HSE Plan

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the health, safety and environment (HSE) management system for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a 132/11kV substation and associated remote end works in Dubai. It details the HSE policies, objectives, organization, responsibilities, risk management procedures, emergency response plans, standards and procedures to be followed for the project.

The scope of work described in the document is the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of WAHADLND 132/11KV SUBSTATION (G+1) ASSOCIATED REMOTE END WORKS, DUBAI.

The responsibilities outlined for different project roles include the project manager, HSE manager, construction manager, site engineer, safety officer, QA/QC engineer, site supervisor/foreman/team leader, technicians, and sub-contractors, visitors and other interested parties.



Prepared For

Submitted By


(HSE) Management System

Date of Release: May 2019

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Project Description Revision Comments

N-3091900013 & 14/PHSEP

Details Date Name Signature Remarks

Originator May 2019 M.S. Kowsigan

Reviewed May 2019 Joydip Saha

Approved May 2019 Sukesh Veauli

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Section Document Description Page No.
1 Scope of Work 10
2 Policy and Objectives 11
2.1 HSE Policy 11
2.2 DEWA IMS Policy 12
2.3 HSE Objectives 13
3 Leadership and Commitments 14
4 Project Organization & Responsibilities, 15
4.1 Project Organization 15
4.1.1 Responsibilities of Project Manager 15
4.1.2 Responsibilities of HSE Manager (Projects) 15
4.1.3 Responsibilities of Const. Manager 16
4.1.4 Responsibilities of Site Engineer 16
4.1.5 Responsibilities of Safety Officer 16
4.1.6 Responsibilities of QA/QC Engineer 16
4.1.7 Responsibilities of Site Supervisor/ Foreman / Team Leader 17
4.1.8 Responsibilities of Technician’s 17
4.1.9 Responsibilities of Sub-Contractor, Visitor and Other Interested Parties 17
4.2 Communication System 18
4.2.1 Procedure for Communication - HSE Committees 18
4.2.2 HSE Bulletin board 18
4.2.3 Toolbox Talk Meeting 18
4.2.4 Methodology for Public Awareness 18
4.3 Meetings 19
4.3.1 Client & Consultant Safety Meetings 19
4.3.2 HSE Performance Award 19
4.4 Screening of New Workmen 19
4.5 HSE Training 20
4.5.1 HSE Induction 20
5 Risk Evaluation & Management Procedure 20
5.1 The Workplace Hazards Controls 21
5.2 Assessment of Exposure of The Work Force to Hazards and Aspects 22
5.3 MSDS For Safe Handling of Chemicals and Other Hazardous Materials 24
6 Planning, Standards and Procedures 24
6.1 HSE Standards, Procedures and Legislations 24
6.2 Basic HSE Rules 25
6.2.1 How to Manage the Change Through Organization 25
6.3 Emergency Management Plan 26
6.3.1 Emergency Response Committee 26
6.3.2 Emergency Response Communications System 28
6.3.3 Emergency Response Exercises 28
6.3.4 Emergency Response Procedures 28 Fall Prevention Procedure 29
6.3.5 Oil Spill Emergency Response 30
6.3.6 The Nearest Hospital and Their Address & Emergency Contact No’s 32

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6.4 Personal protective equipment (PPE) 32
6.5 First Aid 33
6.6 Summer Break - Working Hours 33
6.7 Environmental Aspects / Impacts 34
6.8 Waste Management System 35
6.9 Management of Subcontractors 36
6.10 Road Transport / Vehicle Movement 38
6.11 Material Storage 39
6.11.1 DG & Diesel storage area 39
6.12 Welfare Facilities for Labour In Camp 40
6.12.1 Welfare Facilities for Labour In Site 41
6.12.2 Safeguard of Employees Health 41
6.13 Safety Consideration during Work Activities 41
6.13.1 Safety Precautions during Access Road & Platform work 41
6.13.2 Safety Precaution While Working Around Protected Site 42
6.13.3 Safety Precautions during Foundation and Pilling Work 42
6.13.4 Safety Precaution during Tower Erection Work 43
6.13.5 Safety Precaution during Stringing Works 43
6.13.6 Safety Precaution during Painting Work at Ground Level 44
6.13.7 Safety Precaution during Testing and Commissioning of OPGW 44
6.13.8 Safety Aspects in Work Shop Activities at Open Store Yard 45
6.13.9 Motorized Vehicles and Equipment’s Safety 46
6.13.10 Safety Precautions Crane and Lifting Equipment 46 General 46 Operator 46
6.1310.3 Slinger/Rigger 47
6.13.11 Safety Precautions in Material Handling 47
6.13.12 General Health & Safety Rules 47
6.13.13 Working in Excavation Control Procedure 47
6.13.14 Work Equipment &Tools Fitness 48
6.13.15 Safety Precautions during Inclement Weather Conditions 49
6.14 Permit to Work System 50
6.15 Disciplinary Action Procedure on HSE Rules Violations 50
6.16 Security Control Plan 50
7 Implementations & Monitoring 51
7.1 HSE Performance – General 51
7.2 Accident- Incident/Near Miss Reporting, Investigation& Analysis 51
7.3 Safety Inspections 52
7.4 Monitoring Plan 53
8 Audit and Management Reviews 54
8.1 HSE Audit & Inspections 54
8.2 Monitoring and Review 54
8.3 Provision of HSE Plan 55
Annexure DEWA SP:06

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Form No Forms / Formats (Annexes) No. Pages
1 Organization Chat 2
2 Project Location Map 2
3 Risk Assessment 102
4 DEWA Color Coding 2
5 Near Miss, Preliminary Incident Notification and Follow up 4
6 Monthly EHS Inspection Report 6
7 Work Permits & Procedure 12
8 Forms & Check list 17
9 TBT & Induction Form 2
10 Man, Driver, Team Leader of the Month 3
11 Penalty System 2
12 Training Matrix 1
13 Screening of Workmen 1
14 Emergency Contact Numbers & Drill Schedules 4
15 HSE Plan Implementation 2
16 OHS Key Performance Indicators 1
17 DEWA – SP06 Contractor and Consultant procedure Requirements 42
18 Health and Safety Risk Assessment Form 2
19 First Aid Check Lists 3
20 Legal Compliance Monitoring & Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register 12

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Copy No. Issued To

1 KEC Head Office- Dubai

2 Country Manager-KEC International Ltd.

3 Project Manager-KEC International Ltd.

4 DEWA Office – Dubai

5 Office – Site Office

6 KEC Office –Site Office


HSE : Health, Safety & Environmental

PHSEP : Project Health Safety & Environment Plan

HSEMS : Health Safety Environmental Management System

EPC : Engineering, Procurement & Construction

DEWA : Dubai Transmission & Despatch Company

OPGW : Optical Ground Wires

OHL : Over Head Transmission line

J/P : Junction Point

ERC : Emergency Response Committee

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1. Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice

2. Dubai Municipality Code of Practice for management of Dangerous Goods

3. Dubai Municipality Traffic Control Devices Manual

4. Technical Guidelines issued by Dubai Municipality E P S S

5. DEWA Occupational Health & Safety Management System Documents (SP01, SP02, SP03, SP04 & SP06 HSE

Procedure for Contractors)

6. Federal Law No. 8/1980 – Regulation of Labour Relations & Implementation

7. Local Order No.61/1991 – Environmental Protection System in the Emirates of Dubai

8. Local Order No.3/1999 – Construction Activities Regulations in the Emirates of Dubai

9. Local Order No. (11) of 2003 on Public Health and Society safety in the Emirates of Dubai

10. Local Order No.24 of 1999 for the Protection and Development of Environment

11. Rules & regulations of Dubai Roads & Traffic Authority

12. Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Specification: 18001:2007.

13. ISO14001:2015 – Environmental Management System

14. HSE Requirements of Contracts Documents

15. UAE Fire & Safety Code of practice – 2017

16. SA80000:2008, Social Accountability Clause No.3 (Health & Safety)

17. Ministerial Resolution No. (471) for the Year 2017 Regarding Mid-Day Break Rule & regulations

18. Dewa - SP06: Contractor and consultant procedure Requirements

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ACCIDENT: An unplanned or undesired event that can result in harm to people, property or the environment.

HSE: Health, Safety and Environment

EXPOSURE: The Measurement of time during which the subject is at risk from a hazard

FATALITY: Death due to work related incident or illness, damage to properly, loss of production, or any combination of

HARM: Includes or a situation with a potential to cause harm, including human injury or ill health, damage to properly,
damage to the environmental, or a combination of these.

HOUSEKEEPING: Maintaining the working Environmental in a tidy manner.

INCIDENT: an instance of something happening; an event or occurrence.

LOST TIME INJURY (LTI): Work related injury or illness that renders the injured person unable to perform any of
their duties or return to work on a scheduled work shift, on any day immediately following the da of the accident.

MEDICAL TREATMENT CASE: Work related injury or illness requiring more than first aid treatment by a physician,
Surgeon or registered medical personnel.

MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet.

TRAINING: The Process of imparting specific skills and understanding to undertake defined tasks.

UNSAFE ACT OR CONDITION: any act or condition that devices from a generally recognized safe way or specified
method of doing a job and increases the potential for an accident.

NEAR MISS: A Near Miss is an event where no contact or exchange of energy occurred and thus did not result in
personal injury, asset loss or damage to the environment.

PPE: all equipment and clothing intended to be utilized, which affords protection against one or more risks to health and
safety. This includes protection against adverse weather conditions.

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RISK: A measure of the likelihood that the harm from a hazard will occur, taking into account the possible severity of the

RESTRICTED WORK CASE: Work related injury or illness that renders the injured person unable to perform all
normally assigned work functions during a scheduled work shift or being assigned to another job on a temporary or
permanent basis on the day following the injury.

RISK ASSESSMENT: The process of analyzing the level of risk considering those in danger, and evaluating whether
hazards are adequately controlled, considering any measures already in place.

RISK MANAGEMENT: The process of identifying hazards, assessing risk, acting to eliminate or reduce risk and
monitoring and reviewing results.

SWL: Safe Working Load

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This document, called hereafter as Project HSE Plan, is prepared in order to demonstrate how health safety and
environmental management systems are handled by (KEC International Ltd.) working as main contractor for
SUBSTATION (G+1) ASSOCIATED REMOTE END WORKS, DUBAI during execution of works. The Project
HSE Plan will be reviewed and updated throughout the period of execution of project.
The Project HSE Plan is based on the applicable local requirements, KEC health and safety
requirements/standards, OHSAS 18001:2007 and Customer safety requirements. The Project HSE Plan covers
the Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental aspects during project documentation of Contract No. and
Customer requirements related documentation and records are kept available on site in HSE file.
Documents kept in the HSE file are:
 easily identifiable
 revision controlled
 reviewed and authorized
 issued to the relevant place of work, and
 recalled when superseded or obsolete
 Customer – any natural or legal person from whom a project is carried out.
 Main Contractor – any natural or legal person by whom the project is carried out.
 Subcontractor – any natural or legal person who is offering subcontracting for main contractor.
 Project Consultant – any natural or legal person responsible for the supervision of the design and
execution of project, acting on behalf of the Customer
 HSE Advisor– any natural or legal person entrusted by the Main Contractor during the execution of the
project for strict implementation of HSE rules.
Contract No.: 3091900013 - 3091900014
Client: DEWA
Main Contractor: KEC Intl Ltd
1 MAKHAZEN 132/11KV SUBSTATION B+G+1 Substation 24 Months
(G+1) 7 Bays GIS

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Scope of works:
The project includes Engineering, Supply, Construction, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
a new 132/11KV Substation, associated remote end works.
 132kV GIS – 7 Bays.
 11kV AIS- 71panels.
 LVAC Switchgears.
 50 MVA Transformer – 3 Nos.
 HV, MV, LV Cable Works, DC System, Earthing & Lightning Protection Works
 LSP, CCTV, DACS, Crane etc.
 Telecommunication, capacitor banks, protection, cables, ET & other standard supply and services.
 Civil & MEP works.
 Remote End Modification works.
The Entire project to be commissioned within the period of 24 Months + 2-month reliability run from
date signed the contract.

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2. Policy and Objectives

2.1. HSE policy

HSE policy ‫سياسة الصحة والسالمة والبيئة‬

We are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy ‫نحن ملتزمون بضمان مكان عمل آمن وصحي لموظفينا والمقاولين‬
workplace for our employees and contractors while
protecting the environment. ‫مع حماية البيئة‬.

