All Tenses

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Categories of finite forms of the verb........................................................................4
Non-finite forms of the verb......................................................................................4
Morphological structure of the verb..........................................................................5
Semantic classification of the verb............................................................................6
Stative and dynamic verbs.........................................................................................6
Transitive and intransitive verbs...............................................................................8
Terminative and durative verbs.................................................................................9
Functional classification of the verb........................................................................10
Basic forms of the verb............................................................................................11
Present Indefinite (Simple)......................................................................................12
Present Continuous (Progressive)............................................................................17
Reported Speech: commands, instructions, requests, suggestions, warnings.........22
Present Perfect.........................................................................................................28
Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive)...............................................................33
Reported questions..................................................................................................38
Past Indefinite (Simple)...........................................................................................41
Past Continuous (Progressive).................................................................................49
Past Perfect..............................................................................................................52
Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive)....................................................................53
Future Indefinite (Simple).......................................................................................60
Construction to be going to for future actions.........................................................63
Future Indefinite vs. to be going to.........................................................................63
Future Continuous (Progressive).............................................................................64
Future Perfect..........................................................................................................66
Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive).................................................................66

Sequence of tenses and reported speech..................................................................73

The use of verb forms after different introductory verbs........................................75
Passive Voice...........................................................................................................80
Complex Object.......................................................................................................94
Appendix 1. Irregular verbs...................................................................................100
Appendix 2. Grammar terms glossary ..................................................................106
THE VERB is a part of speech, which denotes an action, a process or state.
All verbs have two forms: FINITE FORMS and NON-FINITE FORMS, also called
Verbals or Verbids.
 The first, e.g. I’ll bring a cake and we’ll have tea together.
PERSON  The second, e.g. Do you take sugar in your tea?
 The third, e.g. She doesn’t enjoy yachting.
 Singular, e.g. Ted sings pretty well.
 Plural, e.g. His parents sing well, too.
 Present, e.g. Dinosaurs don’t exist now.
TENSE  Past, e.g. They lived millions years ago.
 Future, e.g. I doubt if they will exist in future.
 Indefinite (Common), e.g. Helen does a lot of work at the
 Continuous, e.g. Peter is doing his yoga exercises at the
 Perfect, e.g. Have you seen “Gone with the Wind”?
 Non-Perfect, e.g. I saw it last year.
 Indicative, e.g. Joan has been learning Spanish for three
MOOD  Imperative, e.g. Let’s do this work together, shall we?
 Subjunctive, e.g. If you had done this work yesterday, you
wouldn’t be so busy today.
 Active, e.g. Marge cooks all the meals herself.
VOICE  Passive, e.g. All the meals in the family are cooked by their




Lisa wants to swim. Lisa likes swimming.

Lisa must swim every day. PRESENT PAST PARTICIPLE
Lisa is swimming now. Lisa has swum a lot today.
1. PRESENT PARTICIPLE IS FORMED by adding the suffix –ing to the stem
of the verb and the following spelling rules are observed:
 The final letter “y” never changes when the ending “- ing” is added, e.g.
to play + ing = playing; to study + ing = studying;
 The final consonant is doubled if it is preceded by a short stressed
vowel, e.g. sit – sitting, to put – putting, to begin – beginning;
 The final letter “e” is omitted before the ending “ing”, e.g.
to take + ing = taking; to lose + ing = losing;
 Exceptions:
to lie +ing = lying; to tie + ing = tying; to die + ing = dying
a) regular verbs add “–ed” to the stem of the verb and observe the following
spelling rules:
 the final letter “y” changes into “i” if it is preceded by a consonant, and
remains unchanged if it is preceded by a vowel, e.g.
to carry – carried; to study – studied; to reply – replied
to enjoy- enjoyed; employ – employed
 a consonant preceded by a short stressed vowel is doubled, e.g.
to stop – stopped; to plan – planned; to omit – omitted
 the final letter “r” is doubled if it is preceded by a stressed vowel, e.g.
to stir – stirred; to occur – occurred; to prefer – preferred
 in British English the final letter “l’ is always doubled, e.g.
to travel – travelled; to label – labelled
b) irregular verbs have different ways of formation and must be learnt by
heart. See Appendix.




to give; verb + affixes two stems verb + post position
to come; to blacken; to overgrow; to go on; to sit down;
to do to economize to daydream to get up; to take off
Semantically the verb can be classified from different points of view. All the verbs
can fall into several groups:




to run, to walk, to dress also called state or statal

to be, to see, to know
Most STATIVE VERBS DESCRIBE a state rather than an action and therefore do
not normally have continuous tenses, e.g.
Do you know our new neighbours’ name?
Listen! Do you hear anything strange?
1. verbs which express likes and dislikes, wishes and emotions
to like to love to dislike to enjoy to detest to prefer
to adore to hate to want to wish to envy to hope
to fear to care
Don’t lie to me! I hate when people lie.
What do you feel when you look at your neighbour’s new house? – I envy them
2. verbs of the senses (verbs of sense perception)
to see to hear to smell to taste to sense to sound to feel
Jim must be at home.
I can see his car parked outside.
3. verbs of mental perception
to know to believe to understand to realize to remember
to forget to notice to recognize to think to seem
to see (= understand) to expect (= think) to imagine to suppose
I expect they will be late.
Jack now realizes that a job like that was very difficult for him.
Do you believe now that I was right?
4. verbs of possession
to have to belong to own to possess
Do you know who this pictures belong to?
My uncle owns a hotel.
5. some other verbs such as
to be to contain to include to fit to need to matter
to cost to mean to owe to require to weigh to keep
Martin owes me 15 dollars.
This dress fits you perfectly.
The bag costs a lot.
 Some verbs can be either dynamic or stative according to the context, in which
they are used, e.g.
I can’t see anything, it’s too dark here. (a stative verb)
I’m seeing Mary in the morning. (= I’m meeting her. – a dynamic verb)
 The verb “to be” used in indefinite aspect denotes a person’s character,
occupation, age, etc, or a permanent state, while used in the continuous aspect
means a person’s behaviour, a temporary situation, and is usually used with
adjectives such as careful, silly, (im)polite, lazy, etc.), e.g.
What are you doing at the moment? – I’m being lazy, just for a change.
Stop talking back to me. You are being impolite.
 The verb “to enjoy” can be used in the continuous aspect to express specific
preference, e.g.
I'm enjoying this party a lot. (specific preference)
I enjoy going to parties. (I enjoy parties in general.)
 The verbs “to look” (when we refer to a person's appearance), “to feel” (=
experience a particular emotion), “to hurt” and “to ache” can be used in either
the continuous or simple tenses with no difference in meaning, e.g.
You look/are looking great today.
How are you feeling today? = How do you feel today?

**TASK 1. Translate the sentences below into your native language. Say if the
verbs in them are stative or dynamic.
1. I think he's lying. 14. Bob has a Porsche.
2. I'm thinking about the plan. 15.He's having a shower at the
3. He is tasting the food. moment.
4. The food tastes delicious. 16.The butcher is weighing the meat.
5. I can see some people. 17.The chicken weighs 2 kilos.
6. I see what you mean. 18.We are fitting new locks.
7. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow. 19.This dress fits you perfectly.
8. Mike is looking out of the window. 20.He appears to be nervous.
9. It looks as if they've finished the job. 21.He is appearing in a new play.
10.This perfume smells nice. 22.He is a rude person.
11.He is smelling the milk. 23.He is being rude.
12.She is feeling the baby's forehead.
13.The baby's hair feels like silk.
24.I consider Mrs. Green to be a very 26.Sorry, I can’t leave now, I am
talented teacher. expecting a TV repair man.
25.The bank is still considering your 27.Everybody expected that John
request. would agree with the majority.



to read a book, to rise, to grow up,

to open the door to stand
1. TRANSITIVE VERBS denote an action, which passes over to some person or
thing, expressed by an object.
2. Unlike in Russian or Ukrainian languages where they can be followed only by
direct objects, in English they can be followed by all kinds of objects:
a) a direct object, e.g.
Peter is planting a tree.
I enjoy reading books.
b) a direct + indirect object, e.g.
Mary sent her sister ( indirect object) a letter (direct object).
c) a prepositional object, e.g.
Mrs. Green looks after her neighbours’ children.
3. INTRANSITIVE VERBS do not need any objects to complete their meaning, e.g.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Time flies fast.
4. Many English verbs can be either transitive or intransitive according to the
context, in which they are used, e.g.
Little Mary is writing a letter to her friend. (transitive)
Look, Mary is writing very neatly. (intransitive)
Careful! Don’t break this china cup. (transitive)
This sort of china breaks very easily. (intransitive)
Listen, the boys are laughing loudly. (intransitive)
I wonder, what they are laughing at. (transitive)

**TASK 2. Decide if the underlined verbs in the joke below are transitive or
Sir Walter Raleigh brought home from America to England two important
plants – the potato and the tobacco plant. He was probably the first man in England to
smoke. It is said that one evening, when he was sitting in his study, smoking a pipe,
his servant came in with a letter. This man had never seen anyone smoke and he
thought that his master was on fire. So he dropped his letter and ran out of the study
crying, “My master is on fire. The smoke is bursting out of his nose and mouth. ”
Then he quickly went back into the study with a pail of water and threw it all
over his master, before Raleigh had time to explain what had happened.





to open, to come, to read, to walk,

to die to watch
1. TERMINATIVE VERBS contain the idea that the action they express must
come to an end, reaching some point where it has logically to stop.
This group includes such verbs as:
to stop to fall to begin to start to finish to open
to close to shut to die to bring to come to find
When you close (terminative) the front door, don’t put (terminative) the key
under the door mat.
2. DURATIVE VERBS contain the idea that the action they express may go on
indefinitely without reaching any logically necessary final point.
This group includes such verbs as:
to go to run to walk to sleep to read to write
to stand to speak to sit to live to think to do

Do you speak English well?

My parents are living and working in Brazil at the moment.
3. The end of the action in durative verbs can be shown by an adverbial modifier
of time, e.g.
Jo will have read the book by Monday.
4. Some English verbs can be either terminative or durative according to the
context, in which they are used,
Hey! What makes it so long? Peter is still opening the door. Something is
wrong with the key. (durative)
Oh, he has opened it at last! (terminative)
**TASK 3. Decide if the underlined verbs in the jokes below are terminative or
A Londoner who was going to the West of England for a holiday arrived by
train at a town, and found that it was pouring with rain. He called a porter to carry
his bags to a taxi. On the way out of the station, partly to make conversation and
partly to get a local opinion on prospects of weather for his holiday, he asked the
porter: "How long has it been raining like this?"
"I don't know, sir, I've only been here for fifteen years," was the reply.
A famous doctor was protesting to the owner of a garage about the large sum
of money he had to pay for repairs to his car.
"All this for a couple of hours' work," he exclaimed. "Why, you people are
paid at a higher rate than we are."
"Well, you see," replied the garage man, "you've been working on the same
model since the beginning of time, but we have to learn all about a new model every





Pat enjoys discos. Mr. Brown is a doctor. Sue is reading now. You should go there.

**TASK 4. Define the function of the underlined verbs in the joke below.
Let's face it – English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham
in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France.
Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, aren't meat.
We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that
quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from
Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and
hammers don't ham?
If the plural of “tooth” is “teeth”, why isn't the plural of “booth” is “beeth”?
One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem
crazy that you can make amends but not one amend?
If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what
do you call it? If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats
vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum
for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a
recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that
smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a
wise guy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house
can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which
an alarm goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of
the human race (which, of course, isn't a race at all). That is why, when the stars are
out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.


Basic Forms of the Verb Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
Infinitive to live; to stay; to study to be; to buy; to lie
Past Indefinite lived; stayed; studied was/were; bought; lay
Past Participle lived; stayed; studied been; bought; lain
Present Participle living; staying; studying being; buying; lying

**TASK 5. Define the basic form of the underlined verbs in the joke below.
A man was driving down a country road in the middle of dairy farm country
when his car stalled inexplicably. He got out and raised the hood to see if he could
find out what had happened.
A brown and white cow slowly lumbered from the field she had been grazing
in over to the car and stuck her head under the hood beside the man. After a moment
the cow looked at the man and said, "Looks like a bad carburetor to me." Then she
walked back into the field and began grazing again.
Amazed, the man walked back to the farmhouse he had just passed, where he
met a farmer. "Hey, mister, is that your cow in the field?" he asked. The farmer
replied, "The brown and white one? Yep, that's old Bessie."
The man then said, "Well my car's broken down, and she just said, 'Looks like
a bad carburetor to me.'
The farmer shook his head and said, "Don't mind old Bessie, son. She don't
know a thing about cars."
Do you often visit your grandparents? – I visit them every week.
Does Derek watch television every day? – No, he doesn’t. His parents don’t
allow him to waste time on it.
PRESENT INDEFINITE IS USED in the following cases:
1. for permanent states, repeated actions and daily routines, e.g.
Mr. Freeman works in a bank. (permanent state)
He takes the train to work every morning. (daily routine/repeated actions)
We don’t usually watch television in the morning. (repeated action)
Do you always get up at one and the same time? (daily routine)
2. for general truths and laws of nature, e.g.
The sun sets in the west.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
3. for timetables (planes, trains, etc.) and programmes, e.g.
The plane from Brussels arrives 8:30.
When does this shop open?
4. for sports commentaries, reviews and narration, opera and theatre librettos,
stage directions, e.g.
Peterson overtakes Williams and wins the race. (sports commentary)
Mike Dalton plays the part of Macbeth. (review)
Then the prince gets on his horse and quickly rides away. (narration)
5. to give instructions or directions (instead of the imperative mood), e.g.
You sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then you bake it, (instead of:
“Sprinkle some cheese on the pizza...”)
6. in adverbial clauses of time and condition after the following conjunctions:
when if unless before till until
while after in case as long as as soon as
The children won’t go to the park unless they do all their homework.
As soon as Bertha arrives at the station, she will sent us a telegram.
Don’t confuse adverbial clauses of time and condition and object clauses:
Adverbial clauses of time and condition Object clauses
(only present tenses) (any tense)
Ask Sonia to phone me (when?) when Do you know (what?) when Sonia will
she comes home. – (time) come home?
Ask Sonia to phone me (on what I wonder (what?) if Sonia will come
condition?) if she comes before 9 p.m. before 9 p.m.
7. with stative verbs instead of Present Continuous, e.g.
I hate when it drizzles like this.
The cake smells delicious.
8. The Present Simple is used with the following time expressions (adverbial
modifiers of time:
usually ever every day/week/month/year
often rarely in the morning/afternoon/
always never evening
seldom permanently at night, at the weekend,
occasionally from time to time on Mondays, etc.
sometimes now and then
Does he ever visit you nowadays?
Pat occasionally writes postcards to her distant relatives.
9. To make sentences in Present Indefinite more emphatic auxiliary verbs “do” or
“does” are added in affirmative sentences, e.g.
I do want to meet your parents. – Я дійсно хочу зустрітися з твоїми
Fiona does insist on your going to Kiev. – Фіона все-таки наполягає на
твоїй поїздці до Києва.
10.Note should be taken about questions to the subject which are asked without
an auxiliary verb and with the direct order of words, e.g.
Who usually cooks in your family? – Our mum does.
Paula and Jack sometimes visit us at the weekends. – Sorry, I didn’t catch
you. Who visits you at the weekends? – Paula and Jack do.
A short answer to the questions of this type are formed with the auxiliary verb
“do” or “does”.

*TASK 6. Make the rules yourself!

Step 1. Look at the verbs in the third person singular and answer the
questions below the box.
catches does eats enjoys fixes flies works
goes lives makes misses passes plays pushes
reads replies says prepares smokes speaks stands
calls decides teaches thinks tries waits washes
damages travels laughs listens insists demands shops
1. What is the commonest way of making the third person singular?
2. What happens with words ending in a vowel + - y?
3. What happens with words ending in a consonant + - y?
4. After which consonants and groups of consonants - es is added?
5. Which two other common words add - es?
Step 2. Sort out all the verbs given in the box according to the pronunciation of
their endings.
[s] [z] [iz]
eats does catches

Step 3. Write and pronounce the third person singular of the verbs given below.
1. to box expect fetch
2. to brush fry say
3. to buy guess restore
4. to complete rush pronounce
5. to cry take shout
6. to defend pray weep
7. to spend reach sing
8. to deny receive sleep
9. to destroy watch ask excite want jump

*TASK 7. Mrs. Robinson is writing a letter to her grandson Tim, to thank him for
a kitten he gave her. Write each verb given in brackets with the correct
Present Simple verb ending.
Dear Tim,
I want to thank you for the lovely kitten you gave me. I __________ (to call) her
Sheba and she __________ (to have ) some lovely ways. She always __________ (to
come) when I __________ (to call) her, and when I __________ (to open) a tin of cat
food she always __________ (to hurry) to eat it. Then, when she has finished her
milk, she __________ (to jump) onto my lap. If you __________ (to hang) a piece of
string in front of her, she always __________ (to try) to catch it. Sometimes she
__________ (to play) with a little rubber mouse if I __________ (to throw) it in front
of her. But she __________ (to scratch) everyone who (to pull) her tail too hard!
And when my neighbour’s son __________ (to come), she usually __________ (to
go) out of the room, I think she's afraid of him.
On warm days she __________ (to lie) outside in the garden. Sometimes she
__________ (to watch) the birds for hours, but she never (to catch) any of them.
When Mrs. Ross, the cleaner, is working here, Sheba often __________ (to
chase) the vacuum cleaner. But Mrs. Ross __________ (to say) she's the best cat in
the world, and all of us here __________ (to agree) with her.
Your grandma
**TASK 8. Rita, a reporter for Music News, is interviewing Lou Belize, who writes
songs and sings for a successful pop group. Complete Rita’s questions
using the given prompts. The first question is done for you.
Rita: Tell me, Lou, where do you write your songs?
Lou: Well, I write a lot of them in hotels and on buses. Anywhere, really.
Rita. ___________________________________(other members of the group?)
Lou: Yes, Simon, the guitarist, writes some.
Rita: ___________________________________(a song – good enough?)
Lou: We decide together, after we've tried it out.
Rita: _____________________________________ (How long?)
Lou: It varies. Sometimes it takes only minutes, but sometimes it takes days and
Rita: __________________________________________ (ideas for your songs?)
Lou: Often they come from newspapers, things I've read about.
Rita: __________________________________________(time together, outside
performances and the recording studios?)
Lou: No, we don't really spend much time together. We like to be on our own when
we can.
Rita: ___________________________________(your mother – of your success?)
Lou: Oh, she thinks it's wonderful.
Rila: _____________________________________________(she – your songs?)
Lou: Not really. She likes other kinds of music.

**TASK 9. You are going to read the first two acts of the opera libretto (synopsis).
Step 1. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form and read the libretto.
Opera in three acts by Zoltan Grzhijavina
Act One
Ann, a beautiful 18 year-old girl, _________ (to work) in a shop in an old town
of Gorontia, in Central Moldania. Her parents ________ (to be) dead. She ________
(to be) in love with a handsome young man, Boris. He ________ (to be) a
revolutionary and now he _________ (to be) in prison for his revolutionary activity.
Ann _______ (to sell) flowers in a florist’s shop. Ann's employer _________ (to be)
very unkind to her. He _______ (to make) her work from dawn to dusk and _______
(to pay) her very little. She _________ (to dream) of a happier life. One day a royal
procession ________ (to pass) in the street where her shop ________ (to be). The
Grand Duke _________ (to see) Ann who ________ (to look) out of the window. He
_______ (to fall) in love with her. When he _______ (to return) to his palace in the
capital, he ________ (to order) his servants to bring Ann to him. When she _______
(to come) to the Palace, he ______ (to tell) her that she must become his mistress. If
she ________ (to refuse), Boris will die. Ann ______ (to love) Boris and she
___________ (not to want) him to die. She ________ (to agree) to live in the palace
with the old Duke. Boris is released from prison. When he _______ (to come) home,
he _______ (to find) a letter from Ann. In the letter she ______ (to tell) him that she
_________ (to love) him more than her life but she can never see him again. Boris
_________ (to be) in despair. He _______ (to decide) to leave Moldania forever.
Act Two
Three years ________ (to pass). Ann and the Duke _______ (to be) in Paris.
The Duke _______ (to be) very ill and he is dying. The doctors ________ (to tell)
Ann that he ________ (to have) only several months to live. The Duke ________ (not
to know) about the doctors' sentence. Only Ann ______ (to know) the truth. One day
Ann _______ (to walk) in the park. Suddenly a man ________ (to stop) her. It
_______ (to be) Boris. He ______ (to tell) her that he ________ (to live) in Paris
now. He ______ (to be) a famous artist, rich and successful. He ______ (to be)
married to a Frenchwoman, Yvette. Yvette _______ (to be) a nice woman but Boris's
heart still ______ (to belong) to Ann. When he ______ (to see) her, his feelings to her
________ (to become) even stronger. Boris _______ (to ask) Ann to run away with
him. Ann ______ (to be) in despair. She ________ (to know) that she still _______
(to love) Boris too, but she also ________ (to realize) that she can't leave the dying
Duke who has been kind to her all this time. Boris _______ (to be) a hot-tempered
man. When Ann _______ (to refuse) to go away with him, he _______ (to threaten)
that he will do something terrible. At this moment a young beautiful woman with a
baby in a pram _______ (to approach) them. It ______ (to be) Yvette. Ann and Boris
________ (not to see) her. She _______ (to overhear) their conversation. Suddenly
Boris ________ (to turn) round and ______ (to see) his wife. He _______ (to
introduce) Ann as his cousin from Moldania. Yvette _______ (to know) that he
_______ (to lie) and her heart ______ (to fill) up with jealousy. She _______ (to
accuse) Boris of lying to her. Ann can't stand this scene and _______ (to run) away to
the hotel where she _______ (to stay) with the Duke. In front of her room her
servants _______ (to meet) her. The maid _______ (to tell) her that something
terrible has happened.

Step 2. Add one more act. Remember to use Present Indefinite.

***TASK 10. Translate into English

Один з моїх колишніх однокласників – геолог. Він ніколи не буває вдома
більше трьох місяців на рік. Весінні, літні та осінні місяці він проводить в
експедиціях. Ранньої весни, взимку та пізньої осені, коли холодно та йдуть
дощі, він живе вдома зі своєю дружиною, тещею та дітьми.
В експедиціях мій друг спить у палатці та сам собі готує їжу на багатті.
Як ви вважаєте, що він готує? Якщо хтось думає, що його меню включає
біфштекси, ростбіфи, пудинги з заварним кремом та полуничне морозиво зі
збитими вершками, то він дуже помиляється. Мій друг зовсім не любить
готувати та вважає, що консервоване м’ясо та овочі, сухі супи та розчинна
кава – найсмачніші страви, приготування яких не займає багато часу.
Коли мій друг живе вдома, він не дозволяє своїй дружині і тещі
проводити на кухні більш, ніж півгодини. Він вважає, що цього часу цілком
достатньо, щоб приготувати обід з трьох страв. Що ж думають з цього приводу
його родичі? Вони намагаються не сперечатися з ним, тому що три місяці, які
він проводить вдома, пролітають так швидко, що ніхто не хоче затьмарювати
Коли мій друг знову їде, все повертається на свої місця: бабуся та мама
годинами стоять у плити та готують улюблені страви для хлопчиків. Чи
сумують сини за своїм батьком, коли він в експедиції? І так, і ні. З одного боку,
вони не хочуть розставатися з ним надовго, та дуже розстроюються, коли він
пакує свій рюкзак. Але з іншого боку, у глибині душі вони радіють, що мама та
бабуся знову будуть годувати їх улюбленими стравами.


to be (am/ is/ are) + present participle
Why are you sighing? I am thinking about my coming exams.
Kelly is planning to take up tennis.
Fred and George are playing snowballs. Why don’t you join them?
1. for actions taking place now, at the moment of speaking, e.g.
What are you doing, Jack? Are you reading a book? – No, I’m getting ready
for tomorrow’s grammar test.
2. for temporary actions; that is, actions that are going on around now, but not at
the actual moment of speaking.
My older sister is looking for a new job these days. (She is not looking for a
job at the moment of speaking.)
3. to express annoyance, irritation or anger for actions, which happen very
often, usually, with adverbs such as: always, constantly, continually, etc.
I'm always meeting Sara when I go shopping, (action which happens very
often and the speaker is displeased with it)
You're constantly interrupting me when I'm talking, (expressing annoyance,
4. for already arranged future actions, especially when the time and place have
been decided.
They're moving into their new house next week. (The time has been decided.)
5. for changing or developing situations, e.g.
More and more species are becoming extinct.
More and more forests are disappearing because of fires.

6. The present continuous is used with the following time expressions (adverbial
modifiers of time:
now at the moment these days still
today nowadays tonight at present

**TASK 11. Read the extracts below and put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the present continuous. Then, say what use of these tenses each
extract shows.
1. It seems everything __________ (to change) these days. Cities __________ (to
become) bigger and busier every year, technology __________ (to develop)
faster than ever before, and scientists _______ (to learn) more about the way
things work.
2. Water __________ (to boil) at 100ºC and __________ (to freeze) when the
temperature __________ (to drop) below 0ºC. Salt water ________ (to be)
different, however.
3. This film _________ (to be) great! It ________ (to have) an all-star cast and
the script _________ (to be) very funny. The action _________ (to begin)
when two young men _________ (to try) to rob a bank…
4. Rogers _________ (to kick) the ball and _________ (to pass) it to Jones.
Jones _________ (to run) down the pitch. He _________ (to pass) the ball to
Smith who _________ (to shoot) and _________ (to score)!
5. Where are you? – I’m in Manchester and it __________ (to pour) with rain. –
What you ________ (to do) there? – I _________ (to collect) material for my
new article.
6. You ______ (to see) Ben on Monday or on Friday? – Actually, we ________
(to meet) on Thursday.
7. I don’t know what to do with Peter. He constantly ________ (to lose) things!
It’s the third pair of gloves I _______ (to buy) for him!

