17 Samss 006

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Materials System Specification  

17-SAMSS-006 28 February 2010

Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection
Cathodic Protection Standards Committee Members
Umair, Ahmed Abdul Rahman, Chairman
 Arfaj, Maher Abdullah, Vice Chairman
 Birnawi, Ismail Yousif
 Bukhamsin, Abdulhameed Ali
Catte, Darrell Raymond
 Mahrous, Husain Maki
 Mulhem, Tareq Ahmed
Qarashi, Abdullah Mohsin
Sonaiyen, Salah Abdulrahman
 Zubail, Saleh Abdullah

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 

Table of Contents 

1 Scope............................................................. 3
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 3
3 References..................................................... 3
4 General........................................................... 4
5 Manufacturer Qualifications............................ 6
6 Materials......................................................... 8
7 Design.......................................................... 10
8 Inspection and Quality Control..................... 11
9 Packing and Shipping.................................. 12

Previous Issue: 31 March 2008 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 13
Primary contact: Zubail, Saleh Abdullah on 966-3-8760193

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2010. All rights reserved. 


Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

Detailed Table of Contents

1  Scope .......................................................................................................................  3

Conflicts and Deviations ........................................................................................... 3

3  References ...............................................................................................................  3
3.1  Saudi Aramco References ............................................................................. 3 
3.2  Industry Codes and Standards ...................................................................... 4 

4  General ....................................................................................................................  4
4.1  Terms and Definitions .................................................................................... 4  
4.2  Ordering Information ...................................................................................... 5 
4.3  Vendor Document Submittals ........................................................................ 5 
4.4  Labeling ......................................................................................................... 6  

5  Manufacturer Qualifications ..................................................................................... 6  

5.1  Initial Qualifications ........................................................................................ 6
5.1.1  Manufacturer Test Requirements ..................................................... 6 
5.1.2  Saudi Aramco Test Requirements .................................................... 7 
5.1.3  Manufacturer Technical Document Submittals ................................. 7 
5.2  Requalification Testing .................................................................................. 7  

6  Materials...................................................................................................................  8
6.1   Aluminum .......................................................................................................  8
6.2  Magnesium .................................................................................................... 9  
6.3  Zinc for Operation at 50°C or Less ................................................................ 9 
6.4  Zinc for Operation between 50°C to 70°C ................................................... 10 

Design ................................................................................................................... 10
7.1   Anode Casting ............................................................................................. 10  
7.2  Lead Wires................................................................................................... 11  
7.3  Packaged Anodes........................................................................................ 11  

8  Inspection and Quality Control ............................................................................... 11 

8.1  Inspection Requirements ............................................................................. 11 
8.2  Quality Control Program .............................................................................. 11 
8.3  Manufacturer Production Quality Control ..................................................... 12 

Packing and Shipping ............................................................................................ 12

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

1 Scope

This specification together with the Purchase Order covers the minimum requirements
for galvanic anodes for cathodic protection systems.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this specification and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Engineering Standards (SAESs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the
Manager, Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302 
and forward such requests to the Manager, Consulting Services Department of
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran. The Vendor in his quotation shall separately list all
deviations from this specification with references to specific paragraph numbers.

3 References

All referenced Specifications, Standards, Codes, Forms, Drawings, and similar material
shall be considered part of this specification to the extent specified herein and shall be
the latest issue (including all revisions, addenda, and supplements) unless stated

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302   Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a
 Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering

Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings

 AA-036335   Half Shell Bracelet Type Anodes for Pipe Sizes
 AA-036388   Internal Galvanic Anodes Installation Details for
 AA-036389  Galvanic Anode Details
 AA-036762  Crude and Product Tank Bottom Internal
Galvanic Anode Installation

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements

 Form 175-171300  Galvanic Anodes: Aluminum, Magnesium, or Zinc
 for Cathodic Protection

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Society for Testing and Materials

 ASTM D1141 Substitute Ocean Water
 ASTM G97 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Evaluation
of Magnesium Sacrificial Anode Test
Specimens for Underground Applications

International Standards Organization

 ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements

 National Association of Corrosion Engineers

 NACE RP0387 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for
Cast Sacrificial Anodes for Offshore
 NACE TM0190 Standard Test Method Impressed Current Test
 Method for Laboratory Testing of Aluminum

 National Fire Protection Association

 NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC)

Swedish Standards Institute

SIS-05-5900 Swedish Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards
 for Painting Steel Surfaces

Steel Structures Painting Council

SSPC-SP 10 Near-White Blast Cleaning

4 General

4.1 Terms and Definitions

The following terms are used in this specification:

Anode: Where used in this specification, the term "Anode" shall refer to a
galvanic anode.

