Water Molecule Lesson Plan

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Heather Henchen Lesson Plan EDU 5170A Title: Water molecules

NETS.T Technology Standards 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers: a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS S. Teachers: a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources. 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers: c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning

NYS Chemistry Teaching Standards: Core Curriculum

Standard 1: Analysis Inquiry and Design Key Idea 3: The observations made while testing proposed explanations, when analyzed using conventional and invented methods, provide new insights into phenomena. S3.1 Use various means of representing and organizing observations (e.g., diagrams, tables, charts, graphs, equations, and matrices) and insightfully interpret the organized data.

Standard 2: Information systems Key Idea 1: Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information as a tool to enhance learning. Examples include: use the Internet as a source to retrieve information for classroom use, e.g., Periodic Table, acid rain Standard 6: Interconnectedness: Common Themes Key Idea 2: Models are simplified representations of objects, structures, or systems used in analysis, explanation, interpretation, or design. 2.2 Collect information about the behavior of a system and use modeling tools to represent the operation of the system. Standard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem solving Key Idea 2: Solving interdisciplinary problems involves a variety of skills and strategies, including effective work habits; gathering and processing information; generating and analyzing ideas; realizing ideas; making connections among the common themes of mathematics, science, and technology; and presenting results. If students are asked to do a project, then the project would require students to: work effectively gather and process information generate and analyze ideas observe common themes realize ideas present results Standard 4: The Physical Setting Key Idea 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity. 3.1 Explain the properties of materials in terms of the arrangement and properties of the atoms that compose them. i. use models to describe the structure of an atom 3.1b, 3.1c Key Idea 5: Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in motion. 5.2 Students will explain chemical bonding in terms of the behavior of electrons. i. demonstrate bonding concepts, using Lewis dot structures representing valence electrons: shared (covalent bonding) 5.2a, 5.2d

Performance indicator 5.2

Explain chemical bonding in terms of the behavior of electrons. Major Understandings: 5.2a Chemical bonds are formed when valence electrons are: shared between atoms (covalent) 5.2d Electron-dot diagrams (Lewis structures) can represent the valence electron arrangement in elements, compounds, and ions. 5.2j Electro-negativity indicates how strongly an atom of an element attracts electrons in a chemical bond. Electro-negativity values are assigned according to arbitrary scales. 5.2k The electro-negativity difference between two bonded atoms is used to assess the degree of polarity in the bond. 5.2l Molecular polarity can be determined by the shape of the molecule and distribution of charge. Symmetrical (non-polar) molecules include CO2, CH4, and diatomic elements. Asymmetrical (polar) molecules include HCl, NH3, and H2O. 5.2m Intermolecular forces created by the unequal distribution of charge result in varying degrees of attraction between molecules. Hydrogen bonding is an example of a strong intermolecular force. 5.2n Physical properties of substances can be explained in terms of chemical bonds and inter-molecular forces. These properties include conductivity, malleability, solubility, hardness, melting point, and boiling point.

To use molecular models to show covalent bonding, partial charges on an atom, and molecular geometry of a water molecule. Students should be receiving an overview of covalent bonding. To use model to show what makes water a good solvent. To explain how hydrogen bonding works in the body and provide an illustration using two water molecules to illustrate hydrogen bonding. To have students work with jmol java applets and see a space fill model, identify molecules, measure angstroms between oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a hydrogen bond. Have students complete a short multiple choice quiz on the material presented in class. Have students use Microsoft Paint to create an illustration of a water molecule.

Step 1: Write H2o on the whiteboard. Draw Lewis Structure. Diagram illustrated next.

Step 2 : Draw structure of water molecule on the whiteboard. Diagram illustrated next.

Step 3: Explain: Water molecule contains 1 oxygen atom, and 2 hydrogen atoms. The oxygen and water atoms are connected by covalent bonds. The oxygen atom is more electro-negative and wants to draw electrons towards it. Hydrogen atoms easily give up their electrons. This causes the water molecule to have a partial negative charge near the oxygen molecule, and a partial positive charge towards the hydrogen molecules.