*TASK 12. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present
You _________ (to know) that man over there? – Actually, I do. He's Muriel's
2. You _________ (to do) anything tomorrow evening? – Yes. I ________ (to
see) Jack at nine o'clock.
3. I _________ (to see) you _________ (to feel) better. – Yes, I am, thank you.
4. What's that noise? – The people next door _________ (to have) a party.
5. Graham _________ (to have) a new computer. – I know. I've already seen it.
6. This dress _________ (not/to fit) me any more. – Why don't you buy a new
7. Your perfume _________ (to smell) nice. What is it? – It's a new perfume
called Sunshine.
8. What is Jane doing? – She _________ (to smell) the flowers in the garden.
9. What _________ (you/to look) at? – Some photos I took during my holidays.
They aren't very good, though.
10. You _________ (to look) very pretty today. – Thank you. I've just had my hair
11. I _________ (to think) we're being followed. – Don't be silly! It's just your
12. Is anything wrong? – No. I _________ (just/to think) about the test tomorrow.
13. This fabric_________ (to feel) like silk. – It is silk, and it was very expensive.
14. What you _______ (to do)? – I _________ (to feel) the radiator to see if it's
getting warm.
15. She _________ (to be) generous, isn't she? – Yes, she has never been a mean
16. He _________ (to be) very quiet today, isn't he? – Yes, I think he has some
17. Would you like some cherries? – Yes, please I _________ (to love) cherries.
They're my favourite fruit.
18. I'm sorry, but I _________ (not to understand) what you mean. – Shall I
explain it again?
19. The children ________ (to make) lots of noise today. – I know, but they
_________ (to have) fun.
20.This cake _________ (to taste) awful. – I ________ (to think) I forgot to put
the sugar in it.

**TASK 13. Les has just met his friend, Adrian, outside the student club.
Complete their conversation, using the right form of the verb given in
each sentence.
Les: Hello, Adrian. ___________ (you, to wait) for someone?
Adrian: Yes. Carol __________ (to attend) a meeting in the club.
Les: I didn't know she was keen on sport.
Adrian: Oh, but she is. She __________ (to plan) to run in a marathon in August.
Les: ___________ (she, to train) very hard for it?
Adrian: I'll say! In fact, she __________ (to hope) to run twenty miles this evening,
after the meeting.
Les: Good for her! But why you ___________ (not to take) more exercise yourself?
You __________ (to put on) weight, you know!
Adrian: I __________ (to try) to lose weight by playing snooker.
Les: Snooker? That's not real exercise, I __________ (to play) squash,
Adrian: But squash is a killing game. __________ (you, to look for) an early death?
Les: Don'1 be silly! __________ (we not try) to be champions or anything like that,
we just __________ (to keep) fit, that's all.
Adrian: What __________ (you, to do) this morning?
Les: I __________ (to wait) for Jenny. She __________ (to write) some letters for the
club. The club __________ (to organize) a big end-of-term dinner, you know.
Adrian: Careful, Les. You'll put on weight, too!
*TASK 14. The staff at Finefashions Ltd are all doing different things during the
holidays. Choose the verb, which has the right meaning in each blank,
and write its correct form. The verbs in brackets are sometimes in the
right order, and sometimes not.
1. Jeff ________ sailing, so he ________ a boat with some friends. (to take out/to
2. Maria ________ a week in Italy because she ________ Italian relatives. (to
have/to spend)
3. Barry and Kate ________ cold, wet weather. Because of this they ________ to
Spain, where it's sure to be warm. (to fly/to hate)
4. I ________ some friends in the north of Scotland, because I hardly ever
________ the chance to see them. (to get/to visit)
8. Phil ________chess whenever he can, so he ________ a chess competition. (to
play/to take part in)
9. Jenny ________ to Greece by train because she ________ about flying on
planes. (to worry/to travel)
10.John, the manager, ________ a lot of heavy business lunches. So he ________
some time at a health farm, to lose weight, (to eat/to spend).
11.June ________ to a choir, and during her holiday she ________ with them in a
music festival in Germany. (to sing/to belong)
12. Lawrence ________ poems in his spare time. He ________ to organize a
series of poetry readings. (to help/to write)
13. Tessa ________ a party of climbers up Snowdon because she ________ extra
money. (to need/to guide)

**TASK 15. Alan is writing to Dave, an old friend from his student days. Make a
suitable verb form from the words in brackets, choosing between present
simple, present continuous and the modal verb ‘can’ .
Forth House,
Dear Dave,
I _________(to write) because as you _________ (to see) we now _________ (to
have) a new address. We moved here, near Edinburgh, about two months ago.
Perhaps you _______ (to remember) that I used to work in Newcastle. Anyway, I
wasn't very happy there, so now I _________ (to work) for a small electronics firm in
this area. Why you _________ (not to come) and spend a holiday with us here this
summer? Our house _________ (to stand) on the edge of the hills, and on a clear day
you _________ (to see) the mountains 80 miles away. We _________ (not to have)
any of the city dirt and smells up here, and usually all you _________ (to hear) are
the sounds of birds and sheep. We _________ (to spend) a lot of time gardening. This
year we _________ (to grow) potatoes.
And what you _________(to do) these days? You still _________ (to work)
for the same firm? It's sad that we _________ (not to seem) to keep in touch the way
we used to, but if you _________ (to come) and _________ (to see) us in the
summer, we _________ (to hear) all each other's news.
Yours ever,
***TASK 16. Translate into English.
1. Хто там так голосно кричить та сміється? – Це діти наших сусідів. Їх
батьки зараз на роботі, і ніхто за ними не доглядає. Вони роблять все, що
хочуть. Коли їх батьки приходять додому після роботи, діти ведуть себе
тихо як мишки, але вдень у нас ніколи не буває тиші та спокою. – Я дуже
вам співчуваю.
2. Дін, ти чуєш, телефон дзвенить. Візьми, будь ласка, слухавку. Я думаю,
це місіс Делані. Скажи їй, що я не можу зараз підійти до телефону. Я
роблю пиріжки, і у мене руки у борошні. Якщо вона хоче сказати мені
щось важливе, попроси її передзвонити через півтори години.
3. Ви не знаєте, коли Пат повертається з відрядження? – На жаль, ні. Але я
впевнена, що коли вона приїде, вона одразу ж зателефонує вам.
4. Мері, Том! Яка гарна новина! Бабуся з дідусем приїжджають до нас на
вихідні. Вони пробудуть з нами три дні, а потім поїдуть до Криму
5. Чому ви носите темні окулярі весь час, навіть взимку? – У мене слабкий
зір, і я не переношу яркого світла. Лікарі рекомендують мені не знімати
темні окуляри, і я дію за їх порадами.
6. Ми їдемо у відпустку у суботу. – Ви їдете поїздом чи летите літаком? –
Поїздом. Моя дружина не любить літати, вона завжди погано почувається
у літаку. – Чому вона не приймає таблетки перед польотом? Мені вони
завжди допомагають. – Вона ненавидить будь-які ліки, тому нам
доведеться провести 16 нудних годин у поїзді. – Коли ваш поїзд
відходить? – О 21.45. З Південного Вокзалу. – Я прийду вас провести. –
Це дуже люб’язно з вашого боку. Дякую.
7. Ліз, ти завжди все губиш. Де твої нові рукавички? Якщо ти не станеш
більш уважнішою до своїх речей, у тебе скоро не буде чого вдягнути.
8. Скуштуй цей салат, я вважаю, у нього жахливий смак. Мабуть, вони
заправляють його поганим майонезом. – Мені взагалі не подобається це
кафе. Я захожу сюди тільки у тому випадку, коли в мене немає часу піти
в інше кафе.
9. Я не розумію правило, яке містер Ладлоу зараз пояснює. – Звичайно, ти ж
його зовсім не слухаєш. Ти дивишся на нього, але не чуєш жодного слова
з його пояснення. Ти весь час думаєш про щось інше.

*TASK 17. Put the verbs In brackets into present simple or present continuous.
1. Why _________ (you/to smell) the soap? - It _________ (to smell) lovely. It's
like the one my Mum used to buy.
2. I _________ (to feel) very tired. - You should go to bed early.
3. I _________ (to see) Andy this evening. – I _________ (see). So, you
_________ (not to want) to come to the cinema with me, do you?
4. How much _________ the bag of apples (to weigh)? – I don't know yet. The
shop assistant _________ (to weigh) the bag now.
5. I _________ (to think) about buying a new car soon. – Why? I _________ (to
think) your car is fine. You don't need a new one.
6. What _________ (you/to look) at? – The sky. It _________ (to look) as if it's
going to rain.
7. I really _________ (to enjoy) homemade food. – So do I. I _________ (to
enjoy) every bit of this delicious meal.
8. Why _________ (you/to feel) the radiator? – I _________ (to feel) cold in
here. Is the heating on?
9. That famous, opera singer _________ (to appear) at the opera house tonight. –
Yes. He _________ (appear) to be feeling better after his operation.
10. Chris _________ (be) a sensible person, isn't he? – Yes, but in this case he
_________ (to be) rather foolish.
11. My dad _________ (to fit) the old blind from the living room in my bedroom
today. – Really? _________ (it/to fit) that window?
12. My back _________ (to hurt). – Why you __________ (not to lie) down for a
13.Why _________ (you/to taste) the soup? – To see if it _________ (to taste)
good. I think it needs more salt.

**TASK 18. Put the verbs in the correct tense, present simple or present
Leila Markham is an environmentalist. She is being interviewed on the radio
by Tony Hunt, a journalist.
Tony: So tell me, Leila, why is it important to save the rainforests?
Leila: There are a number of reasons. One is that many plants, which could be useful
in medicine ________ (to grow) in the rainforest. We ________ (not/to know)
all the plants yet, there are thousands and thousands of them. Researchers
________ (to try) to discover their secrets before they are destroyed.
Tony: I see. What other reasons are there?
Leila: Well, I'm sure you've heard of global warming?
Tony: You mean, the idea that the world ________ (to get) warmer?
Leila: That's right. The rainforests ________ (to have) an important effect on the
earth's climate. They ________ (to disappear) at a terrifying rate and soon they
will be gone. People ________ (not/to do) enough to save them.
Tony: But is global warming really such a problem? I ________ (to enjoy) warm
Leila: Well, what ________ (to happen) when you (to heat) ice?
Tony: It ________ (to melt), of course.
Leila: OK. The polar ice caps ________ (to consist) of millions of tons of ice. If they
_______ (to melt), the level of the sea will rise and cause terrible floods. Many
scientists ________ (to believe) that temperatures already ________ (to rise). We
must do everything we can to prevent global warming, and that ________ (to
include) preserving the rainforests!
Tony: Thank you, Leila, and good luck in your campaign.
Leila: Thank you.
***TASK 19. Translate into English.
Привіт, Пашка.
Я прекрасно проводжу час тут в Англії. Мої заняття в університеті не
почнуться до вересня, і я використовую кожну хвилину, щоб покращити свою
англійську. Я живу з друзями моїх батьків. Містер і місіс Кент мають кінну
ферму на південному узбережжі. Кожен день я їжджу на автобусі до
найближчого містечка та відвідую заняття з англійської мови у місцевому
коледжі. Мій вчитель, містер Стоун, каже, що я роблю відмінні успіхи. Він
каже, що моя вимова покращується, та що я роблю менше граматичних
помилок. На жаль, я не можу сказати, що я розумію все, що англійці говорять
на вулицях або у транспорті. Вони розмовляють занадто швидко і не зовсім так,
як наші викладачі у коледжі.
На вихідних я допомагаю на фермі. Ця робота важка та досить брудна,
але я отримую велике задоволення. Мені подобається доглядати за кіньми, та я
вважаю, що вони це відчувають. Містер Кент вчить мене їздити верхи, а місіс
Кент розповідає мені, як потрібно лікувати коней, якщо вони хворіють.
Напиши, як справи у нас у групі. Які іспити ви будете складати під час
зимової сесії. Куди ти поїдеш на зимових канікулах? Чи сумує за мною та
симпатична білявка, яка завжди сидить на лекціях на першій парті?

Чекаю на твою відповідь,


INTRODUCTORY VERBS for reported commands, instructions, requests,
warnings and suggestions are as follows:
to ask to tell to offer to warn to suggest to beg
to order to advise to request to instruct to recommend to invite
to demand to propose to forbid to prohibit
1. To report COMMANDS OR INSTRUCTIONS in Reported Speech, the following
pattern is used:
introductory verb + smb. + (not) to-infinitive
“Put the gun down!” the policeman said to the criminal. – The policeman
ordered the criminal to put the gun down.
“Don't look down!' the instructor said to us. – The instructor told us not to
look down.
“Put the shopping in the kitchen,” the mother said to her daughter. – The
mother told her daughter to put the shopping in the kitchen.
“Find our skates in the pantry.” Kate asked Paul. – Kate told Paul to find
their skates in the pantry.
“Put on warm clothes,” Kate told Paul. – Kate asked Paul to put on warm
She also told him, “Don’t eat much before skating.” – She also warned him not
to eat too much before skating.
2. To report REQUESTS in Reported Speech, the following pattern is used:
introductory verbs + smb + (not) to-infinitive
“Help me, please,” Jean said to Tom. - Jean asked Tom to help her.
“Please, please don't call the police.” the burglar said to Colin. –
The burglar begged Collin not to call the police.
3. To report SUGGESTIONS in Reported Speech, the following patterns are used,
 introductory verb + gerund
I suggest swimming after breakfast.
 introductory verb + that + smb + should + bare infinitive
I suggest that we should swim after breakfast.
 introductory verb + that + smb + bare infinitive
I suggest that we swim after breakfast.
Here is another example: Sentences a) – d) below mean the same,
a) “Let's go outside,” I said to them.
b) “We can/could go outside,” I said to them.
c) “Shall we go outside?” I said to them.
d) “How about going outside?” I said to them.
The Reported Speech equivalents to these three sentences will be:
I suggested going inside. I suggested that we (should) go outside.
 The verb “to suggest” is more formal than the verb “to offer”, e.g.
Len offered Joanne to go to the pictures.
The teacher suggested going to the museum after classes.
 The verb “to propose” is more formal than the verb “to suggest”. Both verbs
are followed by a gerund, e.g.
The chairman proposed closing the debates.
Kate suggested going to the skating rink in the afternoon.
GERUND not by infinitive!
Paul suggested putting the meeting off till Monday. RIGHT
Paul suggested to put the meeting off till Monday. WRONG!!!
 The verb “TO REQUEST” is a formal verb and is followed by an
The patrons are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.
He requested the delegates of the conference to assemble in the lobby.

 The verb “TO DEMAND” can be followed EITHER BY AN INFINITIVE

“I want to see the manager, ” he demanded.
He demanded to see the manager.
= He demanded that he should see the manager.
Mind the changes that happen to adverbial modifiers of time and place when the
direct speech is turned into indirect.
Direct Speech Reported Speech
here there
this, these that, those
now then, right away, at that moment, that
day, immediately (or no adverb at all)
today, tonight that day, that night
yesterday the day before, the previous day
the day before yesterday two days before
two days ago two days before
a year ago a year before, the previous year
last night the previous night
last week the week before
tomorrow the next day, the following day
the day after tomorrow in two days’ time
in a few minutes a few minutes later
next week the next week, the week after, the
following week

*TASK 20. Mr. Terry is complaining about things his children have done. Write
what he said in reply to the following. Follow the example. Use different
introductory verbs.
Example: Tommy: Dad, I've knocked some paint off the car. I was riding my bike
near it.
Mr. Terry; I told you not to ride your bike near the car, Tommy, didn’t I?

1. Mary: Dad, the washing line's come down. I was pulling it.
2. Lenny: Dad, I've broken the kitchen window. I was playing football under it.
3. Tracy: Dad, Michael's walked on your garden. He was chasing the dog round
4. Tommy: Dad, I've cut my finger on your knife. I was cutting wood with it.
5. Lenny: Dad, the cat's drowning in the fishpond! We were teaching it to swim
in it.
6. Mary: Dad, I've burnt my finger on the electric fire. I was making toast on it.
7. Tracy: Dad, Mary's torn her skirt on the tree. She was climbing up it.
8. Tommy: Dad, my watch has stopped. I was washing it.
9. Lenny: Dad, the front door won't open. I locked it with the garage key.

*TASK 21. Change direct commands, instructions, requests, warnings and

suggestions into indirect ones using different introductory verbs.
1. “Please visit me in hospital,” Joan said to Colin.
2. “Let's eat out this evening,” Paul said to her.
3. “Please, please be careful,” she said to him.
4. “Don't go near the fire.” Dad said to us.
5. “Be quiet!” the commander said to the troops.
6. “Let's try the exercise again,” said the teacher
7. The doctor said to the patient, “Come back to see me again next week.”
8. She said to him, “Please, please don't leave me!”
9. The teacher said to the students, “Come and see me after the lesson.” He said,
“Shall we go for a walk?”
10. Jenny said to Dave. “Please help me with cleaning.”
11. She said to him, “Open the window, please.”
12. Mother said, “How about going for a drive?”
13. The policeman said to the thieves, “Put your hands up!”
14. The librarian said to the boys, “Don’t make so much noise.”

**TASK 22. Jenny Gee is a gossip columnist. She gets her information from
people she calls “reliable sources”. Here is what one source told her. What
do you think Jenny wrote? Continue from the example.
“Don't mention my name, darling, but I can tell you why June Wonda has stopped
making her new film. I happened to hear her doctor say, June, you must take a long
break!” Then June went to the director of her film, Sam Hill, and said, “Sam, please
let me have a rest.” His reply was short and sharp, “Get back on the set! ” and he
added, “Don't forget who's paying you to make the film!” June began to cry and her
co-star Willy Sprout shouted at Hill, “Don't come on so heavy, Sam! Let's sleep on
the problem before we decide anything.” But next morning Sam Hill hadn't changed
his mine one bit. “Take your holiday”, he demanded. “And my advice is, go as far
away from me as you can get. Take Willy with you, and don't come back! ” End of
story, Jenny. Off they went”.
Jenny Gee
One of my reliable sources asked me not to mention her name, but said she
could tell me why June Wonda had stopped making her new film. It seems her doctor
had advised _______________________. So June went to her director, Sam Hill,
and asked _______________________. Sam just ordered
_______________________ and told _______________________. There and then
June's co-star, Willy Sprout, told Hill _______________________ and proposed
_______________________ before deciding anything. But next morning Hill
demanded _______________________, and advised _______________________ as
she could get. He also suggested _______________________ and told

***TASK 23. Translate into English.

1. Лікар порекомендував пацієнту полежати у ліжку кілька днів і приймати
всі прописані йому ліки.
2. Мати попросила дітей не забути прибрати у своїх кімнатах та купити
хліба і молока по дорозі зі школи додому.
3. Пасажир попросив водія таксі не гнати машину занадто швидко , тому що
його дружина боїться швидкості.
4. Хазяїн залишив собаку перед входом до магазину та наказав йому, що він
сидів, сторожив його сумку и не дозволяв нікому торкатися її.
5. Екзаменатор попередив студентів, щоб вони не консультувалися один з
одним і не списували під час тесту.
6. Поліцейський порадив містеру Сміту припаркувати машину за рогом,
подалі від пішохідного переходу.
7. Коли місіс Пойнтер йшла на роботу, вона проінструктувала няньку не
давати дітям нічого солодкого перед обідом і не дозволяти їм довго
гратися у садку, тому що погода була сирою та вітряною.
8. Наша хазяйка порадила нам у п’ятницю не повертатися додому пізніше 9
години вечора, тому що це найнебезпечніший час у Лондоні.
9. Екскурсовод попередила нас, щоб ми голосно не розмовляли і не
торкалися експонатів руками.
10.Після цього надзвичайно важкого дня містер Блек запропонував підвезти
мене додому та порадив не звертати увагу на недружелюбну поведінку
деяких наших колег.
11.Викладач порекомендував студентам уважно слухати пояснення нового
матеріалу та пообіцяв дати контрольну роботу на цей матеріал на
наступному занятті.
12.Стара дама попросила молоду продавщицю принести їй стакан води, тому
що в неї закрутилася голова.
13.Денні запропонував поїхати на пікнік у суботу. Він попросив свого батька
позичити йому машину та порадив усім нам взяти з собою м’ячі та
ракетки для бадмінтону.
14.Генерал наказав солдатам не відкривати вогонь до особливого наказу.
15.Фотограф попросив дітей посидіти кілька хвилин спокійно і пообіцяв, що
вони побачать пташку.

have/has + Past Participle
I have seen Peter twice today. – Have you seen Ann too? – No I haven’t
seen her yet.
Jenny has lost her ring. - Has she lost her watch too? – No, luckily she
1. Present perfect connects the past and the present. That is, it describes actions,
which started in the past and continue up to the present or actions, which were
completed in the past but whose results affect the present.
Mrs. Swift has looked after little children all her life.
I’ve done all my work for today and I’m free now.
2. Present perfect is used to describe an action which started in the past and
continues up to the present, especially with stative verbs such as have, like,
know, be, etc. In this case, prepositions for and since are often used.
They have been friends for twenty years.
(They met each other twenty years ago and they are still friends.)
They have been friends since they met in 1990.
3. Present perfect is also used for an action, which has recently finished and
whose result is visible in the present.
Look at my basket. I’ve picked a lot of apples.
(The apples are in the basket, so the action has finished.)
4. Present perfect is also used in clauses of time and condition for an action,
which will be over before a certain moment in the future, e.g.
The doctor will stay with us until your sister has fully recovered.
Could you wait till I have made these sandwiches?
5. Present Perfect is also used for an action, which happened at an unstated time
in the past. The exact time is not important, so it is not mentioned. The
emphasis is placed on the action, e.g.
Paul has broken his arm. (The exact time is not mentioned because what
is important is the fact that his arm is broken.)
Peter has been to Paris four times. (The exact time of each of his visits
is not mentioned. What is important is the fact that he has visited Paris
four times.)
6. Present Perfect is also used for an action which has happened within a specific
time period, which is not over at the moment of speaking, such as today, this
morning, this afternoon/week/month/year, etc,. e.g.
Pat has received three faxes this morning. (The action has been repeated
three times up to now and may happen again because the time period –
this morning – is not over yet.)
She received three taxes this morning and answered all of them. (The
time period – this morning – is over. It is now probably afternoon or
7. Present Perfect is usually used in the attributes the first, the second, the only,
etc., e.g.
It is the only book the writer has written.
It is the first time I have tasted mango juice.
It is the second time you’ve told it to me.
8. Present Perfect is used for ‘breaking the news’, e.g.
Mum, I have got married!
Miss Flora, Peter has broken one of the windows in the classroom!
9. Present Perfect is used to speak about people’s life experiences, e.g.
I have been to many European countries.
John has never eaten fried bananas before.
10. Present Perfect is used to speak about a series of repeated actions in the
recent past, e.g.
Maria has typed ten reports today.
11.Present Perfect is preferably used in negative sentences instead of Present
Perfect Continuous, e.g.
What has Bertha been doing all day? – I don’t know for sure, but I do
know that she hasn’t lazed about.
12.Present Perfect is usually used with the following time expressions (adverbial
modifiers of time):
 already
We have already seen this film.
Have you finished this book already? (surprise)
 yet
Has Roger left yet?
Simon has not finished painting the hall yet.
 just
I have just phoned Jill.
The postman has just brought a letter for Jane.
 always, often
Mary has always loved animals, she is going to be a vet.
How often have you seen Robert this year?
 ever, never
Have you ever been abroad?
I have never eaten oysters.
 so far
I have sent twenty invitations so far.
What have you done so far?

 lately, recently
Peter has had a lot of good luck lately/recently.
I haven’t seen much of him lately/recently.
 “Yet” and “already” in general interrogative sentences have different meaning.
“Already” is used to show surprise, e.g.
Have you already done your homework? It can’t be so! You began
only 10 minutes ago.
“Yet” has no emotional colouring, e.g.
Have you done your homework yet? Good. Now we can play football.
 “Recently” = not long ago = недавно
 “Lately” = recently, in the recent past = останнім часом; за останній час
 “For” ≠ ‘during’.
“During” is used to say when something happened and is used with past
tenses, e.g.
It rained all Monday but stopped raining during the night.
Paul was ill for a week and during that time he didn’t eat anything.
“For”answers the question ‘how long?’ and can be used with all tenses, e.g.
I’m going to stay in Kiev for 3 weeks. (present continuous)
I stayed in Kiev for 3 weeks last year. (past indefinite)
I have stayed in Kiev for 3 weeks already. (present perfect)
I have been staying in Kiev for 3 weeks already. (present perfect
I had stayed in Kiev for 3 weeks before moving to Lviv. (past perfect)
How long will you stay in Kiev? – I’m not sure. Probably, I will stay for
3 weeks. (future indefinite)

**TASK 24. Fill in “for” or “since” in the sentences below.

Part 1
1. I have lived in this village ______ 20 years ______ I was born.
2. It has been raining ______hours ______ morning. I wish it would stop.
3. My father has been the manager of this firm ______ I remember myself.
4. ______ I moved to Kharkiv, I have been much happier.
5. Have you been waiting ______ a long time? - I have been waiting for you
______ four o'clock.
6. She hasn't bought a new coat ______ three years.
7. Karen has been on the phone ______ I came home.
Part 2
Cleaning the attic, Mr. Leighton found some of his old diaries. He is reading
them and speaking to himself.
‘Hm, I moved to Horton in 1965 when I got married. It means that I have lived
in this town ______ (1) twenty-two years. My wife last saw her older sister Sarah,
when she went to Australia. It means that they haven’t seen each other ______ (2)
My father started collecting coins when he retires. Oh, my! He has been collecting
them ______ (3) 17 years.
My mother stopped driving her car when her eyesight failed six years ago. She hasn’t
driven ______ (4) she almost crashed her car against a tree.
My daughter Jan has been dating her boy-friend ______ (5) she met him at her first
year at university. She also hasn’t eaten meat ______ (6) that time as her future
husband is a vegetarian.
My son Len began to wear glasses eight years ago when he started having severe
headaches. Poor boy, he has been wearing them ______ (7) his sixth form.
I bought my present car when I changed my job. Oh, I have had it ______ (8) more
than 15 years. It’s high time to change it, I think.
My gosh, I’ve been reading these old diaries ______ (9) already three hours ______
(10) I found this old chest here. My wife will kill me!

