Memory Mayer

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Bernadette Mayer

Originally published in 1976 by North Atlantic Books (Plainfield, Vermont).

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This work is a new kind of autobiography. Adults do not normally remember that way in which they
experienced as children. They remember events and incidents but they cannot recapture past ways of
functioning and modes of experiencing. In the adults remembrances are brought into consciousness
in a changed form. The past is represented in terms of present day ego structure, defenses, interests,
needs and moral values.
In MEMORY, Bernadette Mayer not only provides us with data from the past, recent and
remote, but she has somehow found the means to recreate archaic modes of representation of inner
and outer sensory data, by reviving the quality of consciousness in which they occurred.
Chronological ordering is replaced by shifts of consciousness, daytime logic by primary mechanism,
and verbal thought by pictorial imagery.
With her opening line she puts us on notice that her "memory" is regulated by a constantly
changing organization of consciousness, shifting from perceived external reality to internal images
and from present to past as present. Various balances are struck between internal and external
reality. In these altered states of consciousness internal stimuli are experienced as external reality, as
in a dream. In such states, differentiation between internal and external perception, that is, between
sensation, thought and feelings on the one hand, and perception of external reality on the other, is
not fixed and rigid, but fluid and dynamic. Even fragmentary revival of such ancient ways of
functioning usually requires either the deliberate alteration of consciousness as in hypnotic age
regression, or spontaneously in dreams.
Bernadette Mayer has accomplished a much more impressive restoration in a waking state.
How? Here is where my understanding fails. I know what she has done, but the "how" is the forever
mystery of creative talent. Her writing is sensory prose poetry with immense evocative power. If the
reader is able to suspend his usual waking daytime logic he will have a unique and stirring
experience, and perhaps discover something important about himself.
If Bernadette Mayer has any progenitors they are most probably Proust and Joyce. But she is
no mere epigone. Her writing is so originnal that it seems very much like her own invention. But I
had better stop here since I realize suddenly that I am so envious that I am struggling with strongly
competitive urges.

David Rubinfine, M.D.

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July 1
& the main thing is we begin with a white sink a whole new language is a temptation. Men on the
wall in postures please take your foot by your hand & think that this is pictures, picture book &
letters to everyone dash you tell what the story is once once when they were nearly ready thursday
july first was a thursday: back windows across street I'm in sun out image windows & so on
riverdale, did you know that, concentrated dash was all there was mind nothing sink... with my
white pants in it. I dont remember this dont remember thinking one on one white & whiter the
word pictures, sing on the wall in pictures did you get it right thought: yellow slat on the left side
where are you? first on the roll comes first but what is growing backwards, motion growing
backwards rocking back & forth or still one in a chair one lies in bed the tv is on out of boredom
nothing soaking the clothes were still in the sink from the night before water & soap in the morning
it's blue around & out the back windows of the blue room there's light of course light & the
number six waking up with us crooked...under the windows other end under the street i look at
myself in the mirror a painter in the side window that brings in the before noon light it was before
that & so was i remembering what was somebody saying, tea, that this person was old could be a
hundred years old that i could be a hundred years old my hair's back chin on knee, see, you drop a
hair on the floor a long one it'll be there a long time floor as big as this we dont clean it too often
like the parking lot near west broadway you crack walnuts one by one the one by the fire pump it
was a hot day feel those people out, we are an image speed we are an image sound & by now i think
it's speed sound by subway punched in the breast a drug bust ed dials the phone:
1. Ed.
he leans against the machine a fortune in tom's shirt he isnt talking
he leans against the machine a fortune in t's shirt
wasnt anyone home some song sing being sun we are reminding you:
he isnt talking wasnt anyone home some song sing being sun
we are now in an image, sound, his hair was pulled back mind too
they're sons we are reminding you
but now he leans against the machine, reels, & while it's on i've turned
we are now in an image sound his hair was
off the light a powerful light that was on it's off & outside
pulled back
they've turned the people working have turned the saw drill scooper off
mine too but now he leans against the machine
& it's lights off & ed rests in bed but i'm already dressed in a rubber
reels & while it's on i've turned off the light a powerful light
coat waiting to go out to the bookstore & now their machine is a drill
that was on is off & outside they've turned the people working
it starts up again to drive down. heroine-strychnine. will our teeth
into rest
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start to hurt & rear window in the rain did i hear it : hurricane
have turned the saw drill or scooper off & it's
Erica Attica state prison & demands free
lights off ed rests in bed but i'm already dressed in a
image in the window sound reels half. there's a bag with a
rubber coat waiting to go out to the bookstore & now their
container of coffee we drank it. i was sitting on my legs making phone
machine a drill starts up again to drive down
calls someone patted my head with shining eyes with eyes was working in
downtown heroine & strychnine will our teeth start
a room with a piano, in & out the door, i went to two record stores
to hurt & rear window in the rain did i hear it:
to get...we looked through catalogues of sounds i dont know but there
hurricane Erica Attica state prison & demands free
were always alot of papers around if i had started coming over there
image in & out the window sound reels half
all the time i would have flunked out of school, why didnt he?
there's a bag with a container of coffee
for paper full of sounds on record, the index file with a girl
we drank it. i was sitting on my legs making calls
on a beach in color on it the calendar behind it big breasts plugged in
someone pats you on the head with shining eyes with eyes
what view i've also seen from eddie's window two e.b.'s
was working in a room with a piano, in & out the door
he was here tonight you can always tell the time, the view was
I went to two record stores to get
coronet vsq brandy & yellow yellow taxis down broadway, myself as
we looked through catalogues of sounds but there
a whore, the circus theater climax i was bored that day listening to
were always alot of papers lying around working being done
sounds, i was looking at our notebook more lists of sounds a bakery
if i had started coming over there all the time i would
a restaurant a bar a plane taking off cars going by the 20th century
have flunked out of school
fox fanfare many songs & musics a sign saying vertically howard
and on for papers full of sounds on record
that view again higher it looked threatening like rain & clock
the index file with a girl on a beach in color on it
reads 12:10 we were up early we did the light on me was morning light
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calendar behind it big breasts plugged in

where i look old saying vertically sony this is the part of
what view i've also seen from eddie's window two e.b.'s
sky that cleared first blue an earlier blue a blue under people
he was here tonight you can tell the time, the view was
under people across crossing the street we were in a car we had
corn yellow taxis taxi down broadway myself as a whore of some
met a guy that lives in vito's building we had talked about sounds
nationality the circus theater
hitched a ride from a guy from colorado or wyoming figured he couldn't
refuse us down fifth avenue under blue no turns n.y. public library
i was bored sounds a bakery a restaurant a bar
want to go in no because the story goes
a plane taking off cars going by by the 20th century fox
tom met us at image tom & i went to hers to pick up
fantasy fanfare many songs 7 musics a sign says vertically howard
dope for the trip we had picked up money from his cashed it
that view again
at a first nation city skunks and, had alot of cash on us, hitched
& higher it's threatening like rain & clock reads
ride to the right street in colorado i had a camera we stopped for
12:10 we were up early we did the light on me was morning light
ice yellow & green ice the sun in the sun melting & smelting together
where i look older saying vertically sign sony money
melting in our pockets bought an ounce of grass for forty dollars
this is the part of the sky that cleared first blue
got two tabs of sunshine then we still have them frozen later
an earlier blue a blue under people under people across crossing
his check bounced but ours didnt that is till much later but not that one
the street saying horizontally we are in a car we are
the image sound went out on the streets a completely blue face
moving we had met a guy we meet him he lives in v's bldg.
continuing on he was living in the country where we . . .
we talk about sounds hitch a ride from colorado or on some corner
on another corner i mailed the letter we went
wyoming figure he cant refuse us down fifth under blue no turns
back & skipping all the dishes we're in riverdale looking out the window
ny public library lions want to go in no because the
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at two red cars with black tops was torn still with us no change that
story goes
to t. how did we get there?
tom met us at image we went to hers to pick up
out all the windows we go wishing we could go out the windows
dope for the trip we had money a check cash it at a first nation
i explained, wonder under are are looking the whole story stop
city skunk it's back it's cash
a third red car passes under next to 2 red black-tops we eat
hitch to the right hitch to the left of colorado on
& grey rain windows in the same place placed in the same
some map i have a camera we stop for ice yellow & green ice
where we had working & moving we had lived here ed had all
in the sun melting & smelting together the money melting
his left almost later we worked on windows i thought of stan brakhage
in our pockets buy an ounce of grass for forty dollars get
never had a baby here was pregnant in this room
two icy tabs of sunshine freeze them
back windows threatening but rain makes green or under brings
later one check bounced but the other didnt
a shady window & torn at the stove nikita kruschev dies
the image sound went out on the streets
elisha cook jr
a completely blue face continuing on he was living in the
i thought he had died how many times have you died in films
country where we
in humphrey bogart's suit?
on some corner on another corner i mail the letters we go
we think that t begrudges us fixes us cheeseburgers with a top
back & skipping all the dishes we're in riverdale north
on the pan his method we hasnt come to dinner i ate leftover chicken
looking diagonally out across the window opening at two
with gravy & a tomato with a saltshaker, t in the yellow curtain light
red cars with black tops
turns violet where does it come from i was resting on the top of the
out all the windows let me explain wonder under are are looking
refrigerator & white white hospital light on ed white rows of light
the whole story a 3rd red car passes under next to
rain makes green to purple come fluorescence i guess in the kitchen at
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2 red black-tops we eat dinner

least ed was watching tv
& grey rain windows in the same place placed in the same
inside the refrigerators lots of soda beer & invisible violet
we had worked on moving here & windows back out the back is
food more food hot & damp tracing my steps through the house
threatening but rain makes green or brings it under
looking around the hallway focus on dark chair & telephone table
& a shady window with torn at the stove violet
clear yellow light of the white door what looks so square in design
nikita kruschev dies elisha cook jr says how many times
is everyone working involved no relation to anyone else's
he had died in humphrey bogart's suit
idea of projection image sound had come up with us a yellow & blue that
we think that t. fixes cheeseburgers with a top
isnt there & two paler blues, it got darker night thunderstorms with
on the pan his method is careful we hadnt come for dinner
parents are swell they bring back old times when protected life fell
i eat chicken & a tomato with saltshaker, t in the yellow curtain
evenly over us at night if a thunderstorm ever breaks out again
light turns violet where does it come from i am resting on
(atomic bombs) someone's parents be there
the top of the refrigerator light & white white hospital on ed white rows
there's a new apartment across the way blocking view with only
of light rain makes green to purple
one light on i had guesses people meeting an encounter group the blinds
what comes out of fluorescence i guess in the kitchen
are up i sit up someone hunches his shoulders someone is erect
at least ed was watching tv
did you ever play football me? it was tennis someone reaches forward
my cousin jane liked turquoise i hated jane things
& out extends arms for soda a glass on the table a scotch grant's
exactly as they are sure she would say when she was ten
scotch, someone is leaning forward we go downtown on the west side
i fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow her mother
highway we are slightly over green lights are blue red whites out
said the same thing birth control
rain majorska we get closer red stripes & i missed the moment of
he played the piano by ear i felt thick a long distance
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red stripes at the moment of the flashing yellow signal's out

stayed away in
18th st. or canal east on grand st. travels coming brighter over
haze suns toward little italy rudolf bass reads
brighter than it is red green & violet sky coffee shop coca cola
grand & broadway flooded with rain or turquoise light
green light red light out the back was smoke rising or cars
passing or numbers letters lathes on scoops drill down
my cousin jane liked turquoise I hated jane things exactly as they
are she would say when she was ten i fall asleep as soon as
machines in front of lathes official lathes you have it printed
on glass DBH 14 scoop & a hole it makes in the ground
my head hits the pillow her mother said the same thing they practiced
birth control played the piano by ear i felt thick a long distance
they've taken the pipes away & chain saw
same construction crew they're on the outside now
haze suns toward little italy rudolf bass reads green light red light
they're gone tortured street & all its friends weeks & i'm
the agent up in a normal room pretending 2 b a normal person
out the back was smoke rising or cars passing or numbers letters
lathes on scoops drill down machines in front of lathes official
i spend my time looking at projections of weeks ago
on the wall what was downstairs were they the same which are the
lathes you have it printed on glass DBH 14 scoop & a hole in the ground
they've just taken the pipes away and chain saw
ones are the ones on the wall the same ones is the wall moving
are the cracks moving is the earth rising is the tidal
same construction crew they're outside now they're gone
tortured street & all its friends weeks & i'm the FBI agent up in a normal
wave coming or just an earthquake rising of violence coming right
in my door what is an edge
room pretending 2 b a normal person spending my time looking at
projections of weeks ago, what was downstairs, were they the same
they've found me out i'm in here i've exploded some
ed is on the fire escape looking down same ones
which are the ones are they the ones on the wall is the wall moving
are the cracks moving is the earth rising is the tidal wave coming or
same machines as before you start it all over this has happened before
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list the years

just an earthquake of violence coming right in my door they've found me
out i've exploded some bomb or other
a whole you won a whole a continuous river running down the
street garbage & smells on the wheel of the tire flowing
ed is on the fire escape looking down, same ones same machines
you start it all over this has happened before list the years
pretty picture of memory noise technicolor sometimes memory
is noise just parallel to canal & we know it's the telephone
a whole, you won, a whole, a continuous river running down
the street garbage & smells on the wheel of the tire flowing
people a hundred fifty seven dollars worth though someone owes
us a turn around the street & down & across the street the buildings
(pretty picture of memory) noise, technicolor, sometimes memory is
just noise, parallel to canal & we know its the telephone people
flood in the rain incidentally how long is my assignment here
& the lights flicker on & off in both bldgs ours & theirs
a hundred fifty seven dollars though havent heard from the one
who owes us a turn around the street & down & across the street the
thunderstorms are parents including the first floor
you couldnt live there the plumbing's bad all brass pipes & brass
buildings flood when it rains incidentally how long is my assignment here
& the lights flicker on & off in both buildings ours & theirs
containers cooking pots for the stew always eat the
same thing with canned peas & carrots you became anemic thinking about
& thunderstorms are parents including the first floor you couldnt live
there the plumbing's bad all brass pipes & brass containers cooking pots
revolution come you went to the hospital are they fixing it
july too just any part of
no it's the phone co. resit residential they say or hurricane
one & two
flooding new jersey highways subways hurricanes in nova scotia
they say no to everything anything goes on on between two or between
say seventy foot waves in the bay of fundy according
nuns in habits make obsessions rage strange color wheel
to someone's father who likes geography & really likes rain
do you reach me
Fern in new york where are we no one can avoid distractions
i love you you are deer we dont hear images from you anymore
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what else can you remember nothing something else

parents, come to the hurricane, it's on the first floor
wheel color color wheel i ate colors in a dream what do
bavaria & had to leave town was that us was that all
you say anymore to someone who's a person i'll wheel colors
tell me what you remember about the man who shot a deer in
you like to your new location if you'll tell me what
i'll wheel the colors you like to your new location if you'll
you know about the man who shot a deer in bavaria & had to
dream should i say anymore to someone who's a person
leave town was that was that us was that all
wheel color color wheel i ate colors in a dream what do you
parents, come to the hurricane, it's on the first floor
can you remember nothing something else
i love you you are deer we dont hear images from you
Fern in new york where are we no one can avoid distractions what else
anymore do you reach me
father who teaches geography & really likes rain
nuns in habits make obsessions strange color wheel
seventy foot waves in the bay of fundy according to someone's
they say no, to everything anything goes on on between two
flooding new jersey highways subways hurricanes in nova scotia
or between one & two
this month too just any part of

July 2
Lights. Lights all electric electric machines. This is an excuse. This is a prescription. The f/stop is the
ratio between the length of the lens to the diameter of the opening it has less to do with you than
with light. No dreams. Typewriter tensor light slide projector tape recorder holly in an electric red
dress under electric light library light electric coffee cups from china, we sense the presence of
something from china real ice july too do you do you know what i mean new ribbons roll into the
library on ice to pick up film, daze fantasy patron with one roll shot, i put one in from the bag of
film & shoot & still the ribbon with the hole in it talking to everything: will this be something:
earlier later top bottom in out gertrude stein & emily dickinson on the stamp on heroin, ed working
& going to toronto tomorrow, something to put together & more memory into a schedule of light:
am i crazy & dont i want to fuck & manic's fucking everybody, putting together the past of so much
information the same thing isnt it in numbers. Holly & portrait under electric light, smoke on a
dime: strike anywhere go to the theater we did, hair still in knots since i was out of the state, street
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loft night lights i put the two together & came out with, just more: i aimed at the center of the bag
& hit the rim none of that combs necessary: i picked up the film & drove down second ave late for
ann point out. That's practical, parents, does it come with ego (parents) she would never leave me
alone, ashes spill: whistling outside it's saturday night ed's gone out energy out of the room i'm
misplaced. Letters toeveryone: H her maid calls her solomon & two of aquarius, larry posing in a
pink undershirt with breasts without them before a garbage can & trees church brick iron &
cobblestones graveyard ann larry joan looking like me & ann is me, breasts larry arms up doesnt
have his breasts anymore, hair. We loaded up the car with worlds & drove away. Ran out of gas. I
ran over to 1st ave looking for a station, it seems to me later this day we drove to massachusetts or
some other place, riverdale, I am sitting in the car saying to ed remind me to look up the cab driver
in the queens phone book: i had written his address on the brown paper bag of film in the back of
the car: no by this time it was in my leather bag, stuffed in because I thought the breeze of my
running to look for gas would keep the film cool: the cab driver trying to pick me up wouldnt take
me for free finally: well try to sit very close to me the hot seat & so that the meter wont turn on well
it didnt work, I told him everything I could fit into the seat in the time we were together we had
been drinking coffee. With holly with ann to a station, gas can, he waited & took me back 47th
between park & lex, do you know where you are 57th between park & lex I took the subway to work
& hurrying they're waiting at the barricade, lazy flesh, later anne took a shower we exchange
identities again, read each other book write talk look alike someone famous said so. Jasper Johns his
spoon the sonnets $8.50 a ruler, later 0 TO 9 early, late day, food. I think i am thinking the
opportunity shop is on 47th street under the gotham yes 47th street you tell them you're making a
delivery with commercial plates, I tried that later they said mirrors, commercial plates fronts backs
of cars which cars should I go up to the theater to meet ed where is he now still parked still on 47th
street, how many times resting is the sky on 47th street waiting always threatening & that one tall
building on the right bending over into the frame, we've stopped for that one we've stopped for a
light we've stopped for a storm i'm going to call ed & go up to the theater i need glasses & the bel
capri food company & ice & red light one way construction a strange & stranger light comes
crashunging through the sky in beams in new york clouds make up these dramas above bldgs
nothing else. numbers. nos. At 6th ave near the west 4th street subway stop guys come by with
pocketbooks tough guys shoe shine boy in front of the glass bank in sneakers a red foot rest & one
man in shorts lying on the ground feet towards me shoes not shined write a mystery: anne's in the 5
& 10 getting glue comes out with a big straw bag too big to pay for I look around & motor on off the
sun on the chrome of the bank disappears assuming anne talks to the guy in the phoenix &
someone comes in to autograph their part their part in a picture already filled with names one is di
prima, collection, the boys, michael mcclure is on the wall so someone comes in a tall skinny guy, it
was her & somebody & him, he was looking for a thin yellow volume on cornelia street heres the
light on someone's federal savings & it's warm in here nine a's nina's mother drank stout & went
to afghanistan, that light on the savings: gradually this strip a strip the color of old tarnished silver,
gradually it narrowed & seemed to recede, then it was converted into an object that glistened like
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steel no bank, cheeseburgers & coffee in the riviera a girl passes by we meet frances on the street, i
knew we would meet here converging irresistible, i'm on my way home no we are: julie called to
bring ed to work the sound church bells tolled on the television pat pissed off, phone. I called the
theater the moviola's broken ed said not to bother to come up but i didnt even talk to him talked to
chris & john chris didnt show up last night to shoot the new movie because he cant go on with it &
on west broadway in the late afternoon there's the truck full of pieces of material packed in
cardboard truck that always crosses the street standing there on friday afternoon taking up most of
the whole street so that cars have to go around one way cause the street goes two ways like going
around driving crazy in the other lane & they do it fast just in case. We went home to do the proofs
down on grand street under. I have, when I was about two or three years old I was taught the words
of a hebrew prayer. I didnt understand them & what happened was that the words settled in my
mind as puffs of steam or splashes...even now I see these puffs or splashes when I hear certain
sounds: I was looking out the window around at things anne took a shower lay down on the bed &
made a phone call the sky looked like this: profiles anne on the bed holding up a piece of white
paper the phone in her other hand, we worked, read through the book aloud violet revolution & all
all in hoarse men's voices fast I massaged anne's neck. We decide to go to the movies, ed tells us we
may have a room in a sound studio in massachusetts the next day we find out it's political, we are
on contract, will take the book to the printers ourselves, we drop off anne at prince street & drive up
1st ave to see carnal knowledge ed took this, we waited on a line to see it, we blended in to see it,
when we saw how red the screen of the theater was, when we saw how red ann-margret was, it was
worth it for ann-margret & a bank on lexington or park, we must've passed union square & driving
down bway where at the time there were some extraordinary steam type construction sites, caverns,
men at work, steam behind, in front of lights turns green & tracks all around in the middle of the
forest we light the interiors with generators we light the forest with generators, and to set it straight
if everybody thinks life is shit but me then isnt this writing shit & old, gulliver's travels, lord jim, the
secret sharer heart of darkness marble faun scarlet letter moby dick vanity fair old man & the sea
sun also rises great gatsby the red pony daisy miller puddnhead wilson spiller: I am happy for the
occasion to send a note your way, always pleasant memories are attached to your name, we heard
here that sister irmengard was anointed is it true? sister m felician must be worried, tell her that her
friends here are praying for her & sister irmengard, please direct this big news to your school paper
& if possible send me the copy that carries it may god reward you, happy lent: when tom would not
speak to her she finally told him of his identity. This is another example of her pride. When she
learned of tom's method of repaying his debts, she condoned the thefts & even helped him for
which he sold her down the river, this, in her opinion, was the worst possible fate to which anyone
could be doomed. Yet when she escaped to st.louis she forgave tom easily, everything was put aside
for him even to the extent of murder quotes: the experience of each new age requires a new
confusion & the world seems always waiting to be waiting for its poet. A spill ed's back & joe
colombo had been shot long before this, still hanging on, we went to the luna for dinner at about 3
am, we chose carnal knowledge over insects we wanted to see people in a movie, ann-margret 9
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annes eat luna 1st time see moon in month fear murder roaming rampaging gangs of black men
coming to kill the italian men but we had dinner anyway next: blacks in little italy a little sunny,
food: after coffee that again iced, cheeseburger & leaf (2), kathleens rivers (naive) cheese pear beer
burnt bread (luna: bread water wine priests of nyu having a discussion & crazy people horrible
sarcasm of veal with peppers lasagna (lights) asparagus (iron) & thank you very much) i thought
this was one of the days we recorded sound all day ed was exhausted in tom's green & white striped
shirt. In front of the city where the silver moon always shines & someone's always up, like the late
show replaced by stars coming in thru your window, do they want us to stay up volunteer or get
jobs, which is it, deserted streets exhausttion food & to finish last night one movie one more movie
for the play ending up with a shot of scotch & breakfast & two cups coffee & drilling awake till 8 am
thinking of crystal clear, what pill should i take we get home two fluorescent lights are on & the
door opens to a yellow house with books a light my painting joe's piece ed's picture: down the street
green, up the street flags & eduardo a whole floor lit where the man, nevermind, i need boxes, &
thank the simple art of murder: gas + can: $2.65 + 45c = $3.10 & a neat nozzle for someone's
dream: something that happened changed the lives of 10 people, a day you're not sure of there's no
space for you:

July 3
So why dont you come over every saturday, why dont you teach us every monday: more than 30
years have passed since that moment when is anything permanently forgotten photograph:
monday—a window of a factory, tuesday—a small white handkerchief with 'a merry christmas'
embroidered in red across one corner, wednesday—a man's black striped pants, thursday—a light
brown earthenware jar, friday—an earthenware jar like thursday but darker in color, Saturday—a
saucer with a pattern of brown & gold squares round the edge, sunday—a metal cream pitcher. No I
know we didnt know yet no & new: or: monday to friday—he described the fall of his native—at the
hands of the—after a ten year seige telling how the armed—had entered the city in the belly of a great
wooden horse & how the—had fled from their burning city among them—& his father—&
young—not long afterward—had advised setting sail for distant lands blown by varying winds we
quickly—the next day—again on the shores—finally they reached—again the—a hero—in a dream
he—when—warned in a dream—decreed that the body—led his band—of the—world & the question
was how to tell you in a way you'd remember: we still didnt know when we were going to
massachusetts, i think jacques & kathleen had left already, yesterday with anne holly carnal
knowledge & the day before collecting sound effects, so we got up early i think & went straight to
grand union with the nagra, the door just banged so i locked it there was nobody there, ed put the
nagra in a shopping cart put on his earphones & went to work, there was no musak in grand union
because it was a holiday the day before fourth of july, everybody in the city had gone away with the
sounds & the store was empty, cash registers sounded great & they were having a red tag cookie sale,
the door banged again, there were people buying only a few things at the store, all the people in the
store that day were buying only a few things, another thing, grand union used to sell cigarettes but
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now they've got a machine from joe colombo, what if i locked the door, then somebody came in
thru the window, then when i rushed out the door, there was the original somebody standing there
waiting, somebody's coming in's not that bad, grand union is right a cross the street from j&k's, i
took a picture of the guys standing out in front of the drome social club on the first floor where j
plays poker when he's in town, now the club's a bakery, we drive uptown to find a good department
store, stop at macys & gimbels, no good. I thought a fire pump next to a coke bottle looked good but
the coke was in shade. I saw alot of weird people hanging around 6th ave & 34th street on that
holiday weekend paralyzed parked waiting for ed to get the sound out of the department store.
Usually I wait for yellow cabs to pass by, one of them stopped & somebody got out. They catch the
sun. Imagine spending the day on your bicycle, I was parked in front of a discount drug store selling
something called nodor or hodor no it was a furniture store a rip-off place but they had a 34 piece
junior dinette. So I pulled up around the corner so ed could go to another store & a hot dog man
was doing a big business & there was a sun tan ad that caught my eye: tan hawaiian. ed went into
korvettes or sonic arts i think steel buildings catch the sun like taxi cabs. We parked on a downtown
street to stop another store maybe 5th ave this time I cant remember, no, we were just around the
corner on 7th near pennsylvania station & i was looking at windows again. no luck. just drifters so
we went uptown to bloomingdale's to check that place out & record some street noise there it was a
really clear day but there wasnt enough traffic to make the noise level boom & bloomingdale's noise
was fine except they didnt have & neither did any of the other stores, they didnt have those bells you
remember hearing, the bells called floorbells ringing like the bell at the end of the line but more
resonant, so we stopped where we were at 3rd & 60th for quite some time recording cars passing
with a long boom sometime goes by in car, some guy thinks our booms a geiger counter & we're at
niagara falls waiting for the traffic to build up at the lights there's a big schlitz ad, it reads reach for
the gusto in life & all the familiar pancake buildings, i wonder how carol that fainted is she was
nervous when i saw her & what the fuck somebody starts playing the drums so loud across the street
it sounds like trashing & i see more people on bicycles & while i'm looking ed's answering questions
about his machine, is it a three or a four, this guy really knows what he's talking about, it aint no
geiger counter, the nagra is made in switzerland, yes, so we did all we could with department stores
& traffic & then we went to daly's & daly's aint there anymore either to record some bar noise but
they serve too much food & it's always crowded, turned out we couldn't use their noise at all cause
you could hear the sound of frying in the background & the tv was on i think but we had a good
beer & so & then went to a horn & hardart's lunch counter to see if we could get good restaurant
noise musak & all, now this horn & hardart's noise turned out pretty well except, again, for the
intermittent frying & sizzle noise but the musak was great & so was the clinking & I had iced coffee
& ed had a coke & we shared a grilled cheese or maybe I ate the cheese sandwich & ed had a piece of
pie. Anyway they treated us pretty well in there & didn't complain about the tape recorder & there
were alot of people eating dinner, a sort of dinner, including one priest who sat right down next to
us, he aint afraid of no geiger counter & these people eating dinner again looked like the people in
the market & seemed to me they must have had a regular schedule to live on which included dinner
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at horn & hardart's a place with an old reputation every day or at least every saturday or at least
every July 3 & after that we came home & I went up on the roof to take some pictures. It was still a
clear day. I took six or eight pictures looking out in every possible direction from the roof where the
moon was already up, just a sliver still or approaching half & i didnt change exposures except when i
shot directly at the sun & when i shot my own shadow. The house was a mess of machines that day
tapes & cords lying all over doing nothing, we had been working so we cleaned up a little & ed used
vito's tape recorder, the one he left there, v in toronto i think, to listen to the tapes we had gotten. I
asked ed to take a picture of me from the back by the fluorescent light & i looked at the light itself
which always comes out green on film & ed's desk, we had just set it up & tore down some shelves
so he could have that corner, the desk was covered with tapes & lists of sounds, catalogs of
equipment, tape cleaner & de-gauzer, if i'm remembering it right a de-gauzer is a machine that de-
magnetizes tape so you can re-record on it clean. We did the dishes too. I think we had been
drinking alot of espresso around that time, alot of coffee of all kinds. I looked at all the lights in the
room & the lights across the street, you can see them from the fire escape, they're always on twenty-
four hours a day: impossible to take make pictures of this scene's not dull of white it down, we are
recording sound listen supermarket department store bells no bells we move to a different turn spot
tune gimbels to corn at macys looking 4 bells this is a girl who must take make pictures, she, not
postpone, smoothly into focus comes foods notes sounds taken in the car taken while every one &
every thing goes on moving in some experiment with isolation, is that what it is. Look around new
spot small shirt white pants i'm inside not outside & cars & stares, to record, machines? stare?
notes? stare? you? stare? where was i at that point — W34THST&7THAVE park double park park
expose, goes on click, man in shades turns around he's a convict, joe colombo, go about observing &
checking with a set of rules a certain set of rules in marked cars & uniforms the cops are too obvious
in their observation & they these scraps are out of a need, this stuff is out of a need, i need a book
two books, one for ed that's three, where are you a room & cereal — W35THST&7THAVE.
Observation honk observation bleep there's always more there, traffic unit B unit B goes away, as
long as I dont set up a 2546621 tripod on the streets they wont arrest me & I am the one taking
notes mr. man & cars, a new yellow scrap, line the street. Colors & colors they're yellow blue brick
grey white green pink words taxi lights my things tag $2.19 people radio balloon baby chair bright
blue car l'escargot the chimes the boardwalk 3rd ave el baronet & coronet king movies can move
backwards diamond ice cubes co. maneuvering not able to maneuver true sea & ski & rheingold beer
the woman drive defensively from the canadian rockies up on the roof violins horn & hardarts black
white up down shoes clothes rear view mirror love a guy gets out of his car, looks around a kid gets
out he gets back in he parked in the middle of the street, flashers, all the way to texas if you want,
stirring up dust, if any. Light blue delivery truck slams the door woman in yellow with a dress says
take care & woman in a cadillac waiting & a guy in a suit on a bicycle & it's saturday & a guy in a
cadillac going backwards from michigan the great lake state, glory boy bananas and a guy in an
apron who is the poet. A woman talking to ed ed is not a woman, he doesnt wear sunglasses where
is he & what's he looking for? Sound. Sound & carfare & gas & then the rest of the story goes: out
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in the open here & hot, trying to bite down trying to bite it down that's the trouble, we had a beer
the bar was no good, reasons were frying, air conditioning, read about food poisoning in the new
york post & put it down in case we die tomatoes from italy are good. I have no way of remembering
a day. Rosemary calls & I talk her ear off we listen to tapes call tom not home call vito put scattered
applause the appaloosa on to him & ed talks his ear off so we got rid of them, there's a house in
maine for ten thousand dollars, we'll get a grant, we'll think of the mystery of the renovated barn, a
house is for, a, protection and, b, insulation & we'll think of boys in the puglia, boys walking
walking boys puglia walking edward & kathleen b b b bernadette mayer christophe cauchoix on a
matchbook comma
we'll think of this & this is even older:
rte. nine east between keene & brattleboro
cinema theater motel, you watch thru the window
of your room, drive in dont drive in & then
nathaniel hawthorne college, antrim, new hampshire
& stewartstown, new hampshire it's halfway
between north pole & equator, the 200th anniversary
of this.
asbestos canada asbestos cinema
back in the ussr by chubby checker played
on a jukebox in canada, well
where have you been? all over.
where have you been? all over.
have you been to alaska?
where do you want to go for xmas?
have you been to greece?
have you been to the bahamas?
where do you want to go for christmas?
the paname bistro
make up ed for photo
in sillery in racetrack in tv
ed says, behind the scenes
busride & a list of corporate injustices
made up by a child
if you indians are from china
if you indians are from china
why dont you call yourselves chinese?
& something upside down
& a cover & pictures & paint
& something crossed out
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& something crossed out, it was done

& an idea about transcription, off to the side
& some numbers, a theater & service equipment
& some long division
& some copying
& a face a tree a girl with her head down
the sun, marks, a head an ax an ax-flag
& food & a photo of M & a note:
the negative's in the trunk, the key is mailed,
will arrive at 33 tomorrow,
We'll think of talking backwards, i'm talking backwards, i'm working more the way strudents in
science are working in a lab, a movie is only the result of two to three months exploration of
something, i tried to find a picture of karl marx when he was young but i found it only afterwards,
he was very beautiful young just like warren beatty today everytime you see a picture of marx you see
him with a big beard & he was just like james dean when he was 20 years old, i used to like disney
documentaries on animals, if john wayne played an animal perhaps i would like him too, there is
image & there is sound & i see no difference between a face being interviewed & just a picture of a
word for example, they are just two shots, it doesnt bother me at all actually every time i see a film i
sleep fifteen minutes there are two reproductions a matisse & a rembrandt & i very often sleep while
looking at them, i can look like a business person or i can look like somebody in love, in love with
that person for whom this piece is a personal message, from 19 to 20 i went to college & took easily
about 150 examinations, then i got my degree which qualifies me to teach language & literature, i
am talking backwards, but while i was going to college i was editing a literary magazine where we
published the first translations of — the first dreams by — some — some — his experience with
mescaline, the first — the first & so on, we also published the works of our own group, some of the
things were really good, at the same time i made a series of pornographic...i'd give a years wages for
that gun/i'd give my left hand/ to some unintelligible/i guess so/gunshots/this is july 3rd/you
remember that dont you?/is that jacques & kathleens?/yes/what's that?/that's the door to the
roof/one dollar/doesnt look like the roof does it?/dont worry joe'll be delighted to see you, he will,
well of course he will, now where's your luggage, oh dont worry about me i'm gonna stay at the
hotel, you're doing nothing of the sort you're staying right here with us, now you come along with
me & we'll fix up the spare room, nice little place you got here, i've got a great idea, let's you & i be
honest with each other this isnt a nice little place & you know it, well it is kinda, yeah it is, why's he
live in a place like this he's a millionaire if he'd only take it but he wont, so you've come up here to
try to talk joe into going back to the ranch?, well not exactly, oh oh we're going to be honest
remember?, well i would kinda like him to come back, so would i, you think you owe me that much,
you would, i would, why donna, you've got a head on your shoulders, well maybe i better stay at the
hotel, oh dont get nervous, we'll have this cleared up in no time, imagine a fellow like joe bein a
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teacher, teaching's for women that cant find husbands, now hold on partner teaching's a noble &
important profession more noble & important than raising beef cattle for instance, now you hold on
partner feeding the american people aint such a disgraceful occupation — I get an obscene phone
call, a third steve, said he was coming just as I hung up the phone, pretty lucky — & it aint an easy
one let me tell you, you let me tell you, we werent going to argue remember, we're buddies, i'm
sorry daughter, sometimes i fly off the handle, so I heard, joe's sore at me eh?, well you're not
exactly his favorite character, i couldnt let that boy grow up soft, all that land all that cattle, i had to
toughen him up for the job ahead of him, & when you got too tough you tried to square things with
your money, well now i didnt go for to hurt him, oh if joe had found understanding at home he
would have had to try to find it somewhere else, connie i want him back, what must i do, try a little
humility, try controlling that temper of yours & above all keep that fucking bankroll in your pocket,
connie there's joe remember, joe, yeah, joe look who's here, mmm, shit, hello pa, hello boy, had
some business in the east yeah thought i'd drop by coming so close & all, well i'm glad you did,
been a long time & all that shit, sure has, i know you two must have lots to talk about so why dont
you go out on the porch where it's cool & i'll finish getting dinner ready, yes, come on pa, have a
cigar boy, thanks pa i'll smoke it after dinner, still smokin those dollar cigars i see, why not son i
can afford em, last year the best year we ever had down on the ranch, glad to hear it pa, oh yeah
things are boomin down there, that's fine pa but how've you been, oh i've begun to creak a little bit
at the joints i'm ready to step down & turn over the reigns, anybody in particular?, well a man like
to think his son ..., pa let me put this as kindly as possible, i'm not coming back, doggone it why not
that dont make sense not any more, you run away from home cause you were sore at me, ok all
right, you win your fight, here i am on my hands & knees beggin you to come back, what more you
want, pa try to understand maybe i didn't take up teaching just to spite you, maybe that's how it
was in the first place but since then i found out something, i love teaching, it's what i'm good at,
you cant forgive me can you?, i have nothing against you pa, i'm tickled to death you're here honest
i am, & as far as i'm concerned bygones are bygones, i'm a teacher & i'm gonna stay a teacher, oh
hi joe, hi, joe simmons, archy, come on & meet my father, how do you do sir, howdy boys, glad to
know you etc., pa came out from texas to pay us a visit, oh are you connected with the university
down there sir, i am connected with 20,000 head of white face cattle, well you're alot better off you
sure are, arent you gonna invite these fellas in to have a drink, oh sure, we'll have a...,thanks some
other time we're late now, we'll take a raincheck on it, well so long joe etc., friends of yours?,
teachers at the college, they seem like nice young fellas, well why're you so surprised, oh i dont
know they just dont look like the teacher type that's all, well what is the teacher type pa, skinny
sexless bald at 20, oh i didnt say that exactly, well you know the old saying joe them's can do &
them's can teach, here's another one, feed a cold & starve a fever, well what's that got to do with
it?, & here's another one, sing before breakfast & cry before supper...