These differences in charges cause water to have an asymmetrical charge which gives water molecules their polarity. We now know that water has what are called polar covalent bonds. These partial and negative charges are what give water its characteristics as a solvent. The oxygen atom is partially negatively charged, while the hydrogen portion of the molecule is negatively charged. Water is in aqueous solutions. Our body is made up roughly 70% water. When compounds enter the body, water surrounds them. The negative charge from the oxygen atom easily attracts positive portions of the compound and the hydrogen atoms are attracted to the negative portions of the compound. This is how water acts as a solvent and breaks up compounds that enter our bodies or that are put into solution. Refer to diagram. Show the molecular geometry. An obtuse angle is created in the water molecule. Water has a geometrical shape that is considered to be bent or angular. Have students think about the question: What is the measurement of this angle? They will find out the answer while doing the exercise.

Step 4: Draw a water dimer (two molecules of water loosely connected by a hydrogen bond). Diagram illustrated next.

Step 5: Explain. When two water molecules bond with one another they form what is called a dimer. Water molecules come together through what is called hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding is a weak to moderate force between a hydrogen atom that is covalently bonded to a very electronegative atom (such as an O, N, F) with a lone pair of electrons on another electronegative atom (such as O, N, F). Refer to diagram. Hydrogen bonding is represented by a dashed line. Units of length are measured in angstroms (which equals 10 -10 m). We will talk more about hydrogen bonding in future units. Strong hydrogen bonds give water there cohesiveness and surface tension. Give example: A raindrop is an example of water cohesion. A water bug skimming along the water surface is an example of surface tension.

Step 6: Have students go to my website for activity #1. Hand out worksheets for activities. http://student.plattsburgh.edu/hhenc001/ They should click on the link for what makes water a good solvent http://www.edinformatics.com/interactive_molecules/water.htm

Activity #1 instructions:
Have students break into groups of 2 or 3. Have students play with the first java applet. There is a 3-D representation of a water molecule. Have them follow the instructions to the right of the java applet. Essentially instructions are: 1) Rotate the water molecule by left clicking on the java applet image and use cursor. Zoom in and out using the middle button. 2) Change the CPK (the space fill of the molecule). This shows approximate size that the atoms take up in a molecular model. To do this right click on the mouse while it is in the image box, choose render, then choose scheme, then choose CPK spacefill. 3) Use left mouse button to rotate image. 4) Observe second illustration and observe the hydrogen bond. Notice it is represented by a dashed line.

If students choose, they can read the accompanying information, but that was essentially the material presented in class. 5) Go to the 3rd illustration box that contains two water molecules. Right click on the mouse, choose labels, choose with atom names. Atoms in the diagram should now be named. 6) Double click on the hydrogen 31 atom (H31), and then drag to the oxygen (O28). Double click again. The distance between the oxygen and hydrogen atom should be given. Record length here. ___________ angstroms (1.777 angstroms). 7) Measure the angles in one molecule. Double click on the first hydrogen atom of a molecule, once on the middle oxygen atom, and twice on the second hydrogen atom. Record angle measurement here ____________degrees (101.8). 8) Next scroll down to complete the multiple choice quiz located at the bottom of the page. (Skip the first 3 gill in the blank questions). Record answers here: 1) d 2) d 3) c 4) b 5) a

Collect activity #1.

Activity #2 instructions:
1) Open up PAINT by clicking in PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, PAINT. 2) Use paint to recreate a water molecule. The illustration must contain the following criteria: a) 1 oxygen atom, 2 hydrogen atoms b) Covalent bonds c) Charges d) Labels for atoms, bonds and bond angle e) Bond angle f) Name(s) Begin activity #2. If time does not allow it to be finished during the class period. Students should complete and save. Then email it to me at [email protected]. If students finish in time, they should print the completed illustration and hand in.

Methods of Assessment: Students will complete an activity using molecular modeling (jmol java applet) at http://www.edinformatics.com/interactive_molecules/water.htm . Students will be asked to record their findings on a worksheet, take a small quiz and hand in the results. Students will be assessed by completing an illustration of a water molecule by using the Microsoft PAINT program. The illustration of a water molecule made by the students, from the Microsoft paint program, should reflect a model that was discussed during the lesson. Parameters for the model replica are provided on a handout to students.

Works Cited: Ebbing, Darrell. Gammon, Steven. (1997). Text book: Chemistry, Fourth addition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. "Why is water such a good solvent?" The interactive library: Edinformatics.com. Web. 6/5/2011. http://www.edinformatics.com/interactive_molecules/water.htm

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