ADS 33 Flight Testing Lessons Learned
ADS 33 Flight Testing Lessons Learned
ADS 33 Flight Testing Lessons Learned
Papers presented at the Flight Vehicle Integration Panel Symposium held in Ottawa, Canada,
27-30 May 1996.
Approved for public release;
Distribution Unlimited
Papers presented at the Flight Vehicle Integration Panel Symposium held in Ottawa, Canada,
27-30 May 1996.
19970501 102
The Mission of AGARD
According to its Charter, the mission of AGARD is to bring together the leading personalities of the NATO nations in the
fields of science and technology relating to aerospace for the following purposes:
— Recommending effective ways for the member nations to use their research and development capabilities for the
common benefit of the NATO community;
— Providing scientific and technical advice and assistance to the Military Committee in the field of aerospace research
and development (with particular regard to its military application);
— Continuously stimulating advances in the aerospace sciences relevant to strengthening the common defence posture;
— Improving the co-operation among member nations in aerospace research and development;
— Providing assistance to member nations for the purpose of increasing their scientific and technical potential;
— Rendering scientific and technical assistance, as requested, to other NATO bodies and to member nations in
connection with research and development problems in the aerospace field.
The highest authority within AGARD is the National Delegates Board consisting of officially appointed senior
representatives from each member nation. The mission of AGARD is carried out through the Panels which are composed of
experts appointed by the National Delegates, the Consultant and Exchange Programme and the Aerospace Applications
Studies Programme. The results of AGARD work are reported to the member nations and the NATO Authorities through the
AGARD series of publications of which this is one.
Participation in AGARD activities is by invitation only and is normally limited to citizens of the NATO nations.
ISBN 92-836-0038-X
Executive Summary
The last half of the twentieth century has seen the rotorcraft come in to prominence as a combat system.
Rotorcraft have proven their worth in all environments and in all domains of conflict. They will
continue to provide essential military capabilities for the Alliance well into the next century. The
objective of this symposium was to capture the current situation in the rapidly changing field of
rotorcraft technology.
The symposium met its objective. Different parts of this Conference Proceedings should be valuable to
anyone currently designing or developing rotorcraft, or doing basic research in rotorcraft technology.
Special emphasis in the programme was placed upon the following subjects:
— the impact of the increasing use of commercial off-the-shelf technology in military helicopter
development and use;
— the increasing acceptance and expanded use of Aeronautical Design Standard ADS-33;
La deuxieme moitie du vingtieme siecle a vu arriver les aeronefs ä voilure tournante ä un rang
proeminent en tant que systemes de combat. Leurs merites ont ete clairement demontres dans tout
environnement et dans tout domaine de conflit. Ils continueront ä assurer des capacites militaires
essentielles pour l'Alliance jusqu'au milieu du siecle prochain. Ce symposium a eu pour objectif de
saisir la situation actuelle dans le domaine des technologies des aeronefs ä voilure tournante, qui est en
evolution constante et rapide.
Cet objectif a ete atteint. Les differents chapitres de ce compte rendu seront precieux pour tous ceux qui
sont impliques dans la conception et le developpement des aeronefs ä voilure tournante, ainsi que pour
les chercheurs travaillant dans ce domaine. Un accent particulier ä ete mis sur les sujets suivants dans le
cadre de ce programme:
Synthese iv
Theme/Theme viii
Acknowledgements x
Keynote Address 1 Kl
by B.Gen. K.R. Pennie
Keynote Address 2 K2
by Gen. C. Batllo
Paper 2 cancelled
Paper 15 cancelled
Ducted Tail Rotor Designs for Rotorcraft and their Low Noise Features 18
by B. Edwards, J. Andrews and C. Rahnke
Cockpit Technologies Research at the Flight Research Laboratory of the National Research 30
Council of Canada
by J.M. Morgan and S.W. Baillie
The Solid State Adaptive Rotor Design, Development and Implications for Future 34
by R. Barrett and J. Stutts
Rotorcraft is one of the major topics for regular FVP Symposia. Since the last FVP Symposium on this subject, there have
been many significant developments in both the design and operational aspects of rotorcraft. Several new rotorcraft have been
designed, tested or introduced into service. These include the Agusta 129, the AH-1W Super Cobra, the EH101, the
Eurocopter Tiger and Panther, the MBB BO-108, the McDonnell Douglas MD520, the Boeing-Sikorsky Comanche and the
Bell-Boeing V-22. These aircraft utilize a variety of new technologies such as extensive use of composites, use of fly-by-wire
flight controls and advanced mission avionics. Several of them also use new rotor designs to reduce maintenance
requirements while improving performance, vibration and noise characteristics.
From an operational standpoint, the experience with rotorcraft in the Gulf War and in some of the ongoing United Nations
activities should offer insight into future rotorcraft design requirements and operational developments.
This Symposium will cover several sessions on Flight Safety, Handling Qualities and Simulation, Vehicle Technology,
Methodology, Programs, and Advanced Control.
"Les aeronefs ä voilure tournante" est Fun des grands sujets ä etre examine regulierement lors des symposia FVP. De
nombreux developpements importants se sont produits au niveau de la conception et de l'exploitation des aeronefs ä voilure
tournante depuis le dernier symposium FVP sur ce sujet. Plusieurs nouveaux aeronefs ä voilure tournante ont ete developpes,
essayes et mis en service et notamment: l'Agusta 129, FAH-1W Super Cobra, FEH 101, l'Eurocopter Tiger et Panther, le
MBB BO-108, le McDonnell Douglas MD 520, le Boeing-Sikorsky Comanche et le Bell-Boeing V-22. Ces aeronefs font
appel ä toute la gamme des nouvelles technologies comme en temoigne l'emploi generalise de nouveaux materiaux
composites, la mise en ceuvre de commandes de vol electriques et l'utilisation d'une avionique de mission avancee. Certains
d'entre eux integrent de nouveaux types de rotors, concus pour une maintenance reduite, tout en permettant d'ameliorer les
caracteristiques de performance, de vibration et de bruit.
Du point de vue operationnel, l'experience acquise sur les aeronefs ä voilure tournante pendant la guerre du golfe, conjuguee
ä celle resultant des differentes operations menees par les Nations-Unies, devrait permettre de mieux apprecier les cahiers de
charges des aeronefs ä voilure tournante futurs, ainsi que les developpements operationnels.
Le symposium est organise en differentes sessions couvrant: la securite du vol, la manoeuvrabilite, la simulation, les
technologies des structures, les methodologies, les programmes, et les systemes de pilotage avances.
Flight Vehicle Integration Panel
The Flight Vehicle Integration Panel wishes to express its thanks to the National Authorities of Canada for the invitation to
hold this symposium in their country.
M. Sinclair
124 Withrow Avenue
Nepean, Ontario K2G 2S7
The result was an interesting and varied program of But the "sleeper" in the business of adapting civil
good technical presentations, emphasizing the core aircraft to military use - while retaining civil
flight mechanics technology areas, but providing maintenance programs and all of the conveniences and
insights, as well, into progress in rotorcraft savings that flow from this - arises in the area of use
aerodynamics, structures and materials and propulsion rather than modification. This point was raised at the
technologies. end of General Pennie's speech and was left open.
Military forces will operate outside the normal civil
envelopes and use-spectra. How this will be managed
Keynote Addresses and what it will "cost" are still open questions in the
case of the Griffon - and I am sure they preoccupy other
The technical proceedings were opened with two forces that are similarly involved in the use of civil off-
excellent keynote addresses. The first, by Brigadier the-shelf aircraft.
General Pennie, Commander of Canadian Tactical
Aviation was direct, specific and immediate in its focus The technical subjects that are linked to these questions
on current problems. This was followed by an elegant are not new, but neither are they all resolved. They
global presentation by Le General Battlo, Commander cross the panel boundaries of AGARD, dealing with
of French Army Aviation, describing the growth of the integrated health and usage monitoring systems,
helicopter as an element of the French land-fighting structural design philosophies and lifing of components
forces, specifically as an anti-tank warrior - and its and parts, control systems and autopilot design. The
recent adaptation to the post-Cold War world. larger question remains - "Can fleet safety be managed
economically by following civil maintenance programs
General Pennie related the circumstances that have led while flying (real) military mission profiles?"
the Canadian Forces to undertake their full-range of
tactical helicopter roles with a single type, the new Bell General Battlo traced the history of military doctrine and
412 Griffon. This difficult task is further complicated technology advancement that established the helicopter
by the fact that the Griffon is a commercial off-the-shelf as "un veritable engin principal de combat" within the
(COTS) helicopter which is to be maintained, spared French Army, from primitive origins in the
and modified as though it were a civil aircraft. The technologies of the early 1950's to the dominant role of
presentation had a particularly Canadian flavour, but it the helicopter as an anti-tank weapon system by the end
describes a predicament that is faced by more and more of the Cold War era. It was his descriptions of the
military operators, as budgets shrink and the economies transition to a new aeromobility doctrine and concept in
of commercial practices attract military buyers and the current post Cold War period, however, that
operators. provided an important backdrop for the symposium.
In the specific French/European context, the dominant use Category "A" rules and they are unlikely to do so
role for the new aeromobility forces has shifted from formally, even where their flight vehicles and operations
anti-tank combat to an airborne protection/support role. are similar to the civil Cat "A" case. Clearly, militaries
But in a more general sense, the hallmarks of the post work in a different operational safety framework than
Cold War roles and missions for military helicopters the civil authorities do. But the trade-offs of safety,
will be flexibility, change and even ambiguity. This performance, control, handling, pilot information and
most "polyvalente" of all flying machines must add workload are similar in both environments. The
peace making, peace keeping and support for other underlying problems, and the methods being used by the
humanitarian and diplomatic activities to its more Cat "A" community to tackle these problems, should
traditional roles of troop support, protection, transport, provide useful new knowledge for military as well as
reconnaissance and battle fighting, further complicating civil operators. This possibility, however, may not be
"Rotorcraft Design for Operations". immediately evident to the military community.
solid state systems could be considered for rotor integrated package in realistic operational environments
applications in an operational context, since their with representative crew workload, has become an
potential benefits are accompanied by a new set of indispensable element in military helicopter programs,
vulnerabilities that must be overcome in a very hostile extending throughout the development cycle. It is
environment. indispensable and, as the authors emphasize, economical
- by some estimations, saving as much as the cost of
The final presentation of the session looked at a specific one prototype.
class of catastrophic failures in an advanced fly-by-wire
system. In the case study, the control system At the other end of the spectrum, the DRA presentation
automatically adjusted to the failure state - on their HOVERS generic mission simulator illustrated
circumventing the problem area to provide the necessary the use of simulation as a tool for system trade-off
control for continued flight to a landing. The specific studies for the next generation of fighting helicopters.
failures and fixes considered in the study present the Again, there is strong emphasis on high fidelity
pilot with the task of flying pitch attitude control - that simulation of aircraft systems and the operational
is, longitudinal cyclic pitch control - with pedals. It is environment - including, in this case, the rich
the ability of the pilot to adapt to this unconventional information environment of the future battle-field. The
control configuration that formed the kernel of the HOVERS studies envision, for example, a tactical data
study. This would appear to be a somewhat "benign- network linked to the cockpit, which will provide the
catastrophic" event if it were to occur in a sophisticated crew with an abundance of information on the tactical
FBW environment, since all of the primary actuation situation - from various sources and in various stages
systems continue to respond to control signals and the of interpretation. This will necessitate the development
control computers continue to operate. With these of an onboard Information Management System to sift
functions available, there would appear to be other FBW and sort, prioritize and present relevant usable
design options that might be exercised for information to the crew. The studies clearly show that
circumventing the failure before settling on a pedals-for- factually correct and appropriately presented tactical
pitch control mode. ( I had the impression that the FVP information increases survivability; however they also
audience would have appreciated more elaboration on the raise the spectre of information latency and inaccuracy
rationale for this specific case.) Nevertheless, the study that could present the crew with a compelling but false
demonstrated the inherent safety and robustness that view of the immediate situation. Both of these aspects
come with FBW system design, where built-in of the future operational situation can be effectively
automated adjustments can "work around" certain classes captured and analyzed in mission simulation systems.
of system failures. In the case studied, pilots
successfully adapted to the unconventional post-failure The third simulation presentation, paper #8, described a
control mode and had little difficulty recovering to a safe modular approach to the commercial development of a
landing. suite of twelve training simulators for the German army
aviation corps. The simulators will be outfitted in three
configurations to represent three helicopter types in the
Session II: Handling Qualities and current training fleet of the corps. Development plans
Simulation aim to define common modules, to the degree possible,
and by this means to reap the benefits of commonality
Presentations in this session were evenly divided both in manufacturing and sparing of the suite.
between handling qualities and simulation topics. In
the simulation portion, two of the three presentations Presentations 9,10 and 11 shared two common themes,
provided complementary detailed descriptions of the use first, the general subject of helicopter handling qualities
of high fidelity simulation for mission system studies. and secondly, Aeronautical Design Standard ADS-33,
The presentation from the Centre d'essais en vol (CEV) the recently published standard on Handling Qualities
on the mission system simulator for the Tiger Requirements for Military Rotorcraft. ADS-33 has
helicopter focused on an evaluation and validation of the been developed by the US Army Aeroflightdynamics
technical performance of the basic Tiger mission Directorate (AFDD) to replace the venerable Military
systems along with its support-protection mission Specification MÜ-H-8501A. This monumental
system suite. Here, the simulation process is deeply undertaking, initiated by the US Army in the early
imbedded in the development stream, timed, in fact, to 1980's and led by AFDD, was also supported by
evaluate the integrated systems at a specific stage in the collaborative participation from the national
airborne software suite development. This use of aeronautical research agencies of Canada, Germany and
simulation to integrate systems and evaluate the the United Kingdom.
Mechanics Panel symposium on Aerodynamics and rotor helicopter completed the session. Recently, there
Acoustics, the presentation emphasized that dynamic has been considerable interest in the subject of engine-
stall phenomena are still not fully understood; that rotor governor-rotor dynamic interactions that introduce
solutions based on comprehensive 3-D CFD analysis oscillatory modes into the frequency range of concern
codes do not yet correlate satisfactorily with for helicopter handling qualities. The presentation
experimental results; and that the weakest points in provided a report on numerical simulation studies of a
aeroacoustic modeling are difficulties in predicting hingeless rotor helicopter, looking at a range of
aerodynamic flow fields. propulsion system characteristics in straight and level
and coordinated turning flight cases. For the test points
While the aerodynamicists work to improve their investigated, propulsion system dynamics did not
rotorcraft modeling techniques, flight mechanics materially affect pitch or roll handling qualities. In
engineers are using empirical means to improve the some elevated-g (turning) cases, degraded heave-axis
aerodynamic force representations in their current flight handling qualities were predicted.
dynamics models. A presentation from the US Army
AFDD provided a good illustration of the empirical
approach. The AFDD study was based on a blade- Session V: Programs
element model of the Apache helicopter, which does not
adequately reproduce the roll response of the helicopter The Program Session provided overview presentations
to pitch control inputs or the pitch response to roll on three well-known development and production
control inputs, that is, the cyclic control cross-coupling programs, EH101,Comanche and V-22 - and a review
effects. It was found that the deficiency is largely of a compound helicopter concept study. As context for
overcome by applying simple first-order low-pass filters some general observations on the session, the following
to the calculated elemental lift and drag forces. This paragraphs will summarize one or two of the main
time-lagging of the force calculations may well be themes of each presentation.
capturing one specific physical effect that is absent from
the base model: several candidate effects are in fact The EH101 presentation emphasized the impact of the
proposed in the paper. Or it may just be a good "fitting decision to produce a single design able to satisfy the
factor" for the accumulated error from several sources. operational and regulatory requirements of both civil and
In either event, the "aerodynamic phase lag", as the military customers. This has been a pioneering effort,
correction is being called, improves the fidelity of the successful in an overall sense - and one that will
model for flight mechanics applications. undoubtedly be repeated to various degrees in the future.
The EH 101 experience illustrates that the principle of a
In a theoretically-based aerodynamics presentation from common civil/military design is feasible and that the
Delft University, an improved "sweep effect" correction cost and performance penalties are manageable and
was proposed for rotor modeling applications that are generally come with a bonus of added safety. The
based on the lifting-line approach. This is an extension author is clear, however, in stating that the process
of some much earlier work on classical unsteady lifting- would be greatly simplified if the impetus for merged
line theory for fixed-wing aircraft. The proposed requirements came from the civil and military regulatory
correction could have a significant impact on rotorcraft authorities, rather than from the manufacturers. In fact,
modeling, since lifting-line theory is still the basis for the future appears to be unfolding along these lines.
many helicopter models used for flight dynamics
analysis. A wide ranging description of Comanche followed. It is
difficult to write anything new about this much heralded
Two additional presentations provided snapshots of helicopter. While it will field an array of revolutionary
particular methodologies. Presentation #19 from new technologies and capabilities, these are all
ONERA dealt with prediction of internal cabin noise in realizations of systems that have been in AGARD's
a helicopter, using Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) "sights" for some time. In the context of the themes
methods and correlation with measured noise for this meeting however, less well-known
characteristics. Studies based on the Ecureuil show supportability and maintainability projections for the
good results for the SEA method and followup work is Comanche are of particular interest. If design levels are
being extended to the more complex and challenging achieved in these areas - reductions by a factor of four in
Dauphin medium helicopter case. maintenance hours per flight hour and greatly reduced
in-the-field infrastructure - the impact on operations on
A presentation on the effects of propulsive system the battle field will be dramatic.
dynamics on aeromechanical stability of a hingeless
The presentation on the V-22 began by describing the rotary wing solution is an inherently complex and
current Engineering Manufacturing Development phase inelegant VSTOL solution; on the other hand, the
of the program, but moved on to a discussion of Cheyenne that was cancelled 24 years ago would be an
engineering problems or "technical challenges" that impressive flying machine if it incorporated the relevant
surfaced in the earlier full-scale development flight tests. technology advances of the intervening years.
The challenges ranged from empennage buffet in certain
areas of the manoeuvring envelope to the need for
structural load limiting control laws. There was special Session VI: Advanced Controls
interest, however, in a series of three pilot-induced
oscillation cases, two of which were solved by The presentations of this final session covered a wide
implementing notch filters and the third by lateral stick area of interests including subjects outside the general
mass balancing. (The general issue of rotorcraft-pilot domain of flight control. The initial presentation of the
coupling was singled out for special emphasis in session summarized research that is being conducted at
presentation #21.) the NRC (Canada) on three specific cockpit
technologies, using helicopter in-flight simulation
Common threads in all of these programs are their long facilities as the research environment. There was an
gestation periods and their highly political development underlying message here that a large gap separates the
histories. The significant improvements in technology promise held out by the new technologies and the
and increases in effectiveness that they unquestionably ability to apply them in integrated functions that help
deliver will come at a very high cost in each case. the pilot. The three examples cited - high-performance
full-field-of-view helmet mounted displays, direct voice
They are also, all, extremely large and complex input systems and 3-D head-down displays - are all
programs which present major challenges at every level relatively mature physical systems, but they all
of program management. It is interesting to note that continue to present significant challenges in areas of
the Comanche and the EH 101 programs appear to have pilot-aircraft integration.
incorporated "systems engineering" practices and
computer aided systems engineering (CASE) tools, in a Two presentations directed our attention back to the
formal way, into their program management structures. capabilities and needs of the current generation of
This is likely to be a prevalent trend as computer-based military helicopters. There is general agreement in the
program planning and program management systems helicopter research and development community that we
meet up with common engineering design data bases could make better use of the standard control system
and concurrent engineering. The resulting integrated architectures that are installed in the current operational
process is developing a new and formalized systems fleet. These systems usually combine relatively capable
engineering (SE) culture. SE in this recently defined limited-authority automatic flight control systems
sense, as formalized for example in IEEE Standard P (AFCS) in combination with conventional full-
1220 or Draft MIL-STD-499B, has spawned a new authority mechanical controls.
international society and an active research and academic
publication stream. In the AGARD universe, this new A presentation by Westlands and DRA described a
subject may well be within the domain of interest of the generic research program that would use limited-
FVP. authority stability and control augmentation systems to
improve operational capability in three specific areas: to
The fourth presentation in the session described a improve the quickness of changes in engine torque in
concept configuration study. There appears to be little response to rapid manoeuvring rotor load changes;
appetite right now within the rotorcraft community for secondly, to conserve rotor speed following engine
revolutionary design experimentation. It was failure; and finally, to implement a "carefree handling"
interesting, therefore, to see a strong case for feature for aggressive collective/vertical manoeuvring,
reconsidering compound helicopter configurations providing torque limit protection. Studies indicate that
presented by Westlands. The author contends that substantial enhancements of performance and safety
conditions are ripe for exploring lift or thrust could be achieved by implementing these system
compounding or a combination of the two, since recent adaptations using the current standard control hardware.
technology improvements in rotor design and engines
will substantially improve the efficiency of compound This same theme was addressed in the final presentation
configurations. Encouraged by initial analytical studies, of the symposium, from NRC, within a general
a Lynx-based demonstrator program is now being discussion of handling qualities requirements for flight
contemplated. Detractors may say that a compound in degraded visual environments. Background research
for Aeronautical Design Standard ADS-33 has defined helicopter business. The paper should be an
relationships between control mode stabilization inspiration, directing attention and future work toward
requirements and the level of visual cues available to the an understanding of the underlying phenomena.
pilot. More recent studies are showing that the levels
of attitude and speed stabilization that are required for
flight in degraded visual environments can be achieved CLOSING DISCUSSIONS
using limited-authority control augmentation systems.
This will require the implementation of new control The symposium ended with a discussion around three
laws - and, presumably, new digital processing systems. questions posed by the program committee and animated
But the standard limited-authority electro-hydraulic by a head table of prominent participants. The
control hardware in the current helicopter designs should questions were the following:
do the job.
• What are the two most important technologies
It seems clear that, in a variety of ways, the good "old" needed for future rotorcraft?
AFCS hardware, driven by new mission-adapted control
laws, could greatly enhance flight safety and operational • Does our research effectively influence
capability for this current generation of helicopters - rotorcraft affordability and safety?
particularly when they must operate in degraded visual
environments. It is also clear that modifications of this • Will use of common standards in place of
type to the operational fleets would carry a substantial military specifications and standards result in
price tag associated with proof of compliance or lower cost for the same effectiveness?
certification. In some cases, however, the mission
performance and safety gains should be a bargain. No radically new ideas were advanced during the
discussions. Regarding technology needs, there was
Presentation #32 from Eurocopter described simulation strong support for highly integrated active control
design studies and flight validation experiments for technologies and unspecified " technologies that will
active control of helicopter aeromechanical stability. improve existing helicopters" - for more advanced
The specific aims of the work are to improve air and flight aids to improve all-environment operations, for
ground resonance stability and overall drive train reduced acoustic signatures and for a good, inexpensive
stability of modern rotors, and to simplify the design of low-speed airspeed system.
lead-lag dampers for soft in-plane rotors. Relatively
simple ACT implementations, easily integrated into a Concerning the links between research and affordability,
conventional flight control system, have proven to be there appeared to be agreement that design for
highly effective in simulation and are being validated in affordability and low life-cycle cost have not been prime
flight tests on a Super Puma Mk2. drivers in our research programs - and that these
elements must be brought more directly into the
Finally, to return to presentation #21 from DLR on equation in the future. On the other hand, research has
rotorcraft-pilot coupling: this was a call for caution been very effective in improving flight safety and
directed at the emerging community of developers and operational effectiveness. Two additional statements
operators of highly-augmented helicopters. The were made on the subject of research, dealing more
challenge is to learn about - and learn from - the generally with the way rotorcraft research is done.
experiences of the fixed wing community with high- First, while the research community has undoubtedly
gain high-performance control systems - and to avoid become much more customer-oriented in recent years,
repeating the major errors that have cost lives and researchers acknowledge that they still need to get out
programs. into the field more often to experience the operatoral
environment. As a final point, there was a plea for a
No one will disagree. It could be said that helicopters do "strategic policy" on research to avoid having all
things differently, that unlike fixed-wing aircraft they research centres doing similar things.
may experience and resolve many serious problems
while in hovering flight or in the very low and very The issue of common standards raised in the third
slow flight regime. But in many ways, the control question was a significant theme of the meeting. The
forces being commanded and the dynamic systems that discussion around the question repeated and underlined
respond are less well understood for helicopters than points made during the earlier presentations, but
they are for fixed-wing aircraft. PIO or adverse pilot- extended those arguments as well. The main comments
helicopter coupling is frequently encountered in the are listed here in abbreviated form:
Good morning, on behalf of LGen DeQuetteville, the Bonjour. Au nom du Igen DeQuetteville, commandant
Commander of the Canadian Air Force, I would like to des Forces aeriennes du Canada, je vous souhaite la
welcome you to Ottawa for this AGARD conference on bienvenue ä Ottawa dans le cadre de la conference
rotorcraft technology. AGARD sur la technologie des aeronefs ä voilure
As the Commander of Canadian Tactical Aviation, I have Comme je commande l'Aviation tactique du Canada,
a vested interest in this topic; particularly during these cette question m'interesse, tout particulierement dans le
times we are all experiencing, and I thank you for contexte actuel. Je vous remercie de m'avoir invite ä
inviting me to open this year's conference. ouvrir la conference de cette annee.
As you are aware, and many of you are likely Comme vous le savez - et bon nombre d'entre vous le
experiencing, we, in the Canadian military are going vivent - l'Armee canadienne est soumise actuellement ä
through a period of downsizing, defence spending des diminutions d'effectifs. En outre, les depenses
cutbacks, and very slow economic recovery. We in the allouees ä la defense sont reduites, et la reprise
Canadian Tactical aviation community are lucky enough economique est tres lente. Toutefois, il y a une lueur
to be introducing a new helicopter fleet into our d'espoir pour l'Aviation tactique du Canada, car une
inventory to support the Army. It is very important to nouvelle flotte d'helicopteres destinee ä appuyer
keep in mind, however, that although we are l'Armee est introduite dans les stocks de la defense. II
implementing a new aircraft, we can only afford one est tres important de se rappeler cependant qu'une seule
fleet of helicopters and it is a compromise. We have flotte d'helicopteres nous a ete autorisee, et ce, au terme
retired our observation fleet, the CHI36 Kiowa, and our d'un compromis. Nous avons retire notre flotte
medium lift fleet, the CH147 Chinook. We are replacing d'helicopteres d'observation CH136 Kiowa et notre
our Utility transport fleet, the CH135 Twin Huey, with flotte d'helicopteres de transport moyen CHI47
the new Bell 412, a commercial off-the-shelf helicopter Chinook. Nous remplacons nos helicopteres polyvalents
which we have named the Griffon. CH135 Twin Huey par le nouveau Bell 412. II s'agit
d'un helicoptere commercial standard baptise Griffon.
It is also important to remember that the Army doctrinal II est tout aussi important de ne pas perdre de vue qu'en
requirement to cover the full spectrum of helicopter vertu de la doctrine de l'Armee, il faut etre en mesure de
operations actually still demands four fleets of combat mener toute la gamme des operations heliportees. Pour
capable helicopters: ATTACK (AH types e.g. AH-64), ce faire, il faut quatre flottes d'helicopteres au potentiel
RECONNAISSANCE (LH types e.g. OH58 D), de combat: ATTAQUE (types AH, p. ex. AH-64),
UTILITY (UTTH types e.g. UH 60), MEDIUM OBSERVATION (types LH, p. ex. OH58 D), POLY-
(MTH types e.g. CHINOOK). In fact, operations such as VALENT (types UTTH, p. ex. UH 60), TRANS-
Desert Storm, Restore Hope, and the like, continue to PORT MOYEN (types MTH, p. ex. CHINOOK). En fait,
confirm and justify this requirement. The reality les operations du type Tempete du desert et Rendre
however is such that NATO countries are facing fiscal l'espoir continuent de confirmer et de justifier cette
pressures and have to adjust accordingly. In our case it exigence. Toutefois, dans l'etat actuel des choses, les
has forced us away from full Mil Spec to commercial pays de l'OTAN sont soumis ä des pressions financieres
off-the-shelf (COTS). et doivent s'adapter en consequence. Dans notre cas,
nous avons ete obliges de nous ecarter des specifications
militaires integrales pour des raisons de coüts.
I now come back to my position as the commander of En tant que commandant de l'Aviation tactique, je me
tactical aviation with the requirement to meet the dois de repondre aux attentes de l'Armee ä l'aide d'une
Army's expectations with a single fleet of commercial seule flotte d'helicopteres commerciaux polyvalents.
Utility lift helicopters. I don't need to tell you the Inutile de vous dire que je me trouve dans une position
difficult position I am placed in. difficile.
This is where AGARD and conferences such as this one Voilä done pourquoi ce type de conference est important
demonstrate their importance and how, perhaps over et comment, peut-etre, vous pourrez eventuellement
time, you can assist countries with reducing military m'aider ä resoudre mon probleme. Je vous donnerai
budgets to cope better with this dilemma. I will use a few quelques exemples des problemes que nous cause
examples of current problems we face as we introduce 1'introduction du nouvel helicoptere. Ces exemples
the new helicopter, to point out how the serviront ä illustrer comment la communaute
technical/industrial community can help to provide technologique industrielle peut nous aider ä trouver des
workable and, just as important, affordable solutions to solutions possibles qui - ce qui est tout aussi important -
countries like Canada, that cannot afford large sont economiquement realisables dans un pays qui,
investments in military technology. comme le Canada, ne peut pas se permettre d'investir
beaucoup d'argent dans la technologie militaire.
The Bell 412 is a civilian pattern, medium transport Le Bell 412 est un helicoptere polyvalent de modele civil
aircraft that our crews must employ on the moderm que nos equipages de vol doivent utiliser sur le champ de
battlefield to support our Army. Something as simple as bataille moderne en appui de 1'Armee. Pour les pilotes
NVG flight is taken for granted by military helicopter d'helicopteres militaires, un simple vol effectue ä l'aide
users because it has been a way of life for many years. de lunettes de vision nocturne va de soi, car, pour eux,
The civilian community is, however, quite different, and depuis de nombreuses annees, l'utilisation de ce
has not endorsed the requirement for NVG compatible dispositif est chose courante. Par contre, dans le milieu
cockpits. For example, you are aware that the FAA in civil, il en va tout autrement, car l'aviation civile n'a pas
USA and MOT in Canada will not certify cockpits with cru bon d'exiger que les postes de pilotage des
other than aviation red warning lights. Herein lies our helicopteres soient adaptables pour la vision nocturne.
first challenge: how can you satisfy the NVG Par exemple, vous savez sans doute que la FAA aux
compatibility requirement while meeting the civilian Etats-Unis et Transports Canada ne certifieront pas les
certification requirements as well. I can say that there are postes de pilotage dotes d'un dispositif autre que des
ways to manage this problem, but we have yet to find a feux rouges d'aviation. Voilä notre premier defi:
fully functional technical solution. comment concilier notre besoin d'un dispositif de vision
nocturne et les exigences de certification civile. II y a des
facons de solutionner le probleme, mais il nous reste
encore ä trouver une solution technique tout ä fait
One of the problems we have been faced with as we Un des problemes souleves par 1'introduction du Bell
introduce the 412 is how to manage all these systems 412 est le suivant: comment les pilotes peuvent-ils
from the cockpit, while still ensuring that the pilots can arriver ä gerer tous ces systemes ä partir du poste de
safely fly the aircraft in the low level tactical pilotage tout en pilotant l'appareil de facon sure au cours
environment. We have taken the 412 cockpit and de vols tactiques basse altitude. Nous avons modifie le
modified it such that we have installed dual cockpit poste de pilotage du Bell 412 en y installant des
display units (called CDUs) to serve as the control head panneaux de commande et d'affichage doubles
for many of the aircraft systems remotely placed (communement appeles «CDU») servant de centres de
throughout the airframe. The solution however has contröle pour bon nombre des systemes disperses dans
created two new problems: a single point of failure toute la cellule. Toutefois, cette solution a souleve deux
problem and a cockpit resource management problem. nouveaux problemes: un probleme de point de panne
Again we are managing to find workable solutions but unique et un probleme de gestion des ressources du poste
they are nonetheless not ideal solutions. de pilotage. Encore une fois, nous essayons de trouver
des solutions realisables, lesquelles neanmoins
demeurent imparfaites.
The challenge here is how best to provide the crew the Le defi est de taille: comment fournir ä l'equipage le
means to effectively employ the aircraft's systems to meilleur moyen d'utiliser efficacement les systemes de
successfully complete their mission, while also l'appareil qui lui permettent de mener ä bien sa mission
providing them a means to manage those systems tout en lui donnant la possibilite de gerer ces memes
without compromising safety. Technologies such as day- systemes sans nuire ä la securite du vol. Des
HUDs, helmet-mounted displays, voice-activated technologies comme les visualisations tete haute - jour
systems control, or even pilot's associate systems (HUD), les dispositifs d'affichage montes sur casques,
provide potential solutions; some of which you are likely les systemes de contröle ä commande vocale ou meme
going to discuss in the next few days. des systemes connexes du pilote offrent des elements de
solution. Nous discuterons probablement d'un certain
nombre d'entre elles au cours des prochains jours.
Ideally these operational systems would be designed into Idealement, ces systemes devraient etre concus en
a combat helicopter, but increasingly a retrofit of a fonction des helicopteres de combat; mais, la remise en
COTS helicopter may be the solution for countries with etat de plus en plus frequente d'helicopteres COTS peut
reducing military budgets. s'averer une solution interressante pour les pays dont les
budgets militaires sont restreints.
Another case in point, with respect to employing a L'equipement de mission est un autre bon exemple de
modified civilian airframe in a military operational role, l'utilisation des cellules d'aeronefs civils modifiees dans
is that with respect to mission equipment. As you are un contexte operationnel militaire. Comme vous le
aware, we recently sent several helicopters to Haiti to savez, nous avons envoye recemment en Haiti des
support ongoing UN operations there. Although we are helicopteres en appui des operations de l'ONU. Nous
currently employing the Twin Huey there, we are utilisons ä l'heure actuelle des Twin Huey en Haiti, mais
conducting the detailed staff planning to deploy our Bell une planification d'etat-major detaillee en cours prevoit
412's (GRIFFONS) to Haiti, once we can resolve some le deploiement de nos helicopteres Bell 412 (GRIFFON)
planning issues. One such issue is that of mission dans ce pays, une fois certaines questions de
equipment; some examples are self-protection door guns, planification resolues. Une de ces questions est celle de
armour protection from small arms rounds, searchlights, l'equipement de mission, p. ex. des armes de porte
FLIR systems, and a plethora of other ancillary d'autodefense, un blindage contre les armes de petit
equipment associated with these systems. calibre, des projecteurs, des detecteurs infrarouges avant
(FLIR) et un important equipement auxiliaire ä ces
You can see that as we continue to load up with these Comme vous pouvez le constater, ä force d'ajouter des
systems we now get to the point where the aircraft can systemes, nous en sommes arrives au point ou l'appareil
survive in the theatre, but we can't do what we are est maintenant en mesure de survivre dans le theatre des
tasked to do because the helicopter is already operations. Mais, nous ne pouvons pas faire ce qu'on
overweight. So what I need to do is provide the same nous demande de faire parce que l'helicoptere est trop
capability but use systems and equipment that do not lourd. Done, il me faut obtenir le meme potentiel, mais
have the same weight and space penalty. The challenge en utilisant des systemes et de l'equipement qui sont
is to provide button- and strap-on mission kits that are moins lourds et qui occupent moins d'espace. Les
fully capable but are lighter and smaller. This issue of accessoires d'installation des ensembles de mission
button- and strap-on equipment is not likely one that is doivent etre plus legers et plus petits tout en demeurant
going to go away for the foreseeable future; and it is tout aussi performants. Cette question ne semble pas en
very real. Many of the smaller military users are facing voie d'etre resolue dans un proche avenir. Toutefois, eile
this every day as they introduce commercial off-the-shelf demeure tres reelle. Bon nombre de petits utilisateurs
products into their inventory and modify them for use in militaires font face ä ce probleme tous les jours
operational environments. lorsqu'ils ajoutent des produits commerciaux standard ä
leurs stocks et doivent les modifier pour les adapter aux
environnements operationnels.
As I have previously alluded, the Canadian Army Comme je l'ai mentionne au debut, le besoin qu'a
requirement for four combat helicopter fleets continues l'Armee canadienne d'avoir quatre flottes d'helicopteres
to be justified and supported, at least in doctrinal terms de combat continue ä etre justifie au plan de la doctrine,
but not necessarily in fiscal terms. The requirement for a sans necessairement l'etre au plan financier. La necessite
reconnaissance and surveillance capability is well de posseder un potentiel de reconnaissance et de
recognized as a critical requirement for a land force surveillance est admise comme etant un element
commander to ensure successful operations on the essentiel ä un commandant d'une force terrestre pour
battlefield. With a single fleet of utility aircraft, this que le succes des operations soit assure sur le champ de
becomes a rather daunting task for me. How could my bataille. Cela devient un defi de taille pour moi si je ne
unit commanders employ their aircraft so as to meet the possede qu'une seule flotte d'aeronefs polyvalents.
Army commander's reconnaissance and surveillance Comment, en effet, mes commandants d'unite
requirements. pourraient-ils utiliser leurs aeronefs de maniere ä
repondre aux exigences du commandant de l'Armee en
matiere de reconnaissance et de surveillance?
Well, the first thing I would need to address is Le point que je devrai considerer, c'est la surviabilite. Ä
survivability. In my opinion, this equates to stand-off mon avis, cette surviabilite s'obtient par le maintien
and self-protection. If we intend to use the GRIFFON d'une distance de securite et l'autoprotection. Si nous
airframe for reconnaissance and surveillance missions envisageons d'utiliser la cellule du GRIFFON pour des
we will need to provide the crew with effective optical missions de reconnaissance et de surveillance, nous
enhancement systems to ensure they can achieve the devons fournir aux equipages des systemes optiques
stand-off distances required to remain outside the lethal efficaces pour qu'ils puissent demeurer ä distance de
envelope of the threat's capability. The system will also securite des armes ennemies. Le Systeme devra
need to be multi-spectral including the near- and mid-IR egalement etre ä spectres multiples et englober 1TR
as well as visual ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. proche et moyen ainsi que la gamme des radiations
visibles du spectre electromagnetique.
Now, I am aware that all the systems that meet this Je sais que tous les systemes qui repondent ä ce besoin
requirement have been manufactured for many years and sont fabriques depuis de nombreuses annees, et qu'il ne
are not necessarily new technology. Notwithstanding s'agit pas necessairement d'une nouvelle technologie.
this, I do have some very specific challenges. The Quoi qu'il en soit, je fais face ä des problemes tres
system must be readily available when I deploy and must particuliers. En effet, le Systeme doit etre disponible au
be capable of being installed and removed from the moment oü je deciderai de deployer mes appareils, et il
aircraft at will, within reasonable time frames, and doit pouvoir etre installe et enleve ä volonte, et ce, dans
without extensive support requirements. On top of all des delais raisonnables et sans qu'il soit necessaire de
that, the system must be light-weight so as not to faire appel ä un soutien elabore. En plus de tout cela, le
adversely affect the aircraft C of G. This is most Systeme doit etre leger afin de ne pas deplacer le centre
important because, remember, my aircraft is already de gravite des appareils, surtout parce que - rappelez-
close to being overweight. vous - ceux-ci sont dejä surcharges.
Finally, and not nearly least, is the ability to provide Finalement, il y a un autre probleme et non le moindre: il
training to the crew to effectively use the equipment. faut pouvoir montrer aux equipages comment utiliser
This aspect is often overlooked when looking at button- efficacement l'equipement. Cette question est souvent
and strap-on mission kits. Again it leads to the cockpit negligee lorsqu'il est question des accessoires
resource management and workload problem. As the d'installation des ensembles de mission. Encore une fois,
strap-on systems add up, so too does the man-machine- nous faisons face au probleme de gestion des ressources
interface problem of effectively operating the systems du poste de pilotage et de charge de travail pour
while safely managing them and continuing to fly the l'equipage. Les systemes d'appoint compliquent la
aircraft. situation et posent un probleme d'interface homme-
machine. En effet, on demande aux equipages non
seulement d'utiliser efficacement les systemes, mais de
les gerer de facon sure, et ce, tout en continuant de
piloter 1'aeronef.
These are only a few of current challenges I am faced II ne s'agit la que d'un certain nombre de problemes
with as the new aircraft is bought into our inventory. If auxquels je suis confronts depuis l'introduction du
you sit and think for a minute of how you, as an nouvel aeronef. Si vous reflechissez quelques instants ä
operator, would employ a civilian aircraft in a military la facon dont vous utiliseriez un aeronef civil dans un
environment, you will begin to see many other issues environnement militaire, vous entreverriez dejä
that need to be resolved. As you continue the conference beaucoup d'autres problemes. Pendant le restant de la
throughout the remainder of the week, I would like you semaine au cours de la conference, j'aimerais que vous
to keep in mind the issues I have highlighted, so as to vous rappeliez les questions que j'ai soulevees afin de
determine if any of the current, developing or enabling determiner si une des technologies actuelles, en
technologies can be applied to the challenges I've developpement ou habilitantes, peut repondre aux
presented. I sincerely hope you enjoy the conference and problemes que j'ai exposes. J'espere sincerement que
your stay in Ottawa, and again thank you very much for vous apprecierez la conference et votre sejour ä Ottawa.
the opportunity to speak with you today. I will be happy Je vous remercie encore une fois de m'avoir donne
to address any questions or comments you have. l'occasion de vous adresser la parole aujourd'hui. II me
fera plaisir maintenant de repondre ä vos questions ou
d'entendre vos commentaires.
Tres vite, l'helicoptere s'est impose dans les armees A la fin des annees 50 et au tout debut des annees
parce qu'il portait en lui des possibilites 60 apparaissent en France les premiers helicopteres
indiscutables et prometteuses. ä moteur ä turbine, le DJINN, mais surtout
l'Alouette II et l'Alouette III.
Certes, il a eu, et il a toujours des detracteurs - les
pessimistes - qui ne mettent en avant que son Le moteur ä turbine donnant ä l'helicoptere
apparente fragilite. Heureusement, les optimistes - puissance,
ont raison de lui faire confiance et, aujourd'hui, - fiabilite,
toute armee moderne se forge son aeromobilite, - maniabilite,
c'est ä dire un "mode d'emploi" de son pare
d'helicopteres. il lui permet:
- de transporter de l'armement,
Je vous propose de parcourir, en quelques minutes, - et, surtout, de pratiquer le VOL TACTIQUE, type
"l'aeromobilite francaise" en examinant plus de vol qui se conduit au ras du sol, dans le micro-
particulierement: relief, qui assure une protection indiscutable et
- les 3 faits majeurs qui, aux annees 60, ont fait de garantit la surprise. C'est un veritable "vol de
l'helicoptere un engin de combat ä part entiere, combat" qui ob&t ä l'une des regies de base du
- notre concept d'emploi des helicopteres ä l'epoque fantassin : voir sans etre vu, tirer sans etre tire.
de la "guerre froide", A peu pres ä la meme epoque, apparait le missile
- notre concept actuel, porteur de vastes antichar filoguide. Ce missile se monte tres
potentialites pour l'avenir. facilement sur les helicopteres, il est precis,
performant et permet d'atteindre les objeetifs au-
Les temps ont change, les materiels ont evolue, delä de la portee des armes ä tir tendu de l'ennemi.
l'helicoptere, lui, reste un veritable engin de
combat qui, ces dernieres annees, s'est affirme Ainsi, ces trois facteurs :
comme un outil de projection privilegie pour la - le moteur ä turbine,
gestion des crises. - le vol tactique,
- le missile
xx ont fait de l'helicoptere un veritable "engin
x principal de combat".
francaise tout au long de cette periode de la La 4eme division aeromobile, dont 2/3 des
"Guerre froide" devient la lutte antichar. helicopteres sont dedies au combat antichar,
travaille selon les regies classiques du combat
L' ALAT possede un Systeme d'arme adapte ä la terrestre.
menace. A eile de mettre au point le mode
d'emploi, c'est ä dire le "concept aeromobile". Par une manoeuvre coordonnee, integree ä l'action
L'idee est d'employer les helicopteres en formations d'ensemble du theatre d'operations, eile a pour
massives et autonomes pour tirer le meilleur parti "contrat" de neutraliser en 48 heures une division
de la vitesse, de la souplesse, de la furtivite et de la blindee renforcee.
capacite ä s'affranchir du terrain de cet aeronef.
Pour ce faire,
Le pion de base du combat aeromobile, l'outil - avec ses helicopteres de reconnaissance, eile va
principal c'est le "regiment d'helicopteres de chercher le renseignement sur l'ennemi, en
combat" ä 60 appareils, regiment qui possede en s'infiltrant tout au long des itineraires routiers,
son sein tous les moyens lui permettant de mener le pour determiner son contour et son axe d'effort;
combat: - puis, avec ses GAZELLE missile, eile attaque les
- une escadrille de 10 helicopteres de colonnes de chars, de preference par actions "coup
reconnaissance equipes de lunettes gyrostabilisees de poing" rapides et successives, en s'infiltrant en
ä fort grossissement, vol tactique integral dans le terrain et en changeant
- une escadrille d'appui-protection ä 10 Gazelle en permanence les itineraires et les positions de tir.
- trois escadrilles antichars, soit 30 Gazelle armees Une logistique de l'avant, tres mobile, entierement
chacune de 4 missiles HOT, assuree par les helicopteres de transport tactique
- une escadrille de 10 helicopteres de transport (80 PUMA au total pour la division), afin de ne pas
tactique. ralentir le rythme de la manoeuvre aeromobile,
permet d'engager les moyens de renseignement,
Ce regiment est "polyvalent" dans ses moyens mais d'appui et d'attaque jusqu'ä 100/120 kilometres en
prioritairement voue au combat antichar. avant des lignes amies.
Les differentes escadrilles sont en permanence Pour les memes raisons, les moyens de
entrainees ä travailler ensemble,dans le meme but : commandement sont toujours installes ä bord
reperer les colonnes de chars, les ralentir et les d'helicopteres specialement equipes.
La nuit, les compagnies antichars du ler regiment
Ainsi, de l'appui rapproche des unites au sol, ä leur d'infanterie gardent le contact avec l'ennemi et
rythme, dans leur petit volume d'action, par des preparent le reengagement des helicopteres.
patrouilles de 2, 3 ou 4 appareils, on est passe ä
l'engagement autonome de grandes formations, Au fil des ans, les precedes de combat sont
loin en avant, sur les flancs, dans les intervalles ameliores, les materiels se perfectionnent et, en
des unites au sol, pour aller attaquer les particulier, les moyens de vision nocturne
groupements blindes adverses lorsqu'ils sont en elargissent le champ d'action des formations
mouvement. aeromobiles au combat de nuit et par visibilite
De l'eparpillement des moyens, il a fallu passer ä
leur concentration pour produire un effet Cette forme de combat aeromobile, difficile,
significatif et rapide sur l'ennemi. exigeant une conjugaison permanente des moyens,
des renseignements precis et toujours reactualises,
Et l'aboutissement de ce concept a donne une coordination minutieuse avec l'artillerie et
naissance, en 1985, ä la division aeromobile, l'armee de l'air, une grande maitrise du pilotage et
grande unite regroupant 240 appareils en 4 un sens du terrain "tres fantassin" nous a permis de
regiments d'helicopteres, un regiment de soutien donner ä nos equipages une aisance, un
aeromobile et un regiment d'infanterie specialisee professionnalisme et une polyvalence qui les a
(pour l'Histoire, notons que ce regiment, le ler aides ä s'adapter tres vite ä un nouveau concept du
regiment d'infanterie, est "le plus vieux regiment combat aeromobile qui nous est impose par la
de la chretiente". II a ete fonde en 1479 et, nouvelle donne strategique et la proliferation des
aujourd'hui, il est le plus moderne et le plus "crises".
polyvalent de l'armee francaise).
3. APRES LE GRAND TOURNANT DES Bien sür, cette mixite, ce melange des genres,
ANNEES 1989-1991. UN NOUVEAU CONCEPT impose ä nos equipages un effort permanent
AEROMOBILE S'IMPOSE d'adaptation aux changements de structures. Par
exemple, un commandant d'escadrille de transport
1989, c'est la chute du mur de BERLIN, suivie par tactique doit savoir engerber dans son unite des
l'eclatement du Pacte de VARSOVIE et la Guerre appareils de reconnaissance et d'attaque en
du Golfe en 1991. Puis ,c'est le drame de l'ex- integrant dans sa manoeuvre les possibilites et les
Yougoslavie et les crises humanitaires de contraintes des appareils de renfort.
SOMALIE et du RWANDA, pour ne citer que ces
faits majeurs. Le logisticien doit prevoir toutes les composantes
de l'unite mixte ainsi constituee. Et les autres
L'aviation legere de l'armee de terre francaise commandants d'escadrille doivent savoir travailler
participe directement ä tous ces conflits, eile doit avec une unite amputee provisoirement d'une partie
s'adapter et, face ä l'avenir qui se dessine, eile met de ses moyens.
au point, progressivement, un nouveau concept
d'emploi de ses formations aeromobiles. Cette nouvelle forme d'aeromobilite, par la reponse
Initialement adapte ä l'hypothese d'un conflit rapide qu'elle peut apporter ä une menace, ou au
majeur en Europe, moins probable aujourd'hui, risque de menace, par l'effet spectaculaire et
notre concept d'emploi, qui preconisait un significatif de l'aeronef, par sa capacite ä la
engagement tous moyens reunis, s'oriente reversibilite, c'est ä dire son aptitude ä changer de
maintenant vers des engagements plus limites, en zone ou ä quitter le terrain si la diplomatic l'exige,
contact direct avec les unites au sol, pour le par sa polyvalence enfin, qui lui permet
retablissement ou le maintien de la paix, pour d'enchainer missions militaires et missions
l'assistance et le soutien humanitaire. humanitaires ou d'assistance, cette nouvelle
aeromobilite offre au politique et au militaire un
De la priorite ä la lutte antichar, nous passons ä la outil ideal de projection et de gestion des crises.
priorite ä l'appui protection. Au lieu de 2/3
d'appareils dedies au combat antichar, nous aurons Notre concept a toujours vise ä exploiter
tres bientöt 2/3 d'appareils dedies ä l'appui- l'helicoptere dans toutes ses possibilites. Certes,
protection. nous gardons en vue l'aptitude au combat antichar
de cet engin, nous entretenons nos savoir-faire
Paradoxalement, nous retrouvons "un peu" les dans ce domaine, mais nous nous orientons
missions, le concept de notre aviation legere des maintenant beaucoup plus vers des missions
annees 50, mais avec d'autres appareils, tellement - de renseignement (renseignement sur le terrain,
plus performants que les methodes sont differentes les voies de communication, leur encombrement,
et les possibilites decuplees. les mouvements de population, l'ecoulement des
courants logistiques ...)
La necessite d'agir au contact direct des - d'accompagnement de convois, qu'il faut proteger,
populations, au milieu desquelles, helas, viennent renseigner, ravitailler,
s'imbriquer l'ennemi ou des combattants de tous les - de neutralisation de tous types d'objectifs, et non
camps, cette necessite implique l'engagement plus seulement des chars, en priorite pour "retenir"
d'unites modulables. de volume limite, travaillant la force avant qu'elle ne se dechaine et, s'il s'agit de
en etroite cooperation avec les amis au sol et missions humanitaires, pour garantir la libre
rassemblant toutes les fonctions du combat distribution des secours,
aeromobile au sein raeme de chaque formation, - de transport de troupes, de blesses, de refugies, de
constituee ä la demande, et dont la taille ne doit vivres, etc.,
pas etre une entrave ä la projection ä longue - enfin, missions ä caractere "special" telles que la
distance, qu'elle se fasse par transport aerien, par recuperation par coups de main dotages ou
bateau ou en vol autonome. d'agents et la SAR (Search And Rescue) au profit
de nos equipages.
Ainsi, ä partir d'un regiment d'helicopteres, on
construit un ou plusieurs detachements aeromobiles Bref, des missions plus ponctuelles, plus
mixtes comprenant, suivant le cas, autour des differenciees, qui s'effectuent, non plus par grandes
appareils d'appui-protection ou des appareils de masses d'helicopteres, mais par petits groupes
transport tactique, d'appareils dont les capacites s'ajoutent et se
- des helicopteres de reconnaissance, completent pour obtenir la polyvalence. Missions
- des helicopteres d'attaque, qui, par le contexte, s'inscrivent dans la duree,
- des helicopteres de commandement et de dans la permanence sur le terrain, ä l'inverse des
logistique. operations "coups de poing".
The development of the flight profiles for the Model 230 The test aircraft utilized a Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
Category 'A' elevated helipad operations was conducted in Airborne Data Acquisition System(ADAS) to sample and
four phases: record the test parameters and a Canadian Marconi CMA-
2012 Doppler Velocity Sensor to record aircraft position.
I. Procedure development using the BHTI Flight
Simulator at BHTI, Fort Worth, Texas (US). The BHTC Airborne Data Acquisition System was built
around a Programmable Master Unit (PMU), Instrumentation
II. Procedure development using a painted ground Control Unit (ICU), and Analysis Package. PCM output
level helipad at the BHTI Flight Research Centre, from the PMU was received and distributed to a magnetic
Arlington,Texas (US). digital tape recorder by the ICU. The DATaRec-D2 digital
tape deck recorded all instrumentation parameters on
III. Procedure development and performance magnetic tape during each test.
verification on an off-shore oil rig elevated
helipad at Cameron, Louisiana (US). The ADAS was maintained and monitored with the Analysis
Package. The Analysis Package provided data in either raw
IV. Qualification flight tests by TCA and FAA test form or Engineering Units for system evaluation.
pilots on an off-shore elevated helipad. Furthermore, the Analysis Package was coupled to a Liquid
Crystal Display (LCD) located in the cockpit to provide the
Both the TCA and FAA test pilots participated in each phase flight crew real time instrumentation data in Engineering
of the test program to evaluate the takeoff and landing Units for evaluation during test flights.
procedures being developed and tested. Each phase of the
test program evaluated procedures and performances for the A Canadian Marconi CMA-2012 Doppler Velocity Sensor
following Category A Takeoff and Landing conditions: was used to identify aircraft position along the trajectory
Rejected Takeoff, Completed Takeoff, Completed Landing during performed manoeuvres. The Marconi Doppler
and Balked Landing consisted of a Doppler Velocity Sensor, a "ruggedised" PC
computer, control box, and analysis software. The Marconi
The data obtained during the test program was used to Doppler Velocity Sensor measured and recorded the aircraft
establish aircraft operating limitations, aircraft performance, velocity in the pitch, roll, and yaw axis at an eight Hertz
and clear space requirements for the above takeoff and frequency using four microwave beams. Aircraft pitch and
landing conditions. roll attitude was provided to the Marconi Doppler
instrumentation from the BHTC ADAS for aircraft attitude
TEST HARDWARE correction. All Marconi Doppler information was stored on
the "ruggedised" PC for post processing. Synchronization
TEST HELICOPTER between the BHTC ADAS and Marconi Doppler Velocity
Sensor was achieved when the flight crew activated the
The Model 230 Helicopter prototype ( Figure 1) is powered ADAS "Prime Data" switch.
by two Allison Gas Turbine 250-C30G/2 turboshaft engines.
The Model 230 Helicopter is certificated to transport canada
and U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Category A and B
operation with a maximum Gross Weight of 8400 lb. The
test aircraft was in skid landing gear configuration
considered more critical then wheels. A float kit was
incorporated for over water operation during the certification
program. Power management of Single Engine operations
featured a specially modified, electrically powered linear
actuator in the #2 engine control system. This enabled the
pilot to preset remaining engine power available on the #2
engine to predetermined test conditions. The aircraft was
rigged to allow main rotor operation at 103% during Takeoff
and Landings.
36 FT
1 vr vtog.
flyaway path
For the Takeoff the Flying Pilot (FP) will smoothly apply
collective to obtain a slow lateral climb to a point
35 feet above and alongside the helipad with the proper
sight picture of the helipad through the crew door
window. At the DP the FP will apply collective,
rotate to a 10 degree nose down pitch attitude and
accelerate to Vtoss, 35 knots. The Non -Flying-Pilot (NFP)
will call airspeed and positive rate-of-climb. The NFP
will monitor engine parameters.
view --,
,'Ay!l,!:<.<J..'.;.<.>J.<.?J..\,.A.-,. .>.<..'.;.,:.'..L!.t.;.J..\.
For Landing the FP will conduct a normal approach to a If an engine failure occurs at or after the DP, the FP will
hover point 35 feet above and alongside the elevated land on the helipad using the remaining engine power
helipad with the proper sight picture of the helipad available. The NFP will monitor engine parameters and
through the crew door window. Nr and alert the FP if any limitations are reached
(Figure 9).
Figure 9: Completed Landing Profile Repeatability was achieved by eliminating the timing aspect
of the vertical takeoff and straight in landing. Safety of
operation was enhanced by enabling the crew to maintain
SIMULATOR RESULTS continuous sight of the helipad during takeoff and landing.
Simplicity of operation has been achieved by similarity of
takeoff and landing techniques and designation of a single
Technique evaluation was conducted in the simulator using Decision Point for all manoeuvres.
initially the Vertical Takeoff procedure and Straight-in
Landing. Pilots from BHTI, BHTC, TCA and FAA This technique was selected for demonstration in Phase III
participated in the simulation. and IV , on a 65 feet by 65 feet oil rig elevated helipad
located in the Gulf of Mexico, Cameron, La, leading to
The Vertical Takeoff simulated consisted of a rapid vertical qualification tests conducted by TCA and FAA flight test
climb from a low hover point to a Takeoff Decision Point 25 representatives.
feet vertically above the helipad, followed by a nose down
pitch of 15 deg and acceleration to Vtoss while allowing the
helicopter to descent below the helipad takeoff surface. PERFORMANCE RESULTS
The Simulated Straight-in Landing consisted of a continuous
descent and deceleration to a Landing Decision Point located Once the lateral takeoff and lateral landing technique
50 feet above the helipad within a 5 deg descent slope at 30 selected, performance and qualification testing was
Kias. conducted on an off shore oil rig elevated helipad to
evaluate the validity of the operational procedures and to
Simulation results indicated that while the Vertical Takeoff establish aircraft performances and operating limitations. The
was repetitively performed variation in the ability to land required performance testing was significantly reduced due
was observed between the pilots. The main reason to similarity in the procedure between the Takeoff and the
considered was the variation in the visual cues provided to Landing.
the pilot.
Performance data was determined at aircraft gross weights
The Straight-in Landing was thus considered as the most from the minimum practicable to maximum achievable at
critical manoeuvre for determining the maximum weight to forward, aft and lateral CG extremes. Test day densities
be evaluated during Phase II on a ground helipad. ranged from 1400 feet to 2000 feet.
Performance data was determined with manoeuvres REJECTED TAKEOFF / COMPLETED LANDING
conducted from left and right crew seats. PERFORMANCE
3000- (t »
; i
Ä^: :__Jp....
\..j£X./.\£ ■■■
i * ..?* ^ :
■p 2000-
: y
^jyy///////^K~ ■•
u. ....[...
i ^/////M : i
•o •-/
LÜ o /
Q V • / -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
3 1000-
h- £•/ : :/ FLIGHT PATH feet
5 ^..............
>- /: c 1 • ' /• Figure 11: Rejected TakeOff / Completed Landing
7; ;/!£tf: Trajectory
-1000- \
i/i l/.IJI/.
A typical time history for the Rejected Takeoff / Completed
Landing trajectory manoeuvre with simulated engine
-200O ,/,J./.iU
-30-20-10 0 10 30 7000
' ' '
7BO0 8200 occurring at Decision Point in shown in Figure 12.
w 360 270
■o 1
1 ! |
i 1
Pitch •- Roll
Figure 13: Wind Azimuth
—. .
- -_-- *'*" ~~"~*^ ^-_- PERFORMANCE
c -20
■2 160
: .••• ^fe • SIDE VIEW
O 100-
;*^ ! ! ! I !
V (I
X : Vr : "">••
« O 30
5 -4U
O 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
8 12 16 20 FLIGHT PATH feet
Time (sec)
Figure 12: Rejected TakeOff/ Completed Landing Figure 14: Completed TakeOff/ Balked Landing
Time Histories
OEI data collected during the Completed Takeoff and Balked The Completed Takeoff/ Balked Landing distance is defined
Landings performance were used to establish the horizontal as the total flight path distance from the DP to the point at
takeoff distance and altitude loss. The Completed Takeoff / which the aircraft has attained Vtoss and a positive rate of
Balked Landing manoeuvres were executed with simulated climb. V(oss was established at 45 KTS to minimize the
engine failure occurring at Decision Point. A typical Completed Takeoff and Balked Landing distance while
Completed Takeoff / Balked Landing trajectory and maintaining FAR 29.67 climb performance requirements at
time history is shown in Figure 14.and Figure 15. WAT limiting conditions. Tests indicated that the distance
to reach Vtoss established at 45 Kts and a positive rate of
#1 Engine -- #2 Engine
climb varied from 350 ft to 550 ft. The distance to reach
Vtoss and positive rate of climb at 35 feet above landing
/r surface varied from 500 ft to 1000 ft.
3 —V t
tr 40
O) n The distance depends on the pilot way of flying the
UJ helicopter, electing altitude over airspeed or airspeed over
3 bO
V* 40 During Completed Takeoff / Balked Landing while in OEI
a. conditions, the aircraft descends below the level of the
ö 20 landing surface while accelerating to Vr and Vtoss. Since the
helicopter descends below the landing surface a minimum
heliport height had to be established for all WAT conditions.
To minimize aircraft height loss and heliport AGL height, Vr
was established at 35 KTS. Test indicated that the height
340 loss is a function of Vr and pilot technique to achieve this
speed. Based on test results , height loss following a
simulated engine failure at DP was 80 feet for all WAT
conditions. For a Decision Point at 35 feet above helipad
Pitch --- Roll surface and a hight loss of 80 feet, the minimum heliport
20 AGL elevation was set at 60 feet allowing 15 feet clearance
-^L~ i from ground / water surface.(Figure 16)
2 200
150 ■a •■*-{••■
100 40.
5 500
•K Additional tests were conducted to evaluate wind benefit
5 o while operating from an elevated helipad. A reduction in
8 12 16 20 hover from a presence of headwind allows an increase in
Time (sec)
weight while maintaining same takeoff and landing
capability. A Headwind Benefit chart with a 50% fact wind
Fisure 15: Completed TakeOff / Balked Landing as presented in the Flight manual is shown in Figuret 16.
Time Histories
X 1. Federal Aviation Administration
TO» U»
FAR29-Airworthiness Standards Transport
I 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1—T 1—-| ' 1
3200 3300 3400 «00 «00 5700 MOO JIOO KO Category Rotorcraft, CFR 14, Aeronautics and
Space, January 1992.
Lt Cdr A. W. Martyn, RN
Flight Dynamics and Simulation Department
Defence Research Agency
Bedford, MK41 6AE
United Kingdom
Mr P Phipps
Principal Aerodynamicist
Mr E Mustard
Test Pilot
Westland Helicopters Ltd, Box 231
Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 2YB
United Kingdom
TRAC Observations
a. Tail rotor drive failures continue to c. AFS trials to develop Lynx drive
occur at an unacceptably high rate in the UK failure advice.
helicopter fleets. MOD statistics between
1976-1993 show a technical failure rate of Advice Validation & Test Facilities
11.2 per million flying hours. The UK design
requirement for rotorcraft transmission Validation
systems (Ref 1) requires the probability of a
transmission/TR drive failure that would The requirement set by the Lynx Project Office was to
prevent a subsequent controlled landing to be develop and where possible validate the advice given to
very remote (<lxl06). aircrew in the event of a tail rotor malfunction. During
early meetings levels of advice validation were
b. Tail rotor drive failures are more allocated and detailed by WHL (Ref 3). These were:
prevalent than control failures (UK military
ratio 3:2). a. Full/demonstrated in flight (Level 1).
For the tail rotor failure work the multi-channel Control Failure - Current Lynx Advice
telemetry transmitter and FUMS (Fatigue and Usage
Monitoring System) were essential to provide real time A summary of key points from the current Lynx
safety monitoring via telemetry. In addition, test control failure advice are detailed below:
instrumentation gave in-cockpit feedback of precise tail
rotor pitch angles and pedal positions. Finally, accurate - Establish power and airspeed for level flight.
low airspeed measurement was provided by the
Helicopter Air Data System (HADS). - Make an engine-off landing into wind or a running
landing as appropriate.
Flight Trials to Develop and Validate Lynx Control
Failure Advice Control Failure - Flight Trial Procedure. Special Fit &
Control Failure - Initial Work
Key points from the DRA Flight Trials Instruction
The starting point prior to any flight trial planning was (FTI) (Ref 6) for the work were:
to review the current Lynx control failure advice and
the tail rotor control system Failure Modes Effect a. The flight programme was divided
Criticality Analysis (FMECA) for the Lynx. This work into two parts, the first being to investigate
identified the failure modes and defined the flight and develop post control failure recovery
conditions to be investigated in the flight trial. It also techniques, and the second was to gather data
/ ^
RSS f Zero Side Slip/
Diagnosing the type of failure present was found to be
easier the greater the severity of the problem, and is JO
Note: In order to protect the skids on the ALYCAT b. RSS failure case was very difficult to
Lynx no running landings were completed during the control at high speeds but would give a low
flight trial, the vehicle was recovered 0-5 ft before landing speed.
c. Simulated SBU flying gave flight
By reference to Figures 6 and 7, the general conditions close to trim for most of the flight
characteristics of a LSS, RSS or intermediate envelope with a high landing speed.
(including Spring Bias Unit) failure can be
appreciated. The flight techniques developed during the flight trial
varied depending upon whether the failure was
diagnosed as an intermediate (Spring Bias Unit) conjecture makes it hard to imagine that anything
failure, a High Power (RSS) or Low Power (LSS) other than shutting down the engines and cushioning
failure. the landing would be possible.
Control Failure - Simulated SBU Operation Control Failure - Left Side Slip/Nose Right (Low
Power Failure)
The Lynx tail rotor control loads have been tuned to
ensure a steep load pitch gradient, with a zero load In general, this failure case was similar to that detailed
condition occurring at approximately 3.5° . However, above under simulated SBU operation, which is
because the Lynx only has a simplex hydraulic system perhaps not surprising if the pedal positions are
to the tail servo jack a No 1 hydraulics failure would considered, Figure 6.
result in excessive loads at the pilots feet. In order to
enable safe manual reversion characteristics a spring Recovery Phase - Recovery flying was easily achieved.
bias unit (SBU) has been included in the control circuit Turns, climbing and descending were carried out
close to the jack. On failure of the No 1 hydraulics the successfully.
SBU becomes active and carries a large proportion of
the tail rotor control load, enabling the pilot to operate Approach to Land (Considerations) - The following
the tail rotor pitch manually over its full pitch range. sub-paragraphs detail considerations for the approach
In the event of a control circuit disconnect between the to landing.
jack and the tail rotor, the tail rotor pitch reverts to
approximately 3.5° . If a control circuit disconnect a. As an LSS failure is associated with
occurs between the pedals and the SBU the tail rotor trimmed flight in the low power envelope, the
pitch will remain where the jack holds it, within the high power requirements of a hover landing
limits of the AFCS inputs. However, by switching out would clearly be problematic.
the Nol hydraulics the SBU becomes active and the
combination of SBU forces and tail rotor control loads b. With fixed yaw pedals, as the
ensure that the tail rotor pitch once again migrates collective is raised, the nose yaws from the left
back to approximately 3.5° . The system used in the to the right.
Lynx is understood to be a unique safety feature, not
currently available on other aircraft. c. As the undercarriage should be
parallel to the flight path of the aircraft for a
During the trial the yaw pedals were held in a position successful running landing, in still air there is
to give a tail rotor pitch of 3.5 °, and handling was therefore only one collective position for a
assessed. selected airspeed, rotor RPM and AUW which
gives the correct alignment of the
Recovery Phase - Recovery flying was easily achieved undercarriage.
with the aircraft remaining close to trim in straight and
level flight from 30 to 120 kn. Turns, climbing and d. If on the final approach the nose is
descending were also carried out with little side slip. pointing to the left of the flight path, the
application of more collective will align the
Approach to Land - The minimum air speed achieved nose and therefore the undercarriage with the
for a running landing was 28 kn (HADS). Both the flight path.
approach to land and landing were easily controllable
and safe provided the speed was not reduced below the e. If the nose is to the right of the flight
minimum. path, the lever must be lowered or the airspeed
increased to align the nose.
Failure in the Hover - A failure in the hover resulting
in the operation of the SBU would result in a rapid yaw f. The problem with the approach to
to the right. This case was not attempted, since it landing phase of the LSS failure therefore is
would have resulted in an exceedance of the spot turn that reducing speed too much or easing
limits detailed in the trial flight clearance. Experience descent rate with collective will result in the
gained during the flight trial would indicate that the nose stabilising to the right of the aircraft
onset and stabilised yaw rate would be very rapid and flight path. In addition lowering the collective
will result in large rates of descent building advancing the main rotor RPM had a dual effect of
up. reducing main rotor torque and increasing tail rotor
speed to reduce the rate of rotation. The inverse was
Approach to Land (Strategy) - The following sub- true in the high power case.
paragraphs detail the strategy for recovery:
Min Speed S&L(30kn)
a. If flight post failure is uncomfortable Measurements of fuselage forces and moments were
due to side slip, bank away from the slip ball achieved in increments of pitch between +90° to -85°
and between 0° and +170° of yaw. The forces and the influence of fin and tail boom area on the severity
moments measured were in tunnel axes and therefore of the initial yaw post failure, and later the restoring
to enable this data to be utilised within the DRA moment, are examples of why the different
HELISM simulation it had to be converted into the aerodynamic characteristics of each type are expected
body axes. Because it was not practical, in terms of to make type specific handling advice important.
time and physical constraints of the wind tunnel
balance, to measure aerodynamic loads at every It should be noted that the modelling of these
possible combination of fuselage pitch and yaw angle, interactional effects is currently the subject of research
a comprehensive look up table of aerodynamic data at DRA Bedford.
could not be generated. Therefore another method of
incorporating the new aerodynamic data into the Strategy Development - Desktop Computer Simulation
HELISM aircraft model was required. This was
accomplished by fitting sets of polynomial equations to To aid the development of the tail rotor drive failure
the data. Lift, drag, side force and pitching moment piloting techniques and to reduce the time required to
were plotted against pitch angle for each of the yaw integrate the new wind tunnel data into HELSIM, a
angles tested and 10th order polynomial equations desktop simulation was undertaken at Westlands. The
were fitted to the data. Rolling moment and yawing desktop simulation involved incorporating the
moments were plotted against yaw angle for each of Westlands HELMSMAN (Ref 7) pilot model with the
the pitch angles tested and 6th order polynomial HELSIM aircraft model. The use of a pilot model has
equations were fitted to the data. The polynomial several advantages when developing piloting strategies.
coefficients were then used in new aerodynamic It enables the engineer to replicate pilot actions and
routines written for the simulation and enabled by repeat these in a consistent manner while making
interpolation, the fuselage steady state aerodynamic parametric changes to the aircraft model. This
forces and moments to be calculated at any desired approach is used frequently at Westlands when
fuselage incidence and side slip. developing new piloting techniques. The
HELMSMAN model also has the ability to use flight
Under tail rotor failure conditions fuselage yaw rate measured data to replay actual pilot control strategies
terms become important. In order to incorporate these and is an invaluable tool for both engineer and pilot
effects into the HELISIM aircraft model, a fuselage when developing new techniques.
strip analysis routine was also developed. This
calculated the rate dependent fuselage yawing Once the validity of the combined models had been
moments and enhanced the HELSIM yaw rate established and the integration of the new
damping terms. aerodynamics routines accomplished, desktop
simulation was undertaken to investigate tail rotor
One remaining area of concern post this work, was the drive failures in forward flight and hover. During the
current absence of interactional aerodynamics in the desktop simulation study, the pilot model intervened to
model. Of particular concern in the tail rotor failure control the aircraft following the drive failure, once a
problem is the main rotor wake (MRW)/empennage preset minimum pedal margin had been exceeded.
interaction, where the MRW/tail plane interaction can Pilot intervention times were not studied during this
lead to a change in pitching moment as the tail yaws phase of the investigation. The outcome from the
through the wake, post failure. Large changes in desktop simulation indicated, as would be expected,
pitching moment might have a significant impact on that a drive failure in hover resulted in rotation rate
post failure control strategy. building up rapidly. Cutting the engines reduced the
rotation rate, but left only inertia in the rotor to
Although the flight test data has yet to be fully cushion the landing. It was evident from the
analysed, validation flight trials on the ALYCAT simulation that the landing could only be achieved
showed no apparent tendency for the Lynx to change with the aircraft still rotating. In forward flight, a tail
pitch attitude from a steady heading side slip entry to drive failure resulted in the aircraft's sideslip building
an autorotation. up. Once the pilot model reacted and removed the
main rotor torque, maintaining an aircraft heading still
Whilst this might be a small effect on the Lynx it is became difficult. This is because, like most current
understood to a recognised dominant effect on aircraft helicopters without large tail fins, the Lynx fuselage
with large horizontal tail-planes. This, combined with without the tail rotor has low weathercock stability (or
yaw stiflhess) at low pitch attitudes between +/- 25 ° of c. The ability to record data for post
sideslip, Figure 10. simulation trial analysis.
'"* -20,000_
The LMS cockpit was a single-seat cockpit configured
Yaw Aiiyle (Deys) as the right hand seat of a Lynx with representative
flight instruments NR and NF gauges and torque meter.
Fig 10 - Lynx Fuselage Yawing Moment versus Yaw There was a separate slip ball below the main Attitude
Angle Indicator. In addition a g-meter was fitted.
Representative Lynx flying controls were fitted,
However, as the sideslip builds up the weathercock including a functioning four-way cyclic trimmer. For
stability increases and the yawing motion stops. The the simulation trial, a button on the collective lever
side force and drag also increase with increased side handgrip could be pressed to shut down both engines
slip, and this results in a decay of speed. The simultaneously; the FIRE button on the cyclic
simulation showed that initially the yaw motion handgrip could be pressed to deploy a notional drag
oscillated from nose right to nose left, with the yaw parachute (modelled in HELSIM) which was intended
angle increasing on each swing as the speed reduces. to increase the model's yaw stiffness in forward flight
This situation would continue, eventually resulting in and yaw rate damping in low speed flight.
full rotations of the aircraft. Using the knowledge
gained from the desktop simulation, the trials pilot was The pilots seat was pulsed hydraulically at 4R to
able to modify the control strategy, by introducing a provide kinaesthetic cues and there was audio cueing
nose down attitude post failure, to achieve a safe of transmission noise.
landing in the motion simulator at Bedford. Another
advantage of the desktop simulation was that it was The HELSIM model incorporated the WELL supplied
used to develop a parachute model that was later aerodynamic routines obtained from wind-tunnel tests
successfully tested in the AFS. of a Lynx fuselage, detailed above. The model
replicated a Lynx with AFCS engaged, less the
AFS Trials to Develop Lynx Drive Failure Advice heading hold. The simulation all up mass (AUM) was
10750 lbs and the atmosphere was ISA with nil wind
Drive Failure - Introduction or turbulence. The tail rotor elements of this model
could be "failed" and the "run down" time varied.
A handling assessment of Tail Rotor Drive Failures
(TRDF) was carried out in the Large Motion Simulator The assessment test pilot had flown the LMS
(LMS), configured as a Lynx AH Mk7 with metal rotor previously as a fixed base simulator for 8 hours, and
blades. The simulation trial was conducted at DRA with motion for 4 hours. He had flown 550 hrs of test
Bedford in November 1995. It should be noted that the flying in Lynx of all marks, but had no operational
AFS exhibits some key advantages over a training experience in Lynx.
simulator for this work. These were:
Drive Failure - Assessment Criteria
a. The high fidelity motion cueing
offered by the LMS. Although Cooper-Harper (Ref 8) was briefly
considered as the assessment criteria for the simulation
b. A highly developed Lynx simulation trial it was rejected because it was felt that pilots
with a known fidelity and validation level. ratings would fall in the HQR 9/10 bracket. Cooper-
Harper simply was not refined enough at the poor end
of the ratings scale for this simulation trial. Instead,
the success of a control strategy was assessed by noting Down Button (ESDB), then a time delay
the vehicle terminal conditions i.e. Maximum Vertical before using the ESDB to simulate the time
Velocity Touch Down (WTD), Drift Angle +/- 5° and taken for a Lynx crew to shut down both
a Forward Velocity on touch down (UTD). engines.
