حل كتاب طالب انكليزي 11 سوريا

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layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.

net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Unit 1 Festivals
Eid Al-Adha in Syria
Eid Al-Adha marks the end of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca and is one of the Muslim
world’s most important festivals. It is sometimes translated into English as ‘The Feast of
Sacrifice’, and is a day of remembrance for all the kindnesses and the hardships in the world.
Families and communities throughout Syria gather early in the morning for communal prayers,
and people wear their finest clothes. Eid Al-Adha is a time for unity amongst Muslim
communities in Syria and throughout the wider world. It is a time to celebrate shared values,
virtues and faith. It is a day of family, rather than of public celebration, and often a chance to
see distant relatives. Large meals of traditional food are prepared and then shared by one’s
nearest and dearest. Syrian families often give one third of the meat from the meal to the poor.
Eid Al-Adha, as well as being a feast of thanksgiving, is a time of forgiveness. During the day,
people are encouraged to offer forgiveness to those who have done them wrong. This
symbolises the idea of a ‘new-start’ that is at the centre of Eid Al-Adha.
The Dragon Boat Festival
This festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, a Chinese government minister who lived more than
two thousand years ago. The people all loved Qu Yuan because he was a good man who
worked hard to make China a better country. He died by drowning in a river, and the festival
takes place every year on the anniversary of his death. It is celebrated in June all over China.
Thousands of people come to watch the Dragon Boat races, which are the most exciting part of
the festival. The boats are usually brightly painted and can be 35 metres long. The front of each
boat is a dragon’s head with an open mouth and the back is a dragon’s tail. Before the race
begins, eyes are painted on the dragons’ faces to bring them to life. The largest boats need 80
rowers, and at the front of each boat there is a drummer and a ‘flag catcher’. The winner of the
race is the first boat to catch the flag at the end of the course. The traditional food for the
festival is steamed rice balls filled with egg, beans, fruits, mushrooms, meat or a mixture of
New words
Annual ‫سنوي‬ Pilgrimage ‫الحج‬ Feast ‫مأدبة‬
Sacrifice ‫األضحية‬ Kindness ‫حنان –شفقة‬ Hardships ‫حرمان –مشقة‬
Communities ‫مجتمعات‬ Gather ‫تجتمع‬ Communal ‫العامة‬
Prayers ‫الصلوات‬ Unity ‫وحدة‬ Values ‫القيم –الفضيلة‬
Virtues ‫ العفة‬-‫الطهارة‬ Forgiveness ‫التسامح‬ Encourage ‫يشجع‬
Symbolise ‫الرمز‬ Drown ‫يغرق‬ Anniversary ‫احتفال سنوي‬
Tail ‫ذيل‬ Rowers ‫ُمجذفين‬ Beans ‫حبوب‬
Mushrooms ‫فطر‬ Population ‫عدد السكان‬ Currency ‫عملة متداولة‬
Crude ‫مادة الخام‬ Refined ‫ منقى‬-‫مكرر‬ Products ‫منتجات‬
Manufactured ‫ُمصنع‬ Textiles ‫نسيج‬ Intricate ‫معقد –صعب الحل‬
Commemorate ‫يحيي ذكرى–يحتفل‬ Breeze ‫نسيم‬

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Answer these questions :
a When does each festival take place?
b What does each festival celebrate, and why?

a Eid Al-Adha takes place at the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca.
The Dragon Boat Festival takes place every year on the anniversary of the death of a Chinese
government minister.
b Eid Al-Adha celebrates the end of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca and remembers the
positive and negative things that happen in the world.
The Dragon Boat Festival celebrates the life of a man called Qu Yuan, who was good and
worked hard to make China a better country.

