (S/A) gm/ID (S/A)
15 20 5 105 1510 Y: 0.437 15
20 20 5 10 15 20
-0.8 L = 2 7m gm/ID (S/A) -0.25
5 10 15
gm/ID (S/A)20 5 10 15
gm/ID (S/A)20
L = 0.4 7m L = 2 7m
10 -1 gm/ID (S/A) gm/ID (S/A) (c)
15 L = 0.4 7m 20 0.9 5 0.8
10 15 20 0.3
10 -1 X: 8.333
5 20 0.89 5 10 (c)
gm/ID (S/A) 15 20 0.9 Figure 3. NMOS
0.25 current mirror load (M3 and M4) design charts vs gm /ID
Y: 0.67
L = 0.4 7m with length as a parameter (L = 0.4µm : 0.2µm : 2µm): (a) intrinsic gain
10 gm/ID (S/A) L = 0.4 7m
Vdsat (V)


0.88 0.89
(gm /gLds= ), 0.2VGS , and (c) current density (ID /W ).
(V) (r/s)

0.87 0.88

X: 16 0.15
-0.1 Y: 0.8571


X: 16 0.869 0.5 X: 16 X: 16
Y: -0.5703 -0.1
10 L = 2 7m Y: -0.09491 0.1 Y: 0.8571
X: 16 It is fair to assume that this requirement is split equally

X: 16 -0.15 0.86
Vdsat (V)

0.85 1
Y: -0.5703 0.4
L = 2 7m Y: -0.09491 0.05
7m -0.15
0.84 5 10 15 0.85 20 5 10 between M2 and M4, i.e., M2 and M4 have the same output
15 20 2
15 20 -0.25 10 15 20 L = 2 7m
10 8
gm/ID (S/A) 0.84 ds2 ds4 conductance (g
gm/ID (S/A) =g < 2 µS). Thus, the intrinsic gain of 3
gm/ID (S/A) 15
-0.2 5 10 20 5 10 15 20
the input pair is constrained by 4
-0.25 gm/ID (S/A) 0.92 gm/ID (S/A)
15 20 5 10 15 20
-0.25 gm/ID (S/A)
gm/Cgg (r/s)

5 20 5 10
10 15 20
(d) (S/A)
0.9 (gm /gds )1,2 ≥ 80 (5)

L = 0.4 7m 0.88
0.89 10 9 The channel length can be selected using the intrinsic gain vs 5

L = 0.4 7m gm /ID chart shown in Fig. 2a. This chart shows a fundamental 6

0.88 X: 16 0.86
5 10 Y: 0.8571 15 trade-off
20 between
5 gain and
10 speed, where15 higher gain
20 requires 7

X: 16
gm/ID (S/A) long channel length and large gm /ID , which both come
gm/ID (S/A) 8
Y: 0.8571
0.86 at the expense of speed. Selecting L1,2 ≈ 0.8 µm yields 9
L = 2 7m
0.85 (gm /gds )1,2 ≈ 87, which satisfies (5). 10
15 20 5 10 15 20
L = 2 7m
0.84 gm/ID (S/A) The channel width can be specified using the current den- 11
5 20 5 10 15 20
gm/ID (S/A)
sity (ID /W ) vs gm /ID chart shown in Fig. 2b. Using the 12

previously calculated values for (gm /ID )1,2 and L1,2 yields a 13

current density ≈ 0.44 µA/µm; thus the width is given by 14

Figure 2. PMOS input stage (M1 and M2) design charts vs gm /ID
with length as a parameter (L = 0.4µm : 0.2µm : 2µm): (a) intrinsic gain
(gm /gds ), (b) current density (ID /W ), (c) VGS , (d) Vdsat (variation with ID
L is negligible), and (e) noise coefficient (γP ). W1,2 = ≈ 24µm (6)
(ID /W )

1 D. Design of the Current Mirror Load where γN and γP are the noise coefficients of NMOS and 40

2 From Section II-C, the condition on the output conductance PMOS devices, respectively [10]. Substituting from (13) in 41

3 of the NMOS current mirror load (M3 and M4) is given by (12), the RMS noise constraint can be written as 42