**TASK 25. Ivor and Sarah are discussing their travel plans. Complete their
conversation by using the correct present perfect forms of the verbs in
brackets, and putting the necessary adverbs in their correct places.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible. Choose among “already, yet,
just, ever, never”. Follow the example.
Example: Ivor: Sarah, you _________ (to think) about our next trip? = Sarah, have
you thought about our next trip yet?
Sarah: I'd like to go to Brazil. You _________ (to be) there?
Ivor: Yes, I _________ (to be) there once. I visited Rio in 1981.
Sarah: But you _________ (to sail) up the Amazon?
Ivor: No, but I don't much like holidays on boats. I'd prefer to go east. You
_________ (to visit) Burma?
Sarah: No, I _________ (to fly) over it once or twice. But _________ (to land) there.
Ivor: As a matter of fact, my cousin Albert _________ (to come back) from Burma.
We could ask him about it.
Sarah: Mm, Burma would be lovely. But we _________ (to spend) so much on the
house. I wonder if we can really afford it.
Ivor: Perhaps you're right. Oh dear, there are so many countries we _________ (not
to see).
Sarah: Yes. I _________ (to finish) a book about New Guinea. There are wonderful
forests and mountains there and nobody _________ (to explore) them properly.
I _________ (to start) to plan the journey in my mind!

***TASK 26. Translate into English.

1. Ви вже бачили нову версію фільму «Титанік»? – Ще ні. А ви вважаєте,
його варто подивитися? Кінець фільму усім відомий – корабель тоне і
багато людей гине. Фільм дуже драматичний, і його не можна назвати
розважальним. – У цьому я з вами згоден, але все ж таки я би порадив вам
його подивитися. У ньому грають хороші артисти, там чудові спецефекти
та талановита операторська робота.
2. Два роки тому моя подруга поїхала вчитися в Австралію, і с тих пір я
отримала від неї тільки два листа. Мені здається, вона знайшла собі нових
друзів і, певно, не повернеться назад.
3. Я чув, ти збираєшся стати великим художником. – Так, я вже купив собі
велику студію та відпустив довге волосся і бороду.
4. У мене зупинився годинник. Скажіть, будь ласка, котра зараз година. – 25
хвилин на другу. – О, боже, я запізнився на заняття.
5. Ми так раді бачити вас знову. Ми не бачилися з минулого літа. Ви зовсім
не змінилися. У вашому житті трапилися які-небудь зміни? – Так, я
одружилася. – Поздоровляємо.
6. Ви гарно говорите англійською. Ви давно вчите її? – Взагалі-то я вчу її з
дитинства, але останні два роки я приділяю вивченню мови весь свій
вільний час.
7. Моя тітка вегетаріанка. Вона зовсім не їсть м’яса. Вона не їсть його вже
15 років, с тих пір як прочитала одну статтю в американському журналі
про шкідливий вплив м’яса на організм людини. А що ти думаєш про
вегетаріанство? – Я про це ніколи не думав, але ж люди завжди їли
м’ясо... Мабуть, це закон природи.
8. Я не знала, що Дін носить окуляри. – Він надіває їх тільки коли працює з
комп’ютером або читає. Він носить їх з тих пір, як у нього почалися
сильні головні болі, і лікар порекомендував йому носити окуляри для
роботи. З того часу він ні разу не поскаржився на головний біль.
9. Ти посолила рибу та картоплю? – Ні, а що, хіба треба? – Ти що раніше
ніколи не їла рибу та картоплю? – Ні, це перший раз, коли я їм їх. І мені
дуже подобається навіть без солі. Мені здається, це найсмачніша риба,
яку я коли-небудь їла.
10.Скільки разів твій брат був у Києві цього року? – 5 або 6 разів. У нього
вже було багато поїздок по Україні з тих пір, як він почав працювати у
цій міжнародній фірмі. Але він ще жодного разу не їздив за кордон, хоча
все своє життя мріяв побачити Лондон та Париж. – Сподіваюсь, його мрія
11.Ти вже закінчила читати останню книгу про Гарі Потера? – Ще ні. Я
вважаю, що закінчу її сьогодні увечері. Я вже прочитала 17 розділів. Від
неї просто неможливо відірватися. А що ти думаєш про неї? – Мені вона
сподобалася набагато менше, ніж усі попередні книги, хоча все одно
читати її дуже цікаво.
12.Скільки суконь твоя мати пошила з початку червня? – Важко сказати. Усі
мої подруги попросили її пошити їм сукні до випускного вечора. – А
твою сукню вона вже закінчила? – Ти не повіриш, у неї не вистачає на це
13.Сандра, ти вже погодувала кота? – Так. – Тоді я не розумію, чому він
ходить за мною і так жалібно нявкає. – Він за тобою скучив і хоче, щоб ти
взяла його на руки. Він тебе не бачив цілий тиждень.


have/ has + been + Present Participle
I have been washing up since morning.
– Have you been listening to music all this time? – No haven’t been
listening as the radio is broken.
1. Present Perfect Continuous is used to put emphasis on the duration of an
action, which started in the past and continues up to the present, especially
with time expressions such as for, since, all morning/day/week, etc., e.g.
Sarah has been picking vegetables for two hours. (She started picking
vegetables two hours ago and she is still picking them now.)
I have been learning to drive since September.
2. Present Perfect Continuous is also used for an action which started and finished
in the past and lasted for some time. The result of the action is visible in the
He is dirty. He has been playing football. (He is no longer playing
football, but the fact that his clothes are dirty is visible now.)
Have you been crying? Your eyes are red and swollen.
NOTE: With the verbs “to feel” (have a particular emotion), “to live”, “to
work” and “to learn” Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous can be
used with no difference in meaning.
He has felt/ has been feeling unwell all morning.
3. Present Perfect Continuous is also used in clauses of time and condition for
an action, which will be in progress for some time before a certain moment in
the future, e.g.
I’m sure she’ll get used to our way of life after she has been staying with
us for a couple of weeks.
4. Present Perfect Continuous is used to express anger, annoyance or irritation,
Who has been reading my business papers and misplaced them? (The
speaker is irritated.)
5. Both Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous are used with the following
time expressions (adverbial modifiers of time):
 How long…?
How long have you known Jack?
How long have you been learning English?
 for (duration)
I have known Jack for five years.
I have not seen Emily for a long time.
She has been working here for twenty years.

 since (starting point)

They have been married since last April.
We have been living here since 1980.
I have not talked to Ann since last Sunday.
 lately /recently
Have you seen any good films lately/recently?
She has been going out a lot lately/ recently.
**TASK 27. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box below. Sometimes more
than one answer is possible.
recently since yet for always ever
already so far just How long…?
1. Has Tom finished his exams ________? – No. He finishes them next
2. ________ has Janet been working at the hospital? – She has been working
there ________ she left school.
3. How are you finding your new job? – Great. I haven't had any problems
4. Is John at home, please? – No, I'm afraid he's ________ gone out.
5. Have you been waiting long? – Yes, I've been here ________ two hours.
6. Has Martin ________ been to Spain? – No, I don't think so.
7. Have you spoken to Matthew ________? – Yes. I phoned him last night.
8. Can you do the washing–up for me, please? – Don't worry. Mike has ________
done it.
9. Lucy has ________ been musical, hasn't she? – Yes, she started playing the
piano when she was five years old.
10. Shall we go to that new restaurant tonight? – Yes. I have ________ been there.
It's really nice.
11. Your dog's been barking ________ three hours! – I'm sorry. I'll take him
12. Have you finished reading that book ________? – No, I've ________ started

*TASK 28. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Present Perfect
Part 1
1. How long you ________ (to know) Alison? – We ________ (to be) friends
since we were children.
2. Who ________ (to use) the car? – I was. Is there a problem? – Yes, it won ’t
3. I (not to see) David and Andrew since morning. Where are they? – They
________ (to work) in the garden for three hours.
4. Why is Sally upset? – She ________ (to lose) her bag.
5. I always ________ (to believe) that exercise is good for you. – Of course, it's
good to keep fit.
6. Emily ________ (to teach) maths since she left university. – Yes, and she's a very
good teacher, too.
7. Fred ________ (to open) a new shop. – Really? Where is it?
8. This pie is delicious. – Is it? I ________ (not to taste) it yet.
9. You (to find) your umbrella yet? – No, I ________ (to look) for it for an hour
10. You look exhausted. – Well. I ________ (to clean) the windows since 8 o'clock
this morning.
11. Can 1 have some more lemonade, please? – Sorry, your brother just ________ (to
drink) it all.
12. Have you got new neighbours? – Yes, they just ________ (to move) to the area.
13. Tortoises live to be very old. – Yes, I ________ (to hear) of one which is over a
hundred years old.
14. Are you still busy? – Yes, I ________ (to read) this article for an hour and I still
________ (not to finish) it.
15. Why are your shoes wet? – I ________ (to wash) the car.
16. You ________ (to make) plans for Saturday yet? – Yes, we are going to the
17. Are you ready for the concert? – I hope so. I ________ (to practise) for weeks.

Part 2
Dear Connie,
I hope you are enjoying yourself at university. I'm sure you ________ (to study) hard
the whole term. Everything is fine here at home. Billy just ________ (to receive) his
school report. It was bad, as usual. He ________ (to decide) to leave school next
year and find a job. Fiona ________ (to go) to the gym every day for the past two
weeks. She ________ (to try) to get in shape for the summer. She already ________
(to plan) her holiday in the sun. Your father ________ (to sell) the old car and he
________ (to buy) a new one. It's lovely, much nicer than the old one. Anyway, write
**TASK 29. Spot and correct mistakes in the sentences given below.
1. Liz and I are good friends. We know each other for four years.
2. Sarah is very tired. She is working hard all day.
3. 'Where is John?' – 'He's upstairs. He has been doing his homework.'
4. Jane is finishing cleaning her room, and now she is going out with her friends.
5. I didn't recognize Tom. He is looking so different in a suit.
6. I don't need to wash my car. Jim has been washing it for me already.
7. Ian is talking to his boss for an hour now.
8. Claire's train is arriving at 3 o'clock. I must go and meet her at the station.
9. 'Would you like to borrow this book?' – 'No, thanks. I read it before."
10. 'Where do you go?' – 'To the pictures. Would you like to come with me?'
11. Are you seeing my bag? I am searching for it all morning.
12. 'Is Colin here?' – 'I don't know. I haven't been seeing him all day.'
13. Sophie is very clever. She is speaking seven different languages.
14. We move house tomorrow. Everything is packed.

*TASK 30. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense. Make all the
necessary changes.
Part 1
1. What you are_you doing_(to do)? – Nothing. I just have finished_ (to finish)
my lunch.
2. Where you have you been (to be) all morning? – I have been cleaning_(to
clean) my house since 8 o'clock.
3. Will you be doing (to do) anything next weekend? – No, I haven’t made (not to
make) any plans yet.
4. Jane looks great. Did _weight? – Yes, she exercises (exercise) a lot recently
5. You ___________ (to be) busy right now? – Yes, I just ____________ (to
start) typing this report.
6. Where is Peter? – He ____________ (to wash) the car at the moment
7. Who ____________ (to be) your favourite actor? – I ____________ (to like)
Sean Connery since I was a child.
8. You ____________ (to do) your homework yet? – Almost. I ____________
(to do) it now.
9. Why you ____________ (to be) so angry? – Somebody (to use) my
10. Samantha always ____________ (to be keen) on tennis. She ____________
(play) with friends every weekend.
11. Tim and Matilda ____________ (to be) married since 1991. They
____________ (to rent) this small house since then.
12. Uncle Bill ____________ just (to decorate) the bathroom. It is so nice!
13. Pauline and Tom ____________ (to sing) in the school choir twice a week for
two years now.
14. Who you ____________ (to speak) to for an hour? The line ____________ (to
be) busy all this time!
15. Sarah is very happy. It is the first time she ____________ (to win) a poetry
16. Dad ____________ (to be) very nervous lately. He ____________ (to drink)
seven cups of coffee since morning.
17. My friend ____________ (to live) in America at the moment.
18. I doubt that we can trust Mr. Green. He ____________ (to change) seven jobs
in the last five years.
19. We ____________ (to play) in a concert next weekend that is why we
____________ (to rehearse) so hard all last week.
20. Who ____________ (to read) my diary? It ____________ (to lie) in the
wrong place!
21. Sorry, Tim just (to go). He ____________ (to leave) the house at 7 o'clock
every morning.
22. Your mother ____________ (to work) in a bank? No, she just (to change) her
Part 2
Dear Nick,
This is just a short note to tell you I __________ (to arrive) at the airport at 5 pm on
Saturday, 10th December. I __________ (to be) very busy recently, and that's why I
_________ (not to write) to you for a while. I __________ (to plan) this trip for
months, so now I __________ (to look forward) to spending some time with you and
your family. I __________ (to hope) you will be able to meet me at the airport.
Please, give my love to your wife and the children.
See you soon,

**TASK 31. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box, putting them into the
right present tense.
to use to begin to produce to turn to give up to destroy
to start to provide to pollute to change to live to decrease
to disappear
Life on earth _________ (1). Are you aware of the damage being done to our
planet? First of all, we all know that trees __________(2) oxygen and homes for
animals. However, trees __________(3) because of fires and logging. Fortunately,
many governments__________(4) to plant new trees.
Secondly, we also know that many different species of fish __________(5) on coral
reef. They may die because fishermen __________(6) coral reefs. Though some
fishermen __________(7) fishing near coral reefs and it is a good sign.
Thirdly, many people __________(8) coal and oil as fuel for heating in their homes.
Coal and oil supplies __________ (9). But there are some people, who
__________(10) to other sources of fuel for heating and they can be a good example
for others.
Fourthly, we all know that ocean life__________(11) 90% of our oxygen. Instead of
protecting it, we __________(12) the oceans with rubbish. However some people
__________(13) to recycle rubbish instead of throwing it all away.
We must stop the destruction now, before it is too late!

Reported questions are usually introduced with the following verbs or expressions:
 to ask
 to inquire
 I wonder …/He wonders… / She wonders…/ They wonder …
 I (we, they) want to know /She wants to know
 I (he, she they) would like to know …
 Can/could you tell me …?
 Do you know…?
I ask you where you have been.
She wonders who helps you with you housework.
Do you know how long the Smiths have been living in Glasgow?
Can you tell me who has broken the window?
2. When the direct question begins with a question word
 who?  what?  how many?
 where?  when?  how long?
 how old?  why?
 how long ?  how much?
the reported question is introduced with the same question word, e.g.
Where does you sister live?’ – I wonder where your sister lives. =
Цікаво, де живе твоя сестра.
“How much do these shoes cost? ” – Can (Could) you tell me how much
these shoes cost? = Не могли би Ви мені сказати, скільки коштують
ці туфлі?
3. When the direct question begins with an auxiliary, link verb or a modal verb,
then the reported question begins with the conjunctions if or whether, e.g.
“Have you seen this man before?” – I wonder if/ whether you have
seen the man before. = Цікаво, бачили ви цю людину раніше. =
Цікаво, чи бачили ви цю людину раніше.
“Is he the man you are looking for?” – Can you tell me if/ whether he is
the man you are looking for? = Ви можете мені сказати, чи це та
людина, яку ви шукаєте?
4. In reported questions, the word order is direct like in statements and auxiliary
verbs are not used, e.g.
“Do you like horror films?”– I wonder if you like horror films.
“What is your favourite sport?’ – Can you tell me what your favourite
sport is?
5. The question mark and words/expressions such as please, well, oh, etc. are
omitted. The verb tenses, pronouns and time expressions change as in statements.
“Where does Sarah live?” – I wonder where Sarah lives.
“How much work have you already done?” –
“Could you tell me how much work you have already done?”
“Where are you going?” – I ask you where you are going..
6. Russian question beginning with the main clause “Як ти вважаеш...” can be
translated into English in two ways according to the communicative type of
questions that follow the main clause.
General questions Special Questions
(begin with ‘Do you think…’) (begin with a question word)

1. Як ти вважаєш, Марія любить 1. Як ти вважаєш, які квіти любить

троянди? Марія? = What flowers do you think
= Do you think Maria likes roses? Maria likes?
2. Як ти вважаєш, чи буде завтра 2. Як ти вважаєш, яка лекція буде
лекція з Історії України? = завтра замість Історії України? =
Do you think there will be a lecture in What lecture do you think there will be
History of Ukraine tomorrow? tomorrow instead of History of

*TASK 32. Turn the following into reported questions.

Part 1
Marion meets a couple who are on holiday in London. They are looking at a map.
She asks them some questions. Turn them into reported questions. Use the openings
offered in the box. Follow the example.
I wonder… Could/Can you tell me … I’d like to know …
Example: Marion: “Are you lost?” – I wonder if you are lost.
1. Do you speak English?
2. What country are you from?
3. Is your hotel near here?
4. How long have you been in London?
5. Are you looking for Big Ben?
6. Have you been to the British Museum?
7. Do you know anything about Buckingham Palace?
8. What other places of interest would you like to see?
9. Are you enjoying your visit to London?
10. When are you leaving London?

Part 2
Simon is a journalist. He is interviewing a famous actor and asking him the questions
given below. Turn them into reported questions. Use the openings offered in the box.
1. Do you enjoy being famous?
2. What is the best part of your job?
3. What do you find difficult about acting?
4. How many films have you starred in?
5. What is your favourite film?
6. Have you met many other famous people?
7. Where would you most like to make a film?
8. Have you visited many interesting places?
9. What are your plans for the future?
10. Are you happy with your life?
***TASK 33. Translate into English.
Патриція Грей (Patricia Grey) тільки що повідомила своєму батьку, що
вона збирається вийти заміж за Рона Фіцпатрика (Ron Fitspatrick).
Містер Грей ніколи не чув імені цього хлопця і ніколи не бачив його у
своєму домі. Він намагається з’ясувати дещо про майбутнього чоловіка своєї
Містер Грей: Пет, скажи, будь ласка, як довго ти знаєш Рона?
Пет: Два тижні.
Містер Грей: Гм, і ти вважаєш, цього строку достатньо, щоб добре узнати
людину і вийти за нього заміж?
Пет: Тату, а хіба ти не чув про подружні пари, які розлучаються після 20 або 30
років спільного життя. Невже ти хочеш сказати, що у коханні найголовніше, як
довго ти знаєш кохану людину?
Містер Грей: Ну, гаразд. А скажи мені, будь ласка, що ти знаєш про батьків
Пет: А чому я повинна щось знати про його батьків? Я виходжу заміж за нього,
а не за них.
Містер Грей: А цікаво, чи знають його батьки, що він збирається одружуватися.
Пет: Тату, я не розумію, чому це повинно тебе хвилювати.
Містер Грей: Гм, тоді мене цікавить, чи знаєш ти, де Рон працює і скільки він
заробляє. Цікаво, чи зможе він утримати родину.
Пет: Тату, у тебе досить старомодні уявлення про шлюб. Зараз і чоловік, і жінка
працюють. Невже ти думаєш, що як тільки я вийду заміж, я обзаведуся купою
дітей, і буду сидіти вдома. Нічого подібного. Хіба ти не знаєш, що я збираюсь
зробити гарну кар’єру у шоу-бізнесі.
Містер Грей: Гаразд, не могла б ти проінформувати мене, де ви збираєтесь
Пет: Не маю уяви. Це дрібне питання ми ще не обговорювали. Але я впевнена,
що ми що-небудь придумаємо.
Містер Грей: А цікаво, ти вже була у Рона вдома, познайомилася з його
Пет: Тату, ну скажи, чого ти завжди задаєш питання про батьків. Ми вже самі
досить дорослі, нам по 18 років.
Містер Грей: Ну, гаразд. Тоді скажи мені, чи кохає він тебе так само сильно, як
ти його.
Пет: Думаю, що так. Він постійно мені говорить, що кохає мене більше за все
на світі, навіть більше, ніж футбол і свою нову машину.
Містер Грей: О! Це, звичайно, найпереконливіший довід.


Mike lived in London last year? – Did Jane live there too? – No, she didn’t
live in Britain at that time.
Lily bought a new dress yesterday. – Did Lily buy a new coat too? – No, she
didn’t buy anything else.
1. For an action which happened at a definite time in the past. The time is stated,
already known or implied.
They went camping by the lake last month. (When did they go camping?
Last month. The time is stated.)
Where did you buy this pretty dress? (The time is implied)
2. For actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past as a
succession of past actions.
First she paid the driver, then she got out of the taxi.
David got up from the table, put on his hat and left.
3. For past habits or states which are now finished. In such cases the expression
used to can also be used.
Kitchens were very different a hundred years ago.
There used to be huge stoves in the middle of the kitchen heated with logs
or coal.
People didn’t use to have refrigerators or freezers and used to keep their
food in the larder.
4. For actions in progress with stative verbs instead of Past Continuous.
Mary was not exactly listening but she heard every word her parents were
5. To make sentences sound more emphatic the auxiliary verb ‘did’ is used in
affirmative sentences,
Boris did come to see us off yesterday though he had thought he wouldn’t be
able to. = Борис все-таки прийшов провести нас вчора, хоча вважав,
що не зможе цього зробити.
6. For future actions in adverbial clauses of time and condition according to the
sequence of tenses.
Trisha promised to come the next day if nothing unexpected happened.
I asked my sister to call me as soon as she came home.
7. Questions to the subject are asked without the auxiliary verb ‘did’ and with the
direct order of words, e.g.
Who came to your birthday party on Saturday? – Derek and Simon did.
8. The past simple is used with the following time expressions (adverbial
modifiers of time):
 last + night/ week/ month/year/ century/ Tuesday
 in 1997/in spring/ winter/ summer/ autumn
 three days/ weeks/ years + ago
 yesterday/ the day before yesterday
 then

 the other day

 When …? Where …? How long ago...?
 when/ after/ before + subordinate clause of time
 for a time; once upon a time
Russian/Ukrainian students tend to confuse Past Indefinite and Present Perfect.
The table given below may help you to avoid making mistakes in the use of these two
Remember that the use of tense forms in English always depends upon the situation.
 What cannot help? – Translation into your native language can either help
you choose the right tense or let you down as there are fewer tense forms in
Russian or Ukrainian than in English.
 What can help? – adverbial modifiers of time and context.
 How? – adverbial modifiers of time can be either reliable markers or
In the table below reliable markers are in bold.
Past Indefinite Present Perfect
(fact in the past) (result for the present moment)
1. I saw Peter yesterday. 1. I have seen Peter today.
2. I saw Peter at 5 o’clock today. 2. I have seen much of Peter lately.
(exact time) 3. I have seen Peter this morning.
3. I saw Peter this morning. (It is (The morning is not over yet.)
evening now.) 4. I have seen much of Peter in the
4. I saw Peter last month. past 2 months.
5. I saw Peter a month ago. 5. I haven’t seen Peter so far.
6. I saw Peter for 5 minutes only. 6. I haven’t seen Peter for the last
7. I saw Peter just now. three years.
8. I last saw Peter in 2001. (exact 7. I have just seen Peter.
time) 8. I have seen Peter 3 times today.
9. When did you see Peter last? (repeated action)
10. Where did you see Peter last? 9. Have you ever seen Peter Brown?
11. I saw Peter recently. 10. Have you seen Peter recently?
12. I once saw Peter in our street. 11. I have seen Peter Brown before.
13. I saw Peter when he was 12. I haven’t seen Peter since winter.
coming out of the theatre. (exact (preposition ‘since’ + …)
time) 13. Peter changed his job and I
14. I haven’t seen Peter since he haven’t seen him since then.
changed his job. (conjunction (preposition ‘since’ + …)
‘since’ + time clause) 14. Peter moved house and I haven’t
15. I didn’t see Peter for a time but seen him since (ever since).
then met him again. (adverb ‘since’)
16. Once upon a time there lived an
old man and an old woman…

**TASK 34. Below there are video shop descriptions of 4 films.

Step 1. Imagine that you have already seen these films and are telling your friend
about them. Use the past tense.
Film 1
The soldiers swear to rescue their comrades. They ride across deserts, cut their way
through jungles and swim across flooded rivers. At last they come to the enemy fort.
They creep past the sentries, burst into the enemy headquarters and blow up the
Film 2
A spacecraft from Earth lands on a distant planet and a gang of robots meet it. The
robots know that there are men and women in the spacecraft. They seek to enter it by
any means. The whole spacecraft shakes as the robots strike it with rocks and beat on
it with their metal claws. Then they begin to cut open the door with an electric torch,
and the door gives way.
Film 3
Frank thinks that Emma no longer loves him. He decides to forget her. But then
someone tells him that Emma is a prisoner in her uncle's house. The messenger
brings a letter in which Emma begs Frank to help her. Frank drives to the village and
makes enquiries. He hears that the house is well guarded.
Film 4
A wizard teaches magic to his apprentice, Hobo, for many years. But Hobo is secretly
jealous of his master's powers. The wizard keeps a book of magic spells in his
cupboard. One day Hobo steals the book while his master is asleep. The wizard
wakes up and flies after Hobo on his magic carpet. Hobo is so frightened that he loses
the book while crossing a river.
Step 2. Ask 5 questions about the continuation of each film.
Step 3. Write 7-10 sentences to finish each film.

*TASK 35. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect. Each
time explain what helped you to choose the tense form.
1. I ________ (to see) this film before. - Me too, but I love this actor. He ________
(to play) a lot of good roles lately.
2. Tom Cruise? I ________ (to meet) him, you know. – Really? When? – When I
________ (to be) in Los Angeles on holiday.
3. Who is that man? – He's an artist. He________ (to paint) a lot of beautiful
pictures. – I agree, but I think Van Gogh ________ (to paint) the most beautiful
pictures ever. But his life ________ (to be) miserable.
4. I ________ (just to hear) from an old friend of mine. – Oh, really? – Yes. Jim
________ (to write) to me. I ________ (to get) the letter this morning. – That's
nice. When ________ (you/first/to meet) him? – He ________ (to live) next
door to me for three years, but he ________ (to move) away last June and I
________ (not to see) him since.
5. _________ (you/ to see) the Bruce Lee film on TV last night? – No. But
I________ ( to see) all of his films on video already this year.
6. I ________ (to live) in Germany for five years now. I ________ (to move) here
in 2000. – And I ________ (to live) in Portugal for a time, but I live in Rome
7. My Uncle Tom ________ (to meet) Winston Churchill. – That's nothing! My
mum________ (to meet) Prince Charles!
8. Where's Jane? – She ________ (to go) to America. She ________(to leave) last
week. – Really? Why ________ (she/ to go) there? – On business.
9. My father ________ (to work) in that shop for twelve years. Then he ________
(to get) a job in a bank. – He ________ (to work) at the bank for quite a few
years now, hasn't he?
10. How long ________ (you/to learn) Italian? – I ________ (to start) learning the
language when I ________ (to be) twelve.