Complete these sentences about the festivals using 1 or 2 words.

a Families gather early to ………... (1 word)
b Meals of ……….food are ……….for the feast. (2 words)
c ………….people and giving to the……….. are a central part of Eid Al-Adha. (2 words)
d The dragon boats are……….. in bright colours. (1 word)
e The boats have a ………. ………….and tail. (2 words)
f The first boat to catch the flag at the end of the course is………….of the race. (2 words)

Answers : a pray b traditional / prepared c Forgiving / poor

d painted e dragon’s head f the winner

Match these words from the recording with their meanings.

a intricate 1 a period of public celebration that takes place at a regular time each year
b festivities 2 imaginative or fanciful; extraordinary
c commemorate 3 someone or something that comes from Tibet
d breeze 4 very complicated or detailed
e Tibetan 5 the celebration of something in a joyful and exuberant way
f fantastic 6 to mark or celebrate a special occasion
g carnival 7 a gentle wind

Answers: a 4 b5 c6 d7 e3 f2 g1

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Abilities and achievements
‫ حيث إنها تعبر عن إمكانية حدوث الشيء أو‬.‫( اإلستخدامات نفسها‬be able to) ‫( و‬could) ‫(و‬can ) ‫لألفعال المساعدة‬
:‫( مثال‬to) ... ‫تُتبع هذة األفعال دائما بفعل مجرد دون‬. ‫القدرة على القيام به أو طلب اإلذن لعمل شيء ما‬
She can lend you a hand at any time
She could lend you a hand at any time
She was able to lend you a hand at any time
:‫ مثال‬... ‫( في الزمنين الحاضر والمستقبل‬could) ‫( و‬can) ‫يُستخدم كل من‬-
Can I eat this apple ?
Could I eat this apple ?
. ‫( للتعبير عن القدرة على القيام بعمل ما في زمن الماضي‬could – managed to – was/ were able to ) ‫نستخدم‬
‫( تدل على‬was /were able to –managed to ) ‫أما‬, ‫( لتدل على قدرة عامة على القيام بعمل ما‬could ) ‫عادة نستخدم‬
. ‫قدرة في موقف محدد فقط‬

Which underlined verbs refer to general ability, and which refer to ability on one
a I can’t drive, so I didn’t hire a car.
b I couldn’t even see the people standing around me.
c We couldn’t afford to fly home, so we decided to go by train.
d We couldn’t speak the language very well.
e The power went on again and the train was able to start.
f Fortunately, he managed to start the engine and drove me to my hotel.

Answers: a general ability b ability on one occasion

c ability on one occasion d general ability
e ability on one occasion f ability on one occasion

Which one of these sentences has a mistake?

a After two hours, we managed to open the window and climb out.
b After two hours of standing in the aisle, I could find a seat.
c I could ride a horse when I was six years old.
d We tried very hard but we couldn’t open the door.
e After a lot of effort, we were able to open the door.

Answers: sentence b
In sentence b, could is wrong – the correct sentence would be …I was able to find a seat OR I
managed to find a seat.
Explain that could means ‘knew how to’. In sentence b, the speaker had been trying to find a
seat, so he was making some effort in the situation.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Complete this short story using could, couldn’t or managed to in each gap.
When I arrived in Scotland to celebrate New Year’s Eve with my aunt and uncle, I (1)……..
wait to see the world-famous Hogmanay festivities for myself. I (2)……… hear the sound of
bagpipes as soon as I stepped onto the main street in Edinburgh. My aunt and uncle (3)………
find a nice café for us to meet in before the celebrations began at 10.00 p.m. I (4) ………hide
my excitement at seeing the sky filled with fireworks at midnight. There were people waving
flags everywhere and we (5)………. see families singing traditional Scottish songs near the
museum. I (6)……… take lots of photos of the fireworks before the festival ended.

Answers: 1 couldn’t 2 could 3 managed to 4 couldn’t 5 could

6 managed to (this is used instead of could as it refers to a particular occasion, i.e. the ending of
the festival)
a Match the verbs in italics below with the correct meanings A–F.
1 The lights went out and everything was completely black.
2 This went on for about ten minutes.
3 When the fire bell went off, the students had to leave the classroom.
4 My family’s going away for two weeks in the summer.
5 The price of bread has gone up again.
6 I got up late, so I had to go without breakfast this morning.
A suddenly (start to) make a noise
B increase
C leave home
D stop shining
E not have
F continue

Answers: 1 D 2F 3A 4C 5B 6E
Go out ‫ ينقطع‬Go on ‫ يستمر –ذو صلة مع‬Go off ) ‫يدق فجأة (دق‬
Go away ً‫ يذهب بعيدا‬Go up ‫ يرتفع‬Go without ‫يذهب بدون‬
Go to ‫يذهب إلى‬

b Work in pairs. Think of possible answers to these questions.

