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ERP is an acronym that stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP software saw phenomenal
interest from the corporate sector during the period 1995-2000. The ERP market is estimated to
be in excess of USD 80 Billion in the year 2000. Many analysts feel that today’s global business
environment - products and services customized to suit the individual needs of millions of
customers, deliver time-lines in a 24X7 basis - would have been impossible without such
enterprise software. Undoubtedly ERP represents one of the most complex and demanding
application software in the corporate environment. ex-: SCM, CRM, Manufacturers, Service
sectors, Marketing Researchers.

What is ERP?

ERP is a package software solution that addresses the enterprise needs of an organization by
tightly integrating the various functions of an organization using a process view of the

 ERP software is ready-made generic software; it is not custom-made for a specific firm.
ERP software understands the needs of any organization within a specific industry
segment. Many of the processes implemented in an ERP software are core processes such
as order processing, order fulfillment, shipping, invoicing, production planning, BOM
(Bill of Material), purchase order, general ledger, etc., that are common to all industry
 ERP does not merely address the needs of a single function such as Finance, Marketing,
Production or HR; rather it addresses the entire needs of an enterprise that cuts across
these functions to meaningfully execute any of the core processes.
 ERP integrates the functional modules tightly. It is not merely the import and export of
data across the functional modules. The integration ensures that the logic of a process that
cuts across the function is captured genuinely. This in turn implies that data once entered
in any of the functional modules (whichever of the module owns the data) is made
available to every other module that needs this data. This leads to significant
improvements by way of improved consistency and integrity of data.
 ERP uses the process view of the organization in the place of function view, which
dominated the enterprise software before the advent of ERP. PLAYERS-: JD

Need for Enterprise Resource Planning

Organizations today face twin challenges of globalization and shortened product life cycle.
Globalization has led to unprecedented levels of competition. To face such competitions,
successful corporations should follow the best business practices in the industry. Shortened life
cycles call for continuous design improvements, manufacturing flexibility, super-efficient
logistics control and better management of the entire supply chain. All these need faster access to
accurate information, both inside the organization and the entire supply chain outside. The
organizational units such as finance, marketing, production, human resource development etc.
need to operate with a very high level of integration without losing flexibility. ERP system with
an organization-wide view of business processes, business need of information and flexibility
meet these demands perfectly. One of the developments in computing and communication
channels is providing right integration among them.

Definition of ERP

Kumar et al. (2000) define enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as “configurable
information systems packages that integrate information and information-based processes within
and across functional areas in an organization” Nah et al. (2001) defines ERP as “An enterprise
resource planning (ERP) system is typically defined as a packaged business software system that
facilitates a corporation to manage the efficient and effective use of resources (materials, human
resources, finance, etc.) by providing a total integrated solution for the organization’s
information- processing requests, through a process-oriented view consistent across the
company.” 1.4 Evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
has evolved as a strategic tool, an outcome of over four decades. This is because of continuous
improvements done to the then available techniques to manage business more efficiently and
also with developments and inventions in information technology field.

Pre Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

stage Prior to 1960s businesses generally relied on traditional ways of managing inventories to
ensure smooth functioning of the organizations. ERP system has evolved from the Material
Planning System of 1980’s. The various phases of development of resource planning system in
relation to time and evolution of concept of ERP.
Benefits of ERP:

Business Integration: The reason ERP packages are called integrated is the automatic data up
gradation between related business components. In the case of ERP packages the data of related
business functions is also automatically updated at the time a transaction occurs. with this reason,
managers at different roles and designations are able to grasp business details in real time, and
carry out various types of management decisions in a timely manner and with more accurately
based on this information.
Flexibility: Diverse multi-functional environments such as language, currency, accounting
standards and so on are covered in one system and functions that comprehensively managed
multiple locations of company branches can be implemented automatically. To cope with
company globalization and system unification, this flexibility is essential, for development and
maintenance, but also in terms of management.

Better Analysis and Planning Capabilities: By enabling the comprehensive and unified
management of related business and its data, it becomes possible to fully utilize many types of
decision support systems and stimulation systems. It becomes possible to carry out flexibility and
in real time the feeling and analysis of data from a variety of dimensions, decision makers able to
the information what ever they want in time, thus enabling them to make better and informed

Use of latest Technology (IT). The ERP vendors were very quick to realize that in order to
grow and to sustain that growth: they have to implement the latest developments in the field of
information technology. So they quickly adopted their systems to take advantages of the latest
technologies like open systems, client server technology, internet/ intranet, computer aided
acquisition and logistics support, electronic commerce etc. It is this quick adaptation to the latest
changes in information technology that makes the flexible adaptation to changes to future
business environments possible. It is this flexibility that makes the incorporation of the latest
technology possible during the system customization, maintenance and expansion phases.

Reduced Inventory and Inventory Carrying Cost: ERP system allows customers to obtain
information on cost, revenues and margins, which allow it to better, manage its overall material
cost structure and lead to inventory reductions to the order of 20 per cent or better. This provides
not only a one time reduction in assets (cost of the material stocked), but also provides ongoing
savings of the inventory carrying costs, costs of warehousing, handling, obsolescence, insurance,
taxes, damage and shrinkage.
Reduced Manpower cost: Improved manufacturing practices lead to fever shortages and
interruptions and to less rework and overtime allows 10 per cent reduction in direct and indirect
labor costs. By minimizing rush jobs and parts shortages, less time is needed for expediting,
material handling, extra setups, disruptions and tracking splits lots odd jobs that have been set
aside. Production supervisors have better visibility of required work and can adjust capacity or
loads to meet schedules. Supervisors have more time for managing, directing and training

Reduced Material Costs: Improves procurement practices lead to better vendor negotiations for
prices, typically resulting in cost reductions of 5 per cent or better. Valid schedules permit
purchasing people to focus on vendor negotiations and quality improvements rather than
spending their time on shortages and getting material at premium prices. ERP systems provide
negotiation information, such as projected material requirements by commodity group and
vendor performance statistics. Giving suppliers better visibility of future requirements help them
achieve efficiencies that can be passed on as lower material costs.

Improves Sales and Customer Service: Sales people can focus on selling instead of verifying
or apologizing for late deliveries. In custom product environment, configurations can be quickly
identified and prices, often by sales personnel or even the customer rather than the technical
staff. Taken together, these improvements in customer service can lead to fewer lost sales and
actual increase in sales, typically 10 per cent or more. Corrective actions can be taken early such
as determining shipment priorities, notifying customers of changes to promise delivery dates, or
altering production schedules to satisfy demand.

Efficient Financial Management: Improves collection procedures can reduce the number of
days of outstanding receivables, thereby providing additional available cash. Credit checking
during order entry and improved handling of customer in quires further reduces the number of
problem accounts. Improved credit management and receivable practices typically reduce the
days of outstanding receivables by 18 per cent or better. Trade credit can also be maximized by
taking advantage by supplier discounts and cash planning, and paying only those invoices with
matching recipients. This can lead to lower requirements for cash-on- hand.

Related Technology of ERP:

When it comes time for your organization to evaluate ERP systems, whether you are replacing a
small business accounting package or an aging ERP, It is important to clarify the components.
Each piece (often called module) of the ERP system delivers different value for your
organization. To get the most from the full system, make sure your evaluation team understands
the fundamentals.

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