**TASK 36. Jane Ladlam of Penman Publishers is checking some matters with
her secretary, Rose Fox. Using the words in brackets, choose between past
simple and present perfect verb forms.
Jane: Rose, you __________ (to write) to Bold Books yet?
Rose: Yes, I __________ (send) them a letter a week ago, but they __________ (not
to reply) so far.
Jane: Well, that's OK. Now, about the meeting tomorrow, I __________ (to
telephone) Bradley early this morning, but I __________ (not to be able) to
contact Earnshaw.
Rose: Don't worry, I'll phone him. By the way, you __________ (to book) the
visitors' dining room for lunch today?
Jane: No, I __________ (not to make) any arrangements at all. People say the food at
Jack's Inn is good.
Rose: Yes, it __________ (always be) good as far as I know. Jane, something's
worrying me. Nobody __________ (tell) me when the sales conference is being
held. Anybody (to say) anything to you?
Jane: Oh, don't worry about that. Apparently, Ellen __________ (not to decide) yet
about the exact dates. There's a problem about holidays.
Rose: I see. Just one more thing. Reg Slim's wife __________ (to phone) at 8.30 this
morning to say he won't be in today. She says __________ (he not be) well for a
day or two.
Jane: I'm sorry to hear that. It must be flu. Several people __________ (to be) off
work with it recently.
Rose: Yes, well, I __________ (to have) flu once already this year. I don't want it

***TASK 37. Translate into English.

1. Пет, ти вже обідала? – Ні, але я не голодна. У мене була ділова зустріч з
нашими партнерами в італійському ресторані, і я там гарно поїла. – Вам
вдалося вирішити усі спірні питання? – Ні, ми ще не все обговорили. Ми
зустрічаємося з ними завтра вранці.
2. Я вчора водила мати до лікаря. Останнім часом у неї проблеми зі
спиною. – Як довго вона скаржиться на свою спину? – З тих пір, як
взимку впала и вдарила її.
3. Усі мої друзі мають мобільні телефони. Я вже декілька місяців хочу
купити собі телефон, але в мене не вистачає грошей. Я збираю гроші з
січня, і вже зібрав 100 доларів. Я сподіваюсь, що у кінці цього місяця у
мене буде достатньо грошей, щоб купити його.
4. Я сподіваюсь, вам не довелося мене довго чекати? – Ні, ми почекали
всього 5 хвилин. – Вибачте за затримку, я попав у транспортну пробку.
Останніми роками у нашому місті набагато більше транспорту, а дороги
залишилися такими ж вузькими, якими були завжди.
5. Знаєш, мене ніколи не цікавила граматика, коли я навчалася у школі.
Мені вона завжди здавалася нудним і непотрібним предметом. Ми тільки
робили довгі вправи з підручника и писали переклади. Але з тих пір, як я
прийшла до університету, я займаюсь граматикою із задоволенням. Я
ніколи не думала, що вчити граматику може бути так весело.

**TASK 38. Read this application letter. There are 7 grammar mistakes in the use
of tenses. Find and correct them.
Dear Mr. Peterson,
I would like to apply for a job of a shop manager, which I saw advertised in the local
I am twenty years old. I was born in France but my family moved to England
when I was twelve and I am living here since. I had three jobs after I left school. For
the past six months I work in Halls department store. My manager says that he was
never displeased with me. He promises to give me a good reference.
I am speaking English and French fluently and after leaving school I have
started learning German. I already learn it for 3 weeks.
I hope you will consider my application.
Yours sincerely,
Louise Brett

*TASK 39. Alex wants to go to an art college and is being interviewed by Tom
Smith, one of the lecturers. Complete the questions, which Tom asks him.
Read the whole conversation before you start. The first two questions are
done for you.
Tom: Right, Alex, let's find out something about you. You're obviously not a
teenager, so when did you leave school?
Alex: Five years ago, actually.
Tom: And where have you been since then?
Alex: Well I've had several jobs.
Tom: What _______________________ first?
Alex: I worked in a cafe for about a year, I needed to save some money.
Tom: Why ______________________ money?
Alex: I wanted to travel a bit before I started studying.
Tom: Where ______________________ to go?
Alex: Well, the Middle East, Latin America, Australia….
Tom: Good Lord! And ______________________ all those places?
Alex: No, not yet. I ______________ to Brazil and Peru so far. And I spent some
months in Turkey.
Tom: What ______________________ there?
Alex: I stayed with some friends near Izmir. It was wonderful.
Tom: You're very lucky. And now you warn to come to college.
_____________________ some pictures to show me?
Alex: Um, yes, I have a small portfolio here.
Tom: Where ______________________ this work?
Alex: Mostly in Turkey.
Tom: Why ______________________ any in South America?
Alex: I didn't have time really. And I was travelling light; I just did some pencil
Tom: ______________________ them here with you?
Alex: They're at the back of the portfolio.
Tom: Well, Alex, I'm very impressed. When ______________________ interested
in painting and drawing?
Alex: I think I always have been.
Tom: I can believe that. Will you come with me? I want to show this work to my
colleagues right away.
Alex: Of course. Thank you very much.

***TASK 40. Translate into English. Mind the mixture of the tenses.
Я хочу розповісти вам про дивну країну, про яку ви навряд чи коли-
небудь чули. Вона називається Фріланд. У цієї країни багата історія, цікаве
теперішнє і багатообіцяюче майбутнє.
Фріланд – це маленька держава, що розташована на 150 островах. У 50-ті
роки 20 століття її населення складало лише 5 мільйонів чоловік, але зараз воно
збільшилося майже вдвічі.
Столиця Фріланда – Фрітаун, найбільше багатонаселене місто. Після
демократичної революції 1996 року, країна є парламентською республікою.
Найбільш дивним у цій країні є те, що в ній немає бідних людей.
У теперішній час країною керує президент – Мартіна Раск. Це перша
жінка-президент в історії Фріланда. Вона займає цей пост з 2000 року. Мартіна
Раск – провідний фізик, вона зробила багато відкриттів в області ядерної
фізики. На початку цього року вона отримала Нобелевську премію. Мартіна
Раск також колишня Олімпійська чемпіонка, у 1995 році вона завоювала золоту
медаль у біганні на довгі дистанції. Мартина Раск завжди любила спорт, і
навіть на посту президента країни знаходить час для тренувань.
Основний прибуток країна отримує від туристів, які відпочивають на її
прекрасних піщаних пляжах упродовж цілого року. У Фріланді завжди тепло,
там рідко йдуть дощі. За останній 20 років не було ніяких стихійних лих. Життя
там спокійне та веселе. Кожен рік, починаючи з 17 століття, в країні
проводиться яскравий карнавал. Все це привертає велику кількість туристів, які
вважають Фріланд ідеальним місцем для відпочинку.

**TASK 41. Rosie is talking to Marcus, who has recently come to work in the
same company as her. Fill the spaces in the conversation with suitable
verbs. Use Past Simple or Present Perfect. The first two sentences have
been done for you.
Rosie: So, Marcus, are you settling in here OK, do you think?
Marcus: Oh, yes. Everyone has been very friendly. I expected to have quite a lot of
problems, but I haven’t had any really. Not here at work, anyway.
Rosie: Do you mean there ____________ other problems?
Marcus: Well, I ____________ to move out of the flat I ____________ in when I
first ___________.
Rosie: Oh dear. Why ____________you ____________ to do that? Wasn't it
comfortable? Our personnel department ____________you to find it,
____________ they?
Marcus: That's right. It was a good flat. I ____________ living there very much.
Unfortunately, the journey to work was too long. The bus routes changed just
before I ____________ to work here and it ____________ me two hours to get
here every day. So I ____________ to a place just round the corner from here.
Everything's fine now.
Rosie: I hope all this trouble (not)____________ you sorry that you came here.
Marcus: Not at all. I'm really enjoying the work. And I ____________ a lot of new
friends already.
Rosie: That's good. Oh, well. We'd better get on with some work now, I suppose.
Marcus: I guess so. See you later.
Rosie: Yes. Bye.

**TASK 42. Fill in the blanks with one suitable verb from the box. Use the verb in
the right tense and aspect form.
to creak to dine to warn to shake to leak to say to try
to pass to come to want (2) to happen to keep to stir
We __________ (1) to sell our house for months now, but we don't seem to be
having any luck. The estate agent ____________ (2) sending people round but for
some reason nobody ___________ (3) to buy our house. I can't understand why.
O.K., so the house has no gas, electricity or running water, but I _________ (4),
“What’s wrong with that? It's much more romantic ___________ (5) with candles and
to take water from a well!”
O.K., so the roof ____________ (6) a bit, but I say, “That only ___________ (7)
when it's raining!”
O.K., so there is a railway line right outside the bedroom window and the whole
house ___________ (8) when the express train _________ (9) by, but I say, “That
saves you bother of ____________ (10) your tea!”
O.K., so the garden is overgrown and full of weeds, but I say, “Nature is a beautiful
O.K., so all the floor boards in the house ___________ (10), but I say, “That
_________ (11) you when the burglars ___________ (12)!”
And O.K., so the local nuclear power station ___________ (13) a meltdown last year
and there is a lot of radiation, but I say, “Science is important and you can't stop
At $ 1,000.000, I think the house is a bargain. So why on earth nobody
__________ (14) to buy it?

***TASK 43. Translate into English using the right tense form.
Дорога Аліна,
Я сподіваюсь у тебе, як завжди, все в порядку. На жаль, я не можу
сказати того ж про себе. С минулої середи я лежу у ліжку и дивлюсь у стелю, і
мені це вже страх як набридло. Вчора був лікар і сказав, що йому не
подобається мій кашель. Я ніколи раніше так сильно не хворіла і не розумію,
що зі мною діється. До того ж у нас жахлива погода. Ось вже тиждень ллють
дощі. Сьогодні розлилася наша маленька річечка, і молочник не міг до нас
приїхати, тому я весь день п’ю чай без молока, і це жахливо. Я ніколи не
любила чай без молока. Цікаво, як це люди можуть пити чай з лимоном. Я
вважаю, у нього огидний смак.
Тепер я розповім тобі гарні новини. Ти пам’ятаєш Елісон? Це моя
шкільна подруга, ми з нею дружимо вже багато років. Вона минулого тижня
вийшла заміж. Я за неї дуже рада, її чоловік здається непоганою людиною.
Єдине, що мене бентежить, це те, що він вже тричі був одружений. Але він
досить заможна людина, і в нього достатньо грошей, щоб утримувати всі
чотири родини. Елісон виглядає дуже щасливою і каже, що завжди хотіла вийти
заміж за зрілу людину, набагато років старше за неї. Я дуже сподіваюсь, що
вона буде щасливою.
Так, я забула тобі сказати, що я збираюсь міняти роботу. Я вважаю, що
можу заробляти набагато більше, ніж отримую у своїй фірмі. Я вже розіслала
заяви про прийом на роботу в п’ять солідні фірми, але ще не отримала
відповіді. Через повінь пошта останніми днями погано працює. Мабуть, я
отримую відповіді наступного тижня. Я тобі одразу напишу, як тільки приму
якесь рішення.
Ось і всі мої новини. Напиши, коли буде вільний час.


was/were + Present Participle
Nancy was dancing when we came. – Was she also singing? – No, she
was not singing as she had a sore throat.
1. For an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. It is not
mentioned when the action started or finished, e.g.
At seven o'clock yesterday evening they were having dinner. (We do not
know when they started or finished their dinner.)
2. For an action which was in progress when another action interrupted it.
 Past Continuous is used for the action in progress (longer action)
 and the Past Simple is used for the action, which interrupted it (shorter
action) , e.g.
He was walking down the street when he ran into an old friend.
3. For two or more simultaneous past actions, e.g.
She was talking on her mobile phone while she was driving to work.
4. To describe the atmosphere, setting, etc. in the introduction to a story before
the description of the main events (background action), e.g.
One beautiful autumn afternoon, Ben was strolling down a quiet country
lane. The birds were singing and the leaves were rustling in the breeze.

5. The past continuous is used with the following time expressions (adverbial
modifiers of time:
 while  from … till
 when  all morning/ all evening/ all day/ all
 as night long
 from …to  all that time
 at that time
What was she doing from 3.30 to 4.30 yesterday?
She was looking around the shops at that time.
As Brenda was coming to her house, she remembered that she had left her
key in the office.

*TASK 44. Put the verbs in brackets into past simple or past continuous. Other
variants are also possible.
Part 1
The sun _________ (to shine) and the birds_________ (to sing) as Mike
_________ (to drive) down the country lane. He _________ (to smile), because he
_________ (to look forward) to the journey ahead. Mike _________ (to enjoy)
driving, especially when he _________ (to go) somewhere new. Then, suddenly, the
engine _________ (to begin) to make a strange noise and the car _________ (to stop)
dead in the middle of the road. Mike _________ (to try) to start it, but nothing
_________ (to happen). He _________ (to sigh), then _________ (to get out) of the
car. As he _________ (to push) the car to the side of the road, Mike _________ (to
start) to wish he had stayed at home.
Part 2
John _________ (to enter) his flat and _________ (to close) the door. He
_________ (to hang up) his coat when he _________ (to hear) a strange noise. A tap
_________ (to run) in the kitchen. He _________ (to walk) into the kitchen and
_________ (to turn) it off. Then, he _________ (to freeze). Someone _________ (to
stand) behind him. He _________ (to take) a deep breath and (to turn) around. His
flat-mate Steve, _________ (to lean) in the doorway. 'You _________ (to give) me a
fright!” John exclaimed. Then he _________ (to see) that Steve _________ (to laugh)
at him. John _________ ( to start) to laugh too. “I _________ (to think) you
_________ (to be) in London”. “No, Steve _________ (to reply), “unfortunately I
_________ (to miss) the train.
Part 3
On July 19,1989, a plane from Denver _______ (to be) on its way to Chicago
when an engine ________ (to catch) fire. When the pilots ________ (to make) an
emergency landing in Iowa, 112 people _______ (to die), but 183 people ________
(to survive). In the few weeks after the accident _________ (to happen) reporters
_________ (to talk) to many survivors about the time between the fire and the
landing. When the engine _________ (to explode) Helen Young Hayes _________
(to sleep), and others _________ (to eat) lunch. Babies _________ (to sit) in their
parents' laps. Lindsi Werner _________ (to enjoy) the flight with her grandmother
when the pilot _________ (to announce) the emergency landing. As the plane
_________ (to go down), John Transue _________ (to think) about his life insurance.
Most of the passengers _________ (to think) about their families. Clifton Marshall
_________ (to finish) a letter to his family while the plane _________ (to circle).
While strangers _________ (to cry), they _________ (to hold) hands. Some
passengers _________ (to think) about the emergency landing movie. As the plane
_________ (to hit) the ground, fire _________ (to come) from everywhere. People
_________ (to hang) upside down still in their seats. As the fire _________ (to
burn), people _________ (to jump) through the flames to escape. After people
_________ (to escape) the flames, many of them _________ (to help) others escape.
It _________ (to be) a miracle that more people ________ (not to die).

**TASK 45. John is writing a love letter to Carla. You can read it below. Use the
words in brackets in the right tense form. Sometimes there is more than
one variant possible.
My darling Carla,
It _________ (to be) so long since you _________ (to go) away. I _________ (to
mark off) each day on the calendar, and it's already sixty-three! Last night I
_________ (to look) at the moon, and _________ (to wonder) if you _________ (to
look) at it too.
All our friends _________ (to ask) me when you will be back. They
_________ (to try) to cheer me up because they say I always look so sad. 'This
morning, while I _________ (to shave), the postman _________ (to ring) the
doorbell, and I immediately _________ (to run) downstairs, because I _________ (to
hope) there would be a letter from you. But once again there_________ (to be)
Since you _________ (to leave) there _________ (to not be) a single day
when I __________ (to not think) of you. One or two other girls _________ (to ask)
me to take them out, but I always _________ (to refuse), I _________ (to tell) them I
_________ (to promise) you that I wouldn't ever go out with anyone else. Yesterday I
_________ (to listen) to the radio and I _____________ (to hear) “Sweet Emotion ” –
our song! I _________ (to feel) like crying. We _________ (to listen) to it the first
time at Elbow's Disco, but I (to give) my heart to you long before that.

With unending love, darling,

Your John.

had + Past Participle
Magda had cleaned three windows before we came. – Had she also
dusted the furniture? – No, she hadn’t dusted the furniture as she had
been very busy with the windows.
1. For an action, which happened before another past action or before a stated
time in the past.
She had finished work when she met her friends for coffee. (She finished
work first and only then she met her friends.)
2. For an action which finished in the past and whose result was visible in the
He was happy. He had signed an important contract. (The action
finished in the past and its result was visible in the past too.)
3. Past perfect is the past equivalent of present perfect. Compare:
Past Perfect Present Perfect
He had fixed the old armchair. It He has fixed the old armchair. It
looked brand new. looks brand new.
(The action had fixed happened in (The action has fixed happened in the
the past. The result looked brand new past. The result looks brand new is
was also visible in the past.) still visible in the present.)
4. The past perfect is used with the following time expressions (adverbial
modifiers of time):
before after already just for since
when by ever never by the time till/until

NOTE: It is possible to use past perfect or past simple with before or after without
any difference in meaning, e.g.
They went out after it had stopped raining. = They went out after it
stopped raining.
5. Past Perfect is used with stative verbs instead of Past Perfect Continuous, e.g.
James had been away for some months before his first letter came.
6. Past Perfect is preferred in negative sentences instead of Past Perfect
Continuous, e.g.
It had not rained for three months before that awful thunderstorm.
7. Past Perfect is used in emphatic sentences with conjunctions
Hardly …when Scarcely … when No sooner ….than
The Russian/ Ukrainian translation of such emphatic sentences is given below.
HARDLY had Tom started whitewashing the fence, WHEN his friend Jim
came up to him. = Не встиг Том почати білити тин, як до нього підійшов його
друг Джим.
SCARCELY had Cinderella tasted her ice-cream, WHEN she heard the clock
struck twelve. = Ледь Попелюшка встигла спробувати морозиво, як вона почула,
що годинник пробив 12.
NO SOONER HAD Thumbelina hidden the Swallow, THAN the Rat
appeared. = Ледь Дюймовочка встигла сховати Ластівку, як з’явився Пацюк.


had + been + Present Participle
Linda had been making a new dress for three hours when we came. –
Had she been waiting for you? – No she had not been waiting for us as
we hadn’t call.
1. To put emphasis on the duration of an action which started and finished in the
past before another past action or a stated time in the past, usually with since or
for, e.g.
They had been looking for a house for six months before they found one
they liked.
2. For an action which lasted for some time in the past and whose result was
visible in the past.
Last Friday Ron had to fly to New York. His flight was delayed. He was
annoyed. He had been waiting at the airport for three hours. (He waited
at the airport for three hours and the result of the action was visible in
the past, too.)
3. Past perfect continuous is the past equivalent of present perfect continuous
Past Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Continuous
I had been driving for ten hours, so I I have been driving for ten hours, so I
felt exhausted. feel exhausted.
(The action had been driving lasted for (The action have been driving started
some time in the past. The result felt in the past. The result feel exhausted is
exhausted was also visible in the past.) still visible in the present.)

4. Past perfect continuous is used with the following time expressions (adverbial
modifiers of time):
for since how long before till/until
How long had your parents been dating before they got married?
They had been dating for 3 years before they got married.

*TASK 46. Choose between Past Simple and Past Perfect.

1. Ted had just woken up (just/to wake up) when someone ___knocked_______ (to
knock) on the front door.
2. I _______had__ (to have) my bus pass in my pocket but I didn't realize it ____it
had expired______ (to expire).
3. By the time she ___ reached_______ (to reach) the harbour, the ferry
_____had_left____ (to leave).
4. Maria ______had never seen____ (never/ to see) the ocean before she
_______left___ (leave) her village.
5. She ____enjoyed______ (to enjoy) her visit to Rome although she ____had
already been ______ (already/ to be) there once before.
6. He ____ apologized______ (to apologize) because he _____hadvmissed_____
(miss) the meeting.
7. Last year Lorna _____looked_____ (to look) wonderful after she
___had_lost______ (lose) a few kilos.
8. After they ___had ginished_______ (to finish) their picnic, they
_____took_____ (to take) their rubbish home with them.
9. When she _____hung up_____ (to hang up) the phone she __had
relized________ (to realize) she had _forgotten__ (forget) to take down the
caller's name and number.
10. Although I ___had set_____ (to set) my alarm clock, I still
___overslept_______ (oversleep).
11. He __had already packed____ (already/to pack) his suitcase before he
___went_______ (go) to bed.

**TASK 47. Choose between Past Simple, Past Perfect and Past Perfect
Continuous. Some other tenses can occasionally be possible.
Part 1
1. They __had been driving______ (to drive) for two hours before they finally
______reached____ (to reach) their destination.
2. Emily ______had written____ (to write) five letters by lunchtime.
3. The doctor __________ (to tell) John to stay in bed until he __________
(fully/ to recover).
4. He __________ (to iron) all morning when his wife arrived.
5. Peter __________ (already/to learn) to read and write before he __________
(to start) school.
6. The baby __________ (to cry) for half an hour before it finally __________ (to
fall) asleep.
7. The children __________ (to wait) for an hour when the school bus
__________ (to arrive).
8. The burglar __________ (to get away) by the time the police __________ (to
9. She __________ (to dig) in the garden for three hours when she __________
(to stop) for a break.
10. By the time he __________ (to be) eighteen he __________ (to become) a
professional athlete.
11. How long __________ (they/to dance) in competitions when they __________
(to retire)?
12. By the time we __________ (to join) them, they __________ (to order) their
13. Nick __________ (to be) tired as he __________ (to fix) the computer system
since eight o’clock that morning.

Part 2
1. Why was she exhausted when we __________ (to come)? – Well, she
__________ (to study) for hours.
2. Why __________ he (not to have) anything to eat at the restaurant at lunch? –
He said he __________ (already/to eat) at home.
3. __________ (Peter/to finish) cleaning the pool when you __________ (to
arrive)? – No, he hadn't, though he ___________(to do ) it since morning.
4. Why they __________ (to give) him a promotion? – He deserved it because he
__________ (to work) hard all year.
5. How long __________ (they/to cycle) before they __________ (to stop) for a
rest? – For five hours.
6. Frank __________ (to graduate) last year? – No, he didn't. Although he
__________ (almost/ to complete) his studies, he __________ (to drop) out in
the last term.
7. What did you think of the modem art exhibition? – It was fantastic! I
__________ (never/ to see) such beautiful works of art before.
8. Alice __________ (to be) very tired. She __________ (to travel) by train for
three long days and __________ (to forget) what it __________ (to be) like to
have a good night's sleep.
9. Hugh __________ (not/ to relax) all week. It __________ (to be) almost 8
o'clock on Friday morning and his physics exam __________ (to be) about to
begin. Although he __________ (to study) hard, he __________ (not/ to feel)
10. It __________ (to be) almost time. Daisy __________ (to sit) in front of the
mirror brushing her hair for about an hour. As she __________ (to put on) her
veil she __________ (to notice) that her hands __________ (to tremble). She
__________ (to wait) for this moment all her life. In less than an hour she
would finally be Donald's wife.

**TASK 48. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.
Part A
When Simon _____ arrived____ (to arrive) at the cinema, dozens of people
_____had beenn queueing____ (to queue) outside. They __waited_______ (to wait)
to see the same film as Simon. Simon, however, ______had bought___ (to buy) a
ticket in advance, so he __walked_______ (to walk) straight to the front of the queue
and __entered_______ (to enter) the cinema. He ____felt_____ (to feel) relieved that
he didn't have to queue. He _____had reached____ (to reach) his seat just as the
lights _had been going down________ (to go down) for the start of the film.
Part B
Last weekend, Cathy _had____hired____ (to hire) a car and had__driven__ (to
drive) to the seaside. When she __arrived____ (to arrive) the wind ___had blown_ (to
blow) and the sky __had been____(to be) cloudy. She ___had got out______ (to get
out) of the car and _hax taken________ (to take) a walk along the seafront. Then she
____had decided__ (to decide) to go for fish and chips at a nearby restaurant that she,
had seen_____ (to see) earlier and liked the look of. By the time she _ left__ (to
leave) the restaurant, it already _______had grown__ (to grow) dark. As she
__walked____ (to walk) to her car it ___began______ (to begin) to rain. However,
Cathy___hadn't mind______ (not to mind) because she _____had____ (to have) a
wonderful day.
Part C
One fine morning, a man __fished_______ (to fish) in a river. The sun
_____shone____ (to shine) and the man ____was sitting_____ (to sit) on the river
bank. Everything was very quiet and peaceful. The man had _waited________ (to
wait) patiently for several hours when suddenly he _ felt______ (to feel) something
pulling on the fishing line. He ___stood up____ (to stand up) quickly and
__began___ (to begin) to take in the line. He just _d lifted____ (to lift) the huge fish
he ____had caught______ (to catch) out of the water when there ____was_____ (to
be) a loud splash and it __fell_______ (to fall) back into the river. At first, the man
__didnt know_____ (not to know) what __had happened______ (to happen). Then,
he ___looked______ (to look) carefully at his fishing line. It ____had snapped_____
(to snap). The poor man ______had been___ (to be) so disappointed that he ____had
packed_____ (to pack) away all his things and ____went_____ (to go) home.

*TASK 49. Choose the correct grammar form for the answer to each question.
1. “Were you expecting James and Paul to stay for dinner?” – “No, but I
_________ (to prepare) a lot of food, so it didn't matter.'
2. “Tony has been singing for years, hasn't he?” – “Yes. He _________ (to
make) his first record when he was sixteen,”
3. “There was a power cut last night.” – “I know. I _________ (to do) some
paperwork when the lights _________ (to go) out.”
4. “Did you see Paul Simon in concert?” – “No. I was hoping to get tickets, but
they _________ (to sell) them out.”
5. “The restaurant was packed last night.” – “Yes. Luckily, I _________ (to
book) a table in advance.”
6. “Did you watch the film yesterday?”– “No. It _________ (to finish) by the
time we got home.”
7. “Did you stay up late last night?” – “No. I _________ (to work) all day, so I
_________ (to go) to bed early.”
8. “Did you enjoy your holiday?” – “Yes. We _________ (to spend) most of our
time on the beach.”
9. “Kim looked tired this morning.” –“I know. She _________ (to study) all
night long.”
10. “So what happened?” – “We _________ (to walk) through the woods when
we _________ (to hear) a gunshot.”