1 Why do fires go out?
2 What makes car alarms go off?
3 Why do prices go up or go down?
4 What happens if you go without food?

Answers :
1 because water is thrown on them; because everything is burnt
2 when someone tries to break into the car; when someone goes too near the car by accident
3 when the government increases or reduces tax; when there is a surplus or shortage; when
there is competition with another retailer
4 you feel hungry; you lose weight; your body doesn’t work properly

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Some adjectives have a stronger meaning than others.
a Match a normal adjective with one that has a stronger meaning.
Normal 1 big 2 difficult 3 tired 4 frightened 5 angry 6 nice 7 small 8 surprised
Strong a wonderful b astonished c enormous d impossible e exhausted f tiny
g furious h terrified

Answers : 1 c 2d 3e 4h 5g 6a 7f 8b

b Which words – ‘normal’ or ‘strong’ – can we use with very?

Which words can we use with absolutely?

Answers : We can use very with all the words in list 1–8.
We can use absolutely with all the words in list a–h.

c Write responses to these sentences in your notebook.

1 Syria’s a nice country, isn’t it?
2 That exam was difficult, wasn’t it?
3 You’re angry, aren’t you?
4 I was frightened by that film, weren’t you?
5 You were surprised, weren’t you?

Answers : 1 Nice? It’s absolutely wonderful.

2 Difficult? It was absolutely impossible.
3 Angry? I’m absolutely furious.
4 Frightened? I was absolutely terrified.
5 Surprised? I was absolutely astonished.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Unit 2 Family celebrations
Complete these sentences with the correct form of one of these verbs:
Change have make sign
a We decided to a……….. special celebration for our brother.
b If you want to talk to everyone, you have to ……….places from time to time.
c The man’s eldest son ………….a short speech during the celebration.
d Everyone …………a card to wish the couple a happy wedding anniversary.

Answers : a have b change c made d signed

: ‫يستخدم الماضي التام ليدل على‬
.‫حدثين وقعا في الماضي الذي جرى أوالً نضعه في الماضي التام والثاني في الماضي البسيط‬-1
-Maher had already eaten his lunch when I arrived .
after –before –when ‫يجوز لك استخدام الماضي البسيط في كال الجملتين عندما يكون الرابط‬-2
-Before Maher left ,he (had) called me on the phone.
.‫مع صيغة التفضيل الثالث‬, ‫حدث وقع ولكن لم يقع مثله قط في حياتك‬-3
-It was the most difficult problem I had never solved.
until ‫ودليلها‬, ) ‫جملة منفية (وقعت‬
-Until last year I had never heard about your problem .
. ‫ في جملتين في الماضي أحدهما منفية‬/ until / ‫توقف حدوث حدث على آخر بدليل‬-4
-The plants didn't grow until the gardener had watered them.
would +have +p.p ‫وجواب الشرط‬, ‫جملة الشرط من النوع الثالث يكون فيها الزمن الماضي التام‬-5
-If you had studied ,you would have succeeded.
/already – ‫( في الجملة وكانت الجملة الثانية ماضي بسيط فتصبح جملة‬already –never –ever) ‫إذا وجدت‬: ‫مالحظة‬
. ‫ في زمن الماضي التام‬ever –never/
-When Omar arrived to the hospital his wife had already given a birth to a child.
. ‫نتيجة في الماضي الزمن الذي أوصل إليه ماضي تام‬-6
Ali was sad because he had failed the exam .

Complete these sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets.
a They………. (watch) the film, although they………. (already see) it three times.
b The air conditioning…….. (break), so we all ………..(feel) very uncomfortable.
c He ………(never eat) Syrian food before, but he really ………..(enjoy) it.
d The next morning, the streets ……..(be) dusty because there…….. (be) a sandstorm.

