EDAPLAN ® 490 - Munzing
EDAPLAN ® 490 - Munzing
EDAPLAN ® 490 - Munzing
Pigment grinding is by far the most costly and Insufficient stabilization may worst case lead to
time consuming process during the manufactur- flocculation or shock effects which result in low
ing of paints and coatings. colour strength or strong rub-out effects in tinted
emulsion paints. In full tone applications or in
To minimize efforts while preparing a fine and printing inks gloss and transparency might be
consistent pigment particle distribution the reduced or visible pigment specks can be caused
choice of an effective dispersant is very impor- (figure 1).
To obtain a most economical and cost-effective
Amongst others a powerful dispersant is charac- grinding process the pigment content in the
terized by its ability to quickly wet the pigment grind should be maximized. Here again the right
surface and to permanently adsorb on the same. choice of the dispersant has a strong influence.
By doing so the additive creates a kind of protec-
tive cover around the particles and prevents them Especially for carbon blacks and organic pigments
from flocculation. Consequently a perfect stabili- like yellow or red azo pigments EDAPLAN ® 490
zation of the dispersed pigments is obtained. leads to a stable pigment dispersion with out-
standing optical properties like gloss, colour
strength or transparency. In many cases extremely
high pigment contents can be achieved with
EDAPLAN ® 490 at rather low dosage.
Mechanism of action
During the dispersing process pigment agglome- will not be removed by other ingredients of paint
rates are broken and distributed homogeneously and coating formulations. Components like
in the system by applying mechanical shear force. binders, wetting agents or solvents usually also
To avoid re-agglomeration after taking away the contain a certain pigment affinity and might
shear energy the dispersant forms a kind of pro- compete with the dispersant covering the
tective cover around each single dispersed pig- pigment surface.
ment particle. Thereby it has to be differentiated
between electrostatic repulsion and steric hin- Another characteristic feature are high molecular
drance. EDAPLAN ® 490’s mechanism of action structures that are particularly compatible with
is mainly based on steric stabilization due to its binders and solvents. After adsorbtion on the
nonionic polymer structure. pigment surface the molecular chains widely
extend into the surrounding media and need a
To allow steric stabilization efficient polymers certain space for their room to move freely.
usually show two typical properties with regard During the approach of pigment particles the
to their structure. mobility of the polymer chains is reduced which
leads to a loss of entropy. As a consequence a
The polymer needs to contain one or more pig- repulsion force results. Hence steric stabilization
ment affine groups which can durable accumu- is also called entropic repulsion (figure 2).
late on the surface of the dispersed particle and
Those structure characteristics have been con- The high molecular, hydrophilic polymer struc-
sidered during the development of EDAPLAN ® ture ensures the steric stabilization and at the
490. The hydrophobic parts of the polymer same time results in a perfect compatibility with
show an extremely strong and lasting interaction different water dilutable binder systems.
with surfaces of organic pigments and carbon
blacks. Attraction forces are mainly based on
van der Waals and dipole-dipole or donator-
acceptor interactions.
Table 2
Lysopac Cinilex DPP Acetanil Diacetanil Cinilex
Red 7030C Red SR2P Yellow Yellow Yellow SY1H Tables 2–4 Guide
(Cappelle) (CINIC) 5 GSH 7412C HT 8316C (CINIC) formulations for
(Cappelle) (Cappelle) binder-free pigment
PR 170 PR 254 PY 74 PY 83 PY 110 concentrates with
Demin. Water 34.75 33.35 35.55 43.15 34.40
0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
EDAPLAN ® 490 is a high molecular, nonionic Advantages of the use of EDAPLAN ® 490 are:
dispersing agent which is particularly suitable » very low dosage levels
for organic pigments and carbon blacks but can
» extremely high pigment loading
also disperse inorganic pigments in an excellent
way. » outstanding colour strength
» high gloss and transparency
» low viscosity of pigment concentrate