July 4
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twelve seventeen & ten seconds bright day warms up, I warm up, I have little mats stapled into my
nails, owning elephants, this space for a field, remember? Ed wet went "to get some cars", cigarettes
& money flew, HC-110 at 7:1 dilute B at 68° straight-hypo, into cans, stop bath in beaker, take
temp. of HC-110, 68°, get time, lights off, roll & cover on, shake 30 seconds, lights off, stop bath
one minute, cover, do cold running water 2 minutes, permawash solution, 2 minutes, agitate, cold 2
minutes, or cold one hour, photo flo, 2 minutes, hang & squeegee (in photo fib), hang one hour,
then contact: shiny faces paper, prints dull. School: I'm going to take a picture of it, the only thing I
feel like doing is looking at it, is looking at it in a picture, it is ducks in glass cases in poor light, it's
hard to take a picture of it, james noeth has no prick, takes his clothes off, revival, all in kerchiefs &
a movie of me in the room across the way, a movie out of the window, a blond girl running with
flowers, she drops the flowers, she drops her wig, she isnt blond, we sing a song: Trip to the Moon:
rocket ships on ringed trucks & families going like trailers, & finally high school gets out, we're
going to massachusetts, rows of girls in golden coats marching, I call to someone, I say "Hey that
made me think of you!" & he gets angry & we live in big rooms in hotels are centers all is sex. &
hotels are centers all is sex & ed swimming a fish a frog a girl in pedalpushers a line the set,
droplight, the stone couch the design. Dear Dash, it could be me or you, you are sinking in the
pillows currents, more specifically, red frequency: dreams #3 asleep & where's the coffee, the sun is
coming through the library window, yes that one, its against but cant come through the windows at
my back, yours, at your back is a bed dont sneeze when you get up in the morning, white. Write:
what where you get up it's afternoon Dash I took the camera with me Dash bye. Orzata hamburger
chili sandals courvoisier scallops coffee cereal film tape piano pens candles matches mosquito
netting gnocchi house in the country 8mm movie camera roller skates — the monster that was in
here last night was the country, he was, still this is the sun still this is the city still the country was
blue white & maroon with a long long tail, buzzing & making giant shadows by the light, feeding on
the glue of a piece of tape on the ceiling, we put him in a box, country, slid a paper cover over it,
threw the box out the window saving the picture we'd used as a cover, country, bye. One day I saw
ed, eileen, barry, marinee, chaim, kay, denise, arnold, Paul, Susan, ed, hans, rufus, eileen, anne,
harris, rosemary, harris, anne, larry, peter, dick, pat, wayne, paul m., gerard, steve, pablo, rufus, eric,
frank, susan, rosemary c., ed, larry r., & david; we talked about bill, vito, kathy, moses, sticks, arlene,
donna, randa, picasso, john, jack nicholson, ed, shelley, alice, rosemary c., michael, nick, jerry, tom
c., donald sutherland, alexander berkman, henry frick, fred margulies, lui, jack, emma goldman,
gerard, jacques, janice, hilly, directors, holly, hannah, denise, steve r., grace, neil, malevich, max
ernst, duchamp, mrs. ernst, michael, gerard, noxon, nader, peter hamill, tricia noxon, ed cox,
harvey, ron, barry, jasper johns, john p., frank stella & ted. I still see ed, barry, chaim, arnold, paul,
rufus, eileen, anne, harris is away, i dont see rosemary, harris is away, anne, larry, peter occasionally,
who's dick?, pat, gerard is away, pablo is away, I still see steve, who're eric & frank?, I still see
rosemary c., ed, & david is a different one. It's impossible to put things exactly as they happened or
in their real order one by one but something happened that day in the middle of seeing some people
& talking about some, something happened that day (look it up in stories) & what happened was
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what began this: and this came later, the day after that: "one two three people I saw, money we
spent, gave out, the energy it took to get to the country, drinking three cups of coffee to talk about
anarchy, to write a letter to anne about an old worn out subject, the destruction of the tapes, feel
the breeze the generation gap, think about watching another person, then creating one for people to
watch, understanding the desire to watch other people to understand them or just to watch them,
not finding any place to set things down then save this for later & wait. I saw I talked about. No
decision. No direction. That's good. & No thought. Fans, the energy it takes to wave them. Flags.
Get the pillow. The cake is in the oven. Get the beer. Why not talk about the energy of the weather
in the city too, three describe it. Waiting toward something to come out of something. Placing
something there. To think without thinking. Write without writing. xyz, thoughts with fine edges. So
many noises people places things points of view. Put something out in that field. Didnt understand.
Now do. The do-nothing school. Against technology. Energy comes from somewhere. Pay. Some
way. I feel terrible. Why. Race against time. All the dreams all the notes all the directions nothing
comes from it. Need drink. Empty slot. Cant sit up. Cake. The leisure to go beyond the tree. The
time. Did ed take a taxi? No, but he did get a ride home in j&k's 1964 cadillac convertible." & then
I have something similar, I dont know when it happened, but first there's some time spent in a
luncheonette: the answer box, answers any question, any yes or no question????? & lucky nos. for
today, we're in everybody's luncheonette. I thought it was may 10, noon. It was june 5 noon. Vito &
the roosters, the day that Dash was sleeping, sinking into the pillows currents dreaming, you
remember? the day I took the camera with me this was the same day: pick any rooster, my rooster's
come a capon, raphael's question: what artists do you know? Film, black & white, slides, tv, movies,
the american legion auxiliary box, what's the matter with r. Sign: how to succeed in business
(cheat), viva & emma goldman. "Hi woody" & P lives near here. 10 am (sam) & I am at 125THST,
74THST later nursing homes siring women screaming I scream a woman with short hair sipping a
diet cola, straw, a kid says get outta here & gimme a glass of water what? water what? water pure
water & kathleen pierre clementi christophe whatever-his-name-is & randa 302 elizabeth street. The
kid runs out. A man makes a phone call it gets crowded, everybody's cheeseburger rare & a vanilla
eggcream & a woman: "Mikey stop around the store, something to show you, close for 2 minutes,
minutes? that doesnt take care of it." Lose my mind like eeeeiiieeeeh & I found out when that
happened but this still escapes me. This is something, something like: what's in quotes beginning
with the people I saw, the money we spent & on through the fans & the energy it takes up to the
convertible quotes. But now this interests me more: it is: it's Charlie Chaplin brought up to make
lists STRANGE IDEAS LIKE TO STOP thinking about T. dream am shot by hilly or jacques & how s.
everyone is & what you already know & shouldnt concern you & sudden mood & how h. everything
is & all of a sudden cant move feel stuck feel s. the clear co. makes two by fours. So, drama is real is
real in on a day & then some vision you are you are not so someone can know you are you are not
the fleet the flight what kind of information is that going forward tradition master you have the
time anarchy you are much busier to bring the tea out to the table & do you want any coffee no
thanks & I should go out to show hate & fruit flies cant move bells stop in the middle of the most,
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but, but knowing neil's energy who knows? But about that above something must change most of it
must change into something else, the door, the door, the history of china the arts of
china the anarchist paper the year 1887 the year 1931, now we buy: potatoes, etc. Looked wildly
about me looked wildly about me saw, three women at the door, a man in the door, the history...a
light in each eye, eye in each light, the woman who wrote the book had two eyes, the book two
volumes, it was written in 1931, she said with the blue of the table cloth & an extra apron, she said
in a two room flat on houston street she said most had repeatedly given her the same ultimatum,
she said to go back with the detective to new york, she said & locked up for the night men &
women, the meeting at union square, she said counting many thousands, said as a result the air at
union square, the state is the worst enemy you have & it goes on, her name was not randa, the
police burst in, the telegram still in my head in my hand, said began to swim before her eyes, said
struck her full in the face she looked wildly about her & then, who she wanted the money & the gun
for, said never written for publication before, the police got busy, said family need not know about
her plans, something unreadable my mind was made up, the jury was picked for conviction, her
entire possessions, besides their common anarchist ideal & he had her released from the jacket strait
jacket, break the backbone of every economic struggle, steer clear of politicians of politicians, had no
idea who had notified the press & the action of the police, protests by well-known men & women,
her right to speak, that she should return later, the suppression of the meetings in chicago, how
could he have anything to do with them, he might be a detective himself, hated to let them escape,
she said, returning to minneapolis, she again (something about letters), in a number of cities in
massachusetts & union square, the laborlyceum in brooklyn, demonstrations of the unemployed,
said knew had come to stay, streets lined for blocks, that the owners backed out, never invoked the
law against anyone, five years on alcatraz island, no redress or escape of the sources from which they
spring, because of a terrific rainstorm, her first meeting poorly attended & the chance to send you
this note: stay in mind something new: like holidays in the city, we must've done some wash either
last night or this morning & hung it out on the fire escape to dry & I remember being really tired the
night before this. There wasnt much recording to do this day though because everything was closed
or empty. Ed was still asleep when I got up. I washed at least 3 blue shirts to take to massachusetts &
overexposed them on the fire escape. Tom said the underexposed ones look like a casket. Then I
washed our blue hockey shirt, my 30's outfit, alot of t-shirts including anne's tye-dyed one, two
pairs of army green socks, ed's pants & hannah's green & white shirt. Put them out to dry. It was
sunny. We went out. I had wanted to go down to the world trade center so we did. Couldnt get close
enough to it so we drove down broadway to barclay street & when we left up deserted washington
street, not exactly deserted but torn down, the whole north-south street of it, just lots & the most
interesting thing about the WTC was the rust on all of the materials. We saw a pile of stones
somebody had carefully cut out on washington street & one building was being moved. It was raised
on a platform. Further up on a continuation of washington there were a few streets lined with
trailers without cabs & they said dart sea & acl & it was late afternoon. We drove around & found a
street lined with some kind of unusual tree, an uptown type street with two-story houses, gas lamps
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& iron, I think we were looking for a place to eat something & we had all our equipment with us
just in case & I think we ate in the pink teacup, ham & greens, corn beef or something like that,
then we went to a few bars on lower 6THAVE to check the sound. We walked into one place where
we had met j&k once but the tv was on. We recorded alot in emiio's which is a really loud place &
had a few beers & it sounded good even though two tv's were on because there were so many people
in there. There was a whole scene with a few drunken middle-aged couples. We also went to tony's
which was empty but we shot a game of pool two games. We heard some really spectacular
firecrackers while we were driving around & we thought they might be good for the explosion. I cant
remember if we went home in between or just on back to the west village listening for the loudest
explosions & wound up at the morton street pier, where, walking out I met Lee Crabtree who I
hadnt seen in a long time. The sun was setting & there we were with alot of people & firecrackers at
the pier. We found some guys with a station wagon full of rockets & explosives & I saw a guy
walking along the edge of the pier with some kind of walking stick & a pair of headphones on that
must've had a radio in them & a couple of ships went by & flares continuously going off. Finally the
guys with the station wagon agreed to set off some of the big stuff for us to record. They acted like
lunatics. We got a few incredible explosions, watched some more flares & then they left so we did
too. By this time the city looked some pretty strange colors. When we got home we listened to the
explosions & they all sounded too far away. We had some cherry bombs of our own we had gotten
in wisconsin somewhere a guy told us they used these to fish with just explode one in the water &
all the dead fish come floating to the top & there's your dinner so we exploded a few in the parking
lot across the street & recorded them. The echoes were incredible & some people in lofts down the
street started applauding for each one. Alot of them fizzled after they were lit & we didnt have very
many so we had to feel around in the dark for them, thinking they might explode anyway & relight
them. We used up all our cherry bombs & the recordings sounded ok but later they couldnt be used
at all. I guess we spent part of the night packing & I wrote to Dash, dear Dash, it's hot '& i will
sweat writing a letter. Vladimir nabokov's Despair, I can see the resemblance there. & a Joe Cocker
record & I thought it would be easier to write a letter to no one, a letter to you in particular but, to
wake up on a hot morning, have nothing really to do but everything & no money & no very little
sleep & very scared in the morning & to start doing things, you better start doing things, like, the
diary as a book — 'the lowest form'. Everything's high or low, Germans, everything's perfect, the
stick, 'you got a friend' — grace & tom? Low German high German vladimir nabokov, it's you.
'With a little help from my friends' — make some sense out of this. I will. Who are you? The play's
about to open, to 'brighten up the air-waves'. Once was too serious now not enough, Signed. & Tom
said i'm really still very nervous about new york/what?/i'm really stillnervous in new york/that's
funny i didnt think i was nervous when we got back here & now i'm starting to lose my mind/i tell
you i've got an ulcer/you?/i have an ulcer/no i have an ulcer/i do/i have an ulcer/ everytime i eat i,
everytime i eat i start to fart it goes on for at least half an hour/i get such terrible stomach aches i
have to put my legs up to my chest/is that right?/well we're both gonna have to go to the
doctors/that's right/plus ... /i know it's just nerves/i'm getting stooped shoulders/plus i'm getting,
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me too/i cant even drink a cup of coffee anymore/airight bernadette feel where my shoulders are no
really just feel where my shoulders are in relation to my bones, are they up front like, like this, like
come up close like this, arent they up front/yeah/shouldnt they be like this?/yeah well they should
be like that it's true but not/my whole back my whole back, like i sit like this all the time/well you'll
just have to start sitting up straighter/i do i'm gonna really start to sit up straight i'm gonna/ well
you arent have a...such a big chest it's really funny/it's really funny huh i dont think it's
so funny why is it funny/it's definition, this is what i'm telling you it's definition/ yeah i know/i
know/look pecks, these are the pecks/i know/go ahead go ahead go ahead right like that, no up
there/it's true that's what i want that's why i'm gonna lift weights/& otherwise it can be like this,
now feel it when it's loose just push this but then when you make the muscle — de fi ni tion/well
feel this feel this there's a muscle/that's not muscle that's just your bone that's cartilage/it's just
my tenseness're right i have no muscles there lets have want it bigger?/ ah,
what do you think...but then you have to move it around/well maybe i'll just put it on the other side
of me/if it'll go yeah/you know i've gotten my finger caught/you've got your fingers what?/caught
in the fan of the projector/really?/yup/what happened?/horrible bleeding/is that true?/ yeah if you
put your fingers under here .../dont do that...drying your wash/ok listen to this: he was in the
clouds, with airplanes, he with airplanes airplanes & him they fly higher than that, news, it's you,
all over all over each other rain all over the earth, tomorrow rain tomorrow, the world what word
rain earth, earth steeped & staked through the coil it leads & you forget, you forget not forward or
backwards, in & out maybe, you think you forget, the earth's core & pinned to it a sample of hunger
eating the colors of a line-up of words, excuse me now, the scent of the track. ok this is the fourth
remember that/ok/that's ed in bed/cant see him/ funny i could see him before maybe that's a
different picture/great blues/hmmm looks like a nice day doesnt it/really looks like a nice day/the
fourth was a nice day i was at a country fair july fourth/ really where?/sparta new jersey, not a fair,
it's you know that fourth of july parade/oh great, looks like some kind of strange funeral/funeral?
why?/ yeah doesnt that look like a casket to you/ she looks like barbra streisand doesnt she/yeah/oh
that's great looks like something/yeah this is the first time you've seen these/ yeah well i held them
up to the light but i havent seen them/i dont recognize that street do you/no but we can figure it
out, b. i think its broadway/broadway?/i think so because ah theres cobblestones there/cobblestones
right plus the lowness of the buildings, it means it's very far downtown/yeah well its down here
somewhere but theres no cobblestones on broadway/oh great/da-dah/is that a dance?/ looks like a
man on top doesnt it/yeah it does wonder if it is, no it couldnt be could it/i think its the other
crane/yeah its one of those cranes/those buildings are gonna be so ugly when they're not yellow
anymore/i know/this is a whole series on them/see that cross/its great blue sky/yeah/they dont
look big do they/in relation to what?/that cross, heh/it's true they dont/are those underground
caverns/yup only nobody can live there, i have a great one of a little hole in a mound of sand, alot
of little holes, where birds live/ whaddaya mean birds?/i went to this sand lot to get some sand to
make sandbags & there was a big mound of sand & the guy told me that birds make these little holes
in the mountain & live there, it was just sand/under under/yeah under/that looks like the
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coliseum/ huh it really does/well i mean a little bit/oh you can see it well you sort of
can/what?/those, ah, see between the columns in the background those wires?/uh huh/they're all
red yellow & blue/ is that right?/yeah really weird/that's as close as i could get that last picture & i
sneaked in there to take it/did anybody yell at you?/ yeah finally where i am for this one there's a
guy just on the right of me who, a really nice guy, who was like a guard foreign college student type
& he kept saying/did he say anything to you?/yeah he kept saying you cant go in there you cant &
he had told me that before but i ignored him i pretended i didnt see him/& did he yell at you/no he
didnt yell but he wouldnt let me go back in/this is strange that's a whole sculpture that somebody
made in an empty lot/that looks like a nice street to live on/yeah except they've torn it all
down/there's apartments in the back/is that the, is that the, quietest street in new york, remember
that street/ that's the street, that's it yeah/were you driving down?/washington st. yeah/what's the
name of that street/washington street/does that look like what it is?/mud or water/no glass/that's
glass on the pavement/yeah really weird looking isnt it/the thing i cant believe about all this is that
nothing looks like what it looked like, you know, i mean no, it's amazing/that's just because it's
framed/it's the light/if you looked at it, if you looked at it, but even if, even if you looked at it
through, if you could get the same filter exactly as the light that's there & if you had it framed, you
think it would look the same?/sure i dont know/alot of wash/what?/alot of wash/did you know
that the theater was also moved/whaddayou mean moved/the whole building was moved/about ten
years ago or something from about 1/2 mile away/ was it really/this guy's playing... /huh/oh that's
the place we were gonna take the picture with the moon/uh hmmm/only the moon's not
there/that's nice really nice/oh great/that's great isnt it/great dart sea that's great though/wow/you
know what street that is? you wont believe it/i'll figure it out. yes i do/what?/canal street/oh
shit/right?/yeah ahhah/doesnt look anything like it though, i know, someplace outside nebraska or
something, that's what it looks like/ that's a dream a dream i had/is it? you took a picture in
it?/yeah/ i took a nap the afternoon of july 4th/that's great/oh this is a weird street/oh jesus/this is
the street that's like, its called saint something street & it's, i had never seen it before, it's lined with
trees/where?/ a kind of trees i had never seen in new york before/where ... /st. thomas or st.
something... /where is it?/it's sort of near the lower west village you know/great looking
street/unbelieveable i couldnt believe it/that looks like jesus it looks like charleston doesnt it or
something/tony's pool table/great mahogany/yeah/boy it's a good thing i gave ed that shirt this
year/sure is/christ/wouldnt it be great if you could swim in it/hmmm/is that pier 17/umm it's the
morton st. morton st. pier/what is that stuff in the water?/i guess its just lights/the next thing you
see will prove to you that its...oh no... oh that's great/whats that?/he's recording the sound
of.../hah hah which is it, is that a sparkler?/well its a rocket actually they set off these great rockets
for us/that was the 4th with the sparkers/yeah/ that was it yeah/you know how i ended up the
4th?/how?/with gigantic firewords/really/i wont need, that wont need that/could you put that light
on/here's a rocket in the sky/oh great, i want to see, that's what i wanted to see/where?/it's there/i
just want to see this/tastes good with that/ know who looks like him, the photographer from,
who was doing the pictures for, remember that photographer/ oh yeah martin?/he looks like him/is
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there any hashish left/yeah a little bit/just a little?/been smoking it every night to beat the heat/but
b. but b./ ... & it lasts much longer than this... he really takes you by surprise...ok you ready? ...
lights/lights/: So, stay in mind something new & stay in mind something new age, in red: it's still
the fourth a sunday, we do the wash I was sitting with it you could watch it on television, brown
skin & oil. Sun why bring that in: of wash on it: we hung it out to dry on the World Trade Center we
have done so much & we sat at it on it at sunset waiting for it to dry, vito & kathy? R calls Leon mad
phone caller calls. 5 am & later today & while we are in the process of it & while we are on it the
tallest building in the world fallen into a diary of a river in the book leads to this one, that one what
is interesting & so on, something about lines & bells, lines & bells, a fraction of a second, ed lines
the bed with no clothes on, ed's mother's glasses make good bells we were looking for bells like the
bell on a typewriter like the bell to tell the time with must do this must do that: carry a book with
you to the top of... make a phone call from the highest point in ...take rubber cement to the high
seams of... & the colossus of new york & from the second tallest building its twin grace calls to say
that wash is done it's over you can watch it on television, ed writes to say I write useful messages we
order a pizza with sausage & a pizza playing chess, what have you forgotten, it's a long way up, let's
pack & lets pack good. What's packed into that past you knew who it was when they called before
the thieves marched down the buildings with your electric typewriter & its iron girders slide: you say,
ready to go

July 5
Chance it's morning you forget to see blue you leave it out I looked at the windows do every
morning, to see what the light is, how it is, what the day is, what part. Yellow before, green after
projected large: the yellow before means too much light but what does green after mean. White
pants french tv-shirt is red & white & cant find the sunshine going up & part of niagra's missing
going down: I put the film in the toycan a 2-lb coffee can for small toys, rain no rain having coke
sassafras cigarette so you forget to see blue was morning was light on whatever was light was new
but you return to 47THST, 47THST: new return nagra & stuff to arnold & fix the projector, get t.
into film course, 47THST waiting: I look up eagles soar at signs cars sun on half of modern which
half & I was & still am always bored waiting parked no parking waiting on west 47THST, I've been
here before, on west 47THST between 5TH & 6TH aves empty streets the street goes west it was
sunday or monday it was monday of the storm & revolution weekend, fire. You know this, that
47THST was deserted the war's been over looking west through the windshield, fire. Red car across
the street parked in front of siegelson's & someone's son & someone & stein's with a giant red car
with black top, you know this, that a man & a woman went by you forget to see green you stare at
green you wait to stare at green & in the country you see red. You know this that the sign of the
diamond exchange looked better off better off for its shadows my shadows by afternoon...& waiting:
a room with a family where are you where will you be let me know, R, V & K, T water the plants
grace randa anne paul let me remind you: by afternoon we were up in riverdale parked the car
packed with our stuff in view of the window so we could watch it, will paul get his door? No one
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was there but tom, did I expect someone whole family of blondes they exist now you cant watch
them on television no one was there but tom. It was quiet. American flag hangs out some window
heavy head near white & brick arch, the kings, & queens. We picked up a tape recorder a few things
there left a few & ate a sandwich smoked hashish in a foil pipe took off very fast up the highway on
our way to massachusetts, another highway on our way cia. Cigarette, get to see the trees moving
like listening to them: what was that, I can hear it in my head as you begin to repeat...let's go back
to that tree, that one, cross the divider, turn around, is that the one? is that the one that moved to
listen? & what are you listening to is it the line of the highway rising you hear it mark X on the sun,
say, ed & tom are brothers. Outside the city we stopped for gas, no money, turned around & went
back. In detail you went back? What'd you do that for? Tommy? & this is where it all begins. Sings
under that name, he was watching tv looked sleepy & stoned shirt off the sun was on the left side of
the highway shirt off. Forget for hours smoke hashish when we left for the second time the flag had
been wrapped around itself a few times by the wind I guess oblivion sleep day was the day you were
tied up remember? the road was empty we were going against the traffic. Remember to look up ron
the cab driver in astoria. Ed took a picture of himself in the car, we left the top down (except, for a
month you keep your eyes open) had to tie our hair back & pleasantville hill pleasantvile hill see
swear a resemblance in going over it, free fly twice as free. We stopped at another gas station about
halfway up for coffee, remember? Not abstract he said like the argentine pampas, we flew, I dictated
a few things to ed on the way up & he wrote down in my book: expand: ed was wearing sense the
blue hockey shirt with stripes who turned it down? what? the tv. I turned it down when the cable tv
man called. You have to get the landlord's permission & the landlord said, they're turning the
electricity off so do what you want & they have to get the cable down here by, on schedule. When
you stop at a gas station on the taconic parkway you can stand just a few feet from cars going by 60
mph drinking coffee, sweetheart cups. When you stop at a gas station on the taconic fantasy
parkway you stand & look. We had a sandwich. A white car will pass by over your shadow if it's
afternoon. If you can control this the future will be easy easy to direct, it will make sense, we had a
sandwich. An old man in new dungarees & a pale orange shirt goes by, 3 guys with cameras go by, a
prostitute with a camera too. Now I see — 47THST. Do you see the argentine pampas, where, here
here a red car, black top goes by on the parkway & the pampas the black-tops retrace your own
steps, they do the work for you, it'll go on like this. The bathroom looked like a woman's prison &
we took off again, top down stop still down on stop down I took pictures leaning on the dashboard
dashboard of the car. The sun set. He flicked a pack of paper matches along the dash to nick. This is
the taconic fantasy parkway: you look down a road to the left you look down a road to the right
paradise: i was on a bicycle, the bicycle was electric if you want, i was always wearing clothes of
yellow daisies green leaves, going down a road (a house is a forest) the road's not dirt, a rocky road
not pavement or asphalt, a road through trees but trees dont block your sight, you can see for miles,
i had everything i needed with me. It wasnt anything. The road through trees with colors, it could be
fall or flowers made them, or sun's prism, & things along the way, where would i sleep, in the grass
or in houses? whatever comes up, maybe a change in direction, i enjoyed being watched sense the
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presence of other people, it was not a road of one direction or a road getting somewhere, further on
it wasnt a road you kept to, later on i got more interested in flying. On the road that would've come
up anyway. With this road you didnt need a house, everyone set the sun & sense the presence of
other people. This is about watching other people, then creating one some for people to watch,
understanding the desire to watch other people to understand them or just to watch them, not
finding any place to set things down then save this for later & wait. I saw I talked about. The sun set.
We're at Near Road. The way smell detour moon train & the golf course. We get to massachusetts in
the dark darkest to the theater to find out where jacques is living, would like to live in a house that
comes close to being a forest, & where we will be living. They show us our room on main street we
hate it and cause cause and miss malloy was in the other room, it was not a forest. & what about
the seasons? Went to the stockbridge inn for a beer & ate a stewarts sandwich played songs A to Z &
1 to 8 chose nathan jones over a weak james taylor & what about the seasons in a house so, shot a
game of pool & tried to find a house that we could live right in. Bought bourbon & went over to
j&k's yellow or blue small house up a hill near glendale, k in j's green robe, we talk in the bathroom
we like to sneak in the bathroom, there was to be a peter arrow concert in the hall so julia came by
with some sheets, in the theater people move in a piece. Peter arrow was giving a concert in the
theater where people move in a piece & they took us to a party for theater people. We drank the
party but were bored, try to remember the downpour. A few people asked are you from syracuse are
you from boston, what we were drinking was a strange old punch remember of champagne glasses,
well where are you from? In destiny I owe you something if you ask that much, in the theater I do
not. I am from the massacre & was the massacre night or day, we finished the bourbon under the
table, in the movie will the massacre be night or day, the next day we drank with hitchhikers, over,
in a movie you replace a shadow with something real, you do this by turning around. Whatever that
real thing is, it's framed in a mirror. We moved around a shadow yellow room & this is the hard
part, exchanging identities, anne kathy & now kathleen, & now, turn around, there's a boy with
blond hair, k called him over, replace him & his friends with musicians from woodstock born in
texas & k is from texas they had dope but wouldnt smoke at a party so fine so we went outside &
framed in an old car mirror we stood around passing joints packed as fat as cigarettes, they really
were from texas, the police cruise by, turn around, there's a dog in the car, we went for a ride night.
I took them to the bridge over the stream in the woods by the house I used to live in. Road was
overgrown. We had never seen it that was in the spring or fall mirror. Stood on the bridge & talked
about movies, turn around, k is in the car with the blond boy because of the mosquitoes and cause
cause and of mosquitoes, she invites him to stay with us, musicians who have the word color or poet
or earth in the title of their group & we stayed till we were bitten & then went back to get jacques.
Shadow, there was no moon. We slept that night in our room with a family & how could a family
come with a room? It usually does all right. I kept thinking someone was going to die in the house &
then, turn around, you'd see them carried out. Now who is that? I think ed took a bath. There was
an actress in the other room: in a movie theater the seats should face the back, turning around you
see: you packed the car past hurry up beautiful bright sun in loft you leave nothing leaves, waiting:
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in a new state a schedule, on time: 10 am meet john in the paint shop which is the barn & 1 pm
meet jacques to ride around for locations & 3 am experiment: Take as the stimulus a scrap of
brightly colored paper about, say, the size of a penny & make a tiny pencil mark or pinprick near its
center. Lay this on a sheet of white paper & look fixedly at the mark in its center for perhaps twenty
seconds. Remove the colored stimulus & fixate with the eyes some tiny mark on the large white
sheet. After a few seconds during which nothing may happen, a patch of color will be seen. If we
continue fixating, this patch will vanish, then return only to vanish once more; it may alternately
appear & disappear as many as 20 or 40 times, growing fainter with each successive reappearance
until a time is reached after a minute or so when it disappears altogether. Now, there are two
surprising things about this image. The first is its color. If the stimulus is red the image is green; if
the stimulus is blue the image is yellow-orange, if the stimulus is black, the image is white. These are
the complementary colors. The second surprising thing about the negative after image is its size. If
the stimulus is fixated one foot from the eye & the after image is obtained the same distance away,
the image will be exactly the same size. But if the image is projected 2, 5, 10, or 15 feet away the size
of the image will increase proportionately. It's intelligent. For beings. What would that contact be
like? or simply, where are they? Anarchy 4 florence, exile 4 dante: you have a name, you explain; this
image or effect is due to the adaptation, it is due to the 'fatigue' of the color- & light- sensitive
tissue — the retina — which lies at the back of the eyeball, the eye, like windows, like cameras, like
image in sound. Seeing the red patch, we continuously stimulate the same area of the retina until it
becomes no longer sensitive to the red, can no longer feel or see the red of the patch (as we fixate
the red patch, we may notice that it seems to lose its color except round the edges). Then when we
see some other surface, look at it, this adapted retinal area is insensitive to whatever red component
the surface possesses & the negative after image results. The red is in the white. You leave it out you
forget to see red. As we continue to look to see, the retina adapts to the color of the new surface, to
all its color & the image an imagining wanes. The important thing is that the image is the aftereffect
of continuously stimulating you pay & so fatiguing you rest a specific area of the retina you see

July 6
you see what did you have for breakfast? french toast & coffee & today pears colors of the pears
colors of the coffee, do you remember the day jacques & kathleen had maggots in their garbage can?
That's out our window, the room with a family, early morning sun on screen & this was the day
that everybody wore a blue shirt & that's great isnt it & like a summer place at 4:30 monday so
what'll I do? you cut your prices in half until they' see what did you have for breakfast?
different brilliant colors. It's one o'clock & susan strassberg is walkin gaily down the street after a
refreshing cup of brilliant ochre coffee & a bun with rose madder jelly made of fruit orange juice
peach juice & a dim pear. French toast & coffee yellow to brown with brown flowing maple syrup
boiled down & brown grass remember? Graham Brown sat with us he's black & sun is yellow white
light G is brown what light is ice & stockbridge is a white town massachusetts a red brown & yellow
state with shades of tan & one green: we were up early: it's the oil added to lubricate the tip of the
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pen that makes ballpoint ink stains so hard to get out. Can energy be stolen: I'll talk them out of it:
the piano's there in the morning with the score: 16 bars lit by candlelight in the morning sun to get
you high & screens make prisms of every color in a white house gets you off & white garages fading
into the reflection of the sun on the screen a white fence connecting the two with a white door into
the yard I guess grey roof & black shutters. We cant live here much longer. Clean windows.
Remember, it's black: people have different names, the movie: snooze alarm, chess & cool theater of
remote cocks behind? conceived of time & cool paint shop: we see we talk to we cash Ed talks to
Charles Projector on the phone we go to e's rehearsal: an actor acts as though: you cant come in: e
talks about thirty thousand dollars from bristol myers sherry or do I have it wrong & we meet M on
Main St. & we talk about the barn & we go to see it locked all around locked all around in a field of
dirt roads. Colors of the movie: raced to sleeping j&k's, they have no phone yet, maroon cadillac
blue sprite on a small mound of grass in the suburb of yellow & blue houses house with a white
chimney, geraniums strawberry leaves old rhubarb is tough & a hex sign on the stone step up to the
back door the only one we use. Bob dylan coming up the steps run hide the birds. K got up in j's
green robe coffee going up going down coffee to j still in bed in the early morning rain of the blue
room lesson just like a woman lesson filled the neighbor's blue swimming pool, the neighbor saw a
bear walking with his dog one day. Ed wore k's blue ring, & all 3 of them 2 singing wore blue blue
shirts in the cadillac top down drove to town but we stop off christ-like at the dump. Born in a small
space edging to large remember: I wont take them, not even for breakfast: french toast & coffee
containers, you should be a psychiatrist sociologist & anthropologist. Applied logic is a sin:
remember precepts? Bob dylan. We left the dump & went to the theater to make calls, j calls about
designers k calls about her agent e calls charles projector & equipped. the calls to calls outside I'm
outside not calling taking pictures outside the 3 blue shirts in a way I forget myself, this is called
professional the wandering Jew saw christ-like the figures at the dump all connected 2 you to
making movies acting in them smells a rush of sensual a flood to flood over overflow its banks
taking care of never to be in charge. A policeman directs traffic. He arrests it when it verges on the
criminal: we want to go the other way! This is an image a fantasy: I am outside in the cool office
equipped with a coffee machine. Take it it's yours it's for the actors rehearsing a part of this a part
of that & must it be as clear as this: you know about your talent I hear a scout hunt in a
conversation & think about the bear, in a conversation over this part: I believe in this play that's
why I want you to do it & it suits you & it's what you do best. We go to an antique store: k's ring
was blue it was on ed's hand and yellow wicker chair pose pose brown wooden one the blue ring e's
eyes are closed i'm sitting on the steps of the store. We walked down elm street but the car was
parked in front of the lavender door red & blue make purple or red on a blue ground. We 3 waited 2
blue & one died. A car full of people waiting for someone waiting 4 j with k: I spend half my life, the
other half, the driver's door is open & I am describing it. We look for Florida find it in 1957,
division street a brick house with roses in the desert low flags waving over 2 people pretending to be
children playing with a sailboat — son in stream brother in river car floods mother before her house
rain when? I think it started to rain Housatonic paper factory mill turns in the river too & jacques
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went to the bank of kathleen drove home she slept. Down the road roses to the fork at the T, there's
money buried there to someone's red roses purple evergreen & spaces a thin road with no space for
walking I saw the wild cat Ed fixes dinner eat ham corn strawberries & cream strawberries' cream
whipped once to butter, cream & coffee & more b.dylan: focus zoom telescope, there's a dollhouse
in...Kathleen: My ring! A telescope: we slept in our room maybe we looked in on promenade all that
night & on the way we fed some sour mash to hitchhikers going to housatonic, how much can you
stand later B & C? Vitamins a foggy night the moon falls haze we take a wrong turn B & E lost. Later
the soap fell: to the theater to a bar to a garden of an inn, j, e & x are cool the sailboats have
changed hands, we check the last house to live in before we move. K's gone to the city we take a
bath I wash my feet here's where the soap fell: parable of the lost piece of money or is it the last, this
is it: I am Dante Ed is Chopin I'm reeling & falling over tripping over my feet. We go to the T in the
road. It's night cant see the light's in my eyes, E uncovers the cache: it's a trophy engraved with the
whole of the life & times of Dante Chopin Peter the Great. Goya Beethoven Goethe Louis XIV.
Columbus Michaelangelo St. Francis Washington Jefferson Elizabeth I. Napoleon Leonardo. We
thought it was here. Note: Beverly 3674: on Rte. 183 1.7 mi. from the Glendale post office going
south you'll see a green sign that reads tag sale. Now what is that got to do with anything? I'm just
giving you some old saying that makes about as much sense as the one you just gave me, listen pa
every thirty years or so there's another generation of mericans a whole new nation, 160 million new
people, we're in trouble, what's to guarantee they're mericans, why dont they just turn into 160
million new people with powerful airplanes & big bombs & an itch to rule the world, i'll tell you
why because they've got a heritage they've got a constitution & a bill of rights & a declaration of
independence & a declaration of anarchy disorder confusion disarray, a declaration of jumble chaos
& clutter, litter complexity & knotted tangles & a tradition of fair play & unlicensed nihilism & how
do they know it, because the teachers of america tell it to them not only tell it to them but sell it to
them. That's out our window, the room with the family, & do you always get a family with the
room, early morning sun on screen & this was the day that everybody wore a blue shirt & that's
great isnt it & like a summer place at 4:30 monday so what'll I do? you cut your prices in half until
they'll... be moving on

July 7
Do you have access to a T? Do you have access to a Xerox machine? This is a major fate hate weigh
your fat. So lost so you're lost how lost can you be when everywhere you turn it's morning & a
flag's going up over a map: 2 bean sprouts resting on a snow pea pod & then, it snows, it snows for
the first time it snows buckets it snows mainly. It snows rain snow gets rid of alot of germs, says X
of the piemonte ravioli co. we pack our pasta in boxes it's homemade & speak about the weather:
homemade stolen electric typewriters it isnt one yet stolen cassette tape recorder he had schemes.
Between recorder & he is: the difference between me & the maharajah. We dont we wont atone for
that we leave it as it is so, lost you're lost how lost can you be when everywhere you go it's morning
& the sun's coming up over a map: & the map a map to alford massachusetts to a certain place in
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alford massachusetts within the town lines it goes like this forward: start up the car past golf course
along winding road across route 183 past j&k's house (blue & yellow) upto T in road (chesterwood
sign) follow the sign make left the road turns to dirt follow the arrows who? till the road it's dirt
veers off in two directions always bear right on the dirt road. Veering right watch for oncoming cars
on this narrow dirt road you'll go by a white fence just pass by it when you get to real road, asphalt,
that's route 41, take a left go over a small bridge quickly (it's green) you go a tenth of a mile &
make the first right up & around the black surface of winding cobb hill road, if you're careful you
see the sign. winding & uphill until you read a complex of buildings that looks like a textbook farm,
if you make the right right in a second you'll be passing a big red barn on the left, watch for the
cows & people on the road & incidentally here's where the road — if you walk on it you'll see —
looks like it was hit, the surface of the road, by a series of small meteors burning holes making holes
making burns in the surface of the black hard asphalt brown burns. Go right on till you see a small
sign that's faded over it says alford five miles & something else, this is your first left on the road — if
you're on a motorcycle at night you'll notice here that the temperature of the air is considerably
warmer than before, we are in some kind of valley air pocket but after driving a few miles uphill it
seems inexplicable except to the people who live here, here we also pass a dreamlike farm nestling in
the valley's expensive soil, after making this left the road suddenly turns to gravel — I think this was
probably temporary so dont count on it but the gravel begins as you cross the west stockbridge —
alford town line sign. Just after you've passed the alford brook club or just before afford brook itself
is almost invisible like a light on the shore of the country we're making for, we're almost there, go
about 1.3 miles on this road & then stop at the house. Before you make it you'll pass by blueberry
hill & the house of a certain dr. pepper a white house with a red car the doctor has a beard, also
some house with a title like swanns way or windy haven, everyone here is dead serious dont go as far
as the turn in the road where you pass a white fence on the right & a winding uphill road to a black
& white house & dont go as far as the next valley where the view is for miles & definitely dont go as
far as the strange house with a gazebo a wooden horse & carriage & an empty reservoir on the left,
two bachelors live in this house. If you've made the right house it's the one right on the road on the
left opposite a yellow one & it's brown with blue doors with a chimney of stone in the front, it's a
funny looking house, stop there, across the street is a russian prince who loves cats & a princess who
is vincent price's sister who curls her hair, stop across from them, they have a station wagon & two
35mm movie cameras, her name is cam so lost you're lost how lost can you be when everywhere
you turn it's morning and a flag's going up over a map: pack car get gas get j's car & tv equipment
go to beverly's get key, she had none we had to break a window to get in, buy an alarm clock pick up
the bed go to the barn see about electricity, go to j's remember eileen & call tom, we made a map
which is sun which is shade & how many are accidents we almost hit a car there one day. And so,
we pass jacques & kathleens house on our way home again 3 white chairs in front reflect light &
kathleen left for the city last night dont forget to call the massachusetts electric company, we did.
Splinter splinter of the headboard of the bed splinter of an unshaved dangerous support board for
the body of the bed, the bed set up in the middle of the room, splinter's clear, we took the splinter
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out a foregone conclusion pasted it up with hydrogen peroxide bought bandaids & fell through, ed
took a picture you are an actor but dont want to act so instead you talk about marriage by a sweet
pond near a sound studio sound & sweet the whole story of the orange pen stolen from the
basement. Someone smokes quotes if he someone's son were a few years older he could dip in the
cool hollywood pool they provide at an inn, describe gold describe golf get married sink in the deep
with no regrets no one looking after him just drown, he could get married he could think, no one
would taunt him about it & if marriage had an open end he could think it could become misty in
the light could drink light itself, add up the mileage conveniently open find out what's inside he
could work live without light, he could candle & flashlight it, he could ride in a convertible without
seeing he could create a shortcut write about prayer he could set up lights take them down take
pictures he could photograph lights he could be forced to, he could let the light in he could begin a
day without a proper bed he could freeze sentences in air, he could eat out, he could drift in & out
of a blue room he never woke up in he could imagine a yellow one small, he could notice windows,
how you see them, two eyes, ed read the new york times he will never eat a big mac again. It's as
simple as that I am looking for 2 u-haul mirrors not fish. And again: legs crossed, who is hungry as I
am who is sweet j laughs at cars point risk point. The cars last word, in them, who hears it fall direct
a line to women fall by the side of the roadway, men? gouge out eyes? no, but fall by the side on
one-way roadways of those not like to like. It's too loud a thud, swan swan silvertones comes down
& down just a little bit a little bit too hard hard pat pat a person subtle system, laugh & swell life
clear smooth & double perf of film, opaque a system system design your life not mine. It's clear:
read genet to describe kathleen run hide give her something run away stay away hide you're in here
i'm out again, hide resist fall get up run away ed smiled in the u-haul store we buy a flashlight. Ed
the detective ed the cook & messy erasure, ed or mr. & mrs. ed & mr. & mrs. north, what of this
take? 72 times in the year & still the same tone, never come true dreams that ring in your ear that
way all around the ear 360 degrees & elaine sets designs rejects set designs one right after the other
then, concentrate, set design, freedom a moment a memory away, then one step more, get rid of a
memory & laughs 'come clean': "You're in the wrong doorway!" You're in the wrong home you're
sitting in the wrong sun writing in the wrong car smelling the wrong burning hair all is wrong over
is wrong someone said & someone said 'functional & ornamental' & the pictures are like all
pictures are lie like sleepers like a railroad crossing sign is a skull & laughs comes clean at the edges
& sign the sea is bluer signed a book & sign in time, put dick paul in city hall, why two men & are
they both sitting down? Do you give up? The ghost as well? Oceans right & left, since we're always
aware of it, what should we do a-men, men are able so just act sweet & go on: You wake up you
walk out a man is raising a flag merican flag in house next door & nixon's the man do you like
trees? is susan strassberg a famous merican actress, woke up, walked out, owner waters the lawn n'
mows grey house of merican flag & mellow one with basketball hoop, there's an merican mosquito
under my shirt does it hurt? no we moved. between the thumb & forefinger of my right hand,
between those a splinter zooms in quick & the taste waste of a room – i'm a schoolboy in
watercolors, look around, its mountains in merica zoom, what the fuck's the moon we're in an
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insulated room we take our time runnin round we zoom no moon, we make, monster, the greatest
milk of all time, like this: one blue head with a black wig on sitting in a window surrounded by
skirts, & mercy like they say another merican flag by god a whole display of em, pink, o mesh &
gauze cause you to faint for mercy wow up on a mt. top maybe if you're lucky you prick think back:
you saw flowers underneath women's head eyes closed reflected in the window you saw flags in,
same one, shit man it was a beauty shop if i ever saw one, somebody grabs a 7:30 flight to toronto
man & S. is doing juliet on the Square, what a gas explosion that was red engines galore & ten
gallon hats to boot the end. Not by a long shot. Cabs. It was the circle beauty salon with a capital C.
& wait till you personally see the Capitol's mind's eye blower encased in space emergency glass —
that's silver & gold case you didnt know, you fucker. The mother's house was bigger than the house
of the fatter father. That's how it goes, both mother & father resemble police cars & in the dark: a
picture of a stone a picture of a mother superimposed on a father, a picture, a prize-winning picture,
of bird on tree. We never saw that one, we never looked at it, we didnt come from there, we grew up
in the city, we grew up in the shadow of the housatonic riverboat gambling casino we grew up in a
cadillac we saw a dog limping we saw a bear in the woods in merrimac forest we saw a bear limping
by the side always by the side, they were constant companions, of a giant dog a strange giant dog
back behind the swimming pool we saw this sight, it was glorious in the sense that it fit the exact
size it fit exactly it was just the right size to be framed by a single standard size, the official size,
basketball hoop of this century NBA regulations. And so, we bought a berkshire eagle & a couple of
side view mirrors, there was nothing playing at the drive-ins, something black, we got home after
dark, no juice. No sparks. No gas. No flames. No water at least we had ground. The moon was full
the brightest clouds you ever saw moved across in front of it the brightest night clouds move fast,
it's scenery. You think you plan you save this up, your calm drink, black jack daniels sour mash
whiskey from tennessee where ground is green it's orange, no colors in the dark fire flies we lit the
house with candles on the stone slab center stone is safe turn on the fire brigades, light up pricks &
ready for the team, we put out fires after they begin, they burn for a while you call clouds passing all
the while passing quickly in front of the moon, when are they coming when will they be ready. Get
dressed in the middle of the night, on call, it's the volunteer fire dept. of new york city we'd like to
see you in action we'll call when we're ready meanwhile we're watching these certain clouds go by
by the moon & I'll hold a candle to your face if you'll hold one to mine, the fire flies in no mood
exposure to the moon will...& ed with a candle on ed face the moon behind we're ready for action,
the motion's in the sky candle ed makes a path through the room dont trip to the moon or i'll call
in the brigade again & they'll sing hearty songs drink all the whiskey we have in the house & sing no
juice how? in the sky ed walked through the room with a candle in his hand how did the fire start
sir, in the bed in the sink in the dead of night, it must've been the bed in the middle of the room
caught fire in the, no, it was the matches left out in the moon. Light matches & perhaps you can see
fireflies ed with a candle on his face, the big moon behind not long enough i'm lit candles in my
hair my hair in braids but not tied like randa wears it the braids coming loose at the bottom so
much action in the sky ed walked through the room with a candle in his hand i watched through
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the big window he passed behind the headboard of the bed, drank & smoked, left matches & a
candle outside, the candle got a feather stuck to it no mosquitoes we bought sugar & evaporated
milk, had coffee in real cups with water from the pipes left there, boil it, new tv, notes candles
nectarines & many matches ed got a new kind of match today a permanent match eternal one.
Come out now men in your rubber suits for the permanent match is a dangerous one dangerous to
the touch & a flashlight at the auto store, i demanded it, a clear light not from fire soon blow up
explode in a flash of...drink more, we make a match fire light a cigarette & store or set fire to the
end of one & draw in the smoke into our hearts & lungs, the firemen are back to help put out a row
of candles sleeping, fifty or a hundred of them shaped like the body of a man or a crown, we light
them all drink a cup of hot coffee & sleep in flames. Leaping around the notes we make about
moon, sleep, middle of room, wake up clear & alter. It's annabel lee or something: sharp knives cut
fingers & hands, splinters get in they burn we swim at least we like to swim

July 8
Eight, right, & sink a foul shot, wait a minute wait a minute what are you talking about, think back
think straight, eight right, they're just not gonna give you any electricity for free, well what's the dif
ference I can see or I cant see: just glance at it, just James Dean. And so, go ahead: red tide in
florida: one carried gas the other oil, they sank. Like a clamp like a mirror like a brace like a strut of
some kind like high school like college like beatniks like hitchhikers, I dream of ed's parents like
vitamins grandfather falls down like god he goes to the hospital like in france, slide down the day
you can barely see, bernadette you can just about see, he gets x-rays like film like cans of film like
fine jewelry like silverware, glance at it from the bed, from bed to bed bernadette, bath is trance, like
clocks like pewter like the everly brothers like bye bye love like watches like photos, love, like radios
love like phonographs or stereos like television like appliances milk check milk see milk sleep milk,
ultramarine blue marie. You sleep marie: save them for me certain moments I'm resting I'm
restoring I'm gathering I'm hunting I'm starving I'm you you say go on being peering owl on top of
fortress sounding out training sound to meet my ear drive & mark time I'm a history her coil mark
time, suffer a moment to let me be like her a history, object she was determined defies all laws &
rules is the language I bought from passers by sea crate full of junk & language twisting & twisting
coil of all morning I met that guy the guide & cast his bell aside I'd rather die in sync with just
random tones, just war can bury baby brick your foot's my foot core how late you suffer core how
late whispers suffer whispers into the tape a running water sound at the bell rewinding a vision I got
& mystery works at the door if no one's there I'll stay right here adding a picket to this to pierce
you/me clear through I saw you remember we go through the greatest horrors of the world at last
together you turn over you dont really wake up sink a shallows at the oceans deep deep malaysians
sleep I'll know new dance the boxes taught today it's rare code words can sink a ship in the shallows
reform so dry a crease & saw the same crack in the dream before sink down broad ship at dawn
home plate they hold it up to their ears to hear we years you go on. I'm resting. I saw her once. Her
pins prick my skin she makes me dizzy she makes me well. You repeat: we were just in the process of
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repainting the dining room, one wall yellow, one wall blue, two walls greens & the window legends
orange to look like the sun, like a broken ankle in france like tom slipping on the west side highway
& falling into a hole, will a car come by & kill him, will a tour come by & watch him, will an engine
come by & raise him up, will the police come with sideburns & arrest him: "I dont want to hear how
you got in this hole." I can hear tom's voice it isnt saying that. Orange notes orange moon orange
check for $10.25 orange reflection orange log cabin orange food sing out loud orange car away
moon no thinking moon orange map the same map as before. Sing this: W is a letter I is a letter
waiting for the phone co waiting singing I sing I ants I ants & geranium geranium hum spell that:
cicada, ambient & transient. It's over before its begun that's a day & note, something's biting me,
the sun replaced the moon so we act like people we woke up feel good get water from the pipes: the
house through the window shaped like a tree shaped like a house, luckily you work in time. Ten
o'clock let me take you higher the ants are going crazy it's hot in the sun it's the sun I'm waiting
for the telephone we drive breakneck: "I can't act so let's just be friends as men," so, who'll play
the brother?once there was a man who wanted to leave things where they were. but he covered
them, a slow death —the dope a fine powder under the cap covered with stones. once was a man
who worked at night his face was close to the lamp, inches away. he added something to the heat of
the lamp. one man with no light in his eye, 3 stones. he stayed, he talked about suicide. once a man
but the heat of the lamp was thousands of watts & watts was riots, the man thought of leisure built
stick match bridges with a gap between them. he began again: he woke up in the morning, he
remembers he's changed. he sinks into the desert sun dizzy sick. the sun's dark & he's in a corner
he's treed. once man like a theater there was a man like ugly dogs at the theater was a man like
yelping puppies, I was sitting waiting. ed gets out of the car: once a man he cut himself. he caught a
girl in a faded net. she was the shade of numbers on a phone. he stopped himself, dried in the sun:
you see it I see it, shoes off, close to was where the paint brush through the trees dots. I thought that
bursh was my memory closer from behind, in the woods a gulf, a light crate for the phone, catch a
car going by, waiting for them, get lost, pink toad, the threads of the restaurant, we eat. Blue. Blue in
the eye, ultramarine on an imaginary line on the road, on a line at the center the once was man
parked his car, car dashboard crashboard & all. He always parked at the capital without hesitation.
Pollynoses? come later. Blue sky strawberry plant car pool. P.O.V. is straight but it's day lights are
on, some kind of curtain & some kind of curtain & some kind of bottle & a person lying in the dark,
the once was man. He looks like a bottle of red wine vinegar he looks like a memory he looks like a
visit in the middle of the night while we are putting plugs in cases to protect them from the water of
the river he looks around like a clue: we made maps he looks red, lion, log, cabin — all those places,
a big dinner was made we drew from it — scallops steak awful corn not set by indians in the blue
soil, drink water from a green glass glass & once was drew out his credit card to pay to pay for two
or three once was's, we wrote a check for $10.25 good capital, start a plant in georgia employ blacks
for once returned his steak it wasnt rare enough, a moments chance a womens club walks through
sits down for heady cocktails in the autumn dawn & summer sunset which was which for once they
all ate veal the same. Why consume cowboys rope steer they all eat veal, do you sew quilts for us in
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the dark dark nights in winter once lit a cabin with wagon wheels on the ceilings drop down from
heights where rain & so on out the window darker & darker, little lights a green space on the plate a
blue dot on the feel of the veal in veins in your mouth return it it's frozen that's what eskimos eat.
Here, once in a crowd one bright one color & one costume. I'm from another planet I zoom in on a
red car top translucent white appears from the head of a woman in turquoise with white trim a
french twist, blue nose noses come out of a short-haired man in a suit he puts that in his pipe &
smokes it down, he's through, a blonde in orange with a white bag is hanging on a cross, she sighs,
a woman turns around, once was a man with his stick-arm leaning on the bannister, a man in a
white suit what's the use of being a boy leaning against a white silver torch car a mixture that has to
be stirred like a man he's bad extends his hand there's a coke in it for a quarter to a woman in
white with a cool black sweater dragging in folds over an arm glisten in shoes high heel shoes she
reaches for the coke, grabs it, once was holding a theater bill in hand hand behind him a man
scratching his neck in white shoes the room waxes green of the exit door. For once in case the heart
of once stopped like a light aimed at the floor & off to the side of the light in the light ed stands on
legs. Power miscast his clothes left on the floor he took a bath & went to bed but not before we
disappeared that day & were never heard from again: & once in the pacific we went back t our old
habit of taking in information of all kinds & amounts, you know now or right away, you bend your
left knee in the pacific of course you never come back, left knee like a stick match stick bridges in
the sand you leave or will let limits defend themselves especially on the bridges bridges a fine line
attracts friends from all over the world passing by once & once a name in print, you see it, one is
done, celebrate the next, the people who have no interests are ahead & we go to bed but not before
the race: detective, go to sleep, kathleen's braids are in a jar, shoot me shoot him shoot you center
edges align a space together a light repeating, detective go to sleep, but not before the race begins:
once there is a man who sings as long as he can & he lives in a yellow house so, he sings as long as
he can & he lives in a yellow & blue house thats the end, the storm was near, the fellows the guys
the skies werent clear, they were clear & the storm the storm was dry, we felt it dry on us on our
hands & ears & on the words coming up: let's just use the rain making something out of anything
& the man who lives above the once is man was learning more & more about how to sing, he was
green with envy for all the greatest singers of his time. I'm good at setting up a paradise he said, look
at this one here. here is a paradise made in blue & red — all you need & you are not I repeat you are
not riding a bicycle. The sense of it she began & she was not the girl who lived in the house, she's
the girl we saw with that guy, the two of them just hanging around, you know the guy with the
stringy blond hair, the tall guy who looks like anthony perkins in tall story, no, in psycho & the
young basil rathbone. They lead me around they lead me to the race. Sit up stretch what comes first.
Something come first comes ahead. You call something something, it's in mind, it's at attention, if
you do, if it is, then it comes first, first page four then page one: if you call it something if you do
put it first then, you'll know later what you're doing, the things that dont get called they come last
if there's time if there's time, you missed it you threw it that's an echo that comes last, unless you
play fill-in-the-blanks, you make a bet. Sit up stretch thin thing red thing moving along the red dot
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on jacques watch is a person a machine when he's in the movies? The light of the light I'm looking
at is the light that was shining on some small man a year before the earth of something happened a
quake make down come down some hard hard things on the head of the man who did die he died
shouting reciting my name, it was in the theater but it's the same the same thing as the thing in the
theater now is the time for all & so on to the end dash would anyone like to read this picture to the
end: when my parents used to bring their black friends over for a jam session that was all i could
remember when the police handcuffed me. Read the picture, picture, now think harder, it races
ahead of you into some other time, it races you to the moon, now further away it races with you you
are neck in neck, you are making the fastest moves, it's gaining on you, in close, it's coming in
close, racing you to the finish, finish not in sight, it races, you race no one's racing, the finish you
expand you expand your chest you are in some other world you have been prepared for this you have
waited the world is wound around its other one, you think you shiver you are racing still, it races
ahead of you, you whisper, blast explosion a soft ticket a boat a ground like fur, a bed of leaves,
nothing new, nothing that is really new, completely new you are in it, you are out, you have felt the
beginning of it before you have felt fear, races flash but dont reappear, it's the end of something
before, but nothing, no song, sing wrack song & that plant that's the same plant as, that's the plant
you I am I & you know what red of strawberry is...that plant, the way it grew over, it is
growing over now, what sign what pebble & almost, some road some race you dont we can talk like
that we can talk like that it dont mean the same mean the same thing at all that at all. When I
recognize the strawberry leaves down on the ground I'm back where I started from & to bear it up, a
strawberry , two dead ones, dead leaves, they're here in spring past the bunk of summer, gets to
sleep on top? Summer you never saw, summer this summer you never saw it saw it before, I saw it I
couldnt see I slipped I skipped what was what it was, they were used to it but I saw it I saw it I knew
it would be right where it was, no slip, fit that in: go for a fitting in every example every instance
every time like for instance there might be an actor moving in, there might be him or her, there
might be this or that, there might be time for everything or we might be busy we might be strong we
might collapse, like some building blown up by the designer who hated it, that's a thought: we're in
here, tree, listen to this: I die sigh resign I like you which of you is nearest, which is here, a bath, a
bath of trees a sea of trees, you think a fall of trees, that's there when I'm there, to make a tree fall,
why not, think tree does that make sense? think tree does this ring true? think again tree can I talk
to you? & further tree which one are you? have I done have I done it? tree do it over? tree think my
thought? tree, tree? sit back, a recipe, a ham, I cant go anywhere, I have to stay right here: veal: in
america veal is a misunderstood meat & the milkfed variety is hard to come by. Veal should be
tender succulent & white, if it is not there are 2 ways to improve it, one is to blanch briefly starting
in cold water & the other is to soak refrigerated in milk overnight before cooking veal needs a
careful cooking approach as it is lacking in fat & may toughen quickly although abroad certain
dishes like veal a la meuniere or a la creme are severed both sorry & juicy veal here is generally
served after reaching an internal temp. of 175° & it is roasted 25 to 30 minutes per lb. until weeks
have gone by although a leg of veal may be roasted most out of its head large pieces of the things are
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pot roasted the long roadmuscle of the leg when cut across the grain produces scallops & then dial-
a-steak dinner & he'll deliver it you soon, next time you hunger for a succulent steak day or night
reach over & dial CH2-4100 & go right on doing whatever you were doing, at home or at somebody
else's place or at your office, within 60 to 90 minutes, stop & start eating. A complete steak dinner
broiling hot with all the trims. Serve on the sturdy service that arrives on request or use your own.
Keep the handsome stainless still steak cutting knives with our compliments but be careful with
them not to cut your own throat. Your steak & baked potato will arrive so hot it'll burn your tongue
& you can keep this too. Packed separately is your crisp tossed green salad with insects with the
steak joint's own seagull flavored dressing. Dinner rolls large chunks of creamery cow butter salt &
pepper from the mines, napkins & utensils. Minimum service is for two: either or both of you may
already own a fur. Add fifteen per cent for delivery & gratuities. Dial-a-steak service available noon
to 11 pm seven days a week complimentary gift on request consists of a corkscrew. We honor all
major credit cards.Goodnight, meat

