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1811562126 - Rashid Md Mamunur - 191c软工 - System analysis & Design

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of it.
1811562126 TP No./卷号:A 3. Object-oriented approaches use the industry standard for modeling object-
总分 oriented systems, called ( C ) to break down a system into a use case model.
A) Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Rashid Md B) HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Mamunur Hubei University of Technology C) Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Grade & Class 核分人
密 二 O 二一 —二 O 二二 学年第二学期期末考试 D) Vector Markup Language (VML)
2021 to 2022 Academic Year 2 Semester, Final Exam 4. When one class is created from another class it is called: ( A )
A) inheritance. B) dower.
(Retake) System Analysis and Design 试题/Test Paper C) parenting. D) settlement.
5. Which of the following is not an error when drawing a data flow diagram? ( B )
( 19lc 软工 1 用)开卷
A) All data flowing into a process or out of a process
IV. If the paper is not clear please ask the teacher for a new one.
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II. TSA, ID can not be altered
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(For 19lc 软工 1 ) Open-book

B) If the parent process has data flow connecting to a data store, the child diagram
may include the data store as well
Q C) Connecting data stores and external entities directly to each other
I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X D) Placing more than nine processes on a data flow diagram
Q 20 20 30 30 6. An external entity is called a source or ( A ) of data, and is considered to be
Result external to the study.
A) destination B) result
C) answer D) confusion

7.Which of these characteristics is most important to a systems analyst? ( B )
Notice: Student ID, TSA and Grade & Class are not filled properly, the paper is invalid.
A) communicator B) problem solver
C) programmer D) project manager
8. Which is not one of the four basic symbols used to draw data flow diagrams? ( C
Result I. Choice Questions (10 questions in total, 2 points for )
Reviewer each question, 20 points in total) A) rectangle with rounded corners B) arrow
C) an oval D) open-ended rectangle
9. The data dictionary may be used to create: ( D )
1. Which of the following is not a way in which systems projects are considered to
A) screens. B) reports.
be feasible? ( D )
C) forms. D) All of the above.
A) operationally B) technically
10. A ( A ) is a large collection of information that is larger than a data dictionary.
C) economically D) physically
A) repository B) schema
2. A primitive process is ( A )
C) data element D) data alias
A) a process that is not exploded to a child diagram.
B) the central process on a context level diagram.
Result C) a process that requires two or more data flow into it.
Reviewer D) a process that has only base elements flowing in or out
II. True/False (10 questions in total, 2 points for each question, 20 points in
total) v) A logical DFD can capture current and necessary activities required for a
( F )1. Analysts should have little interest in improving worker satisfaction with A current physical DFD depicts the current software, hardware, databases and
the system. people to carry out the activities, and new physical DFD models a new system
( F )2. Technical feasibility is dependent upon determining human resources for implementation.
the project. 2. What are the four basic symbols used in data flow diagrams.
( T )3. Along with managing time and resources, systems analysts must also Answer:
manage people. External Entity – Known as actors, sources or sinks, and terminators, external entities
( T )4. The data flow diagram may be used to analyze the proposed system. produce and consume data that flows between the entity and the system being
( F )5. An arrow is used to depict an external entity that can give and receive data diagrammed. These data flows are the inputs and outputs of the DFD. They can represent
from the system. another system or indicate a subsystem.
( T )6. Each external entity is labeled with a noun.
( T )7. The highest level data flow diagram is called Diagram 0. Process – An activity that changes or transforms data flows. Since they transform incoming data
( T )8. With a top-down approach, the diagrams move from specific to general. to outgoing data, all processes must have inputs and outputs on a DFD. Processes are typically
( T )9. Unbalanced decomposition means that the data flow to or from a parent oriented from top to bottom and left to right on a data flow diagram.
process does not match the data flow in or out of a child diagram.
( T )10. A clear name on a data flow diagram makes it easier to understand what Data Store – A data store does not generate any operations but simply holds data for later
the process is accomplishing. access. Data stores could consist of files held long term or a batch of documents stored briefly
while they wait to be processed
Data Flow – Movement of data between external entities, processes and data stores is
Result Ⅲ. Short Answer Questions (5 questions in total, 6
represented with an arrow symbol, which indicates the direction of flow. This data could be
Reviewer points for each question, 30 points in total)
electronic, written or verbal.
3.What is a context-level data flow diagram? Contrast it to a level 0 DFD.
1. What is the difference between a logical and physical data flow diagram? Answer: A context diagram is a diagram to conceptualize data flows within an
Answer: organization. It usually is a list of external entities, data flows, processes, which
i) Logical DFds focuses on the business and business activities. While a physical determines the boundary of the target system.
Dfds looks out on how a system is implemented.
ii) he logical diagram provides the “what” and the physical provides the “how.” 4.List the major sections of a use case.
iii) The logical DFD describes the business events that take place and the data The major sections of a use case are:
required for each event,It provides a solid basis for the physical DFD, i. Use case name
Physical Dfds which depicts how the data system will work, such as the ii. Description
hardware, software, paper files and people involved. iii. Trigger
iv) In logical DFDs, the data stores are collections of information, regardless of iv. Trigger type
how they’re stored. v. Input name and source
in physical DFDs, data stores are databases, computer files and paper files. vi. Output name and destination
vii. Steps performed
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viii. Information required for each step

5.List main phases of the systems development life cycle.

i. 1 Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives;
ii. 2 Determining human information requirements;
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iii. 3 Analyzing system needs; 密
iv. 4 Designing the recommended system;
v. 5 Developing and documenting software;
vi. 6 Testing and maintaining the system; Notice
vii. 7 Implementing and evaluating the system.

IV. If the paper is not clear please ask the teacher for a new one.
III. Student shall write TSA, ID, Grade & Class in corresponding blank
II. TSA, ID can not be altered
I. Do not answer on the left part of the Sealing Line 封

Result Ⅳ. Analysis questions (2 questions in total, 30 points in total)

1. Check the following DFD and point out the name of component which has error.
Expain the reasons. (10 points)

Process 2 has no input

The gross pay dataflow is

going in the wrong direction

Error 3: A data store should not directly connect to another data store.

Error 1: Connecting data stores and external entities directly to each other

process 1 has no output

Error 2: Forgetting to include a data flow or pointing an arrow in the wrong

direction: 2. A company intend to develop a Customer Order System. When regular customers
call orders on the phone, they are asked their phone number. When the number is
typed into a computer, the name, address, and last order date is automatically receipt Customer record, Total
brought up on the screen. Once the order is taken, the total, including tax and order amount due
delivery, is calculated. Then the order is given to the cook. A receipt is printed. 5 Deliver customer Coupons, product Delivery
Special offers (oupons) are checked in the coupons data to confirm if the customer order
can get a discount. A copy of the receipt and a coupon (if any) are delivered to the 6 Send order to Customer Order Cook order
customer. Weekly totals are kept for comparison with last year’s performance. cook
(1) Draw a context-level data flow diagram. (10 points) 7 Print weekly Order Summary record, Performance statistics
(2) Decompose the process of context-level DFD. Analyze and list the process and totals Customer Order
the corresponding input and output data flow for level 0 DFD in the table below.
You may add rows if necessary. (10 points)


No. Process Input data flow Output data flow

1 Find Customer Phone number, Customer information

record Customer record
2 Add Customer Customer information Customer record
3 Take customer Customer order, Total order amount due
order customer information,
product price
4 Print customer Customer order, Customer receipt

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