Track and Field Constitution 2021-2022 1

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Constitution of the Track & Field Club

Article I: Purpose and Goals

The main purpose of the Track and Field Club is to allow people to begin or
continue their involvement in track and field. The organization aims for members to train
and prosper in track and field, as well as gain knowledge and experience in the sport. The
team functions as a means to keep athletes involved in or allow new athletes to explore
Track and Field.

Article II: Membership

a) Membership in the organization is contingent on signing the Membership
b) The organization must have a minimum of 10 full time student members.
c) Full-time Pennsylvania State University, University Park students must comprise
at least 51% of the membership of the organization.
d) Only full-time Pennsylvania State University, University Park students are
eligible to vote on club matters.
e) Only full-time Pennsylvania State University, University Park students may
compete on behalf of the Track and Field Club Team.
i) Exemptions to this rule may be made if a student is completing his/her
final semester prior to graduation, and requires less than 12 credits
(undergraduate) or 9 credits (graduate) for graduation.
f) Membership in the organization must be open to all Pennsylvania State
University, University Park students, faculty, and staff.
i) The organization’s membership may be exclusively men, exclusively
women, or mixed.
ii) The organization may not exclude any Pennsylvania State University,
University Park students, faculty, or staff on any basis other than
disciplinary cause.
g) Membership is contingent on a payment, which will be due when the Membership
Agreement is signed.
h) Membership will not be divided into classes or levels as all members will be
required to work as one unified team.
i) The organization will have a 3 strike policy for its procedure for revocation of
membership. On the first offense, a member will receive a warning only between
the officers and the member. If the first offense is severe, it will also count as the
second warning. The second offense will be another warning from the officers
and the Club Sports Office will be notified of the behavior. The third and final
offense will result in a total loss of membership and the Club Sports Office will
be notified. The member will be allowed to return to the organization the
following semester bearing approval from the Club Sports Office. Offenses
constitute, but are not limited to, being noncompliant to the Pennsylvania State
University rules and regulations, improper use of equipment, bringing possible
harm to others physically and/or verbally, and damaging the property of the
University or the organization.
Article III: Officers
a) Full-time Pennsylvania State University, University Park students must fill the
leadership roles within the organization.
b) Officer’s duties are as follows.
President: The President is the chief officer and is the primary contact and
coordinator of all the clubs activities. The Presidents duties include:
(a) Attending the Club Sports Officers’ Training Session.
(b) Reading and understanding the Club Sports Manual.
(c) Completing an Acknowledgment of Responsibility Form.
(d) Submitting monthly, semester, and annual reports of the club sport
organization’s activities.
(e) Maintaining a current list of email addresses and phone number for the
club officers and members.
(f) Determining the location of all club sport organization equipment and
submitting a semester inventory to the Club Sport Office.
(g) Conducting all club business meetings.
(h) Remaining knowledgeable of the club sport organization’s financial
(i) Ensuring that all club members (or guardians) have signed the
Liability Waiver.
(j) Understanding the services available to the club sport organization
from the Club Sports Office.
(k) Notifying the Club Sport Office of changes in leadership within the
club sport organization.
(l) Periodically meeting with the club sport organization’s Advisor.
(m) Promoting good sportsmanship.
(n) Implementing proper disciplinary action procedures when necessary.
(o) Holding monthly meetings with the club sport organization officers
and semester meetings with the club sport organization members.
(p) Seeking approval for all travel, special events, and fundraising plans.
(q) Submitting semester facility requests by the designated deadlines.
(r) Supervising fundraising projects.
(s) Fulfilling responsibilities of a coach with the Vice President.
Vice President: The Vice President helps the President with his/her
responsibilities. The Vice President duties include:
(a) Attending the Club Sports Officers’ Training Session.
(b) Completing an Acknowledgement of Responsibility Form.
(c) Fulfilling responsibilities of a coach with the President.
(d) Helping other officers with their duties, primarily the President.
(e) Preparing to assume the role of the President the following year, unless
the team votes another person into the President position.
Treasurer: The Treasurer is the chief financial officer. The Treasurer’s duties
(a) Attending the Club Sports Officers’ Training Session.
(b) Completing an Acknowledgment of Responsibility Form.
(c) Understanding the policies and procedures for processing all financial
(d) Understanding the policies and procedures for all club accounts
including Allocation, ASA, ATEF, Endowment, and OUD.
(e) Submitting Financial Request forms and accompanying invoices,
receipts, and/or equipment purchase requests.
(f) Collecting member dues in a timely manner.
(g) Depositing all funds into the club’s ASA or OUD accounts.
(h) Preparing and maintaining ledgers (income, encumbrances, and
expenditures) for all accounts.
(i) Preparing and submitting the Annual Budget Request from to the
Coordinator of Club Sports by the spring deadline.
(j) Preparing a revised working budget each fall.
Secretary: The Secretary is the chief record keeper. The Secretary’s duties
(a) Attending the Club Sports Officer’s Training Session.
(b) Completing an Acknowledgment of Responsibility Form.
(c) Recording minutes of all club meetings.
(d) Submitting meeting minutes to the Club Sports Office.
(e) Notifying club members (via email and/or phone) of all upcoming
meetings, events, etc.
(f) Helping other officers with their duties.
(g) Checking the club sport organization mailbox at least once per week.
Coach (Responsibility of President and Vice President): The duties of the
coach include:
(a) Completing all required Pennsylvania State University employment or
volunteer paperwork.
(b) Attending a Coach/Instructor Training Session.
(c) Possessing Valid CPR/AED, and Standard First Aid certifications
from an approved organization.
(d) Attending a Responding to Injuries session, conducted by the Club
Sports Office.
(e) Instructing participants on proper technique for the particular activity.
(f) Planning and implementing contest strategy.
(g) Ensuring safety of participants.
(h) Monitoring performance for the purpose of evaluating and improving
skill level.
(i) If the coach is not a University Park student, and member of the team,
he/she will not be responsible for administrative duties and will not be
able to override the decision of the President.
c) The requirements for executive officers are that they must have sufficient
knowledge of the sport of track and field.
i) The current officers will decide if a member meets the requirements.
ii) Current officers have the ability to remove a potential candidate from the
voting ballot for the following year, if deemed unfit for the position, if
more than 50% of the executive board agrees upon this.
d) An officer’s term will last for one year; however, an officer can be re-elected.
Officers may not possess the same position for more than two years.
i) New officers will begin their terms at the beginning of the fall semester.
ii) Past officers will be considered ordinary members.
iii) If an officer graduates or leaves in the fall a new officer may be elected in
the fall for the following spring.
e) Officers can only resign at the end of a semester unless there is a valid reason.
The position will be filled by an election from the group; however, the member
will only fill the position for the remainder of the semester.
f) There will be an Executive Officer meeting once a month, which is called by the
president. If an additional meeting is needed, it can be called by any officer.
Decisions are made by an open vote.
g) Officers will be elected by receiving the majority of votes from the club.
h) To remove an officer, there must be a vote by the team. If the team votes at least
51% in favor of removing the officer then they are removed. This percentage will
be based on the number of voters, not members on the roster.