July 9
What's the difference who's in charge: when our experience is increased by the addition of
observations which were future, down the road & relections to infinity, but are now past, we seek
once more to order in the same manner our increased volume of experience: when it's this bright
it's just as well to look at them small, how can you see that? But in this increased volume all
experience is of equal value, that which was future, reflections to infinity, is in no way different
from that which was past, for all is now past: when it's this bright it's just as well to look at them
small, now can you see that? what are those are they trees or wild flowers? Down the road &
reflections to infinity in the bathroom mirror: in order not to lose the light you do it with a mirror
& the only way you can get a mirror there is when the shutters close & nevermind & when this light
goes on: this is the first or last & those are the holes where birds lived where they live, I said, what's
the difference who's in charge: the light says the money says the dawn says desert no this is an
incredible thing those are little holes that birds make to live in a mound of sand it's in a gravel pit, I
said, that's really strange what kind of birds do that she said, I have no idea cause the sand is
completely dry & they must have to wet it some way the way ants do when they build anthills I said,
it's in a gravel pit it's not near water anywhere is it she said, no it's a gravel pit in the middle of the
berkshires I went there to get sand I said I wander all night in my vision someone said & I say lie
down on the road in the dark, say down on the road down the road & reflections to infinity in the
mirror framed in a color on the winedark road: it was green to my house & I check first the holes in
a mountain of sand where birds nest, place: sand to make sandbags & what were they for, she said,
for we shot for we shot a film in the middle of the river & we put a tripod down & we thought we
might need sandbags cause the river runs it's hard running water but the holes I couldnt believe it &
I took a picture of them & then the guy at the gravel pit explains it what they are & you see the birds
flying in & out huge birds & they're big holes they dont look it you dont get any ideas of their size I
said, pterodactylls or something she said, yes birds with wings of skin & long fingers I said & she
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said very prehistoric really incredible, she said. Place: 2 bean sprouts resting on a snow pea pod &
props: jacques I remember it perfectly, sandbags: he shoveled it in, I held the bag 4 for $1.00 &
something in great detail: that's the rest of the gravel pit I said, I thought a gravel pit would be very
grey & look like the kind of gravel you see in driveways & I'm surprised to see it's so tan she said,
this is a mysterious place, it's right around the corner from where I used to live & one of the reasons
I went there was that I know I needed to fill up bags with sand & I'd tried to buy sandbags but
nobody'd sell them they thought I was crazy you know like a person from the city wants to buy
something that's right there in front of you so I bought burlap bags & somebody charged me 25¢
each for them I mean for a burlap bag & I went here because I was always curious what they did &
they made a loose mixture of pebbles & rock fragments coarser than sand & sometimes mixed it
with clay & they were very nice I said, is that where you lived she said. I got a softball shirt at
nejaimes free from a man with no morals, he took it off & I dont have to go on with this, what
would you do? create laws? discuss the purpose of them? disorder the order that has already been
established? order the increased volume of experience? or reject it altogether leaving nothing to be
ordered & everything lax in a mess in chaos in a muddle out of place cluttered in a maze in a
labyrinth in a wilderness in a jungle in tangled skeins & loose fixes, a heroin addict wouldnt do it I
must have no respect for nothingness to photograph these scenes with sand or snow off Monument
Valley Road the road in the valley of the same mountain monument mountain, a whole series of
them a whole series of photographs & one monument & I get a whole new picture of myself, where
is your driver's license he said, you are drinking beer. It's loose there are no morals there's an
absence of authority in the subway: weigh your fate becomes weigh your fat & what's new is crossed
out in a convulsion of volition is intersocial in this case the abstraction is order: kathleen calls &
I've drunk five glasses of wine in an unmethodical something or other before tom called & a
complex what was there a what, what is the music of the moment, I'm here & someone said well
there was a song & some music in his ear most of the time he just went around with it and to get off
easy to get off loose or just to get off to desert to dethrone to impeach to depose to abdicate to lose
your drivers license on elm street waiting for the fireman to come with his boots drinking beer,
where is you drivers license he said, you are drinking beer: no that's just, no there are pictures later
of the inside of the house, this is just on the way to pittsfield because I didnt live on a street because
they put us in a house like that when we first got up there they put us in a room with a family & I
abdicated because we were making films for a play because for jacques yeah & we immediately
mobilized our resources & went slack we tolerated we relaxed we misruled we wanted to live in a
forest & we got a house we couldnt afford except that we shared it with an actor & they gave us each
housing allowances & we put them together & we got a house that was a forest but the room with
the family wasnt so cool because that's just another house or car actually & I think this is in white
stockbridge & this is what I said & she said, they're really clear they're really bright it's pretty film &
I said, kodachrome, that's the housatonic river at a calm part past where & that's a bridge I am
looking out from a bridge I went over a hundred fifty times in a month & she said that's three times
a day you must've stayed on the wrong side of it. John baker comes by one two three four lock the
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door where that blue car is parked the lock's broke or at least there aint no driver with the king's
driver's license remember perrone's wife & is it hot enuf for ya because I went over the bridge over
the housatonic expecting something & are you crazy you are a heroin addict & thank you very much
it was a hot day on the same river we needed boots for river no. 183 near The Plains, Ticket, America
I quit & switched to heroine Emily Dickinson signed her death warrant death contract here in
Nathaniel Hawthorne's house, Lenox, in 1875 OK? That was in the river written, see it? no & that
shore's for you to identify & estimate size estimate the size of there's a man on it small as a dot over
hoover dam madam I'm adam spring water & close up the spaces of rivers for good. Bridge did you
plan it that way: well stockbridge was on one side, j's house & our house were on the other side &
was it a pedestrian bridge or a car bridge it was both & it has a something or other you can walk on
it a passageway on the side like an old suspension bridge not a suspension bridge you know those
girders those iron girders all clear cantilever I said, is that the same side or the other side she said, I
think it's the same side so I say so & she agrees because of the trees & I agree yeah but she says I like
that one better though for some reason it's clearer & closer it's different & I say it might be a
different exposure but she says it's a question of height & mumbles it doesnt look like you are high
does it. This was after I spent a morning getting props together & this was the day ed went to the city
to get the equipment & I got props together too busy to take any pictures & now I'm on my way to
j's house to wake him up so we can decide on a definite place in the river which we never did wasted
the whole afternoon & that's the bridge it's a suspension bridge. Right she says I cant tell I dont
know but I think if it has those wires I guess so but it's tiny though really tiny & I say pretty little
stock bridge that's j's forest it's amazing that was the daytime forest so dark forests are very dark &
she says that's a forest I dont believe it it's too dark & this is a swimming pool: bridge did you plan
it that way it's all clear cantilever & why did I picture this forest first? I remember he was sorry I
came & wanted time to himself like blue comes up white comes down like branches hanging on a
vine, this will be a jungle i'm sure. No it's not for that a jungle & a maze that dan called & someone
from the nursing home called & they're trying to get him to sign remember, what sign what sign
sign over bags of sand in the end in the end in the end no light just 2 cats & 4 pairs wading boots on
monday night tuesday night wednesday night all: we're looking for a boat & ammunition of sand &
blood blood in a movie blood in the sand & a one-minute speech on monday afternoon from the
four-to-midnight cop you call him at his home, mr. cop perrone, you meet 1:30 pm at the fire house
& you can have the boots till monday night when the volunteers drill & you wait 1-2 hours & it's
3pm now at 1957 division street, is that the year from which we make our mark, yesterday & today
eileen's at home on monday between 12 noon and 3 with no lights 2 cars & a minute to spare to
make a speech on a page of scripts about sandbags, you call the cop at noon at home it cost you 70¢
a call he's the deputy fire commissioner & a four-to-midnight cop, his number's 4706 & call him
the fire chief if you know what's good for you & you know what his wife's pregnant, I've invaded
his privacy anyway to pay me for that he gives me 4 pairs waders till monday night when the
volunteers assemble for a drill: who is the fire chief, where are the softball shirts, how can I get a
boat: jacques went in for a swim & we spent a long time discussing the color of that reflection & it
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didnt come out the color it was & the question is did you think the reflection would have it's own
color & the answer was it did & the question was no but in the picture you thought it would it
would have it's own color & the answer was well it did & the question was what & the answer was it
should have come out in the picture as what it was which was a sort of purple color you see the
green trees in the blue pool turned purple & made too much sense & the question was well & it did
& it well but the how did it but the white of the sun must do it & the answer was it did because it
was just very green along with the light of the sun & the sun was very low in the afternoon & it
somehow made it & it forced itself to make it & it forced out of itself this strange purple color which
you will never see & she said no & that's too bad & I said here's another one you can never tell
what this is & she said july was a very long time ago & I said july oh & she said it does to me it
seems that was & I said I thought you meant this seemed that way & she said oh no & I said if july
were a long time ago that would be nice & she said they do & I said you mean the pictures & she
said no july no july always seems to be about two years ago almost as if you had been there & I said
except that I have a thousand ways to track it down & she said how are you going to name the book
july & I said maybe july & she said if the light looks the same to you then but it never does & I said
no it doesnt i mean that's what's so funny about looking you've seen it & she said apocalyptic:
there was a definite place in the river & a time to pick up the nephew & there was a drive on
monday morning & there was a mother on monday afternoon & there was some off-white paper &
there was something in great detail & it was friday there was hot hot hot sun & there was hot
enough isnt it sitting in the sun & there was the firehouse & there was beer orange pen camera a hot
camera & there was john baker coming by to talk to me & there was his camera & there he was
wanting a range-finder instead of a nikormat & there was every car that pulls by & there were a look
& looks & there was mr. perrone the fireman & four-to-midnight cop & there was sleeping j & there
was the fireman's pregnant wife & somebody said he'll never know & a woman in the post office
got a speeding ticket in elizaville she was going 78 mph & there she was going 78 mph & she was
getting her third speeding ticket near hudson ancram & there was ropes canoes knives & towels & a
way to dial a camp to get a boat so today's the day when all jokes jokes & gestures go out of joint: ed
left for the city this morning to pick up the stuff as I might be able to recreate later recreate later
from this & in my mind I would reargue reascend reassemble & there was a reassembly & I would
reassert & there was a reassertion & I would reassess reassign reassimilate & there was a
reassimilation & I would reassume & there was a reassumption & I would reattach & there was a
reattachment & I would reattack reattempt reawaken rebind rebloom & I would reblossom reboil
rebuild & something was rebuilt & I would rebury. There's something I've been meaning to ask you
about in moving you talk about reading dune did you really like it & I kept trying to persuade mary
to read it & she wouldnt she said & I said yeah I really liked it & she said talk about making spices &
I said yeah I could never read any of his other books they're all shit & I read one after dune it was
something called the haven makers no it wasnt that it was called dune somebody & I couldnt believe
it was the same writer & she said no it was the same & I said I have it here but I couldnt get through
it & she said I read that all his other stuff was bad & so I didnt & then I saw dune messiah & I just
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looked at it & I saw that it was really terrible & I said dune was great & she said yeah dune was
fantastic & she said all that stuff about the salt women & stuff about other kinds of women & all
that stuff about the usurpation of perception & I said & then for that guy to come up to me & for
me to know what he was gonna look like beforehand that's just what & before I could finish she
said what was that like & I said I sort of described it I was outside in the country & I fell asleep & I
had I was sort of half waking & half sleeping the way you are when you sleep in the sun & she
nodded yes to that & I said I knew the guy the guy in the house next door, it was the beginning of
the year & I had never met him I was there only three or four days, & I knew he was gonna come up
& introduce himself at some point & his name was bob may & so I had this sort of fantasy half
awake fantasy vision of exactly what he would look like & what he would say & then I woke up & I
was just waking up & the book was on my stomach & it all happened exactly & he looked exactly,
well he had a pipe exactly like in the dream & he came up & he said hi I'm bob may which is exactly
what he had said to me in the dream, not such a strange thing to say really & she said no it isnt & I
said but on the other hand he couldnt have said something else & then I said I'm bernadette mayer
with the accent on the e, r, as if I were more may than he was & he was the son of rollo may you
know the philosopher psychiatrist whatever he is & she said books yeah funny books very funny & I
said I dont know what this is it's a light it's one of those lights you know those candles they have in
restaurants but that doesnt look right at all & she said it's some kind of shadow: well that must be
the garden of the ed-red leo-lion-jacques inn an in to the actors & actresses, it was hung with a
crooked fence & there was an addition to it an ad in the papers for paperhangers, our nails were
filed we were filed we filed in to a neat white space with red candles, who's the fall guy: the boat
dealer, jokes the sandman, jokes the guy at agway, jokes jacques, jokes come back later, hopes jokes
dopes go look for a boat to swim away in we are having a nice conversation in this garden with two
hitchhikers one is white one is black but neither of them talk, we had a nice conversation it went on
forever till the sun set no, i forget, rise: there may be a glass there or something, yes, there's
something there look at it, it looks like the orange is distorted, the orange part looks like a
dressmaker's dummy, yes it does it does & there's more of those coming, yes it is this is in the red
lion inn where we were having something to eat waiting for, no I dont think it is oh yes it is oh yes
it's really dark, yes it's an outdoor grave I mean garden or something & there was no light there was
no light & it was night except, wait a minute, that's not outdoors you can see that that's a window,
yes curtains & blinds it must be, it looks like the house, yes but it's the same candle or is it the same
I dont know, it could be yes it its, the color's the same but maybe it's not maybe it's not the red
lion, no I'm sure of it it was the red lion in, yes but what about the glass, well I cant figure it out, it
seems to come above the flame here & in the other one the flame seems to come above the glass, yes
it's true, i give up I don't know where it is it could be anywhere, I know I was in two restaurants
that night, no three, but that doesnt look like the other one because the other one was lit you know
it was inside & j told me the whole story of two books he never wrote while we were waiting for ed &
kathleen, yes she was in the city too, we were waiting for them to come back, oh here's a clue, but
what is it, is it j's house, no it's a person sitting there, I think I know, shit it cant be they have a
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garden, I know, everyone's arrived by this time, ed & kathleen & tom showed up too & they were
hungry so we all went to the silver city bar, finally, which also has red candles I was confused that
was the confusion the muddle of red candles all over, now this is the silver city bar where we had
cheeseburgers & there was live music playing & this is our house. Like I told you we had a nice
conversation it's easy I'll set the scene: a con man, spring, you ignore alot, the sun sets, no I forget,
rises: a man & a woman have gotten up from their table in the garden of the typical summer inn.
They face each other standing across the table: her hands are on her hips in an attitude of (there's
money in it — the narrative cinema & sin in a & sin M.A.) reprisal (I've got it — robbe-grillet). Shes
in a summer dress & he's in a suit they are standing still till we're back in the U.S.S.R. Silver City
Bar & the home coming has developed into everything everybody turn the key in the lock, I dare you
make it work & sink ships the marauders bang they make their presence known, carol faints, I the
machine of the future of the future by john mchale with live music, folk or rock, no identity, sorry
lady, slam the door, another beer & ten cheeseburgers with everything on em I & you, but it looks
empty, why? they've gone. Bob Dylan comes in here: he places one blue book, one red white & blue
book, 2 books down on the red oilcloth table cover with an alligator pattern, he talks to david
silverstein at the bookstore but david wont give him any of his poetry books, he holds back the
poetry down then further down he blames it on some black guy so he wont look bad, he sees barbara
roy, he makes notes, he goes past the left curve & down the hill a hundred yards along a
straightaway until he gets to the part where there's grass growing in the river, steve told him this, he
gets to the part where grass is growing out into the river, he eats clams, its the hottest day of the
year, he gets the paper he gets rope & special cigarettes & special off-white paper, he gets some
sandbags & he calls the gas rope. She said that's really nice & I said that's the main part of the
house but that thing on the side is like a loft & she said is it really modern I thought it was an old
house but that looks new & I said it was an old barn but now it's full of glass & she said now I can
really see something at last & I said the light is really something & she said yes & I said yes & she
asked who's that sitting on the bed & I said that's tom & ed but they were moving & she said the
light's nice & I said yeah you see the recessed lights like that one & those big spotlights on the top
on the roof of the barn so that you can point it to change the lighting you know what I mean & she
said well is there alot of natural light like alot of windows & I said alot of glass you'll see do you see
windows like that & she said is that a window & I said yeah & she said that's a door & I said no
that's a window a window that's shaped like a door a really wide one & she said but this is on the
outside & I said no we're inside & that's a reflection & she said oh & I said this is all at night & she
said it looked wonderful & I said yes a house where right out that window in the daytime you can
see a tree just the trunk of it shaped like a house & that's another part of the house & she said
everything thinks it's the same but there are changes in the texture & the color & I laughed & I said
that was the only piece of furniture we had was that bed & she said it looked familiar & I said see
that's the big window in the background but it's jesus even a little bigger than that when you look at
it right on & it's just glass all over the house they said two thousand dollars worth of glass the
people who built it & she said really & I said these are the boots we borrowed from the fire
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department to go into the river which is very polluted but it looks real nice & she said it looks
wonderful & I said but we didnt some of us didnt use our boots & got terrible insects in our feet &
she said there are chairs you cant sit in: there's a roof over a bat's head a whole family of bats & E
teaches T how to use to use the camera but be me, the recessed light was on their backs during the
exposure the camera moves T is still I've got nothing at stake mistake I'll take as long as I will. There
are 70 foot waves in the bay of fundy delight dessert & all views of the same dot circle around dot
star tsar of the boots boom bogs stereo boot no. 22 S left that's the size of it & erase a mental erase,
sound, clear: dark blue, the lights will, a black chair with a red velvet seat cover, I admit it. Move on
the bed you hear it hear this is the night K came in in the middle of the night this night or the next
one where boot no. 22 is blurred is that OK? Reflections tell a story they are outside & not in & T
the head of is his is invisible will blur while they're still moving & I am cut down paring the black
off the camera with a chair, scared, stripes hypes the water of the river out of chaos fear new shorts
with stripes might come, that fucking light it's the beam that was in focus & the head headed with
leader edit a magazine I'll tell show see it & say it, Ed, how come nobody ever left new york city for
new orleans for california for somewhere for here, yes I've seen that before the roof was pointed like
a barn & the loft held hay or wanted to the windows cut through, it was full of something & that
tree the windows cut through that tree down on them so I decided to move & you know what & all
this stillness is not an aim, then they seemed more in focus & after that I forgot after that to
infinity, cause why cause there's some fires: I was glad that day was over I am glad that day is over &
this is a kiss, you laugh, a dent has been made in my imagination: Big Allis & con ed & moon tom &
the rest set along a long bow & the archer flies: oh shit, dead? Jim morrison louis armstrong & the
end of the world the end of the something & all the things come up do they come up do things
come up & more recording & more of it: lee frank julie & lynn living together in one large room in
the shaggy dog studio & one thing in great detail & something in great detail, one day, new black
shirts softball shirts, nolan's chargers: in order not to lose the light you do it with a mirror & the
only way you can get a mirror there is when the shutters are closed, where is it, something, never
mind, when this light goes on you do something: those are the spotlights that you can move around.
She said that's good yellow light, it's yellow it's not really red it just turns golden & i like it that way
& at first I thought it was the reflection of the wood but it wasn't, well the light was very good but it
didn't look that good I said it looked different somehow & it was really hard to take 36 pictures
every day some days & she agreed it would be & she says what is that & I say that's aiming at
different lights & moving all around & she says amazing & I say like cars going by, is it the same, yes
it's the same you just keep going especially if cars are moving & I'm sure you've seen it before, yes
you've seen it in the movies yes you've seen it everywhere, that might be a fire in the fireplace too or
another red candle out of place, this is something i cant figure out, and this is another, this must be
inside the house but i cant remember, this is like being a detective, there's one amazing thing &
then some reaction, the reaction's diamond shaped, this is the light but it's done from the bottom,
you see, here's the light here & it has brass or iron on it, yes I see how that's the same light & then
the light's just moving out sort of out of the space it's in, it looks as though the light is moving
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right out of the canvass, what did you say, is that your hand right that something at the edge of the
amazing light that looks like something but it may be just another reflection, no I think it was just
more lights, the same lights, you see when we were still in the city there was a construction project
on grand & broadway & now it's the same people & the same machines that work in front of our
house, it's as if they ran it's as if they started all the way down grand street and reached our house
just in time & they're going west & it took them as long as we were away & all that happened &
now they're right out in front of the house, yes & I checked the numbers of the machines to see if
they were the same, and werethey, yes they were

July 10
As before well we'll find out we'll see. What's a break? slow pro gress lets get out of here and so, at
least I see what I was thinking then, cut down & over: up in the morning & off to school green
leaves & a mess by the side of the house green leaves & no mess in back there are albany vines or are
they lincoln ones, this was the dry runs for the films, ed in his patched jeans, the back pockets out
for patching removed for patching & even yellow velour on the side where the jeans were burned in
the oven, we were trying to dry em fast & that makes you giddy in the winter or summer will I ever
have great grandchildren, he is standing leaning over over to focus the camera & jacques leaning his
left arm on the cadillac door, watch on thatarm, in the nolans chargers sweatshirt, pure soft ball,
looking squinting through the famous eye piece of an mpcs arriflex which is mounted by a mount
on the side of the car with tom in the drivers seat counting out the money right arm resting on the
steering wheel left elbow down on the window ledge, hand on the top of the windshield of the car,
top down, looking casual as ed leans further over truck & back of station wagon wagon carrying
equipment & all the doors are open J frowns while ed adjusts the camera's position tom puts one
hand on his head one arm leans on the top of the leather seat, you can see the yellow star on ed's
pants as he leans, tom's arm in the rear view mirror, it's over, and done with a review: ed pulls his
hair back squints at the sun or at me he is wearing t's black leather belt & t smiles at me back in his
original position one hand on the wheel one on the top of the car, elbow resting on the side he is
wearing the beaded bracelet I gave him anne gave me: ed his back to me still standing up in the car
rests one hand on the top of the camera hair pulled back in a rubber band, license 838OYJ new york
& ed sits down I see a tree in triangles J leans over, t's face is visible in the rear view mirror now J
talks to t & e still touching the camera is thinking about something an orange car has pulled into
the background there's a lawn mower still further back & J drives, top up, ed in the middle ponytail
tom next to him, his bracelet arm hanging down behind the seat i'm in the back with equipment
we're stopped we're eating cheeseburgers. And so, out the red curtains, a dead tree on 183: J talks &
pets a dog who's come up devil to the table ed legs crossed rests his elbows on the table looks down
eyes closed tom looks young he's in the dark & no its a cat a puma siamese cat jumping down out of
j's grasp head first toward the floor ed hates cats & he's the devil in rare red light, housatonic
riverboat gambling casino, nobody makes love much yet, cluttered weeds glisten in the mush, now:
frances opts for suicide as a man's best work that a woman does for him, rocks devils flow cant fall
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we rehearse all for the moment J & E are in the river sun a dead tree the beautiful green river
mentions something to me: psychology. It gurgles with T on the riverside, he had a swollen wrapped-
up ankle from falling in a hole on the west side highway up in riverdale where he was running
across in his lacrosse shirt yellow flowers plastic pen a rock of water take me home to the place I was
born infection: will the police & so on, those green hills are reeds in the current, down. The camera
went with it back of me & someone says back of me that's the extent of memory, I caught it, I
caught up with it: summer squash 19¢ a one-pound green ripe tips no melons place red bats from
texas in my mind, red bags of onions from california E.M.Mallett Inc. you know the guy? & sun in
sky a truck load full main office stockton, california not l.a. not a struggle to remember a struggle to
include where was I? at Taft farms, get out of me: cover, dont throw away & someone says cover,
dont throw away & what a thrashing machine, we talked, the farmer & I & someone says you bend
over the thrashing machine & I'll fuck you up the ass, you see he wanted to get married & the fields
from the car glimpse a mirror there I recognize T in the middle now. Mrs. Ebitz signed a release. The
7 arts gift shop: reclasping reclassifying recleaning reclothing recolonizing recoloring recombining
remember to cover, dont throw away. Guys hanging out on the steps I'm in the car. If the sound of
the thing dont match with the image recondition the machine: did ya ever try to live with lenin did
ya ever try to drive with lenin? There's two cockroaches on their backs under the plunger & my time
is race its full sense diminishes with clothes new clothes & I'm suffocating them & we pick up K at
the theater home by sunset is the most unnatural way of putting it I feel sick & am not interested
I'm arrested, ed, we waterproofed till dawn & K came bravely through the trail to see us doing it
with tom still with us with him with us what does that mean he loves us too much love & that's a
story that isnt here: was is this the tenth, yes it is & what is this, it's the side of our house which had
a stone foundation & I've no idea what happened really happened this day not yet, that's the
outside of the house in the back with all the doors blue & all the doors open just like that & now I
know what happened this day this day we went through all the films, a dry run & what do you mean
by that, I mean you know what I mean without film & without actors because this shot was of
someone driving & that's tom in the car now but of someone driving the car & what ed had to do
was to stand pretty much in the position he's in now except leaning over further almost in the
fucking road where jacques & that's him looking through the camera where jacques is & he had to
stand in the car & lean over & look through the eyepiece of the camera & there was a move involved
like a zoom in & a move of the camera slightly over while the guy was driving the car down route 7
& talking, talking into the camera, so we were rehearsing this day & that's the cadillac there & this
is right around down the street from where I spent the winter of 1969, this is the corner of the main
road that you turn off to get to the house where I was living & you say there've never been any
people in any of these pictures from the country before & i just realized that there were people in the
town but you cant take a picture of just anybody stranger than the people you are with I mean the
ones you know well & in that whole parking lot there were no other cars no others, well it was
summer. & it was summer & the real story's here: not one word for today until quarter to two
tomorrow but alot of open air. I took a nap at 6 o'clock I never take naps without sleeping through
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them. Waterproof connections with waterplug from the basement & pain becoming a monster
through film & we're running some service organization, are we safes? J all day horrible remarks
about women down to a cute little redhead she limps a little but in my grief do I know what I'm
doing: moon here & K visits for 3 seconds: tom has trouble with kathleen still no dreams you sleep
at sunset & get a can of paint from the art union of lenox used to be the county seat where the
sedgwick's contributed to a fine library. Where are the boots? We panhandle a florida license plate
& I plan to braid my hair & eat breakfast this morning I remember taking a deep breath once I wish
I could write backwards cause film doesnt seem worth the trouble it would be better to improvise
than to try to live with lenin: if the sound dont match with the image then recondition the machine
& take it easy no struggle to get an effect locking k's passions in the bathroom to make up & I'm
talking to the guy at taft farms who wants to get married & even though i hate his advice I seem to
like to take it, it's just about ladybugs carrots & lush pale vegetables the pale moon rising, it's hard
to stop hurrying a pain in my arm & ed falling asleep to the sound of the pen, felt tip, ed the queen
tom the prince a complete & udder distance: "the cows are over there" between tom. I knew the boy
at the farm would like to get married & so would he & so would he & so will she even though magic
markers never expected a carrot to play & someone says never expected a carrot, now whaddayou
mean, this early too soon or so small? Or this is serious business, tom's ankle astragal on the night
of the full moon now he is snoring & green all day & every day more & more flowers ones that were
there all along discovered, snoring, moving, the water pump goes. Never discover something new
this way think of J's trip to new york the massage parlor the gas station the fuck the mutilated
blonde the sun rising on the sink rising over the dishes the crazy room with broken glass & black
white red velvet chairs all over blue glass that's all in a picture, something new you give up, the sky,
I think you'll bring the magic markers I think you'll get it right, think hard. I cant wait till I have my
time & all our time a fine time: I felt a strong resentment day for what was going on some stalinist
decision-making lenin at the helm of the cadillac ship so why not make it up as you go along
disorganized & unmethodical with tangled skeins of power leaking in & out the plugs are
waterproof, the nagra niagara couldnt destroy unless I drop it in the river plunge with tom floating
& I'm floating & K looking like what vito is always accused of, assents to, dracula: when she got into
the car, when she got into the car, she is getting into a car now & I am worried about her, she is
getting off a plane & into a car, we understand now like t's questions: why would the prince ask so
many questions? to keep the king at home? the answer's in shakespeare & I'm the bear, my play's
his play & the queen stays home. The author of this play wishes her aunt was dead. And so K walked
across the gravel driveway the driveway was gravel pavlov was the driveway gravel. In that picture &
in that picture I remember some energy gives me faith in what you're doing all you's but movies &
but movies I remember I have no sense of where I am in this room & there are no crickets. No
crickets? No wind no winter too I guess. The people in our old house had to move away the winter
was too bad for them. Here we are on the road, looking at beams all the time time every time I have
to say what what I mean is to have some idea where I am like a small bat on the window does & at
the bookstore someone says things were very different then & that's where they were wrong when
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they were building this house, the whole north-south group of them, this house an old barn loft it
looks like a movie theater & could be if you werent rich & how I do memory: I make a design
writing this & later I make something this time out of remembering but later out of not
remembering or doing it backwards including hallucinations & all liquid clear distillations of what is
it? ice as if you try to remember by will & a choice is here the instant you do: I'll remember the
instant, you dont have to you dont have to remember not memory but snap beyond the "past is so
dead for me I have no way of checking on it": telling J about trips to new england to letchworth
state park, you wanna find out about my life, the same as this no pictures no pictures please, what I
couldnt photograph: bill macy & I'm trying to remember, dry, the bartender & strangers up close,
two men fighting on 6THAVE&34 THST, policemen, construction & road workers. Note: the sheriff
was here, someone says & he never comes up this way this far up into the country lands & it must
be you or some longhairs, you stare at the old woman crossing the road at the farm complex, not a
crow, a worm & magic, the wind blows assent, the mule on the road last night as animals are
moving closer to us, many cats dogs the glendale bar cat & j's neighborhood cat, cat across the street
& certain theater dogs, glendale bar dogs, we work like elves we are spackling plugging taping
sweeping setting things straight, things nobody knows about just expect their toys to work, they dont
even know they happen & then — a story an exposé a mystery a myth, where is the ocean? I'd like to
see it cause there's too much green, too much green here like being in a box of feathers, bats wings
of skin & where is everyone they cant speak & the wind blows assent is threatening me: people
wandering around town I'm watching them they're watching I'd like to see the ocean sing a song
the nolans chargers vs. the silver city heads & they are, closed for 15 days, it's easier. It's easier to
write numbers than letters any day, letters to everyone even the aunt the author wishes was dead as
ed's beautiful new belt, the belt appears. Learn to repeat like the indians, to have fewer words & the
wind blows again, I wish, was that a well? & Over there where the head boards are? Ed's gone. Oh
shit & drums through my chest & he's gone again. It's me. There's a creak put time put time aside
put limes aside side of what you cant do — to remember is easier than to look in a dark house &
when you think real slow: did lee jaffe steal the car, is he the one & cello the cello lessons a cello
tape a cello between your legs a cello concerto a cello concerto for cello and orchestra my cello's
broke, I hope tomorrow will be a better day quieter calmer for the prince & more exciting for the
author of this play & that the queen will glow & between the different gods kings queens princes
saints rabbis actors & actresses I have in my house I come up certainly, I can seem unsound & I'm
losing my mi my min my min n-n-d-d on tape & on direct & two butterflies with two dragonflies
blue are fucking so let's fuck the new gravel road or is it gravel or is it asphalt, vitamin o cello: the
bar in the pit in the drift is the drift of things, e's & a's, john's book a-z corso's book no name
picture my book memory the tripod with the fluid head, did you ever tripod why no not yet, meets
the dead at dead center flush with the earth's dead center of gravity at thirsty elmhurst yes this
vehicle is wired negative earth yes this vehicle is wired negative earth yes this vehicle is moving yes
I'm going downhill in it yes brakes yes the drum, his chest his swell high pitch voice of the trees
voice of nowhere voice of somewhere voice I cant still go on come on see swell & sea alone decide
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for me I'm high on sea I'm on it I'm with it I turn the page slowly I sink in the stream who are you,
I breathe do you, did he, byron yeats & hawthorne a woman & down above what I said what I did
before, I mean it I made it there's no one no one there's someone it's over what will it feel like to
do this again. Repeat it. A question & sink into the stone & sink into the stone big bed design right
screen america flush dont move, a moth, dont move north move outlet & every time you right an M
are there three three screens three rights & a bear a wood: I net a picture draw it make it stone make
it some relentless weaving, dead? repeat it: storm drum mill: put it out on the stone, it's out, it's
completely out good night I burned my finger

July 11
You can see that the question I started out from has been almost completely left out by now: I go to
a place where you cannot reach me or you go to a place where I cannot reach you, no one can reach
you I am alone & you are examining, I can finally tell you that you are examining the reenactment
of the crime the reenactment of the crime, to see what it suggests for the future, for future
experience. I can tell you this much — there are places, different spots, to move between. The crime's
already done so you can fool around. The photographer comes with us to the scene, with us what
does that mean? etc. This is Kathleen this is kathleen here is kathleen here is kathleen kathleen is
here she's doing the dishes why is kathleen doing the dishes why is she doing the dishes why the
dishes why not the dishes Kathleen doing the dishes she does them she did them last week she did
them again she didnt do them right the first time why does she have to do them again do them
again, she said. I'll do them again there she is doing the dishes again look at her doing them she
does them typewriter teletape tickertape typewriter tickertape tele-tape kathleen is doing the dishes
she's doing them again when will she finish when will she finish. Blessed Virgin Mary. We stand in
the water of the river there is no time. E & I dont wear our fire department boots, the fucking kid &
T on the banks again: anything that happens befalls us & someone says anything that happens is
just we fall. Cues queue up & J in a red mared shirt me on sounding nobody fell. I fell this: my life
doesnt work the tripod spread wide & rivers no flow river flow no glint glistens back & black turns
to green, the plastic over the camera over christ in boots like J with the garbage at the dump & its
shoulders make st. christopher amen, this was a very religious day as murders are. Someone reaches
the shore & we shot: "If I took something...attention." A show now here in the morning everyday
get high hair small from the boy in the smile-shirt with flag-patched pants & indian-fringe boots, a
look looking: two eyes saying I know you & I know he didnt know & tom puts "bored" in his hand
& in his mouth. He's wearing our dungaree jacket & an F-shirt that says something backwards he's
wearing it inside out & cars lined up for the kill, kill the pavement while two hitchhikers by a volvo
station wagon backpack it on the yellow line, two sleeping bags, neat prepared, a car whizzes by a
neat white house & I am walking their thumbs toward the centers of their bodies, E & T walk toward
me on gravel while E's head is tilted, a part of crime's return to grace. Back in the USSR there's a
motorcycle gang they pass the bank & then...we were up all night, the telephone pole & you, mist,
on the fucking golf course you come & go but here we are, we played a joke within & you look at us
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like us like solid frozen summer greens packed as they unfreeze packed as they can be, we eat there's
nothing there. Ed in the dungaree jacket eats all the eggs with orange juice & drinks the juice with
cream & the cream with coffee & white balls of pastry on the curtains we had ordered by the
window & further away where does the light come from it's ok but no wind to assent to it. We exit
by the door & crash whim a square table reflected in a window becomes round old ladies chewing
slow & I hope the table's set as Ed covers his mouth from the sun that's up like they made us write
too much in grammar school & now it hurts especially if you play the end. No, the butter knife, we
used it. I was looking out from a car I saw 3 VW's & a country squire parked in front of the bank &
somehow J K & I walk in the woods in darkness, we see white people's house through the trees with
swimming pool & a strange mound & leavings we leave the doings we leave the bear, there is too
much light there is too little light, we shoot the typewriter we take two fires black ceilings make two
fires a fire on the ceiling like a crotch emblazons something there: never forget, as poe comes in the
door here now. & E hangs another gauze scrim skim scan or something & it will blaze it will blaze
again with beautiful J's red shirt as the lion in the fire. I stamp it out the bull & K the spider is
asleep: we all do our part for hours, click viewfinder P.O.V. well find 'er p.o.v. We figure it's a hoax
& at dawn we took a bath together with a stained glass bird bath yellow red blue it's you the dawn I
love so few I love now lock the doors & wait for breakfast on the river of the li.e. of the li.e. of the
l.i.e. Both sides of the river gentle velvet wet better than people someone says & who? the car smokes
at dawn it's cold I wear K's fringed jacket & we run into monday through moon & clouds all over &
clouds all night we shoot the typewriter with jokes crazy moths right & left & the one with glowing
orange eyes orange water gun, I sleep & dream of k's father burying food all over texas so he could
vacation wherever he wanted & dig it up dig it down, there'd be food for him wherever he roamed &
he says who's crazy you or me & who is it & which one is crazy which one which one, we were in
the woods we were in them we werent crazy which one is crazy which one we were in the woods we
werent there we were we were there we bernadette mayer quotes ed bowes unquotes how do you do
& how are you today & fine & fine & fine fine & where were you yesterday, there's water, water,
everywhere, but, not, a, drop, to drink, to drink, drink to your health, there's water water everywhere
but not a drop to drink to your health. It's calm smoke rises vertically. Tom hitchhikes home nose
peeling he's the holy ghost after all & steve's a snotty kid. Ed & I come on stronger amazing grace &
want to cry cry without stopping sever all tones all relations see all things glistening those reflecting
stare at carpet crouch like an indian calm. There are feats, the feats: walking in the stream like
astronauts then seven hours of work at the typewriter & we wind up faking it & we've been here a
week & it seems like a week & there'd be food for him wherever he happened to go, house down low
some farm form of alliance I see between you & me do you understand everything & how so what
comes later but come on stronger, camouflage? laziness, ridiculous, wrong words but many of them
traveling traveling on a train you take your time, infected foot your foot could write a boot about
you, why not, get it? We were in the forest mounds we were in the forest rounds but never deep deep
deep breathes & more than fashions leave, how many days will it take to tell the time, get back
maybe to somewhere I was before, back to where we both began, these dragged out days, & is the
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thinking better & if you dont sleep is it more, with the same two people & with tom & tom with the
same parochial school & have you gone to the public school & what did they think there of the
blessed virgin mary & of bernadette frances catherine mayer & of frances st. bernadette st. frances
st. catherine & mr. mayer & little bear who lives by the bridge & mr. bernadette mayer & mr. mayer
the kamikazi pilot & little wonder woman little wonder woman & little wonder man the man &
woman are wonders little wonders they are real wonders & where do they come from where do they
come with starry starry eyes starry legs starry feet & starry images & st. starry & starry rolling stones
& janis joplin & anything anything anything just anything anything just anything anything & fire
fire fire anything just fire & just fire just anything fire just just where just fire anything & somehow
at some point you get rid of everything, there are so many things you never think to do there are so
many ways of predicting the time there are ways of remembering it are there more ways of
remembering it: yellow cover, red cigarette pack, white ashtray, grey green film, silver cans, yellow
bag, blue chairs, golden reels, black bag, blue shirt, blue pants & black belt yellow & white striped
curtains stained glass bird red blue green & yellow bird black & silver camera blue & silver ring black
shirt red pants brown moccasins white door green book black pen grey tape black box brown table &
yellow floor blue cups yellow pitcher glass pitcher white window grey grate white & gold chandelier
tan & white butts grey & white ashes persian mat & red blue white & grey-green plant blue glasses &
inlaid salt & pepper shakers, turquoise green pink & white, orange coil, orange light, white light
green plant, red & white milk: some of these things are worn or faded

July 12
The fats in the fire from noon & the fire inspector's here he thinks there's a problem, last night ed
set off 3 cheesecloth fires cheese-cloth or scrim floor fires & ceiling fires it takes a long time to
notice a fire flash fire when you're throwing joints around the stage & chris cuts into 600 volts, he
does it by ear & a girl appears naked holding an airplane mechanics we had slept off the mechanics
of that we hadnt slept at all, she's a cartoon she's a groupie she is cut off just below the navel where
a record appears: ed had had his silver breakfast & OK I had breakfast too liverwurst & swiss cheese
on oatmeal with cold cafe au lait, cf. liver cow oat bake bean cow hops & leonard in the a.m. harriet
in the p., we did leonard in the early morning sun on route 7 & there's no recognize of that but I
recognize the same tree in the front yard of 1957, division street was near the barrington town time
line & it's one hour earlier than you think so the day goes slow as you sleep slow over the day as the
parking lot, no, as the front yard blends into a parking lot & she cant learn her lines, no way, lions
over blurred grass & chiggers, & S jumps over the sun for me ed bends over s looks on h scratches
her neck & is the sun set already it's been hours so I should've bought cake but not any further than
1 am: tree wrack tree wrack yoga liver blood we went to the restaurant speeding, alice & famous
photos of the hills people speeding we agree: k in shades a bottle of wine from next door the food is
shit, it's st. emilion saves the day, crepes for dessert like tonight with h & f downstairs who say this
building is beginning to take on character, so they move out what is that sociology? K in shades
drinks elbows up j & I on an uncomfortable bench e leans his head on one elbow other arm rests on
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the criminal table wood table & they go on outside of us with country road take me home summer
fall etc. red green & orange light makes magic but not magic enough: I light & we're on the road
American Sun. night to Mon. morn, regular or lead — free K drives all nerves no style in the cadillac
& we go the thru way I look to the right ahead to the right again there's a truck being fixed five
trucks beings fixed snack75arrow cafeteria boom sleep moon? orange plastic flowers & a mescaline
coffee pot: ham salad plate 1.75 fresh fruit salad 45 cott. cheese 35 tossed green salad 40 fruit 40
cole slaw 30 & in the middle dr. pepper & jello 25 pie & cheese 50 pudding 30 & in the middle
prunes 25 & pastry 35 & a picture of some fruit & _ grapefruit 45 pies 35 juices 25 catalope 35 cant
elope the great outdoors on ice induced a sneeze the place was air-conditioned but a woman is not a
seal or even a walrus: & more American in the distance now as we pass the Pennyam express Express
red lights all around doze I'm not right there with the lemon pies holder for coffee on the seat a
bridge thuck orange & no green-blue from 2 a.m. WRPI orange lighter orange light on songs in the
restaurant the berkshire hot shoppes, this 1964 is like an airplane mechanics we hadnt slept at all
we're in the doors on WRPI & all trucks buses & cars with trailers on them cars with traitors in
them, construction 1 mile, con ed's gone to sleep with jacques big allis, riders on the storm & waves
in texas 70 foot waves in texas you wave a red mark on your car at 60 mph. See alice in the
restaurant & 3 days melded into one july 11 12 13 sun mon tues hard to remember sleep how do
your eyes look sleep your face is tan it has some color in it some mother someone says from the
catskill region in the catskill region at the catskill game farm skill game skill farm still game still
farm: b. 1945, the tools are under the coffee tray. It's cardboard twinkies & pies one blueberry two
lemon 25c, for dinner we had a knotted tangle of indiscriminate scallops au gratin from a garage
with vermicelli in a health food place crepes blue-berry custard jacques & arthur penn: K says he's a
jew & A says he could never be a jew. When we were in renssalear, green, i'm not driving, after a
long winter counter of hibernating we are in a house a barn all over on our way to new york
kathleen is driving she had beaux by the bridge these bridges & a whole network of bridges a whole
new mythology an imbroglio a jumble a litter of the four of us but not close enough or dose enough,
now kennedy's on the radio where am I: get me water, water! the tall more toll more sneeze it's
morning is it, we change lanes neatly there's a 10c toll more orange than suffocating light is that
light but this is clear, we got off at 18THST. The garbage truck on bleecker street glares see the
garbage: one, the number one, lights glare on horizontal glare tilting up to the left or down to the
right, this is a test, there are no red lights at dawn: legislation, underline. Clear more down than it
was or dawn, as I learned I learn ed up sixth, carnival, down la guardia, wtc & now is there less
dawn than it was or a bottom a bottom-top to the dawn dark windows are upside down & someone
says I lived in my somewhere a bomb shelter my house was & you have to look around that
sentence: look around speed no speed makes clear better a mess a little a better mess than green, a
red electric electric guitar & rugs I sway three in a bed they say, ice beer the jersey something & law
west of the pecos you know if you dont know somebody know the justice of the peace & pearl the
famous roy be, sticktuitiveness, do not send cash to the judge he will not reward it & who are you
thinking of? an invitation & a light who said the famous judge wore headphones a number & dials
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it all in above a girl naked holding an airplane merican airplane silver & gold the mechanics of it we
had slept off the mechanics of that we hadnt slept at all scared that K would crash in on us in one
more show with mirrors like this one here, just me & her looking out of joint & tangled turbulent &
labyrinth, two rumpled women looking at themselves: that day the next day a million hours clocked
up on my face K makes up a century in bed already streaming dirty the red towel I look like that now
kill yourself you've won, kathleen pushes her nose to the left right I look dont know it's in the
mirror yet a purple streak someone else was there my face is crooked dented riotous my hair a hair
caught in the fan like being afraid to go out afraid of voices moving voices in through the window
that's dark of voices moving inspired me who are you to do a thousand things necessary measure
smoke & sit on dimes a thousand times I have a hundred dollars stuffed in a book somewhere, for
postage to a foreign country one I came from I found ten in pope this is a diary bang you say for the
say for you, the spent, bang again there's someone at the door, the twelfth, it's open: 10 to 5 am of
the continuing days all the highway clear as a picture & me looking for dreams, searching out
certain people in half-sleep, they wont move their voices move: rag doll still in cleveland & just
passed the george washington bridge, sides of meat lamb legs? sun rising emergency parking black
streaks in the sky over jeremy's apartment sun rising emergency sun rising emergency parking bme
bme bme bme bme bme bme bme bme bme bme be me be me be me be me be me be me be me