2 kT γef f
gds3,4 ≤ 2 µS (7) Vn,rms = < (50 µV rms)2 (15)
4 Thus, the gds /ID ratio of the current mirror load is equal γef f < 3.02 (16)
5 to 0.2V −1 . This ratio is equivalent to the channel length
From the PMOS noise chart in Fig. 2e, γP ≈ 0.86. Thus, 43
6 modulation coefficient (λ) in the long-channel model. gds /ID
by substituting in (14) the constraint on M3 and M4 can be 44
7 strongly decreases with increasing L, and slightly increases
written as 45
8 with increasing gm /ID . Since the dependence of gds /ID on
9 gm /ID is rather weak, it can be initially ignored in order to γN gm3,4 ≤ 103 µS (17)
10 obtain an estimate for the channel length of M3 and M4. In In general, the value of γN is a function of gm /ID ; thus, (17) 46
11 order to use the intrinsic gain vs gm /ID chart, we assume an should be plotted on the NMOS noise chart to find the gm /ID 47
12 arbitrary but relatively large value for gm /ID , such that the that satisfies the constraint. However, the dependence of γN 48
13 actual gain is higher than the required specification, which is on gm /ID is fairly weak, and for L = 0.6 µm it is roughly 49
14 usually desirable. Assuming gm /ID = 15 yields gm = 150 µS constant at γN ≈ 0.89. Therefore, the constraint on the NMOS 50
15 and gm /gds ≥ 75. From the chart in Fig. 3a, the channel length current mirror load can be directly written as 51
16 that satisfies this requirement is L3,4 = 0.6 µm.  
17 The choice of the gm /ID of the current mirror load is con- ≤ 11.6 S/A (18)
18 strained by the input range and the RMS noise specifications. ID 3,4
19 Starting with the input range, the minimum input signal that The constraints in (10) and (18) shows the trade-off between 52
20 can be tolerated before driving the input pair out of saturation headroom and noise, where lower gm /ID for the current 53
21 is given and constrained by mirror load corresponds to lower total noise but smaller signal 54

Vin,min = 0.2 V ≥ − |VGS1,2 | + |Vdsat1,2 | + VGS3,4 (8) swing. As a compromise, we will proceed with (gm /ID )3,4 = 55

10 S/A which satisfies both requirements with adequate mar- 56

22 where Vdsat is the minimum drain-source voltage required to gin, and is lower than the assumed value (gm /ID = 15) 57

23 keep the transistor in saturation, and is equivalent to the over- used to obtain L. The width of M3 and M4 can be selected 58

24 drive voltage for a square-law device. |VGS1,2 | and |Vdsat1,2 | from the NMOS current density chart shown in Fig. 3c, where 59

25 can be extracted from the PMOS input pair VGS and Vdsat (ID /W )3,4 ≈ 6.7 µA/µm; thus, W3,4 ≈ 2 µm. 60

26 charts shown in Fig. 2c and Fig. 2d, and are approximately

27 equal to 570 mV and 100 mV , respectively. Substituting in
E. Design of the Tail Current Source 61
28 (8), the constraint on M3 and M4 can be written as
The last step towards the design of the OTA is the design 62

VGS3,4 ≤ 0.67 V (9) of the PMOS tail current source. The sizing of the tail current 63

29 By using the NMOS VGS chart in Fig. 3b, the constraint on the source is constrained by the CMRR and the input range 64

30 NMOS current mirror load due to the input range specification specifications. The CMRR is given by [10] 65

31 can be written as CM RR (dB) = Avdc (dB) − Avdc,CM (dB) (19)

≥ 8.3 S/A (10) where Avdc,CM is the common-mode DC gain. Substituting 66
ID 3,4 with data from Table I, the constraint can be written as [10] 67

32 The closed loop gain of the buffer is ≈ 1; thus, the 2gm1,2 1

total output-referred mean-square integrated noise is given and Avdc,CM ≈ 2gm1,2 · (20)
1+ 2gm3,4
34 constrained by
π < −38 dB ≈ 0.013 (21)
2 2
Vn,rms ≈ Vn,in (f ) · BWCL (11)
2 Therefore, the output conductance of the tail current source 68
2 gm1,2
= Vn,in (f ) · < (50 µV rms)2 (12) must satisfy 69
4CL gds5,6 < 2.6 µS (22)
35 where Vn,in (f ) is the input-referred thermal noise density,
Similar to Section II-D, an arbitrary but relatively large value 70
36 which is given by
for gm /ID can be assumed to obtain L. Assuming gm /ID = 71

Vn,in (f ) =
4kT γef f √
< (17.7 nV / Hz)2 (13) 15 results in gm = 300 µS and gm /gds ? 115 (note that 72

gm1,2 ID = 20 µA for the tail current source). From the PMOS 73

37 where k is Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, intrinsic gain chart shown in Fig. 4a, choosing L5,6 = 1.2 µm 74

38 and γef f is the effective noise coefficient of the OTA, which satisfies this requirement. 75

39 is given by In order to keep the tail current source in saturation, the 76

  maximum allowable input voltage is given by 77

γef f = 2 × γP + γN · (14) Vin,max = 1.1V < VDD − |VGS1,2 | − |Vdsat5,6 | (23)

6 10 1 Table II

L = OF
0.4 THE

L = 2 7m

ID/W (uA/um)
10 4 X: 15 606 X: 10
L = 0.4 7mY: 127.2 Transistor Width 80
Y: 73.56
gm /ID Length