**TASK 50. Wat Piston is an inventor. Read this article about one of his
inventions. Use the correct form verb given in brackets.
Wat Piston, who last year _________ (to receive) a prize for his invention of
the Piston Gas Fire, now _________ (to invent) a new type of steam engine When I
_________ (to interview) him recently at his home in York he _________ (to tell) me
about it. “I _________ (to get) the idea from some work I _________ (to do) many
years ago for the Steam Preservation Society”, he _________ (to say). 'For years
now, people _________ (to think) that there is no future for steam as an everyday
source of power. Indeed, after the railways _________ (to stop) using steam engines
people almost _________ (to forget) about it .Yet steam_________ (to be) the main
source of power in this country for over 150 years, until World War Two. I always
_________ (to believe) that steam has a future as well as a past.'
Piston is a remarkable man, who _________(to have) an unusual career. He
_________ (to leave) school when he was 15, and _________ (not to have) any
training as an engineer until he was 35. Yet now he _________ (to design) a steam
engine more efficient than any of the engines that _________ (to be built) during the
great age of steam. “The engineers of the past _________ (to be) great men”, he says.
'But they _________ (not to develop) the best possible steam engine. The
techniques I _________ (to invent) will change that.”

**TASK 51. Joe Morran was one of the few survivors when the S.S. Gigantic sank
on its first voyage across the Atlantic. Complete his story by putting the
words in brackets into one of the past forms.
It all seems like yesterday. Did you know that the newspapers _________(to
say) the Gigantic was unsinkable? The King himself _________ (to launch) the ship,
and we were all so proud of her. Everyone said she was the greatest ship that
People ever _________ (to build), anywhere or anytime. And then I remember the
voyage itself, and that terrible night. All evening the passengers _________ (to
enjoy) themselves. Some of them _________ (to drink) champagne and others
_________ (to dance). And then came the horrifying crash.
Actually, it was just bad luck that we hit the iceberg. Another ship the Luxor,
_________ (to pass) us only two hours earlier. Later I heard that it _________ (to try)
to warn us of the danger ahead, but its radio _________ (to break down). In fact,
when we struck the iceberg we already _________ (to sail) among small icebergs for
half an hour and we already _________ (to reduce) speed. All the same, it seemed to
rush at us out of the darkness. The look-out, who _________(to see) it first, tried to
warn the captain, but by then it was too late.

**TASK 52. Complete this newspaper report by making correct verb forms from
the words in brackets. Sometimes there is more than one possibility.
Ron and Emma Wilson of Paisley _________ ( to have) a wonderful
surprise last week. They _________ (to discover) they _________ (to win) 200,000
pounds in the Scottish National Lottery. Emma _________ (to buy) tickets for the
lottery for years, but until last week she never _________ (to win) anything. She told
our reporter, “I just _________ (to talk) to Ron about our money problems when the
postman _________ (to bring) the letter that _________ (to tell) us about our win. Of
course, we're very happy.”
Until recently, Ron _________ (to work) at Oldfield Steelworks. But then an
injury at work _________ (to force) him to retire. Indeed, the Wilsons _________ (to
think) of moving to a smaller house because their present house _________ (to
become) too expensive for them.
Emma said, “All my life I _________ (to wonder) what it would be like to
have enough money, and not have to count every penny. Now that this money
_________ (to come along), it's like a miracle!”
The Wilsons already _________ (to decide) on some of the things they want to
do with their prize. In fact, last week they _________ (to try) to buy a big new house,
but the owner already _________ (to sell) it, “Now we _________(to start) to look
for another one, somewhere near the place we love best, the Scottish Highlands.”
**TASK 53. Read the sentences given below, find the ones that have mistakes and
correct them.
1. When did he died?
2. I had been working when the fire started.
3. He didn't gave me the money.
4. Why you didn't come for classes yesterday?
5. How long do you live in this city?
6. The accident has happened at 6:45 this morning.
7. They got married five years ago.
8. When he came to the U.S., he had never studied English before.
9. He has been married for ten years. He got divorced two years ago.
10. She had left her dictionary in the library yesterday.
11. He wants to be a doctor ever since he was a little boy.
12. They were watching TV at 9:30 last night.
13. They were living in Germany when the war broke off.
14. While they were living in Thailand, they were studying English.
15. I am studying English for five years now.
16. I'm a nurse now. I had been a nurse for ten years.
***TASK 54. Translate into English.
1. Френк, я чув, ти знайшов нову роботу. – Так, я дуже радий. Мені
подобається і мій новий начальник і люди, з якими я буду працювати, і
мій новий офіс. – А як довго ти шукав це місце? – Дуже довго. До того
часу, як я його знайшов, я вже втратив будь-яку надію. Але мені дуже
пощастило, ледь я подзвонив у цю фірму, як мене запросили на
співбесіду. – Я теж радий за тебе. Хай тобі щастить. – Дякую.
2. Два місяці тому моя подруга кинула палити. Це було не легко для неї,
тому що вона палила з восьмого класу. Вона декілька разів намагалася це
зробити, але кожного разу в неї не вистачало сили волі. Крім того, майже
всі дівчата в її університетській групі теж палили. – Так що ж допомогло
їй? – Хлопець, в якого вона закохалася. Він не палить і терпіти не може,
коли хтось палить у його присутності, особливо дівчата. – А ти впевнена,
що твоя подруга не почне палити знову, якщо їй сподобається іншій
хлопець? – Сподіваюсь, що ні.
3. Чому ви такий розстроєний? – Два дня тому я отримав неймовірно
великий рахунок за телефон, тисячу гривень. – Не може бути! Ви що,
розмовляли зі всіма вашими друзями, які живуть зараз закордоном? – Ні.
Як виявилося, це був мій молодший син. Як тільки він вивчив усі цифри
від 1 до 10, він подзвонив за номером „Казка за телефоном”, яку він
побачив у дитячий програмі. Коли нас не було двома, він дзвонив туди
кожен день. – І весь цей час ви нічого не знали? – Коли ми узнали, було
вже пізно, ми отримали цей жахливий рахунок. – Я вам дуже співчуваю.
4. Дік, я не очікував побачити тебе в автобусі. Ти ж завжди їздиш на роботу
на машині, чи не так? Що трапилося з твоєю машиною? – Я вчора
потрапив в аварію. Як бачиш я не постраждав, але машину доведеться
ремонтувати. – Як це трапилося? – Я їхав по досить жвавій вулиці, коли
на дорогу вискочив собака. Я різко загальмував і зупинився, щоб не збити
його. Машина, яка їхала позаду мене, була дуже близько. Водій виявився
новачком. Він водить машину тільки два місяці. Він не зміг вчасно
зупинитися, і його машина врізалася у мою (to hit). – Я сподіваюсь,
ушкодження не дуже серйозні? – Ні, не дуже, крім того, ремонт буде
оплачувати водій, який винен у пригоді.
5. Містер Блумсберг, що ви робили о 9.30 сьогодні вранці? – Я розмовляв по
телефону з нашими партнерами у Варшаві. А чому вас це цікавить? – Ми
зараз опитуємо всіх співробітників фірми, тому що приблизно в цей час
хтось украв секретні документи з кабінету вашого начальника. Скільки
часу ви вже пробули в своєму офісі до того, як ви подзвонили до
Варшави? – Приблизно 45 хвилин, тому що я сьогодні прийшов на роботу
на чверть години пізніше. – Дякую, містер Блумсберг. Якщо хтось із
ваших колег підтвердить ваше алібі, ми більше не будемо вас турбувати.

shall/ will + bare infinitive
It will rain tomorrow. – Will it also snow? – No, it will not (won’t) as it will
not be cold enough.
1. To give and ask for information about the future, e.g.
Will you go to Kiev by plane or travel by train?
2. In predictions about the future when a person expresses his/her opinion,
usually with the verbs and expressions given below
to think to believe to feel to hope to expect
to doubt to know to suppose to be sure to be certain
certainly probably perhaps surely to be afraid
I’m afraid we won’t be in time for the lecture.
I’m sure she will come.
It will certainly rain tonight.
They will probably wait for us.
3. For “on-the-spot decisions”, which are taken at the moment of speaking,
Oh, Tom hasn’t come yet. What do you think has happened?
OK, I’ll phone him and find out.
4. For promise, threats, warnings, requests, hopes, offers.
to promise to swear to hope to guarantee
I will phone you as soon as I can.( promise)
Mum will punish you if you go out tonight. (threat, warning)
Will you do me a favour?
Will you help me with my work? (request)
Shall I give you a hand? (offer) = Тобі допомогти?
5. For actions (events, situations), which will definitely happen in the future
and which we cannot control, e.g.
The temperature will reach 40 °C tomorrow.
As soon as spring comes birds will start building nests.
6. In the main clause of sentences containing subordinate clauses of time and
condition, e.g.
If Mary is late, we’ll start our discussion without her.
You will be able to go out when it is warmer.

7. Future Indefinite is used with the following time expressions (adverbial

modifiers of time)
tonight one of these days
tomorrow next week/ month/ year
the day after tomorrow in an hour/ in a week/ month/ year
soon in the (near/ nearest) future
I know that I will see David one of these days.
Will you visit us in the near future?
 Do not confuse subordinate clauses of time and condition and object
subordinate clauses, e.g.
Mike doesn’t know (what?) when his father will come home. (object
Mike will phone me (when?) as soon as his father comes home. (clause
of time)
 In subordinate clauses of time and condition Future Indefinite (as well as other
future tenses) are not used. Present tenses are used instead. These clauses are
usually introduced by the following conjunctions:
when after before till/until if unless as soon as
as long as in case on condition that provided that
I will phone you as soon as I arrive at the station.
We shall wait for her till she comes.

 Object clauses are introduced by the conjunctions when and if and any
required tense can be used in them, e.g.
I wonder if you will join us for lunch tomorrow.
Catherine doesn’t know whether any of her class-mates will take part in
the school chess tournament.

**TASK 55. Sort out the sentences given below according to the type of the clause.
Fill in their numbers into the table. The first one is done for you.
Sentences with Sentences with Sentences with object
subordinate clauses of subordinate clauses of subordinate clauses
time condition
1. The spies will wait till it grows dark.
2. When my secretary comes, ask her to types these letters as soon as possible.
3. Peter is not certain yet if he will take part in the concert.
4. Unless you are careful, you’ll get mixed up into this unpleasant business.
5. Ask the boy if he will ever act like that again.
6. The kids will stay at home until the sun comes out and the wind goes down.
7. I will relax only after the exam results come out.
8. We will let you know when your order is ready.
9. We will let you know when your order will be ready.
10. I don’t know when the manager will finish interviewing the new applicant.
11. We can discuss this question as soon as the manager finishes interviewing the
new applicant.
12. Can you tell me if our group is going to write a dictation on Wednesday?
13. I will not be able to come if you have your birthday party on Saturday, I will
be working all day.

***TASK 56. Translate into English.

1. Вода вже закипіла? – Ще ні. Не турбуйся, коли чайник закипить, я заварю
чай, зроблю бутерброди і принесу це все у кімнату. Я тебе покличу, коли
все буде готовим.
2. Як ти вважаєш, кішка не втече, якщо ми її випустимо? – Уяви не маю.
Кішка – дуже незалежна тварина. Ніколи не знаєш, що вона зробить через
хвилину. Давай не будемо ризикувати. Якщо вона втече, у нас можуть
бути неприємності.
3. Не чекайте мене, якщо я запізнюся. Мені потрібно зробити ще декілька
справ до нашої зустрічі, і я не знаю, скільки часу вони в мене займуть,
тому я не хочу змушувати вас чекати. Якщо рівно о 5 мене не буде, ідіть
до Джейн без мене. Я прийду, коли звільнюсь.
4. Який жах! У нас зіпсувався холодильник, а я не знаю, коли я зможу
викликати майстра, щоб його відремонтувати. – Але як же ти будеш
зберігати продукти без холодильника? – Я розумію, що, якщо я не буду
тримати у холодильнику м’ясні та молочні продукти, вони дуже швидко
зіпсуються. Але я не знаю, що робити, увесь наступний тиждень я буду
працювати з ранку до ночі. – Я думаю, я зможу тобі допомогти. Якщо ти
залишиш мені ключі від квартири, я сама викличу майстра і потурбуюсь
про те, щоб твій холодильник відремонтували. – Велике тобі спасибі, ось
5. Ти не знаєш, коли бібліотека закривається сьогодні? – Знаю, о 8 вечора.
Звичайно вони працюють до 10, але по суботам робочий день
коротший. – Яка невдача. Якщо я сьогодні не здам книги, мені доведеться
платити за прострочений час (overtime), а я ще не закінчила писати
курсову роботу. – Не турбуйся, якщо ти не закінчиш працювати з цими
книгами, ти можеш продовжити їх ще на два тижні.
6. Цікаво, що Тереза буде робити, коли ми прийдемо. – Я абсолютно
впевнений, що вона, як завжди, буде читати. Ти ж пам’ятаєш, що коли ми
вчилися у школі, у неї завжди була в руках книжка, і вона читала кожну
вільну хвилину. – Я не впевнений, чи пізнає вона нас, адже пройшло
стільки років! – Давайте не будемо гадати. Що скоріше ми прийдемо до
неї, тим швидше ми про все дізнаємося. Пішли швидше!
7. Ти впевнений, що у нас завтра не буде першої пари? – Я цілком у цьому
впевнений. На дошці об’яв висить записка, замість занять у нас буде
зустріч з Британськими журналістами. – Значить, буде дуже цікаво, і
прийде багато людей. Займи мені місце, якщо прийдеш раніше за мене. –
Боюся, що не зможу прийти раніше, я ще не написав твір. Подзвони Лені
та запитай її, чи зможе вона прийти раніше. – Гаразд.


1. For plans, intentions or ambitions people have for the future, e.g.
Don’t laugh at me. I am going to become President one day.
2. For actions people have already decided to do in the near future, e.g.
Peter and Joanne are going to get married in three months. (They have
already decided to do it.)
BUT: They're getting married next month. (They have decided and arranged to
do it.)
3. In predictions when there is evidence that something will happen in the near
future, e.g.
Look at the clouds! It's going to rain.
 “To be going to” is normally used to talk about something people intend
to do;
 Future Indefinite is used to give details or make comments, e.g.
I'm going to have a party next week. I'll invite all my friends. -
That'll be great.
 Present continuous rather than “to be going to” is used with verbs which
express movement, especially the verbs go and come, e.g.
Sam is going to the market in a few minutes.
Sheila is coming to my house for tea this afternoon.


TO” is used for
Predictions which are based on what Predictions which are based on what
people think, e.g. people can see, have evidence of or
In the year 2020 all people will drive know, e.g.
electric cars. Mum is putting on her apron. She is
going to wash up.
“On-the-spot decisions”, e.g. Actions people have already decide to
I can’t say that I like either of these do in the future, e.g.
dresses. OK, I’ll take the blue one; Daddy, do you like this blouse? –
it’s a little bit better. Yes. Why? – I am going to give it to
Mum for her birthday.

**TASK 57. Nola is worried and Peter wants to cheer her up. Complete the
conversation, using the verbs given in brackets in one of the forms
expressing the future.
Nola: I'm worried about my exams next week.
Peter: Don't worry. You are not going to fail_(not to fail). I'm sure you _will do _(to
do) well. Of course, if you won't_be_ (not to be) too nervous.
Nola: Anyway, even if I pass__ (to pass) them, my life will change (to change). I am
going on_ still (to go on) working in the same old job for the same old boss.
Peter: I know you don't like him, but don't worry. He probably won't stay_ (not to
stay) much longer. He's not happy here. I expect he will leave__ (to leave)
soon. I’ve heard he is going to work for Virgin Ailines, if he _won't
change____ (not to change) his mind.
Nola: Well, let's think about something more pleasant. Are we going away_ (to go
away) after the exam?
Peter: I will tell__ (to tell) you a good idea. We are going to spend__ (to
spend) a few days at my aunt's cottage in Essex, where we went last summer.
Nola: I remember the accident you had on the way.
Peter: Oh, don't worry. I am not going to have_ (not to have) an accident this time.
And the car is not going to break down (not to break down), either if I will
have it serviced (to have it serviced) at the nearest weekend.
Nola: We are not going to need__ (to need) our sleeping bags. They're in the loft I
expect they're damp and dirty. If we take (to take) them like this, we won't be
able__ (not to be able) to sleep in them.
Peter: That's all right I will get them down__ (to get them down) this evening, I
will wash (to wash) them in the morning, and then I will hang (to hang) them
out in the garden to dry.
Nola: Wonderful! So we _will leave (to leave) as soon as the results _come out____
(to come out).


will/shall + be + Present Participle
Don’t call me at 10 tomorrow. – Will you be sleeping at that time? – No, I
won’t be sleeping, I’ll be working.
1. For an action, which will be in progress at a stated future time, e.g.
This time next week our group will be writing a grammar test.
2. For an action which will definitely happen in the future as the result of a
routine or arrangement, e.g.
Don’t call Jane, I’ll be seeing her later, so I’ll pass the message on.
3. When we ask politely about someone's plans for the near future (what we
want to know is if our wishes fit in with their plans.), e.g.
Will you be using the computer for long? – No. Why? – I need to correct some
places in my term paper.

**TASK 58. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct future form.
Part 1
Ula and Pam are air-hostesses. Ula has been chosen to fly on an interesting
new route.
Ula: Guess what, Pam! From next month I ___________ (to fly) on the new London-
Hong Kong route!
Pam: Well, that's exciting! ___________ (to fly) via Dubai or via Bahrain?
Ula: Neither. We ___________ (to stop) at Muscat, in Oman, they probably (to ask)
me to work on the first stage, London-Oman.
Pam: Do you know who you ___________ (to fly) with?
Ula: I think it ___________ (to be) Captain Bond. And if it is, I expect he
___________ (to give) us a hard time.
Pam: Oh, he's OK. You ___________ (not to have) any problems with him. But you
___________ (to do) something for me?
Ula: What's that?
Pam: When you're in Oman, you ___________( to buy) some cloth for me? I
___________ (to pay) for it, of course.
Ula: OK. Of course, I don't know yet how long I (to stay) in Oman between flights. I
___________ (not be able) to go on any shopping trips immediately. But I'm
sure they ___________ (to give) us time for sightseeing eventually. I certainly
___________ (to buy) some things for you, if you can wait a while.
Part 2
Greg is talking to his personal assistant, Brian, about a business trip he is taking
Greg: Have you completed the arrangements for my trip yet, Brian?
Brian: Well, I've made the reservations, but there are still some details to confirm.
Your plane ___________ (to leave) at eight-thirty, so I ___________ (to
collect) you from your house at six.
Greg: Six! I ___________ (to have to) get up in the middle of the night!
Brian: I'm sorry, it's unavoidable. You have to check in by seven and I think there
probably ___________ (to be) a long queue.
Greg: Oh, very well. What about my meetings?
Brian: First, the Managing Director ___________ (to come) to the airport to meet
Greg: Good. We ___________ (to be) able to talk on the way to the factory.
Brian: The conference ___________ (not to open) until noon. I ___________ (to
make sure) you have a programme before you leave.
Greg: Thank you. I ___________ (to read) it on the plane, I expect. Now, let's get on
with some of today's work!
Brian: By all means.

**TASK 59. Julia is going on her first business trip. Julia’s mum is a very fussy
person. She is worried about Julia too much. Julia is telling her mum about
her itinerary. Think of the questions her mum is asking.
Julia: I am flying to Vienna on June 28.
Mother: __who will be taking _ you to the airport__ (Who…take…airport?)
Julia: Mike. I’ve already arranged it with him.
Mother: ___When will you be arriving in Vienna_ (When … arrive …Vienna?)
Julia: If nothing happens, at 8.30. I’ll phone you as soon as I come to the hotel.
Mother: _What hotel will you be staying at_ (What hotel …stay?)
Julia: ‘The Ritz’. It’s a very good hotel.
Mother: _Where will you be having meals ?_ (Where… have…meals?)
Julia: I’ll have breakfast at the hotel, lunch in the office and dinner at a restaurant.
Mother: _Who will you be having dinner with?_ (Who … have dinner?)
Julia: With the Managing Director’s secretary. He is a very nice person.
Mother: __How many people will_be? (How many people?)
Julia: Only two of us.
Mother: _Will you be alone?_ ( Alone?)
Julia: Mum, I’m 26 already. Don’t you think it’s high time for me to arrange my
private affairs myself?

shall /will + have + Past Participle
We will(shall) have finished doing these exercises by 3 o’clock. Will you
have finished the translation of the text too? – No, we won’t have finished.
For an action which will be finished before a stated future time, e.g.
The mailman will have delivered all the newspapers by 8 o'clock.


shall /will + have been + Present Participle
Lora is so slow! By 5 o’clock she will have been hovering the flat for 3 hours!
– Will she have been hovering the flat for 6 hours when the Blacks come? –
No, she won’t have been hovering it for so long because I will help her as soon
as I’m free.
1. To emphasize the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future,
By the end of next month, Mrs. Graham will have been teaching for twenty
2. Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous are used with the following time
before by by then by the time until/till
 Until/till are only used in negative sentences.
She will have finished the report by tomorrow. (NOT: ... till tomorrow.)
She won't have completed the report until/ till 5 o'clock.
 After the time expressions by the time, until, before, Present Simple is used
because these expressions introduce time clauses. Future Perfect and Future
Perfect Continuous may come either before or after the time clause.
Study the following examples:
I won't have finished cleaning the house until you come back.
By the time they reach York, they will have been travelling for four hours.
**TASK 60. Choose between Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous

1. By 3 o'clock, Debra ________________ (to study) for six hours.

2. By the end of next month, Sam ______________ (to finish) the project.
3. He _______________ (not to start) painting the kitchen before Tuesday.
4. By the time she arrives in Paris, she ______________ (to travel) for four
5. I hope I ______________ (to buy) my own house by the time I'm thirty-five.
6. By Saturday, Lisa _________________ (to diet) for two weeks.
7. Hopefully they _________________ (to learn) everything by the time they sit the
8. By 4 o'clock, I ______________ (to sit) in the hairdresser's for three hours.
9. By Christmas, Mr. Green ________________ (to work) for this company for
eighteen months.
10. By next weekend, Brian ________________ (to move) house.
11. Hopefully, the builders _________________ (to finish) building the house by
next month.
12. By Tuesday, Alan _________________ (to sail) in the Pacific Ocean for
twelve days.
13. Don’t wake Pat. She is very tired. – I know, but for tomorrow morning she
______________ (to sleep) for twenty hours.

**TASK 61. Choose the right future form to fill in the gaps.
1. What are you thinking about? – This time next week, _______________ (to
lie) on the beach.
2. Have you finished decorating your house yet? – 'No, but I _______________
(to finish) by Friday.
3. Have you just moved here? – No. I ___________________ (to live) here for
two years next month.
4. _______________ (to go) to the supermarket today? – Yes. Do you want me to
get you something?
5. Can you give Steve a message for me? – Certainly I _________________ (to
see) him at work later on today.
6. You've been working hard all day. – Yes. At 3 o'clock, I ________________
(to study) for six hours.
7. Sarah has gone to the cinema to see that film again. – I know. After this time,
she ____________ (to see) it five times!
8. John has an exam tomorrow, doesn't he? – Yes. In fact, at this time tomorrow,
he _______________ (to sit) the exam.
9. Are you typing another report? – Yes. By the time I finish this one, I
_____________ (to type) twenty–three reports today!
10.Those two people have been dancing all evening. – Yes. By 11 o'clock, they
__________ (to dance) for four hours.'

**TASK 62. Put in the correct form of the verb to refer the sentences to the future.
1. Ann: Are you two going out?
Bill: Yes, why?
Ann: It just said on the radio that it _____________(to snow).
Bill: Oh, did it? I _____________ (to take) my big coat then.
Joe: Good idea. So _____________ (I).
2. Colin: We've run out of biscuits.
Dave: Yeah, I know. I _____________ (to get) some this afternoon. I've got them
on my list.
3. Ed: Jenny's had her baby.
Gail: Really? That's wonderful! I ( to send) her some flowers.
Ed: I _____________ (to visit) her this afternoon. I (to give) them to her for you if
you want.
Gail: _____________ (you)? Thanks very much. In that case, I (to go) and buy
them right away.
4. Ian: “Casablanca” is on at the Arts Cinema this week.
Jill: Yes. I _____________ (to see) it with Roger.
Ian: Oh.
5. Ken: I haven't got a clean shirt. You _____________ (to wash) one for me?
Uly: No, I _____________ (not). You can do your own washing.

***TASK 63. Translate into English.

Венді тільки 12 років, але вона вже вирішила, ким вона хоче бути, і що
вона буде робити в житті. Вона годинами мріє про те, що вона буде робити, і
чого вона зможе досягти в певні роки свого життя.
Межа її мрій – стати відомою письменницею, такою, наприклад, як Агата
Крісті. Вона мріє, щоб її книжки знали у всьому світі, щоб вони були
перекладені на всі існуючі мови, щоб вони стали обов’язковою літературою у
всіх школах. Але Венді добре розуміє, що для того, щоб стати дійсно відомою,
необхідно багато працювати. Тому вона вже розпланувала все своє життя
До того часу, як вона закінчить школу, Венді досконало вивчить усю
англійську граматику, з її численними правилами і виключеннями.
Потім Венді поступить до Оксфордського університету і буде вивчати
англійську і світову літературу. Це дасть їй можливість ознайомитися з
авторами різних країн і народів та вивчити їх літературні стилі.
До закінчення університету Венді напише декілька коротких оповідань та
відішле їх у найпрестижніші видавництва. Венді впевнена, що її оповідання
будуть настільки гарними, що видавництва їх одразу ж приймуть.
Гроші, які вона отримає за оповідання, дадуть їй можливість не
працювати в школі чи офісі, а присвятити весь свій час написанню великого
роману. Венді ще не вирішила, про що буде цей роман, але вона твердо знає,
що як тільки його буде опубліковано, він стане бестселером.
Венді впевнена, що як тільки її роман буде опубліковано, який-небудь
відомий Голлівудський режисер одразу же захоче зняти за ним фільм. Венді,
звичайно ж, запросять написати сценарій. Вона, безсумнівно, погодиться і поїде
до Америки, щоб бути присутньою на зйомках свого фільму.
Без усяких сумнівів, фільм стане найкращим серед сучасних фільмів і
отримає декілька Оскарів. Венді, звичайно, буде вручено найвищу нагороду
Канського фестивалю за найкращий сценарій.
До 30 років Венді напише ще декілька чудових романів, і всіх їх,
звичайно, буде екранізовано.
Коли Венді виповниться 40 років, її офіційно визнають „Королевою
Роману”, і англійський монарх присвоїть їй титул довічного пера.
Що вона буде робити далі, Венді ще не придумала, тому що їй треба
терміново вирішити 3 найскладніші задачі з фізики.