To achieve this, we shall: ‫ سنقوم بما يلي‬، ‫لتحقيق ذلك‬:

Comply with Environment, Health and Safety ‫االمتثال للوائح البيئة والصحة والسالمة وغيرها من المتطلبات‬.
regulations and other requirements.

Continually upgrade our processes to monitor and ‫التطوير المستمر لعملياتنا لمراقبة ومراقبة التأثيرات الضارة على‬
control adverse impacts on the environment, ‫البيئة والصحة والسالمة المهنية‬.
occupational health and safety.

Institutionalize pollution prevention and conserve ‫مأسسة منع التلوث والحفاظ على الموارد‬.

Have an accident free workplace. ‫لديك مكان عمل خالية من الحوادث‬.

Enhance awareness, skill and competence of our ‫ والمقاولين لتلبية أهدافنا في‬Ž‫تعزيز الوعي والمهارة والكفاءة لموظفينا‬
employees and contractors to meet our EHS ‫( مجال البيئة والصحة والسالمة‬EHS).
‫سيكون لموظفي اإلدارة واإلشراف ملكية التمسك بمبادئ هذه السياسة‬
The management and supervisory personnel will ‫ودمجها في الشركة والمتعاقدين معها‬
have the ownership to uphold the principles of this
policy and integrate them throughout the company
and its contractors

Sukesh Veauli
General Manager
May 2019

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2.3. Objectives

The objective of this HSE Plan is written to enhance safety procedures and to provide safe working environment
which us to be executed throughout this project and establishes the HSE practices for each activity involved in
this project as per the requirement by the client & associated Local & International legislation, Local rules and
Defined within this HSE Plan for contract, the responsibilities of Management, nominated individuals and
employees, legislative guidance, Risk assessments & Hazard information for each activity involved in this
project, Accident and Incident reporting system, together with provisions to monitor the effectiveness of our

The Objectives will be achieved by conducting activities as follows:

 Accident /Incident free project during the execution
 Meet action plan for Internal / External Audits
 An injury free workplace & Competence and training
 EST. training program 2019 as part of competency improvement to achieve the set targets.
 Conducting regular monitoring of HSE Performance and discussing the safety issues on weekly safety
 Conducting safety training, regular safety tool box talks and safety awareness campaigns.
The objective needs to be SMART where possible, supported by measurable targets, the elements for smart
objectives and targets and targets are policy, planning, implementation, checking and corrective action, HSE
management review.
M/s. KEC has set KPI’s for the following categories.
 Near Misses, Medical treatment case
 Restricted workday case, Lost time injury
 Reportable dangerous occurrence
 Reportable severe injury
 Occupational illness / disease
 First aid cases
 Property damage incidents
 Training as per project Training Matrix
There is a system-based monitoring on monthly, quarterly and yearly basis for project measurable objectives for

Sukesh Veauli
General Manager
May 2019

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3. Leadership and Commitments

KEC considers Health, Safety and the protection of the Environment to be of the highest priority in the everyday
activities of the Company. It is the policy of KEC to provide a standard of training, information, instruction and
supervision in health and safety to enable its employees to carry out their given duties safely. All employees have
a clear responsibility to maintain a positive attitude to safety awareness and to prevent injury to themselves and
others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Plan sets out how a project is to develop and implement its HSE
Management System to deliver the project in full compliance with all DEWA and applicable legal requirements.
The HSE Plan identifies projects critical HSE activities; their timing with respect to project work programs and
mentions person’s roles and responsibilities with respect to these activities.
Management maintains high HSE Standards and practices. All employees understand are committed to follow
the HSE Standards.
 To identify critical activities, assess the risks associated therein, and suggest proper mitigation measures
to avoid incident /accidents
 To integrate HSE standards at all work practices
 To create HSE awareness among every individual person associated with the project execution.
 To provide the necessary HSE inputs and guidelines to KEC site management.
 To formulate and effectively maintain the accident prevention program during entire project activities.
 To establish responsibilities / accountability for HSE compliance.
 To promote continuous awareness in HSE system to achieve the Goal of “NOT TO CAUSE INJURE

 All Senior management promotes and shows commitment
 Management supports open dialogue for HSE issues
 Establishment and maintain techniques and procedures for analyzing and monitoring the effectiveness of
the HSE program and for continually improving HSE Standards and Practices
Their individual responsibilities have been stated in the next topic organization, Resources and competence.

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4.1. Project Organization:
Responsibility and authorities are the basic management concepts. Management provides employees with the
authority to carry out the assigned task and holds the employee accountable for successful and safe completion of
the specific task. All managers, engineers, staff and employees shall be accountable to meet the KEC safety goals
and objectives. Include Organization Chart of KEC International Ltd.
For this project is shown in Annexure: 1 & 1A
Responsibilities of the key personnel and employees are described in brief as under.
4.1.1. Responsibility of Project Manager:
The Project Manager responsibilities include, but not limited to: -
1. He shall be the overall responsible for HSE and will be responsible to allocate entire required HSE resources
for projects
2. Comply with all Safety and Health laws and local regulations in UAE.
3. Being familiar with the requirements and recommendations for Safe Working Practices, Method Statements
and Risk Assessments etc. applicable to their work place and ensure that they are enforced.
4. Incorporating safety and health instructions into the routine day to day orders and make sure they are
understood and obeyed.
5. Ensuring that all operatives/labor are suitably trained for the work in which they will be engaged in.
6. Maintaining all welfare facilities in a clean and safe condition.
7. Ensuring that other persons including, Clients representatives, other contractors and members of the public
are protected from the work activities of CONTRACTOR and its sub-contractors.
8. Act against those who consistently fail to take care of their own HSE and of other persons working with
them or in the vicinity.
9. Carry out site HSE Inspection with site team monthly once as per Client requirements.
4.1.2. Responsibilities of HSE Manager:
1. Oversee development of all projects in UAE and assist in all areas of HSE.
2. Ensure availability of resources to manage HSE requirements in all the UAE projects.
3. Liaising with / client to resolve HSE issues.
4. Overall responsibility to prepare HSE Plans for all projects in UAE and coordinate with site safety officers to
maintain the HSE plans
5. Monitor, evaluate and analyze effectiveness of the HSE plan/ system and propose improvement plans based
on feedback
6. Carry out site safety inspection along with site engineers/ supervisors to evaluate the performance of Health,
Safety and environment Management system and based on inspections, corrective actions must be verified at
7. Provide management with recommendations for improving the HSE Program.
8. Distribute promotional/educational materials and direct appropriate training.
9. Carry out site HSE Inspection with site team monthly once as per Client requirements

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4.1.3. Responsibilities of Construction Manager:
1. Overall responsible and accountable for site safety.
2. Maintain an organization to support and advice on HSE Plan implementation and HSE performance
3. Be responsible for HSE Plan implementation in their Project.
4. Manage the identification and assessment of HSE risk for the activities which they are responsible.
5. Identify HSE problems relating to the execution of HSE critical activities (and other HSE activities) they
manage and initiate preventative and corrective actions.
6. Provide visual leadership and commitment to the health and safety of employees, protection of the
environment and prevention of loss.
7. Represent the project at company HSE committee meeting & DEWA upon commissioning stage
4.1.4. Responsibilities of Site Engineer:
1. Implement safety program elements and ensure compliance with program requirements.
2. Ensure that facilities, equipment, work areas, and work processes comply with established standards.
3. Maintain the employee hazard-reporting program and encourage employees to report Near Miss reports to
supervision or management.
4. Participate in safety review meetings.
5. Carry out site safety inspection along with safety Manager/officers to evaluate the performance of Health,
Safety and environment Management system and based on inspections, corrective actions must have
implemented at site.
6. Interact with subcontractors on site for project related activities.
4.1.5. Responsibilities of Safety Engineer / Officer:
HSE Engineer / Personnel shall:
1. Have direct access to top/senior management.
2. Maintain and enhance the HSE Plan in accordance with emerging DEWA’s advice on new Requirements and
3. Responsible to create positive HSE Culture in coordination with Project Manager and site team members
4. Support the Project Manager (at the sites) and be responsible for the management of HSE critical activities.
5. Carry out daily site safety inspections.
6. Perform audits of the project sites to assure KEC. Management that operations comply with HSE Plan
7. Reporting to management on HSE performance
8. Monitor and communicate information on HSE issues (DEWA, national and international, legal
requirements, stakeholder concerns) and best practice from internal and external sources.
4.1.6. Responsibilities of QA/ QC Engineer / Officer:
1. Organize, implement, conduct and manage the QA/QC Programs as per the Company's Quality Policy.
2. Coordinate the document controls of technical submittals, drawings, etc with the Project
3. Team and to ensure that the QA/QC validation has been done, to ensure their issue, amendments and recall
of controlled documents.

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4. Coordinate all inspections, monitor the required tests and record inspections and tests made pas the Contract
Plan and Contract Specifications.
5. Liaise with the Client's representatives for the conduct of day-to-day quality related project activities.
6. Coordinate with the Project Manager regarding work performance and hold authority to stop work in any
area where discrepancies remain uncorrected and/or cancel the stop work order upon satisfactory correction
of noted deficiencies.
7. Assist QA/QC Manager in conducting internal quality audits.
8. Ensure that Non-Conformance Report (NCR) are raised once the activities deviated from the Contract
Specifications or normal construction industry practices.
9. Coordinate with the project staff to compile and maintain pertinent records
10. Attend Monthly Project Review Meetings (PRM) and alert the project team of any potential problems.
4.1.7. Responsibilities of Site Supervisor / Foreman / Team Leader:
1. Taking necessary precautions to protect the safety and health of workers under their supervision Providing
and maintaining a safe workplace, equipment, tools and systems
2. Conduct daily Tool Box talks to all workers is aware of hazards in the workplace as well as the precautions
necessary for their protection.
3. Taking necessary precautions to ensure that other persons are not exposed to safety or health risks due to the
activities of the workplace.
4. Ensuring that workers comply with safety and health procedures and use safety equipment, clothing, and
5. Advising workers of safety and health hazards in the work area;
6. Cooperating with the workplace safety and health committee or representative;
7. Cooperating with other people on workplace safety and health matters.
4.1.8. Responsibilities of Technicians:
1. Keep tools and equipment in good working order.
2. Use correct personal protective equipment and apparel, including safety footwear.
3. Keep all work areas clear of clutter and equipment.
4. Avoid uncomfortable body positions or take frequent breaks & Learn safe lifting techniques.
5. Follow a recommended shift work pattern and be aware of the associated hazards.
6. Cooperating with other people on workplace safety and health matters.
7. Follow company safety rules.
8. Stay informed about chemical hazards, MSDSs. & know how to report a hazard.
9. Follow good housekeeping procedures
4.1.9. Sub – Contractors, Visitors and other Interested Parties:
1. Follow KEC PHSEP requirements.
2. Ensure their employees are familiar with the HSE requirements of DEWA
3. Provide information, induction, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that each employee is safe
from injury and risk to health.
4. Provide appropriate protective equipment and clothing for all employees.

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5. Assist in accident investigations and analysis.
6. Keep and maintain all HSE related records.
7. Keep and maintain all documents of equipment’s /tools/vehicles, test certificates and driving license at site

4.2. Communication System

 The KEC has established and will maintain different means of communication for internal and external
communication regarding environment aspects, hazards and associated risks and its HSE Plan. KEC ensures
that all employees and contractor are aware of the:
 Importance of compliance with KEC HSE Policy, strategic objectives.
 Procedures and requirements and their individual roles and responsibilities in achieving it.
 HSE hazard, aspects and effects of their work activities.
 HSE risk management (including emergency response) procedures that have been established.