40 X: 14
ID/W (uA/um)
X: 15
2 10 04 60 X: 10
Y: 127.2 100 M1 and M2 20 16 0.8 µm
Y: 0.403 24 µm Input pair Y: 73.56

10 0
X: 14
= 2 and
7m M4 0210 0.6 µm 2 µm Current mirror load40
50 0 Y: 0.403
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 M5 1.4and M6 10 10 mirror20
0 3 6 9
L = 0.4 7m 14 1.2 µm1052 µm and 26 10µm Bias current
0 L = 2 7m Vin (V) 10 -1 0 Frequency (Hz) 0 0
5 10 15 20 5 10 0 0.2 0.415 0.6 0.820 1 1.2 1.4
L = 0.4 7m 2 10 1
10 -1 10
gm/ID (S/A) gm/ID (S/A) Vin (V) F

Gain (dB)
Vn(f) (nV/rtHz)
15 20 5 10 15 20 40
A) -0.5 (a)
gm/ID (S/A) -0.125 2 X: 5.012e+006
20 X: 10

Loop Gain (dB)

X: 10 Y: 0.000117

Y: 16.98
X: 5.011e+006 Y: 33.52 40
L = 2 7m
0 Y: 12.19 0 X: 11.84
10 20 X: 10

Vdsat (V)
(V) (V)

X: 10

Y: -0.13
X: 11.84
-20 Y: 16.98
X: 5.011e+006 Y: 33.52
Y: -0.13 -0.13 Y: 12.19 0

-40 0
-0.15 10
0L = 0.4 7m
10 10
9 -20
0.4 7m Frequency (Hz) 0
(Hz)6 9
-40 0
-0.2 -0.135 10 10 10 10 10 1
-0.8 4 (a)
Phase (Degree)

5 10 0 15 20 gm/ID (S/A) Frequency (Hz) M1,2

-0.25 gm/ID (S/A)
M5 4

15 20 5 10 15 20

Phase (Degree)
-100 gm/ID (S/A) 0.9 20
X: 0.14 X: 1.12

X: 5.01e+006
10 10
0.9 (b) Y: -89.33 Y: 2 Y: 2
L = 0.4 7m
-100 2
gm/Cgg (r/s)

0.88 X: 0.14
1 -200 0
L = 0.4 7m 0 X: 5.01e+006
Y: 2
10 10
9 0 0.2 0.4 0.6Y: -89.33
0.8 1 1.2 1.4

10 9 L = 0.4 7m Vin (V)
Frequency (Hz) -200 0 0
ID/W (uA/um)


X: 15
10 10
9 0 0.2 0.4
Y: 127.2
10 0
X: 14 Frequency (Hz)
L = 2 7m
10 8 Y: 0.403 0.84
5 L = 2 10
7m 15 20 5 10 15 (b) 20
0.84 L = 2 7m
15 20 5 10gm/ID (S/A) 15 20 gm/IDresults
Figure 5. Simulation (S/A) of (a) loop gain and (b) phase vs frequency
A) L = 0.4 7m gm/ID (S/A) in unity gain buffer configuration. Open-loop DC gain, unity-gain frequency
10 -1 (ωu ), and phase at ωu are annotated.
15 20 5 10 15 20
) gm/ID (S/A)

-0.125 (c) model [12]. A testbench similar to the one described in [13] 15

Figure 4. PMOS tail current source (M5) design charts vs gm /ID with length is used. Fig. 5a shows the simulated loop gain in unity-gain 16
as a parameter (L = 0.4µm : 0.2µm : 2µm): X: 11.84 (a) intrinsic gain (gm /gds ),
buffer configuration using Spectre stability (stb) analysis. The
Vdsat (V)

(b) Vdsat (variation with L is negligible),Y:, and
-0.13(c) current density (ID /W ).
-0.13 DC gain is ≈ 33.5 dB and the GBW is ≈ 5 M Hz, where both 18

4 7m meet the requirements. As expected in Section II-C the OTA 19

1 Since VGS1,2 ≈ 570 mV as calculated in Section II-D, the intrinsic capacitance has minor impact as it is much smaller 20

2 CMIR constraint can be written as than the large capacitive load. However, if the effect of self- 21
15 20
loading is to be considered, the OTA internal capacitance can 22
|Vdsat5,6gm/ID (S/A)
| < 130 mV (24) be estimated from the MOSFET capacitance vs gm /ID charts. 23
3 From the PMOS Vdsat chart in Fig. 4b, the range of gm /ID Next, another design iteration is performed which takes both 24
4 that satisfies this requirement is intrinsic and extrinsic capacitances into consideration as will 25

L =
0.4 7m be shown in Section III. Since the OTA has a single dominant 26

0.88 gm
ID 5,6
? 11.84 (25) output pole, the phase margin specification is satisfied without 27

extra design effort as shown in Fig. 5b.