The simulation trial was divided into four phases. b. Engine-Off landings (EOL) were
These were: flown using a variable flare initiated at 150 ft
AGL and 80 kn. These EOLs were considered
a. Phase 1 - Handling assessment and very realistic and reminiscent of real life
subjective comparison of the simulation model EOLs flown in the Lynx. It was also noted
with flight tests flown on metal rotor blade that full right pedal was required to hold
Lynx at WHL & Empire Test Pilots School heading on landing as in the real aircraft. In
(ETPS) Boscombe Down. addition, the LMS heave axis produced
"fearsome" vertical g on ground contact which
b. Phase 2 - Handling assessment added greatly to the realism.
following TRDF's in autorotation.
Drive Failure - Phase 2 - Handling assessment
c. Phase 3 - Strategy development following TRDF's in autorotation
following TRDF's in level forward flight (at
two initial heights) throughout the speed Phase 2 was introduced to the simulation trials
range and in the hover, with first a dual programme post the difficulties the HELMSMAN pilot
engine shut-down using the Engine Shut model had experienced recovering after failure. Here
the pilot established an autorotation before he was short, and a 4 second delay unrealistically
given the tail rotor failure. In all cases the pilot was long. 2 seconds, whilst perhaps a little faster
able to recover the vehicle. Note-worthy points were: than a pilot might be able to react in reality
gave the pilot a chance to develop a recovery
a. From the stable autorotation, with a strategy.
tail rotor failure, the pilot was able to conduct
gentle left and right hand turns. The issue of pilot reaction time is linked to two major
problems with simulation of failures. First, the pilot
b. From the stable autorotation the pilot knows the failure is coming, and second, in a
was able to conduct EOL. On all occasions simulation trial of this nature, the pilot is asked to
touch down velocities were, however, very recover from so many failures, he becomes trained to
close to the Lynx undercarriage limits. This the problem. Whilst these are both true the aim of the
was caused by the tendency to keep the speed simulation trial should be recalled - to develop the best
up, to overcome the nose left yaw (with the possible advice. This is only possible if these inherent
rotor) on flare. problems are withheld.
Drive Failure - Phase 3 Strategy development One additional point from the simulation trial was that,
following TRDF's it was decided that the Engine Shut Down Button
(ESDB), that was being used by the pilot, was
The procedure adopted for this work was to start with unrepresentative of the Lynx and indeed was having an
fairly benign initial conditions and gradually present impact on his control strategy and potential for success.
the pilot with more difficult conditions. Therefore, on This was proven when, in the later part of the
the first run, the pilot was initiated high and fast (3000 simulation trial a time delay of 10 seconds between
ft, 140 kn); the tail rotor run down time was 30 calling the dual engine shut down and removing the
seconds and the pilot was told of failure immediately. power was built into the strategy. This 10 second delay
As the pilot developed a strategy to recover the vehicle, was intended to account for the time it would take for a
these conditions were constrained. In particular the second crew member to react to the call to shut down
following aspects were addressed: both engines and carry out the action. ( 10 seconds
was later validated in a Lynx procedural simulator
a. Tail rotor run down time - For the trainer). The recommendations that are going forward
majority of the simulation trial this was set to for inclusion in the aircrew advice are based on the
2 seconds. It should be noted that an earlier strategies developed post the inclusion of a 10 second
simulation trial (Ref 9) had highlighted the delay.
benefits of a slow tail rotor decay time to
recovering a vehicle at low altitude. Drive Failure - Phase 3 TRDF Emergency Drill -
Initial Recommendations
b. Initial speed - A range of initial
speeds was selected (Hover, 50 kn, 80 kn, 140 Although, at the time of print, the results from the
kn). The aim was to capture data points along simulation trial are still being reviewed prior to going
the speed axis of the speed/ power curve. forward for inclusion within Lynx Aircrew Manual and
Flight Reference Cards, the following initial points
c. Initial height - Two heights were were noted from the simulation trial:
investigated 3000 ft and 500 ft. An additional
50 ft point was investigated for the hover case. a. If there is any indication of
impending TRDF, such as high IT to 4T
d. Pilot reaction time - In order to vibration or increasing amount of left pedal
maintain consistency in this research being required to hold heading, the pilot
simulation trial, the pilot was told that the tail should alter pitch attitude to achieve a speed
rotor had failed 2 seconds after the failure. of between 80-100 kn or land the aircraft if in
Again, an earlier simulation trial (Ref 9) had a low hover.
highlighted the importance of pilot reaction
time to success, with a 1 second delay before b. When a TRDF occurs in any
response to failure considered unrealistically condition other than a low power descent, the
aircraft may yaw violently to the right simulation trials pilot omitted to shut down
through up to 270 ° before the pilot has time to the engines during the procedure and he lost
lower the collective. control of the vehicle for a second time as he
tried to control NR, or as he flared for
c. On sensing the failure, the pilot landing.
should lower the collective lever to reduce the
torque to zero. Maintaining the torque below h. Once in autorotation at 80 kn, gentle
zero is more important than controlling NR. left and right turns may be attempted, turns
with the rotor (left turns) being more stable.
d. The yawing motion will increase
drag and reduce total airspeed. A rate of i. For the landing, a gentle stepped
descent is required to balance the excess main application of collective (variable flare)
rotor torque with side slip post failure. (Ref engine-off landing/ditching should be
10) attempted reducing the speed from the
autorotation speed (80kn) to approximately 40
Note: Up to 1500 to 2000 ft of height may be kn. From a stable (engine off) autorotation,
lost until controlled flight is achieved. the tendency of the vehicle to yaw left (with
the rotor) on application of collective was
e. Once yawing stops, adjust pitch found to be minimal in the simulation.
attitude to achieve 80 kn. 80 kn was found to However, this was dependent on maintaining
be the optimum speed for autorotation since it a high (40 kn) run-on landing speed.
gave a margin above 65 kn. During the trial
the Lynx simulation was occasionally found to j. If a TRDF occurs when the aircraft is
be unstable in a tail failed autorotation at in the hover, maintain the aircraft in a level
approximately 65 kn, with the vehicle attitude and cushion the touch down with
breaking away from a stable descent. This was collective lever. If time permits, shut down
particularly true when turns were initiated at engines. It should be noted that up to 2000 ft
this speed. It should be noted that the pilot height was found to be required before the
could consistently decelerate through 65 kn vehicle could be 'flown out' of a hover TRDF.
during the variable flare landing without
undue difficulty. When these points have been reviewed they will go
forward to assist with the definition of new advice that
f. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FIND A will be agreed with RAF Handling Squadron, WHL,
POWER/SPEED COMBINATION FOR DRA and the Service training authorities.
CONTINUED FLIGHT; this will result in a
yaw break-away to the right when the torque Drive Failure - Phase 3 - Additional Observations
reaches 5 to 10 %. The aircraft then enters a
flat yawing descent at zero IAS which could Several other points were noted during the phase 3
not be broken out of even with sustained full Lynx tail rotor drive failure simulation trial. These
forward cyclic stick. Attempts to break out of included:
the descent with lateral cyclic may cause the
aircraft to invert. a. Even from high altitude (3000 ft)
initial conditions, and with an 'Apache like'
g. Once yawing stops shut down chop collar, landing speed and vertical
engines whilst in a stable condition. Shutting velocity were always marginal for
down engines during the vehicle's initial vehicle/undercarriage survival.
response to failure had an adverse effect on
the pilot's ability to recover the vehicle. After b. Typically, height loss of 1500-2000 ft
engine shut down, control the NR with occurred before the pilot could regain control
collective lever. of the vehicle post failure. The availability of
a chop switch had a significant impact on the
Note: The penalty associated with not shutting control strategy; it also saved about 500 ft in
down the engines was highlighted when the recovery.
and a drive failure. With the introduction of - control failures, where control of
HUM systems, this is perhaps now more tail rotor blade pitch is lost but the
readily technically achievable and rotor continues to rotate and produce
economically justifiable. aerodynamic forces.
b. The tail rotor malfunction can be (1) The design authority define the flight
separated in two broad categories; test envelop for the trials and any
requirement for test instrumentation,
e.g. Multi-channel telemetry
transmitter and FUMS (Fatigue and have weak fuselage/fin directional stability
Usage Monitoring System). The with HUMS.
design authority must also define the
stress/strain limits for in-flight d. The advantages of post failure
telemetry monitoring. emergency devices (parachutes, deployable
fins) might outweigh the penalty and risk of
(2) The design authority must give their installation.
permission to fly without the
interlink and define the method for e. All future designs should include,
its removal and gagging. and all current designs should be modified to
include, an SBU (or similar device) in the TR
k. Tail rotor control failure flight trials controls.
have been conducted and recommendations
for amendments to Lynx aircrew failure f. Where possible, type-specific tail
emergency drills have been developed. rotor failure advice should always be
1. The DRA HELSIM Lynx simulation
was developed, by included new aerodynamic g. The use of a tail rotor drive failure
fuselage data at high angles of attack and high cockpit warning "captions" should be
yaw angles, for the AFS trials. considered for future designs.
o. Tail rotor drive failure simulation Fig 2 ALYCAT Over the AFS
trials have been conducted on the DRA AFS
and recommendations for amendments to Fig 3 ALYCAT Instrumentation
Lynx aircrew failure emergency drills have
been developed. Fig 4 Low Power Freeze
a. Procurement agencies should be Fig 6 Graph Showing EFS/Side Slip Test Points
reminded of the penalty to post failure Flown
survivability of reduced fuselage/fin
directional stability to achieve large low speed Fig 7 Graph Showing Landing Speed Attained.
wind enevelopes.
Fig 8 Low Power (LSS) Recovery Strategy.
b. Consideration should be given to the
provision of a suitable protected power chop Fig 9 High Power (RSS) Recovery Strategy.
device operated from a control on the
collective. Fig 10 Lynx Fuselage Yawing Moments versus Yaw
c. Particular consideration should be
given to enhancing current designs which
References Acknowledgment
UK Defence Standard 00-970, Design and The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance
Airworthiness Requirement For Service of Dr G D Padfield, Mr F J Perry, Mr J Hamm, Mr A
Aircraft, Chapter 705 para 3.2. McCallum, Lt Cdr S Cheyne and Mr A Kimberley with
the compilation of this paper and the conduct of the
Padfield G D, " A theoretical model of trials programme.
helicopter flight mechanics for application to
piloted simulation", RAE TR 81048, 1981.
Perry F J, Phipps P D, "Technical proposal for © British Crown Copyright 1996/DRA Published with the permission
of the Controller of Her Britannic Majesty's Stationery Office.
the work required to validate and qualify the
Lynx aircrew manual advice", Unpublished
WHL Aero Technical Note Lynx/267, 1993.
Robert T. N. Chen
NASA Ames Research Center, M/S 211-2
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA
Yiyuan Zhao
University of Minnesota, 107 Akerman Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Cd mean profile drag coefficient of rotor blades (u,w) (horizontal, vertical) velocity components
g gravitational acceleration V
BLSS balked landing safety speed
v induced velocity in ground effect following engine failures (Refs. 1 and 2). The Category-B
certification applies to either single engine or multiengine
vj normalized uniform induced velocity of the helicopters with gross weight less than 9070 kg (20,000 lb), and
rotor requires that a safe landing be possible in the event that one or
all engines become inoperative. There is no requirement,
(XCTO'XRTO) l runway length in (continued takeoff, however, for continued flight capability.
rejected takeoff)
In contrast, Category-A certification, which applies to multi-
[xfcto> xf-rto) airborne runway required from optimization engine transport helicopters with independent engine systems,
in (continued takeoff, rejected takeoff) requires that they have the capability to continue the flight with
one engine inoperative (OEI). These stringent requirements,
ß thrust vector inclination while permitting operations from rooftops and oil rigs, and flight
to areas where no emergency landing sites are available, signifi-
7 takeoff glide slope/approach angle cantly restrict the payload of a Category-A transport helicopter
to a value safe for continued flight as well as for landing with
n helicopter power efficient factor one engine inoperative. Typical Category-A helicopter takeoff
and landing procedures are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively,
p air density for short takeoff and landing (STOL) to or from a clear heliport
and for vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) to or from an
a rotor solidity ratio elevated helipad. Specifically, in a takeoff flight (Figs. 1(a)
and 2(a)), the pilot must continue the takeoff (CTO) if an engine
turboshaft engine time constant failure occurs at or after passing the takeoff decision point
(TDP), and should land, or reject the takeoff (RTO), if an engine
angle between rotor wake and a vertical failure occurs at or before reaching the TDP. In a landing flight
reference line (Figs. 1(b) and 2(b)), the pilot must continue the landing (CL)
if an engine fails after the helicopter has passed the Landing
a main rotor angular speed Decision Point (LDP). The pilot may either continue or balk the
landing (BL) if an engine failure occurs at or before reaching the
()0 initial values at engine failure LDP. If no engine fails, the helicopter simply proceeds with the
all-engine-operating (AEO) normal takeoff or landing. In VTOL
()max maximum value allowed operations, confined helipads require that the helicopter land
back to the original takeoff point.
()min minimum value allowed
The current certification process involves extensive flight tests,
Acronyms which are potentially dangerous, costly, and time consuming.
These tests require the pilot to simulate engine failures at
AEO all engine operating increasingly critical conditions. Flight manuals based on these
tests tend to provide very conservative recommendations with
BL balked landing regard to maximum takeoff weight or required runway length.
Usually, a single TDP or LDP is recommended for all flight
CL continued landing conditions. As a result, the pilot cannot trade favorable ambient
conditions or less takeoff weight for a shorter runway length.
CTO continued takeoff
Recently, efforts were made to address these important issues.
FAA Federal Aviation Administration For Category-A VTOL operations, Lande (Ref. 3) experi-
mentally investigated various takeoff and landing procedures
JAA Joint Aviation Authority to or from oil rigs in the North Sea, including static takeoff,
dynamic takeoff, straight-in landing, and sideway ascent/
LDP landing decision point descent. Stevens and Vodegel (Refs. 4 and 5) developed a
computer program for the certification of Category-A helicopter
OEI one engine inoperative VTOL operation. Goldenberg, Meslin, Blondino, and Williams
(Ref. 6), and Wood, Blondino, and Williams (Ref. 7) investi-
RTO rejected takeoff gated further the use of the sideway procedure initiated previ-
ously by Lande (Ref. 3), for the M230 helicopter on an elevated
TDP takeoff decision point helipad. Some theoretical investigations have also been per-
formed. Okuno and Kawachi (Ref. 8) studied VTOL OEI
1. INTRODUCTION optimal trajectories by minimizing the touchdown impact speed
Engine failure represents a major safety concern to helicopter in RTO, and by maximizing the minimum altitude in CTO
operations, especially in the critical flight phases of takeoff and flyout. Sharma, Zhao, and Chen (Ref. 9) conducted an OEI
landing to or from small, confined areas. As a result, the JAA trajectory optimization study for the sideway Category-A
and the FAA both certificate a transport helicopter with a gross operation previously investigated experimentally by Lande
weight of 2720 kg (6000 lb) or more as either Category-A or (Ref. 3), Goldenberg (Ref. 6), and Wood (Ref. 7). Optimal
Category-B according to the ability to continue its operations Category-A VTOL operation, including a backup takeoff
procedure, was also recently investigated by Zhao, Jhemi, and CT = Tlp(nR2Y^Rf (6)
Chen (Ref. 10).
iRnn = PS-- PUR2 VAK)3 Cp (3) and the normalized, induced velocity of the rotor, i.e., normal-
ized with the hover mean induced velocity, is computed using
Note that the rotor speed dynamics, Eq. (3), in the above set of Refs. 27 and 33 as well as the parameters used in the
equations is based on Ref. 21. The efficiency factor, Tj, in optimization studies, are listed in the Appendix.
Eq. (3) accounts for the power losses associated with tail rotor
and transmission (Ref. 22). Equation (17b) from Johnson 3. ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS
(Ref. 17) is an empirical approximation to the induced velocity Before discussing the formulation of the OEI trajectory
in the vortex-ring state. The momentum theory for the rotor optimization problem for Category-A STOL and VTOL
induced velocity, Eq. (17a), and the power-required coefficient operations using the helicopter model and equations of motion
in Eq. (14) are discussed in detail in Refs. 23 and 24. Also, in described above, it is instructive to consider first the problem
Eq. (14), the term fg accounts for the decrease in induced from an energy perspective.
velocity due to ground effect. In general, benefits of ground
effect are most pronounced at hover and decrease gradually as Category-A operations involve energy management to cope with
the horizontal speed increases (Ref. 25). The simple source the power deficiency resulting from loss of an engine, trading
model of Cheeseman and Benett (Ref. 26) to account for ground various energy sources, and controlling the rate of transfer
effect in forward flight was used in this study for simplicity, among the levels of those energy sources. Unlike fixed-wing
although there are some refinements (Refs. 27-29) to that model aircraft, the helicopter has the additional rotor rotational energy
to include the effect of recirculation. From Ref. 26, source to be utilized, in addition to the usual kinetic and poten-
tial energy sources. The total energy of the helicopter is
, R2cos26w therefore given by
\6(h + HR)
E = mgh + ^mV2+^IRQ2+Uyyq2 (24)
The last term in the above equation accounts for the energy
(-wCf + vCz associated with the rotation of the aircraft for the two-
(19) dimensional case considered.
-wCT + vCz f +(uCT+ vCx f
The power deficiency in an OEI situation, i.e., the power
v= K
indvhvifG (20) available from the remaining engine(s) minus the helicopter
power required, may be supplemented by a reduction in the total
The time constant associated with induced velocity dynamics is energy to yield
ignored because it is much smaller compared to the flight time
associated with the critical phases of takeoff and landing (see, Ps - Preq = mgh + mVV + IRQQ + Iyyqq (25)
for example, Ref. 25).
Conversely, in a flight condition where the available OEI power
The aerodynamic and structural limitations of the rotor blades exceeds the helicopter power required, the excess power may be
result in constraints on the rotor speed, the rotor thrust, and the used to gain altitude, to increase speed, to increase the rotor
thrust angle. speed, or to change the flight direction.
(21) Combining Eq. (25) with Eqs. (1) and (2), and noting that the
power required is the sum of the power required for the main
(22) rotor, tail rotor/transmission, and the helicopter parasite-drag
power, which is (l/2)pfeV , i.e.,
ßmin^ß^ßn (23)
"req ~ "mr "tr ~*~ "para
The OEI contingency power ratings are defined in terms of the
level and the duration. In lieu of the 30-sec/2-min ratings, i.e., the following equation for the OEI power balance is obtained.
a 30-sec contingency power followed by a 2-min contingency
power, which were proposed in Ref. 30 and recently applied in Ps =(Pmr + Ptr ) + P*«2 (&P)2 (uCx - wCz )
Ref. 31, the more traditional 2.5-min/30-min power ratings were (26)
used. In this paper, we assume that the 2.5 min OEI power rating + IRQQ + Iyyqq
is 110% of the AEO takeoff power rating, and the 30-min OEI
power rating is 105% of the AEO takeoff power. These are Equation (26), which provides a more complete alternative to
typical values based on existing engine data. Therefore, upon a Eq. (3) by including the power associated with the change in
single engine failure, the maximum available power from the flight direction, may be appropriate when a complete six-degree-
operating engine is the 2.5-min power rating assumed at of-freedom rigid-body helicopter model is employed in the
1656 hp, followed by the 30-min power at 1580 hp. optimization analysis.
In this series of studies, the UH-60A helicopter (Refs. 32 The helicopter power-required values for level flight at sea level
and 33) was used as the example helicopter. This single rotor standard atmospheric conditions for the study helicopter with a
helicopter is powered by two T-700-GE-700 turboshaft engines. nominal gross weight of 16,500 lb are shown in Fig. 4, along
Some important parameters of this helicopter, compiled from with the OEI contingency power available. The power-required
values were calculated from the augmented point-mass model,
as described in the previous section. They are compared with Around the TDP, the helicopter flies vertically up briefly before
those from a comprehensive blade-element simulation model climbing out.
(Ref. 33), which have previously been partially validated with
flight test data of the UH-60A helicopter (Ref. 34). Despite its In the nominal AEO landing, the helicopter approaches the
simplicity, the augmented point-mass model matches fairly well helipad with a constant glide path angle of-6°, and a constant
with the blade-element model, especially in the critical low- deceleration of-0.075 g. It has a speed of 35 kt at h =100 ft
speed region in which the OEI contingency power is deficient. and reaches zero speed at h = 25 ft. At 25 ft above the surface
The power required exhibits the familiar shape with the mini- of the helipad, the helicopter starts to descend and lands
mum power point located in the 70-80 kt region for the two vertically. The horizontal location is therefore given by
models at the flight conditions considered. Note that the OEI
contingency power becomes deficient when the airspeed is hp-25 (28)
below approximately 25 kt. tan 6°
The power deficiency in this critical low-speed region may be B. STOL Case
supplemented by drawing from the helicopter potential and The nominal AEO STOL takeoff and landing paths are shown in
rotor rotational energy sources as shown in the lower portion of Figs. 1 (a) and 1 (b). For takeoff flight, use is made of Schmitz' s
Fig. 4. Shown in the figure are three average power components: procedure (Ref. 16) for a heavily loaded helicopter. The heli-
a 9% drop in rotor RPM, a 25-ft drop in altitude, and a 10-kt copter begins with a hover in ground effect at 5 ft. It then accel-
decrease in airspeed from various speed levels for a representa- erates horizontally at a constant 0.2 g to an airspeed V0 .At V0,
tive 5-sec maneuver. It is interesting to note that the first two the helicopter starts a climb at a constant flightpath angle, yrj,
power components are roughly equivalent, and they are approxi- while maintaining the constant airspeed. During climb, the
mately equal to the third component at an airspeed of 35 kt. Note horizontal location at any point before the TDP is thus given by
also that the power deficiency near hover flight conditions may
be supplemented by the combined use of the drop in the rotor
RPM and in altitude. Part of the energy from these two sources *0 =
Jl+v (29)
0.4g tanyo
may also be utilized to accelerate the helicopter towards the
power-excess region which begins at an airspeed of about 25 kt.
The first two sources of energy may then be replenished as the For the nominal AEO STOL landing path, it is assumed, for
airspeed increases further. simplicity, that the flightpath consists of steady flight at constant
airspeed, constant approach flightpath angle, and 100% rotor
Obtaining the precise control strategy to effect the energy speed.
management, which involves the control of the level and rate
of those energy sources in consonance with the available OEI 4.2 Rejected Takeoff Flight and Continued Landing
power and the required power, is the purpose of the trajectory
optimization as formulated in the next section. A. VTOL
During a successful RTO, the helicopter must return to the
4. FORMULATION OF THE OEI TRAJECTORY helipad and land safely. Therefore, the optimal control problem
OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM is formulated to minimize the dispersion of touchdown points,
The OEI trajectory optimization problem will be formulated subject to specified touchdown speed limits. With the takeoff
below for both VTOL and STOL operations, and will involve point taken as the origin, the following performance index is to
the four elements of takeoff and landing, i.e., rejected takeoff, be minimized through the use of an optimal control strategy for
continued takeoff, balked landing, and continued landing. For the two control variables, ux, uz, in the equations of motion and
simplicity, a representative set of nominal AEO takeoff and state path-constraints (Eqs. (1) to (23)),
landing paths was first assumed. Although the choice of the
AEO takeoff or landing paths can affect the optimal OEI trajec- min J = x Itf) (30)
tories, the method allows us to be concerned with only OEI
portion of the trajectories, not with the optimization of combined subject to the terminal constraints:
AEO and OEI trajectories.
% =0 (3D
4.1 Nominal AEO Takeoff and Landing Flightpaths
Preliminary calculations indicate that Eq. (33) can be either comparison. Eq. (38) is included as a terminal constraint to
active or inactive, depending on helicopter gross weight and assure consistency between the OEI transition flight and the
initial conditions. Therefore, for consistency, Eq. (33) is steady OEI climb, which is a function of gross weight and is
enforced as an equality. obtained from the steady-state solution of Eqs. (1.) to (3). Table 1
lists the relationship between U-i and the maximum gross
B, STOL Cases weight in steady OEI climb at the rate of 100 fpm, at the nomi-
Two different performance indices are considered for the nal rotor speed, and with P0EI = 1656 hp. Further details will
rejected takeoff optimization in STOL operations. They are be discussed later.
(1) minimum runway length, and (2) maximum takeoff weight,
i.e., In a continued takeoff, tradeoff exists among payload capability,
heliport adjacent space requirement, and minimum altitude drop
min (34) during the OEI transition flight to a steady climb. For a given
*('/) gross weight, two optimization problems are therefore formu-
lated for CTO transition flight to minimize (1) the required
min J = W0/W (35)
runway length, and (2) the altitude drop, both subject to the
equations of motion (Eqs. (l)-(20)), the state path-constraints
where WQ is a fixed, reference takeoff weight. (Eqs. (21M23)), and the terminal constraints (Eqs. (36)-(41)).
The two performance indices are, respectively, Eqs. (34) and
Again, the associated optimization problems are to find the (42a) shown below.
control strategies for ux,uz, that minimize either the perfor-
mance index (Eqs. (34) or (35)), subject to the equations max min h(t) (42a)
of motion (Eqs. (1)—(20)), the state path-constraints
(Eqs. (21M23)), and the terminal constraints (Eqs. (31)-(33)) To simplify numerical solutions, the performance index
to achieve reasonable touchdown speeds. For the STOL cases, (Eq. (42a)) will be replaced by an approximate form given by
the safe touchdown speeds, «max, v , are chosen to be Johnson (Ref. 36):
40 ft/sec, and 5 ft/sec, respectively.
The trajectory optimization problems for the continued-landing min J {Href - hfdt (42b)
transition flight are formulated for VTOL and STOL operations Jtn
similar to those for the transition flight during the rejected
takeoff described above. where q is an even integer and Href is a reference altitude,
well above the altitude trajectory. In this paper, the values for
4.3 Continued Takeoff and Balked Landing Flight these two parameters are: q= 6 (or 8), and Hrej = AQ +100 ft.
A. VTOL The optimization problems for balked landing (BL) are formu-
A continued OEI takeoff must be possible after the failure of an lated in the same way as those for CTO cases; the balked landing
engine at any point on or after the TDP. FAA regulations specify
safety speed, VßLSS> K assumed to be identical to VJQSS-
that at the end of a CTO transition flight, the helicopter achieves
(1) a minimum of 35 ft above the takeoff surface (or above the B. STOL
sea level in the case of oil rig operations), (2) a minimum climb Two optimization problems are considered for the STOL
rate of 100 fpm, and (3) a pre-selected takeoff safety speed, continued takeoff flight. The first is the minimum runway -length
VJ-QSS ■ The required terminal constraints are therefore
problem using the performance index of Eq. (34). The second
one is the maximum takeoff weight in transition flight, using the
h[tf}>35 ft (36) performance index (Eq. (35)). The minimum runway-length
problem involves finding the control strategies for ux and
uz that minimize Eq. (34), subject to the equations of motion
-w(tf}> 100 fpm (37)
(Eqs. (l)-(20)), the state path-constraints (Eqs. (21)-(23)), and
the terminal constraints (Eqs. (36)-(41)). The maximum takeoff
u{tf)>U2{W) (38) weight problem involves minimizing the performance index
(Eq. (35)), subject to Eqs. (l)-(23), Eqs. (36)-(41), and the
specified runway length, i.e.,
*('/) = ° (39)
Equations (39) to (41) above are added to assure that a steady- 5. METHODS OF SOLUTION AND NUMERICAL
state flight condition is attained at the end of the CTO transition. RESULTS
Note that U2 in Eq. (38) is the horizontal component of VJQS$, Obtaining the optimal flight trajectories for the OEI transition
and they are approximately equal, since the vertical velocity flight from the point of engine failure to the establishment of a
component w(t r) as shown in Eq. (37) is very small in steady climb or touchdown, as formulated in the preceding
section, requires that two steady-state analyses are first per- Proper choice of normalization and scaling of variables are vital
formed to establish initial conditions and the maximum gross to the computational efficiency of the numerical methods and to
weight that would permit a continued flight. a successful convergence of the optimization problem. A well-
scaled problem is one in which a given order of magnitude
As described previously, the helicopter states at the point of change in any variable results in the same order of magnitude
engine failure on a nominal AEO takeoff or landing path are change in the performance index. The following normalization
used as initial conditions for trajectory optimizations for the OEI and scaling were found to be satisfactory: all distances are
transition flight. An assumption is made that an engine failure normalized by 10R, and time by 100/J2o, where QQ is the
occurs during a steady climb or descent portion of the nominal nominal rotor speed. Details of the scaled helicopter-dynamic
AEO takeoff and landing flightpaths which are described in equations and constraints can be found in Refs. 13 and 14.
section 4.1. The maximum weight in a steady OEI climb is
discussed below. Extensive trajectory optimization was conducted using different
initial guesses for states, controls, and parameters. In this paper,
5.1 Maximum Weight in Steady OEI Climb the results shown are for the following initial guesses: all state
The OEI climb requirements determine the maximum takeoff variables are constant and equal to their initial-time values; all
weight which is meaningful for the whole Category-A operation. control variables are also constant at the point of engine failure.
Therefore, maximum takeoff weights in the OEI climbout are Convergence criteria are selected such that further iterations will
examined using the steady-state equations of Eqs. (l)-(3). There not change the performance indices by more than 0.5%.
are two segments in OEI climbout as shown in Fig. 1. In the first
segment, from an altitude of 35 ft to at least 100 ft, the heli- 5.3 Numerical Results - Rejected Takeoff
copter must be able to maintain a minimum climb rate of
100 fpm at VJOSS or VßLSS with tne 2-5 min OEI Power- For A. VTOL
the second segment, from 100 to 1000 ft, the helicopter must be Typical control strategies and the associated optimal trajectories
able to accelerate from VJOSS or VBLSS t0 VY and achieve a for several rejected-takeoff transition flights from a backup
minimum rate of climb of 150 fpm at Vy with the 30-min OEI takeoff are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. These are solutions with the
power. performance index of Eq. (30). The backup AEO takeoff condi-
tions are: y0 = 150°> v0=5 kt; and pOEl = 1656 hP- Figure 6
Figure 5, which is obtained from the steady-state solution of shows the effect of altitude at which the OEI occurs for gross
Eqs. (1) through (3), shows the maximum weight as a function weight at 16,000 lb. At these conditions and for the range of
of the horizontal velocity component of V-posS (or VBLSS^ altitudes examined, the helicopter can always achieve successful
in a steady climb. Three sets of conditions are included: RTOs to a close proximity of the original takeoff point, within
(1) P0E, = 110% AEO takeoff power (1656 hp), 100 fpm climb the safe touchdown speeds of 5 ft/sec vertically and 15 ft/sec
rate, 100% rotor RPM; (2) P0Ei = 110%, 100 fpm climb rate, horizontally. This is consistent with the OEI H-V diagram for
91% RPM; and (3) POEI = 105% (1580 hp), 150 fpm climb the helicopter at 16,000 lb. However, the touchdown point was
rate, and 100% RPM. Note that the maximum weight increases found to deviate the most from the original takeoff point when
as U2 increases and reaches a peak value at Vy, in a manner an engine failure occurs at an altitude of 40-60 ft.
consistent with the helicopter power required curve shown in
Fig. 3. Clearly, the helicopter must attain a higher VTQSS (or Immediately after engine failure, the optimal control strategy is
VBLSS) in order to be capable of carrying a larger payload in the to rapidly tilt the thrust vector forward to its 10° limit to accel-
OEI climbout. In this series of studies, the value of U2 exam- erate the aircraft. At the same time, the thrust coefficient is
ined ranges from 55 to 100 ft/sec. As shown in Fig. 5, the heli- increased to reduce the rotor speed to its lower limit. These
copter flying in this range of U2 is capable of carrying less maneuvers reduce the power requirement significantly to accom-
weight with 110% power than flying at Vy with 105% power. modate the OEI power available. When engine failure occurs at
Therefore, the first climb segment, which is more restrictive than a lower altitude, the vertical descent rate and airspeed both reach
the second segment; determines the maximum gross weight the safety limit values at the touchdown point. When an engine
capability in OEI climbout as listed in Table 1 for a range of U2 fails at a higher altitude, the helicopter has more time to develop
values. a higher descent rate before touchdown, and the airspeed reaches
its peak during the RTO transition flight. In this case, the thrust
5.2 Numerical Solution Techniques for Trajectory inclination is reversed (aircraft pitched up) to reduce the
Optimization airspeed and sink rate to meet their safety limits at touchdown.
The OEI trajectory optimization problems formulated in The maneuver time ranges from about 5 seconds to 15 seconds,
section 4 are solved numerically using the Sequential Gradient depending on the altitude at which the engine failure occurs.
Restoration Algorithm (SGRA) developed by Miele et al.
(Ref. 37), and coded by Zhao (Ref. 38). This algorithm provides The effect of engine-failure altitude on the variation of rotor
a numerical technique to solve a general nonlinear optimal speed is also interesting. For higher engine-failure altitudes, the
control problem subject to terminal and path constraints on helicopter can build up airspeed to reduce the power require-
states, controls, and parameters. Since the SGRA only treats ment. This permits the rotor speed to increase, after the initial
equality constraints, all the inequality constraints, Eqs. (32), reduction, to replenish the rotational energy in the rotor. This
(33), and (36) to (38), are transformed to equality constraints energy is then used toward the end of the RTO transition flight
using a slack variable method (Ref. 39) by adding a positive to cushion the landing. For lower failure altitudes, the helicopter
quantity on the appropriate side of the inequality. does not have enough altitude range to develop sufficient
airspeed for any significant reduction in power required; the
rotor speed therefore has to stay at the lower limit to reduce
profile power. The thrust coefficient increases gradually until at helicopter approaches the ground, the rotor rotational energy is
the end of the transition flight where it decreases, and the rotor utilized, through an increase in the thrust coefficient, to arrest
speed increases owing to the ground effect. In reality, however, the sink rate to meet the safe touchdown speed limits. For the
the pilot would likely increase collective pitch in the final cases shown with initial altitude of 20 ft, the maneuver time is
seconds before landing, deleting the rotor speed below its on the order of 4 sec, slightly shorter for a lighter weight
calculated value. configuration. The corresponding minimum airborne runway-
length required in a rejected takeoff is on the order of 200 ft
Ground effect plays an important role in low speed landing, (a total runway length of 324 ft including the ground run). The
especially for helicopters with large rotors such as the study rejected takeoff length increases as the initial altitude (at which
helicopter. In fact, calculations of the optimal RTO trajectories an engine failure occurs) increases as discussed in Ref. 13.
are also made without including the ground effect. Results
indicate that there is no feasible solution for gross weight of Notice that the gross weight capability for STOL RTO transition
16,000 lb; a much lower weight has to be used. Therefore, one flight is considerably higher than the maximum weight in a
should consider the presence of ground effect in estimating the steady OEI climb shown in Table 1. Therefore, the gross weight
maximum payload capability. For VTOL operations from a capability in STOL operations is determined by the CTO seg-
ground-level confined heliport, ground effect is usually present. ment of the flight, rather than the RTO segment. Because of a
On building-top helipads, however, the ground effect is not much lower speed region in which the VTOL RTO segment
always as pronounced, depending on the wind conditions. For operates, compared with its STOL counterpart, the attendant
consistency, all optimal trajectories of RTO and CL in this paper higher power required dictates a considerably lower gross
are computed with ground effect included. weight capability for the VTOL operation. This can be seen in
Figs. 7 and 8. In fact, in contrast to the STOL case, it is the RTO
Figure 7 shows the effect of helicopter gross weight on the segment of the flight, not the CTO, which limits the gross
optimal RTO trajectories for P0E{ = 1656 hp, VQ = 5 kt, weight capability in VTOL operations, as will be discussed
fiQ = 40 ft, 7o = 150°, and with several gross weight values subsequently in the paper.
ranging from 15,000 to 16,300 lb. Examinations of rotor-speed
time histories in these optimal RTO solutions reveal the gross Maximum Takeoff Weight in STOL RTO- Numerical
weight capability of the helicopter for a given OEI power level. optimization to maximize the RTO gross weight using the
For a larger gross weight, the rotor speed stays at the lower limit performance index of Eq. (35) was conducted (Ref. 13).
for a longer portion of the flight, and the final rotor speed is Extensive numerical runs using a range of HQ, VQ, and YQ
lower. Also, both the airspeed and descent rate reach higher peak indicated that the maximum RTO weights are between
values during the flight. No feasible solutions can be obtained if 21,000-23,000 lb. Therefore, the maximum takeoff weight in a
the gross weight is increased further. It was found that the maxi- Category-A runway (or STOL) takeoff is determined by
mum gross weight is defined by a rotor speed history that stays continued takeoff and climbout (Table 1).
at the lower limit to the end of RTO transition flight.
5.4 Continued Takeoff Flight
Investigations were also made using higher OEI power levels
and formulating the problem with an alternative performance A. VTOL
index to Eq. (30) to minimize touchdown speeds with a con- Two optimization problems are investigated for CTO transition
straint on touchdown point location. As expected, the results flight: (1) minimization of the runway length (Eq. (34)), and the
indicate that a larger limit of vertical descent rate or horizontal minimization of the maximum altitude loss (Eq. (42b)). The
velocity component at touchdown allows the helicopter to carry main characteristics of the results are depicted in Figs. 9 and 10.
more payload. However, the most effective way of increasing
gross weight capability is by increasing the OEI contingency Figure 9 compares the optimal trajectories for the above two
power available. different performance indices. The flight conditions are
W= 16,572 lb, V0=2 ft/sec, y0 = 90, and U2 = 46 ft/sec, with
B. STOL three values of the initial altitude, A0, at 100, 120, and 140 ft.
Minimum Runway Problem- Optimal trajectories that minimize For minimizing the maximum altitude drop, the optimal
the runway length required (Eq. (34)) are shown in Fig. 8 for trajectories have the identical shape for all three different
the OEI initial conditions of h0 = 20 ft, y0 = 6°, and altitudes at which an engine failure occurs. The control strategy
Vo = 60 ft/sec. The safe touchdown vertical and horizontal is to rapidly tilt the thrust vector forward to its 10° limit to
speed limits are 5 ft/sec and 40 ft/sec, respectively, and the gross increase the forward speed, and to increase the collective (or
weight ranges from 18,500 to 19,500 lb. The most interesting thrust coefficient) to decrease the rotor speed down to its lower
feature of the minimum runway RTO is that the optimal limit, trading all possible rotor rotational energy to gain altitude
trajectories are relatively insensitive to the variation in gross and airspeed. As the power deficiency diminishes with the
weight. This general characteristic was also observed previously increase in airspeed around 22 kt, the thrust vector can be rotated
in the flight test with the S76B helicopter reported in Ref. 11. backward, somewhat gradually, to reduce the rate of descent and
to initiate a climb.
Upon an engine failure, the thrust coefficient is decreased to
reduce the power required; and at the same time, the thrust Optimal trajectories that minimize the runway length behave
vector is tilted backward to the specified maximum limit of 10° differently for different initial altitude, as expected. As the initial
to slow down the helicopter in the horizontal direction. After an altitude increases, the tradeoff between the potential energy and
initial droop in the rotor speed due to the OEI power transient, the rotor speed, and thus the control strategy for the thrust
the rotor speed peaks to reach near its upper limit. As the coefficient, is more apparent. The peak descent rate increases
and the rotor speed reaches higher values in the middle of the with U2 = 70 ft/sec and W = 19,123 lb (see Table 1). Upon an
transition flight. Toward the end of the CTO transition flight, the engine failure, the optimal control strategy is to rapidly tilt the
thrust coefficient is increased more rapidly, thereby using the thrust vector forward about 5° to initiate an acceleration, and at
rotational energy reserve of the rotor to arrest the sink rate and the same time gradually increase the thrust coefficient to reduce
then to meet the climb conditions. The control strategy for the the rotor RPM to its lower limit, hence reducing the power
thrust inclination remains essentially the same as that for the required to match the available OEI power. In all but the largest
case of minimization of the maximum altitude drop when the initial-airspeed case, which has a higher associated initial energy
initial altitude changes, resulting in almost identical behavior in level, the rotor speed stays at the lower limit for the entire CTO
airspeed. For all three initial altitudes, the final altitude reaches transition flight. As the airspeed increases to within about 3 to
the same value at 35 ft. However, there is a slight reduction in 4 ft/sec of the desired final airspeed, the thrust vector is gradu-
both the maneuver time and the horizontal distance from those ally rotated back to initiate a climbout and to meet the desired
of minimization of the maximum altitude-loss case. The final conditions. The maneuver time for the entire CTO transi-
maneuver time for these CTO transition flights is on the order tion flight lasts for about 7 to 12 sec, and the horizontal distance
of 14 sec. ranges from about 480 to 840 ft, with the lowest initial-airspeed
case taking the longest time and covering the longest distance.
The effect of gross weight on the optimal CTO trajectories
generated from the two performance indices is also evaluated, Thus, for a given initial airspeed, VQ , the higher the value of
and the results are summarized in Fig. 10. It illustrates the VfosS' tne longer the runway length is required for the CTO
tradeoff between gross weight and the vertical and horizontal transition flight, although a higher speed provides a higher gross
space requirements. The OEI conditions are the same as those weight capability in steady OEI climbout (see Table 1). To
shown in Fig. 9, except that the initial altitude is fixed at 100 ft, determine a suitable value of VjQSS f°r a given value of VQ ,
with three values of gross weight set at 15,856, 16,209, and numerical experiments were conducted by varying their differ-
16,572 lb (with corresponding U2 = 38.75, 42.25, 45.75 ft/sec). ences with values ranging from 5 to 20 ft/sec and with various
For a lighter weight, the helicopter can minimize the horizontal initial conditions. Results show that a value of about 10 to
distance required to achieve the desired steady OEI climb at the 15 ft/sec provides a good compromise between the required
expense of a bigger altitude drop, or the altitude drop can be runway length and the gross weight capability. Figure 12
minimized at the expense of requiring a larger horizontal space. shows a sample set of results using the initial conditions of
As the gross weight increases, the requirement for achieving the V0 = 50 ft/sec, ho = 20 ft, and y0 = 5°. The suitable range of
desired OEI climb conditions dominates the solution, and the AV = Vposs - VQ = 10 to 15 ft/sec, thus determined, appears to
difference between the optimal trajectories generated from the be consistent with the flight manual instructions of the Super
two performance indices becomes smaller and eventually yields Puma (Ref. 40). Based on flight test results of the S76-B, Ref. 11
identical solutions as the maximum gross weight is reached. also suggested that a 10-kt difference between VJQSS and v0 is
Further increase in gross weight capability is possible through appropriate for achieving balanced field length.
the use of a higher OEI power level, a larger initial airspeed, or
a higher initial altitude and thus a larger altitude drop range. Thus, an alternative way of minimizing the runway length can
Similarly, a lower permissible altitude to clear in a CTO, e.g., be formulated with a fixed value of VJQSS ~ ^0 - suc^ as
the 15 ft recently recommended by the JA A instead of the 35 ft VJ-QSS = VQ +15 ft/sec, and minimizing the runway length for
used in this paper to meet the FAA rules, should increase various weights. This approach offers consistency since the pilot
somewhat the gross weight capability, as far as CTO is does not have to adjust VTOss wnen the takeoff weight changes,
concerned. as is required in the preceding formulation. Results from this
alternative formulation are discussed in Ref. 13.
Note that the above results are obtained using the initial
flightpath angle, y0 = 90° starting from the added small vertical Maximum Takeoff Weight for CTO- The maximum takeoff
climb segment near the TOP in the backup takeoff procedure weight problem to maximize the performance index (Eq. (35))
(see Fig. 2(a)). Without the addition of this vertical segment, the subject to the specified length (Eq. (43)) turns out to be a dual
initial condition for the glideslope would be y0 = 150°. If this of the minimum runway problem for a given takeoff weight
initial condition is used, optimal CTO trajectories will start with discussed above. The specified takeoff weight in the minimum
a rearward motion, similar to those shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The runway-length problem is, in fact, the same as the solution to
pilot usually prefers to fly forward immediately following an the maximum weight problem if the minimum runway length
engine failure in the CTO transition flight, thus a brief vertical obtained from the first problem is specified for the second
climb segment around the TDP is included in the nominal AEO problem. Numerical solution of the optimal trajectories from the
takeoff path. When Jo = 150° is used'tne above conclusions are two problems was found to be almost identical in Ref. 13.
still valid, since the initial flightpath angle does not have
significant effect on the CTO paths at low speed. As the specified runway length decreases, the maximum weight
attainable for the OEI CTO transition flight also decreases. As a
B. STOL result, the maximum takeoff weight in CTO is determined by the
Minimum Runway-Length Problem- Extensive trajectory steady OEI climb requirements if the runway length is sufficient,
optimization runs were made to investigate the effects of initial and is otherwise determined by the available runway length.
states, V0, /ig, 70'andgross weight. These represent the
energy state and the power-required level at the moment when 5.5 Balked Landing
an engine failure occurs. Figure 11 shows the effect of the initial Regulations require that a balked landing must be possible for an
airspeed on the optimal CTO trajectories that minimize the engine failure occurring at and prior to the landing decision
runway length (Eq. (34)) for fiQ = 20 ft, y0 = 6°, A) = 100%' point along the nominal AEO landing path. The terminal
conditions for a BL transition flight are the same as for the CTO For example, at fy) = 100 ft with the associated initial airspeed,
transition flight described earlier, except for the use of the VQ= 59 ft/sec (or 35 kt), the power required on the AEO landing
balked landing safety speed, VBLs$, instead of the takeoff safety path with a 6° glideslope is less than the OEI power available for
speed, VJOS$. However, the two safety speeds are often the gross weight of 16,000 lb. Since the OEI available power is
selected to be the same. assumed to automatically increase to its maximum after an
engine failure, the helicopter experiences a power excess and has
A. VTOL to increase its power required to match the power available. As a
The results of balked landing optimal trajectories are generally result, the rotor speed increases. As shown in the figure, a
similar to those of continued takeoff. However, balked landing similar situation also occurs for the initial conditions of IIQ=
results have some unique characteristics. Due to a higher initial 80 ft and VQ = 50.6 ft/sec. As the initial altitude and airspeed
airspeed and a lower power required in a descent, a balked decrease along the nominal AEO landing path, the power
landing for an engine failure occurring at a higher altitude required increases, and the optimal OEI CL trajectories are
provides a larger gross weight capability compared with its gradually characterized by a power deficiency, resembling those
continued takeoff counterpart. Also, since the airspeed decreases of the RTO shown in Fig. 6. Thus, for the lower altitude and
along the nominal AEO landing path, the maximum gross lower airspeed cases, the rotor speed reduces to and stays at its
weight possible in a balked landing reduces significantly as the lower limit until near touchdown, where it increases due to the
altitude decreases. ground effect. In actuality, however, the pilot would likely
increase the collective in the final seconds before touchdown
B. STOL and reduce the rotor speed to below the calculated value.
The optimal trajectories for the STOL balked landing transition
flights are again generally similar to those of STOL continued The maximum gross weight is limited by continued landing at
takeoff. Figure 13 shows the effect of the initial airspeed on lower initial altitudes along the nominal AEO landing path that
the minimum runway-length optimal BL trajectories for was considered. In fact, no feasible solutions can be obtained
W= 19,123 lb, U2 = 70 ft/sec, with the initial OEI flight when the gross weight is increased to 16,500 lb or higher for
conditions of /i0 = 125 ft and Jo = -3°. Upon an engine failure, continued landing starting at /IQ = 25 ft and V0 = °- Gross
the optimal control strategy is to rapidly tilt the thrust vector weight capability increases as the initial altitude and the
forward, some 7° to 9° depending on the initial airspeed, to associated initial airspeed increase. This limitation is consistent
accelerate the aircraft and reduce the power required. At the with the typical H-V diagram of a helicopter.
same time, the thrust coefficient is increased to reduce the rotor
RPM to its lower limit, further reducing the power required to B. STOL
accommodate the power loss. As the airspeed increases, and thus The landing decision point (LDP) is usually chosen such that its
the power required decreases, the thrust vector is rotated back to necessary energy level, together with its limited decreasing rate,
initiate a climbout and to meet the specified final conditions. permits a successful OEI-BL flight. As a result, the LDP altitude
The transitional flight time is on the order of 8 sec. The is typically 100 ft or higher, airspeed at LDP is usually a moder-
horizontal distance covered is about 530 ft. ate 40 kt or so, and rate of descent is limited to about 400 fpm or
lower. Because of the higher initial altitude together with a
This optimal control strategy is very similar to that used in the lower power required in a descent, the OEI-CL trajectories that
CTO case shown in Fig. 11. However, because of the higher minimize the runway length (Eq. (34)) have characteristics
initial altitude and the attendant higher potential energy for the distinctively different from its RTO counterpart.
BL case, the rotor rotational energy is partially replenished
during the ensuing transition flight, and is then used to assist the Figure 15 shows a family of minimum runway OEI-CL
climb. At the end of the transition flight the rotor speed reaches trajectories calculated for a range of gross weights with the
the lower limit, and the power required matches the power initial conditions, fiQ = 125 ft, y0 =-3°, and V0 = 55 ft/sec.
available, thus establishing the desired steady OEI climb. Compared with its RTO counterpart as shown in Fig. 8, it is
seen that, while the control strategy for the thrust coefficient
5.6 Continued Landing Flight and thus the resulting descent rate and rotor speed are generally
similar, the control strategy for the thrust inclination and the
A. VTOL resulting horizontal speed response are considerably different.
Optimal trajectories that minimize the heliport size requirement Because of the lower power required in a descent together with a
(Eq. (30)) are calculated for OEI-CL transition flight with higher energy level at the moment when an engine failure occurs
various initial conditions. Results show some features are in the case of OEI CL, there is more exchange taking place
significantly different from those of the RTO counterpart in among the helicopter potential, kinetic and rotor rotational
VTOL operations, which are generated from the same energy sources. This is reflected in the control reversals,
performance index as discussed previously. especially in the thrust inclination. Unlike the RTO case, the
change in gross weight does alter significantly the time histories
Figure 14 shows a set of sample results with W= 16,000 lb, of the control inclination and the attendant speed. The helicopter
POEI = 1656 hp, and YQ = -6°. Because of a higher initial has to maintain a higher airspeed during the transition flight to
velocity associated with a higher initial altitude along the AEO carry a heavier load. For the conditions shown, the CL transition
landing path, the optimal OEI-CL trajectories are considerably flight time is slightly over 8 sec, depending on the gross weight,
different for an engine failure occurring at different altitudes. and is about twice as long as that of the RTO transition flight. It
This is a result of the difference not only in the initial energy also covers a longer horizontal distance, some 340 ft, and is
state (such as the case of RTO shown in Fig. 6), but also in the about 70% longer than that required for the RTO.
power required at the moment when an engine loses its power.
5.7 Conditions of the Decision Points for determining the TDP altitude. At this altitude, the maximum
Definition of specific conditions of the takeoff decision point gross weight in CTO is about the same as that in RTO.
and landing decision point requires a comprehensive evaluation
of the effects of weight, altitude, temperature and wind condi- 5.8 Real-Time Generation of Optimal Trajectories
tions using a high-fidelity mathematical model of the helicopter. As discussed in the preceding section, the optimal control
While the augmented point mass model used in this paper falls strategies and the associated optimal trajectories are sensitive to
short of meeting the requirements, it is useful, nevertheless, for the initial conditions. It is a challenge, therefore, to convey these
exploring the basic tradeoffs in Category-A terminal area optimal control strategies to assist the pilot, in a timely fashion,
operations. Two concepts related to the choice of the takeoff to cope with the situation when an engine failure occurs. Due to
decision point for STOL and VTOL Category-A operations are the large number of states and constraints, numerical solutions
discussed in the following paragraphs. usually take a long time, even on a mainframe computer. The
capability to provide a reliable real-time generation of optimal
Takeoff Decision Point - STOL trajectories on board the aircraft with limited computing power
By combining the results of CTO and RTO, some insights and memory is extremely challenging.
into the choice of the takeoff decision point can be obtained.
Figure 16 shows such a combined plot, indicating the minimum A technique for real-time generation of approximate optimal
runway field lengths required for both the RTO and CTO for the trajectories has recently been proposed (Ref. 20) based on curve-
flight conditions at V0 = 50 ft/sec> w= 18'610 lb- and ^0 = 5°' fitting and interpolation. First, the optimal trajectories are solved
7°, and 9°. The total runway lengths required are calculated by off-line in a manner similar to that described in this paper. These
combining the airborne segments (the AEO segment and the off-line computed optimal trajectories are then approximated
OEI transition flight segment) and ground run in the case of with a Fourier series. Finally, the Fourier coefficients are
RTO. interpolated with multi-dimensional polynomials of initial
conditions (i.e., IIQ, V0,JQ, QQ) and the control parameters,
W, POEI- To facilitate this difficult interpolation process, a
0 ^O-5 (ft) (44) special scheme was devised to reduce the multi-dimensional
XcT0=-^ + ^ + Xfct0
fitting problem into several smaller independent problems in a
nested fashion. Details are discussed in Ref. 20.
Vg+u2max h(y
RTO: + xf.rto (ft) (45) 6. CONCLUSIONS
0.4g tan/o This paper summarizes some key results of a series of trajectory
optimization studies conducted to examine basic characteristics
The choice of decision height can now be made with the aid of of a twin engine helicopter in Category-A, one-engine-
Fig. 16. For example, if one opts to use the criterion of balanced inoperative, takeoff and landing operations. Using an eight
field length (BFL), whereby the RTO and CTO require the same state, two controls, augmented point-mass model representative
runway length, TDP altitude will be 23.5 ft for an initial flight- of the study helicopter, rejected takeoff, continued takeoff,
path angle of 5°. As the initial flightpath angle increases, the balked landing, and continued landing are investigated for both
TDP altitude and the corresponding BFL decrease. This figure vertical takeoff and landing to or from a helipad and short
can also be used to determine the best TDP altitude for takeoff and landing to or from a clear heliport. For VTOL
unbalanced field length, if heliport configurations so dictate. operations, a linear backup procedure is assumed for normal all-
engine-operating takeoff, and a straight-in procedure for normal
The choice of the TDP velocity affects both the runway length
landing. In rejected takeoff and continued landing, optimal
and the gross weight capability. Since the CTO flight segment trajectories are calculated to minimize the deviations of the
determines the maximum takeoff weight capability, a higher touchdown point from the original takeoff point, subject to safe
TDP velocity results in a higher payload capability. However, touchdown speed limits. For continued takeoff and balked
this requires a longer runway length. landing, two performance indices are considered: one minimizes
the horizontal distance, and the other minimizes the maximum
Balanced-Weight Concept for TDP Altitude- VTOL
altitude drop. Both are subject to terminal constraints corre-
For a given OEI power and the specified AEO VTOL flightpath,
sponding to the steady OEI climb required by the FAA regula-
the gross weight capability is determined by the rejected takeoff
tions. In STOL operations, which use a typical normal AEO
and the continued landing flight phases. The maximum gross
takeoff and landing procedure, two trajectory optimization
weight possible in a RTO or a CL is limited by the high power
problems are formulated for OEI transitional flight: one to
required at low speeds and by the shape of the OEI H-V
minimize the runway length requirements and another to
diagram. To land safely on the helipad, the airspeed has to be
maximize the takeoff weight. Both are subject to appropriately
low. As discussed earlier, rejected takeoffs are most difficult for
specified terminal conditions. The major results from these
engine failures occurring at a certain band of altitudes reflective
extensive optimization studies show that:
of the OEI H-V diagram. Once above this critical altitude band,
there is no advantage in locating the TDP altitude very high,
1. The rejected takeoff and continued landing flight phases
since it must be possible to achieve a safe RTO at any point up
determine the maximum gross weight capability for VTOL
to the TDP. However, from the perspective of the CTO or BL,
Category-A operations. For STOL operations, it is the continued
gross weight capability is increased with the increase in the TDP
takeoff and balked landing flight phases that limit the gross
altitude. Since the takeoff gross weight capability is limited by
weight capability.
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APPENDIX: HELICOPTER PARAMETERS USED FOR Table 1: Maximum weight in steady OEI climb
OPTIMIZATION STUDIES ( P0EI= 1656 hp; SLS; climb rate = 100 fpm; 100% RPM)
The study helicopter has a maximum takeoff weight of
22,000 lb and a maximum takeoff power of 3,086 shp. U2Jps W,\b
Other related parameters are: R = 26.83 ft, a = 0.0821,
QQ = 27 rad/sec, CT = 0.01846, and IR = 7,060 slug ft2. 55 17,554
Parameter values used in the optimization studies are: 60 18,086
fe = 30 ft2, p = 0.002377 slug/ft2, g = 32.2 ft/sec2, 65 18,610
J. : 0.012, n =0.9, Kind = 1.15, 0max = 10°, ftnin =-10°, 70 19,123
107%, ßn :91%, W„ ■ 5 ft/sec, 75 19,621
"max = 15 ft/sec for VTOL and 40 ft/sec for STOL, 80 20,101
Xp = 1.5 sec, Pa = 47.3 hp, PoEI,\\0% = 1656 hp, and 85 20,561
PoEI,\05% = 1580 hp. The thrust constraints used in the 90 20,999
r are: CT'nun. = 0.002 and CjJmax = 0.025; these
95 21,413
limits are not encountered in the optimization process.
100 21,802
CTO Distance .A ^
CTO ^f^
TDP^y... k
35 ft 100 ft 1000 ft
! Hover IGE
I 7 " 'r
RTO Distance |
FAA OEI STOL Takeoff Requirements
Rating AEO TOP* 2.5 min 2.5 min 30 min
Airspeed o ^ vTDP V
TDP *- v
R/C, fpm N/A N/A 100 150
Rotor rpm N/A N/A N/A 100%
*TOP = Takeoff Power
150 fpm
Fig. 1: Category-A clear heliport (or STOL) operation: (a) takeoff, (b) landing.
Nominal AEO Landing Path
-6deg OEI
OEI Climb LDP Climb
(a) (b)
Fig. 2: Example VTOL Category-A operation: (a) backup takeoff, (b) landing.
1 u
——T?__ w
V ^J
Gw = 16500 lb; SLS
lR = 7060 slug-ft2
Q, = 27 rad/sec @ 100%
OEI contingency power available
Fig. 4: Power components available for tradeoff in OEI maneuver - 5-sec average.
3.0 r-
110%, 100 fpm, 0.91
105%, 150 fpm, 1.00
1.0 I I
50 100 150 200
U0, ft/sec
u 20
Descent rate
0) 10 —
.' ...7N
/ '• • -^ — 0)
m i -10
2000 -
-10 -10
Time-to-go, sec Time-to-go, sec
Fig. 6: Optimal VTOL- RTO trajectories: W= 16,000 lb, P0E1 = 1656 hp, V0 = 8.4 ft/sec, and y0 = 150°
Descent rate
Normalized Q Altitude
1.00 W = 15,000 lb
|v W = 15,700 lb
^-.. W = 16,300 lb
\V "*.
0.95 vv
20 - ^\N *•
\\ ■•.
\v ••
NV- .
0.90 S
I I ^NT"'-
4 8 -80 -40 0
Time, sec Horizontal distance, ft
Fig. 7: Effect of helicopter gross weight on optimal VTOL- RTO trajectories: P0EI = 1656 hp, h0 = 40 ft, V0 = 8 4 ft/sec and
7o = 150°.
40 r- 1.10
W= 18,500 lb
W= 19,000 lb
W= 19,500 lb 1.05 -
30 -
■C 20 1.00 -
10 - 0.95
50 100 150 200
Distance, ft
1000 Cn
1 2 3
Time, sec
Fig. 8: Effect of helicopter gross weight on optimal STOL - RTO trajectories: POEI = 1656 hp, tiQ - 20 ft, V0 = 60 ft/sec, and
150 -
-200 -100
Horizontal distance, ft
Airspeed 1000 O,
Descent rate
-10 -10
5 10 15 5 10
Time, sec Time, sec
Fig. 9: Optimal VTOL- CTO trajectories: W= 16,572 lb, U2 = 46 ft/sec, P0EI = 1656 hp, y0 = 90°, and V0 = 2 ft/sec.
Fig. 10: Effect of gross weight and performance indices on VTOL- CTO trajectories: P0El = 1656 hp, IIQ = 100 ft, V0 = 2 ft/sec, and
50 VQ = 65ft/sec 1.10
V0 = 60ft/sec
X /
' S
20 L-
10 - 0.95
I I I I i ""i v r
200 400 600 800
Distance, ft
w 1000 d
15 12
-15 J L
80 10
a 0
40 -10 J L
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time, sec Time, sec
Fig. 11: Minimum runway STOL- CTO with different initial airspeeds: h0 = 20 ft, y0 = 6°, W= 19,123 lb, and U2 = 70 ft/sec.
V 30
0 100 200 300 400 500
Distance, ft
70 /
65 _ /
I 60 _ S'
f i i i i
4 6
Time, sec
Power Required
6000 i-
2000 -
«uy <•■" s^.
o.o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Normalized time
Fig. 12: Effect of U2 in OEI minimum runway-length STOL- CTO (gross weight varied with U2 shown in Table 1).
h Q/Qr
140 V0 = 65 ft/sec 1.10
V0 = 55 ft/sec
120 V0 = 50 ft/sec
>w N * • .
>w X * ■.
100 \. N ** * .
X. **
"-- •* " " 1.00
60 - 0.95
40 I I I I I 0.90
100 200 300 400 500
Distance, ft
1000 c
80 i- 10 r-
u 60
a 0
30 J I L -10 J \ \ L J I L
01 23 45678 012345678
Time, sec Time, sec
Fig. 13: Minimum runway BL with different initial airspeeds: W = 19,123 lb, U2 = 70 ft/sec, h^ = 125 ft, and y0 = -3°.
150 -
60 - \\
\ \
ü 40 \ N *>
Descent rate
2000 -
0.95 /
ü '' J"
i i 1000
-3 0 -20 -10 -30 -20 -10
Time-to-go, sec Time-to-go, sec
Fig. 14: Effect of initial altitude on optimal VTOL-CL trajectories: W = 16,000 lb, P0Ei= 1656 hp, y0 = -6°, and V0 varied with
ho on the AEO landing path.
W = 18500 lbs 1.10 i-
100 200 300
Distance, ft
1000 Cn
Fig. 15: Effect of gross weight on minimum runway CL trajectories: tiQ = 125 ft, y0 = -3°, and V0 = 55 ft/sec.
20 : •'* / 1 RTO: Thin line
o. :•■/ v \ 7 deg
■?• /»
II 9deg
// '• * \
■'// '• \ \
in , ,'/ • i \ 1
400 600 800
Runway field length, ft
Fig. 16: STOL minimum runway length for VQ= 50 ft/sec, W = 18,610 lb, and U2 = 65 ft/sec (for CTO).
Scott R. Gibbard
Atlantis Aerospace Corporation
1 Kenview Blvd
Brampton, Ontario
Canada L6T 5E6
L.D. Reid
University of Toronto
Institute for Aerospace Studies
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M3H 5T6
The resulting system is shown in Figure 2. The logic and begin in trimmed horizontal flight, altitude 500 ft
timing for mode transition is applied at the shaded areas. AGL, groundspeed 60 kts, heading ¥ = 0°, and 1.1
nm from the runway threshold on the centreline,
To investigate the desired pedal gain to control the lateral follow the flight director in level flight; at 0.8 nm
swashplate, provision was made to adjust the gain as is from the threshold you will intercept the 6°
shown in Figure 3. The command pedal signal, bcom, is glideslope and the FD will direct you to begin your
normalized to full swashplate deflection at +1.0. The descent, while maintaining 60 kts groundspeed.
control is computed such that at bcom = ±1.0 the lateral at 375 ft AGL a warning tone will indicate the
swashplate is deflected to the same degree as that beginning of the fadeout period of lateral cyclic stick
normally achieved by full scale lateral cyclic inputs from effectiveness. If rudder pedals were being used for
the stick. This maximum deflection is represented by blc yaw control, their effectiveness will also fade to zero
= +1.0. In order to accommodate a range of pedal and either TC or HH will take over tail rotor control,
after a brief delay, control of the lateral swashplate by
sensitivities around zero deflection, the pedal gain at bcom the pedals will be faded in.
= +0.5 (hereafter b05) can be adjusted, giving the regain control of the helicopter, recapture the
piecewise linear input/output characteristic shown in glideslope and localizer, and continue the approach
Figure 3. down to 150 ft AGL.
Task B is shown graphically in Figure 4.
Task A Description:
Task A was carried out for two wind disturbance levels, EXPERIMENTAL PLAN
Level 1 having peak gusts of 3 kts for all three axes and
Level 2 having peak gusts of 6 kts. The TC mode A group of 5 evaluation pilots took part in this project on
controlled the tail rotor both before and after the a voluntary basis. Their qualifications are summarized in
transition. The pedal gain parameter b05 was tested at four Table 1. Because no single pilot had to perform all of the
levels (0.25, 0.45, 0.65 and 0.90). The transition timing experimental cases, it was not necessary for each pilot to
of Figure 1 was selected to be fixed with t^^, = t^^ = become proficient at all of the tasks. Training for Task B
0.5 s and t^ = 0.5 s. It was emphasized^ to the pilots included several trials of Task A, as this familiarized the
that the purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the pilots with controlling lateral response with the pedals
handling qualities of the aircraft after the transition, not without the added complexity of tracking the flight
during the transition. director. The amount of training depended on several
factors, including pilot experience, simulator experience,
The Task A flying task was as follows: IFR proficiency and the type of trial being flown.
begin in trimmed horizontal flight, altitude 500 ft In general, a pilot was considered to be trained when the
AGL, groundspeed 60 kts, heading ¥ = 0°, and 1.1 following criteria were met:
nm from the runway threshold on the centreline
descend slowly to 450 ft AGL, holding groundspeed Task A Training Criteria:
and heading constant; transition from lateral cyclic (i) the pilot was comfortable flying the EFIS
stick control to pedal control begins at 475 ft AGL display.
and takes place over 1.25 s. (ii) the experimenter felt comfortable that the task
regain control and level off at 450 ft AGL, 60 kts and was performed with reasonable
hold for 10 s. proficiency.
perform a 15° banked turn to the right to heading ¥ (in) the pilot was satisfied that he had complete
= 45°. control of the helicopter following
• remain level at 450 ft AGL, ¥ = 45° for 5 s. transition of lateral control to the pedals.
perform a 15° banked turn to the left to heading ^ =
0°. Task B Training Criteria:
• remain level at 450 ft AGL, 60 kts, ¥ = 0° for 5 s. (i) both the pilot and the experimenter were
decelerate to a groundspeed of 45 kts. satisfied that the pilot could fly a flight
remain level at 450 ft AGL, 45 kts for 5 s. director approach using conventional controls.
• descend to 350 ft AGL at 500 fpm, maintaining ^ = (ii) the pilot was comfortable in controlling lateral
0° and groundspeed 45 kts. response with the pedals.
• hold 350 ft AGL, 45 kts and * = 0° for 10 s. (Hi) the differences among TC, HH and normal yaw
control were well understood.
Task B Description: (iv) the specifics of the approach procedure were
Task B was carried out with a single wind disturbance of well understood.
Level 1.5, having peak gusts of 4.5 kts. Four distinct
flight control modes were employed: The 8 configurations of Task A (see Table 2) were
evaluated by pilots 1 to 3. The 28 configurations of Task
Case 1: - TC engaged at all times. B (see Table 3) were evaluated by pilots 1 to 5. In the
Case 2: - HH engaged at all times. case of Task A each pilot evaluated every configuration.
Case 3: - Flight began with conventional pedal control. In Task B each pilot evaluated only a subset of all
Pedal control of the tail rotor was faded out and TC faded possible configurations. The order of the presentation of
in following the same scheme and timing as in Figure 2. all these tasks was randomized to minimize sequence
Case 4: - Same as Case 3 but HH was faded in to control effects.
tail rotor.
The primary evaluation metric was the Cooper-Harper
Based on preliminary flight trials, the pedal gain Handling Qualities Rating (HQR) described in Reference
parameter was fixed at b050 = 0.65. For each of the 4 10. When a particular configuration was to be evaluated,
Cases, 7 treatments representing different time constant the pilot flew the identical configuration through the flight
combinations in Figure 2 were studied. The tdelay sequence 4 times in succession. At the end of these trials
parameter was fixed at 0.25 s and the values selected for he was asked to give a single HQR based on that portion
W and W< can be seen in Figure 9. of the flight following the onset of the transition process.
In addition, any relevant pilot comments were encouraged
The Task B flying task was as follows: and recorded.
5 31 Civilian 48 2000 0
Pilot Number
K.s Disturbance
Gain Level
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5
s Transition Logic
ped ±1.0 HH
Bell 205
±1.0 Vehicle
scom Gain
U ±1.0 SAS
4» o
fine [sec] time (secj
•O o |w^
150 To 75 150
a o
time [sec] time [sec]
Figure 5 - Typical Time Histories for Task A, Case 1, Wind level 1.0
G j s
7» tsa To 7» wo
time [sec] time [sec]
2 8
.2 ^7
75 ISO 75 150
time (sec] time [sec]
44 2
•v/Y^v^jv^^ CJ
to 25.
75 150 75 150
time [sec] time [sec]
Figure 6 - Typical Time Histories for Task A, Case 1, Wind level 1.0
7« JO
time (seel time [seel
time (sec]
•o M «0
time (sec]
■ Average
i Extremes
10 i- 10 r-
9 - 9 - -
8 8
7 7 T
6 6 — i
4 — i
1 !
3 f* ! 3 i'
2 2
1 1 i i i i 1 i i i i i
6.0 * A 6.0 • #
Fade-in Fade-In
Time 2.0 ■■• • -•--:--■
Time 2.0
(sec) (sec)
6.0 6.0
• -■:■■■••
Fade-in Fade-in
Time 2.0 Time 2.0 ■• •
(sec) (sec)
0.25 0.25 * • ■■-■#
25 2.0 6.0
Fade-Out Time Fade-Out Time
(sec) (sec)
Case the mean HQR for equal values of tfadealt and tJadein
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION are the same, indicating less sensitivity to the overall
Figures 5 and 6 show typical time histories for Task A, transition time than found for Cases 1 and 2.
Case 1. The effect of the wind disturbance can be seen by The pilot comments add much insight to these findings.
comparing the groundspeed with the airspeed. As the TC One pilot (SI) indicated that he found the transition of
mode is engaged throughout the flight, it can be seen that lateral control to the pedals easier to contend with when
he was already "on" the pedals as in Cases 3 and 4. A
the tail rotor control term b^ is very steady throughout second pilot (S4) felt that cases involving HH were easier
the flight. Also, because the pedal gains for Case 1 is to handle because the autopilot held the heading during
very low (0.25), the pilot required an extreme amount of the transition when the pilot control authority was
pedal activity after the transition to lateral swashplate
reduced. In Case 1 the pilot comments for (tfadeout^fadein)
control with the pedals (maximum pedal deflection is near the origin in Figure 9 were generally of the type
+3.25 inches). "abrupt but good transition," while for values far from
the origin a typical comment was "no response for too
Figures 7a and 7b show typical system time histories long." In Case 2 the pilot comments for (U^^^tpj^)
recorded during Task B, Case 1. Figure 7a is a rapid near the origin were "transition too short, while far
transition with tfademl = tfaM„ = 0.25 s and Figure 7b is a away from the origin they commented "response too
slow transition with t^^, = t^ = 6-° s- Here me slow." Case 3 comments were similar to those for Case 2.
helicopter is performing a TC approach and considerable Case 4 resulted in a different set of comments. The pilots
heading (¥) variation results. In Figure 7a the time at felt that the short fade time produced "a comfortable
which the transition occurs can be seen as a sudden transition" that was "not very noticeable." The long time
change in the lateral swashplate input signal from the
delays were "not difficult."
lateral cyclic öto.^c (which goes to zero) to the pedals
bpedab (which grows from zero). In Figure 7b the same CONCLUSIONS
process takes place over a 6 s interval for each control
signal source. It can be seen that the bank angle excursion An experiment was carried out in a helicopter flight
(</>) and heading transient following transition is modest simulator to investigate pilots' ability to adapt to an
for the rapid transition of Figure 7a and excessive for the unusual transfer of lateral control from the cyclic stick to
slow transition of Figure 7b. This is largely the fault of the pedals. It was found that for a modest range of system
the longer interval with reduced control authority present characteristics all 5 test pilots were able to make the
in the latter instance. transition to pedal control and continue the mission. As
expected, the HQR assigned during the evaluation process
The individual HQR data are recorded in Tables 2 and 3. were sensitive to pedal gain, with ratings degrading as
Three pilots evaluated each configuration of Task A while gains were increased or decreased away from the optimal
at least two pilots evaluated each configuration of Task B. region.
The data of Table 2 are plotted in Figure 8, showing the
mean and extreme values. The data of Table 3 are plotted The pilots were also sensitive to the fadeout and fadein
in Figures 9 and 10, where the diameter of each circle times employed in the transition to pedal control. In cases
represents the mean of the corresponding HQR data. where the pedals were not in use to control yaw before
the transition (because the tail rotor was under autopilot
Task A Results control) it was found that the pilots preferred to have
short fade times. In cases where the pedals were in use
The HQR results for Task A demonstrate several distinct before transition the effect of fade times was less
effects. It was found that all of the pilots were able to pronounced.
retain control following the transition from cyclic stick to
pedal control of lateral vehicle response. From Table 2 it
can be seen that for the lowest pedal gain (bax = 0.25) REFERENCES
and the highest (box = 0.90), every pilot's HQR
increased in going from Level 1 wind disturbance to the 1. Reid, L.D.,"Technical Evaluation Report on the
higher Level 2 disturbance. However, for the middle Flight Mechanics Panel Symposium on Active
gains (50Ä) = 0.45 and 0.60) no obvious consistent effect Control Systems - Review, Evaluation and
of wind disturbance level is evident. The two extreme Projections," AGARD-AR-220, March 1985.
pedal gains drew complaints from the pilots of insufficient
pedal authority and oversensitive pedals respectively. The 2. Moran, W.A.."Operational and Developmental
two middle gains drew a mixture of comments on pedal Experience with the F/A-18A Digital Flight
sensitivities with no unanimous consensus. Control System," presented at the AGARD
Symposium on Active Control Systems, Toronto,
The HQR summary of Figure 8 clearly shows the above AGARD CP-384, October 1984.
mentioned trends. If a single pedal gain were to be
selected for use with both wind disturbance levels it would 3. Richards, W.R.,"ACT Applied to Helicopter Flight
appear that box = 0.45 would be the best choice. It also Control," presented at the AGARD Symposium on
appears that a clearer distinction between gain levels can Active Control Systems, Toronto, AGARD CP-
be made when the task workload is increased by 384, October 1984. October 1984.
employing a larger wind disturbance signal.