4.2.1. Procedure for communication - HSE Committees

 HSE Committees shall focus on relevant HSE issues and provide a framework for communication on the
management of these issues by:
 Stimulating effective two-way communication on HSE issues between management and personnel.
 Engaging all staff in the implementation of the HSE Plan
 Organizing inspections and audits focused on unsafe or environmentally unfriendly practices.
 Reviewing reports of inspections and audits.
 Monitoring follow-up to accident and incidents that have occurred.
 Security the co-operation of all persons in the promotion of HSE.
 Advising on HSE training, instructions and guidance, sharing lessons learnt from incidents (including
relevant incidents)

4.2.2. HSE Bulletin Board:

 The information posted on bulletin boards shall be placed neatly and information should be correct and
current. Bulletin boards shall contain key elements of federal rules, contract requirements, KEC HSE rules
and regulations, policy etc.
4.2.3. Toolbox Talk Meeting:
 The Site Engineers / foreman on different topics shall conduct regular toolbox meeting (Refer Annexure 2
for Implementation Plan) by selecting small group of people. A typical format for Tool Box Talk is exhibited
in the Annexure: 3

 Public is also known as ‘Stakeholders’: all of those who have rights, responsibilities and interests. Public
awareness is process of informing people about an organization and its construction activities. Public
concerns about a site-specific development are Health concerns, impacts on local amenities, Impacts on
property values, Transport impacts, Effects on quality of life and Nuisance from noise, dust etc.
 Basic Public Concerns in General:

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 Fear of damage to health
 Effects on quality of life
 Damage to natural environment
 Lack of trust in responsible authorities
 As the basic need of raise public’s awareness are to increase their trust, to provide accurate information, to
convey their own responsibilities as waste generators, to get support for national waste strategies and
especially a hazardous waste management programme and to get local acceptance of necessary facilities
required by that strategy.
4.2.5. Meetings
 HSE issues will be discussed as per the agenda prepared. The agenda will focus on implementation plan
topics. Corrective and preventive actions will be taken during this review meeting and accordingly PHSEP
will be updated. The meeting will be chaired by the Project Manager, HSE Manager/Engineer and all key
personnel of the project. The HSE meeting will comprise of Engineers, Supervisors, Site in-charges, Store
keeper and Gang Leaders. HSE meeting will be held at least once in a month or as and when situation
demands in consultation with the Project Manager.
4.3.1. Client & Consultant Safety Meetings
 Monthly HSE meeting will be conducted along with Client and Consultant discusses about the HSE issues at
work place.
4.3.2. HSE Performance Award:
Performance award program shall be established during the project. The Project Manager shall set
incentives. The incentive scheme is based on criteria, which is exhibited in the Annexure 4, 5 & 6. Every
month the following employee will be awarded with cash prize along with certificate.
1. Man, of the Month
2. Driver of the Month
3. Team leader of the Month
Achieving 1,000,000 Man-hours without any Lost Time Injury (LTI) all employees will receive appropriate
incentives from Country Manager.
4.4 Screening of New Workmen:
 All new workmen are to be screened by the project manager, before he deployed on the job.
 Before commencing of any job, the workmen are made aware of the potential hazards through talks. Work
method and various safety precautions are explained to them. This cautions them on the associated risk and
prepares them to take adequate precaution. The typical form of screening workmen is exhibited in the
Annexure: 7
Employees Health Screening Procedure:

Step 1: All employees must be gone through medical check up to access the health issues

Step 2: Administration manager must complete the health risk assessment form detailing risk associated with
work activity.

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Step 3: Information of health screening of employees must be forwarded towards Occupational Health Provider
for assessment.

The typical form of Health/ screening workmen is exhibited in Annexure 7

Note: Health records of all employees must be maintained at office for future follow up.

4.5 HSE TRAINING & Competence Requirement

 HSE personnel on site will ensure that all personnel regardless of position are given HSE trainings as the
scope of work and work conditions dictate. Everyone must be trained in both general awareness and
environmental issues procedures aimed at avoidance of environmental damage, copies of employment record
are to be kept and maintained on site. Move over, Project Engineers and other key persons must gain
Competent Person Authorization and HSE Staff Approval to carry out related work as per DEWA
requirements and regulations on the project.
 Project HSE training matrix with time frame to enable parodic tracking and monitoring is being prepared
and is compiled in Annexure: 8
4.5.1 Employee Orientation / HSE Induction program:

All new employees are required to attend a 1-hour orientation or Induction program. All rehired employees who
have been away for more than a year but have previously been through the induction program should attend a
refresher training orientation / induction program
All KEC Intl. Ltd new employees and the sub-contractor will attend the Orientation / Induction Training, before
commencing work at sites.
Contents of the Training are:
1. KEC Intl. Ltd. HSE Policy
2. DEWA Safety policy and guidelines & SP06
3. DEWA System Safety Rules of works
4. Emergency procedures.
5. Accident reporting: All Accidents to be reported to the Supervisor / Manger.
6. First Aid Facilities: Explain procedures for First Aid Box / First Aid Aider as appropriate
7. The contents above will be explained to the work force in their native languages to ensure full
understanding. The attendance shall be recorded in a logbook for future references. Project engineer /
Supervisor will ensure that their respective workers have undergone a Safety Orientation / Induction
training prior to commencement of work.
8. HSE Induction will be given to all employees for the following and record will be kept. The typical form
of Safety Induction is exhibited in the Annexure: 9


M/s KEC Intl Ltd., EHSMS sets out the general policy for protecting the health, safety and welfare of our
employees at work, and others who may be affected by our activities, together with commitment to

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environmental issues also. It expounds the organization and arrangements for putting policies and procedures
into practice.
However, to be safe and risk free, we will conduct risks assessment prior to conducting any operation
activities. We will do so either of the following means:
Carry out either qualitative or quantitative Risk Assessment specific to the job / task and shall be reviewed by
Company HSE Manager or Project Manager at location.
HSE Manager or Project Manager shall recommend means of controls for the identified hazards, because of the
risk assessment, related to that specific task.
HSE Manager or Project Manager will provide details of previous incidents and corrective actions
implemented / resulting from these incidents
All works, and activities shall be carried out in accordance with DEWA Health, Safety and Environment
requirements. Following paragraph outline the general guideline of HSE requirements to be followed.

Basic safety rules shall apply to all locations, these are detailed below:
The site of work will be screened off. All openings, edges of excavations will be protected or barricaded with
warning tape and signs displayed.
Working at Heights:
All workers working above 2Mtr off Ground level will wear full body safety harness with double lanyard.
Access and egress as per DEWA standards will be provided. Safe platforms by scaffolding will be erected if
Work in Enclosed Spaces/ Confined Space:
All work in enclosed or confined spaces will be carried out on full conformity with the work permit system.
Presence of toxic and combustible gases will be checked periodically. Precautionary measures to deal with any
emergency will be undertaken
Before starting the work, close supervision by the safety personal will be provided. All the personal involved in
such works will be trained for using breathing apparatus, Gas testing equipment’s and toxic gas monitors.
Electrical Works:
All electrical works will be carried out and supervised by qualified personal only. Conformity to DEWA work
permit system will be fulfilled where ever required.
Gas Cylinder:
All Cylinder gases for construction purposes will be procured, transported, stored and used in full conformity
to DEWA safety procedures.
Welding and Gas Cutting:
Qualified tradesmen will perform all welding and gas cutting works. The work will be carried out conforming
to all safety precautions as per the work permit system are in place.
Housekeeping/Site Restoration:
All project operations will be based on the fundamental policy of maintaining the offices, work areas,
accommodation camps and all other infrastructure facilities in the best form of housekeeping. After completion
of each activity, construction waste generated during installation of OHL will be cleaned and transported to our

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store for further disposal as per DEWA guidelines. All day-to-day wastes will be segregated, stored and
removed to authorize dumping areas periodically. DEWA guidelines in handling all types of wastes will be
Weather conditions:
Weather conditions play significant role in achieving the HSE goal for the people and equipment’s.
A. Elevated temperatures:
Necessary adjustments in working hours during peak summer to reduce the heat stress will be implemented as
per the local laws and ministerial order. All workers will be educated about heat stress and methods to deal
with it. First aid facilities as per the procedures on occupational health will be made available.
B. High Winds:
All exterior works shall be suspended in case of strong sandstorm (maximum 10knots). Personal protective
equipment’s to deal with high winds will be issued and worn by all employees. Driving vehicles will be
C. Heavy Rainstorms:
All exterior work shall be suspended during heavy rains. Driving vehicles will be forbidden. All equipment’s,
machineries Electrical appliances and apparatus will be switched off and protected from rain.
D. Fog:
All exterior work shall be suspended if visibility is less than 100 meters. Driving vehicles will be forbidden.
Smoking will be prohibited at all sites of work, kitchen, dining halls, and all public places.

5.2 Assessment of Exposure of the Work force to Hazards and Aspects

The basic steps are as follows:

1. Classify Work Activities.
2. Identify Hazards.
3. Estimate the Risk from each hazard using the likelyhood and severity of harm.
4. Decide if the Risk is tolerable otherwise.
5. Prepare Risk Control Action Plan.
6. Provide Training, Tool Box Talk and Safety Induction.
7. Monitor and Audit the progress of plan and effectiveness.
8. Review Adequacy of Action Plan.
Risk Assessment for Survey, Access Road Construction, Soil investigation, Pilling & Pile Cap Foundation,
Tower Erection, Stringing and Painting, Electrical and Excavation work is exhibited in the Annexure: 10.
Risk Rating = Numbers X Severity X Like hood
The Activities should be Risk Assessed as follows according to the criteria set out in Table below:
Number of people affected Severity of Injury Like hood of occurrence
1-5 Persons 1 Negligible 1 Improbable 0.5
6-50 Persons 2 Minor 2 Remote 1

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50 + Persons 3 Major 5 Possible 5
Public / Vulnerable persons 3 Fatal 10 Likely 10
affected (Ref. Annexure IIID)

 If the public or vulnerable persons could be affected by the work activities, the appropriate weighting should
be applied.
 Negligible injuries include bumps, small cuts, and abrasions etc.
 Minor injury includes those injuries that could result in time off work, etc
 Major injuries include broken limbs, injury eyes, asphyxiation, etc.
 Improbable: probability close to Zero
 Remote: Unlikely
 Possible: could occur sometime.
 Likely: Not surprised that it will happen
 Certain: Most likely to happen.
Risk Rating Action to be Taken
Risk is low: Acceptable: Additional control measures may be considered to reduce the
Up to 20
Risk, although low priority. Time, effort and cost should be proportional to the Risk
Risk is medium: Unacceptable: Additional control measures required soon to control.
Interim measure may be necessary in the short term.
Risk is High: Unacceptable: Additional control measures required urgently to control
51-100 Risk. Interim measure required in the short term. Significant effort, time, etc. may have
to be control the risk.
100+ Risk totally unacceptable.

A. Three categories of Risk Matrix

Categories of Risk Matrix

1 Low Acceptable condition without any further control
2 Medium Reduction measures must be planned and documented. This is the significant risk and will
require an appropriate level of resources.
3 High Action must be taken immediately to lower the risk. This requires the provision of
resources such as:
 Special equipment
 Specific equipment

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 High levels of supervision

B. Probability
Probability Interpretation
Improbable Could happen but probably never will
Remote Could happen once in a year
Occasional Could happen once in a month
Probable Could happen once in a week
Frequent Could happen daily

C. Severity
Probabilit Interpretation
Negligible No injury, No Health effect, no environmental effect, no Impact on company reputation
Remote Minor injury, Minor damage, minor environment, effect, slight impact on reputation
Occasional Major injury resulting in disabilities or moderate damage, major environmental effect,
regional impact on reputation
Probable Single fatality or major damage sever environment effect, National Impact on reputation
Frequent Multiple fatalities or massive damage, catastrophic environment effect, international impact on

To ensure effective design and implementation of HSE Plan, the risk involved in the operation should be known.
In other words, the degrees of risk involved in the operation should be analyzed, controlled and properly
managed. Project Manager, key personnel along with safety personnel shall carried out task-based risk
assessment of all operations.