0.86 margin from operating the tail current source
To keep some The buffer input range can be verified by plotting the 29

6 at the edge of saturation, (gm /ID )5,6 = 14 is used, which is operating region of the input pair (M1,2) and the tail current 30

7 lower than0.84 L = 2 7m
the assumed value (gm /ID = 15) used to obtain source (M5) vs the input voltage. The meaning of the “region” 31

20 5 10
L. The selected gm /ID yields a current15density ≈ 0.4
µA/µm small signal parameter is as follows: “1” for triode, “2” 32

gm/ID (S/A)
as shown in the PMOS current density chart in Fig. 4c. for saturation, and “3” for subthreshold operation. The valid 33

10 Consequently, the channel widths of the bias circuit are given input range over which all transistors operate in saturation 34

11 by W5 ≈ 52 µm and W6 ≈ 26 µm. is 0.14 V − 1.12 V as shown in Fig. 6a. The drawback of 35

the previous method is that the “region” parameter does not 36

have a clear quantitative relation to circuit specifications, and 37

12 F. Results and Discussion cannot be experimentally measured in a lab environment. A 38

13 Table II shows a summary of the OTA transistors sizing. The more meaningful indication of the CMIR can be obtained by 39

14 OTA was verified using Cadence Spectre and 180 nm PTM using a parametric sweep to plot the GBW vs the input signal 40

6 9
-40 0 3 6 9 6
0 10 10 10 10 10
z) Frequency (Hz)
4 6


Region 4 M5 60 X: 10
Y: 73.56
2 40
06 X: 0.14 2 X: 1.12
Y: 2 Y: 2 20
0 0 0 0
6 9 0 0 0.8
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.4
1 1.2 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 10 10
0 10
Vin (V) Vin (V) Frequency (Hz)
10 (a)

Loop Gain (dB)

Vn(f) (nV/rtHz)

6 40
Figure 8. Simulation result of OTA CMRR vs frequency.
X: 5.012e+006
20 X: 10

X: 10
Y: 16.98
X: 5.011e+006 60 Y: 33.52 Y: 0.000117
Y: 12.19 80 0 Table III

2 60 X: 10 -20
20 Y: 73.56
40 -40
Specification Required Achieved
2 10
0 3
10 1.2 1.410
6 0 109 10
10 9
6 9
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 20 10 0 OTA Current
10 3 Consumption
10 20 µA10 µA
Vin (V) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
06 0 0 Frequency
GBW (Hz) 5 M Hz 5 M Hz
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 80
4 Margin10
Phase (Degree)

2 70o 90o

0Vin (V)
Frequency (Hz) M1,2
Vn,in(f) (nV/rtHz)

4 6040

32 dB
Open Loop DC gain
M533.5 dB

2 (b) CMRR
10 Loop Gain 4020
2 Thermal Noise
Total Integrated 50 µV rms 48.6 µV rms
Loop Gain (dB)
X: 1000
Vn(f) (nV/rtHz)

Figure 6. Simulation results of-100 (a)Y:operating
16.98 region of input pair (M1,2) and40
20 0 X: 0.14 X: 1.12
X: 5.01e+006
tail current source (M5) vs buffer input voltage, and (b) variation of GBW vs Input Range
Y: 2 0.2 V − 1.1 V 0.14
X: 5.012e+006 V − 1.12 V
Y: 2
10 0 Y: -89.33 20 X: 10
0 X: 10
buffer input voltage. The region parameter 0
is “1” for triode, “2” for saturation, -20 Y: 33.52 Y: 0.000117
X: 5.011e+006 7010
dB 73.6 dB
0 Y: 16.98
0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 10 0 10 30CMRR 10 6 9
and “3” for subthreshold.
The CMIR is
Y: annotated.
12.19 0
10 10
0 (V)
6 -40
9 03 0.2(Hz)0.4 6
Frequency 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
10 0 10 3 10 6 10 9 -20 10 10 10 10 9

10 2 Frequency (Hz) Vin (V)

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Vn,in(f) (nV/rtHz)

40 compared with the required specifications. The comparison

Loop Gain (dB)

0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9
10 10 10 10 104 shows
20 10all target specifications
that 10 10
are successfully satisfied, 12
Phase (Degree)

0 X: 1000
Y: 16.98
(Hz) Frequency (Hz)
0 3 which demonstrates the robustness
of the gm /ID design 13

10 4 methodology. 14
Phase (Degree)

-20 2
-100 M1,2
M5 109

-150 10 0 1
10 3 10 6 10 9 10 0 10 3 10 6
0 Frequency (Hz)

X: 5.01e+006 X:0.2
0.14 0.4 1 X: 1.12
10 0 10 3 10 6 10 9 0 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4
showed a Y: -89.33
(a) flow using gm /ID 4 Section
Y: 2 II systematic
Y: 2 design 16
Vin (V)
Frequency (Hz)

0 trade-off charts. Despite the merits

M1,2 of this graphical flow, it 17
-200 03
-50 0
60 3 6 9 0 suffers
0.2 0.4from 0.6
several 1 1.2M5First,
0.8drawbacks. 1.4 it is time-consuming,

10 10 10 10 18

-100 Frequency (Hz) X: 1e+09 and can be Vin
tedious(V) if repeated several times due to the 19

-150 Y: 48.6
1 frequent changes in specifications during the initial phases of 20

-200 0
an IC design project. Second, in order to keep it tractable, 21
10 0 10 3 10 6 10 9 0 the 0.2
0.4 was
0.6 limited
0.8 by
1 choosing
1.2 1.4a relatively coarse step 22