**TASK 64. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense form.
1. Your house is very small. – I know ____________ (to move) to a bigger house
next year.
2. I have got a new job! – Wonderful! I ____________ (to call) Mum and tell her
the good news.
3. How old is your daughter? – She ____________ (to be) fourteen next week.
4. I must phone Julia. – Well, don't phone her now. She ____________ (to sleep)
till 8.
5. Have you been living here long? – Yes. By next month, I ____________ (to
live) here for ten years.
6. Are you having a party next weekend? – Yes. I hope I ____________ (to
finish) decorating the house by then.
7. What are your plans for tonight? – Well, I ____________ (to meet) Steve at
eight o'clock.
8. I must buy some bread. – You'd better hurry. The shops ____________ (to
close) in half an hour.
9. Shall I call you at ten o'clock tomorrow? – No. I ____________ (to leave) for
work by then.
10. Are you coming to the disco on Friday night? – I can't. I ____________ (to
study) for my exam then.
11. Are you excited about going to California? – Yes! This time tomorrow I
____________ (to fly) across the Atlantic.
12. Let’s call John. It's already seven o'clock. – Yes. John ____________ (to
leave) the office by now.
13. There's somebody at the door. – Oh. That ____________ (to be) the postman.
14. I've left my jacket at home. – I ____________ (to go) back and get it for you.
15. Have you booked a taxi to take you to the airport? – Yes. It ____________ (to
come) at eight o'clock in the morning.
16. Are you nervous about the interview? – Yes. This time tomorrow, I
____________ (to talk) to the managing director.
17. I can't go to the party on Saturday. I ______________ (to leave) for Spain on
Friday night.

**TASK 65. Use one of the future tense forms to fill in the gaps
Part A
My car is being repaired and I don't know when it __________ (to be) ready. I doubt
whether I __________ (to be able to) collect it before the weekend. I wonder if John
__________ (to give) me a lift to the party on Saturday. I'll ask him when he
__________ (to come) home.
Part B
I was calling to ask if you'd like to go out after we __________ (to finish) work
tomorrow or if you __________ (to want) to watch a video instead.
Call me back as soon as you __________ (to get) in. I'll wail until I __________ (to
hear) from you.
Part C
I will leave the hotel early in case there __________ (to be) a lot of traffic. I don't
know how long the journey __________ (to take) or what time the plane
__________ (to land), but I __________ (to call) you as soon as I __________ (to
arrive) at the airport. Then, I will wait until you __________ (to come) to collect me.
Part D
Paula is drinking tea as she is waiting for Charles. She wonders if he __________ (to
be) late as usual. She will wait until the clock __________ (to strike) five and then
she will call him in case he __________ (to forget).

***TASK 66. Translate into English.

1. Ти вже закінчив писати свій твір? – Ще ні. Але я впевнений, що я закінчу
його вчасно.
2. Я ще не вирішила остаточно, що я вдягну на вечірку до Елен. – Вже пізно.
Якщо ти зараз не почнеш одягатися та зачісуватися, ми запізнимося. – Ну,
тоді я надягну свій новий блакитний костюм.
3. Навіщо тобі потрібна мильна вода? – Я буду мити машину. – Ти її помиєш
до 6 години? – Думаю, так. А навіщо тобі сьогодні машина? – Я їду до
Браунів, ми домовилися про це ще минулого тижня.
4. Ти вчора відправив мої листи? – Ні, пробач, я забув. Не хвилюйся, я їх
відправлю сьогодні. Твої батьки отримають їх до кінця тижня.
5. Я дуже хочу їсти. – Я теж. Хто буде готувати вечерю? – Давай зробимо це
разом. В той час як я буду чистити картоплю, ти будеш робити овочевий
салат. Тебе це влаштовує? – Абсолютно.
6. Що ви робите цими вихідними? – Мабуть, ми с братом поїдемо відвідати
дідуся та бабусю. Я думаю, там зберуться майже всі наші родичі, тому що
дідусь завтра буде відзначати своє 70-річчя.
7. Подивись на собаку. Він зараз кинеться у воду. – Я думаю, йому також
жарко, як і нам. Не хвилюйся, він перепливе на інший берег, поганяє там
жаб и повернеться.
8. Подивись, ти забруднила свою нову блузку. – О, боже! Я зараз
перевдягнусь. Не сідайте за стіл без мене, я зараз повернуся.
9. Ти віддаси подарунок Клер вранці? – Ні, я вручу його ввечері, коли всі
зберуться. Це буде більш урочисто.
10.Обережно, ти зараз вдаришся головою о дверний проріз. – Я не
підозрював, що двері тут такі низькі. – Ми їх скоро будемо міняти.
Будинок, як ти бачиш, дуже старий, нам доведеться багато попрацювати,
що привести його у порядок.

**TASK 67. Ted and Debby want to start a club for teenagers. They are talking
about it with Leila, whose committee provides money for clubs. Use one of
the present tenses of the verbs given in brackets to fill in the gaps.
Leila: So, Ted, Debby, I understand from your letter that you ____________ (to set
up) a club.
Ted: Yes, we ____________ (to start) a club for teenagers in the community centre.
Leila: But isn't there a club in your area already?
Debby: Yes, but it ____________ (to close down) The organizer is quite old and he
____________ (to retire) soon.
Leila: I see. But are you sure that you ____________ (to get) permission to use the
community centre?
Ted: Yes. We've been told that there ____________ (to be) no problem.
Leila: OK. But if you go ahead with this plan, you ____________ (to give)
yourselves a lot of hard work. You realize that, don't you?
Debby: Oh yes. We know we ____________ (to have to) spend a lot of time on it.
Leila: Right, then. I ____________ (to not be able) to give you an answer for a few
days. But later this week the members of my committee (to have) their
usual monthly meeting. I ____________ (to ask) them for some money to help you.
If we give the money, we ____________ (not to interfere) with your running of the
club. But we ____________ (to expect) you to report to us regularly.

**TASK 68. Complete this advertisement for a sea cruise by using each of the
verbs in the box once, in the correct form to express a future action.
call continue depend dress get give go last
meet sail spend start take win see
In the dark days of next winter - to be exact, on Friday 10th February - the
party ______________ at the Holton Hotel in West London, where it
______________ the first night. At dinner that evening everybody ______________
to know each other before our holiday ______________. Early next morning we
______________ the train to Tilbury where we ______________ on board our luxury
liner, the S S. 'Sardonic'. The liner ______________ at six o'clock that evening for
the warm, tropical waters of the Caribbean. The voyage across the Atlantic
______________ six days, with fun all the way. For example, there is the
fancy dress ball, when every passenger ______________as a different historical
character and everyone ______________ a prize. Then, our ship ______________
first at Nassau in the Bahamas. The friendly faces there are world-famous; a
welcoming party ______________ every lady enough flowers to fill her cabin. After
two days the “Sardonic” ______________ her voyage south to Kingston, Jamaica.
Here we ______________ plantations of sugar, the crop on which the economy of
this West Indian island ______________.

When the predicate of the main clause is used in one of the past tenses, the
predicates of all the subordinate clauses of the same sentence are also used in one
of the past tenses.

Mind the changes that happen to tenses if they occur after the past verb in the main
Present Indefinite Past Indefinite
I think John is in love with me. I thought John was in love with

Present Continuous Past Continuous

I think Mary is cooking. I thought Mary was cooking.

Present Perfect Past Perfect

I think David has finished his essay. I thought David had finished his

Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

I think Julia has been working I thought Julia had been working
in the garden since morning. in the garden since morning.

Past Indefinite Past Perfect

I think Philip knew Mary in the past. I thought Philip had known
Mary in the past.
Past Continuous Past Continuous/ Past Perfect
I think Laura was sleeping I thought Laura was sleeping/
had been sleeping
when we came. when we came
Future Indefinite Future Indefinite in the Past
(will/shall) (would/should)
I think Eddie will pass his exam I thought Eddie would pass his

Future Continuous Future Continuous in the Past

I think Joanne will be sailing I thought Joanne would be
this time next week. this time next week.

Future Perfect Future Perfect in the Past

I think Meg will have knitted this I thought Meg would have knitted this
sweater by Christmas. sweater by Christmas.

Future Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

I think Ted will have been mending I thought Ted would been mending
his car for 3 hours when I come. his car for 3 hours when I came.
 Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous remain unchanged.
 In spoken English all the abovementioned changes may not be observed.
SEQUENCE OF TENSES IS NOT OBSERVED when the subordinate clause
a) the so-called “general truths”, e.g.
Looking at the night sky we suddenly realized that our solar system is just a
tiny speck in the infinite Universe.
b) the description of a state of affairs which still exists when the speech is
reported, the so-called “up-to-date reporting”, e.g.
Pat said, “I decided not to buy that house because it was on a main road.”
Pat told that she decided not to buy that house because it was on a main
c) Modal verbs that have no past tenses like must, need, should, etc., e.g.
Marge phoned me and cried that I must come at once.
d) newspaper, radio and TV reports, e.g.
Before the plane crashed, the pilot told that he can see the lights of the take
e) conjunction “since”, e.g.
Jane said, “”I have been writing an essay since you left.” - Jane told that
she had been writing an essay since we left.
f) Past Indefinite that shows an action taking place at a definite moment, e.g.
Susan said, “I had left home before the telegram came.” Susan told that she
had left home before the telegram came.
David said, “When we were living (lived) in France, we used to go to the
sea very often.” - David told that when they were living (lived) in France,
they used to go to the sea very often.”
g) Subjunctive Mood, e.g.
Julian said, “I wish I could pass all my exams easily.” Julian told that he
wished he could pass all his exams easily.



Introductory verb Direct Speech Indirect Speech

+ to infinitive
Jim said, “Yes, I’ll lend you Jim agreed to lend me
 to agree some money.” some money.
 to offer Tom said, “Can I help you?” Tom offered to help me.
 to promise Dick said, “I’ll give your book Dick promised to give
 to refuse back.” my book back.
 to threaten Jean said, “No, I won’t call Jean refused to call
mum.”Dad said, “I’ll punish mum.
you.” Dad threatened to
punish me.
+ object + to
infinitive Mum said, “You should eat Mum advised me to eat
more fruit.” more fruit.
 to advise Dad said, “You can go to the Dad allowed me to go to
 to allow party.” the party.
 to ask Teddy said, “Could you do me Teddy asked me to do
 to beg a favour?” him a favour.
 to command The child said, “Doctor, The child begged the
 to forbid please, don’t hurt me.” doctor not to hurt him.
The officer said, “Stand still.” The officer commanded
 to invite
Mum said, “You mustn’t stay the soldiers to stand still.
 to order
out late.” Mum forbade me to stay
 to remind Jenny said, “Will you come to out late.
 to warn my party?” Jenny invited me to come
Dad said. “Go to your room.’ to her party.
Mum said, “Don’t forget to Dad ordered me to go to
buy bread.” my room.
Blue Beard said, ‘Don’t touch Mum reminded me not to
this key.” forget to buy bread.
Blue Beard warned his
wife not to touch that
+ gerund
Sam said, “I’m sorry, I’m late.’ Sam apologised for
 apologise for Sue said, “I’m very pretty.’ being late.
 to boast about/of Mum said, ‘We have noisy Sue boasted of being
 to complain (to neighbours.’ pretty.
smb) of smth Derek said, “I didn’t use your Mum complained of
 to deny computer.’ having noisy neighbours.
 to suggest Steve said, ‘Let’s go out to Derek denied using my
 to insist on dinner.’ computer.
The boss said, ‘You must finish Steve suggested (our)
this report by Friday.’ going out to dinner.
The boss insisted on me
(my) finishing the report
by Friday.
+ that clause
Sue said, “I’m very pretty.” Sue boasted that she was
 to boast Mum said, “We have noisy very pretty.
 to complain neighbours.” Mum complained that we
 to deny Derek said, “I didn’t use your had noisy neighbours.
 to explain to smb computer.” Derek denied that he had
 to inform Mary said, “I don’t like him used my computer.
 to exclaim because he is rude.” Mary explained that she
The teacher said, “The exam didn’t like him because
 to remark
result will come out he was rude.
 to promise
tomorrow.” The teacher informed us
 to remind Len said, “What a glorious that the exam result
 to threaten day!” would come out the next
Dick said, “I’ll give your book day.
back.” Len exclaimed/remarked
Mum said, “Don’t forget to that it was a glorious
buy bread.” day.
Dad said, “I’ll punish you.” Dick promised that he
would give me my book
Mum reminded me that I
had to buy bread.
Dad threatened that he
would punish me.
+ that + should + The monitor said, “Let’s have The monitor suggested
bare infinitive a class meeting tomorrow.” that our class should
 to suggest The boss said, “You must have a meeting the next
 to insist finish this report by Friday.” day.
 to demand The teacher said, “You have The boss insisted that I
to hand in your papers on should finish that report
Monday.” by Friday.
‘The teacher demanded
that we should hand in
our papers on Monday.

*TASK 69. Complete the sentence. Follow the example.

Example. “You should spend more time studying,”– The teacher advised me to
spend more time studying.
1. “Don't forget to lock the door before you leave.” – Sam reminded ____________
2. “I'm sorry I forgot to call you.” – Jim apologized ____________
3. “You never listen to me. Stuart.”– Mary complained ____________
4. “Shall we go bowling this evening?” – Mark suggested ____________
5. “You mustn't play near the road.” – Father forbade ____________
6. “This man stole my wallet!” – Mr. Brown accused ____________
7. “I'm the best basketball player in the school”– Steve boasted ____________
8. “Yes, I took the letter.” – Claire admitted ____________
9. “You must stay for lunch, Sarah.”– Mrs. Stamp insisted ____________
10. “Please, please, let me borrow your bicycle.” – Martin begged ____________
11. “Don't touch the oven. It's hot.”– Mother warned ____________

**TASK 70. Fill in the gaps with one of the introductory verbs from the list below.
Follow the example.
Example. “I'm the fastest runner on the team,” he said. – He boasted about (of) being
the fastest runner on the team.
to deny to suggest to boast to agree to advise to warn
to insist to accuse to promise to complain to threaten to remind
to order to allow to exclaim
1. “I didn't take your jacket,” John said to his brother.
2. “You should go to the doctor's,” Mum said to me.
3. “I'll call you next week,” Mary said to Peter.
4. “Yes, I'll set the table for dinner,” the husband said to his wife.
5. “He always forgets my birthday,” Jane said.
6. “Let's go for a walk,” the owner said to his dog.
7. “Leave, or I'll shoot,” the man said to the boys.
8. “Don't forget to feed the cat,” mum said to Liz.
9. “You broke my CD player,” the sister said to him.

**TASK 71. Turn the sentences given below into reported speech using an
appropriate introductory verb. Follow the example.
Example: “No, I won't do your homework for you,” she said to me. – She refused to
do my homework for me.
1. “You lied to me,” Dennis told Ann.
2. “I promise I won't tell anyone your secret,” Tara said to Diana.
3. “Don't forget to post the letters,” Mum said to me.
4. “I'm sorry I ruined your shirt,” Sarah told Frances.
5. “No, I didn't use Tim's computer,” George said.
6. “Don't get too close to the fire,” Mike said to the children.
7. “Let's have a party,” Simon said.
8. “I'll punish you if you behave badly,” Mum told the twins.
9. “t was me who broke the vase,” she said.
10. “Could I use your phone, please?” David asked me.
11. “Yes, I'll help you with the washing-up.” Sandra told me.
12. “Everyone stop talking!” Mr Jones told the class.
13.“Please, please, don't tell anyone about this,” he said to us.
14.“You should go to the dentist's,” she told her brother.
15.“Children, sit down” the school bus driver said.
16.“Throw down your weapons!” the policeman said to the robbers.
17.“No, you may not stay out late tonight,” Dad said to Louise.
18.“You must wash your hands before eating dinner,” she told the children.
19.“That's the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen!” Amanda said.

**TASK 72. Turn the sentences given below into Reported speech observing the
Sequence of Tenses. Try to use different introductory verbs. Follow the
Example. “What is your name?” the receptionist at the hotel asked me. The
receptionist at the hotel asked me what my name was.
1. “Where are your parents?” Uncle Bill asked us.
2. “Will you help me carry the box, please?” Dad asked me.
3. “What time will you be home?” Mum asked me.
4. “Can you play the guitar?” the Boy Scout leader asked Jim.
5. “Who was at the door?” David asked Janet.
6. “Where is the post office?” the exchange student asked his landlady.
7. “When will you do your homework?” Meg asked me.
8. The boss asked his secretary, “Have you finished typing those reports,
9. John asked Sam, “Do you like computer games?”
10. “Will you give me a lift to work, please?” Ted asked his colleague.
11. “Where is your jacket?” Steve’s wife asked him.
12. “How old will you be on your next birthday?” the sports instructor asked me.
13. “Where is your umbrella?” the mother asked her daughter.
14. “Do you like playing football?” John asked us.
15.“The boss asked his employee, “What time are you going home today?”
16. “Will you take the children to school today?” the husband asked his wife.
17. “Who called you today?” Lily asked.
18. “When will you decorate the kitchen?” Martha asked.
19. “Who broke my vase?” I asked the children.
20.“Father asked. “Will you help me lift these boxes, please?'
21. “How many foreign languages do you speak?” the tourist asked the guide.
22. “Where is the tourist information centre?” we asked a passer-by.

***TASK 73. Translate into English.

1. Тед попросив Флору подзвонити йому, як тільки вона прибуде до Чикаго,
і вона пообіцяла зробити це тієї ж хвилини, як побачить перший телефон.
2. Місіс Стюарт викликнула, що вона ніколи в житті не їла такого смачного
десерту та положила собі на тарілку ще один шматочок торту.
3. Дружина містера Девіса повідомила нам по телефону, що він серйозно
хворий і не зможе працювати до тих пір, поки лікар не дозволить йому
займатися активною діяльністю.
4. Пітер запитав, чому я зайшов за ним так рано, та дуже здивувався, коли я
сказав йому, що вже без п’ятнадцяти дев’ять. Я запропонував йому
допомогти скласти речі, коли побачив його пусту валізу. Тільки цієї
хвилини він згадав, що не перевів годинник на літній час та вибачився,
що змушує мене чекати.
5. На останній парі моя сусідка по кімнаті запитала мене, чи взяла я з собою
ключ. Я сказала, що ключ у мене в кишені, і запитала, в чому справа.
Марія пояснила, що її хлопець запросив її у кіно, і вона не піде додому
разом зі мною. Вона добавила, що повернеться пізно, и просила, не
будити її завтра, поки вона не прокинеться сама.
6. Мартин поскаржився, що його молодший брат зіпсував новий
магнітофон. Я спитав, чому дитині дозволяють чіпати такі дорогі речі.
Мій друг відповів, що, коли всі йдуть з дому, та п’ятирічний Джим
залишається один, трудно проконтролювати, що він робить.
7. Анабель спитала Джона, куди він збирається їхати на канікули. Він
відповів, що ще остаточно не вирішив, але, скоріше за все, він поїде до
моря, якщо збере достатньо грошей. Він не був впевнений, чи зможе
зібрати необхідну суму, і в цьому випадку, він залишиться у місті та все
літо буде працювати.
8. Коли місіс Стоун прийшла додому, її стара сусідка поскаржилася їй, що
під час її відсутності її діти ведуть себе дуже галасливо. Місіс Стоун
пообіцяла сусідці, що поговоре з дітьми. Вона також сказала, що якщо
подібне повториться, вона покарає дітей і не поведе їх у неділю до
9. Інструктор попередив туристів, що сходження буде досить важким, тому
що вчора пройшов дощ і каміння слизьке. Він порадив їм взяти запасну
пару взуття та теплі шкарпетки, тому що прогноз погоди обіцяє ще три
дні дощів.
10.Секретар містера Джонса сказала мені, що він звільниться не раніше, ніж
через півгодини. Вона вибачилася, що мені доведеться почекати. Вона
також запропонувала мені каву та принесла кілька свіжих журналів і
газет, щоб я міг провести цей час з користю.
Passive Voice can be used only with transitive verbs! The general formula of Passive
Voice formation is
to be + Participle II
Compare the formation of sentences in Active and Passive Voice. Find differences
and similarities in the formation of tense and aspect forms:
Active Voice Tense and Aspect Passive Voice
Mary waters flowers twice Present Indefinite Flowers are watered (by
a week. (Simple) Mary) twice a week.
Mary watered flowers Past Indefinite Flowers were watered (by
yesterday. (Simple) Mary) yesterday.
Mary will water flowers Future Indefinite Flowers will be watered (by
tomorrow. (Simple) Mary) tomorrow.
Mary is watering flowers Present Continuous Flowers are being watered
now. (Progressive) (by Mary) now.
Mary was watering flowers Past Continuous Flowers were being watered
when it started raining. (Progressive) (by Mary) when it started
Mary will be watering Future Continuous Does not exist
flowers when we come. (Progressive)
Mary has already watered Present Perfect All the flowers have already
all the flowers. been watered (by Mary).
Mary had already watered Past Perfect All the flowers had already
all the flowers by the time been watered (by Mary) by
we came. the time we came.
Mary will have already Future Perfect All the flowers will have
watered all the flowers by already been watered (by
the time we come. Mary) by the time we come.
Mary has already been Present Perfect Does not exist
watering flowers for half a Continuous
Mary had already been Past Perfect Does not exist
watering flowers for half a Continuous
day when it started raining.
Mary will have already Future Perfect Does not exist
been watering flowers for Continuous
half a day when it starts
In English Passive Voice is used less often that Active Voice and is more formal.
1. When the person who caries out the action is unknown, unimportant or
obvious from the context, e.g.
Ted’s flat was broken into last night. (The burglar is not known)
Coffee beans are grown in Brazil. (It is not important who grows coffee
Len’s car was serviced yesterday. (It is obvious that a mechanic did it)
2. When the action itself is more important than the person who carries it out
(e.g. in news headlines, formal notices, instructions, processes, advertisements,
The new hospital will be opened on Monday. (Formal notice)
Then the milk is taken to a factory and pasteurized.
3. When people refer to an unpleasant event and don’t want to say who or what
is to blame, e.g.
A lot of mistakes have been made. (Instead of "You’ve made a lot of
4. Sentences with some transitive verbs can form two different passive sentences,
in which both direct and indirect objects can become subjects. These verbs
to bring to tell to send to show to teach to promise
to buy to sell to take to write to read to give
to hand to owe to offer to allow to feed to pass
to post to throw to award to grant to pay to lend

Patrick gave Laura beautiful roses.

Laura was given beautiful roses by Patrick. Beautiful roses were given to Laura by
5. Passive Voice with modal verbs is formed according to the same general
modal verb + (to) be + Participle II
Mary must type the report at once.
The report must be typed at once.
We should not let the children watch TV late at night.
The children should not be let watch TV late at night.
The tourist instructor had to send Frank home immediately.
Frank had to be sent home immediately
6. Phrasal verbs preserve their second element both in Active and Passive
sentences, e.g.
Everyone laughed at John when he came into the classroom. =
John was laughed at (by everyone) when he came into the classroom.
Here is a list of phrasal verbs that are often used in Passive sentences
 to argue about  to arrive at

 to carry out  to talk about

 to deal with  to talk over
 to look at  to read to
 to look for  to put up with
 to look after  to turn up/down
 to look into  to speak to/about
 to listen to  to pay attention to
 to refer to  to make fun of
 to send for  to think of/about/over
 to rely on  to make use of
 to laugh at  to take advantage of
 to pay for  to catch sight of
 to hear of  to lose sight of
 to wait for  to take care of
 to see off  to find fault with
 to see to  to break into
 to insist on  to throw away

7. It is very important not to confuse two prepositions that are often used with
Passive voice


By + agent With + instrument

(or material, ingredient)
These tasty cakes were made by Agnes. They were made with eggs, milk, flour and
some fruit

*TASK 74. Read an article taken from an American magazine. Underline all the
cases of Passive Voice and define what tense form is used.
In the United States the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a federal
agency that decides if foods and drugs are safe. When a new food or drug is
developed, the FDA conducts tests. If the new product is found to be safe, the
manufacturer is allowed to sell it. Changes are constantly being made by the FDA as
it learns more about a food or drug. Saccharin is a sugar substitute that is used by
dieters and others who can't eat sugar. However, after saccharin was sold for many
years, the FDA found that it might not be safe. Experiments were conducted on rats.
Rats that were fed large amounts of saccharin developed cancer. A danger to humans
has not been proved and saccharin continues to be sold, but manufacturers have been
required to put a warning label on products that contain saccharin. Sometimes after a
food or drug has been on the market for years, it is recalled by the FDA because new
evidence shows that it may be harmful. Not long ago, a birth-control device was
taken off the market because some women had serious side effects* from it. In some
cases, this device even caused death.
The FDA also decides if a medicine can be sold without a prescription. For
many drugs, a prescription is required because the FDA believes that the user needs
to be supervised by his or her doctor. Some drugs must be controlled by the
pharmacy because they might be abused**.
Drugs that are sold without a prescription are called "over-the-counter" drugs.
Aspirin, which is used to treat pain, is one of the most common over-the-counter
drugs. Sometimes the FDA decides that a prescription drug is safe enough to be sold
over the counter. Over the past 15 years, about 45 drugs that were originally
prescription drugs have been approved for over-the-counter sale.
New drugs are being developed and tested all the time. Drugs have to be tested
for years before they can be sold to the public.
*A side effect is a secondary effect of a drug. Often it is a bad effect.
**When a drug is abused, it is used for something other than a medical purpose.

