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FS 2 - Episode 13-15

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Participate and Assist

Before you participate and assist in tasks related to apps, first enumerate the apps you already know
and have probably tried. Explore the Pedagogy Wheel and learn at least five more. Fill out the table

Apps that already know/have recently explored How can I utilize this in teaching-learning

Your guide to participate and assist:

1. Interview your FS resource teacher on her experience in using the apps for teaching and
2. Ask the teacher how you can participate or assist in work involving the use of applications in one
or more of these tasks:
 Preparing materials,
 Doing a motivational activity,
 Delivering a lesson,
 Engaging the learners to respond
 Giving an assignment
 Making learners practice a skill,
 Making the learners collaborate and
 Managing the class-checking of attendance
The more opportunities to observe, participate and assist, the better.

Level/Grade of the Class:


Apps you plan to utilize in the What is the use or purpose of Explain why you selected the
lesson. using the app.. Describe how app, based on the five criteria of
you or the teacher will use developmental
each. appropriateness, motivation,
instructional design,
engagement and accessibility.

How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using apps?

Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.


After you participated or assisted in the use of apps in teaching – learning, describe what you observed
and experienced by answering the items below.

1. Describe how you or the teacher utilized the apps. Narrate your experience as you participated
and assisted.


What worked well during the activity using the apps?

What part can be improved?

What would you have done differently? What would I change? What will make it better next time?

How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using apps?


1. How ready am I in organixing and using apps in the teaching – learning process?
2. What do I still need to learn in order to use apps in teaching effectively?

3. What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of educational apps?

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, reflected on to
come up with a possibletopic for an action research.


1. What problematic situation / challenges/ area of improvement prevailed in using apps?

List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge/area of improvement

Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points/findings in what I read

On what theories/principles can this problem be anchored


2. What do I hope to achieve to address the problem? (What change do you want to achieve?)


3. What strategies/solutions means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem/


4. If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in nos. 1-3):

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. An application (app) can be described by all of the following, EXEPT,

A. a software
B. have a wide range of function
C. Some can be used offline.
D. All need to be used online.

2. Teacher Ruth is excited to try this preschool math app with her kindergarten students. She is happy
because it has a feature where she can review how each child performed and give her information about
which skills she needs to reinforce more and which criteria for selecting apps?
A. Accessibility
B. Motivation
C. Instructional design
D. Developmental appropriateness

3. Ms. Peralta found two apps that were both appropriate for high school students taking Physics. They
both have assessment and feedback and were quite enjoyable to ply. She can use both on a free but
limited arrangement but need to choose one that the school will purchase for premium use. She
eventually selected the one that linked Physics with everyday life like physics and Internet or Physics in
amusement park rides. She based her decision on which criteria for selecting apps?
A. Engagement
B. Accessibility
C. Developmental appropriateness
D. Motivation

4. From among several apps that focused on grammar, Ms. Tayag chose the one which helped learners
gain mastery through games where players earn tokens when they succeed. Which criteria did Ms.
Tayag consider?
A. Accessibility
B. Motivation
C. Instructional Design
D. Developmental Appropriateness

5. The Pedagogy Wheel can help teacher choose apps by all, EXCEPT,
A. It helps teachers identify apps for different grade level of the learners
B. It helps teachers identify apps according to the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy
C. It helps teachers see the type of technology integration in the SAMR model
D. It helps teachers explore apps useful for both apple and android users

Work on my Artifacts

Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.


Participate and Assist

Your guide to participate and assist

1. Request your FS resource teacher or another teacher who uses an LMS for his/her class to give you
access and allow you to, “observe” his/her virtual classroom through the LMS.

2. If possible, request the teacher to demonstrate how to navigate and use LMS.

3. Ask the teacher how you can participate or assist in tasks that the teacher is organizing or preparing in
the LMS

4. Be guided by the TPACK Infographic in this episode. The questions found there will help you notice,
analyze and reflect very well.

Level/Grade of the Class:


Lesson or Topic:

Lesson objectives/learning outcomes:

Which LMS did the teacher use: Check one more that were used.

Google Classroom
See saw

What tasks did you participate or assist in? Fill out the table below.
What components or parts were presents in the Under these LMS components or parts, what
LMS used by the teacher? tasks did you participate/ assist in?
After you participated or assisted in the LMS, describe what you observed and experienced by
experienced by answering the items below.

1. Describe the structure of the LMS utilized by the teacher. How was it organized? What main
components did you find?

2. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities arranged? What strategies
did the teacher or you use to help students attain the objectives/outsomes?

3. What was experience in participating and assisting?

1. What do you think are the best features of the LMS that the teacher used? How did these features
help the students learn the content?

2. How did the teacher/ or you use the LMS to implement the strategies/ activities planned?

3. How did connect with what you know about LMS and TPACK?

4. What problem or challenges did the teacher/ you or the students encounter in working with the LMS?
How did it/they affect the teacher/learners? What part/s of the LMS do you think can still be improved?
How can/these be improved?

1. How ready are you in organizing and using an LMS?

2. Enumerate the knowledge, skills and attitudes you already have to organize your virtual learning
environment and use an LMs:




3. What do you still need tolearn in order to use the LMS effectively?

Write Action Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed and reflected n to
come up with a possible topic for an action research.

1. What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did you see while you participated and
assisted using an LMS?
List at least three sources you have read about this problem/challenge.
Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points/finding in what I read

On what theory/principles cab this problem be anchored?


What do I hope to address – the problem/challenge/area of improvement in LMS use? What change do
you want to achieve?
2. What strategies/solution/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?