5.3 Materials Data Sheets for Safe Handling of Chemicals and Other Hazardous Materials
All the chemicals (paints, thinners, oil, grease etc.) if any to be procured, stored and handled at the site/store
should have safe methods for handling in any emergency. All the material should be accompanied with MSDS
which apart from all the safety information will provide information on the method of disposal. The MSDS will
be displayed in the paint storage room as well as in the store office. All the personnel working with the chemical
must be aware of the specific hazards, personal protective requirements, and safe handling, storage and disposal
practices. Workshop is the area where the normal fitting works, drilling etc. will be carried out.
6. Planning, Standards and Procedures
6.1 HSE Standards, Procedures and Legislations
A) HSE Legislations and Legal Requirements

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1. Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs 'Federal Law No.8 of the year 1980'.
2. Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs 'Ministerial Order No.32 of the year 1982'.
3. Federal Environmental Law No.24 for the year 1999.
4. Law No.21 for the year 2005 with respect to Waste Management within Dubai Emirate.
5. DEWA HSE Rules, Regulations, Procedures and Guidelines, such as but not limited to:
DEWA HSE Guidelines SP 06.
B) Key HSE Standards and procedures
DEWA applicable procedures, but not limited to:
ISO 14001: 2015 – Environmental standard (International Standard Organization)
ISO 9001: 2015 - Quality Management Systems
OHSAS I8001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

6.2 Site Basic HSE Rules

It is the duty of every employee to take care of the health and safety of themselves and of all others who may be
affected by their acts. They must always be complied with whilst carrying out any work associated with this
Under Local Laws, Regulations and Standards, the written statement must:
State our general policy on health, safety and environment.
Describe the organization and arrangements for carrying out our policies, procedures and systems.
Be brought to the attention of our employees.
Be monitored, reviewed and revised whenever appropriate.
Legal Compliance Monitoring List which includes all the relevant applicable legislations and list of mandatory
HSE Rules in page no.


Consequences of the change through the organization:

When management changes fail, that will result in a lot of disagreement & dissatisfaction amongst the concerned
which can further lead to attrition through a negative discussion overall. It’s very important to do a drill down
analysis before introducing any change & must be supported with the relevant data or facts. And must be
anticipating the doubts, questions & disagreement may occur & prepare well for that before bringing in the
change. Also, need to have a strong logic of bringing in the change

Successful change management is more likely to occur if the following are included:

1. Benefits management and realization to define measurable aims, create a plan for their achievement (which
should be continuously updated), and monitor assumptions, risks, dependencies, dis-benefits and cultural issues
affecting the progress of the work.

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2. Effective Communications that informs the reasons for the change (why?), the benefits of successful
implementation (what is in it for us) as well as the details of the change (when? where? who is involved? etc.).
3. Devise an effective education, training and/or skills upgrading scheme for the organization.
4. Counter resistance from the employees of companies and align them to overall strategic direction of the
5. Provide personal counseling (if required) to alleviate any change-related fears.
6. Monitoring of the implementation and fine-tuning as required.

Five Key Step to Manage the Change through Organization:

a. Be intentional about the changes you make.

b. Get the support of those in your organization.
c. Communicate openly as much as possible.
d. Acknowledge the process of change.
e. Model a positive response to the organizational change.

6.3 Emergency Management Plan:

An Emergency Management Plan is necessary as a moral and legal obligation of management to protect the safety
of people, safety of property and environment. The objective of the “Emergency Management Plan” is to provide
all personnel with a detailed and comprehensive procedure to be followed in case of Fire & Accident at work site,
Traffic accident etc.

At any time, it may be necessary for the safety of the personnel to evacuate the construction site quickly. Saving of
life and property is only possible if the evacuation procedure is effectively followed.

6.3.1 Emergency Response Committee:

A committee for providing an orderly response to an emergency will be available. Typical constitution may be and
their Responsibilities

1. Project Manager (Emergency Controller)

2. Site Manager
3. EHS In-Charge
4. Emergency Response Coordinator
5. Assistant Emergency Response Coordinator (One who acts in absence of PM)
6. Fire Warden
7. First Aider
1. Project Manager (Emergency Controller)
The Site Project Leader shall:
• Be the issuing authority for this ERIMP
• Ensure effective implementation of this Plan, including provision of adequate resources;

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• Ensure this Plan, as part of the CHSP is reviewed at least every 3 months.
• Maintain a working knowledge of the emergency management system, plan and processes;
• Act as Assistant Emergency Response Coordinator and Communications Officer during emergencies.
• Ensure all positions in the ERT are staffed and maintain a roster to provide coverage for absences and
planned leave
• Initiate corrective actions and ensure effective implementation of actions as required.
• Ensure SWMS‟s for HRCA‟s, include appropriate emergency response and rescue procedures for that
2. Site Manager
The Site Manager shall:
• Act as initial Emergency Response Controller during emergencies until relieved by authorized
emergency services or control is handed over to another member of the Project Team
• Maintain a working knowledge of the emergency management system, plan and processes;
• Maintain familiarity with this ERIMP
• Participate in the scheduled review of the ERIMP
• Ensure that drills and exercises are conducted throughout the Project to test the plan;

3. Project EHS in charge

The Project Safety Engineer or designated person shall:
• Maintain the Project Emergency Response Plans and associated processes;
• Ensure that adequate emergency response information and instructions are provided at inductions etc;
• Conduct planned inspections to ensure emergency response equipment and facilities are complete;

4. Emergency Response Coordinator

On becoming aware of an emergency, the emergency response coordinator shall take the following actions:
• Raise the alarm for an emergency response
• Contact / communicate with emergency services
• Coordinate emergency response and monitor the effectiveness;
• Communicate with Fire wardens
• Coordinate the activities of all personnel in the emergency response team and make further directions
as required by the situation;
• Give the all clear when authorized to do so by the emergency services, if appropriate;
• Arrange deputy when absent;
• Schedule emergency drills for all shifts and conduct debriefing of the results. An initial evacuation
drill shall be carried out within 3 months of site possession. Ongoing evacuation drills will be
conducted – frequency / timing to suit varying stages of construction, however not to exceed 6
monthly intervals.
• Coordinate training requirements for the emergency response team and all other site personnel.

5. Assistant Emergency Response Coordinator

The deputy emergency response coordinator shall assume the responsibilities normally carried out by the
emergency response coordinator if the emergency response coordinator is unavailable and otherwise assist as
6. Fire warden
• On becoming aware of an emergency, the fire warden shall take the following actions:

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• Conduct a search sweep of the designated area, ensuring all persons have cleared the area;
• Report to the emergency response coordinator that search sweep is complete and advise of any area or
room unable to be searched, any persons unaccounted for;
• After completion of the search sweep, assemble at the designated emergency assembly area;
• Confirm that activities of the wardens are completed and report this to the emergency response
• Await roll call and / or further directions as given by the emergency response coordinator;
• Assist the emergency response coordinator as requested and attend de-briefing of the ERT.

7. First aiders
A first aider is qualified to give first aid treatment in the event of an injury or illness.
Assess the situation quickly and calmly, Protect yourself and them from any danger
Prevent infection between you and them, Comfort and reassure, Assess the casualty, give first aid
treatment, Arrange for the right kind of help

6.3.2 Emergency Response Communications System:

a. All permanent workplaces, whether client or contractor, shall have the means of communication by
telephone, with Emergency Operator posted at site office. Temporary work sites shall also have a means of
communication, either by direct means as above or, as a minimum standby vehicle to drive to obtain
b. Emergency contact telephone numbers (Refer Annexure 11) and site layout will be available, and
prominently displayed, at all work sites (Refer Annexure 12 & 13).
c. The Emergency team members as below
1. Project Manager - 0506966257
2. EHS Manager - 0555656163
3. Site Manager - 0524606429
4. HSE Officer - 0509653655
5. Site Engineer - 04-2965335
6. Site Supervisor - 04-2965335
7. Driver - 0504151081
The Emergency Telephone Numbers,
1. Ambulance services 998
2. Fire Services 997 (04-2611111)
3. Police 999
4. Electricity 991
5. Water 992
List of First Aiders& Fire Wardens Contact Numbers
HSE Officer : 0509653655
Site Engineer : 04-2965335

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6.3.3 Emergency Response Exercises:
The emergency base controller and emergency response team members will convene in the Emergency Meeting
point and they will actively participate in the exercise.
The objective of emergency response exercise is:

1. To evacuate people from the accident area toward a safe place.

2. To take corrective actions to control an unwanted event.
3. The state of readiness to deal with a real emergency.
4. To secure the maximum effective assistance in the shortest possible time.
5. The Typical Emergency exercise schedule is exhibited in the Annexure: 13
6.3.4 Emergency Response Procedures:
Actions to be taken in case of different emergencies are given below and which will be posted at site and camp in
all languages spoken by the staff and worker.

A flow chart for emergency response procedure is exhibited in the Annexure: 14 Fall Prevention Procedure

The fall prevention procedure has been prepared to enhance the standard of work at heights at workplaces.

This procedure illustrates a variety of fall control measures and work practices that can be adopted when the risk
of falling from heights, or into depth, is present. The control measures outlined in this procedure do not represent
the only acceptable means of achieving the standard to which the Code refers.

The Code provides guidance and clarifications on the DM COCSP for working at heights Regulations and should
be read in conjunction with relevant COCSP.

A fall prevention plan is a documented site-specific plan prepared for reducing or eliminating risk of falls.
The fall prevention plan may consist in parts of existing documentation (e.g., risk assessment). Work sites
required to have a safety and health management system may use the required documents to constitute a fall
prevention plan. Such documents should fulfill the following:
 Address fall from heights hazards comprehensively;
 Relevant to the specific workplace / work site covered in the fall prevention plan; and
 Readily available at the workplace / work site covered in the fall prevention plan.
In addition to having a plan, it is also important to have rescue equipment and supplies on site and ready to be
 Rescue devices that can raise or lower a victim, such as a controlled rate descent device
 Ropes and lifelines rated for rescue and evacuation
 Rolling edge protectors or Velcro edge protectors to protect the rope from sharp edges and abrasion.
 Designated anchor points for rescue equipment (rated at least 3100 pounds)
 Anchor straps and carabiners for making an anchor point when one is not available or convenient.
 Rescue Kit, First aid kit and defibrillator readily available at site.
 Trained and competent person to rescue the person.

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The fall prevention plan must:
 Establish clear individual responsibilities for fall prevention at work sites or work sites;
 Integrate fall prevention into factories’ Safety and Health Management System for enhancement and
sustenance of work at heights safety;
 Provide a systematic approach for eliminating or reducing risk of falling from heights;
 Ensure that all reasonable fall prevention and protection measures and methods have been taken prior to
commencement of working at heights; and
 Ensure the adoption of a holistic approach to fall prevention and work at heights safety.
The fall prevention plan is to be developed by a competent person and approved by an authorized manager or an
equivalent competent person. Provisions must also be made for adequate supervision to ensure that the plan is
being implemented at the workplace.

6.3.5 Oil Spill Emergency response

We work to prevent incidents that may result in spills of hazardous substances. This means making sure our
facilities are well designed, safely operated, and properly inspected and maintained. It also involves an
effective oil spill emergency response capability. We plan, prepare and practice our emergency response to
incidents to mitigate the consequences to people and the environment.

The following are general guidelines to be followed for an Oil/chemical spill. Immediately alert area, occupants

and supervisor evacuate the area, if necessary.

1. If there is a fire or medical attention is needed, contact EHS Manager at 055 - 5656163.

2. Attend to any people who may be contaminated. Contaminated clothing must be removed immediately, and
the skin flushed with water for no less than fifteen minutes. Clothing must be laundered before reuse.

3. Used personal protective equipment, as appropriate to the hazards. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet or
other references for information.

4. Report all spills to your supervisor or the Principal Investigator.

5. Compile a list of the hazardous chemicals and obtain MSDS sheets for each.

6. Label the chemicals with the appropriate health and safety hazard notations (flammable, corrosive, etc.).
1. Raise the Siren

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2. Inform Safety Department/ Call Operator Dial 04-2965335 - 055/5656163 by any communication means giving
following information:
i. Nature of incident
ii. Location of incident
iii. Name and employment number
3. Attempt to extinguish the fire with portable Fire Extinguishers available in the areas without exposing yourself
to undue risk.
4. Select the appropriate Fire Extinguishers: -

Sr Type of Extinguisher Type of Fire


1 Dry Powder For Wood / Paper / Oil / Electric Fire

2 CO2 For Electrical fire

3 Foam For Flammable liquid, Oil, Solvent fires.

5. If the extinguisher fails to stop the fire, evacuate the area and go to assembly area
6. Do not attempt to collect personal possessions.
“Stay Calm”
Note: -
 Leave firefighting to the professionals. Do not try to be a hero.
 Never use water on electrical fire.
 Never tackle any emergency alone. Always seek assistance.