*TASK 75. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
Part A
1. That's a lovely shirt. Is it new? – Yes, It ____________ (to buy) for me by my
2. When do you have to have this report ready? – Well, it must ____________ (to
hand in) by Tuesday.
3. Did you read the newspaper this morning? – No. It ____________ (not to
deliver) by the time I left for work.
4. Where is your car? – At the garage. It ____________ (to repair).
5. Do you know your exam results yet? – No. They ____________ (not to
announce) yet.
6. Are you going to make dinner tonight? – No. It ____________ (to make) by
Simon. He promised to do it.
7. Have you finished your homework yet? – No, but it ____________ (to finish)
by eight o'clock.
8. Who waters your plants for you when you're away? – They____________ (to
water) by my neighbour.
9. Who takes Sam to school every day? – He ____________ (to drive) by his
10. Don’t come into the room, Jane. – Why? – It ____________ (to paint).
Part B
John: Do you still work at Browns and Co?
Ted: Yes. I do. I ____________ (to employ) by Mr. Brown for five years now, you
John: Oh. Do you still enjoy it?
Ted: Oh yes! I ____________ (to give) a promotion last year and I'm very happy.
John: A promotion? So, what is your job now?
Ted: I ____________ (to make) Head of European Sales.
John: So, what do you do?
Ted: Well, sometimes I ____________ (send) to other countries on business.
John: I see. Do they pay you well?
Ted: Well, I ____________ (to pay) quite well and I expect I ____________ (to give)
a pay rise soon.
John: Good for you!
Part C
The Academy Awards Presentation first ___________ (to organize) in 1929
and since then, it ____________(to hold) every year. The presentation ____________
(to attend) by those at the top of the film industry and ____________ (to watch) on
TV by millions of viewers who want to see who ____________ (to present) with the
golden statue which ____________ (to desire) by everyone in the motion picture
The voting for the Academy Awards ____________(to conduct) secretly and
the results ____________ (not to reveal) to anyone until the envelope ____________
(to open) on stage in front of the audience. Awards ____________ (to give) for the
best individual or collective work and ____________(to separate) into different
Up to five nominations ____________(to make) in each category. The awards, which
____________ (to know) as Oscars, ____________ (to consider) to be the highest
honour anyone in the film industry can ____________ (to give).

*TASK 76. Fill in the blanks in the sentences given below with the prepositions
“by” or “with”.
1. Joanne was woken up ______ a loud noise.
2. The parcel was tied up ______ a string.
3. John was told off ______ his mother.
4. This picture was painted ______ a famous artist.
5. The chair was covered ______ a woolen blanket.
6. The walls were decorated ______ posters.
7. My car was repaired ______ my father.
8. This dessert was made ______ fresh cream.
9. The door was opened ______John.
10. The lock was broken ______ a hammer.
11. This book was written ______my favourite author.
12. The cake was decorated ______ icing.
13. The tiger was shot ______ a gun.
14. Claire was shouted at ______ her teacher.
15. In the train Mr. Black was hit on the head ______ an umbrella.
16.The tree was burnt ______ a lighting.
17.This machine is operated _____ electricity.

*TASK 77. Change the sentences given below into passive, where possible.
1. The nanny takes the children to the park every day.
2. They didn’t come home late last night.
3. Meg asked the policeman for directions.
4. I left very early yesterday afternoon.
5. Someone is repairing the garden fence.
6. Charles is moving house next month.
7. The letter arrived two days ago.
8. Do they teach Latin at this school?
9. I don't like people pointing at me.
10.Michael has made the 3 grammar mistakes.
11.Is Tim cleaning the house?
12.Who built the Pyramids?
13.Someone is cleaning the windows.
14.I don't like people laughing at me.
15.People spend a lot of money on food.
16.Is Sue washing the car?
17.Who’s made this mess?
18.Grandfather is going to tell the children a story.
19.They will open the new sports centre soon.
20.Who broke this mug?
21.They sent for the doctor two hours ago.
22.I’m sure, the Jury will have reached a verdict by the morning.
23.The teacher will mark the essays in three days’ time.
24.Clive hasn't cut the grass yet.
25.They may not repair the car this week.
26.The police are questioning the suspects.
27.Had Helen closed the door before she left the house?

**TASK 78. Fill in blanks using the correct active or passive form of the verbs
given in brackets.
1. In recent years, Americans ____________ (to become) more concerned about
their health.
2. People also __________ (to take) more interest in good health and nutrition
3. They want _________ (to warn) about the possible dangers of some products.
4. Manufacturers____________ (to make) to put warning labels on certain
5. Some foods and drugs that may be dangerous for people’s health ___________
(to take) off the market.
6. Several years ago cancer-causing substances ____________ (to find) in
7. Experiments ____________ (to do) on rats but a danger to humans
____________ (not to prove).
8. Nevertheless manufacturers ____________ (to require) to put a warning label
on products that contain saccharin.
9. Cancer-causing substances ____________ (to find) in cigarettes.
10.Consumers ____________ (to inform) immediately by radio and TV.
11.Warnings ____________ (to put) on cigarette packages and most Americans
very soon ____________ (to react) to that and __________ (to give up)
12.Many restaurant managers ____________ (to add) nonsmoking sections.
13. Smoking ____________ (to prohibit) on domestic airline flights.
14. In the last decades many useful drugs ____________(to develop) but
unfortunately a cure for cancer ____________ (not to find) yet.

**TASK 79. Change the sentences in the texts given below into passive.
Part A
Someone broke into the National Gallery late last night. The thieves had
broken the alarm system before they climbed through a window. They stole some
priceless works of art. They used a getaway car to escape. The police have questioned
some suspects. They have not caught the thieves yet.
Part B
Yesterday afternoon, a volcanic eruption destroyed an entire village. Mount
Sirius, which experts though dormant, erupted at 3 pm. Tourists had seen smoke
rising from the mouth of the volcano two days before. The police moved the villagers
away from the area for their own safety. Tons of lava and rock came out of the
volcano and wrecked houses, roads and trees. Although the blast physically injured
only a few people, doctors are treating many for shock. The authorities are making
the area surrounding Mount Sirius clear in case of further activity.
Part C
A few days ago, somebody stole Keith Dunn's motorbike. Keith had left his
motorbike outside his house. Keith immediately reported the theft to the police. The
police told him they would try to find his motorbike as soon as possible. This
morning, the police called Keith and asked him to go to the police station. They had
found his motorbike. The thieves had painted it and then sold it to someone else. The
new owner had parked the motorbike outside the police station. The police arrested
the thieves.

Part D
Yesterday afternoon, the school held a sports day. John's teacher entered him for
the 100m race because people thought John was the fastest runner in the school.
John's teacher blew the whistle and the race started. Loud cheers filled the air as
John's friends cheered him on. John overtook all the other runners and, as people had
expected, John won the race. The headmaster gave him a trophy as a prize.
Part E
Do you think that people will ever use electric cars? Someone has already
invented the electric car, but at the moment they are too expensive for most people to
buy. Also, you have to recharge their batteries frequently. However, if people drove
electric cars instead of the cars we use today, the air we breathe would be cleaner, as
they would not pump exhaust fumes into the atmosphere.
Part F
Last week, the Prime Minister visited Dawston. The Mayor of the town greeted
him when he arrived and gave him a tour. He introduced the Prime Minister to some
important businessmen and took him to lunch in a local restaurant. In the afternoon,
the Mayor held a meeting and the Prime Minister addressed the citizens of Dawston.
He told them that he had enjoyed his visit very much.

***TASK 80. Translate into English.

Дорога Саллі,
Я думаю, ти здивована, що лист, який ти зараз читаєш, було послано не з
Бірнмута (Burnmouth), куди я планувала їхати спочатку. Справа в тому, що
коли я приїхала туди три дні тому і побачила, як змінився Бірнмут за тридцять
років з тих пір, як я була там останнього разу, я вирішила, що мені краще
поїхати до більш спокійного місця.
По-перше, той затишний готель, де ми зупинялися останнього разу,
знесли. На його місці побудували великий готель, в якому постійно багато
людей та багато галасу. На пляжі тепер в десять разів більше відпочиваючих,
ніж було колись. Діти тепер не будують замки з піску, а постійно бігають і
стрибають навколо тебе, і немає ні хвилини спокою. Крім того, на пляжі у
кожної групи відпочиваючих є приймач або магнітофон, і тобі доводиться
слухати какофонію з різних музичних жанрів і стилів від джазу до важкого
Парк, в якому ми з тобою любили гуляти, знищено. На його місці тепер
будують великий супермаркет. Усі дерева зрубано, і більше немає клумб з
дивними квітами, якими так любувалися. Все це дуже смутно.
Щоб не розстроюватися ще більше, я зібрала всі речі і перебралася до
Бродстерса. На щастя, до цього маленького курортного містечка „цивілізація”
ще не добралась. Тут все тихо та спокійно. Парки не знищують, важкий рок на
пляжі не слухають, маленькі готелі не змінили на величезні готелі. Я не можу
сказати, що життя за ці 30 років зовсім не змінилося, але, безперечно, багато
серед змін тут на краще.
Я повертаюся у понеділок 20 серпня. Сподіваюсь, скоро побачимось.
*TASK 81. Give two passive sentences for each active one.
1. The old man showed me the way to the station.
2. Did you send your brother the books?
3. The parents promised the boy a bicycle.
4. We mustn’t tell her the truth.
5. They finally offered him a good position.
6. They paid her good money for the translation.
7. The student handed the book to the teacher.
8. They bought the children some ice-cream.
9. Did the bank lend him the money he asked for?
10.He sang me an old Irish song.
11.They awarded him the first prize.
12.They wrote her a thank-you letter.
13.You owe me an apology.
14.They sold us the car very cheap.
15.Will they read this story to the boy?

**TASK 82 Fill in blanks using the correct active or passive form of the verbs
given in brackets.
Part A
Mr. Townsend ___________ (to use) the same medication for ten years. Every
day he ___________ (to take) two pills. Usually when he ___________ (to need) a
refill, he ___________ (to call) his doctor, and his doctor ___________(to call) the
Last week Mr. Townsend ___________ (to go) to the drugstore to get a refill on his
medication. He ___________ (to give) the prescription number to the pharmacist. He
___________(to tell) by the pharmacist to come back in half an hour. While Mr.
Townsend ___________ (to shop) in the store, his name ___________ (to call) over
the loudspeaker. Mr. Townsend ___________ (to go) to the pharmacy, and
___________ (to tell) that the prescription couldn't ___________ (to refill) because
it was more than six months old. Mr. Townsend ___________(to tell) the pharmacist
that he ___________(to use) this medication for a long time. She said that this
medication ___________ (to control) carefully and that the refill had to
___________(to approve) by the doctor. She also ___________ (to offer) to call the
doctor for him.
The doctor ___________(to give) her permission to refill the prescription. Finally,
Mr. Townsend ___________(to give) his medication and ___________(to tell) to use
the medication carefully. This medication shouldn't ___________(to use) when
drinking alcohol and should ___________(to take) after meals.
Part B
Tea ___________ (to make) from the leaves of the tea plant. At first, it
___________ (to use) as a medicine, but it ___________ (to become) an everyday
drink in the 3rd century AD. First, the leaves ___________(to pick) from the plant
and they ___________(to spread) onto a cloth. They ___________ (to leave) there
for up to twenty hours. Next, the leaves are rolled up until they ___________ (to
break) into small pieces. Finally, the leaves ___________(to dry). The tea
___________ (pack) into containers and sent to different countries. It ___________
(to sell) to customers as loose leaves, as tea bags and as instant tea. To make tea, we
___________ (to boil) water and ___________ (to pour) it over the dry tea in the
teapot. This ___________ (to leave) for three to five minutes. We can then add milk,
lemon or sugar. In Britain, it was the custom to serve tea in the afternoons with
sandwiches and cakes. This custom ___________ (to start) by the Duchess of
Bedford around 1840. Today, tea ___________ (to drink) all over the world.
Part C
Coffee is said to originate from Kaffa in Ethiopia and most species of coffee
plant ___________ (to find) in the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere. The species
which ___________ (to think) to be the earliest coffee plant ever ___________ (to
cultivate) by man is Coffea arabica. Today it ___________ (to grow) mostly in Latin
America. The coffee shrub ___________ (to reach) a height of 8-10 metres and
___________ (to have) white scented flowers. It ___________ (to produce) a red
fruit which ___________ (to call) a cherry. The cherry ___________ (to contain) two
seeds which ___________ (to join) together. These seeds, which also ___________
(to know) as beans, first ___________ (to roast) and then they ___________ (to
grind) to make coffee. The grounds then ___________ (to process) in a variety of
different ways. Sometimes they ___________ (to filter) and sometimes they
___________ (soak) in water to make the drink, which is popular with so many
people. Coffee is available as grounds or as instant coffee powder and ___________
(to drink) by one third of the world's population.

***TASK 83. Translate into English.

1. Де ти був на канікулах? – Я їздив у туристичну поїздку по старовинним
містам України. – Скільки днів тривала ваша поїздка? – Два тижні. Першого
дня нас повезли містами Волині. Нам показали будинок, де жила Леся
Українка. Там зараз дуже цікавий музей. Я довідався там багато нового.
2. Яка красива картина! – Її було намальовано моїм батьком ще до того, як я
народився. Це моя мати, їй тут 18 років. Правда, гарна?
3. Ти не чув, чи схопили злодіїв, які пограбували Національну Картинну
галерею? – Так. Про це передавали в останніх новинах до того, як я виходив
з дому.
4. Боже мій! Яке безладдя у твоїй кімнаті! Її, мабуть, не прибирали вже
тиждень! – Мамо, раз ти сказала тиждень, тоді не все ще так страшно.
Насправді, я не прибирав її вже місяць.
5. Твій батько завтра їде на роботу машиною? Він не може мене підвезти? –
Боюсь, що ні. Нашу машину вже місяць ремонтують.
6. Пітеру сподобалася стаття, яку надрукували про нього у нашій місцевій
газеті? – Ні. У ній тричі згадано його ім’я, і кожного разу воно написано по-
різному. Він просто розлючений!
7. Де ти будеш купувати свою весільну сукню? – Я не збираюсь її купувати.
Вона буде пошита моєю старшою сестрою. Ніхто не зможе це зробити
краще, ніж вона.
8. Книжку вашого професора вже видано? – Ні. Її ще друкують. Вона буде
продаватися у всіх великих магазинах, починаючи з 1 вересня.
9. Де ти був? Тебе шукали цілий день. – За мною вранці прислали з роботи, і я
біг у такому поспіху, що не зміг нікого попередити, що мене не буде вдома.
10.Ти чув, що двоє хлопців з нашої школи впали в ополонок (ice–hole) під час
катання на ковзанах на озері. – Вони, певно, зараз лежать із запаленням
легень? – Та, ні. Як тільки дітей витягли з крижаної води, їх одразу ж
відправили у лікарню. До великого подиву лікарів та батьків у них навіть
немає нежиті.

**TASK 84. Fill in the gaps in the text below with the right forms of the verbs
given in brackets.
In December 1978, Arlena Twigg was born in a Florida hospital. Arlena was
very sick as she ________ (to have) a malformed heart. By the time Arlena ________
(to be) nine and a half years old, she ________ (to suffer) most of her life. Finally,
her doctors recommended that she should have heart surgery. In preparation for the
surgery, Arlena ________ (to give) a blood test, and the doctors ________ (to
discover) that she could not possibly be the genetic daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Twigg.
It ________ (to believe) that Arlena ________ (to switch) with another baby soon
after her birth. Arlena died while in surgery. Her parents, the Twiggs, ________ (to
feel) that they had lost two daughters - their natural daughter, who ________ (to
take) away from them at birth, and Arlena, who they ________ (to love and raise)
since she was an infant.
After investigating hospital records, the Twiggs ________ (to find) that their
real daughter ________ (to be) a healthy nine-year-old girl named Kimberly Mays,
who was born in the same hospital around the same date as Arlena. How or why the
babies ________ (to switch) is not known. The Twiggs ________ (to sue) the
Florida hospital that ________ (to make) this mistake. Mr. and Mrs. Twigg ________
(to allow) to meet with their daughter Kimberly, whom they never ________ (to
know). However, the court ________ (to decide) that Kimberly should stay with the
father who ________ (to raise) her since birth. Mr. Mays's wife, Barbara Mays, died
when Kimberly was a baby.

**TASK 85. Translate into English remembering about the use of phrasal verbs in
the passive voice.
1. Вона читає всі книжки, про які багато говорять.
2. Всі лекції цього професора слухають з великим інтересом.
3. Коли пошлють за лікарем?
4. Цю пропозицію треба гарно обміркувати.
5. Вас проведуть?
6. Над цим жартом завжди сміються.
7. Вона любить, коли про неї говорять.
8. Коли викинуть ці старі речі?
9. Старий любив, коли йому читали.
10.Про це питання сперечалися три дні.
11.На цю картину завжди дивляться з захопленням.
12.На мене ніколи не звертають уваги.
13.Над Пітером завжди насміхалися.
14.Землю незабаром втратили з виду.
15.Завдання було виконано.
16.До Девіда завжди чіплялися.
17.На тебе ніколи не можна покластися.
18.Покваптесь, вас чекають.
19.З ним не можна мати справу.
20.З цією ситуацією доведеться упокоритися.
21.Це питання треба розглянути негайно.

**TASK 86. Mary has just arrived home from work. Neil is already there.
Complete their conversation by using the right tense forms
MARY: Hi! I'm back. Sorry I'm late.
NEIL: Hello. What kept you?
MARY: I ___________(to have) to use the ring road and I ___________ (to stick)
in a traffic jam for forty minutes.
NEIL: Why you ___________(not to use) the usual route?
MARY: Because the road ___________ (to close) until work on the access road to
the new hospital ___________ (to complete).
NEIL: When is it due to ___________ (to finish)?
MARY: Well, the access road ___________ (to open) by the Mayor next week,
according to the newspaper, and the Health Minister ___________ (to invite)
to open the hospital on the same day, but they ___________ (to know) yet
whether she definitely ___________ (to come).
NEIL: A lot of money ___________ (to waste) if she ___________(not to come).
MARY: Why's that?
NEIL: You ___________ (not to see) all those rose bushes that ___________ (to
plant) round the hospital?
MARY: So what? They ___________ (to be) lovely for the patients.
NEIL: But the patients ___________(to be able) to see them, because they're round
the entrance, and the wards ___________(to look) out in the other direction. A
lot of people ___________ (to protest) about it, but all their complaints
___________ (to ignore) until it was too late.
MARY: If they had money to spare, it must ___________ (to spend) on facilities for
patients, not on making the front look pretty for the Minister.
NEIL: Absolutely. It's typical of this local council. They ___________ (to elect) to
save money, but they do just the opposite.
MARY: Perhaps they ___________ (to throw) out at the next election.
NEIL: I hope so. Now, are you ready for supper?

**TASK 87. Read this letter from Maurice, who is on holiday in Britain, to his
sister Wendy in New Zealand. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable
tense form, active or passive.
Dear Wendy,
How are you? We've been having a lovely time. We're being very well looked after
by our hosts. We __________ (to take) sightseeing and we __________ (to
introduce) to some of their friends, who __________ (to make) us feel very welcome.
Last night we __________ (to show) round a castle, by the owner! Most of the land
in this area __________ (to belong) to his family for about five hundred years.
Apparently, the land __________ (to give) to them after one of his ancestors
__________ (to kill) while trying to save the king’s life. Quite romantic, isn't it?
The castle itself was a little bit disappointing, to be absolutely honest. The
owner told us that it __________ (to suffer) serious damage during a fire about thirty
years ago. When the building __________ (to restore) they __________ (to install)
central heating and things like that. So once you're inside, it __________ (not feel)
much different to any other large old house. But the owner if a real character. He told
us lots of stories about things that __________ (to happen) to him when he was
young. He __________ (to send) abroad to work in a bank, but he hated it, so he
__________ (to behave) very badly in order to __________ (to sack). He kept us
laughing for hours. I hope he __________ (to invite) here before we leave. I'll have
lots more to tell you when we get back.
Take care. Yours affectionately.

***TASK 88. Translate into English.

1. Я вже зібрав усі документи для продажу будинку. Чи може хто-небудь
віднести їх завтра нотаріусу, щоб їх підписали? Як тільки ці документи
будуть підписані, можна буде дати об’яву про продаж.
2. Я хочу розповісти тобі щось важливе. Але мені увесь час здається, що нас
підслуховують. – А тобі не здається, що за тобою слідкують? – Від наших
конкурентів можна чекати чого завгодно.
3. Ти чула, секретарку містера Дрисленда звільнили, тому що вона постійно
запізнювалася на роботу. Вона буде дуже здивована, коли узнає про це. Вона
очікувала, що її підвищать по службі і зроблять секретарем Генерального
4. Співробітники цього офісу працюють дуже погано. На телефонні дзвінки
вчасно не відповідають, відповіді на листи відсилають з тижневим
запізненням, у звітах припускаються грубих помилок. Цьому потрібно
негайно покласти край. Нехай це питання розглянуть якомога швидше.
5. У той час як місіс Джоунс була у лікарні, вона дуже непокоїлася за свій сад і
трьох котів, які залишилися вдома самі. Але коли вона повернулася додому,
вона побачила, що її квіти та овочі постійно поливали, за її котами гарно
доглядали та регулярно годували. Навіть трава на галявині була скошена.
Місіс Джоунс була дуже вдячна своїм сусідам за турботу.
6. Містер Краун, ви би не могли прийти зараз до поліцейської ділянки.
Людину, яку підозрюють у крадіжці машині, вчора було затримано і зараз
допитують. Поліція сподівається, що цю людину пізнають свідки злочину.
7. Коли ми були в Парижі, ми сподівалися побачити відому „Мону Лізу”. Але
нам сказали, що зал, де вона знаходиться, як раз у той день ремонтували, і
картину перенесли до сховища. Такі міри обережності (precautions)
приймаються постійно, тому що цю всесвітньо відому картину декілька
разів викрадали, і ніхто до сих пір не впевнений, чи експонується у Луврі
оригінал Леонардо чи його підробка.
8. Боюсь, що книжку, яку зараз шукають, не знайдуть ніколи. Її, мабуть,
загубили, коли бібліотека переїжджала у нову будівлю. Якщо вона не буде
знайдена, начальника відділу рідких книг змусять платити величезний
штраф, але все одно це не поверне цей унікальний рукопис.
9. Одразу видно, що ця ваза дуже дорога. Цікаво, скільки за неї було
заплачено. – Це не ваза. Це старовинна грецька амфора. Її знайшли під час
розкопок недалеко від Афін. На аукціоні Сотбі її оцінили у $ 300,000.
10.Вибачте, той кавовий сервіз, про який ви говорите, вчора було куплено. Але
якщо він вам дуже сподобався, такий самий можна заказати спеціально для
вас і доставити через два дні. Втім, у нас дуже великий вибір красивого
посуду, і вам можуть показати більше 50 сервізів різних дизайнів і
11.Гаррі, Кейт, як було порвано книгу? – Ми сперечалися, хто буде читати її
першим, і ненавмисно її порвали. – Вам не можна купувати гарні речі. Все,
що попадає у ваші руки, одразу ж забруднюється, ламається або губиться.
Коли ж ви подорослішаєте і зрозумієте, що з речами необхідно поводитися
12.Тебе часто посилають у відрядження? – Майже кожен місяць. Минулого
тижня мене посилали у Донецьк, три тижні тому я їздив у Львов. – А ти
знаєш, куди тебе пошлють наступного місяця? – Взагалі-то, план відряджень
складається на декілька місяців вперед, але іноді виникають термінові
питання, і мене просять виїхати до необхідного місця негайно.
13.Чому Сандра не була вчора на тренуванні? – Хіба ти не чула, її виключили із
нашого спортивного клубу. – За що? – Її звинуватили у крадіжці грошей із
роздягалень. – Не може бути! – На жаль, це правда. Її помітили, коли вона
діставала їх із чужої сумки. – Як це жахливо!
Complex Object is called so because it consists of two elements:
a) a noun or a pronoun in the objective case and
b) either an infinitive or Participle I or II.
Aunt Polly wanted Tom to whitewash the fence. (Tom – noun; to whitewash –
Heck saw him whitewashing the fence. (him - pronoun in the objective case;
whitewashing – Participle I)
COMPLEX OBJECT IS USED ONLY AFTER some definite verbs. They can be
grouped in the following way:
to see to hear to feel to sense to watch to observe to notice
Stanley saw Tom walking downstairs. (action in progress)
Stanley saw Tom walk downstairs. (completed action)
We watched the books being carried downstairs. (action in progress)
We watched the books carried downstairs. (completed action)
 Only bare infinitive is used after these verbs.
Petra heard her neighbours quarrel in the garden.
 Infinitive is used to show a completed action.
I noticed Jane water the flowers.
 Participle I is used to show an action is progress.
Dina felt Simon touching her hand.
 Participle II is used to express a completed action in the Passive Voice.
I noticed the flowers watered.
 If the verbs to see, to feel, to sense are used in the meaning to realize,
Complex Object is not used. A subordinate clause is used instead, e.g.
Stanley saw that Tom did not understand anything.
 If the verb to hear is used in the meaning to learn, Complex Object is not
used. A subordinate clause is used instead, e.g.
I heard that Professor Freeman had already published his new book.
 Sentences with Complex Object are translated into Russian/Ukrainian with
a subordinate clause, e.g.
Did you see the children leave for school? = Ти бачив, що діти пішли до
Cinderella saw the pumpkin turning into a carriage. = Попелюшка
бачила, як гарбуз перетворювався на карету.
to think to allow to press to suppose
to find to prefer to leave to encourage
to picture to expect to warn to command
to believe to order to persuade to understand
to help to invite to permit to suspect
to know to forbid to imagine
We thought Tim to be an honest man.
Della preferred John to read in the garden.
I found the book to be really boring.
Father ordered the books to be brought home
The mother believed her daughter to be reading in her room.
 Only to + infinitive is used after these verbs.
 In Modern English this structure is rather literary and not very common. It
is more natural to use a subordinate clause instead, e.g.
I though Brown to be an excellent choice for the position. (very formal)
I though that Brown was an excellent choice for the position. (more
to like to love to dislike to detest to hate to want to wish
to mean to intend to adore to desire would like cannot bare/stand
I disliked Tom to talk to me in that way.
We would like the books to be brought right now.
The teacher wanted the exercise to be done again.
 Usually to + infinitive is used after these verbs.
 Sometimes the verbs to want and to like are used with Participle I, e.g.
I don’t want you talking back to me. They didn’t like me leaving so early.
 To express an action in the Passive Voice to be + Participle II is used, e.g.
Petunia wanted Harry to be punished by Mr. Dursley.
4. Verbs “TO MAKE”, “TO HAVE” AND “TO LET”
 the verb “to let” is used in the meaning дозволяти;
 the verbs “to make” and “to have” are used in the meaning змушувати;
 Only bare infinitive is used after these verbs,. e.g.
Aunt Polly let Tom go to the river. = Тітка Полі дозволила Тому піти до
The mother made the boys eat more porridge. = Мати примусила
хлопчиків з’їсти ще каші.
The teacher had the class revise the rules before the test. = Вчитель
змусив клас повторити правила перед тестом.