3. If you will conduct an action research, what will be the title( Base this on your answer in nos. 1-3):

Check the Mastery

Direction: Read the following questions then select the letter of the correct answer.

1. Mr. Mahusay is ensuring using the polling feature of te LMS as a strategy to increase participation of
his students in their lesson on qualities of national leaders. He is utilizing his .

A. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

B. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
D. Content Technological Knowledge (CTK)

2. Ms. Del Rosario is careful to match the learning outcomes with the content and activities she is going
to do. She also sees to it that the assessment measures the attainment of the learning outcomes. She is
using her .

A. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)

B. Pedagogy Technological Knowledge
C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
D. . Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

3. Ms. Juan is utilizing the feature of the LMS to provide regular information updates on the topic she
and her students are exploring. She is using .

A. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

B. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
D. Content Technological Knowledge (CTK)

Work on my Artifacts

Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.


Participate and Assist

Your guide to participate and assist:

1. Request your FS resource teacher to allow you to join his/her synchronous classes. Have at least two
to three times to observe the classes, and at least two or more times to participate and assist.
2. Learn how to use the features of the web-conferencing app that your resource teacher is utilizing. It
can be part of a learning management system or a separate one, like Zoom, Skype, etc. If possible,
request the teacher to demonstrate the features of the web conferencing app.
3. Ask the teacher how you can participate or assist in tasks related to conducting the synchronous
4. Be sure to read all the questions in this episode before you start your observation and participation.
This will help you focus your attention on the essential aspects of your experience. Have in mind the
community of inquiry Model. The descriptors under teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive
presence found in the infographic will help you notice, analyze and reflect very well.

Class Grade Level: Subject: No. of hours/minutes:

Name of Resource Teacher:
Dates when you observed:
Dates when you participated and assisted:

After you participated or assisted in synchronous classes using a web-conferencing app, described what
you observed and experienced by answering the items below.

1. Which web-conferencing app did the teacher use for synchronous classes? Describe its features and
how you or the teacher used these features.

Web-conferencing App Feature Was it utilized? If yes, Describe how it was utilized in class
Virtual Background

Microphone icon on/off

Camera icon on/off

Screen share

Reaction Buttons


View (Using different views)





2. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities facilitated? What
strategies did the teacher or you used to keep the students engaged? How did the students respond to
the teacher? To the activities.

3. What was you experience in participating and assisting sychrounous classes? What were your
thoughts and feelings while you participated and assisted?

1. What do you think are the best feature of a web-conferencing app that you or the teacher used? How
did these features help the teachers and students?

2. Referring to the Community of Inquiry Infographic, how well did the teacher/or you use the web-
conferencing app to establish: (Describe in detail)

Teaching Presence?

Social Presence?

Cognitive Presence?

3. What problem or challenges did the teacher/ you or the students encounter during the synchronous
classes do you think can still be improved? How can this/these be improved?

1. How ready are you in teaching an online synchronous class?

2. Using a web-conferencing app, how else would you better establish:

Teaching presence?

Social Presence?

Cognitive Presence?

3. What do you still need to learn in order to conduct an online synchronous class using a web-
conferencing app effectively?

Write Action Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed and reflected n to
come up with a possible topic for an action research.

1. What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did you see while you participated and
assisted using an LMS?

List at least three sources you have read about this problem/challenge.
Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points/finding in what I read
On what theory/principles cab this problem be anchored?


What do I hope to address – the problem/challenge/area of improvement in LMS use? What change do
you want to achieve?

2. What strategies/solution/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?

3. If you will conduct an action research, what will be the title( Base this on your answer in nos. 1-3):

Check for Mastery

Direction: Select the letter of the correct answer.

1. During an online synchronous class, Ms. Bonifacio greets her students cheerfully. She allows time for
the students to know more about their classmates through interesting polls. She also provides
opportunities for the students to work together and collaborate. She uses the reaction buttons, smiley,
heart, or clap to appreciate the students’ effort and excitement to participate. She was able to attain
which essential element.
A. Teaching Presence C. Social presence
B. Cognitive presence D. Community Presence

2. During a two-hour online synchronous class, the Science teacher taught about centripetal and
centrifugal forces. She did not introduce the learning goals for the session. She shared on screen the first
Powerpoint she found on the internet and lectured about the topic to students without engaging them
to participate. They were passive the whole time. Some students turned off their cameras. She ended te
class with quiz on the topic. The teacher did NOT effectively demonstrate which essential element?

A. Community Presence C. Cognitive presence

B. Teaching Presence D. Social Presence

3. The topic of the online synchronous session for the day was how the Philippines will attain herd
immunity from Covid 19 the fastest way. After introducing the topic, the teacher explained to the
students one learning outcome which for them to analyze the current situational factors that may
impede and hasten the Philippines’ goal of attaining herd immunity. Another learning outcome was for
students to articulate suggestions on how the Philippines will succeed on this goal. The teacher provided
readings ahead of time and also placed the links on the chatbox. She allotted time for the students to go
to the small meeting rooms she arrange on the web conferencing app for discussions. Later, students
went back to he big group, and student actively shared their outputs. The teacher fostered which
essential element.

A. Teaching Presence C. Community Presence

B. Social presence D. Cognitive presence

4. All example of web-conferencing apps, EXCEPT,

A. Microsoft Teams
B. Zoom
C. Skype
C. Canva

5. When a teacher is mindful demonstrating teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence
consistently, she is adhering to the model of

A. Community of Practice
B. Community of Inquiry
C. Community of Learners

Work on my Artifacts
Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.

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