Animal Nutrition
Animal Nutrition
Animal Nutrition
The animal and its food
1.1 Water
1.2 Dry matter and its components
1.3 Analysis and characterisation of foods
Food is material that, after ingestion by animals, is capable of being digested, absorbed and
utilised. In a more general sense we use the term ‘food’ to describe edible material. Grass and
hay, for example, are described as foods, but not all their components are digestible. Where
the term ‘food’ is used in the general sense, as in this book, those components capable of
being utilised by animals are described as nutrients.
The animals associated with humans cover the spectrum from herbivores, the plant eaters
(ruminants, horses and small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs); through omnivores,
which eat all types of food (pigs and poultry); to carnivores, which eat chiefly meat (dogs and
cats). Under the control of humans these major classes of animal still pertain, but the range of
foods that animals are now offered is far greater than they might normally consume in the
wild (for example, ruminants are given plant by-products of various human food industries
and some dog foods contain appreciable amounts of cereals).
Nevertheless, plants and plant products from the major source of nutrients in animal nutrition.
The diet of farm animals in particular consists of plants and plant products, although some
foods of animal origin such as fishmeal and milk are used in limited amounts. Animals
depend upon plants for their existence and consequently a study of animal nutrition must
necessarily begin with the plant itself.
Plants are able to synthesise complex materials from simple substances such as carbon
dioxide from the air, and water and inorganic elements from the soil. By means of
photosynthesis, energy from sunlight is trapped and used in these synthetic processes. The
greater part of the energy, however, is stored as chemical energy within the plant itself and it
is this energy that is used by the animal for the maintenance of life and synthesis of its own
body tissues. Plants and animals contain similar types of chemical substances, and we can
group these into classes according to constitution, properties and function. The main
components of foods, plants and animals are:
1.1 WATER: The water content of the animal body varies with age. The newborn animal
contains 750–800 g/kg water but this falls to about 500 g/kg in the mature fat animal. It is
vital to the life of the organism that the water content of the body be maintained: an
animal will die more rapidly if deprived of water than if deprived of food.
Water functions in the body as a solvent in which nutrients are transported about the
body and in which waste products are excreted. Many of the chemical reactions
brought about by enzymes take place in solution and involve hydrolysis. Because of
the high specific heat of water, large changes in heat production can take place within
the animal with very little alteration in body temperature.
Water also has a high latent heat of evaporation, and its evaporation from the lungs
and skin gives it a further role in the regulation of body temperature.The animal
obtains its water from three sources: drinking water, water present in its food, and
metabolic water, this last being formed during metabolism by the oxidation of
hydrogen-containing organic nutrients.
The water content of foods is variable and can range from as little as 60 g/kg in
concentrates to over 900 g/kg in some root crops. Because of this great variation in
water content, the composition of foods is often expressed on a dry matter basis,
which allows a more valid comparison of nutrient content.
This is illustrated in Table 1.1, which lists a few examples of plant and animal
products. The water content of growing plants is related to the stage of growth, being
greater in younger plants than in older plants. In temperate climates the acquisition of
drinking water is not usually a problem and animals are provided with a continuous
supply. There is no evidence that under normal conditions an excess of drinking water
is harmful, and animals normally drink what they require.
1.2 DRY MATTER AND ITS COMPONENTS: The dry matter (DM) of foods is
conveniently divided into organic and inorganic material, although in living organisms
there is no such sharp distinction. Many organic compounds contain mineral elements as
structural components.
Proteins, for example, contain sulphur, and many lipids and carbohydrates contain
phosphorus. It can be seen from Table 1.1 that the main component of the DM of
pasture grass is carbohydrate, and this is true of all plants and many seeds. The
oilseeds, such as groundnuts, are exceptional in containing large amounts of protein
and lipid material.
In contrast, the carbohydrate content of the animal body is very low. One of the main
reasons for the difference between plants and animals is that, whereas the cell walls of
plants consist of carbohydrate material, mainly cellulose, the walls of animal cells are
composed almost entirely of lipid and protein.
Furthermore, plants store energy largely in the form of carbohydrates such as starch
and fructans, whereas an animal’s main energy store is in the form of lipid. The lipid
content of the animal body is variable and is related to age, the older animal
containing a much greater proportion than the young animal. The lipid content of
living plants is relatively low, that of pasture grass, for example, being 40–50 g/kg
DM. In both plants and animals, proteins are the major nitrogen-containing
In plants, in which most of the protein is present as enzymes, the concentration is high
in the young growing plant and falls as the plant matures. In animals, muscle, skin,
hair, feathers, wool and nails consist mainly of protein. Like proteins, nucleic acids
are also nitrogen-containing compounds and they play a basic role in the synthesis of
proteins in all living organisms. They also carry the genetic information of the living
The organic acids that occur in plants and animals include citric, malic, fumaric,
succinic and pyruvic acids. Although these are normally present in small quantities,
they nevertheless play an important role as intermediates in the general metabolism of
the cell. Other organic acids occur as fermentation products in the rumen, or in silage,
and these include acetic, propionic, butyric and lactic acids.
