Information On Flexible Loan Product and JPY Lending Rates - 27 Jan 2023

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 Overview of Flexible Loan Product (FLP) – Sovereign borrowers

• Main Features
• Loan Charges
• Conversion Options
• Interest rate conversion
• Transaction Fees

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FLP Main Features – Sovereign Borrowers
• Interest Rate Conversion • USD, JPY, Euro
• Other currencies in which ADB can efficiently intermediate
• Currency Conversion

• Cost-base USD: 6-month SOFR

Rate compounded in arrears
JPY: 6-month TONA
compounded in arrears
Euro: 6-month Euribor
• Full or Partial Other currencies in which
ADB can efficiently
intermediate: Recognized
floating rate benchmark for

• Commitment- • Annuity
FLP • Effective
other currencies
0.50% for loans negotiated
on or after 1 January 2014
linked • Straight- Spread
• Custom- • Maturity Sovereign and sovereign-
tailored Premium guaranteed borrowers (for
• Bullet loans approved on or after
1 Jan 2021)
• Disbursement- • Straight-
linked Line
• (Rebates) or (US Dollar 0.19%
Surcharges on for 1 Jan – 30 Jun 2023
Funding Cost
Eliminated for loans negotiated
FLP= Flexible Loan Product on or after 1 Oct 2007

0.15% based on the undisbursed

Information as of Jan 2023 balance of loan
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Loan Charges (USD,JPY & EUR ) –
Sovereign FLP
Loan Charges Basis USD JPY EUR
A. Lending Rate
Adjusted every 6 6-month SOFR 6-month TONA
Cost Base Rate months for floating rate compounded in compounded in 6-month EURIBOR
loans arrears arrears
Fixed for the life of the
Effective Contractual
loan (Formal Loan 0.50%
Negotiation Date)

C0 B and C1 C2 C3 C4
Maturity Premium ≤ 9 years NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL
Fixed for the life of the > 9 years and up to 13 years NIL NIL 0.10% 0.20% 0.40%
(for loans approved loan (Average Loan >13 years and up to 16 years NIL 0.10% 0.20% 0.30% 0.50%
on or after 1 Jan Maturity)
> 16 years and up to 19 years NIL 0.20% 0.30% 0.50% 0.75%
(with limit of 19 years average loan maturity)

Rebate/Surcharge Adjusted every 6 + 0.19% - 0.33% + 0.02%

on Funding Cost months (Applicable for (Applicable for (Applicable for
Margin (ADB calculation) 1 Jan – 30 Jun 2023) 1 Jan – 30 Jun 2023) 1 Jan – 30 Jun 2023)

Based on undisbursed
B. Commitment Charge 0.15%
C. Front-End Fee Not applicable* - - -

* In general, front-end fee is not applicable for most lending modalities

Information as of Jan 2023
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Rebate/Surcharge on Funding Cost Margin

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Example: Lending Rates (USD,JPY & EUR _ Floating Rate) for
Sovereign FLP
(Lending rate for Loan No. XXXX-DMC; Average Loan Maturity = 12.75 years )
Cost Base Rate SOFR compounded over 6- | TONA compounded over 6- 6-month EURIBOR
month interest periods month interest periods
(Adjusted every 6 months)
determined in arrears determined in arrears

Effective Contractual 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%

Spread (Fixed)
Maturity Premium 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Rebate/Surcharge on 0.19% -0.33% 0.02%
Funding Cost Margin
(Adjusted every 6 months -
ADB calculation)

Net Lending Rate * 6-month SOFR compounded 6-month TONA compounded 6-month EURIBOR +
in arrear+ 0.69 % in arrears+ 0.17 % 0.52%

Net Lending Rate a** + 0.69% b** +0.17 % 2.928+0.52

as of 27 Jan 2023** 4.82% (estimated) + 0.02% (estimated) + = 3.448%
(varies) 0.69% = 5.51% 0.17% = 0.19%

* Floor rate of zero will apply if the net lending rate is negative.
**6-month SOFR / TONA compounded in arrear will only be determined after the end of interest period
Note: The net lending rate varies over the life of the fixed rate loan since rebate/surcharge is adjusted every 6 months.
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Normalized USD-INR, EUR-INR & JPY-INR Exchange rates:
Jan 2003- Jan 2023

USD-INR ( white line), EUR-INR (blue line), JPY-INR (red line)

Note: Over the past 20 years, USD has appreciated against INR by 70.70 %, EUR has appreciated by 71.59% and
JPY has appreciated by 58.20 %
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Nomalized USD-INR, EUR-INR & JPY-INR Exchange rates:
Jan 2013- Jan 2023

USD-INR ( white line), EUR-INR (blue line), JPY-INR (red line)

Note: Over the past 10 years, USD has appreciated against INR by 53.29 %, EUR has appreciated by 23.14.38%
and JPY has appreciated by 8.42 %
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Conversion Options

• Borrowers may change the original selection of currency

choice and interest basis of their loan

• Borrowers can use the conversion provisions in the Loan

Agreement, subject to relevant provisions of;

• Ordinary Operations Loan Regulations

• Conversion Guidelines

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Interest Rate Conversion

With FLP, borrowers may change the interest rate basis of

their loan:
• For all or part of disbursed balance, and
• For all or part of the remaining life

Borrowers may request a conversion:

• At disbursement
• Anytime after disbursement
• Through a Specified Rate Fixing schedule
• At regular time intervals (Specified Rate Fixing by Period)
• When disbursement reaches a threshold amount (Specified
Rate Fixing by Amount)

After conversion new lending rates would reflect cost of

corresponding hedge transaction

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Example: Lending Rate – FLP
(Indicative lending rate for Loan XXXX-DMC; Average Loan Maturity = 12.75 years)
Cost Base Rate 6-month TONA compounded Fixed Swap Rate
in arrears
Effective Contractual 0.50% 0.50%
Spread (Fixed)
Maturity Premium (Fixed) 0.00% 0.00%

Rebate/Surcharge on -0.33% -0.33%

Funding Cost Margin
(Adjusted every 6 months -ADB

Net Lending Rate ** 6-month TONA compounded Fixed Swap Rate

(varies) in arrears + 0.17 %
+ 0.17%
Net Lending Rate 0.02 (estimated) + 0.17%= 1.07 + 0.17%=
as of 27 Jan 2023** 0.19% 1.24%

**Floor rate of zero will apply if the net lending rate is negative .
*** 6-month SOFR/TONA compounded in arrear will only be determined at the end of the interest period.

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Conversion Transaction Fees

Interest Rate Conversions

 Initial rate fixings for up to the full maturity
of the loan for amounts up to the
outstanding loan amount
No charge

 Additional rate fixing/unfixing


Currency Conversions
 Un-disbursed loan amounts

 Disbursed loan amount
Conversion fees are expressed as percentage of the principal amount
involved and it is a one-time fee payable at the time of conversion
except for local currency conversions.
 Local Currency conversion
For Local currency conversion, an annual fee of 0.02% of the
outstanding principal hedged amount will be charged to the borrower.
0.02% p.a.

Interest Rate Caps and Collars

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Indicative Fixed Rate Disbursement / Conversion:
SOFR Loans


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Useful Information on ADB’s Website
ADB’s Flexible Loan
Product (FLP) brochure adb-flexible-loan-product.pdf

FLP at a Glance –

Sovereign Borrowers flp-overview.pdf

Information on LIBOR

Transition sector-financing/libor-transition

Guidelines for conversion of

loan terms for ADB’s FLP guidelines-conversion-loan-terms-adb-

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Thank you.

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