July 13
The royal sky's way before autumn it's a phony drop. Woke up wondered where ed was found a
better pen & it's a new day wake up late 3pm a phony drop behind the view: dreamed michael died,
grace was there, we were going to a store a department store to prove something, the lights & the
cushion between the two front seats in the cadillac that's all I can remember cant remember more,
called the church twice & they thought I was bernadette devlin cause I said bernadette again. If I'm
bernadette devlin if i'm b. devlin I must b. pregnant, called julia she has something 'important' for
ed at home, where hannah is, voices on the phone & laughing house of mirrors, nick says anne is at
the laundromat, jacques roast beef is in the oven in stockbridge, kathleen is at the bank & I dial o
for operator, define it, stockridge eggs rockridge is burning there are no fires yet today, I dial 413
plus 123 plus operator's reading for stockbridge I am trying to call the the ate r & I call deluxe at
850 10TH AVE 2473220 & speak to I try to speak to the expediter for 16 mm color film, I speak to
otto pellone & he's the wrong one, it's high speed ektachrome for a print delivered to you brought
in at 9:30 am this morning & when will film for the theater be ready, so finally I get him mr. meany
or minny, I ask frank to fill them papers out & he says will you hold, I'll hold you right out the
window I say & out it I see the nyu flying another merican flag the washington square apartments,
you will hold will you hold & how did I get here? Irving kay at deluxe says 2pm & I believe, dial 201-
9483519 to talk to nick talk to michael they're pissed off I have coffee & last night's lemon pie the
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thru way pie. Ed's gone to return equipment drop off film & outside it's bright at the loft but the
light just wont come in it's not coming in nature food centers at the coliseum: I'm in the back of
the cadillac down the road I'm in the backseat, we pick up film, pass no. 7 broadway we're on the
avenue of the americas what americas, a school a color yellow, a scoop yellow schools yellow cabs
again block before radio city music hall, get into the sky before autumn royal: let me see them fast
says ed kathleen i have to hurry talked to tom & what'd he have to say I say & he says nothing, well
did he want those tickets or anything & he says didnt say anything about it, no so ed went over to
k's to pick up dope: yellow cabs yellow saab yellow car in two lane black top & red yellow & blue
filters over the camera lens aimed at a light: royal a taxi's for door to door, the terminal cleaning
contractors fill my house with what they've cleaned or at least they try to, I wont let them him &
they're the ones always pounding at the door, middle of the night, trying to get in & banging: one
yellow cab three yellow cabs blue sky over manhattan slide fade a new bike cycling central park &
the next one's that guy you wanted me to take a picture of remember & another yellow cab & yellow
light a guy standing on the corner in a pink & blue tie, blue shirt, suit jacket no. 62 over one
shoulder, hand in his pocket, a black suit, a black dude walks by coat over his hand, hand rests on
his hip, three men walking all walking forward left legs bent to advance, corner 72NDST&5THAVE
no commercial traffic, the black tire of a white white car: ed feels a little bit crazy his hair blows all
around with it, we were on our way to eat at the pavillon the little one a french luncheonette across
the street from where were used to live, york AVE&75THST: the sky looks one way it looks another,
high rise apt. bldgs & a whole different story up here sun sun sun sun sun sun window in the
suburb now, Maxwell's plum, yellow cab we're going up york now across 72NDST about to turn left
uptown on york I can see the 72NDST bridge the green one at the end of the street over east river in
the distance not so far hazed out, we pull up behind a car stopped for a light next to the car another
yellow cab crossing york with the green light there's a yellow cab on york, a newly renovated bldg
sun on it low window reflections sun on the other side, I guess the bldg is a freak: orange fire
escapes a man in black suit a man in white shirt sleeves two women together in sleeveless dresses
the branch of a tree with leaves on it, that's on our side centered I centered it: the side of that new
bldg or maybe another one more orange fire escapes unless it's rust proof lead a metal under coat:
we had just bought an orange water pistol the day I went to lenox to the new art store to try to get
some cheap white acrylics & had to go to the hardware store instead to spend 39c for white paint
but the art store gave me a few things away, some brushes & a phony license plate & I think we were
together the day we shot & shadows haze out the bathroom windows we went together we eat our
old window late afternoon shadows on the old window on york but not the ones above it, there
another high rise tree beautiful skinny tree not like the one in the parking lot & two more yellow
cabs pass as one steel bldg top reflects the light: across the street from it, something white, site of a
new 40 story residential tower the last of the red hot lov no more. We looked at a handmade shiney
new yellow saab sports car in the window of the saab place we went to the beekman i think, ed
wanted it I wasnt sure, curtain up front row balcony half moon sunrises on the stage & there was
james taylor sitting on a fence & another yellow car a mercury a dodge & another women's head of
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a color with a long black wig was she yellow or blue, just a head dizzy light, the light in the kitchen
was on with the electrically taped wires hanging down & the shadow of the ladder fell cast in front
of it: three filters in a case on floor: red, yellow, blue & a candle raised to baton rouge I guess we
were waiting for the film that night: red with a yellow ball in the middle it looks just like the sun &
next, pretty accurate color with a tint of green to it like a fluorescent, that's blue & Yellow (end):
orangy yellow at that but the sun is pure white, a little lemon in it, I was holding them on, by hand,
like this: yellow gleams yellow tawny, the color of gold butter or ripe lemons, changed to a yellowish
color as by age or illness like old paper like jaundiced skin & have a yellowlike pigmentation of the
skin like mongolians like mongolian people like the yellow people of asia like yellow eskimos like
yellow north american indians like their straight black hair like their eyes & yellow jealous or
melancholy & yellow a coward he cant be trusted & yellow a cheap sensational story appears in a
newspaper & yellow a color that lies between red & green in the spectrum & yolk of an egg & any or
several fungi or virus diseases of plants causing yellowing of the leaves & stunting the growth &
yellow a jaundice in farm animals & yellow, jealousy: how can I explain it: le petit pavillon, two lane
black top, cheese omelette boiled potatoes meatloaf string beans no potato pancakes ice tea &
mary's on her honeymoon: how can I explain it? there's one in the trunk, this is the music &
there's the lens, what else? it may happen that the order set up for the original experience works for
the new experience that we have that we now have & the parts that are added can again be seen as
just instances of the order we set up as a result or something of the original experience & if that
happens we have no reason to change our order our design. But if that does not happen, if the order
if the design that's set up for the original experience doesnt prove workable when the volume of it is
increased, it's the thirteenth, then we have two alternatives: we can reject the new stuff, orange pen,
or we can change the order the design, orange pen: washed hair here, rampage, heavy heavy air here,
talked to anne & M is still pissed offf about videotapes & now peter too as well & larry & gertrude &
harris her going to the coast & grandfathers state terrible nothing right nothing wrong, a kidney
infection jaundice dehydration oxygen intravenous feeding hardening of the arteries, can you break
this seal break this seal his first movie in the english language, grace is in the country with the
magicians children: the arsonist a hit & run, I saw it all at once tonight that words are leading me
on, the ones in imagination, saw, in leaks in indian leaks somehow, I can erase I can modify I pick
up, least it's not a nautical sleep affinity for words like genet some flow to stretch, stretch out & pull
in, to masturbate: & it is in honor of these crimes that I am writing this book & so on, not a use or
function like V., perform a service, work words into a system, words put in a system, its some play,
some death, nautical, at sea with them & I started to write that, what's put in, watts, what's put in
creating problems, everyone expects a rearrangement to suit not to suit, expect spectrum: yellow but
the sun is pure white, a little lemon in it, I was holding them on, those games, jokes all the time,
nothing to do with time, what can a diary be not a reconstruction, something put in, use the time,
pass it, stain it, pass it, it's stained, it's magnified, it sticks, it sticks in my mind & my hand always
hurts always hurts still does when I write in this book: book, took three rolls to be developed into
seen. Some place, something to drink to change my whole way of feeling & something to read,
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transform, transform translate transmute transcribe transfer transfuse, transform, camomile does it
make a difference? Everyday, I'm saying there are no days, of, we've made too much of days and,
thinking & write another way, it's changed, special, special social tea, special milk, special tea, open
the teas & make too much of them, grass, what is that leaves of grass growing? Open old things,
remember, grandfather, notebooks those poems about organs, body, fuck, monkey & when you
came in, & when you came in, & new things on the desk a pipe a seashell a tv guide things I've
never seen before but can recognize, not in my own house & two books one about tea: teas:
camomile, anthemis nobilis, manzanila, maythen: a low creeper or trailer plant with large feathery
flowers from the greek, groundapple, from the egyptians it prevented aging can be used as a poultice
& it's a triangle star triangle; sassafras, officinale, a tall tree in mexico & eastern u.s. for syphilis for
rheumatism for the blood, circle line circle line circle; mate, flex paraguayensis, jesuit's tea, large
white-flowered shrub in a mate tea cup, come, sustains the body without food mystery this is a
mystery, contains caffeine & tannin, circle star circle; herba santa, for hayfever; hibiscus, star star
living in a tent summer; violet leaf, tom likes peppermint; orange blossom, try cornsilk, made from
the threadlike filaments of the husk of corn; golden rod heals would heal wounds, pleurice root
angelica & sassafras breathing hops tea, I drink some tea I go to bed it's been with me, summer
spring winter fall a home here, one there, monte hellman, kathy was going to move in here but H.
has been living here alone. Three pictures, the light in the loft with yellow red blue filters on, I was
holding them

July 14
On Wednesday, I am saved from hanging by running away: I work at the museum, later I'm saved
by a petty bureaucrat who takes a liking to me but also needs my services, dream, do you want to
turn me into antonin artaud, dream: on the afternoon of october, four days after my marriage, my
wife surprised me by attempting automatic writing. What came in disjointed sentences, in almost
illegible writing, was so exciting, sometimes so profound, that I persuaded her to give an hour or two
day after day to the unknown writer, and after some half-dozen such hours offered to spend what
remained of life explaining & piecing together those scattered sentences. "No," was the answer, "we
have come to give you metaphors for poetry," & this was in 1962 & now I light up a beautiful blue
cloudy sky over grand street, probably it's not. Do you want to turn me into dream, yeats, dream? &
do you & I walked up mott or mulberry or drove or red green & white flags flap rain in a green car in
the too dark shade of the park flagged off mott street & prince I think & when anne & jonathan
were visiting we walked around with justine who ran out of shoes & later I ran out of shoes & we
found the same solution, shoes for 29¢, you can find them on the street, mott or prince or houston,
anywhere & down from R's house through the fire escape, I have a better one, through the fire
escape black & appropriately there a bright red car, I had the cadillac, a purple one with a white top
& one maroon & one blue & one olive, well that's just how I felt too looking out of R's dark
windows with the pale & dark plants, you keep them here to remember you by? are you you cause
your little dog knows you & so on & I remember R complaining about the view out her window &
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the people looking in on her: one old man who makes obscene gestures, why she doesnt even know
the meaning of the word obscene, lovely obscene puerto rican women working in the factory waiting
for ed's erections, you see he gets up during their lunch hour & it's wonderful & gina says, well
they've seen erections before cause neil is always walking around naked & david says I never knew
he & he meant ed was an exhibitionist, is that a bigamist? & R must come out of some novel written
in new york about the slums of milan, written fast, an emergence at the bank: something was
accepted there & now I cant remember if I had the car with me at all, K must have had the cadillac
& they say no pictures here, I might have been planning to rob that bank that beautiful old bank at
bowery & grand street I'll tell you one thing I photographed the windows with just a little thought to
the builtin alarm system, like the antennas built in to the window of your car, if you happen to own
a buick electra, mourns: death, for which reason I deny autobiography, or that the life of a man
matters more or less & someone said we are all one man & someone said I count the failure of these
men, whether they are jews or chinese or whether they are me or my sister, R., I count the failure of
these people as proof of their election, they are all divine because they die, screaming, like the first
universal jew the gentiles will tell you had some special deal: the end, not by a long shot: one
chinese boy holds out his hand to one chinese girl about seven or eight years old in a short dress in
the bank, sun streaming in long wide windows encased in marble, curtains up sun rise: the sky is
colorless where pictures make double exposures, city gin, I wish I had some city gin while R. is at the
grand street subway station, R. & the subway maps in dark glasses a dark scene subway exposures or
R. exposures suffused with green, tile, she is my sister, scene, as I hate the man who saves me the
petty bureaucrat who takes a liking to me but also needs my services, dream: this is duress this is
coercion compulsion this is the german last of her race: down lies the posture of my fathers all
stricken deeply down & I fall down & echo what they cry, all silent to the last when sudden starts
the moan, one moan ending last all which might have been or been bemoaned & I'm powerless I cry
silently through the echoes, dying last & in repentance, half-man & screams out the window of the
elmhurst general hospital screams it was still a beautiful clear day & was this the day I took R to
lunch, no that was the day I had the cadillac & we picked up a hitchhiker who said he knew
ridgewood well, hangs out there, you would hang out in ridgewood to scream that's all & that day
too we stopped at a first nation city skunk bank but this day we saw GP in the hospital, alot of shit
alot of west indian doctors with no information alot of charm & how much money do you have &
phone calls to lawyers in ridgewood he wouldnt talk to me, his secretary reveals all & it's a fraud & I
say let's just forget & if they want the money that bad & I was right: richard screams, he's ruining
our lives, with money I say & he just screams & it's still a beautiful day out the window of the
hospital with phony tudor apartment houses & still one crossing the l.i.e. with a view of n.y.c. from
the bus from elmhurst to ridgewood just one arid patch to another: the towers of manhattan are
towers of manhattan green shrubbery & l.i. or queens lace yellow parched out ground & cars going
one way all one way, no cars the other, but we're on the bus on the other side of the world traveling
with strength within that other side from one place to another, what further way to be lost could
there be? I'm lost so lost how lost can you be when everywhere you go it's morning & the sun's
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coming up over a map: hashish the ghost is rumored dead the slow boor had the rheum, worm &
bug gagging him higher than a gourd shouting whoosh, a shower & the rum you piggish shrew to
oust your mother from the same shroud as you: owl bitch hog & whore met at the bog's mouth to
bludgeon the womb & it was only a gag, at least the author's brought his luger, he's ogling that
myth, a gob of rum for the wretch with the hookah & the oil-rout grew bulging the gulch with rush
& shout there there boils the ocean: you are my chattel this is a shuttle from the other side of the
world to another part of the other side of the world, I will never go there again, metropolitan avenue
not the most cosmopolitan street in the world & the next view is a piece of my mind, three-story
buildings as far as the eye can see, a sky like wisconsin, we're on madison street near the apartment
house where the only black man in ridgewood lived, he was a super, they're sloppy & dirty, looking
back towards fresh pond road where the oasis was, never heard of them ones did ya? I had a jewish
friend there & no one said a word I think cause I didnt tell: where the german people are it's more
angles there's more angles involved, shiny storm windows on every opening & crack, some of the
tiniest storms in the world blow here & they dont get in the house not one inch, stone & brick
stairways & stoops up to the house: at one point everybody got a new door, GP had to get one too
even though we had one of the most beautiful doors in the world, but marauders marauders might
break through the fine heavy glass, part of the front door was glass & so it had to go & tin awnings
in green & white stripes & cornices reaching over to keep out as much sky as you can get away with
without joining the bund, I didnt know anyone on this block, except I think the somebodys who
once cooked lobsters live in front of me in a pail turning red & green, the Steffens rosemary steffens
& I think she had a brother, on the next corner we met k.maher a high school person & she makes
conversation: she has a little boy she had a little girl she has a little boy & a little girl I am visiting
my grandmother I am a nurse & I answer how right & she tells me just by accident about the nurses
registry who we eventually called & she acts like life if shit is at least cute & this is what I saw while I
talked to her later, met her again getting on the myrtle avenue el: a clear blue sky towards evening
puffy white clouds thick in the middle with streamers, the day doesnt always deserve its sky & from
here every day I saw for four years & now you can see the wtc twin towers from here: I remember
getting on the el at night to go to events. A relief I guess I got home, we shoot pool at tony's, finally
the safe streets & interiors of manhattan manhattan pool halls: one yellow ball on green table, red
corners a game two yellow one red in the foreground ed sets up a shot, with one of the yellow balls
his forefinger over the cue joining his thumb, three fingers resting on the green cloth, arm extended
as far as it will go hair falling down but caught on one side behind his ear, a break, the white balls
left & the light's in on it, someone comes in to watch & on our way home I waited till the light was
red & green at the same time, at that point it was red on the other side too & a clear outline of
continuous bright red with anger, one color, a reflection of green & the regular green of the light
whited out, ed sat down, next to him still from yesterday the candle not lit now that lit baton rouge
& it was & still is mounted on a ricotta can from alleva which is mounted on the phone book so’s to
reach baton rouge by fire when it's lit & it must've been still higher for the shot, what's in the
hand? ed in the gulf of mexico close to baja california, a fire in the ashtray started on purpose & the
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ones that I deal with asserting themselves & ed lights a gratuitous fire the veins of my hands are
bulging, there's a brown paper bag on the table & a potato a tomato an apple coffee cup rope two
candles mounted on jars, one an old blue brioschi jar hannibal with the label taken off & a pack of
cigarettes closest a jar of sugar the fire's higher ed likes to light fires & on the table as well rope ed
ed i'm further away glass ashtray & I've figured out what that is first what it was I see I saw: a hazy
yellow scene with some orange & splotches of purple, electric blue electric electric purple into the
ashtray on the theory of close out of focus while the fire's still going I wanted to get this close to it
so I did, like moving around the lights, no limits but light or darkness is all myself under the blue
lamp it's more I mean less than an ellipse a gibbous moon above my head making light, my face old
my hair orange my arms tan in an army green shirt, I hadnt seen myself that day mouth like a
clown eyes ears shadows dent too white not far enough away the white sink with hannah's bottle of
moldy spring water on it more like sea water & not a drop to drink, a clean glass wine bottle,
reflections in the back of the stove & after that I thought I'd gone to bed, no, three brown paper
bags in different stages & the rest of the house in the window more windows, a safe glare from
manhattan from the light above the sink & a green plastic bag in the garbage & the top of the
orange coffee pot above the top of the black silk stove in the inside stripes of my blue coat those
stripes what I liked about it in the first place even when it had pleats on the bottom in the eighth
grade & I wore that one on the myrtle avenue el alot, ed was still up & I made his pose for him: in
the light of the fluorescent light shooting out between his legs from in front legs white out a
background glow hair whites out hands like fibers a back straight & cool as a girl's the coat the
peacock ed's wings the light goes on up the sun tree sky centaur & giraffe, curtain shower ropes &
phony ceiling, tops of the valves of the hot water heater bows & arrows and stained mirror top of my
head in it close to the ceiling ropes of the shower reflections above it birds fly across start & the rest
to write it down is to repeat myself I always do I'll cut it all out later & go on, I went on out to the
bed striped wall pin striped picture of the indian god woman who stood on a cracked off piece of ice
in the river woman, pillows gone we rest on yellow velour pillow & the one with the english garden
scene on the cover & green fringe comes from somewhere, the god is next to the extension cord,
narrative before, I cant keep up with the sense the sense runs away with itself dashiell hammett hash
simple sentences: I went out on the fire escape. I rested the camera on one of the ledges so I could
make a long exposure, facing the windows opposite me. One floor is always lit, this night two floors
were brightly lit. The Baker Brush Co. I made them brighter. I waited for Baggies elevator to be at the
top floor. It was red bright red, it had been other colors before including white. Red exists lights
showed in the place next door to it. In the background blurred are the lights of the telephone
company building, radar on the top not visible, guarding manahattan from the south or from
attack, which is it? Down grand street before the pipes came making piles. Fluorescent light can
move of its own accord, ed can moving into these fibers leave after themselves the lines of the light:
if the light has lines then that is what those images are & up top a brighter more concentrated light
& a thin one like a match struck. Ed smiles in the yellow pose, one of him there & now he's above
himselves, the sleeping prin/cut off by sleep: you do as you always do go over this again: the
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brooklyn laborlyceum is the kind of building that grows small & you grow up you go away, emma
goldman spoke there my parents had their wedding reception there, now it's abandoned & in
between those events it was a knitting mill with a full front yard all around surrounded by an iron
fence, authority doctors & nurses in front of me: dr. attoh dr. podell mrs. leo mrs. sampson: miss
boowegbir what about your parents? do you live together? & how could we & do you live in the city?
& are you married, no, so, I guess it's up to you you two & I say he needs a mind of his own, I
defend GP's states of consciousness & no one can see them & I see two eyes & a narrative: see kathy
maher, still dry stiff sarcastic eats flesh I guess & empty in vacuous vacuums white as though
nobody had any feelings at all, you say solutions to problems a speck of dirt, whisked away, I say I
see a peck of dirt & leave it there, grandfather isnt dying a woman eats potato chips & someone says
I'll have to speak to my husband, I'm not saying anything, my husband will be home at 5 o'clock,
we are trying to find out how much money GP has in the bank, it's simple but she wont talk it's the
water gates for her & they like anyone would did a fraud as fast as they could & they think nothing
is happening nothing is being done when there are only women around, where are your husbands &
I sit & we sit lined up on opposite sides of the room D with her mother with their interests to
protect, lined up, I sit next to my sister: I am the imp of the perverse I have nothing to lose, this is
addressed to you rose of the sea, marie & rose-marie our secrets yellow on a black field on a field,
sable, the letter whose imprint is red is black: Theodore-Nathaniel & Bernadette: you've got her
name & I've got his eyes: Bernadette sinks ships: Marie, I want sex, I have Leonard in mind now.
Theodore looks in. I change the channel right in front of you, no, I write in front of you now,
addressing R: secrets are ours I'm talking to you, rosemarie, keep the order keep the peace — the gun
I kill you with & the reverse: you're all there: listen to me, it's blue. Watch my black eyes: the large
skies of queens with the large clouds of wyoming neat vistas, rows, fields no life anywhere, do I want
to be cut off from all people or from all of my family, when I saw GP I thought of my mother mouth
open gaping into the atmosphere of a room hospital room no power neither protesting I dont want
to die in a hospital: hear the thrusts deaths & sighs or was each a soul scream head-rending at its
heart & horrible, is the sigh the soul or does it drink only lightly at the top like bees from water do
the words come through piercing, who did it & are he & the things of him one or do they start stop
fast now one now him & is he dead thinking sweet is the joy I long for or forced stopped thinking in
the cool green-yellow of his body, does he faint can he hear his own sigh & is it shorter than it
sounds, ring or rattle, clear through down the bones & at the moment then the things pure death
comes has he gone did it touch & is it clear then or will all pass by without sense & what's above yes
or no & why ask how is it thinking that we die with nothing or with all & why isnt much to say, say
power, say money: graham avenue on the canarsie line: what would emma goldman do & what
would kathleen do & the catholic priest, father o'fry em from ridgewood, he couldnt commit
himself, commit communion commit an omission, commit a forgetting where you are & what you
are doing: his haze not his halo, smile & freckles, G's been in the hospital a week could someone
work the magic on him, catnip leaves & the rest. H has to study so desperately to work such daily
anxious magic, the secret to good health is contained within this book, within this razor blade life
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over death in the hospital corridors I'm still myself no matter who dies: 1STAVE,3RDAVE union
square wyoming clouds till the end of the day & saturday nights in ridgewood, there's $13,000 in a
joint account with D, eat creamed corn mixed with potatoes tomatoes great bread wine coffee
summer meal summer spring & so on ed sank the eight ball yerba santa tea & janis joplin yoga &
the rubber man at the circus/cut my cut: I fooled the ape virgin foraging for a grape from his purple
groin I gave him pale apples his uvula ingraining with my leer's earful: lion pears gore the reigning
angels to avenge the pope who has pale nirvana in his green vagina, meanwhile the papal pig is ripe
feverish & angular, my lover veered to a prig like purrs from a nigger his legs liver & unpurged loins
ravaged to a flowery orange by the profane green plunger, rape purple, the sexual etiology of the
child: she wants heroin. The I-character is usually the she. Let me just go quickly through
pinpointing the fantasies, touch on each one, sherlock holmes. There was the blowjob, the heroin,
touch tongues, the list of men, the dance-model scene, the violent scene in the doctor's office & the
one in the country. The first three are real & were the touchstones of the others. More came later. I
came home: quick blowjob, want heroin, think of touch tongues: the list of men. I was trying to
think of a man who would grab me. No, first I'm tough I think of L & wonder what grabs me to
him suddenly, it's the way he grabs you, pins you down, at least he pinned me down without even
knowing me, just right, not for them & not for then but for now why? I go through the list of men
& try to think who could do it, it's nothing that I could do at all nothing for me to do, it has to be
done, I think maybe T could do it but no he couldnt do it, I imagine presenting myself as the
vulnerable object at L's new loft. When is he moving in? saturday. I'll go up there I'll just arrive, but
he always has so many girls around no he doesnt it's just an illusion he makes there wont be anyone
there I'll go up there & wait for him to do it, in fact I'll explain to him what I want. This is why he
is perfect, he wouldnt care I'll explain to him exactly what I want & he'll do it, no it'd be better if T
could do it, no it'd be better if i just waited for L to grab me & start to fuck, the whole thing, no I
dont want to fuck I just want him to grab me, that'd be enough, just the grabbing by the arm &
maybe the pinning down, I'd escape. & M couldnt do it, he'd laugh & P would be too serious, I
couldnt be serious with E & E would just freak out, more trouble, too much to bear for him &
another she's crazy I thought so & just like all the other ones I've known & so on so I'll go to the
poetry reading & see who's there, there'll be somebody there who'll be perfect, not L, he's too nice
& doped & I know the perfect one, a stranger, it's C but I dont like him. L. or the poetry reading,
just cruising as usual & this is where she sort of branches off for good in the bed. Hours must've
been going by. She's modelling a new sort of dress in a new kind of sex-show-modelling-show, it's
the dress you center your attention on, watch: she comes out onto the stage in the dress. Do you
want to know what the dress is like? I'll describe it later. There's a man, close on her heels, she's got
no shoes on, no I put that in later. She walks to center-stage, the man behind her. He twists her arm
& pushes her out onto the runway: it's a thrust stage: this is where you get to see the front of the
dress: she acts in pain. The man, keeping hold of the twisted arm behind her back, grabs her breast
with his other hand, it's a low-cut dress, maybe he even lets one side of the dress drop down, he
keeps his hand on her breast, her act of pain changes a little towards pleasure, an ache, but the
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moment this happens, this change in her attitude, this lessening of the pain you can see in her face,
he turns her around: this is where you get to see the back of the dress. It's black, low-cut like I said
& full-length, maybe her leg can be seen through a slit up the side of the dress, maybe he caresses
her thigh during the act, but the black of the dress as it falls turns to violent red & then purple, the
brightest deepest shades & the back, in shades of the same quality, the back is deep blue & green, the
dress is like a tree, it must be painted, she is very credible because she is so beautiful, will people
laugh at her, they dont. He turns her around & takes her hair which falls down her back & pulls it
forward so you can see the cut of the dress, she does nothing but act, her movements are directed.
The man & woman speak but cant be heard, you have seen the back of the dress, then the walk back
down the runway to center-stage & here, if I forget exactly how I staged it, it doesnt matter, here I
think he hits her & here is where I put in she is barefoot, cause she runs away, she runs to stage left
& here you see the beautiful dress moving & when she reaches a certain point she stops, gives a look
of total desperation to the man across the stage & just as this look is passing across her face, she
begins to extend her arms outward to take a slight bow — her head bends down after a brief look at
the audience, a look without pain. & just as she has begun this bow, the man, reaching across the
stage, extends his arm in her direction indicating that she take her bow: this is done so that there is
no doubt that the performance is over & that the dress is for sale. Now that is all there is of that. &
the consequences of this scene bring us back to something real, like the list of men, combined with
something less real & this is what it is. but first I have to introduce a new character, el al aaraaf
israfel ishmael helen thy beauty is, but I am like a stone & the new character begins to be the he-
character even though some of the feminine engenders a kind of relief from that being true directly
true, you see, he must be a sister-love to do this. She will use an office to set the scene: it's raining
out & she becomes hysterical she is out of control. & he hits her there's less embellishment, there's
none, he simply hits her you dont have to know why it's the only thing he can do, he hits her, I put
in a reason why, it comes later. He hits her & she hits him back. These are just theatrical hits across
the face. He hits her & she hits him back & this infuriates him & this is where I put in the reason
why, it's cause he wants her so badly that he is out of control, he loses control even more than she
does, out of frustration, this is the reason I put in here & I put it in because he gets so infuriated
that he punches her, his fist is big enough to hit her mouth cheek & the lower part of her eye all at
once, he hits her really hard & she falls down. He moves across the room not looking, she starts to
bleed, maybe she loses a tooth, she's dazed, falls down, starts to get up, spits out a tooth. She wipes
her face with her shirt & remembers there's a door to a kind of garden behind the chair, she makes
for it, he tries to stop her, the table gets knocked over, the lamp, he grabs her, she puts her head
down. There are all kinds of things that could happen next, what I'm saying is there were many
variations, like, the noise brings somebody down from upstairs, there's a scene like talking between
doors or he goes out to take care of it but cant because she'll run out into the yard or there's
someone waiting & he says there's an emergency, you see, he cant let her get away. It's obvious he
cant cause there's this incredible bruise beginning to show on her face & blood & a black eye, she's
very happy about it, what can he do with it? maybe he even takes her upstairs, maybe no one's
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home, maybe no one's waiting & it goes on forever, go over it again, maybe he even has to call up
someone on the phone, bring in a new character, there is another character involved with this, no,
it's just between these two, what can they do next? nothing, there's nothing to follow it, el, al
aaraaf, israfel, ishmael, the only one left, wants to suffer

July 15
In the country in a room. Do you assume in your creation that humans have an understood love to
begin with & when I get that from you, I can make you any one, then, I can make you another, even
the persecutor? Brights lights big city baby you knock me out, yeah have a life, nurses, it's twelve
o'clock & fifty seconds bright day: bright & gifted children top soil red wood tubs & boxes hot
lunches & terrace design maintenance care of aged & sick this is the book telephone book & mr. h-
o-h-l the lawyer wouldnt talk to me write him a letter in anger, A, write to show, specializing in
psychiatry gradual planes garden design, the nurses registry 5 N.Main St. Spring Valley,
nyc#5626255: 150 a week to nurse, 15 a week to registry, 30 a day for replacement, 1 day off, 6 days
a week live-in, pay carfare, mrs. wulfurt, $195 times 4 = $780 a month plus carfare, you set up the
bed. This morning pictures the dark windows of the loft in morning, afternoon, the blue windows of
the bathroom window & more of the extra now, the dark handling of the morning windows & last
night end myself in the mirror & ed in bed, he's asleep, he laughs the shutter button gets stuck the
camera shakes lines & jimmy reed gets stuck for the seventh time got me runnin got me hidin baby
what you want me to do & that's pretty nice too & I feel heavy with three meals today because of
bacon & eggs & veal & greens & home fries & peaches & beef & greens & wine & someone says it's
all shellfish all right & someone says yeah we were in boston that day, you remember, & braids tickle
my ankle & I am uptight distant & far away because I got up & went to canal street, ed, & I passed
the public scales on 6THAVE, that's commercial weighing by water ron said & it's a trial: you get on
the subway a black man in a straw hat is motionless & a black man in glasses, their heads go down
are cut off & a sun-tanned black woman, you see ads for cheeseburgers you see ads for radio station
WXYZ, you get off at 47THST&6THAVE & what does it say sale what, I cant read it from here
something for 49¢ & someone says I can read that & I can also read 1st quality stockings & I guess
you can read 49¢, no you cant read that, it's light bulbs in a glass case & I met ed at arnolds saw the
films we try to synchronize sound: nightmare alley with tyrone power, dante's inferno on 47THST:
it's red white & blue & you eat dried cheeseburgers dipped in sauce, cell sauce, you've been in the
city two days & that guy in the picture was sitting right across from you & he didnt even know it &
he doesnt know it now, no how cause you took his picture in the mirror with ed & ed's arm's black
& the waiter's black in white waiter's hat & you see a jewish man eating food in a big brown hat
with striped brim band, bands of deli deli deli & franks franks franks lines lines lines fluorescents
fluorescents fluorescents fluorescents lights have changed my life & it was brighter in there than it
was outside & that was very bright & bright green to make you sick, construction green dark on a
bus on a bus, grass: a place to relax excitement confusion I guess we separated & I went to the
hospital again you see a patient looking out a window dark & read time magazine & R's not there
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we're back at arnolds, ed talked on the phone & the floods are too high, high orange doors to the
construction palace & someone says that's the reddest thing I've ever seen & that's three sets of
teeth & you look down like girls on toys through a hole a hole so deep it makes ed black & ed in his
black-green shirt t-shirt looks dean james green & you must be in the subway against bright green
bricks & R-green he makes a face & you mug they say, one hand on his other hand's elbow &
what's that: you see the bank in the park, that's right, lights on & wait till you see what's next it's
so dark in here & it's nice, yeah it's lions in buildings, right, gradually coming down in a fabric of
glass, no mistake: we took the subway home. Later we stopped at smilers 6THAVE & fruits prices
quality reflect on the car, as before: bright lights field big city field baby you knock me out & fuck
GP he doesnt trust women or just women with children & he wants to live in his past so he leaves
us out in the process that's his states of consciousness & you cant accept us just floating around
with no identities except we're teachers I think I think we say we're teachers & I guess we memory
young to him to seem: can he see us you stop time & I'll stop time too with you & could he see us &
his sister-aunt bob gone to the coast for her 50th wedding anniversary fuck her & fuck here now's
the time to fuck aunt bob's the one who wouldnt admit me to the hospital when i was almost
eighteen cause she didnt want the responsibility in case I died, who moves: the moon & jimmy reed.
You listen & you become strong in your resolve & you move never to give anyone a way to identify
you, a sense of your ease maybe but no word & what's the word it's poet, son. It's lamppost fence:
you're a fence & you're perverse, thief, I hope & a woman was an outcast, E & a woman was ugly &
her tongue was tied & a woman was blonde, what century & in what city do you see & do you see a
faster way, find a faster way to get to the line that goes in all directions flame no continuing space a
space to live in flame you can see it right away no figuring & most of all sleep no questions that's
the end: there was a guy who tried to pick me up on the subway & he said why dont you trust me &
he said well if you're in a hurry then why do you walk then why dont you run & you take pictures I
see pictures for me & another like me & so on. Notes: previn glenn miller columbia decca prestige
audio fidelity is a command enoch light & numbers at sam goodys & someone says we should have a
small professional specialty store for what you want & he's queer & all I want is old black magic &
he talks an english accent, says this stores too big & he comes up with enoch light & up with
friendly hippie construction workers smile like neil & dope seems to reign supremes in the store for
a while with nathan jones & chaim arnold & mrs. kerlew legister calls & signs her name in her own
black hand written by the other black nurses out of the black house in black jeans with black coffee
besides the black mrs. sampson & lilah's black & she says what records do you have & i have that
old black magic & janis joplin real as life & she says as soon as I start singing one of those songs I
have to go out & buy it & I'm much more at home here black with blue notebook, store it up, than
in the country passive in the city sit back & be in pain queens plaza. I pass an indian spice store on
broadway of elmhurst & I buy spice tea cause the store is there & I'm black & dr. attoh the west
indian is my friend today & G says get that thing off me & demands a glass of water & the F train
goes to kew gardens & I buy cashew nuts & the tea we couldnt drink it & the indian man stands up
straight to tell me that assafoetida a bad-smelling gum resin obtained from various asiatic plants of
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the carrot family is a natural laxative & he says or he adds to keep your emotions pure or was it
emulsions or motions movements bowel movements fine powders real time: ellsberg, victimology &
I remember that assafoetida is the substance they use to see if babies think the things adults hate the
smell of smell bad & the answer is they dont especially shit & a woman in the hospital elevator says
to me because of your braids they might need you in that play & I say what play & she laughs as if I
know & if they all knew how old I was they'd 1/2-shit jesus christ the spartan restaurant & where
was that asshole priest today we go black to massachusetts G burps & I know what P means about
seeing all these people before but now I dont & will it make me put everything into words & who is
P always formulating for me he never leaves my thoughts alone, it's fifteen to four & the 5THAVE
crowds are waiting for the RR train & I'm all alone in the hotshit crowd, they get off early, just
waiting for some room: nurses internal what balls not all to have a family. Power money room.
Gentle witch the orange pen & change of $20 in my pocket overwhelms me, how to run the splicers
& the rewinds & who has films that want editing we all do & can I have the mylar splicer & take
away that spool we want this over here, a loud buzzing, you want that? background talking &
walking & A sitting at the editing table says can I have a reel, emulsion side down it sticks that's
gelatin & the raw part of the film is an original the viewer left right, emulsion side down print up
base side straight up & down correctly wound it must be rewound, any questions? emulsion side
upside down. Flip it for the image, this is a viewer: a hippie runs off the train at 42NDST he almost
missed his stop, pinkerton gent agent getting on the train whizzes around, the kid must be a
criminal he thinks pink, punk, sits down & looks silly, holds his hose his hat & his brief case he has
a good tan not time, that's G.Gordon Liddy says: if you've got the time we've got the beer milky
beer looking up, this is a detailed diary of my rapes: now the pinkerton is taking notes, he couldnt
stand it but I have an orange pen & he's not looking up at me, his legs crossed mine apart the two
of us writing furiously on the train at prince street he crosses the other leg, he's writing about tom,
a traitor like jean genet he can only write in the dark, notes: 522-2222-030A just charge it & say
you're mrs. roy pierce personal loan department chase manhattan bank & how do you cross a palm
with a negative sitting in the regular studio there's a chair there where two birds artificial birds fly
by & you may not be interested in artificial birds in the sky but Paul is & he makes a fish come in
right over the sun as if the fish were flying & I turn the volume up & we're sitting in the regular
studio in the fucking chair & we make a memorial or stars to the sun sinks down toward the fjord
where Paul came from far away from twolaneblacktop art & but there's still a tree & this is drawing
drawing's cheap an optical printing'll cost you two bills you draw the bills out of a number of them
354 356 357 & it runs to nine bills on the A-wind under-lined & in other altered states on the
opposite side of the space there is tom please permix me to tower a bone & knot over hills where
your ground makes sparks m the air no ground blue once easy yawn rolls through the box car with a
simple engine on it rolls through the mountains on tracks: there's something to that story & I say
wow I know what that is you know those apartment buildings on the west side highway & he says
yeah & I say that's what that is & he says do you have any memory this time at all & I say not so far
& he says you will I think & I say that's pretty nice too & he says mm & I say lights & he says
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butterfly & I say that's nice you know that sign & he says yup & I say teneco I waited long & he says
automatic exchange lanes keep right & I say we were as far as riverdale ten cents & he says i dont
remember this day very much & I say we're going back now & he say I think we had K with us too
didnt we & I say yellow pail & a blue jar at the gas station & he says was K driving & I say this
might've been the hitchhiker night & he says it was & I say how do you know & he says I can just
figure it out & he says what's that & I say not me & he says lights on & I say I dont know & he says
J's friend from topeka was there was that it & I say a mystery & he says I dont know either & I say
next morning & he says we & I say I slept on the side by the window & he says I slept by the door &
I say who's that I dont know who I was who I was sleeping with then & he says obviously & I say
obviously so a moth flies in & we're sitting in the back seat of the 1964 cadillac convertible K & E in
the front up the west side highway the miller parkway listening to pres. nix. announce he'll visit
china but the date is secret so is beethoven's motive for 1st symphony & so is brahms' motives same
screech cars pile up not on top I'm with the machines on this one & jim the drummer called & E
gets stoned then the h-hiker who got part of the next page turns out to be a preacher for the jesus
revolution of teen challenge an ex drug addict he says & he says when I saw a pair of white hands on
my back I never took drugs again & yes he says I saw white hands on heroin no I wasnt on heroin
when I saw them yes I was & I never was again & I spoke in tongues he says a tongue freak
revolution from the top & so he says regina coeli brother he says blessed mother mary magdalen &
christ you know the preacher got into the car with them but he didnt notice he preached & as he left
he cautioned them I got a contact high amen & sends us high literature later & when we get to
massachusetts it's topeka but first we leave off jesus in poughkeepsie he belongs & when I see the
woman from topeka my first thought is well could she be his very own ex-wife & we come in
laughing & we file in laughing & we seem much younger than psychology & I write the end of a
note to michael says I cant believe that anything in the outside world is that important I surely didnt
do anything vicious love & I'm still awake at dawn for the fields to watch me & the field watches
me, ed's back the field

July 16
I just received your letter Dear B. it's over So you're downtown to stay So I just thought I'd tell you
To turn back the other way Same thing I been telling you Day after day: it's over & all is now past &
it may happen that the order set up for the original experience works for the new & if it does the
new part can just be seen as a sign of that order & if that happens we have no reason to change but
if not & if the order wont work when the volume is increased when we see more then we have two
alternatives & they are we can either reject it altogether, what is new, or we can change the order
radically: the first alternative is never taken if the second is available & the concept of prediction
does not enter in unless you can hold your love in disorder the whole night long, hold your love in
disorder & the whole night long it's sunrise-sunset when you get up & when you get down: tom is
still limping we help him limp & I have a job in madrid helping a sea's captain we are at the ocean
shore in madrid it's sunrise-sunset waves waves waves and so on altered waves absence of authority
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altered authority I am on the ground dull & I'm afraid this day may bore you but again this red day
bred you feudal, planetary whip of the sun: ed in t's soccer shirt biting the top of one hand the other
resting on the table & J cut off the blues vs. the tans on a white wicker chair, someone threw in a
yellow towel & we made calls that cello day to find a moviola first we talked to jonathan & ann: ed
figured out why the sheriff was here cause he was involved in the eviction & to see if the same
people had moved back in & that's not us: tungsten ASA 80 & a thousand dollars worth of rocks in
the back of the car rothstein silverstein & epstein & sunday 6-7 for the cello be back tonight or
tomorrow & can we use the heat here & can we work it out & can we use the theater, calls, &
should we take the tape recorder & noises of barking & intermission music & call ballou & call R &
get brakes & K gets a postcard from L through B with no message on it it's a connection like having
a baby, be me, & a picture of us in the stream appears in the public papers & there's a telephone
strike 411 411 411 the end & ed & J play feudal warfare all day one forfeits his life for the car for
the bear for the alimony for the laundromat, the cello's bow is soaped so it wont play & e's play is a
jewish play the end of the play is not the end of the day this play is open today so someone says in it
take a few steps into the middle of the beach & maybe perhaps i'll meet you there & J reads to us
from sleep & jon's blood runs hot when he hears the word moviola the cummington school of the
arts has one, hillary harris amy greenfiled & davids (3) steins & g.stein says roommates must always
do laundry & with this forget it rains stops brakes girls who look like bernadette devlin stop brakes:
K reading philip roth all over lying on the couch feet up near the game with the ball & the numbers
on the ball-bearing wood frame: I moved to the left further & further away from K to the window &
lamp sea water color on the wall & I went out: J&K's yellow shed: the back door of the shed is a
false front from a to z & old rhubarb plants old green everything green in these pictures old looks &
they'd caught some curled up dead leaves & apple trees among them & did we go home then no, a
house made of grass again does that deceive you yes it does some very very ordinary weeds I'm down
the hill red berries & who cares they got a laugh I was roaming around from just inside the forest
wall towards out of it, that's beaut. yeah that is nice tall stick tree in a hole, see, plants get no
response are shots in dark & I got fire far away from house a weird shaken shot in patch of light on
ground wet leaves on blackened trees & light comes through & ed gets into bed & turns around all
the time: two black trunks one curling & yellow-green behind & what you do now & what you did
then you smell a fire burning then a library of photos a million slides of everything that is, look
them up many of those tall thin trees are there some fallen wound around some fallen down with
side slide branches up on the roof & you pick two trunks to choose from a yellow chair me on the
ground & ed plays the cello I put blue notebook down on a big white car at the theater next to
someone's shadow & a red bag floating, the windshield wipers were stopped up we had no brakes we
went home late the lights the house spots across the road across the house still on still house in mist
& ed's legs in front of the tv a war movie for hours & hours: tom ball mountain is on the map el.
1993: I wanna take you higher