Frequency (Hz) for channel lengthVin (V)and ignoring second order effects, e.g., 23
10 3
10 6
10 9
VDS dependence. Third, it cannot be directly applied to a 24
Vn,rms (7Vrms)

Frequency (Hz) sophisticated design problem that has no closed-form solution. 25

40 (b) X: 1e+09 The aforementioned drawbacks can be alleviated by noting 26
Y: 48.6
Figure 7. Simulation result of OTA output noise: (a) voltage noise density that since the design flow is systematic, it lends itself well 27
vs frequency and (b) integrated RMS noise vs frequency. Noise density and to automation. First, the design procedure will be performed 28
total output RMS noise are annotated.
0 by a computer program in a fraction of second. Second, 29

10 0 10 3 10 6 10 9 the dataset can be much larger, and interpolation can be 30

Frequency (Hz) used to improve the design step. Third, the design procedure 31
1 level as shown in Fig. 6b, which shows that the GBW quickly
can be applied iteratively to solve sophisticated design and 32
2 degrades when the input signal is outside the target range.
optimization problems that do not have direct solutions. 33
3 The output voltage noise density and the RMS total in-
As an example, in Section II-C, the self-loading capacitance 34
4 tegrated noise vs frequency
√ are shown in Fig. 7. The noise
of the OTA (COT A ) was neglected compared to the large load 35
5 density is ≈ 17nV / Hz which meets the constraint in (13),
capacitance (CL ). This approximation may be justified for 36
6 and the total integrated RMS thermal noise is 48.6 µV rms
CL  COT A ; however, the error significantly increases when 37
7 which meets the spec in Table I. The CMRR is verified using
this assumption is not valid. In general, (1) should be modified 38
8 Spectre transfer function (xf) analysis. The achieved CMRR
to be 39
9 is ≈ 73.6 dB as shown in Fig. 8. gm1,2
The key simulation results are summarized in Table III and GBW = (26)
2πCLef f

CGS1 CGS2 Start

Vin M1 M2 -
+ CGD2 Read
Vout design
CGD4 CDB2 specs
M3 M4
CLeff = CL
MaxNoIter = 10
reltol = 0.001
Figure 9. Simplified schematic for the analysis of the effective load capaci-
i++ > Yes Display
MaxNoIter results
1 where CLef f = CL + COT A . However, in order to cal-
2 culate COT A the sizing of the transistors must be known. No

3 Contrastingly, the sizing is itself the desired outcome of the Perform the End
4 design procedure. Such a dilemma can be resolved by solving systematic
5 the problem iteratively as will be shown in the following procedure
6 subsections.
Calculate COTA
7 A. Analysis of the Effective Load Capacitance
8 Before delving into automation, an analytical expression
9 must be derived for the effective load capacitance (CLef f ). Error < reltol
Yes Display
10 The equivalent circuit for calculating CLef f of the OTA in
11 unity gain buffer configuration is shown in Fig. 9. The output No
12 resistance and the drain capacitance of the tail current source
13 (M5) are ignored to simplify the analysis. The drain-bulk CLeff = CL + COTA
14 capacitance of M2 and M4 (CDB2 and CDB4 ) directly add
15 to CL . The gate-drain capacitance of M4 (CGD4 ) has its gate
Figure 10. Simplified flow chart for the iterative design procedure to take
16 terminal at a low impedance node (diode-connected M3); thus, the effective load capacitance into account. As an example, maximum no. of
17 approximately, it directly adds to CL as well. However, the iterations is set to 10 and the relative tolerance is set to 0.1%.
18 gate-source capacitance of M2 (CGS2 ) is floating between
19 Vout and Vx ; thus, its contribution at Vout must be analyzed.
20 Assuming a test source Vt is applied at Vout , the gain from is calculated using (26). Simulations show that (32) slightly 31

21 Vt to Vx can be calculated using Gm Rout method underestimates CLef f , especially for large CL , as will be 32

shown in Section III-C. It is worth noting that the feedback 33

Vx connection in Fig. 9 forms a short-circuit across CGD2 ; thus, it
= Gm Zout (27) 34

Vt     does not contribute to CLef f . However, if the feedback loop is 35

1 1 1 1 broken by a current probe or a zero voltage source in order to 36

≈ (gm2 + sCgs2 ) · k k k (28)
gm1 sCgs1 gm2 sCgs2 perform stability analysis, the simulator may erroneously add 37

1 the effect of CGD2 to CLef f . The solution to this simulator 38

≈ (29)
2 artifact is to substitute in (26) with GBW measured from 39

22 where M1 has a low impedance at its drain terminal. Thus, the closed loop AC simulation rather than stability analysis. 40

23 contribution of CGS2 at Vout can be calculated using Miller’s

24 theorem B. Iterative Design Procedure 41
Vx CGS2 A MATLAB program was written to automate the design
CGS2@Vout = CGS2 1 − ≈ (30) 42

