Home Loan Application IDBI

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Parameters Salaried Self-Employed (Businessmen) Self-Employed (Professional)
Age Proof School leaving certificate. Same Same
(Any one Passport.
document) Driving License.
Voter's Id card.
Birth certificate by Local authority.
LIC policy or certificate issued by the Gram Panchayat
(Talati/or any authorized person).
Identity Proof Photograph and any one of the following: Same Same
Driving license.
PAN card.
Photo credit card (with embossed signature).
& last 2 months statements.
Employee ID card (Salaried).
Bankers sign verification.
Election Card.
Aadhaar Card.
Letter from a recognized public authority or public
servant verifying the identity and residence of the
customer to the satisfaction of bank.
Confirmation letter from employer/Other bank (Subject
to Satisfaction of the bank).
Address Proof Passport. Same Same
Latest electricity or telephone bill
(Accepted if issue by Govt. or reputed companies).
Title Deed of the property.
Latest house lease agreement duly stamped.
Driving license.
Aadhaar Card.
Election ID card.
Photo credit card (With last 2 months statement).
Latest copy of LIC Insurance policy or premium Receipt.
Bank account statement or passbook.
(First page & page bearing latest transactions).
Employer letter certifying current mailing address.
(Salary Savings Account).
Employee ID card (Only for salary account).
Signature Proof PAN Card. Same Same
Bankers Verification.
Photo ID Credit Card.
Self Signed Cheque.
Income Proof Last 1 year form-16/IT returns for last 2 years supported Copy of last 3 years Income Tax Returns of the Same
by appointment letter/employed certificate. applicant along with computation of income duly
Salary slip for the last 3 months / Salary Certificate attested by a Chartered Accountant.
(If variable components like Over Time and Incentives Copy of last 3 Years Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
are reflected then salary slips for the past 6 months are Account of the firm duly attested by a Chartered
required). Accountant. Along with the all schedules).
Company Profile if it is lesser known organization.
Banking History Last 6 months Bank statement. Bank Statement for the last 1 year for the Savings Bank Statement for the last 1 year for the
Account & Current Account. Savings Account & Current Account.
Running CC limit/OD Limit statement for last 6 Running CC limit/OD Limit statement for
months. last 6 months.
Business proof Copy of either Shop & Establishment License / VAT
Registration or any other mandatory license / Same
Other Mandatory Educational qualification certificate. Self-declaration proprietorship (If applicable). Practice Certificate.
Documents Processing fee cheque. Partnership Deed. Salary Certificate (in case of doctors having
Loan application form duly filled-in along with. MOA, AOA, Certificate of registration, business salaried income.
photographs. commencement certification (If applicable). Copy of Educational Qualification Certificate.
Letter of authority to borrow/Board resolution to Copy of Advance Tax paid / self assessment tax
borrow. (If applicable). paid Challan.
Copy of Tax Deduction certificate / Form - 16A Details of Contract (if applicable).
(if applicable). Copy of Tax Deduction certificate / Form - 16A
Brief Business Profile on the Letter Head of the firm (if applicable).
by the applicant. (State how large is the client in his Copy of the Partnership Deed (if Applicable),
business in the city, location, infrastructure, Area in letter of authority to borrow (If applicable).
sq ft of the business premises, Customer segmen- Brief Business Profile on the Letter Head of the
tation, brands sold, Average margins, Expansion firm by the applicant.(State how large is the
plans, future prospects etc). client in his business in the city, location,
Processing fee cheque. infrastructure, Area in sq ft of the business
Educational qualification certificate. premises, Customer segmentation, brands
Loan application form duly filled-in along with sold, Average margins, Expansion plans,
photographs. future prospects etc.).
Processing fee cheque.
Educational qualification certificate.
Loan application form duly filled-in along
with photographs.
Persons with Certificate from Competent authority certifying the Certificate from Competent authority certifying Certificate from Competent authority
disabilities extent of disability. the extent of disability. certifying the extent of disability.
All documents mentioned above have to be self attested by the customer as true copy. All the documents have to be verified with the original & certified as verified with original by the Bank
official. In addition to the above, all legal and technical documents pertaining to the property, which is proposed to be mortgaged with the bank are also to be submitted. The list of these
documents may be obtained from the RAC. The above is only an indicative list and the Bank reserves the right to ask for further documents, if required.
Application No. 507406
Branch Code
Associate Code