July 17
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Had I quit yet? Ed at work with his earphones on. Julia came & made up M's bed like a hospital. Ed
took his shirt off & pulled his hair back. We went out. We left the screen door open. Ed went back
in. He didnt close the door. I went across the street. E turned around & stood in the doorway. The
roof of the house sags. Peggy drinks courvoisier, the pen got caught in my hair. Posted no
trespassing, C.A.Price. I turned around. I went down the road. I stopped in front of a row of trees. I
really have nothing to do & no sense of it. I havent been able to sleep nights at all. I crossed the road
& crouched down behind some tiger lilies. I crouched lower down & opened up more. I didnt know
where I was. I bent over some yellow flowers. I went further down the road. I sat down in a field &
faced the road. I looked across. I tried to make everything look yellow & still catch purple. I tried to
make yellow keep its yellow against the sky. Things were blowing. I watched out for bees. I found a
bunch of things half dead half alive. I went further down the road. I went right up to a sign &
looked behind it. It was pointing at light a curve. I trespassed. The shutters of the house were closed.
I went back. I bent over a mud puddle. I walked around it till the sun was in it. I went behind the
house to the field. I went right up to two leaves on the same plant one was green & one was turning
colors & a hole in it. I went over to the gas meter on the telephone pole. I tried to read it. I found a
heap of garbage in tan plastic bags. The garbage was hidden in a grove of low trees. The trees seemed
to be bending over it. There were flies all around. I found the pond in back of the field. We went to
zayre's for tape & a record. We bought wild horses & someone says does ed know it was sagittarius
keith richard who wrote wild horses which is probably why jagger sings it so bad. I looked up at the
sky above the building. I looked again, We stopped at a dairy queen for ice cream. I looked out the
window at a family of cars. We went past the farm. We went past the golf course. The sun set. I put
something on the stove. I scrambled eggs. I looked at the tape deck. I put something more on the
stove: this is what really happened reading backwards. Dinners I'm supposed to go to dinner I
already went I go again & again in long addresses in long dresses, tom, we take acid before a dinner
& then lose track, or, take acid before a dinner then lose track, somebody's father, strait-laced I'm
strait & laced in long dresses my camera with me, the gas man comes he says this is a conceptual
piece lacking conceptual data & he says I got no expectations: the gas man comes today & last night
mist fell through the spotlight of the spotlit house our house is unspotlit like dreams & last night tv
bats flew around this room on the outside whirring, little crashes & a twisting buzzing sound, little
patters creaks bangs sneaking around sounds to which you listen with both ears, listen, they're
nesting under the roof out front we saw their ears & ed's doing the dishes listen it's orange water
gun in alford close to the state line, I get the blue toothbrush ed gets the elegant tan colorless one &
ugly pictures are fathers trying to ask a question about women & the answer is me in spite of myself:
women reading backwards. Where the fuck are the men when you need them? I hate x here & I'm
glad I dont take very good care of a good notebook put to good use these days & I'd hate alot of
other men too if I knew them knew them men in a room womb tomb alone with me like a young
man from Japan I am highly dissatisfied with life as it is or let me reform that for you wanna go
higher you want an unsystematic slovenly mess that is chaos for all, then come along with me &
you'll have a journal & no survey: ed & tom are soft on women but hard on lines & edges remember
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to be reading this backwards & why bother a yellow bird a yellow bird & why bother a beautiful day
I'm A. The mailman's here. Sun out in a white pickup truck & still old coffee stain on the white
pants alot of car doors slam & it's hard to strike a match anywhere, the gas man's on the cellar
floor & maybe it's saturday maybe it's saturday what was yesterday the cellar floor's a good place to
strike em, men. Julia no first ed at work with his earphones on, then julia & tim-ted-tom from the
homestead house come a big bee chases them a big bee chases me a walk through the orange green
screen through paradise & I think about e's play, FM should be here today, I wanted a picture of the
spider web on the downstairs bathroom window july 17 & havent paid the rent yet well have you
ever & keeping track of the moons wounds helps remind you to pay the rent soon helps a wasp a big
bee a wasp in a hole I take colorless pictures cause green is not a color & lose more style in my right
arm than in left, what little style are left right: something about a sock hop & julia tells the wasp to
fly up the sun comes out edison the earphones with his work in an old pollynose on the porch pond.
The gas man fat mustache sideburns the sun gave a heavy breeze here a door slams no it doesnt a
black & white bug now I chase him away sun again & put an ash in his path, you are a star. Yoga
today sun gone & green is silver to touch some days green is gold rustling today & blowing the
weather is changeable lemonade to drink. Musak candle melting into the porch wood the dream sun
comes again sky too bright & gone again brighter a flag at the end of the field the buzzing bats asleep
a day a buzzing thing dips through the sky & the yellow bird dragon flies top of many white flowers
& buzzing will I be stung by a bee, clean up this wiring robbe-grillet is a fried bear in his fathbone in
his bathrobe fatherbone he is father in his bathrobe & jacques, marcel apple? Trees went to sleep this
morning no pictures they were gone a furious short duration phrases words a sentence is over it
runs not a period not a pause for breath from one memory to another is it faster does it move still
question marks & a picture of lee I hope identities change again exchange again change again home
& you move & you need another bed is my right as a writer to smoke all I want but a bug on the
cigarette we need a bed you need a bed & so much smoke from the match into & out of & turned
off it to it into it not into wishing well was that a well talking muffled talking beyond the field the
porch the deck all around the house is weeping willow tree so please come in through the window
you see the minds that changed places were well on their way already they were very much into that
change & well jealousy is all you own jealousy & some jalousie windows & I've brought in the
dictionary as I'm into it & is it easy how easy questions run into each other into how questions run
each other into great walls so a man in a yellow shirt looks at me he bends down he's on my private
property I didnt think I had one & I think we cannot swim are not allowed to swim in his stream I
think we cannot own each others rights at all at least not me & him so what does he have to say I
say these questions of private property always end in periods. They do. Trees went to sleep this
morning they had every right and zoom to write smaller sun out in a very much into the sky where
are the purples i love ya kind of way type of way a whistle rustles through big clouds but grey blue
sky very pale very bright a truck goes by tomorrow i'll look out front, this is out back. See, the
property, the periods, me. The flowers are ok the man stood next the flag next to the flag which
boundaries the markers of our property what time is it july 17. Ed is on the earphones ed at work
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with his earphones on we have no phone here a car stops is it for us & still muffled a door slams
ours? there's no mystery about it an actor is moving in but that knock was mr. flaky foont aka mr.
burnt u. thru the telephone man to remove a white princess belonging to mr. dennis jensen
formerly of this address of this address, orange tiger lilies mr. thru you came on like a nice guy long
hair old jeans not just a public servant a telephone remover summer style & you waved as you drove
off towards alford, a church, bear left on this road away from stockbridge & you'll come to it
especially flaky or hokey, the wooden horse the carriage the gazebo & the empty reservoir, those
people across the road are nuts. 2. This fly on my page like orange & this orange comes off on your
fingers mine a mine of information like: the fly's back flying over a sedentary fly prince princess &
queen mother I guess in bobby socks beautiful flood lights on the yellow house, mr. prince waves but
dont look too happy as he drives off he's a prince to his wife's price, miss price, sinking feeling as
the price of the prince's yellow car goes by: I'm out front by now on top of blue car. Red waving
truck passes by box 108A flying eating orange but not the pen point more ornament for the white
pants arm & tina talking about us at cape cod everybody talks about us with the brandsteins this
time on the beach at chappaquiddick & a whirr it's a gold car old gold people burnt you thru my
golden foot is bit ouch: pink garage the fly's on me now i'm on the fly 2 flies love me I'd be quitting
puddle pine needles rut I guess ditch ditch it crack a twig to show you're there cracks & muffled
buzzing I'm flying or the queen at the garbage can behold the lid on tight no fights on this road &
now & beetle he flies the fly on my leg beetle bent ruffles & flourishes nourishes food nourishes
lettuce & tomato sandwiches with 1,000 islands sauce & coffee lemon lemonade whirrs, tree noise
tree tone gimme a little orange posted it's halloween at the queen's house tiger lily radio stir up
noise an experiment pure sure one plant blows this way another the other & four or five more a
million anarchists came we had logs for dinner & the n with a cedillla. Sun on pine needle tray
shade on torn ball mt. el 1993 aunt el's was high & the stones are free if you buy the whole piece
only eli wallach bought it & all the squirrels too double exposure I cant afford it broke the train
broke the beak of the bird eating seed broke his carburetor, pump, motorcycle goes by sings broke
the icy revolution in two instinct parts by pending in suspense with one and so the end & the two
teeth biting one a woman the other a man & all trees still hanging down down around 10 feet
clearly marked & clearly marked the right record for this kind of moon, thank you, through august 6
so read a book. Tell you: own a dot on lily a huge expanse & keep it keep it well, red flag up mr. dash
man fly foot white the car with pants sitting in the shade of the learning apple tree with harriet
sweet williams: i imagine myself caked in cement they have to chip through holes to my nostrils so I
can breathe, poison something on my ankle, first I imagine myself covered with something sticky, I
say cut off the hair on my legs & first before that, shave it off, but the razor gets stuck, leaves my leg
a bloody sore, a rectangle, poison something on my ankle, her privacy, the man fishing alford brook
like muddy brook her granddaughter visiting do you need anybody I need some body to love do you
want balloons yes ballou I walked up the road town road toward alford quiet in her ear ed is on the
ear phones making speaking noises with a magic marker cant hear a thing, I'm in the hammock
with the flies in it but I walked up it to fields flowers smell burning cigarette against a wooden
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match up a narrow road on a small weekend I came to a closed-up house maybe a weekend house
another house behind it also closed black shutters green ones white hydrangeas thin a curve sign
fields posted at the peak of the curve a rolling uphill driveway to another white house white fence
along the road this house a larger one a flower garden occupied purple across the road tennis courts
& a view of the top of a mountain tom ball the first on this road & from there the mountain's leg of
lamb was white from too much light I couldnt take a picture of it so I think instead about being in
the bathtub with ed after shooting movies I've turned around so I can see it rain & the wind is heavy
turned dark by 4:15 at 4:15: let's go into stockbridge so we can buy some batteries for the tape
recorder foot stopped itching soon thunder & lightning like hunger the bathtub when we were
waiting for breakfast in the bathtub & so depressed about being here that there were pictures I
couldnt take & that was the night we stayed up all night willow trees waving doors slamming them
some days are longer than others & someone says it might take a while it might have some value we
have to have everything together or half each including a tree a chance to do some thing an
involving yourself in something, lets go. Out: backwards manny kershenheimer in the dining room
of the cummington school of the arts or agawam near holyoke the bay state film corp near
springfield & at 3:30 pm sunday sun at the school you will hear south indian music in the office:
watching out for the thorn bushes allergic it'll go away it does, agawam, leaves foot with used look,
like it, jack blue eyes pushes his hair back with one hand running his fingers through it anxiety &
magic thinking there's more to it, vistas you've got a friend james taylor a mercedes benz in there &
what'd I say alice cooper caught in a dream touch me in the morning we're in the silver city bar
again & k&j fought & fuck you they go to claire's knee does k have to do the dishes & j reminds me
of T, meet terence & f. murray the arab from pittsburgh, texas, & friends they all went six miles
instead of point six & wound up at the state line all the way to the state line amen, noise shouldnt
go too high the speaker rumbles the noise interiors out fast it's too fast lower the volume of the
noise before the crash & add the add the explosion lower the applause does the noise of a small
crowd milling seem too small have any appeal the noise of the newsroom is not clear & the noise
needs bells turn up the treble lower the bass, a door opening slow, that noise speeds & that noise
needs selection lower the base keep the treble normal then lower it for a while but not all the way to
silence then up again & try the noise of the silver city bar & get closer to the cash registers when you
listen they ring up & maybe the noise of dishes would work & the noise of musak & the noise of the
street's no good & maybe the noise of just cars mixed with street noise & the noise of the bar needs
no base at all: I put something more in. I put something more on the stove. I looked at the tape
deck. I scrambled eggs. I put something on the stove. The sun set. We went past the golf course. We
went past the farm. I looked out the window at a family of cars. We stopped at a dairy queen for ice
cream. I looked again. I looked up at the sky above the building. We bought wild horses & someone
says does ed know it was sagittarius keith richard who wrote wild horses which is probably why
jagger sings it so bad. We went to zayre's for tape & a record. I found the pond in back of the field.
There were flies all around. The trees seemed to be bending over it. The garbage was hidden in a
grove of low trees. I found a heap of garbage in tan plastic bags. I tried to read it. I went over to the
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gas meter on the telephone pole. I went right up to two leaves on the same plant one was green &
one was turning colors & a hole in it. I walked around it till the sun was in it. I bent over a mud
puddle. I went back. The shutters of the house were closed. I trespassed. It was pointing at light a
curve. I went right up to a sign & looked behind it. I went further down the road. I found a bunch of
things half dead half alive. I watched out for bees. Things were blowing. I tried to make yellow keep
its yellow against the sky. I tried to make everything look yellow & still catch purple. I looked across.
I sat down in a field & faced the road. I went further down the road. I bent over some yellow
flowers. I didnt know where I was. I crouched lower down & opened up more. I crossed the road &
crouched down behind some tiger lilies. I havent been able to sleep nights at all. I really have
nothing to do & no sense of it. I stopped in front of a row of trees. I went down the road. I turned
around. Posted no trespassing C.A.Price. Peggy drinks courvoisier, the pen got caught in my hair.
The roof of the house sags. E turned around & stood in the doorway. I went across the street. He
didnt close the door. Ed went back in. We left the screen door open. We went out. Ed took his shirt
off & pulled his hair back. Julia came & made up M's bed like a hospital. Had I quit yet?

July 18
There's a wreck in the sea I recreate wreck member be me remember this see & while she was
pushing her way through someone asked her now I ask you can I say that & I'm gonna shut myself
up in a room honey & someone asked her medicine would do no good there's a wreck in the sea: we
sailed. It's cool today finally at last it's too cool kathleen & I set sail together & while she was
pushing her way through someone asked her, we woke up well into the day, i looked out the window
to puffy luminous white clouds dark in the middle & of all sizes but there were all sizes some just
wisps in the air close to us, some full of dresses some clouds of boxes some of dishes some of
churches some full of women some children some teeth some had mice some had wives some full of
knives some with leaves some with theives in them some ladies some babies some cities whole cities
no countries & blue sky thru the diamond window is green blue & white like a flag or an army
armies are made to look like the sky, it brings light to the ceiling pointed & you make sam cooke a
little louder, he was shot in a motel room with a woman in it & someone says he would've been as
popular as frank sinatra & gwen gives me her record & the window brings light to the ceiling
pointed to bring out the inside to white out the outside, pastel it, black tv on black chair with
antennae up ed's feet up & a pillow on top of him, clouds that are losing their substance at the
edges as though the sky water melts them down clouds that fly inside is outside ed in tom's soccer
shirt. The tungsten wreck yesterday just trials off into three hours in the theater listening to sound &
san francisco for clouds ed singing that old black magic & f warming up in the basement
enunciating gesticulating orating articulating ejaculating epistolating theater personnel & star divine
movie technical & mouth open tv distant divine repeat writing letters is a thirst rehearse repeat
george eliot & f. motorcycle bailey with cardboard plates he's rehearsing a good place to sit a good
place to be this morning, some dreams I forget more two's more towers & bells or these wooden
struts trees & all the rest shade a good shampoo he's yelling both decks in the shade are in the
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shade. The ride through the glade my shadow on the ground, receipts, i want some mail ballou
ballou cut come custard mustard away a way think sense cant today a way cant get comfortable cant
concede darker darker darker deed I rhyme I got a pillow & pictures: I woke up & out the upstairs
window out the other one the tv then big fat white clouds light from behind them out the windows
dawn an amazing day delicate ektachrome sky & keep yourself out of this delicate sky or eye, less
light bluer sky & later the blue in the blue in the blue in the clouds full of airships rivers clouds of
engines clouds of inches clouds of pain of lamps of ovens clouds of rugs clouds of uncles all over the
place & clouds of noises clouds of addresses strait & laced clouds of oceans right & left clouds of
gloves of hills some of icebergs some of election clouds of cars of the car clouds of undertaking, fast
slow hard old clouds that fly inside is outside ed in tom's soccer shirt squints at the sky the tie is
tied up to the top & ed's large hands were clasped around his knees his hair loose & then he looked
down to the right yawning the sun was past the house moving quickly across the road my foot was
red from the rain on my moccasins the top of it hairy love & fascination is her middle name to my
heart to my heart a sick sweet young rich cheap late sensation of thrills she brings, the hell with the
heels of his shoes, we went through receipts ed's feet on the floor of the deck, our notebook
crumpled red paper pack of smokes an empty pad the pad i'm using now a wax pad I bought for
paper that wouldnt reflect the light we needed paper that wouldnt reflect the light just as the
curtains, freeze they close over the late bright short clear friezes hanging up in the movies the old
candle is there with a feather stuck to it about the bottoms of ed's pants are frayed from stepping on
them with his heels the heels of his shoes, the hell with the heels of his thick strong clean deep cold
shoes, John is small. There's a wreck in the sea the sidewalk & ground in the kitchen & the
waterplug opened upside down la rosa rigatoni empty coffee cans jack frost sugar an orange & grey
towel a screw driver, I couldnt find one today only phillips heads, the water pistol orange & 8 eggs in
a yellow carton with the sun on them they pose feet on the floor & wood counter they come clean
we go out down the dirt road & chris called the s.s. & someone says he's so wonderful & down the
dirt road at the treacherous part once we met a car there's a fence to keep you from falling over the
cliff the sun's always right around the corner & now kathleen's putting up the sails. E & j went
somewhere but first j brought us over to the mahkeenac boating club a kind of club no jews aloud
there are those kinds of clubs a lot of wasps & blots on their record & lots of boats & most of the
boats are private property instead of where they went a pair of us went sailing in front of the boating
club into the big lake in one of the boats, it was easy: mr. stokes seems to be in charge of lenox & he
hates jews so we went down through the pine forest to the boats & house & K put up the sails, two
canoes float on upside down aluminum & I took the camera anyway K smoked as she raised the sails
& someone says her energy & later I smoke it's getting dark I'm freezing K wore her maroon
corduroys a pink tight shirt & short sleeves blue slightly tie-dyed shirt-jacket a red canoe dips slightly
into the water & things look bigger, it's wood inside, take off a piece of your finger & I forgot the
most important detail of all her green shoes with long ties on them & ties are sleepers together K
bends over under the erected sail the main sail visible were her arm hair one hip & legs & feet feet
standing in a maze of cords ropes ties our boat no.962 & backwards that sails in any picture a white
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sail becomes the sky the land was all water the land like a river a thin cord rope around the lake ties
the lake in tight K in charge looks around posing the sun on one side of her face in the middle of a
lake it's easy to determine the light the boat's tipped there was little wind all those clouds of before
had blown away k's green shoes in the alabaster boat, it was poured plastic a lucite boat a foam boat
no ties at all of a piece, the sun on it to our right to lee her hand on the rudder sail too white for the
sky measures of water water the surface of a piece the shore with the sun on it, this was a lake on
top of a mountain we were in the middle of it trees shine docks & 3 layers: water land sky or ground
mt. sky shift we shift in the boat weight on the water weight of the sun on water yes he will soul
stirrers the clean cut of evening light two other sails they went in earlier than we did we had trouble
getting to shore no wind up now towards the rim of the boat water mt. cut by sails & sky with
horizon: sun: I closed down we fronted waves a sky writer in the sky one boat in sight topped
perfectly by the top of the rim of long mt. sun set more sky more golden pink light on k's face was
seeing lines that arent there & I was freezing chattering in a boat: eyes, we went back sat by a fire
that gave out no warmth drank coffee, ed & Jacques had come out in a canoe to pick us up we
declined assistance, ed in his black leather jacket jacket I took it I wore it & back to the house to get
stoned & eat we went out for dessert ed in his shades so stoned we couldnt see I sat with KE with J
we ate 7 cheesecakes I had two sherrys Jacques drinking brandy & coffee K & I went to the ladies
room I think I looked at myself in the full length mirror white pants & this shirt or the tie-dyed one
tied up in the middle ed stands up in our room & has m moved in I lie down ed is invisible I picture
the picture of lovers in bermuda over the bed it's too white in the light of the tensor lamp all electric
electric light we have many pillows we arent actors: meat & sherry sherry & meat hashish to beat the
heat there's something to this there's something to being lost in the middle of something it makes
you wanna shut yourself up in a room & pour honey on the thick strong clean deep cold blue sky
with its clouds of dresses & closets & so on & see black black dog comes by looks like plato
approaching me plato from before, this is a life, this is a whole new life: what have I forgotten
should it have been: every night what I remember member every day remember later the hall of
fantasy exclude f. eyes red e. eyes ed b. eyes bread & light on my head on stone bull whips whale &
that the headline buzzing in head under the tensor bulbous light like christ like light on the cross of
window cross hanging down ed is on the window cross T is like a bunny snoot once was once there
was a last record, song on tv it goes: when with me, once was once there was, when you're with me,
once I see, sitting there, once I was, everywhere, this song, end there, how many feet foot to foot?
Do you know F & xyz you come in here you you & you & there I cheat I cheat I put you in I throw
you in you dont know it I feed it I burn it nothing happens burnt u thru nothing leaves then you
come in you you & you another & you you turn yourself in you are sitting down cross-legged on the
sand what sand? do you remember the sand? you are free to move move around it comes in nothing
happens happens indians birds sing they come in how? they? are sure. In a way helicopters are. Sure
of flies you bring a certain number of them in you have to, sure of one or two others, you bring
them in you dont even have to think about it cutting it cleaner what was it, to save some purpose
some porpoise in the sea was it? to something to ing to she he & in it later will nothing will it
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happen, they come. They are out automatically in the room stays back throw it in, use it used it's
used throw it & now a bee comes in I wish he'd go away a bee walking that's weird he's looking for
something, nose to the ground, see red: on the deck he walks over to my book climbs on it looks
around plays with a piece of tobacco he lies motionless on the blue paint of the cover the back of the
bee vibrates back & forth I drop an ash near him, I go to get a pad, I can no longer write in the book,
the vibrations disturb him he is still again now he climbs on the spiral binding,yellow legs wrapped
around it he's out on deck again a grounded bee, can he see, he's still on one leg & one antenna on
a spiral vibrates again I could write in the book but it might get stung still still fly, an electric
typewriter could never a comodate a bee, bee still out there climbing on the pillow i'll shake him off:
coffee rice pepper carbon paper a map to the cummington school, 8:45 at the dining room, still the
bee's gone he was on the pillows currents I dont know if I mentioned that & then gone ed hadnt
seen him on the pillow & I find myself imitating K we ate coddled eggs, left for j&k's talked to
manny kershenheimer went sailing instead of sounding, studio, celia the cellist & thought of seeing
clark & susan too celia the cellist went off suddenly back to her husband & child, sailing the telltale
ariel, connor & nancy from charleston south carolina are freshmen at williams & anxious to please
to prove his something or other but then j's the director of a play & k an actress in it I keep
forgetting why they're nice to us my poison something left scars & where am I, sailing preparing to
come about tacking K fucked just before she left for college heave to trim in the gradual sunset on
stockbridge bowl streaks of dirt the air plane the cold air plane, cold warm water white boat K is the
captain of the ship the man fishing the end of the world the lake on top of the mountain, a bowl we
also live in a bowl, alford bowl of elephants, & the brook club is here of giraffes, j & ed ja nd ed row
out to us ed looks like he's wearing corduroy until we get closer they're paddling a canoe it's black
suede I look close cause I'm cold as the wind dies down lake placid trouble getting in & colder wait
for fire coffee j's feet & pants wet: mr. stokes blah blah poor nancy comes on very strong she's no
racist pig herself & they're married or something. Dinner. Corn peas pork chops wine talk to R she
fades in & out sailing, oh, my father & the corn. & someone says did you have any idea what death
was then, yes my father cut the corn off the cob & later I think of answers to that like you get a good
idea pretty fast & you get a thick strong clean deep cold blue cheap ideas come cheap real fast & j's
questions of life & death: the burnt egg the sprig of parsley for good breath apples & nuts vampires
garlic the stars the bats stones fred lord's house for rehearsal the sock hop over sit down at a table in
the lions den for cheesecake golden strawberry almost sherry coffee sherbert a chocolate sundae
everybody's so stoned tea brandy k very stoned gets into j & women a white soul is invisible & j asks
us our ideas of heaven clouds & flowers reincarnate no & K is in france now with castles &
townhouses in paris, elizabeth marie antoinette & then she begins, a night club singer she was a
night club singer & something theater begins as we sit in heaven cut the actor tony franciosa or
sergio somebody or other in white rough linen suit cut in straight from a thousand dollar ante poker
game cut in tan from easthampton something easy some love easy life something else going on: 12
ears of corn cut down cut off ear cornsilk & my father cut the corn: elvis presley robbstown, an
affair with elvis, 1958 music k & b jazz sarah vaugh billy ekstein why doesnt some body do this well
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why not, leave, outside vw bus with people milling call us night pope people, cop car by riggs
flashlight flashing red & blue lights for sportscar to j&k stars the milky way dipper there & home
here cold f.murray in bed ed in shades all the way down the night honesty rollo may dehumanizing
come in lights clock & so on, except for the beautiful young brown & orange deer who came
running across west road I stopped he ran across the road as if it was a suburb filled with houses &
then he runs back & down the road in front of the car bounding & off down a road to the right
spots of his filled me with relief again I am there I love the deer we dont hear messages from you
anymore the bidet's very hot the bed very cold tv very light & golden everywhere this light from this
house making sparks through trees that deer jump through, that deer in my place, come over, the
deer my father & the corn

July 19
You get into bed at night you whisper, you whisper into the tape another person is there he whispers
he speaks he could be awake he could wake up, he could wake up out of a dream & call you by the
name of his sister & you answer, he asks you what you are doing, you answer, he doesnt wake up
you whisper into the tape dear mother dear mother the church is cold & sleep you whisper death
father, this is the way things happen could happen this is the way things fall they turn out there is
no design this is a risk there is a chance that he will waken there is a chance that he will live there is
a chance that he is lost & this is what makes such a wildness of going to bed after your lover is
asleep, you whisper: dear father how did you first start to drink coffee, do you believe in magic,
corrosive remember we wrote a book in bed, where did the car go sometimes learned where did the
car go finely polished lines, our act was no good for the campuses this is the day the night was lost
but the night's not lost, it follows these thoughts word drives down an avenue & memory laughs:
what'd I say baby what'd I see & when you see that will you laugh at me I filled your baskets with
bread & tea & the games up for you you're not tough enough for me & baby that aint me. I just had
a cheeseburger we went to rehearsal for the first time, our car parked next to a red car with black top
next to j’s cadillac & beaut. green fred lords barn mowed lawns, I thought he was a lawyer a
basketball court, ed in his jacket & all it was cool gets coffee: nick kate dick jacques barara murray
marilyn & probably bob & kathleen filling out forms it was their first day, nick in sneakers & tom
gorman a bracket of folding chairs over in the corner a bracket of folding chairs metal rain again &
the two little girls one red umbrella one blue I dont get the red umbrella in time they're running it's
closed their storybook exists on a farm & dick or somebody questions me, high speed film, black &
white & I say no i'm just shooting the light behind that green stuff not inside not inside the barn &
that was a lie: 2 doors open to vines you cant get out you could through vines it pours look out the
doors & dick says something about the feeling of rain in a barn & two little girls real floods down
the road I guess it's something you have to go across: little girls can play with umbrellas & under
them & I say something about that feeling you have under an embrella & one is dark: we're on our
way to north adams we stop at the new friendly's on south street a girl eating a large yellow ice
cream aluminum cone it's grey & suburban & crowded my notebook's out & the envelope of proofs
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on the counter of god we vow never to eat at friendly's again, we never got to go to the top of the
hilton: ketchup in plastic bottles & on one of the turns we turn to follow rte. 7 it's tyler street, it's
still raining E is driving & it poured more the printer's fluorescent lights this is mr. ballou, thank
you, plays golf on wednesdays we went over the proofs of moving saw the cover got a copy of the
proof of it saw negatives of the drawings & mr. ballou says I would do anything to avoid working on
that book he says that in his neat shop, we pick out stars & I ask ed to pull up but too far behind
what looks like a salt factory in north adams it's raining so hard the lights are on it's letting up it's
under construction: wet cut unpainted boards in wide wide windows men working a man in one of
them & it looks like townhouse apartments giant puddles in the streets & a wet black generator or
concrete mixer windows are holes the corner in adams: tearing things down: I look crane piles &
massive theatrical factory sky adams blooms in heavy thunders it always rains in north adams the
sun never shines: that kind of day: they work in the day-dark go home to rows of small windows
since 1880 something & long before a mill on the river for paper tearinghousedown but they keep
off the street one church bell tower still stands red bricks make adobe puddles the light behind the
crane clouds by themselves force a horizon the death is missing I walked out of the car & down the
street for what I knew about adams: bricks at the bottom of a pile flowing away melt like clouds like:
who lives on the lives of the who works on this block: passive: windows are holes all the way
through that light & clutter: pepsi that the the co. with ice on it: who needs it today & sweats we
went on we stopped in cummington to visit but even before that after we sailed high speed
ektachrome ASA 160 that's the American Standard Association that makes pictures in the rehearsal
barn out of rain & 2 girls with umbrellas one in blue with a red umbrella one that I missed & one
blue, very green, dick was brought up on a dairy farm & remembers how secure he felt in a barn on
a rainy day & b & t in easthampton clothes amagansett agawam sweatshirt & f. murray in ed's
purple jacket we eat friendly big beef cheeseburg specials & peter's right in the berkshires they leave
the er off of cheeseburger & I think about K saying last night liquids maybe that's why I'm so pure
while I eat clam chowder & not before the rain & not before we pass dolphs inferno, dox drug,
colonial pizza, & williamstown to north adams to adams to savoy to windsor to cummington mr.
ballou's voice says he will find any excuse not to do it & it takes a week for kodachrome a week for
proofs another week for books & mts. in cloud under railroad bridge following silver blue truck this
color color of the ink puddles flooding rains the something hunting machine co. pass century &
children in a diamond sign & southview south on rte. 8 the alternate way the north adams vietnam
veterans memorial skating rink flat as a church can veterans skate bear right onto church street past
general cable there's a T in the road stop ahead this is route 8, railroad railroad XX left at the T
twolane road for the veterans past chute arco atlantic richfield paper co. entering adams a gunfight
midway restaurant gene parr used cars rochester paper co. bertoli oil co. road under repair flat tires
flat long houses surface on the road a front hoosac valley oil & grain national pride car wash
angelinas sub shop & I say the night's lost & I say the night's not lost but death is missing, we visit
cummington justine has no sense of time makes a face at us she's shampooing her doll whose face
is painted like an indians the doll has holes for every kind of intake & elimination but one, red roses
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climb up the house the old stove is on the porch justine is wearing one of her outfits she's wet the
whole place is wet & every time the door opens it rains & everytime the door opens it rains & do you
want to know more, we pulled in the driveway justine was standing there a tan ragamuffin there
arent many she had just washed the doll's hair but the doll had no hair left, in a rainbarrel justine
was in a rainbarrel & A & J welcome us they just ordered the death of a cat so the death isnt missing
I dream about adams & do you want to find out more about my life well check out the garden it's
overgrown but things are growing there it doesnt matter: giant zucchinis in pictures of the garden of
jonathan's stages he doesnt have them he has a row of cabbages the bees are dead there are 3
distinct places or 4 dollar signs, what'd I say, alot of shit around in piles shit of the horse boards to
walk on over it & the snow peas we took some the ice & snow & what are those white things they're
blooms the remains of the volkswagon with a blanket over it rusting & wet tires all around like an
old open car no motor though & work in the barn the cat & her kittens she keeps them across under
the bridge over the stream all but one she tried to get that one to come with her for a visit I tried to
help her but the kitten wouldnt get wet at all that's over where the grass grows into the stream &
later still garden green raining & every time the door opens it rains & ann in a long dress swatting
flies we eat brownies she tells stories about beverly the pabst blue ribbon beer heir ess & our house
here used to be hers was built for her but she couldnt live in it cause igor the prince across the street
tries to kill her dog because her dog threatens his cats & I know he poisons woodchucks to keep
them out of his garden so he poisons her dog & igori who's a sculptor lives in the house & he paints
his windows white her windows white so he cant see out cause it distracts him & then rick & erika
live there & they get evicted by mary who rented cots to tanglewood people for ten bucks a night she
put up curtains in between & served coffee in the morning & mary helps evict rick & erika & at
some point in the history of this house igor cuts the gas lines & he's totally nuts & this is the house
we are living in & it's for sale for $75,000 cause alford is expensive there are black cadillacs going
down the road all day sunday & ann tells us more: about brownies & venable & beverly & mary &
alice & there's the scene of the cats under the bridge the kittens wont come one gets left on the
other side of the stream & the kitten wont come & she keep three more on the other side of the
stream & one under the boards by the side of the house & ann tells us more: they're selling the
horse that wont foal selling it by the boards to kim to kim & her father joe, we meet them, & her
mother's an alcoholic she broke her wrist & had a cast for eight weeks & joe commutes to work in
westbury or new jersey he's a printer & there's a town meeting about zoning & kim babysits for
justine &justine should babysit for all of us we have coffee ed takes a nap he feels aches there's no
snow in cummington at last & the barns arranged: jonathan got us a moviola at the cummington
school & he tells us to come to a concert on sunday south indian music the cat feeds her kitten on a
log it's threatening we pick at the garden green beets we get beets jon plays the violin to the plants
it's somebody's birthday pete joanna & joey come by, we play more instruments recorders ann plays
ed on drums & we should leave we talk about exchanges exchanging places we pick vegetables snow
peas beets spinach greens radishes & jon plays the violin in the garden we plan a poetry reading with
music a list of all the things in the house I'll read the list with music right out back with no clothes
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on no body, jon's got baggy clothes we show them the cover of the book they had been to cape cod
he plays in the rain i should write to them, jon in baggy light blue pants a yellow shirt torn over
them & a tan one over it & the mare that never foaled behind her electric electric fence drinking
water, the goats are inside the plastic barn some casual construction going on we didnt stay past
dark promised to come by when we used the moviola for lunch, we didnt, we went back & I feel
better & memory gets improved in fact it's exactly doubled by the recognition of other people & I
sure explained the whole thing to ann if not jon except we couldnt figure out why we were friends
it's a stranger connection including ed as much as me & that's why jon & I talked about a poetry
reading with music & I said I'd list all of his possessions he wasnt much interested in that: we stop
in pittsfield for cigarettes & paper no paper & A&J seem happy & justine says to me we're in school
& you're my mother in her silver vest with her doll's scale the doll gains weight weigh everything in
town we look for jacques the theater has budget problems no jacques he's probably out to dinner, we
leave notes at his house & a new map, he never came, eat a piece of white bread with jelly &
friendly's before drive though mist again home bath cat movie on tv with michael sarrazin & bad
women actors eat snow peas fix indian tea, it's undrinkable but could be used as incest incitement
to incest it's incense it's essence of pepper it's emulsion it's out of hand it's $1.20, f. murray comes
back the actors are being invaded with machines surrounded with machines in the play I never
thought of it before they dont like it it fucks up their cues: the night was lost and the word
vixeninny in magnet plastic letters on jonathan's refrigerator & I found the night F brings ribs of
beef from the red lion inn & part of a potato I peel the beets lose my appetite & take a nap cant fall
asleep but ed does again & still is & F reads a separate reality & tom has & I havent: we had already
built a fire which we sit in front of & F strong presence in the house & B a little bit uncomfortable
actually she's in jail again but fighting & E i dont know tired, wrote to anne felt distant & wrote
about writing, trouble with words, longhand, we could write good plays & she writes back she says
you sound serious like a serious artist writer & she says my eyes are still spinning the kodak float
had rippling moving flowers turning into a panorama of the moon landing made of flowers if you
can imagine that & you're right about the dumb playwright scene there's too much suffering
psychodrama in it all we should really take over soon & I'll write again from the lowlands & that
was float after float of amazing girls each one presenting a meaningful theme made totally of
flowers, they do this, talked to R twice & GP is coming out maybe thursday have to set up room,
maybe take books away & arrange for coming home & the people downstairs will be pissed off & I
say what'll happen & ed says GP will die soon & J says did you have any idea of what death was then
when I was 13 & I say weird far out blew its mind & of course, quickly, the nothing at all: numb?
no, something, me: dear anne: what's going to happen the green rain's good for me & animals good
& words mixed up come out funny so I think about vito & kathy but not too much & not too much
about tom: something else, do & is this revealing enough, jackson — you see I try to make everybody
happy no the night's not lost it was there & it followed these thoughts these words driven down an
avenue a false front a false perspective like memory laughs at the intuition of time: beyond its
borders extends the immense region of conceived time, past & future, into one direction or another
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of which which we mentally project all the events which we think of as real & form a systematic
order of them by giving to each a date & the relation of conceived to intuited time is just like that of
the fictitious space pictured on the flat backscene of a theater to the actual space of the stage & the
objects painted on the backdrop, trees columns house in a receding street & so on, carry back the
series of similar objects solidly placed upon the stage & we think we see things in a continuous
perspective, when we really see this way only a few of them & imagine that we see the rest: what'd I
say baby what'd I see? & when you see that will you laugh at me I filled your baskets with bread &
tea & the games up for you, you're not tough enough for me & baby that aint me & lights out, patti,
here's something about rivers & something about time it's the number of times in the tunnel &
drifts, bill: one bell in a tower, the best bell: tough & tired she bends to train rain drain crane & all
these words mean the same thing: vixeninny

July 20
Double exposures, live memory. Do I need music? Well then touch me in the morning then just go
away it's shorter than life, I bought a 1/2 gallon of wine to finish the second diary it's bigger than
life: james mason & marta toren in: he's a doctor who's stolen alot of money they fall in love but
he's loved before & been broken they wind up in the lazy town in mexico she convinces him to stay
but finally they have to go back to settle with the mob they do & plan to return to mexico for real
life so it's all set he crosses the street to phone the airport & gets killed by a car someone says, it was
no one's fault: double exposure: the house is a tree, do I still figure in your life, the windows come
together but brighter & the rush of light is for the giant plant before the blue bottles & inside is
outside would a house made of sod for the eskimos in spring look like this like some kind of green
thing in the grass that I used to make the house winds up in the middle of the window like a giant
manufactured grasshopper, a drink maybe, in the window & the window still has panes but the
curtains fade into the ground I mean blend & snap something new could happen: some body's
pouring blood on his face: orange crates & I kept that feeling about orange but this time I put them
through a transparent blue awning & the awning only gives them more light night delivery grocery
delivery bakery delivery deliver me everything from & joe cocker could cover this if only & only in
the supermarket, frances just called, the plums: I forgot to cover them many plums ed wont eat
plums I eat german plum cake many plums glistening in their plastic already covers a tree & sky
against a building or over it with a white mercedes benz parked in front is without pretty
consequence I never thought of this day in terms of what I did I only saw, joe cocker & not
thebeatles, we went to j&k's to the supermarket for food the only food we could get, plums, to the
theater & back home to work out what we had left to do: the trees gave us enough light but no trees
just papers our script cigarettes coffee mattress to sit on sky over land clouds close to grass clouds in
the house the house in a cloud ed reads he is smaller on one side than in the middle he sees himself
from the back for once & from the front at once looking down in my softball shirt his ass coming
out of his falling down dungarees & fire gets out of control there's a door in the sky a half cloud is
strange to begin with the house is half window so what was in the middle it was the same, repeat it:
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where the fuck is tom, i shall be released, ed in the clouds & in the clouds too much he's a woman
it could happen to anyone he looks, his hair is wild in my small shirt, ed from the side has made the
grass his hair by sitting on theedge of the deck & making me look past him to see him over his own
shoulder the deck stops to let the grass be hair & stripes on his shoulders fuck the record I'm
through with love I'll never fall again I'm walking in the sky I've washed out the trees my
notebook's up there with me, ed the biological element: he has a hat on his head: it's a plate of
beans rice & snow peas delicately boiled & to top it off above his hat is another hat a similar plate of
a different color the salt's in his eyes & for a lung a plate of salad & cheese & bread & for a heart
beets in a yellow plate, there's a fork in it & he holds the fork of his heart to his tongue: a carbon
copy reaches for his ear: all this in front of the trees: he's taken his shirt off to show these organs of
memory: his mouth is open to receive what's on the fork he looks down unaware of what he's
revealed, a simple one a field I would glad1y give the earth to you & the, ed takes a nap in the sky
his arms up hands clasped behind his neck the stripes of the mattress he's on encounter the trees &
one of the trees has made it on the door & one of the trees has made it in the door, finally.
Everything I have is yours no but ed & I are one except one of us is a little off center my body takes
over our necks seem the same we are a woman with breasts: the shingles show how off we are, two
identical pieces of sky, we compare feet 3 of ed's 1 of mine, just picture a penthouse way up in the
sky: ed's hair is the trees & he's put up a strange sort of blackboard in the forest, well, there's a door
in the mountain now but it's too dark to see, I had planned white flower on white flower but forgot
to stay to leave it alone as they say, they're playing the piano about it again on the roof, I wonder
what it would've been like, she's going to start again: it's: dont worry about me I'll get along I had
written I'll get by on myself: go out again see four giant daisies worshipping two setting suns in
some kind of reflection or ceremony by the farm over the head of the farm, an exact duplicate of the
farm below, the one we know, it gives us a light feeling & with a prism of the sun to boot, sky of
morning at night through a hole through the trees pink & blue you might know I want on without
remembering we stopped at the store standing by your window in pain I looked back in our car at
ed, blue & yellow lights in my eyes what was over me: home we expel them for social, forget it: we
built a fire & cooked on the stove, I burned an egg carton but triply I liked the red wall near the
stove & lit the stove too & made the sink white & counter glow copper with pots on it cooking our
dinner flames all over the place all lit nothing on them & lights all over the place interrupted
windows blurred lights beginnings of diamonds & in the bathtub some light shining down on the
tub that wasnt there: I should've stayed with people I guess to avoid all over the place, straight &
laced. This is the second part, you lay it overthe first like a correction: double exposures tea men to
connoisseursor over 25O years, lift here for the sound for the image: I dream mysandals fall
completely apart & lie there, K dreams she's trying toget uptown with men raping you you go up a
stairs men put theirhands between your legs e &j are in the bedroom talking e &j embrace fm's an
arab I make notes: supermarket old black magic toiletflushing bells dog barking car pulling away car
passing interior taxi silver city bar dishes call mr. charles get the bus schedule, who? deposit check
who? last night i went downtown who? paul delany WQRB will try to locate old black magic & ed's
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wandering around at the red lion inn we've been to the supermarket & had lunch there to the radio
station with bells & a defective scotch cassette, they light candles in the thrift shop I feel awful &
someone says I'm quite concerned & someone says the play might not be to everyone's taste &
berkshire broadcasting is worried & porter is worried due to nudity & vile language I wonder what
indians' feet look like, red stains on my fingers from beets & green vegetables taking over the
refrigerator, red stains on inked moccasins & snakes no snakes we see porter doing exercises here &
birds, ed in softball shirts & jacques in same today little bug on toughened red foot red from rain in
moccasins not into a different gear different way to write & it's an old way anyhow after all & we
talked to the grandson of famous mr. charles the projector man & ed is cynical about clear eyes,
toenails red what do I have to do, what is being clear here birds & willow trees many bugs, storms,
should I shoot should I shoot at all? one roll out of focus? supermarket: un-toothbrush 4 j&k, ok
harris, mature measuring spoons copper-colored measuring spoons coffee choc full o nuts special
blend instant stolen, bought white river rice saff-o-life salad oil regina red wine vinegar planters p-
nut butter frenchs people crackers 4 dogs bananas eggs for muscles cole poultry farm freihofers
canadian oat bread 2 packs pall malls sweet life cream style golden sweet corn grandma browns
home baked beans friends brown bread with raisins big johns beans n fixins stella doro almond
toasts durkees black pepper polaver pure blenheim apricot preserves wisconsin longhorn cheddar
cheese, six dollars fifty three cents I hate door that you cant push open with your feet. One day I
hate myself in a row feel crumbly lost ridiculous worried about ed & his turn in our get rid of his her
mood with a bad one of your own our work in a morass what to do next it's pilgrims progress time
hurry it up will grace come was she at the meeting last night when I called adrian to talk to R & I
never thought of it where's the other A, Anais? Ed & I working together the old american flag filing
of separate duties makes some kind of excitment that they've trained us for we're used to it & I dont
have to tell myself anything cause I start to write even a letter & it comes up I know it all already
WBRK A-OK MAORI Indians & how does you mind work? Sun out in cloudy bright double exposure
GP I hate the people downstairs & everybody who reluctantly cuts themseif off from you &
everybody who reluctantly anything some obsession with the truth they just never come out with it
just ok's & groans & some words they've said a thousand times before I hate the thought of
spending time with them & then with R who can get imposed on she can get performed on so easy
by me & by them & lose identities in all in the morass of school teachers unmarried & not married
& answer my questions I make the demand I demand it suck my cock, if any but most of all
volunteer information: ten years ago I wrote this poem to the nirrengartens, the people downstairs, I
said St. Anthony is in his hole but will your green suck-off thumb yield it's sun suffered unripe
ovaries up on hokus pokus day or has your symphony gotten still further out of hand with a still
note an unspoken note without no asshole, well my stone is hard & white & half transparent it's a
mountain & you can sometimes go without pajamas & grandfather farts all night so when you let
him play with your kid do you think those heavy leftovers are lost on him & do you think he turns
yellow from just fear is what I said & I say volunteer information, their possessive compulsive guilt
about GP & his money & J says get what belongs to you & their total helplessness when it comes to
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seeing he's a person & GP sees us as half-people women without men & families at best he's
amused he must be confused about our ages & the whole world we live in doesnt exist for him he's
a monster without tails & we're little toads I hate him but defend his only states of consciousness
which are few & the people downstairs see a good deal for them & the helplessness so I ask you how
do you show faith in a good deal? that he will survive & recover that it's worth it & it's a better deal
for them they think if he dies & it is & they have all these religious principles they're full of them &
golf. & the next time it rains up here I'm putting all our clothes out to dry & I put my shoes out on
the road 2 B run over indian shoes & a white car passes by I'm sitting underneath the tree at the
entrance to the berkshire theater bob makes me sick I think I'll buy a bottle of brick amontillado &
two running girls scotch pass by we are drinking scotch I am drinking scotch & what must j be
thinking now & some remnant of high school in the word creativity I heard its sound, someone says
creativity & someone says how do you see this & today's a bad day for anything that will last in the
notebook I feel cut off need to see no one being a woman you can make a campaign of it I dont
wanna be forced or forced to be only with other women for a while this is a junk image so volunteer
information for the splayed, you look for the self that isnt full of shit & quiet other things bring out
& how do they bring out bring out spring cold harbor & then a full out spread eagle metaphor a
junk image a new wind rewinds it will it hit? under the tree did? metaphor meteor where? porter a
porter a good beer where were the men when we needed them, were we brought up without them,
you set up your life so you can run it I cant get the money but sometimes do so why the rest of the
shit & will this ending change it & there must be a way & someone comes along & says this is
eddie's car but this is my car so you now have a place: when you need me, call me & when I get back
I think I'll take a few days off & drink, hope nobody comes up: my eyes, fire, the room doubles: god,
I found Tom. He says what'd you say that was & this is the third part, you lay it over the first &
second parts, it's extra & I say god that's a wrathful angry god & that's j&k's window & their tree &
he says that's great you do that on purpose & I say these are all double exposures & it goes on: on
purpose?/a whole roll/really?/yeah/& he says that's quite a day you had & I say quite a day/is that a
double exposure/some of them are triple I think & that's my idea of a house/of a what?/ of a
house/jesus & I say beautiful what? & he says something very clean looking about all the/yeah they
really/what's that is that a grocery store?/yeah it's really strange isnt it?/is that the day that ah
what's his name was up?/bill no somebody else had that same car who worked at the theater a guy
from west virginia/& a house in the sky/mmm/that's great/camera bernadette?/no.../that's
great.../ you were walking upside down? is that you in the sky? & I say that's my notebook in the sky
& he says ok & I say that's great & he says hey you look so sad & I laugh & he laughs & I say my
body has taken over though & he says I know & I laugh & I say who do you see first? Ed. Ed's head
& your body just because ed, ed's exposure is a little bit higher, well the first thing that catches your
eye sort of is that very light area on the left hand side of ed's eye/ that's two different areas of sky &
I laugh, god/what's that?/god a wrathful angry god & he says he doesnt look so wrathful he looks
like ed looks really strange & I say great hair though imagine if you had hair like that/who
god?/anybody & I say I dont remember this day at all or these pictures I cant remember & it's fire
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the fire crossing the stove & look at this & inside the prison grounds, convicts & that there will be
no administrative reprisals for the riot & took command of four of the five cell blocks of the prison
& wow, where? & was a model of security, attica, new york & saws, drills, WNBC-TV