Vitamins are present in plants and animals in minute amounts, and many of them are
important as components of enzyme systems. An important difference between plants
and animals is that, whereas the former can synthesise all the vitamins they require for
metabolism, animals cannot, or have very limited powers of synthesis, and are
dependent upon an external supply.
The inorganic matter contains all those elements present in plants and animals other
than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Calcium and phosphorus are the major
inorganic components of animals, whereas potassium and silicon are the main
inorganic elements in plants.
1.3 Proximate analysis of foods: This system of analysis divides the food into six fractions:
moisture, ash, crude protein, ether extract, crude fibre and nitrogen-free extractives.
The moisture content is determined as the loss in weight that results from drying a
known weight of food to constant weight at 100 °C. This method is satisfactory for
most foods, but with a few, such as silage, significant losses of volatile material
(short-chain fatty acids and alcohols) may take place.
The ash content is determined by ignition of a known weight of the food at 550 °C
until all carbon has been removed. The residue is the ash and is taken to represent the
inorganic constituents of the food. The major component of ash is silica but ash may,
however, contain material of organic origin such as sulphur and phosphorus from
proteins, and some loss of volatile material in the form of sodium, chloride,
potassium, phosphorus and sulphur will take place during ignition. The ash content is
thus not truly representative of the inorganic material in the food either qualitatively
or quantitatively. Animals do not have a requirement for ash as per, but require the
individual mineral elements that it contains.
Crude protein is the amount of protein of animal feed or specific food. Crude protein
depends on the nitrogen content of the food proteins. Crude protein measurements are
common in fields of animal husbandry and food science. It leads to economical
implications. Soybean remains the most important and preferred source of high
quality vegetable protein for animal feed manufacture. Soybean meal, which is the by-
product of oil extraction, has a high crude protein content of 44 to 50 percent and a
balanced amino acid composition, complementary to maize meal for feed formulation.
A high level of inclusion (30-40 percent) is used in high performance monogastric
The ether extract (EE) is a portion of dry matter extracted with ether. It is a
laboratory test to approximate the total fat (or crude fat) content of a feed and includes
some waxes, pigments and other lipids to a minor degree in addition to true fats.
The carbohydrate of the food is contained in two fractions, the crude fibre (CF) and
the nitrogen-free extractives (NFE).The former is determined by subjecting the
residual food from ether extraction to successive treatments with boiling acid and
alkali of defined concentration; the organic residue is the crude fibre.
Crude fibre estimates the indigestible fraction of feed or those fractions of the feed that are
fermented in the hindgut by microbes. Crude fibre is made up of plant cell structural
components, including cellulose, hemi-cellulose, lignin and pectin. For non-ruminant
animals, crude fibre is of little value energy-wise.
As determined by the customary procedure for the analysis of feeding stuffs nitrogen-free
extract is the largest component of the rations of animals, representing 40-70 per cent of the
total dry matter. It serves as a source of energy for body processes and for the deposition of
Digestive System of Ruminants
Ruminant animals are set apart from other mammals by their complex digestive systems.
The way they process food, absorb nutrients and gain energy is different from other
herbivores. The main distinction in a cow’s digestive system or a ruminant digestive system
is that the stomach has four separate compartments, each with a unique function, whereas
most other animals only have a single compartment with a unified functionality.
The four compartments allow ruminant animals to digest grass or vegetation without
completely chewing it first. Instead, they only partially chew the vegetation, then
microorganisms in the rumen section of the stomach break down the rest. Animals with
singular stomach compartments known as a monogastric digestive system do not have the
same capability.
Many different animals have this unique four compartment stomach type of digestive system,
Water buffalo
These animals convert plant matter and vegetation into useable energy more efficiently than
other herbivores.
In cattle and dairy cows, the development, pH balance, functionality and bacteria levels of the
digestive system are crucial to maintaining overall health and high yield.
While some parts of the ruminant digestive system are similar to those of non-ruminant
systems, several essential components perform the necessary functions for digestion.
Components of the Ruminant Digestive System
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Pancreatic Amylase
Small Intestine Monosaccharides
Monogastric animals do not secrete enzymes that digest the complex carbohydrates (β
1,4 linkages; e.g., nonstarch polysaccharides [NSP], glucans, cellulose) that are
components of plant fiber (e.g., wheat, barley) and are acted upon by hindgut
microbes to yield volatile fatty acids (VFAs).