If there is an emergency occurring by the gas leak, the situation may become very dangerous and immediate action
will be required by everyone in the area.
1. Follow the General Emergency Procedure.
2. Evacuate the Area Immediately.
3. Report to the Assembly Point, which is situated in up wind direction.
4. During Evacuation if anybody feel smell of h2s immediately un cover the escape mask and start breathing through
the escape mask and start breathing through the escape mask until reached in a safe location.


A. If you are first to arrive on the scene of an accident:

8 Inform Safety Department/ Call Operator - Dial 04-2965335 - 055/5656163 by any communication
means giving following information:
a. Nature of incident

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b. Location of incident
c. Name and employment number
9 If safe to do so, turn off the engine of a crashed vehicle
10 Make the area safe by putting safety cones, warning triangles etc.
11 Park your vehicle safely
12 Assist any injured
13 Wait for Emergency Team to arrive
B. If you are involved in an accident:
1. Inform Safety Department/ Call Operator - Dial 04-2965335 - 055/5656163 by any communication
means giving following information:
a. Nature of incident
b. Location of incident
c. Name and employment number
2. Remain at the scene of any road accident until police give permission to go
3. Wait for Emergency Team to arrive

Note: - Do not handle the casualty if you are not sure/qualified, to avoid further damage to the injured personnel.
6.3.6 The List of Nearest Hospital and their address & Contact no in case of emergency is mention hereunder:
 Latifa Hospital : 04 2193000
 Dubai Hospital : 04 2195000
 Rashid Hospital : 042191000
 American Hospital : 04367777
 Belhoul Hospital : 042140257
 Cedars – Jebel Ali H : 048818816


PPE is defined in the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations as: ‘All equipment (including clothing
affording protection against the weather) which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work which protects
them against one or more risks to their health and safety’. It includes, but is not limited to:
 Full Body Harness with Double lanyard
 Lifeline with grab arrestor
 Eye protection.
 Ear Plugs & Muffs
 Gloves.
 Safety footwear.
 Safety Helmets with Chinstrap
 High visibility clothing.

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 Apparel (Coverall)
 Fire retardant Coverall (Hot Works)
It is not enough just to provide PPE at the workplace. Site In charge must ensure it is readily available and
accessible and/or clear instruction is given on where to obtain it.
Information, instruction and training on PPE use
Where PPE is provided, employees must be provided with adequate information, instruction and/or training on its
The extent of information, instruction and/or training will vary with the complexity and performance of the kit.
For example, a full Breathing Apparatus kit will require more training to use properly than a disposable face
Information and instruction should cover:
The risk(s) present and why the PPE is needed
The operation (including demonstration), performance and limitations of the equipment
Use and storage (including how to put it on, how to adjust and remove it)
Any testing requirements before use
Any user maintenance that can be carried out (e.g. hygiene/cleaning procedures)
Factors that can affect the performance of the equipment (e.g. working conditions, personal factors, defects and
How to recognize defects in PPE, and arrangements for reporting them
Here to obtain replacement PPE,
In addition to initial training, refresher training may be required from time to time. Supervisor checks on the use
of PPE may help determine when refresher training is required.
6.5 First Aid:

To ensure first aid treatment is available to the employees at site, sufficient number of gang leaders, supervisors
& engineers will be trained on basic first aid that are available to respond to perform treatments. The first aid
basic training will be obtained from, Dubai; however, the safety engineer at site will further train and demonstrate
the Gang leaders on basic first aid. First aid kits (medicines) will be kept within all the vehicles deputed in
various gangs at site, including site offices and store. The first aid kit will have the list of first aid medicines and
their use.
The following contains in our First Aid Room:
 a sink with hot and cold running water.

 drinking water and disposable cups.

 soap and paper towels.

 a store for first-aid materials.

 an examination/medical Bed with waterproof protection and clean pillows, and blankets.

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 a Wheel Chair.

 a record book for recording incidents attended by a first-aider or appointed person

A Checklist for monitoring the contents of First Aid Box. (VII A, B, C) is exhibited in the Annexure: 19

The list of First Aid Trained Personnel is as follows:

HSE Officer : 0509653655
Site Engineer : 04-2965335

6.6 Summer Break - Working Hours:

Necessary adjustments in working hours during peak summer to reduce the heat stress will be implemented as per
the local law and ministerial order. (Ministerial Decree No. 401 of 2015 Concerning the Determination of Midday
Working Hours) of labor stating that the peak summer work will be terminated between 12.30 to 15.00 hours.
This will be strictly followed during the execution of the project work activities.

A mandatory midday break for labors who work in the sun during the summer months will start from June 15, per
the Ministry of Labour. The decision issued by the Ministry suggests that companies must give a two-and-a-half-
hour break from 12.30pm to 3pm to labors who work in open areas such as construction sites.

The three-month midday break rule will start from June 15 until September 15 or as per Ministry of Labour
ministerial order must be followed strictly.

6.7 Environmental Aspects / Impacts:

In line with the HSE policy all concern shall analyze their process to identify impact on environment. Necessary
measures shall be taken to prevent or reduce the impact as low as reasonably practicable. Following measures
may be taken.
1. Soil Contamination: Spillage of fuel or other chemicals, biodegradable or non-biodegradable
components from instrumentation or electrical components will be avoided.
2. A detailed risk assessment has been carried out for all work activities and adequate control measures
will be taken before continuing job.
3. Any process which may possess a dust emission hazards will be done in a Covered area and frequent air
quality sampling will be done.
4. Use of energy and natural resources: By monitoring on the use of water, electricity, air, paper etc
5. Do not litter (Collect all debris to the collection point).
6. For control of noise at work site we will follow the following guidelines.
The action levels are as follows: -
a. First action level means a daily personnel noise exposure of 85dB (A) based on an 8-hour time weighted
average period per day.
b. Second action level means a daily personal noise exposure of 90dB (A) based on an 8 hr time weighted
average per day
c. Peak action level means a level of peak sound pressure of 140 dB (A)

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Noise level monitoring will be done and will be documented if found required. Where a worker is exposed to
noise in the excess of the action first action level but below the second action level it will be ensured that personal
ear protection will be provide at the request of the workers. Where the worker is exposed to noise level in excess
of the second action level or in excess of the peak action level it will be ensure that personal ear protection is
provided to every worker and the wearing of the personal ear protection is being enforced.
1. Residence camp will be away from coastal area.
2. Fuel storage area will be located away from marine area and onsite refueling will be controlled.
3. Good housekeeping will be maintained always.
1. Optimization of transport distance to minimize fuel consumption and thereby to reduce emission to air.
2. Diesel engines will be maintained properly to avoid black smoke emission.
3. Usage of power generators should be limited as per requirement only.
4. Dust mask will be provided to all personnel to minimize dust inhalations.
5. All the vehicles will be maintained in proper condition to minimize the air pollution.
1. Road vehicle movements will be controlled to reduce noise impact.
2. Sign Boards will be placed to impose speed limits 25 km/hr on roads at hazardous area.
1. Engineering controls must be used to control dust hazards which include enclosure, isolation and ventilation.
2. If a hazardous substance (Paints) cannot be eliminated or substituted, then fully enclosing it so workers do
not meet it is the next best method of control.
3. Isolation can be an effective method of control if a hazardous job can be moved to a part of the workplace
where fewer people will be exposed, or if the job can be performed at a time when fewer people will be
4. Alternatively, the worker can be isolated from a hazardous job. Isolating a work process or a worker does not
eliminate the hazard; therefore, elimination is always a better choice than isolation.
5. General ventilation can be used for keeping the workplace comfortable, and local exhaust ventilation for
removing air pollutants.
6. Giving workers longer rest periods or shorter work shifts to reduce dust exposure time;
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register.
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register is exhibited in the Annexure: 15

6.8 Waste Management System:

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Implementation of waste management guidelines and procedures is derived from KEC’s ongoing commitment
to protect human health, environment by applying waste management principles in line with DEWA waste
management guidelines.
Waste Identification:
All waste materials resulted from construction activities will be identified appropriately to ensure effective waste
Waste Collection & Segregation:
All waste shall be collected and segregated for easy and economical disposal. DEWA guidelines shall be
followed for segregation.
Waste Minimization:
Prevention is always better than cure. It is the best option to minimize waste, which results from different
activities. Other possible solution may be re-use and recycling of waste. And the last is recovery. All process or
activities, which generate waste, shall be analyzed for possible waste minimization.
Waste Disposal:
Waste materials shall be disposed as per DEWA instruction at designated areas. Disposal option shall be
as per DEWA guidelines.
Waste Management Implementation:

Domestic Waste:
Domestic waste shall be connected to a septic tank through drainage system, which shall be periodically
discharged as per DEWA guidelines.
Industrial Waste:
Industrial waste which may results from construction activities (metals, concrete, pipes, tiles, cables etc.) shall be
segregated as hazardous and non-hazardous. Separate storage shall be allocated for natural materials (concrete,
aggregates, tiles etc), metallic items (rebar, steel pipes, steel section etc.), plastic items (PVC pipes, cables etc.).
The approved sub-contractor will dispose all industrial waste to Municipality designated location. DEWA
requirements shall be strictly followed during transportation of waste materials.
Training and Awareness:
All employees working on site shall undergo through awareness training on waste management plan.
Audit and Inspection:
The Safety Engineer shall conduct audit on a regular basis to ensure that the waste management plan is being
implemented effectively and in compliance with DEWA requirements.
Waste Management Plan Review:
HSE Officer along with Project Manager will review the waste management plan to ensure that the current
practice is effective and reflects all latest regulatory and DEWA requirements. Waste Management Plan is
exhibited in the Annexure: 16

6.9 Management of Subcontractors

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KEC has established procedures to review and require that subcontractor safety programs, training, procedures
and initiatives coordinate with the KEC’s own standards of safety. The process is intended to help ensure that, in
the event subcontractors are utilized by the KEC as part of a work project, each subcontractor’s safety programs,
training, confirmations, documentations and statistical results of previous safety performance are in accordance
with requirements of both the KEC and DEWA.

Under this program and its associated processes, each subcontractor will be reviewed and qualified by the DEWA
prior to performing work as part of a project.

Subcontractor Safety and Health requirements:

· Pre-qualification by the KEC will include review of the subcontractor’s:
· Review of the subcontractor’s HSE Statistic for the last five years, or from the date the subcontractor began doing
business if this time is less than five years;
· Written safety and health programs as required by the KEC.
· Written subcontractor procedures for at-work incident, injury, illness and emergency response, reporting and
investigation requirements;
· Workers compensation insurance EMR Experience Modification Rating) information.
· Proof of insurance documented by a current certificate of insurance from the subcontractor’s insurance agent(s).
· Documentation of required safety training of subcontractor employees that will be assigned to the respective
project, including supervisor, competent person training and site safety representative training
· Documentation of required Operator Qualification (OQ) and other individual qualifications or certifications as
may be required by the project and DEWA
· Review and evaluation will be performed by the KEC Safety Manager/Project Manager, or DEWA.
· Written materials, submissions, results and documentations of subcontractor pre-qualification reviews will be
maintained by the Safety engineer in a file for a period to be determined in coordination with the KEC’s
designated legal counsel.

Inclusion and participation of subcontractors in project safety initiatives:

· Subcontractors assigned by the KEC to a project will attend initial safety and planning meetings; project safety
orientations; incident, injury and illness response planning and coordination meetings.
· Subcontractor personnel will participate in these and other such activities as required in preparation for working
safely at the project location.
· Subcontractor personnel will utilize, cooperate with, attend and support all pertinent components of safety
programs and procedures; safety orientation, training, tailgate and daily meetings; qualification and/or certification
requirements; periodic safety meetings and awareness activities; safety inspections; incident reporting and
investigation procedures; and other such safety, health and incident prevention initiatives as may be established
for all workers at a project location.
· Subcontractor personnel will participate in and cooperate with Task Risk Assessment, Safety Inspection tour as

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established for the project workplace.

Requirements for Reporting Hazards, Incidents, Injuries and illnesses:

· Subcontractor employees are responsible for reporting any observed near-miss, hazard or unsafe behavior of
another person when there is a potential for causing an incident, chemical release, injury or illness in the project
· First report will be made to the subcontractor’s on-site supervisor or to the KEC Safety engineer if the KEC
supervisor is not readily available. Reporting should be made without delay to help facilitate intervention and
preventive measures.
· Subcontractor supervisors and/or management will forward such report to their concern person so that additional
communication can be made and/or actions taken.
· Any on-the-job injury or illness that requires medical attention by a physician or professional medical provider
will be reported immediately to the KEC Safety engineer after the individual(s) requiring treatment are in route to
medical care.
· KEC Safety engineer will investigate near-misses, first aid injuries, and incidents, injuries or illnesses in the
project workplace in accordance with requirements established for the project.