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

Lead Wire: Where used in this specification, the term "Lead Wire" shall refer
to a cable directly connected to a galvanic anode.

Buyer: Saudi Aramco Purchasing Department Representative.

Buyer's Representative : The person or persons designated by the Purchasing

Department to monitor/enforce the contract.

CSD: Consulting Services Department.

Manufacturer : The Company that manufactures the anode.

Reference Electrodes : Standard silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl/0.6M Cl)

reference cells.

SCC: Where used in this specification, SCC refers to the Standards Committee
Chairman for cathodic protection material.

SME: Where used in this specification, SME refers to the cathodic protection
Subject Matter Expert assigned to this material specification by the Standards
Committee Chairman.

Vendor: The Company that receives the purchase order to supply the anode.
The Vendor may also be the Manufacturer if both definitions apply.

4.2 Ordering Information

The following shall be included with the Purchase Order:

  Type of anode material

   Net anode material mass
  Critical dimensions, e.g., length of core, size of core, dimensions of finished
  Anode mounting details

4.3 Vendor Document Submittals

The Vendor shall submit the following documents to the Buyer and Vendor
inspection. Any proposed alternative designs in addition to the required design
shall be clearly described in these submittals. The English language shall be
used on all documents, drawings, labels, etc.

a) Manufacturer's name
 b) Minimum anode energy capacity

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

c) Anode material composition

d) Test data and certificate of compliance with Section 6 of this specification
e) Certified drawings, fully dimensioned and scaled, showing details of anode

4.4 Labeling

Each anode shall be labeled with the following information on either a

waterproof paper tag with waterproof ink, or a traffolyte type plate with
contrasting letters:

a) Type of Anode
 b) Anode Dimensions
c) Date of Manufacture and Heat Number
d) Purchase Order Number
e) Manufacturer
f) Casting Foundry
g) Material Number

Ribbon type anodes shall have one label (water proof tag) tagged to each coil of

5 Manufacturer Qualifications

5.1 Initial Qualifications

5.1.1 Manufacturer Test Requirements Supplying foundry (manufacturer) shall be technically pre-

qualified by Saudi Aramco to produce each different anode
material. To qualify, the manufacturer shall have a reputable
third party laboratory (laboratory must be pre-approved in
writing by the SME) conduct an open circuit potential test,
chemical composition test and an energy capacity test
according to ASTM G97 for magnesium anodes and according
to NACE TM0190 for aluminum and zinc anodes. Submit the results to SME for evaluation. The test results shall
meet the acceptance values of Section 6 for the anode material

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

5.1.2 Saudi Aramco Test Requirements Magnesium

The manufacturer shall provide one 60 pound (27 kg) anode

(backfill and cable not required) to the SME for 'In-House'
ASTM G97 testing. Pass/fail criteria will be based on the
acceptance values detailed in Section 6 for the anode material
tested. Aluminum and Zinc

A sample (size to be specified by the SME) shall be provided

to the SME.

5.1.3 Manufacturer Technical Document Submittals The English language shall be used on all documents,

drawings, labels, etc. The Manufacturer shall submit the following documents to the

Saudi Aramco Vendor Inspection Division and to the SME in
the Consulting Services Department.

a) Manufacturer's material specification including service

restrictions and recommended service, if applicable.
 b) Manufacturer certified drawings showing all dimensions
and details.
c) Manufacturer certified test data for the electrochemical
 properties and anode material composition confirming
compliance with Section 6 of this specification.

Submittal of the above documents will not be required on

repeat orders. However, if any modifications are made to the
 previously supplied (approved) materials, then all relevant data
shall be resubmitted to the Saudi Aramco SME for approval.

5.2 Requalification Testing

The SME will select a sample anode from Saudi Aramco stock and conduct
testing of the alloy for each approved manufacturer at 2-year intervals. The
testing will consist of composition testing and energy capacity testing and will
 be conducted by Saudi Aramco or a reputable third party laboratory pre-
approved in writing by the SME. The energy capacity testing shall be conducted
according to ASTM G97 for magnesium anodes and according to NACE

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

TM0190 for aluminum and zinc anodes. If the testing results do not meet the
requirements of Section 6, then the anode foundry shall be removed from the
approved manufacturer list.