Loan Type: Loan for Construction Purchase Renovation Improvement Takeover Plot Loan Against Property
Loan for Insurance premium: Life Insurance Property Insurance
The Branch Head / Center Head
IDBI Bank Limited.
I/we request that a loan of ` Rupees (In words)
only may be granted to me against the security of mortgage of property and such other securities as may be required by the Bank. Necessary
particulars for consideration of this application are given below:
INSTRUCTIONS (Please read carefully)
Please write or type in BLOCK LETTERS
All details must be filled in. If not applicable please write N.A.
In order to ensure faster processing, applicants should ensure that the application is
complete in every respect and all the required documents are submitted with this Please paste Please paste
application Passport Size, Passport Size,
Please take photocopies of all documents that are submitted to IDBI Bank (Including this Latest, Color Photo Latest, Color Photo
application form) for your personal record. and Sign Across and Sign Across

IDBI Bank reserves the right to reject any application at any stage.
Tick  whichever is applicable.



Name Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Ms.

First Name : First Name :

Middle name : Middle name :

Surname : Surname :

Gender Male Female Third Gender Male Female Third Gender

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Age : (dd/mm/yy) Age :

Relationship with applicant :

Father’s Name Mr. Mr.

Persons with disabilities Blind Deaf Physically challenged Blind Deaf Physically challenged
Marital Status Single Married Divorced Widow Single Married Divorced Widow

Residential Status Resident Indian NRI PIO OCI Resident Indian

Current Residential Address Same as applicant

Pin Pin

Permanent Residential Address

Pin Pin

Phone No. (R) (Mb) (R) (Mb)

E-mail ID

No. of Direct Dependents Children Other Children Other

Qualification Graduate Post Graduate Matriculate Graduate Post Graduate Matriculate

Diploma Others __________________ Diploma Others __________________
Residence: Owned Rented Co. Provided Parental / Spouse No. of years at Current residence:
Residence Type: Flat Chawl Bungalow Independent House Others
Caste: Gen SC ST OBC Minority Others
Location: Rural Semi urban Urban Metro Community/Religion: ______________________________

Occupation Employed Professional Business Others Employed Professional Business Others

Name of Employer / Business

Office Address (Present)

Pin Pin

Office Phone No. Ext Fax Ext Fax

Designation for
Salaried Applicant Employed Since Employed Since
Website Address Department &
Employment No.
No. of years in present service Yrs. Months. Years to Retirement Yrs. Yrs. Months. Years to Retirement Yrs.

Previous Employment/Business
details (if less than two years in
current Employment / Business)
Pin Tel. Pin Tel.

Total Work Experience Yrs. Months Yrs. Months

Communication Address Current Residential Address Permanent Residential Address Office Address Co-applicants current address

Vehicles Used Presently: Car Two-Wheeler No. of Vehicles: One Two More Vehicle: Owned Co. Provided Financed


Gross Monthly Income ` `

Net Monthly Take Home ` `

Other Income (specify sources) ` `

Average monthly expenses ` `

Monthly Installments you can pay ` `

1. Property and other Assets ` `

2. Motor Vehicles ` `

3. Fixed Deposit (if any) ` `

4. Current balance in PPF ` `

5. Current balance in PF (Your Share) ` `

6. Other Investments (Bonds/ Securities) ` `

7. Sum assured of Insurance Policy ` `

LIABILITIES: Name & address of Balance Balance Balance Balance

institution from whom loan has Outstanding Term Outstanding Term
been availed with purpose of loan (`) (Months) EMI (`) (`) (Months) EMI (`)

Total Liabilities ` `

BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS* (Preferably Salary Credit A/c. if more than one A/c.)
Name of Account Holder Name of Bank Branch Current/ Account No. (s) Operations Avg. Bal.
Address Saving Account for (yrs.) (`)

(If you have A/c. in IDBI Bank please furnish the details) PAN No.: GIR No.:



Cost ` Amount already paid `
(excluding cost for rooftop
Solar Photovoltaic (PVC)) Balance amount required `
Installation Solar PVs `
Sources for balance requirements :
Purchase price (agreement value) / Construction Cost
/ Land Cost / Extention Cost / Improvement Cost IDBI Bank Loan (Proposed) `
(Please strike out whatever is not applicable)
Savings from banks `
In case of Purchase, also specify,
Applicable Taxes ` PF refundable / non-refundable `

Registration Cost ` Disposal of investments / assets `

Stamp Duty `
Other (specify) `
Any Other Charges `
(Please specify) `

Total Funds Required ` Total `


Applicant Co-applicant
Name of the Issuer Credit Card Number / C.C. Limit Credit Card Number / C.C. Limit


Loan amount sought : `
Term of Loan : Years
Payment Method (Please select the mode of repayment convenient to you)
Standing Instructions* ECS
(*Only for IDBI Bank A/c Holder)


Property address (As per Agreement to sale/Sale deed) Area of Land

Area of Flat

Property Type Freehold Leasehold

Ownership Type Sole Joint
Present Owner
Nearest Landmark

Proposed Owner’s Name :

Stage of Construction Completed Under Construction
Name 1 :
If under construction : Expected date of possession
Name 2 :
Percentage of work completed

Reference 1 Reference 2
Name Name

Address Address

Occupation Occupation
Tel. No. Tel. No.
Mobile No. Mobile No.