4. Weir, D.H., and Johnson, W.A.,"Pilot Dynamic
Task B Results Response to Sudden Flight Control System Failures
and Implications for Design," NASA CR-1087,
The HQR results for Task B were fairly consistent for the June 1968.
extreme values of transition values of (^„„„^»J equal to
(0.25,0.25) and (0.60,0.60) and less so for the others (see 5. Reid, L.D., Advani, S., and de Leeuw, J.H.,"An
Table 3). In Cases 1 and 2 where the pedals are not in use Evaluation of Decelerating IFR Approaches
before the transition occurs, the pilots preferred fade Utilizing a Helicopter Flight Simulator,"
times that were short and disliked those that were long University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace
(see Figure 9 and 10). In Cases 3 and 4 where the pedals Studies Report No. 336, May 1991.
are in use before the transition, it is seen that for each
Dans le cadre du developpement de la version HAP de Dans le double but de garantir une interface equipage-systeme
rhelicoptere TIGRE, le processus devaluation des de qualite et d'assurer une bonne adequation du TIGRE aux
specifications du Systeme de mission a ete effectue au centre de besoins des futurs utilisateurs, la logique suivante a ete
Simulation du CEV ä Istres. Les phases precedentes ont permis adoptee pour le developpement de cet helicoptere.
d'aborder les aspects relatifs ä l'interface equipage-systeme Chaque element du cockpit, chaque fonction, apres que leur
dont les symbologies et procedures de pilotage, de navigation definition papier a ete approuvee par les services officiels
et de mise en oeuvre des armements, ainsi que les modes francais et allemands, sont implementes sur simulateur afin
degrades et l'integration des equipements specifiques ä la d'etre evalues et modifies si cela est juge utile. La definition
version HAP dans le Systeme de base TIGRE. implementee sur les prototypes prend en compte les
La presente phase du developpement a permis d'effectuer des modifications effectuees ä Tissue des campagnes de simulation.
simulations de missions, assurant ainsi la validation globale de Chaque fonction est ensuite evaluee en vol par les services
la charge de travail de l'equipage dans des conditions aussi officiels, et de nouvelles demandes de modification peuvent en
proches que possible des missions reelles. decouler, avant les essais technico-operationnels.
Dans ce cadre, le CEV a utilise des moyens de simulation Ainsi, depuis 1991 de nombreuses campagnes d'essais en
hautement representatifs aussi bien pour les postes pilote et simulation se sont deroulees, ä Ottobrunn chez ECD pour
tireur, que pour la restitution de l'environnement exterieur. Ce l'avionique de base et la version antichar, et depuis 1989 ä
dernier aspect est essentiel ä la credibilite des resultats et doit Istres au CEV pour la version appui-protection. Pour clore ces
prendre en compte les elements suivants: campagnes, oü toutes les fonctions ont ete etudiees dans le
■ une base de donnees de terrain pour les visualisations detail, une simulation de mission est organisee pour fournir
(monde exterieur et capteurs) de taille süffisante (adaptee au une vue d'ensemble du Systeme dans un cadre aussi proche que
profil des missions), certaines zones doivent presenter un possible de l'emploi operationnel.
niveau de details eleve permettant le vol tactique, Le Systeme de mission du TIGRE en fait un helicoptere
■ un environnement tactique significatif comprenant des novateur dans de nombreux domaines, au moins en Europe. D
dispositifs ECM, des zones irradiees (validation NRM), des peut comprendre, selon la version, un FLIR de pilotage, un
menaces aeriennes et au sol (du type interactives pre- viseur de mat ou de toit avec une camera thermique de
programmees), nouvelle generation, des viseurs/visuels de casque, un
collimateur tete haute, la gestion simultanee de 3 armements et
■ une cabine pilotee pour un hostile ou un equipier, dans 2 membres d'equipage en tandem. Pour 1'ALAT, ä qui est
laquelle le pilote disposera d'un environnement suffisamment destinee la version HAP, le TIGRE represente un saut
representatif. technologique considerable ä bien des egards.
Les resultats ont porte sur differents aspects: amelioration des Le CEV a done souhaite mettre en oeuvre des moyens
specifications des systemes embarques, plus particulierement exceptionnels afin de conferer ä la simulation de mission HAP
la cooperation et le travail en equipage, ce qui etait l'objectif mi tres grand realisme qui permette, deux ans avant les
initial. En outre, cette phase de simulation a amene une evaluations technico-operationnelles, d'evaluer la capacite
contribution ä la reflexion sur les procedures d'emploi operationnelle - en termes d'interface Homme-Machine - dans
operationnel, ainsi qu'une experience supplementaire pour les un contexte de mission.
moyens de formation et les futurs travaux en simulation
L'objet de cet expose est de presenter les moyens et methodes
mis en oeuvre pour reussir les simulations de mission HAP,
Unique centre de simulation pilotee de la Direction des
ainsi que les principaux resultats et enseignements.
Constructions Aeronautiques (Delegation Generale pour
rArmement, dependant du ministere de la defense), la section
etudes et simulation du CEV a pour mission de developper,
mettre en oeuvre et exploiter des simulateurs pilotes d'etudes sont toujours la consequence de plusieurs causes simultanees;
au profit de la definition et du developpement des systemes ils peuvent ne pas etre mis en evidence en simulation si l'on
embarques pour aeronefs civils et militaires. Pour evaluer concentre l'equipage en essais sur un seul aspect des choses.
l'adequation aux besoins operationnels, les essais en simulation Toutefois, certaines limites de la simulation sont
necessitent la representation complete des systemes embarques
incontournables: la securite du vol preoccupe necessairement
et des interfaces "equipage-systeme" avec pour objectifs:
moins en simulation qu'en vol reel (l'equipage ne risque rien);
- de fournir des elements d'appreciation technique concernant les images de synthese, meme de qualite, ne permettent pas
les evolutions des specifications des systemes embarques, d'evaluer les hauteurs et les vitesses comme en vol, notamment
-d'analyser les situations ä risques ou ä charge de travail pres du sol (cas du vol tactique).
elevee, En revanche, d'autres elements diflicilement evaluables en vol
- d'assurer le support des essais en vols (rejouer des vols reels, sont etudies de maniere approfondie en simulation: gestion des
preparer des vols complexes, rechercher des causes pannes, cibles nombreuses, ECM, ...
d'anomalies rencontrees en vol, former et entrainer les
Actuellement 7 simulateurs complets sont simultanement
operationnels; ils sont composes de leur cockpit, des
calculateurs de simulation, de systemes de generation 5.1. Differentes phases
graphiques, d'une salle de conduite des essais, et des moyens Le planning de developpement des prototypes, en particulier le
de restitution de l'environnement necessaires aux essais planning de realisation des logiciels embarques, ont conduit ä
(mouvement 6 axes, 3 spheres de projection, machines de effectuer plusieurs phases de simulation de facon ä prendre en
generation synthetique d'images, simulation de cibles et compte les resultats des que possible dans les versions et les
d'equipiers,...). implementations successives de ces logiciels:
Pour un programme aeronautique tel que MIRAGE 2000, - une premiere phase en octobre/novembre 1995,
RAFALE ou TIGRE, on estime qu'un simulateur du CEV - une deuxieme phase en fevrier 1996,
permet d'economiser l'equivalent d'un prototype. - une troisieme phase est en projet pour fin 1996 concernant
un Systeme de cartographie numerique et des liaisons de
4. LA SIMULATION DANS LE DEVELOPPEMENT DU donnees venant en complement du Systeme actuel.
Ce decoupage en differentes phases resulte d'un compromis
entre les contraintes du developpement:
La configuration des membres d'equipage dans rhelicoptere - les etapes planifiees du codage des logiciels embarques, ce
TIGRE est la suivante: le pilote est en place avant et le tireur, qui permet de realiser les essais en vols des prototypes pour
commandant de bord, est en place arriere.
lesquels il est essentiel d'integrer les resultats de simulation
La version HAP qui fait l'objet de cet expose se caracterise par: conformement au planning du developpement,
un viseur de casque pour chaque membre d'equipage, un -la volonte affirmee d'etudier globalement l'ensemble des
collimateur tete haute (Head Up Display) pour le pilote, un systemes dans un contexte representatif de la mission
viseur de toit (appele egalement viseur principal ou viseur operationnelle pour obtenir une bonne credibilite et un niveau
STRIX) avec voies directe optique, television noir et blanc et de qualite sur les resultats obtenus.
infrarouge pour le tireur, trois armements (canon de 30 mm en
tourelle, roquettes 68 mm, missiles air-air Mistral). Chaque 5.2. Obiet des evaluations
membre d'equipage possede deux moyens de visee, et est
capable d'engager les trois armements. L'objet des evaluations de mission est la validation des
procedures d'utilisation technique (c'est ä dire telles que
L'avionique de base (commune aux differentes versions) a ete prevues dans les specifications, les procedures d'emploi
simulee sur le simulateur ECD ä Ottobrunn en 6 campagnes de operationnel sont de la responsabilite de l'ALAT) des systemes
1991 ä 1995. Le Systeme d'armes HAP a ete simule ä Istres sur de base TIGRE et de mission HAP dans un contexte proche de
le simulateur du CEV en 5 phases de 1989 ä 1995. La derniere celui d'une mission, notamment en terme de charge de travail
phase precedant la simulation de mission a consiste ä verifier de l'equipage, ce qui correspond ä:
la coherence du Systeme de base (evalue en Allemagne) avec le
Systeme d'arme HAP. - l'integralite du Systeme d'armes HAP dans un etat de
definition conforme aux "Modes et commandes
Chacune de ces phases etait consacree plus specifiquement ä specification N°2" et done au logiciel embarque H3.2 lors
un ensemble de fonctions ou d'equipements. A chaque nouvelle de la premiere phase de simulation, et aux "Modes et
phase, une partie du Systeme venait s'ajouter ä ce qui avait ete commandes specification N°3" et done au logiciel
vu precedemment. embarque H3.3 pour la seconde phase de simulation,
Outre les modes, les commandes et les symbologies qui sont - une partie significative des fonctions du Systeme de base
typiquement l'objet des evaluations en simulation, on evalue la (detection ECM, MFD, CDU, warning concept, navigation,
charge de travail du pilote et du commandant de bord, et la AFCS).
qualite du travail en equipage.
II est clair qu'il ne suffit pas d'etudier separement les pieces du
Les resultats des evaluations, s'ils sont acceptes par les groupes
puzzle pour que, mises ensemble, elles constituent un Systeme
nationaux et bilateraux, pourront conduire ä des evolutions des
coherent et operationnel. De gros problemes peuvent passer
logiciels embarques sur le prototype N° 4, soit le logiciel H3.3
inapercus si l'on n'etudie pas simultanement et interactivement
pour le MEP-HAP, et le logiciel V3.1 pour le Systeme de base
l'ensemble du Systeme, et plus particulierement les modes TIGRE.
degrades, avec une charge de travail de l'equipage realiste
(representative de la mission). II est notoire que les accidents
Par exemple, une panne de liaison entre le calculateur Le Systeme de GSI permet egalement la simulation des
d'armement et la tourelle canon impose un tir axial de cet capteurs du viseur principal dans les voies optique directe,
armement ä l'aide du HUD au lieu d'un tir asservi au viseur de thermique et television noir et blanc: 2 images en basse
casque; une degradation des centrales de navigation va resolution sont disponibles dont l'une pour le micro-moniteur
degrader successivement differents sous-systemes, en du viseur principal (HID), et l'autre pour la recopie sur les
particulier les conduites de tir. Ces deux exemples montrent ä MFD.
l'evidence que l'interconnexion des systemes se traduit par des Base de donnees pour GSI'
modifications significatives des procedures de mise en oeuvre.
L'impact sur la charge de travail de l'equipage est done La base de donnees du terrain correspond ä une zone
considerable. De plus la gestion des pannes et du warning geographique contenant Istres, les Alpilles, le sud-ouest du
concept doit integrer ces elements. Luberon, Marignane, et le pourtour de l'etang de Berre, soit
environ 60 km x 60 km.
Comme explique precedemment la modelisation des modes
degrades a integre l'architecture informatique et video des Cette base de donnees realisee specialement pour la simulation
principaux systemes du TIGRE pour restituer fidelement ces de mission HAP est le fruit d'une collaboration entre le CEV et
comportements en cas de degradations. la societe SOGITEC. A partir des fichiers DLMS decrivant
l'altimetrie et la planimetrie du terrain, des phototextures
6.2.5. Viseurs de casque generiques ont ete realisees et integrees, des zones
particulieres ont ete enrichies, des objectifs (convois, chars,
Chaque cabine est equipee d'un viseur de casque; il s'agit d'un
radars, systemes lance missiles, plots de ravitaillement,...) ont
casque de pilotage muni d'un reticule de visee pouvant afficher
ete disposes selon le dispositif tactique retenu.
des informations discretes sur l'armement et les alarmes (7 leds
permettant d'eclairer une croix de visee et 6 informations) et Cette base de donnees realise un compromis remarquable entre
d'un detecteur de position permettant de foumir aux differents le niveau de realisme souhaite et les capacites du Systeme de
modeles la position de la tete, et done la ligne de visee, de GSI disponible au CEV. Elle est une des meilleures
chaque membre d'equipage. realisations actuellement utilisees en FRANCE dans le
domaine des simulations pour helicopteres.
Les positions brutes, perturbees par l'environnement
electromagnetique des cabines, sont corrigees De plus, une carte papier au format UTM (echelle 1/100 000)
mathematiquement, un recalage initial est effectue ä chaque entierement coherente de cette BDD a egalement ete realisee et
debut de mission afin d'obtenir une precision maximale. fournie aux equipages.
Le viseur de casque est utilise pour effectuer des tirs Visualisation des cibles
rapproches au canon ou pour realiser des designations La visualisation des cibles aeriennes peut etre realisee, soit par
d'objectifs pour le missile air/air MISTRAL. II sert egalement ä un Systeme de projection independant, soit directement dans
designer une cible ä l'autre membre d'equipage; en effet, il est l'image du paysage.
possible d'afficher sur MFD une image (thermique ou
television) du viseur principal qui lui-meme peut etre asservi ä Le halo de la cible projetee par un Systeme independant est tres
la visee du casque pilote ou tireur. visible, ce qui facile beaucoup trop la detection de la cible, et
done denature la charge de travail correspondante.
6.2.6. Movens de restitution de l'environnement Le choix s'est done porte sur la visualisation des cibles integree
au paysage, car son coüt est moindre, mais cette solution Generation sonore, telephone de bord et presente egalement des avantages operationnels: eile est
radio coherente avec le paysage et les effets de cache (relief, objets)
La generation sonore permet de restituer: sont pris en compte. Le seul inconvenient de cette solution
- le bruitage dynamique de rhelicoptere, reside dans la limitation de la visibility de la cible aux champs
projetes pour le paysage.
- les bruits de depart des munitions,
- les sons d'alarmes entendus dans les ecouteurs des casques Installation en spheres des 2 cockpits
(mixage avec le telephone de bord) et dans le cockpit (cockpit La restitution des champs des images projetees pour generer le
horn), paysage exterieur, ainsi que des positions angulaires (site,
- les sons "attendus", correspondants aux etapes successives de gisement) d'un objet (cible par exemple), doit etre assuree
la mise en oeuvre d'equipements (par exemple les phases correctement.
d'activation et d'accrochage des missiles). En fait, on doit considerer 3 points:
Le telephone de bord permet le dialogue entre les membres de - l'oeil theorique de projection des images en sphere,
l'equipage, les liaisons techniques avec la salle d'essais - la position de l'oeil du pilote dans le cockpit,
(conduite des essais), la simulation des dialogues avec le
commandant d'unite. - le point de vue pour lequel les images sont calculees en
temps reel. Systeme de generation synthetique d'images L'oeil theorique est le point pour lequel on dimensionne un
Chaque cabine (pilote et tireur) est installee dans une sphere Systeme de projection, en ce point les angles de visualisation
de projection de 8 m de diametre. Pour la visualisation du seront respectes.
paysage exterieur, le Systeme de projection permet un champ II faut ensuite positionner l'oeil du pilote (dans son cockpit) ä
compose de 3 images jointives sur 192° x 60° en haute l'emplacement de l'oeil theorique du Systeme de projection, et
definition. Les images laterales sont decalees de 10° vers le calculer les images synthetiques ä partir de ce point. Pour un
bas pour s'adapter ä la forme geometrique du cockpit et cockpit monoplace, les 3 points peuvent et doivent etre
favoriser ainsi la vision laterale vers le bas (meilleure confondus.
perception du sol).
Dans le cas des cabines biplaces (en tandem ou cöte-ä-cöte), Finalement, la configuration retenue est la seconde, et le choix
un choix delicat doit etre fait: du repere pour le calcul de l'image (pilote ou tireur) peut etre
- soit respecter l'ergonomie du cockpit et admettre une erreur fait en fonction des objectifs de simulation pour privilegier lW
importante de restitution pour les champs projetes et pour les ou l'autre des membres d'equipage sans penaliser le second. En
lignes de visee, par exemple le pilote et le copilote ne verront l'occurrence, nous avons souhaite favoriser le pilotage avec
pas la piste au meme endroit! HUD, qui necessite une excellente harmonisation entre les 3
points de vue evoques precedemment, ainsi qu'avec les
Une etude theorique (cf. § 10.1.) a permis de determiner, pour
symbologies presentees dans le HUD.
la configuration tandem du TIGRE dans une sphere, que
l'erreur est nulle pour un objet pose sur la surface de la sphere, La solution adoptee consiste ä installer chaque membre
et croit en fonction de la distance de l'objet (voir tableau ci- d'equipage dans une sphere de projection de 8 m de diametre,
apres). Cette solution est incompatible avec les objectifs de le paysage projete etant identique pour les deux membres
1'evaluation, notamment de l'utilisation operationnelle qui est d'equipage et couvrant 192° par 60° et etant calcule pour le
faite des viseurs de casque (par exemple transfert de cible d'un point de vue du pilote.
membre de l'equipage ä l'autre). Effets speciaux
En liaison avec les conduites de tir, l'equipage peut detruire
- soit rompre l'ergonomie du cockpit en separant les membres des cibles, visualiser l'impact ou la trajectoire de ses tirs afm
d'equipage (utilisation de 2 cockpits); cela semble difficile pour de les rectifier. Une generation sonore du depart des munitions
un equipage cote-a-c6te, mais c'est une solution tout ä fait vient renforcer le realisme.
realisable pour un equipage en tandem. En effet, cette solution Tous ces aspects, qui ne sont pas toujours simples ä
ne pose pas de probleme de dialogue equipage puisque, dans le programmer et ä mettre en ceuvre, peuvent apparaitre comme
positionnement en tandem du TIGRE, les deux membres des gadgets visuels et sonores dans le cadre d'une simulation
d'equipage ne peuvent pas communiquer visuellement. II reste d'etudes.
ä evaluer les erreurs ainsi introduites.
II n'en est rien et concretement, ces effets speciaux contribuent
La meme approche theorique a permis de determiner la d'une maniere tres significative au realisme de la simulation, et
configuration d'installation des cockpits pilote et tireur. Les permettent une immersion rapide de l'equipage. Le tir, sans ces
solutions possibles etaient: effets, semble particulierement factice et irreel.
-1) installer chacune des 2 cabines dans une sphere differente De plus, l'experience a montre que la charge de travail n'est pas
avec une generation de paysage specifique ä chaque membre du tout representative lorsque les membres d'equipage
d'equipage; cette solution est theoriquement satisfaisante, mais travaillent sans retour d'information. Notamment l'equipage
son coüt est prohibitif puisqu'elle necessite deux systemes percoit immediatement le depart de l'armement (il n'a done pas
independants de GSI (2 fois 3 canaux d'imagerie synthetique), besoin de contröler ce depart sur ses symbologies). Bien que
-2) installer chacune des 2 cabines dans une sphere differente disposant de conduites de tir performantes (qui garantissent un
avec une generation de paysage commune aux 2 membres excellent taux de succes si la procedure est correctement
d'equipage, chaque membre d'equipage etant ä la meme suivie), l'equipage va naturellement suivre des yeux la
position d'oeil theorique; on peut ensuite choisir comme repere trajectoire des munitions et rechercher les points d'impact pour
pour generer le paysage projete: gerer la situation en fonction du resultat du tir (eventuellement
* soit le point de vue du pilote, corriger le tir, abandonner, degager, se representer sur
l'objectif, ...). Cette gestion realiste de la situation, en
* soit le point de vue du tireur,
particulier des munitions, correspond aux objectifs de la
* soit un point intermediaire. simulation de mission car eile induit une charge de travail pour
Avec une distance ä la cible superieure ä 100 m, on peut l'equipage.
garantir une erreur inferieure ä 1 degre, cette erreur diminuant Environnement tactique
fortement en fonction de la distance; pour les distances de tir
habituelles eile peut etre consideree comme negligeable. Un logiciel de gestion et de visualisation de l'environnement
tactique a ete integre dans la simulation. Depuis la salle de
Quelques resultats de I'etude theorique
suivi d'essais, il permet de gerer des menaces au sol et
Pour une cible positionnee ä 15 degres en site et ä 15 degres en aeriennes: pre-programmation des comportements, conditions
gisement par rapport au pilote, le tableau suivant presente les d'activation, etc. Ce logiciel permet de gerer en temps reel
erreurs de visee pour le tireur en fonction de la distance de la l'ensemble des donnees tactiques: amis, ennemis, modelisation
cible dans chacune des 2 configurations: de l'environnement electromagnetique (differents types de
- Configuration 1: cockpit en tandem integre dans une radars), menaces laser, zones irradiees, etc. Ce logiciel permet
sphere unique, notamment de representer d'une facon suffisamment realiste
- Configuration 2: chaque cockpit dans une sphere l'interaction entre llielicoptere en essais (TIGRE HAP) et son
specifique avec un meme paysage genere pour les 2 spheres. environnement ä partir d'une situation tactique predefinie.
Associee ä ce logiciel, une visualisation de type cartographique
permet le suivi du deroulement des missions. Cette
Configuration 1 Configuration 2 cartographie est entierement correlee au terrain puisqu'elle a
D cible (m) 50 100 1000 50 100 1000 ete generee ä partir de la base donnees terrain du Systeme de
GSI (comme la carte papier fournie aux equipages).
E gisement (deg) 3.56 3.78 3.97 0.43 0.22 0.02
Ces elements sont completes par un gestionnaire d'evenements
E site (deg) 8.23 8.71 9.15 0.97 0.49 0.05 (tels que pannes, apparition de cibles ou de patrouilles amies
ou degradation des conditions meteorologiques); ce logiciel
pennet le declenchement automatique et de facon reproductible
pour chaque equipage, des actions prevues dans les scenarios.
Les criteres d'activation peuvent etre lies au temps, ä des lieux * micro-camera en cabine pilote,
de passage, voire meme des conditions complexes prenant en * copie video directe du HID tireur,
compte des actions de l'equipage. * mixage des 4 MFD's sur une meme image, Utilisation d'une cible pilotee * viseur clair (HUD) superpose au paysage exterieur,
Cet helicoptere cible est mis en oeuvre par un autre pilote dans * visualisation tactique,
un simulateur simplifie et reconfigurable, fait d'une cabine * sons (telephone de bord, alarmes, bruits munitions).
generique, utilisant des ecrans tactiles pour planche de bord, et
d'un visuel du monde exterieur coherent de la base de donnees 6.4. Methodes de travail
oü evolue le TIGRE. Ce moyen dispose des elements suivants :
* une cabine specifique (ancienne cabine Super-Frelon) 6.4.1. Documents officiels et Validation du simulateur
equipee des organes de pilotage et des modeles de La tracabilite et la gestion de ces evaluations sont effectuees de
comportement (mecanique du vol, pilote automatique, la facon suivante:
navigation, radio-navigation), - un programme d'essais presente aux participants, ä l'industrie
* une planche de bord virtuelle constitute de 3 ecrans tactiles et aux services officiels les objectifs, identifie les fonctions et
de 19 pouces sur lesquels sont visualises des symbologies de materiels objets de revaluation, et liste les moyens utilises
pilotage et navigation, des instruments classiques, une ainsi que le niveau de representativite recherche pour chacun
presentation cartographique, d'entre eux,
* un visuel exterieur simplifie de caracteristiques: -une validation est effectuee par EUROCOPTER
- altimetrie coherente avec la BDD principale, (eventuellement les autres societes impliquees) pour controler
- quelques objets dans le paysage, la conformite du simulateur aux specifications industrielles et
pour verifier si le niveau de representativite prevu est süffisant
- la visualisation de lTielicoptere HAP dans l'image (en tant et s'il est atteint (principe du contröle independant). Cette
que chasseur) et eventuellement d'autres mobiles, (bien phase fait egalement l'objet d'un compte rendu contractuel
entendu et reciproquement, le chasseur voit egalement sa
appele "Status Check du simulateur".
cible dans son paysage synthetique !),
- la planimetrie sera absente du visuel exterieur, mais cette - les resultats de 1'evaluation sont communiques officiellement
absence sera compensee par une presentation par un rapport d'essais. Celui-ci reprend et confirme les
cartographique en planche de bord. conditions d'experimentations telles que la representativite.
Notamment, certains points peuvent s'averer plus penalisants
La cible pilotee (ou equipier pilote), liee etroitement ä cet que prevus ou au contraire les evaluateurs peuvent s'accorder
environnement interactif, est un atout important. Les pour en diminuer l'importance.
trajectoires predefinies de cibles programmees ne permettent
evidemment pas de simuler un combat air-air de maniere Dans tous les cas, les resultats de 1'evaluation sont
realiste. Le CEV a developpe une structure d'accueil indissociables de la representativite reelle, constatee et
permettant de faire communiquer en temps reel les modeles approuvee par les participants.
complets du TIGRE avec les modeles d'un autre helicoptere en
considerant en particulier les interactions entre systemes 6.4.2. Differents scenarios
d'armes. Preparation des scenarios et du contexte des
6.3. Movens de suivi d'essais et d'exploitation La definition et la mise au point des scenarios de mission, du
contexte general et de la situation tactique est le resultat d'une
6.3.1. Salle de conduite et de gestion des essais preparation avec les pilotes d'essais du CEV, des equipages de
Cette salle permet la mise en oeuvre des simulateurs et leur la STAT, et des representants de la societe ECF.
supervision. C'est un instrument indispensable pour la conduite Les scenarios ont ete joues prealablement pour obtenir des
des essais en simulation. Dotee de toutes les recopies des elements de reference et de comparaison (faisabilite, timing
equipements des cockpits (ecrans, instruments, boutons, des missions par exemple).
voyants), eile permet de connaitre exactement l'etat du
simulateur et de voir ce que voit l'equipage, cela permet une Les pannes simulees ont ete les suivantes:
analyse en temps reel du deroulement des missions par le biais - quelques pannes caracteristiques du Systeme d'armement
d'outils de contröle et d'exploitation: espionnage de parametres (modes degrades HAP) telles que panne camera ER., rupture
internes au simulateur, visualisations specifiques pour le suivi des liaisons entre chaque sous-systeme d'armement et
d'essais (cartographie, situation tactique, etc.). calculateur d'armement, panne totale necessitant le passage
Cette salle est egalement dotee d'une station de suivi d'essais en mode secours du Systeme d'armement,
graphique qui permet de venir "espionner" les variables de - pannes du Systeme de base telles que panne AFCS, perte
simulation et de les representer en temps reel sous forme de d'un moteur, panne d'un generateur de symboles de l'un des
traces defilants, bargraphes ou de maniere generate, sous forme MFD (l'equipage devra, apres la reconfiguration - il faut
d'objets graphiques issus d'une bibliotheque de base ou connecter deux MFD sur un meme generateur de
developpes au CEV. Cette station permet egalement symboles - gerer et partager ces symbologies communes).
l'enregistrement de donnees pour exploitation en temps differe Les equipages ont ete constitues pour toute la duree de
grace ä des fonctions de rejeu de type magnetoscope. revaluation et de la phase d'entrainement, les membres
d'equipage restant au meme poste (pilote ou tireur). Tous les
6.3.2. Movens audio et video de debriefing equipages ont du participer ä l'entrainement et au briefing
Des moyens audio et video sont utilises pour le debriefing et initial, avec une duree variable en fonction de leurs
ont permis plusieurs enregistrements: connaissances des systemes de base et HAP.
Les scenarios comportent des elements connus de l'equipage mission est suivie d'un debriefing ä chaud pour recueillir les
c'est ä dire une partie seulement de la situation tactique impressions de l'equipage et les confronter avec les remarques
generale, et des elements inconnus, par exemple certaines des observateurs.
menaces de type radars, convois ennemis, apparition des cibles Pour chaque equipage, un debriefing global permet de
et des pannes, changement des conditions meteorologiques ... reprendre tous les elements evoques, de voir les cassettes Plans de vol video, et done de reconsiderer ou d'etayer les differentes
Une base de donnees de points de navigation, ainsi qirune base
de donnees de points de radionavigation ont ete preparees et Une reunion generale des participants permet ensuite
memorisees comme cela aurait ete effectue ä l'aide du DID. dliarmoniser les differents points de vue pour presenter une
Ces points servent de support ä tous les scenarios. De plus, 5 Synthese de 1'evaluation.
routes sont memorisees de la meme maniere. Equipages participants Scenarios typiques Pour obtenir une richesse en terme de participation, le CEV a
Us sont proches des missions nominales decrites dans les pleinement associe les representants des futurs utilisateurs et a
documents de specifications avec adaptation au contexte de reuni pour cette evaluation:
simulation. Ces scenarios ont les caracteristiques suivantes : - 2 equipages du CEV qui effectuent egalement les essais en
- riches en evenements, vol des prototypes, et qui sont aussi des anciens personnels de
- certains evenements doivent etre inconnus des equipages l'ALAT,
en evaluation, - 2 equipages de la section technique de l'armee de terre
- la densite des evenements sera croissante au fur et ä (STAT) qui sont en charge du suivi du programme,
mesure des missions d'un meme equipage, -1 equipage venant directement des regiments de l'ALAT,
- reproductivite et repetivite totale pour que tous les -1 equipage d'instructeurs de l'ecole d'application de l'ALAT.
equipages voient les memes choses,
La provenance variee des equipages permet, grace ä la richesse
-duree d'un scenario ou d'une mission simulee: 45 mn et ä la diversite de leurs experiences, de multiplier les points
environ, (les phases de vol de type transit ne sont pas de vue et d'assurer une couverture optimale des besoins.
jouees afin de gagner du temps car elles n'apportent pas de
plus-value sur les resultats), Suivi des essais
-4 missions differentes de ce type ont ete effectuees par Depuis la salle de conduite des essais, plusieurs observateurs
chaque equipage lors de la premiere phase et 2 lors de le et l'ingenieur responsable de l'essai prennent des notes sur le
seconde phase. deroulement des missions, notamment sur les circonstances
particulieres telles que les incomprehensions ou mauvaises Scenario "catastrophe" interpretations de l'equipage, les bonnes sequences ou au
Ce type de scenario doit permettre revaluation dans des contraire celles qui ont pose un probleme. Ils analysent les
conditions particulierement degradees ou difficiles, incluant points notables, s'interrogent sur les comportements, essaient
une densite en evenements tres superieure aux scenarios de les expliquer tout en verifiant le deroulement correct de la
typiques, et/ou des evenements ä tres faible probability mission grace aux moyens de suivi et d'exploitation.
d'occurrence (pannes multiples par exemple). Ce type de Tous ces elements sont ensuite confronted avec les impressions
scenario doit induire une charge de travail, voire un niveau de de l'equipage d'une part et les enregistrements video d'autre
"stress" tres important pour l'equipage. Comme les scenarios part. Bien entendu, il ne s'agit pas de juger ni des capacites, ni
typiques, il est egalement reproductible. des competences des equipages, mais de l'adequation des Scenarios d'entrainement specifications aux besoins operationnels.
Vus la complexity et le volume des systemes simules, il est
indispensable que les equipages soient briefes et entraines 7. RESULTATS
prealablement. Les scenarios utilises sont specifiques ä
l'entrainement et sont differents des scenarios devaluation.
Ces scenarios doivent permettre aux equipages d'aborder et de 7.1. Remarques sur les specifications des svstemes
mettre en ceuvre tous les concepts, procedures, modes,
commandes et symbologies. Ils permettent egalement une Une approbation globale confirme les evaluations precedentes,
familiarisation et une bonne connaissance des moyens et le Systeme est bien percu et correctement apprehende par les
d'environnement (base de donnees de terrain par exemple). equipages, son adequation aux besoins est considered comme
bonne. Contexte general devaluation
Quelques points specifiques meritent une attention particuliere: Organisation generale - l'amelioration de la lisibilite des Do-list et prise en compte de
Des fiches de consignes et de description de la situation regies pour leur redaction,
generale ont ete remises ä tous les equipages, ainsi qu'une - une meilleure lisibilite des modes d'orientation de la page
fiche pour chaque mission. Ces fiches rappellent la situation tactique des MFD est souhaitee, car cela peut etre source de
tactique (Weapon Free Zones, Transit Corridors, menaces sol- confusions aux consequences graves, ces points sont ä noter
air, ligne d'engagement, etc.) connue de l'equipage, l'objectif de pour l'integration de la cartographie,
la mission, la configuration de l'armement de l'appareil, les
temps de passage, les consignes d'emploi de la radio, les - la gestion des niveaux des menaces peut etre amelioree,
conduites ä tenir, etc. - la configuration initiale des parametres des armements doit
Chaque session de simulation est precedee d'un briefing avec etre modifiee,
remise des fiches de mission et de la carte papier. Chaque
- la gestion des LSK sur les MFD doit respecter des regies 7.4. Simulation d'entrainement
generates, certaines ont ete proposees par les evaluateurs, Ces phases devaluation ont egalement conforte les travaux en
- les symbologies en cas de panne moteur doivent etre revues, cours sur la specification des moyens de formation pour le
-une convergence avec les resultats des essais en vol du TIGRE.
prototype N°4 est notee sur les points suivants: possibility Quelques aspects meritent clairement des reflexions
d'allegement des symbologies HUD, quelques problemes approfondies. On pense, par exemple, aux problemes des
d'ergonomie des poignees (probleme pris en compte et traite systemes de GSI et de leurs bases de donnees, pour lesquels la
parECF). simulation helicoptere constitue reellement une difficulty
7.2. Travail en equipage La simulation d'etudes, quand eile est aussi representative,
II a ete possible, notamment, d'evaluer la charge de travail due peut constituer un excellent banc de test pour certains moyens
au dialogue intra-equipage et de valider les moyens foumis par de formation, en particulier sur les aspects FMS (Full mission
le Systeme du TIGRE pour effectuer la communication entre simulator) ou les similitudes sont grandes.
pilote et tireur.
En effet, contrairement aux autres helicopteres presents au sein 7.5. Amelioration de la simulation pour les phases
de l'ALAT, le TIGRE presente la particularite d'une disposition ulterieures
de l'equipage en tandem, ce qui exclue toute communication L'experience de ces phases de simulation permet de reflechir et
visuelle. Ceci est une nouveautö pour nos pilotes et modifie d'envisager l'amelioration et l'enrichissement des moyens:
quelques habitudes. -l'ambiance sonore et radio peut etre significativement
Ainsi, outre la communication orale par phonie, l'equipage amelioree en ajoutant un Systeme de multiplexage des
dispose des moyens suivants: liaisons permettant ainsi de simuler differentes frequences.
-Possibilite de recopier un MFD de l'autre membre Dans la realite, d'autres appareils encombrent le reseau
d'equipage sur son propre MFD. Ceci permet d'obtenir une radio, et le commandant de bord doit rester attentif pour
reference visuelle commune ce qui n'est pas generalement repondre seulement quand on s'adresse ä lui et pour
le cas puisque les pages MFD sont largement s'inserer dans le trafic radio operationnel lorsque celui-ci
configurables. est dense. On peut egalement simuler les difficultes ä
etablir une liaison radio lorsqu'on est au milieu des
- Presence d'un "directeur d'ordre" sur le viseur clair. Cette
symbologie supplemental informe le pilote sur la visee
du tireur, lui foumit une consigne pour rallier, de maniere - l'utilisation d'une cible ou d'un equipier pilote amene une
optimale, le domaine de tir et lui indique si les meilleures reelle plus value dans la mesure oü les scenarios utilisant
conditions de tir sont reunies. Elle permet principalement cet outil sont minutieusement prepares, testes et mis au
au pilote de rentrer, et de rester, dans le domaine de tir, point; il ne s'agit pas de laisser la cible ou l'equipier
eile s'avere indispensable pour realiser des tirs cooperatifs, evoluer ä son gre: comme llielicoptere principal, il se voit
notamment des tirs proches de l'axe machine. confier une mission. De plus, les communications cntre les
differents helicopteres et la salle d'essais doivent pouvoir
- La possibilite de visualiser sur MFD (image thermique ou
se faire sur des canaux differents (voir point precedent).
television noir et blanc) la visee de l'autre membre
d'equipage (utilisant le viseur de casque notamment) - de nouvelles fonctionnalites concernant certains moyens de
permet de lui designer facilement un objectif. simulation tels que BDD, GSI, logiciel d'environnement
tactique et effets speciaux peuvent egalement etre
-transfert de cible d'un membre de l'equipage ä l'autre,
implementees. Leur realisme peut etre ameliore.
notamment ä l'aide des viseurs de casque,
-indication sur HUD du gisement de la visee du tireur 8. CONCLUSION
permettant ainsi au pilote d'anticiper, et d'eviter le passage
en butee du viseur principal,
- information sur l'etat d'engagement des armements dans le En premier lieu, ces phases de simulation de mission ont
cockpit tireur (voyants) et sous forme de symbologies dans necessite une energie et un travail considerable pour la
leHJD. preparation des moyens de simulation et des scenarios de
mission, et ensuite pour la realisation de cette evaluation. Nous
Le Systeme du TIGRE met done ä disposition de l'equipage un tenons ä remercier tout le personnel du centre de simulation et
nombre important de moyens de dialogue plus ou moins egalement les participants, personnels navigants et equipages
complexes. du CEV, de la STAT et de l'ALAT ainsi que les representants
Grace aux evaluations de missions simulees, il a ete possible dECF.
de verifier qu'ils etaient aisement mis en oeuvre et couvraient La simulation de mission HAP a permis, et e'etait son objectif
l'ensemble des besoins. principal, de valider la definition, et d'effectuer quelques
modifications qui n'avaient pu etre vues, ni lors des
7.3. Reflexions sur le concept d'emploi et sur les precedentes campagnes de simulation, ni lors des essais en vol.
procedures operationnelles On notera que la proximite des essais en vols a permis de
Cette question reste evidemment de la responsabilite de travailler avec les equipages qui effectuent les 2 types d'essais
l'ALAT. La nouveaute de llielicoptere TIGRE, de ses systemes (complementarity et convergence des remarques).
embarques et de la configuration en tandem necessite un Le grand realisme apporte ä cette simulation est le garant de la
profond changement des methodes et habitudes des equipages. credibilite des resultats dans la mesure oü un resultat de
Pour la premiere fois, il a ete donne la possibilite ä des simulation ne peut pas etre considere independamment de la
equipages de jouer des missions significatives dans un representativite du moyen sur lequel il a ete obtenu.
environnement representatif. Le simulateur a ete le moyen
d'amorcer cette reflexion sur des bases concretes.
Cette evaluation a egalement permis, pour la premiere fois, de MTR: consortium industriel en charge de la fourniture des
voir evoluer le TIGRE dans un contexte operationnel realiste, moteurs du TIGRE
et les enseignements que Ton peut en retenir depassent NRM: Nuclear Radiation Measurement
largement la definition du cockpit. Les bases d'une nouvelle
etape dans la reflexion sur le concept d'emploi sont jetees. Les PC: Personal Computer
besoins pour la simulation d'entrainement pour les futurs PCA: Poste de Commande Armement, (armament control
equipages TIGRE sont plus precisement cernes. panel)
Enfin, sur un plan plus technique, l'architecture de simulation PMI: Power Margin Indicator
mise en place constitue une base solide pour evaluer dans de SE/ES: sigle de la Section Etudes et Simulation, centre de
bonnes conditions de representativite les prochains simulation du CEV
developpements envisages pour le TIGRE: contre-mesures
SFIM: Societe Francaise dTnstruments de Mesures
actives, detecteur d'alerte et de veille (radar de detection),
transmissions de donnees, oü un environnement riche et reactif SIMCO: Simulareur HAC dECD
est indispensable ä la simulation. D'autres voies sont STAT: Section Technique de 1'Armee de Terre
egalement etudiees pour participer ä ce realisme de STRIX: Systeme de Telemetrie, de Reconnaissance et
l'environnement tactique, comme un dispositif d'animation dldentification tous temps, viseur principal de 1HAP monte sur
automatique de cibles au comportement plus sophistique le toit, (Roof mounted Sight)
incluant des techniques d'intelligence artificielle.
TR: Temps Reel
9. GLOSSAIRE TD: temps differe (par opposition ä temps reel)
TWE: Systeme de contre-mesures
AFCS: Automatic Flying Control System, pilote automatique UNK: Systeme d'exploitation couramment employe dans le
ALAT: Aviation Legere de FArmee de Terre monde informatique.
BAP: Bandeau d'Armement Pilote
BDD: Base de donnees terrain pour GSI, (Data base for CGI)
CEV: Centre dEssais en vol 1) "Etude theorique des spheres pour une utilisation avec
CME: Contre Mesures Electroniques (voir ECM) cabines biplaces (tandem ou cöte ä cote)" Mr B. MALLET,
CDU: Control and Display Unit Note interne CEV/SE/ES du 24.10.1995 (non diflusee).
DCAe: Direction des Constructions Aeronautiques
DGA: Delegation Generale pour l'Armement
DID: Data Insertion Device
DLMS: Data Land Mapping System
DO-LIST: liste d'actions ä effectuer ä l'equipage en cas de
EA ALAT: Ecole d'Application de l'ALAT situee au LUC en
ECM: Electronic counter measure
FLIR: Forward Looking Infra Red
FMS: Full Mission Simulation
GSI: Generation Synthetique dlmages, (computer generation
images CGI)
HAC: Helicoptere Anti-Char (anti tank version)
HAP: Helicoptere dAppui-Protection (combat support version)
HJD: Head In Display, ecran situe dans le bras porte-occulaire
du viseur principal
HSD: High Speed Data, interface d'entree/sortie ä haut debit
HUD: Head Up Display, viseur clair
IR: infra red ou infra-rouge
MEP-HAP: Mission Equipment Package for HAP
BPL: Indicateur de Premiere Limitation (voir PMI)
MFD: Multi Fonction Display (ecran multifonctions)
MPX: Systeme d'exploitation proprietaire de la societe
proprietary operating system)
Training Concept
Flight Simulators
It must be the objective of the army aviation corps'
flight training to enable helicopter pilots to use their Flight simulators reproduce the complete (especially
weapon system safely and efficienty by using the dynamic) behaviour of the helicopter so that all rele-
technical equipment and possibilities: vant targets of practical flight training to the level of
mastery can be trained.
• at day and night • 8 ea HGA simulators
• in air mobile combat of combined arms • 2 ea UH-1D simulators and
• under almost all possible weather conditions. • 2 ea CH-53 G simulators
This is done in the so-called training equipment will be delivered in the period from 1999 to 2000 for
compound where the adequate training equipment is the simulation center.
assigned to the respective training objective.
A modularization would be an ideal solution for the
Partial skills are learned by means of simple proce- realization of such a scope of delivery (12 flight si-
dure trainers and handling models before complex mulators), especially with regard to future flight simu-
simulators and finally the original device, the helicop- lators or combat mission simulators which, as oppo-
ter, are used to merge the partial skills. sed to flight simulators, also reproduce the helicop-
ter's mission equipment.
This training equipment compound allows to reduce
costs and at the same time to reach those training
objectives which will be demanded in the future. Planning of Simulator Hours
The number of simulators is based on a planned
Training equipment essentially consists of the fol-
number of simulator hours per year as follows:
CBT is an interactive computer based training • 16894 for the basic training helicopter
equipment which is used for interactive learning This means that with 2160 h per cockpit and year
of flight theoretical and technical aircraft know- the training requirement will be satisfied with 8
ledge, navigation training and radio communica- SHS simulators.
• The simulator hours for the UH-1 D are estimated
Part Task Trainers are used for hands-on trai- at 5120 h per year; with 2480 h per cockpit and
ning of partial capabilities. They are correspon- year 2 UH-1 D simulators are required.
ding to the respective system in design, layout • For the CH-53G 4904 simulator hours per year
are required. If - analogous to the UH-1D - also
and operation.
Flight Simulators and Combat Mission Simula- 2480 h per cockpit and year are estimated,
tors will be treated in detail during the further ex- 2 CH-53G simulators are required.
The close-in combat simulator (AGDUS) cor-
responds to the common equipment of the army. A Modular Simulator - Why ?
SIRA, the common equipment for combat simu- The modular architecture of one or several simula-
lation, must be extended to allow for the com- tors located in one single center was the customer's
mand and control of operations of air-mobile for- idea considering that through definition of technical
ces. or functional communalities within the basic training
The basic training helicopter (SHS) is an indis- devices, effects of rationalization can be achieved.
pensable equipment for the basic and advanced
training of aircrews. The helicopter is not re- The possibility of reduction of the total amount is- for
placeable - especially with regard to affective example - given because the simulator hours requi-
training objectives. red for 2 type-specific helicopters A=1500h/year and
B=3300h/year can be covered by 2 basic modules
Sensor Module
force simulation of latest technology by using experienced by the crew and from other per-
electromechanical drives. The simulation of high- spectives, communications, etc. are guaranteed.
frequency vibrations of the cockpit cabin is also In addition, a lecture-room is equipped with a de-
supported by a seatshaker each for the pilot and briefing component of the same functionality so
the co-pilot. that a follow-up discussion can also be perfor-
med with a large audience.
Implementation of a standardized operating con-
cept for all instructor and debriefing stations, for Software development will be in accordance with
hardware layout as well as software functionality. the Allgemeiner Umdruck 250, also called
The instructor has the possibility to control and V-model, a standard of the German Armed For-
monitor the training operations via an external ces, comparable to DOD STD 2167 A.
IOS, an on-board IOS or a portable LCD panel. The software structure supports the modular ar-
They all have an identical functionality and also chitecture where all parameterizable type-
enable the crew to use the simulator without in-
specific-, sensor- and tactics-dependent parts The database will also have the attributes for si-
asfar as possible extend to all modules and only mulation of NVG view and for sensor modules,
the data records are assigned to the respective e.g. Infrared or FLIR, which may be required at a
module. later time.
Realization of simulation software in the pro- Lessonplan and database generation will be ta-
gramming language ADA, expecting to be able to ken into consideration especially in the light of
effect modifications and adaptations fast and at provisions for preparing exercises in the sense of
low costs and to port the basic module software mission rehearsal.
for future helicopter simulators easily and without
problems on any computer platforms. In order to obtain the IFR certification, the Ger-
man Aviation Authority in Braunschweig will be
The 12 simulators of the center are networked involved as early as possible in the development
Figure 1 outlines the layout of one of the 12 simula-
tors. The individual modules are marked accordingly
and linked to each other by clearly structured inter-
The hardware and software parts of the type-specific
module can be seen very clearly here. It is this mo-
dule which will finally turn a generic helicopter simu-
lator into a UH-1D, CH-53G or SHS-type helicopter.
D. Fournier D. Papillier
Ingenieur Navigant d'Essais Ingenieur d'Essais
Centre d'Essais en Vol Centre d'Essais en Vol
13128 Istres Air, France 13128 Istres Air, France
brise de facon a etre vu par le pilote en vision 3.4 Mesure des parametres de comportement de
peripherique (cf figure 4). helicoptere
Son principe de fonctionnement est le suivant:
- au moyen d'un boitier de commande on 3.4.1 exploitation en temps reel
indique au Systeme la manoeuvre qui va etre Les parametres importants pour la
executee, un boitier programme identifie ainsi la conduite de l'essai (vitesses, assiettes longitudinale
valeur en pieds d'une diode (par exemple 1 diode = et laterale, cap, hauteur, positions de
1 pied) ainsi que les fourchettes de hauteur commandes...) etaient disponibles en temps reel sur
correspondant aux precisions desirees et adequates; les ecrans de l'ingenieur d'essais disposes en
- le pilote stabilise l'helicoptere aux cabine. Ils permettent en correlation avec la mesure
environs de la hauteur de reference requise par la de trajectoire de pouvoir juger en temps reel la
manoeuvre. On initialise alors le Systeme. Un qualite de la manoeuvre, permettant ainsi
boitier electronique acquiert cette hauteur et d'eventuellement la faire executer ä nouveau. II
illumine la diode centrale; permettent egalement de consolider le jugement du
- au cours d'une modification de la pilote (par exemple verification du respect des
hauteur lors de la realisation de la manoeuvre les criteres de tenue de cap ou de vitesse).
diodes s'eclairent successivement (vers le haut si
l'helicoptere monte et vers le bas s'il descend); 3.4.2 exploitation en temps differe
- chaque diode peut prendre trois couleurs Les memes parametres que ci-dessus
(vert, ambre, rouge), la couleur des diodes est auxquels furent ajoutees les vitesses angulaires ont
modifiee en fonction des fourchettes de variation permis en temps differe une analyse plus precise et
de hauteur autorisees pour la manoeuvre. Tant que complete des manoeuvres. En particulier l'analyse
la hauteur reste ä l'interieur de la precision desiree combinee des assiettes, vitesses angulaires et
les diodes sont vertes, elles deviennent ambres accelerations angulaires ont permis d'etudier les
lorsque Ton atteint la performance adequate et correlations entree/sortie et les correlation entre les
passent au rouge ensuite. differents axes. De meme l'analyse de l'activite sur
Ce Systeme a montre qu'il permettait au pilote les commandes au moyens de l'enregistrement des
d'avoir conscience de la performance atteinte sans positions de commandes a permis 1'etude des
modifier fondamentalement sa Strategie de frequences de coupure sur les differents axes pour
pilotage. differentes manoeuvres ainsi que les diverses
correlations (cf figure 7). Ce travail a ete realise
3.3 Mesure de trajectoire par Eurocopter France.
La restitution de trajectoire dans le plan 3.5 Methode d'essais - influence des parametres
horizontal a ete realisee au moyen d'une camera d'environnement
video de verticale avec incrustation dans 1'image
de la verticale du point de reference (position Les principaux parametres
pilote) (cf figure 5). Cette camera possede un d'environnement ä considerer sont: le vent, la
champ de 53° qui, compte tenu des hauteurs de vol, masse, le centrage, les moments d'inertie,
a permis une visualisation correcte de la position l'environnement visuel.
de l'appareil par rapport aux traces au sol (cf § 3.2 Pour chaque manoeuvre les conditions de
ci-dessus). II est ainsi possible de reconstituer la vent (force, direction) sont specifiers.
trajectoire horizontale et surtout de verifier en L'experimentation a cependant montre que le vent
temps reel le respect ou non par le pilote des pouvait masquer d'eventuelles anomalies de
precisions demandees et le respect du profil de pilotabilite. D'une part, lors de certaines phases de
trajectoire demande. Les manoeuvres mal vol il est difficile de faire la distinction entre 1'effet
executees ont ainsi pu etre executees ä nouveau. des turbulences et une defaillance eventuelle de
L'observation du reticule de verticale par rapport l'appareil. D'autre part, pour d'autres phases de
aux exigences de precision permet egalement de vol, le vent peut avoir des effets stabilisateurs. II
consolider le jugement du pilote (cf figure 6). II est convient done dans un premier temps d'effectuer
en effet aise tant en temps reel qu'ä la lecture des les manoeuvres sans vent afin d'obtenir des
enregistrements video de verifier l'ecart par reponses de l'appareil les plus pures possible puis
rapport aux precisions exigees. Les enregistrements dans un deuxieme temps d'effectuer les
video ont consume un tres bon support lors du manoeuvres avec le vent specifie.
debriefing des vols. Precisons que 1'image de la La masse de l'appareil n'est pas apparue
camera n'etait pas presentee au pilote en temps reel comme un facteur sensible, les modifications de
mais ä l'ingenieur d'essais; il ne s'agit done pas centrage et de moment d'inertie le sont bien plus.
d'une aide au pilotage. II est toutefois assez facile pour un bureau d'etude
de determiner les cas critiques de fa?on ä les
evaluer en vol.
Highly ijcstrauie uesi/ed penofmanca
jTranajQorv A common
icanroOw iS»OTq. la
questionnaire Euro-ACT
figure 1
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figure 2
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figure 3
Systeme ECLIPS
figure 4
figure 5
figure 6
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figure 7
Carl J. Ockier
DLR - Institute of Flight Mechanics
Lilienthalplatz 7
38108 Braunschweig
Volker Gollnick
German Armed Forces Flight
Test Center (WTD-61)
85077 Manching
SUMMARY Helicopter mass for the tests was between 75 and 85 percent
of the BO 105s 2300 kg maximum gross weight.
A comprehensive evaluation of the ADS-33D handling
qualities specification for military rotorcraft was completed The flight tests for the quantitative handling qualities eval-
with the BO 105 helicopter. The evaluation addressed both uations were conducted in calm winds out of ground effect.
the quantitative and qualitative ADS-33 criteria. The evalu- For practical reasons, all necessary control inputs were
ation of the quantitative or open-loop criteria in hover and made by hand. Before making the inputs, the aircraft was
in forward flight directly addressed applicability and repeat- carefully trimmed to an unaccelerated, level flight condi-
ability of the criteria. The evaluation of the qualitative tion. The quantitative evaluations were carried out for two
criteria or ADS-33 flight test maneuvers in the good visual flight conditions: hover (<5 kt) and forward flight at 80 kt.
environment addressed applicability and validity issues. The qualitative handling qualities flight tests were carried
This paper presents some of the major results of the quan- out in calm to moderate winds under good visual conditions
titative and qualitative evaluations and extracts some les- (UCE=1). During pre-tests, the safety margins and power
sons from the comparison of the results of both evaluations. limitations were verified, and where necessary modifica-
tions to the original ADS-33D maneuver descriptions were
INTRODUCTION made (usually, this meant reducing the maximum airspeed
to 100 or 110 kt). The evaluations consisted of a training
ADS-33, the new specification for handling qualities of
phase, during which the evaluation pilot was given ample
military rotorcraft [1], was developed under the leadership time to practice the maneuver, and an evaluation phase,
of the US Army as a replacement for the obsolete MIL-H-
8501 A. To the testing of helicopter handling qualities, usually two or three runs during which the handling quali-
ADS-33 meant nothing less than a revolution. Almost over- ties were evaluated. After each flight, during which no more
night, the classic determination of static and dynamic sta- than two maneuvers were flown, the evaluation pilot com-
pleted, for each maneuver flown, a 3 page de-briefing
bility was replaced with new, often unknown techniques.
Although a lot of knowledge was gained from the early questionnaire - answering questions regarding the achieved
performance, the workload, and other aspects influencing
flight tests conducted by the US Army and Navy [2], there
the handling qualities. At the end of the questionnaire, a
is still a lot to be learned about ADS-33. handling qualities rating (HQR) was reached using the
This paper presents the major results of a complete evalu- Cooper-Harper [3] decision process.
ation of the current D version of the ADS-33 specification.
The evaluation was conducted with a standard BO 105 The BO 105 Helicopter
helicopter and concentrated on the quantitative (open-loop) All experiments were carried out with the DLRs standard
and qualitative (demonstration maneuver) criteria in the BO 105C helicopter (Fig. 1). In its civilian version, the light
good visual environment. The objectives of this study were: twin-engined BO 105 helicopter is popular for police, EMS,
(1) to gain experience with the use of ADS-33 and to and light transport operations. The German military deriva-
develop safe flight testing techniques; (2) to verify the tive of the BO 105, fitted with a stronger tail rotor and a yaw
applicability and repeatability of the ADS-33 criteria; (3) to SCAS, is primarily used for anti-tank and liaison missions.
identify possible inconsistencies between the quantitative Although the BO 105 was designed in the 1960s and first
and qualitative criteria; and (4) to complete the handling flew in 1971, its innovative design is still relevant for
qualities data base for the BO 105 helicopter. today's - and tomorrow's - helicopters. The hingeless rotor
system allows the generation of large rotor moments, nec-
Conduct of the Flight Tests essary to attain the agility required in modern helicopters.
The ADS-33 flight tests were conducted by the German This makes the BO 105 a particularly interesting helicopter
Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) in cooperation for handling qualities testing. Of course, the low maximum
with the German Armed Forces Flight Test Center (WTD- speed (Vmax = 120 kt) and the absence of stability augmen-
61). The tests took place between 1992 and 1995 at tation or automatic flight control systems are not features of
Braunschweig Airport, Celle Army Base, and at the German the next generation military helicopters. Nevertheless, the
Forces Test Center in Manching. Six test pilots - three handling qualities of the BO 105 should in many respects
German and three American - participated in the tests. be representative of future light helicopters - especially
when operating in a 'degraded' mode.
6 i►
3 c) c) ooo
^ M 1
2 i> () i> O (1>
■I M>f
tt *
B "5
5 a o 5CO
>i\ M
c (/)
CO ±± 3 co
£ ° a? o "5 a. E >
CL °- > > Q_ O- >
f 01 eg o 2 ao O Ü
Bandwidth Mid-to-Long Attitude Large is ßä 81 o o = -c E
Phase Delay Term Stability Quickness Amplitude Vertical Axis rr o O CO h-
Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Interaxis Coupling
Fig. 2: The handling qualities of the BO 105 determined from the quantitative criteria. The open sympols are for hover
(<5 kt) and the closed symbols are for forward flight (80 kt).
With the BO 105, multiple frequency sweeps were used to could be determined with relative ease [4]. In hover, the
determine the angular frequency response of the pitch, roll BO 105 was too unstable and too coupled to be able to
and yaw axes. The combination of sound flight test tech- extract any oscillatory characteristics from the time histo-
niques, unfiltered data recording, and proven computational ries. As a result, data had to be obtained with parameter
techniques produced frequency responses with a high co- identification [8]. The BO 105s unstable Phugoid mode was
herence over the frequency range of interest and with good identified with a frequency of .33 rad/sec and a damping of
consistency over different data runs [4]. For the pitch axis, -. 15 in forward flight (Level 1) and with a higher frequency
the BO 105's bandwidth and phase delay were computed as of .5 rad/sec and a lower damping of-0.61 in hover (Level
2.7 rad/sec and 84 msec in forward flight and as 2.9 rad/sec 3). The opposite result was obtained for the Dutch roll
and 71 msec in hover (although the phase margin in hover mode, where the forward flight mode is Level 2/3 with a
was only a few degrees more than the required minimum of frequency of 2.5 rad/sec and a damping of. 14 and the hover
45 degrees, so that small phase differences could easily mode is Level 1 with a frequency of 1.5 rad/sec and a
degrade the BO 105 to Level 3). For the roll axis, bandwidth damping of .51.
and phase delay were 5.8 rad/sec and 48 msec at 80 kt and
5.1 rad/sec and 42 msec in hover, with sufficient phase Attitude Quickness Criteria
margins. The attitude quickness or moderate amplitude criteria meas-
The computation of bandwidth and phase delay for the yaw ure the helicopter's agility, or the ability to maneuver ag-
axis turned out to be more difficult. In hover, the available gressively with an elevated pilot gain. The criteria, defined
phase margin was less than 45 deg/sec, at least over the for all three axes in hover and only for the roll axis in
frequency range where coherence was acceptable (Fig. 3). forward flight, evaluate moderate amplitude attitude
This automatically reduces the BO 105s yaw bandwidth to changes between 10 and 60 degrees for the roll and yaw axes
Level 3 - a very severe conclusion that warrants further and between 5 and 30 degrees for the pitch axis. The attitude
research. In forward flight, the phase delay was hard to quickness criteria are based on two parameters extracted
from the response to a pulse controller input: the ratio of the
determine because of the poor coherence around 2(0180,
where non-linear effects dominated the response [4]. maximum angular rate to maximum angle change and the
minimum angle during the transition (see Fig. 4).
The parameter identification above was repeated in the response is measured at the end of a four second observation
frequency domain, where a first order response was fit to period. Measurements of the pitch-due-to-roll coupling cri-
the height rate to collective response obtained from a col- teria showed significant differences depending on the direc-
lective frequency sweep. The time constant and time delay tion and amplitude of the input. In forward flight, left rolls
thus computed were very close to the results of Fig. 8. generally produced around 15% coupling, where right rolls
produced about 35% coupling. In hover, the situation was
Torque Response Criteria reversed, with left roll producing more than 100% coupling
and right rolls producing about 30% coupling. The same
The torque response criteria directly address the parasitic erratic behavior was noted for roll-due-to-pitch coupling,
degree of freedom of the helicopter - the engine. The although it was more difficult to gather good data because
ADS-33D criterion places requirements on the dynamics of of problems associated with maintaining a pitch input for
the displayed torque response. In the BO 105, displayed the required length of time.
torque was measured from the input of the torque indicator.
Criteria parameters are overshoot ratio and time to first These deficiencies with the ADS-33 time domain criteria
peak. were the subject of an in-depth study of pitch-roll coupling
in helicopters by the US Army and DLR [10]. In this study,
As with the height response criteria, two types of inputs an alternative pitch-due-to-roll coupling criterion that uses
were used: collective steps with all other controls fixed and the frequency domain was suggested. Using the available
collective steps with constant attitude and heading. Since it frequency sweep data, the roll-due-to-pitch coupling hand-
was difficult to sustain the inputs with all controls fixed for ling qualities were determined for both hover and forward
as long as 10 seconds, only a few of these inputs are shown flight (Fig. 10). With this definition, which addresses pitch-
in Figure 9. Fig. 9 shows a large spread in the time to first due-to-roll coupling only, the BO 105 is predicted to have
peak. The BO 105 has Level 1 handling qualities, despite clear Level 2 handling qualities.
its slow torque response.
1 1 1 i
10 1 1 i 1 1 r i
• Collective step with controls fixed
: O Collective step with attitude constant ■
o CQ **BO105
E 2 LEVEL 2 \ LEVEL 3 ■ - in Hover
o "S.
BO105* \
CD LE:vEL~i Ö^o-£----- o ca at 80 kt
> 1 - -10
o >
(unattainable) LEVEL 1 \ LEVEL 2
-20 ill i i i
0 12 3 4
-co -30 -20 -10
Time to first peak (sec) average q/p (dB)
Fig. 9: Parameters of the torque response criterion for
the BO 105 in hover. Fig. 10: The pitch-due-to-roll coupling criteria of [10]
applied to the BO 105 in hover and forward flight.
Vertical Axis Control Power Criteria
The vertical axis control power criteria measure the ability Yaw-due-to-Collective Coupling
to build up a rate of climb following a collective pitch input.
This ability will depend on the height response charac- The hover and low speed yaw-due-to-collective coupling
teristics as well as on the weight conditions of the vehicle. criteria measure the yaw rate build-up in the first three
Experiments with the BO 105 showed that maximum rate seconds that follow a collective step input. The criteria
of climb in 1.5 seconds after a collective step input was 2.9 parameters are the normalized peak yaw rate measured
m/sec, which is more than 3 times the Level 1 requirement. within the three second observation window, r, / hJ, and
the normalized yaw buildup in the last two seconds of the
Interaxis coupling criteria
observation window, k I k\. These coefficients are nor-
The complex dynamics of main rotor, tail rotor, fuselage,
engine, and wake cause the single rotor helicopter to be malized with the rate of climb that exists at the end of the
coupled in almost all axes. The handling qualities implica- three seconds. The yaw rate buildup in the yaw to collective
tions of interaxis coupling are not yet fully understood, just coupling criterion is the inevitable result of the torque/anti-
as there are many deficiencies in the physical understanding torque imbalance that follows a change in the collective
of the exact coupling causes. In ADS-33D several criteria pitch of the main rotor. In the BO 105, the torque change is
address interaxis coupling with quantitative requirements - not compensated for by a collective-to-pedal mixing unit,
although at least as many coupling criteria present only hence the yaw rate buildup is relatively severe.
qualitative requirements (e.g. height-due-to-yaw coupling). Two different types of collective step inputs were used to
determine the criterion: collective steps with the other con-
Pitch-Roll Coupling trols fixed and collective steps with the attitude (but not the
The ADS-33D criteria for helicopter pitch-roll coupling are heading) constant. The latter produced more consistent
expressed in the time domain. The off to on-axis coupling results, as collective steps with the other controls fixed
ratio, which defines the criteria, is measured from the re- produced off-axis velocity components. Figure 11 shows
sponse to a step input. The peak off-axis response is meas- the yaw-due-to-collective coupling criteria for the BO 105.
ured within four seconds following the input, the on-axis As can be seen, the BO 105 has Level 3 handling qualities.
typical of a high gain task; there is a lot of low amplitude The landing maneuver was started at an altitude of about 50
control activity in all axes. A frequency analysis showed ft at a distance that allowed an approach with the landing
pitch and roll inputs up to frequencies of about 15 rad/sec, area in the field of view. The control strategy was to build
well above the bandwidth frequency of the BO 105. The up a steady descent that would bring the helicopter to a
handling qualities ratings for the hover maneuver ranged hover just above the ground with only a minimum of col-
between 4 and 41A The driving factor for this rating was the lective pitch adjustments (i.e., let the ground effect do the
BO 105s poor yaw damping, which presented the only work). Without the disturbances from the collective inputs,
difficulty in meeting desired performance. Interaxis cou- the pilot could then concentrate on getting over the desired
pling was hard to notice and did not seem to have a signifi- position before touching down. When properly executed,
cant influence on the handling qualities. this maneuver would give the pilot about 5 seconds to
position the helicopter over the landing area and touch
After completing the maneuver, the pilots complained about down. This was generally considered too short and some-
difficulties in assessing the longitudinal position of the times slightly harder landings were made in order to meet
helicopter. Future experiments may require adding lines on the 10 second deadline. All pilots agreed that the 10 seconds
the ground to provide extra longitudinal cues. available for the landing task was unrealistic and not opera-
tionally relevant. Also, the differences between desired and
Landing adequate performance, where a larger landing area is to be
The ADS-33 landing maneuver requires the pilot to touch gained with no time limits, were considered too large.
down on a relatively small platform within 10 seconds after Further concerns were raised about missing cues for head-
passing an altitude of 10 ft. For practical reasons, a ground ing control, even though lines that extended out from the
marked landing area (Fig. 14) was substituted for the ele- landing area were available.
vated landing platform suggested in ADS-33D. The hover Like the hover maneuver, the landing received HQRs be-
maneuver was performed with an 8 kt quartering headwind, tween 4 and 4Vi. All pilots were able to meet desired per-
although this did not seem to affect performance signifi- formance, while being moderately aggressive on the con-
cantly. trols. Yaw control and maintaining a descent rate through-
out the maneuver required more than minimal compensa-
tion. Some yaw-due-to-collective coupling was noted, even
though collective inputs were generally kept small. Power
management did not seem to affect handling qualities at all.
Aggressive maneuvers
ADS-33 lists twelve aggressive maneuvers typical of NOE-
flight and air and ground combat. These maneuvers cover
the entire velocity range from sideward flight to hover to
high speed forward flight. The BO 105 performed all ag-
gressive maneuvers, except for the roll reversal at reduced
and elevated loadfactors maneuver, which was dropped for
safety reasons. Trials with the roll reversal maneuver
showed the BO 105 dangerously approaching its structural
limits. For some maneuvers, the starting velocities had to
be reduced to conform to the BO 105s performance limits.
All maneuvers were flown in calm to moderate winds.
Fig. 14: The BO 105 during the landing maneuver. Figure 15 shows the handling qualities ratings for the ag-
gressive ADS-33 maneuvers with the BO 105. Eight out of
J Highest HQR
Average HQR
Lowest HQR
en 1 - Based on one HQR
c LEVEL 3 2 - Based on two HQRs
I i
Decel. Accel/ Side- Slalom Pull-up2 Transient High1 Low1 Bob-up Vertical Turn to
to Dash Decel step Push-over Turn Yo-Yo Yo-Yo Bob-down Remask Target
Fig. 15: Handling qualities ratings for the BO 105 in the aggressive maneuvers.
power and rotor speed management were the driving factor sense of timing. It is suggested that the end position require-
for the handling qualities rating. The requirements to ment be relaxed. The pilots also complained about the
achieve 95 percent torque within 1.5 seconds at the start of requirement to achieve 95% torque within 1.5 seconds and
the acceleration and to lower collective within three seconds to lower collective within 3 seconds. These requirements
to initiate the deceleration exposed the deficiencies of the are very demanding and may not be realistic for helicopters
engine governor. Workload was further increased by having like the BO 105.
to simultaneously observe heading and attitude with outside The requirements of the deceleration-to-dash maneuver are
cues and rotor speed and torque with cues inside the cockpit. very similar to the demands of the accel/decel task. Both
Figure 18 shows some typical differences in control strategy maneuvers mostly evaluate rotor speed and torque control
between the pilots. Pilot A, who is very familiar with the characteristics, together with collective to pitch and yaw
BO 105, uses a very aggressive control strategy. He makes coupling. The evaluations showed the deceleration-to-dash
rapid power changes to achieve desired performance, but maneuver to be even more demanding on the BO 105 than
cannot prevent rotor speed from exceeding the Operational the accel/decel.
Flight Envelope (OFE). Pilot A assigned an HQR of 6 for
this maneuver. Pilot B, who is unfamiliar with the BO 105, Sidestep
is not so aggressive. He accepts not being able to meet The sidestep maneuver is a very aggressive maneuver at the
desired performance and so is able to keep rotor speed more edge of the BO 105s capabilities. The maneuver consists of
or less within the OFE. Pilot B reached an HQR 5 for this an aggressive lateral acceleration with 25 degrees of bank
maneuver. to the maximum sideward velocity, followed by an aggres-
All pilots remarked on the problems of having to decelerate sive deceleration with at least 30 degrees of bank back to
with 30° pitch up and at the same time having to achieve hover. The BO 105 reached its maximum sideward velocity
hover over a designated spot. Although this requirement almost immediately, so that most of the time was spent
could be met, it required a fair amount of training and a good regaining hover (Fig. 19). Lateral displacement during the
maneuver was in the order of about 100 to 150 ft.
i| o^/yA^—vVw^v-
10 15 10 15
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Fig. 18: Control inputs and BO 105 response for two Fig. 19: Lateral cyclic input and the helicopter response
pilots flying the acceleration/deceleration maneuver. during the sidestep maneuver.
The mean handling qualities rating for this maneuver was difficult to measure (e.g. gust response characteristics), or
6.3, which reflects the numerous difficulties encountered. because they required a qualitative rather than a quantitative
Despite its high control power, the BO 105 was unable to statement.
meet desired performance, even adequate performance was
hard to attain. Controlling the helicopter through the high
roll rates and bank angles required a lot of lead com- Quant. Level
pensation. Fig. 19 shows a time history of the lateral cyclic
If the results
inputs, bank angle, angular rates, and indicated torque re-
sponse of the BO 105 during the sidestep. The bank angle do not agree
response shows the difficulty in regaining hover after the Qual. Level
initial input has been made. The almost oscillatory torque
response is indicative of the power control problems during
the maneuver. Since the sidestep maneuver takes the BO Maybe the quantitative
105 almost beyond its performance limits, a lot of the pilot's criteria are too restrictive ?
efforts went into controlling the rotor speed and torque. or
Headi ng control necessary to compensate for the severe yaw Maybe the flight test
coupling, aggravated by the poor yaw damping charac- maneuver do not properly
teristics, was another major source of handling qualities assesses these criteria ?
problems. The third problem encountered was pitch-due-to-
roll coupling, as evidenced by the nearly oscillatory pitch Maybe the qualitative
rate response. Or, as one pilot commented: "Added to the criteria are too restrictive ?
yaw oscillations and rotor/power train oscillations it [pitch- or
roll coupling] pushed the pilot workload over the top". Maybe a new quantitative
Coupling seemed more severe on roll out, "due to collective criterion should be
inputs required to maintain altitude during the 30° bank added to ADS-33 ?
These results underline that the sidestep is capable of ex- There is no need to add
posing both engine and multi-axis coupling problems in new criteria to ADS-33.
lateral axis maneuvering. Nevertheless, the evaluation pi-
lots considered the maneuver irrelevant for helicopters like
the BO 105. The rapid succession of lateral acceleration and Fig. 20: Obligatory questions resulting out of discre
deceleration was found unrealistic, as were the imposed pancies between the results of the quantitative and
bank angle requirements. It is suggested that bank angle qualitative evaluations.
requirements be reduced, at least for non-attack helicopters
like the BO 105, or that bank angles be made part of the
performance requirements. It is also suggested, that the Limitations of the Qualitative Evaluations
lateral acceleration and deceleration phases of the sidestep The qualitative evaluation of the BO 105s handling qualities
are separated by a phase where the helicopter laterally covered all maneuvers in good visual conditions (but of
translates with constant velocity. course at only one configuration of weight and eg). Most
maneuvers were performed by three experienced test pilots
COMPARISON OF THE QUANTITATIVE AND who agreed on the handling qualities rating - even when
QUALITATIVE EVALUATIONS there existed differences in piloting technique.
During the design of ADS-33, the limitations of the quan- Figure 21 shows the dominant controller frequencies that
titative criteria were correctly recognized [13]. No matter were observed during the different maneuvers. This figure
how large the handling qualities database, it will always be is based on a relatively simple analysis of the time histories
impossible to define a set of quantitative criteria that is so of the pilot's control activity. Control inputs for the hover,
comprehensive that desirable handling qualities can be vertical remask and yo-yo maneuvers extended up to 15
guaranteed over the entire maneuver spectrum - unless rad/sec, which is well beyond the neutral stability frequency
undue restrictions are imposed. For that reason, the quanti- of all primary axes. Other maneuvers, like deceleration-to-
tative criteria are supplemented by the demonstration ma- dash and pull-up push-over, demand relatively little of the
neuvers. This allows the discovery of handling qualities short term response, although the inputs still exceed the
deficiencies not covered by the quantitative criteria. At the bandwidth frequency. Very few maneuvers seemed to as-
same time, it is recognized that failing to meet the quantita- sess the long term response of the helicopter, which may be
tive criteria should result in less than desirable handling a reason for the differences between the Level 3 assessment
qualities - which may or may then not be exposed by the of the unstable Phugoid and the borderline Level 1-2 han-
ADS-33 demonstration maneuvers. In general, a compari- dling qualities during maneuvers like hover, landing and
son of the results of a qualitative and a quantitative evalu- slope landing.
ation is likely to raise a number of questions, schematically
summarized in Fig. 20. Comparison of the Results
Limitations of the Quantitative Evaluations Short term and large amplitude response
The evaluation of the quantitative criteria of the BO 105 Both the quantitative and qualitative evaluations showed
provides not more than a snapshot of the BO 105's handling the BO 105 with an excellent short term pitch and roll
qualities in hover and at 80 kt. Because of the limited flying response. Some shortcomings to the roll quickness were
time available, no evaluations were made at other velocities, noted during the sidestep maneuver, and pitch control
at different weight and eg conditions, or at different alti- power was a problem during the pull-up push-over maneu-
tudes. Some criteria were not evaluated at all, either because ver. Nevertheless, Level 1 handling qualities seems quite
they were irrelevant to the BO 105, because they were too reasonable.
The use of parameter identification for the estimation of 10) Ockier, C.J., Pausder, H.-J. and Blanken, C.L., "An In-
the height response to a collective step provides an vestigation of the Effects of Pitch-Roll (De)-Coupling
interesting tool for the analysis of the vertical axis re- on Helicopter Handling Qualities," DLR FB 95-08,
sponse. An extension to the estimation of rotor speed Feb. 1995. (Also: NASA TM 110349.)
response might provide a useful analysis tool for engine
and helicopter control systems designers alike. Beyond 11) Ockier, C.J. and Gollnick, V., "Evaluation of Selected
this, the use of parameter identification might be useful Demonstration Maneuvers Using the BO 105 S-123 -
for the determination of the classic stability parameters 1994 Flight Test Results," DLR Institute of Flight
(at least for unaugmented helicopters). Mechanics, IB 111-95/21, May 1995.
The flight test maneuvers in the qualitative evaluation
provide the necessary counterpart to the quantitative 12) Soijer, M.W., "Evaluation of Selected Quantitative
evaluations. The description of the maneuvers has im- and Qualitative ADS-33D Maneuvers Using the
proved significantly from ADS-33C, and provided an BO 105 - Preliminary Results of the 1995 Flight
excellent basis for testing the BO 105. Tests," DLR Institute of Flight Mechanics, IB
111-95/27, Aug. 1995.
The aggressive maneuvers in ADS-33D may lie very
close to the limits of performance of attack helicopters
and are certainly difficult to achieve with other helicop- 13) Key, D.L. and Höh, R.H., "New Handling Qualities
ters. A reformulation of the maneuvers to incorporate Requirements and How They Can Be Met," 43r
helicopters with different roles and missions seems nec- Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, St.
essary. Louis (Mo), May 1987.
- Handling Qualities Data Base for Hover and Low Speed Flight -
G. Bouwer
A. Taghizad
H. Mödden
The next step in ONERA/DLR cooperation was a mission Two pilots during 1 week evaluated the handling qualities
analysis of civil helicopters in hover and low speeds [4]. of 28 configurations of ACAH response types and 17 con-
This work enabled the definition of a task scenario for the figurations of RCAH response types. Figures 1 and 2 illus-
HQ database generation. The essential results out of the trate these configurations in a bandwidth / phase delay
mission analysis are listed below: diagram.