6 Materials

Anode materials covered within the scope of this document are

  Aluminum
  Magnesium
  Zinc

Commentary Note:

The conversion from manufacturer’s data for reference potentials provided with
respect to CSE shall be made by adding -50 mV to the Ag/AgCL potentials listed in
this Material Specification.

Example; -1050 Ag/AgCl is equivalent to -1100 CSE.

6.1 Aluminum

6.1.1 Aluminum anodes shall exhibit an open circuit potential, when immersed
in ASTM D1141 "Substitute Ocean Water" at ambient temperature, of
-1050 mV or more negative with reference to a Ag/AgCl electrode.

6.1.2 Aluminum anodes shall have an efficiency sufficient to provide an anode

energy capacity greater than 2300 amp-hrs per kilogram in accordance
with NACE TM0190.

6.1.3 Aluminum anodes shall conform to the following Specification:

Zn 2.0-6.5%
Fe 0.12% Maximum
Si 0.08-0.20%
Cu 0.006% Maximum
In 0.01-0.02%
Hg none
0.02% Maximum, any one other impurity and
0.06% Maximum, total of all other impurities
Al Balance

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

6.2 Magnesium

6.2.1 Magnesium anodes shall exhibit an open circuit potential, when

immersed in ASTM D1141 "Substitute Ocean Water" at ambient
temperature, of -1650 mV or more negative with reference to an
Ag/AgCl electrode.

6.2.2 Magnesium anodes shall have an efficiency sufficient to provide

an anode energy capacity greater than 800 amp-hrs per kilogram
measured in accordance with ASTM G97-97.

6.2.3 Magnesium anodes shall conform to the following Specification:

Cu 0.02% Maximum
Al 0.01% Maximum
Fe 0.03% Maximum
Mn 0.5 - 1.3%
 Ni 0.001% Maximum
0.05% Maximum, any one other impurity and
0.30% Maximum, total of all other impurities
Mg Balance

6.3 Zinc for Operation at 50°C or Less

6.3.1 Zinc ribbons and zinc anodes to be operated at 50°C or less shall exhibit
a potential of -1050 mV or more negative in reference to a Ag/AgCl
electrode when tested in ASTM D1141 "Substitute Ocean Water" at
ambient temperature.

6.3.2 Zinc anodes for 50ºC or less operation shall have an efficiency sufficient
to provide an energy capacity of 770 ampere-hours per kilogram at 23 ±
3°C in accordance with NACE TM0190.

6.3.3 Zinc anodes for 50°C or less operation shall conform to the following

Al 0.005% Maximum
Cu 0.002% Maximum
Fe 0.0014% Maximum
Pb 0.003% Maximum
Cd 0.003% Maximum

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

Zn Balance

6.3.4 Zinc anodes used for permanent reference cells shall meet the
requirements of 6.3.1, 6.3.2 and the requirements of Material Number

6.4 Zinc for Operation between 50°C to 70°C

6.4.1 Zinc anodes for wet crude handling vessels operating at temperatures
 between 50°C and 70°C shall exhibit a potential more negative than
-900 mV with reference to a Ag/AgCl reference electrode, when
immersed in ASTM D1141 "Substitute Ocean Water" at 70°C. These
anodes shall be immersed at least one hour before taking the potential.

6.4.2 Zinc anodes shall have an efficiency sufficient to provide an anode

energy capacity greater than 770 amp-hrs per kilogram at 50°C.

6.4.3 Zinc anodes for wet crude handling vessels operating at temperatures
 between 50°C and 70°C shall conform to the following Specification:

Al 0.10% - 0.25%
Mg 0.05% - 0.15%
Cd 0.001% Maximum
Fe 0.002% Maximum
Cu 0.001% Maximum
Pb 0.006% Maximum
0.10% Maximum, total of all other impurities
Zn Balance

6.4.4 Zinc anodes shall not be used for operating temperatures above 70°C
without written concurrence from the SME.

7 Design

7.1 Anode Casting

Galvanic anodes shall be made by casting the alloy material around a steel core.
Prior to casting the melt, the cores shall be descaled, degreased, and abrasive
 blasted to SSPC-SP 10 or Swedish Standard Sa 2½ within 24 hours of casting or
sooner so that rust bloom is not present. Construct Bracelet anodes according to
Saudi Aramco Standard Drawing AA-036335.  Construct magnesium anode
Material Number 6000001040 according to Saudi Aramco Standard Drawing

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

AA-036762.  Construct other galvanic anodes according to Saudi Aramco

Standard Drawing Numbers AA-036388 and/or  AA-036389. 