Article IV: Meetings

a) The meeting time and location will be advertised at practice, and through email
and/or Facebook/Twitter.
b) Coaches and officers may call membership meetings.
c) The person who calls the membership meeting is responsible for making the
agenda for the meetings, as well as controlling the meeting to ensure rules of
d) Emergency or special meetings may only be called upon by the president. These
meeting may be advertised in person or through email and/or Facebook/Twitter.
e) A sign-in sheet will be made in order to record meetings attendance.

Article V: Voting
a) Executive officers will vote on major events, activities, and other minor issues.
i) All executive officers must participate in the voting.
ii) At least 66% of the quorum must agree on a decision.
b) The general voting membership will vote on officers, fund-raisers, and issues that
need to be addressed to the entire group.
i) At least 51% of the members must be present for voting to occur.
ii) The decision with the majority of votes will be carried out.

Article VI: Finances

a) The Treasurer presumes all responsibility of financial affairs.
b) The organization will maintain an ASA account and follow appropriate ASA
policies and guidelines.
c) If the Track and Field Club Team terminates, all remaining funds will be donated
to THON after 4 years.
d) Dues will be charged and the amount will be dependent upon funds available to
the club (via fundraisers/financial aid by the university) and operational costs of
the club. This includes but is not limited to registration costs for meets and
training equipment.
e) Dues will be collected once per school year. The dues must be paid within two
weeks of a joining the club for all members. Members who have not paid their
dues are not eligible to compete on behalf of the team.
f) All dues will be collected by the Treasurer and are non-refundable.
g) The Treasurer is responsible for creating and maintaining the organization’s

Article VII: Elections

a) Elections for the Fall semester will be held during the last few weeks of the
Spring semester. Elections will be held in the Fall only if an officer position is
available for the following Spring semester.
b) Candidates must be nominated by a group member and receive a second.
c) Vice President will be assumed to take over as President the following year,
unless 51% of the members vote against this and/or the current Vice President
will be ineligible to run for President the following year based on previously
established guidelines for joining the club. This vote will be held a week before
officer elections.
d) Voting will be by an anonymous ballot.
e) Officers will tally the ballots at the preceding officer meeting.
f) At least 51% of the quorum must be present and voting for a candidate to be
g) The candidate who receives the majority of the quorum will become the next

Article VIII: Amendments to the Constitution

a) Proposed amendments will be announced at practices and/or meetings. An email
may also be sent.
b) A three quarters vote will be required to ratify an amendment.
c) Once approved by the organization, all constitutions with amendments must be
submitted to the Assistant Coordinator of Club Sports.