Vt 2 procedure explained in Section II. The NMOS and PMOS 43

25 Alternatively, (30) can be derived by looking from Vout while operating point and noise parameters are stored as lookup 44

26 Vin is deactivated. It can be noted that CGS2 and CGS1 appear tables (LUTs) in the form of MATLAB matrices. A lookup 45

27 in series; thus, they are equivalent to a capacitance ≈ CGS2

2 at function is used to extract the data from the LUTs [14]. 46

28 Vout . The effective load capacitance can now be written as The systematic design procedure is embedded in an iterative 47

loop to take the effect of OTA capacitances into account. 48

CLef f = CL + COT A (31) The flowchart of the program is shown in Fig. 10. The 49
≈ CL + + CDB2 + CGD4 + CDB4 (32) program starts by assuming that COT A = 0; thus, CL is 50

2 assigned to CLef f . Two variables are used to control the 51

29 The above analysis was verified using AC simulations, iterative loop: ’MaxNoIter’ defines the maximum number of 52

30 where the GBW is measured from simulations, then CLef f iterations to avoid going into an infinite loop, and ’reltol’ 53

CL = 0.5pF CL = 1.5pF CL = 2.5pF Table IV

COTA (normalized)

0.6 Current Consumption 20 µA

0.4 Capacitive Load 5 pF
0.2 Input Capacitance at Low Frequency < 10 f F
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Open-Loop DC gain 32 dB
Gain-Bandwidth Product Maximize

Figure 11. Normalized progress of COT A vs the iteration index for different
values of CL .
negligible, and the two curves will slowly approach each other. 30

Single Iteration Iterative procedure

It is worth noting that the OTA specifications in Table I 31

0 targets a low-power implementation (IOT A = 20µA) that 32

-2 has relatively small self-loading capacitance. If both current

GBW Error (%)


-4 consumption and speed are upscaled, the transistors widths 34

-6 and capacitances will upscale as well, resulting in a significant 35

-8 COT A that can be comparable to CL . Neglecting COT A in 36

-10 such a case can result in more than 50% error, and the iterative 37

-12 procedure becomes indispensable. 38

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
CL (pF)

Figure 12. Percent error in achieved GBW as extracted from AC simulations MATLAB 40
vs CL .
The design procedure explained in Section II then auto- 41

mated in Section III assumed a complete and well-defined set 42

1 defines the required relative tolerance. The loop performs the of specifications (constraints). However, optimizing real-life 43

2 sizing procedure, then calculates COT A from the LUTs based designs usually involve one or more variables that need to be 44

3 on the sizing results. The relative error is then calculated to maximized or minimized given a set of constraints. In this sec- 45

4 compare the new CLef f with the value of CLef f used in the tion we will give an example of such an optimization scenario 46

5 current iteration as follows within the framework presented in the previous sections. 47

Error = − 1 (33) A. Optimization Problem 48
CLef f
The design example presented in this paper deals with 49
6 Convergence is achieved if the error is less than the required
a unity-gain buffer that drives a large capacitive load, e.g., 50
7 relative tolerance (0.1% in Fig. 10). The sizing results are then
probing a sensitive signal in a mixed-signal design to an 51
8 displayed to the user.
external test-pad. Consequently, the buffer should introduce 52

minimum capacitive loading on the input signal. Consider the 53

9 C. Results and Discussion modified set of specifications shown in Table IV, where the 54

10 The automated iterative procedure was used to design the maximum input capacitance at low frequency is required to 55

11 OTA for different values of CL . Fig. 11 shows the variation of be less than 10 f F . The set of specifications is similar to the 56

12 COT A vs the index of iteration at different loading conditions. one given in Table I except for the GBW. The optimization 57

13 It is clear that the value of COT A converges very quickly, scenario presented in this section considers the case of max- 58

14 and the required tolerance is achieved in few iterations. The imizing the OTA GBW under a given current consumption, 59

15 designed OTAs were simulated at different values of CL in input capacitance, and DC gain specifications. Maximizing the 60

16 order to verify the automated procedure. For each value of GBW for a given current means that gm /ID must be maxi- 61

17 CL two OTA versions were simulated. The first version used mized. However, increasing gm /ID means that the transistors 62

18 transistor sizing from single design iteration (i.e., COT A = 0), are biased towards subthreshold operation, where they will 63

19 while the second version used the iterative procedure to obtain have low current driving capability, i.e., low current density 64

20 a better estimate for COT A . Fig. 12 shows that for single (ID /W ). Consequently, for a given bias current, W will 65

21 iteration the percent error at CL = 0.5 pF is ≈ 10%. On the increase, which will result in increased capacitive loading on 66

22 contrary, the iterative procedure gives a less than 1% error. The the stage preceding the buffer. On the other hand, increasing 67

23 residual error for the iterative case is due to the approximate gm /ID increases the intrinsic gain of the transistors. Since the 68

24 nature of the analytical expression in (32) which was used gain spec is fixed, this means that a lower L can be used to 69

25 to estimate COT A in the program. The negative error shows satisfy the gain spec, which may lead to a lower W and lower 70