1.) In general, civil hover and low speed helicopter
operation is careful maneuvering (small attitudes with 0,3
^ ^
corresponding small control inputs; mid term and short term & <&
response characteristics, predictability of the response & ty ty & ■&
rather than control power, stabilisation). 0,2
The Simulator System
Height »•* 1-5 ■»
The CEV simulator in Istres is a ground based simulator Pojition in a] _
ofthcrahbit within a circle R =
placed in a 10 m diameter dome. It is equiped with a CGI Heading deviation +/- S deg
visual system, for which the scenario is adapted to helicop- Lateral ovcrahoot +/-3 m
The main information provided from the HUD is the relative Figures 7 and 8 show the results of the pilots' Cooper-Har-
position of the helicopter to the rabbit. A cross, moving per ratings, presented on a bandwidth / phase delay dia-
within a circle, represents the helicopter. The circle is the gram. They illustrate the two tested response-types ACAH
limit of the adequate performance in the horizontal plane. (figure 7) and RCAH (figure 8). The pilot ratings harmonize
Its center is the rabbit. The objective is to superimpose the very well. The low number of RCAH configurations is due
cross with the circle center, or at worst, to avoid leaving the to the fact that during the trials, pilots preferred the ACAH
circle. control law. For ACAH, a limitation on handling qualities
levels appeared for the bandwidth of about 2.5 rad/sec for
The HUD also provides additional height cues. When the
height requirements are not respected, a danger triangle Level 1 and 1.5 rad/sec for Level 2. A maximum limit on
phase delay is also shown for Level I handling qualities at
appears on the bottom-right side of the screen, accompanied
with a bell. about 0.19 second. The interpretation of pilots preferance
for ACAH response-type rather than for RCAH is difficult.
Pilot comments tend to confirm that this task is perfectly One reason may be the underestimation of the lateral aero-
defined on the simulator. According to them, all the required dynamic drag coefficient in the Conceptual Simulation
information for performance evaluation is available in a Model.
simple manner.
delay - CHR
, («0
0.2 M
»• «[}
5 ,-
i L*rol2
4 \.-
4 H
3 | Ltvtll
0.1 :
21 W i*0 6 V>' % « vSJ
Figure 8 : Results of the RCAH Configuration in the Figure 9 : In-Flight Simulator ATTHeS
Bandwidth-Phase Delay Plane
1. the FbW/L disengaged mode, where the safety pilot had In all cases the filter parameter xp was 20.0 rad/s. Pitch and
the exclusive control, roll axis had the same principal behaviour, the parameters
were harmonized. The resulting parameters for the band-
2. the 1:1 mode, where the simulation pilot had the full width-phase delay diagrams after [3] were calculated off-
authority to fly the baseline helicopter, and line including 90 ms delay of the basic helicopter and the
3. the simulation mode, where the simulation pilot was sampling delay.
flying a simulated helicopter command model with full The time histories of typical states during the lateral track-
authority. ing task with a Level 1 rate command configuration in figure
In the 1:1 and simulation modes the flight envelope of the 11 are discussed from top to bottom. The lateral pilot control
testbed was restricted to 50 ft above ground in hover and and the lateral actuator have the highest activity, both are
100 ft in forward flight. similar in this rate command configuration because the
basic BO 105 has nearly a rate command behaviour. Com-
For in-flight simulation purposes, the most promising manded and real roll attitude coincide well. The longitudi-
method for a control system design is to force the host nal pilot control has very little activity in contrary to the
helicopter to respond on the pilot inputs as an explicit longitudinal actuator, which indicates a high pitch coupling
calculated command model. This gives the ability to decou- of the BO 105, which is very well suppressed by the MFCS.
ple the helicopter axis and to tailor each axis individually Desired pitch attitude and real pitch attitude again have very
for the desired application. The explicit Model Following little activity, the control error is less than two degrees.
Control System (MFCS) design of ATTHeS provided the Collective pilot control and actuator coincide, because they
airborne simulator with the demanded level of simulation are connected 1:1, the pilot has to control the radio altitude
fidelity. A detailed description of the ATTHeS in-flight himself with collective inputs. The pilot doesn't make any
simulator system is given in [9]. pedal inputs because of the heading hold in the yaw axis,
whereas the tail rotor actuator shows high activity to hold
the Heading with an error less than five degrees during
The Flight Task maneuvering.
The principle flight task arrangement is shown in figure 10.
On top of a car a special designed arrangement of lamps was Lat.cyclic %
s Height = 50 feet
Longitudinal Distance8
Pftch Attitude rod
Collective %
bandwidth (rad/sec)
Height +/- 5 ft
/J^Lateral Position +/- 3 m CONCLUSIONS
■o A handling qualities data base was generated from simula-
Adequate Performance tion trials and from in-flight tests on the DLR's ATTHeS.
The main objective for this data base was to identify Level
Height +/- 10 ft, Lateral Position +/- 6 m 1 configurations of HQ and its boundary with Level 2. The
-Ö simulation trials were mainly used to provide a background
on these handling qualities investigations and to validate the
adopted approach, in order to prepare the flight tests. They
Figure 13 : View of the Camera on the Tracking Target also provided first results for the HQ data base.
2- Helicopter's body motion and it's inertia coupling to the [5] Taghizad, A. "Evaluation Of The CEV Ground
stick is a disturbing effect to maintain the stick in a fix Simulation Facility For The Smart Helicopter
position. Concept Of ONERA/DLR", ONERA, Direction des
Etudes de Synthese, Report RT 13/5161, Salon de
Further investigations are necessary to analyse in detail all
the parameters which influence the ACAH control law Provence, 1993
performance in flight. In the framework of these investiga- [6] Taghizad, A., "Handling Qualities Simulation Tests
tions the effect of active inceptors on this specific response- At CEV. ONERA/DLR Cooperation on the Smart
type could also be taken into account. Helicopter", ONERA, Direction des Etudes et de
The RCAH controller provided very good results in flight. Synthese, Report RT 23/5161, Salon de Provence,
One of the reasons of its success was the very good decou- 1995
pling of yaw axis. The directional hold was appreciated by
all the pilots. [7] NN, "Presentation des Moyens de Simulation
TIGRE/GERFAUT", Centre d'Essais en Vol,
Finally, pilots commented that this task was very well Section Etudes et Simulations, Decembre 1993
adapted to check helicopter's lateral axis handling qualities
in hover and low speeds. From both tests (simulations and [8] von Grünhagen, W., et. al. "A High Bandwidth Con-
in-flight) a very good harmony between pilots Cooper-Har- trol System for a Helicopter In-Flight Simulator",
per ratings was noted. International Journal of Control, Vol. 59, No.l, 1994
RCAH-4 23 sec 0..1 sec 4 desired importants efforts mainly to control roll
r-Nrr=kpeddped(t-%) k Constant
t Time
r=0 (turn coordination)
O Euler angle roll
4> = /7+tan(0)(gsin(<t>)+rcos(<I>))
0 Euler angle pitch
0 = q cos (<J>) - r sin (O) W Euler angle yaw = heading
Lp Roll damping
4* = coef{ r+coef2 — tan(3>)
u Mq Pitch damping
Ö + 2Dco06+CD(2)0=/cto5,,„(f-T)
Ö) + 2Dü)O0+Cü 10=^„8,,„(?-T)
D. VanDam
W.R. Davis Engineering Limited
J. Bird
Institute for Aerospace Research
National Research Council
D. Luisi
DAEPM(C), Department of National Defence
I = e
T = spectral transmissivity
a = atmospheric extinction coefficient
(for a specific spectral range and
atmospheric condition)
Figure 1 shows a polar plot of the IR The topic of this paper is limited to the
signature in the 3-5 micron waveband of discussion of two of the concepts which
the baseline helicopter the above assumed are representative of today's technology.
conditions. The relative c ontributions of These are suppressors which provide both
the maj or components have b een shown metal and plume cooling. Suppressor #1
separately. These results of the thermal has been designated the Film Cooled
model have been validated b ased on Tailpipe (FCT) and suppressor #2 has been
measured data (DREV, 1990) The actual designated the Optical Block Suppressor
results are classified and therefore only (OBS). The major difference between the
general comparisons will be presented in two is the fact that the OBS provides full
this paper. optical blockage while the FCT allows a
view of the engine exhaust nozzles for the
The figure shows that the IR signature of rear view angle. The performance of the
the aircraft varies significantly from two devices in terms of visible metal and
front to rear views as is expected. The plume temperatures are comparable. The
device which provides full optical this development program was the SA-7
blockage does however cause higher losses shoulder launched surface to air (SAM) IR
to the engine performance. missile. This threat is representative of
the type of technology which is cheap and
Figure 2 shows the resulting aircraft IR readily available worldwide.
signature with the two IRSS concepts
included. The figure shows a significant Figure 3 shows the predicted seeker lock-
reduction in the signature of the on ranges versus contrast radiant
helicopter for both concepts with the intensity for a number of IR SAM's for
biggest difference between the FCT and OBS comparison purposes (DAVIS, 1991). The
being the view of the engine exhaust results are based on a surface with an
components at the rear view angle. area of 900 cm2 with a temperature varying
from 50 to 450°C under clear day
The side-on signature is reduced to conditions. The figure clearly shows the
approximately 30% of the baseline and the relative performance of the SA-7 (low
signature from the rear views has been temperature operation (LTO)) in comparison
reduced to approximately 40% of the to the Stinger and imaging IR (IIR) type
baseline for the FCT and 8% of the seeker.
baseline for the OBS. The side-on
signature for both the FCT and OBS are
mainly due to the heated section of the
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Contrast Radiant Intensity (W/SR)
The upper curve shown in the figure is the
predicted perfect mixer limit for the AMS.
The perfect mixer analysis approach can be
used to estimate the theoretical limits of
an ejector performance under ideal flow-
conditions. The model was based on the
following assumptions:
The results of the test program are shown with similar sections of the FCT as
in Figure 9. The results have been non- opposed to modifying existing components.
dimensionalized with respect to the
perfect mixer performance to account for The requirement to have no modifications
varying test conditions and component to the aircraft meant that the FCT would
geometries. As the results indicate, the have to fit within the same space envelope
performance of the AMS has been doubled as the current exhaust system components.
from that of the baseline. This means The device was also required to utilize
that for no applied back pressure on the the same mounting points and mounting
exhaust, the secondary flow rate has hardware as the current exhaust
components. These requirements would
ultimately allow the FCT to be installed
in kit form which would be mission
Figure 9: Results of AMS Improvements A review of the material selection for the
existing exhaust components showed that
doubled, or with the addition of the tailpipe was fabricated from type 321
approximately 1000 Pa (4" water) of back stainless steel and the nozzle was
pressure the secondary flow remains the fabricated from type N155 high nickel
same as the baseline. steel. The complete FCT was fabricated
out of type 321 SS for ease of
FCT AEROTHERMAL DESIGN FEATURES manufacturing. Components of the tailpipe
including mounting flanges and seals were
The main aerothermal features which were purchased from the original equipment
incorporated into the design of the FCT manufacturer.
were an improved nozzle design, a flow
wedge downstream of the nozzle to improve Finite element modelling was utilized for
the flow channel geometry and the use of vibration, shock and thermal fatigue
film cooling for both visible metal and analysis. Fatigue resulting from
plume cooling. These features are shown helicopter induced vibrations,
in Figure 10. specifically the rotor and engine, were
considered the critical design parameter
The other flow modifying devices were for this analysis. Figure 11 shows a view
maintained as options in the event that of the finite element model of the
additional capability was required from tailpipe section of the FCT.
the FCT. The OBS may also utilize some of test.
the other features.
- _ i; A
-* \ M \I
Flow Wedge
Nozzle Design
Figure 12: FCT Vibration Test Figure 13: Photo of FCT Fabrication
Table 2 shows the results for the first
five modes of vibration which occur below The first step in the verification testing
the fundamental forcing frequency of the of the suppressor was to ensure that it
engine (ie. 110 Hz). would fit within the space envelope of the
helicopter. It should be noted that
drawings of the helicopter were not
provided during the design and development
Frequency (Hz)
FE Model Test Results
1 44 48
2 62 61
3 72 70
4 77 75
The results show that the back pressure The aim of this activity was to evaluate
and resulting engine power loss are the interaction of a prototype infrared
considerably lower than the original suppressor with a T400 helicopter engine
design targets. installation in a test cell. Specifically
the test objectives were:
The signature of the helicopter with the
FCT installed has been estimated based on i) measure the effect of replacing the
the results of the wind tunnel testing. existing exhaust ejector with each of
Figure 16 shows the predictions. the prototype suppressor on the
performance of the engine, and air
management system; and
ii) measure the performance of the
Parameter Result Spec
suppressor with actual engine inlet
and exhaust flows.
Back Pressure (Pa) 665 4000
To meet these requirements, test
0.7 1.5 facilities and procedures were developed
Power Loss (%)
to simulate the helicopter installation
Weight Increase (kg) 4.5 40 and evaluate system performance (Bird and
Barry, 1996). Specifically, the
Particle Separation 100 100 helicopter AMS and tailpipe ejector were
Flow (%) integrated into the T400 engine test
facility in #2 Cell at the National
Research Council Canada (NRC) (Figure 17).
Table 3: Preliminary Test Results Baseline performance of the engine and AMS
could then be measured using the existing to the power section airflow with AMS
helicopter configuration. Engine bypass airflow shut-off; and
performance was then re-measured following iv) determine the AMS bypass flow as the
replacement of the existing exhaust nozzle difference between the AMS total
and tailpipe with the prototype airflow and the power section
suppressor. airflow.
comparison of the engine power change for 30000 31000 32000 33000 34000 35000 36000 37000 380CO
the suppressor installation. As shown the GAS GENERATOR SPEED_(_CORRECTCD)_ j
performance loss is small.
Figure 19 shows the typical bypass flow Figure 19: AMS Pumping Ratio Change for
rate for the baseline AMS, resulting from Baseline Installation
the airflow calibration process. The
suppressor results will be compared to
this baseline when available. effects on tailboom heating, and
vibration characteristics of its exhaust
components (tailpipe). These tests are
currently being conducted by the Flight
Research Lab/NRC.
heads (SA-7, SA-13, SA-18, SA-16, DREV Twin Huey IR Video, ASE Trials, June
Stinger B, and AA-11). 1991 - Valcartier.
G. Mussett
Bell Helicopter Textron Canada
12800, rue de l'Avenir
Mirabel, Quebec, J7J 1R4, Canada.
Bell Helicopter Textron is developing a technology demonstrator The Bell Helicopter Model 412 and Model 212 are twin engine
in the form of a Composite Tailboom for the Model 412 and 212 commercial medium lift helicopters (6000 lb -12000 lb gross
helicopters, to potentially replace the existing metallic design. weight) derived from the HUEY-UH1 helicopter used by the US
Military. The two bladed Model 212 entered service in 1971
The composite tailboom has been designed for producibility and followed by the four bladed Model 412 in 1981 and now there
low cost whilst maintaining the capability to withstand the are 920 Model 212's and 450 Model 412's operating world wide.
operating environment of the Model 412 and 212 helicopters. Both the Model 412 and 212 are now manufactured at Bell
During the development of the tailboom, concurrent engineering Helicopters facility in Mirabel Canada. Typical missions for
philosophies were used so that manufacturing and tooling Model 212 and 412 include offshore support, search and rescue,
considerations were recognised in the design concept stage emergency medical services and external loads such as logging.
resulting in a very economical and producible design. Additionally Operating in these roles the tailboom is subjected to a high
the composite tailboom has been designed for fatigue with a high temperature, corrosion and fatigue environment. Figure 1 shows
degree of redundancy in critical areas making it very tolerant to a schematic view of a Model 412 Helicopter.
in service damage. This has been proven by an extensive material The tailboom on the Model 212 and 412 comprises a monocoque
qualification and structural test program at Bell Helicopter. boom section with an integral vertical fin and attaches to the
The composite tailboom is scheduled for flight test and FAA main fuselage via four bolts. The tailboom supports the tailrotor,
certification in 1996. its drive system and the synchronized elevator. A baggage
Figure 1
Bell Model 412
Paper presented at the FVP Symposium on "Advances in Rotorcraft Technology'
held in Ottawa, Canada, 27-30 May 1996, and published in CP-592.
compartment that carries up to 4001b of cargo makes up the 2.2 General Description
forward section of the tailboom. The composite tailboom comprises a carbon-bismaleimide
Technical advancements in the producibility of composite bonded assembly with the existing dynamic components attached
via mechanical fasteners.
structure at Bell has provided the opportunity to upgrade the
Model 412. In 1992 Bell Helicopter started a project to enhance The bonded assembly is a honeycomb stiffened monocoque
the Model 412 in the form of a new composite tailboom design. structure assembled from a minimum number of components.
The basic construction comprises minimum gauge carbon
2 DESIGN bismaleimide facesheets sandwiched around a phenolic fibreglass
honeycomb core. Figure 2 shows an exploded view of the bonded
2.1 Design Approach assembly comprising a four piece skin construction with internal
The primary project goal is to develop an FAA certified composite substructure. Note that there are no mechanical fasteners used in
tailboom for the Model 412 that meets the customer needs. These the bonded assembly. The four main skins extend the full length
included reducing operating costs by improving reliability, of the tailboom and includie the vertical fin as an integral part of
increased baggage volume, weight reduction and cost the side skins. These main skins include integral angles and tee
competitiveness with the existing metal tailboom in production. caps that are cured to the inner facing skins to accommodate the
Additional design objective included the ability to withstand the internal substructure. For load introduction areas doubler packs
high engine exhaust temperatures, improved dynamic and are incorporated into the main skins to give the extra strength
vibration characteristics, a flaw tolerant safe life design and and stiffness required. This replaces conventional longerons and
provision for increased tailrotor thrust. stiffeners.
Developing a composite design that is cost competitive meant The internal substructure includes a baggage compartment floor
that designing for producibility was of major importance. and roof, bulkheads and frames in the boom section, forward
Therefore, manufacturing and tooling considerations needed to and aft fin spars and two fin ribs. In total there are only seventeen
be recognised at the design concept stage. To accommodate all components making up the bonded assembly. These components
the design goals as well as designing for producibility a concurrent are bonded together using two different joint configurations
engineering team was set up, comprising engineers from design, shown in figure 3. The four main skins are joined to each other
stress, dynamics, weights, cost, manufacturing, tooling, materials along their length using a bonded splice joint. The internal
and product support. Following a revision of tailboom design structure is bonded to the main skins via integral angles and tee
criteria and extensive trade studies on manufacturing methods, caps in a lap joint configuration. Where fittings are mechanically
tooling, materials, and cost the engineering team developed a fastened to the bonded assembly the core is cut away and doublers
design concept that is very economical and producible. added so that fasteners attach to solid laminate only.
Figure 2
Exploded View of Composite Tailboom Construction
Wherever possible on the new design the existing dynamic 2.3 Materials
components have been used. These include the tailrotor and its The main criteria for material selection is to minimise in-service
drive system, the synchronized elevator, the anti-torque control problems. This includes a material that will not corrode, has good
system and the tailskid. Modifications have been required on fatigue characteristics and is able to operate at high temperatures.
the elevator control system and the tailrotor driveshaft. The The material must also have good strength to weight ratio. For
tailrotor driveshaft modification was required to account for the these reasons bismaleimide carbon reinforced resin was chosen
difference in thermal expansion between the carbon tailboom as the main material for the tailboom.
and the aluminium driveshaft caused by heating from the engine
exhaust. All of the fittings on the tailboom including the main The composite tailboom is constructed using plain weave fabric
fuselage attachment fittings have been redesigned to interface and unidirectional tape. The bismaleimide resin system has the
with the new composite construction. ability to operate in a 350F wet environment as compared to
traditional epoxy resin systems which are limited to 280F wet
The new tailboom design includes an increased size baggage operating environments. The sandwich core is a woven fibreglass
compartment with two doors compared to the single door on the reinforced phenolic honeycomb chosen for its good shear
existing tailboom. The driveshaft covers, all access doors and properties and high operating temperature. Bismaleimide film
fairings have all been redesigned using carbon-bismaleimide. adhesive is used to bond the facing skins to the core. The outer
To protect against lightning strike the outer surface of the tailboom surfaces of the main skins have a thin film adhesive layer that
is covered in a copper mesh which is grounded to the fuselage. contains the copper shielding used for lightning protection.
Due to the poor galvanic compatibility between carbon and
aluminium, steel and cadmium plate the preferred material on
the composite tailboom for fittings and fasteners is titanium.
Aluminum has been used for some of the fittings where it is
impractical to use titanium. In these cases a glass bismaleimide
barrier is placed between the carbon and the fitting.
2.4 Design for Producibility
The primary objective in designing for producibility is to achieve
low recurring costs during manufacture. This has been achieved
on the composite tailboom by minimising the number of parts,
reducing the layup cycle time and simplifying the assembly
process. Having manufacturing development and tooling
INTEGRAL TEE engineers involved in the design from the fist day of the program
has allowed the design concept to evolve around these basic
The use of composites allows very large continuous components
to be designed, the size being restricted only by the limits of the
manufacturing facility available such as autoclave size and layup
LAP JOINT I area. In the case of the composite tailboom it has been possible
to design components such as the side skins the full length of the
tailboom (21ft) within the size limits of the existing
manufacturing facilities at Bell. Designing skin panels the full
ADHESIVE length of the tailboom has allowed the main structure to be
designed with minimum components. A four piece skin
construction was chosen to maintain a simple component shape
for the main skin details and to ease the assembly process. The
simple geometric shape of the main skins has led to simplified
cure tool design and an easier layup process. The four piece skin
construction allows a two stage final assembly operation giving
greater access during assembly and subsequent inspection.
Another major factor in reducing the parts count and simplifying
the joining and assembly operation is cobonding or cocuring tees
and angles to the main skins. Cocuring is the process of
MAIN SKINS simultaneously curing a composite detail and bonding it to another
component during the same cure cycle. In this case the prepreg
resin acts as the adhesive between the two components.
Cobonding is when a detail is precured and then bonded using a
film adhesive to another component during its cure cycle. Figure
4 shows a cocured tee section located on the inner facing sheet
SPLICE JOINT of a main skin panel held in place by mandrels during the cure
The composite tailboom design has been generated in 3D CATIA.
Lines Engineers generated an Outer Mold Line (OML) model
Figure 3 which has been used as the single source database for all
Composite Tailboom Joint Configurations subsequent activities. This includes tool design who used the
The bond assembly stage is done using simple 'through the part'
bonding with an oven cure. For example on the main skin splice
MANDRELS joints, pressure is applied to the joint using rubber faced cleco
bars. This process alleviates complicated and expensive bonding
PRESSURE operations and curing in an oven ensures uniform bondline
temperatures throughout the tailboom.
Figure 5
Nastran Finite Element Model
critical areas that still exist on the composite tailboom include cycle, parameters such as ramp rates, dwell temperatures and
the attachment of fittings to the bonded assembly via mechanical • durations, pressure and vacuum were all experimented with. BMI
fasteners. In particular this includes the fuselage attachment degrades nylon at high temperatures and so several bagging
fittings, the elevator attachment fittings and the tailrotor materials needed to be tested for compatibility before a suitable
attachment casting on the fin tip. For these joints the fastener high temperature BMI resistant bagging film was found.
hole bearing stresses have been designed below the endurance
limit for both the carbon and the metal fitting. Additionally the 3.1.2 Material and Design Risk Reduction
metal fittings have been analysed to show that they meet the Once the manufacturing process for the BMI had been developed,
flaw tolerant safe life requirements of FAR 29.571 (b)(1). exhaustive testing and studies of the basic panel construction
For static strength requirement existing Model 412 and 212 were performed as a risk reduction activity to prove the panel
external loads were used and the tailboom was designed with a design concepts and the material suitability for the tailboom
provision for 20% future growth in tailrotor thrust. Generally, construction. This development work consisted of environmental
from a strength view point, the composite tailboom is a very testing, material compatibility and formability, adhesive quality,
efficient design utilising the benefits of sandwich panels and and panel concept evaluation.
making effective use of fibre orientation and ply build up where Environmental testing included hot water soaks, moisture pickup
they are required. Doubler packs that include mainly 0 degree under hot humid conditions, salt spray, galvanic corrosion, high
tape plies have been used to efficiently transfer load into the temperature exposure and aging. Material compatibility studies
main skins in load introduction areas eliminating the need for and tests were performed to look at surfacing, paste adhesives,
longerons and stiffeners. This is further emphasised by the use core splice adhesives, and lightning strike screens.
of honeycomb sandwich construction that provides lightweight
nonbuckling panels requiring no stiffeners. Generally the overall Test were done to look at the formability of the fabric and tape,
construction of the composite tailboom provides a very redundant the placing of thick preplied doubler packs into curved tools
structure that should prove very tolerant to in-service damage. without wrinkling, curved panel spring back after cure, and the
suitability of tool release agents.
2.6 Design for Reliability The adhesive quality tests examined the viability, strength and
Designing for reliability was the major factor in the decision to process repeatability of the core to facesheet cocure bond. Several
use composite materials for the tailboom. The Model 412 sandwich panels with BMI adhesives at different weights were
tailboom is required to operate in a diverse range of harsh manufactured and the adhesive filet inspected for cure quality,
environments. This includes temperatures up to 350F due to material composition (resin/adhesive), and adhesive
engine exhaust gases, cold conditions down to -70F, wet, humid displacement. Flatwise tension tests were then performed so that
and sea salt spray conditions and fatigue loading from the tailrotor the optimum adhesive weight and strength could be determined.
and elevator. Metal structure subjected to these conditions can
suffer from corrosion and fatigue cracking of joints pushing up A series of panels were manufactured so that an evaluation of
operating costs. The careful material selection and the some basic panel design properties could be performed. This
configuration of the new composite tailboom design will included visual quality, panel weight, surface quality, leak checks,
considerably reduce these problems. Section 4.0 describes much and pressure and temperature resistance. The surface quality
of the testing that has been done under critical environmental evaluation comprised assessing the minimum amount of surface
and loading conditions to prove the reliability of the composite preparation required for painting and the quality of the surface
tailboom design. after painting. Leak tests included immersing panels in hot and
cold water for long periods and checking for panel leaks visually
3.0 TAILBOOM MANUFACTURE and by weight gain. Simulated post cures were performed
subjecting panels to high temperatures to assess the effect of any
3.1 Manufacturing Development internal panel air pressure.
From the initial stage of the composite tailboom program the These risk reduction tests were performed prior to the material
manufacturing development engineers started working in parallel qualification tests for certification that are described in section
with design to develop manufacturing processes and techniques.
This work included material process development, material and
design risk reduction tests, and development of manufacturing 3.1.4 Fabrication and Tooling Techniques
techniques for specific design features. The development of fabrication and tooling techniques for
specific design features was a major driver of the design, tailoring
3.1.1 Material Process Development many features for producibility.
One of the greatest challenges for manufacturing development
was to develop the processing of the carbon bismaleimide (BMI) The manufacture of the cocured tees and angles onto the main
so that it could be repeatable for large scale primary structure. skins using mandrels in the main skin layup tool required several
Prior to the composite tailboom program BMI had only been development activities. The offset of the mandrels on all of the
used at Bell in a limited way for secondary structure and the use curved skin panels needs to be known precisely so that the
of BMI throughout the aircraft industry was and still is very manderals can be machined to the correct shape. A perfect fit of
limited. This meant that manufacturing development had to start the mandrels will ensure that an even pressure is obtained on the
with a "blank sheet of paper". A large amount of effort went into top surface of the laminate. Two factors effect this offset, firstly
the development of the cure cycle for the BMI tailoring it to the cured laminate thickness and secondly the compression of
Bell's bagging technique and the type of construction being used the sandwich construction during cure. Many laminates and
on the composite tailboom. Many material characteristics needed sandwich panels were cured and measured to establish satisfactory
to be optimised such as material tack, resin content, void content, statistical data to estimate the offset.
glass transition temperature and percentage of cross linking. A The level of fixation required for the installation of the mandrels
modified edge bleed system at low cure pressure was developed. for the cocured tees needed to be determined to allow for
To achieve the required material characteristics from the cure
movement during the cure. Forming curved tees and angles evaluate the effect of the tool mass on the autoclave cure cycle.
without having to resort to darting of the plies was a These results were then used to further modify the substructure
manufacturing and structures objective. This was simply achieved to achieve the desired results. The final outcome is an invar tool
by using only 45 degree fabric that can be formed around the design that allows equivalent cure times to composite tooling.
skin curvature for the tees and angles without excessive stretching.
The internal substructure of the composite tailboom is made up
Another manufacturing feature that required significant from flat or very small details. For these simple detail tools
development work was the secondary bonding process for the thermal expansion is of little concern and so aluminum NC
tailboom bonded assembly. The objective was to obtain a bondline machined or flat plate tools are used. The design of the bond
thickness of .005" to .008" by use of mechanical pressure with structure allows some float of these internal details to
uniform heating of the joints throughout the complete tailboom accommodate any minor discrepancies.
assembly. Bars are clamped to the bondlines using cleco's that
For future production of the composite tailboom Ultrasonic Ply
apply minimal clamping pressure. The assembly is then heated
Cutters and Laser Ply Projection Locators will be used in
in an oven, curing the bondline. Many tests were performed to
conjunction with the layup tools to speed production of the detail
optimize the bondline thickness and quality. Variables included
the amount and type of adhesive, the pitch of the cleco's, the
thickness of the cleco bars and the amount of adhesive squeeze- Once all of the composite details have been made, only minimum
out obtained. tooling is required to perform the assembly operation. An
assembly jig is used for the location of all the composite details
3.2 Tooling for the bonded assembly. This tool simply locates the composite
The principal tools used on the composite tailboom program are details for a prefit operation in which the cleco holes are drilled
the four main skin layup tools. Figure 6 shows the Right Hand for the pressure bars. After bonding this tool is also used for
Skin Tool. A tool material was required that has the same thermal locating the fittings that make up the mechanical assembly.
expansion as carbon bismaleimide. Available options included
the high nickel alloy invar, or composite tools. Invar tools were 3.3 Tailboom Fabrication
chosen as they have an infinite life and the invar can be machined The first composite tailboom bond assembly to be produced is
directly from NC programs eliminating the need for a master shown in figure 7. The manufacture of this first boom was very
making them cheaper than composite tools. The skin tools are successful with very few problems encountered throughout each
fairly large tools over 20ft in length and so a major concern in stage of the fabrication process. The extensive manufacturing
using invar is the large mass of the tool affecting the heatup rate development and design approach used had paid off. Detail parts
of the skins during the autoclave cure cycle. For this reason finite produced were of very high quality with virtually no defects
element models of the skin tools were generated to perform a present on the first articles made. The final assembly operation
thermal and a stiffness analysis. A minimum weight substructure proved to be very simple with the parts fitting together so well
was required to lessen the overall mass of the tool and so the that no gaps requiring shimming were present in any of the joints
results from the stiffness analysis were used to optimize the over the entire bonded assembly.
configuration of the substructure. A thermal evaluation of the
The manufacture of this first bonded tailboom assembly has
autoclave was performed and this information fed into the finite
shown the potential for future low cost production.
element model so that the thermal analysis could accurately
Figure 6
Right Hand Skin Layup Tool
ijSKv^i" iiJyläJl^S'HcBriii
Figure 7
Composite Tailboom Bonded Assembly
3.4 Inspection design allowables. The material qualification tests of the tape
The use of BMI carbon and the unique design features of the and fabric included traditional physical property tests, laminate
composite tailboom meant that non-destructive inspection (NDI) chemical resistance tests, and laminae mechanical property tests.
standards and techniques needed to be established. A series of
panels were manufactured incorporating many of the design The design allowables were determined by testing laminates of
features on the composite tailboom. The panels contained differing fibre orientations that represent actual design laminates.
imbedded pieces of teflon tape representative of manufacturing Design allowables generated include open hole tension, filled
flaws of different sizes. The panels were used to develop NDI hole tension, open hole compression and joint bearing.
standards by establishing ultrasonic signals for acceptable quality Allowables were derived in consideration of material and process
material and identification of flaws. Ultrasonic NDI techniques variability, and critical service environment using computational
used for the composite tailboom include squirter system for methods per MIL-HDBK-17.
sandwich construction, pulse echo for solid laminates, contact
through transmission for local verification and harmonic 4.2 Structural Testing
bondtesting for bondlines. Structural laboratory testing on the composite tailboom has been
done a three levels, design verification elements, subcomponents,
4.0 CERTIFICATION TESTING and a full scale static test.
The M412 Composite Tailboom structure will be certified by the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under Federal Aviation 4.2.1 Design Verification Element Tests
Regulation (FAR) Part 29. To achieve this, a certification plan The design verification element tests generated design values
was produced based on guidelines from FAA Advisory Circular for critical design elements with consideration for critical
AC-107A 'Composite Aircraft Structure'. The plan uses a environment, repeated loading, and manufacturing defects. The
'Building Block Approach' that combines laboratory tests, full element tests included baggage floor joints, skin splice joints,
scale article tests, flight test and analysis to evaluate the structural sandwich cocure effects and endurance tests for bolted joints,
integrity of the materials and design of the composite tailboom. adhesive joints, and laminates.
The baggage floor joint tests consisted of elements representative
4.1 Material Qualification of a section through the baggage floor to side skin cocured tee
A program of tests have been performed to qualify the materials joint. Loading included static and repeated loads representative
which have been used in the composite tailboom design. These of peel and bending from baggage mass and tensile pulloff loads
materials include carbon BMI prepreg tape and fabric, BMI from tailboom bending. Tests were conducted at room
adhesive films, pastes and syntactic film core. temperature and elevated temperature wet conditions with
The tests for the BMI prepreg materials comprised laminae tests manufacturing defects and cleco holes included in the test
for material qualification and laminate tests to determine material specimens.
The skin splice joint tests consisted of elements representing The endurance tests for laminate bearing in a bolted joint,
two configurations of the main skin splice joint. Loading included adhesive lap shear joints and laminates were performed to
static and repeated loads representing tensile lap shear on the generate S-N diagrams and endurance limits for these elements.
adhesive. Again tests were conducted at room temperature and During the flight test high cycle loads will be measured and
elevated temperature wet conditions with manufacturing defects compared with the endurance limits generated to show that these
and cleco holes included in the test specimens. high frequency loads are non damaging to the composite tailboom
structure. The tests were performed under critical environmental
The sandwich cocure effect tests were performed to generate
knockdown factors to apply to the laminate design allowables
discussed in section 4.1. The knockdown factors account for the
4.2.2 Subcomponent Tests
sandwich panel facesheet discontinuities caused when the
The subcomponent tests represent three critical design areas of
laminates are cocured to the honeycomb core. Knockdown factors
the composite tailboom, the vertical fin, the fuselage attach
were generated for tension and compression static loading
fittings and the tailboom skin panels. The purpose of the tests is
conditions under room temperature and elevated temperature wet
to verify the static and repeated loads capability of these design
Figure 8
Vertical Fin Test
areas under critical environmental conditions. Test specimens Before and after the repeated loads test the fin structure was
include manufacturing defects, impact damage and field repairs subjected to the maximum operating (limit) loads to prove that
at critical locations. the structural integrity has been maintained. The repeated loads
test was successful with no flaw growth detected and no failures
Before any subcomponent tests were started a series of impact or permanent deformation in the limit load tests.
resistance and tool drop tests were performed to determine the
energy levels required to create barely visible impact damage The second phase of the vertical fin test was to prove the ultimate
(BVID) on different areas of the tailboom. This information was load (1.5xlimit) capability of the structure. The environmental
used to apply representative in-service damage to the condition chosen for the test was hot wet (160F, 95%Relative
subcomponent tests. FAA AC-107A describes BVID as damage Humidity) with a specimen preconditioned wet (1.3% moisture
that can be realistically expected in service below the established content). The hot wet compressive properties of carbon composite
threshold of detectability and the airforce standard MIL-A-8722 are considerably reduced and so hot wet conditions were
describes BVID as a 0.1" depth dent using a hemispherical considered the most critical for the ultimate test. These conditions
impactor. Impact energy levels were determined for damage up are not likely to occur very often in service due to drying of the
to 0.1" depth damage on the tailboom panels and from the results structure from the exhaust gases, however an aircraft left standing
energy levels were chosen that would give an appropriate level for a long period in hot humid conditions and then flown could
of damage for the composite tailboom per FAA AC-107A. see hot wet conditions for a short time before the exhaust gases
dry the tailboom. To achieve 1.3% moisture content, the test
The Vertical Fin Test is the largest of the subcomponent tests specimen was left in the environmental chamber at 160F and
and was used to evaluate the structural integrity of the most 95% relative humidity. To monitor the moisture content a number
critical region of the tailboom which included the tailrotor of test panels with the same characteristics as the vertical fin
gearbox attachment, the vertical fin structure, the tailskid were placed in the chamber with the test specimen and then
attachment and the fin/tailboom load transition section. The test periodically weighed to establish the amount of moisture gain.
specimen, built on development composite tooling was the first
major piece of structure built for the composite tailboom program The ultimate test was successful with no failures of the fin
and was used by manufacturing development to prove many of specimen occurring for the three critical load conditions tested.
the fabrication techniques and processes. The specimen contains After the ultimate test the specimen was loaded to failure under
21 planned manufacturing flaws and 6 inservice BVID sites. The the most critical loading condition. The fin structure failed at a
manufacturing defects are all placed at critical locations in the BVID site on the side skin under compression at 170% limit
form of laminate voids, disbond of cocured and precured load. This result was considered very satisfactory considering
members, core to skin disbonds and main skin splice joint the degraded condition of the test specimen and the severity of
disbonds. The size and position of the defects and damage is the loading and environmental conditions.
such that they represent the maximum limit of the acceptance Two subcomponent tests representative of the tailboom side skin
criteria for inspection. Repairs included a riveted titanium patch panels were performed to verify panel stability in shear and
field repair to a large skin puncture and autoclave cure repairs to compression. The compression panel is representative of the
adhesive disbonds that could occur during manufacture. Overall righthand side skin aft of the elevator where maximum panel
the test specimen was considered to be discrepant, damaged and compression occurs. The test procedure for the compression panel
repaired far beyond any production standard tailboom that would is similar to the vertical fin test and is summarised as follows.
be put into service. This meant any test results from this specimen The test specimen is a flat rectangular sandwich panel (51" x
could be considered conservative and valid for a worst scenario 15") and contains planned manufacturing defects, BVID, and a
situation in production and in-service. field repair. The panel is simply supported on all sides and loaded
Figure 8 shows the vertical fin test specimen mounted in the test in pure compression on its shorter sides. The panel was subjected
fixture. The specimen attaches to the fixture via a bolted joint at to the repeated load cycles under 350F dry conditions followed
its most forward boom section. Loads are applied via hydraulic by an ultimate test at 160F wet conditions. The test was successful
actuators to the specimen at 4 locations representing tailrotor with the panel facing skins failing at 250% of the design load in
thrust, tailrotor and driveshaft torque, fin aerodynamic forces compression.
and tailskid loads. These loads are combined to represent the The shear panel is representative of the right hand skin panel
repeated loading spectrum and the 3 most critical flight and between the two baggage bay door openings where maximum
landing load conditions. The specimen was surrounded by an panel shear occurs. The test specimen is a flat square sandwich
environmental chamber so that temperature and humidity could panel (24" x 24") and contains planned manufacturing defects,
be controlled. The specimen and test fixture were fully BVID, and a field repair. The panel has shear load introduced
instrumented to measure applied loads, strains, displacements, along each of its 4 sides via a test fixture. The panel was subjected
temperature and humidity. Computerised control and data to an ultimate test only under 160F wet conditions. The test was
acquisition units were used to monitor and control the test successful with the facing skin failing at 400% of the design
parameters. load in shear. For both the compression and the shear panel tests
The first phase of the vertical fin test was to prove the repeated the structural design objective was achieved with full fibre
loads capability per FAR 29.571(b)(1) flaw tolerant safe-life strength being reached with no premature failures due to panel
evaluation. The repeated loading represents a Ground Air Ground or skin instability or core to skin disbonding.
(GAG) spectrum for 2 aircraft lifetimes. The GAG spectrum The final subcomponent test is the fuselage attach fitting which
comprised tailrotor thrust and torque derived from existing M412 will verify the structural integrity of the composite to titanium
flight test data representing a severe heavy lift operation with fastened joint. The M412 composite tailboom attaches to the
periodic autorotation. The repeated loads test was conducted at fuselage via four titanium attach fittings and load is transferred
250F dry representing the conditions that can repeatedly occur from the fuselage to each attach fitting via a single bolt which
on the vertical fin from the engine exhaust gases. During the test clamps the two mating faces together. Each attach fittings is
regular data recovery and periodic NDI and visual inspection fastened to solid laminate doubler packs on the composite
was performed to monitor the specimen for no flaw growth. tailboom structure using approximately 25 titanium Hi-Lok pins.
Figure 9 shows the test specimen which represents a quarter 5.0 CONCLUSIONS
section of the forward tailboom structure and the upper left fitting. Fabrication of the first tailboom bonded assembly showed that
The composite section of the test specimen contains planned the design concept worked well. Designing for producibility and
manufacturing flaws, BVID, and a field repair. The upper left extensive manufacturing development work had paid off resulting
fitting experiences tensile loading only and has the highest loading in a simple structure that is easy and cheap to assemble. Extensive
of the four fittings during flight manoeuvres. The specimen will structural and environmental testing has shown that the materials
be subjected to repeated loads and an ultimate test under critical and structural configuration used should prove to be extremely
environment in a similar manner to that discussed earlier for the reliable in service. The Model 412 Composite Tailboom Program
vertical fin test. Particular attention will be paid to any hole wear is now into its final phase of flight testing and certification
or fretting in the titanium composite joint interface during the concluding what is proving to be a very successful program.
repeated loads test.
Figure 9
Attach Fitting Test Specimen
0 Q
high mass retention
(cruciforms), the beam webs and floor sections (boxes) 2.1 Sine-wave beams
contribute essentially to the overall crash response of an Composite beams with sinusoidal or trapezoidal
airframe subfloor assemblage. Under vertical crash loads corrugated webs (Fig. 2) are the most efficient subfloor
cruciforms are 'hard_ point' stiff columns which create design concepts yet evaluated for helicopters. They are
high deceleration peak loads at the cabin floor level, and efficient at carrying shear and compression loads in
cause dangerous inputs to the seat/occupant system. normal flight, have high energy absorption under
Subfloor crush characteristics should have a moderate crushing loads and, with hybrid lamination techniques,
initial stiffness and then a slightly increasing or constant have good structural post-crash integrity. Drawbacks of
crush force level. To minimise cost and weight penalties the sine-wave beam concept, however, are the high
a dual function structural concept should be realised in fabrication costs, the interface with other structural
the floor structure: load carrying capability for normal elements (i.e. adjacent fuel tank bladders) and the
operation; and energy absorption for crash loads in the difficulty in incorporating suitable trigger mechanisms,
subfloor, which should maintain cabin floor structural which reduce peak loads when the beam is crushed
integrity. Compared to metals, totally different design during impact, without lowering the shear load
concepts are being developed and verified for composite performance. The determination of the static load
structures. High energy absorption with composites is capacity, which in thin shell structures is limited by
obtained for compressive loading where brittle buckling, the influence of materials hybridisation and
fracturing of the composite into sublaminates occurs. geometry on crush characteristics, and the selection of
Under tensile or bending loads structural integrity may trigger mechanisms are the main design aspects of sine-
be lost at initial fracture and energy absorption can be wave beams.
low. To guarantee post crash structural integrity, i.e. a 50/50 intraply woven carbon/Kevlar fabric; laminate thickness: 1.4 mm
protective shell around the occupants, load bearing
carbon fibre composite structures have to be hybridised
Compression Buckling
with tougher fibres such as aramid fibres (Kevlar or 250 Compression Failure
Twaron) or high performance polyethylene (Dyneema Shear Buckling
SK 60). Thus structural crashworthiness comprises both 200
•o 100
1 1 1 further in §4.3.
web laminate
the keel beam attachment. The keel beam and shear web
laminates have a J-shaped connection to the outer skin.
Shear Web Variants In several static and dynamic crush tests 3-4 times
Laminating (tacky) prepreg plies in the concave areas The autoclave fabrication concept
of the tool (especially in the double curved flange-web The global lay-out of the tool used for the autoclave
interface) is difficult and fibre bridging in these areas process consists of a metal frame with two airtight
is likely to occur, whereby the fibres bridge across the flexible carbon fibre reinforced elastomer panels (see
concavity and are no longer in full contact with the Fig. 12), which constitute the tool surfaces. The
tool. As mostly one-sided tooling concepts in autoclave fabrication concept can be described in the
combination with a vacuum bag are used in autoclave following five basic steps:
processing, the autoclave pressure applied to the a. Laminating prepreg layers on the elastomeric panels.
vacuum bag creates tensile stresses within the bridged b. Laminating the fillers, the flange laminates and
laminate which may lead to distortion of the fabricated joining the elastomer panels.
part. The bridged laminate is usually resin starved, c. Assembling the elastomer panels into the metal
because resin flows into the cavity behind the laminate, frame.
and has a very high void content resulting in poor d. Sealing all edges with tacky tape and connecting the
laminate quality. vacuum hoses.
e. Curing the sine-wave beam in the autoclave
In order to create a uniform heating profile in the tool
and to reduce heating time, the thickness of the tool The elastomer panels are used as male laminating
should preferably be uniform and minimised resulting blocks. This eases the laminating process, reduces the
in a tool with the same contour as the sine-wave beam. amount of fibre wrinkling and fibre bridging in the
Applying the vacuum bag to this complex shaped tool area of the flange-web interface and reduces the
is very time consuming and difficult because of the laminating time in comparison to laminating (tacky)
large number of folds which have to be applied. In the prepreg layers into a female mould. Because the
mean time these folds make the vacuum bag vulnerable elastomer panels are airtight no vacuum bag has to be
to cracking. If the vacuum bag cracks in an early stage used during the autoclave process. The thin elastomer
of the prepreg consolidation process , the quality of the panels also guarantee a uniform heating of the
cured laminate will be poor due to lack of pressure. laminate during the consolidation process in the
autoclave. Because of their "soft" surface, small
To overcome these difficulties two different tooling cavities between the elastomer panels and the sine-
concepts for thermoset sine-wave beams were wave beam laminate are closed when pressure is
developed: a tool for Autoclave Processing and a tool applied to the panels in the autoclave which eliminates
for Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM), see [ 9]. The two fibre bridging. The metal frame assures that the height
tooling concepts had to satisfy the following of the cured beam can be controlled as accurately as
conditions: needed.
a. No fibre bridging during the consolidation process of The RTM fabrication concept
the resin.
b. The height of the cured beam had to be controllable
to limit the amount of shimming when assembling vent
the sine-wave beams into a subfloor box.
c. No additional laminating blocks were allowed.
d. The sine-wave beams had to be net shaped to
eliminate trimming of the cured sine-wave webs.
e. No vacuum bag was to be used in autoclave
a. Assembling the fibre fabric preform. handle. Because the elastomer panels were used as
b. Positioning the preform, the fillers and flange male laminating blocks, positioning the tacky prepreg
laminates in the RTM tool. plies was no problem. Since no vacuum bag was used,
c. Sealing and closing the tool. preparing the mould for autoclave processing was very
d. Heating the tool to a temperature of 55°. simple and fast. However, this approach is labour
e. Assembling the vents and injecting the resin. intensive and not very suitable for automisation. Thus
f. Curing the resin at room temperature. for larger production runs with better quality control
g. Releasing the cured component. the additional investment in the RTM process is
Epoxy resin LY 5052 in combination with hardener
HY 5052 was used. An injection pressure of 15 bar 4. THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE SINE-WAVE
without vacuum assistance in the mould was used BEAM
during the injection process. The sine-wave beams
produced with this technique had a fibre volume 4.1 Design
fraction of approximately 52%, no voids and an Thermoplastic and thermoset composites
impregnation of the complete preform. Because of the In §3 two fabrication techniques for composite subfloor
full metal tool, outer dimensional tolerances can be beam structures based on fibre reinforced epoxy resins
controlled as accurately as needed. However, the main were described in detail. These are the traditional
advantage of the RTM process over the traditional composites used in aircraft construction. Epoxies are
autoclave technology, is the possibility to automate the thermosetting resins which are polymerised by a
process thus reducing fabrication costs in series chemical catalyst in a process which usually requires
production, and permitting higher part quality through controlled temperature and pressure, as provided in the
control of the machines. autoclave. For high quality components the fabrication
process, consisting of lamination or resin injection,
cure under pressure and temperature, postcure at high
temperature, and cooling may take several hours. In
order to speed up the fabrication process and to
improve component quality, there is in the last few
years considerable interest in thermoplastic composite
systems. Thermoplastics are polymers which are
already polymerised, above their melt temperature they
flow easily and on cooling they set hard again. New
high performance thermoplastics such as
polyetherimide (PEI) or polyetheretherketone (PEEK)
have been developed and combined with carbon or
aramid fibres in prepreg sheets or tapes for aircraft
applications. Components can be fabricated by
Fig. 14 Elements of the RTM tooling preheating the prepreg sheets above their melt
temperature and thermoforming in a press in matched
Evaluation of the thermoset fabrication techniques metal tools. This 'stamping' process can be carried out
The RTM fabrication concept turned out to be very rapidly, and theoretical cycle times for preheating,
easy in practice with the exception of the positioning forming and demoulding a composite component could
and preparing the dry preform. Because the dry fibres be as low as 10 minutes. This technology was
lacked any tack, the fibres showed a lot of fibre spring investigated at the DLR in a demonstrator project to
back when positioned in the mould. This problem fabricate a sine-wave beam equivalent to a standard
could be solved by preparing the preform in a epoxy composite beam traditionally produced by hand
preforming press, in which the fibres have a small lamination in the autoclave.
quantity of thermoplastic binder so that after
preheating and pressing the preform retains the Thermoplastic design concept
required geometry. However this will increase the A design and manufacturing concept for a
investment cost one has to make. Because of the high thermoplastic composite sine-wave beam was
injection pressure of 15 bar used to inject the resin developed using the same basic component geometry as
(caused by the high viscosity of the resin) the mould an existing epoxy composite beam, with the same
has to be very stiff (and heavy) to guarantee the carbon- and aramid-fibre fabrics, hybrid laminate layup
dimensional tolerances, thus requiring matched metal and stacking sequence. A PEI matrix system was
tooling. This problem may be solved by using a chosen which requires a forming temperature of
different lower viscosity resin. 340°C. The required carbon and aramid fabric/PEI
prepregs are commercially available from Ten Cate
The autoclave fabrication concept developed here under the tradename Cetex. The carbon fabric prepreg
turned out to be the preferred fabrication concept of the chosen was CETEX CD 0282 with 5H satin and the
two. The tools (the airtight elastomer panels and the aramid prepreg was CETEX VD 0175 with 1/3
metal frame) had a low weight and were easy to crowfoot fabric. Fig. 15 shows the I-beam geometry
sections (right and left corners) were produced. These
Angle Section»
files were then used to provide the cutting parameters
for the computer driven milling machine, with which
the matched aluminium tooling was manufactured.
A number of static and dynamic compression tests have demonstrated that the failure sequence was identical to
been carried out on sine-wave beams and the results that observed in the static tests. However, the tests
are summarised in Table 1. The table shows the showed that the sine-wave beams in a dynamic test
influence of the web laminate construction on the static absorb only about 50% of the energy absorbed in a
crush properties, with the 3 UD ply carbon beam static test, with much lower average crush loads. The
having higher crush loads and energy absorption than web locking mechanism was found to provide good
the 2 UD ply web beam. Fig. 18 shows a representative post-crush integrity both under static and dynamic
crush curve measured during a test on a thermoset loading conditions. The reasons for the lower energy
sine-wave beam fabricated in the autoclave. Failure absorption in the dynamic tests is not yet fully
initiates at the location of the trigger, followed by a understood. Contributory effects are changed materials
stage where the upper part of the web shears at a properties at higher loading rates, the influence of
relatively low load into the lower part of the web with dynamic effects on the trigger leading to different,
the angle reinforcements (web locking mechanism), more brittle, failure modes being initiated, and the
until the web bottoms and picks up load. The dynamic reduced influence of friction on the energy absorbed at
drop tests were carried out on a 3 UD ply beam and higher impact velocities.
5.2 Cruciform elements beams were not specially designed for energy
absorption. The importance of the test results, shown
Table 1 also contains some static and dynamic crush test very clearly in Fig. 19, is that the cruciforms can be the
data on hybrid CF/AF cruciform elements. The main dominant elements in the behaviour of a subfloor
difference between Cruciforms 1/2 and Cruciform 3 is structure. Thus particular attention must be given to
that Cruciform 3, which is referred to as the HTP- cruciform design and trigger concepts.
element in §2.2, has the 45° aramid plies on the outside
in the keel and transverse beams, whereas in the first 5.3 Tensor skins
two cruciforms these aramid plies are interior, with A sine-wave beam configuration with two layers of
carbon plies on the outside. All have J-triggers on the unidirectional carbon tape in the web (Sine 5 and Sine
transverse and keel beams. The table shows that load 6 in Table 1) was used for the design of the tensor skin
levels, absorbed energy and specific absorbed energy panels. A design case was considered where the tensor
(defined here per mass of damaged material) are similar skin panel is able to initiate crushing in two sine-wave
to those found in the sine-wave beams. Once again it is beams in a box of the subfloor section. This means that
seen that the dynamic loads and energy absorption are the tensor skin panels should survive transverse loads
lower than the static crush values. of at least 2 x 57 kN = 114 kN. The inner face of the
tensor skin panel consisted of carbon/aramid crowfoot
fabric, the outer face consisted of aramid crowfoot
fabric embedded in epoxy. Both faces had a three ply
[45,0,45] lay-up. The core of the tensor panel had a
three ply [45]3 PE-epoxy lay-up.
40 60 BO
Deflection [mml
150 200
Fig. 19 Crush characteristics of subfloor box and
four superimposed cruciforms
J.P. Seinberg
D.P. Tetz
Lockheed Martin Electronics & Missiles
5600 Sand Lake Road, MP-183
Orlando, FL. 32819-8907
K.R. Raftery
Nuclear Metals, Inc.
2229 Main Street
Concord, MA. 01742
structural housings, electronic packaging and flight attempts to produce investment cast beryllium
hardware with demonstrated producibility and aluminum hardware were unsuccessful. Beryllium
affordability. aluminum alloys are difficult to cast primarily due to
the exceptionally large differentials in solidification
Traditional materials possessing the desired properties temperatures and lack of solubility between beryllium
are often limited in producibility while the materials and aluminum, and the high reactivity of molten
that are producible to complex configurations frequently beryllium with most other materials.
require a trade-off in properties sought. Common,
lightweight investment cast flight materials, such as, During the past five years, NMI, with technical and
aluminum, titanium and magnesium alloys, as well as financial support from the LMEM RAH-66 Comanche
metal-matrix composites of these metals, can often EOSS program, has developed a family of castable
achieve complex configurations but have significant beryllium aluminum alloys termed Beralcast®. These
weight, stiffness, producibility and/or application alloys consist of Beralcast® 363 for structural
problems. Continuous oriented or short fiber resin- applications, Beralcast® 191 for electronic packaging
matrix composites are very lightweight and stiff but are and, Beralcast® 310 for wrought products made from
expensive to produce and not suited to complex cast ingots. Table 1 shows the general advantages of
configurations that require isotropic properties. Beralcast® material when compared to aluminum and
Ceramics and ceramic-matrix composites are mostly beryllium.
restricted to specialized applications due to low
ductility. Powder metallurgy (PM) produced beryllium Table 1. General Beralcast® Advantages
meets the criteria of being lightweight and stiff but is
inherently, a brittle, anisotropic material that is Advantages over Cast Advantages over PM
expensive and limited to configurations that can be Aluminum Beryllium
machined or formed from hot pressed or hot isostatically • 22% lower density • 3 times greater
pressed (HlP'd) billet product. with near ductility than hot
equivalent strength pressed beryllium
In 1991, the RAH-66 Comanche EOSS design to A356 aluminum
presented a challenge to finding a suitable lightweight, • 3 times suffer • Castable for
high-stiffness, material. Based upon an extensive (modulus of complex & precise
material trade study, LMEM downselected beryllium elasticity in net shape
aluminum alloys as the most promising material to tension) configurations
meet these requirements. • 4 times better in • Weldable for defect
damping coefficient repair
Utilizing the best attributes of each component material for stability and
and eliminating many individual shortcomings, jitter reduction
beryllium aluminum alloys containing greater than 60 • 40% lower in • Reduced scrap
weight percent beryllium are very attractive for coefficient of generation and
lightweight, high-stiffness applications. Beryllium thermal expansion lower cost
aluminum alloys combine the high modulus of (CTE) for matching
elasticity and low density characteristics of beryllium of mating parts
with the excellent processing characteristics and the
mechanical property behavior of aluminum. Until 2. HISTORY/EVOLUTION OF
recently, however, this material has been commercially BERYLLIUM ALUMINUM DEVELOPMENT
available only in a pre-alloyed powder metal wrought
The commercial possibilities of beryllium aluminum
form which is, like beryllium, limited to configurations
have been recognized for over seventy-five years.
that can be fabricated by machining or forming. This
However, the first beryllium aluminum material
limitation has typically resulted in "buy to fly" ratios of
commercially produced (called "Lockalloy") was not
up to 20:1, where the majority of the material used for
developed until the 1960's by Lockheed and NASA
the part ends up as machined turnings.
(with NMI participating in some of the early
development as a subcontractor to Lockheed) as a high
The complexity and design to cost (DTC) goals of
efficiency replacement for magnesium alloys in
current and future hardware require a more applicable and
compression critical structures. Lockalloy was a
cost effective fabrication process, i.e. casting rather than
powder metallurgy (PM) product consisting of 62
machined "hogouts". For over thirty years, however,
weight percent beryllium and 38 weight percent based on the original Lockalloy composition) had
aluminum1. This composition was selected, primarily potential uses in specific applications. However, like
for its elastic modulus (matching the stiffness of steel). beryllium and the original Lockalloy composite
Since beryllium and aluminum are mutually insoluble, material, applications were limited to "smaller" wrought
Lockalloy was looked on as a composite rather than the parts that could be made by common powder metallurgy
usual solid solution composition. As a composite techniques or machined from hot pressed blocks or
structure, it reflected the most desirable properties of shapes.
each constituent. Lockalloy development efforts
culminated in successful applications in missiles as In 1991, LMEM was in the process of evaluating
extruded skin stiffeners and on the YF-12 aircraft in several materials in order to meet the stringent weight
rolled sheet form. Kawicki-Beryllico, Inc. (KBI) adapted and stiffness requirements of the Comanche EOSS
the process and scaled-up their facilities for production program. A concept to fabricate beryllium aluminum
quantities. However, difficulties with producing the investment castings, presented by NMI, appeared to be
alloy economically limited its use to specialized promising, but required considerable development.
applications, and by the late 1970's, KBI went out of LMEM and NMI began a series of development
business and Lockalloy was no longer commercially programs to further assess technical feasibility and,
available. based on promising early results have continued this
initial development and currently have programs planned
In the 1980's, interest in beryllium aluminum through 1997. Summaries of early and current
reappeared as a less expensive alternative to pure programs are presented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
beryllium . The beryllium aluminum family of
materials developed during this time period (primarily
Phase II: Apr.-95 - May-96 • Large, Complex Casting Process Development (Continued)
2.1 EARLY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM continue to support the development effort, along with
NMI, as an internal research and development (IR&D)
Early program phases focused on development of a activity.
castable beryllium aluminum composition, initial
manufacturing control processes, preliminary material In 1993, after NMI developed and evaluated over 400
characterization, and preliminary nondestructive beryllium aluminum alloy compositions, a family of
inspection procedures. Between 1991 and 1992, initial Beralcast® alloys that met or exceeded the Comanche
material development and casting process development EOSS requirements was identified. Beralcast® 363 was
demonstrated some limited success. Castable alloys selected for structural applications based on its
with moderately good material properties were developed combination of strength, ductility, and producibility. In
and demonstration castings were produced. However, addition, Beralcast® 191 was selected for thermal
problems existed with material property repeatability, applications based on its high thermal conductivity, and
material contamination, and mold reactivity. These Beralcast® 310 was selected for extrusions. During this
problems led to a decision on the Comanche program period, a crucible composition that eliminated
not to incorporate beryllium aluminum castings in the contamination of the cast material during the melting
EOSS design for the Dem/Val Phase. However, process and a mold composition that eliminated
LMEM was still convinced that beryllium aluminum reactivity with molten Beralcast® material were
castings had great potential and made the decision to developed. Casting processes and procedures were also
developed which resulted in the ability to repeatedly guidelines and development of a DTC plan for reducing
fabricate high quality, precision castings of moderate casting costs prior to full-scale production.
size and complexity. In addition, initial post cast
processes such as welding, straightening, stress Beralcast® material characterization has been conducted
relieving, and preliminary nondestructive inspection over the past two years to generate material properties
(NDI) techniques for radiography and dye penetrant, were for Beralcast® 363, 310, and 191. Currently, this
developed for Beralcast® castings. Finally, NMI testing is continuing for Beralcast® 363 in order to
designed and installed a new, environmentally controlled generate S-basis allowables in accordance with MIL-
Beralcast® investment casting facility. This facility HDBK-5 requirements. In addition, thermal and
included a "large scale" tilt pour furnace that increased dimensional stability studies have been conducted which
NMI's melt capacity over tenfold to approximately 100 have demonstrated that the stability of Beralcast® 363
lbs. cast material is equal to or greater than that of A356
aluminum cast material.
Using Beralcast® 363 alloy along with the new crucible
and mold compositions, the new casting processes and Process development for large, complex castings used
procedures, and the new tilt-pour furnace, two medium the Comanche EOSS Optical Platform (reference Figure
sized, moderately complex castings were successfully 2) and included an extensive hard tooling and rapid
poured. Using radiographic and dye penetrant prototype trade study and the demonstration of tooling
procedures, and cutting up one casting, it was and mold fabrication capabilities. The process was
determined that there was a vast improvement in casting demonstrated by successfully investment casting two
finish, microstructure, and material properties from monolithic aluminum EOSS Optical Platforms
results a year earlier. As a result of the successful (reference Figure 2), and fabricating six sets of
IR&D programs, the Comanche program reinstated Beralcast® 363 Optical Platform segments from wood
Beralcast® investment castings into the Dem/Val Phase patterns (reference Figure 3). The initial segment sets
of the EOSS program. The designs of fifty four (54) consisted of four segments each which, with resolution
primary and secondary structural parts of various sizes of control process parameter issues such as feed and
and complexities were changed to take advantage of the gating control, resulted in the final segment set being
improved weight and stiffness properties of beryllium reduced to two large, consolidated segments. In 1996,
aluminum. These parts included cast support structure, NMI completed a facility upgrade which increased the
cast housings for sensors, lenses, and mirrors, and Beralcast® casting capacity by an additional 60% in
extruded structural tubing. order to handle the largest and most complex Comanche
EOSS parts. This upgrade, along with continued
2. 2 CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM casting process development, has permitted the
fabrication of the first monolithic Beralcast® 363
The goal of the current program is to transition from Optical Platform in April 1996.
development to production readiness by advancing the
Beralcast® technology to a state where large, high
complexity, and precision Comanche EOSS hardware
can be economically and reliably fabricated in a
production operation. This program is composed of a
series of sequential development phases funded by
LMEM, NMI and the Army Aviation Research and
Development Center.
solidification range. During the initial solidification, increases yield strength of the alloy by up to 25 percent
primary beryllium dendrites form in the liquid to make a without a decreasing ductility. Although Beralcast® 363
two phase solid-liquid mixture. The beryllium dendrites alloys do not require post cast thermal treatment to
produce a tortuous channel for the liquid to flow obtain strength and ductility suitable for structural
through and fill during the last stages of solidification. usage, HIPing has been found to further increase both
As a result, shrinkage cavities develop, and these alloys strength (approximately 5 percent for yield strength and
typically exhibit a large amount of microporosity in the approximately 15 percent for ultimate tensile strength)
as-cast condition. This feature greatly affects the and ductility (up to 100%) without causing dimensional
properties and integrity of the casting. Porosity leads to distortion in precision cast parts.
low strength and premature failure at relatively low
ductility. In addition, binary alloy castings have a Beralcast® 191 represents an alloy variant formulated for
relative coarse microstructure of beryllium distributed in better thermal properties. With a moderate decrease in
an aluminum matrix, and such coarse microstructures strength properties and a modulus of elasticity the same
generally result in low strength and low ductility. as Beralcast® 363, thermal conductivity of the 191 alloy
Accordingly, previous attempts to produce binary can be increased by approximately 75%. The strength
beryllium aluminum alloys by casting were of Beralcast® 191 is provided by the primary beryllium
unsuccessful. phase while ductility results from the aluminum,
silicon, silver alloy matrix phase. Silicon provides
During the past five years, a much more ductile fluidity, required for casting, while the silver provides
beryllium aluminum (Beralcast®) family of alloys has for strengthening of the aluminum phase. Beralcast®
been developed. Beralcast® alloys represent an in-situ 191 alloy typically receives a solution, quench and
two phase matrix composite consisting of selected alloy aging (SQA) post cast thermal treatment to optimize
combinations of beryllium, germanium, silver, cobalt, precipitation of a secondary silicon-silver phase within
silicon, and aluminum as described in Table 4. the aluminum matrix.
Beralcast® 363 is the primary alloy in the Beralcast® Beralcast®310 represents an alloy similar to the 191
family of materials. Beralcast® 363 alloy elements were alloy. The alloy may be wrought (e.g. extruded) after
selected to improve castability, microstructure and casting to increase ductility and strength. The enhanced
enhance mechanical properties without post cast thermal properties observed in the Beralcast® 310 alloy are
treatments3. It has been found that including silver, provided by the warm work imparted during fabrication.
germanium and cobalt creates an as-cast alloy having Wrought Beralcast® 310 properties are highly directional
very desirable properties with greatly improved strength and textured along the axis of deformation.
and ductility over cast binary beryllium aluminum
alloys. In the aluminum matrix phase, silver increases Material characterization for Beralcast® 363, 310 and
the strength and ductility of the alloy while germanium 191 has included the testing of more than one thousand
also increases ductility and aids in castability as a specimens. This testing has resulted in the generation
fluidity enhancer. These advantages are believed to be of statistically significant data on seventeen different
related to interactions between silver and germanium in chemical, mechanical, physical, thermal and electrical
the Beralcast® alloys, and not due to the silver or properties. Several of the typical ("average") properties
germanium acting alone. The beryllium phase is for Beralcast® alloys are provide in Table 5 below. (17)
strengthened through the addition of cobalt which
Beralcast® material can be cast with a relatively fine beryllium and the light phase the aluminum alloy
microstructure into highly complex shapes without matrix. Alloy 363 and 191 as-cast microstructures are,
microporosity or segregation that is detrimental to typically, equiaxed while the microstructure of alloy
mechanical properties. Typical microstructures of 310 yields a distinctly textured and aligned morphology
alloys 363, 191 and 310 are shown in the due to post cast fabrication processing.
photomicrographs below (Figures 4, 5, and 6). In each
photomicrograph, the dark phase represents the
The mold chamber can handle individual molds as large dedicated mold fabrication line has been installed to
as 0.9 meters (2.95 feet) in any dimension and is support the manufacture of Beralcast® investment
equipped with internal heating elements to preheat and molds. Once molds are assembled and the patterns are
maintain mold temperatures up to 1000 °C. (1832°F). removed they are delivered to NMI for casting. Prior to
The mold chamber contains a lift platform that casting at NMI, the molds are preheated to aid in mold
positions molds small enough to pass though the filling either outside of the casting furnace in air or
vacuum isolation valve, less than 0.6 meter (1.97 foot) inside the furnace vacuum mold chamber. Externally
in diameter, directly under the melt crucible for filling. heated molds are used when castings are produced using
This limits the fall height of the melt stream and aids in multiple pouring techniques where one furnace charge is
minimizing melt turbulence and metal splashing. For used to fill more than one mold. Mold preheat
larger molds that cannot fit though the vacuum temperature is selected based on the size, wall thickness
isolation valve, a process which uses a pouring tube to and complexity of the casting. Larger parts with thin
direct the molten metal from the upper chamber to the walls generally require higher mold preheat
mold in the lower chamber, has been developed. temperatures.
A typical melt cycle begins with preparation of the Once both the melt and mold have reached the desired
beryllium aluminum charge materials and alloy temperatures, the vacuum isolation valve between the
additions. Castings can be produced from either virgin furnace and mold chamber is opened and the mold is
elemental materials or recycled input materials. positioned under the crucible. The casting is poured by
Elemental materials consist of low grade vacuum cast tilting the crucible containing the molten charge after
beryllium (99.5% purity) and high purity aluminum, which the mold is retracted back into the mold chamber.
grade 1188 or equivalent. The alloying elements The isolation valve is then closed to allow for either
consist of commercial grades of germanium, cobalt and reheating of the remaining charge or charging of another
silver for Beralcast® 363, and silver and silicon for melt while the casting solidifies under vacuum in order
Beralcast® 191 and 310. Recycle input materials to control the cast microstructure. When the casting
consist of high-quality remelted beryllium aluminum has completely solidified, the mold chamber is
cast material. The use of master melting of qualified backfilled with inert gas to accelerate cooling and
ingot materials has also been validated but is not facilitate handling.
economically feasible using the current maximum melt
capacity. Master melts will be introduced into the After the casting has cooled to room temperature, the
production process once the melt capacity has been mold is removed using a high pressure water jet, the
increased beyond 400 kgs (880 lbs) and will result in gates and risers are manually trimmed, and the cast
reduced costs and increased productivity. surface is cleaned by abrasive grit blasting. The casting
is then straightened, weld repaired, if required, and then
The charge is loaded into the melt crucible and the released for initial inspection, prior to post cast
furnace chamber is then evacuated. Once the desired processing, such as HIPing or SQA, if required. Final
vacuum is achieved, the melt is uniformly heated to inspection typically consists of dye penetrant,
sufficiently melt and adequately stir the charge. Once radiography, visual, and dimension inspection. In
molten, the charge is held at sufficient temperature to addition, depending on customer requirements, integral
insure adequate degassing. Melt temperature is closely or excised test specimens are mechanically tested to
monitored using thermocouples and pyrometry verify material properties.
Inspected castings are released for final machining by
Investment molds, produced from a unique formulation NMI or one of several qualified machining facilities
developed specifically for this alloy, are baked out to which possess the necessary ventilation equipment to
remove moisture prior to casting preheat. These molds safely machine beryllium containing alloys. Cutting,
are fabricated using either conventional wax patterns or grinding, etching, and machining are all controlled to
rapid prototype patterns. NMI has demonstrated all of limit the generation of airborne beryllium alloy dust or
the current rapid prototype casting pattern fabrication fumes. All of these operations are performed under
techniques but predominantly utilizes Stereo strict environmental and health safety controls
Lithography Apparatus (SLA) or wood prototype consistent with OSHA regulations for beryllium
patterns. Molds are fabricated for NMI at Nu-Cast Inc. containing materials.
(NCI), Londonderry, New Hampshire, a leading producer
of thin-walled, lightweight aluminum castings, where a
Fiscal Yur
1996 1997 19 98 • Electrical and electronic packaging:
Chassis, enclosures, assemblies/boxes, air
plenums, heat sinks, etc. (F- 22 and V-22)
Figure 8: Beralcast® DTC Progression Computers and audio components, as well as
medical and recreational equipment.
G. Niesl G. Arnaud
Dep. D/EE41 Dep. DF/DTAE
D-81663 München, Germany F-13725 Marignane, France
Because of their considerable high noise levels and
their characteristic noise signature, helicopters suffer
from the disadvantage that they can be heard from
great distances. A low noise level is important for
military operations, on the one hand to allow the Figure 1: EC 135
helicopter a large field of unthreaded operations, on the
other hand to minimise the warning time between Within the common development of the EC 135
detection and approaching at the enemy position. In helicopter, EUROCOPTER DEUTSCHLAND and
EUROCOPTER FRANCE made intensive efforts to models cover the sound attenuation in air, the
reduce the noise emission. Some of the measures were attenuation caused by atmospheric turbulence, and the
already successfully applied to several EC helicopter ground absorption. After the propagation of the sound
like the BO 105 CBS-5 and the Tiger. Even if the to the observer, the resulting noise is compared with the
measures are aiming on environmental noise reduction, threshold for aural detection. The definition of the
most of them were also effective with regard to acoustic threshold is based on
detection requirements. • the hearing characteristics of the human ear,
The paper describes the noise reducing technologies • the masking of the helicopter noise by background
which were developed during the design process of the noise or other noise sources (e.g. engine noise, com-
EC 135 helicopter (Figure 1). It can be shown, that the bat field noise, ship noise environment), and
acoustic signature of the EC 135 will comply well with • the sensitivity of the human ear to detect tonal com-
both, military and civil applications of the helicopter. ponents (human response to pure tones).
Both, the characteristic of the helicopter noise and the
2. DETECTABILITY ASPECTS propagation conditions, may lead to very large detec-
There are four main aspects which influence the acous- tion distances up to 10 km under worst circumstances.
tic detection probability: The characteristics of the
noise source, the sound radiation conditions concerning 3. MAIN ROTOR NOISE REDUCTION
damping and absorbing effects, the masking of the Starting from the BO 105 rotor design, different meas-
sound by other sources at the receiver, and the charac- ures were theoretically investigated and tested first in
teristics of the human ear or the noise detecting sensor. the wind tunnel and then on the BO 105 or the BO 108
Considering the unweighted radiated acoustic energy, which can be considered as a prototype version of the
helicopters in horizontal flight condition have their EC 135 with an conventional type 2-bladed tail rotor.
main noise emission in the low frequency range up to
about 500 Hz. At these low frequencies, the damping 3.1 Blade Shape and Profile
effects during the sound propagation are very small and The first approach in main rotor noise reduction con-
do nearly not influence the sound radiation. But, the cerns the blade shape and the influence of the blade
audible threshold of the human ear rises very rapidly at profile. The blade tip design was supported by the
low frequencies, thus the critical frequency range for calculation of the critical Mach number distribution on
acoustic detection of helicopters is given from about and around the blade tip. As an example, in Figure 3,
100 Hz to 500 Hz, dependant on the influence of mask- the calculated Mach number contours are shown for the
ing noise sources. Figure 2 illustrates the contrary fre- upper blade surface for various blade tip designs at the
quency dependencies of the different parameters influ- 90deg rotor azimuth position. The comparison shows
encing the military acoustic detection. the reduced supersonic regions on the blade surface by
intensifying the complexity of the blade tip from the
rectangular shape (Fig. 3a) to the tapered (Fig. 3b, 3c)
and finally to the parabolic blade tip configuration
(Fig. 3d). The investigation included also the effect of
the new airfoil family DM-H which was developed by
LAND. These profiles provide a general improvement
of the transonic characteristics and a significant drag
reduction in comparison to the NACA 23012 airfoil
used on the BO 105 helicopter.