I/We declare that all the particulars and information given in the application form are true, correct and complete and updated in all respects and
I/We have not withheld any information and that they shall form the basis of any loan on IDBI Bank may decide to grant me/us. I/We confirm that
there are no insolvency proceedings against me/us nor have I/We ever been adjudicated insolvent and further confirm that I/We have read the
brochure, terms and conditions applicable to this loan and understood the contents. I/We understand and agree that the processing fees and
administrative fees are non refundable and my/our application being rejected by the Company for any reason whatsover, or the same being
withdrawn by me, I/We shall not be entitled for refund of the same either in part or in full. I am/We are aware that the repayments are by way of
Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs) comprising principal and interest and are calculated on the basis of monthly interests. I/We also undertake
to authorise my/our employer(s) to deduct EMIs from my/our salary and remit the same to IDBI Bank directly every month. I/We also undertake to
inform IDBI Bank regarding changes in my/our occupation/employment and to provide any further information that the bank may require. I/We
further agree that my/our loan shall be governed by the terms and conditions of IDBI Bank that are in force and may be amended by the bank
from time to time. I/We shall not hold IDBI Bank responsible for the quality of construction, delay in completion of construction, change in
specification and delivery of the property for which the loan is applied for. I/We further agree that the bank is its sole discretion may reject my
application and that I/We reserve no right to appeal against this decision of the bank. I/We confirm having read the terms and conditions
governing the loans from IDBI Bank I am/We are applying for a loan to acquire the property for own use and not for speculative purpose. I am/We
are citizen(s) of India. I/We shall advise you in writing of any changes in my/our resident status. “I/we have read, understood and acknowledge and
agree that IDBI Bank may refer my/our name to credit referencing agency/ies and/or make such references and enquiries as the bank may
consider necessary. I/We hereby authorize to disclose such information relating to my/our credit facility to such parties as deemed necessary at
the sole discretion of the bank . Further, I/We have read, understood, acknowledge and agree that a request and demand from any authority under
the statutory law will be mandatorily complied with by the bank .”

For Office Use Signature & Date

Credit facility applied for `________________.

Rate of Interest- a) Floating: ______% p.a. (MCLR for _____- ____ + ____% )
with applicable reset clause
b) Fixed: ________% p.a.

Manner of Charging Interest (Monthly/Quarterly/H.yrly/Annual)

Signature of Applicant Signature of Co-applicant
Additional & Penal interest rates________________% p.a.
Processing Fees & Other Charges ` _____________. Date: / / Date: / /
Schedule of charges: Please visit / Login to our Bank website or
visit nearest Branch / RAC for more details. Place: Place:
IDBI Bank Limited Application No.
Branch _____________________________ Application Receipt date:



Your Loan Application dated: - _______________________________

We acknowledge receipt of your application for Loan of `______________________________________________________________________

on______________________. The application is being taken up for processing and we wish to state that the following shall apply to the subject loan:
Sr. No. Particulars
1 Total Processing Fees inclusive of Applicable Taxes `
2 Rate of Interest: a) Floating: ______% p.a. (MCLR for _____- _____ + _____% ) with applicable reset clause
b) Fixed: ________% p.a.
3 Periodicity of interest charging: Monthly
4 Additional and penal interest rate: %
5 Documentation charges: As per State Stamp Act, to be borne by the borrower
6 In case any additional documents or information is required, the Bank would get in touch with you.
The Bank shall endeavor to convey a decision on your application within 7 working days if your application and
7 supporting documents are complete in all respects.

(NOTE: *Subject to realisation of cheque.)

