1811562126 - Rashid Md Mamunur - 191c软工 - System analysis & Design
1811562126 - Rashid Md Mamunur - 191c软工 - System analysis & Design
1811562126 - Rashid Md Mamunur - 191c软工 - System analysis & Design
of it.
1811562126 TP No./卷号:A 3. Object-oriented approaches use the industry standard for modeling object-
总分 oriented systems, called ( C ) to break down a system into a use case model.
A) Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Rashid Md B) HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Mamunur Hubei University of Technology C) Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Grade & Class 核分人
密 二 O 二一 —二 O 二二 学年第二学期期末考试 D) Vector Markup Language (VML)
2021 to 2022 Academic Year 2 Semester, Final Exam 4. When one class is created from another class it is called: ( A )
A) inheritance. B) dower.
(Retake) System Analysis and Design 试题/Test Paper C) parenting. D) settlement.
5. Which of the following is not an error when drawing a data flow diagram? ( B )
( 19lc 软工 1 用)开卷
A) All data flowing into a process or out of a process
IV. If the paper is not clear please ask the teacher for a new one.
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I. Do not answer on the left part of the Sealing Line
IV. If the paper is not clear please ask the teacher for a new one.
III. Student shall write TSA, ID, Grade & Class in corresponding blank
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I. Do not answer on the left part of the Sealing Line 封
Error 3: A data store should not directly connect to another data store.
Error 1: Connecting data stores and external entities directly to each other