..damping and By sweeping the quarterline at the blade tip (parabolic
absorption (dB/km;
tip), the incident Mach number can be reduced, the
800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 supersonic region is limited, and the spreading of these
Frequency [Hz] regions beyond the blade tip is cut down. At higher
flight speeds, the supersonic region is extended to the
Figure 2: Interdependence of helicopter noise, hearing „sonic cylinder" around the rotation axis. Here, the
sensitivity and atmospheric sound freestream velocities appear to exceed the sonic speed
attenuation in the rotating reference frame which is responsible for
For the estimation of the aural detection distances, the excitation of a highly efficient noise source.
theoretical and/or experimental helicopter noise data In order to explore the connected noise emission of
were used in far field sound radiation models (ref. 3, 4). main and tail rotor, tests were performed in the
These calculations are based on 1/3-octave band data German Dutch wind tunnel (DNW) to separate the
because this is coasidered as a minimum requirement noise radiation of main and tail rotor and the related
due to the pulsating nature of the rotor noise. Besides main/tail rotor interactions. Within this research pro-
the spherical spreading of the noise, the propagation gramme conducted by the DLR Braunschweig (Ref. 5),
<74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 >94 PNdB
With respect to the low frequency noise emission (NACA 23012). As the thickness noise component of
important for the military detectability aspect, the main the Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings (FWH) equation is
rotor noise dominates the noise contour. Figure 6 directly proportional to the absolute thickness of the
shows that the low frequency noise ahead of the heli- blade, the thickness noise was significantly reduced.
copter is up to 8 dB higher for the isolated main rotor
compared to the tail rotor noise. a. BO 105 rotor mic. 9
rL ^
rotor /
■ > 94
BSI 92 - 94
m 90 - 92
M 88 - 90
■ 86-88
■ 84 - 86
■ 82 - 84
■ 80 - 82
11 78 - 80
EH 76 - 78
Ml 74 - 76
___^ □ < 74
-1 0 1
Crossflow dir. Y/R
combined main/tail rotor
Figure 6: Low frequency noise contours during flyover Flyover time [s]
condition (60 m/s flight speed) for a BO 105
main/tail rotor system (DLR, Ref. 5)
Figure 8: Sound pressure level during flyover con-
The thickness of the advanced BO 108 rotor was dition (150 m altitude) on centerline micro-
reduced at the blade tip by 25% compared to the thick- phone for various main rotor configurations
ness of a conventional BO 105 rotor blade (120 kts flight speed)
3.2 Main Rotor Tip Speed Figure 9, based on noise prediction codes for a moder-
ate flight speed of 120 kts. Starting from the BO 105
The tip speed is the most dominating parameter for the rotor dimensions as a reference, it can be seen that the
noise emission of the overall rotor layout. In most flight noise reduction by decreasing the tip speed is limited if
conditions, the acoustic dipole term is dominant, which the solidity (here: chord length) is not adequately
follows a 6th to 7th power of the sound pressure. At increased. By a blade loading parameter comparable to
high flight speeds with advancing tip Mach numbers the BO 105 reference rotor, a 5% reduction of the tip
higher than 0.8, the monopol and quadrupol terms speed (from 222 m/s to 211 m/s) will result in a noise
become important with a dependency of the radiated reduction of about 1.6 dB.
sound by up to the 14th power.
First tests of the noise sensitivity with rotor speed were
An important aspect of the development of the EC 135 conducted during the noise certification of the BO 105
helicopter was the reduction of the nominal tip speed helicopter (Ref. 6) in a range from 95% to 102% RPM
and introduction of a variable tip speed concept. A for flyover condition. Due to the low drag divergence
careful layout of the main rotor acoustics was therefore Mach number of the NACA 23012, a significant differ-
conducted, supported by ECD and DLR noise ence of the flyover noise by 2.9 EPNdB was measured.
prediction codes and measurements in the DNW wind
tunnel and on the BO 108 helicopter in flyover and
approach condition.
£9° .BO105C
in 85
X BO 108 »'
0) (parabolic tip) EC 135
v—/-—-fA *<
-v-\-\ stator
is observed for a 10% tip speed reduction, similar to the 5. EC 135 NOISE EMISSION
measurement results.
5.1 Aircraft Description
However, RAF fails in the prediction of the gradient of
noise versus thrust for a highly loaded Fenestron (the The EC 135 is a light weight, twin engine multipurpose
reduced thrust coefficient for hover typically ranges helicopter with a take-off weight of 5800 lb. The heli-
copter is offering a seat capacity for the pilot and up to
between 0,4 and 0,6). A possible explanation for such a
failure may rely in the use of the Amiet modelisation of 6 passengers. The EC 135 has a bearingless, all
atmospheric turbulence ingestion which is almost composite four-bladed main rotor system (Ref. 10, 11)
independent of rotor thrust variation. Recent with newly designed rotor blades and optimised blade
experiments (ref. 9) on the atmospheric turbulence geometry. Table 1 gives all data relevant for the
effect on rotor noise revealed a stronger dependence of exterior noise. The EC 135 has an aerodynamically
this type of noise to rotor thrust. optimised airframe structure with a high percentage of
fibre composite components and increased interior
5 dB :
width, cargo compartment, and fuel tank capacity.
Figure 16 shows the design of the EC 135 with the
< ^ • overall dimensions.
m Jr**^ l^v=170m/s
•• ^^\
* i^ ^ Dimensions
« • _^V wi*^-""*i
\ ' design gross weight 5800 lb.
: Predictions with RAF 2 maximum speed VH 140ktas
>$** S\ (MCP, 0mlSA+10deg)
rate of climb 1570 ft/min
be coasiderably reduced by placing the tail rotor high for the light helicopter class, as this helicopters suffer
on the fin. However, this means for light helicopters as mainly from the tail rotor noise during take-off and
in the class of EC 135, a weight penalty and more flyover. The selected tip speeds for the EC 135 will
complexity. provide a balance between main rotor and Fenestron
noise emission.
Above 5000 ft density altitude, the rotor speed increases
linearly to a value of a maximum rotor rotational speed
of 104% at 10.000 ft. The increase of the rotor speed is
necessary not to penalise the helicopter performance at
high altitudes.
transmission shaft
Figure 16: Dimensions of the EC 135
low frequency
200 400 600 800 1000 noise level
Frequency [Hz]
range of about 30% is provided by the acoustic design EC 135 helicopter on the advancing blade side at
oftheEC135. 150 m sideline from the flight path. A very significant
effect is obtained for the first 10 harmonics if the tip
speed is reduced. The inteasity of the harmonics is
reduced by 5 to 10 dB whereas the higher harmonics
above 300 Hz nearly vanish in the background noise.
At the flyover position (lower Figures), no influence of
the main rotor noise can be noticed. The radiated noise
is dominated by broadband noise which is nearly not
affected by the tip speed variation. This is mainly due
to the influence of engine noise during the helicopter
flyover: It dominates for this flight phase, and it is
independent of the defined RPM variations.
98% RPM 104% RPM
o so-
2000 3000 4000 5000
Aural detection distance [m]
Sj 30
Figure 22: Calculated aural detection ranges for the 5. 20
EC 135 and the BO 105 in dependency of 2
the flight altitude
0 ' I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I ■ 1
Figure 23 shows the analysis of the first four main rotor 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000
harmonics for the EC 135 during flyover in 150 m alti- 98% RPM 104% RPM
tude with 209 and 220 m/s tip speed. As expected, the
first harmonic (4/rev) show no significant influence by
the rotor rotational speed variation. At this moderate
flight speed, the thickness component dominates the
main rotor spectrum. For a given performance, the low
frequency noise emission is smaller effected by the tip
speed§than the higher harmonic noise (Ref. 15). The
other harmonics are reduced in the range ahead of the
helicopter by 5 to 10 dB which means a reduction of
their acoustic detection range by more than 50%. 500 1000 500 1000
Frequency (Hz] Frequency [Hz]
analysis performed to determine the certification levels Aeroacoustic Conference, Aachen, Germany, May
ended with a margin of 5.8 dB to the LBA (ICAO) 1992
limits for the EC 135 P. The corresponding margin for
161 W.R. Splettstößer, K.-P. Anders, K.-H. Spiegel,
the EC 135 T version is 7 dB. The measured data
"Noise Certification and Sensitivity Studies on the
indicate the highest margin to the Chapter 11 noise
Helicopter BO 105", DFVLR-Mitt. 86-13, 1986
limits for the EC 135 of all measured helicopters which
verifies the success of the applied noise reduction meas- PI F. Fournier, "Mise au point d'une methode de
ures. It should be noted that this result was achieved at calcul adaptee au bruit de Fenestrons
a considerable higher flight speed (126 ktas) compared d'helicopteres", These de doctorat de l'Ecole
to most of the other helicopters. Centrale Lyon, 1988
CONCLUSION /8/ F. Toulmay, D. Falchero, G. Arnaud, "Prediction
During the design of the EC 135, a variety of noise of Helicopter Exterior Noise: Numerical Methods
as Conceived by an Industrialist", AGARD
reducing measures for both main and tail rotor were
CP552, Berlin, Oct. 1994
introduced in order to reduce the environmental noise
emission. The spectrum was significantly modified /9/ D. B. Signor, G.K. Yamauchi et al.,"Effect of
from a rotational noise spectrum to a broadband noise Ingested Atmospheric Turbulences on Measured
like spectrum. Most of the measures applied to the Tail Rotor Acoustic", Journal of the American
main rotor and the use of the Fenestron concept also Helicopter Society, Vol 1, pp 77-90, 1990
provided a positive effect on the aural detection for
military applications. /10/ C. Zwicker, "Configuration and Program Status of
EUROCOPTER's New Light Twin Helicopter
Compared to the similar existing helicopters with a EC 135", pres. at the 19th European Rotorcraft
conventional two bladed tail rotor unit like the BO 105, Forum, Cernobbio, Italy, 1993
the EC 135 noise is reduced by 3 to 4 dB depending on
flight condition. The noise certification (LBA-ICAO /ll/ G. Polz, D. Schimke, "New Aerodynamic Rotor
Annex 16, Chapter 11) was obtained with a margin of Blade Design at MBB", Pres. at the 13th Euro-
7 dB (EC 135T). The estimated aural detection range pean Rotorcraft Forum, Aries, France, Sept. 1987
for the EC 135 was reduced by about 30% compared to /12/ M. Vialle, G. Arnaud, "A New Generation of
the BO 105. Fenestron Fan-in-Fin Tail Rotor on the EC 135",
pres. at the 19th European Rotorcraft Forum,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Cernobbio, Italy, 1993
The authors will express their appreciation for the con- /13/ A. Vuillet, F. Morelli, "New Aerodynamic Design
tributions of Dr. W. R. Splettstößer, DLR Braun- of the Fenestron for Improved Performance",
schweig, M. H. J. Marze, acoustic specialist of AGARD CP No. 423
EUROCOPTER France, and M.M. Roger, professor
and researcher for acoustics at Ecole Centrale de Lyon /14/ D.Ewald et aI.,"Noise Reduction by applying
(France). modulation principles", Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America, Vo. 49, No. 5, ppl381-1385,
References 1971
IV ICAO Environmental Protection, Annex 16, /15/ F.J. Perry, A.C. Pike, "Helicopter Aeroacoustics
Volume 1, Aircraft Noise, 11. Nov. 1993 and the Impact of Noise Regulations on Design",
121 Federal Aviation Regulation 14 CFR Part 21 and Symposium The Quiet Helicopter, Royal
36, "Alternative Noise Certification Procedure for Aeronautical Society, 17. March 1992
Primary, Normal, Transport, and Restricted
Categories of Helicopters not Exceeding
6000 Pounds Maximum Take-off Weight",
Federal Register, Vol 57, Sept. 1992
/3/ R. G. Loewy, "Aural Detection of Helicopter in
Tactical Situation", Dep. of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Rochester, New York
74/ J. B. Ollerhead, "Helicopter Aural Detect-ability",
USAAMRDL-TR 71-33, Wyle Labor-atory,
Hampton, Virginia, 1955
151 K.-J. Schultz, W.R. Splettstößer, "Helicopter Main
Rotor/Tail Rotor Noise Radiation Characteristics
From Scaled Model Rotor Experimentation in the
DNW", pres. at the 14th DGLR/AIAA
Bryan Edwards
Jim Andrews
Chris Rahnke
Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., P.O. Box 482, Dept. 81
Fort Worth, Texas 76101, USA
performance degradation compared to the standard tail This initial design was tested at Bell's Flight Research
rotor. The maximum thrust capability was maintained Center in Arlington, Texas, and then was flown to
by increasing the tip speed from 207 m/s (678 ft/s) to Leadville, Colorado for high-altitude tests (field eleva-
220 m/s (720 ft/s). This initial design had four equally tion 9,920 ft). The purpose of high-altitude testing was
spaced blades with square tips, as shown in the photo to establish the DTR aircraft's capability for hovering
in Fig. 2. A key feature of this design is the relatively in winds at altitude. At Leadville, the DTR demon-
thin duct. The duct thickness is 20% of the rotor di- strated sufficient thrust capability in winds up to 35 kn
ameter. A comparison with the standard Model 222U for an increase in referred gross weight of 363 kg (800
tail rotor is given in Table 1: lb) compared to the standard tail rotor. The DTR dem-
onstrated right sideward flight capability of 45 kn at
Table 1. Comparison of M222U and M222 DTR. altitude. This performance was achieved without ex-
Aircraft: M222U M222 DTR ceeding the standard M222U tail rotor drive train
Gross weight 3,742 kg 3,742 kg power rating.
(8,2501b) (8,2501b)
Tail rotor diameter 2.1m 1.3 m While the performance and loads of the early DTR
(6.88 ft) (4.29 ft) demonstrator were very promising, the original design
Number of blades 2 4 was considered unacceptable because of the annoying
Solidity 0.154 0.371 tones. The acoustic problem with the initial DTR de-
Tail rotor blade aspect ratio 4.13 3.43 sign was due to two reasons:
Duct thickness / diameter _ 0.2
Tail rotor tip speed 206 m/s 220 m/s • The DTR had an increase in the blade passage
(678 ft/s) (720 ft/s) frequency due to a combination of smaller diame-
Tail rotor gearbox rating 138 kW 138 kW ter, higher tip speed, and more blades compared to
(185 hp) (185 hp) the standard tail rotor. This resulted in a noise of
higher frequency, which was more annoying. It
also meant that tail rotor noise was less masked by
the main rotor noise.
• The noise was very directional and unsteady.
Radius = 65.4 cm
(25.75 inches)
Fig. 3. Most favorable blade spacing for four- Fig. 4. Blade geometries and tip shapes
bladed DTR model found in initial evaluated on scissored four-bladed DTR.
whirl stand tests.
Based on the initial whirl stand tests results and the
rotor when installed on the demonstrator aircraft. Both followup flight evaluation, a number of design modifi-
the thin tip and scissored blades were incorporated into cations for improving the sound quality of the DTR had
new flight test hardware. been suggested. An extensive static model test was
then planned as the most efficient means to assess the
The incorporation of the thin tip concept in the flight potential of each modification. The goal of the model
test hardware was not by means of thinner airfoils but testing was to evaluate as wide a range of rotor and
through the use of a tapered planform tip shape. The duct configurations as possible, quickly and efficiently.
use of a planform taper had the double benefit of a After a downselection process based on the whirl stand
dimensionally thinner tip and of moving the blade test results, the most promising candidate designs
loading inboard. The three tip shapes shown in Fig. 4 would be taken to flight test and evaluated by meas-
were flown on the DTR demonstrator incorporating a urement and a sound jury.
scissored four-bladed rotor. The tapered tips had a
slight performance degradation compared to the square Model Test Setup
tip rotor. As can be seen in Fig. 5, the inboard end of A model rotor and duct test rig was installed in Bell's
the blade is fairly thick. By reducing the amount of whirl stand facility. The walls of this test facility form
efficient tip airfoil, the average blade profile drag a cylindrical chamber that can be vented near the floor
coefficient increased. In addition, by reducing the and ceiling to minimize recirculation of air when the
blade loading at the tip, the suction on the duct
decreased, resulting in a 6% reduction in thrust
produced by the duct. Overall, the three configurations 40
flew well. The trailing edge taper tip (termed the aft s
taper tip) proved to be the quietest of the three tips. c
01 70
While the scissored rotor was quieter than the equally ()
.9 111
spaced DTR, it still suffered from a high frequency u_
"buzz" that was directional and unsteady. This led to 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
another whirl stand test, which occurred in mid-1995, r/R
and which produced the dramatic noise reduction that
changed the DTR design from unacceptable to Fig. 5. Thickness distribution of baseline scis-
acceptable. sored four-bladed DTR.
Mic No. 1
Mic No. 2
3.2 m
(10.6 ft) /°30o
/Mic No. 4
Four-blade rotor
Five-blade rotors
demonstrated acoustical improvements. For the five- candidate spacings for reduced noise and good rotor
bladed rotor, the blades had an irregular 83-/63-/75.5- balance is given in Ref. 2.
/75.5-/63-deg spacing, as illustrated in Fig. 8. The aft
taper tip refers to the trailing edge taper illustrated in The first two configurations in Table 2 are the four-
Fig. 4. Other uneven spacings were evaluated for both and five-bladed rotors with equal solidity. At the same
the four- and five-bladed configurations, but did not tip speed they will provide the same thrust capability
offer as much potential for noise reduction. A full with roughly the same performance. Configuration 3
discussion of the design process employed in selecting introduced the effects of tip shape, and Configurations
o £
i5 Q- 15
Configuration No: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of blades: 4 5 5 5 5 5
Blade spacing: S cissoi'S Ever Even Uneven uneven Uneven
Tip shape: c>quar<3 iSquar e Aft taper Square Aft taper Square
Tip speed: 2 20 m/ s 2 20 m/s 220 m/s 220 m/s 220 m/s 195 m/s
(720ft/s) (720ft/s) (720ft/s) (720ft/s) (720ft/s) (640ft/s)
Rotor configuration
Fig. 10. DTR model whirl stand test showed the potential for 10.6 dBA harmonic noise reduction.
Configuration No. 2
in +70
(D +60
wO +30
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Frequency (Hz) Configuration No. 4
Configuration number
Fig. 11. Uneven blade spacing broadened spectral content and lessened the annoyance of the sound.
dominant 5/rev tone and its harmonics, and distribut- rotor, this tip shape demonstrated an additional noise
ing it more uniformly throughout the audible spectrum. reduction of 0.3 dB A.
This redistribution has the effect of making the tonal
content less objectionable, and tending to make the Configuration No. 6
character of the rotor sound more like a broadband Configuration No. 6, the final step in the process of
"hum" rather than a tonal "buzz." Ref. 7 offers a dis- testing toward an acceptable rotor design, was an un-
cussion of the selection and design process which led to evenly spaced 5-blade rotor identical to that of Con-
the specific blade spacing tested. figuration No. 4, but with tip speed reduced from the
original 220 m/s (720 ft/s) to 195 m/s (640 ft/s). This
Configuration No. 5 tip speed reduction alone reduced noise by 5.2 dB A.
Configuration No. 5 represented a check of the additive
effects of the tip shape as applied to the already reduced Summary of Whirl Stand Test Results
noise levels of Configuration No. 4. Combined with The whirl stand test results showed directly that the
the reduced harmonic levels of the unevenly spaced baseline model rotor harmonic noise could be reduced
deg pedal turns. The DTR noise levels were lower than In terms of effective perceived noise decibels (EPNdB),
those of the standard tail rotor, and its tonal content a noise metric used in helicopter noise standards, the
changed from the traditional discrete frequency "buzz" DTR reduces total helicopter noise by a three-
to a more broadly distributed "hum." This beneficial microphone average of 3 EPNdB for the flyover,
characteristic was readily evident during the hover test takeoff, and approach conditions combined.
as it had been during the whirl tests.
In all the flight demonstrations, the sound quality of
Fig. 13 shows the average A-weighted sound pressure the DTR was markedly improved over that of a stan-
level (SPL) measured during the hover test. The DTR dard tail rotor. This improvement is due not only to
reduced total helicopter noise 2 to 6 dBA during hover. the introduction of the duct itself, but also to the un-
The DTR's noise benefit is most noticeable at viewing even blade spacing, lower rotational tip speed, and
angles aft of the helicopter, where tail rotor noise typi- blade tip shape. Written comments, solicited from the
cally dominates during hover. 35-person sound jury present at the demonstration
flight, were very positive and indicated that application
Forward Flight of the DTR design to the product line should be consid-
During forward flight, as in the hover condition, the ered. Typical comments from the jury included "[tail
DTR showed the same dramatic acoustic improvement. rotor noise] hardly noticeable," "very acceptable," and
A representative noise time history comparing DTR "excellent."
with the standard tail rotor is shown in Fig. 14 for the
takeoff condition. The beneficial effects of the DTR DTR FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS
are most pronounced when the helicopter is uprange, In addition to the noise characteristics, the DTR flight
approaching the observer. Tail rotor sound is most test program was to determine the effect that configu-
dominant during this uprange portion of a flyover. The ration changes had on performance, handling qualities,
spectral content of the noise measured at about 300 m and component loads. Results from the different
(1,000 ft) uprange, shown as an inset in the figure, phases of testing provided insight into the use of ana-
indicates most tail rotor harmonics reduced by 5 to 20 lytical tools for future refined DTR designs. Perform-
dB, and total helicopter noise reduced by 6 dBA. ance, low-speed handling, and component loads were
Overhead, the DTR is 5 dBA quieter than the standard within expectations, and the results obtained greatly
tail rotor. The acoustic benefits of the DTR are also broadened the DTR technology data base.
more pronounced directly under the flight track than at
the 150-m sideline microphones, presumably because Ground Run
of the shielding effects of the duct structure itself. Af- Performance data taken during ground runs of the DTR
ter the helicopter passes overhead, tail rotor noise be- demonstrator are compared to analysis predictions in
comes less dominant, and the difference between the Fig. 15. During ground runs, the DTR thrust was de-
DTR and the standard tail rotor becomes less pro- rived from tailboom lateral bending. This was found to
nounced. be reasonably accurate when the main rotor collective
was reduced to flat pitch to minimize downwash on the
tailboom. The analysis indicated the low tip speed
five-bladed rotor would have a very slight performance
I Standard tail rotor D Ducted tail rotor
advantage over the high tip speed four-bladed rotor.
The ground run data in Fig. 16 shows no measurable
difference between the four- and five-bladed designs.
The expected performance advantage is smaller than
the measurement resolution. The only other difference
between the four- and five-bladed designs is that the
five-bladed design requires an additional 1 to 2 deg of
blade pitch to maintain thrust capability, as indicated
in Fig. 17.
Due to the emphasis on acoustic testing, only four
hover performance points were taken of the five-bladed
rotor in low wind conditions. Since this is a
140 364 638 statistically small sample, the DTR hover performance
Distance from aircraft (ft) is best determined by using the four-bladed rotor data
and noting that the five-bladed rotor is as good, or
Fig. 13. IGE hover with 360° left and right better. The four-bladed DTR hover performance is
pedal turns. shown compared to the standard tail rotor in Fig. 18.
m Inset: Spectral Content
-10 300 meters (1000 ft) uprange
8a) -30
TJ Standard tail rotor
^—Diirrfpri tail rotor *
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
v— Uprange Time before overhead (sec) Downrange —•
For both curves, the thrust is derived from main rotor should require 2.2 kW (3 hp) less to produce 222 daN
torque. This thrust value includes all the downwash (500 lbf) of thrust than the four-bladed DTR, thus
forces on the tailboom and horizontal elevator reducing the penalty to 10.4 kW (14 hp). This equates
endplates. However, since this is the same for both to a 1.5% increase in engine shaft power required to
aircraft, the performance difference is valid. For a hover. This modest performance penalty could be
typical hover thrust value of 222 daN (500 lbf), the reduced to zero by increasing the diameter of the
standard tail rotor requires 64 kW (86 hp), and the ducted rotor. However, this larger rotor and the
four-bladed DTR 77 kW (103 hp), a 13-kW (17-hp) surrounding duct would weigh more and produce more
penalty. Analysis indicates that the five-bladed DTR drag in forward flight.
Forward Flight
O 5-blade ducted tailrotor The only significant handling quality deficiency with
Analysis the Model 222U demonstrator aircraft was the
2" 800 occurrence of lateral directional oscillations with left
sideslip. These oscillations may have been due in part
600 • to low tail volume, high fin incidence, and poor fin
400 Gearbox sectional properties. Flight tests with the fin tufted
limit indicated that the flow on the lower half of the vertical
200 fin is separated during left sideslip, but attached with
£ zero or right sideslip. A final solution will require
.£ 0 additional flight testing.
<D o
-200 o
o The drag increase over the baseline Model 222U was
_4fin i_ —i i 0.13 m2 (1.4 ft2). Because of the high fin incidence and
D 50 100 150 200 shrouding of the tail rotor, the DTR tail rotor required
Referred horsepower less power than the standard tail rotor in forward flight
(Fig. 20). The higher drag and lower power required
Fig. 15. Ground run performance. combine to produce a 2-kn penalty compared to the
standard tail rotor.
3 q$P °
250 □ <a«fi
73 .o
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Referred tail rotor horsepower
Fig. 16. Ground run performance comparison.
750 -
o Four blades, 720-ft/s tip speed
500 -
3 a
JC o
r, 250 w
'S 0 -
-250 - &
o o
i 1 1 1 L 1 I i i —"
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Blade pitch angle (degrees)
Fig. 17. Ground run performance comparison.
when accounted for in the design. Additional condi- during hover and forward flight, along with reductions
tions were flown for the five-bladed and the four-bladed in individual tail rotor harmonics of 5 to 20 dB.
DTR configurations, and the measured steady and os- Effective perceived noise levels are reduced 3 EPNdB
cillatory loads data showed similar results. (three-microphone average) for takeoff, level flight,
and approach conditions. A marked improvement in
CONCLUDING REMARKS total helicopter noise is especially noticeable as the
The whirl stand and flight tests have demonstrated that helicopter is uprange of a sound jury, while similar
a DTR can meet operational needs, including low improvements are evident during hover operations.
noise, performance, loads, and handling qualities. The annoying tail rotor "buzz" is changed to a more
Installed on a Model 222U demonstrator helicopter, pleasing "hum." The DTR configuration tested
Bell's DTR, with five unevenly spaced blades and an required 1.5% more engine power to hover than the
aft taper tip, operating at a reduced tip speed, standard tail rotor, but demonstrated superior sideward
substantially decreases tail rotor noise and dramatically flight capability and also reduced pilot workload. The
improves the sound quality of the helicopter. Total increased drag of the duct costs about 2 kn in forward
helicopter noise reductions of up to 6 dBA are realized flight.
600 / ^— Standard tail rotor
. /C._ i
0) 100 J& ^fr •fr^
<? tail rotor O 75 <
"8 \
^ 5-bladed ducted 50
■8<D 200
tail rotor
OH 25
i i i i i i
0 0
(3 50 100 150 200 250 C) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Referred horsepower Paced airspeed (kn)
Fig. 18. Hover performance comparison. Fig. 19. Right sideward flight performance.
c ■ Hub prediction
Blade prediction
Fig. 21. Measured vs. predicted rotor hub and blade IGE hover and VH level flight steady loads for
five-bladed unevenly spaced rotors.
E S. y- Prediction "S
CO o Prediction
m o O
o 0
^ ^sr-~-^
Blade station Blade station
Fig. 22. Measured vs predicted rotor hub and blade VH level flight oscillatory loads for four-bladed 90
degree spaced, four-bladed scissors, and 5-bladed unevenly spaced rotors.
4. Vialle, Michel, and Arnaud, Gilles, "A New 6. D. Ewald, A. Pavlovic, and J. Bollinger,
Generation of Fenestron Fan-In-Fin Tail Rotor on EC "Noise Reduction by Applying Modulation Principles,"
135," Nineteenth European Rotorcraft Forum, Sept 14- JASA, Vol 49, No. 5 (Part 1), 1971.
16, 1993.
5. K.D. Kryter and K.S. Pearsons, "Judged 7.. P. Shahady, C. Lyon, J. Schauer, M. Chopin,
Noisiness of a Band of Random Noise Containing an and M. Ewing, "The Effects of Modulated Blade
Audible Pure Tone," JASA Vol 38, (1965), pp. 106- Spacing on Static Rotor Acoustics and Performance,"
112. 1973.
Afin de caracteriser les sources responsables du bruit in- Des methodes de prevision du bruit interne dans les helicop-
terne dans la cabine d'un helicoptere et de valider la mo- teres et plus generalement dans les structures aeronautiques
delisation de l'appareil basee sur la methode SEA (Statis- peuvent etre bäties sur 1'Analyse Statistique Energetique
tical Energy Analysis) qui permet la prevision de ce bruit (SEA) dans les domaines moyenne (MF) et haute frequence
interne, une Campagne de mesures en vol sur un helicop- (HF) compte tenu des progres realises ces dernieres annees
tere Ecureuil monomoteur a ete effectuee par la Direction dans ce domaine.
des Structures de l'ONERA sur le site d'EUROCOPTER Dans le cadre des developpements de methodes de previ-
FRANCE ä Marignane, pendant que parallellement etait sion du comportement dynamique haute frequence des
realisee la modelisation. structures mecaniques complexes, la Direction des Struc-
On decrit 1'instrumentation mise en place sur 1'helicoptere, tures de l'ONERA a effectue depuis 1986 un ensemble de
la procedure d'enregistrement et d'exploitation des recherches centrees sur la SEA [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16].
mesures et on analyse les resultats pour differentes vitesses Ces travaux ont abouti ä la creation d'un code de SEA ä vo-
de vol. cation industrielle ("PEGASE") [17,18,19]. Parallellement
des methodes numeriques ont ete developpees en basse
On presente ensuite le developpement du modele SEA de
frequence (BF) et moyenne frequence pour la prevision du
1'Ecureuil et la maniere de prendre en compte les diverses
comportement vibratoire des structures [2]. Ces methodes
sources d'excitation avec, en particulier, une modelisation
et les codes numeriques correspondant ont ete developpes
de l'excitation aerodynamique due ä la couche limite tur-
et valides dans le cadre des etudes de discretion acous-
bulente, basee sur un modele numerique simplifie.
tique. La methode (MF) a ete egalement validee dans le
Enfin on presente une comparaison calculs-mesures portant cadre de la prevision du bruit interne sur un helicoptere de
sur des niveaux vibratoires et sur la pression acoustique type DAUPHIN [4].
moyenne dans la cabine.
Dans le cas des helicopteres, la methode SEA est bien
adaptee ä la prevision du bruit interne dans la cabine dans
les domaines MF et HF compte tenu que la structure est
constituee d'elements structuraux ä forte densite modale
In order to characterize the potential sources of noise in qui entourent differentes cavites acoustiques internes et
a helicopter cabin and to validate a model of the cabin compte tenu aussi que les spectres d'excitation sont des
based on the SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis) method spectres large bände qui s'etendent dans les domaines MF
used as a predictive method, measurements were made by etHF.
the ONERA Structures Department vibroacoustical team
A la demande d'EUROCOPTER-France (ECF) et dans le
at EUROCOPTER FRANCE in Marignane while the SEA
but de valider la methode SEA et 1'application du code PE-
modeling was being carried out.
GASE ä la prevision haute frequence du bruit interne dans
Experimental equipment used in the single-engine heli- une cabine d'helicoptere, une Campagne de mesures du
copter ECUREUIL, data recording and analysis procedures bruit interne d'un helicoptere en vol a ete realisee en 1992
are described and results are analyzed for different flight par la Direction des Structures de l'ONERA sur l'Ecureuil
speeds. The SEA model of helicopter cabin is then pre- SA 350Z monomoteur [5].
sented and the way to take into account the different sources
Le but de cette Campagne de mesures etait de generer une
of excitation in this model. A model of aerodynamic ex-
base de donnees experimentales destinee ä etre utilisee de
citation (due to turbulent boundary layer) is based on a
deux facons.
simplified numerical approach.
- La premiere a consiste ä caracteriser les differentes
Finally, a comparison between measurements and computa-
sources de bruit dans la cabine et ä mesurer les reponses
tion for vibration response of structural parts and acoustical
vibratoires et acoustiques de l'appareil dans les domaines
pressure in the cabin is presented.
Pour estimer les excitations acoustiques etaient disposes: Les mesures ont ete effectuees dans 4 configurations de vol
de 1'helicoptere Ecureuil :
- 2 microphones dans la cavite BTP,
- vol stationnaire hors effet de sol (65 % du couple nominal),
- 2 microphones exterieurs sur le toit de la cabine, sous le
rotor, - vol avancant ä 82 noeuds (50 % du couple nominal),
-1 microphone pres d' une entree d'air moteur, - vol avancant ä 105 noeuds (65 % du couple nominal),
-1 microphone ä proximite du jet de la tuyere. - vol avan?ant ä 130 noeuds (95 % du couple nominal);
Enfin 3 capteurs de pression parietale etaient montes af- le choix de ces configurations permettant d'apprecier les
fleurants sur la verriere et le vitrage d'une porte avant, afin influences respectives de la valeur du couple delivre et de
d'apprehenderles excitations d'origine aerodynamique. la vitesse aerodynamique.
pales excitations, causes du bruit interne, et montrer leur fois nous constatons une augmentation du niveau sur tout le
resultante, Ie spectre frequentiel du bruit cabine. spectre directement correle ä la vitesse de vol; la frequence
de la bosse ne variant pratiquement pas.
2.4.1 Excitations mecaniques
La Figure 1 presente l'acceleration en Z au pied d'une des
barres BTP, ceci dans les 4 configurations de vol. Nous
avons ici un spectre de raies dans lequel on retrouve,
bien naturellement, toutes les frequences d'engrenement
presentes dans la chaine cinematique constituant la BTP,
ainsi que des harmoniques ou combinaisons de ces
frequences. Le regime moteur etant bien regule et done
quasi constant malgre les variations du couple delivre, les
frequences des raies ne bougent pas en fonction de la con-
figuration de vol; seules les amplitudes varient un peu en
fonction de la vitesse de vol, done du couple transmis. Nous
avons presente ici une excitation par voie solidienne, mais
la meme remarque vaut pour les excitations acoustiques
(voie aerienne) dues au bruit dans la cavite BTP et done de
meme origine.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
3.1 Moderation de l'excitation sur le plancher l'aide du logiciel "3C3D" qui a ete developpe et valide par
En ce qui concerne l'excitation induite sur le plancher
"mecanique", qui englobe l'excitation mecanique par les - La Figure 5 montre revolution de l'epaisseur de deplace-
barres et la partie rayonnement acoustique du carter, la ment de la couche limite 6* obtenue sur le Plafond-Cabine
puissance introduite dans le modele SEA a ete determinee (trait continu fort) et les Portieres (trait pointille fort)
"de facon globale" en effectuant un recalage des niveaux pour la vitesse de vol de l'helicoptere de 194 km/h (105
d'acceleration mesures sur le plancher. On ne disposait noeuds).
pas en effet de mesures süffisantes permettant de remonter - La Figure 6 montre ensuite la comparaison entre mesure
directement aux forces introduites dans les barres et Ton ne (trait continu fort) et calcul (trait pointille fort) de la pres-
sait pas estimer la part relative de l'excitation acoustique sion moyenne parietale Pa (w0) appliquee sur le Plafond-
due au rayonnement de la botte. Cabine pour la vitesse d'avance de 194 km/h.
3.2 Modelisation de l'excitation aerodynamique
Quant a l'excitation de couche limite induite sur les
elements structuraux du fuselage avant, une evaluation
numerique de cette excitation a ete realisee ä l'aide d'un
modele simplifie de couche limite [8].
Le modele de puissance introduite developpe ä cet effet est
le suivant:
< Uln(uJo) > = T>T{UJO) Pa (^o)
2 Th- 0.115^0 0.7w0
315 1000 10000 Ceci est illustre par les Figures 9 et 10 qui montrent la com-
paraison entre la mesure (trait continu fort) et l'enveloppe
Frequence en Hz
de la reponse prevue par le calcul (trait pointille fin) de la
pression moyenne efficace dans la Cavite-Cabine et de la
Fig. 7 vitesse moyenne efficace du Plafond-Cabine obtenus pour
le vol avancant ä 194 km/h.
Fig. 9
Le code PEGASE fournit dans un premier temps la valeur
moyenne de la reponse de chaque sous-systeme.
- La Figure 7 montre la comparaison entre mesure (trait
continu fort) et la prevision par le calcul (trait pointille
Fig. 10
Les etudes qui ont ete menees par la methode SEA sur la
prevision du bruit interne dans une cabine d'helicoptere ont
montre que :
- la SEA est une bonne methode previsionnelle du bruit
interne dans les structures aeronautiques complexes pour
les domaines Moyenne Frequence et Haute Frequence,
- 1'evaluation numerique de l'excitation de couche limite
en utilisant un modele simplifie de couche limite est tres
- la part de l'excitation aerodynamique due ä la couche li-
mite sur le fuselage avant etant plus faible que la contribu-
tion de l'excitation mecanique sur le plancher par les barres
BTP et de l'excitation acoustique due au rayonnement de
la boite de vitesse, il est necessaire dans l'avenir de faire
porter nos efforts sur 1'evaluation de ces excitations afin
d'ameliorer le caractere previsionnel de l'approche SEA
pour la prevision du bruit interne pour les futurs helicop-
teres en vol.
The present paper deals with an improved correction for the INTRODUCTION: GENERAL BACKGROUND
effect of sweep on the tilt of the rotor's tip path plane. Its
application to a simple test case shows that the prediction of its The basic concepts of classical-lifting line theory are still in
lateral tilt is considerably affected. The new model for sweep widespread use in the helicopter industry. Especially for the
effects might thus explain the often observed peak of the lateral purpose of flight-dynamics analyses, and certainly in the case of
tilt at small flight velocities. real-time simulations, the classical concepts derived from this
theory play a major role, and will do so for a long time to come.
integrated with popular inflow models like the dynamic inflow The tangential velocity UT is taken as:
model by Pitt and Peters (ref.3), or similar analyses.
UT- Or * Ucosacsini|; - QR(x + usini|r) (3)
Recently, research based on the rigorously derived liftingrline
The second term on the r.h.s. is based on the "simple sweep
theory has been resumed again, prompted by the requirements of
correction", i.e. it is assumed that as far as the lift is concer-
rotor analysis for real-time simulation. It is now attempted to
ned only the velocity components perpendicular to the span
derive simple "engineering" corrections which may be applied to
are relevant.
conventional rotor analyses. These corrections are implemented
by using the characteristics of "effective" two-dimensional
In relation to flight mechanical models much attention has been
aerofoils which replace the aerofoils defined by the exact blade
given to inflow-models to determine the value of vb see for
shape. "Effective" camber or other corrections are derived from
instance the review by Chen (ref.4).
the exact form of lifting-line theory mentioned above.
Another topic on which research has concentrated, is the relation
C,(ae). The latter may be linear or non-linear, steady or unsteady,
In the present paper, the first result of this new approach, an
compressible or incompressible, and based on any combination
improved correction for sweep effects, will be derived. This
because the simple sweep correction as usually applied to the
section characteristics, introduces a significant error.
As far as boundary layer effects are concerned, e.g., profile drag,
the simple sweep correction has always been recognized to be
1. THE SIMPLE SWEEP CORRECTION invalid. Three-dimensional effects are taken into account,
sometimes even including centrifugal and Coriolis forces, to
The usual analysis of rotor behaviour is based on a blade-element replace the assumption of two-dimensional section
consideration like the one shown in fig. 1. characteristics.
Little attention has been paid to the validity of the simple sweep
correction in relation to the lift. By Van Holten (ref.2) it was
pointed out that considerable errors are likely to be introduced by
this assumption. However, the special formulation of lifting-line
theory which takes sweep effects correctly into account (ref.2) is
relatively complicated.
As stated before, a simple approximate correction for sweep
effects, to be incorporated into the usual flight mechanical rotor
models, will be derived in this paper.
Windtunnel analogy
In order to arrive at the elementary contributions to the total rotor of sweep effect
thrust and torque, a large number of simplifying models are
a - 6 - arctan (1)
There is no twist in the wing, and what the flow in the
windtunnel "feels" would not be different from a two-
In the case of a centrally hinged blade (see fig.4): dimensional wing section, at least in inviscid flow.
r + V p cos a cos i|r ■ From this thought experiment it is concluded that the lift force
dt is not influenced by the relative velocity components parallel to
(2) the wingspan, at least in the linear part of the lift-curve where
- OR viscosity does not play a major role. This leads to the simple
sweep correction which is usually applied in rotoranalysis.
It is clear that the simple sweep correction is not valid for the 4. APPROXIMATE SWEEP CORRECTION FOR THE
forces that depend strongly on viscous effects, such as the profile HELICOPTER ROTOR BLADE
drag. This consideration has led to the well-known correction by
Bennett (ref.5) for the profile-power of a rotor in forward flight. An approximate correction for sweep effects in the case of a
helicopter rotor blade is obtained by using an equation for the lift
Even in inviscid flow, the simple sweep correction would break which is analogous to the one derived above for the swept wing
down if one imagines a windtunnel through which a twisted in parallel flow.
wing is sliding. In such a case, what the flow inside the tunnel „T
would "see" is a wingsection whose lift varies in time. The Control plane (p.n.f.)
conclusion is, that for a wing with lift varying along the span the
sweep effect is analogous to an unsteady flow effect.
View: A - A
Figure 3: Swept, uncambered wing in paralel flow
The aspect ratio A is assumed to be large, and effects of the order ß-r = p R x
0(A"2) are neglected. This accuracy corresponds to the usual
lifting line assumptions.
The sweep angle A is assumed to be relatively small, therefore
also effects of the order 0(e) may be neglected, with e = tanA/A. p.n.f-
1 2C, 2 jM'1 dx -
1 - (13)
i-p(ClR)2c (6)
9(1 + rtj*. ♦ kc) ♦ 6J„a0 - %;
so that eq. (5) is transformed into:
Furthermore, because we consider a centrally hinged rotor blade
lc- C, 6(x + usini|r)2 *
without spring stiffness in the hub, the 1-P components of the
flapping moment must vanish:
x + ußcosi|r (x + |isin i|r)
— /"cos i|fdt|r H xdx -
0 0 (14)
dx (7) > o - W * ¥) * *(f» " % ♦ kc) ♦ fiaj- 0
a 1
-- C, 28 (x + ^isini|r)
dx di|r
dß. + ußeosty
- C. \ k, + k + —*-x
"' di|;
A second, cruder approximation has been introduced for the term
'/2 e In | e j. This term is approximated by
-ein lei 6cosi)i (10)
with 8 the value of abs('/i e ln|e|) in the point x=75, I|J=0: 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Substituting eqs. (9) and (10) into (7) we can work out the
following integrals, on assuming a truncated Fourier-series for
the flapping angle; ß= a0 - a, cosiji - bj simjj:
2n 1
2 2r
(12) s*
C, o,
fgf >2|-(V4^K"b.: 0.3
where the first term on the r.h.s. represents the classical result,
and the second term represents the effect of the sweep
correction. Figure 8: The in-plane induced velocity component
It is well known that the lateral tilt of the rotor disc is severely The conventional methods of rotoranalysis contain a large
underpredicted by the classical result. See, e.g., the comparison number of simplifying assumptions. One of these
with experimental data in fig.7, taken from ref.6. assumptions is, that the generation of lift by a blade section
depends on the velocity component perpendicular to the
bladespan only. Closer consideration reveals that this
assumption is too crude and inconsistent with other
approximations implicit in usual rotor analyses.
The sweep correction as derived above might give the answer to 2. Holten, Th. van, "On the validity of lifting line concepts in
this question. One should realize that in the region of medium rotoranalysis," Vertica, vol. 1, pp. 239-254,1977.
flight speeds one may expect in-plane induced velocities to
occur. Such an in-plane component of the induced velocity has 3. Pitt, D.M., and Peters, D.A., "Theoretical prediction of
never been considered in the usual analyses, since it would dynamic inflow derivatives," Vertica, vol. 5, no.l, pp. 21-34,
hardly influence the flapping angles. However, it would affect 1983.
the additional sweep effects as considered in the present analysis.
4. Chen, R.T.N., "A survey of nonuniform inflow models for
From qualitative considerations one can see that the induced rotorcraft flight dynamics and control applications," paper
velocity has no in-plane component in the case of hover. Neither no. 64, 15th F.uropean Rotorcraft Forum, Amsterdam, 1989.
are in-plane induction effects present in high-speed flight, where
the rotor may be considered as a circular wing. However, in the 5. Bennett, J.A.J., "Rotary wing aircraft," Aircraft Engineering.
intermediate region in-plane induction velocities do occur, as 1940.
may be inferred from fig.8.
6. Bramwell, A.R.S., "Helicopter Dynamics," Edward Arnold
These in-plane induction velocities will further increase the Ltd, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A", 1986.
lateral rotor tilt angle, at these intermediate flight velocities. A
further quantification of this effect will thus be needed, by 7. Moon, P., and Spencer, D.E., "Field theory for engineers,"
deriving an extension of existing inflow models, so that in-plane D. van Nostrand Company, 1961.
induction velocities are included.
APPENDIX A: DERIVATION OF EQUATION (4) The pressure perturbation should vanish at large distances from
the wing:
In this appendix one finds the derivation of equation (4) given in
paragraph 3. One should note that the coordinate system and p - 0 for x2 * z2 - - (A-5)
notations used in this appendix differ somewhat from the rest of According to (A-l) the normal component of the pressure
the article. gradient on the aerofoil surface should vanish:
Notations - 0 on die aerofoil surface (A-6)
In linearized theory this boundary condition is applied to the part
unit vectors, as defined
of the x-axis between -c/2 < x < c/2, with c denoting the chord
A wing aspect ratio
length. At the leading edge however, there will in general exist a
b wing span m streamline kink, which implies a pressure singularity:
c chord length m
C constant, as defined P - -' at die leading edge (A-7)
c, lift coefficient
The strength of this singularity should be such that the flow
Lk unit vectors, as defined
modified Bessel function of becomes tangential to the aerofoil surface. Because it has already
the second kind been required by (A-6) that the curvature of the flow on the
1 section lift N/m surface is zero, it is sufficient to require the flow to be tangential
pressure perturbation N/m2 at just one point of the surface. A convenient choice is the point
t time s
just past the leading edge singularity which will be denoted as
U free stream velocity m/s
the point (-c/2+0+, 0), so that:
V= (u,v) velocity perturbation vector m/s v(-c/2* 0*. 0)/U- -a (A-8)
x,y,z Cartesian coordinates m
x\ y, z' nondimensional Cartesian where a is the geometrical angle of attack.
0 wing section
DiL 3Y.
— •—*(U-Y)iL--p-'gradp (Euler's eq.) (A-l)
Dt at <P= TC
p - 0 for n - M
(A-13) v(-c/2 + 0;0)- - —f\^ dz (A-20)
0 for i\ - 0 (A-14) on account of the fact that on the surface of the aerofoil 3p/9z -
except at the leading edge, where
Once again this integral may be transformed in terms of elliptical
p -. - oo for T|- 0, cp- ±Tt (A-15) coordinates:
i j-i[y(n)]dn
* o; y0, o
pUcosATicJ cosh T) - 1
According to the rigorous-lifting line theory of ref. 2 the result of
this integration up to order 0(A') depends on the sectional lift 10
= l(y0') as well as on the local value of the spanwise gradient of
the lift 10' = (dl/dy'V All the higher derivatives of the lift in
spanwise direction appear to have an influence of order 0(A"2)
and smaller.
For this reason we may, with sufficient accuracy, approximate
the lift distribution along the span of the wing by:
Figure A-3: Particle influenced by different sections
«y)-i.*|— (y'-y>-c,y-y°' (A-33)
If the spanwise position of the section where the particle arrives dy'Jo
at time t=0 is denoted by y0, then the x- and y-coordinates of the
with C a positive quantity, and the spanwise coordinate y'
particle are given by
defined by y' = y/(b/2). For a further explanation see figA-4.
x- - — + UcosA-t (A-24)
y- y0 + UsinA -t (A-25)
Figure A-4: Actual and approximated lift distribution
(A-28) The integral in (A-32) becomes, after substituting this ap-
proximated lift distribution:
The perturbation parameter e. is of order 0(A"2), if we consider
small sweep angles. l[v(q)]dil
just behind the leading edge has the same form as eq.(A-17),
■v cosh x\
except for the fact that now C, is no longer a constant. Rather, C, dn
is a function of the spanwise coordinate of the particle, which in - 1
turn is a function oft:
Dv el^fe'^^dn
v-c/2 ♦ <r, o)- f—dt-
J Dt
(A-29) Recalling the special meaning attached to the singular integral on
the r.h.s., the integrations may be performed, and yield the
- Ax(t), 0, y(t))dt following result:
pJ öz
I--I0-ei0'ecl'lK0(C|e|) (A-35)
The pressure field of all the sections whose influence is "felt" by
the particle has the form of a flat-plate pressure field: where K0 is the modified Bessel-function of the second kind, and
of zero order. This expression may be expanded using
i[y(i)3 sincp
T. C COSh T| + COS (p '- 1 ♦ Clel
so that
K.(C|e|). - Y - In ±Ck
l[y(ri)] 1 L
dz TIC c . , coshri (A-31)
—sinhri where y is Euler's number.
I- - 10 + letale| (A-36)
Peter G. Hamel
1.3 Aircraft-Pilot Coupling (APC) Research input amplitude and frequency. This approach was success-
fully applied as early as 1964 [16].
As a result of growing numbers of APC-related incidents
and accidents of civil and military aircraft with active con- A straight forward Cat. II prediction criterion is proposed
trol systems and/or advanced cockpit technologies various in [17]. This new flying qualities parameter (OLOP: Open
review teams and research groups have been formed in Loop Onset Point) predicts potential adverse APC condi-
recent years. tions due to rate limiting in the flight control system of
highly augmented flight vehicles. No describing functions
They include the Study Committee on Effects of Aircraft-
Pilot Coupling on Flight Safety of the United States Re- techniques are required. The method determines the closed-
search Council (Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board) loop frequency where the RLE is actived first time for
maximum input amplitude.
under the leadership of D.T. McRuer (1995 - 1996) and
various recent initiatives and activities of the Flight Vehicle Then, OLOP is defined as the open-loop frequency response
Integration Panel (FVP) of the Advisory Group of Aero- at the closed loop onset frequency [17]. OLOP can be
space Research and Development (AGARD) [6 - 7]. Further readily used in the flight control systems design process
research is directed by NASA [8], US Air Force [9] and dealing with feedforward and feedback gains and RLE
DLR/FFA [10]. Surveys on recent and ongoing APC re- parameters.
search concerned mainly with fixed wing aircraft are given
in [1 and 11]. Evaluations of available material and flight • Category III
data bases resulted in revisiting theoretical approaches and Essentially-Nonlinear Pilot Vehicle System Oscillations
originating unified steps and standards to assess and char- with Transition.
acterize adverse aircraft-pilot coupling phenomena more These APC conditions depend on nonlinear transitions
generally [12,13, 14]. The world of potentially severe PIOs in either the effective controlled flight vehicle dynamics,
or APCs respectively is divided into three categories de- or in the pilot's behavioral dynamics [1]. Transitions or
scribed below. shifts in controlled element dynamics may be associated
with the control input amplitude, or due to variations or
1.4 Three Categories of APC failures in the flight vehicle external configuration (e.g.
aerodynamics, structural components, propulsion sys-
The classification scheme suggested by McRuer [1,2] takes tem) or internal architectures (e.g. flight control laws,
into account various pilot behavior models and closed loop software configuration). Pilot transitions may be related
analysis procedures from past experience. Data bases util- to changes in the flight mission implying different ag-
ized rely more or less totally on fixed-wing in-flight simu- gressiveness in the manual control task and/or switched
lation, flight test and flight incident/accident data bases. motion cueing (e.g. from attitude to load factor).
Rotorcraft related data bases are extremely limited and
Cat. Ill APC are highly critical and less predictable for
practically only concerned with sling load/helicopter-pilot
interactions (see section 2.1). modern digital FbW/L flight control systems designed for
more or less unstable flight vehicle configurations. The
• Category I control laws of these highly augmented flight vehicles are
Linear Pilot-Vehicle System Oscillations. optimized for optimum and carefree handling qualities
(Level 1) with embedded flight envelope protections. For
The effective controlled vehicle dynamic characteristics these purposes, various nonlinear soft and hard system
are essentially linear as well as the pilot's behavioral elements are implemented to counter anticipated control
dynamics. The oscillations are associated with high gain problems.
open-loop system dynamics. These are critically formed
by increasing time delay effects. The Cat. Ill problem arises if the pilot is faced with unan-
ticipated or unimagined hard - and/or software interferences
Generally, Cat. I APC tendencies are sufficiently predicted of the control - configured flight vehicle. A more elaborate
by simply providing "good" flying qualities as defined in discussion on Cat. Ill APCs, e.g. the alteration potential
USAF MIL-STD-1797 (fixed-wing) or US Army ADS- of effective flight vehicle or pilot dynamics is given by
33D (rotary wing) under "Level 1" requirements with em- D.T. McRuer [1,2].
phasis placed on those criteria of most importance in high-
gain closed loop piloting tasks.
Aeroelastic related linear phenomena are not as yet gener- 2. INTEGRATED PILOT-ROTORCRAFT SYSTEM
ally predictable. They require extended mathematical mod-
els including flexible mode dynamics. 2.1 Potential Sources of Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling
• Category II
Quasi-Linear Pilot-Vehicle System Oscillations with The next generation of military rotorcraft will have to be
Control Actuator/Surface Rate or Position Limiting. capable of precise and aggressive maneuvering close to the
The rate limiting elements (RLE, [15]) modify the Cat. I ground at night and in poor weather. By using Active
situation by introducing amplitude-sensitive effective Control Technologies (ACT), the rotorcraft's handling
time delays which determine the magnitude of limit- qualities can be tailored to specific demands of individual
cycle type oscillations. Additionally, nonlinearities such mission phases. Hence, different flight control laws will be
as stick command shaping or aerodynamic characteris- programmed for different flight phases, e.g. rate command
tics may also be included [1]. for Nap-of-the-Earth (NOE) flight and attitude command
for precision hovering. Handling qualities requirements
Specific Cat. II APC conditions tend to be equivalent to such as ADS-33D will provide guidelines for the design of
those of Cat. I except for the dominance of control system integrated flight control systems. They also provide the
and/or aerodynamic nonlinearities. Oscillatory APC condi- bottom line for acceptance flight testing. Figure 1 shows the
tion may be analytically described by linear parts of the generics of an integrated flight control system of a future
open-loop pilot-vehicle dynamics and a composite describ- rotorcraft. Different components like inceptors (manipu-
ing function representing the nonlinearity as a function of lators), effectors (actuators and rotor blade controllers),
play laws) form the integrated rotorcraft system, which has > AH-56 1970 Flexible Control Actuation System [20]
to be ultimately handled and evaluated by the pilot. Besides > CH-53 E (USN) 1978 Flexible Mode-Sling Load Interaction [21]
the bare rotorcraft dynamics, each component in Figure 1 o CH-53 G (GAF) 1980 Flexible Mode-Sling Load Interaction [22]
introduces additional higher order dynamics which will > UH-60 ADOCS 1988 Excessive Time Delays [23]
enter into the final evaluation of the integrated rotorcraft-
pilot system. These higher-order dynamics of actively con- > V-22 1989 Flight Control/Flexible Mode Interaction [24]
trolled rotorcraft will result in reduced system bandwidth > BO 105ATTHeS 1993 Time Delay/Attitude Command [25]
1995 Biomechanical/Airframe Coupling [26]
and increased system phase delay which is directly related
to the total effective time delay of the rotorcraft-pilot sys-
tem. System bandwidth and effective time delay are two of
the most important flight control design and specification
parameters of ADS-33D. Effective time delays of more than Fig. 3 Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling Occurrences
200 msec, resulting from 50 - 70 msec inherent rotor re-
sponse delays, some 30 msec actuator delay and additional Other adverse RPC incidents / accidents involved man-
delays due to digital computing, sensor signal shaping and machine control behavior in biodynamic environments [20,
filtering, may reveal poor handling qualities due to high- 27] plus excessive time lag [18] or delays [23, 25, 26].
gain tasks. They exhibit potential sources of adverse Rotor-
craft-Pilot Coupling.
Potential dynamic interactions of rotorcraft have been dis- 2.2 Rotorcraft Indicators of Concern
cussed by D.T. Mc Ruer [1]. Based on a CH-53E roll rate From Figures 1 and 2 of section 2.1 it can be concluded that
to lateral cyclic transfer function Figure 2 provides a con- the potential of RPCs related to future combat and transport
crete illustration of the huge amount of dynamic models rotorcraft will be challenged by the following four features:
involved in helicopter dynamic interactional features. As
• Rotorcraft Dynamic Features
60 Rotor Lag Progressive - Limited inherent Stability
2 nd Body Flex. 1
I st Body Flex.-
- Rigid Body/Flexible Modes Coupling
40 External Load Pitch/Heave - Control/Response Coupling
Amplitude Rotor Lag Regressive - Vibration Environment
|GOL<M| I 20 Engine/Drive Train
VSAS Feedbacks
- Very large Airframes
- Underslung Loads
• The Fly-by-Wire/Light Factor
- Full-Authority Control Effectors
- Control Laws and Degraded Modes
- Envelope Protection and Load Limiting
-100 - Manipulator Dynamics and Stick Filtering
- Bandwidth & Time Delay Effects
-200 • Pilot Dynamics Features
deg 0n ro
' Limb/Manipulator System r"H - Behavior Patterns
-300 1 (roll ratchet) - Flight Training and Experience
Phase ISon*} Vibration Feedthrough
4 GOL(jco))
- Increasing Task Demands
Active "Autopilot
-400 • Pilot-Rotorcraft Interface
Flight -Stability Augmentation
Control Pilot Desensitization
' ' ' L
- Biodynamic Interferences
0.1 .6 1.0 3 6 10 30 60 100 - Usable Cue Environment
Frequency CO , rad/sec
- Mode Switching
- Envelope Protection
- General Effects of Automation.
Fig. 2 Large Rotorcraft Dynamic Interactional Features
3. THREE RPC CASES lateral oscillation was observed for several of the high to
3.1 UH-60 ADOCS (Cat. I Example) ultra-high gain tasks. For example, during the performance
of the vertical landing from a hover a persistent adverse
The Advanced Digital Optical Control System (ADOCS) 1 Hz lateral RPC was observed on the telemetry. This was
demonstrator program was conducted in the 1980's with the not always observed by the evaluation pilot however and
overall objective of providing the technology base for the though the workload during the descent was very low,
engineering development of an advanced battlefield-com- exhibiting excellent Level 1 characteristics, the overall rat-
patible flight control system (Fig. 4). Performed by Boeing ing for this maneuver varied between 4 and 5. Comprehen-
Helicopter under contract from the US Army Applied Tech- sive frequency-domain testing is needed to uncover these
nology Directorate (AATD), Ft. Eustis, Virginia, it pro- potentially degrading time-delay effects, as quantitative
vided an extensive base of experience on the design, testing, time-domain testing techniques (steps and pulses) are not
sufficiently sensitive to time delays.
Advanced Digital Optical Control Flight Demonstrator
E> Exhibited RPC in several high to ultra-high Gain Tasks
• Vertical Landing - 1 Hz lateral
• Dash / Quickstop - 1 Hz lateral during Flare
• Slope Landing - sometimes divergent 1 Hz lateral
Pilot Manipulator
(Pitch Axis)
Sample Stick
17 msec
70 msec
Control Laws
and ZOH
39 msec
H Actuators
and Rotor
97 msec
223 msec
(7.6%) (31%) (17.5%) (43.5%) (100%)
Variable Bandwidth/Time Delay In-Flight Simulation
Height = 50 feet
Attitude Command with 160 msec added Time Delay
0 80
Roll Input Longitudinal Distance, m
Lateral distance,m
20 30
Time, sec Fig. 11 Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling (Cat. I/III, Example)
Fig. 9 Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling (Cat. I, Example 2) Fig. 12 shows the lateral stick input and the bank angle
response for the lateral position tracking task. A pronounced
Category I Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling may be predicted RPC can be recognized at the start of the lateral transition.
using the bandwidth and phase delay requirements from During the debriefing, it was found out, that although time
Aeronautical Design Standard ADS-33D. Figure 10 shows delay was a contributing factor, the most important reason
the bandwidth and phase delay of the two RPC configura- for this RPC was biodynamic coupling between the aircraft,
tions discussed above. Both RPC cases, which had a phase the lateral cyclic controller, and the pilot. This can best be
delay of about 200 msec were predicted with marginally explained by examining the sequence of events. When the
adequate to inadequate (borderline Level 2-3) handling vehicle starts its lateral translation, the pilot needs to bank
qualities. Figure 10 also shows the bandwidth and phase to the right in order to follow the vehicle, so he makes a
delay of the DLR in-flight simulator with no added time lateral stick input to the right and tries to maintain that stick
delay. As can be seen, the helicopter possesses desired position (necessary because of the attitude command sys-
(Level 1) handling qualities in this case. tem). The helicopter control system responds to the input
by generating a roll rate to the right. The inertia acting on
the stick and the pilot's arm now makes the stick lag this
3.3 BO-105 ATTHeS (Cat. I/III Example) right rolling motion. Since stick position is measured rela-
tive to the helicopter, a left stick input is sensed, so the
Figure 11 shows an example of a Category I/III Rotorcraft- control system responds with a left roll rate. Now, the pilot
Pilot Coupling that was experienced with the DLR in-flight gets into the loop and a classic RPC develops, which con-
simulator ATTHeS [26, 28]. The command model imple- tinues until the pilot can backs-out of the control loop or
mented on ATTHeS was an attitude command system with ultimately releases the stick.
BO 105 ATTHeS Sidestep Tracking Task Fixed-wing related APC prediction criteria utilizing de-
c^> RPC due to Biodynamic Feedback [16] scribing function methods offer some good potential for
4o r
rotorcraft applications [12, 13, 15].
Still more attractive becomes Duda's OLOP-criterion
which does not require describing functions but the follow-
ing steps [14]:
Bank Angle, • Define simple high-gain pilot model
• Calculate linear closed-loop frequency response from
pilot model input to input of rate-limiting element (RLE)
• Determine closed-loop onset frequency where rate
limiter is actuated first time for maximum pilot input
Sequence of Events:
© Q amplitude and
• Identify open-loop frequency response at the closed-loop
onset frequency.
Fig. 12 Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling (Cat. I/III, Example) Fixed-wing aircraft simulation and flight data analysis look
promising but rotorcraft simulation and flight data gather-
Comparison of the vehicle handling qualities with the ing and evaluation is still missing. Also, OLOP boundaries
bandwidth and phase delay criteria of ADS-33D did not for rotorcraft with rate limiting elements in the feedforward
reveal the very severe RPC tendency of this vehicle-stick or feedback path have still to be investigated and validated.
response. Although the phase delay was evaluated as a result
of the added time delay, handling qualities were predicted
as adequate (Level 2), which is not consistent with the 4.3 Cat. Ill RPC
severe RPC shown in Figure 12.
No specific rotorcraft related prediction methods readily
Similar biodynamic feedback phenomena associated with available. Cat. Ill RPC assessment methods are the most
control stick dynamics have been observed during flight challenging issue for highly-augmented and full authority
experiments at NRC, Canada, and others [29]. fly-by-wire/light rotorcraft.
What measures (research and flight test techniques) have to
4. RPC ASSESSMENT be taken in order to unmask unforeseen (hidden) events
which are contradictory to software solutions or dedicated
4.1 Cat. I RPC system nonlinearities originally designed and implanted to
provide optimum (level 1) flying qualities or to counter
From the afore discussed three RPC flight cases it can be anticipated problems (e.g. load limiting and/or flight enve-
concluded that the bandwidth and phase delay criteria of the lope protection)?
current D-version of the Aeronautical Design Standard 33
(ADS-33) Handling Qualities Requirements for Military
Rotorcraft have some potential to predict adverse Cat. I-
type RPC cases at the Level 2/3 boundary (Figure 10). 5. RPC PREVENTION
A potential difficulty with the analysis of flight test data 5.1 Prevention Methodologies
associated with bandwidth I phase delay criteria is the fre-
quency for gain and phase margins, and twice the cross-over There is no unique methodology or clear set of recommen-
frequency may be outside the range of good coherence. dations which can be applied to prevent adverse rotorcraft-
Especially phase delay (phase slope) estimates may become pilot coupling problems. Two specific aspects of RPC pre-
sensitive because of poor data coherence due to rotor dy- vention methodologies have to be highlighted:
namics and other nonlinear effects at higher than bandwidth
frequencies. These effects have to be quantified and need (1) Successive system assessment during the design
more research [30]. process including
Reproducable phase delay (phase slope) estimates at band- Analytical modeling of
width frequencies are indispensable for reliable Cat. I-RPC
predictions, as small changes in pilot gain may result in - Rotorcraft dynamics and aeromechanics,
large changes in phase lag, "a perfect setup for a PIO" [31].
- Pilot dynamic behavior (control-theoretic or fuzzy
Some of the ADS-33 standardized flight test maneuvers control equivalents),
such as roll-slalom tracking provide the level of aggressive-
ness required for unmasking critical RPC tendencies. Nev- Ground-based pilot-in-the-loop simulation,
ertheless as yet only limited RPC oriented flight test data
bases have been gathered by fly-by-wire/light technology In-flight (airborne) simulation and
demonstrators (e.g. UH-60 ADOCS) or airborne simulators
(e.g. BO 105 ATTHeS) [25, 28, 30]. Prototype testing
(2) Flight test techniques for Rotor-induced vibrations and other inertia] forces during
aggressive maneuvering can exert forces on the body and
limbs of the pilot, exciting nonvoluntary control commands
• System identification purposes and of the manipulator (pilot inceptor) which may deteriorate
rotorcraft control precision, increase control activity and
• High-gain maneuvering. may cause rotorcraft-pilot coupling effects due to parasitic
System identification flight testing is essential for all han- positive feedback paths. These phenomena have already
dling qualities investigations of highly augmented rotor- been researched [40].
craft as it can provide validated mathematical models ex- Adaptive filtering may restore tracking performance and
tracted right in time during the flight envelope expansion suppress or prevent adverse RPCs due to biodynamic feed-
phase [32]. back [41]. Still more research is needed for establishing
German (DLR [33] and US (NASA / AFDD / Boeing [34]) guidelines for designing RPC-free fly-by-wire/light (FbW /
fly-by-wire / light rotorcraft flight experience have clearly L) manipulator/flight control laws.
demonstrated the advantages of explicit model following One disadvantage of passive stick feel systems is the inabil-
flight control laws for tailoring of the rotorcraft response to ity to change stick dynamics and to sense control system or
achieve favourable handling qualities. The philosophy of rotor load limits which will vary with trim conditions. On
model following control based on feedforward regulation the other hand active force feedback or cueing manipulators
provides safer and more accurate mode control. The per- are still subject of basic research.
formance, however, depends strongly on the validated
mathematical model of the bare rotorcraft dynamics which Active sidesticks definitely can improve critical RPC situ-
have to include for high-gain and bandwidth requirements ations by giving the pilot immediate kinesthetic feedback
(aggressive maneuvering) not only rigid-body but also on the consequences of controller inputs, and can be used
higher-order rotor and control system dynamic effects [35 to indicate trim status. Also, active sidearm controllers
-37]. could transfer control of the rotorcraft from one pilot to
another in an emergency.
Pilot-in-the-loop investigations utilizing these validated
high-fidelity mathematical models are one of the best pre- Recent advances in active inceptor technology utilizing
requisites to identify and alleviate potential RPC conflicts. electromagnetic instead of electromechanic force loading
indicate promising options of active and adaptive manipula-
More details about rotorcraft system identification flight tors for future highly augmented and RPC resistant FbW/L
test techniques such as control input design are published rotorcraft (Figure 13, [42]).
in [35].
High-gain demonstration maneuvers for RPC immunity
testing should include
2. With the introduction of full-authority fly-by-wire/light [3] Kuliberg, E., et al, "SAAB Experience with PIO",
flight control systems in combination with new mani- AGARD-AR-335, Paper 9, February 1995.
pulators such as sidesticks a multitude of favorable
options offering task-oriented optimum and carefree [4] Dornheim, M.A., "Report Pinpoints Factors Lead-
handling qualities becomes available. With these pro- ing to YF-22 Crash", AW & ST, 9 Nov. 1992, pp. 53
to 54.
mising but sophisticated hard and soft technologies a
total system integrity qualification process regarding [5] Dornheim, M.A., et al., "Boeing Corrects Several
unfavorable RPC potentials becomes mandatory. 777 PIOs", AW & ST, 8 May 1995, p. 32.
3. Within project development and acceptance flight [6] N.N., "Active Control Technology: Applications
testing adequate time for executing standardized aggres- and Lessons Learned", AGARD-CP-560, January
sive maneuvering should be provided to unmask any 1995.
sources for adverse rotorcraft-pilot handling
deficien-cies. These deficiencies may have been [7] Mc Kay, K. (Editor), "Flight Vehicle Integration
undeliberately introduced by nonlinear elements such as Panel Workshop on Pilot Induced Oscillations",
rate limiters for alleviating loading problems on the rotor AGARD-AR-335, February 1995.
[8] A'Harrah, R.C, "Communique with DLR and
4. Only very limited flight test data bases for Cat. I RPC Others", NASA Headquarters, Washington D.C., 14
research are available. Diligent pilot-in-the-loop han- July 1992.
dling qualities research is required for data gathering in
all three RPC categories (Cat. I - III) using ground-based [9] Flynn, W.A., "An Investigation of Pilot Induced
and airborne flight simulators. Oscillation Phenomena in Digital Flight Control
Systems", AGARD-CP-560, Paper 23, January
5. Elements of the US Army ADS-33D criteria provide 1995.
certain guidance for predicting unfavorable Cat. I RPC
conditions. ADS-33D also define selected high gain [10] Duda, H., "Analysis of Adverse Aircraft-Pilot
tracking tasks which have sufficient levels of Coupling in the Roll-Axis Using Frequency Domain
aggressive-ness for indicating RPC tendencies. Random Criteria", DLR-IB 111-15/24 (1995).
multi-axis tracking tasks designed for fixed-wing
pilot-in-the-loop handling qualities testing and training [11] Mc Kay, K., "Pilot Induced Oscillation - A Report
show promises for RPC applications. on the AGARD Workshop on PIO, 13th May 1994",
AGARD-CP-560, Paper PIO, January 1995.
6. Explicit model following control laws, active force feel
systems (active sidesticks) and electro-optic cockpit [12] Klyde, D.H., et al„ "Unified Pilot-Induced Oscil-
information systems can greatly enhance mission flexi- lation Theory", STI TR-1313-1, September 1995.
bility of future FbW/L rotorcraft without compromising
human factors and related RPC flight safety issues. But [13] Duda, H, "Effect of Rate Limiting Elements in
integrated technology readiness still has to be flight Flight Control Systems - A new PIO Criterion",
demonstrated. AIAA-Paper 95-3304 (1995).
7. Prediction methods as well as certification or acceptance [14] Duda, H., "Prediction of Adverse Aircraft-Pilot
standards for RPC immunity need NATO-wide coor- Coupling in the Roll Axis due to Rate Limiting in
dinated research. An interdisciplinary AGARD Expert Flight Control Systems", DLR IB 111 -96/13 (1996).
Group may organize a FVP-led Specialists' Meeting or
Working Group entitled Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling and [15] Hanke, D., "Handling Qualities Analysis on Rate
related Phenomena. Limiting Elements in Flight Control Systems",
AGARD-AR 335, Paper 11, February 1995.
[16] Ashkenas, I.L., et al., "Pilot Induced Oscillations: [32] Wünnenberg, H. (Editor), "Handling Qualities of
Their Cause and Analysis", STI TR-239-2, June Unstable Highly Augmented Aircraft", AGARD-
1964. AR-279, May 1991.
[17] Duda, H., "The Open Loop Onset Point. A New [33] von Grünhagen, W., et al., "A high Bandwidth Con-
Flying Qualities Parameter to Predict APC Problems trol System for a Helicopter In-Flight Simulator",
due to Rate Saturation in FCS", DLR-IB 111-96/1 International Journal of Control, Vol. 59, No. 1,
(1996). pp. 239-261, January 1994.
[18] Reichert, G., "Stabilitätsprobleme mit dem Ver- [34] Landis, K.H., et al., "Advanced Flight Control Tech-
suchshubschrauber Boelkow BO 46", Private nology Achievements at Boeing Helicopters",
Communication, Braunschweig, 23 August 1996. Inter-national Journal of Control, Vol. 59, pp. 263 -
290, January 1994.
[19] Gabel, R., et al., "Test Approaches to External Sling
Load Instabilities", 24th Annual Forum, AHS, 1968, [35] Hamel, P.G. (Editor), "Rotorcraft System Identifi-
Paper 230, 12 p. cation", AGARD-AR-280, September 1991.
[20] N.N., "Lockheed Flight Testing AH-56 with Modi- [36] Hamel, P.G., and Kaletka, J., "Rotorcraft System
fied Controls, Blades", AW & ST, 30 March 1970, Identification - An Overview of AGARD FVP
pp. 66 - 67. Working Group 18", AGARD-CP-552, Paper 18,
August 1995.
[21] Kaplita, T.T., "Helicopter Simulation Development
by Correlation with Frequency Sweep Flight Test [37] Tischler, M.B., "System Identification Methods for
Data", 45th Annual Forum, AHS, 1989, pp. 681 - Aircraft Flight Control Development and Valida-
692. tion", NASA TM-110369, October 1995.
[22] Buchacker, E., " Experience with SIFT Flight-Test- [38] Koehler, R., et al., "GRATE - A new Flight Test
Techniques at the German Air Force Flight Test Tool for Flying Qualities Evaluations", AGARD-
Center", AGARD-CP-333, Paper 24, June 1982. CP-452, Paper 6, July 1989.
[23] Tischler, M.B., et al., " Flying Quality Analysis and [39] Shafer, M.F., et al., "Initial Flight Test of a Ground-
Flight Evaluation of Highly Augmented Combat deployed System for Flying Qualities Assessment",
Rotorcraft", AIAA J. Guidance, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. AIAA-Paper 89-3359, August 1989.
954-963, Sept.-Oct. 1991.
[40] Idan, M., and Merhav, S. J., "Effects of Biodynamic
[24] Parham, T., et al., "V-22 Pilot-in-the-Loop Coupling on the Human Operator Model", AIAA
Aeroelastic Stability Analysis", 47th Annual Forum, Journal of Guidance, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 630 - 636,
AHS, Phoenix, May 6 - 8, 1991, pp. 1307 - 1319. July -August 1990.
[25] Pausder, H.-J., and Blanken, C.L., "Investigation of [41] Velger, M., et al., "Adaptive Filtering of Bio-
the Effects of Bandwidth and Time Delay on dynamic Stick Feedthrough in Manipulation Tasks
Helicopter Roll-Axis Handling Qualities", NASA on Board Moving Platforms", AIAA Journal of
CP-3220, January 1993. Guidance, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 153 - 158, March -
April 1988.
[26] Bouwer, G., et al., "Smart Helicopter Concept -
Handling Qualities Data Base for Hover and Low [42] Meins, J., et al., "Advanced Sidestick Controller
Speed Flight", AGARD-CP-592, Paper 11, Decem- with Electromagnetic Loading System", CEAS
ber 1996. Symposium on Simulation Technology, 30 October
- 1 November 1995, Delft, The Netherlands.
[27] Jex, H.R., "Problems in Modeling Man-Machine
Control Behavior in Biodynamic Environments, [43] A'Harrah, R.C., "An Alternative Control Scheme
NASA SP-281, pp. 3-13, 1971. for Alleviating Aircraft-Pilot Coupling", AIAA-
Paper 94-3673 (1994).
[28] Ockier, C.J., "Pilot Induced Oscillations in Heli-
copters - Three Case Studies", DLR-IB 111-96/12 [44] Martin, J.R., and Buchholz, J.J., "SCARLET: DLR
(1996). Rate Saturation Flight Experiment", AGARD-AR-
335, Paper 8, February 1995.
[29] Morgan, J.M., "An Initial Study into the Influence
of Control Stick Characteristics on the Handling
Qualities of a Fly-by-Wire Helicopter", AGARD-
CP-508, Paper 18, February 1991.
[30] Key, D.L., "Rotorcraft Potential APC", Aircraft-
Pilot Coupling Workshop, US National Research
Council, Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board,
Irvine, 27 - 30 November 1995.
