3.2 Reflection Coefficient Calculations: Chapter 3 Transmission Line Calculations

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3.2 Reflection Coefficient Calculations

This document shows how you can use Mathcad's complex arithmetic and root function to carry out
transmission line calculations. The examples include finding the reflection coefficient, load impedance,
voltage standing wave ratio, and position of the voltage minimum and maximum along the transmission
line. The final example finds the location and value of a shunt admittance for impedance matching. You
enter a combination of the following parameters:

 L, normalized load impedance

 , the reflection coefficient
 VSWR, the voltage standing wave ratio
 z, position on the transmission line


Most transmission line operating parameters can be related to the reflection coefficient: impedance,
admittance, voltage, and VSWR can be found as a function of distance from the load. These calculations
are often carried out with the help of a Smith chart, but Mathcad's complex arithmetic capability and root
function allow you to obtain the same results by direct calculation.

For more information on the graphical method, please see 3.3 The Smith Chart.


Since all of these functions are periodic in distance along the transmission line, there may be more than
one solution to each problem, depending on the actual length of the transmission line. When a solution is
found, it is usually the one closest to the load, but not always. Other solutions will be one cycle (2) or
one half-wavelength away. It is wise to double check that the lengths calculated are not longer than the
transmission line itself.

Impedance Matching

A note about impedance matching: it is physically difficult to create a series impedance for a transmission
line, while it is relatively easy to construct a parallel admittance. For this reason, it is common to match
impedances with a parallel admittance stub, as is done in this document.
Mathcad Implementation

The equations that follow define standing wave solutions for transmission line voltages, reflection
coefficients, etc.

The following functions are defined here for use throughout the document. They transform between
rectangular (a + jb) notation and phasor form for complex numbers.

P gives the magnitude and phase (in degrees) of the complex number A. The output of the function P is a
two-element row vector in which the first element is the magnitude of the complex input and the second
element is the argument in degrees.

⎡ arg (A) ⎤
P (A) ≔ ⎢ |A| ―――
⎣ deg ⎥⎦

R(B) expresses the complex number B (magnitude, phase in radians) in the form a + jb. The function R
takes a similar row vector as input (with the argument in radians) and returns the equivalent complex
number in rectangular form.
R (B) ≔ B ⋅ cos ⎛B ⎞ + 1j ⋅ B ⋅ sin ⎛B ⎞
0,0 ⎝ 0 , 1⎠ 0,0 ⎝ 0 , 1⎠

For each computation, enter a value for a parameter by editing the corresponding definition.

Reflection Coefficient <=> Load Impedance

If the normalized load impedance is:

ZnL ≔ 1 + 2j
then the reflection coefficient is:
ZnL − 1
ΓL ≔ ――― = 0.5 + 0.5i
ZnL + 1

or in polar form,
P ⎛⎝ΓL⎞⎠ = [ 0.707 45 ]

Conversely, if the reflection coefficient is

ΓL ≔ [ .6 30 ] Gamma ≔ R ⎛⎝ΓL⎞⎠

and in rectangular form,

Gamma = 0.093 − 0.593i
The normalized load impedance is, then,
1 + Gamma
ZnL ≔ ―――― = 0.545 − 1.009i
1 − Gamma
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)

If the reflection coefficient is

ΓL ≔ .8 + .2j

then the voltage standing wave ratio is

1 + |ΓL|
VSWR ≔ ――― = 10.404
1 − |ΓL|

If the normalized load impedance is

ZnL ≔ 1 + 2j

then the reflection coefficient is

ZnL − 1
ΓL ≔ ―――
ZnL + 1
and the
1 + |ΓL|
VSWR ≔ ――― = 5.828
1 − |ΓL|

Positions of the Voltage Minima and Maxima

If the normalized load impedance is

ZnL ≔ 1 + 2j

then the reflection coefficient is

ZnL − 1
ΓL ≔ ――― = 0.5 + 0.5i
ZnL + 1

and the positions of the voltage minimum and maximum in wavelengths are

arg ⎛⎝ΓL⎞⎠ + π
zmin ≔ −―――― = −0.313

arg ⎛⎝ΓL⎞⎠
zmax ≔ −――― = −0.063
The reflection coefficient and voltage at a position z wavelengths back from the load are, respectively,
2 ⋅ 1j ⋅ 2 ⋅ π ⋅ z
Γ. (z) ≔ ΓL ⋅ e
−1j ⋅ 2 ⋅ π ⋅ z 1j ⋅ 2 ⋅ π ⋅ z
V (z) ≔ e + ΓL ⋅ e

d ≔ 0 , 0 − 0.01 + 0 ‥ −1.49 Range variable for distance

|V (d)| 0.85

-1.5 -1.35 -1.2 -1.05 -0.9 -0.75 -0.6 -0.45 -0.3 -0.15 0

Fig. 3.2.1 |V| as function of distance from load

Additional minima and maxima can be found by adding 2 to the numerators of the
expressions for zmax and zmin.

Load Impedance and Voltage

If the VSWR is given, it is straightforward to find the load impedance:

VSWR ≔ 4 zmin ≔ −.2 wavelengths from the load

The magnitude of the reflection coefficient at the load is
VSWR − 1
MagΓL ≔ ―――
VSWR + 1
and the phase of the reflection coefficient is
ΦΓL ≔ −⎛⎝π + 4 ⋅ π ⋅ zmin⎞⎠

Therefore, the normalized load impedance is

1 + R ⎛⎝⎡⎣ MagΓL ΦΓL ⎤⎦⎞⎠

ZnL ≔ ――――――― = 1.644 − 1.812i
1 − R ⎛⎝⎡⎣ MagΓL ΦΓL ⎤⎦⎞⎠
Impedance Matching with a Shunt Admittance

If the normalized load impedance is

ZnL ≔ 2 + 1j
Then the reflection coefficient at the load is
ZnL − 1
ΓL ≔ ―――
ZnL + 1
2 ⋅ 1j ⋅ 2 ⋅ π ⋅ z 1 + Γ (z)
Γ (z) ≔ ΓL ⋅ e Zn (z) ≔ ―――
1 − Γ (z)

The normalized admittance at a point z from the termination is

Yn (z) ≔ ――
Zn (z)

To match the impedance, find a position on the line where the admittance has real part 1 using Mathcad's
root location function:

Make a guess for the location along the line:

d ≔ −.2
z1 ≔ root ⎛⎝Re ⎛⎝Yn (d)⎞⎠ − 1 , d⎞⎠

The location is
z1 = −0.199 wavelengths from the load.

The admittance at z1 is
Yn (z1) = 1 + 1i

The shunt admittance to be added is the imaginary portion of Yn:

shunt ≔ −Im ⎛⎝Yn (z1)⎞⎠ = −1

The length of the short-circuited stub with complex admittance shunt is

⎛ 1 ⎞
atan ⎜――
⎝ shunt ⎟⎠
d ≔ ――――= −0.125 wavelengths

As a check, calculate the admittance of a short circuited stub of length

2 ⋅ 1j ⋅ 2 ⋅ π ⋅ z 1 + Γ (z)
ΓL ≔ −1 Γ (z) ≔ ΓL ⋅ e Zn (z) ≔ ―――
1 − Γ (z)
1 −17
Ystub ≔ ――= −5.551 ⋅ 10 − 1i
Zn d
( )

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