The expected time frame for processing of loan application is given below. The time frame is subject to fulfilment of formalities by the
Sr.No. Product Timeframe
Home Loan 8-10 working days at Retail Assets Centre
1 12-15 working days for other Branches
Loan Against Property & its variants Reverse Mortgage Loan
8-10 working days for loan falling under Branch power
2 Education Loan & its variants 14-16 working days for loans falling above Branch power.
3 Auto Loan & its variants 2- 4 working days
4 Personal Loan & its variants 2- 4 working days
1) Processing of application is subject to submission of all necessary information/documents required for processing the application.
2) Sanction of loan is subject to conformity with Bank's policy and procedures and is an entirely at Bank's discretion.
3) For any queries /further assistance you may please contact giving the above application no. and date of receipt for any further

4) Name
Contact No.
RAC Thanking You
Yours Faithfully

Branch manager / RAC Center Head

(Name & Designation)


Branch _____________________________

Acknowledgement issued to Mr./Mrs./Ms.________________________________________________________________________ for his/her/their

loan application dated _________________ with application No. _______________ dated_______________.

Branch Manager/ RAC Center Head

Signature of the Applicant (Name & Designation)
(FOR NEW HL/LAP CUSTOMERS) Application Number

Please complete all sections in BLOCK LETTERS Boxes where appropriate and write N.A. if not applicable. Fields marked with (*) are mandatory.

Customer Name:
Your Name on the Card:


*SOL ID. *Cust. ID *Application Date D D M M Y Y Y Y

*Plastic Code *Promo Code 0 0 0 0 8 *Product Code * Fee Code

*Source Code Employee Code OBST/ DST Code

*HL / LAP Account No.: *Sanctioned Amount:
(Minimum `10 lakhs)
*Net Adjusted monthly Income#: *CIBIL Score: (Minimum Score 650)
*Proposed Credit Limit: (Maximum `10 lakhs)
As per ALPS (Automated Loan Processing System)

*Apply for Aspire Visa Platinum Royale Visa Signature Euphoria Mastercard World Winnings RuPay Select
*Enable transactions for Domestic only Domestic & International
*Preferred Billing/Mailing/Communication Address Current Office Email & SMS alerts will be sent to your email &
*Preferred Mode of Statement Email Physical Mobile registered with IDBI Bank Limited.

I would like to apply for Add-on Cards for
*Applicant 1:
Add-on 1
Please paste recent
*Name as you would like to have on your card U P T O 1 9 C H A R A C T E R S Passport size colored
Photograph here
*Gender M F *Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y

*Relationship Spouse Parent Sibling Child (above 18 years of age) oss

*PAN No. Aadhaar No.

(*Applicable for Royale Signature, Euphoria World and Winnings Select Cards Only)
*Applicant 2:
Add-on 2
Please paste recent
*Name as you would like to have on your card U P T O 1 9 C H A R A C T E R S Passport size colored
Photograph here
*Gender M F *Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y

*Relationship Spouse Parent Sibling Child (above 18 years of age) oss

*PAN No. Aadhaar No.

INSURANCE CLAUSE (*Applicable for Royale Signature, Euphoria World and Winnings Select Cards Only)

I, ...................................................................................... do hereby assign the monies payable for the insurance under Air Accident policy
(Name of Primary Card Applicant)
offered by Insurance company, as decided by IDBI Bank Limited from time to time, to....................................................................................
(Nominee Name)
my .......................................................................................................... .
I further declare that his/ her receipt shall be sufficient discharge to the insurance company.

Signature of Primary Card Applicant

Fees and Charges (Subject to revision from time to time)
Card Aspire Royale Euphoria Winnings RuPay
Primary NIL NIL 1499 899
Joining Fee
Add-on Free Free Free Free
Primary NIL* NIL* 1499 899
Annual Fee
Add-on Free Free Free Free
Waiver of Annual Fee N.A. N.A. On Annual On Annual
(Subject to Min. annual card usage#) Spend of `1.5 lakh Spend of `90,000/-
*Limited period offer. #Regular payment of dues every month. N.A. = Not Applicable. Fee and charges are exclusive of Applicable taxes
Note: All details related to the customer, for Credit Card Application Processing purpose viz. demographics, profiling, contacts etc., will be as per the HL / LAP

Application form / as updated in the ALPS or Finacle.

Sir/ Madam,
Re: Authority to Debit my SB/CA a/c against my IDBI Bank Credit Card Dues
I have applied for IDBI Bank Credit Card.
I irrevocably authorize IDBI Bank Ltd to debit my Saving / Current Account No.
maintained at IDBI Bank Ltd. towards

Total amount due (TAD) Minimum amount due (MAD)
I, hereby also confirm that I am an authorized signatory of the above stated a/c & it pertains to me.
Yours faithfully,
(In case of joint A/c,
X signatures of all joint A/c
holders required.)