[31] Höh, R.H., and Mitchell, D.G., "The Role of Han-
dling Qualities Specifications in Flight Control
Sys-tem Design", AGARD-CP-560, Paper 1,
January 1995.
lat lateral stick input, in
Historically, component-type flight mechanics simulation
models of helicopters have been unable to satisfactorily ■>lon longitudinal stick input, in
predict the roll response to pitch stick input and the pitch
response to roll stick input off-axes responses. In the study first-order filter time constant, 1/sec
presented here, simple first-order low-pass filtering of the
elemental lift and drag forces was considered as a means of rotor rotational speed, rad/sec
improving the correlation. The method was applied to a blade- advance ratio, nd
element model of the AH-64 Apache, and responses of the
modified model were compared with flight data in hover and static aerodynamic phase lag, deg
forward flight. Results indicate that significant improvement
in the off-axes responses can be achieved in hover. In forward BACKGROUND
flight, however, the best correlation in the longitudinal and Component-type flight mechanics simulation models of most
lateral off-axes responses required different values of the filter existing helicopters are unable to correctly predict the off-axes
time constant for each axis. A compromise value was selected roll response to a longitudinal input and pitch response to a
and was shown to result in good overall improvement in the lateral input of the actual vehicle. Linear models, identified
off-axes responses. The paper describes both the method and from flight data at a specific flight condition, correctly capture
the model used for its implementation, and presents results the off-axes behavior. Such identified models, however, are
obtained at hover and in forward flight. only applicable to flight near their reference condition and
cannot be applied over the entire flight envelope. Further, they
NOMENCLATURE obviously cannot be used during the aircraft development
cH filtered elemental drag coefficient phase, before flight data become available.
CJ elemental drag coefficient from table Simulation model fidelity is especially important for modern
"table development programs where accurate on- and off-axes
response prediction is required for high-bandwidth flight
cf filtered elemental lift coefficient
'filter control design purposes (ref. 1). Some researchers speculate
that the off-axes discrepancies of flight mechanics simulation
c, elemental lift coefficient from table
'table models are due to inadequate modeling of the main rotor wake
and dynamic inflow (refs. 2 and 3). Others suggest that the
f, lift coefficient table discrepancies are the result of insufficient modeling of
rotor/fuselage interaction. Yet others propose that only by
f2 drag coefficient table
including blade flexibility can the off-axes discrepancies be
M local Mach number of blade element corrected. The answer is not clear and has led to the
conclusion, as voiced by Professor Curtiss of Princeton, that
p helicopter roll rate, deg/sec "off axis response characteristics of single rotor helicopters
are not understood" (ref. 4).
q helicopter pitch rate, deg/sec
In recent years, considerable research effort has been devoted
R rotor radius, ft to improving the modeling of the rotor wake. In 1994, Rosen
and Isser developed a complex model of rotor wake distortion
V0 longitudinal component of airspeed, ft/sec
during pitch and roll motion of a hovering helicopter (ref. 5).
cc angle of attack of blade-element, deg This rigorous approach takes into account the influences of
shed and trailing vortices together with geometric unsteady
effects. It has shown promise in correctly predicting the off-
axes responses of the AH-64 and the UH-60. However, to
date, it has only been applied to the case of an isolated rotor in
Presented at the AGARD Flight Vehicle Integration Panel hover. Furthermore, the model is too complex to apply to
Symposium on 'Advances in Rotorcraft Technology", May flight mechanics models in its present form, especially if the
27-30, 1996, Ottawa, Canada. model is intended for real time simulation.
To avoid this complexity, researchers at the envelope flight-mechanics model, rather than the simplified
Aeroflightdynamics Directorate have taken an empirical representation of the pitch and roll responses used in reference
approach to improving the predictive capability of helicopter 3.
models. The goal is not to rigorously model the physics of the
problem, but to develop simple modifications that would This paper describes the details of the model and the
improve the off-axes correlation of existing and future aerodynamic phase lag correction technique. It also provides
component-type models. The work originated with the frequency-domain comparisons of the responses of the
analysis of full scale wind-tunnel test data from the Sikorsky modified model with flight data in hover and forward flight.
Bearingless Main Rotor (SBMR). That study showed that by Summary results from SBMR and UH-60 work at AFDD are
increasing the swashplate phase angle used in the analysis provided to show the general applicability of the technique,
model beyond its actual geometric value, it was possible to and trends in the empirical phase lag for a range of rotor
achieve much better correlation with the off-axes test data geometries and flight conditions.
(ref. 6). Applying the same technique to a component type BLADE ELEMENT MODEL FOR APACHE (BEMAP)
model of the UH-60, however, did not improve the off-axes The Blade-Element Model for APache (BEMAP) is a version
correlation in free flight. The phasing of the swashplate only of McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Systems' (MDHS) FLY
affects the rotor response to control inputs and not to shaft Real Time (FLYRT) (ref. 11) in which the map-type main-
motion. It was, therefore, thought that for free flight it would rotor has been replaced with a blade-element type module
be more appropriate to include this correction through an (ref. 10). The new rotor module was developed following the
azimuthal rotation in the fixed-frame aerodynamic general structure of the main-rotor module of Sikorsky's Gen
components, termed the "aerodynamic phase lag", i|/a. The Hel model of the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter (ref. 12). The
two correction approaches yield an identical improvement in kinematic and inertial equations for modeling the AH-64 rotor
the fixed-shaft, wind-tunnel case. The aerodynamic phase lag were derived with the aid of the symbolic manipulation
approach proved successful in subsequent identification program MACSYMA (ref. 13) based on a flap-lag-pitch hinge
studies of the UH-60 in hover and forward flight (Fletcher, arrangement and following the work of Chen (ref. 14).
ref. 7). Physical sources of this identified effective Though the Apache uses a flap-pitch-lag hinge arrangement,
aerodynamic lag include: a) wake geometric distortion due to the simpler f-l-p sequence was used to avoid the added
pitch and roll motion (ref. 5, 8), b) increased 2D unsteady complexity of treating blade pitch as a degree of freedom.
indicial response lag (Theodorsen type) under compressible
flow conditions (ref. 9), and c) perhaps in-plane inflow swirl Simple 2D strip theory, augmented with yawed flow
(ref. 2). corrections and Pitt-Peters dynamic inflow, is used to
calculate the aerodynamic forces generated by each blade
In a similar effort, Arnold, et. al. (ref. 3) have recently element. The yawed flow corrections are applied as described
explored the effects of three possible methods of improving in reference 12. The Pitt-Peters inflow model is based on the
the off-axes response. These are, a) an extended version of version outlined by Peters and Ha Quang (ref. 15). It was
momentum theory including wake distortion terms, b) a first- implemented as a modification of the implementation used by
order aerodynamic lag model, and c) an aerodynamic phase Ballin (ref. 16) in which the normal induced inflow is
correction. The latter two methods follow the empirical calculated based on the aerodynamic thrust coefficient using
approach of AFDD (refs. 1, 7). Arnold et. al. have shown that an iterative scheme. Lift and drag coefficients are extracted
all three approaches result in similar improvements in the off- from bi-variate maps as functions of local angle of attack and
axes responses when applied to a simplified model of the Mach number. These coefficients are used to calculate the
coupled pitch and roll dynamics in hover. Also, they have elemental lift and drag forces. The elemental forces are then
shown that considerable improvement in correlation with summed over all the blade elements to calculate the
flight data is achieved when the extended momentum theory aerodynamic forces and moments per blade. The aerodynamic
approach is applied to an existing non-linear simulation forces and moments on each blade are then used, along with
model. The extended momentum theory work of Arnold the inertial, gravitational, and flapping and lead-lag restraint
parallels the work by Keller (ref. 8) who has shown that the forces and moments to calculate the flapping and lead-lag
inclusion of induced velocity variations due to shaft rate dynamics. Finally, the forces and moments are summed over
improves correlation in the pitch response to lateral cyclic all the blades to calculate the total forces and moments at the
inputs. Finally, Von Grunhagen (ref. 2) of the DLR has aircraft CG.
included apparent angular momentum, arising from the in-
plane swirl of the wake, in the dynamic inflow equations and The new rotor was integrated into FLYRT to create BEMAP.
shown improvements in the off-axes prediction. This also required the modification of the trim and equations-
of-motion modules. The modules representing other
In the effort presented here, the aerodynamic phase lag components of the Apache helicopter, i.e.
technique was applied to a blade-element model of the AH-64 fuselage/empennage/wings, vertical tail/tail rotor, horizontal
known as BEMAP (ref. 10). Following the implementation of stabilator, and landing gears, however, were used directly
Arnold (method b above), first-order low-pass filtering of the from FLYRT (ref. 11). BEMAP was extensively validated
lift and drag coefficients per blade-element was used to against flight data as described in reference 10. Some of the
implement the desired phasing. The time constant could then same data will be used later in this paper as a basis of
be varied until good off-axes correlation was achieved. comparison to highlight off-axes improvements.
Herein, the delay was applied to the lift and drag coefficients
at the elemental level in an attempt to mimic the actual IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AERODYNAMIC
generation of the forces on the elements (similar to PHASE LAG
Theodorsen effect but of much higher delay). Also, in the The delay, or effective phasing, of the elemental forces is
current study the modification is applied to a full-flight- accomplished by processing the lift and drag coefficients for
each element through a first-order filter. As mentioned before, was decided to employ a more rigorous approach for this
the lift and drag coefficients at each time step are found from effort.
lookup tables as functions of local angle of attack and Mach The new approach basically mimics the process of frequency
number at that element. sweep testing of an actual aircraft. Instead of pilot-generated
c,'cable =f,(a,M) (1) sweeps, however, computer generated sweeps were used.
These were generated using a modified version of a
cd =f2(oc,M) (2) FORTRAN code described in reference 6. Briefly, the code
allows the user to 1) specify the total duration and sample
The angle of attack and Mach number are based on the local rate, 2) the duration of initial and ending zero signal, 3) the
flow resulting from aircraft motion, blade rotation, blade flap duration of signal fade-in to maximum amplitude at a constant
and lead-lag, rotor inflow, and wind. The filtering is done for minimum frequency, and 4) the duration of signal fade-out at
every blade-element using: a constant maximum frequency. White noise of specified
standard deviation can also be added to the fundamental
VW(iJ) + cwG,j) = cw(i,j) (3) signal to improve spectral content. In addition, white noise
can be specified as the input to the 3 remaining controls and
^Cdnllcr(iJ) + Cdrillcr(iJ) = CduMe(iJ) (4) its standard deviation adjusted relative to the white noise used
for the main control. Figure 2 shows a typical frequency
where i is the blade index and j is the element index (1-4 and sweep input used for this work.
1-5 respectively for this model). This filtering is depicted The sweeps were used as inputs to the model, one axis at a
graphically in figure 1. time, and model responses recorded. The main difficulty with
The time constant of the first-order filter, Ta, is selected in running frequency sweeps through an unpiloted simulation
model is maintaining attitude and airspeed close to initial trim.
terms of an equivalent static aerodynamic phase lag, V|/a: Given the long duration of a typical sweep (90 seconds), some
additional control has to be provided. This was added in the
^4tanVa (5) form of low-gain rate and attitude feedback loops on roll,
pitch, and yaw (figure 3), similar to the work by Ballin et. al.
so that this implementation ("ua in rotating frame) and (ref. 16). These loops have no effect on the extracted dynamic
response obtained from multi-input/multi-output spectral
previous implementations (vya in fixed frame) result in the analysis, since the frequency responses are based on the total
same steady-state response (ref. 3). input to the mixer (Sum4, Sum5, and Sum6 in figure 3).
For each airspeed (hover and 60 kts), the time constant was
varied until the most improvement in the off-axes response
was achieved. The aerodynamic lag was assumed independent
of rotor azimuth for all airspeeds. This was considered to be a
reasonable approach even though using 1st harmonic variation
in ta for the lateral and longitudinal inputs might have
resulted in better correlation in forward flight, as will be
discussed later.
A frequency-domain approach was taken in the evaluation of
the model responses (with and without the aerodynamic
phase lag correction) and for their comparison with flight
data. Non-parametric frequency responses for the actual
aircraft were already available from reference 10. Simulation
model responses without the aerodynamic phase correction Figure 2: Typical computer generated frequency sweep input
could also have been used from the same reference. The latter including white noise
responses, however, were based on 6 DOF linear models
generated using a simple numerical perturbation technique. It
H- ^HTr-
E- F«I>
H- r=td> -30
Eh -*&-\ 90
P/8| on
First, 6 DOF linear models of the simulation were generated,
using standard linear perturbation techniques, at the airspeeds 0
of interest. These where then used, in MATLAB®, to find
suitable rate and attitude feedback gains (figure 3). The O -180 "
simulation was then modified with the new feedback loops
uj -360
and exercised with typical frequency sweeps to insure that en
attitude and airspeed excursions were limited to acceptable 0- -540
levels. Finally, test data were taken at hover and 60 kts with
and without the aerodynamic phase lag correction.
Model time histories generated above where then processed 1.0 10.0
through the Comprehensive Identification from FrEquency
Responses (CIFER®, ref. 17) tool to generate Bode plots for Figure 4: Results of new frequency response generation
comparison with flight data. For each case, two 90 second approach vs. the old 6 DOF approach
runs were concatenated to give a total run length of 180
seconds. Five windows, varying from 5 to 40 seconds in
length, were used to process the data. The larger windows COMPARISON OF MODEL RESPONSES WITH
were used to provide good low frequency coverage while the FLIGHT DATA
smaller windows provided good averaging and high frequency Hover
identification accuracy. The data was further processed to The responses of the modified AH-64 model were compared
eliminate the effects of off-axes inputs and to combine the with available flight data in the frequency domain. Results in
results from all the windows. In some cases the entire process hover indicate that using a time constant equivalent to an
(starting from the generation of inputs) was repeated because aerodynamic phase lag of \\ia = 36 deg., the modified AH-64
the model results did not have sufficient coherence in the model correlates significantly better with the flight data.
frequency region of interest (1 to 10 rad/sec). Nevertheless, in Figure 5a depicts the on-axes roll-rate to lateral input response
a few of the cases good coherence could not be achieved of the model in hover, with and without the aerodynamic
across the entire frequency region of interest even after phase lag correction. As may be seen, the on-axes response of
several attempts. the baseline simulation model is quite good. Within the
Figure 4 shows a comparison of the frequency response frequency range of interest (between 1 and 10 rad/sec for
curves obtained using the identification approach with curves flight mechanics models), the baseline model shows very
obtained using the 6 DOF linear-perturbation-model good correlation in both phase and magnitude. It is also seen
approach. As expected, the two approaches show similar that the addition of the aerodynamic phase lag does not
results in the mid-frequencies while the new approach is degrade the on-axes correlation.
10 -10
9C '
-450 " i ' i i . ■ i ■ i
■i£7~~ "^ \v
1.0 10.0 1.0 10.0
Figure 5a: Roll-rate response to lateral input at hover Figure 5b: Pitch-rate response to lateral input at hover
Figure 5b depicts the off-axes pitch-rate responses to the same
lateral input. It may be seen that the baseline simulation 50
36 DEG
model exhibits the familiar inability to match the off-axes q/8|,on
response as indicated by the up to 180 deg. mismatch in the
phase correlation. Figure 5b also shows that the addition of Q
the 36 deg. of aerodynamic lag almost completely corrects the
phase correlation error in the 1-5 rad/sec frequency range
where flight data has acceptable coherence, without degrading
the magnitude correlation. Note that the coherence of the off- -30 "
axes flight data is significantly lower than the on-axes data
and falls below the acceptable values for a portion of the 1 to 90 "
10 rad/sec interest region. This is caused by low output signal
magnitude and may be due to the large moment of inertia of 0 "
the aircraft in pitch. Nevertheless, the general trend of
-90 '
improvement in correlation should be valid.
Moving on to pitch inputs, figure 6a depicts the on-axes pitch- -180 '
rate to longitudinal input response of the model in hover, with
and without the aerodynamic lag correction. The on-axes -270 '
response of the baseline simulation model is again good. 1.0 ' V\ < ,'
Within the frequency range of 1 and 10 rad/sec, the baseline
model shows very good correlation in both phase and i (11
magnitude. Also, the addition of the filter does not degrade /
0.6 lljl/
the on-axes correlation.
Figure 6b depicts the off-axes roll-rate responses to the same
longitudinal input. Here, unlike in the lateral input case, the
coherence of the off-axes flight data is adequate, probably
because the roll moment of inertia of the aircraft is small
1.0 10.0
J 100.0
-630 -
£ -180
UJ -360
* -540
i 101
"■ -180
-270 -270
(a) (a)
n? -
1.0 10.0 1.0 10.0
Figure 8a: Roll-rate response to lateral input at 60 kts Figure 9a: Pitch-rate response to longitudinal input at 60 kts
P/S| on
g -io
O -180
w -360
°- -540
\ 1
(b) •,/ •;
1.0 10.0 100.0 0.1 1.0 10.0
Figure 8b: Pitch-rate response to lateral input at 60 kts Figure 9b: Roll-rate response to longitudinal input at 60 kts
Figure 9b depicts the off-axes roll-rate responses to the same match the response of the aircraft better than the original
longitudinal input. As mentioned previously, the baseline model, and the compromise lag value of 19 degrees is quite
simulation model does a good job of duplicating the phase of satisfactory.
the response throughout the frequency range of interest.
However, the magnitude response correlation is quite poor. The baseline simulation model results from figure 9b together
Adding 19 degrees of aerodynamic lag degrades the phase with the 24 degrees of aerodynamic lag correction results
correlation above 6 rad/sec while improving the magnitude from figure 7 highlight the need for different values of
correlation considerably beyond 2 rad/sec. Note that again, as aerodynamic phase lag in each axis to achieve best
in hover, the coherence of the flight data in the roll-to-pitch correlation. One potential solution to this problem might be to
off-axes response is much better than the pitch-to-roll case. implement the aerodynamic phase lag as a 1st harmonic
function of the rotor azimuth. This would be consistent with
A closer examination of figure 9b indicates that the corrected- the 1st harmonic nature of dominant inflow dynamics. Note,
model actually matches the off-axes dynamics of the aircraft however, that other effects, such as insufficient modeling of
much better than upon initial examination. Looking at the the interaction of the main rotor wake with the tail surfaces
magnitude plot for the corrected-model, it can be seen that a (ref. 18), may also contribute to this apparent need for
pair of lightly-damped complex zeroes are indicated at a different Aerodynamic Phase lag values for the two coupling
frequency of about 6 rad/sec. This matches the flight data responses.
which also indicates a pair of lightly damped zeroes at about
the same frequency. The phase results match at low frequency DISCUSSION
and are simply offset by 360 deg. at high frequency. The The simulation results in this study show that considerable
difference indicates that whereas the lightly-damped flight- improvement in the AH-64 off-axis response modeling can be
data-zeros contribute a rapid phase lead, the corrected-model - achieved with a very simple empirical correction to the blade
zeros contribute a rapid phase lag over the same frequency element aerodynamic calculations. However, the current
interval. These characteristics indicate that relative to the results were obtained by tuning the aerodynamic phase lag to
flight data zeroes, the corrected-model-zeroes have essentially existing flight test data for this specific helicopter. The broad
the same natural frequency, but are shifted slightly to the right applicability of this technique to the simulation of new
of the imaginary axis (on the complex plane). This is verified helicopters requires a validated "carpet-plot," that maps the
by reversing the phase contribution of the corrected-model variation of V|/a for a range of key configuration parameters.
zeroes to represent the case of complex zeroes located at the In this section, we begin the construction of such a carpet-plot
mirror image position (figure 10). This mirror image shift of with the incorporation of data from the current study on the
the zeroes does not affect the magnitude curve. AH-64, previous results from UH-60 flight tests, and the
SBMR wind-tunnel tests. This combined presentation of
results also permits an understanding of the key physical
sources for the aerodynamic lag effect.
Collection of Existing Results
The empirical values of \|/a for the AH-64 obtained in the
current study are shown in Figure 11 as a function of non-
p/5j,on dimensional advance ratio, LL = V0/(QR). Also shown are
the UH-60 results of Fletcher (ref. 7) for hover and 80 kts
(H = 0.19).
19 DEG
I I | | | | 1-
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
As may be seen from figure 10, the adjusted phase response ADVANCE RATIO, u (nd)
matches the flight data well, verifying the shift in the real-part
of the complex zeroes as the cause of the original discrepancy. Figure 11: Variation of aerodynamic lag correction with
Numerical investigations conducted by the authors suggest advance ratio from various sources
that a physical source of the discrepancy in the damping of the
zeros may be an error in the assumed pitch-flap coupling, 53.
Though the physical 83 angle for the AH-64 rotor is zero, There is close agreement of the hover results for the AH-64
and the UH-60, which have very close values of hinge off-set.
there can be a contribution to the effective S3 from control (AH-64: e = 0.038; UH-60: e = 0.047). The phase lag values
linkage geometry and shaft flexibility. In any case, the also compare favorably for forward flight when linearly
influence of a slight error in the predicted damping ratio of the interpolated for the same advance ratio. Clearly, the
coupling response zeros is probably of little practical
significance. Thus overall, the corrected model can be said to
aerodynamic phase lag correction washes out with advance effects at hover is about 25 deg. (average of the AH-64 and
ratio, as do the dynamic inflow effects in general. UH-60 hover results). The simple theoretical model by Arnold
et al (reference 3) of the dynamic wake distortion for the UH-
The initial identification study of the SBMR dynamic 60 in hover yields an equivalent phase lag contribution of 26.5
response wind-tunnel data (ref. 6) implemented an off-axis deg., which is now in very good agreement with the
correction in terms of an adjustment to the swashplate experimental results.
phasing. These low-speed (n = 0.093) results were later
updated (ref. 19) to account for SBMR feathering axis This discussion suggests that the dominant physical sources of
geometry that actually caused the geometric swashplate aerodynamic phase lag are the dynamic wake distortion due to
rigging to be -14 deg., rather than the design value of -9 deg. rotor cyclic flapping, and the 2D compressible indicial
indicated in the original study (ref. 6). The SBMR analysis response. It would be very interesting to correlate theoretical
was subsequently broadened to include the forward flight test models of wake distortion at forward flight conditions, and for
rotors with higher effective hinge-offsets for comparison with
data at 100 kts (\i = 0.233), and an identification model the results shown in figure 11. Additional test data at
structure based on aerodynamic phase lag \|/a, rather than intermediate values of hinge-offset and advance ratio are also
equivalent swashplate phasing. The SBMR aerodynamic needed to fill in and validate the small sample of experimental
phase lag results for the two test conditions analyzed results currently available. The goal is a validated carpet plot
(p. = 0.093 and u, = 0.233) are shown in Figure 11. The of aerodynamic phase lag for use in future simulation models
SBMR results show the same wash-out trend with advance of new helicopter configurations.
ratio as seen for the AH-64 and the UH-60. Unfortunately,
sufficient data to determine a possible relationship between
V|/a and hinge-offset (SBMR: £ = 0.095) is not currently 1. A significant improvement in the roll response to
available. longitudinal input and pitch response to lateral input modeling
accuracy of a blade-element simulation model of the AH-64
Physical Sources of Aerodynamic Phase Lag
The test data obtained to date and presented in figure 11 was achieved by incorporating a simple aerodynamic phase
provide a start to the broad carpet-plot needed for general lag correction. Including this correction did not degrade the
application of the aerodynamic phase lag technique. However, satisfactory on-axis response correlation.
an understanding of the physical sources for the lag is 2. At hover, a single value of the aerodynamic lag corrected
important for the development of theoretical models for both the roll response to longitudinal input and pitch response
correlation with the test data and to fill in the carpet-plot over to lateral input coupled responses. At 60 kts, the optimum
a detailed grid of helicopter configuration parameters. phase lag value is different for the two coupled responses, and
While the results display a strong sensitivity of aerodynamic a single value selected as a compromise to yield the best
lag with advance ratio for low speed conditions, the correction overall result. This characteristic suggests a possible
values clearly wash-out with higher advance ratios. The data refinement based on a 1st harmonic variation of phase lag
suggest that the phase lag reaches a high-speed asymptotic with azimuth, which would be consistent with the 1st
harmonic nature of dominant inflow dynamics.
value of about \|/a = 13 degrees. Since dynamic inflow effects
also wash-out with advance ratio, and are essentially 3. The AH-64 results show a wash-out in the required
negligible beyond p. = 0.15-0.2, this residual 13 degrees aerodynamic phase lag value with advance ratio. There is
aerodynamic lag is not caused by the geometric distortion of close agreement with identification results for the UH-60,
the dynamic wake as modeled by Rosen and Keller (refs. 5 which has comparable hinge-offset. Sikorsky Bearingless
and 8). The source of the residual delay is rather an additional Main Rotor (SBMR) results also exhibit this trend.
aerodynamic effect which is not currently included in flight 4. The primary physical sources of aerodynamic phase lag are
mechanics simulation models. considered to be: (1) dynamic wake distortion due to angular
One possible source of the residual aerodynamic phase lag is velocity motion of the tip-path plane, and; (2) compressible
the 2D unsteady aerodynamic indicial response, which was two-dimensional unsteady indicial response. The theoretical
not included in the AH-64 or UH-60 simulation models, and values for these two contributions match the available test
is generally neglected for helicopter flight mechanics since the data well.
1/rev incompressible contribution is very small. For example, 5. Future efforts should focus on determining and validating a
the classical Theodorsen delay for a reduced frequency comprehensive carpet-plot of aerodynamic phase lag for use
equivalent to 1/rev motion is about 5 deg. based on tip speed in future simulation models of new helicopter configurations.
and about 9 deg. based on the speed at the 3/4 radius location
(ref. 20). Leishman has shown (ref. 9) a strong dependency of REFERENCES
the effective indicial delay on Mach number, although the 1) Takahashi, M. D., Fletcher, J. W., Tischler, M. B.,
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residual (asymptotic) aerodynamic phase lag indicated in 2) Von Grunhagen, W., "Dynamic Inflow Modeling for
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7) Fletcher, J. W., "Identification of Linear Models of the
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8) Keller, Jeffrey D., "An Investigation of Helicopter
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10) Mansur, M. H., "Development and Validation of a
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"Validation of the Dynamic Response of a Blade-
Element UH-60 Simulation Model in Hovering
Giorgio Guglieri
Politecnico di Torino
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino (Italy)
Roberto Celi
University of Maryland
Department of Aerospace Engineering
College Park, MD 20742 (USA)
Fulvia Quagliotti
Politecnico di Torino
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino (Italy)
Notation Introduction
a Real part of eigenvalue (rad/s) In recent years there has been growing interest in
b Imaginary part of eigenvalue (rad/s) improving the fidelity of mathematical models of
Cf Thrust coefficient helicopter flight dynamics through a more accurate
B-| Engine damping (Nm s / rad) representation of the main rotor dynamics.
e Hinge offset (m) The main objective" of this paper is to study the effect
F Flap (subscript) of several parameters of the propulsion system on the
leq Moment of inertia of propulsion system, aeromechanical characteristics of a hingeless rotor
referred to rotor speed (Kg m2) helicopter, both in straight flight and in coordinated
Ks Torsional stiffness of the rotor shaft (Nm /rad) turns. The effects of these parameters on the handling
qualities of the aircraft will also be examined (pitch and
KQ Proportional gain (pitch control) roll frequency response).
L Lag (subscript)
n Load factor Mathematical Model
ND Number of blades
rg Engine/rotor nominal rpm ratio The mathematical model of the helicopter used in this
QE Engine torque (Nm) study is a nonlinear blade element type model that
R2k Blade lag reaction acting on the hinge (N) includes fuselage, rotor, main rotor inflow and
'hub Moment of inertia of the hub (Kg m2) propulsion system dynamics. The response to pilot
inputs is obtained from direct numerical integration of
(j> Roll attitude (rad) the equations of motion. A system of small perturbation
0 Pitch attitude (rad) equations of motion is obtained by numerical
G-is Longitudinal cyclic (rad) linearization of the nonlinear equations about a trimmed
equilibrium position. The trim procedure is the same as in
8-) c Lateral cyclic (rad)
Ref. [1]. Thus, the rotor equations of motion are
H Advance ratio transformed into a system of nonlinear algebraic
v|/ Shaft angular displacement at the hub (rad) equations using a Galerkin method. The algebraic
v|/i Shaft angular displacement at the exit of the equations enforcing force and moment equilibrium, and
additional kinematic equations that must be satisfied in
gearbox (rad) a turn, are added to the rotor equations, and the
o Rotor solidity combined system is solved simultaneously. The solution
Tp Delay (s) yields the harmonics of a Fourier series expansion of the
^ Damping ratio (-a/con) rotor degrees of freedom, the pitch control settings, trim
attitudes and rates of the entire helicopter, and main and
con Natural frequency (a2+b2)^2 tail rotor inflow.
«BW Bandwidth The propulsion system is not included in the trim
process. This implies two assumptions. The first is that
the engine can generate a sufficient torque in any flight
condition. The second is that the small fluctuations of Rotor speed 22 rad/s
rotor speed associated with the lag dynamics of the Rotor disc radius R 9m
rotor do not affect the engine torque. Blade m.a.c. 0.6 m
The 6 degrees of freedom rigid body motion of the Rotor hinge offset 1.125 m
aircraft is modeled using nonlinear Euler equations.
Linear aerodynamics is assumed for fuselage and
empennage, and aerodynamic interference effects are 'XX 10000 Kg m2
neglected. lYY 54000 Kg m2
The blades are assumed to be rigid, with offset "ZZ 47000 Kq m2
hinges and root springs selected so as to achieve
fundamental natural frequencies in flap and lag of ixz 2500 Kq m2
1.125/rev and 0.7/rev respectively. The coupled flap-lag Mass 9075 Kg
dynamics of each blade is modeled. The main rotor has Rotor solidity 0.084
four blades. Cy/o (hover) 0.084
Unsteady aerodynamic effects are modeled using a Lock number 7.78916
3-state dynamic inflow model [2]. Blade mass per unit 16Kg/m
The modeling of the propulsion system is similar to length
that used by Chen [3]. Thus, the equation for
Number of blades (MR) 4
engine/drive train torque equilibrium is:
Blade twist Orad
Horizontal dist. between 0m
IeqVl+Ks(Vl-¥)+Bir|\ifi=rgQE (1) CG and rotor
Vertical dist. between CG 2.25 m
and the equation for shaft equilibrium is: and rotor
Horizontal tail surface 4.15 m2
b Horizontal dist. between 9.9 m
Ks(Vl-V) +1 e R2k = IhubV (2) CGandHT
Vertical dist. between CG -0.45 m
Eq. 2 is more general than the corresponding equation in andHT
Ref. [3], which focused on specific rotor modes in which Vertical tail surface 3.04 m2
the blades moved in lag only, and with identical angular Horizontal dist. between 10.66 m
displacements. The forcing torque is obtained by CG and VT
summing the force contributions R2k of each blade in Vertical dist. between CG 0.91 m
the hub plane, multiplied by the hinge offset moment arm and VT
e. Horizontal dist. between 11.1 m
CG and TR
Numerical solution Vertical dist. between CG 1.8 m
and TR
The coupled rotor-fuselage trim in steady turn is Number of blades (TR) 3
solved converting the rotor ODE into AE using the
Tail rotor radius 1.95 m
Galerkin method (10 eqns.). The aircraft trim equations
(11 eqns.) and the momentum inflow equations for both Tail rotor speed 100 rad/s
main and tail rotor (2 eqns.) are also included. The Tail rotor rfi.a.c. 0.3 m
influence of propulsion system on trim conditions is Flap frequency ratio Ä.1 1.125/rev
neglected. The 23 unknowns are determined Lag frequency ratio 12 0.7 /rev
simultaneously by means of a nonlinear numerical
A complete set of small perturbation equations is Tab. 1 - The basic helicopter
extracted through numerical linearization about trim.
This linearized system (32 states and 4 controls) is used Shaft stiffness 541065 Nm/rad
for poles and frequency response. The effects of Engine-drive train inertia 1673 Kg m2
propulsion system dynamics are obviously included. Hub inertia 164Kgm2
Free flight responses are obtained from numerical
Damping of propulsion 0 Nm s / rad
integration of equations of motion.
Tab. 2 - Propulsion system
The general characteristics of the basic hingeless
helicopter adopted for computations are presented in Ke -0.2
Tab. 1. The reference torsional stiffness and moments Ka 0
of inertia of tbe flexible drive train are given in Tab. 2. 0
One component of the proportional control system
(Tab.3) is active for pitch attitude stabilization. Two sets KD 0
of computations (Tab. 4) were performed in order to KQ 0
investigate the combined effects of turn rate, advance
ratio and propulsion system design. Tab. 3 - The proportional control system
0' I I I I I I I11 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I j I I I I I I
cDBw (rad/s)
Fig. 4 - The effect of advance ratio on bandwidth and Fig. 7 - The effect of turn rate on bandwidth and phase
phase delay for baseline configuration (lateral response delay for baseline configuration (lateral response -
- target acquisition and tracking) target acquisition and tracking)
, , 0.4'
(1=0.1 J ! H=0-2
0.35 0.35'
0.3 { y/ ..iE«a.3..
0.15 positiv«
LHVEL2 turn rate
■ l 4 ppsitive tEVEL2
0.05 f — 0.05'
Fig. 5 - The effect of turn rate on bandwidth and phase Fig. 8 - The effect of turn rate on bandwidth and phase
delay for baseline configuration (longitudinal response - delay for baseline configuration (lateral response -
target acquisition and tracking) target acquisition and tracking)
o)B„ (rad/s)
frequency (rad/s)
Fig. 6 - The effect of turn rate on bandwidth and phase Fig. 9 - The effect of turn rate on pitch frequency
delay for baseline configuration (longitudinal response - response
target acquisition and tracking)
-I 1 ■ l—l 1 I 1 1 ■ I 1 1 I I. | l__l 1_
n=T ;
j ^(Ks/lJ
• . ■
I■ ..■
(X=0.1 hub i
^ i i 1 i
•Q 0.9 .\...i ■ J. ■
O \i 1 |H=0.2
M 0.8
'f- i : 1
0.7 - -
a i "»."•» : shaft i
=1 0.6
frequency (rad/s) 1
Fig. 11 - The effect of turn rate on roll frequency Fig. 14 - The effect of inertia on the frequency of the
response engine/drive train/rotor torsional modes
03 0.8
5 "
■ • I ■■■'■■■ 'i ■ ■ i ii ■ ■ ■—
H=0.2 ;
n=1 i
«J0 4 -
o shaft
03 3 "
1 : -*i "^
CO >■ -° ^ :
/ : i hub
1 "
o -
<oB„ (rad/s)
eq' 'eqo
Fig. 16 - The effect of inertia on the damping of the Fig. 19 - The effect of rotor shaft stiffness on
engine/drive train/rotor torsional modes bandwidth and phase delay for baseline configuration
(longitudinal response - target acquisition and tracking)
i i11 i j i i i i i > ■ ■ ■ i
ü)B»»e (rad/s)
<oBw (rad/s)
Fig. 17 - The effect of rotor shaft stiffness on
bandwidth and phase delay for baseline configuration Fig. 20 - The effect of inertia on bandwidth and phase
(longitudinal response - target acquisition and tracking) delay for baseline configuration (longitudinal response -
target acquisition and tracking)
coBw (rad/s)
3) Chen, R.T.N., "An Exploratory Investigation of the
Flight Dynamic Effects of Rotor RPM Variations and
Fig. 18 - The effect of inertia on bandwidth and phase Rotor State Feedback in Hover", 18th European
delay for baseline configuration (longitudinal response - Rotorcraft Forum, Avignon, France, Sept. 1992
target acquisition and tracking)
CFD methods were applied to dynamic stall on oscillating airfoils. The agreement with experimental data is
acceptable for light and medium stall if appropriate turbulence models are used and the transition is fixed.
None of the methods was able to accurately predict deep dynamic stall.
A large effort was spent for the investigation of the blade vortex interaction (BVI) noise. New national and
multi-national experimental campaigns were conducted. Several researchers worked on the development
and validation of aerodynamic and acoustic prediction methods for BVI. The efficiency of Higher Harmonic
Control and of Individual Blade Control inputs for the reduction of BVI noise were investigated. The blade
vortex miss distance was found to be the most important parameter for BVI noise. Methods for the predic-
tion of high speed impulsive noise have been developed and encouraging results were presented.
ference Proceedings AGARD-CP-552 [37]. A Tech- The curves for M < 0.3 are almost identical indicat-
nical evaluation report by L. Dadone which provides ing that compressibility effects become important
a summary of each paper followed by general com- only for M > 0.3. The dynamic stall angle increases
ments can also be found in [37]. for all Mach numbers with increasing reduced fre-
Six topics were addressed in the symposium: quency k. It is reported that for untripped airfoils a
small laminar separation bubble is generated. As
- Dynamic stall
the angle of attack is increased the bubble breaks
- Wind Turbines down and a vortical structure appears. For M =
- Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Prediction
0.45, k = 0.05, a = 10° a supersonic region was
detected. In this region up to 5 shocks were visible
- Experimental Investigations on Helicopter
Rotors which terminated in the sonic line. The dynamic
stall vortex appeared at the foot of the last shock. It
- Acoustic Prediction Methods
was pointed out that proper tripping is necessary if
- Interference Problems.
higher Reynolds number flow are to be simulated in
The authors try to give a synthesis of the sympo- the wind tunnel. Improper tripping may lead to even
sium. We will concentrate on four topics: Dynamic false tendencies, i.e. in accelerating the stall proc-
Stall, Experimental Investigations on Helicopter ess compared to the untripped airfoil.
Rotors, 3D Aerodynamic Prediction Methods and
Four papers dealt with the application of 2D CFD
Acoustic Prediction Methods. These topics which
codes based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-
will serve as headers for the following four chap-
Stokes (RANS) equations (Ekaterinaris et. al. [2],
ters. In chapter 6 the paper will be concluded.
Dindar and Kaynak [4], Geissler and Sobieczky
[6], Tchon et. al. [8]) to dynamic stall problems.
2, Dynamic Stall Most of the codes in practical applications use a
prescribed transition which is fixed for the whole
The term "dynamic stall" usually refers to the
unsteady separation and stall phenomena of aero-
dynamic bodies that are forced to execute time- Ekaterinaris et. al. [2] give a systematic investiga-
dependent ramp or oscillatory motions. It is a com- tion of several turbulence models (Baldwin-Lomax
plex fluid dynamic phenomenon of practical impor- algebraic model, Renormalization Group based
tance and occurs on retreating blades of helicopter algebraic model, half-equation Johnson-King
rotors, maneuvering aircraft wings, wind turbine model, one-equation Baldwin-Barth model, one-
blades, and compressor cascades [2]. equation Spalart-Allmaras model, modified two
equation K-E model, modified two equation K-OO
Experimental results from an ongoing study of the
model) for a NACA 0015 airfoil undergoing har-
effects of compressibility on dynamic stall of an
monic oscillations in a uniform free stream of M^ =
oscillating NACA 0012 airfoil were presented by
Chandrasekhara and Carr [3]. A special experimen- 0.3 and Re0 = 2 x 106. The airfoil oscillates with an
tal facility has been developed which provides amplitude of a-, = 4,2°, and a reduced frequency k
unobstructed optical access to the complete airfoil = 0.1. In the experiment the airfoil was tripped at the
contour (including the leading edge). Stroboscopic leading edge. Therefore all computations were car-
Schlieren flow visualization pictures and PDI inter- ried out with a fully turbulent boundary layer. None
ferograms were presented. In Figure 1 the vortex of the turbulence models was able to accurately
release angle OLre[ease is plotted versus the predict the quantitative behaviour for ct, c, and
reduced frequency k for M = 0.20, 0.25,..., 0.45 cm although the qualitative behaviour was correct
and an angle of attack variation given by
for some of the models. The largest differences
between computation and experiment were
a = a0 + a,sin (GO • t)
reported for the algebraic turbulence models which
should not be used for cases with considerable fields which are closely connected to the generation
separation. of noise (especially BVI noise). This strong interest
shows the need of new civil helicopters to meet
The comparison of the results produced by the one- future strict noise regulations. The descending flight
and-two-equation models showed no clear trend for the approach to a heliport (BVI noise) plays an
which is the best model. The overall agreement important role in this context.
was acceptable for the mainly attached flow (a0 =
4°). Larger differences occurred for light stall (oc0 = Samokhin and Rozhdestvensky [21] present
measurements of the overall noise containing the
11°) and the largest differences for deep stall (aQ = acoustic fields of the main and tail rotor, the contri-
15°). butions of the engine, the gearbox and the trans-
mission for the MI-24 and MI-28 helicopters in level
The comparison with a similar experiment with an flight for a range of advance ratios. It is pointed out
untripped airfoil showed that it is essential to model that the main rotor is an important acoustic source
transition in order to predict correctly the stall which dominates the overall noise level for several
behaviour. flight conditions. The comparison of a MI-28 heli-
Finally the numerical results showed some sensitiv- copter with a production type 3-bladed tail rotor and
ity to the numerical algorithm (central-difference, with an x-shape 4-bladed tail rotor showed a reduc-
upwind-difference) in spite of using reasonable fine tion in the overall noise level heard on ground by 3-
grids. 5 dB.
Tarttelin and Martyn [22] describe key results from
Tchon et. al. [8] apply a 2D RANS method with the
an on-going research program carried out by the
K-CO turbulence model according to Wilcox is to a
section of a Darrieus type vertical axis wind turbine. DRA on the Aeromechanics Lynx Control and Agil-
Again the results do agree qualitatively with the ity Testbed (ALYCAT).The Lynx helicopter used in
experiment but the quantitative agreement is poor. this program was equipped with instrumented main
and tail rotor blades. The objective of this test pro-
The effect of a time-dependent deformation of a gram is to obtain a large data base for advanced
NACA 23012 airfoil on the deep dynamic stall flight simulation.
behaviour was investigated by Geissler and
Papers [19], [20], [23] and [25] are devoted to
Sobieczky [6] using a 2D RANS method with a
investigations for the reduction of BVI noise. The
Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model. It was shown
effects of new control laws for the rotor like higher
that with a nose drooping the shedding of the
harmonic control (HHC) or individual blade control
dynamic stall vortex can be strongly reduced.
(IBC) on BVI and vibrations are described by Niesl
A semi-empirical method was presented by Ivtchin et. al. [19] and Kube et. al. [25]. Both approaches
[5] for the computation of the rotor shaft power on are based on the following effects for the reduction
the basis of given experiments for oscillating airfoils of the BVI noise (see Figure 2):
with accounting for the instantaneous effects on the
1. Reduction of the blade pitch angle at the position
airfoil's lift, movement and drag.
where blade vortex collision happens.
shows measured BVI locations similar to a 6° Individual Blade Control (IBC) system, the conven-
descending flight of a BO105 helicopter. The noise tional blade pitch links are replaced by servo-
hydraulic actuators. Such an IBC experiment was
is radiated from about 60° azimuth position. Con-
described by Niesl et. al. [19]. It was carried out in
sequently, the corresponding tip vortex is then gen-
the 40x80 ft wind tunnel at NASA Ames Research
erated at 120° azimuth. On these positions the Center, utilizing a full scale MBB-BO105 four bla-
highest noise reductions are expected. Further- ded rotor system. Acoustic data was measured with
more, effects number 1 and 2 are presuming a fixed microphones and with a movable microphone
reduction o the blade pitch. Therefore, it seems to traverse. Total forces were measured. Accelerome-
be most promising to position the first negative ters in the blade tip gave informations about the
wave at about 60° (see Figure 4). blade motion. With the IBC system different fre-
quency functions can be used. The case of a single
Paper [25] presents first results from the Higher input frequency (see Figure 4) reproduces the
Harmonic Control Aeroacoustic Rotor Test (HART) results of the HHC. Very similar results were
in the DNW a joint approach of the Aeroflightdy- obtained with respect to noise or vibration. The
namics Directorate (AFDD, Ames Research Cen- major advantage of the IBC system is seen in the
ter), NASA (Langley Research Center), ONERA, capability to introduce combinations of harmonics,
DLR and DNW. For this test different measurement thus generating a pulse (wavelet) which changes
techniques like laser light sheet (LLS), laser doppler the blade pitch over a small azimuth range whereas
velocimetry (LDV), acoustic and non-intrusive blade the blade pitch over the rest of the rotor disc is not
deflection measurements were applied to a highly affected. Figure 8 shows such a pulse as input at
instrumented hingeless Mach scaled model of the the blade root and the answer of the blade at the
BO105 main rotor. Figure 5 shows the DLR Rotor tip. There is not only a time lag between the root
Test Rig in the DNW. The BVI noise pattern below input and the pitch at the tip but also some signifi-
the rotor is presented in Figure 6 for an HHC control cant overshoots with opposite sign. Figure 9 gives
input of a 3/ref blade pitch angle of 0.85° ampli- the noise reduction versus azimuth for pulses of a
tude and a phase shift of 300° measured with the length of 60° and 90°. The noise is reduced for
movable microphone array. The maximum BVI 60° azimuth but less than expected and there are
noise level occurring between 60° and 100° rotor some regions were the noise is increased due to
azimuth approximately could be reduced by more the high pitch overshoots at the blade tip. Due to
than 6dB. Tip vortices in different cross sections this problem the advantages of the IBC system
could be visualized using the LLS technique with a compared to the HHC system could not be demon-
remotely controlled smoke probe. The correspond- strated in this paper.
ing vortex lines, constructed from the successive LDV measurements for a 4-bladed model rotor
laser cross sections, are shown in Figure 7 exem- (diameter=1.02m) were carried in the open test
plarily for the baseline case without HHC and the section of the ILR Aachen low-speed wind tunnel
minimum noise case. The figure shows the (see Seelhorst et. al. [23]). Two different blade
increased miss distance occurring in the minimum geometries were tested: a rectangular blade with a
noise case which explains the reason for the BVI NACA 0015 section and a blade with a swept back
noise reduction. tip with a winglet. The miss distance between vor-
The control inputs for HHC were conducted with tex and blade was increased for one specific low
actuators in the non-rotating system under the speed flight condition. Therefore the BVI intensity
swash-plate. The shortcoming of HHC in the fixed was decreased.
system is that the pitch angle of one blade cannot Kataplioglu and Caradonna [20] present results of
be changed without changing the blade pitch of the an experiment with a nominally non-lifting rotor and
other blades. Therefore, in the case of the 4-bladed a vortex generator in the 80 by 120 ft NASA Ames
rotor, only 3/rev, 4/rev and 5/rev input modes are wind tunnel. A small scale (7 ft diameter) 2-bladed
possible. This limitation can be overcome by intro- teetering rotor was used. The blades were
ducing actuators in the rotating system. For the
untwisted and have a rectangular planform with free wake model is necessary in order to get good
NACA 0012 airfoil sections of 6 inch chord. The vor- results. This is typically the case for low advance
tex was generated separately by a wing tip, placed ratios ^l < 0.25 . The blade is modelled as a beam
upstream of the rotor and set at an angle of attack. undergoing flap, lag and torsion with linear terms
Blade pressures were measured with 60 transduc- only. Rotational fully coupled modes are computed
ers. A movable array of microphones was used to to model flexibility. R85 is able to compute the trim
obtain a survey of the acoustic farfield. This setup and the rotor performance for a given flight condi-
(see Figure 10) should allow to systematically vary tion. The overall agreement of the performance pre-
the important parameters of BVI, i.e. vortex/blade diction was reported to be acceptable for several
miss distance, vortex strength or vortex sense. rotors. A main problem of this kind of simulation is
Thus producing benchmark test cases for CFD the prediction of the 3D effects at the tip of non-rec-
methods. The externally generated vortex does tangular blades. Therefore a 3D full potential
have a global effect on the rotor behaviour through method with entropy corrections (FP3D) is applied.
its effect on the trim state. The rotor is trimmed to ONERA developed a coupling procedure for R85
zero flapping in order to consistently locate the and FP3D which allows to obtain fully trimmed
blade and vortex with respect to each other. This FP3D results. Figure 13 compares a R85 computa-
generates a varying rotor lift together with a wake. tion based on 2D airfoil tables only with a coupled
Due to these effects the whole flow field is much R85/FP3D computation showing an improved thrust
more complicate than expected. In Figure 11 the versus azimuth prediction for the coupled computa-
sound pressure is plotted. The change of the pres- tion. For hover a lifting line method and a full poten-
sure from the initial rise to the minimum peak is a tial method with a Lagrange model of the vortex
measure of the BVI acoustic event (BVI acoustic wake (Steinhoff approach) are applied. For optimi-
amplitude). This amplitude is plotted as a function zation purposes the existing aerodynamic codes
of nominal vortex miss distance in Figure 12. The can be coupled with an optimizer. Only results of an
asymmetry with respect to the results for the angle optimization with the R85 code with prescribed
of attack of the vortex generator ay is not fully wake were shown.
understood. Nevertheless this kind of data provides An improved procedure for coupling existing aero-
a good set of test cases for CFD methods. dynamic, dynamic and wake models is presented
by Bessone and Petot [17].
4^ Aerodynamic 3D Prediction Methods
Narramore [15] reviews how CFD is put to use in
Six papers were devoted to Aerodynamic 3D Pre-
industry at Bell Helicopters Textron in support of
diction Methods: Landgrebe [1], Costes et. al. [12],
rotorcraft design. Due to recent developments in
Raddatz and Pahlke [13], Berezin and Sankar,
workstation technologies and inverse design meth-
[14], Narramore [15], Röttgermann and Wagner
ods it is possible to design airfoils for transonic
[16] and Bessone and Petot [17].
flows based on the 2D compressible RANS equa-
Costes et. al. [12] present a detailed survey of the tions interactively. Figure 14 compares pretest
aerodynamic methods which are currently used at computations with the measured polar. The transi-
' the Applied Aerodynamics Department of ONERA tion was fixed at 4% chord. The drag level com-
for the aerodynamic analysis for helicopter rotors in pares well. It is pointed out that at the present time
hover and forward flight. For the trim the code R85 2D computational results can be used to determine
is used. This code uses an aerodynamic based on the best airfoil configuration, but that wind tunnel
blade element theory using steady 2D airfoil tables. data is still reguired to assess the final performance
Several empirical correction technigues are availa- characteristics. Mature 3D methods in industrial
ble in order to account for 3D effects close to the use for subsonic attached flows are 3D panel meth-
blade tip. Three wake models have been imple- ods coupled with boundary layer codes. At Bell
mented: a linear half-empirical prescribed wake VSAERO is used in order to provide the pressure
model of Meijer-Drees, a vortex lattice method with loads on the surface of fuselages as an input for a
prescribed wake (METAR) and a free wake model finite element model (NASTRAN) for the prediction
(MESIR). For flight conditions with BVI the use of a of surface deformations. Such a model cannot be
applied for transonic flows, for the evaluation of the grid. The investigation of boundary treatments
drag or the analysis of separation. Therefore 3D (including chimera boundaries for overlapping
CFD methods have been developed. Although a 3D grids) shows that a spatially second.order boundary
full potential method was applied successfully to treatment is necessary in order to avoid a smearing
main rotors, a decision was made to concentrate on of the vortices. Otherwise the grid points have to be
RANS algorithms for use in rotorcraft problems clustered at inner block boundaries.
(main rotor as well as fuselage). The RANS codes
Due to the high cpu time for time-accurate RANS
are still in a phase of validation and improvement.
computations for rotors in forward flight a hybrid
Today they are used for the investigation of flow
RANS/Full Potential method is proposed by
details parallel to wind tunnel experiments and for
parametric investigations a priori to wind tunnel Berezin [14]. The use of the full potential solver in
experiments. Figure 15 shows computational parti- those regions of the flow, where the viscous effects
cle traces on the upper surface of a nonrotating can be neglected saved about 40% of the overall
rotor blade. The flow is dominated by an inboard cpu time. First results were presented which
separation bubble and a large tip vortex with a showed some disagreements between the original
region of fully attached flow at the beginning of the RANS method and the hybrid method for certain
hyperbolic tip. azimuth regions.
An extension of an existing panel method to flows The keynote paper by Landgrebe [1] gives an over-
containing weak shocks is described by Röttger- view of the ongoing CFD research for rotorcrafts in
the U.S. Since this overview cannot be summarized
mann and Wagner [16]. The method consists of
within a few lines the authors kindly ask the reader
three modules: a boundary element method using a
to refer to the paper. The most important issue of
surface grid, a field panel method using a cartesian
the paper is the accurate modelling of the vortex
field grid and a vortex lattice method for the compu-
wake of the main rotor. Most CFD methods are
tation of a free wake. The Cartesian field grid may
based on a Finite Volume or a Finite Difference dis-
penetrate the solid surface arbitrarily. By simplifying
cretization of the Euler or the RANS equations with
the resulting matrix equations the computational
the vortex wake being part of the solution. These
costs with respect to CPU time and memory could
codes suffer from numerical dissipation. Different
be reduced to 30% of the original method. First
approaches to improve the situation have been
results of this method for the Caradonna-Tung
rotor[40] are given in Figure 16. When extended to
unsteady flows, this method seems to be very - grid refinement in structured grids at the
promising for rotor/fuselage interference investiga- position of the vortices,
tions for low and medium advance ratios. - overlapping structured grids with additional
refined grids at the vortices,
Results of a 3D CFD code based on the Euler
- unstructured grids which are solution (vortex)
equations are presented by Raddatz and Pahlke adapted,
[13] for the Caradonna-Tung rotor in hover. The - combination of unstructured and overlapping
paper is focused on the inherent wake capturing structured grids,
properties of the Euler solver. Calculated wake - use of higher order schemes (4th and 5th
geometry features and pressure distributions were order).
compared to test results by Caradonna and Tung. A
grid refinement study with a coarse, a medium and 5,. Acoustic Prediction Methods
a fine grid was carried out. The study shows that
the wake resolution was strongly improved going Beaumier et. al. [26], lanniello and De Bernadis
from the coarse to the medium and going from the [27], Gennaretti et. al. [28], Schultz et. al. [29],
medium to the fine grid (see Figure 17). The Toulmay et. al. [30], Baeder [33], Lyrintzis [34]
improved wake resolution for the fine grid has only deal with acoustic predictions for isolated rotors or
a very small effect on the surface pressures com- the complete helicopter.
pared to the medium grid (see Figure 18). The sur-
A unified aerodynamic and aeroacoustic analysis
face pressures can be accepted for the medium
for transonic hovering rotors based on a boundary
integral method is presented by Gennaretti et. al. Baeder [33] presents HSI noise predictions based
[28]. With this approach a field grid is necessary on direct Euler computations or on a coupled Euler/
only in those regions of the flow which contain non- Kirchhoff method. The advantage of a Kirchhoff
linear terms. Although the first aerodynamic results method for HSI noise compared to the evaluation of
for non-lifting hovering rotors show some discrep- the quadrupolterm is that the Kirchhoff method
ancies compared to CFD full potential or Euler solv- needs the aerodynamic data on a closed surface
ers the acoustic predictions compare well with which contains the non-linearities of the flow field.
existing experimental data for the non-lifting UH-1H Therefore only a surface has to be evaluated which
reduces the amount of data (storage) and the com-
rotor in hover (MaR = 0.85). Further validation is
putational effort compared to the volume integration
necessary for this method. for the quadrupolterm. Figure 21 compares three
methods for the prediction of the sound pressure for
De Bernadis [27] and Schultz et. al. [29] deal with
acoustic predictions based on the Ffowcs-Williams/ the non-lifting UH-1H rotor {MwR = 0.90): direct
Hawkings (FHW)-equation in Farassats formulation Euler, Euler/Kirchhoff and the thickness+drag con-
1 and 1A. Aerodynamic input data like the blade tribution of the FWH equation. The direct Euler and
pressures and the perturbation velocity field around the Euler/Kirchhoff method are in good agreement
the blade are required. In paper [29] prediction with each other and with the experimental data. For
methods for both the BVI and the highspeed impul- a rotor in non-lifting forward flight HSI noise results
sive (HSI) noise are presented. Since BVI typically with similar agreement to experimental data were
occurs for low speed flight conditions a Lifting Body obtained. In a second part Euler computations for
Surface method based on linear potential theory is simplified BVI cases are presented. An isolated vor-
used for the aerodynamic prediction with the tex is prescribed. The vortex is preserved in the
assumption of rigid rotor blades. This method is Euler solution through the use of a non-linear per-
coupled with a fixed wake model. Although the pre- turbation technique. This vortex travels with the free
dicted aerodynamic pressures show only a fair stream and interacts with a nominally non-lifting
agreement with the experimental data the acoustic rotor such that parallel interaction takes place at
predictions agree relatively well with measured 180 degree azimuth (see [20]). First qualitative
sound pressures. The main part of [29] is devoted results are presented indicating that an Euler
to HSI noise. A Finite Volume Euler method was method can handle such problems with respect to
used for the aerodynamic prediction with the Bed- acoustic investigations. In addition 2D computa-
does fixed wake model for forward flight cases. tions for this setup were carried out in order to eval-
Four approximations for the quadrupolterm are pre- uate the possible BVI reductions by an appropriate
sented and applied to a non-lifting hover and a lift- blade motion. Lyrintzis [34] presents a comprehen-
ing forward flight test case. Figure 19 compares the sive review of the use of Kirchhoff's method in
different approximations for the UH-1H rotor in non- rotorcraft aeroacoustics.
lifting hover {MaR = 0.90). The basic idea for all
The results of the HART prediction team for the pre-
the approximations is to reduce the computational diction of BVI cases with HHC are discussed by
effort by reducing the volume integral for the quad- Beaumier et. al. [26]. The following partners were
rupolterm to sum of a number of line integrals involved: AFDD, DLR, NASA and ONERA. AFDD
(approximations c) and d)) or to a pure surface inte- and NASA use versions of CAMRAD for trim and
gral (e)).Approximation d) is reported to be a good wake computations and a full potential rotor code
compromise between accuracy and computational for the computation of surface pressures. The
effort. Figure 20 compares predicted sound pres- acoustic data is computed on the basis of the sur-
sures with approximation d) for different micro- face pressures. At NASA a second method is used
phone positions for Ah1/OLS rotor in highspeed which takes the blade loadings directly out of CAM-
forward flight. For the in-plane results (mic 6, 2 and RAD and computes the acoustic on the basis of the
8) the agreement is quite good while the pressures blade loading. DLR uses a lifting line method (S4)
are underpredicted for the out of plane positions. for the trim which is coupled with a fixed wake
model according to Beddoes. The loading is used
2D panel method with corrections for 3D effects. of CFD simulations with experimental data is
The acoustic signals are computed with the PARIS acceptable for light and medium stall if appropriate
code using these surface pressures. Results for turbulence models are used and the transition is
four test cases were selected: one test case without fixed. None of the methods was able to accurately
HHC and three test cases with an HHC control predict deep dynamic stall. Transition prediction is
important for the prediction of stall on real helicop-
amplitude of 1.2 degree which differ in the settings
ter rotor blades.
for the HHC phase (Run 178: phase of 124 degree).
The onflow conditions are given by Experimental Investigations of Helicopter Rotors:
Several experiments were devoted to the investiga-
\i = 0.15, Afm„ = 0.641, cupp = 3.8°. tion of rotor noise (BVI and HSI noise). Most wind
tunnel experiments concentrated on the BVI topic.
Figure 22 compares the computed blade torsion for
The Higher Harmonic Control Aeroacoustic Rotor
the case without HHC and with HHC. The elastic
Test (HART) in the DNW was successfully con-
torsion show differences of up to 3° between the ducted and a large amount of aerodynamic, acous-
predictions of the different partners. The compari- tic and dynamic data is available. New in-flight test
son of the sound pressure levels in Figure 23 facilities are being developed (e.g. in UK with
shows similar differences. The quantitative agree- instrumented main and tail rotor). Such facilities
ment is not satisfying between the predictions and provide necessary informations about the interfer-
the experimental data. These results show the need ence between main rotor, fuselage, engine
for further improvements of the prediction tools. The exhausts and tail rotor. Flight tests are still neces-
importance of a correct simulation of the blade sary for the assessment of the effects of design
dynamics and of the wake are pointed out in the changes on the overall performance (aerodynamic
conclusions of [26]. and acoustic) of helicopters.
Toulmay et. al. [30] describe the methods availa- Aerodynamic 3D Prediction Methods: The compre-
ble to predict exterior noise from the French heli- hensive rotor analysis codes used in Europe and
copters manufacturer's point of view. The US at research centres and industries are very sim-
requirements are divided into four different noise ilar. They have reached a certain degree of maturity
assessment categories: 1) Overall rotor noise, 2) although the test-theory correlation is not fully satis-
Blade Vortex Interaction, 3)Fan-in-fin (fenestron) fying. It was interesting to see that the codes predict
and 4) Complete helicopter in flight. It is pointed out similar overall aerodynamic performances but quite
that the most important step in the prediction is the different blade movements (flapping and torsion) for
correct prediction of the airloads. The paper dis- the same test cases. A huge effort was spend for
cusses in detail the different methods of analysis the development of more accurate and more relia-
and shows several examples of test/theory correla- ble CFD methods for main rotors. The results are
tion with wind tunnel and flight test data. In some very promising but the codes are still far away from
instances, as with engine noise and complete heli- an industrial use. The main problems are the effi-
copter configurations, there is no substitute for ciency of the flow solvers, the high manpower
tests. needed for grid generation, turbulence modelling
and numerical diffusion of the vortical wake.
Acoustic Prediction Methods: [8] Tchon, K.F.; Halle, S.; Paraschivoiu, I.:
Dynamic Stall Simulation Applied to Verti-
Several researchers worked on the development cal Axis Wind Turbines. AGARD-CP-552,
and validation of aerodynamic and acoustic predic- August 1995.
tion methods for BVI. The efficiency of Higher Har-
[9] Madsen, H.A.; Rasmussen, F.: Stall Hys-
monic Control and of Individual Blade Control teresis and 3D Effects on Stall Regulated
inputs for the reduction of BVI noise were investi- Wind Turbines: Experiment and Modelling.
gated. The blade vortex miss distance was found to AGARD-CP-552, August 1995.
be the most important parameter for BVI noise.
[10] Filippone, A.; S0rensen, J.N.: A Viscous-
Methods for the prediction of high speed impulsive
Inviscid Interaction Model for Rotor Aerody-
noise have been developed and encouraging namics. AGARD-CP-552, August 1995.
results were presented. The weakest point in the
aeroacoustic prediction seems to be the prediction [11] Voutsinas, S.G.; Belessis, M.A.; Rados,
K.G.: Investigation of the Yawed Operation
of the aerodynamic flow field (position and strength
of Wind Turbines by Means of a Vortex Par-
of vortices, shock strength and disturbance veloci- ticle Method. AGARD-CP-552, August
ties for transonic flows). 1995.
[12] Costes, M.; Beaumier, P.; Gardarein, P.;
L. Bibliography Zibi, J.: Methodes de Calcul Aerody-
References [1] to [35] list the papers of the 75th namique Appliquees aux Rotors d'Helicop-
teres ä I'ONERA. AGARD-CP-552, August
Fluid Dynamics Symposium in order of presenta-
tion. These papers were published in the AGARD
Conference Proceedings [37]. [13] Raddatz, J.; Pahlke, K. : 3D Euler Calcula-
tions of Multibladed Rotors in Hover: Inves-
[1 ] Landgrebe, A.J.: New Directions in Rotor- tigation of the Wake Capturing Properties.
craft Computational Aerodynamics. . AGARD-CP-552, August 1995.
Research in the U.S. AGARD-CP-552,
August 1995. [14] Berezin, C; Sankar, L.: Forward Flight
Rotor Airloads Predictions Using a Coupled
[2] Ekaterinaris, J.A.; Srinivasan, G.R.; Navier-Stokes / Full-Potential Analysis.
McCrosky, W.J.: Present Capabilities of AGARD-CP-552, August 1995.
Predicting Two-Dimensional Dynamic
Stall. AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. [15] Narramore, J.C.: Computational Fluid
Dynamics Development and Validation at
[3] Chandrasekhara, M.S.; Carr, L.W.: Com- Bell Helicopter. AGARD-CP-552, August
pressibility Effects on Dynamic Stall of 1995.
Oscillating Airfoils. AGARD-CP-552,
August 1995. [16] Röttgermann, A.; Wagner, S.: Cost Effi-
cient Calculation of Compressible Potential
[4] Dindar, M.; Kaynak, Ü.: Effect of Turbu- Flow around a Helicopter Including Free
lence Modeling on Dynamic Stall Computa- Vortex Sheet by a Field Panel Method.
tions. AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. AGARD-CP-552, August 1995.
[5] Ivtchin, V.A. Investigation into Effect Pro- [17] Bessone, J.; Petot, D.: Evaluation de
duced by Blade Airfoil Unsteady Airflow on Modales Aerodynamiques et Dynamiques
Helicopter Main Rotor Power Required. des Rotors o" Helicopteres par Confronta-
AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. tion a I'Experience. AGARD-CP-552,
[6] Geissler, W.; Sobieczky, H.: Dynamic Stall August 1995.
Control by Variable Airfoil Camber. [18] Hamel, P.G.; Kaletka, J.: Rotorcraft Sys-
AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. tem Identification - An Overview of AGARD
[7] Snel, H.; van Holten, Th. : Review of FVP Working Group 18. AGARD-CP-552,
Recent Aerodynamic Research on Wind August 1995.
Turbines with Relevance to Rotorcraft.
AGARD-CP-552, August 1995.
[19] Niesl, G.; Swanson, S.M.; Jacklin; S.A.; [29] Schultz, K.-J.; Lohmann, D.; Lieser, J.A.;
Blaas, A.; Kube, R.: Effect of Individual Pahlke, K.: Aeroacoustic Calculation of Hel-
Blade Control on Noise Radiation. AGARD- icopter Rotors at DLR. AGARD-CP-552,
CP-552, August 1995. August 1995.
[20] Kataplioglu, C; Caradonna, F.X.: A Study [30] Toulmay, F.; Falchero, D.; Arnaud, G.:
of Blade-Vortex Interaction Aeroacoustics Prevision du Bruit Externe des Helicop-
Utilizing an Independently Generated Vor- teres: Les Methodes Numeriques Vues par
tex. AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. un Industriel. AGARD-CP-552, August
[21] Samokhin, V.F.; Rozhdestvensky, M.G.:
External Noise of Single Rotor Helicopters. [31] Syms, G.; Zan, S.J. : The Role and Status
AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. of Euler Solvers in Impulsive Rotor Noise
Computations. AGARD-CP-552, August
[22] Tarttelin, P.C.; Martyn, A.W.: In Flight
Research with Instrumented Main and Tail
Rotor Blades Using the DRA Bedford Aero- [32] Newman, S.J.: A Theoretical and Experi-
mechanics Research Lynx Helicopter. mental Investigation into the Rotor Blade
AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. Aeroelastic Behaviour of a Shipborne Heli-
copter during Rotor Engagement and Brak-
[23] Seelhorst, U.; Beesten, B.M.J.; Bütefisch,
ing. AGARD-CP-552, August 1995.
K.A.: Flow Field Investigation of a Rotating
Helicopter Rotor Blade by Three-Compo- [33] Baeder, J.D.: The Role and Status of Euler
nent Laser-Doppler-Velocimetry. AGARD- Solvers in Impulsive Rotor Noise Computa-
CP-552, August 1995. tions. AGARD-CP-552, August 1995.
[24] Berton, E.; Favier, D.; Maresca, C; Nsi [34] Lyrintzis, A.S.: The Use of Kirchhofes
Mba, M. : Determination des Charges Aero- Method in Rotorcraft Aeroacoustics.
dynamiques du Rotor en Vol Stationnaire, a AGARD-CP-552, August 1995.
I Aide d'une Technique de Velocimetrie
Laser. AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. [35] Wells, V.L.; Han, A.Y.; Crossley, W.A.:
Acoustic Design of Rotor Blades Using a
[25] Kube, R.; Splettstößer, W.R.; Seelhorst, U.; Genetic Algorithm. AGARD-CP-552,
Yu, Y.H.; Boutier, A.; Micheli, F.; Merker, August 1995.
M.: Initial Results from the Higher Har-
monic Control Aeroacoustic Rotor Test [36] Hamel, P.G. (editor) : Rotorcraft System
(HART) in the German-Dutch Wind Tunnel. Identification AGARD AR-280, 1991.
AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. [37] Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Rotor-
[26] Beaumier, P.; Prieur, J.; Rahier, G.; craft. Papers presented at the 75th Fluid
Spiegel, P.; Demargne, A.; Tung, C; Gall- Dynamics Symposium, Berlin, Germany,
man, J.M.; Yu, Y.H.; Kube, R.; van der 10-13 October, 1994. AGARD-CP-552,
Wall; B.G.; Schultz, K.J.; Splettstößer, August 1995.
W.R.; Brooks, T.F.; Burley, C.L; Boyd, D.D. [38] Prediction of Aerodynamic Loads on Rotor-
Jr.: Effect of Higher Harmonic Control on craft. AGARD Conference Proceedings No.
Helicopter Rotor Blade-Vortex Interaction 334. Fluid Dynamics Panel Specialists'
Noise: Prediction and Initial Validation. Meeting held at Church House, London,
AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. United Kingdom, 17-18 May, 1982.
[27] lanniello, S.; De Bernadis, E.: Calculation [39] Hamel, P.G. (editor) : Rotorcraft System
of High-Speed Noise from Helicopter Rotor Identification AGARD LS-178, 1991.
Using Different Descriptions of Quadrupole
Source. AGARD-CP-552, August 1995. [40] Caradonna, F. X. and Tung, C: 'Experi-
mental and Analytical Studies of a Model
[28] Gennaretti, M.; lemma, U.; Morino, L. A: Helicopter Rotor in Hover', NASA TM-
Boundary Integral Method for Unified Tran- 81232, September 1981.
sonic Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Anal-
ysis of Hovering Rotors. AGARD-CP-552,
August 1995.
fL Figures
C 16.0
u :.. BB M - 0.30
• 1
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Reduced frequency, k
air flow
modified vortex /
strength \
reduced pitch
during BVI
Blade- Blade-
increased blade-vortex Vortex- r Vortex-
Interactlon Interaction
separation distance (retreating side) (advancing side)
Figure 2: Noise Reduction Mechanism by Higher Figure 3: Measured BVI Locations in the Rotor
Harmonic Rotor control [19] Disc at 4° Tip Path Plane [19]
180 270
Figure 4: Blade Root Pitch Angle vs. V|/ for Figure 5: DLR Rotor Test Rig in DNW [25]
Conventional Rotor Control and a
3/rev Higher Harmonic Signal [19]
6* descent flight
V = 0.15, ccs = 5.3". cT = 0.0044, Ma# 0.64
Vortex 5
Vortex 6
Low Noise
0 v/R 1 -1 0 Y/R 1
1000 mm 2000
Radius R
Figure 6: BVI Noise Pattern Below the Rotor Figure 7: Vortex Trajectories Determined
(see [25]) by LLS [25]
75 1
cn 0
Y\ NCL\| ; r\
°- -1 ...VvA.:..Kia..
; V;\: ; ■ ;
I I Resulting function
6 " at blade tip : ;
-5 ■
Figure 8: Blade Pitch Curve at Blade Root and Figure 9: Noise Results by Input of a Wavelet
Blade Tip for a Pulse Input at at Blade Tip [19]
\|/ = 70° [19]
Figure 10: Sketch of BVI Test Set-Up and Definition of Parameters [20]
0.2 0.3
Figure 11: Typical Far-Field Acoustic Time History Figure 12: The Effect of Vortex Proximity on the
for Parallel BVI [20] BVI Acoustic Amplitude [20]
Cz r/R = 0.95
1.21- . sr->j6rience
calcul 3D en Cz et Cm 1
1 r i . ►_ !
,— Pretest
\ computations
- \ -
Cf 0.8
ft ind tunnel t«
(t ansitionatfl % chord)
\i -
- —°-
■ i '
0.014 0.018 0.022
Coefficient of drag, CD
Figure 13: Effect of Coupling R85 with Figure 14: Drag Levels with Transition Fixed
FP3D [12] were Predicted Prior to the Wind Tunnel Test [15]
Figure 15: RANS Results were Used to Interpret Wind tunnel Flow Patterns [15]
r ^-^Ä^
euler solution
1 S '
|r/R = 0.96|
' |r/R = O.80| e£\ |r/R = 0.89| P
A ;
4 \\ 1 " 1.0
~\i ^^
■i -
'.'^ 0.5 J ^N
- fT... . ...
JL__A "
^T^^5 /,r" ^^2^ 0.0
-1.0 1
i j -
Figure 16: c -Distribution for the Caradonna-Tung Rotor 9 = 8° , M <ßR 0.794 [16]
rotor disk
ivorticit vorticity
radial sectii radial section
70° behirtid bl£ 70° behind b i
Figure 17: Grid Refinement Study at a radial Position 70° Behind the Rotor Blade [13],
Caradonna-Tung Model Rotor in Hover 9 = 8°^^ = 0.794,
Coarse: 57x21x33 Points, Medium: 113x41x65 Points, Fine: 225x81x129 Points
Figure 18: Pressure Distributions of 2-Bladed Caradonna-Tung Model Rotor in Hover [13]
60 80 '00
' ,-'■>
-^-^^X \ /T^^rrn-s™
o 0
a. y \ 'l'
I -200
\ i n
-«00 u
- , 60 ec -o<
c) T/20 -—H
1 . ,
60 80
a) Volume Integration
b) Experiment
c) Pre-lntegration in the Original Grid System
d) Pre-lntegration after Coordinate Transformation
e) Approximation Using the Surface Values
upstream in —plane
0 r_JI
00 -100 •
-200 1 '
Q_ -300 - •
CO "
-400 -
, 0.0 0.2
30 deg out-of-plane
■ ■
200 i i
100 9|
0 r~* ' '\\ j V""-^——" V\ \ \s^~^—^
CO -100 -
n -200 -
-300 :
-400 ]
a) Experiment
200 200
100 61 100 2
o 0 \j A 0 r- -A r^
oo Q_
-100 100 -
II -200 200 ■
en CL- -300 - - 300 - ■
-400 ■
400 - -
-500 sno . . . . 0.2 O.t 0.6 0.8 10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
100 1
' \r V \T v j
cd -200 -
-300 -
-400 -
-sno ...
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
b) Calculation
Figure 20: Comparison of Calculated and Measured Sound Pressure Time Histories for Different
Microphone Positions (AH1-OLS Model Rotor \i = 0.345) [29]
o o-
Q. —-^
.9- -2-
o :
•ö -4_
Pressure CO
. . . ( . ' 1 ' ' ' 1 ' '
*£ S.0 S^
Time (msec)
Figure 21: Comparison of the Predicted Pressure Figure 22: Predicted Elastic Pitch Angle at the
Time Histories in the Plane of the Blade tip as a Function of Azimuth [26]
Rotor at r/R = 3.09 for Untwisted
UH-1H Rotor for Three Methods at
MoR = 0.9 [33]
Run 178
Figure 23: Typical Acoustic Signatures: Theory/Experiment Correlation for Single BVI [26]
The EH Industries EH101 medium sized rotorcraft is the first
of its kind to achieve production status that has been designed
from the outset as a vehicle able to meet, without significant
compromise, all appropriate civil and military regulatory
During the mid 1970's the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD)
began to investigate how best to replace the in-service Anti-
Submarine Warfare Mk 1 Sea King (HAS-1) which had been
accepted into service during 1969. That a Sea King
replacement (SKR) was being actively planned within only 5
years of entry into service of its predecessor reflects the Figure 1 - WG27 Multi-Role Fleet Helicopter
seemingly inevitable gestation period for a modern aerospace
It was immediately clear that the Navy preferred the all new
Two lines of development were originally investigated by both approach so as to "leap frog" the technology of SKR beyond
GKN WHL (then Westland Helicopters Ltd) and MoD some of the more modern designs available or in prospect,
Research Agencies under the auspices of feasibility and project such as HAS 1 Lynx, Dauphin, and LAMPS III. However,
definition studies; a significant development of the HAS Mk the estimated costs for such a programme were inevitably large
1 Sea King and an all new design. The eventual result of this and there was no clear way in which a full scale programme
early work was published in 1976 and clearly demonstrated could be launched in isolation from a partner with whom to
that there was a significant performance improvement between share costs. The initial solution was to initiate further studies
the 1950s technology Sea King derivative and the prospect of to refine the design with particular reference to reducing risk
an all new design. and cost; it was now that a solution using 3 available engines
emerged under the designation WG34. Additionally, a
At this time the all new option was targeted closely at the technology demonstration programme (known as WG34A) was
Naval roles of anti-submarine, anti-surface vessel, and deep launched and alliances sought with other Sea King operators,
water search and rescue roles. The multi-role fleet helicopter, most notably the Italian MoD, where its Naval service, the
project WG27, featured buried weapon carriage, a fuselage just Marina Militare Italiana (MMI), had a similar operational need
large enough to carry the mission fit, "rubber" engines of to replace SH-3D.
indeterminate origin, and various novel configuration aspects
aimed at minimising its folded dimension.