Post-Project Review of Subcontractor Safety Performance and Results:

· On conclusion of a project, the KEC will make a timely review of each subcontractor’s safety performance,
incident and injury experience, and other factors that will be helpful in evaluating the subcontractor’s suitability
for future projects.

· If a subcontractor exits or is terminated from a project that remains in progress, a similar timely review will be

· Post-project evaluations will be performed by the KEC Safety Manager in coordination with project managers and
supervisors who worked with the subcontractor during the specific project under review.

6.10 Road Transport / Vehicle Movement:

Due to the remote nature of work site and associated geographical, meteorological and territorial hazards,
movement over terrain off the work sites will be governed by the strictest of management policy and

A. Training of Drivers:

Only qualified personnel who have completed requisite training shall be authorized to operate vehicles or mobile

B. Qualifications. Vehicle of mobile equipment’s operators shall:

Possess and maintain any equipment operator licenses required by local or company decree.

Provide evidence of being the project - required age.

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Have completed all required training curricula as specified in the HSE programme.

Have the requisite experience for the level of road trip scheduled.

C. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance: The Maintenance Manager shall ensure:

Compliance with the company vehicle inspection and maintenance requirements.

Effective management of the vehicle inspection and maintenance programme for all the sites.

D. Journey Management System: A journey management system is implemented on site with the objectives

Reducing unnecessary road journeys.

Controlling necessary journeys.

Ensuring drivers are properly trained.

Ensuring vehicles are maintained correctly and safely.

Control of driver hours worked

Recovery of personnel and vehicles that may breakdown or become lost.

6.11 Material Storage:

Site store area will be hired from Municipality according to our storage requirement which will be fenced to a
height of 2 meters. The storage area shall be clearly marked for various materials to be staked prior to site
transportation. No source of ignitions is allowed in storage compounds where paints and thinners are stored,
Chemicals will be stored in a fire rated container / room with adequate ventilation and necessary temperature

Material storage procedure includes:

 To receive and inspect the material.

 To stack and preserve the material.

 To sort out the material prior to issue.

 To issue and receive the returned/unused/unserviceable material.

All materials/Products viz. Conductor, Insulator, Tower parts and Accessories etc shall be verified and inspected
for their visual characteristics and shall be unloaded, inspected, stacked and stored in the individual designated
areas. Insulators and Hardware fitting will be stored in wooden boxes whereas tower parts and other accessories
will be stacked over wooden planks to avoid direct contact with soil.

All Chemical are stored in a fire rated container or room with adequate ventilation and necessary temperature
control, as per the DM guidelines.

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All the chemicals (paints, thinners, oil, grease etc.) if any to be procured, stored and handled at the site/store
should have safe methods for handling in any emergency. All the material should be accompanied with MSDS
which apart from all the safety information will provide information on the method of disposal. The MSDS will be
displayed in the paint storage room as well as in the store office. All the personnel working with the chemical must
be aware of the specific hazards, personal protective requirements, and safe handling, storage and disposal
practices. Workshop is the area where the normal fitting works, drilling etc. will be carried out.

6.11.1 Diesel Generator installation and Diesel oil storage tank

Temporary Diesel Generator installation and Diesel oil storage tank shall follow the EHS requirements. No such
unit/s is permitted without prior approval from DM.

• KEC should submit our request with drawings showing the location, capacity, fuel tank details, electrical
installation, cable routing, period of installation and use/purpose of generator as per following requirements.

• Installation of the generator should be carried out by qualified engineer.

• Generator set should be enclosed housing for suppression of noise & exposure of rotating / electrical parts.

• Fuel Type - Only less than .005% Sulphur content fuels are permitted.

• Generators shall be placed (not in setback area 5.5 meter from the fence line) with a minimum clearance of 1.2
mts. all around and fixed on stable ground ensuring the same does not move /tilt during the operations.

• There shall be accessed only by authorized personnel and relevant signs for the same to be installed.

• Proper exhaust vents should be provided to prevent accumulation of smoke/gases/CO at ground levels. Noise
levels and personal protection shall follow Health & Safety Rules & Regulations.

• Fuel/Diesel tank shall be placed in a secured/impervious area at a minimum distance of 1.2 meters from the
generators. The Diesel Tank and or Diesel Storage Drums should be suitably bunded/ protected in case of
spills, to avoid spillage during storage/filling operations

• Prior to generator operations, check all safety/manufacturer precautions and for spills on/around the
generator which could lead to ignition. Before refueling the generators, turn it off and let it cool down
(Gasoline spilled on hot engine parts could ignite).

• Near by the generators/fuel tanks/drums, fuel-burning appliance not permitted to store or carry out any hot-
work in the immediate surroundings.

• Total electrical load should not exceed the generator manufacturer rating.

• For electrical cable routing, all service lines & power cables etc. either to be put in the covered trenches or
routed through elevated cable trays/pipe rack and shall not be laid down directly on the floor & all electrical
installations shall be fitted with ELCB’s and properly earth as per DEWA regulations.

• Keep cords out of the way so they don't present a tripping/safety hazard. Provide necessary warning signs.

• Proper Fire Protection arrangements in accordance with EHS: Fire Department should be provided.

• Proper sign board should be displayed at the DG area including but not limited to Danger High Voltage,
Authorized Personnel Entry Only, No Smoking, Use Ear Protection, etc.

• After obtaining EHS documentary approval on the type and location of generator and subsequently on
completion of safe installation and prior to full operations, invite EHS for inspection/approval of the same.

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6.12 Welfare Facilities for Labour In Camp

Welfare Facilities constitute as follows:

 Enough and suitable (DM approved) accommodations (Fire hydrant Porta cabins) shall be provided for the

 Blanket, mattress, plastic bucket and mugs shall be provided to each worker residing in camp.

 Adequate washing facility shall be available in the camping area.

 Electricity and air conditioners shall be adequate in the porta cabins.

 Electrical switches and wiring will be checked periodically for any damage and leakage to protect porta
cabins from fire and electrocution.

 Proper sanitation will be established in the camping zone to maintain health and hygiene.

 Mess facility will be available for food of the workers.

 Outside medical consultation is free for all the workers in case of sickness or injury.

 Firefighting system will be installed in the labor camp.

 Regular cleaning and housekeeping will be done in the labor camp / porta cabins to maintain good standard
of hygiene.

 Adequate numbers of toilets and bathroom will be in the camping area.

 Shower will be available in each bathroom in camping area.

 Water cooler and water filter will be in camping area.

6.12.1 Welfare Facilities for Labour In Site

 Adequate transportation facility will be providing for workers.

 Air – conditioning vehicle will be provided for transportation of the workers to site.

 Clean portable water shall be transported in 20 liters’ thermos to site by means of double cab pickups.

 First aid Kit shall be preserved at site in individual gangs.

 Portable toilet with flushing units with water bowser supplies and waste storage tanks.

 Every site should have arrangements for securely storing PPE

6.12.2 Safeguard of Employees Health:

 Every employee will undergo a pre-employment medical examination as per the UAE Labor Law.

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 Personal Protective Equipment and clothing will be provided to all employees. Refer Annexure 17 for
Safety Wear Checklist.
 The main raw materials that are likely to be used for the project are paints, water proofing materials, cement,
grouting material, transformer oil, gel, bituminous materials etc.
 These raw materials will be stored in a separate designated storage area with warning signs and Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each hazardous material will be kept in a separate box accessible to all
concerned. Necessary toolbox talk / training will be given to all personnel handling these chemicals based on
the MSDS.
 First aid kit and trained first aider will be available at site in case of emergency arises.

6.13 Safety Consideration during Work Activities:

6.13.1 Safety Precautions during Access Road & Platform work:
1. Clearance – the safe clearance required beneath the overhead lines should be found by contacting the
Distribution Network (DEWA);
2. Exclusion – vehicles, plant, machinery, equipment, or materials that could reach beyond the safe clearance
distance should not be taken near the line;
3. Modifications – Vehicles such as cranes, excavators and tele-handlers should be modified by the addition of
suitable physical restraints so that they cannot reach beyond the safe clearance distances, measures should be put
in place to ensure these restraints are effective and cannot be altered or tampered with;
4. Maintenance – operators of high machinery should be instructed not carry out any work on top of the machinery
near overhead power lines;
5. Supervision – access for plant and materials and the working of plant should be under the direct supervision of a
suitable person appointed to ensure that safety precautions are observed.
6. WARNING: Contact with an overhead power line may cause the power to 'trip out' temporarily and it may be re-
energized automatically, without warning
7. Tool box talks will be conducted periodically and will include topics of relevant activity and about Health, Safety
& Environment.
8. Surface flow line/Gas pipe line will not be crossed by any vehicle/equipment before completion of the ROW
9. Barricade all Underground; aboveground and Over Head Lines 5 M on each side at the area of working using
Barrels filled with sand& install flash lights at night.
10. All Light &Heavy Vehicles will be inspected & approved by KEC safety officer before job start.
11. Don’t start any excavation near existing underground services without necessary permits & approvals.
12. Precaution will be taken during working in loose soil/sand dune (Desert) because there is chance of vehicle turn
13. Certified / inspected all the equipment’s, Tools & gears (by third party)

6.13.2. Safety Precaution while working around protected site

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1. Site in charge must train and motivate every employee so that they can carry out their task with awareness of
2. Site in charge must evaluate the environmental impact and make the information readily available to top
management and corrective action must be taken.
3. Always take preventive measure do diminish the occurrence probability of damages or to reduce harmful effect
to the environment.
4. Reduce the generated by means of implementing the methods, techniques and alternatives for classifying,
sorting, reusing or recycling of waste.
5. While handling with chemicals at worksite Material Safety Data Sheet should be strictly followed.
6. Site in charge must take necessary precaution in addition to the precaution required for storage or safe
transportation to prevent dispersion of waste.
7. All workers must wear reflecting jacket during fog or low visibility.
8. All workers must know the location of fire extinguisher and use of fire extinguisher equipment and procedure
for sounding and fire alarm.
9. All electrical power tools and extension cord must be properly insulated, and damage cord must be replaced
10. Certified / inspected all the equipment’s, Tools & gears (by third party)

6.13.3. Safety Precautions during Foundation Work:

1. Locate appropriate barriers, warning signs, traffic and approaches to and at work areas, excavations, open
manholes, parked equipment, and other hazards.
2. Keep warning barricade (cones, tape, and other items providing no physical protection) 5 feet (1.5 meters) from
the excavation.
3. Take special precautions for any areas where reduced visibility occurs, such as night operations or in fog.
4. Immediately remove warning devices after removal of hazards and equipment.
5. Provide flagman if there is any doubt as to whether the warning devices will be adequate as controls, such as in
areas with obstructed vehicular
6. Never enter an excavation deeper than 4 feet which does not have a safe access way, which has not been
inspected by a competent person before allowing an entrance, or which has equipment working next to the edge.
7. Follow the safe clearance procedures. Remember lines are considered energized if de energized system has not
been provided with proper protective grounding.
8. Work on near energized lines and equipment’s only when written authorized by the concerned competent
authority based on the need to support a critical mission, to prevent injury to person, or to protect property.
9. All excavation must be barricaded.
10. Certified / inspected all the equipment’s, Tools & gears (by third party)

6.13.4. Safety Precaution during Panel Installation Work:

1. Tool box talk shall be conducted daily; it shall include topics of relevant work activities as well as HSE issue
2. It shall be ensured that erection tools & parts are tested and is in used worthy condition.