High levels of NSP and glucans in a monogastric diet can cause viscous digesta and
can interfere with digestion processes leading to malabsorption. In poultry, high-NSP-
containing diets (e.g., barley, rye) can produce wet litter, dirty eggs, and diarrhea.
Carbohydrate Digestion in Ruminants: Carbohydrate digestion in ruminant animals is
through microbial fermentation in the rumen. Dietary carbohydrates are degraded (fermented)
by rumen microbes (bacteria, fungi, protozoa). The purpose of rumen fermentation is to
produce energy as ATP for the bacteria to use for protein synthesis and their own growth.
VFAs, also known as short-chain fatty acids (shown below), are produced as a product of
rumen fermentation and are absorbed through the rumen wall and are utilized by the animal
as an energy source.
Major Volatile Fatty Acids Produced in the Rumen
Acetic acid
Propionic acid
Butyric acid
The three major VFAs are acetic (C2), propionic (C3), and butyric acid (C4; shown below).
The end products of digestion in ruminants are volatile fatty acids and some
In young ruminants, rumen and the reticulum are not fully developed and are
relatively small. The reticular/esophageal groove reflex, a tube-like fold of tissue,
channels milk or water that is sucked from a nipple directly through the omasum to
the abomasum. This is a reflex, stimulated by sucking.
When the animal is weaned, it normally loses this reflex. Solid food, such as creep
feed, passes into the small rumen and fermentation starts. The neonatal ruminant
animal has no ruminal bacterial population but from birth, it starts to pick up bacteria
from the mother and environment, particularly through contact.
Solid food is then fermented forming VFAs, which stimulate the growth and
development of the rumen, particularly the growth of the papillae for absorption. All
the digested and absorbed monosaccharides and volatile fatty acids enter into the
The end products of rumen fermentation are microbial cell masses, or microbial
protein-synthesized VFA, and gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen, and
hydrogen sulfide.
The products of fermentation will vary with the relative composition of the rumen
microflora. The microbial population also depends on the diet, since these changes the
substrates for fermentation and subsequently the products of fermentation. For
example, starch is the major dietary constituent in concentrate-fed ruminants (e.g.,
feedlot cattle). The rumen of such animals will have higher amylolytic bacteria than
cellulolytic bacteria present in the rumen of roughage- and pasture-fed animals.
Factors such as the forage:concentrate ratio, the physical form of the diet (ground vs.
pelleted), feed additives, and animal species can affect the rumen fermentation
process and VFA production.
Molar ratios of VFAs are dependent on the forage:concentrate ratio of the diet.
Cellulolytic bacteria tend to produce more acetate, while amylolytic bacteria produce
more propionic acid. Typically three major VFA molar ratios are 65:25:10 with a
roughage diet and 50:40:10 with a concentrate-rich diet. Changes in VFA
concentration can lead to several disorders of carbohydrate digestion in ruminants.
Rumen acidosis occurs when animals are fed high-grain-rich diets or when animals
are suddenly changed from pasture- or range-fed to feedlot conditions.
Carbohydrates, Metabolism: Carbohydrates are the major source of energy in the animal’s
diet. By the help of different metabolic pathways by which absorbed glucose and volatile
fatty acids are converted to energy in the animal body.
Animals need energy to carry out all the body processes (e.g., nutrient transport, synthesis,
muscle contraction) required to maintain life. Without energy, an animal is unable to move,
to digest its food, to reproduce, to grow, or even to breathe. Energy requirement and balance
are more important in food-producing animals with their need to synthesize nutrients (e.g.,
proteins, fat) for deposition into muscle, milk, and eggs. Carbohydrates are the major energy
source in the diet of farm animals.
Forms of Energy
ATP is the compound used as an energy source in biochemical reactions.
Hydrogen plays a prominent role in energy metabolism. During the catabolism of glucose
(C6H12O6) by the animal, hydrogen is transferred from glucose to hydrogen receptors, such as
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). These
hydrogen acceptors (reducing equivalents) are oxidized in the reactions of the respiratory
chain inside the mitochondria to release energy.
In biological systems, oxidation of hydrogen is coupled with the synthesis of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the readily available form of energy (“molecular energy currency
unit”) in the cell. ATP has three components: a nitrogenous base (adenine), the sugar ribose,
and the triphosphate (figure 5.1). Energy is stored within the PO 4 bonds, and the release of
each phosphate bond generates eight kcal of energy.
Forms of Energy
1 mole ATP = 8 kcal/mol
Reducing equivalents
1 mole NAD, NADH = 3 ATP
1 mole FAD, FADH = 2 ATP