Government level collaboration was quickly matched by During 1995 the UK MoD(PE) ordered 22 Support Helicopter
Industry and a collaborative engineering team was established (SH) Variants of EH101 Utility through GKN WHL as Prime
by Agusta and GKN WHL followed shortly afterwards by the Contractor. An Export Variant has been launched under the
formation of a jointly owned management company, EH name Cormorant.
Industries, in June 1980.
The overall programme aims have been met with only
All participants were keenly aware that overall programme customerisation work for Merlin, MMI, Civil, the SH, and
viability was inexorably linked to both cost and market share. future customers remaining to be completed.
Final project definition studies included a major market survey
as an integral feature whose aim was to identify the widest
possible market place comprising both military and civil
operators. The end result was the configuration now known
as EH101 which had a gross take-off mass increased by 17%
over WG34 but was otherwise broadly similar. From a
programmatic perspective, industry agreed to fund some 30%
of the development costs. In 1984 the full scale Integrated
Development Programme (IDP) was finally launched for the
design and build of 9 pre-production aircraft systems plus a
range of ground based facilities.
- Mil Specs
Figure 3 - The Result of the IDP
Figure 2 - EH101 Basic Variants A traditional national military programme would be expected
to have design requirements derived directly from the
Today, in 1996 the basic programme is virtually complete; the statement of operational requirement and national design
nine pre-production aircraft, comprising both military and civil regulations. Similarly, a civil programme must meet both
variants, have accumulated over 3800 flying hours, civil type market requirements and appropriate civil regulatory Authority
certification has been achieved, and the first military design standards.
production aircraft delivered. The basic configuration today
is identical to that defined during final joint project definition For EH101, EH Industries had to merge two military
in 1982 except for the gross take-off mass which has grown by operational requirements, plot the worst case envelope of
a further 2%, to 14.6 tonnes. The UK Navy has elected to background military and civil design regulations, and also
name their Variant 'Merlin'; as yet no name has been assigned determine how best to achieve simultaneous FAA/CAA/RAI
to the MMI Variant. certification. The former was resolved by the publication of
a single operational requirement by the joint Italian/UK
Late in the programme the UK MoD(PE) determined that it International Project Team (IPT), set up in London during mid
would procure production aircraft systems through a Prime 1981.
Contractor, and after a competition in 1991 selected IBM
ASIC (now Loral ASIC), in preference to a bid from BAe and
GEC, for the supply of 44 Merlin weapon systems. The MMI
Prime Contract is let via Agusta.
Definitive low and high cycle fatigue testing of the main load
/^V f \ paths has now been completed for EH101, confirming that a
/ \
/ \ safe life of 10000 hrs has been achieved against the military'
/ / spectrum and a 40000 hrs service life for civil useage is
l 35kts/ V35kts t
i / \ l expected.
Wind l / Wind
from ■ from
Port l 4.4 Undercarriage
I / i Stbd
i \ / i The key requirements for undercarriage design are those
\ \ ' * deriving from small ships operation. In particular the
\ > /
\ / maximum non-damaging sink rate at maximum gross mass is
\ / 11.5 ft/sec and dominates the static strength. Long periods
\ 30kts *
\ * lashed to a heaving, rolling, pitching ships' deck produces a
^ *• very severe fatigue case. In respect of the civil design cases
^^ ..--' the undercarriage is significantly overdesigned.
Wind from Rear
Recognising that the aircraft must have a broad appeal it was
Design Aim
determined that the single main wheel arrangement, which
Demonstrated Capability
suited Merlin operations from hard surfaces, would not be well
Figure 5 - Wind Envelopes matched to operations from unprepared sites. Accordingly, the
basic design can incorporate a second main wheel if the
customer desires. A twin main wheel/balloon type nose wheel
The tail rotor has a diameter of 4 m and is designed to a solution is adopted for the SH providing a soft field
maximum transient mast torque equivalent to 1300 HP. The performance significantly better than other similarly roled
low speed envelope has been flown up to the maximum gross aircraft.
take-off mass of 14.6 tonnes.
The features embodied in EH 101 include multiple load paths 4.5 Avionics Systems
in the blade attachment and rotor head, widely spaced engines, The Naval avionics requirements for a highly complex
multiple services powered by separate drives, multiple load ASW/ASV role are not obviously well matched to civil
paths for transmission attachment, and multiple lift load paths operators or a battlefield support role. However, some
in the main structure. These are perhaps the main areas of common threads do exist and these have been rigorously
damage tolerant design, less obvious are the proven tree followed through in the implementation of EH101.
strike/ballistic tolerance of the composite main blade,
integrated health and usage monitoring system (HUMS), Both military and civil aircraft require an automatic flight
redundant core avionics processing, and the graceful control system, cockpit instruments, and navigation features.
degradation philosophy designed into much of the avionics Both aircraft also have a requirement to collect and condense
system. sensor/discrete signals. One key difference is that the accepted
civil standard data bus is ARINC 429 but the military
It is of interest to note that the UK MoD customer has recently preference would be Mil-Std-1553B.
embraced the concept of safety assessment which is being
retrospectively applied to Merlin and is a requirement for SH.
Since the EH 101 was already designed to conform with the
A fuel system installation concept was developed to provide programme employs this same approach and the UK MoD has
up to six essentially identical fuel bays below the floor, each now defined that the report which concludes the safety
able to carry some 800 kg of fuel in bag tanks that could be analysis must be in place prior to first flight and not entry into
crashworthy and self-sealing as required. Fuel gauging was service.
integrated by a fuel gauging computer which is pin selectable
to recognise all likely alternative arrangements. Thus, whilst Once the civil safety assessment was completed in 1994 the
the EH101 fuel system can be configured to accommodate Merlin and SH programmes were effectively derivatives which
almost 5000 kg of internal fuel, other configurations can be introduced differences in use and equipment fit; both
readily accommodated such that the shorter range operator programmes require their own unique reporting but significant
need not be burdened by the hardware mass, and cost, savings are expected to be made by basing the work on that
associated with a 700 nm plus range that may be required by previously reported to the civil Authorities.
a SAR operator. Ferry tanks can be carried internally to
extend the capacity of the fuel system and the configuration of 5.2 Transmission
the system fuel gallery is such as to make this an easy role fit. Generally the civil requirements of BCAR Section G and FAR
Part 29 are more comprehensive than the equivalent AvP and
5. THE INFLUENCE OF REGULATIONS ON Mil-Stds, although the UK military requirement for a factored
DESIGN load test to establish fatigue limitations are much more
During the formative period of the design of EH101, it demanding than the endurance tests identified by FAR and Mil
became clear that a unified and formalised definition of the Std requirements. This requirement alone has required the
appropriate civil and military design regulations would need to EH 101 main transmission to be run at 7000 HP, compared
be prepared. At the same time a similar process was initiated with the 5305 HP take-off placard limit for Merlin.
to ensure that the 'in-house' design regulation applied by
Agusta and GKN WHL were brought into alignment. One specific area of regulation that is better defined by civil
requirements is oil loss tolerance where a 10 minute duration
This pro-active approach has meant that the most demanding is specified. Military requirements are less clear but Agusta
boundary of regulations were built into the design from the determined that the civil requirements should be regarded as
outset. In some cases the differences between civil and a bare minimum and the design has been proven to 30 minutes
military requirements were so significant that a dual track without modification.
approach was adopted and the configuration allowed to diverge
as the most cost or mass effective solution. However, these 5.3 Main Rotor
examples are few in number such that the majority of the The only civil regulation deemed to have influenced the rotor
EH 101 design is entirely common between civil and military configuration was that relating to noise. EH101 was originally
versions. The most significant difference is in respect of the constrained to a tip speed of 670 ft/sec at 100% NR; during
certification standard where the regulatory Authorities retain development the nominal rotor speed has been increased to
their independence and demand proof of compliance with their 102% NR with a subsequent increase in tip speed to 683
own stated requirements. ft/sec. The aircraft has been certified as meeting the CAN 7
regulations and has been demonstrated to meet the much more
5.1 Safety Case demanding CAN 6 requirements as well. Fly-over noise levels
Both civil and military requirements have long recognised are particularly low, with a margin of over 7 EPN dB against
airworthiness as a key feature of a successful design, and have the CAN 7 regulations having been regularly demonstrated.
developed a regulatory approach to ensure that an appropriate
design is implemented. However, this approach is further
underpinned by civil regulations where numerical safety targets
are defined as a key means by which a design audit can be
accomplished and reported.
85 • CAN 6
100 1000 10000 100000
Maximum Certificated Take-Off Mass - kg
-30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10
5.4 Tail Rotor Ambient Air Temperature (Deg C)
The large tail rotor control power demanded by Naval Figure 9 - Icing Envelope and Test Points
operations has required EH101 to be equipped with a speed
sensitive switched yaw pedal limiter so as to pass the
demanding civil yaw manoeuvre structural strength 5.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
requirements. By this means the design case has been reduced Both civil and military regulations impose severe EMC
from 40° side slip angle at 145 kts to 40° at 120 kts. requirements, pertinent both to the external and inter-LRU
environments. From the outset EH Industries determined that
5.5 Bird Strike it would impose not only the most stringent of the available
The worst case requirement was clearly represented by the standards but would also initiate design process controls to
BCAR requirements for a 1.8 kg bird at 160 kts. Tests have impose consistent rigour to the layout of LRUs, the routing of
been carried out and the EH 101 canopy and associated cables, and the establishment/maintenance of inherent
structure has been certified as compliant with this requirement. screening available from the airframe, even though substantial
To our knowledge this is the most demanding test ever applied use is made of composites.
to a rotorcraft canopy.
Development of a robust EMC implementation has been taken
5.6 Ice Protection extremely seriously, to the extent that a non-flightworthy pre-
A vital operational requirement for North Atlantic Naval production aircraft was built to provide a fully representative
operations was to be able to operate in stringent icing EMC rig as an alternative to the traditional EMC laboratory
conditions. The definition of icing environments is not
straightforward and is typically differently described by civil
regulations, military airframe regulations, and military engine
1 1
ooooi o.rxn
Frequency (GHz)
The challenges associated with achieving the goal of a joint
civil/military design represented only one of many faced by
EH Industries as they established a joint Agusta/ GKN WHL
programme to implement the £1B full development activity
initiated in 1984.
The lessons learnt during this process can be summarised as a a) The rotor system already achieves a minimum mass
need to be ruthless in the flow down of requirements into solution but can only provide the required
design, to explicitly target testing at well defined goals, and to performance by application of the sophisticated
involve the Authority early to the overall process. All of these BERP aerodynamic technology. Using a more
aspects have featured in the programme to date but further traditional level of technology a rotor of the same
emphasis would do no harm. radius would need additional blade area and that
would have dramatically driven the rotor mass
Use of modern IT, such as in the form of computer aided upwards.
systems engineering (CASE) tools, will help in the future to
plan and manage the extensive design/certification/qualification b) Meeting the civil noise regulations demanded a slow
task demanded by the civil and military Authorities and to tip speed, although BERP already exhibits the useful
manage design change. This has been adopted from the outset planform characteristics of swept thin tips.
for the SH, is partially adopted (for the core software Extrapolation of the BERP performance by reference
functionality) for Merlin, but was not grasped sufficiently for to the Lynx fit, including the world speed record
I DP except in that the management of experience, would indicate that a tip speed some 800
certification/qualification data makes extensive use of ft/sec is practicable (if noisy) and if implemented
distributed relational data bases. could have saved over 200 kg of vehicle mass.
IDP military qualification requires proof of compliance to be c) The fuselage structure meets all of the appropriate
established for some 9500 line items; civil certification civil requirements for crash, bird strike, fatigue,
demanded attention to 7000 line items and the SH will have flotation and fire proofing. Generally, these
2500 line items. requirements are similar to or more severe than the
military equivalent and a mass penalty of some 200
Closely associated with achieving a certified/qualified design kg can be assigned to these aspects.
is the actual as-built standard of the aircraft and its systems.
All of the pre-production fleet were designed and built using d) Achieving a true damage tolerant design is
a form of configuration control which was flexible but which somewhat more difficult to assess in that this
ensured that the build standard of any aircraft could be approach pervades the main structural load paths and
established at any time. For production, EH Industries all key services. It has been estimated that the
initiated a configuration management system (CMS) in penalty of damage tolerance is as high as 300 kg.
accordance with STANAG 4159, Def Stan 05-57 and AER00-
00-5/-6; the resulting process adopted is broadly equivalent to Thus, overall EH101 is carrying some 700 kg of mass penalty
Mil-Std-973. The purpose of CMS is to ensure that changes in comparison with a purely military design using design
to the functional baseline can only be introduced with regulations extant in 1980. If a military design were to be
deliberate effort such that all impacts are rigorously initiated today then it is certain that many of the safety
understood before a change is initiated and the build standard features previously ascribed to civil requirements only would
remains well defined at all stages. With hindsight this process have to be accommodated.
has proved to be a significant burden in respect of the build of
the initial production aircraft and would perhaps be better In addition to the penalties of meeting civil regulatory
suited to the stable long term product. The main difficulties standards, EH101 is designed to achieve significant
have been with the process time necessary to agree even minor improvements in overall vehicle performance when compared
change, much of which has proven essential and not just a with previous generation helicopters. The increase in useful
design enhancement. However, overall the key statistics look speed to above 150 kts, non-damaging descent speeds of up to
encouraging in that the first production aircraft flew 9 days 11.5 ft/sec, and the achievement of a full 3g manoeuvre case
early and that the number of changes per issued drawing is have all added to the structural mass. When compared with
around 2.4 compared with an accepted industry norm of Sea King/SH-3D it has been established that improvements to
perhaps over 3 at this stage. performance of this nature have directly resulted in a mass
increase of some 1400 kg.
The overall impact to the EH101 programme of achieving its
goal of an integrated civil/military design and development
programme is to some extent speculative but it is possible to
identify the order of mass burden that has resulted.
Thus, overall EH101 suffers a mass penalty of around 2000 kg e) a sophisticated, secure, communications fit having
plus so as to meet the contempory performance and regulatory integrated electronic counter measures (ECCM), and
demands of both military and civil operators. The maximum coverage between 2 MHz and 400 MHz operating
gross take-off mass for EH101 is (initially) 14.6 tonnes; a frequency.
fully equipped para-military/military Utility Variant would
have an aircraft empty mass of between 9000 and 9500 kg f) a comprehensive defensive aids suite (DAS) fit.
depending on mission fit; the payload fraction can be expected
to range from 40% to 35%. A similar payload fraction range g) enhanced HUM able to monitor the health of all
is evident for NH90 and S92 on the basis of data available in transmission gears/bearings/ shafts, the status of
the public domain. engine vibration, and the full time assessment of
rotor track and balance; data capture is fully
Whilst EH101 is the first large rotorcraft to be designed to automatic, with a manual override capability.
meet combined civil and military regulatory requirements it
will not be the last. The attraction of inherent safety, h) a full NVG compatible lighting fit.
improved performance and cost effectiveness is probably
irresistable to operators, procurement agencies and Industry i) a role fit forward looking infra red stabilised sensor.
All of these specific features require design and development
8. THE PRINCIPLE OF CUSTOMERISATION action but the basic core vehicle and system design is proving
The EH101 has been granted a joint FAA/CAA/RAI sufficiently robust such that the changes can be accommodated
certification and the military qualification is progressing to with relative ease.
plan. In every sense the realisation of a common civil/
military design has been achieved. However, it has always
been recognised that not all mission specific features could be
sensibly incorporated into a truly common airframe. The ramp
door of the Utility Variant is a good example where the value
of this feature to the Naval ASW/ASV role would not / ^
compensate for its mass penalty.
It is useful to review the most recent customerisation tasks Figure 13 - The SH can load vehicles internally
undertaken, associated with the SH Variant which is
configured to suit the RAF requirements of battlefield support,
special forces operations, SAR, and other duties. Avionic system changes require integration of the all new (to
EH101) communications via the Mil-Std-1553B data bus, an
SH specific configuration aspects include the following: all new digital secure intercomm and revision of certain core
management software. Whilst these tasks include some
a) integrated underslung load (USL) hook, rated at significant EMC/TEMPEST installation aspects, the EH101
5400 kg. design standards developed at the outset of the IDP have
established a proven basis for a low risk solution. Functional
b) strengthened floor to permit internal loading of high integration requires software modifications which are being
density cargo. introduced in concert with other management function
changes, integrated into a single core software release. To
c) four tank fuel system, configured to have minimal meet a set of demanding computer resource requirements an
impact on longitudinal CG as fuel is used and updated AN/AYK 204 computer will be utilised having a 486
integrated with a probe/drogue style of air-to-air processor to give enhanced throughput and memory allocation;
refuelling. this change impacts the processor card only, allowing the basic
LRU structure and qualification standard to be retained.
d) crashworthy troop and crew seats, total cabin seating
is 26.
Aircraft systems are not being modified except that load customerisation changes for Merlin, MMI and SH derivatives
shedding arrangements in the face of a generator failure, whilst to be undertaken separately.
operating in icing, will be less restrictive than Merlin because
either of the two 90 KVA generators can easily supply all of The first production aircraft, Merlin, flew in December 1995
the electrical demand for the simplified avionic fit demanded and was formally delivered on 6th March 1996 having
by the SH. completed its basic test flying. The first production civil
aircraft will be granted type certification in 1997 and delivered
To meet the RAF requirements for hot and high take-off, fully to its customer in 1998.
equipped, with an out of ground effect (OGE) thrust margin
of 5%, two further significant specific features have been EH101 has vindicated the principle that it is feasible, cost
introduced. Firstly the main transmission placarded take-off effective, and operationally valuable to merge the civil and
rating has been lifted to 112% torque, or 5520 HP, and military regulatory requirements into a basic common
secondly a derivative of the RTM 322 is being implemented, rotorcraft design. With the recent moves by the military
configured to provide both an enhanced take-off rating and a customer towards civil standards of safety this process is
20 second emergency rating. The former will be qualified by probably inevitable for future rotorcraft.
testing alone, since the overall SH usage is similar to Merlin
and the transmission has already successfully completed basic The approach is not without penalty, and pay load fraction will
testing including running at over 7000 HP. For the engine, tend to decline with the next generation of general purpose
design effort is required to allow the power turbine inlet helicopters until improved rotor, engine, transmission and
temperature to be increased but these changes are not avionic technologies can be assimilated into the product.
technologically challenging as demonstrated by the first major
engine chamber test occurring within 9 months of contract From a programmatic sense, the biggest improvement that
effective date. could be established over current practice would be for the
civil and military regulatory authorities to merge their effort.
In this way it would be possible to envisage that a common
design could be assessed against a common set of
certification/qualification rules by a common civil/military
Authority. Such an approach would dramatically simplify the
task faced by Industry, reducing costs and programme
timescales significantly, and also present a much reduced
overall burden to the Authorities.
One of the most significant precepts of the EH 101 programme
was the deliberate intent to produce a single aircraft and
system design able to satisfy the operational and regulatory
requirements of both civil and military customers. The aim of
a totally common approach has not been achieved mainly for
reasons of cost or mass effectiveness, but there is an essential
and substantive core which is common.
A possible technology demonstrator, based on a Lynx Whilst the basic physics of compounding have always been open to
airframe and its build standard are described. Finally a list of exploitation, the details of the process are still imperfectly
overall conclusions are drawn. understood. In addition to this, it is only as the understanding
grows that it is becoming apparent the enabling technologies have
2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS always been lacking or incomplete.
ACH Advanced Compound Helicopter
AW ACS Airborne Warning and Control System Clearly these two considerations are interdependent and it is only
BVI Blade Vortex Interaction now that a path is emerging whereby, on the one hand we believe
LCC Lift Cycle Costs we are starting to understand the process and its application
MoD Ministry of Defence sufficiently well, whilst on the other hand the necessary
NoE Nap of the Earth technologies to fully exploit compounding are in sight of maturity.
OA Operational Analysis
PV Private Venture It would thus appear that a significant opportunity to progress the
SAM Surface to Air Missile cause of rotorcraft is about to present itself, should we care to grasp
SAR Search and Rescue it.
SOT Stator Outlet Temperature
TAS True Air Speed 4. BACKGROUND
The interest in compounding at GKN Westland Helicopters Limited
3. INTRODUCTION emerged in the early 1980's when attention turned to researching
It is widely held that before a problem can be solved, it must future rotorcraft designs that would offer substantially enhanced
be defined. Experience has similarly confirmed that it is performance. The exercise was not initially couched in terms of
advisable to define the term compounding at the earliest specific applications but was more concerned with a debate into the
opportunity in any discussion on the topic. Therefore, as fundamental issues.
used in this paper,
Overlying the technical arguments has been an acceptance that any
• Lift compounding involves the addition of a second, future research programme, whilst being adventurous conceptually,
separate source of lift in addition to the main rotor. could not be adventurous financially. This was especially true for
a relatively small organisation such as the then Westland
and, Helicopters and was influential in the choice of lift and thrust
compounding as the way forward. There was also a powerful
Thrust compounding involves the addition of a second, argument that said that we should build on what we knew;
separate source of thrust in addition to the main rotor. evolution not revolution.
There have been many attempts, over the years, to produce a Although it is not believed to have been directly linked, since its
viable compound helicopter and a number of designs have evolution had different roots, the emergence of the BERP blade has
flown; some with considerable success. Despite this, apart very ably complemented the compound concept, in that it has
from a few Soviet types which appeal to a degree of lift generated a very capable rotor over the entire flight envelope,
compounding (eg. MIL24), the technique has yet to be especially at high forward speeds.
embraced for an operational helicopter. It is almost certain
that there is no one single cause for this, but that in practice It is important that the rotor remains aerodynamically efficient over
the reasons are numerous and some of the technical ones are the extended flight envelope, despite being offloaded, if the
identified later. fundamental advantages of the technique of compounding are not
to be squandered.
The principle of compounding may be traced back to the
The concern for improvements in platform performance was partial autorotation, as illustrated in Figure 3. This does imply the
underlined by a belief that this aspect of rotorcraft need for thrust compounding to supply the propulsion deficit. A
development had largely stagnated (with the exception of a further contribution arises from considerations of safety. When
few initiatives such as BERP). The helicopter appears to offloaded, the rotor may be operating outside its conventional, 'lg',
have been regarded as essentially an air vehicle geared to flight envelope. In the event of rotor power failure then it is
hover/low speed flight since it accomplishes this in a more conceivable that successful autorotation entry, from these flight
versatile manner than any alternative. There has been a great conditions, may not be possible. This is especially true for a
deal of attention paid to the systems elements of helicopter vehicle with a good lift to drag ratio and measures are likely to be
projects over the last two decades to the point that it may now necessary to degrade this temporarily eg. by the use of speed
be argued that platform performance is inadequate to fully brakes.
exploit the real potential of the total weapons system in some
circumstances. The dilemma is avoided however, if the rotor is in autorotation in
normal cruise flight. In this situation engine failure becomes an
In addition to this it was becoming clear that rotorcraft inconvenience and not a threat to continued safe flight.
applications were likely to broaden and more emphasis would
be laid on quantities such as productivity and timeliness of The data in Figure 3 is the result of some recent investigations into
response. Such issues were believed to be of relevance to high speed autorotation undertaken at GKN Westland Helicopters,
both civil and military roles even though the exact character as part of an MoD funded study.
of these roles might differ.
It is interesting that the benefits emerge as a power saving and
Overall it may be concluded therefore, that compounding become most apparent at high forward speeds when the propulsive
should be examined as a serious candidate for future efficiency of the rotor is also much reduced. At low forward speeds
rotorcraft development. the rotor generates propulsion very efficiently, but this clearly
reduces as speed rises.
EDGEWISE ROTOR At speeds approaching the upper edge of the conventional
Many of the deficiencies associated with the edgewise rotor helicopter flight envelope (circa 200 + knots), it may be seen that
stem from the asymmetry inherent during forward flight, as the effective rotor propulsive efficiency is about the same as might
illustrated in Figure 1. be expected from a typical fan or propeller auxiliary propulsion
device. Hence such a device becomes competitive in terms of
Whilst many palliative measures have been adopted in power consumption. As the forward speed rises still further the
attempts to ameliorate the consequences, the underlying situation becomes more advantageous and significant total power
mechanism remains. savings are indicated, such that thrust compounding would appear
to be the best solution for helicopter flight under these conditions.
One consequence is the need to preserve rotor trim in forward
flight. This in turn leads to the falling rotor thrust A similar situation arises from the application of lift compounding,
characteristic, as forward speed rises and is illustrated in although here the details are slightly different.
Figure 2.
In essence the rotor may again be offloaded, by for example a wing,
The situation is exacerbated by the need to generate a with gains in reduced vibration and an expanded flight envelope.
propulsive component of thrust in a conventional helicopter,
by tilting the rotor disc nose down. This further complicates Studies have identified high altitude, low speed missions as reaping
the local flow field round the blade in addition to the particular benefit. In this flight condition the rotor can supply
azimuthal variations noted above. propulsive thrust efficiently and without excessive disc tilt, so that
lift only compounding may prove appropriate.
A range of vehicle limitations follow from the constraints
imposed by the rotor. Perhaps the most prominent of these At other flight conditions lift compounding is best combined with
limitations emerge as, thrust compounding and offers great potential for applications
where excellent high speed agility is demanded.
Poor lift to drag ratios.
Limited forward speed capability. In continuous high speed cruise it is also possible to take advantage
High vibration. of the superior lift to drag ratio of a suitably designed wing to
Poor high speed agility. enhance the overall aerodynamic efficiency of the total vehicle.
Uncompetitive productivity. Experience has shown, though, that great care is required in design
to extract full advantage from this process.
It is to these problems that compounding is addressed with a Offloading the rotor, both in terms of lift and propulsion will also
view to enhancing fundamental vehicle characteristics. extend the forward speed capability by relieving the retreating stall
Although at the present time data is limited there is reason to boundary.
believe that the rotor lift to drag ratio, ie. its intrinsic
aerodynamic efficiency as a lifting device, may be Typical trends of aircraft mass with forward speed to accomplish a
significantly enhanced by operating with thrust and/or lift given mission, for conventional and compound helicopters are
compounding. shown in Figure 4 where speed and mass advantages are apparent
for the compound.
The optimum rotor operating condition would appear to be in
For a given flight condition, the level of vibration may be 7. AVAILABLE EVIDENCE
expected to reduce as the rotor is offloaded and operated at a A limited amount of data exists to support the above beliefs and
less nose down disc attitude. This arises at least in part from some flight test evidence is shown in Figure 5. This was recorded
the reduced aerodynamic forcing associated with lower thrust during the World Speed Record Flights of G-Lynx. The much
levels and more benign local flow conditions. reduced vibration levels are also associated with the very low value
of aircraft drag and hence much improved aircraft lift to drag ratio.
It is anticipated that reductions in vibration will lead to Although this process could apply to all conventional rotorcraft
significant improvements in mission effectiveness due to there are limits associated with practicality. The introduction of
reduced crew fatigue and much enhanced reliability of both compounding would extend any benefits yet further. Depending on
airframe and equipment. In the course of recent studies, how the force accounting is performed, it may be convenient to
efforts have been made to quantify these benefits. regard thrust compounding as a very effective form of drag
A credible methodology has been evolved and this has
identified Life Cycle Cost savings via maintenance Although a number of compound helicopters have flown, there is
reductions. Little success has been achieved to date, however not a large body of supporting evidence readily available to
in linking actual levels of vibration to actual levels of underwrite future applications. In part this may have been due to
unreliability. Whilst data exists in service records, when a the nature of flight test experimentation and equipment
detailed reduction of the information was attempted it was procurement at the time of the relevant research programmes.
apparent that the data was too sparse to draw definite
conclusions. It is clear that further work is necessary in this Latterly, as part of funded studies sponsored by the UK MoD and
area, although even at this stage it can be predicted with a PV work by GKN-WHL, efforts have been made to establish data
measure of confidence that the technique of compounding can relevant to the application of compound helicopters to a wide range
lead to reductions in Life Cycle Costs. of missions. This work is furnishing mounting evidence to guide
the best use of those enhancements offered by the technique of
The combination of improved lift to drag ratio and the compounding.
potential for higher cruise speeds offer the prospect of
significant gains in productivity so that fleet sizes to achieve During the course of these studies it has become increasingly clear
a given objective are much reduced. In this connection, the that the benefits available range over a wide spectrum and need
drive for improved lift to drag ratios should also encompass thoughtful implementation to fully exploit this major opportunity
classical drag reduction measures that would apply to any for rotorcraft technological development.
rotorcraft. The benefits associated with compounding are
available in addition to this. The higher speed potential of In addition to the improvements in fundamental vehicle qualities
compounded helicopters means that total drag reduction is of sought at the outset, which ultimately find expression in operational
greater benefit than for their less speedy conventional analysis studies, there are also advantages to be gained from other
counterparts in arriving at fuel efficient, productive designs. beneficial characteristics, as outlined earlier.
The redundancy of forces and moments available in a It is interesting that the OA studies also suggested that for many
compounded rotorcraft offer the ability to trim the vehicle to missions, while direct combat is not necessarily sought, escape and
a given attitude over a wide range of flight conditions. This hence survival, from an encounter with the opposition is heavily
has several advantageous consequences for both civil and influenced by superior capability in the area of combat flight
military operations. performance.
Perceived noise levels in both cruise and approach phases of A wide range of roles have been investigated to date, with
flight may be managed to reduce nuisance and obtrusiveness. encouraging results.
The reduced disc tilt in cruise flight means that the acoustic
signal travels further and hence suffers more atmospheric 8. FUTURE APPLICATIONS
absorption, before reaching an observer on the ground. For Whilst helicopters have already been adopted for roles, such as anti-
situations where the vehicle is cruising at medium altitude, armour that could be labelled as aggressive, the general tenor of
then flight test experience has indicated that the noise their operations has tended to reflect a measure of vulnerability
nuisance is extremely low. and/or limitation.
During the approach to land, the vehicle trim may be Technological development in general and compounding in
managed to avoid BVI (blade slap) over a wide range of particular are lifting the helicopter to the point where it might
approach angles. Hence this most intrusive form of conceivably become regarded as amongst the more aggressive
helicopter noise may be minimised. elements in the military inventory.
Both passenger and crew comfort may be maximised by Modern weapons and sensors are extremely effective and confer
maintaining a horizontal fuselage attitude throughout the great accuracy and destructive power. It is no longer necessary for
flight. In the military context the ability to trim the fuselage a vehicle to weigh tens of tons in order to transport powerful
axis also has great significance in terms of target acquisition, weaponry.
target tracking, weapons release and NOE flight. The total
impact of these latter capabilities has yet to be fully In addition, the enhanced platform speed, productivity and agility
investigated. of the ACH mean that maximum use may be made of this
burgeoning lethality. It is now possible to position a weapon that available today. A further extension of this process arises from
system of fearsome power and possessing great speed of the ever increasing capabilities of the subsystems, ie. weapons,
response in otherwise inaccessible situations. At the same sensors, flight control systems, etc. The combined effect is to
time it does have to be acknowledged that no rotorcraft will confer significant improvements in total system performance such
ever be totally invulnerable to counter attack, but the ability that appropriately equipped rotorcraft can now be considered for
of the ACH to rapidly seek available cover via agility and applications for which they were not previously believed to be
minimise exposure to danger via speed represent a unique adequate. The nett result is that rotorcraft could be applied to a
combination of qualities that contributes to a maximum greatly expanded spectrum of roles and offer unrivalled
chance of survival in hostile conditions. effectiveness in accomplishing them. It is felt that this family
concept is ideally suited to the evolving philosophy of regarding
In addition to the OA results themselves, the studies also low level airspace as the third dimension of all aspects of the
confirmed that the application of compounding to a given role ground battle. This is helicopter territory; in particular it is
is an iterative process. Not only does the vehicle need to be compound helicopter territory.
appropriately configured, but there is also a corresponding
optimum mission profile. Clearly these two processes are not In the course of the operational analysis studies certain novel roles
necessarily independent and to date only existing mission for the ACH suggested themselves though none of these have been
profiles have been employed. The next phase of study will followed up in detail nor do they reflect official interest. One,
endeavour to identify mission profiles appropriate to possibly contentious thought involves a mission denying airspace
compounds and further optimise the vehicle configurations. over the battlefield to fixed wing combat aircraft. It may be
possible to conceive of circumstances in which the initiative lies
It is likely that the type of compounding and possibly its firmly with the helicopter. Dissemination of information about the
implementation will be matched to specific roles (or groups digital battlefield will be extensive and rapid. It follows therefore
of roles). High altitude, low speed missions, which as noted that details of incoming fast jet flight paths could be made available
earlier favour lift compounding, are an example of this to air combat ACH's from a multitude of sources including
process. AWACS. Suitably placed ACH's could then select covert launch
positions for air to air weapons in much the same way that current
In contrast, hover dominated missions, are not best served by SAM systems operate, albeit with much greater flexibility than the
lift compounded vehicles, due to the penalty of wing ground based units. The expanded flight envelope of the ACH
download. means that the opportunities to successfully deploy in the manner
outlined above are much increased.
Those roles that combine low speed/hover and high speed
dash requirements, such as SAR, etc. are well suited to thrust Whilst the above may be regarded as provocative and will
only compounding. hopefully act as a stimulus for debate, it is a good example of the
mechanism whereby enhanced platform capability may make
For cruise dominated applications such as off-shore oil available a new dimension in vehicle applications, which the
support, then the improved lift to drag ratio of a wing and relevant military specialists can then exploit.
superior high speed propulsive efficiency of a dedicated
propulsor can combine to mean that a lift and thrust The real challenge here is to understand how to use this new total
compounded solution offers very worthwhile overall benefits. capability most efficaciously, since clearly there is again some
This configuration may also be well matched to applications, feedback into vehicle design.
such as escort, where it may be speculated that at some time
in the future high speed agility and sufficient speed to regain Studies to date have also indicated that compounding can represent
the convoy after an engagement, will become crucial. the simplest (and probably the cheapest) development route to a
given level of system performance.
As presently conducted, reconnaissance involves a great deal
of hover/low speed flight and is well suited to a conventional A final advantage of the underlying philosophy arises from the
helicopter though requirements for increased speed of robustness of the total family approach. The specification of new
response or higher productivity could modify this finding. vehicle and system requirements has always been challenging
particularly with the need to retain competitiveness over a long
It is also clear that the enhanced capabilities afforded by period of time. Today with the prospect of greatly extended service
compounding offer the opportunities to expand the range of lives for the platform, the speedy evolution of systems technology
roles that may be undertaken by rotorcraft. This reinforces and the rapidly changing nature of both military and civil needs, the
the concept of a family of helicopters, eg. conventional problem is doubly difficult. Hence the increasing requirement is for
variants, lift compounded variants, thrust compounded new equipment to be adaptable and conceptually robust. In this
variants, etc., with a high degree of commonality, but offering regard the technique of compounding allied to the idea of a family
a great overall range of versatility. of helicopters offers the prospect of addressing this challenge in an
elegant and cost effective manner.
The aim will be to achieve a level of this commonality such
as to generate considerable savings in design, manufacture, 9. PLANNED DEMONSTRATOR
logistics, maintenance and training. At the same time the Much effort is currently being channelled into studies to examine
total asset, ie. the complete range of vehicles and systems the need for the construction of a Technology Demonstrator, based
would represent a large increase in capability over and above on a Lynx Airframe.
The initial view of the demonstrator is that the vehicle will not be
The Lynx was chosen as being an eminently suitable fitted with a comprehensive flight and engine control system to
candidate aircraft on several counts, including the fact that it manage these strategies such as will be demanded for efficient
had already flown at speeds approaching 220 knots. As a operation of a production aircraft. Indeed one element of the
result of this flight test experience it was known that the demonstrator programme will entail the acquisition of data to
behaviour of the aircraft under these conditions was very enable the design of exactly such a future control system. It is
satisfactory and the risks associated with further expansion of likely that the wing will be also complemented by a trimming
the flight envelope were minimised. Indeed it was initially tailplane to react the powerful pitching moment arising from the
planned to use G-Lynx, the aircraft which gained the World flaps and a trimming rudder will offload the tail rotor in trim.
Speed Record in August 1986, since considerable preparatory
work had already been implemented on this vehicle, The overall configuration of a possible Lynx demonstrator is shown
especially in terms of drag reduction. This plan, however, in Figure 6.
has been overtaken by events and the aircraft now languishes
in a museum. Initial studies have indicated that adequate control of both engine
and airframe, for demonstration purposes, can be achieved by
To improve the speed of a Lynx by something of the order of modification of the existing systems. Considerable thought has
50% over and above service release clearly implies a been applied to the nature of such changes both to understand
substantial increase in installed power. failure modes and to minimise the requalification of flight critical
systems. For example, extra hydraulically powered controls will
Rolls Royce pic have been partners in this ACH study from not be used. This avoids breaking into the existing hydraulics
the very early stages and the RTM 322 engine, which they circuit supplying the flight controls, which are preserved
manufacture in conjunction with Turbomeca of France, offers unchanged. Adequate control power is available in all three axes
the required level of installed power. from the existing controls, though as indicated earlier pitch and yaw
trim via aerodynamic surfaces will be added.
A happy chain of circumstances has conspired to make the
installation of these much more powerful engines a relatively 10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
simple and straightforward matter. This work has been carried out with the support of the Directorate
of Future Systems (DFS(Air)) at the UK MoD(PE). The Author
The Lynx gearbox was developed for installation in the W30 would also like to acknowledge the help and advice offered by
series of aircraft and the 30-200 variant flew with General colleagues at DFS(Air), Rolls Royce pic and the GKN Westland
Electric T700 engines. Fortunately for the demonstrator Group in the preparation of this paper.
project, the RTM322 has been designed to the same interface
criteria as the T700. Hence it is possible to mount the W30- 11. CONCLUSIONS
200 transmission straight onto the Lynx airframe and install Compounding offers a route to improving the fundamental
RTM322 engines with a minimum of re-engineering. platform characteristics of the helicopter, for example,
For the purposes of demonstration a simple, light, low cost Lift to drag ratio
and low risk solution was sought to the provision of Propulsive efficiency
propulsive thrust. Noise
To meet this requirement, Rolls Royce has designed a Vehicle attitude
variable area nozzle to fit onto the back of the RTM322
engine. Since the RTM322 generates shaft horsepower in These improvements are available at low cost and low risk,
excess of the Lynx rotor requirements, the variable area via a process that builds on what is known,
nozzle serve to extract excess gas energy in the form of jet
thrust. Evolution not revolution
By manipulating final jet area and SOT, ie. throttle setting, it Compounding provides a more versatile vehicle applicable
is possible to generate a wide range of combinations of jet to a wider range of missions, including tasks for which the
thrust and shaft horsepower throughout the flight envelope. helicopter was previously judged ineligible.
Thus it is possible to implement various degrees of thrust
compounding. • The overall result should be
Spanwise Distribution
of Velocity
Reverse Flow
Basic Trend
Typical Rotor
Thrust Characteristic
Forward Speed
0.2 /
In a bearingless design, the composite flexbeam is tailored
Target Acquisition System RCS Treatment FANTAIL Antl-Torque
to accommodate flapping, lead-lag, and pitch motions of
Tactical Navigation Armament Night Vision Pilotage System
the blade. The flexbeam connects the rotor blade to the
Reduced Workload Cockpit On-Board Diagnostics Mission Equipment Package
hub, and control inputs are transmitted to the blade
through a torsionally stiff torque tube that surrounds the
flexbeam. Each blade has a single flexbeam that bolts to
Figure 27-1. Comanche Functionality the titanium hub at the root end, and is bolted to the blade
at the outboard end. Graphite cross-plies provide local
reinforcing where the flex beam attaches to the hub.
Designed with eight high-aspect-ratio blades operating at Current production over-running clutches generally
a low tip speed of 646 feet per second (197 meters per operate at speeds under 12,000 RPM, well below the
second), the system also incorporates a relatively large optimum speed for achieving the lowest weight, most
spacing between the fan blades and their support structure compact design. Comanche uses a spring clutch with a
that virtually eliminates interaction tones. helical coil that expands against a bore to provide
frictional drive. Operating at 23,000 RPM, this clutch
The helicopter is also capable of completing a 180° turn- design resulted in a 3 percent reduction in main gearbox
to- target maneuver in less than 5 seconds with winds up weight, due to the lower torque operation at this high
to 45 knots from any direction. RPM. Costs associated with this design are also lower,
since the spring clutch consists of only 8 parts, in
A full-scale prototype of the Comanche FANTATL was contrast to the 33 parts that comprise a comparable ramp
built and tested on an S-76 aircraft (Figure 274) with roller clutch.
impressive results. This aircraft achieved sideward and
rearward flight speeds of 70 knots, and demonstrated a
hover yaw acceleration of 0.86 radians/second/second to
meet the Comanche 180° tum-to-target maneuver, with
power consumption very close to that of a conventional
tail rotor.
T800 Engines
The Comanche is powered by two LHTEC T800-LHT-
801 engines, each providing 1,037 HP at intermediate
Figure 27-4. S-76 FANTAIL Demonstrator Aircraft rated power (30 minute IRP rating) and 1,123 HP at
maximum rated power (10 minute MRP rating) at an
altitude of 4,000 feet (1,220 meters) and an ambient tem-
Drive Train Technology perature of 95°F (35°C). The engine design is modular
The split torque main gearbox, shown in Figure 27-5, is a and incorporates two centrifugal compressors with integral
compact, simple, low-maintenance, lightweight design. lubrication system and inlet particle separators.
The main gearbox has a dual engine rating of 2,198 HP
and a single engine rating of 1,430 HP. The split torque The Comanche engine control system is coupled to the
concept provides two load paths from each engine to the flight control system in order to provide better
final bull gear stage, thereby retaining a high RPM and anticipation of rotor load demands and to control rotor
low torque until this final stage. Taking an 11-to-l speed under varying load conditions. The integrated fuel
reduction at the final stage results in a lower weight and and flight control systems provides the following major
very compact size for such a high-power gearbox. features:
Fabrication of gears from high-hot-hardness steels also (1) collective pitch control anticipation to enhance
reduced gearbox weight. The split torque design also main rotor speed control;
permits the use of plug-in, direct drive accessories that (2) a lateral control rate anticipator to anticipate power
further reduce weight, cost, and complexity. changes and reduce transient torque spikes;
(3) a yaw command rate anticipator to anticipate Comanche has pioneered the use of a lightweight
large anti-torque system loading and minimize rotor honeycomb core that is only 60 percent as dense as the
speed decay, and; core found in older designs. This is made possible
(4) load factor enhancement that increases reference through the use new techniques that eliminate the
rotor speed when load factor is demanded, to allow crushing of low-density core when it is cured in an
more maneuvering capability at reduced rotor loads. autoclave. The result is a lower-weight airframe.
Low Observables
Through a combination of shaping and radar-absorbent
materials, the radar signature of the Comanche has been
reduced by a factor of 600 below that of a typical heavy
attack helicopter and by a factor of 200 below that of a
typical scout helicopter.
Figure 27-9. Comanche Cockpit Displays Comanche uses a high aspect ratio infrared emission
suppressor, with lobed ejectors that permit efficient
mixing of exhaust and ambient air within a very short
Navigation and Communication Capabilities distance. The mixed air is ejected through a slot running
Comanche is the first helicopter to use the joint service along the length of the aircraft's tailcone. This ribbon ex-
integrated communication, navigation, and identification haust provides low plume and surface temperatures, as
avionics (ICNIA) system. For navigation, Comanche well as line-of-sight blockage of internal engine
utilizes an inertial navigation system and a Global components. In conjunction with careful management of
Positioning System. The fly-by-wire control system all internal airflows, the Comanche infrared suppression
receives aircraft state variables from the doppler velocity system reduces its signature by a factor or 4.5 below that
system and a blade-mounted air data system. A radar of a typical heavy attack helicopter and by a factor of 2.0
altimeter and a digital map interface complete the below a typical scout helicopter.
navigation suite.
Selection of a five-bladed, swept tip, low tip speed main
For communications, ICNIA provides two Single rotor, combined with the FANTAIL, has succeeded in
Channel Ground Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) drastically reducing the Comanche's acoustic signature.
VHF-FM radios, one VHF-AM radio, one UHF-AM Comanche's aural signature has been reduced by a factor of
HAVE QUICK radio, an MK XII Identification Friend or 1.6 below that of a typical heavy attack helicopter and by
Foe (IFF) transponder, voice security system, and a factor of 1.4 below that of a typical scout helicopter.
automated data modem hardware. Comanche's electronic acoustic signature, which acoustic
detectors and acoustic mines listen for, has been reduced
Weapons and Fire Control by a factor of 5.0 below that of a typical heavy attack
Although small, the Comanche is heavily armed. The helicopter and by a factor of 2.5 below that of a typical
Comanche carries a 20 mm, turreted Gatling gun with scout helicopter. These impressive signature reductions
500 rounds of ammunition. In addition, the Integrated significantly reduce Comanche's detectability against
Retractable Aircraft Munitions Subsystems (IRAMS) current and projected threat weapons.
carried inside internal bays on each side of the aircraft each
have three weapon stations capable of carrying one Ballistic Protection
Hellfire or two Stingers, or four 2.75-inch rockets per Ballistic protection in Comanche is provided by armor,
station. Installation of the External Fuel/Armament hardening, shielding, and redundancy.
Management System (EFAMS) provides an additional
four weapon stations per side. These EFAMS stations Comanche uses an innovative lightweight armor
can each cany the same mix of weapons carried by the technology to protect the crew members. This armor uses
IRAMS. With the EFAMS installed, the aircraft has a Spectra- or Kevlar-wrapped silicon carbide and boron
total of 14 weapons stations that can be loaded with any carbide tiles.
combination of Hellfires, Stingers, or rockets. The
EFAMS is also capable of carrying external fuel tanks in Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological
place of weapons. Contaminant Filtration
Comanche uses an innovative NBC filtration system that
Survivability removes all known paniculate, liquid, and gaseous
. .The Comanche uses radar, acoustic, and infrared signature contaminants. The system uses a pressure swing
reduction technologies, along with lightweight armor, adsorber, a water separator and coalescer, and a high-
efficiency paniculate air filter. It is regenerable and self- By adhering to this process, intermediate-level tasks have
cleaning, has a built-in-test system, and an indefinite been successfully eliminated, and the remaining aviation
operational life. unit maintenance (AVUM) and depot tasks have been
reduced. AVUM tasks comprise remove-and-replace, on-
SECTION 3. SUPPORTABILITY aircraft repairs, and minor off-aircraft repairs that can be
The most significant Supportability feature of the accomplished next to the aircraft. Depot tasks include
Comanche is its design for support in a two-level component repair in support of the supply system and
maintenance system. The significance of this design major structural airframe repairs and overhaul/rebuild.
feature is related to the operating and support cost savings
realized from the elimination of the need for intermediate Comanche Flight Line Tools
level maintenance resources, such as manpower, facilities, As a result of the process outlined above, Comanche
test measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE), and requires a flight line tool box that contains fewer than 50
other intermediate-level peculiar support equipment. tools. Additionally, over 50 percent of the airframe
surface is comprised of access panels and maintenance
Supportability Design Influence platforms. The needs for torque wrenches, safety wire and
From the start of the Comanche design, every effort was cotter pins has been reduced to a very few applications,
made to identify and eliminate design characteristics that significantly fewer than any other helicopter. Time line
would require an intermediate level of maintenance. This analysis, validated by the Army, indicates that the
process highlighted two significant features that are Comanche can be rearmed and refueled in less than 15
critical to achieving two-level maintenance: minutes.
Partitioning: Eliminates the need to dissemble expensive The Comanche also incorporates a small Portable
subsystems in order to replace inexpensive Maintenance Aid (PMA) which serves as the digital
components in those systems. automated logbook, the delivery for the interactive
electronic technical manuals, and an off-board diagnostics
Diagnostics: Need for expensive TMDE to fault isolate aid that interfaces directly with the aircraft's MIL-STD-
so that the correct components would be 1553B data bus, and from the data bus all fault data for
replaced. every subsystem down to the line-replaceable-unit or line-
replaceable-module level.
Comanche components have been partitioned so that parts
with different cost and reliability have been segregated for Comanche vs. Current Light Helicopter Fleet
ease of removal and replacement. Diagnostics have been The result of this approach has been a revolutionary
incorporated into the design through an integrated Comanche design compared to the current light helicopter
architecture so that expensive TMDE is not required. The fleet:
Comanche's extensive on-board integrated diagnostics
incorporates prognostic capability. The prognostic • Manpower needs are reduced by 32 percent
capability includes the application of regime recognition • Required maintainer specialties are reduced from 9 to 4
in a structural life usage program and the tracking of • Tools and support equipment are reduced by 83 percent
flight safety critical dynamic components. • Number of parts reduced by 34 percent
• Training costs are reduced by 50 percent
The resulting design philosophy prohibited the layering of • Maintenance levels are reduced from 3 to 2.
components, limited the number of fastener sizes used in
the design, and emphasized Manpower and Personnel Additionally, as shown in Figure 27-10, the operating and
Integration (MANPRINT) features associated with support costs for Comanche are dramatically lower than
accessibility, anthropometric requirements, and task any other Army reconnaissance or attack helicopter. The
complexity. This influence was accomplished through: bottom line is that Comanche requires only 25 percent of
the per-flight-hour maintenance time required by current
• Supportability membership in design-related inte helicopters.
grated product teams.
• Continuous testability analyses and maintainability SECTION 4. SIMULATION
assessments. The demanding environment and missions in which new
• Validation of two-level maintenance cost effectiveness weapons systems must perform present the helicopter
through repair-level analysis. manufacturer with a truly formidable challenge. The
complex nature of the technologies involved, coupled RAH-66 Comanche depended heavily on the results of
with limited budgets and ambitious schedules, make trade studies, demonstrations, and analyses conducted
validation of design and implementation particularly primarily through the use of simulation.
challenging. To mitigate these risks, simulation has
become increasingly important in the design and The cockpit layout and operation are prime examples of
operational employment of new weapons systems. the importance of simulation. Boeing and Sikorsky
developed a Pilot-Vehicle Interface Mechanization
Specification (PVIMS) to identify the operational
Operating and Support Cost Per Flying Hour (1995$) requirements of the cockpit. The PVIMS specifies the
$5000 step-by-step controls and displays operation of any task to
be performed in the cockpit. The mechanization
$4000 requirements derived form the specification were simulated
1 in the Comanche Full Mission Simulation Facility to
validate weapon system performance and crewmember
I 1 ttu
operation. This process allowed contractor and military
pilots to evaluate cockpit operation and Comanche
$1000 employment early in the development cycle, when cost
were schedule impacts are less dramatic.
0 2 The Comanche full mission simulation facility consists
AH-1 OH-58D AH-64A AH-64D RAH-66
of a six-degree-of-freedom moving base platform with a
Figure 27-10. Comanche O&S Costs Are Real 20-foot tall composite dome rigidly attached to the
and Achievable platform.
environments they operate within. One of the features of The IPTs have responsibility for product design,
ATCOM is its ability to graphically portray the tactical manufacture, test, and support. Analysis and Integration
situation and provide terrain information and data. Teams (AITs) coordinate the interfaces and interactions
among several IPTs. The Program Management Team
(PMT) consists of the Boeing Sikorsky Joint Program
By combining ATCOM's Defense Mapping Agency Office Directors, the company program managers, and
digital terrain data, Comanche signature data, vulnerability Government Program Office leadership. This group
data, Comanche mission scenarios, and battlefield meets weekly by way of video teleconference to review
simulation, cost-effective trade studies were conducted to program schedules and key issues.
influence the design of the aircraft. The output of these
trades included data concerning the probability of being One of the best examples of the power of Team
detected, the probability of survival given detection, and Comanche is the manner in which the program has
battlefield survivability and effectiveness. responded to DOD acquisition reform. Starting with
performance based specifications, revised Statements of
The Comanche methodology of simulation before design Work, and a fresh look at data and quality requirements,
(hardware or software) is used for both the operators and the Army Program Office developed a new contract
structure. This approach will give the user the weapons
maintainers. Operational suitability of systems, as well system they need, while promoting the collective
as maintenance accessibility, are vital areas in which ingenuity of the First Team in its effort to find the lowest
Comanche simulation has provided decision making cost/least risk approach.
criteria in a timely and cost-effective manner. Simulation
has been and will continue to be used to evaluate: cockpit The Comanche First Team refers to the successful
design; layout of controls and displays and crew system relationship developed between Boeing Sikorsky and
interfaces; design of the flight control system; evaluation several key subcontractors that work together to further
of air vehicle handling qualities; sensor location and program objectives. Subcontract management teams were
performance; mission tactics; susceptibility to enemy created with each subcontractor and consist of the
threats; mission effectiveness; operational suitability; and subcontractor program manager, the prime contractor
pilot workload. material buyer, and the cognizant prime contractor
technical manager. These three team personnel are held
SECTION 5. TEAM COMANCHE collectively accountable for meeting all subcontract
The Comanche program has been built on a foundation of objectives.
teamwork. From the formation of the Comanche First Two cross-company team activities complete the First
Team, led by Boeing Sikorsky to compete and win the Team approach. The First Team President's meeting is
contract, to the forging of Team Comanche with the
Army following contract award, the program has used held approximately once a year and provides an
teamwork to plan and conduct all the facets of the activity opportunity for top company executives to communicate
and to resolve all issues that have arisen. on key Comanche program issues. The First Team
Program Managers' meeting is held on a six-week rotation
Team Comanche refers to the hierarchical structure of schedule. Each program manager presents program status
teams, from the Integrated Product Team (IPT) level all and issues, and the Joint Program Office present topics of
the way up to an Executive Steering Group (see Figure general interest. Appropriate Government personnel
27-11). Each team at each level has Government and participate in each of the above activities.
contractor focal points. Issues that cannot be resolved at a
particular team level are brought to the next-higher level SECTION 6. PROGRAM UPDATE
for resolution. The first Comanche prototype was rolled out on May 25,
1995. Nineteen ninety-five also saw the successful
completion of an extensive preflight qualification
program, and the 50-hour preflight acceptance test on the
tie-down Propulsion System Test Bed (PSTB) that
demonstrated the successful integration of all dynamic
system components. First flight occurred on January 4,
1996 and featured 36 minutes of flight, including two
takeoffs and landings, hover turns, and forward flight.
This event marked the beginning of an extensive envelope
Figure 27-11. Team Comanche - Integrated expansion program. While all aircraft systems operated
Product Teams extremely well, the performance of the flight control
system and the infrared (IR) suppression system were In the meantime, additional functionality, principally
particularly impressive. armament related, will be incorporated and tested on
Aircraft 2. When full reconnaissance attack capability has
The flight control system (FCS) is developed been developed, the six prototypes will be upgraded for
incrementally for the flight test program. In the full-up further Army evaluation. Current planning is for
configuration the FCS has three modules of functionality, contractor logistics support of the six prototypes during
the lowest of which is the mission Primary Flight Army usage, and of the first several production lot
Control System (PFCS). This was the only module aircraft.
available for first flight and it provides only yaw rate
stabilization. Even at this capability level, the pilots The final development step is the incorporation of the
were able to trim the aircraft for hands-off flight for LONGBOW radar system currently planned for production
approximately 5 to 8 seconds. Additionally, the rotor lot 6.
system was extremely smooth and stable throughout the
flight and the rotor track was within one-quarter inch. SECTION 7. SUMMARY
Comanche is on track to address the reconnaissance role
The IR suppressor system is designed to reduce the on the Army battlefield and to be the attack helicopter of
aircraft's observability to IR threats. Measurements the 21st century. Innovative technology and extensive
during first flight confirmed that the system indeed reduces use of simulation are two of the approaches that are
these emissions to less than one-ninth of emissions producing the Comanche that will save lives, increase
produced by that of a UH-60 Black Hawk equipped with mission effectiveness, and save cost.
IR suppressors.
Management techniques such as Team Comanche and
Comanche is currently embarked on a program with a performance based management have enabled the program
two-fold objective: 1) Develop a production weapon to continue to forge ahead even in the uncertain
system to support Initial Operational Capability (IOC) in environment of Department of Defense funding.
2006; and 2) Produce six early prototypes with reconnais- Acknowledgments
sance only capability for Army "green suit" evaluation
starting in 2002. The authors borrowed heavily from reference 1, an
excellent comprehensive description on all key technology
Two prototypes (Aircraft 1 and 2) will support the first aspects of the Comanche helicopter. We are indebted to
years of development testing. Aircraft 1 will serve Dr. Kenneth Rosen and Mr. Gary deSimone for their
primarily as the structural/mechanical and flight control permission and assistance. We also want to thank Mr.
evaluation vehicle. Aircraft 2 will be used for avionics William Harper, Mr. Mark Rowland and Mr. William
(MEP) development with increased avionics capability at Miller for their contributions to this paper.
programmed intervals. When reconnaissance capability
has been demonstrated, six additional prototypes will be References:
built to the Aircraft 2 configuration. These six aircraft 1. "An Overview of Technologies Enbodied in the
Comanche Program;" Rosen, Kenneth M.; Sikorsky
will be used by the Army for the development of tactics internal document.
and training procedures.
Previous HOVERS trials Over the past three years the • When equipped with a tactical display providing
HOVERS facility has been used for a total of 7 trials, automatic updates of information, there were no cases of
examining a number of different issues: fratricide, despite the extremely high threat environment.
This was compared with an average of more than one case
• Optimal positioning of sensors; in every three missions run without a tactical display.
• Effectiveness of defensive aids; • The availability of tactical information allowed the crews
to plan more effective missions. For example, they were
• Benefits provided by HMD symbology;
able to prioritise the threats, targeting the highest threat © British Crown Copyright 1996/DERA. Published with the
ground vehicles first. permission of the Controller of Her Britannic Majesty's
Stationery Office.
The provision of tactical information improved the
situational awareness and reduced the work load of both
pilots and commanders.
Concluding remarks
AH Attack helicopter
APC Armoured Personnel Carrier
DAS Defensive Aids Suite
DRA Defence Research Agency
FFAR Free Flight Aerial Rockets
HMD Helmet-Mounted Display
IMS Information Management System
IR Infra-Red
MANPADS Manportable Air Defence System
MoD Ministry of Defence
NOE Nap-Of-the-Earth
SAM Surface-to-Air Missile
TI Thermal Imager
UN United Nations
VCS Visually-Coupled System
Robert A. Hyland
V-22 Assistant Technology Manager
Boeing Defense & Space Group, Helicopters Division
P.O. Box 16858, Mail Stop P10-71
Philadelphia, PA 19142, USA
Roger L. Marr
V-22 ITT Contractor Flight Test Director
Cedar Point Road, Hanger 109, P.O. Box 220
Patuxent River, MD 20670, USA
Summary - The Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey Tiltrotor is an unique aircraft capable of landing vertically like a
helicopter, flying at speeds in excess of 300 KTAS like a turboprop, with the added feature of folding the rotor/
wing for deployment from shipboard for U.S. Navy/Marines operations. During the development of the
V-22 and subsequent 1000+ hours of flight testing, many technical challenges were encountered and overcome.
These challenges included: aerodynamic characteristics of the wing, tail buffet, hover performance, hover
downwash, structural loads limiting, vibration reduction, landing gear fatigue life, and control law design/
Handling Qualities. This paper presents an overview of many of these challenges, discusses the techniques used
to perform analysis and flight test, and presents results of the relevant portions of the test program.
merit (EMD) stage where four production representa- are used to control the aircraft in this flight regime. In
tive airframes are being produced. While one FSD conversion or STOL mode (between VTOL and air-
vintage aircraft is completing risk reduction flight plane modes), a combination of rotor and airframe
testing and pilot training, the first EMD V-22 is sched- forces are used to provide control. The triply redun-
uled to fly in late 1996. The plan for the overall dant FBW flight control system facilitates the phasing
development program is presented in Figure 2. and scheduling of these controls and allows for com-
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Milestones Program ^Hf
Reviewr ▼
^MS-II Plus
Major EMD
T Tf Tl V V V
Technical Reviews'
EMD Contract
*1 Flight Test Aircraft 2 and 3
The V-22 obtains its unique capabilities through its plex control law scheduling with a variety of param-
tilting proprotor, specially designed high twist rotors eters including nacelle angle and airspeed.
(47.5 degrees twist), and reconfigurable fly by wire
(FBW) flight control system. In the VTOL mode (80-95 Some of the salient design features of the V-22 are
deg nacelle), Figure 1, the tiltrotor is controlled much shown in Figure 3. The aircraft has 38-foot diameter
like a helicopter using rotor cyclic and collective forces rotors and 6150 SHP engines installed in nacelles on
for longitudinal and lateral control. In airplane mode each wing tip which can be tilted from 97.5 to 0
(0 deg nacelle), rotor controls are phased out except for degrees. The fuselage, wing, and H-tail were sized
use as trim devices. Standard airplane control surfaces primarily by shipboard compatibility and spotting on
NBC Automatic
Protection Wing Stow System Auxiliary
Power Unit Compound
Blade Folding (Composite/Aluminum) Fly-By-Wire
Airframe Flight Controls
Blade Deicing
Roller Conveyers
Wing Deicing
Fail-Operate Loading Ramp
Conversion System
Rescue Hoist Drive Shaft
the flight and hanger decks of LPH, LHA, and LHD Helicopter Mode Airplane Mode
ships. The V-22 has capability for seating 24 combat
troops, carrying external cargo up to 15,000 pounds, Longitudinal
loading/unloading internal cargo through an aft ramp,
folding of the rotor blades and wing for stowage
aboard ship, all weather instrument flight, day or
night, and continuous operation in moderate icing Throttle and
Collective Pitch
conditions at weights up to 60,500 pounds for self- With Beta Governing
deployment. The V-22 structure makes use of the
latest in composite materials and manufacturing pro-
cesses. A synergistic combination of precision ma-
chined aluminum, fiber-placed graphite, and titanium Swashplate Gearing i
makes up the under-spec weight V-22. The cockpit, . + Differential >TT
X.V Collective Pitch N_
which includes conventional controls and digital avi-
onics displayed on four MFDs and one Control Dis-
play Unit/Engine Indicating and Caution Advisory
System (CDU/EICAS). Cockpit displays architecture
was redesigned from that used in FSD to enhance crew Differential
ii Longitudinal
station effectiveness, provide additional systems in- Tf Cyclic
formation, and reduce overall workload. Right Rotor =.^----JL-,— Left Rotor
JTL /n\
1.2 Technical Challenges —S_
maneuvers, first in simulation, and then in flight test. bution of the V-22 (engine/transmission located in
The results of these evaluations are presented in Fig- nacelles at the wing tips, H-tail), airframe flexibility
ure 5. Overall, Level 2 Handling Qualities have been played a key role in development of the overall Flight
demonstrated with the PFCS and Level 1 with the Control System (FCS). This drove the initial require-
AFCS. Some areas found deficient during FSD have ment for numerous notch and low-pass filters through-
been corrected, but remain to be evaluated during out the flight control system. The filters were carefully
EMD. One example, the mechanical design of the designed to attenuate undesirable coupling with im-
Force Feel System (FFS), which exhibited an unaccept- posing degrading phase delays in the pilot or feedback
able force 'dead-band' in the FSD aircraft has been control paths. At the center of this design effort was a
redesigned for EMD to be within force 'dead-band' full-state 26th order model (Ref. 5) which provided the
tolerances. design/analysis tool to develop and analyse the filter-
ing. The referenced model includes aircraft rigid body
dynamics, the first 10 structural modes, the flight
—O— Bell-Boeing Flight Test control system, and low-order pilot models. Pilot
—II— Simulation models were developed through ground shake tests
| Level 3 (Unsatisfactory) |
—▲— Government Flight Test and in-flight Pilot Augmented Oscillations (PAO).
The result has been a successful demonstration of
o required phase and gain margins throughout the flight
ÖL 5 envelope.
a> 4,
5 Three significant control system/airframe coupling
9> 3
< challenges were identified early in the initial envelope
2 expansion flight testing. The first was a PAO which
1 occurred prior to first flight during unrestrained
Hover / Low Speed I VTOL / Conversion I Airplane I ground runs. Lateral aircraft oscillations occurred at
a frequency of approximately 1.5 Hz when the pilot
& *?J>\irjr_*t
J- J> *& .> _.<? > ^
^ <*>>
<? .*B _.*e
# ^ <¥> tightly gripped the control stick as shown in Figure 6.
The oscillation had a damping ratio of -4.0% critical.
When the pilots' hand was removed from the stick, the
oscillation became positively damped with a damping
ratio of +3.0%. This was not a classical ground
resonance, but the aircraft upper focus rigid body roll
~0— Bell-Boeing Flight Test mode coupling with the pilots' anthropometric input.
—■ Simulation The lateral acceleration of the pilot's seat produced an
7 inertial input to the pilots' arm, moving the lateral
CO stick which was, at that time, unbalanced laterally.
5Eo e
E 5 Various solutions were considered, including mass
<D balancing the lateral stick, altering the lateral stiffness
o) 4
CO characteristics of the tires and landing gear oleos, and
3> 3 desensitizing the lateral control axis through software.
< Lateral stick mass balancing was selected as the solu-
tion since simulation showed the other two alterna-
Hover / Low Speed I VTOL / Conversion I Airplane I tives either degraded Handling Qualities to unaccept-
able levels or did not contribute significantly to the
^ & o* #>J» & & $■ cö £> 4- & & cause of the oscillation. With the lateral stick balanced,
the mode was shown to be well damped (+8.5%) and
there was no oscillations with the pilots' hand on the
■^J**? <r controls.
The second flight control system/airframe coupling
Figure 5. Handling Qualities Summary occurred during airplane mode envelope expansion at
250 KCAS. An uncommanded, unstable lateral oscil-
lation at approximately 3.0 Hz occurred again due to
3.0 AEROSERVOELASTICS the pilot coupling with the asymmetric wing chord
bending natural frequency through the lateral stick.
Aeroservoelastic stability is where the airframe modes Ground based shake tests were accomplished with
couple with the pilot and/or the flight control system. various pilots to model their inputs and verify control
Because of the size and relatively unusual mass distri- system and airframe natural frequencies. Once the
—■^4r^ t^~Wz
Pilot Hands-On < > Hands-Off Pilot Input Pilot Input Removed
physics of the oscillation were understood, a notch 4.1 Drive Shaft Loads, Airplane Mode
filter was incorporated in the lateral control axis to
reduce the pilots' gain at that frequency. The solution In the V-22, the two 38 ft diameter rotors are connected
was evaluated in piloted simulation and shown to be via a composite interconnect drive shaft (ICDS) so that
stable beyond the flight envelope. The aircraft flight in the event of an engine loss, both rotors receive
control system was then modified and retested, verify- power from the remaining engine. When both engines
ing no instability. are operating however, torque differences between
the two rotors, generated in airplane mode maneu-
The third involved pilotbio-mechanical coupling, again
vers, manifest themselves as high loads within the
in airplane mode, with the symmetrical wing chord
(SWC) mode. In this instance, pilot coupling occurred ICDS resulting in reduced component life. The V-22
through Thrust Control Lever (TCL) motion due to control laws were designed to balance the torque in
fore/aft acceleration of the cockpit resulting in a sig- the rotors using differential collective pitch (DCP). In
nificant destabilizing trend above 250 KCAS. During other words, a helicopter type control input was used
the initial analyses, prior to flight, the model did not during airplane mode to reduce a structure load. Roll
predict the destabilizing trend because the pilot cou- rate capability of the V-22 was greatly enhanced by
pling was not considered. Based upon pilot in the loop this segment of the control laws as shown in Figure 7.
ground-based shake tests, a pilot model was devel- The use of DCP to reduce ICDS loads also provided for
oped and analyses correlated with measured test data. enhanced turn coordination; an unexpected but wel-
A notch filter was added to correct the coupling.
comed effect.
Flight Test Data
4.0 STRUCTURAL LOADS LIMITING 250 0 Without Structural
o Airplane Mode Loads Limiting (SLL)
220 Knots
The rotor of the V-22 represents a compromise be- E.ts n With Structural
tween hover performance requirements, cruise effi- £ E 200 -
Loads Limiting
ciency, and shipboard compatibility concerns. The CO c
fuselage structure is designed by stiffness/strength CO </5 150 - Transient
margins to eliminate unnecessary weight while pro- Design Limit
viding required strength for a 4g flight envelope and
hard landings typical of those encountered onboard
Q c
o CO
ships. To minimize design loads both in the rotor/ C CO
drive system and the fuselage, structural loads limit- 8H
ing functionality was an initial criteria designed into 50 -
the flight control system. The Structural Loads Limit-
ing (SLL) design team, comprised of flight controls, ^-T i I l I
flying qualities, aerodynamic, and structural loads 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
engineers applied a integrated team approach to find Steady State Roll Rate (DegVSec.)
a solution which maintained Level 1 Handling Quali-
ties while maintaining loads within design limit thresh-
olds while not unduly penalizing the aircraft maneu- Figure 7. Effect of Structural Loads Limiting
ver capabilities or the airframe structure. The follow- On Roll Maneuver Capability
ing are some of the SLL features.
4.2 Drive Shaft Loads, Helicopter Mode this case, a typical airplane type control input was
used during helicopter mode to reduce a structure
Torque splits in helicopter mode generated by DCP
load. These control laws increase the rotor compo-
inputs also generate ICDS loading. DCP however
nents life over a large nacelle /airspeed maneuver
forms the primary roll control force posing a challeng-
envelope by minimizing flapping across the regime
ing resolution. To minimize ICDS loading while im-
proving the lateral axis Handling Qualities, which are
influenced by the large roll inertia of the V-22, the SLL
4.5 Conversion Protection
team added Lateral Swashplate Gearing (LSG) to the
control laws. LSG uses lateral cyclic from the rotors Conversion protection algorithms provide automatic
which provides both a rolling moment and a direct nacelle movement during conversion (down or for-
sideforce. With the addition of LSG as a lateral control, ward) as the upper extremes of the conversion corri-
DCP was reduced leaving only enough to maintain dor is reached, Figure 8. The high speed end of the
control sensitivity. Pilot opinion of the hybrid lateral corridor is set by a combination of power limits and
control scheme was overwhelmingly positive. Preci- rotor loading. Pilots typically convert (manually)
sion lateral control, especially in very low speed flight, within the center of the conversion corridor by main-
was enhanced by the direct sideforce generated by taining a level fuselage attitude. However, in the case
LSG. Loading for large lateral inputs was also reduced of an inadvertent conversion outside the "normal"
as the LSG input did not produce a significant loading corridor, the conversion protection system will move
through the ICDS. the nacelles. On the low side of the corridor when
conversion rate occurs too fast, nacelle angle changes
4.3 Rotor Loads, Airplane Mode faster than airspeed increases; conversion is automati-
cally slowed until the appropriate airspeed schedule is
The large rotors of the V-22, as compared to a turbo-
achieved, preventing flying below wing stall or "fall-
prop airplane, make the rotor susceptible to high in-
ing out". On the high side of the corridor, nacelles are
plane loads during aggressive longitudinal maneu-
automatically beeped forward if the aircraft is acceler-
vers especially those associated with high pitch rates.
ated to the conversion corridor upper limit. The
Again, the control laws incorporate SLL consider-
feature was also favorably received by the pilots in
ations to minimize these loads while providing ad-
that they could aggressively maneuver the aircraft
equate control power for 4g maneuvers. The model
without exceeding the structural design limits.
following structure within the FCS facilitated this
implementation by making commanded rates and 100
accelerations discretely accessible. This system is
implemented in a "passive" manner using feed for-
80 Upper Limit
ward limiting and existing feedback paths optimized CD
for loads limiting functions. Careful attention in the en 70
design process provided a balance between maneuver Q 60
requirements to insure Level 1 Handling Qualities CD
while also providing loads limiting functionality. Flight D) 50
testing of the SLL system has demonstrated the im- < 40 -
provement in this area as well. Additionally an active "05 30 -
system was investigated, but was not needed to meet CO
20 -
required load levels. Active cyclic (Ref. 6) utilized
another typical helicopter control, longitudinal cyclic, 10
to actively reduce rotor flapping during aggressive
maneuvers and thereby reduce in-plane loads. -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Equivalent Airspeed (KEAS)
4.4 Flapping Limiter, Helicopter Mode
occurred at angles of attack less than stall angles Horizontal Stabilizer at 69% Span, 7% Chord
predicted based on previous wind tunnel tests. In- 220 KTAS Full Scale
flight investigations were performed using tufts, air- 5 to 15 Hz Frequency Range
craft-mounted photographic equipment and various 35
instrumentation to gain insight into the cause of the
buffet. In addition, water and wind tunnel tests were
conducted to determine the source of the buffet.
28 Fairings Based On Flight Test Data
Q 24
Figure 9. Placement of Forebody Strakes ' ^^ Strake On
X. 20
o N. ^\ ^«^ Tail Buffet
attached. The effect of the strake on empennage buffet 16 ^^w Boundary
is shown in Figure 10. The strake delays the rise in < *■ Strake Off
o 12 Tail Buffet
pressure by about 5° in angle-of-attack on both the Boundary
D) 8
horizontal and vertical tails. Additionally, maximum C
i i i i i i i i^S
buffet pressures are less with the strake installed. < A
0.24 0.32 0.40 0.48 0.56
Overwing fairing pressures are also reduced with the Mach Number
strake installed. Pressure changes occur suddenly at
approximately 19° alpha without the strake. With the Figure 11. Strake Flight Test Results
6.0 HOVER PERFORMANCE Powered wind tunnel model and OARF testing have
shown download reductions to be a function of flaperon
Hover performance is a critical parameter for all ver- angle (Figure 13). Based on a variety of test data, the
tical lift aircraft. As a result, a large effort was devoted angle for minimum download is estimated to be be-
to understanding and optimizing hover performance tween 70 and 80 deg. For this reason, the maximum
for the V-22. In addition to solidity ratio, rotor blade EMD flaperon deflection was increased to 73° from the
airfoil, rotor radius, and number of blades, design current FSD maximum of 64°. Early hover perfor-
parameters that largely influence hover performance mance testing will document the benefit of additional
for conventional helicopters; downwash and jet thrust flaperon deflection on the EMD aircraft.
are significant contributors to the hover performance
of tiltrotors . Many of the conventional parameters 0.24
FSD Max. »Sog EMD Max.
that are optimized to provide improved hover perfor- Flap Angle i |™* Flap Angle
mance were constrained by shipboard compatability | Powered
requirements imposed on the V-22. 0.16 Powered I Wind Tunnel Model
Wind Tunnel Model *f I 0.15-Scale
Test Data Fairing
0.12 0.15-Scale
Early analysis and testing shows that rotor wake im- CT = 0.012-0.015
pingement on the wing causes a large download >r 1 NASA-Ames
0.08 Pressure Integration yOARF
amounting to up to 10% loss of lift capability. Similar Full-Scale (Aircraft No. 4) 3 0.66-Scale
flow patterns have been observed in both large and 0.04
small scale tests using smoke, surface oil, and tufts. o 0 _1_ J_ -1_ _L _l_ _L J_ J_
Q 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The flow pattern is depicted in Figure 12. As shown,
a portion of the impinging downwash travels span wise Flaperon Angle (Deg.)
inboard until it meets the flow from the opposite rotor.
From there the flow rises up in a fountain motion and Figure 13. Downwash vs. Flap Angle
is reingested by the rotors. This phenomenom is
known as the "fountain effect". The large scale rotor
test conducted at the NASA Ames Outdoor Aerody-
namic Research Facility (OARF) showed that flow 7.0 SLING LOADS AND AUTOJETTISON
recirculation was responsible for reducing rotor thrust
(Ref. 8). The V-22 is required to carry a 15,000 pound external
load on a dual point hook configuration or up to a
10,000 pound external load from either the forward or
aft hook from a single point configuration. A key
challenge to meeting this goal, and also proving the
ability to carry the load at a relative high airspeed, was
in the design and analysis of an autojettison system
which protected the aircraft from shock loading in the
event of a sling or attachment point failure but also did
not result in erroneous autojettisions during normal
maneuvering. In attacking this challenge, a thorough
understanding of the dynamic interactions between
the V-22, the external loads, and the attachment slings
connecting the two was required. Again the model
Figure 12. Downwash Flow Pattern described in Ref. 5 was used in this analysis, modified
to include the external load configuration. Consider-
Some of the devices evaluated to reduce the download ation was given to modifying existing filters to include
and re-circulation are discussed in Ref. 9. Tilting of the sling characteristics addressed many of concerns asso-
rotor disk inboard was one approach used. The tilting ciated with this type analysis. The autojettison re-
of the rotor disk inboard is referred to as "opposed quirement was later evaluated during piloted simula-
lateral cyclic" (OLC). OLC reduces the thrust loss tion. A schematic of the V-22 autojettison algorithm is
associated with the opposing rotor by reducing the presented in Figure 14. The algorithm uses load level
fountain affect and thus the aerodynamic interaction sensed from dual redundant cargo hook load cells to
between the two rotors. Reference 9 shows a signifi- determine hook or attachment point failure. Large
cant reduction in lost thrust at 5.3° OLC. This reduc- decreases in one of the two hook loads, with a corre-
tion provides a 2.8% increase in lift capability. Other sponding increase in the other hook load, is one of the
promising methods include flaperon deflection, in- main drivers in the algorithm. Precise timing of change
creased rotor speed, and increased engine jet thrust. in load is required in addition to jettison the load.