Article IX: Accessibility of this Constitution

a) A non-editable version of this constitution shall be posted to the Club Track &
Field website, where it shall be posted under the tab “Constitution”.

Article X: Advisors
a) The Track and Field Club Team must have an advisor who is a full-time faculty
or staff member of Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
b) The officers will select an advisor from all the available candidates.
c) The advisor will be reviewed once a year.
d) There must be a 75% vote from the team to remove an advisor. A new advisor
will be appointed by the officers.
e) The Advisor’s responsibilities include:
i) Attending the annual Advisor Training Session.
ii) Completing and acknowledgment of the Responsibility Form.
iii) Assisting the organization’s student leaders in adherence to University,
Athletic Department, and Club Sports Policies and procedures.
iv) Being available to club sport leaders during the development of projects
and programs and to provide guidance to help ensure that activities are
well planned and reflect favorable on the University.
v) Attending semester membership meetings and officer meetings when
vi) Assisting with the documentation of pertinent information.

Article XI: Coaches

a) There will be at least one coach to oversee everything. This person may be a
student. More coaches may be hired as the team grows.
b) The coach will be selected by the officers.
c) Duties of this coach are outlined in Article III, Section B of this constitution.

Article XII: Safety Considerations

a) All team members will complete the Club Sports Program Participation
Agreement, Release of Claims, and Liability Waiver. All team members will be
added to the online club roster before participating in any physical activity with
the team.
b) The team will not conduct any physical activity without the presence of approved
Safety Officers. The responsibilities of the Safety Officers include:
• Possess valid CPR/AED and Standard First Aid certifications from an
approved organization
• Attend team practices, competitions, and activities - both home and away
• Check the safety of facilities and equipment before allowing members to
• Attend to injured participants in a manner consistent with the
information outlined in the responding to injuries session
• Complete a University Incident/Accident Report form for all accidents,
regardless of severity and return it to the Club Sports Program Office as
soon as possible following the event
• Call 911 when necessary

The team will not conduct any physical activity without the presence of a Club
Sports Program approved Coach. No team member will use any “undue force” in
any contact activity. No team member will use weapons in conjunction with the
team’s activities unless approved by the Club Sports Program for specific
activities. All team members will wear proper safety equipment required for this
sport. The team will engage in physical contact through practices, games, and
scrimmages. Any violations of stated safety guidelines are grounds for immediate
dismissal from the team.

Article XIII: Compliance with Competitive Sports Program

This organization shall comply with all Pennsylvania State University, Department of
Intercollegiate Athletics, and Club Sports Program regulations; and local, state, and
federal laws. Violations may subject individual club members and/or the entire club to
sanctions up to and including dismissal from club membership, discipline through
Pennsylvania State University Judicial Affairs, and/or deactivation of the club sport
i) This organization and its members, officers, coaches, and/or advisor shall
not engage in hazing. Hazing is defined as any actions or situation that
recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or
safety of a student or that willfully destroys or removes public or private
property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with,
or as a condition of continued membership in the organization.
ii) The Club Sport Program prohibits the use of alcohol (regardless of age)
and/or drugs during club activities or functions. Failure to comply with
this policy will result in the club being placed on inactive statue.
iii) The Club Sports Program prohibits the use of alcohol or drug symbols,
graphics, terminology, or products in association with club
promotion/publicity avenues, fund-raising projects, or club sponsored
The organization will accept and abide by the policies and procedures found in the Club
Sports Manual and the University Code of Conduct. The organization understands that
the consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited at all club activities, regardless of
location, including but not limited to socials, parties, recruitment meetings, community
service/philanthropic trips/events, and competitive trips/events, regardless of member
age. Disciplinary actions will be taken on any individual engaging in such behavior. Non-
prescribed drugs, performance enhancing drugs, or any other substances that might be
dangerous or detrimental to the participant’s health, or performance as a member of this
team are also prohibited. The organization understands that hazing is strictly prohibited
and illegal, and the club will refrain from any hazing activities. Hazing is defined as any
action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health
or safety of a student or that willfully destroys or removes public or private property for
the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for
continued membership in any recognized student organization.

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