July 21
South to argentina from massachusetts down to ny to downtown to uptown to back down to
ridgewood to elmhurst back to E uptown & north to massachusetts one day: this is too hard: I think
I feel bad but I never felt better like the day we drove from mass to new york & back the same day
how did we do it: we thought we felt, the night they drove old dixie down & on, the house is dark
it's strangely quiet maybe I dont know how to work anymore: when you awake you will remember
everything: tyrone power in an instance of total recall, nightmare alley, he gets screwed but goes
back with the carnival & finds his wife who'll take care of him the great Stan had become a wino,
when you awake, she bet on one horse to win I bet on another to show, ans: maybe that's how I
survive? on hash? cigarettes should be better than dawn mist on the meadow: it was a golf course
the best meadow in the world we picked up kathleen early & took her car, left j ours she wanted to
leave at night but we picked morning about 7 o'clock & this was the day this was not the day ed got
the ticket for making a wrong turn in nyc they look away they took away his license since for not
coming to court & anyway the meadow mist is frozen at first & then rises but this first meadow is
the meadow of the four thousand dollar an acre farm before we met k we stopped many times for
the mist different mists: eyes, two trees & at the corner where we make the turn onto cobb rd. the
cows were acting like suns two of them were acting like suns the others looked right but with the
cows like suns we didnt miss the sun to our left it was in a tree: maybe the reason for the cows was
this, reasons: it must've been about time & something about success & just after dawn k says to me
you couldnt get that one you couldnt take a picture of it & i got it but better I made a tree longer &
rested my thoughts heavily on a light morning mist to make it clear but not before I could push it:
it's pleasure sun still in a tree: we're not bored mist is always in the distance but mirages behind
trees are tales blacken out outline & makes less real within the music stopped I quit little thin
branches are clearer than the air tail light in red brake I looked at the tree with the sun in it I looked
across the road into the meadow gold course then further away from that tree but still facing it I
turned around a different shadow lengthened out I made a different tree longer almost like two
twins I was close to the car it was too cold to leave the door open this spot: should I have stayed
there all day or was this moment the only one when rays direct at everything but me & so me, rays
like stick marches but something must rest on them for it all to appear & we did, you depend on
things above the ground your pleasure puts a pressure on them, you dont believe they're there, you
do, you're air: you're in an open space in Iran you just got off a plane centuries ago, there's no one
there. A mirage is a challenge to anyone who looks at it & when you're in a hurry it's better to go
on, the picture, it better go in, the picture the picture might get too hot & burn go up in flames
before my eyes: you're in an open space in Iran you just got off a plane centuries ago, there's no one
there, you concentrate you remember: someone who stays on the plane will meet you tomorrow at
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the ruins. So you check the map it's a street map: fine grey lines on a white sheet: Unh, Sheh, Shuh,
Shah, Smer, Smei, Bher, Steh, Unh...what are these open empty spaces like door ways in the whited
out light low tan buildings white out in the sun you are calm you remember: centuries ago I
would've been afraid I ran she ran he ran & he ran, its periodicity: you concentrate & study the map
the streets, even, the frequency of fear. "I am reading another language by instinct I locate the ruins
in an open space to the north at Unh." A reversal of the action of the verb not moving, moving & a
removal or release from the state expressed by the noun immobility, mobility: memory the double
negative. Love anger. I walk north slowly I pass Aidh, to burn I burn Sheh & I write & Edh, to eat & I
eat I pass Bher, to bear & I suffer & I nurse moving I pass Smei, to wonder & I wonder at my self in
the mirror & I caress myself a mirage I pass Reudh, to be red & Steh, to cover & I protect myself I
pass Smer, to remember, I locate the ruins by moving around their periphery with my eye on the
map, open space. I'm walking north to find a hotel to spend the night close to the ruins. I see no
one I see clearly. I can see one street in the north & from its british-english multiplicity of syllables I
can guess that this is the street I'll find a hotel on & people, a peripatetic street. I float I drift into a
hotel & through every room & in the sleeping rooms people are sleeping I am invisible I walk over
their beds, in the dining room I hover over tables, people are eating, I listen to the murmur of their
periphrastic speech: so many even syllables they cannot see me. A reversal of the action of the verb a
removal or release from the state expressed by the noun the name: tomorrow you will walk east
from this street to the ruins at Unh to meet someone & this is your talisman, take it with you. (The
secret action in time of a reversal in language in memory will renovate will navigate will clear this
space for you, already clear, going backwards, Iran the nurse the memory, in white with fine grey
lines drawn marking off the borders of the streets to indicate the new space of the ruins, an
opening.). A mirage is moving around around anyone who looks at it, you're in a hurry moving you
better go on, the picture might get too hot it might burn go up in flames the film goes up in flames
before your eyes before my eyes: the picture has been still with a bright bulb intense illumination
behind it for many hours for many days a still picture & now it burns: you see the fire on the screen
it burns & this is your talisman, take it with you into the moving car over the windshield of the
huge car the eye can see nothing I thought I just saw a light go out in my peripheral vision, finally. 3
cups of coffee steaming up the car 3 scraps of paper left over from the scarlet letter, we stopped at
the chief taghkanic diner just before the entrance to the taconic we had told j&k to get gas the night
before but they didnt there were people in their car & we had to yell over them bob & terence it was
embarassing to yell get gas like talking to grandfather but how can you elaborate on what you're
blunt toward, words of one syllable, meanings hard to hear & hard of hearing: get gas, Sssh, um, I
eat, I'm full, there's a dog. We had sweetheart cups & a 10 fine for littering, no we're already on the
highway ed is waiting in the car I wonder at his image how tired is he & you have to walk so far to
get the coffee always moving up & down toward the argentine pampas this time but not that early in
the morning but maybe & here's the proof the first gas station on the taconic, we had made
kathleen eggs at her house & the sun's up now as we go down but it's on the same side usually
when we go up it's going down on the left on the right whatever it is: we get as far as ossining for a
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while I put my moccasins on the front windshield to dry the road widens would I have time to have
a child? Hawthorne circle is a big mud puddle it's a river, thief, we move: that was the day of the
argentine pampas because now at the circle we encounter a flag man in straw hat with orange vest
on to see him I guess his flag is orange too & he is foreign in it in some way & I say to ed there's the
pampas all right & he agrees but is too tired to & thinks that man could have braids or a pony tail:
everything is under construction, arrows orange men down the west side highway two views of twin
towers & we're about to get off at 18th street I guess k's going to sleep & on the road down seventh
what a mess. There exists a law office george a. mango attorney next to a shoe store closed for a
whole month on vacation june 7th to sept 7th that's 3 months exist across the street from r's house
but we were just passing by no ed dropped me off here no I dropped him off & took the car, yes this
is the day we cleaned out ridgewood & I had the car: those strange tops of houses in ridgewood that
reflect myself: the house I was looking out is me, it isnt there, here, it's invisible, it hovers: those
strange tops of houses that look like soldiers grown out of ground they look crooked but are so
straight & I hate them: across the street from our old house & out the window nothing except
they've taken the broken glass off the top of the one-story garage next door, they used to put it up
there all around the edge an edge of green glass so that people wouldnt go up I mean kids us kids
wouldnt go up after balls they would go up there balls that would get lost, homers, hoping I guess in
the meantime to keep us from playing ball against the garage I dont know I cant remember why it
had no windows at all: the gate & down on it looks cheerful (where's the chief & where are the
drums that play in the morning when everyone comes out for breakfast to share their dreams &
strike at the one who met them, unfair, no the violence is all in-doors) not the house next door old
people used to live there neat pins now someone else there's still a tree & iron gate with lots of
room to play in, your space, garbage cans inside hooks on the gates if you want to keep them open,
your private space, paint the gates lead orange & black over that paint the gates lead orange every
time the others do, red lead, can I come in? What a messed up day & I was singing real loud
summer fall & so on to get away from thinking about what I was doing what it was that I was doing
which was throwing everything away in the house: our gate less cheerful but friendly as if old & no
not much I wish I had a whole band here to play & drums in the morning opening up, like, open up
the spaces of the backyards for good & the houses across the street, mildred or muriel used to live
there as a matter of fact she owned one of them & my uncle was interested in her & never seriously
he was a bachelor in the single life of blessedness because he always said she was a woman of means
& she worked as well & could support him & I guess he felt disarmed by the fancy cornices she
owned well-owned the gargoyles like any kid there's some asshole kid in the backyard next door & a
whole row of neatly hung wash identical pants of colors hang together, free the people one by one
take down the pants, shirt, then one sheet then towels then larger shirts, the man of the house,
piece now pick up the gun, this sucks flower patches enclosed with little ellipses of white stones like
quarters seen from the proper perspectives I'm a black man down on a whole line row of wash lines
most of them empty cause it wasnt wash day & a tv aerial cannibal sky: I used to always wonder why
we couldnt make one long park out of the whole thing behind people's houses so we could run in it
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instead of just being able to squat peer & make mudpies, find corners you never knew about & ride
horses fast down the lane almost completely surrounded & all it would mean is taking the fences
down & agreeing not to cultivate rosebushes & lawns those jerks. We found a snapping turtle in the
backyard once. Fuck this. The yard on the other side: Did he bite you? No. Just a big lawn with
flowers & other stuff on the outside & one clump in the middle the same white-painted stones
things glistening in the sun but who gives a shit I picked up ed at arnold's & paul got in the car im
pressed with me in my cadillac who had gone to the hospital too & we dropped paul off at a dirty
movie I took his picture going in but you cant see him it's adultry, that's how they put it. We parked
on some street in the east fifties & dropped off some film or picked it up the sky was clear I guess it
was a beautiful day all day but fuck it & started uptown on our way back through the pampas to
massachusetts in one day but first stop off at ed's parents house well they werent letting anybody on
the highway because a fire in the penn central yards had made part of it collapse fall down so we
went on & on up different up streets riverside drive upper broadway we stopped we had a coke we
changed hot drivers the car didnt break down in the middle of it but alot of other people's did & it
was a real pollution fantasy haze were sick & dizzy & I took a picture I thought would look like the
end of the world end to end but didnt there was nobody going the other way south just our way just
everyone going our way north & alot of people thought alot of people were crazy & I looked in the
rear view mirror & saw a downhill hill of cars just cars & manic sunset so I told ed take a picture of
that behind you hurry so he did down the hill but the pink & purple insanity of it couldnt register
on film it was the sun's fault & there's some old crushed cigarette packs on the dashboard &
reflected in the windshield of the car reflecting some giant riverdale apartment building & a view
down 231st street with the setting sun much brighter than I remembered it stopped for a light &
then we had some dinner & stayed a long time in riverdale left way after dark for the trip up
speeding repeating ourselves each of us could only drive about half hour at a time stopped at j's in
the country then when & when then finally went home I guess I wrote this I read to you: tungsten
wednesday 18 minutes to nine on our way to ny had to switch to am morning mist & shaft light
comes through in the pictures at 50 mph we're going 55 we're going 60 careful due to cops who rob
skiers of their dope & what if my notebook were confiscated with all the fingerprints on it the prints
on it now it's 14 before already it's that time it's mist cold freezing drive you forget to k's with the
top down in the dawn calm cows nearer to city my god eggs at k's set alarm for F and j separately, ed
in j's sunglasses again cool driving blue flowers by side of road bill macy is 48 the dead animals of
the night before, bryant pond road that way state police that way we go neither way rolling rolling
rolling thru the usa california? texaco & you can trust your car to the man who was a star K says I
looked pretty last night & I say I'll have to see later & my pretty red feet are on the dashboard with
their separate shoes gas station blue towel tissues coffee double stamp day was there water there a
body of it next to the picture of the highway taken just before hawthorne ny hawthorne circle &
south to argentina from massachusetts down to ny to downtown to uptown to back down to
ridgewood to elmhurst back to ed uptown north to massachusetts, one day: south to argentina from
mass down to ny to downtown 2 uptown to back down to r-wood to e-hurst back to e uptown north
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to mass 1 day: hot car city strange stage remember slide projector lens tissue sunglasses spaced out
light no registration for this car, again the notebook is confiscated I'm pulled up in front of he's
pulled up double exposures by mistake a ticket confiscated as evidence evidence against me see
more: port authority 100 feet above us gives them the authority to go round & round in circles in
games buses round around, one is ektachrome one is kodachrome a $20 a puerto rican guy sitting
hands folded by building dante's inferno books in the back of the car & GP temperature 101°, buses
going round in circles 101 feet in the air see paul paul goes to the avon the avon on the hudson
theater to see some kind of trip this car & that guy's jeep adultry sultry saw it twice the number on
the house ridgewood to e-hurst another week in the hospital mrs. sampson K & L for the test roll &
paul says we both look fine & we're wiped out & everytime you get sick you look fine five dollars
worth of gas in the car we set up the nurse's room in the house K chews styrofoam a piece on the
floor of the drivers' seat she's here nyc today we're back country today paul will cut the negative
people who know me what a relief not like queens full of limping men. So you run to not be afraid
of when your heart beats fast: laudanum paradise hashish azure jasmine scarlet lemon & lime:
bakshish bashaw bazaar bulbul caravansary carboy dervish divan durbar firman giaour houri Lascar
mogul mohur nargileh nylghau Parsee pasha pashaw bashaw pen roc sash sepoy serai shah shawl
sirdar: orange from French from Italian from Turkish from Persian, burns brightly brightly burns,
shah shah

July 22
To burn to be sharp to drive to nourish to choke to breathe, last week in 1850, to bind to increase to
bend to cover to vault over to shine to seize to take hold of, last week in 1850, to cut to hide to shut
to lean, last week in 1850, to hold to run to turn round to cultivate to cook to give to show to tame
to lead to eat to live to exist to put to place to speak, last week in 1850, to bear to trust to knead to
mould to support to burn to support to protect to break to enjoy to bend to pour to produce to join
to sleep, last week in 1850, to collect to wash to leave to shine to remain to remember to wonder at
to think to measure to grind to melt to project to rub to bite to die to beget to destroy to know to get
to know to apportion to see to smell to fasten to feed to spread out to fare to fly to fill to ask to seize
to purify to stink to rule, last week in 1850, to be red to tear to seize to cut to sit to follow to exist to
sound to stand to strew, to touch to cover to stretch to bore to cut out to endure to be dry to thrust
to swell to beat to be wet to go to carry to give to go to come to become to clothe to carry to see to
wake to live to wind to turn to roll to speak to cry out, last week in 1850 the first thing I see is a tree
I saw when I was parked at the radio station on the road between barrington & stockbridge still
looking for old black magic & then ed had gone somewhere or maybe he was with me I went up
route 7 to stockbridge to arrive in time to pick up grace coming on the bus I am speaking to
monument mountain what was that it was the result of a director's viewfinder in two dimensions
instead of three: images of the field of view of the microscope will annoy the observer for hours after
an unusually long sitting at the instrument. A thread tied around the finger, an unusual
constriction in the clothing, will feel as if they're still there long after they've been removed. I had
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been to zayre's that morning bought stolen sunglasses pick up grace see lenny who is looking for
another grace & bought pens went home & ate an omelette G lying in the hammock, M was there
by then ed took his shirt off: we had coffee & canadian oat bread also ed & the light behind him had
I bought the good coffee one of those days in the city yet, an unusually long sitting at the
instrument: ed gets in the car to go somewhere in jack donohue's baseball camp shirt his hair was
wet he made a face drove off in stages we stayed home the trees grow on the stairway now: I went
outside to watch ed leave I went back inside sat on the stairs no lay on the floor I went back outside
& stood on the cut down tree into logs I went back in again & upstairs I went out on the upstairs
balcony perhaps to show grace, looked inside the door to the room was part way open the light was
on the sun was beginning to set. Like eating a lobster you dip it in butter eat one part of the meal at
a time one meal a day as three meals a river of butter I showed grace the automatically revolving tv
antenna the lights reflecting to infinity on both sides of the room in eight diamond windows &
more did M come home: I went down in the basement to work maybe put the stuff there: the
basement ceiling the light there spiderwebs & the spiders who run them grace went up on the
balcony picked a place for herself, we had bats in the house all this month I guess grace took a bath
her back was were her toenails painted: no the water was yellow the light was yellow the light on the
water the water yellow we fixed spaghetti the smoke of grace's cigarette went up into the exhaust on
the stove she had a green blouse on, maureen o'hara we watched tv someone says I always feel like
maureen o'hara when I wear green we watch some mystery about a vase a piece of porcelain janet
leigh her hands clasped resting demure on the table in evening dress I suppose she's watching jack
webb play the trumpet & further on in space some interesting shots of morning & through the trees
in a movie favoring the french royalists underground you were supposed to be on their side with
tony curtis or tyrone power & tony curtis dies &jacques dies too in favor of someone weaker dying
it's easier to dream someone who could go on forever dies to die in place of a very old man & that
house now seems boring grace's bed in place she had brought her new tape recorder with her &
played for me some haitian i think dances cause to begin with it's thursday & the men are out at the
moviola pictures from the evening before expose themselves in the morning you forced yourself to
sleep I forced myself to sleep & forget dreams whatever they were like jacques dies, I made GP he's
night & fog a map in my sleep for ed I sleep in the yellow room with st. george sleeping in the other
& someone says you do have to come & I say I quit to be with to be alone to take trips trips like
pieces of information what you see is what you get the bastian blessing co. chicago illinois nejaimes
soda foundation fountain all dry soda fountains patent pending parmesan cheddar eds eggs canned
milk bread & corn: recovering today from being under long something somewhere where part of the
west side highway fell down, perry mason is on tv powder is on the floor, incredible cars on all the
uptown streets fires in the penn central railroad yards july 22 today thursday only eight more days
it's nine & I've moved to the cellar in squeaking rocking stuffed chair & yesterday after we made it
uptown stopped to see ed's summer parents, code, they'll come up the 13th grace is going to new
mexico the 10th we'd like to go to california in september can visit halifax in september or october
& we did & I fainted e's father big E suggests arcadia national park in nova scotia for camping tom
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seems still to be living there dont know we see big e's new car in the garage across the street he sees
our 1964 cadillac drive north insane I'm in the cellar when I'm not driving I'm thinking: some
memories qualify where the present endures not for a minute or an hour or a day but for weeks &
months & years: GP & the other old men looking like movies of a concentration camp & gp what
can we do for him & the old picture of my grandmother today, catalogue them: I know this state of
mind now after it has already dropped once from consciousness, this chair chased some spiders
away north dark top down talked alot about the brights to stay awake got to j's him in some other
world our struggle to get up there I went outside cause to caught my fingers in the front door then
in the car door cried transferred everything from one car to the other crying had dropped cigarettes
in my lap on the way up went upstairs to the yellow room to sleep & slept in the morning forced
sleep & on & one & grace came on the 4:05 bus in front of nejaimes hot sun orange soda mailers to
kodak & zayre's for a frying pan & sunglasses stopped at berkshire broadcasting no black magic.
Tom's going to some kind of wedding this weekend & paul & B will be here no beds & E one two
three four & e's out the door at the shaggy dog recording sound studio & leaving on the next plane
7 am for ny again & the house is here grace is in the loft a red brace of a sister & she's making tea
she fixes tea & all the stuff from r-wood is down in the cellar & itches & burnt bitten & switch over
to #2 & J liked the films but he died no he didnt die & H is encouraged not to come to the play &
someone says does she want her money back for nudity vile language & omelettes creamed corn &
brown bread & one two three four tomorrows friday the queen is here the ice is here & everything's
fixed & ready & I quit quit & the soldiers quit & times have changed & the actors quit & the movie
camera's quit & silence is quit & grace is watching me & the sailors quit & the engine quit & the
milk quit & I'm imitating myself & money quit & myself quit & color has quit & music quit & the
end quit & the door it quit & for a third of a second I look at exposure charts for color film & then
shroud myself in complete darkness shroud the eyes & it was as if I saw the scene in a strange light
through a dark screen & I can read off details in it which were unnoticed while my eyes were open:
this is the primary positive afterimage: according to Helmholtz one third of a second is the most
favorable length of exposure to the light for producing it, what, a book two potatoes parmesan
cheddar eggs canned milk bread & corn & tea a map of july from the 22nd to the 31st credit card
#122-2222-030A mr. charles #212-2655279 kershem-heimer's #6349578 ballou's #1-4584248 the
nurses #1778859 & 5626255: we moved into the barn on july 8 & on 22 start living there cause I
quit after two weeks nobody notices but I quit, need tire for car: jack webb & anais nin in a movie
about firestone he says no thanks & in the bath I'm reading letters from 1416 york avenue to florida
massachusetts ed's in these & advertising & leftovers of St. saviors especially to florida cynicism &
everying's all right seems summer a dull day I'm too amazed from & by the time ed got to lenox I
seemed more real yesterday to see day today as form a triangle I couldnt take pictures & pete kelly
says act sober & sing & someone says she's gonna sing & you're gonna listen in pete kelly's blues
where the big bottom swerve of the J. of her name forms an interlocking circle round Leigh & the
two circles of the J contain a shared space so that if one were A & the other B would the shared
space be labelled would it be called AB, B the lightest letter & tony curtiz comes up again in the
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purple mask where they want your sympathy for the heroic french royalists, cut off their heads, their
heads were cut off & there is no black magic so who wants to be my brother, later, so you can
increase the speed of this film to any of a variety of film speeds & to process the film to these speeds
write Kodak in Rochester for pamphlet #1-E-2: photographing the unusual with high speed films &
she's gonna sing & you're gonna listen: there is no black magic & somebody says that anybody
saying we lack guts doesnt know what he's talking about, no way it's true & who says we dont have
guts or some guys have given up & arent hustling cause I'd like to know cause there is no black
magic in the bright bright sun in the hazy sun cause there is no black magic in the cloudy bright air
(no shadows) cause there is no black magic in the heavy overcast cause there is no black magic in
the open shade cause there is no black magic in a large area of sky cause there is no black magic in
brilliant scenes cause there is no black magic in the skyline ten minutes after sunset cause there is
no black magic in interiors with bright fluorescent light cause there is no black magic in spotlighted
acts (carbon arc) cause there is no black magic in downtown street scenes at night cause there is no
black magic in brightly lighted niteclubs in theaters at night in las vegas or times square in store
window displays at night cause there is no black magic in neon & lighted signs at night cause there
is no black magic in floodlighted buildings in fountains in monuments cause there is no black
magic in christmas lighting in trees indoor & outdoor cause there is no black magic in fairs in
amusement parks at night cause there is no black magic in night football in baseball in racetracks
cause there is no black magic in the shade or from airplanes cause there is no black magic in home
interiors at night in areas with bright light in areas with average light in candlelighted close-ups
cause there is no black magic in a distant view of city skyline at night cause there is no black magic
in fireworks in displays on the ground in night football in basketball in hockey in bowling in boxing
in wrestling cause there is no black magic in stage shows with average lighting with bright lighting
in circuses in floodlighted acts in ice shows the same cause there is no black magic in school on
stages in auditoriums cause there is no black magic in an indoor swimming pool with tungsten
lights above the water cause there is no black magic in churches tungsten lights, so who wants to be
my brother, later, & do all those things to me

July 23
And do all those things to me that begin in the etymological dictionarywith the Indo-germanic roots
so you might as well remember you might as well do it you would remember every day of your life,
itmust have endured for a certain length of time, if you had somethingto remind you of it, take
pictures for a week, say, then put them awaydont even show them around for a year & see what you
remember & aweek’s diary too: call kathleen & ed at noon stay at paul’s cause Hmight not be home,
it’s Friday, villa lobos gas record teletype machine: this is the specious present in my memory
presents my memoryas it might be styled as the knowledge of an event or fact or state ofmind which
in the meantime I have not been thinking of but with theadditional consciousness that I’ve sure
thought of it before I’ve experienced it before, all of it: 5:15 am woke up thought it was late woke
everybody up & then down told them to go back to sleepthought it was 6:15 am coffee, sunrise from
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the meadow a heavywet mist all over not it’s haze a white grey day greens out a green-out as usual
here except in yellow sun glasses where suddenly it’sbright rays & clouds in rays, some color, golden
sun through haze& the airport by one minute to seven the plane the haze white sun:no memory is
involved in the mere fact of recurrence there’s a delay: & that’s a funny picture to be first was I up at
dawn: yes toget ed to the airport I woke up an hour too early & went out to thefield there's a delay
to watch dawn come up, cant see much from our house up at five struggle to get everybody out of
the house on time a beaut. dawn comp. w. mist on the field something in total darkness the airport
I think we got there we get there at 1 minute to 7. This is not just a date in the past this is dated in
my past that begins in the etymological dictionary & this is myself at dawn we're still home I have a
jacket on & a red & white striped tv shirt the shirt a ten-year-old boy gave me, not one of the
magician's children, boys give me shirts I make them do it: I look full the mist rises I should
overexpose them more but ed makes it do we remember the way to the airport except I miss the turn
at first & should've taken rte. 183 & almost ran out of gas getting there & someone says put some
gas in the gas can & call kathy & since I got this gas can for the night dirt road the guy at the station
says you gonna run a tractor & ed has a bag & his script & his ticket executive airlines cutive lines
#201E so grace yells & ed turns around there's still a heavy fog no smoking the man wheels the
luggage cart away the propellers begin to spin it's a de havilland twin otter he taxies away you cant
see a thing in he was crazy yelling & screaming still early morning there was nobody round the
audubon society grounds, & taft farms some melons some plants from san francisco california a cat
by a crate of those melons I was on the right track: the glass of the windshield on one of the views &
G in my sweater my shades in the cemetery half a poem. The valley close up & far away means
something to me but not if you saw it in a newspaper, you know why cause the sky's a pale purple &
the green's got blue in it & you people who wanna see green, take a picture & come clean, I was on
the right track over the glass of the windshield, then grace makes half a poem. "Do your christ
pose," she leaves her hands open. Old cemetery we looked for a place to swim I showed grace the
insane gazebo with wooden horse & carriage pecan blossoms on the pecan trees sticky get caught in
a trap get caught in spider web on the door of the barn sticky we pick one a red pecan fluorescent a
fucking truck: erving motor trans from erving mass #34 why did we stop for it to look at it the
door's open there's purple more purple in the sky of this film is kodachrome it loves red & blue
there's purple in the sky in the pond or alford brook that looked too muddy to swim in I tell grace
all the Indo-germanic roots of the dictionary's story at an overgrown picnic table we float & all float
with barrels white flowers J think they were blue so grace reminds me of someone & it aint her fault
I cut her short white flowers were blue the projector lamp dims with the refrigerator in gear & down
that stream lily ponds picture the alford brook club in the serenity of the afternoon & the alford
afternoon brook looking like georgia & listen why're they clapping cause he finally sang that song
well listen: she's gonna sing & you're gonna listen & georgia all perfect reflections we located
relations the abandoned silver birch camp but on our way or on our way back stopped at a gravel pit
a one-man operation he needed two women he must've seen no one all day just sand chain-gang-
style with only tire tracks & mounds of kinds of gravel a machine that poured it out with water,
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many scoops & mud puddles terraced areas a moving scoop stirs up dust, if any: grace is under
exposed in her green shirt more dust he gives us the peace sign we follow a hay truck home we pass
it by the time we get to home the truck caught up with us it passes us by by the house a man driving
a tractor pulling two loads of hay his son mounted on the side headband over long long hair falls
down the tv's on but nothing's on it the tv equipment's on, you know video, we made a tape of the
exercise of a hay truck is like a tv, just tilt it. The beginning of a word, Br & 7 hours go by what was I
going to write & I guess brought, what I brought was brought by me & the context for that was this
that a while ago: "& told me to write this poem: to take a round of / to take a ride of / you take a
round of / you take a ride of / and I brought (what I brought was brought by me)/ shortly will for
will / but, fast moons / he can gather them from the air." Who told me it was design & then I
began to leave which I'll explain later, like my brother, I had just quit I was on vacation on a dark
still night a thousand tiny gnats at the window & was that a bee trying to get in trying to write & felt
awful 4 3 days in the midst of grace cooking dinner potatoes on coals & M is reading he is finishing
a separate reality & I think this, that we all know so much is understood that we're here in the time
that it is & we talked about subway attacks on women & mafioso & an italian cab driver tells me if
you take drugs took drugs in the thirties if your best friend turned you on well from then on you
were taboo, condemned ignored maybe even contracted for, you were excluded rejected repudiated
exiled secluded locked out ostracized prohibited separated segregated eliminated expelled, you were
barred left out shut out blackballed laid aside put aside set apart segregated stricken off struck out
neglected, you were banished. & M is still reading we speak in front of him he is removed. For me
there's the airport the owl the red lion inn nejaimes abdallas for mushrooms & 2 kinds of cheese &
roads look 4 a place 2 swim: explore papers, maps, here see M he leaves 4 rehearsal yoga tape tired
jacques the phone drink & I drink familia cookies here pick up bidu sayao the studio nejaimes 4
vanilla milk shake cheese-burger home roads the silver birch camp the gravel pit here sleep sweat the
berkshire eagle the tornado in west stockbridge flattens the truck stop on the state line bear sightings
before that the dump the theater dump john perreault in the berkshire eagle did I dream cold sweat
turned light on & M comes home so there's peas wine & downstairs there's talk peas wine 49THST
hookers omelettes corn potatoes in the oven wooden train guineas muscatel M singing in the
shower E back tom. that's short 4 tomorrow this kind of writing makes it impossible to think
straight G washed her hair Anne marie Diurio Benedict Pond Beartown State Forest Windsor State
Forest October Mountain accidents in the eagle have to get up do something I re-record the teletype
machine we listen to the supermarket G says there's no musak in supermarkets, time is spent in
massachusetts. Pussy comes in it's after midnight where are the bats & where, are, the bats & M like
John corry so does he need more privacy & this is prison & like jeremy's brother jonathan, flowers
in the Folger's coffee can, somebody's murdered wornens liberation regular grind mountain grown
gnats like silver fish wierd cats yoga tape great great six of the actors are scorpios including M K & B,
that's bobby so listen bobby: the wooden train a 1903 train still runs where I grew up cause the steel
train's too heavy for the el except at rush hour
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July 24
Time is running out, so, you know everything, the whole of it. Which is why I deny autobiography or
that the life of a man matters more or less & someone says we are all one man & later I'll say I
count the failure of these jews as proof of their election & later I'll say they are dine because they all
die screaming like the first universal jew the gentiles will tell you had some special deal & later I’ll
tell who wants to be my brother, my brother's black & I'm leaving & that'll go on for a while & last
night I fell asleep to a howard duff movie, he is a money-hungry reporter while M is singing
downstairs on another lazy day duff wanted cash I sleep with the light on chandelier on & grace
comes in this morning so we were both bred & both forcing sleep & when I remember my dreams I
seem to say to myself I have dreamt this same dream for a week & there's no use in remembering it
cause it's always the same it repeats itself it's how to, maybe, make a play, but I am not dreaming
the same dream all this time or am I I dont know, I know this one thing: my picture was "guileless"
& that is my dream, old friends. M was born in el paso, texas, muffled talking out in the field &
banging & walking downstairs M drives off on his unlicensed vehicle motorcycle I light my cigarette
but with one of the matches that strikes, burns black & then suddenly & by this time you've put it
down, it bursts into flame, I will illustrate this for you I will draw you a picture a film. I've already
brushed my teeth & put cold water on my face brush hair yoga looks for the kids, it's 11:12 in the
morning & birds sing shirr carr weekend car M scared J will do the newscaster blue pillow yellow
one white one with green border pink comforter gold & red spread white sheet & golden sun glasses
brush pliers postcards from bermuda strike anywheres I'm smoking a cigarette The Traitor's Purse
Account Unsettled still have read no books alarm The Year of the Whale tv & tv equipment I'm
leaving I'm off I'm going away, red & black chair the blue pen top the heat grate ashtray film can
antenna box a door slams, screwdrivers & needle-nose pliers a matchbook top narcotics
paraphernalia, moccasins two coffee cups the camera newspapers: Thomas, Duane, bottle of gold
coast california wine a check envelope roach another white pillow with a great desire to read, two
blue work shirts hanging a black sash & a chandelier, last night M tells us this story: he leaves home
el paso, texas, comes back after being in europe, travels all over, his mother's italian he tells her I'm
coming back so have a good meal ready, she does. He realizes he hates her food now, asparagus pasta
it's all fixed fried & greasy, but his father's arabic & that food says M syrian food is still good: but I
say the food of the mother is better than the food of the fatter father. Now that is all of that story.
There's another motorcycle sounding at the furmans, this privacy their privacy Weekend Weekend
out on the balcony, shots, see what it's like out it's hot it's been hot for a week for two weeks I'm
leaving feel my consciousness changed changing from the play from my life disrupted or changing
anyway and so yesterday I'm unable to talk cannot speak & today there are images hidden in my
shirt making phrases like the ones I write down, no one understands them, phrases like "the whole
of it" that's all I can say & at the end of the tape grace & I looked like two strawberries trees rustling
in the background noses, breasts, martians we make a wierd science fiction movie where people shot
at angles are still & are still for a long enough time to alter your perspective & consciousness and so
you begin to believe they are in the proper perspective as not-people, the movie can be all talk:
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suddenly remembered dreaming flying saying "you get me started then I can hover" in front of a
group of people maybe J & also the book is out it's flying around loose its energy is loose I'm going
away then thunder & lightning a dream cant be too corny I'm in the shower downstairs then
flowers leaves fears of bees & an orange & black butterfly I have no closeup lens, these flies, M's
orange nail brush another hazy day another cup of coffee & another cup of tea another trip to great
barrington to barrington the car has reeds stuck beneath it so leave your rugs out upside down on
the morning dew or snow then dry them & bring them in thought there is no dew or snow in the
city though & a bee here spins a web around me a clattering leaf on the road a car with 2 ladies, he
cant find the flowers the weeds, today I am falling apart in my shoes white pants I have hardly
anything on where is end where is everyone & the motorcycle starts up again it's a japanese
snowmobile & someone has nothing to do: there's cold milk there's a fat blonde woman who
worked here two years ago, rexall's in great barrington I eat a million cheeseburgers I eat seven
thinking about the woman who serves up the food in the drugstore in town thinking what do they
do when they get up in the morning could there be a regimen? I drink cold milk it says peach ice
cream & someone says i was so tired i thought i was going to lay down & i'm leaving i'm departing
i'm taking my departure i'm going i'm going away i'm going off i'm getting away i'm going my way
i'm getting along i'm going on i'm shoving off i'm trotting along i'm staggering along i'm
moseying along i'm buzzing off i'm moving off i'm marching away i'm pulling out i’m leaving
home i'm going from home i'm exiting i'm breaking away i'm o i'm setting forth i'm retiring i’m
going down to the sea i'm removing i'm ceasing to be i'm disappearing i'm vanishing from sight
i'm doing the vanishing act i'm flying i'm going i'll be gone i'm passing away i'm passing out of
sight i'm passing out of the picture she's passing out of the picture i'm going beyond the tree i'm
retiring from sight i'm becoming lost to sight i'm drowning i'm losing sight of myself i'm perishing
i'm dying i'm dying out i'm fading i'm doing a fadeout i'm sinking away i'm dissolving i'm melting
i'm melting away i'm evaporating i'm evanescing i'm vanishing into thin air i'm going up in smoke
i'm dispersing i'm dissipating i'm floating i'm ceasing to be i'm leaving no trace i'm leaving many
branches behind i’m leaving not a branch behind & someone says i was so tired i thought i was
going to lay down & die & leaving m & j & e & I begin to play feudal & I get worse & worse
headache & it goes to K comes home pleased at everything like P, who's P? & bob is in rehearsal's
oratory with J calm rain beings again it's the storm that destroyed syracuse the tornado that
flattened the truck stop at state line new york massachusetts, sleep says this: going to feeling forget-
worst, like, the pay-backables. The whole of it you knew everything. I put the colored leaves on the
apple tree in the backyard of the shower more daisies & weeds clap & someone says you're not
supposed to have anything to eat or drink & I finally found out what eli siegel was advertising all
those years in the village voice, there's red on the bottom green on top & another hay truck or some
piece of farm equipment on its way it's the same guy, that dead stump of a tree was making the roof
of the garage collapse just by being next to it on such a dark day a day where a thin black band
crosses the sky it's the same storm, it's easier to be a woman than a dwarf but a woman's life is dull
& so I went to rexall's for a cheese-burger. Give. Her memory's a double negative. They had
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nebbishes up near the ceiling that same guy who wrote the play the scene from the car department
barrington always looks like california & it's san diego to be exact to me. No defense. The cards light
up continental chocolates angle parking a fan for sale two fans where is mallarme: roses hoarse to
live & all the vain in interim print with calyx blank to prompt breath in rime to give, but that the
stroke in battle saves profound, the stuff of it, shock in awe, frigid in melting, cold in thaw, in laugh
in flower in waves & casting the sky by piecing detail here so alike in fantail You are better than a
phial: nothing closed in emery scent to lose or defile, something come from emery, eventail. Some
long furry red tail hangs down from some other department of the store, everything changes. I
bought a bright orange scarf 49¢ & something changes darkened up for the outside light & now it
looks like massachusetts again, clear autumn, a giraffe: the monterey police picnic-dance saturday
july 31 1971 a buffet & music by ambrosia vacation values & nebbishes are now called according to
the sign in the window sillisculpts, the cards light up stuffed animals cross the street at the hardware
store lawnmowers to remind me of two years ago an ad for summer of '42 at the mahaiwe &
something changes a boy & a girl walk by leading with different feet she has a watch on he has a
leather bracelet with different feet sneakers sandals & shorts, a tree an awning glass is worth it is
complicated an awning that was above the glass & a woman going into the hardware store stands
next to a pail and a red wheelbarrow, brand new, they cheer & she looks black on top, her face &
arms, but her legs are pure white & from the waist down she looks like a man but its clear she has
breasts though her back's to me what the fuck's the moon. There's a change in the whole of it,
everybody's beauty. What the fuck were we doing at the red lion inn swimming pool. Paul & barbara
arrive there's a piece of toast on a book there's a change: were they there when we got back & they
bring ed with them paul had helped ed cut the negative now everyone's eating hermits not toast,
barbara in dark blue, they went to norway they're in norway now & grace purses her lips & leans
down she's wearing kathy dillon's shirt & getting out of the car I pulled up next to paul's car
barbara's car excited they were back, ed, I broke the side view mirror copper color shows through
where the glass fell off I cracked it with my hip I ran right into it & is this the same day: we go to
rehearsals leave everyone at the house & that's right they were pissed off later. Ed sat in a chair & I
looked at the sky, some green plastic leaves above a red lantern sink I went back inside ed was
drinking coffee still in the chair: his hand holding up his chin one finger in his mouth at his mouth
the other holding a cup of coffee he looked over at me I think he was bored just then he drank more
coffee he drinks more coffee the light of the room on ed yellows his face golden & his hands
together on his lap a brown shirt on behind the sky & trees everyone else is stirring around having a
discussion, kate is standing up leaning over & later M E & J play feudal, K had invited m over for
some grass I think & J went to terence's house for a while to work so when he got back they started
playing & I went to sleep, M was traveling with us his m-cycle broken down no gas no I played for a
while too two teams of us on the blue board the wasps vs. the jews & arabs & my head aches for
days: when we got home a mattress for us was on the floor P&B slept on springs & early in the
morning then ed in the black fur hat that showed up on the doorstep like animals appear except &
ed took his shirt off paul looking amazing in a black t-shirt leica in one hand shines a flashlight
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with the other into my eyes & M is out on deck studying his script in a snakeskin shirt & sandals &
he turns around, a hood, someone is reading a book in the hammock I miss them it's grace reading
carlos castaneda the book makes a shadow on her face prolonging memory & it was one of those
days the country provokes many people no one gets together no one speaks alone no one gets to
speak no privacy: paul & barbara keep saying they are leaving finally they do right after I watch them
leaning & sitting against barbara's car: paul sits on the car, his watch on. Barbara leans back against
his lap. He puts his hands on her chest she smiles puts her hands over his, they stay in that position.
Barbara leans back further her head against paul's chest, she reaches her arms up to paul's
shoulders still balancing against his lap he puts his hands under her shortsleeved shirt through the
arm holes she looks up. Barbara gets up starts to sit on the car she rests one hand on paul's knee she
has one foot on the ground she sits on the car one knee bent with the foot up on the car one leg just
hanging paul puts his arms around her waist her back against his chest she holds his two hands
clasped at her waist with one of hers. Paul looks at me Barbara looks away. So you know everything,
everybody's beauty, the whole of it & something changes: GP, a screen, dies & sleep says this: I
would never set this up again. Paul looks at me Barbara looks away

July 25
I would never do this again, said in the house as a kind of warning. & as I write all this stuff down I
know it comes out of nowhere goes nowhere & remains, nothing leaves. It's almost a truth. I set
myself up. July 25th though it's already begun begins again with ed without a shirt sitting in the car
& flowers arranged in a large folger's coffee can on a yellow pillow outside that's decadence in
daylight in decay that's an idea that follows itself meaning nothing meaning nothing leaves & paul
and barbara must've left by now taking grace with them but tight-assed they wouldnt drop her in
manhattan she had to take the train. Also, there are things you study, usually accepted as sciences,
which specifically deal with man & not with the external world which is contrasted with him, like
psychology & anthropology for example; how are they consistent with the view that science is
characteristically non-human? Ed's working I think he was I begin to think about reflections: car
window the chrome both sides two car doors windows you can see through we're working on the car
everything's open I open my orange which is almost red scarf & tuck it under one of the windshield
wipers I put potatoes a tomato two ferns & a coke on the car gasoline the air hole taped closed but
the can leaks anyway massachusetts san francisco sky over anyway I went down the road coke in the
grass 8 oz. the beginning of a puddle a series around it telephone poles a series no sun I looked in
the puddle telephone pole no sun, Ed went upstairs I followed him he took his clothes off we put the
bed back together I took my clothes off we took a bath we went to the theater to the barn: they cut
these trees down for eating into the barn building there's one long low branch leaning I went to the
lenox arts center to see ira &john's performance with balloons, beverly was there taking pictures so I
asked her for an exposure she gave me a good one ira & noun blew up balloons they mounted up
caught the light, I went back to their room there was a terrible yellow lamp on the table & we had a
few swallows out of a bottle of something & went to the red lion inn I took ira in my car john made
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remarks about fucking then mostly about emily dickinson & joan didion & got very drunk. Back at
kathleen's I was waiting to meet ed there while he & J were working she was practicing her cello &
this may have been the night that paul the cellist came by & E&J were very late at the sound studio I
got very stoned K holds out her bow the cello case stands up by itself, made for corners I forget the
rest & later dawning ed gets into the car with his script & a station wagon dawns on us, no, but it's
clean cars parked & car windows on them in stockbridge clean town while a guy goes into the
berkshire bank & trust co. the one that was robbed & he looks down the street & ed walks out of the
bank onto the astroturf you spit on flounced by white roman pillars & the sky falls then over an
airstream jet trailer that day this day from ohio or somewhere white somewhere else white as ed
pushed me into it & a guy in a hat unloading he's about to unload a schaeffer beer truck it looks
blue all around the boston globe is there apollo 15 is ready to go for 12-day moon trip the herald the
traveller the telegraph something is happening in brooklyn a man dreams at night & works during
the day he swears susquehanna at liberty bell sorority cursed the victor frank robinson's on the
cover of sporting news it must be monday now balloons or balls in a box come together in front of
abdallah's but that was yesterday when: with the help of harry newton, huey mother face newton,
baby face newton, we part: he gets in the cave with the others, breasts are the solution. Blue(y)
newton that was dream this was: last night this book gets rained on, rain heavy rain all night
through to day bright day I look at pictures of July 2 shots of construction projects now sitting in
bathtub after spending the morning with no attention, just car & sound, sound & car, ready 4 6
o'clock at the shaggy dog sound studios with 16 separate tracks on 2-inch tape while paul barbara &
grace reluctantly leave b&p to rockville center, grace to get home from there by the long island
railroad M studying & reading all day in leopard like undershirt, snakelike I mean scorpio. No time
to read feel raped of country information. Tom M & grace have read a separate reality before me
now grace takes it back to the city. GP no better as E heard from R maybe worse. E brings me a can
of magnolia condensed milk from the city, no, he left it at R's, today, last night I cried at the
distance between us — work, hate. Berkshire week, where to eat. We cant be this busy for no reason
at all & last night saw milt & cliff & warren, jeff outlaw & tigger at fred lords barn, w in bright red
vest, cliff & milt looking sparkling & clean, did we? Go to the farmer, say tobacco, do you have any
tobacco, we're out of cigarettes, have eaten too many cheeseburgers, put milt back in the book, some
place to be, this place is one place that place another place, where I was, where do your spirits rise
higher, where do mine, where do my dogs cats his hers their lovers lower, many towels in the
bathroom many, two, wide windows behind them trees you can become part of me do what I do, I
wish my robe were red, yours is, follow it, follow she she follows free follows later today I make it,
over the rough dirt road into, where, ever, I want it to be, into it, with wine, you arent there, you are
a curse, like the weather sending coal through my veins, hot coal, I sink into you, listen, its through
you, something started once on some trip, & something fell, fell, & one night, forgot, & in the
meantime with another person some things began to happen & before the end of it, no defined as a
reversal of the action going on, as a removal or release from the state that exists, & before the end of
it, it was morning when something new defined something edgy & all this has to do with yesterday
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too, young & old & older, sometimes through that we are set back, very set back, & stony, like rocks
& stone, & stones run through our veins like the weather, the storm comes here that destroyed
syracuse & at 6 o'clock we will have moved these stones in a pile, heap, coals, moans, driving,
south, then north of here & when one part of your body seems hanging hanging loosely from the
rest do you judge, do not judge for yourself but do not accept from someone else their remarks as a
judgment, someone knows. White walls, pink dresser, pink orange & grey towels like the weather
which sends, some, sun, rise, to our meeting, 6 o'clock, we'll be there but e's gone to europe & M
has no car or motorcycle & jeff & t live in washington & j has a listed number & R has a can of
condensed milk meant for me & a sports car passes by & waves, not, still, in the bathtub & a hand,
e's, rests on my knee for a while, & I have no pictures of fucking & g, p & b are in b's car
somewhere & b told me it drives p crazy not to have any money, hurts his pride she said & I couldnt
believe that but wondered why p hangs around with such fucked up friends & v must have come
back from toronto by now & k loves the cello she says, residue, & k & g never met yet & neither did
p meet k & t we havent seen or talked to & the pink paint, roughly there, extends onto the
unpainted part of the two drawers & j talked about beckett & molloy & likes them too & actors are
very strange & money grows on trees & ed's reading big phils kid & m's reading something like
another roadside tomorrow or attraction by somebody named robbins & anais nin's about the house
& h is probably in woodstock fuck her she wouldnt let k live in our house & so on, residue, also, the
rest of the story goes: we go into town in about half an hour we take M to his bike go to see chris &
john baker get cigarettes: speed makes ed depressed the next day which was yesterday & there's a
sleeping man interfering with my pen & then we'll eat go to j's to pick him up for sound sessions &
I'll try to call R & then we'll go to the s.d.sound studio 4 at least 4 or 5 hours they'll do the sound
mixing & so on I'll take pictures & notes & note nothing wrong with being an observer is there as I
am that was the end of that page, these precious little words, written small, are not meant to come
on too strong but just to lull you like the whirr of a car or an airplane interior or like the sound of
birds clinking glasses together at tea, glasses of tea, to lull you then into now being for a while into
being me, can you feel it, becoming part of the rest of the story goes: I hear them talking, I speak to
them, it sounds like russian, a sleeping man's heavy head on my shoulder my muscle aching, not
from holding the head or the book but from writing writing pictures of, the head the heavy head
shifts, of paul & barbara, murray, then a new roll, movement more movement there, pictures of ed's
back, the car, the vegetables & the car, the coke the bottle, the rooms up stairs — all instruments of
wrath or of fucking — autoerotic scenes, & later the sound studio where you alone can blast yourself
into another, space, now, a sleeping man's rubbing my cunt with his little finger, I have no pictures,
please go on, I am not anxious to leave this off again & stop hurt & everything goes by, it's one or
the other wasnt it, & then, & the mirror smashed later where my hip bone hit it squarely as I ran &
a man in the village restaurant says I've been reading about you in the papers & I've just left ed off
blue car took 4.4 gallons of gas a dollar eighty, I have the director's viewfinder on my stomach. The
studio wasnt ready so e&j went for ice cream, afterwards, the balloons of john & ira where beverly
took pictures & I review pantaloons panel noons the cellist Tom the devils blow christ beverly &
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anne poetry of the lenox arts center lives next to jacques the red lion, sherry, a red mink coat it's 10
to 2 there's 10 to go the boys not home I'm wasting time I go through lines: pantaloons panel
noons pantaloons panel noons john ira howard anne & hemingway or hem g.stein e.dickinson john
eat your salad someone says & someone says he's nostalgic & someone says you drink too much like
books by women by joan didion & someone says time & again is a good book & someone says &
that's the difference between me & ira & ira says I havent been away from john in so long while we
drive in my car & john says did you fuck so I review I go through lines: virgil cane is my name & I
served on the denver train & how about over is how I got over, Ms not home he stays in town no
motorcycle & K says she'll read this review: christophe lee michael paul & someone says you can
sleep here & someone answers you can sleep here & all the people were singing, look at slides there's
darkness, the director's viewfinder finds ed exhausted in pictures, the night they drove, cellos belong
they were made for corners, I went back to the house for the slide projector & drove here through
the fog I had some wine with me & since that time I always drive with wine, you put a beer between
your legs, there's a truck there's a tractor at the big farm driving down the road with bright red
lights & I'm scared so paul gets lost winds up on mohawk trail road, whatever that is, we dont know
the names of the roads we travel, dirt roads, with names, paul lives in dalton & we will probably
never know, die: I go through k's fantasies driving by GE, it's a concentration camp, nowhere,
nowhere, private, the private charge of general electric's barbed wire, the private parts of their
government contracts, the titles they give their weaponry, the naval surge site the site for beneficent
missile launching the barbed wire fence enclosing the heap of iron filings that went up in flame
engulfing the assistant prime minister as he fell into a pot of boiling pitch, it has something to do
with iron, making molten weapons for the employment of ethnic groups that hang around, they
have good beer in the neighborhood, they're launching sections of apollo XOX & my father used to
work for the company that made the cameras for the moon & oh they warned me & she's in the
bathtub again reading lines & someone remembers composing a line for a play when we were little
& the line was gosh I'd die & I'm tired of lines so when will the play be over or when will the play
be spoken in real time: we have to move out, do the laundry, tom hasnt moved out yet & it's hard to
talk to have to talk to & someone says barraged & I am, we ate grinders & drank beer, saw a man we
knew sitting at the red snake skin alligator table cover again, singing for the actors feeding them
lines for the actors the scorpios & someone says john hates actors & john's teaching at fordham
where the priests signal actors to get dressed & there's 10 to go a race a laugh a nap simple safe
something cripple dormitory dreams dormitory room a picture of a cello on the ship we're on &
beverly was pushing it to 1600 & she says how sweet of him to remember &john got drunk with her
& someone said he loved her & someone said if I ever did see one, talked to R could barely hear her
they wouldnt let her into the hospital today I'm tired of telling about the play the end of the day I'm
almost tired of telling this is not the end of the play a book to get inside of me & a scene was,
changed &, my side hurts, fear

