Blankish 8.2 Reading Guide

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NAME ___________________________________________________ DATE _____________________

4-11-22 CLASS ______________


Guided Reading Activity netw rks

Sensation and Perception

Lesson 2 The Senses

Review Questions: Outlining

Directions: Read the lesson and complete the outline below. Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks.

I. Vision

A. The __________________
cones in the retina enable(s) us to see color and the __________________
rods enable(s) us
to see in low levels of light.

B. Neuronal impulses reach the brain from the eye through the __________________.
optic nerve
C. Colors are comprised of light rays of different __________________.
D. Retinal disparity is essential to the sense of __________________.
depth perception
E. Imperfectly shaped eyeballs are the cause of __________________, or difficulty focusing on things at a
distance, andfarsightedness
__________________, or difficulty focusing on things that are close.

F. The most common color deficiency is the inability to distinguish among shades in the colors
red and green
G. A common cause of blindness due to aging is __________________,
cataracts in which the cones in the retina
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

gradually deteriorate.

II. Hearing

A. Any sound over __________________

110 can cause hearing damage in humans.

B. The three parts of the ear are the __________________,

outer where sound waves enter; the __________________,
which contain the hammer, anvil and stirrup; and the __________________,
inner which contains the cochlea.

C. __________________
Conduction deafness occurs when something hinders the transmission of sound;
__________________ deafness occurs when the cochlea, hair cells, or auditory neurons have been

III. The Chemical Senses: Smell and Taste

A. The sense of smell is called __________________,

olfaction and the sense of taste is called __________________.
B. The four primary sensations that make up taste are __________________,
sour __________________,
bitter and __________________.
C. Sight and sound receptors are sensitive to waves, while smell and taste receptors are sensitive to

Understanding Psychology 1
NAME ___________________________________________________ DATE _____________________ CLASS ______________

Guided Reading Activity cont. netw rks

Sensation and Perception
IV. Balance and the Skin and Body Senses

A. __________________
Somesthesis refers to the group of senses that includes balance, touch, and body position.
semicircular canals
B. Sense of balance is regulated by the movement of fluid inside the three __________________ located in the
ear’s vestibular system.

C. The four primary skin senses are __________________,

pressure __________________,
warmth __________________,
cold and
gate control theory of pain
D. According to the __________________, you can decrease the sensation of pain by increasing nonpainful

E. The sense of movement and body position is called __________________.


Summary and Reflection

Directions: Summarize the main ideas of this lesson by answering the question below.
What structures in the sense organs convert stimuli into chemical-electrical messages and send them
to the brain?



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2 Understanding Psychology

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