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3. All worker and supervisor must use proper PPEs.
4. Tower erection shall be taken up after proper backfilling of foundation pits.
5. Workers erecting tower shall wear full body harness and properly anchor the hook with a suitable point/life
6. Reliability of all loads bearing tools & parts must be ensured through periodic inspection like load
testing/replacement etc.
7. First aid box with required medicines must be maintained at each site.
8. In each gang, at least one person shall be trained in first aid including the techniques of artificial respiration
9. The concerned engineer/supervisor to ensure that one vehicle must always be available at each construction site.
10. As it has been proven that most of the accidents take place during the period of ascending and descending
activities on tower, proper procedure for ascending and descending shall be strictly followed.
11. The supervisor must ensure that all such activities are carried out invariably through step bolts only.
12. All critical joints shall be adequate tightened before proceeding with next section erection.
13. Erection work should be carried out under the supervision of authorized supervisor only.
14. Certified / inspected all the equipment’s, Tools & gears (by third party)
Checklist is exhibited in the Annexure: 18

6.13.5. Safety Precaution during HV/LV Works:

1. It shall be ensured that all tools & parts are tested and are in use worthy condition.
2. Tower shall be checked properly before taking up HV/LV .
3. Tower earthing should be completed before conductor paying out / HV/LV.
4. PTW shall be obtained for EHV/HV/LT line crossing and a person shall be deployed at feeding station to check
inadvertent charging.
5. Competent person who has obtained outage must ensure that both side primary earths applied and locked.
6. At all-time competent person who has obtained Permit to Work (PTW)/ Limited Access Permit (LAP) must be
available at site during outage activities.
7. Proper earthing shall be at both end of power line.
8. All equipment shall be certified by competent authority.
10. All drivers must have valid license for operating such equipment’s.
11. Enough walkie-talkies shall be provided to HV/LV gang.
12. Walkie-talkies shall be checked before starting work activities.
13. Pilot wire /ropes shall not have left on ground level in night time after completion of work shift. It must be rough
sagged to a certain height, so that adequate clearance is available for under cross.
14. All workers must wear reflecting jacket during fog or low visibility.
15. To control induced voltage portable/permanent earth at regular intervals shall be provided until handling over the
Checklist is exhibited in the Annexure: 19

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6.13.6. Safety Precaution during Painting Work at ground level:
1. First aid box with required medicines must be available and maintained at each site.
2. One person shall be trained in first aid including the technique of artificial respiration (CRP).
3. The concerned supervisor should ensure that one vehicle must always be available at site.
4. The supervisor must ensure that all painting activities must be carried out at ground level only.
5. No short cut method is to be adopted while coming down from the tower.
6. All work activities at site shall be stopped during thunder storm. The supervisory staff shall remain responsible to
ensure this.
7. Workers must be use full body harness with double lanyard during painting work.
8. Paints box shall not keep open in the sun light, because it is highly flammable.
9. Workers should protect themselves from inhalation of vapors of paints.
10 painting work shall be stopped when:
 Metal surface temperature exceed 500C
 Relative humidity exceeds 85%.
 When there are dust storm and heavy wind.
6.13.7. Safety Precaution during Testing and commissioning of Cable:
1. Coordination with other Project Contractors for phased implementation and system integration &
commissioning of the overall communication network
2. Provide a working system that meets the functional and performance requirements of this specification.
3. Engineering and design specific to each location including review of, and conformance with local
environmental and earthing requirements.
4. Obtaining statutory clearances from regulatory bodies, statutory bodies such as municipality, highway
authority, electrical utilities, forest department, gas authorities etc.
5. Certified / inspected all the equipment’s, Tools & gears (by third party)
6. Development of installation and safety guidelines and procedures for the HV/LV, mechanical installation
7. Development of procedure for splicing of all fiber optic cable, including testing and documentation. Project
management, project scheduling, including monthly progress reports documenting progress during the
contract period.
8. Coordination with other Project Contractors for phased implementation and system
9. integration & commissioning of the overall communication network
10. Site visits, path surveys, and studies necessary to identify and provide all equipment needed to implement the
FO cables installation
11. Assessment of suitability for live line installation of overhead FO cable on the present infrastructure, towers
12. Design and Installation of the mechanical assemblies and accessories, including vibration dampers required
for installation of all overhead fiber cable. To conduct structural analysis and to carry out tower

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strengthening if required any or all additional steel work or modifications required to attach the overhead
fiber cables shall also be carried out.
6.13.8. Safety Aspects in Material Storage at Open Yard:
1. Bolts, nuts, washer and other attachments shall be packed in double gunny bags accurately tagged in
accordance with the content.
2. Packing shall be properly done to avoid loose/ damage during transit, each bundle or package shall be
appropriately marked.
3. During loading /unloading activities proper care shall be taken.
4. All the material transport shall be undertaken in vehicle suitable for the purpose.
5. Tower part should not be kept directly on the ground and it should be placed on sleeper/wood.
6. Proper lighting shall be provided in store yard.
7. Tools which contain rubber shall not be exposed to sun light.
8. All the tools made of steel & it’s alloy shall be stored where humid condition are not prevailing
9. Proper name boards shall be kept for easy identification.
10. Apply grease /oil lubricant over the surface of the wire rope uniformly and allow it to dry this will help to
prevent rusting of inner core strands of the wire rope.
11. Remove rigging equipment when not in use from the immediate work area so as not to present a hazard to
12. Do not remove, deface or destroy any warning, danger sign, or barricade, or interfere with any form of
protective device or practice provided for your use or that is being used by another worker.
13. Know the location and use of fire extinguisher equipment and the procedure for sounding a fire alarm.
14. Use tool only for their designed purpose.

6.13.9 Motorized Vehicles and Equipment Safety:

1. Do not ride on a motorized vehicle or equipment unless a proper seat is provided for each rider
2. Always be seated when riding authorized vehicles (unless they are designed for standing)
3. Do not operate any motorized vehicle or equipment unless you are specifically authorized to do so by your
4. Always use your seat belts in the correct manner.
5. Obey all speed limits and other traffic regulations.
6. Always inspect your vehicle or equipment’s while they are still in motion.
7. Do not dismount any vehicle without first shutting down the engine, setting the parking brake and securing
the load.
8. Do not allow other person to ride the hook or block, dump box, forks, bucket or shovel of any equipment’s.
9. Each operator must be knowledgeable of all hand signals and abbey them
10. Each operator is responsible for the stability and security of his load.
6.13.10 Safety Precautions Cranes and Lifting Equipment’s: General

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1. The manufacturer’s specifications and limitations applicable to the operation of any and all cranes and
derricks shall be complied with.
2. Rated load capacities
3. recommended operating speeds, special hazard warnings, or instruction must be visible to the operative
while he is at his control station.
4. Rigging equipment must be inspected by a competent person and/or operator prior to use on each shift and as
necessary during its use to ensure that it is safe. Defective rigging equipment must be tagged out of service
and removed from the work area.
5. A competent person shall make a through, monthly inspection of the hoisting machinery. The operator shall
maintain a record of the date’s and results of inspections for each hoisting machine and piece of equipment.
6. Standard operating signals should be agreed upon and should be used to direct all operations.
7. No modifications or additions, which affect the capacity of safe operation of the equipment, shall be made
without the manufacturer’s written approval.
8. Accessible areas within the swing radius of the rear of the rotating superstructure of the crane, either
permanently or temporarily mounted, must be barricaded to prevent any worker from being struck or crushed
by the crane.
9. Overhead and gantry cranes shall be plainly marked on each side of the crane as to its rated load capacity.
10. Ensure that personnel do not ride on the hook or on a load. Operator
1. The operator must be in possession of a current Government Crane Operator’s License. In addition, he must
be fully familiar with and competent to operate the crane to which he is assigned.
2. An operator may be certified to operate more than one type of crane, but under no circumstances is an
operator permitted to operate a crane for which he has not been certified.
3. A supervisor must ensure that his operator is physically fit and mentally alert. If the operator shows any signs
of illness, he must be removed from the crane.
4. Crane Operator certified by approved 3rd party Agencies before assign the job.
5. Equipment Inspection Checklist is exhibited in the Annexure: 20 Slinger/Rigger
1. The slinger/rigger is responsible for properly attaching the load to the crane and giving the correct hand signals
to the crane operator.
2. He must be properly trained in slinging/rigging, the standard lifting hand signals, and the general capabilities
of the crane with which he is working.
3. Rigger must have certified by approved 3rd party Agencies before assign the job
6.13.11. Safety Precautions in Material Handling.
1. Make sure that all material stored in tiers are stacked, racked, blocked, interlocked, or otherwise secured to
prevent sliding, falling or collapse.

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2. Keep aisles and passageways clear to provide for the free and safe movement of material handling equipment
and / employees. Keep these areas in good repair.
3. Use ramps, blocking or grading when a difference in road or working levels exists to ensure the safe
movements of vehicles between the two levels.
4. Segregate non-compatible material in storage.
5. Stack bagged materials by stepping back the layer and cross keying the bags at least every ten bags high.
6. If not racked, stack and block structural steel, poles, pipe, bar stock and other cylindrical materials as to
prevent spreading or tilting.
7. Carefully pile structural steel to prevent danger of members rolling off or the pile toppling over.
6.13.12 General Health and Safety Rules:
The following are a set of Guidelines for safe Behavior.
1. Report all defected Tools and Plants immediately.
2. Keep all walkways clear always.
3. Ensure all the machines (Tensioner, Puller, compressor etc.) are guarded in place.
4. Stack all the materials safely and securely where ever needed.
5. Keep a look out for moving cranes, crane hooks and lifting tackles.
6. Wear proper PPE always.
7. Know about your emergency procedure and assembly points.
8. Keep rubbish cleared away promptly. Good housekeeping prevents accidents.
9. Don't work in dark. Arrange sufficient lighting if needed.
10. Check for electrical switches and leads for any damage.
.6.13.13 working In Excavation Control Procedure:

Utilities and Pre-Work Site Inspection

Prior to excavation, the site shall be thoroughly inspected by Responsible Person to determine if special safety
measures must be taken.

Surface Encumbrances
All equipment, materials, supplies, permanent installations (i.e., buildings or roadways), trees, brush, boulders,
and other objects at the surface that could present a hazard to employees working in the excavation shall be
removed or supported as necessary to protect employees.

Underground Installations
 The location of sewer, telephone, fuel, electric, water, or any other underground installations or wires that may be
encountered during excavation work shall be determined and marked prior to opening an excavation.
Arrangements shall be made as necessary by competent Person with the appropriate utility entity for the
protection, removal, shutdown, or relocation of underground installations.
 If it is not possible to establish the exact location of these installations, the work may proceed with caution if
detection equipment or other safe and acceptable means are used to locate the utility.

Protection of the Public

Barricades, walkways, lighting, and posting shall be provided as necessary for the protection of the public prior to
the start of excavation operations.

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 Guardrails, fences, or barricades shall be provided on excavations adjacent to walkways, driveways, and other
pedestrian or vehicle thoroughfares. Warning lights or other illumination shall be maintained as necessary for
the safety of the public and employees from sunset to sunrise.

Protection of Employees
Stairs, ladders, or ramps shall be provided at excavation sites where employees are required to enter trench
excavations over four (4) feet deep. The maximum distance of lateral travel (along the length of the trench)
necessary to reach the means of egress shall not exceed 25 feet.

Inspection by Competent Person

Competent Person shall conduct daily inspections of excavations, adjacent areas, and protective systems for
evidence of a situation that could result in possible cave-ins, failure of protective systems, hazardous
atmospheres, or other hazardous conditions. An inspection shall be conducted by Competent Person prior to the
start of work and as needed throughout the shift. Inspections shall also be made after every rainstorm or other
hazard-increasing occurrence. These inspections are only required when the trench will be or is occupied by

Excavation Checklist is exhibited in the Annexure: 21

6.13.14 Work Equipment &Tools Fitness:

All equipment’s, Machines and tools to be used for the project will be maintained, tested and certified in
accordance with manufactures recommendation and local legislation prior to the commencement of the project.
Project manager or maintenance officer is responsible for this. Each equipment, machine, tool shall be classified
in accordance to degree of risk involved in terms of safety and environment. The performance of each will be
monitored regularly.

The general plants and equipment’s, which will be mobilized, but not limited to, for the project, are mobile crane
(25 Ton to 250 Ton), shovel, JCB, tipper, trailer, grader, roller, mix truck, concrete pump, Tension HV/LV
Equipment etc.

All lifting equipment’s and gears will test and certify by approved Third Party every year and these will be color
coded as per DEWA Rules. Test certificates will be available on mobilization of the cranes at site. All other
machine and equipment’s will be mobilized in good working conditions and maintained. All the mobile
equipment’s will be fitted with reverse alarm system.
Schedule and Checklist for the preventive maintenance of the equipment’s used in various activities will be
governed by the maintenance department.