Signature of Primary Card Applicant Name & Signature Name & Signature

I Recommend & Verify the above signature(s)

Name of Primary Card Applicant
For IDBI Bank Ltd.
Name of Authorised Signatory___________________________________________
EIN No._________________________ Signature of Bank Officer


The Manager
IDBI Bank Limited
Sir/ Madam,

Re: IDBI Bank Credit Card application

With regard to my credit card application, submitted to you for consideration, I hereby assure that there will be no default in payment against my IDBI Bank Credit
Card bill. However, in the event of default in making payment of IDBI Bank Credit Card dues, you are irrevocably authorized to debit any of my SB/CA/other A/Cs
maintained with you against the demand raised by IDBI Bank Ltd.

Yours faithfully,
(In case of joint A/c,
X signatures of all joint A/c
holders required.)

Signature of Primary Card Applicant Name & Signature Name & Signature

Account No. Date D D M M Y Y Y Y

I/We, through this Application Form, do hereby request IDBI Bank Ltd. to grant me/us the credit card and add-on card(s) as mentioned hereinabove. I/We do hereby declare and confirm
that I/We have personally read and understood and interpreted in vernacular, in full, before execution of all terms & conditions that have been received by me/us.. It is my/our responsibility
to obtain the terms and conditions applying to the IDBI Bank credit card and add-on card separately and read the same. I/We shall be bound by the terms and conditions as may be in force
from time to time. I/We undertake that the usage of the credit cards and the add-on card shall be strictly as per the Exchange Control Regulations of the Regulatory authorities/RBI as
applicable from time to time which I/We undertake to keep myself/ourselves updated with and in any event of any failure to do so, shall be liable for action under the Foreign Exchange
Management Act 1999, or its statutory or re-enactment thereof. I, being Primary Card Applicant, understand that I am liable to honour all the charges incurred on Primary Card & add-on
card(s) as applicable from time to time and I shall be billed for the add-on card(s) in my monthly statement I/We agree that it will be my/our responsibility to provide identity and address or
any other additional documents and/or information of the add-on Cardholder(s) that may be required by IDBI Bank in future. I/We accept that the use of the add-on-card(s) by the add-on-
card(s) holder(s) constitutes acceptance of the terms of the use of the cardholder(s) Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time. I/We accept that the facility of an add-on-card(s)
will stand automatically terminated in case of termination of membership of the primary cardholder.
I/We understand that service tax as applicable from time to time will be levied on fees, interest and other charges. Credit limit on my/our card(s) account may be reviewed as per the Bank
policies specified from time to time and the Bank will be entitled to cancel my/our application/cards/add-on card/alter the credit/cash limit/product upgrade at any time without assigning
any reasons.
I/We confirm and undertake that all the particulars and information provided herein is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and nothing herein is suppressed or concealed.
I/We further confirm that I am/We are not defaulter of any Credit Institution/bank and my/our repayments are regular. I/We agree and hereby authorise IDBI Bank Ltd. to exchange, share or
part all the information, data or documents relating to my/our application with other IDBI Group of Companies/ Banks/ Financial Institutions/ Credit Bureaus/ Agencies/ Statutory
Bodies/such other Persons as IDBI Bank Ltd. may deem necessary and I/We shall not hold IDBI Bank Ltd. liable for exchanging/sharing or parting with such information.
By signing this application form, I/We understand that for all the transactions effected through the credit card/add-on credit card(s), myself/ourselves including my/our successors, legal
heirs, assignees shall be lawfully responsible for making payments of the same, as per the payment schedule in force from time to time. I, being Primary Card Applicant, further understand
that merely disputing the transactions effectuated through my credit card and/or add-on card(s) shall not absolve my liability to defer/delay payment of my credit card and/or add-on card(s)
dues as may be billed to me from time to time.
I/We have no objection to IDBI Bank Ltd., its group companies, agents/representative to provide me/us information on various products, offers and services provided by IDBI Bank Ltd. / its
group companies through any mode (including without limitation through telephone calls/ SMSs/ emails) and authorise IDBI Bank Ltd., its group companies, agents / representative for the
above purpose. □Yes □ No (Please tick Yes or No, as applicable)
I/we understand that IDBI Bank Ltd. will provide the credit card and the add-on card as per its internal policies and may issue a different card in case I am/We are not eligible, as per its policy
for the card applied for.
I/We agree to abide by the terms and conditions as may be amended by the Bank from time to time, without giving notice to me/us. The most important terms & conditions as available on
the website http://www.idbibank.com or http://www.idbi.com has been read by me/us and I/We agree to abide by them.

X X X Signature of Add-on Card Applicant 2*

Signature of Primary Card Applicant Signature of Add-on Card Applicant 1 (Applicable for Signature/ Euphoria Cards only)

Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Place

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