Compare and Contrast Marketing Strategies Used in Mass Marketing, Direct Marketing, Micro-Marketing, and One-To-One Marketing
Compare and Contrast Marketing Strategies Used in Mass Marketing, Direct Marketing, Micro-Marketing, and One-To-One Marketing
Compare and Contrast Marketing Strategies Used in Mass Marketing, Direct Marketing, Micro-Marketing, and One-To-One Marketing
Mass marketing is a strategy which advertise the products and services by targeting the large
audiences without any goal of addressing a specific number of people. It covers all the
technique is used mostly by the big corporations and emphasizes on selling products at lower
prices. This helps them to achieve highest sales as well as enhance their brand image (Alexa
Drake; 2019).
Direct marketing is used for reshaping the face of marketing. This method of marketing is
used for presenting the company information with respect to the company, product and price
towards the target customers through various media channels. The companies use direct
marketing strategies for building effective and long-term relationships with the gainful
customers (Thomas, A.R., Lewison, D.M., Hauser, W.J, & Foley, L.M; 2007). The mode of
communication used for direct marketing are through phone calls, leaflet distribution, kiosk
Micromarketing is a marketing strategy which is used for targeting specific customers within
a particular niche market. The company uses narrowly defined demographics which are based
on the gender, age, income level for creating marketing campaigns towards the definite niche
segment (Alexandra Twin; 2021). This is a cost-effective strategy with very limited
marketing campaigns. Therefore, the company designs both the product and the marketing
program for achieving the micro marketing goals (Kotler, 1988; Schiller,1989).
One-on-one marketing is a marketing strategy which advertises the products and services
based on the customer choices. This marketing strategy does not try to attract the attention of
the customers instead it keeps they themselves care about their own business. Thus, the two
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basic principles on which one-on-one marketing is dependent are personalized services and
customization. Based on this marketing strategy the vendor will try to learn about the specific
requirements of the customers, edifice a merchandise which is directed towards the customers
and sell the product at a price which is distinct from others (Pine, Peppers & Rogers, 1995).
The best example with respect to one-on-one marketing is the personal computers offered by
Dell. They allow the customers to interact with them through their website and build a
Alexa Drake; Learn Hub; What Is Mass Marketing and How It’s Effective; (2019);
Thomas, A.R., Lewison, D.M., Hauser, W.J, & Foley, L.M. Direct Marketing in Action:
Cutting‐Edge Strategies for Finding and Keeping the Best Customers. (2007). Direct
Pine II, J., Peppers, D., and Rogers, M., “Do You Want to Keep Your Customers Forever?”
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