7.2 Lead Wires

Lead wires on packaged anodes shall be 10 mm² (No. 8 AWG) stranded copper
insulated wire suitable by NEC Table 310.13 for burial in wet locations. Lead
wires on packaged magnesium and zinc anodes shall be brazed or silver soldered
to the steel core and the connection shall be sealed with potting compound. The
 brazing rod or silver solder shall be SILVABRITE or an equivalent approved by
the SME.

7.3 Packaged Anodes

Packaged anodes are anodes that have been placed in a water absorbent cotton
 bag with the backfill described below. A sample of the cotton bag shall be
submitted to Saudi Aramco SME for approval. The bag shall be filled and
tightly compacted with a mix of 75% gypsum, 20% bentonite and 5% sodium
sulfate. The minimum acceptable weights for anodes shall be as detailed in
section 8 of this specification. The nominal weights of packaged magnesium
anodes shall be:

14.5 Kg net - 31 Kg total (32 lb net –  68 lb total)

27 Kg net - 80 Kg total (60 lb net –  176 lb total)

The minimum weights of packaged zinc reference anodes shall be:

2.8 Kg net - 5.44 Kg total (6.2 lb net –  12 lb total)

8 Inspection and Quality Control

8.1 Inspection Requirements

The items manufactured to this specification are subject to verification by the

Buyer's inspector per Form 175-171300.  The appropriate anode material form
shall be attached to the Purchase Order.

8.2 Quality Control Program

The manufacturer or vendor shall implement and maintain a quality control

 program that shall include clearly defined and documented procedures for the
relevant quality control functions and procedures according to ISO 9001. The
quality program documents shall be made available to the buyer's representative
for review and inspection.

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

8.3 Manufacturer Production Quality Control

8.3.1 Two samples shall be taken for chemical analysis at the beginning and
end of each heat poured. If heats are smaller than one metric ton, one
sample shall be taken per batch. The test sample should be taken at the
 beginning of the first batch, at the end of the next batch and at the end of
each subsequent batch.

8.3.2 The samples shall be analyzed to determine the concentration of alloying

elements and the contaminants. The test results shall meet the
acceptance values of Section 6 of this specification for the anode
material tested.

8.3.3 For aluminum, magnesium and zinc anodes, surface irregularities on the
anode casting and cracks in the cast anode material shall comply with
Paragraphs 3.9 and 3.10 of NACE RP0387.

8.3.4 Dimensions and mass shall conform to the purchase order description.
 Net mass of each individual anode shall be no less than 95% of nominal.
Total mass of all anodes in an order shall be 100% or greater of that
specified on the order.

9 Packing and Shipping

The anodes shall be packed on a shock absorbing material such as wood, polyurethane
foam, etc. on a pallet or skid sized to accommodate the total anode size. The packing of
anodes and attached cable shall be suitable for long term outdoor storage. All anode
cables longer than ten (10) meters shall be wound on disposable wooden or plastic reels
with the reel securely attached to the pallet or skid.

The length of the pallet or skid assembly shall exceed the anode length to allow
sufficient room for the anode cables or cable reels. Anode cables or cable reels are to
 be at the end of each anode when shipping; they shall not be stored on top of the anode.

Anodes and cables/cable reels shall be securely fastened to the pallet or skid to prevent
movement during shipping.

The final pallet or skid assembly shall allow for an individual anode to be removed
from the pallet or skid without effecting the remaining anodes or anode cables.

Total net anode assembly mass per crate shall not exceed 1360 kg (3000 lb).

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection 17-SAMSS-006

Issue Date: 28 February 2010
 Next Planned Update: 28 February 2015 Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection

Revision Summary
28 February 2010 Added detailed table of contents.
Corrected cable insulation specification reference to suitable for installation in wet conditions.
Removed reference to RSA (replaced with Subject Matter Expert SME).
Modified cable length required for spooling to 10 meters from 3 meters.
Updated material numbers to 9COM numbers.
Revised the "Next Planned Update."

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