Failed | Zero Load Criteria for the EMD aircraft, the empennage was redesigned
Hook Load«
by removing the fin weights and tuned by frequency
Failed i
Hook Load« Dynamics Load Split placement to meet the vibration requirement for the
Criteria Autojettison
Unfailed %
Hook Load '
Failed | Rapid Rate of Decrease
Hook Loads of Load Criteria 8.2 Hub Pendulum Absorber
Unfailed | Hook Ultimate
Hook Load« Load Criterion Analytical predictions of possible pylon and fuselage
vibration due to large fixed system inplane 3/rev hub
■ Autojettison load criteria identifies potential failure and avoids
inadvertent jettisons due to large load splits at high 'g' conditions
shears were confirmed during initial flight testing.
■ Dynamic load split criteria avoids inadvertent jettisons due to
Vibration was predominately the result of rotor yoke
gusts or sharp pilot inputs (low g's) chord bending 2/rev inplane shears in the rotating
■ Rapid rate of decrease of load criteria prevents inadvertent system. The solution identified was to incorporate
jettisons during sustained zero 'g' flight and during sustained
oscillatory inputs with small attachment point separation loads
inplane hub pendulums tuned to reduce the 2/rev
shears in the rotating system. Active weights are
■ Hook ultimate load criterion protects cargo hooks from damaging
load levels located on each arm of the pendulum. During level
flight, in conversion mode, the addition of the pendu-
Figure 14. Proposed EMD F-22 Autojettison Concept lums reduced cockpit and engine vibration 60% and
90% respectively as illustrated in Figure 15. In air-
plane mode, the reduction to the cockpit was from 30%
8.0 VIBRATION to 90% dependent on airspeed and 60% for the engine
turbine radial. In maneuvering flight, overall cockpit
During the initial envelope development flight testing
and engine vibration was also improved with pendu-
several vibration challenges were encountered and
corrected to provide overall an excellent aircraft vibra-
Pilot Seat Vertical
tion environment. Items incorporated to the aircraft 0.35
included empennage fin tuning, hub pendulum ab-
0.30 -
sorbers, and wing fences.
VTOL 3/Rev Spec 0.24g
0.25 -
The primary sources of excitation for the V-22 are 3/
■S 0.20
rev hub shears, 3/rev rotor vortices, and broadband
wing tip vortices (Ref. 10). Hub shears are more
predominate in helicopter and conversion mode due
to asymmetric rotor inflow. Blade tip rotor vortices
occur in all modes exciting the airframe from impinge-
ment on the empennage. Broadband buffeting of the
empennage resulting from vortices off the nacelle-
wing junction in conversion mode also excited the
airframe. In order to control airframe vibration from Right Turbine Radials
these sources, the aircraft structure may be tailored, Engine 3/Rev Vibration Spec: -
the excitation source may be controlled, or a counter- Steady: 7.8 in/Sec Peak
acting excitation may be introduced. Each of these CD
methods were used in meeting the vibration chal-
lenges discussed. CD \_ Without
TJ Pendulums
Figure 16. Wing Fence Configuration 9. Wood, T.L., Peryea, M.A., "Reduction of Tiltrotor
Download", 47th Annual Forum of the American He-
licopter Society, May 1991.
10. Rangacharyulu, M.A., Moore, M.J., "Flight Vibra-
The V-22 Osprey tiltrotor has demonstrated its unique tion Testing of the V-22 Tiltrotor Aircraft", 47th An-
capabilities in over 1000 hours of flight testing. Exten- nual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, May
sive analytical modeling analysis completed prior to 1991.
flight testing, ground vibration tests, and develop-
mental flight tests allowed timely resolution of techni-
cal challenges of the V-22 tiltrotor aircraft and provide
improved Handling Qualities, performance and vi-
bration. Some of the challenges that were identified ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
prior to flight were verified through flight test wheras
others were uncovered during the flight test develop- The authors wish to ackno wiege the contribution of all
ment program. Analytical models, simulation, wind members of the V-22 team to the success of this pro-
tunnels, and the flight aircraft were valuable tools gram. Bell-Boeing and NAVAIR, along with the nu-
available to the engineer to be used in meeting these merous subcontractor team members, have all inte-
challenges. grated their expertise into this unique rotorcraft.
coherent fibre optic rope which then transmits the full color TAST Mk 2 (Figure 6 ), will employ the rotary hydraulic
signal to the pilot's helmet. A fourth projection gun permits the actuators designed and built for use with TAST Mk 1.
superimposition of symbols from the Indigo on the image.
Remote controls in the cockpit give the pilot full control over the
set-up and adjustment of the image generation system. Future
provision may be made for the replacement of the CCTV sensors
with other types of device (Image intensifiers and IR sensors
being the most likely candidates).
Figure 6 TAST Mk 2
Figure 5 TAST Mk 1
6.1 General Philosophy. Guidance on the standard EFIS is a full three axis flight director
Since the introduction of electronic displays into cockpits, there identical to that described in Reference 6. On the pictorial display
has been a proliferation of commercially available EFIS systems. it is a set of rectangles, representing in height and dimension the
All of them have one thing in common, they present the pilot standard 2 dots guidance of conventional approach systems. The
with what is essentially an electronically generated drawing of rectangles are anchored to the surface by single 'posts'. Taken
traditional electro-mechanical instruments. This is together they form a visual tunnel in the sky, through which the
understandable since the manufacturers must make what they can pilot may fly.. Figure 10 shows this display format with the
sell and their end users are, arguably, one of the most aircraft on the ground on the helipad, facing a guided go-around
conservative bodies in existence. The available technology, or missed approach tunnel. On the latter display, guidance may be
however, lends itself to radically different applications One of augmented by a flight path predictor, showing the anticipated
these is the 'virtual VFR' or 'Highway in the Sky' presentation aircraft position 1,2,3,4 and 5 seconds ahead of the present. This
for instrument approaches. The FRL is embarking on a major combination of displays has recently been used for an initial
program to investigate the potential benefits, or otherwise, of study wherein evaluation pilots were asked to complete simulated
such pictorial displays. While there have been a number of steep decelerating approaches using the following combinations
research programs into the use of pictorial displays, it is believed of displays:
that this will be the first to actually fly such displays in a • Conventional EFIS/Flight Director
helicopter. • Pictorial display, mono, no predictor
• Pictorial display, stereoscopic, no predictor
The program at the FRL will initially examine how pictorial • Pictorial display, stereoscopic, with predictor.
displays may apply to helicopters performing steep decelerating
approaches under IMC. This particular flight regime has been
chosen since it is a continuation of the Helicopter IFR program
which has been underway at the FRL for over a decade. In this
program (Reference 6 presents one of the most recent phases),
the Airborne Simulator has been used to develop flight directors
to permit helicopter instrument approaches under simulated IMC
to decision heights of 50 feet and down to 20 kt ground speed.
This program utilised a typical EFIS display. A continuation
study using ASRA repeated some of the fundamental experiments
using conventional electro-mechanical instruments and accepting
the off-the-shelf stability augmentation of the standard Bell 412
HP. This served to provide continuity between the aircraft and to
assess the general applicability of the Airborne Simulator results
to a standard transport helicopter. It also acted as a lead-in to
studies of pictorial displays.
integrated study of all three technologies. It has been learned that Qualities for Steep, Decelerating Instrument Approaches and
these kinds of studies tend to make greater demand on the Missed Approaches. " NRC Aeronautical Note IAR-AN-77,
laboratories resources that was first estimated and that integration August 1993
of such systems into existing aircraft is by no means a trivial task.
However, in the present environment, emerging cockpit 7. Cooper G.W. and Harper R.P., " The Use of Pilot Rating in the
technology is the area in which the laboratory believes it can Evaluation of Aircraft Handling Qualities ", NASA TND-5153,
make a most significant contribution to the community as a 1969
whole as well as answering to the requirements of our supporters
in the Canadian DND.
• Brian Bertrand who has shared the safety pilot duties in all
three programs.
C P Massey J Howitt
Head of Avionics and Systems Technology Senior Handling Qualities and Flight Control Engineer
GKN Westland Helicopters Flight Dynamics and Simulation Department
Yeovil Defence Research Agency
Somerset, BA20 2YB Bedford, MK41 6AE
Recent results from three programmes of research are included. • Integrated Flight and Engine Control (IFEC)
Firstly, research into Integrated Flight and Engine Control • Engine Failure/Low Rotor Speed Protection Systems
(IFEC) undertaken by GKN Westland Helicopters and Rolls- • Torque Protection Carefree Handling Systems (CFHS)
Royce, and supported by the UK MoD. Secondly, research
into engine failure/low rotor speed protection systems Although these studies had differing objectives, an obvious
undertaken by GKN Westland Helicopters, and supported by relationship links all three, and the experience gained by GKN
the UK Civil Aviation Authority. Thirdly, research into Westland Helicopters and DRA has provided a strong base
Carefree Handling Systems, undertaken collaboratively by from which to explore future integrated systems. The paper
GKN Westland Helicopters and DRA, and supported by the will thus conclude with an overview of the potential
UK MoD. architecture and functionality of such a system and its
application in both military and civil markets.
In each case, analytical or piloted simulation results are
presented which show the potential benefits in terms of 2. BACKGROUND
improved performance, reduced workload or enhanced safety.
2.1. Limitations of Existing Systems
The paper also describes how each of these separate concepts All current production helicopters have flight control systems
are compatible and could be brought together in an integrated based around mechanical primary signalling, in many types
enhanced augmentation system. with a limited authority automatic flight control system (AFCS)
to provide stability augmentation and autopilot functions. The
1. INTRODUCTION flight control system is not functionally integrated with other
The concept of increased augmentation to allow role-related aircraft systems; integration with the engine control system, if
tasks to be conducted with increased agility, safety, and in any, is limited to simple feeds from collective lever position
much reduced visual conditions, is well understood. Examples into the fuel control.
of such systems include stability and command augmentation
systems, flight directors, autopilots, engine/rotor speed The systems provided for detecting aircraft or system failures
governors, head-up/helmet mounted displays, and audio/visual are usually standalone and require the pilot to identify
warning systems. However, even with the aid of these systems, warnings, interpret their meaning, and take appropriate action.
the need to respect structural, aerodynamic or control limits
can add considerably to pilot workload and can result, in Little assistance is presently given to the pilot in observing the
extremis, in failure to complete the required task or even loss helicopter's limitations, with head-down instruments forming
of the aircraft. the primary means of respecting the aircraft's limits. The need
to be aware of the vehicle's current status and limits, and the
Carefree handling represents the ability of the pilot to need to scan appropriate gauges, inevitably increases the pilot's
manoeuvre throughout the operational flight envelope without workload, as does the need to take corrective action when
concern for exceeding limits. Unlike the "hard" or "never limits are approached. This is particularly true of low-level
exceed" limits imposed on fixed-wing aircraft to prevent operations where the pilot cannot afford to be looking into the
potentially catastrophic loss of control, rotary-wing limits tend cockpit and is forced to fly less aggressively so as hopefully to
to be "soft" and many helicopters can be flown beyond limits respect the aircraft's limits without referring to the instruments.
in a controlled manner, albeit at the expense of increasing
fatigue damage. A practical rotary-wing carefree handling It is therefore clear that most current helicopters offer limited
system must therefore balance the sometime conflicting assistance to the pilot in performing the primary flying task,
attributes of stability, control, handling qualities and limit reducing the ability to perform that and other secondary
protection. Such attributes are difficult to achieve mission tasks effectively.
simultaneously with conventional design, but can be realised
However, for the large number of in-service helicopters, RTRV SYSTEM BOUNDARY
FBW/ACT would be a high risk, high cost mid-life upgrade SENSORS
option. If Level 1 flying qualities are to be conferred on such
helicopters, new design concepts based around more \
conventional control technologies are required. In particular, PREDICTION
the conventional architecture of full authority mechanical
control linkages between the pilot and the swashplate combined
with a limited authority automatic flight control system will k.
have to be retained. COLLECTIVE
bllOK ^
The full potential for flying qualities improvement using this " FLOW
technology has been addressed by GKN Westland Helicopters
and DRA in the studies reported herein, and is the focus for
ongoing flight control research programmes, whereby similar Figure 1 Outline IFEC/RTRV system
functionality to a full authority fly-by-wire system is sought
within the bounds of current limited authority actuation
technology. The research is generic in nature, with the aim of In designing the algorithms used to implement all of the IFEC
increasing the operational effectiveness of all types of features, care has been taken to ensure that information
helicopter, especially in adverse environmental conditions, for required by the algorithms was either already available on the
a full range of roles. aircraft or could be easily measured or generated. There is
therefore a high level of confidence that the benefits emerging
3. INTEGRATED FLIGHT AND ENGINE CONTROL from these studies are practically realisable.
\J: \y- RTRV
— ON
Whilst simple engine control systems may be adequate for most A/V 100
A fi
non-combat helicopters, the increasingly aggressive
manoeuvring required of many modern battlefield helicopters 100 _JSiJK^_
requires a new approach to rotor speed governing and power
/\A\ ,-.
XJ; y
The following results are presented from a study conducted by 'X/V- 100
It should be noted that pilot inputs into all four control channels evaluating these techniques in piloted simulation.
can have an influence on the rotor speed. The Gem engine
control system has no provision for a collective feed-forward 4.2 Simulation Trials
term. Techniques selected for assessment included:
The anticipation signal fed into the engine control system has • A phase advance filter to provide an earlier indication of loss
in all cases quickened the engines' response, thus reducing the of rotor speed.
phase lag between the required and supplied torque and leading
to a substantial reduction in the magnitude of the rotor speed • Enhanced visual warnings to provide more obvious
transients. indication of low rotor speed conditions.
The capability of this system was also assessed in simulated Audible warnings of low rotor speed. This included: multi-
operational manoeuvres, such as bob-up in hover, banked turns tones with different audio tones for different warnings,
in forward flight, rapid accelerations and spot-turns. Results similar to many production helicopters; tone plus message
shown in Figure 3 for a model of an EH101 with RTM322 type warnings; and a modulated tone where the frequency
engines show reductions in rotor speed excursions of up to 80% was dependent on the rotor speed and the amplitude
and corresponding reductions in peak engine torque values, dependent on the rotor speed trend.
which should benefit engine/transmission system component
life. Direct intervention using standard series actuators.
ROTOR SPEED (%) ENGINE TORQUE (Nm) • Direct intervention using a rapid collective pull-down
actuator (full travel in 2 seconds).
A study of the UK CAA's accident database identified 87 • The rotorcraft response time (the time for a warning or cue
importable accidents from 1976 to 1993 where failure to to be given to the pilot). The effect of the phase advance
preserve rotor speed was a contributory factor representing filter can be seen for all configurations compared with the
21% of all reported accidents. Ten of these were fatal. baseline.
Further analysis of these accidents suggested that an additional
rotor speed protection system may have helped the pilot retain • The actual intervention time when the pilot reacts to the
control in 71 of the 87 accidents including 9 out of 10 of the failure.
fatal accidents. It was also noticeable that 8 of the fatal
accidents resulted from failures during cruising flight. • The system intervention time for the intervention systems.
The objectives of the programme therefore included The lower part of each figure show the corresponding average
establishing techniques for rotor speed protection and minimum rotor speed recorded.
Mean Available
Automatic System
D Intervention Time Response Time HANDLING SYSTEM
CD CD 0-
QJ (0 —
o p cu • protection of torque limits, and to a lesser extent rotor speed
limits, are the primary pilot concerns in terms of increased
TT 85 workload and potential damage to the helicopter,
(D 80 Minimum Transient
W 75 Rotor Speed • a combination of tactile cueing and direct intervention is far
70 more instinctive and effective than audio or visual cueing for
65 limit protection purposes.
Figure 4 Results from engine failure trial - attentive 5.2 Objectives of Ongoing DRA/GKN Westland
scenario Helicopters Carefree Handling Research
Focusing on the need for improved heave-axis augmentation,
the most recent study conducted by DRA and GKN Westland
Mean Available Automatic System Helicopters for UK MOD has concerned the development and
D Intervention Time Response Time ground-based piloted simulation assessment of a limited
Mean Rotorcraft Mean Actual authority Torque Protection Carefree Handling System for the
Response Time intervention Time Lynx helicopter. The study was not intended to demonstrate a
Lynx-specific capability, but rather the potential for
performance improvement and pilot workload reduction that
could be attained using only current limited authority flight
control systems technology and hence could form part of a in-
service upgrade for many different types.
Friction only
Soft stop onset variable
with flight condition
Lever displacement
The assessment took the form of a back-to-back comparison Figure 9 DRA Bedford Advanced Flight Simulator; the
between a standard Lynx and one retrofitted with the limited Large Motion System in operation
authority torque protection carefree handling system. The
assessment covered a number of hover, low speed and high observance and task performance were seen in all tasks.
speed mission task elements and similar trends in limit However, for brevity, only a bob-up/bob-down and a turn-to-
target air combat task will be discussed in this paper. on a heading of 090°, also at a speed of 80 knots. As Red
crossed Blue's "twelve o'clock", Blue was required to turn and
With reference to Figure 10, a transparent vertical grid climb to engage Red as quickly as possible. It was assumed
structure was used as a line-of-sight reference for an aggressive that Blue was armed only with a forward firing gun aimed via
bob-up/down manoeuvre. From an initial stabilised hover at a simple "iron cross" sight that required the pilot to stabilize
25ft, the pilot was required to bob-up through approximately the helicopter in the target's "six o'clock". The task was
50ft and establish a line-of-sight between the top of the grid deemed to be complete when Blue had attained the same flight
structure and two marker boards positioned on the ground level as Red and stabilized in Red's "six o'clock". Desired
beyond as quickly as possible. Desired performance required performance required that the torque be maintained at or below
that the line-of-sight contact be established with only a single the maximum continuous limit, whereas adequate performance
overshoot of +5 feet or less, torque be maintained at or below required that the torque be maintained at or below the
the maximum continuous limit and heading be maintained maximum transient limit.
within +5°. Adequate performance required that the line-of-
sight contact be established with only a single overshoot of 5.5 Discussion of Results
+ 10 feet or less, torque be maintained at or below the For all tasks, the pilots commented very favourably on the fact
maximum transient limit and heading be maintained within that the carefree handling system obviated the need to monitor
±10°. For both desired and adequate performance, the pilot the head-down torque gauge in the cockpit, thus enabling them
was required to stabilise the helicopter in the higher hover to fly the tasks "eyes out" whilst relying purely on the soft-stop
position for three seconds before bobbing back down to the to pull maximum torque. The additional rate information that
original height. The bob-up/bob-down was assessed as one was available "eyes out" also helped the pilots to adopt a
task. smoother control strategy and fly the tasks more quickly.
s « 10
E w
J Transient Limit
engagement task
x Standard Lynx
or o Lynx + CFHS L3- o s^ '
c u Transient Limit
iro 7
O 6 _| Standard Lynx c o
— X
Adequate performance requires E w
considerable pilot compensation |_2
-^Hh -0- -\
| Q■-- "| Lynx + CFHS
Desired performance requires
Q. ^ moderate pilot compensation L1
O without CFHS with CFHS
Ü 1
Figure 14 Air combat engagement task: maximum
torque exceedance
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Agility Factor 10
For the turn-to-target task, Figure 14 shows the comparison of -Standard Lynx.
the maximum instantaneous torque exceedance for each of the Adequate performance requires
two configurations. Once more, it can be seen that a considerable pilot compensation
Upgrades of existing helicopter flight control systems can continuous multi-engine torque and rotor speed limits, but still
therefore be envisaged featuring comprehensive heave axis allow the pilot to pull or push through to the maximum
augmentation providing very crisp response, carefree torque transient limits for emergency manoeuvring.
and rotor speed protection and enhanced safety.
A higher level decision-making controller would also be
The retrofit of an active collective soft-stop combined with required to prioritise the most appropriate limits to be respected
limited authority flight control system intervention and an based on the health and status of the helicopter and its operating
advanced engine control system into the current generation of environment - e.g. engine torque limits at sea level versus
military helicopters, offers the potential for significantly engine temperature limits in hot/high operations, multi-engine
extending their combat capability and mission effectiveness. maximum continuous torque limits in normal operation versus
Operational benefits would result from reduced pilot workload, single engine maximum contingency torque limit in engine-off
increased pilot capacity and situational awareness, a greater emergencies, power-on rotor speed limits in normal operation
potential for exploiting the full performance of the helicopter, versus power-off rotor speed limits in autorotation etc.
and an associated improvement in survivability. This latter
point would also be of significant benefit to the civil market.
Also, despite the potential for more aggressive tactical flight,
powertrain limit exceedances, and hence life-cycle costs, are
likely to be reduced.
\ Rotor N Body
System <f S
I Ideal i + I - Qr
► fi
r —H$?H
Mortal ^~-*
Figure 17 Schematic of an advanced integrated flight
and engine control carefree handling mode
Figure 16 Schematic of an integrated flight and engine blend
control carefree handling system architecture
The collective soft-stop feel characteristics could be easily
A schematic of a proposed architecture (Reference 4) for an retrofitted by driving a simple actuated spring feel unit from the
Integrated Flight and Engine Control Carefree Handling System torque and rotor speed prediction algorithms, whilst in general,
is given in Figure 16. Note that all four primary flight control the feedback elements could all be implemented around a
inputs may be communicated to the engine control system to conventional mechanical flight control system with a limited
achieve improved torque prediction, engine/rotor damping and authority AFCS. However, it may be necessary to increase the
transient rotor speed response. Superimposed on this inner- heave-axis authority limit beyond the +10% typical of many
loop, it is proposed that the maximum benefit of current helicopters in order to achieve true torque and rotor
engine/airframe integration can be achieved via a novel heave- speed command response types - a nominal figure of ±20% is
axis carefree handling system (CFHS) mode that blends suggested.
between collective blade pitch command (60), torque command
(Qe) and rotor speed command (Qr) as a function of collective 7. CONCLUSIONS
lever position (6U). Various augmentation features have been developed and
evaluated in simulation to improve mission effectiveness
For small to moderate amplitude inputs around trim, the CFHS through improved task performance and reduced pilot
would default to the open-loop mechanical mode, with an exact workload, and to improve safety through protection of limits
link between collective lever position and main rotor collective and provision of assistance to the pilot in emergency situations.
pitch giving good handling qualities for precise height control These features are also expected to benefit life cycle costs
- effectively height rate command. However, for large through improved reliability, safety, and extended component
amplitude manoeuvring, the CFHS would blend to closed-loop lives. Recent work has concentrated on enhancing existing
control of torque at high collective pitch and closed-loop limited authority augmentation systems and has shown the
control of rotor speed at low collective pitch in split- potential to reduce task times by up to 20%, reduce workload
needle/engine-off situations (Figure 17). Flight control system by up to two points on the Cooper-Harper scale and eliminate
mode blending in the manner proposed allows the pilot to unintentional torque limit transgressions in high aggression,
control the most appropriate variable for carefree handling and large amplitude manoeuvres.
command directly the full range of available performance.
Further improvements to these systems can be expected from
To reinforce this, the control law would be augmented with integrating flight and engine control to provide better damped
tactile cueing in the form of twin collective soft-stops that, in engine responses and better prediction of rotor load.
normal operation, would delineate both the maximum
13725 Marignane Cedex
This paper presents the active control of Most of the main rotor heads currently in service
aeromechanical stability as a powerful means of around the world are "soft in plane" designs.
simplifying rotor design in future helicopters.
Designing and developing reliable dampers has
The mathematical simulation model is presented always been a particular concern for helicopter
and the results are compared to flight test data. manufacturers as they represent a significant share
of both the initial and direct operating costs.
The active control of ground resonance was fully
validated with flight tests in the Super Puma Mk2 Lead-lag dampers increase the maintenance,
helicopter which behaved in a highly efficient and weight and complexity of rotor systems.
robust manner.
Payload, flight configuration as well as other
An active control strategy is suggested for air constraints e.g. reduced weight and hub
resonance and drive train stability; a validation compactness need to be considered as a result of
with flight tests is forecast in the near future. the wide range of the helicopter's operating
The proposed controls are simple and easy to
integrate in a conventional Flight Control System Lead-lag dampers are fitted to counter
(FCS). aeromechanical rotor/fuselage instabilities since it
is difficult for the designer to avoid ground and
The actuators available in the current FCS are flight resonances.
sufficient as far bandwidth required for active
control of aeromechanical stability is concerned These dampers help tailor frequency and damping
in the 1st lead-lag mode. Lead-lag dampers fall
Notations under two categories:
These configurations combine the drawbacks Ground resonance stability only requires a small
inherent to hydraulic and viscoelastic components amount of structural damping generally provided
and often induce thermal and wear problems. by elastomeric or small hydraulic dampers.
Additional damping can be obtained, with
Interblade damper technology gains are high in increased rotor thrust, through aeroelastic coupling
terms of space available, higher damper lever arm of blade pitch and lag motions by proper selection
and reduced hub loads for rotors with a high of rotor design parameters
number of blades. The risks with pure interblade
technology are related to the absence of stiffness The non linearity of the lead-lag damper and the
and damping in the first drive train mode (Fig. 4). landing gear characteristics are key parameters of
the ground resonance phenomenon.
This short review of hub and lead-lag damper
technologies underlines the difficulties inherent to A helicopter which is stable can, in some cases,
the design of simple and reliable dampers meeting become unstable when the pilot excites ground
the stringent requirements of modern rotors. resonance by precessing the cyclic pitch in the
rotor's sense of rotation.
The purpose of an active control is to improve the
aeromechanical stability of modern rotors as well This excitation generates through Coriolis forces a
as simplify the design of lead-lag dampers. lead-lag displacement of the blade, a dynamic
deformation of the damper and a reduction of the
Active control could help designers do away with 1st lead-lag frequency in the rotating system; the
lead-lag dampers at least in some applications. body mode frequency is then decreased at the same
time (see Fig. 7).
Some modifications are usually introduced in the joint. The rotation along the blade's longitudinal
main gear box design process to avoid resonances. axis designated pitch (8i) is determined by the
The main and tail rotor dynamic characteristics are pilot. The other two possible rotations are
introduced in the model to take the main gear box designated lead-lag movement (Si) and flap
coupling with the soft blade modes into account. movement (ßi) respectively (Fig. 13).
The lead-lag stiflhess of the blades is often adjusted
to raise this mode over bQ and gain a sufficient The center of the link is, by construction, located at
safety margin with respect to this excitation. a distance e for eccentricity from the hub's axis of
Another significant aspect of the drive train
investigation is the low frequency stability analysis. A lead-lag damper inserted between the hub and
Large collective pitch changes generate high power the blade introduces stiffness and damping. The
demands from the engines and since large rotor interblade configuration can also be modelized.
inertiae cannot be rapidly accelerated or
decelerated, high control gains are required in the The rotor / fuselage / drive train coupling is the
engine fuel control laws. result of the torsion characteristics of the drive
train components.This drive train is modelized
On the other hand, these high gains can lead to with sub-assemblies (Rotor mast, Main Gear Box,
unstable coupling of the 1st drive train mode with Engine 1 and 2, Tail rotor) for which equivalent
the engine governor. These unstable oscillations mass characteristics can be determined individually
are of special concern in interblade lead-lag and set to the rotor mast rotation. The link between
damper technology. An example of unstable the different components is represented with
oscillations is given (Fig. 10); these particular torsion springs (Fig. 14).
oscillations were cancelled with a modification of
the engine fuel control laws. The torsion angles between the different
components are designated 9MR, GMGB, QENOI, 6ENG2,
MODELING The aerodynamic forces applied on the blades are
based on classical, two-dimensional quasi-study
The basic ground resonance theory was originally theory and uniform inflow. A dynamic inflow
developed by Coleman (ref 5). model is included. Compressibility and unsteady
flow are neglected.
The 1st lead-lag mode and the hub in plane mode
were the only degrees of freedom taken into The system's equations are expressed by the
account in the analysis. Lagrange method. The non-linear periodic
equations of motion are therefore linearized. The
The current models include additional degrees of equilibrium position is independent of time and
freedom and aerodynamic efforts are also taken obtained in hover.
into account.
The linearized periodic coefficient perturbation
The model that was used in this study has been equations are converted into a constant coefficient
developed over a number of years. system with Coleman's transformation.
The helicopter elements that were taken into This transformation involves projecting in the
consideration are shown (Fig. 11) trihedron the variables related to the blades (ßi, 8i,
9i) and proceeds as follows (4 bladed rotor):
The helicopter's body is represented as a rigid
fuselage with yaw, pitch and roll rotations (1)
identified ocz, ay, ax respectively about the center
of mass as well as vertical, longitudinal and lateral
translations of the center of mass identified x, y ß\ = Po +
/?ic • cos (ot + (i - 1) -|j + ßis . sin [at + C - 1) |j
and z respectively. The landing gear is assimilated
to perfect springs and dampers (Fig. 12) S\ = S0 + <S1c . cosfot + (I - 1) -f ] + *is • sin [at + (i - 1) -|]
The rotor having four identical blades is located at 0| = 0O + 01c ■ cos f Qt + (i - 1) —j + 01s . sin [nt + (i - 1) -|]
a distance h directly above the fuselage mass
center. The blades are assumed to be rigid.
The helicopter models under study have a hinged
rotor. The blade-hub link is modelized with a ball
This set of equations is also expressed as follows: Further to analytical investigations, Eurocopter
France supported by the French Ministry of
M(X0)"X + C(X0)X + K(X0)X = F(Xo)0 (2) Defence launched an exploratory development
called OSCAR for Optimal Stability and Control of
Aircraft Resonance to demonstrate this technology
X is the coordinates vector, Xo is the equilibrium in flight and to evaluate various control strategies.
position vector and © is the control inputs where:
Control laws were developed with simulations. The
XT = [x y z ox ay a* 0,* 0Wp 6«^, G^ 9™ ß0 ß,c ßi, 80 5lc 5,,] rule to follow as far as observation variables were
concerned was for the controller to select
parameters easily available in the helicopter
The pilot uses the rudders to change TTR, the (accelerations, angular velocities in the fixed
system). The helicopter selected for tests was Super
collective pitch change lever to change 9o and the
Puma Mk2 (Fig. 15).
cyclic pitch stick to change 91c or 91s. The
Automatic Flight Control System also acts on those
Helicopter tests were carried out in the laboratory
to determine the dynamic characteristics for
ground resonance analysis (Fig 16). The data
The coupled drive train / fuselage / rotor dynamics
measured was the rigidity of tyres, the landing gear
are then evaluated by transforming the equations
deformations and the global characteristics of the
into a first order form with Duncan's method.
fuselage body modes on the ground. It was noted
that the production 332 Mk2 helicopter is perfectly
x = Ax + B u stable on the ground. The experimental visco-
y = Cx elastic damper (Fig. 17) was manufactured
according to theoretical predictions to explore
x is the state space variable vector; y is the output instability on the ground. This damper was
measurements vector. characterized with dynamic laboratory tests and the
stiffness as well as damping constants were derived
The final form of the equation is also used to from theoretical investigations. The theoretical
compute the time history responses as well as the model allowed elaborating the control strategy and
frequency response of the system. the control loop is shown (Fig. 18).
The closed loop was tested with controller gains comparison is presented, as an example, between
and phases derived from theoretical calcultions. It the temporal responses of the parameters measured
is shown that the system is unstable in open loop and those derived by simulation (Fig. 28). The
and perfectly stable in closed loop. The pilot correlation between model and tests can be checked
considered the helicopter unacceptable without graphically. The amplitudes obtained are similar
active control. With active control, it passed the and resonances occur at the same frequencies. The
certification tests easily with a time half the similarity between the highest torque responses
amplitude below 2s (Fig. 23). In closed loop, both calculated and measured confirm the validity
excitation tests were repeated with different control of the model. The closed loop studies were
settings and positions on the ground. The system undertaken with engine torque as the observation
was again shown to be perfectly stable (Fig. 24). parameter (Fig. 29); A highly significant damping
Stability margins were determined for the gain increase in closed compared to open loop is shown
with fixed phase and for that with fixed gain. A (Fig. 30). The closed loop will be experimented in
comparison of calculated and measured margins is flight in the near future.
presented (Fig. 25) and it can be noted that
measurements compare very favourably with
theoretical predictions. System integration studies 5. CONCLUSION
demonstrated that the active control of ground
resonance can easily be integrated in a classical
FCS. Active control of aeromechanical stability is
surveyed and the following conclusions are drawn:
The second significant step in the active control of
aeromechanical stability is air resonance. The very 1 Considering that operating conditions,
promising results obtained with active stabilization payload and flight configurations, reduced
of ground resonance were the decisive factor in the weight and hub compactness cover quite a
selection of a similar control strategy for air wide range, there is a need for active control
resonance. The observation parameters were of aeromechanical stability to simplify the
angular roll and pitch velocities. Simulations were design of main rotor lead-lag dampers.
undertaken with several control laws and results
are presented (Fig. 26). The roll rate/roll pitch 2. The research work described here helped
cyclic input transfer function shows a satisfactory develop a mathematical model simulating the
damping increase with different feedback aeromechanical behaviour of the helicopter in
controllers. The difference between controllers is the 0 to 10 Hz range; the model was
noted at very low frequencies. Simulations were extensively validated with flight test
also undertaken in the time domaine presented measurements; the active control feedback
(Fig. 27). Every controller provides a satisfactory was made available based on theoretical
input to the pilot's cyclic stick excitation. calculations for ground resonance, air
resonance and drive train stability control
Theoretical studies were also conducted for active
stabilization of the 1st drive train mode in 3. The active control of ground resonance was
interblade rotors, in particular. The objective of fully validated with flight tests in the Super
this active stabilization is the reduction of high Puma Mk2 helicopter with a modified, low
resonance in those areas where engine governor damping, lead-lag damper. The controller
gains are high. The 1st drive mode was identified was robust and highly efficient and the
in flight prior to the active control feedback correlation with theoretical calculations was
development. This identification was conducted very good.
with the main rotor collective pitch as exciter. The
excitation was sinusoid. The parameters measured 4. An active control strategy is suggested for air
on the drive train were the main rotor's mast torque resonance and drive train stability; this
and the engine shaft's torque expressed as follows: strategy shall be validated with flight tests in
the near future.
5. Every controller that was proposed can easily
(©ENG " ©MGB) • KENO be integrated in a classical FCS. The current
FCS actuators are sufficient as far as the
KMGB and KENG are the equivalent torsional bandwidth required for active control is
stiffnesses of the rotor mast and engine shaft. A concerned
« A review of helicopter aeroelastic stability
research », La Recherche Aerospatiale,
1995, n° 1, 15-27
« Helicopter Ground Resonance » - A Spacial
Model Analysis, Aeronautical Journal,
1984, pp. 299-307
Helicopter theory,
1980, Princeton University Press
« Generalized Higher Harmonic Control Ten
Years of Aerospatiale Experience »
16th ERF, Glasgow, Sept. 90
«Validation of New General Aerospatiale
Aeroelastic Rotor Model through the wind
tunnel and flight test data »
46th AHS Annual Forum,
Washington USA, 1989
«Design, evaluation and proof-of-concept
flights of a main rotor interblade viscoelastic
damping system »
14th European Rotorcraft Forum Italy,
Sept. 1988
NUMBER 61 14
Ground resonance
Body frequency = cos Lead-lag frequency = co5
Lead-lag mode
100 RPM(%)
Ground resonance
Rotor hub
JJ\ I \
Rotor hub
Rotor hub
U- displacement
Ground resonance
n -©5
Lead-lag damper Dynamic damper
displacement displacement
Body frequency
Rotor hub
Lead-lag displacement
( Cö5
N, ( Wbody^S^ )
Ground resonance
Rotation ax at 1st
lead-lag regressive
Change of
incidence on
the blade
Response of flapping
at 1st lead-lag frequency
Generation Excitation of lead-lag
of loads at its natural frequency
on the hub through Coridis effect
1.1 .,T,;. M-
; 1' Sf
f ' V •. i i^r
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 TIMES (s)
RESPONSE 3.5 Hz 4 Hz
Sec 20.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 FREQUENCYH2
3 Hz
s* *A A*,
■ »A» ^
1P mJ ¥^
Sec 20,0
>....l....l....y- y:?::,«r:::"
(O) (Oj Tail Rotor
Landing Gear
Fig. 11 : Elements used in the modeling
x^ Roll
Main Rotor
Torsion springs
\ YZ
acceleration 7 z
, i ,
200 210 220
200 2 10 220
time (s)
lateral imput
2%H ..j..
-1—1 1 I L- I i I L L J L.
till ii
2 mm
_J l ' ' ' L_
200 210
time (s)
longitudinal imput
time (s)
adapter displacement
2 mm
250 2bO
time (s)
adapter load (N)
250 2h0
time (s)
lateral control
time (s)
250 2bQ
time (s)
adapter displacement
2 mm
'* fa/Sj^fy*^ A
2ia 25b
time (s)
2ia 252
time (s)
7 z acceleration (g)
, 1 * i i. 1 1 1 i, 1 4
tlJ -.0 (.
< (V) 60 pitch active command (Volts)
b ...
ii.o ao
7 z acceleration (g)
• r
■o.:o I
■0.40 i.
roll active command (Volts)
Y z acceleration (g)
I l'i \
VWvv^lll !|ljl/VWWvwyyy^vv-AA
A Mil fl i A
roll pitch command (Volts) time (s)
time (s)
Gain margins
15 active gain
stable stable unstable
flight tests
Phase margins
calculations tests
^^ stability limit
i£L-given by tests
K stable
stable ("lazy")
e.e 2.8 3
frequency (Hz)
time (s)
Mast torque
5000 Nm
45 Time (s)50
5000 Nm z
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Time (s)50
1ZI Measurements j
5000 Nm ... Simulation
J_ _L
10 11 12 13 14 Time(s)i5
5000 Nm
32 33 35 36 Time (s)37
\ \ engine 2
A \
tail rotor
main gearbox
U hydraulic unit
engine 1
torque sensor
open loop
1000 Nm
closed loop
1.5 2.5 3.5
Stewart W. Baillie
J. Murray Morgan
Flight Research Laboratory
National Research Council, Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
1.0 INTRODUCTION the rationale behind this degradation and the subsequent handling
qualities improvements made possible by augmentation of the
The role of the helicopter in military operations often involves helicopter response; and,
flight in adverse weather conditions and the execution of flight
manoeuvres designed to maintain minimal exposure to the enemy. 4) the improvements in handling qualities for DVE flight that are
This translates into a requirement for helicopters to fly very low possible by reprogramming an existing helicopter stability
level, nap-of-the-earth, at night or in bad weather. This type of augmentation system into what is known as a limited authority
flying places a high demand on the pilot to accurately perceive the response type.
environment and to precisely control the flight path of the aircraft.
To assist the pilot in this task, he is often provided night vision The paper emphasizes the practical implications of the
goggles or some type of infra-red or radar-based vision system to experimental results and suggests approaches to improve
augment his visual environment. Unfortunately, even with these operational capabilities of existing aircraft as well as those yet to be
vision enhancing aids, the pilot's visual environment often does not designed.
possess the quality (in terms of texture, contrast, field of view and
other parameters) that is usually available in normal daylight. This 2.0 THE CONCEPT OF A USEABLE CUE
poor but operationally important visual environment is now ENVIRONMENT
commonly referred to as a degraded visual environment or DVE.
As a pilot flies a helicopter, he uses a multitude of cues to infer
The Flight Research Laboratory of the Institute for Aerospace how the helicopter is moving and performing. Based on these
Research, National Research Council Canada has been conducting cues, the pilot makes inputs to the aircraft controls and stabilizes
research regarding the handling qualities of rotorcraft flying in the helicopter to achieve the desired flight path. The total set of
degraded visual environments since 1987. These efforts have cues available to the pilot is described by the phrase "Useable Cue
been coordinated with a variety of international partners including Environment" or UCE. The UCE is formed from the visual
the US Army Aeroflight Dynamics Directorate and Hoh environment outside the aircraft (what is outside to see), what
Aeronautics under TTCP (The Technical Cooperation Program). systems are available to view the outside environment (eg. human
The NRC effort has been funded in part, by the Air Vehicle eye in daylight, night vision goggles or infrared displays at night,
Research Sector, a detachment of the Defence and Civil Institute etc.), and those systems that present situational information in the
of Environmental Medicine, Canadian Department of National cockpit (e.g. head-down hover displays, attitude indicators,
Defence. The program has focused on studying the practical airspeed indicators, tactical information and navigation displays).
effects of degrading the pilot's visual environment and on the Aircraft motion, vibration and noise are additional elements that
search for ways to counteract these effects. The program has may contribute to the UCE, especially if the pilot has extensive
involved theoretical considerations, pilot-in-the-loop evaluations experience with the given aircraft and can infer aircraft state from
using ground-based simulators, such as the NASA Ames Vertical these cues (ie. they are useable cues).
Motion Simulator, and in-flight evaluations on the NRC Bell 205
Airborne Simulator (Figure 1). The concept of UCE, as described above, seems almost trivial. It
is only when the piloting task is introduced into the consideration
This paper will summarize the concepts and research results that does the concept of UCE allow an increased understanding of the
have been gathered on the topic of the handling qualities of DVE problem. A discussion of this consideration was initially
helicopters flown in degraded visual environments. While presented in Reference 1 and is summarized below.
concentrating on those research efforts performed under the TTCP
program, the paper will also incorporate the results of other efforts Most helicopters, in their purest, unaugmented form at slow speed,
where appropriate. In particular, the paper will consider four major are unstable vehicles which require a considerable level of pilot
effort to stabilize and control. A typical root locus plot of the
attitude and horizontal position dynamics of an unstabilized
1) the concept of the Useable Cue Environment (UCE) and how helicopter has unstable poles, an oscillatory, neutrally stable
this concept applies in practical situations and procedures; attitude mode (labelled A on Figure 2), and a slightly divergent
position mode (labelled B on Figure 2). As shown in Figure 2, to
2) experimental results describing which qualities of a visual field stabilize these two modes, the pilot must generate lead in both
are important for the helicopter piloting task; aircraft attitude and position. From a practical point of view, in
order to achieve a stable hover in an unaugmented helicopter, the
3) experimental results describing the degradation in handling pilot must be able to predict what the aircraft attitude will be in
qualities due to a reduction in Useable Cue Environment (a DVE), approximately 1/2 second and what the aircraft position will be in
approximately 1 second. Needless to say, the above statement bank at night or encountering recirculating snow or sand, the price
describes a condition of continual monitoring and control to becomes even more apparent. For this reason the study of the
maintain a desired flight path. visual cues used by a pilot in hover manoeuvring is very relevant
A trained helicopter pilot is able to generate the required attitude
and position "lead" and is able to stabilize unaugmented helicopters 3.0 IMPORTANT QUALITIES OF THE VISUAL
without much difficulty in normal daylight conditions. Ab-initio ENVIRONMENT
pilots, in the same visual conditions, have a hard time stabilizing
the same helicopter in the hover. In this case, the same cues are A1985 study by Hoh described in Reference 3 looked specifically
available but the ab-initio pilot has not learned the ability to use at what pilots use in the visual field to stabilize helicopters in slow
them (the U of UCE!). The typical hover performance of ab-initio speed flight. In this experiment, both the field of view available to
pilots can be described as erratic at best. When they use a near the pilot and the amount of detail available for the pilot to see were
field point of regard, such as a reference point on the ground, the varied while the pilot performed a series of handling qualities
helicopter hover is usually oscillatory in attitude and position, and evaluation tasks in a Hughes 500 helicopter. The field of view
often unstable in either or both of these states. At this point an was varied by blanking off various portions of the wind screen on
instructor pilot will usually tell the student to focus his gaze on the the evaluator side of the helicopter while the detail was varied by
horizon, where the attitude of the helicopter is more apparent, and the use of large markers (traffic cones) and IFR training goggles
helicopter angular rate can be more easily discerned. This change which, by blurring the near field of regard, could prevent the pilot
of focus usually leads to a stabilization of helicopter attitude but, from perceiving the fine detail of the dry lake bed which was the
since a focus on the far field does not give good cues regarding site of the tests.
absolute position of the helicopter with reference to a given point,
the accuracy of position keeping is poor and oscillatory. As pilots Back to back evaluations of the handling qualities of the helicopter
learn to infer the attitude and angular rate from visual elements for different visual environments led to the following conclusions:
that are closer and closer to the helicopter, the position keeping of
the pilot improves since the nearer focus provides better - "there is considerable evidence that fine-grained texture is an
translational rate cues. important cue for hovering and low speed flight"
Well trained pilots who are new to flying in degraded visual - "a small field of view (38 deg x 23 deg) is sufficient (for
environments have difficulties in stabilizing the attitude and stabilization and control, ed.) if the texture is available"
position of the helicopter which are very similar to those of the ab-
initio pilot, suggesting that the cues that the pilot uses to stabilize - "pilots use "microtexture" in the foreground to obtain attitude as
the helicopter in good visual environments have been taken away well as translational rate cues"
and that those cues that remain are either insufficient or as yet
unusable by the pilot. Like an ab-initio pilot, the new to NVG pilot Hoh suggested that the visual information which is important
often has initial trouble in stabilizing attitude but usually corresponds to the improvement in visual acuity between 20/80
overcomes this tendency quickly. A more lasting trait is that of and 20/50. With 20/80 vision, large obstacles are still discernable
slowly drifting in position and not discerning the error until it but the information required to allow a pilot to generate the lead
becomes large. required to stabilize and control helicopters is not evident. With
20/50 vision, on the other hand, no degradation in the ability to
Of course pilots, being the adaptable lot that they are, learn to manoeuvre or stabilize a helicopter is noticed.
compensate for the reduced set of visual cues available during
flight with night vision goggles and there are many operational In addition to the fundamental understanding of visual texture that
pilots who are clearly capable of accurately stabilizing a helicopter this experiment developed, it also formed the basis for the
in this degraded visual environment, especially in the higher night development of the useable cue environment rating process,
illumination levels such as partial moon conditions. One described fully in the Aeronautical Design Standard 33 - Helicopter
compensation technique that is prevalent among night vision Handling Qualities (Reference 4). The useable cue environment
goggle pilots is the use of a rapid scan of the head from the side to rating process was based on the realization that there is not a
the front to gather more attitude and position information quickly. detailed enough data base to fully define the handling qualities
In a "Night Vision Goggle Primer" to pilots in a recent copy of related effects of the quality of a visual system or to take into
Flying Safety Magazine (Reference 2) the author advises the account the variety of tradeoffs that can be made. It is also a given
reader "Current goggles have only a 40 degree field of view, and that the subjective evaluation of visual scene quality is extremely
you'll have to learn new scanning techniques to overcome this imprecise. To overcome these deficiencies, the UCE rating
limitation". process relies on test pilots to evaluate their ability to aggressively
make corrections in attitude, translational rate and altitude while
The development and use of piloting techniques to compensate for flying a "standard" helicopter. The resulting three ratings are
system characteristics implies an increase in pilot workload and a combined to form a single number which describes the quality of
degradation of aircraft handling qualities. The occurrence of the visual scene. Experience is now showing that particular
helicopter accidents related to flight in DVE suggests that the level devices, such as night vision goggles, in particular environments,
of pilot compensation has a measurable price. In cases where the such as a starlit night, correspond to standard UCE levels, in this
visual environment degrades quickly, for example flying into a fog
case, UCE 2.1 approaches to counteract the degraded visual environment have
been the focus of considerable effort.
In another study, Vollmerhausen (Reference 6), used a device to
alter the pilots visual acuity and field of view while flying a terrain 4.0 RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN USEABLE CUE
following mission in an AH-1 COBRA helicopter. The terrain ENVIRONMENTS, HELICOPTER RESPONSE
following flight task has significantly fewer stabilization demands CHARACTERISTICS AND HANDLING QUALITIES
than some of the previously considered tasks and the data for this
experiment consisted of performance measures, as well as pilot A number of in-flight evaluations have been conducted at the
ratings. The results of this evaluation led to the conclusion that a Flight Research Laboratory to assess the degradation of handling
head referenced, 40 degree field of view is sufficient for the terrain qualities due to degraded visual environments and the handling
following task provided that a minimum visual resolution of 0.6 qualities improvements that can be achieved by changing the
cycles/mrad was available (approx. 20/60 vision). The report also stability and control response of the helicopter (References 1 and
emphatically stated that visual field of view should only be 8). In each of these experiments, evaluator pilots wore a device to
increased if this minimum resolution can be maintained. alter the available useable cue environment; IFR training goggles
which reduce the texture that can be seen by presenting a variable
To describe the current capabilities of night vision goggles, the level of fog through which the pilot sees, night vision goggles with
chart in Figure 3, taken from Reference 6, describes the best daylight training filters which provide both a reduction in texture
available resolution of night vision goggles versus the ambient and field of view, and a night vision goggle simulator which
illumination. Note that at an illumination of 0.0005 foot candles, similarly restricts field of view and reduces texture. The aircraft
the equivalent of almost a moonless night, the perfect ANVIS - 6 response type evaluated was subject to a wide range of variations
goggles have the minimal resolution of 0.6 cycles/mrad (approx. but can be summarized into three major types; rate response,
20/60). attitude response and translational rate response. The control input
response of each of these three response types is shown in Figure
To further consider the important qualities in a visual environment, 6.
a small in-house study was performed at NRC to look specifically
at the effects of the reduced field of view imposed by vision aids, A summary of results of this group of evaluations is shown in
such as night vision goggles (Reference 7). In this study three Figures 7 and 8. The data in Figure 7 documents the relationship
pilots flew the Bell 205 Airborne Simulator configured with a rate between useable cue environment and handling qualities for a
command system which was evaluated to possess Level 1 handling typical, rate response helicopter and typical hover manoeuvring
qualities in a good visual environment. The pilots flew the aircraft tasks. The degradation of handling qualities from Level 1 in UCE
while wearing the field of view restricting goggles shown in Figure 1 to Level 2 in UCE 2 is clear and unmistakable. It should be
4 which could vary both the size of the field of view and the noted that the task description used during the gathering of this
overlap region between the two eyes. Fields of view were varied data did not vary when visual environments changed except for a
between 150 and 20 degrees for both 0 and 100% overlap relaxation in the time allowed for completion of the manoeuvre.
configurations. Figure 5 shows the handling qualities rating results The handling qualities degradation documented in these results is
for the 100% overlap cases. This data shows that for pure a direct consequence of the reduced quality of the angular rate
stabilization tasks, such as a precision hover and landing, the cues that the pilot has available to him, This cue degradation
handling qualities start to degrade at fields of view between 30 and causes the pilot to use more of his capacity in stabilizing the
40 degrees, (for 100% overlap). On tasks such as pirouettes and aircraft in attitude, while at the same time reducing the quality of
quicksteps, where larger aircraft attitudes and angular rates are the translational rate stabilization.
encountered, this limit increases slightly to between 40 and 75
degrees. In considering these results, it should be noted that this The data shown in Figure 8 demonstrates that the degradation in
test was performed with perfect acuity, resolution and texture in handling qualities with UCE can be overcome by altering the
the field of view available to the pilot. response of the helicopter. The handling qualities ratings for the
attitude response type with a height hold option in UCE 2 are
The overall significance of this entire discussion is that the visual clearly an improvement over the rate response ratings for the same
environment provided by night vision goggles is on the borderline visual environment and tasks. Relieving the pilot of the attitude
of sufficient in terms of field of view to enable the stabilization and stabilization task by giving him an aircraft that has an attitude
control of helicopters in slow speed and hover manoeuvring flight. response and compensating for the weak vertical rate cues that are
Since the representation of what is portrayed in that field of view provided by NVGs in UCE 2 by adding a vertical rate
is also degraded, especially in lower light level conditions, the total command/height hold system creates handling qualities to be quite
combination causes a handling qualities degradation in almost any close to the original, "satisfactory level" for the rate response type
light condition . The magnitude of this degradation, and in UCE 1. Other data, reported in Reference 8, has also
demonstrated that as the visual environment degrades further, to
UCE 3, satisfactory handling qualities are only attainable through
Well adjusted NVGs on a full-moon lit night are the use of a highly augmented helicopter possessing a translational
considered by some to be borderline UCE 1, although some rate command/hover hold system. In UCE 3, the pilot spends all
data suggests that even in the best conditions, NVGs are UCE 2 of his time trying to discern where the aircraft is and therefore all
(Reference 5) (UCE 1 is the best possible level while UCE 3 is of the stabilization tasks must be done by the aircraft system.
the worst)
For all of the evaluations cited thus far, the helicopter response saturated could be assessed. All configurations evaluated were
type was full authority, attainable only with a full-authority, fly-by- developed to possess the same attitude response type when
wire control system. While the handling qualities data for these unsaturated and were characterized by the attitude at which the
implementations are important for future helicopter designs, it is series servo would saturate and the amount of parallel servo used.
impractical to assume that all present-day helicopters will be
scrapped for new ones or will be refitted with full-authority fly-by- The primary results of the two evaluations are summarized in
wire control systems to improve their handling qualities in Figures 11 and 12 . Figure 11 shows the average of the handling
degraded visual environments. For this reason, and with the qualities ratings gathered for the LART configurations using both
existing data as background, studies were undertaken to find a a series and a parallel servo with the series servo saturating at 2.5
practical solution to the problem for existing aircraft. degrees. While the ratings suggest that all versions of the LART
that used the parallel servo had reasonable handling qualities, pilot
5.0 LIMITED AUTHORITY RESPONSE TYPES comments highlighted a dislike for parallel servo use since it
tended to create the impression that the aircraft was doing
Most currently fielded rotorcraft have some form of limited something uncommanded. Few pilots liked the sensation of the
authority stability augmentation system (SAS). These systems stick moving around underneath their hand. Based on the data in
usually have a combination of low authority, high frequency the figure and pilot comments, the use of a parallel servo for minor
actuators which act on the rotor system without feedback to the trim follow-up is probably the practical limit for a LART
pilot, and full authority, low frequency trim (or parallel) actuators architecture (configuration Kp/Ks = 0.37).
which act on the rotor system by moving the trim or zero force
position of the pilot's cyclic control. This architecture, shown in Figure 12 shows the average handling qualities ratings gathered for
Figure 9, allows the SAS to be a relatively simple system, usually LART systems using only a series servo of variable size. These
duplex in nature with some limit to the aircraft envelope when one results show that a system using only the series servos that saturate
side of the system is inoperative. This simplicity is acceptable at 2.5 degrees (from the reference attitude which is trimmable),
because a failure of any actuator, sensor or computer in the system provides a reasonable improvement in handling qualities in DVE
results in an aircraft response which is small enough or slow over the original rate response of the aircraft. The system with a
enough to be overridden by the pilot prior to loss of control. If 10 degree envelope provides clearly improved handling qualities
these simple systems could be reprogrammed to give the aircraft in DVE. This data also shows that the 10 degree system was rated
a response type demonstrated to improve handling qualities in as possessing better handling qualities than a full authority attitude
UCE 2 or UCE 3 over a limited envelope, it is possible that a command system. This improvement of handling qualities,
handling qualities improvement would result. Since the actuators notable for aggressive tasks such as sidesteps and quicksteps,
of these systems have limited authority, it is apparent that the suggests that short time periods with actuators saturated may be
resulting response type created by reprogramming the actuators desirable. Some pilot comment in this regard suggested that a full-
would also have limited authority, thus the name Limited authority attitude response type tends to reduce the available agility
Authority Response Type (LART). of the aircraft due to the large cyclic displacements and forces
required for large attitude changes while the onset of actuator
Design studies, based on existing aircraft and installed SAS, have saturation in the LART configurations provides increased agility
shown that the SAS actuators can be reprogrammed to develop an by momentarily producing a rate-like response. Once the
attitude response type in the pitch and roll axes which have the aggressive manoeuvring is completed the series actuator
same dynamic characteristics as the full authority systems unsaturates, providing the attitude response required for the
discussed earlier in this paper. These systems, however, can only stabilization at the end of the manoeuvre. Unfortunately, this
be functional over a limited attitude regime close to the aircraft opinion was not shared by all evaluators, as some suggested that
trim attitude and over a limited range of angular rate as well. the aircraft had a tendency to "dig-in" when saturated. This "dig-
Outside of this regime the high frequency, low authority series in" characteristic is the unaugmented response of the helicopter to
actuators may be on a hard position limit (saturated) while the low a constant input, creating an acceleration in helicopter angular rate.
frequency parallel actuators may be rate limited. In either case, the
resulting aircraft dynamic response is significantly different from The comments about the aircraft "digging in" led to a second
that demonstrated by the aircraft when it is kept within the series of tests. In these tests the primary objective was to improve
unsaturated regime. Since the handling qualities of the helicopter the characteristics of the helicopter when the LART servos were
in DVE when the LART system is unsaturated are already saturated. A secondary objective was to obtain evaluation data in
understood (based on full authority studies), more recent studies more realistic conditions to more clearly demonstrate the potential
have concentrated on what happens when the LART saturates and of a LART system. For this second series of tests, the Bell 205
the aircraft reverts to its unaugmented form. These studies were was once again configured to represent UH-60 -like dynamics
first reported in Reference 9. around which a SAS was simulated. Unlike previous tests,
however, the manner in which the SAS servos behaved at large
The evaluations of LART at NRC were based on the dynamics of attitudes and angular rates was modified. The simple LART
a UH-60 helicopter. As such, the Bell 205 was first configured to system, as previously studied, would saturate at large attitudes or
possess UH-60 like characteristics, around which a simulation of angular rates and would remain saturated until the aircraft attitude
a reprogrammed SAS was placed as shown in Figure 10. In the or angular rate was reduced. The simple LART servo provided no
simulation of the SAS, the size of the actuators was chosen to be useful function when saturated and the helicopter response at these
a variable so that the effect of the attitude at which the LART conditions was completely unaugmented. In contrast, if the SAS
servos had not been reprogrammed, they would improve the 6.0 CONCLUSIONS
characteristics of the helicopter throughout the aircraft envelope.
This improvement may not be as good as that provided by the The research to date on helicopter handling qualities for flight in
LART function when unsaturated but it is far better than the degraded visual environments can be summarized in the following
unaugmented aircraft response. The concept behind improving fashion.
the LART system was to continually monitor the aircraft state and,
if the resulting LART servo command exceeded the servo limits, 1) Numerous studies have shown that the visual environment can
a time based blend from the LART command to the original S AS have dramatic effects on the handling qualities of helicopters, and
command was initiated. The SAS command would also blend out a practical result of this is the increase in accidents and incidents
when the LART command was back inside the servo limits. when pilots are performing difficult tasks and their visual
environment rapidly degrades.
If successful, the blended LART system would provide a handling
qualities improvement in DVE for attitudes and angular rates that 2) In-flight evaluations suggest that the absolute minimum field of
were within the LART authority limits, and provide the standard view for visual systems should be 40 degrees from a handling
stability augmentation that the baseline aircraft has for attitudes qualities point of view and when this field of view is coupled with
outside the LART limits. The difficulty, of course, was to poor resolution (worse than 20/50) the handling qualities of the
determine a blending function that did not introduce its own set of helicopter become degraded. Rapid onset of a degradation in the
handling qualities problems. visual field(ie. brown-out, white-out, etc.) seems to exacerbate the
handling qualities problems.
In order to meet the second objective of the test, namely a more
realistic evaluation scenario, the night vision goggle simulators 3) Since the pilot uses visual cues to both stabilize and control the
were modified so that a command by the safety pilot could cause helicopter, the handling qualities deterioration caused by a
the image of the NVG simulator to degrade as a function of height, degradation of visual cues can be reduced by the augmentation of
power and forward speed. This modification allowed the safety the helicopter to more a stable response type.
pilot to command a "brown-out" on demand, which the evaluation
pilot had to contend with. 4) While full authority response types are not a practical option for
retro fit to today's fleet of helicopters, the blended LART concept
After an extensive period of ad-hoc development trials, a LART of reprogramming of existing SAS systems to develop a more
blend function was developed which seemed to meet the stable response type over a limited envelope, coupled with a blend
requirements. Three qualified test pilots evaluated the aircraft in back to the original SAS programming when outside the envelope,
both the standard SAS mode and in the blended LART mode for has shown significant promise.
the series of ADS-33 low speed manoeuvres and random
brownouts which occurred during the trials. The overall handling 7.0 REFERENCES
qualities ratings gathered during this short trial showed that the
blended LART resulted in a significant handling qualities 1 Hoh, Roger, H., Baillie, Stewart W., Morgan, J.M. " Flight
improvement for tasks such as landing and precision hover over Investigation of the Tradeoff between Augmentation and
the standard SAS in DVE. The handling qualities ratings for Displaysfor NOE Flight In Low Visibility" American Helicopter
manoeuvring tasks, such as quickstops and sidesteps were the Society Specialist Meeting on Flight Controls and Avionics, Cherry
same or better than the SAS as well (Figure 13). For the Hill N.J. October 1987
aggressive tasks the blended LART aircraft was noted to provide
some assistance in returning the aircraft to the hover following 2 Fields, Capt. Bruce, " Night Vision Goggles: A Primer", Flying
large amplitude manoeuvres. Safety Magazine, Volume 51, Number 10, pp 22 - 25, October
The most significant result of this ad-hoc trial was the pilot
commentary describing the occasions when the night vision goggle 3 Höh, R.H. "Investigation of Outside Visual Cues Required for
simulators unexpectantly "browned out". Overall, pilots rated the Low Speed and Hover", AIAA 12th Atmospheric Flight
blended LART as superior to a SAS for any brown out event, Mechanics Conference, AIAA 1808, Snowmass Co, August 1985
making the event routinely controllable and making the
consideration of executing a "run-on-landing" possible. One pilot 4 Anon. " Aeronautical Design Standard ADS-33D: Handling
commented that the blended LART system was ".... very much of Qualities Requirements for Military Rotorcraft", July 1994
an advantage over the first system...", (the SAS configuration).
While the pilots differed in opinion as to whether they had the 5 Hart, Daniel C. " ADS-33C Flight Test Maneuvers Validation
ability to land in the brown out condition, it was clear that the level in a Degraded Visual Environment", American Helicopter Society
of workload required to apply power and depart the brown out 50th Annual Forum, Washington D.C. May 1994
condition was much reduced from the ordinary SAS configuration.
The height hold feature of the aircraft was also mentioned as 6 Vollmerhausen, Richard H., Nash, Carolyn, J., " Design Criteria
essential to gain this handling qualities improvement. for Helicopter Night Pilotage Sensors ", American Helicopter
Society 45th Annual Forum, Boston, Mass., May 1989
7 Srinivasan, Ramesh, Baillie, Stewart, Morgan, Murray, Bertrand, 9 Baillie, Stewart W., Morgan, J. Murray, Mitchell, David, Hoh,
Brian, "FOVOS - Field of View and Overlap (Tradeoff) Study", Roger, " The Use of Limited Authority Response Types to
NRC Report in preparation Improve Handling Qualities During Flight in Degraded Visual
Environments" American Helicopter Society 51st Annual Forum,
8 Baillie, Stewart W., Hoh, Roger.H., " The Effect of Reduced Fort Worth Tx, May 1995
Useable Cue Environments on Helicopter Handling Qualities'",
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, Volume 34, Number 3,
ppl44-150, September 1988.
T, = 4 sec
1 r
NVG Max Resolution
>^ 0.6
o 0.4
z 0.2
Figure 3 Resolution of Night Vision Goggles Figure 4 Pilot with Field of View Restrictor
Cyclic Input
"satisfactory without
improvement" boundary
•) l i i i l i i i I i i i I i i_|
0 40 80 120 160
Field of View (Degrees)
□Hover oLanding
oPirouette •Quickstop
(■< ■
A A-
'\ \\
•A." E
N\S •> \
•JC xXiX O
a: °
o =§ "3
\ Q)
V .
-k *• (
KJ> 1-8
V A )
*" 5 *
No. 2
No. 1
a to
S c
a. S.
i o
o3 o
KK^ |-
n O
! XD
X 0 c
<M *■ eg
u. to
Figure 1 Mass, Volume, Energy and Efficiency Comparison of Conventional and Adaptive Flight
Control Actuator Systems over a Simulated 60 Second Flight of a FOG-M Missile (Ref. 1 - 3)
CAP -211 -211 61 61 Bl2 B22 2B26 Dl2 A>2 2Ö26 K22
Ideal Bi6 ß
26 2B66 Ae A>6 2AS6 K
CAP -211 -211 61 61
Actual The above model has been successfully used for
DAP -211 -211 61 0 numerous specimens and generally predicts within 5%
of experimental values. One of the major sources for
DAP -211 -211 60 3
deviation from the above model arises from shear lag
-211 53 61 which is intentionally large in DAP elements. This
IDE 423
Ideal effect is adequately captured by using the methods
IDE 324 -90.8 58 (est.) 61 (est.) outlined in Ref. 7.
Actual One of the most important characteristics of
DAIDE 423 -211 53 0 modern piezoceramic actuators which should be
Ideal captured is the magnitude and direction of
precompression. If the actuators are cured at elevated
temperatures with a substrate which possesses a
Because nearly a decade of fairly accurate laminated coefficient of thermal expansion greater than the
plate models have been put forth and validated for CAP piezoceramic, then the element will become
and DAP elements, only the basics of laminated plate compressed upon cooling after the cure. Equation 4
theory modeling techniques will be presented. From gives a form of Equation 3 which assumes no external
Jones (Ref. 25), it can be seen that an active laminate forces and in-plane precompression strains only.
2E,taaaAT + E<!lt<:a
£ S S S K f
n s
2Eata + Ests
The other very important characteristic of the DAP OR ;i-vr,)-(i-vir)4f)(r +r)
torque-plate and its constituents is obviously related to
the magnitude of laminate twist which may be OREsT\l-vLTvTL) fTl
+ {OR + \-20RvTL
obtained. By closer examination of Equation 3, it can 6EL(l-vs 2 3
be seen that externally applied moments can, logically, (6)
enhance or degrade the amount of laminate twist
deflection. Accordingly, it is imperative that the rotor From Equation 6, it is clear that when the
be balanced so that adverse propeller moments are orthotropy ratio, OR, and the orthotropic strain ratio,
practically nonexistant. Equation 5 is another
Ai/ , go to one, or the thickness ratio, T, goes to
degenerate form of equation 3, considering a laminate /A2
which is constrained in bending. This is generally a infinity, the laminate becomes inactive in twist. From
good assumption as centrifugal forces will completely Equations 5 and 6, it is also clear that the active
overwhelm the laminate tendency to generate bending strains, A, play a very important role in determining
deflections during twist activation. the amount of twist which is directly related to the
amount of unloaded blade pitch by Equation 7.
*12 = [EL{l-vTL)A1 -ET{l-vLT)A2)({ts +2tb)ta +t2ay
0 = KnL■eff
( (7)
/S^-VLTVTL) Where Leff is the effective length of the DAP
+ (EL+ET-2ELvTL) x
6(l-v,) actuator elements over the torque-plate.
DAP Torque-Plate Working Principles torque-plate twisting down
to decrease blade pitch angle top elements expand, bottom elements
contract to twist the torque-plate down
upper electrical lead
DAP torque-plate twisting up to
increase blade pitch angle top elements contract, bottom elements expand to twist the torque-plate up
Figure 2 General Arrangement of the Solid State Rotor System and Torque-Plate
on either side of the hub fixture to brass collars which 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
were the inner races of slip rings. Actuation Potential E3 (V/mm)
After hub assembly, a pair of 0.25mm thick
graphite-epoxy strips were joined to the aluminum Fig. 4 Static Blade Pitch Angle Change as a
sandwiches along the elastic axis and run out to the Function of Applied Voltage (l/2(p-p))
tips of the blades. A leading-edge counterbalance was
added along with a Kevlar trailing-edge stiffener.
Electrical testing was conducted on each element
individually to verify proper performance, and the rotor
was mass balanced to within 0.1 g-cm. Orthogonal
balancing weights were added to the rotor at the tips of
the torque-plates to eliminate adverse propeller
Following bench testing, a series of tests were ran Because bench testing had uncovered a first natural
on the model-scale whirl-stand in the Adaptive frequency in torsion of 42 Hz, a frequency sweep was
Aerostructures Laboratory. Although the Froude-scaled also conducted to determine the rotating blade pitch
rotational speed was 1001 RPM, the maximum speed natural frequency. As expected, it increased less than
of the model-scale rotor was just over 600 RPM. 4% with increasing RPM to 43.5 Hz. Projecting these
Testing was conducted at 200, 400 and 600 RPM with results to the full-Froude scaled rotational speed of
the coefficient of thrust as the primary variable 1001 RPM, the rotor is clearly capable of large
measured, as shown in Fig. 6. amplitude excitations up to 2.5/rev.
Electrical power was delivered through the ground If an HHC system designer can tolerate an
and the external slip-ring assembly to the DAP amplitude loss of 30% and a phase lag approaching
actuator banks. Blade pitch deflections were verified by 180°, then the rotor may be excited up to its break
using laser reflection techniques and the rotor thrust frequency of 63 Hz, or 3.8/rev. Testing was also
was measured by a balance assembly. Fig. 7 shows the conducted with excitation frequencies at 1/rev. From
thrust variation as a function of rotor speed which was simply changing the phase of the signal, the tip-path-
nearly identical for each test condition. Because the plane was observed to tilt fore and aft, left and right up
blade pitch angles did not degrade with increasing to ±5.6°, thereby mimicking the longitudinal and
RPM, the thrust coefficients and coning angles also lateral cyclic functions of conventional helicopters.
matched. The most important parameter, however, was the
variation in steady pitch angle, 0, which achieved its
full range of deflections at all rotor speeds tested. Table
3 summarizes the results of rotor testing.
and Control Conference, New Orleans, LA, April, and Materials, San Diego, CA, February, 1995,
1995, pp. 2289 - 2296, AIAA paper no. AIAA- pp. 89 - 104.
17. Crawley, E. F. and De Luis, Javier, "Use of
7. Barrett, R., "Active Plate and Missile Wing Piezoelectric Actuators as Elements of Intelligent
Development Using EDAP Elements," Journal of Structures," AIAA Journal, Vol. 25, No. 10, Oct.
Smart Materials and Structures, Institute of 1987, pp. 987-997.
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UK, Vol.1, No. 3, September 1992, pp. 214-226. 18. Crawley, E. F, Lazarus, K. B., and Warkentin, D.
J., "Embedded Actuation and Processing in
8. Barrett, R., "Aeroservoelastic DAP Missile Fin Intelligent Materials," Paper presented at the 2nd
Development," Journal of Smart Materials and International Workshop on Composite Materials
Structures, Institute of Physics Publishing, Ltd., and Structures for Rotorcraft, Troy, New York,
Techno House, Bristol, UK, Vol. 2, No. 2, June September, 1989.
1993, pp. 55-65
19. Crawley, E. F., and Anderson, E. H., "Detailed
9. Barrett, R., Gross, R. S., and Brozoski, F., Models of Piezoceramic Actuation of Beams,"
"Missile Flight Control using Active Flexspar Paper presented at the 30th Structures, Structural
Actuators," Journal of Smart Materials and Dynamics and Materials Conference, Mobile,
Structures, Institute of Physics Publishing, Ltd., Alabama, April 1989.
Techno House, Bristol, UK, Vol. 5, No. 2, June
1996, pp. 121 - 128. 20. Hagood, N. W., Kindel, R., Ghandi, K., and
Gaudenzi, P., "Increasing transverse actuation of
10. Barrett, R. M., "Intelligent Rotor Blade Actuation electroceramics using interdigitated surface
through Directionally Attached Piezoelectric electrodes" Proceedings of the North American
Crystals," paper presented at the AHS National Conference on Smart Materials and Structures,
Forum, Washington, D.C. , May 1990. Albuquerque, NM, pp. 341-352, 1993.
11. Barrett, R. M., "Method and Apparatus for 21. Bent, A. A., Hagood, N. W., and Rodgers, J. P.,
Structural Actuation and Sensing in a Desired "Anisotropie Actuation with Piezoelectric Fiber
Direction," U. S. Patent 5,440,193, invention Composites," Proceedings of the Fourth
disclosure: November, 1989, patent issuance: International Conference on Adaptive Structures,
August 1995. Cologne, Germany, November, 1993.
12. Spangler, R. L., and Hall, S. R., "Piezoelectric 22. Anon., Piezo Systems Product Catalog, Piezo
Actuators for Helicopter Rotor Control," 31st Systems, Inc., Cambridge, Mass, 1990.
Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials
Conference, Long Beach, California, April, 1990. 23. Anon., "A Guide to Modern Piezoelectric
Ceramics," Morgan Matroc, Inc., Bedford, Ohio
13. Been-Zeev, O. and Chopra, I., "Continued 1991.
Development of a Helicopter Rotor Model
Employing Smart Trailing-Edge Flaps for 24. Barrett, R., "All-Moving Active Aerodynamic
Vibration Suppression, Proceedings of the SPIE Surface Research," Journal of Smart Materials and
Smart Structures and Materials Conference, Smart Structures, Institute of Physics Publishing, Ltd.,
Structures and Integrated Systems, San Diego, Techno House, Bristol, UK, Vol. 4, No. 4, June
CA, 27 February - 3 March, 1995, pp. 2 - 19. 1995, pp. 65 - 74.
14. Giurgiutiu, V., Chaudhry, Z., and Rogers, C. A., 25. Jones, R. M. Micromechanical Behavior of a
"Engineering Feasibility of Induced-Strain Lamina. In Mechanics of Composite Materials^
Actuators for Rotor Blade Active Vibration Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York,
Control," Smart Structures and Materials 1994, 1975.
February, 1994, Orlando Florida, Paper #2190-11,
SPIE Volume 2190, pp. 107 - 122.
15. Giurgiutiu, V., Chaudhry, Z., and Rogers, C. A.,
"Active Control of Helicopter Rotor Blades with
Induced Strain Actuators," 35th
Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference and
Adaptive Structures Forum, Hilton Head, SC,
April 18-22, 1994, pp. 288 - 298.
16. Strauß, F.K., Merkley, D. J., "Design of a Smart
Material Actuator for Rotor Control," proceedings
of the 1995 SPIE Conference on Smart Structures
6. Title
Advances in Rotorcraft Technology
7. Presented at/sponsored by
The Flight Vehicle Integration Panel Symposium
held in Ottawa, Canada, 27-30 May 1996.
8. Author(s)/Editor(s) 9. Date
Multiple April 1997
12. Distribution Statement There are no restrictions on the distribution of this document.
Information about the availability of this and other AGARD
unclassified publications is given on the back cover.
13. Keywords/Descriptors
Rotary wing aircraft Military aircraft
Design Aviation safety
Specifications Design criteria
Research projects Simulation
Flight characteristics Flight control
Performance Maintenance
14. Abstract
This conference proceedings contains papers presented at a Symposium held in Ottawa, Canada
in May 1996. The meeting was entitled "Advances in Rotorcraft Technology." Rotorcraft will
continue to provide essential military capabilities for the Alliance well into the next century.
The objective of this symposium was to capture the current situation in the rapidly changing
field of rotorcraft technology. Special emphasis in the programme was placed upon the
following subjects:
• the impact of the increasing use of commercial off-the-shelf technology in military
helicopter development and use;
• the increasing acceptance and expanded use of Aeronautical Design Standard ADS-33;
• the issue of rotorcraft flight safety.
It specifically provided information on the Bell 230, the Tiger, Eurocopter EC 135, the V-22
and the RAH Comanche.
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ISBN 92-836-0038-X