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Jan, May & Sep - Blue

Feb, Jun & Oct - Yellow

Green Mar, Jul & Nov - Green

Apr, Aug & Dec - Red

The color tag to be provided on the lifting tackle/ gear after inspecting the test certificates for the lifting
tackles/gear. These should be done for all lifting tackles/gear which is be used for work activities.
Equipment Checklist is exhibited in the Annexure: 22 & Hand & Portable tools checklist is exhibited in the
Annexure: 23

6.13.15 Safety Precautions during Inclement Weather Conditions:

 Scaffoldings shall be mounted on firm ground, subsidence in ground levels due to water stagnation may cause
soil erosion at the base which is a potential safety hazard. Scaffoldings have to be fully checked and certified and
tagged by competent safety personnel. Scaffolding shall be rechecked after an incident of rainfall before
allowing for use.
 Scaffoldings shall not be used for storing, hauling or lifting materials.
 Lifting operations shall be suspended during windy condition and inclement weather.
 Walkways around construction area shall be checked for water ponding and we shall ensure proper draining
 Materials, cementitious products, steel etc. shall be stored under shelter on a raised platform.
 Temporary electrical network for construction works, DB and cables shall be checked for water ingress and
electrical hazards.
 Construction material and surplus earth shall not be stockpiled near excavation and trenches. Excavation shall be
executed to slopes to prevent caving, sliding and soil erosion.
 Steel reinforcement which are in position shall be covered to avoid rusting due to alternate dry and wet

6.14 Permit to Work System:

KEC will nominate competent persons who will undergo trainings from The Health, Safety & Environment
Division of DEWA (if required) and once they are certified they will act as Competent person. They will have
detailed knowledge of the technical
KEC required only two types of Permits from DEWA (LAP & PTW) only for execution of project.
Aspects of the work to be carried out in their working area. Their responsibilities are as follows:

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1. Job performer will ensure that all work that is carried out by personnel under their control and is covered
by a valid work permit, when required.

2. Job performer must understand the limitations and restrictions of the work permit in order carry out work

3. Job performer will ensure that the work permit is revalidated as necessary.

4. Job performer will ensure that the Issuing Authority is made aware of any changes in work conditions or
work content.

5. Job performer will ensure that the work described on the work permit is completed or left in a safe
condition if not completed.

6. Job performer will ensure that safe and proper tools are used.

7. Job performer will ensure that people executing the work are competent and skilled.

8. Job performers will physical follow-up/control on the work site frequently.

9. In the event of an emergency at or near the work site, job performer has to ensure that all equipment used
in the work is safely shutdown.
6.15 Disciplinary Action Procedure on HSE Rules Violations:
The HSE department has established penalty point for HSE rule violation for all employees of the company.
Penalty point system and disciplinary action procedure will be implemented strictly by safety officer liaison with
Project Manager and is exhibited in the Annexure: 24
6.16 Security Control Plan:

The Site Manager shall have overall responsibility for the security matters. The In-charge Administration shall be
responsible for implementing the Security system and monitoring as well as supervising its implementation. In-
charge Administration shall assign duties and responsibilities to Security Supervisor and security guards and
monitor their performance.


In-charge Administration shall ensure that KEC and sub-contractor employees working on site are issued site
identity cards on completion of the “HSE Induction Training for New Entrants” as per KEC procedures. In-charge
Administration shall maintain record of all identity cards issued.
All employees on site must carry their site identity card (ID) always. All personnel shall show their ID card at the
designated gates when entering and leaving the Site. Non-compliance with this rule can exclude the person from
the site until the site identity card is produced. The KEC security guards have the right to inspect employee’s
belongings. When a person leaves the site on termination or transfer he must return the site identity card to KEC
In-charge Administration. Loss of identity card is to be immediately reported to the In-charge Administration for
further action. Personnel must have appropriate Personnel Protective Equipment (P.P.E) prior to entry of the site;
none-compliance with this rule can result in immediate expulsion from the site.

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The visitor shall complete a Visitor ‘s Card and have it signed by the person they are meeting. The guards, if
necessary shall search personal belongings. The visitor shall return the Visitor ‘s Card to the guard when they
leave the Site.


Trucks and other vehicles carrying any equipment, tools, materials and other goods into the site shall stop at the
gate to be checked and identified.

When a vehicle leaves the site, the driver shall show the guards a Material Pass indicating the descriptions and
quantities of goods removed. Car parking for the KEC and sub-contractor’s vehicles shall be at designated areas.

In-charge Administration shall ensure that site Traffic Rules established by KEC are communicated to all drivers
and monitored for implementation. Traffic rules shall include the requirement for all drivers to possess a valid
local driver’s license or International Driver’s License (if accepted by local regulations), follow speed limits,
access route, parking limitations, inspection and maintenance requirements for vehicles, penalties for violators,
etc All works, and activities shall be carried out in accordance with DEWA / Company’s Health, Safety and
Environment requirements.

.7. Implementations & monitoring

7.1 HSE Performance – General

KEC provide entire HSE data to DEWA through a monthly statistics report that will be submitted within 03rd
working day of month. Refer Annex. 25 for format to be used for monthly reporting.

7.2 Accident- Incident/Near Miss Reporting, Investigation& Analysis:

Reporting System:

Following type of accident - incident shall be reported to Country Manager, HSE Manager, DEWA. HSE
personal immediately followed by a written report immediately and a detailed report will be submitted within 1
1. Fatal injuries.
2. Injuries resulting in medical attention, which results in, lost time.
3. Fire.
4. Toxic gas leak.
Primary incident and detailed incident/ accident/ occupational illness report Forms are shown in Annexure No.
26 respectively. And near miss report form is shown in Annexure: 27. All the near misses/incidents/accidents
will be reported by HSE officer to HSE Manager / Project Manager/ DEWA. within 24hrs Maximum
notification to DEWA by phone and submitting Form IVA & B – as a minimum. Full report to DEWA –
completing and submitting Form IV C and appropriate attachments.

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Investigation and Analysis Procedure:

The loss producing accidents and near misses will be investigated and analyzed for root causes. The
accidents, injury and illness records shall be analyzed for indications of sources and locations of hazards
and jobs that experience higher number of injuries.

Accident Analysis and Statistics:

All received data about reported accidents will be analyzed as shown after and submitted monthly to all
No. of lost time injuries X 1,000,000
A. Accident Frequency Rate =
No. of Man-Hours worked
No. of Man-Days lost X 1,000,000
B. Accident Severity Rate =
No. of Man-Hours worked

7.3 Safety Inspections

The site Safety Engineer / Officer along with the Project Engineer & Site supervisor will conduct monthly site
inspections prior to monthly safety committee meeting. The finding will be valuable inputs for the subsequent

The inspection includes the following as follows:

 Safety Equipment (PPE).

 Scaffolding.

 Lifting Appliance / Applications.

 Lifting gears /inspection testing & condition.

 Fire equipment schedule inspections and proper positioning.

 Mechanical plant- standards /air operated tools/wood working machines etc.

 Temporary Electrical supply connections.

 Excavation-Guarding Shoring Spoil disposal proximity etc.

 Cradles- daily check list verification/access -egress points high wind restrictions.

 Housekeeping Material stacking nail woods /edge protections/floor openings etc.

 Hazard waste & general Waste collection.

 Safety Inspection along with PM

A less formal, sometimes scheduled and undertaken by line managers with or without involvement of the H & S

Inspections have a broader scope than tours and are undertaken less frequently

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 Safety Inspection along with Client & Consultant
A formal scheduled event. Inspection teams include Senior Managers, H&S Officers, Client Representatives and
local line managers

.7.4 Monitoring Plan

The purpose of this guidance is to provide site managers site attorneys and other interested parties with
information and recommendations that should be useful for planning, implementing, maintaining and enforcing

Planning- may include activities leading up to the establishment of a KEC. It can include an evaluation of the
type of contemplated, potential instruments that might be used to implement the selected potential parties who will
be responsible for the various activities, criteria for termination of the issues that might impact the effectiveness of
the KEC, and estimated costs and funding sources.

Implementing - may include activities undertaken to put in place including drafting and signing the specific
documents necessary to establish and arranging for any technical and legal support that may be needed for
monitoring and reporting. KEC may be implemented at any stage in the cleanup process.

Maintaining - includes both monitoring and reporting which are generally conducted to routinely and critically
evaluate to determine whether the IC instrument remains in place and whether it meets the stated objectives and
performance goals.

Enforcing- can include actions taken to address KEC that have been breached or improperly implemented,
monitored, or reported. KEC enforcement can involve a range of activities, including informal communications to
seek voluntary compliance to more formal steps, when appropriate.

8. Audit and Management Reviews

To verify the effectiveness of HSE-Management System, audit plan shall be established and updated depending
on the performance and criticality of function / activity. The audit results, which shall be, expressed in terms of
compliance or non-compliance to the HSE requirements. The report shall be issued to concerned function and
copy to Project Manager.
Appropriate corrective and preventive action will be agreed within appropriate time-scale. The implementation
and effectiveness of proposed corrective and preventive action will be verified after agreed time.
A new procedure shall be developed to ensure the effectiveness and responsibilities and to determine whether the
company’s safety management system complies with the requirement of the standard and whether the process
and activities specified are effectively implemented and maintained. Once the new procedure will be developed.
It will be submitted to concerned person for their review. This is not limited to during the Audit.
HSE External Audit shall be done through approved agencies yearly,
HSE Internal Audit schedule, Audit Check list and HSE Inspection & follow-up format, HSE Inspection at site
checklist & ITP Schedule for Inspection are exhibited in the – Annexure No.28, 29, 30, 31and 32 respectively.

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8.2 Monitoring and Review
Reports for the HSE Audit results and performance will then be included in the Safety Management Review
Report; its purpose is to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the HSE company
policy, goals and objectives.
The review will consider if the implementing guidelines and procedures continues to be appropriate. It should
establish new or updated objectives for continual improvement, appropriate to the coming period, and consider
whether changes are needed.
Typical inputs are as follows:
o Accident statistics
o Results of Safety Audit
o Corrective / preventive actions carried out to the project since the previous review
o Reports of emergencies (actual or exercises)
o Reports regarding the overall performance of the audit
o Reports of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes.
As such, management review will be carried out by top management once in a year.
Relevant definitions:
CPAR : Corrective / Preventive Action Request
Contract start up Procedure
Action Action by Output
Ensure contractor obtains a controlled copy of the KEC’s documented
safety rules etc. HSE Engineer Ask
International safety control documents, codes and standards HSE Engineer Register
Agree and document incident reporting formats with contractor and client
departments HSE Engineer Formats
Agree with the Client the internal distribution of reporting formats HSE Engineer Register
Create a contract risk matrix identifying the Hazards, Risk category and
Groups at risk HSE Engineer Matrix
Clarify standards, formats and contents required of documentation HSE Engineer
submittals Documents
Schedule regular safety meeting with the contractor HSE Engineer Schedule

Reviews of HSE plans

Action Action by Output
Specific and relevant. HSE Engineer Comments
Manages statutory and regulatory. HSE Engineer Comments
Manages facilities and utilities. HSE Engineer Comments
Manages Emergency preparedness and response planning. HSE Engineer Comments

Manages inductions and Briefing training including preparation of suitable

documented material. HSE Engineer Comments
Manages the communication of requirements to relevant individuals. HSE Engineer Comments
Identifies all safety risks and describe their Management. HSE Engineer Comments

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Review of the Method Statement and Procedures
Action Action by Output
Logical Progress & constitute an engineering approach. HSE Engineer Comments
Includes suitable Management of legislative and regulatory. HSE Engineer Comments
Requires the appropriate level of consents to implication. HSE Engineer Comments
Description risk improvement. HSE Engineer Comments
Manages of Tool Box Talk in site Supervisor Comments

Safety Management Implementation

Action Action by Output
Plan and conduct audit of each contract HSE Plan HSE Engineer Report
Provide Weekly briefing to PM regarding upcoming All of them Memo
Instruct the Site Engineers on the inspecting and Audit HSE Engineer Standards reporting
Instruct the Site team on the standards of reporting Site Engineer Report
8.3. Provision of HSE Plan:

HSE department has been developed a HSE Implemented plan for the project activities. This HSE plan will be
implemented seriously. HSE implementation plan is exhibited in the Annexure: 02

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