*TASK 89. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or participle form.
1. Is Sue in the office today? – Yes. I saw her _________ (to type) a report as I
came in.
2. I walked past the lake yesterday. – So did I. I stood for a moment to watch
some children _________ (to feed) the ducks.
3. Marie is good at playing the piano, isn't she? – Yes. I heard her _________ (to
perform) in a concert last week. She was wonderful.
4. Is Paul at home? – No. I saw him _________ (to leave) for work as I passed
5. How do you know that Steve took the letter? – I noticed him _________ (to
put) it in his briefcase.
6. Did Malcolm wash up properly? – Yes, I watched him _________ (to do) it to
make sure.
7. Is that Joanne's fiancé? – Yes. I noticed them _________ (to hold) hands as
they went into the cinema.
8. Are there any children living next door? – Yes. I often hear them _________
(to play) as I'm hanging out the washing.
9. Did Sarah miss the train? – No, she didn't, I watched her _________ (get on)
the train before I left the station.
10.Which is the best route into the city centre? – It doesn't make much difference,
except I'd advise you _______ (not to use) the High Street during the rush
11.Is Mr. Wiseman free? – I don’t think so. I saw Mr. Saxild ________ (to come)
into his office half and hour ago. But I didn’t notice him ________ (to leave). I
do not recommend you ________ (to speak) to him now. He's in a foul mood.
12.My parents don’t let me ________ (to come) home later than 10 pm. They
make me ________ (to leave) the party when everyone else is still having fun.
I hate it! – Calm down and try to see their point. They worry about you. They
love you. Don’t let them ________ (to worry). Try to be considerate.
13.Did you expect Nick _________ (to pass) his exam? – Frankly speaking, I
didn’t. I saw him _________ (to make) cribs two days before the exam and I
thought it _________ (to be dishonest). – But I didn’t see him _________ (to
use) them during the exam. – I know and it makes me _________ (to feel)

*TASK 90. Combine two sentences using Complex Object where possible. Make
the necessary changes. Follow the example.
Example: Fred got off the bus. Jane noticed that. = Jane noticed Fred get off the
1. The robbers killed the cashier. I saw it with my own eyes.
2. Robert told a lie. Everyone heard that.
3. The Browns have moved their house at last. I heard it yesterday.
4. Alice was looking through the new issue of “Cosmopolitan” during the lecture.
The teacher noticed that.
5. Bob heard it again. Somebody was definitely crying in the dark.
6. The children were listening to music. Delia saw it through the crack of the
7. Derek heard a weak voice. Somebody called his name.
8. Flora noticed Tom. He was standing in the shadow of the fountain.
9. Fiona got embarrassed. Her cheeks flushed. She felt it and was horrified.
10. David’s hobby is bird watching. He likes to watch how they build nests and
feed their babies.
11. After that hard work Tom’s hands trembled. He could feel it.
12. The news upset Mary. Everyone could see that.
13. The children were throwing stones at a stray dog. The teacher saw that.

**TASK 91. Ask questions to the underlined words. Follow the example.
Example. Mary watched Paul leave the room. What did Mary watch Paul do?
1. Philip heard the girl in the blue coat address the salesman.
2. Peter felt the eyes of his fellow students rest on him.
3. Fleur saw the door of the living room open.
4. Steve wanted everyone to leave him alone.
5. We have never heard our granny speak about her childhood.
6. The mother made her son join the sports club.
7. Mum let me go to the party without asking questions.
8. Susan’s new hairdo makes her look young.
9. I have always expected them to leave for Canada.
10. Sheila didn’t hear Dick open the door.
11. James’ meaningful sigh made Tim drive faster.
12. The father didn’t let the children go for a walk.
13. Sarah’s boss makes her work at the weekends.

***TASK 92. Translate into English.

1. Бібліотекар не дозволила мені взяти необхідну книжку додому. Вона
пояснила, що ця книжка є в бібліотеці в єдиному екземплярі, та її не
можна виносити із читального залу.
2. Містер Адамс, ви говорите, що бачили, як грабіжник вилазив з вікна
будинку напроти. Як він виглядав? Ви можете описати цю людину? –
Боюсь, що ні. Було ще темно, чотири години ранку. У мене болів зуб, і я
не міг спати. Я почув, як хтось пройшов під моїми вікнами. Мені стало
цікаво, я встав з ліжка і подивися у вікно. Спочатку, я нічого не побачив і
став дивитися на зоряне небо. Через 15-20 хвилин я помітив, як з вікна
будинку напроти вислизнула темна тінь. Я одразу ж запідозрив щось
негарне і подзвонив у поліцію.
3. Я бачу, що ти не хочеш сказати мені всієї правди. Що змушує тебе
скривати від мене, що відбулося насправді? Дозволь мені допомогти тобі.
Хіба ти не бачиш, що ти не зможеш обійтися без чиєїсь допомоги?
4. Коли Джеральд відкрив очі, він зрозумів, що лежить на землі, обличчям
догори. Навколо було дуже тихо. Він здивувався, що не чує, як співають
птахи. Повернувши голову, Джеральд побачив, як мимо нього проходить
група солдат. Він побачив, що вони розмовляли, їх губи ворушилися. Але
він не чув ні єдиного звуку. „Я оглухнув від того жахливого вибуху”,
сказав він уголос. Свого голосу він також не почув.
5. Олівія почула, як заскрипіла хвіртка. Вона виглянула у вікно і побачила,
як стежиною до дому йшов листоноша. Вона змусила себе піднятися і
відкрити двері.
6. Викладач спостерігав, як студенти пишуть тест. Він побачив, як Джон
повернувся до Майкла, що сидів за ним. Потім Джон помітив, що містер
Тодд дивиться на нього, і знову почав писати у своєму зошиті.
Подивившись на задню парту, містер Тодд помітив, як Філіп щось
швидко сховав у кишеню. „Знову намагається користуватися
шпаргалками”, сказав собі містер Тодд. „А мені здавалося, що я змусив
його вивчити весь матеріал, і він буде більш впевнений у собі.”
7. Я чула, ваш син захворів. Що-небудь серйозне? – Слава Богові, ні. Він
просто простив під час лижної прогулянки. Зараз я змушую його пити
гаряче молоко з медом, а він цього не любить. Лікар вже дозволив йому
вставати з ліжка, і тепер він цілими днями проводить час перед
8. Повідомте нас, коли ви приїдете. Ми вас обов’язково зустрінемо. Ваш
поїзд приходить біля опівночі, а в цей час транспорт ходить дуже погано.
Ми будемо чекати, що ви подзвоните після того, як візьмете квітки.
9. Мати відчула, що сину не подобається його нова школа, але не
підозрювала, що все так погано. Вона не могла навіть припустити, що
нові однокласники її сина такі грубі та жорстокі діти. Вона бачила, що
кожен день хлопчик змушує себе йти до школи і завжди приходить
додому у поганому настрої. Вона зрозуміла, що треба щось негайно
10.Як ти можеш дозволяти собі так гаяти час. Я сьогодні чула, як ти півтори
години розмовляла по телефону зі своєю подружкою. Ти повинна
змушувати себе займатися, навіть якщо тобі цього не хочеться. Невже ти
не хочеш отримати гарну освіту?
11.Тоні помітив, як один з його учнів зробив грубу граматичну помилку. Він
розумів, що помилку хлопчика необхідно не тільки виправити, але й
пояснити, але не знав як. Це був перший відкритий урок (demonstration
lesson) Тоні, і він дуже хвилювався. Йому важко було одночасно
опитувати учнів і підтримувати (maintain) дисципліну в класі. Він бачив,
що не всі діти уважно його слухають та приймають участь в уроці, але не
знав, як йому виправити це становище.


No Infinitive Past Past Participle Present Translation

Indefinite Participle
1 to arise arose arisen arising підніматися,
2 to awake awoke, awoke, awoken awaking будити,
awaked прокидатися
3 to be was, were been being бути, знаходитися
4 to bear bore born, borne bearing виносити, терпіти,
5 to beat beat beaten beating бити
6 to become became become becoming ставати
7 to befall befell befallen befalling траплятися,
8 to begin began begun beginning починати
9 to bend bent bent, bended bending гнути
10 to bet bet, betted bet, betted betting сперечатися,
тримати парі
11 to bind bound bound binding зв’язувати,
12 to bite bit bit, bitten biting кусати
13 to bleed bled bled bleeding кровоточити
14 to blow blew blown, blowed blowing дути
15 to break broke broken breaking ламати
16 to breed bred bred breeding вирощувати,
виводити породу
17 to bring brought brought bringing приносити,
18 to broadcast broadcast broadcast broadcastin транслювати по
g радіо, телебаченню
19 to build built built building будувати
20 to burn burnt, burned burnt; burned burning палити, горіти
21 to burst burst burst bursting вибухати (сміхом),
22 to buy bought bought buying купувати
23 to cast cast cast casting плавити (метал),
розподіляти (ролі),
24 to catch caught caught catching ловити, схопити
25 to choose chose chosen choosing вибирати
26 to cling clung clung clinging горнутися,
27 to come came come coming приходити
28 to cost cost cost costing коштувати
29 to creep crept crept creeping повзти
30 to cut cut cut cutting різати
31 to deal dealt dealt dealing мати діло
32 to dig dug dug digging копати
33 to dive dived, dove dived diving пірнати
34 to do did done doing робити
35 to draw drew drawn drawing малювати
36 to dream dreamt; dreamt; dreaming мріяти
dreamed dreamed
37 to drink drank drunk drinking пити
38 to drive drove driven driving їхати на машині,
вести, гнати
39 to dwell dwelt dwelt dwelling жити, зупинятися
40 to eat ate eaten eating їсти
41 to fall fell fallen falling падати
42 to feed fed fed feeding годувати
43 to feel felt felt feeling відчувати
44 to fight fought fought fighting битися, боротися
45 to find found found finding знаходити
46 to flee fled fled fleeing рятуватися
47 to fling flung flung flinging кидати
48 to fly flew flown flying літати
49 to forbid forbade, forbidden forbid ding забороняти
50 to forecast forecast; forecast; forecasting передбачати
forecasted forecasted (погоду)
51 to foresee foresaw foreseen foreseeing передбачати
52 to foretell foretold foretold foretelling передбачати
53 to forget forgot forgotten forgetting забувати
54 to forgive forgave forgiven forgiving вибачати
55 to forsake forsook forsaken forsaking залишати
56 to freeze froze frozen freezing мерзнути,
57 to get got got getting отримувати
58 to give gave given giving давати
59 to go went gone going іти, ходити
60 to grind ground ground grinding молоти, точити
61 to grow grew grown growing вирощувати
62 to hang hung; hung; hanged hanging вішати, висіти
63 to have had had having мати
64 to hear heard heard hearing чути
65 to hide hid hidden hiding ховати
66 to hit hit hit hitting вдарити, лучити (в
67 to hold held held holding тримати (в руці),
68 to hurt hurt hurt hurting заподіювати біль
69 to inlay inlaid inlaid inlaying вистилати,
70 to interwove interwoven interweavin переплітати
interweave g
71 to keep kept kept keeping зберігати
72 to kneel knelt, knelt; kneeled kneeling ставати на коліна
73 to knit knit; knitted knit; knitted knitting в’язати (на спицях)
74 to know knew known knowing знати
75 to lay laid laid laying класти, накривати
на стіл
76 to lead led led leading вести за собою

77 to lean leant, leaned leant; leaned leaning спиратися,

78 to leap leapt; leaped leapt; leaped leaping стрибати
79 to learn learnt, learnt, learned learning вчити, вивчати
80 to leave left left leaving іти, їхати,
81 to lend lent lent lending давати в борг,
82 to let let let letting дозволяти, здавати
83 to lie lay lain lying лежати
85 to lose lost lost losing губити
84 to light lit, lighted lit, lighted lighting світити,
86 to make made made making робити,
87 to mean meant meant meaning значити, мати
88 to meet met met meeting зустрічати

89 to mislead misled misled misleading вводити в оману

90 to misspell misspelt; misspelt; misspelling неправильно
misspelled misspelled писати
91 to mistake mistook mistaken mistaking помилятися
92 to misunderstoo misunderstood misunderst неправильно
misundersta d anding розуміти
93 to mow mowed mown; mowed mowing косити
94 to overcome overcame overcome overcomin переборювати
95 to oversleep overslept overslept oversleepin проспати
96 to overtake overtook overtaken overtaking доганяти
97 to pay paid paid paying платити
98 to prove proved proved; proven proving доказувати
99 to put put put putting класти, ставити
100 to read read read reading читати
101 to retell retold retold retelling переказувати
102 to rewrite rewrote rewritten rewriting переписувати
103 to rid rid; ridded rid; ridded ridding позбуватися
104 to ride rode ridden riding їздити верхи
105 to ring rang rung ringing дзвонити
106 to rise rose risen rising підніматися
107 to run ran run running бігати, бігти
108 to saw sawed sawn, sawed sawing пилити
109 to say said said saying говорити, казати
110 to see saw seen seeing бачити
111 to seek sought sought seeking шукати
112 to sell sold sold selling продавати
113 to send sent sent sending посилати
114 to set set set setting встановлювати
115 to sew sewed sewed; sewn sewing шити
116 to shake shook shaken shaking трясти
117 to shave shaved shaved; shaven shaving голити, стригти
118 to shear sheared shorn; sheared shearing стригти
119 to shed shed shed shedding проливати (кров,
120 to shine shone shone shining світити
121 to shoe shod shod shoeing підковувати
122 to shoot shot shot shooting стріляти
123 to show showed shown, showed showing показувати
124 to shred shred; shred; shredding батувати; різати;
shredded shredded рвати на клаптики
125 to shrink shrank; shrunk shrinking скорочуватися,
збігатися (про
125 to shut shut shut shutting закривати
126 to sing sang sung singing співати
127 to sink sank sunk sinking поринати (у воду);

128 to sit sat sat sitting сидіти

129 to sleep slept slept sleeping спати
130 to slide slid slid sliding сковзати

131 to slit slit slit slitting розрізати у

довжину; нарізати
132 to smell smelt; smelt; smelled smelling пахнути, нюхати
133 to sow sowed sowed, sown sowing сіяти
134 to speak spoke spoken speaking говорити,
135 to speed sped, sped; speeded speeding прискорювати,
speeded поспішати
136 to spell spelt; spelled spell; spelled spelling писати, вимовляти
по буквах
137 to spend spent spent spending витрачати,
проводити (час,
138 to spill spilt, spilled spilt; spilled spilling проливати
139 to spin spun; span spun spinning прясти
140 to spit spat; spit spat; spit spitting плювати
141 to split split split splitting розщеплювати
142 to spoil spoilt; spoilt; spoiled spoiling псувати
143 to spread spread spread spreading поширювати
144 to spring sprang sprung springing вистрибувати,
розпрямлятися (про
145 to stand stood stood standing стояти
146 to steal stole stolen stealing красти,

147 to stick stuck stuck sticking приклеювати,

148 to sting stung stung stinging жалити
149 to stink stank stunk stinking погано пахнути
150 to strike struck struck striking завдавати удару,
151 to string strung strung stringing натягати
151 to swear swore sworn swearing клястися, лаяти
152 to sweep swept swept sweeping підмітати
153 to swell swelled swollen; swelling наливатися,
swelled набрякати
154 to swim swam swum swimming плавати
155 to swing swung swung swinging розгойдуватися
156 to take took taken taking брати, взяти,
вести, нести
157 to teach taught taught teaching вчити, викладати
158 to tear tore torn tearing рвати
159 to tell told told telling розповідати
160 to think thought thought thinking думати
161 to thrive throve, thriven, thrived thriving процвітати
162 to throw threw thrown throwing кидати, шпурляти
163 to thrust thrust thrust thrusting сунути, засовувати
164 to understood understood understandi розуміти
understand ng
165 to upset upset upset upsetting розстроювати,

166 to wake woke, waked woken; waked waking будити,

167 to wear wore worn wearing носити (про
168 to weave wove, woven, weaved weaving ткати
169 to weep wept wept weeping плакати, ридати
170 to win won won winning перемагати
171 to wind wound wound winding витися, звиватися;
172 to wring wrung wrung wringing вичавлювати;
173 to write wrote written writing писати

active voice активный (действительный залог) / активний
(дійсний) стан
adjective прилагательное / прикметник
adlink категория состояния/ категорія стану
adverb наречие/ прислівник
adverbial clause обстоятельственное придаточное предложение /
підрядне речення обставини
adverb of frequency частотное наречие / частотний прислівник
adverbial modifier обстоятельства / обставина
 of time  времени / часу
 of place  места / міста
 of manner  образа действия / способу діі
 of reason (cause)  причины / причини
 of concession  уступки / поступки
 of comparison  сравнения / порівняння
 of exception  исключения / виключення
 of condition  условия / умови
 of degree and measure  меры и степени / міри і ступені
 of attendant  сопутствующих обстоятельства и
circumstances and последующих событий / супровідних
subsequent events обставн і наступних подій
 result (consequence)  результата / результату
 purpose  цели / мети
affirmative sentence утвердительное предложение / стверждувальне
agreement согласование / узгодження
alternative question альтернативный вопрос / альтернативне
animate noun одушевленное существительное / одушевлений
apposition приложение / прикладка
 close смежное, примыкающее/ суміжне
 loose (detached) обособленное/ відособлене
attribute определение / визначення
attributive clause определительное придаточное предложение /
означальне підрядне речення
aspect аспект/аспект
asyndetical connection бессоюзная связь / безсполучниковий зв’язок
auxiliary verb вспомогательный глагол / допоміжне діеслово

bare infinitive инфинитив без частицы ‘to’/ інфінітив без
частки ‘to’
basic forms of the verb основные формы глагола / основні форми
cardinal numeral количественное числительное / кількісний
clause придаточное предложение / підрядне речення
collective noun собирательное имя сушествительное / збірний
common case общий падеж / загальний відмінок
common nouns нарицательные существительные / загальні
comparative degree сравнительная степень / порівняльний ступень
complex sentence сложно-подчиненное предложение /
складнопідрядне речення
complete sentence полносоставное предложение /
composite sentence сложное предложение / складне речення
compound nouns сложные существительные / складні іменники
compound sentence сложно-сочиненное предложение /
складносурядне речення
compound subjects подлежащее, выраженное синтаксически
цельным словосочетанием / підмет, виражений
синтаксично цільними словосполученнями
correlation корреляция / кореляція
compound nominal predicate составное именное сказуемое / складений
іменний присудок
compound verbal aspect составное глагольное аспектное сказуемое/
predicate складений дієслівний аспектний присудок
compound verbal modal составное глагольное модальное сказуемое /
predicate складений дієслівний модальний присудок
conjoint form зависимая форма/ залежна форма
conjunctive pronouns союзные (соединительные) местоимения /
союзні (сполучні) займенники
countable nouns исчисляемые существительные / обчислювальні
decimals десятичные дроби / десяткові дробі
demonstrative pronoun указательное местоимение / вказівний
derivative производное слово / похідне слово
detaching pronoun определительное местоимение / означальний
direct object прямое дополнение / пряме доповнення
direct speech прямая речь / пряма мова
disjunctive question разделительный вопрос/ розподілове питання
dummy subject формальное подлежащее / формальний підмет
durative verbs непредельный глагол / неграничне дієслово
dynamic verb глагол действия/ дієслово дії
emphasis эмфаза, усиление / емфаза, посилення
exclamation восклицание / вигук
exclamatory sentences восклицательное предложение/ окличне
extended sentence распространенное предложение /
розповсюджене речення
finite forms of the verb личные формы глагола / особисті форми
fractions простые дроби / прості дробі
frequency частота, частотность / частота, частотність
genitive case родительный падеж / родовий відмінок
gerund герундий/ герундій
general question общий вопрос / загальне питання
homogeneous members of однородные члены предложения / однорідні
the sentence члени речення
incomplete sentence неполное предложение / неповне речення
indefinite pronoun неопределенное местоимение / неозначений
indicative mood изъявительное наклонение/ дійсний спосіб
indirect object косвенное дополнение / непряме доповнення
imperative mood повелительное наклонение / наказовий спосіб
imperative sentence побудительное предложение / спонукальне
impersonal sentence безличное предложение / безособове речення
inanimate noun неодушевленное существительное / неживий
infinitive инфинитив (начальная форма глагола) /
інфінітив (початкова форма дієслова)
interrogative sentence вопросительное предложение / питальне
interrogative pronoun вопросительное местоимение / питальний
intransitive verbs непереходный глагол / неперехідне дієслово
introductory verb глагол, вводящий косвенную речь / дієслово, що
вводить непряму мову
irregular verb неправильный глагол / неправильне дієслово
link verb глагол-связка/ дієслівна зв’язка
main clause главное предложение / головне речення
main word головне слово
(verbs of )mental activity = глаголы умственной деятельности (восприятия)/
mental perception дієслова розумової діяльності (сприйняття)
modal verb модальный глагол / модальне дієслово
mood наклонение / стан
morphological морфологический / морфологічний
negative-interrogative вопросительно-отрицательное предложение /
sentence питально-негативне речення
negative pronoun отрицательное местоимение / заперечні
nominal sentences назывное предложение/ називне речення
nominative case именительный падеж / називний відмінок
non-perfect correlation неперфектная корреляция / неперфектна
non-finite forms of the verb неличные формы глагола / неособисті форми
noun существительное / іменник
noun-substitute; word- слово-заменитель / слово-замінник
notional verb основной глагол / основне дієслово
number число / число
numeral числительное / числівник
numerical expression числовое выражение / числове вираження
object дополнение / доповнення
objective case объектный падеж / об’єктний відмінок
omission опущение / опущення
ordinal numeral порядковое числительное / порядковий
participle причастие / дієприкметник
 present participle  причастие настоящего времени /
 past participle дієприкметник теперішнього часу
 причастие прошедшего времени /
дієприкметник минулого часу
participial constructions причастный (деепричастный) оборот /
дієприкметниковий (дієприслівниковий) зворот
passive voice страдательный залог / пасивний стан
perfect correlation перфектная корреляция / перфектна кореляція
person лицо / особа
personal pronoun личное местоимение / особові займенники
phrasal verbs фразовый глагол / фразове дієслово
plural множественное число / множина
polisyllabic adjective многосложное прилагательное /
багатоскладовий прикметник
positive degree положительная степень / позитивний ступень
possessive case притяжательный падеж/ присвійний відмінок
possessive pronoun притяжательное местоимение / присвійний
predicate сказуемое / присудок
predicative предикатив; именная часть составного
именного сказуемого / предикатив; іменна
частина складеного іменного присудка
present indefinite (simple) настоящее неопределенное время / теперішній
неозначений час
present continuous настоящее длительное время / теперішній
(progressive) тривалий час
present perfect настоящее совершенное время / теперішній
перфектний час
principal clause главное предложение / головне речення
principal member of the главный член предложения / головний член
sentence речення
pronoun местоимение / займенник
proper noun имя собственное / власний іменник
prepositional object предложное дополнение / прийменникове
qualitative adjective качественное прилагательное / якісний
quantifier квантификатор / квантифікатор
question word вопросительное слово / питальне слово
reciprocal pronoun взаимное местоимение / взаємний займенник
regular verb правильный глагол / правильне дієслово
reflexive pronoun возвратное местоимение / зворотний займенник
relative pronouns относительное местоимение / відносний
relative adjective относительное прилагательное / відносний
reported speech косвенная речь / непряма мова
reported question косвенный вопрос / непряме питання
request просьба / прохання
sense perception чувственное восприятие / почуттєве сприйняття
simple sentence простое предложение / просте речення
simple verbal predicate простое глагольное сказуемое / простий
дієслівний присудок
simple nominal predicate простое именное сказуемое / складений іменний
singular единственное число / однина
special question специальный вопрос / спеціальне запитання
statement утверждение / ствердження
stative verb глагол состояния / дієслово стану
stem of the verb (word) основа глагола (слова) / основа дієслова (слова)
subject подлежащее / підмет
subject-predicate unit грамматическая основа / граматична основа
subjunctive mood сослагательное наклонение /
syndetical connection союзная связь / союзний зв’язок
subordinate clause придаточное предложение / підрядне речення
succession of actions последовательность действий / послідовність
superlative degree превосходная степень / вищий ступінь
tag-question разделительный вопрос / розподільне питання
tense время (глагола) / час (дієслова)
tense form видо-временная форма глагола / видо-часова
форма дієслова
terminative verb предельный глагол / граничне дієслово
transitive verbs переходный глагол/ перехідне дієслово
uncountable noun неисчисляемое существительное /
необчислювальний іменник
unextended sentence нераспространенное предложение /
нерозповсюджене речення
unit of measurement единица измерения / одиниця виміру
universal pronouns универсальные местоимения / універсальні
verb глагол / дієслова
verbal sentence глагольное предложение / дієслівне речення
verbals = verbids неличные формы глагола / неособисті форми
voice залог / стан
word order порядок слов / порядок слів
‘yes-no’ question общие вопрос / загальне питання

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