26 that CLef f is slightly underestimated, especially at relatively Cin . The overall variation of Cin depends on how these two 71

27 large CL . A more elaborate expression, or an expression fitted opposite effects interact together. These constraints will limit 72

28 from simulations, can be used to reduce the error. Fig. 12 also the maximum gm /ID that can be used, and consequently the 73

29 shows that as CL increases, the contribution of COT A becomes maximum GBW that can be achieved. 74

Vx Start

Vin M1 1/gds1 M2 1/gm2 Read design

Given ID and ID/W:
CGD1 Vout Find W vector

Vy gm/ID = 5:0.1:20
M4 CL Perform element-wise vector Given gm/ID, L, and W:
operations Find CGS and CGD vectors
1/gm3 M3
Given Avdc, CGS and CGD:
Given gm/ID and ID:
Find Cin vector using (40)
Find gm vector

Figure 13. Simplified schematic for the analysis of the buffer input capaci- Search the Cin vector for the
Given gm and Avdc:
tance. max gm/ID that meets the
Find gds vector
Cin spec

1 B. Analysis of the Buffer Input Capacitance Given ID and gds:

Find L vector Complete the systematic
2 An analytical expression for the buffer input capacitance design procedure using
the selected gm/ID
3 (Cin ) has to be derived in order to be used in the optimization Given gm/ID and L:
Find ID/W vector
4 program. A simplified schematic for calculating Cin at low
5 frequency is shown in Fig. 13. The output resistance and results
6 the drain capacitance of the tail current source (M5) are
7 ignored for simplicity. M2 and M3 are both diode connected End
8 transistors (due to the feedback and current mirror connections,
9 respectively); thus, they are equivalent to a low impedance
Figure 14. Simplified flow chart for the GBW optimization procedure.
10 ≈ 1/gm . The input signal is loaded by two floating capacitors:
11 CGS1 and CGD1 . Thus, in order to calculate the equivalent
12 input capacitance, the gain from Vin to Vx and Vy must be Using Miller’s Theorem and substituting with (39) and (40), 26
13 derived, then Miller’s theorem can be applied. Cin can now be written as 27
14 The current flowing through M3 is given by    
Vx Vy
Cin = CGS1 1 − + CGD1 1 − (41)
iy = gm3 Vy (34) Vin Vin
15 Considering M1 as a super node, it is clear that the current ≈ CGS1 · + CGD1 (42)
16 flowing through M2 is also equal to iy . Therefore, Vx can be 4Avdc
17 written as The above analysis was verified using AC simulations 28
iy showing good match. It is worth noting that Cin is dominated 29
Vx = − + Vout (35)
gm2 by CGD1 rather than CGS1 , since the effect of CGS1 is 30

18 Due to the unity-gain feedback action Vout is related to Vin mitigated by the OTA gain as given by (42). 31

19 through the relation

  C. Optimization Procedure 32
Avdc 1
Vout = Vin · ≈ Vin 1 − (36) The flowchart of the optimization procedure is shown in 33
1 + Avdc Avdc
Fig. 14. The optimization procedure makes use of MATLAB 34
20 Substituting from (34) and (36) in (35), Vx can be written as power in handling matrix operations. A gm /ID vector is 35


 created from 5 to 20 with 0.1 step resulting in 151 total 36
Vx = − Vy + Vin 1 − (37) design points. This vector reasonably covers the expected 37
gm2 Avdc
design space, and can be thought as equivalent to the x- 38
21 Writing KCL equation at Vy yields axis in the graphical procedure presented in Section II. The 39

gm3 Vy + gds1 (Vy − Vx ) + gm1 (Vin − Vx ) = 0 (38) previous section described an automated iterative procedure 40

where each iteration depends on the result of the previous one. 41

22 where M1 has Vgs = Vin − Vx . Substituting from (37) in (38) On the other hand, the optimization procedure described in this 42
23 and noting that Avdc = 2g ds1
, it can be shown that Vy is section is applied to all design points simultaneously using 43

24 approximately given by element-wise vector operations. For every gm /ID value, the 44

Vy gds1 program searches for the minimum channel length of M1 and 45

≈− (39) M2 that satisfies the DC gain requirement. This step involves 46

Vin 2gm3
multiple sub-steps because the current is constant; thus, every 47

25 Substituting from (39) in (37) yields gm /ID will yield a different gm and a different gds . A plot of 48

Vx 3 the selected channel length vs gm /ID is shown in Fig. 15a. It is 49

≈1− (40) worth noting that automation facilitates using interpolation to 50
Vin 4Avdc

2 2 20

Loop Gain (dB)

ID/W (7A/7m)
20 ID/W 15 X: 1000
40 20 X: 10

Cin (fF)
L (7m)
Y: 9.896

Loop Gain (dB)

Y: 32
1 15 X: 1000 1 10
20 X: 10 0
Cin (fF)