July 26
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Already started. It's monday I bought Amontillado pumpkin pie small salts & sweetheart dish
detergent a mrs. anna myers strawberry preserves a canadian oat bread that had wheat flour water
sugar shortening nonfat dry milk wheat germ yeast salt bran soy flour malt yeast nutrient emulsifier
in it & ten giant mowhawk busybugs & tonic water club soda a carton of pall malls & make notes
for plastic bags, when does the play close the laundry check the slides salt & salt yoghurts cherry
vanilla strawberry apricot half gallon crystal milk perri italian brand sausage two dozen eggs & wild
horses, these were bought at the supermarket, seized 8 oz pure maple syrup & make a design for the
rig & took note of a design for the rig drawn up on july 8th & more notes: big caps bloom.
Something about shopping bags a splicing block white leader more wild horses go to lafayette,
airplane, earphone, fifties movie magazines, pictures of james dean, marlboro poster, plastic eggs,
the natural foods cookbook, radio changing stations, the new york city list, old black magic again,
pick up letters, flash powder, capital, paramount, theatrical supply, slide projector, bring t's check
for nyc night now, the man that was used up by, Poe, the narrative begins: already started the fear to
finish: I know we've been to the theater & maybe I'm doing the wash now or something in
stockbridge or just hanging around like a power fixture, mice like bread I cant seem to get off on
these days I wish I had some delicate sauces to eat, freshpak all purpose grind coffee what if I had to
finish? For the irate women in the audience, someone says, we intended tonight to deal with male
homosexuality, perhaps we'll get around to the other some other time & the mouse is taking over
the house, this is the view from the laundromat, yes I was doing the laundry & was I also addressing
books or writing to holly or both & now I'm smoking butts & waiting for the coffee to settle: please
no more than 1/3 cup of soap & fill only to the line with clothes & then what, it was the giant
machine no one was using it chrome on display it was broken that's why, a woman's legs
laundromat legs in pale blue slippers from down the street a ways they had a change machine it
looks like the moon in the window of the big machine all systems go & some station's signing off,
the backs of the leaves were being blown up, I left ed off at the theater did the laundry & walked
back without it, left it in the dryer, we picked it up later, the backs of the leaves which means its
gonna rain & when's it gonna rain & something about this scene looked funny to me — 2 cars & a
pickup like a pickup or crime a great crime a small crime done by great criminals the two cars one a
panel truck back to back a blue & white panel truck & a 64 ford & one big black thing & they're
playing the national anthem for all the criminals so I was enjoying myself now, orange berries the
same one light then dark over the land of the free & home of brave, I beat the melody of the rockets
in air & steal syrup, more leaf backs, looks black & the shell station with little flowers all over
decorating so they laughed at me out of shame I guess the studs in there who cant change a tire &
another shiny station wagon parked on the lawn, some ad, fuck the car chris gets a phone call he
looks like a woman from behind, ed's not back. I walked down to the theater saw steven sitting on a
rock his head on his knees he didnt see me or look up they had the sprinklers on they're nuts, ed
shows up we had a talk on the stairs with nick & gar, nick in a red & blue or black striped t-shirt,
russiyan, smoked, ed smoked blue with a blue script so we pick up the laundry, ed gets two sodas
without labels on, one red one green we go to the super-market to record more sound & buy more
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food, it was adams & we give each other rides on the cart it's practically empty we stop at the lunch
counter for a snack at least they dont have fluorescent lights & ed wheels the groceries out to the
flying car: we'd just cashed a check another sky over zayre's, close down. We went home. I went out,
saw the yellow light through the window & igor's pussy, a new day's not there but here's a new day
in the middle of the day, I take out the margins & go on going crazy it's monday at one end & the
drilling's started again at the other so for dinner we had white wine with prosciutto & melon pizza
rustica bread & pastries it was good but the noise from the men outside drives us nuts & I left off on
the white pussy who was orange & we saw glen & randa, met donna on the street little moths
mosquitoes & fruit flies & I'm only adding to the noise of our ears are not our own amnesia stores, I
feel delicate, as, sick & the pussy looking right at the camera he kills chipmunks with his bare hands
& he'd kill for that pussy & I killed a little moth flying around my desk I'm alone, went out back of
the house in the field the field backwards white flowers & little light the giant footprint or hole with
a white piece of paper in it, message from them, next to it a broken cinder block I often thought of
using it for something & it's dark we went upstairs: the unfinished wiring in the ceiling & a weird
hole or trap as though they built the house without doors & had to have a way to slip out while they
were working, a bare bulb, looks like cary grant & somebody else on the tv myself in the mirror
yellow orange: fear already started as a finish to memory, what's rote: having pumpkin pie &
sassafras tea & it's still monday the 26th of the month there's still plenty of pink light out so it
must be about 8pm & scary sitting here alone, I took some of the sassafras out of the tea while the
bird who only sings half the song he did last year sings half the song but when I try to remember
what half is I cant: it's four clear notes in a high-pitched range followed by four clear notes
sounding low, but that's the whole song. I took a picture of everything I saw today on the way to the
theater, making space dramas & courtroom scenes: there's golden light inside it will take pictures of
my thought I thought I heard someone knocking & I hope this isnt going to be fear, sure the
knocking was a dog barking in the distance, it's myself tonight & looks like rain again hot for days,
all men shirts off & pictures are becoming either too difficult or really easy to remember take this
it's the first time I ever sat down in this house & read, I am not reading: the rehearsal of blue.
There's some committment to memory, it's already started a finish to fear. A's letter she says I
sound like a real writer, missed j&i's movies tonight & a car passes by, singing, where would I run
from here, so obsessed with objects like always up here, looked at different kinds of paper today &
leaves, something's still missing & later minus parch dinghy nipple cupid like cord I write while m
& susan or someone are fucking outside, or yesterday, dryly altar excise tackle cards & M says grace
is determined, naked autumn, a flight of mallards gets me up so early, three shots in a glass, coffee
strong coffee piano music & he says I love this it's like watching a girl undress, star star a star &
now I'm so removed compared to P or e or g & it goes on I'm so removed that I say it's like
watching a boy undress, star star a star: Springfield Center to be purple: Springfield's battle of the
bricks ended abruptly last week when mayor frank freedman told the officials concerned to stop
squabbling: A Springfield Redevelopment Authority official had threatened Monday to bring legal
action against civic center officials if they proceeded to use purple-colored bricks on the $10 million
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center, after the urban renewal agency had approved bricks of a red color: Freedman met with both
parties & told them, "I'm sick & tired of hearing about bricks & having two agencies squabbling
over an immaterial thing such as the color of a brick. If it were a ghoulish color, then this issue
would be different.": The two agencies then agreed to use the delivered purple bricks. The sky is
always a spectacle Anne is on the islands. We ride the carts to adams Ed puts a ham in the cart. We
have to pay the rent Ed gets chocolates. Someone says you attach alot of importance to your
independence dont you I say I attack alot of importance to my independence yes but only by
mistake. So stars: simone signoret is a traveling tutor & racing car driver, at the rehearsal of blue we
saw the business of bill, the water pitcher was stage front before & there's too much stuff on the
table, rita moreno embraces everyone, I'm pasting things up & an old mother is thinking she's like
the tutor of the starlight movie from hartford, triangle triangle a triangle a surprise: home, red
custard & e races off I'm here alone, who's paul sage? M & S I'm taken while cooking mushrooms
potatoes & carrots, eating bread & tomatoes, aback I want my alone dinners, trees, to be alone, so is
my life over now, they go dancing in the corner, why dont I want people to know that I eat? I dont
want people to know that I eat, I am made of sand I am made of pebbles, if I eat I can be eaten or
eaten out of house & home, triangle how bravely triangle triangle: how bravely m & s lie downstairs,
the M train to Ridgewood the SS train in rush hours & I dont feel like A's real writer or my
grandfather dying, he dies. Arrow arrow a turning arrow: meaning is a physiognomy what's the
name of the greatest artist who ever lived? it's raining out, marcel bump, triangle: ed's not home yet
at almost it must be two giant bugs & moths banging at the screens overtaking the house & little
gnats covering the glass of the windows creeping in through the cracks, I am a power fissure & as I
get foggy the bugs seem to be more inside than out & after reading all the letters I wrote to ed, the
rest, there's more, to ed in florida & massachusetts to ed from prison I must make myself known I
think maybe my idea of continuing like perfection is to have a person at a distance to direct my flow
of words at & it isnt even words I am speaking about can speak about & bang! there's a person who
doesnt answer, ed never answers letters & maybe that is the trouble with breaking through being
really there, power to make myself known, a pressure, so that when I'm there we're there together, I
must creep in through these little cracks I remembered from before cracks in the finely made
windows. Ed is remote sometimes. Like the pressure power fissure that I am setting myself up to be.
& then I used the typewriter to write fast, saw the words differently & I still need to race-write but
better going from one page to the next by hand than by insertion & wait for the slow explosions, I'll
go race to the printers tomorrow & I said three years ago no question marks, lots of questions but no
question marks & is ed like my mother & he looks as beautiful? you watch him while he sleeps & I
look? for a father ted & on & a brother warren & tom & on & a son the same the freudian analysts
are meeting in vienna, they didnt want to choose vienna the town had been so unkind to freud but
now a freud museum is set up there so some things, sentences, stick in your mind, I call them
sentences that stand out & one is some old peopletry to live on one can of soup a day. Dear g.s.,
when I think of you I think I am you but not so harsh you were right o.k. to be harsh like t.v. but
you were rich, you & dash & me, you were busy when you were busy, so go on, i'm here I like
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massachusetts, it's tea, tea is striking I could sell it for myself, the public ora aura, an orbital circus,
I mentioned, I'll repeat it, circus & on, in a note, broken in a note, for tea to drink & hashish, with
it I've lost it, comes hashish, you can see it, turn over, it goes on, you never mentioned your
notebook or other process, is that something we got from marcel bump & his friends, do you know
him, how wasnt p (icasso) a bore? you swore, something else, a friend, you see that through to the
end, & begin again. Star falls, the end, troy, a dawning, a mixup, the play, curtain, design, design of
the curtain, fighting the curtain, I see the play, I see the sun rise too, most of them saw it, at the end
of the day & close to what was happening, all cross the globe, we saw it, what are they doing?, near
it, a buzzing, a cloth on the door, the dent in the car, who made it, not sure of it, closely one at a
time, banging, banging on glass, crusader, marauder, a catholic, sink into mine, mine are pillows,
the floor, stretch across a wider plain to pain, to pain drift & think about someone with fear, &
think about memory with fear, too much time went into the windows, we saw it, so stretch down, a
new sign, save it, it's needed, use it, it's thrown, throw it & so on, safer at distances, come over
here, where were worrying where were time. Yours else be. The calendar year 1971 July & August in
Massachusetts: reason, the reason the pictures of night light are so green, the reason photoflood
without a filter makes night light turn turquoise, the reason fluorescents need blue, the reason you
saw something & wrote "sight", you found a letter from tom in 1967 with a poem in it he was 19 I
was 22 & I'm thinking about e's parents staying in this room when they visit, sleeping here, for
some reason, it's not tomorrow yet ed's still not home, it's always at the end, I'm itchy, there are
moans from downstairs, catching cold while memory started a finish to fear of myself in the mirror
shrieking yellow orange & the light on the right side of my face my right eye staring, I turn my head
to the right & it was my left eye & look two eyes facing the light by eyes looking at the camera at
myself, cave, the glare, was ed asleep & I was determined to catch up with myself by as before
looking in the mirror eight times ten times looking at light, yours mine, the light dimmed on the
directors viewfinder whited out over red pants & a white silk shirt the cossack's pajamas & a glass of
amontillado, the bricks the pressure the haze on the mirror in a streak of light the bone of my hip &
the vein of my forearm fall the way the light from below on my face makes a triangle, diamond-
shaped, with my nose at the bottom eyes white & surrounded in my reflection bulging out in
shadow now the light turns on my left eye & the left side of my face I am too close to it I strike the
pose of the first day housed in the pink rimmed mirror camera resting on my knee, foot up on the
counter, my ring catches the light & eyes two black dots with white light in them infinity behind me
I'm smoking & come closer, I rest more I resist more there's a haze then & two eyes just eyes open
wide this one's a joke or else the climax, light inches warmth away from my left eye, I look at you I
play I'm exhausted

July 27
I did I went I: Ed saw this in the circus: a guy is raised up by ropes in chains, they burn his ropes as
he escapes. Pole high-wire day. I went down the road I was thinking about I was looking at
telephone poles i stopped at the fence on the dirt road I pulled over to the side of the road to take a
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picture of rocks, I was on my way to Williamstown, I sat there a while I picked up 100 copies of my
book from the printer I stopped at the top of the hill to read it but couldnt concentrate, instead of
reading I looked over to the left, I was thinking about telephone poles more & more I drove back the
same way I came I pulled up at a restaurant, things were looking small they still are, I look for ed to
show him the book, I looked up I finally looked right at it, I went back I went back to the barn I
remember the sky I couldnt believe what I looked like in tom's black belt I knelt down one knee
down one knee up I looked at that late afternoon I tried to make objects fly I went out in the field &
I went down the road I was thinking about the green & yellow in the dark & a strange kind of light I
was thinking if I walk just a little further it'll be worth it I'll be able to see the whole valley I saw
poles: when we say that a body is a magnet we are again asserting an invariable association of
properties, the body will deflect a compass needle & it will generate an electric current in a coil of
wire rotated rapidly in its neighborhood. The statement that there are magnets is a law asserting that
these properties are invariably associated. I'm not the only one who's scared or angry. Last night I
stepped in a cup of coffee next to the bed & now I broke my neck trying to get a picture of a bird
against the sky, what sky. The yellow birds are out & a black one just flew by me close & out into the
field with a crumb a white crumb which he dropped in the morning field I get pictures of birds
against the sky against its wishes, these golden yellow sunglasses are too much there's a fly on the
camera & someone says it wasnt very good for our health, they must mean the sea & the denseness
in my head this morning's gone, triangle: running around but very little running around just games
& swim, lie, run, sun, jewish star: followed a bird with the camera he lighted on the top of the tallest
tree at the far end of the field he's still there & a butterfly banging against the window black brown
& orange it's 5:30 whatever that means & little buzzing & few birds & where's some bird flying
home, there's a bee up here he went back down very still then a roar of bee I went to williamstown
to see the second proofs to get the book & now the stars will be crooked but I cant think, there's a
problem it's still it's gotten cool at last & I'm in white with a big black belt wearing the color
contrast spectra viewing glass from photo research corp burbank calif so yellow bird flew off, ed's
napping ed's sleeping, bought late quartets blue leader, no good, lunch at friendly's steel food &
aluminum ice cream no rust aluminum eat out eat oil & bugs going crazy in the midnight hour
flying ones what can you do in a month while every moment gp is lying in hospital & what's in his
mind, I'll draw tonight purple matches & a big pink ink spot on my pants there's a special on pain
on channel three & something about this house makes me think people are going to play tricks on
us, the hat on the doorstep the branch on the other door & poltergeists voodoo dolls trolls igor I
wish I had a gun walked down the road at sundown the road took me too far took last pictures of a
motorcycle that kept passing me back & forth, looking, dogs fucked up my picture of a cow down at
the first red farm & in syracuse the temperature's 56 degrees: you get the weather forecast in the
middle of the spectrum high in the eighties low humidity you die in the nineties sunny thursday
more humid this is the travelers weather service, how is your grandfather? my grandfather is a
woman sitting in a yellow light at a secretary, I can see her through a perfect window in a perfect
setting & know she will live forever, another hay truck waving, another motorcycle going fast & a
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new moon the mountain above it the darkening sky an aura of light light beginning of last night's
movie & all the movies I've ever seen & tonight's black trees & telephone poles against the sky auras
of light not feeling completely light yet but lighter what's on the starlight movie tonight, it's brides
of dracula: that was the end of a long series of very bad days, this is my pole high-wire act where I do
a turn in air again, & of those days there's a feeling of horror to recount them & disconnection &
every time I associate myself with them it's the 20th of september which is odd which is a
dissociation from the world & everything around me which is science but the noise may be the cause
of it, so I drew the green patches of the canals of Mars & I drew the day up as a series, as a moment
in the present, sept. 20, & as an action: I did I went I: as a series there's a grey pole fence by the side
of the road next to a telephone pole & now I got my hair caught in the fan the hair stopped the fan
& I did this I went down the road I was thinking about telephone poles I was looking at poles &
then rocks these rocks on the side of the dirt road & now I light a cigarette, I had stopped on the dirt
road for once I stopped by the fence a different fence & then I saw the rocks on rte. 7 & a car comes
by station wagon & now I drink & smoke, I had pulled over to the side of the road to take a picture
of rocks, I was on my way to williamstown, a blue pickup passes & I sat there a while, simultaneous,
at the top of a hill near adams, more telephone poles & the sky, now I get music from the tv &
noise, anger, I would strangle them susannah, am I a gnome & I picked up my book from the
printer, 100 copies & I stopped at the top of this hill to read it but couldnt concentrate I couldnt
even decide whether to turn the car off & to the left a mountain maybe greylock & so on & white
post & mechanisms of all kinds & now none, I wish I had some & I looked over to the left instead of
reading, I had picked up a hitchiker on my way way up & he said I wish I were going to
williamstown today I often go there but I have friends in new ashford & I must see them, he wanted
to buy the car, & there were telephone poles with five wires in a white sky & now I wish somebody
would come by every day to read this & talk & drink beer & then, it's true, I was thinking about
telephone poles, the pole became the frame of a long picture, mountains, like a dish of something &
now ed runs out to the bathroom, sleeping & says I want to hear that typing louder than that other
stuff & the other stuff is noise from drillingor noise from the tv & I say I can turn it up want me to
turn it up & he says yeah & I say how's that & he says turn it down & I was thinking about the
poles more & more & then the dark blue captain's cabin surrounded by telephone poles & now
nothing, it must've been a big lunch place, there were alot of cars & I had seen it on my way up but
didnt stop to look around, I got closer to it the color of its blue was disappointing from the point of
view of a pole or including a pole & now something should've been wilder & move more out of
focus & I had pulled up cause things were looking too small that day, they still are & then the top of
the barn for rehearsals with the sun coming over, fucking con artists & I had lookedfor ed to show
him the book & then writing in the sky, a trail of it, or just one of those long dispersed clouds, the
fibers, see mnemonists & I had looked up & now nothing & then the strange heap of hay tied up
outside the barn with something on top of it & now I am out of control & I was out of control then
& I had finally looked right at it & then out the paned window on green & it's inside with no poles
but wires & what were we doing in friendly's near rte. 20, something about pictures, what a downer
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& then ed read the menu, strangely distorted & green his lips are red & he's wearing the tye-died
shirt & its telephone poles & this was when we vowed never to eat there again & it looks like the
one in great barrington & then outthe window a darker tree trunk & it looked like a picture we ate
& then a sun way sun telephone wire closed down viewfinder some tree something moving very fast
& we went back & now there's a slot of people talking on tv, it's a crowd scene in person & then a
green tree & more wire & did I want to call someone & tell them about something, by wire & then a
greener tree & we went back to the barn & then the other side of it with sky, it's alford pole & I
remember the sky & then, shit, their telephone pole & a contorted accumulation of trees, the pole's
bent & then a wisp sky & myself in white in braids in the window with wood blue sky wisp & green
barefoot at hip, I'm a pole an Indian & what kind of strange person am I I can hear the voice of
george sanders in my ear & the barn in alford later on I couldnt believe what I looked like in tom's
black belt & then in the same reflection I'm kneeling straight as an arrow, braids are poles & I knelt
down one knee down one knee up, knee kneel, & then pink & orange pens & smokes & two yellow
pillows a notebook shades & sandals on the deck & I looked at that in the late afternoon: telephone
poles: I wasnt kidding, I put my shades up on a pole so they could be in the sky or so that the public
could see through them as I could what the sky looked like in three dimensions of cloud: they
couldnt but, so the idea of the poles wasnt that they were telephone: to reach someone & the young
mr. pitt directed by sir carol reed costumes by cecil beaton & all original speeches, you can see it
every september 20th, it wasnt to reach someone but just poles for the sake of poles so that in most
cases analogies probably dont hold just poles & of course they reach in or up & the sky's as much a
part of things & so on & then the glasses fly, the pole, the light stand & I had tried to make them
fly, pilot's shades, & poles & fly & then the back of ed in his shirt & he can fly, it's dark long hair &
ed looked shortened this day, a back like a girl's he said or just this one & then the red & black chair
with a lapse of yellow pillow over it, it's in the grass & no it wasnt in the grass but on the deck cut
off to look like it's high in the grass, an elevated chair & fly are there any more elevations & maybe
it was the deck that did it & then a darker green than there is in the field & I was high so why did I
keep taking it & then still darker & forest white flowers & I went out in the field & I went down the
road & then the silver moon was up & high the black trees against the evening light, a dead black
tree & then telephone pole silhouette & get ajob & trees dead & silver moon exposed among them &
I was taking an evening walk too far down the road to get back before dark & then a view of sunset
but with still more wires in it, I was scared & finally a hill in different shades, moon over it & I was
thinking the green & yellow in the dark makes a strange kind of light & then the sunset sea, you've
seen it the famous one, it's from above looking down on a valley & I know if I go a little further it'll
be worth it & then it's dark & in the end two dark trees in a clear pink light topped by just blue & a
telephone pole: so I drew the canals of Mars: I drew an all of the colors drawing it looks like a map
of the u.s. turned on its side brown on the eastern coast the red of the desert the green of california
mexico begins the gulf green & yellow gold stream currents up in blue against black outline of
eastern shore northern borders on canadian blue & violet a streak of lightning in the canadian part,
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that lightning enlarged & africa belowa halo an aura of cells, the spectra all the visible spectra plus a
planet & saturn the rings we are looking at head on this year

July 28
After pole high-wire game, what? Roseanna, it's getting late: switched from white ed wine to red
wine, still with a cube, I want some wine white wine, ed said, I'll get you some & there isnt enough
is there, there's enough, I'll have to get you an ice cube, enough to whet your appetite & wh wh whi
whe what does, did, moving having to do with poles, the poles. & the next day we left early in the
morning for the city with kathleen, to pick up the projectors? I dont know. Marlboros on the
dashboard of the cadillac, a reflection, a bright sign, we went off early, it's amoco the only one
certified lead-free & a red car passes by blue flowers in the field, we went off early we stopped at the
chief taghkanic for breakfast sandwiches & coffee heard something about a murder a beating of kids
hippies listening to tapes at a pond nearby & blue & white flowers passing from the center & pink
ones, were they blue now they're blue, K & E were in the diner & the sign of the chief taghkanic
diner, blue sky & telephone pole, the head of an Indian chief, fluorescents off, I waited for the big
trucks to go by, one oil, one empty, they didnt collide, & the side of the diner reflecting chrome,
chrome stale curtains palefaces a metal awning in reflection I went around to the side of the diner
happy we were wasting time & maybe this was the day ed got the ticket & the side of the sign same
sign with spots, a blue car passing, is now, then right, in the middle of a telephone pole the pole
makes a, or rather the wires running from it at right angles make a, perfect perspective, it's
confused, let's go back over it: you wake up at dawn blue black dawn, ed not home, lights on,
clothes on, take plates downstairs, change into nightgown cold get back into cold bed, eat a piece of
pumpkin pie sleep wake up worry then begin to computerize the possible on logs on sleepers, you eat
them out of ideas one by one & put them on the used pile, you're building a railroad: what
happened to E, still working of course, kathleen comes by to pick me up, pick up ed go to the city
black coffee, sign arrow, fat suntanned woman in pale turquoise dress waiting to cross the road
from the car, the national beauty award highway 1969, in the winter of 69 we lived here, blue
flowers by the side of the road purple flowers here's the story of bell pond listen: some guys were
listening to music at dawn, they were beaten up, dying, near the chief taghkanic diner: dudes: dudes
in the diner their shirts say Pigs Is Beautiful & all drawings are like maps & someone says you sure
you didnt take mescaline last night & fear & caffeine & schenectady 71 degrees ed's reading in the
back of the car & a truck with a turquoise thing a trailer back in it crosses the road, iroquois, two
people in a sports car a neat compact close fast-moving unit, good thing ours is in the smithsonian,
finished emma goldman last night I had a liverwurst sandwich & that reminds me dont I digest this
food & how fast can it happen, I use it up, I need it & someone says you know about your
metabolism & I can see K a good actress & can she see me a good something, hot sun everybody
wants to be a something too, watch closely, another gas station, another beatles song, we took off
k's jacket & they just happen to be, the people in this book, we. B. Now a 16th century air, over,
thunder in the car, we've come from afar. The the the king is air, is here, we must be, almost there,
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B. pink pen, & lighter there, W-A-B-C too too B-B, little darling, double You, A-C/D-C, bum dee, A-
B-C baby, waddee waddee, B-C-C, A.B.Dick, cha cha, cola B.B., Bible, AWOL, wac, choc full, cab, the
BeeGees, R-R, R'n'R, R'n'B, COP, wa wa, mojo, lake secor, C.C., A is for, W.W.II, U get an A 4
effort, double U double U two, saucy susan sauce with franks, N-Y, B.Castro, hamburgs, I.Reed, GP,
R, Ear, 2 A.D., 2 B.C., Bless You, 10 to 1, Eddie Lake, maybe baby, baby blue business, Cane & Abel,
Abel Gance, Gimme a 'A', Gimme B a 'B', a 'C', Chappaqua Rd., M-E-N, men, it goes on: where
are we, where are the landau jewelers 2061 what street? & who is this girl in purple passing by,
sandals, some kind of kerchief, a great girl, she looks like she's got a dog with her until you see it's
one of those fireplugs sticking out of a building, the building of the landau jewelers, yes this is where
we got the ticket I wanted to take a picture of the cop but he was two spanish cops, very nice, they
revoked ed's license, a man comes out of 2061 to stare at the big scene with so many police, you see
we had no registration & we explained, putnam valley & so on & a woman in yellow with a green
hem passes, she wears white stockings, white shoes like a nurse, a red bag with a white handle, no
the other way around, her arm bent to carry it & a light colored band in her hair, she's crazy &
behind her a woman in white white dress gloves shoes bag a wide-brimmed white hat-type hat, the
man stares, he thinks to himself they've been stopped, what else could he have thought. My real
feelings at this time were a third or fourth woman passes by, also wearing a wide-brimmed white hat
& carrying a white bag but she's got white sandals on, an extra bag, a dark shirt & a tropical pink &
orange blouse on, she looks into the hole out of which the man stares, he's gone, back into the
audio language school: we get away. & then the 1st street gallery on the bowery, it's red light & we
go down to home & then the blue fish of the fish store in a blue sea: baccala everyday & I went
shopping with R & rich wooden church doors, they look good to me & I went uptown & out the
window of the car a taxi with passenger window reflecting highrise apartment building, taxi backed
by garbage, no, packed extras, those carts, what do you call them, bales of clean garbage, strings &
left-overs, pieces of fabric, we drove somewhere, we went to florio's for calzone, this is a lost day,
the ship a sailing one in florio's window & behind it, a backwards schlitz sign & a few men in a
boat, fluorescent & all the light of florio's fluorescent, it's like being blind, inside & out, reflected &
read & it's dusk about 8 or 9 o'clock & a guy comes up to the counter, one of those police trainees
in grey from the station, from central headquarters down the street & in the foreground an old
woman sits in a booth & the waiter is coming at us so I finally get a picture of him & mrs. florio in
the back, focus, in flowered house dress, she's tony's mother, the batboy for the yankees & so on &
the waiter wears glasses & talks to us about breasts & bras & yeah, he says, but he likes to take them
off a girl, or woman, if she doesnt wear one then & table service thank you & little balls of dough
for calzone & one big one for pizza & I looked over my shoulder yelling waiter, water & then the
yellow light of j&k's house & what were we doing here & I dont know I'm getting pissed off, it's
that yellow light, we went over there, it's ed shaving,I feel like a fool, ed had to shave we had no
razor with us, traitor I mean & K had shaving cream & did we have cocaine maybe & rod mckuen's
on tv we saw rod mckuen on tv looking rare or medium & an embarrassing conversation with
kathleen & K makes up her finger to her eye but where was she going I dont know & there's a
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recessed red light, what's there, it must've been there & the sink at our own house, clean dishes, an
upsidedown coffee pot, clean jars, we went home, toys on the floor, I've made a mess of things
especially motions emotions, like a film, all the toys, see the devils, spilled out to look for an egg a
plastic egg, & H thought they were part of a robbery,a staged robbery especially after ed rampaged
through the house looking for a blank check & couldnt find it strewing papers around, there was
nothing to steal & the light in the white room looks much like itself, all the lights, bulbs hidden
from your view & white foam blocks glued to folding cardboard, part of the packing that comes
around a machine, pack me, next to my desk on the floor no where the stereo used to be & I went
around the house looking & ed was in bed face down, was he dressed, was he sleeping was he
posing, no pillow cases but pillows english garden red & ed's ass, just asleep or going there, the
sheets come, about halfway up his legs, the dark loft lightens, once it gets light, it can be light as &
why keep it down, many books & taken by surprise, it's sideways, windows open, a ladder in the
window, two shirts on the bed, one died & army, newspapers all, light, the address of the magic
store is here, I'm numb with lemonade, GP's better home friday & the devils collapse with that,
between black & white is blue, it's all light

July 29
We've lost we've won we havent used our checkbook. I'm going crazy, the bulbs, I keep trapping
cockroaches buried live maybe it comes out for them like a vacation & they turn over on their backs
legs up & in the air & then when you lift up the trap a few days later they turn over & walk away,
not very fast. Coffee & a pizza rustica the 29th: forgot to drink milk it's raining again, why I'm not
a scientist: thursday: get caps an egg flash powder splicer leader & a present for jacques' birthday,
then dialogue: this is a jacques for the summer bought a 1964 cadillac I said & she said oh great &
convertible oh good & I said we took it to the city alot because we always had to pick up things &
our car was too small & that's ed's body of the body of that car, ed's torso in the cadillac & she said
those are good colors & I said this is like the 29th of july & she asked were you were you glad when
you finished when you came close to finishing the gathering material part or were you & she trailed
off, well funny thing was like the reason I wanted to look at these pictures was they really pick up
towards the end of the month in a funny way they all get clearer & more vivid & more interesting
but just to me somehow I said & she said do you think it's because they & do you think they are &
well lemme see what I think I mean I wanna see if I think the pictures are or if they seem that way
to you because they are new now & I said what & then well I mean the reasons for it are so
complicated or they could be so complicated I have no idea what you mean or what I mean but I
might be wrong yes it's true we'll see & she said yes I mean I wonder if as you got into them & what
you were doing you were actually taking better pictures or whether something in your mind was
becoming similar to something in the air & I answered yeah & it seems though I dont know what I
mean but it seems also that maybe more was happening more things were happening & well alot of
things were happening all the time all summer but I mean just things it wasnt that well what I mean
is we were bored alot of the time but we had to do work I mean that kind of work & that much of it
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is always sort of boring, always boring but there was alot of moving around, we were always moving
around alot & gradually more began to happen I mean really happen I think because of the moving
& she said well I meant like in the days that you showed me before there were alot of things that
were indistinct because they were indistinct happenings, things that you did with no reference, no
referential nature but maybe with the same people & about the same time there wouldnt be that
much difference, it's only a month going by but you probably were having a feeling of deja vu in the
city when you were sitting in some restaurant about this time ordering a cheeseburger, same one
that you probably got in the others & saw pictures of it in your mind whereas here, I dont know & I
said yeah I guess so, I was only intending to concentrate a little bit & this is 23rd street I think, no
it's somewhere else it's uptown on the west side or something oh I know where it was we were
picking up flash powder from the magic store, there's an exploding bouquet in the play & we were
picking up & this is that same street the new yorker hotel is on & she said oh that's around times
square & I said I think so a horrible day & she said I was on my roof today & I said oh yeah & she
continued it was incredible I was looking at the world trade buildings they're so close & have you
seem em from down here & I said well you cant miss em from the west side highway & I have alot
of pictures of them & she said our roof is fantastic it's really just amazing even from our living room
it's too bad that that area is so horrible from our living room windows you can look at the statue of
liberty & the harbor & the verrazano bridge & all of manhattan it's really too bad it's such a
horrible place to live because it has very good windows & I said somebody threw these papers all over
the floor I mean the street on west something street 42nd I guess they're probably still there & me at
the hotdog stand & she said you look as though you're & I interrupted dont I look exhausted & she
went on you look as though you're really making a decision about what you're going to get there & I
said I think I was waiting for a hotdog yeah & she said that's pretty strange a station wagon but
what are those things on top & I explained yeah it's one of the airline, one of those airline, those
limousine things, limousines, very shiney though & she said what is that there & I said this is on
47THST I think & she said what is that below that something or other & I explained oh it's a box
that contained a new razor sort of a space age razor that ed got, yeah that's 47THST, alot of people
were yelling at me that day because I had a I was waiting for Ed & I had this huge car double parked
it eventually rained I remember that day it was a horrible day, bergers delicatessen, fuck & she said
the light is strange in that picture & I said that blue is like the blue of the tinted windshield & she
said no that's not what I mean there's alot of green in the buildings & in the cabs & maybe that's,
anyway there's alot of colors & I said well it always gets green uptown when it's going to rain & she
said yeah it does what time was it & I said I think it was probably about four & she said yeah it must
be late but the sky there doesnt look all that much like rain but its light is queer, I guess it does look
like rain I guess there's sort of sun in the light & it's grey & I said I eventually pulled up & parked in
that space where the gas truck is & there's the sky, now this is on 23RDST where we were picking up
grace who was coming to the country with us, there was a fruit truck & I guess cops either chased
them away or something it was one of those illegal fruit peddlers alot of people buying fruit & this is
grace's hallway, west side highway & she said yup, looks as though you're going south, nope north I
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said we're going this way & she said are you that's north but that car looks as though it's going
south & I said yeah but that's the other side of the highway & she said oh i see it now & I said the
south side is closer to the river & she said yeah sort of a nice picture but the colors are too
something & I said that's new york & the haze & the palisades & she said that's good & I said this
must be further up the taconic & now that, if you look closely, is a bat & she said jesus were there
bats in your house & I said yeah & now let's see if we can, there it is, I had grace shine a flashlight
on him that bat so I could take a picture of it & you cant believe the nerve it took to get that close to
it & she said oh yeah a bat & I said we had three in the house, flying too & she said yeah & I said
I'm glad that picture came out, can you see it's red eyes & she said no I cant see but at least you
could see the bat & I said yes & there was another bat but the flashlight was off, cant see & she said
in a way that's even worse & I said yeah they're horrible looking, arent they, have you seen them
before & she said not real bats, there was a bat at trinity once in one of those in one of the
dormitories but I didnt go near it & I said this is the bathroom those are some drawings I made in
my notebook & she said is that a sherry bottle & I said yeah amontillado & she said oh I noticed
those towels here I noted them because, those colors yeah, those nice colors & I said yeah somebody
gave them to us to use in the country in the house & we never returned alot of them & she said you
know I've never seen that kind of color before, let the um outdoor light change the color of the
towels, you let it change alot yeah, the bathroom sink, your clothes, with a pair of white pants in it,
rusting paint sets, it's a nice sink & I laugh it's one of those lights & she laughs that light is too
strange coming out on top & I said yeah that's like from the tensor light, makes that beautiful halo
& she said you could make a picture like that with the halo around someone's head & what's that &
I said that's the light that's on the rheostat from the bottom though & she said jesus beautiful isnt
it amazing it's not quite centered right & I'd like it better I think if it was, wonderful colors, I really
like that raspberry, yeah, another one further down, it looks as though it's growing there & I said
yeah doesnt it & if I could've stood on the ceiling I could've really made it look that way & she
asked how did you take that what did you lie on the floor or & I said yeah & she said it's
hypnotizing isnt it it's like an eye that does something or other, yeah, hmm & two of them & that
moves too I cant decide if that looks like some sort of growth, it's from somewhere, sort of shaped
like a rod a protozoa or something, I wonder what, looks like something organic doesnt it & there's
your hammock & I said yeah that's like the whole house you see, we brought the hammock up & we
moved the bed upstairs & that's like everything but the upstairs part of the house & she said yeah
the main um room & I said yeah & she said the hammock really looks nice in that tree um house &
I said yeah that's grace's ah cousin ah niece who came up to visit with grace & she said I thought
that was a pile of books she's wearing a striped shirt I didnt realize there was a child there until you
said that it's really a wonderful house & I said yeah it was I took pictures of everybody everybody was
writing everybody in the whole house was writing that night & she said that's a nice picture of grace
& I said yeah that's all we went to bed then, she boxed the bed down. Why I'm not a scientist: ed's
torso in the cadillac, jack donohue shirt patched jeans the burnt ones & we threw them away no we
didnt, he's at the wheel: I'm imagining things the magic store we must've run errands, not the
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projectors the magic store on 42NDST: flash powder above the irish house bar restaurant people
passing & a whole store of magic shown in private, a man balding glasses tan clothes crosses the
street with a striped sports car down the street from the new yorker hotel like I said before we've
parked down the street & a haze on the empire state building builds up well what do you expect: red
light I'm waiting I waited no fog no traffic in our direction, all other: that's the light & somebody
had strewn pink papers & white papers saying something all over, black people's legs walking & me
in an army shirt, ed had changed his to a log, did I switch into his old one & waiting for a hotdog at
the hotdog stand. The stand's painted red, we're out in front of some red brick buildings painted
pink in the dark light with the bottom windows closed up. I'm panic sticken. I can see the cadillac
parked top down down the street. We saw this guy from a distance. One of us pulled up. Which of
us said you know what I’d like, or, in a hurry, hotdog, repeat it: silver objets d'art & antique
engagement rings you get married in in the next one which is taken over by one of those airline
limousines like I said before cutting off people's heads on the other side of the street, only thing is
there's no driver so it must be parked the headless hollow: looks like 47THST again, fuck cant be,
this, window: luggage rack empty & yes it's 47THST again U.S. cultured peal co.& the hog hong
kong inn for cocktails close enough to the tallest building in the world for attack for cocktails, not
me: u.s. mail truck we're double parked by the place where del pezzo's spinach omelettes used to be:
do we devote alot of attention to this or just struggle? & behind me fisher & somebody packing
division probably body & the u.s. mail: he had a number, dent: the cockroach trapped over the drain
under a glass got out & could they be that smart & could he have crawled through the hole hatching
eggs all along the way trapping him & up & out another & a thousand new ones with em: berger's
across the street by the opportunity shop a jewish man in a blue sports jacket with a black attache
case hurries by followed by a black woman carrying a shopping bag. 47THST: we get our film
equipment here in a place above the gotham book mart, arnold eagle's studio & that is why we are
always waiting: even negatives can be cut upstairs & films screened in a hurry about art. Magic &
jewels? jerry samuels china silverware crystal & so on we buy yellow taxis big traffic jam so I pulled
back u.s. mail pulls up, gas truck pulls in taxi parks across the street tells me to move I tell him to go
to hell he's the one blocking traffic he says he can park wherever he wants the whole world's a taxi
stand I get pissed off I pull up anyway, cop comes by tells him to move there's a fight there's
another cadillac & people abuse the car I'm in: another lofty sky aloft & bent buildings into the
frame, we're through with that & on to 14THST where fruit vender attracts alot of attention like I
said before, outside grace's house where we picked her up to take with us & freya her niece, the
vender & cop car before the casa moneo where's the magic & jewels? this day? with k, g, f, & e: well
magic & money moneo anyway or jewels & money or total depression in the car, leave that in, viva
la sangre de salvador allende la via del tren socialismo es pelligrosa & in the car k asks g all about
dieting & exercise & is she serious of course she was & storms in stormvile soon as we hit stormville
though you cant see them yet or ever & the electric electric window got stuck down on us in
blankets & the girl hitch-hiking soaking wet to poughkeepsie where it seems alot of crazy people live
poughkeepsie again & again, a tough town: grace's doorway & a black woman goes by is she moving
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is she still she looks still: at first I went in the wrong door, peel, arson, on the west side highway I
must've must musnt've been too down yet one giant palisades building & still some trees blurred
green & yellow separating two cars on the greener highway just before the storm storm so great the
guy at the station wouldnt put gas in cars he says let them wait in his slicker they were all in slickers,
let them wait and, and a long interruption for depression, ed lets us off & goes off, takes k back &
stays later, was he afraid, we had bats the first bats, more bats, bats let me let go of my anguish:
while g pointed a flashlight at one on the wall of m's room where we thought we had him trapped,
m didnt come home that night, I took a picture he looks down he cant see flash flat as a bat he
arches like a cat, it was magic & jewels & a little money too, could use some now, I shot the insane
drawings & drew some darker ones & someone says again were you on mescaline & the one that
came out like a map & one like lightning the color wheel, like the light I took pictures of lying on
the floor no style no nerves the bottle of amontillado smokes tampax strike anywheres newspapers
& towels a long bath film can ashtray & matchpack up closer blurred who cares? a spiral binding for
the earth. The world: saucers, earth, jupiter, saturn uranus neptune, no: saturn with her rings seen
from the side or in two dimensions, the earth with mountains, green & color wheel, sun I guess
with rays sort of & all the same things including pink pen, when hung up the towels dry towels ann
dries them by the wood stove fast so they dont smell like mildew like grass she never washes them:
signs of the zodiac: prepared for recognition: I know you, towels blurred get closer to things, the
white pants in the sink against close to the end, powder toothpaste salt the ribbon stuck a glass,
razor, soap ivory & strawberry magic & jewels faucets shaving cream, mirror rimmed pink pink &
grey towel & fab, tom's shaving case. The lights of the bathroom jewels but not magic I thought they
were spiderwebs hanging infinity magic but concentration, put something in too much it must
continue on, pain. I washed my hair & someone says something about the water, it's difficult to
remember pain, g washes her hair here & did I take this picture of the light of the tensor light
making a haze on myself & was it the night it thunderstormed & we lay on the floor telling what we
saw & did we all sleep in our room for fear of the bat, not this night, prisms from the light so look
at it, right at it, what? jewels: for sure, the light from the bottom, how many jewels in its dimmer
purple it was off center, a gold rim, a strange ring makes perspective it glows it hangs from one side
of a sloping pointed ceiling, makes two stand still looking at one then moves then you move then
stand still again looking at the same one, you have two with a connection in between as wide as the
thing of it, amoeba like I said before, make a greater distance now between the same one, cant hold
still for the real one real jewel is in focus, or, to make two again jewels multiply they tend to divide
where's mallarme here: freya's writing in the hammock: dear s, please dont be angry because I
havent written in such a long time. I really cant say much because there's nothing happening.
When I get to Vermont I'll write a real long letter telling you all the details on what happens there.
So for now I miss you & I miss you again, love, & grace is writing in the nook, red-orange, red apple
three red tomatoes one green apple a bunch of green grapes the festering pecan blossom pots dishes
& spoons: sink the doors to the closet: room, we slept there later another haze from a light haze
makes bats or do they & a few crevices for them a crevices day from the fissures left of power, where,
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check on that, behind & if it rains enough they wont be able to work tomorrow & g's bed in another
nook, a bat's roost next to f’s sleeping bags, pillows & cases & a tiny baby sheet a tiny bat sheet &
the light with tape near it, the tape from g's last visit, the shade from the light she couldnt turn off
the switch was at the other end of the loft, poking the bat. Ed went into the magic store like I said
before silhouettes on the shades from down on the streets. You cant hear in the house cant hear in
the streets you're on the wrong block. The manhattan center one thousand men on the steps, it's
cloudy bright & heavy over awful new york day, grey, views of 47THST 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 views of
47THST: fanfare, presents, slides, chirps, beeps & someone says anything a matter with you guys &
two start talking at once & someone says maybe you should get into each other, so, it's dirty, how'll
it look on film, practically everybody on the street works for somebody & tina says I wish I were
doing something like that & she'd like to work, work for somebody too, a scene on the streets:
pissed off to describe it anger, he threatens me with a cop & someone says move that shit car &
crying on the streets why don't more people do it & how can they stand it, they hang in there & I'm
freaked about the car it's raining so he gets a ticket for blocking traffic: spacetrip in a spaceship the
worst ever, can I tell from the times before like I was saying before & is there anything in that:
nowI'm in the bathtub it's not over yet a million possibilities are mounting, amontillado, a million
bricks closing in on me or someone on someone around me close to me & the bat helped a car
passes by, what am I thinking, we played joe cocker to scare the bat, scared him into m's room taped
the curtains closed & opening the door, we talked to the bat, we said for at dusk you who dont
understand amontillado & we dont get a chance to finish, the bat's little white teeth are bared, long
black legs, white sitting like an indian & the house become a belfry allright I'm sweating, blind as a
bat: radar: is there blood all around us, blood in the spaceship, blood on the space trip a nightmare
out of age 13, I stay in the car, maybe because of freya but she's so relaxed maybe that's why I
wanted to make a scene on the highway, space, now I'm sweating I feel like brigid now pearl,
where's the dope I run through the things, space, what, why am I hurrying & was I pretending to be
dead, like unlike GP is this whole way of expression clear unclear like logic like worst of all applied
logic to death & came out with, sweating, I'll leave my hair alone I'll leave my hair dirty I'll just die
like that, unwashed like child, more nerve I need to sweat & sweat more & K says to E you're such a
mess & G gives K this recipe: 1 cup shredded carrots 1 cup shredded spinach the same celery 1/2
cup shredded parsley in a quart of water low heat cook 25 minutes bubbling at least add cup tomato
juice & vegetable salt cook five minutes strain out vegetables & drink & K says to G you're a gold
mine of information so, am I ignoring them am I here have I left, left out or just imaging as ed says
it & how would I support myself with a hot bath, amontillado, M hasnt been here since we left,
years, how did the bat get in, pearl, the worst is feeling the conspiracy bite between e & k, total, the
beautiful people on one side & ragamuffins on the other, line em up next to the cadillac, the
window doesnt work: cant get over that & storms stormville one two three four I know e's thinking
about being somewhere else, that's the function of magic & jewels & the city too or maybe it's me
just drifting away how can we ever tell together, in a meeting? where is he? sweating in the car: e's
parents are not mine I should hate them: picture GP: the old man, the bumb K thought was
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handsome: why has dash life dash dash this & why am I waiting for an accident I hope for one is the
blood between me & GP real, I feel like I know him, can see looks on his face, defend his states of
consciousness, no one else does, force it, desparate disparate & now right now a thousand, that,
what I'm worst at, I called today a, b, or c, disgusting, I didnt come clear I couldnt finish a sentence,
the whole of it & about the bat & someone says this is the most exciting thing that's happened all
wrong: exciting deliberate & sweat, identity floats somewhere between a review of masterplots in the
dictionary & the word girlfriend, she is a woman, I cant stand it this notebook's just some step away
& what about my friends I sure dont care about filling up pages for a moment, defend the states of
consciousness, write about them maybe: this notebook's just some step away from a fear & that fear
has to do with communication & as a finish to memory I learn one thing, that the fear's already
started, it's the same one, already begun, always back to where we both began no matter how far
back & it's sincere it's boring for words & it's also anger, I just threw that in, dont let the anger
have an effectiveness, drain it, use it, store it, whatever you do with it, never take advice like from a
mountain running down & as far as it's almost truth it isnt worth syllables, the syllables break up to
make a mask to make logs like the sleepers you build a rail road from like I said before & I repeat
you get harder tougher or sleepier; you sleep: alternatives, fuck & spending the night alone I see that
this is one idea, a block with a long handle on it like a sliver like a splinter of a log & from a pile of
sleepers I extract them one by one & I eat out the ideas the possibilities, alternatives, you
masturbate, extract them & then throw them on the used pile one by one if you're spending the
night alone & to know more to write faster or slower to be sure to see julie m. today, shit I still have
the momentum to make everything seem great until it stops & not to figure it out to run it down, to
make a scene my scene scene in a play, fuck that sunrise & I'm lifeless ashes & blood is what I
create at least, what were you thinking about, the ike & tina turner review: it's jacques birthday got
him a cake from miss grumbles or grimbles same as last year at $6.50 butter cake & last year it was
larger more butter loomed larger but H was not in the hospital yet, review: oooaruuew, ouew, do you
like good music, review: thursday july 29 cant figure this one out: I live with ed should I try to work
with him should I try to live alone am I giving up or just beginning to have the fear to see it right: sit
back, be immobile & leave it alone, what's leave it alone & whole hands are you in am I in: do what
I can, that's shit & maybe it's just the syllables that make the words, try others: milk preacher love
each match mother silk matchstick anus penis penultimate bat butt cigarette search built message
batter bulk much butter milk toast master muster bitter earth friend search missed passed cup cat
car mulch milt which? weather wealth mrs. cadillac try toaster met still when? wet blood mix tool
mind sinecure section easel pest sink & now amontillado in the bathtub the bathtub, bat, &
someone says what is this menu for & someone says save us a piece of cake & someone says if
jacques doesnt eat it all all the cream all the butter, lucked out: caucus serious must musty respect
boop sweat & smell sweat & mulch bottom dogs regis debray salvador allende it's almost friday, call
r call pat & ted & sink a ship, no reminders, cross those out, sink a ship, sink it, respect, worry
again, disaster, each car that goes by sinking, expect disaster, respect the word, sink it, I'm not the
captain, repeat it, sink it, murder it, hate it, the pictures of girls naked, I looked at the sunday
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morning, I came home to find my father dead, later, my period, I looked at my book to see if two
days would do it, deplete it, experience a phial: experienced at a title experience a vial a file a
daughter a title: daughter & color: you write like a child. How? in pink? It's purplish so, there, you,
are, in a moment, subservient, in a position, defiled, foliage, filial, deflate, destitute, dethroned, the
youngest daughter, a fantasy, never princess, never printed: recess, rested, play, with words, sink
them, a ship, store them, restore & when I'm far away now, pearl, smoke them a rule, be dirty not
clean, but clean not dirty, opposites a ruse, to write, down, down, yes I got, pause & sink it, the ship,
the sink, a ship in the characters, chinese characters, the organ, milks, every, last word rite, pause
pause, it will be good to be in pink for a white, & everyone will think, with the orange, I'm losing
my mind, low swing my mind, freedoms just another word calm secrets, soul, weather, I never leave
this, I never have