Y: 9.896
Y: 32.64
10 5
0 -20
X: 3.95e+06
0 5 0 -20 0 Y: 0.0003543 -40
5 10 15 20 10 0 10 3 10 6 10 0
0 gm/ID (S/A) -40 Frequency (Hz)
10 0 10 3 10 6 10 0 10 3 10 6 10 9
(a) (a)
Frequency (Hz) 30
Frequency (Hz) 2

Loop Gain (dB)

15 30 20 2
Cin = 0.0dBFS 20 X: 1000
20 1.5

Cin (fF)

L (7m)
15 Y: 32.64 X: 12.8
10 X: 1000
X: 10

20 01.5 20 Y: 8.929
Cin (fF)
Cin (fF)

Y: 9.896

L (7m)

Loop Gain
X: 12.8 Y: 32.64
10 X: 3.95e+06 1
5 10
Y: 8.929 -20 0 Y: 1.371e-05
10 1 X: 3.95e+06
0 5 -40 -200 0.5
Y: 0.0003543
3 5 6 10
10 0 10 3
10 6
10 0 10 10 10 9 15 20 5
0 0
Frequency (Hz) 0.5 -40
Frequency (Hz) gm/ID (S/A)
5 10 0
10 15 10 3 20 10 6 5 10 0
10 10 3
15 10 6
20 10 9
30 gm/ID (S/A) Frequency (Hz) 2 gm/ID (S/A) Frequency (Hz)
(b) (b)

ID/W (7A/7m)
30 2
Figure 15.20Intermediate results of the MATLAB optimization program: (a) Figure 16. Simulation results of (a) buffer input capacitance vs frequency
Cin (fF)

L (7m)

Channel length and current density selected based on DC gain spec vs gm /ID
X: 12.8 1 and (b) loop-gain vs frequency. Cin at low frequency,
1 open-loop DC gain,
and (b) input capacitance vs 20 gm /ID . Y:The input capacitance meeting the 1.5frequency (ω ) are annotated.
Cin (fF)

8.929 and unity-gain

L (7m)
design specification is annotated. X: 12.8
Y: 8.929
10 1
0 Table V 0
meets the10required spec, 0
GBW is 3.95 M Hz.
20 RESULTS . 5 15 and the achieved
20 22

gm/ID (S/A) A higher GBW gm/IDcan
0.5 (S/A)be obtained by revisiting the assumption 23
5 10 15 20 5 10 15
Specification Required gm/ID
Achieved made after (4) and assigning a larger value for gds220compared 24
(S/A) gm/ID (S/A)
to gds4 . The achieved results are summarized in Table V. 25
OTA Current Consumption 20 µA 20 µA
Input Capacitance 10 f F 9.9 f F
Open Loop DC gain 32 dB 32.6 dB V. C ONCLUSION 26

GBW Maximize 3.95 M Hz

A complete OTA systematic design example considering 27

gain, bandwidth, noise, CMIR, and CMRR specifications was 28

1 yield a continuous channel length curve, rather than the 0.2µm graphically illustrated using the gm /ID design methodology. 29

2 step that was used in the graphical procedure. The decrease in The proposed systematic procedure was automated using 30

3 L vs gm /ID may misleadingly indicate that the capacitance MATLAB, which enabled tackling iterative and optimization 31

4 will decrease. However, the decay in current density is faster problems. Analytical expressions were derived for the OTA 32

5 as shown in Fig. 15a, leading to an overall increase in channel self-loading and input capacitances. The derived expressions 33

6 width and input capacitance. were further verified and employed in the automation pro- 34

7 At every combination of gm /ID and L the program cal- grams. The performance of the designed OTAs was verified 35

8 culates the corresponding ID /W and W , extracts the capaci- using Cadence Spectre, and simulation results meet all the 36

9 tances from the LUTs, then Cin is calculated using (42). The design requirements with acceptable accuracy. The proposed 37

10 plot of Cin vs gm /ID is shown in Fig. 15b. The program procedure can be similarly applied to other OTA topologies. It 38

11 takes 10% margin below the Cin design spec to account for is worth noting that the work presented in this paper assumes 39

12 the approximations done in (42). For the specifications given that the circuit architecture is known beforehand. A promising 40

13 in this example, a (gm /ID )1,2 = 12.8 is chosen. The selected future extension to this work is to build a more sophisticated 41

14 gm /ID is then used to complete the design procedure similar automation procedure that selects (or synthesizes) the circuit 42

15 to the previous sections. architecture based on the given specifications, possibly with 43

the help of circuit synthesis and symbolic analysis tech- 44

niques [15]–[17]. 45
16 D. Results and Discussion
17 The buffer input capacitance was simulated using AC anal-
18 ysis. The simulation results are shown in Fig. 16a, where ACKNOWLEDGMENT 46
19 Cin ≈ 9.9 f F achieving the required spec. The input capac-
20 itance increases with frequency as the OTA gain falls. The The authors would like to thank Omar A. Abu-El-ela for 47

21 loop-gain simulation is also shown in Fig. 16b. The DC gain useful hints and discussions. 48

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