July 30
When you are a woman you make a great record & a daughter, whose daughter, the doors & the
bust armor plate of a woman and curls, black bats, impending disaster impending doom unending
impending a reorganization of the employment of faculties a pigeon flies by the window the subject
frames, see, just, so, much who are you? how did I come by you? I'm anger my anger is sense drills
into you I am set in this piece this is a move you little man doll fall down little woman doll moves
closer, is wounded, you get up again a miracle, we mate, like two watch faces on the same wrist
band, waterproof i hope. Set them. Set them back a few hours to noon. Back a few hours to noon.
Inked, your move, in a certain number of hours moves hours. Like you mentioned before as a
reorganization of the one who was mentioned before, to the one my presence here speaks to, I shoot
the moon men all at once & then I've got all this time left to twiddle my thumbs. I've got to get a
watch face & start needing it. There's no two ways about it it's like pissing on the most analytical
version of all the stars, it's like breathing, breathe the smoke of your own fucking brand. So I smoke
yours. You renegade, why not admit it & set me free. I hate chess sets. I hate all power fixes except
the power I have to show you something. I resign, so you cant move. There are some motherfuckers I
would like to show the stars to stars climbing up in the sky, not you, i dont mean you. Stars
climbing up, what a trick, for a trick you get money, see the ones in front of the sun, of course you
can lunatic, for a trick you get money, for a match you gotta win, I want evens & who am I speaking
to the market place. No deferrals, we do not cash checks, what a lioness she's tempting to be bitter
what a lion is are you that is hungry. Eat meat. Pay at the store. Only thing is you cant walk out, my
legs wont hold you. Better transactions go on in the south, at the pole, at random. You wanna know
why? the pole at the north, it cant be seen from there, it cant even be dreamed of. Opposites attract
a couple hard lines of defense stinks money. Child loves patterns of any kind. Where am I going,
I'm going out I'm mad I'm playing feinting fainting mad I'm always playing I'm going out to play,
I'll play with a few hims & hers, I'll say to one of them I'll find a chance a good smelly reason & i'll
say you stink you stink & then I'll laugh, you feel so bad you want me to devour you? then? sure o.k.
whatever you say you say goes what a mess a great mess stinking again, I'm no princess to end the
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day with a start sweetheart, wanna roller skate I'm faster than you wanna race my time is race I'm
no sinking ship noble captains of which are covered with shit. My infections a rage at the hospital,
the doctors are covered with blood, honor would spit, I just chew naturally a full count, higher than
ever what a bloody tundra on the pitchers mound. I curve a fast knuckle spit one & spew it all round
the bend to the monkey moon far fucking out what a gas explosion that was, the crowd's still
steaming all energy is loose & a little gnu says new systems can be found on any field or fields. It's
unreal, scared shitlesswho is. Fuck. What a spot. A few of the hers & I will mosey down to mexico to
suck cock, dribble the cream on our blouses, prostrate at the nunnery invested into the order
without oil on our heads bare heads new order of the all of the saints cocksuckers all stars south of
the border, no time for a snooze it's the rising sun so pay attention, I forgot to include the fee in
this prospectus coincident with the new day, you dont pay, we levitate, like elevators sentient beings
glow with the auras of saints their very cells amazing blue light, about two fade away you'll never see
us again, motherfuckers, you a new race of blacks & us a visitation on your absence of color. We are
close we got this image from the church that made us angels in the red, a vicious lay. Sex slain is sex
slayer. Now thatwe know this we make the relic institution pay, shell out through its fucking teeth
& eyes & nose & asshole, the well-hung robbers of our sex ingest themselves before our eyes as we
get up to go, we go over the preceding was a play. Now lets eat dinner, watch the tube, love, design. I
want to leave this place

July 31
Exactly as it happened like Jack Webb, the files of the D.A. of L.A. county I'm counting on you with
no patience for something not finished that takes long, or, you might say, a frenzy a web a review: so
I dream I'm in the play & we have to go through long tiny tunnels to get from place to place from
palace to palace, bats & wombats a dinner with relatives, cigars, jacques hugging me: I ask for black
coffee & aunt E is there, we rehearse lines & dash in a red cloak is at the door, a girl, another man &
is dash an aristocrat? she quotes his french she quotes his german she quotes & so on, someone
casts a doubt doubt on his car & then two men & a woman get into a little yellow box that fits into
a big black camera. It's to be washed, also, culture with necessity for claustrophobia, astronauts,
shorthand, the woman emerges suffused with golden light, the men clean except one man puts tape
on his ass, she remarks "& when I ask how's your ass...?" & In the same dream we are selling the tv
equipment & the three sit on top of the camera with sun with philosophy, rehearsals & school, turn
over, rehearsals in the barn, rehearsals in the hatch, a flat tire, last night the window on j's car wont
go down & someone says dont sit on that desk while E eats yoghurt while the tire's being changed at
the stud shell station there's a dead bird in front of the house, the garbage ransacked I need new
shoes need new grass shoes brakes adjusted already have souls & cylinders need new drums &
someone asks where do the furmans live, back for the script, GP is home, nurse not there yet, R
sounds hassled, pictures of the barn, camera on B all morning & the camera will go to new mexico
sunday at five thirty east of eden & pictures of james dean go over big bob trying to recite his list &
m is contagious back tomorrow how did the bat get in tom gorman ben delight mellow & t. sitting
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in the grass at a great distance & b says the hippies are here, the purple restaurant, the bowling alley,
the truck on top of the gas station all overexposed, camera loose, many gas stations, too old to be
out & blah blah blah should we go do the supermarket just one more time & the carts are here
tornadoes flooding rains are here, thank you very much, the explosion & on account of bats I'll be
unable to sleep here tonight & on account of bats a driving rain & a half moon & more morelles,
the bats here, I couldnt finish a roll of film on account of the light dimming every few seconds when
the water pump turns on & sudden rains when it was supposed to clear & ten north frederick street
& harder & harder rain & itchiness & now the doors are closed but bat still flying here crazy tonight
last night we locked him in m's room, taped the curtains & the windows closed the door opened the
door to the outside this morning he seemed to be gone & tonight when I went over about three am
to turn off the front lights the bat flying nearly hit me square in the face: and what broke & what
broke through the plastic so violent to get to the garbage & the dead bird across the street, cats &
bats earlier we eat coffee & cherry pie with vanilla ice cream at the village restaurant & talked about
our little dogs identities & the play from boston university a great play the mexican american's
chorus line, I'll write in the dark, home eat tomatoes & potatoes a constant dripping flat tire, I
wrote about that the message ends, bat got your tongue & insults freckles pennies beer amontillado
magic words to dispel a bat the peoples home encyclopedia mystic mysteries of the valley of tom ball
mountain: squeaking noises at night noise in the bedroom as if someone is coming nearer & nearer
& up the stars, ed's poking me with his elbow, g is reading, f is asleep i think to make a mystery of it
to murder a bird a crow to kill a bat leave the doors open at dusk when you write there's nothing to
feel nothing to feel but smoke in front of the slide projector rain and prisms prisms and rain we
have no identity do you need you one or two or more or would you rather go right out the door, at
dusk, and on to something new, and you? Two-two to wit ha ha, hoo hoo, hoot, who whit, whoo,
who what how hoo shoo boo moo light flicker too for you moo land animal too, custom guilt, orang
utang & slang, & bang a gang of clang, beep roar growwl hoot, honk ducks wild geese & fleece,
mallards in the lining of my lying down position posture my new coast & coat & swift hen, the hen
I bought, when I was new, a review, a bat a hat on my head I hope, not slides of july one and five
kodachrome photo-flood & mother earth purples gentle tones of slick movie magazines & someone
says five minutes miss badney & did k drink from the bottle of crisco oil & someone says do you
watch rehearsals every day & g stirs, the rain seems to be dripping all over but isnt the sky is dry as a
bone as a peach as a plum the sky is done over, ed moans freya is quiet we are camping in the nest
in the woods careless nest bat nest who's dreaming of bats who's promising them things? Suzy
parker falls in love with the late gary cooper & diane varsi his daughter approves, I'm itchy I've lost
my memory I've lost my money in a minute lost it in a card game, dont, come, on, too, strong, he
said, the other itchy man on the poolside table top dancing like a poor ragged crow, not scared,
where is everyone & where is ice & where is ferns for delivery, tv & car where is mescaline light &
tight where is furniture & furnace, furman & furnmenace furn ice & ferry growth, hippopotamus &
lost toy grimace & colonial kernel & cool southern dopes their drops of icy crinoline & milk &
mulch & so it's raining harder & harder on the night it was supposed to clear, try to get g & e to be
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serious together with me watching, real, play the trumpet, steal, skate, couple of skaters & a couple
of thieves, houses, what people live in, a crackling crunching noise in the forest, like bears breaking
bottles near but not visible & someone says not a garbanzo bean like grandma browns baked beans
faint but not sticky, not sticky & almost white, they are tan as the whites of grace's eyes, but beans,
beady yes, shouldnt be tan, should be brown as the ace of spades with red in them, red eyes in the
face of the moon, red eyes sinking in a half-face before the sun has really set, face all day, the other
way, the other side of the page, with a back to it, is redder, fuller, a red car, at least six of them, fast
as typewriters, go at 70 mph, speed up to leaving the light or the tv on all night needing someone to
stand guard duty, taking shifts to sweat out the bat or bats in the belfry, wondering how if they sleep
all day there could be so much to write down in such large letters to add to address, strangely, I
couldnt understand it, to no one, keeping the narrative going, & now has grace gone to sleep & will
I have to turn out the light in chronological order, the 1st to the 31st and vice versa, I mean
backwards & things straight & a certain heavy rain beating down now thicker and thicker, thumb &
forefinger & head even or maybe starting with head & coming to some kind of climax circus &
thinning out & coming to it again, reach here higher in the crooked the slanted belfry, where lights,
after lights, artificial ones, tungsten shine, how? into infinity widening the depth of field to account
for reflections with everyone sleeping how but the book & the pictures in a book & lights flashing
trees moving, cut down, the house moving, the walls the lights pinned to the walls crunching in on
me, a discussion: the lights on for no reason & search & suddenly g & e both awake & why dont we
all start fucking to upset this night so determined to crunch down through the trees over this house
& this curtain in alford coming down off the mountain, cupped over, I wish it under, feathers in the
ground an aching a fire a reach for effect come sinister crackling & pounding & beating, high
growing secret & frowning & seven sets & series all secret, certain wonder, sex, ceiling, cylinders
brakes souls & elevators, satchels of coming over, how i got there & over, heat, niche, cave, batman
& robin, robin hood & hood milk, it's all the same, sinking dressing the stars, some sun, sunday
now & such & this: I see pink I see pink ink, a shaft of light a kernel of corn in the garbage, drops,
rains a bursting cloud ears hurt & at right angles to this: sac a sexy lunch of & sac a sexy lunch love
month drunks & month drunks or ducks and mom'll drink vodka & tv'll drink it oo and eec sec dry
mad money & sex & sec dry mad mommy & tilt on desert eye op now new & kilton stewart &
kilton's vest his eye op now, new & on gray stamen-money the vestry grows & beat the om's eye out
for tryin it, my heart my eyes serve out the cannibal status-seeker status-seeker at the cannibal
status-seeker at lay over in pittsburgh on the country searchway where thule match ultima, struck a
thicket on the chest struck a thicket on incest as an intro, strike the thicket's thickest intro, curbway
long purple legs of strike that case right thru & strike that, can like, can try, safest lifeless poison &
the safest lifeless position is the safest lifeless platoon, a fool, aloof is in & a fool aloof is in the
lifeless pink pillow with the lifeless blue stain the stain it was a web, a web still making dolls I'm
getting excited I'm getting over I'm continuing on, on coffee: webs that's jack read flaubert, no you,
me: the spider webs of the barn, the spider webs over the barn, read flaubert no you, me, b., over the
spider webs of the barn over closer the spider web of the white barn over the trees whited out just a
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little green in the right hand corner over lines over a dog upside down the dog that was drooling so
much with his tongue out, they mounted the last two rolls upside down or was it the camera, over &
a triple of cars all over the place a truck traveling on a building a gas station over jacobs pillow and a
crooked well, I went hitched to pick up the car or with somebody's wife, over, over now, it's over,
I've righted it, over webs get alot of exposure over a very straight gas station, they took master charge
overso much I cant see it, white, over the sky a corner of something in the sky over I've realized it,
it's me frowning over at myself in the picked up car, I got an estimate, over two hundred dollars two
bills slightly over two bills, little bit over purple restaurant & bowling alley over cocktails over cock
over tails & two plain cars parked, detectives cars over detectives dead bodies, detectives over
cocktails, to make something of something: it's over, to make something of anything: & done with,
alot of the past was under, over is joy, over e & m in a headband making explosives over into the
dark side of the human mind & over e the army light over jeans, over me dark under snakeskin &
white pants, turn over, over he looks over he holds a piece of the explosive in one hand & m looking
over too, one arm bent over e & nick light the explosive near a haystack outside the barn, it's over
they both bend over: ties, poles, magic, over: double explosure double explosion over little terence's
head he's sitting inthe grass & there are three, one over the other: barn, car, hand, flare, pencil: I
watch it, over the light through the barn windows, vines growing over, telephone wires hanging over
the hill & a swimming pool an umbrella over the mountain over my shoulders & dust in the light
catches my eye, lights my side & any umbrella over the mountains looks up over: I'm on top of the
mountain, sun through tree moves over now further over than it was: I made it over over evening
light on field: five trees & two rows mountains parched hay & hay season over apple tree in hay:
magic & fever spread over pool blue by red white barn, look through birdhouse, space intrude space
over garage over make a space over make a light & over intrude over sun walks in on eye, intrude
over sun make spectacle blue & a spot, eye like cloud, a harsh one, over birdhouse in sky like pole up
a tree five holes for birds come in over see through barn light up to a certain point & through to
green light, came over to the other side where terence is still in the grass, a finger over a path own a
path light light green, I went back up the hill I went over where I'd been before the pool dips
expands over flows over it's rained over sky been before same sky thin clouds cover pervade thin
layer no holes in it: we went home over puddle on the deck I went over the field once more, a
review: more light it's gone over the sky enough of it & ed's back from closeup I'm behind a back
against green, it calms down here but I'm closer come closer to grace red hair makes a face blue
shirt freya & g at the phone booth over in town, striped shirts reflections, grace on the phone freya
stares hates pictures, a girl in a florid shirt gets out of a car a woman sits on a bench grace goes over
to the phone & calls new hampshire: the reflections guide my own arm it's gone & it's extending
over an open newspaper covered with trees & the reflections guide my own arm so I dont remember
this at all at all & nothing is composed, extending over, two breasts, that brains should give rise to a
knowing consciousness at all, this is the one mystery which returns, no matter what sort the
consciousness is & what kind the knowledge may be: sensations, aware of mere qualities, involve the
mystery as much as thoughts, aware of complex systems, involve it: and a day is over another one
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begins exactly as it happened so lets pool all our mysteries into one great mystery and I dont
remember this at all at all, it's bright sun for a minute & raining all morning the furmans pull out,
it's quarter to one or quarter to two on saturday again on saturday all over, the mystery that brain
processes occasion knowledge at all: I'm lost so lost how lost can you be when everywhere you go
it's morning & the sun's coming up over a map, lost & I am losing someone or something how lost
can you be when kodachrome II & some double exposures show, we must go. Ed decides not to
come with us & we creep go to town, I take the rest of the pictures, come out, go about, we make
ourselves richer we explore. G & freya make calls to bus depot & middlebury, we weep, hot sun,
crowded in the town hippies crowd in front of the library I creep, I weep scour I wish I could scout I
scour, ignore the story build a cemetery: eat seltzer & grilled cheese in nejaimes buy bacon milk half
& half blueberry yoghurt packet of smokes we return, astronauts on tv astronaut of dust son of tv:
tension ed goes takes slide projector goes I weep creep about scout put shirts in the basin clean up
garbage outside upstairs: collect luck collect glasses sweep upstairs & downstairs counter, find
checkbook have iced coffee freya weeps grace creeps outside the store the ancient the old: do
checkbook a mess no money money here there write postcards to calvin, r, rII, v&k, rIII, worn out &
light I meant tight, pictures a boy an exclamation means finally. Earlier two people a french man
with a camera, a girl in red pants come by sky its saturday all over again from blueberry hill, ed
wanted to be on his own today or at least not botheredby the details of the memory of the presence
of other people, all around, I give the girl a match through the top of the dutch doors I throw the
dead bird away, M will be back tonight we must open the doors at dusk is now to try to get rid of the
bat, bats: I thought dusk was morning I thought the esophagus was the glottis, dusk & dawn calm &
I killed a wasp, how? high school we're all on speed & sex & sink & more sky a pie & I stop rhyming
today it's the last day, rhyming its the day stop today last dead, am I lucky or dead? Blueberry hill,
talking, cars: amazing grace? days? place? dead? animal? bat? curse? igor & vampire, gut & bird,
wing? I picked him up by the wing, bugs, & then washed my hands glands? dirt? sand & snow, back
& light, close & up, ant & frantic wasp, gut & Now, pebbles & stones, fill me up, birds & the byrds,
we almost saw & lights dimming with the water heater & I feel heavy I scout, grace feels heavy & I
think ed feels heavy, triangle changes in the weather now, we do the tape about high school: 1_
houses 1_ hours: I have a very poor memory because I was never systematically made to learn poetry
at school: my love is like a red red rose that's newly sprung in june, attention: a process fills its old
bed in a different way from that in which it makes a new bed, so, ed walks up the stairs, we walk
down the road the bats not here yet, take pictures see cows bulls & car breaks down a little nervous
sitting here in the hammock where bats fly across generally I'm afraid I'm filled with fear it'salways
different & g has read a book, sear, jackson maclow: there's something to it & something against it,
how's this, I cant write our house down right now how house I feel about sex or about one time, we
fuck like tonight even though I have thousands of thoughts lying in a new bed even though it takes
me over making up the old bed it would be good maybe to be sick today like it's good maybe to
sweat today & something heavy the half moon & some holding back, musk, left from the air & lift
from the air & something heavy & relaxed maybe & now thinking I'll get trychinosis from the pork
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or from the air or from an r & something heavy & now relaxed maybe tomorrow will come from the
air I'm full of & pooling our mysteries we fall into one great mystery & tomorrow will come from
the air I'm full of boccaccio 70's on tv & we ate beside the sausage home fries & corn & next time
we have a house in the country, as if I'm closing as if this is an end, let's not invite anyone to come
& alot of people will come & look at us as if we split & is this an ongoing operation that brain
processes occasion knowledge at all or not? can you stop 2 test? to rest? at all? make noise make
sounds the hoot of the owl howt bool ghoul & crush crunch & black back bracken slime blick click
whose click a click like ink ant sluck & tick tac toe with a dot & what looks like some Indian pipe, a
white fungus. I dont wanna finish. Might as well use the ruler for this, might as well be exact as a
calendar like remembering a calendar scares the shit out of you in the bright lights big city & baby I
will violate your rights some day: extending over: an open newspaper covered with trees is me it isnt
mounted, turn towards me now turn around & there's always enough smoke, for what? & can you
see me well I could go down & get some & I could become how become become what for the end no
end just float just a float that can turn into anything by using color & design: & this idea of my
having had those ideas is a very complicated idea, including the idea of myself of the present
moment remembering & that of myself of the past moment conceiving & the whole series of the
states of consciousness which intervened between myself remembering & myself conceiving clouds
make a wall, stop, light grass over what's on the deck & antenna juts just too neat for clouds jesus a
blue so grey & dark freya in the rain & dark yellow garage dark road I'm waiting for what will
happen & it's grey it's not clear the telephone pole the best bent & darker freya her breasts the
darker road & this material always presents its denseness cause it's impossible, poetry & memory: I
am married 6_ years. My wife worked when we were first married for about 1_ years. Instead of
things getting better the firm I was with showed signs of failing & my wife went to work again.
Shortly after that my firm failed & I was practically unemployed for a year. During this time I
attended a radio-television course in the evenings. I could not obtain satisfactory employment at
that time in the radio field. After that period I obtained employment in original line which was
upholstery fabric line. February of last year I obtained my present position with the western electric
company testing communications equipment. This position enabled my wife to leave her
employment. The point I am trying to bring out is that my wife only worked because of conditions.
February 27 of this year my wife gave birth to a baby girl & being a nursing mother she will not be
able to work for at least a year. As you will note I had 1_ years training in radio theory & practice &
have been employed for the past year using this training. I feel I am doing more for the war effort
where I am than I would in the service as I am 35 years old & probably would not hold up too well
in the rigors of life in the service. & was I going back & forth cant concentrate on ends the middle
bellows out grows over first & last: freya's my sister, that's good. There's a small light a car coming,
we walked down the road the 3 of us or the 6 or 8 of us, f, g & l eye, there's some gift being given
here, repeat it till you get it right & car closer best car at night some mystery ends with mystery
beginning headlights & is that white after all this dark all yellow-orange parking lights, tungsten
light explosure table, basic daylight exposure & daylight daylight exposure in bright or hazy sun in
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cloudy bright in heavy overcast in open shade, existing light pictures & daylight exposure table for
kodachrome II film with shutter speeds & f-stops, given, my wife due to the attention required by
the baby will not be able to work & being in an essential industry I will be more useful to the war
effort by staying where I am & they are having a difficult time getting my replacement & my name &
a darker road I panic no light, a still darker road it looks like the backs of my friends, the ones who
were with me, I dont know cant see the sun made spectacles for me & I was complaining of no light
& shakespeare, I'm here, with the telephone poles, kill the king quite a sky, more of it changed the
rest in heaven so we thought it was corny but it isnt & that, over, blue that over blue could be so real
like a set & more, for instance, I drove through Paris a day or two ago & though I saw plainly some
sixty or eighty new faces I cant now recall any one of them. Some extraordinary circumstances, a fit
of delirium or the excitement of hashish would be necessary to give them a chance of revival, and,
so, lose control, if you want, stirring up dust, if any, the end of the play sun set sets not the end of
the day but when someone puts a fire there, I will, I made it glow still burning & we move down
religious sets on fire burn religion down, saint bernadette was made a saint by devil's advocate a
process fills its old bed there's nothing black there's nothing clear there's no nathaniel hawthorne
here there's nothing black I cant believe this & that car must've killed us, hatch & sear: in all part in
point in singing part in mountains, part in point, the store the ancient the old always have
intermissions, part of this is too bold, but owning a part of the old may turn into science, part of the
bold, that's the ending. In quiet parts of the old: now, after, always, a light, we silence not ours but
the enemy's toward an efficiency wanting an end. The end. We make ourselves richer, we start
what's untold, in papers, turned into words not marks, that's red & design which is racial absorbed,
where are elements, man, to raise, he's happy, nothing in detroit the hall of fantasy excludes, why
not: plumber, a mass, a nude, & so on to alternates & averages, averages & tombs, two spaces told
spaces, deny it again, sold. Question in pleat, the unanimous fold now in rites then in bells, execute:
ignore the story build a cemetery. An abstraction, the end, the owl, where in point, language of
country, exhort, so to end the expelling of exploit the untelling of dams putting in these reminders
of death, that's purple: toward denying to continue to the end, here by continuing the end of &
done we expel them for social the kind of space of the actual, import of breath & with it the space
for space of the rest as a joke for retelling cannot persist in unpeeling all the world's explorations,
we rise to get up at the stroke of, found what was lost in the heat of, white battle & waves & found
in rough the gut of it, having in melting how, the rest in awe, still how in awe, flower in laugh, in
flower in waves & singing & entering & awe again & this time it's awe of the reverse, that's green,
of returning to scream without thinking, the end, in thinner, of thick & simpler of trees in parrot to
lisp, sea anemone, closed. Apology in rest: research isnt festive, looking for names, burning down
piers & papers & scoring the time I'm translated to shore on the back of a whale & to see like a
mirror turned on the port, so for saying injection as far as it goes in the arm, truth, of black
symbols, will adopt parents that cannot grow: anthem, emblem, knife, a knife for the course that
ends like this not like that & they'll all come to orbit, arbit, exhibit in the courts by force, we'll
make the exchange & to count, continue, to embrace, forgetting parts important to 'in
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concurrence', that's grey. We'll fissure the end & cleave in parting by statements by surgery by
force, cerebral from parent, dim from latin, everything's in half, we do it by force, by the time & this
is the final please let me ending in dive in ring proposing in answer the positions for: silence,
growing, minerals, closed sky another & how to prepare: rhyme to give, phial in waves, blank to
prompt in ending amend, that's brown & that car must've killed us, it will this way but I leave in
that dark sloping hill & nothing & nothing but one long line on a horizon plane & two lights
another car another are & some fire like a candle glow, two cars in a row one more golden, you can
make this out in other days that brains should give rise to a knowing consciousness at all & this is
the one mystery which returns no matter what kind of consciousness it is & what kind of knowledge
it may be & sensations, aware of just qualities, mere qualities, involve the mystery as much as
thoughts, aware of complex systems, what other days? The pile of film on the floor black & blue &
exposed green & that puddle country sideways hole that runs off shaped like a man reflecting trees
the bib of a dress for ground into green & wire, over, dont know the end extending over into light,
over there to the left, over above upon beside beyond & like the branch hung over the house & they
boarded over the window & we'll discuss it over dinner & she spread the frosting over the cake & he
cast a spell over our group & he will preside over the meeting & I flew over the lake & the city's over
the border & we went over the states of consciousness & the dictionary was in production over a
period of several years & it cost over five dollars & stay over easter & he went over the precipice by
design & they were gone three hours or over & the wound healed over & he took out his money &
counted it over & the tree fell over & they turned the plank over & we went back & did it over &
over in England they did too & the party's new policy won him over but it did him no good cause
they murdered him anyway & you make your property over to her & the game is over & how I got
over & he is three hours over for the week & that shot hit over & that bomb explodes over & we
were over against them from end to end & besides there's more than that because over & over &
over again it's all over it's all over it's all over with, there's nothing can be done with it, like light,
up from the field on a house on glass, tired question impatient question a fog question shows
nothing, wont receive, the impregnable house like past door closed old white flowers older dried
weeds get darker & where's light shown, it's cool. Time running on its own all backwards & you can
run but you sure cant hide, there are no secrets here, there's a part of my memory's a picture show
& then I think what do I do next: next to memory running with memory motion information &
design design a motion design forward motion design style let me save you the trouble, let me
repeat: I could design style conceals, let me add simply add & you accumulate cause you come close
like the dreams & pictures all over the walls & floor: the best branches blow backwards but one left:
look closer, over again, no conclusion, please grey please it, look up pleasure, what's his pleasure
what's the matter, it's sense a safe return & one great tree on an orchestra, cant speak question
stump question & it spoke, not me, I carried it around for weeks: bats & bats inside the house & at
the windows, giant moth, a dead bird on the doorstep, nothing leaves & a worm with two antennae
like a crooked brown bean, a pollynose, noise, on the cellar floor, four spiders under the table &
their debris, we found the bat nest & do they have nests there's a raccoon at the door & that was
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last year someone told me about a field near here where in the evening the field is filled with deer,
the owl in pleasant valley & the silver fog, porcupine & crow, they're in cages, the yellow bird
completely gone except for his wings, black wings, many crows, the worm is crawling curling coming
closer he's in the shadow of the table, the man across the street loves his red cat so much he tried to
poison b's dog, she owns this house & the house: the house changes its size: when the doors are
open at dusk to give the bats a chance to leave, I feel I should leave the house but unless someone
else is home, the strange man who lives across the street who peers makes me stay very close to the
house when I leave, he's supposed to be a russian prince who lives with his mother & a princess,
there's a house on ice glen road where another princess is supposed to live & her house is stone &
so hard to keep warm that nobody lives there & fred lord has put his whole house & farm up as
collateral for the black panthers & blueberry hill where you cant see the house from the road is the
house of some french diplomats, a car full of french people & once we met the son of the guy who
owns the lenox photo shop on a street in new york city & french people stop here for directions to
blueberry hill & the last time we lived up here we lived in a house that was connected to another
smaller house where a doctor of psychology lived with his wife & seven pistols, one shot gun, &
when we left they were about to move to a bigger house down the road & right now I'm in the cellar
& in front of the fire now & at the window now at dawn & upstairs, the room where we sleep, that
room is like a tree house, the floor slants up & out towards the field & towards a row of long narrow
windows, on each side of the room, each side of the room has a large diamond shaped window,
through these windows you can see trees, a little below one of them is another long narrow window,
this one shows you the rest of the house & lying in bed I can look through this window & further on
through one of the downstairs windows & out to the parallel trees & Gail: I had met gail before but
today I found out her name, she comes from west stockbridge, her grandmother until she died
owned the card lake hotel there, we used to go there for beers & cheeseburgers, one night tina who
lived on main street took me over to the hotel very late to get a pack of cigarettes & I met gail's
grandmother. When she died she left gail & her sister some money, about $14,000. Gail took the
money, bought a car & went to florida to sleep on the beach. When gail told me she had inherited
the money, I thought her parents were dead, that's the way I had inherited about the same amount
of money. The hotel has been bought by a man from connecticut. When we got to my house gail
told me that the next house down the road, a white one, is owned by the parents of a boy she was in
love with, he's in california & just getting back into heroin. Gail went to school with Sprague, tina
& I had invaded sprague's house one night when we took mescaline, that's when I met him, he's
playing now at the silver city bar, we go there alot, with jacuqes, for beers & cheeseburgers & where's
the light question you look too good too professional conducting those trees by that tree, there's the
light & that blue dot is new for the end, none: wires across & wing clouds make a great gigantic bird
thin as one feather for point in some direction where was the eye: my hand in this was that, that
tree by the telephone pole was a space I'm in. Here the phone wires slope in gentle they're loose
from the pole or as if so, weeds & trees stand up & into the air: in a system every fact is connected
with every other by some thought-relation & the consequence is that every fact is retained by the
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combined suggestive power of all the other facts in the system & forgetting is almost impossible &
into the air & a white towel flies onto the deck, coffee cups notes leaves a leaf a bag & right into it
again, an edge of grass & a picture of me I cant solve the mystery I'm crooked & full my mouth
tom's arm, dont look up it's only a piece, matter how veins & a cut hand flat on the space of the
deck, storms, it's pictures all over the walls & floor & he leans against the machine a fortune in
tom's shirt & who do you love I mean who do you love just come away with me & we are an image
speed we are an image sound & some song sung being sun & call me call me any old time, ed rests
in bed, they've turned the people working into rest & they've turned the people working into rest &
you can run but you sure cant hide, hurricane erica attica station prison & that view again because
the story goes: I'll wheel the colors you like to your new location but I'm lost so lost how lost can
you be when everywhere you go it's morning & the sun's coming up over a map & mountains in
merica zoom no moon, that's silver & gold case you didnt know you fucker & my hunger creates a
food that everybody needs: matter how veins & a cut hand flat on the deck in my tye-dyed shirt I
want to leave this place I want to get out of here I want to move into an eternal space the right space
I want to design it have you freed me to addict myself to take that risk, escape no longer draws me
in, just kill the pain, take my wrists in your hands, I cant find anything on the floor,we have no
regular plan, no drama, in the dark everything's a mess, there's no end to it in a space as big as this
no walls & I hate myself for keeping on going as if the production of something out of nothing out
of here where there is nothing were worthwhile. Preserve my sainthood. You help to preserve it,
perpetrating the finest evil that was ever devised, a false glamor on the surface of simple veins
bulging, their blood bursts back into the needle, & then flows through back through the veins,
southeast asia, axis, infusion, injection, replacement maze there was a fog all through the city before
my eyes, I was sweating what's the verdict of sleep: I cant find out: observe me as I trance myself
beyond death: write it down a written record dead poet flying crows & a trace, a stronger texture
impossible to tear, I still imitate I still review, the fog goes on there's a name for it: the surface of the
eyes pervert senses, & double: crumpled up & we threw in the towel a white towel half rewound and
the end of a joint half sky, those trees expect to connect: the other half of those trees is around but
days lead on: there was an almost blind pennsylvania farmer who could remember the day of the
week on which any date had fallen for forty-two years past & also the kind of weather it was & what
he was doing on each of more than fifteen thousand days & points point more directions than you
give away without an end so I stopped remembering days & made a new thing haze, but a set & an
end but then, something more, day, now fit that in, what will who do next: when I stopped
remembering days & made a new thing & so on to day & you are eating & the idea that I would do
anything for him has become a joke, tomorrow the joke's perverted & I mean it again, what is it?
that he would do anything for me is clearer, is accepted, is loved. Sure the love is inherent in murder
& the closeness designs a wish for death, the death of someone is the death of all. Reminded. Can
you still see? A small dark & trembling tree is able to reassemble the qualities of wind within its
leaves, by means of them. The tree, its image is a trick, come out of nowhere, committed,
Committed to an institution, you must stay there, committed to a man or woman, you must leave
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them free, committed a sin a crime, you must commit another & maybe commit another person to
your crime. You cannot be alone, you cannot escape. Bulbous images in dark balloons lustrous
growths of them emerge from under your arms from your groin from whatever's beneath your feet, I
cant imagine. Insects bite you bite your feet, lay eggs on them, hatch & grow even larger than the
haze of your eyes can conceal. You are eating, a day is over another one begins exactly as it
happened: the mystery stated up to two cars coming at us then light on other days & nothing seems
to be happening then but that mystery, maybe felt, not then but now, ties in the pole highwire act to
moving, moving & a trip: I had to go get, watch it, stop, & pool all our mysteries into one great
mystery & back to magic, left jewels there & bats brought out the light over, about space, about face
& sun, set, mystery at me, finale by the tree: ones, ones & days. A process fills its old bed & then it
makes a new bed: to you past structure is backwards, you forget, you remember the past backwards
& forget.

Cause memory & the process of remembering of seeing what's in sight, what's data, what comes in
for a while for a month & a month's a good time for an experiment memory stifles dream it shuts
dream up. What's in sight, it was there, it's over, dream makes memory present, hidden memory
the secret dream, it's not allowed, forbidden, dont come out the door, there's an assassin at it or a
lion, wild Indian, a boar, a little bear upside down in the dream, so, memory creates an explosion of
dream in August & I no longer rest I dont rest anymore I dont resist anymore & there's a haze then
& two eyes my eyes just eyes wide open & this is the climax the reversal, light inches warmth toward
the eye in dream & I look at you I play I'm exhausted: cause fear had already started as a finish to
memory & memory as an opening onto a finish for fear. And dream's an analogy to reprocessing in
process, so rewrite it it's changed but a memory according to how you record it now & as it could go
on forever, this could, dream's a memory kept in process kept in present by whose consciousness by
whose design, so, memory creates an explosion of dream in August & let me narrate for you &
listen, let me violate the rights you got let me tell you that I dream let me design it: August 4: Grace
& I are in a movie directed by Jacques-in-charge. & first the men in the movie & I try to make it, a
reversal a withdrawal an October Sunday & a man wears a cape, he leaves his rich mother early in
the morning without sleep, he walks down the road & I follow, lose him, there's no more man in
the house & we're on our own now, who are the girls? & we are trying to hitchhike on the road but
there's a giant evergreen stretching out in the way & October Sunday traffic & a man wears a cape,
he leaves the house early in the morning, he leaves his rich mother, I follow but lose him. We wind
up in church, a liberal service, Dan Graham is conducting something in the aisles & he says this
wont hurt a bit we are conducting a test & Grace & I have no shirts on: a white machine is put
against our shoulders, then a long needle shot through, through the right shoulder, a dull sharp
pain & I ask them to stop & I say Grace & I have already made love as the end of the movie & now
we laugh at Jacques-in-charge for not predicting that Grace & another woman will begin to make
love, are making love, the director's a fool & Jacques-in-charge says I just wish you girls wouldnt
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always be wearing those leather jerkins or smocks or jodphers or whatever-they-are & I insist they
are dresses & Jacques-in-charge says even though we are improvising the movie we at least have to
have a really good designer, for costumes I guess, but the movie's over, we're in church, we're going
backwards, it's the end, I have my feet wrapped, I have wrapped up my feet & unwrapped them,
then you wrap your feet & unwrap them to make them so small so small you cant walk: I was afraid
to go out alone, she was afraid to go out to them alone. Ed & I leave to pick up film, to pick up
heavy radiation containers in a drug store, radiation containers for each roll of film & we laugh in
the church, yes you get to make love in exchange for every treatment, no you get love in exchange
for every treatment, yes every treatment is evolving now into sex is making love & we laugh in the
church, I try to put a white blouse on, it's part of the costume design that's over & it's too small but
the blouse is really too big, big as someone's wedding dress & you say does this hurt? You bet it does,
so I wear black in the morning & I dream, a white market: as I seem to dream her dreams as I seem
to walk her steps & what's the pleasure it's the pleasure of ice & removal & taking nothing taking
no one, as if, you speak, you are planning the imminence of your own death & only have a moment
to lose, close to loss of consciousness, on the edge of loss of consciousness, at any time, a desertion
the man leaves his rich mother, any moment, an intention — to lose & I accuse Marie of planning
& I am trying to understand something, a narrative, you wrap up your feet & then you make your
feet too small to walk but her steps, someone else's steps, they get mixed up & will a white market
fit in at all, white slavery, sold, I'm too sold on this I dont trust it like I didnt trust her I accused her
of planning death as her own pleasure & she says it's at my pleasure at my leisure & it took years &
Marie look at this it's what I say & I say at my anger, at my anger is a place for your invasion of my
seduction, so, you planned the disappearance of my desire: August 5: Night, I am in stockbridge &
stockbridge is a white town, Indians on the school board, a liberal reservation, I am in stockbridge I
think to meet Ed who is away. Justine Freya & I climb up on a high chair at least a hundred feet in
the air, I say it's to watch something & we get scared, dizzy, I put my head in Freya's lap, she's full
of patience or something, it turns me on I have a long quiet orgasm coming down the bannister, the
saint's pole, the isolation tank, the light, the absence of light, or are we still up there, I cant tell &
do people notice my legs in a spasm as Rosemary falls down the stairs. We drive to main street white
main street & I realize Ed will not be here at least until tomorrow & I wonder what we're doing here.
I suggest we go across the bridge to the stocks in the sticks, still punished still unpunished to
Ridgewood, while, Graham & Bob are bending over backwards, Bobby drive-ass in the front seat &
black Graham brown in the back, to kiss each other & it seems real strong & I wonder why I dont
approve of it & it's cause there are still no men, it's a withdrawal & I dont touch Bob. I am attached
to a telephone pole, hello Marie how come you never call me & I'm attached to a telephone pole
like the trucks driving away with the pay phones you're trying to make a call on in em & before all
this I've carried Justine over a lake, she stood in the water, it was over her head likeit was over my
head like it was over your head when you watched everybody make love, grown, ups, & I picked her
up. The lake was full of people. & I picked her up. Over the bridge in Ridgewood we are & has there
been an accident, we're in front of my house the house I grew up in & suddenly everybody starts
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making noise, alot of noise. & I've brought alot of people with me, groups, on foot in cars & at the
moment I see this I see Vito standing inside the gate. There's a hammock hung in the courtyard & is
Vito in the hammock, no. Still no men. But he detains me, by name. & at this same moment again
my car is on the sidewalk & people begin to file out of the house I was born in, files of butlers files
of clowns, they're butlers or clowns, it's a gauntlet, all the houses, especially my house & butlers &
clowns line the courtyard & women with faces madeup down the street lean out their wondows
yelling about the noise & who is it under the sheet being carried out, it's no one, nevermind & the,
a, woman, D. downstairs comes out & I hide in the hammock calmly covering my face with elbow &
arm, like sleep. But I'm panicking I'm full of fear & I say she'll call the police, she's running to call
the police, it's because of the noise I make it's because of the noises I make returning, running to
the scene of the crime so quick over the bridge from Stockbridge to Ridgewood, why what's my
crime what's my mistake we must make our escape, I get into the car & someone a girl has shown
me that the gearshaft or shift & some other pole pole of the car have come loose, she puts them
back but the car doesnt start & I lock the gear pole in place, it starts, I am driving on the opposite
sidewalk, I am driving away, my body shifts for the gears, I must move in a certain way, with the car
& there's confusion & rain & now Vito sees me & says "It's Bernadette." I am walking with him in
front of my car, he's an old man made up for the stage, grey spots, bygones, on his face & I ask him
what he was doing there in the first place & he says mamma your mamma is leaving there she's
leaving them & I'm amazed & I think of it. I say oh. So who's gonna run the gauntlet me or her? &
I think we should hurry, get back in the car but Vito & two friends who are with him pulled out on
motorcycles & I cant work it out, I cant stop stop talking to him he detains me & he cant come in
my car & leave his motorcycle & we cant seem to arrange to meet in stockbridge & by the time
we've decided something & I'm about to get into the car & we've still made no progress up the
street, I see a hazy dark police car in the street in the night, it's parallel to my car & the top's down,
they can see me they can make me out & I think we're caught & I think I wake up heart beating & I
try to fall asleep again because I want to get away, make the escape, I cant make it so I guess it's me
who's gonna run the gauntlet for them, run through the butlers the clowns the funeral service, the
crime, the war. & something drew me in, like a place you might get into, a foxhole, for one. August
6: Ed can turn into a mother & Ed can turn into a moth & fly. He was a rooster until I told him
there was one downstairs, he was a rooster till I told him there was a rooster downstairs& he cleans
the wings of another moth, he is acting like a moth & four of Holly's bodies have been left in our
barn & care, he is willing to do it & four of her bodies left in our barn, who is the fourth, where a
stream-swamp flows through & I am disguised on a boat trip, disguised as an animal, I cant
remember, I look for masks in the museum, body masks & who do you pretend to be or watch or
watch for, visions, I find a mask with zippered nose & eyes, then it sees me & two young lawyers
come, I must be suing her, I wont take credit for the crime this time cause this time it's murder & I
know I didnt do it, she sees me, full moon. August 7: You planned the disappearance of my desire.
Ed is giving me medical tests. It's an art show & the show is the kiss: we kiss you you kiss us, the
whiskers deal. & we're driving, little bears. & Ed takes one acupuncture needle & heads it towards
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me, he says with this one I touch the liver kidney & gall bladder & on & on & someone's father is
on stage for the kiss: you planned the disappearance of my desire & to be simple of her you have to
be him but who could you, recognize, be & in dream & I dream a blond boy who does the
projections pretends he doesnt know me, we go up the stairways of different apartments & finally to
Jacques, his heavy steambath house, damp corridors with a round bed around stone couches & the
bed is stone too. August 10: Many people come to the house. I am asleep in the bed past the two
long windows, so I must be sleeping outside. There's a curtain round the bed, drawn on one side.
Jacques is there & many middle-aged couples come & people fade in & out of the background,
there's a meal cooking. & Jacques says to me Jimmy was here, he asked if Bernadette was home & I
say I'm too old for that & Jacques laughs, agrees & says Parnell was here he didnt ask for Bernadette.
I roll around on the bed, I sleep, pretend to sleep in my sleep. Dinner is ready so everyone has to
leave & one of the couples wonders if the maid, what maid?, made arrangements to take the kids
out to dinner cause the kids are nuts I mean disturbed about being thrown out & they say then I
guess we really dont have to call before we come & someone wants cigarettes but they're too
'cracked' & we find a whole drawerful of different brands & now it's J's house again & we give the
guy some cigars, they're not so cracking. I'm up now as everyone's leaving, they all leave through
the hallway, I've been stretching around the bed, in hiding, in cracking that's how you make
gasoline, I've also cracked the case & now I'm crawling I'm sliding on the floor I meet someone's
legs, we talk, the legs are Michael Brandman's legs & I put my knee in his crotch, they had old
granddad in the drawer with the cigars, it was only four years old & I wake up turn over & dream I
am outside in the field, only, the way it is now, it's half a field, in the dream it's a full field a full
circle with a path around & I say I think I see a turkey, I see wings flapping in the distance, it comes
comes closer very quickly, grey wings moved up like a zoom & I see a small face sticking out like a
man in a bunny suit & when it's close it's a group a whole ensemble: a woman in a turkey costume
being pulled by a sled on which are the three ages of disease: a little child, someone else & a large
grown naked sexless hairless man. They begin to do their act. The turkey moves up & embraces the
child, the child gets into position with the 'someone else' & they all make a background for the
large man who moves around finally to show his asshole, spread his anus, for the others, And they
are begging in a way. By this time Ed has come & tries to explain all this to me but no words come
out of his mouth. He seems familiar with it. I whisper something like, do they want money but I
know they dont. Money monkey turnkey & they havent noticed us at all, they've pretended not to
notice us except to come right up in front of us like this & perform, perform their curing dance,
perform Iwo Jima, I think of actors & when I write this down it turns me on. August 11: I see myself
getting out of the car, I stand around the old black car, at first I am ten or twelve years old, I'm
looking at myself, I think something like "that's not right, move the film up now" & then I can see
myself in front of the younger self, but I look like I imagine I look & not like I look at all: I look old
as memory a hundred years old, not pretty, my face is not defined, it's round, I painted an image of
myself & it was what I would look like in the future, over what was past, I couldnt pin the present
down & I think capture & kill sex. August 20: Blue Earth walks in, only once, once more, he says kill
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them, they'll die, you killed them, you give up, you do what you're told. He sees the other people in
the room, lined up like Indians & he whispers you do what you're told, a person, a child, put
yourself in the hands of..., trails off into a hundred years old but new here & three deer cross the
road & someone says have you gotten into revealing yourself more, nothing leaves. August 24:
Dream about the theater still & Bob shows pictures of fucking upside down to the librarian & laugh
& makeup & sleep between two, I cant see either of them, they cant make love or plan to make love
& open cars, movies changed, flowers play upside down & lose this book & money too & something
else, I pay to get it back, we hold hands though. Labor Day: Kaleidoscope, the fall foliage: In
Massachusetts theres a yellow fur running along the side of the road & on a field, sable,...&
someone is picking is harvesting the fur for fur coats & I am running along the side of it I am
running along it, no one sees it, to a barn where there's a meeting a formal, forum, social gathering
& I get there & I'm looking for someone I'm looking for warren or ted & the sky is full of foliage. I
think it's the northern lights, it's tree branches, colors you see, colors you never see in the sky, it
changes like a kaleidoscope turned slowly so that at some point everything shifts like the minute
hand on a school clock, you get to watch it, you get to watch new colors new designs 4 a minute. I
point this phenomenon out to people, they dont see it. It's described on the horizon & I'm amazed,
I meet Ted in three states & he says to me you get around & states, & this is the beginning of states
of consciousness & on the subway each stop is a state & I eat plenty of bread & butter in
cummington, there's no one home so I heap the butter on the bread & lay more butter over it. Some
people come, nothing leaves, the house falls down. That's dreaming & baby what you want baby I
got it & all they are doing is wanting, seek out your own hand writing hand writing of another one
& pieced like eyes they look together at the dream & who am I speaking of & who am I talking to, I
am talking with you I am violating you & my length like the length of this table's body violates your
separate rights, stirring up dust, if any. Your own space & plenty of motion. Now why should you
bother to be me in this way as a mix which is final insult as ax on the head of the murderer & this is
this a public act: they get empty, thoughts fill them endlessly & all they are doing is waiting all they
are wanting is motion & beyond that false ending on the last page on the cover of the book is a fake
a last fake a fake in a series, fake tree made into a book, reread what's been written etc. & beyond
the space, no, the tree, the chance to go there & baby that's what you want baby that's what I got &
energy never leaks out it runs around loose & the tree is formless, it follows its rules around like a
fake & someone wants you to let you take them there & someone wants you to let them take you
there & you find it out, what's there, as a struggle already dying to explore, what's there, as a piece,
to mesmerize, to suck you in to leave all out to include all, you gotta be ready you're ready, eyes
violate as I do every day, all born. Now you tell me, can I say that

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