Answers : a watched, had already seen b had broken, felt

c had never eaten, enjoyed d were, had been

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Complete this table with words from the list below
Person Action Thing
a painter paint painting
b musician composer play compose music
c playwright write plays
d singer sing songs
e author write books

Which of the two meanings fits the words in italics in these sentences?
a The head of the tribe has five sons.
head 1 part of the body 2 leader, most important person
b He comes from a very high–class family.
class 1 social group 2 group of students who learn together
c I’ve eaten as much as I can – I’ll have to leave the rest.
rest 1 part of something that is left 2 period of relaxation
d They live a very simple life.
simple 1 easy, not difficult 2 natural, not complicated
e Swimming is a form of exercise.
form 1 style, kind 2 written document with spaces to write in

Answers : a 2 b1 c1 d2 e1

Unit 3 Meeting places

Coffee houses
Where do business people go these days to find out the latest business news or to keep up to
date with scientific developments? The answer is simple: they log on to the Internet. Three
hundred years ago, the answer was just as simple: they went to a coffee house. There, for the
price of a cup of coffee, people could read newspapers, catch up on the latest news, listen to
scientific lectures, do business or simply chat about the state of the world.
The European coffee houses of the early 1650s were mainly for businessmen, writers,
politicians and scientists. Like today’s websites, coffee houses were exciting places to be, but
you could never be sure that information you found there was accurate. In the early days, only
men went to coffee houses because people thought that coffee was bad for women’s health.
Coffee itself was first grown in Ethiopia, where people chewed the beans. From there, it
spread to Arab countries, where it soon became very popular as a drink. People liked it because
it had an interesting taste and gave them more energy when they felt sleepy.
The first coffee house in London was opened in 1652 by Pasqua Rosee, who was from
Smyrna, in Turkey. Coffee was an immediate success and large numbers of coffee houses
opened. They became the centre of social life in London.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
The servants of important men went from one coffee house to another, and passed on the latest
news stories about what politicians were doing or what was happening on the other side of the
world. London coffee houses were very pleasant places, with their bookshelves, mirrors,
pictures on the walls and good furniture. They were calm places where people talked politely to
each other. If anyone started an argument, he had to buy a drink for everyone in the coffee
During the next hundred years, coffee spread to other western European countries, where, at
first, people drank it as a medicine. Soon it became a social drink, just as in Arab countries
and Britain. In Syria, serving and drinking coffee have been at the heart of the country’s famous
hospitality for centuries. Conversations, discussions and transactions are made over a cup of
delicious Syrian coffee. A guest’s coffee cup is never empty in a Syrian home; only when the
guest tips the empty cup from side to side does the host stop refilling it with hot, black coffee.
The beans are ground with cardamom seeds, which gives the coffee a distinctive fragrance.
Coffee is still central to the way people work, relax and socialise in Syria, as well as across the
rest of the world.

New words
Keep up to date ‫يبقى على تواصل مع‬Catch up on ‫يلحق –يتابع‬ Accurate ‫دقيق‬
Chew ‫ يمضغ‬Spread ‫ينتشر‬ Hospitality ‫حسن الضيافة‬
Discussion ‫ مناقشة‬Transaction ‫نقل‬ Tips ‫يقلب –يميل‬
Refilled ‫ يمأل‬Cardamom ‫حب الهال‬ Seeds ‫حبوب‬
Distinctive ‫ مميز‬Lecture ‫محاضرة‬ Debating ‫يناقش‬

Decide whether these statements are True or False. Correct the false statements.
a People first drank coffee in Ethiopia.
b Coffee became popular in Arab countries because it helped people to sleep.
c Coffee was first brought to England by someone from Turkey.
d Coffee is an insignificant part of Syrian hospitality.
e There were frequent arguments and fights in London’s coffee houses.
f In Europe, people used coffee as a medicine before it was a drink.

Answers :
a False. People first drank coffee in Arab countries.
b False. Coffee became popular because it gave them more energy.
c True.
d False. Coffee is a significant part of Syrian hospitality.
e False. They were calm places.
f True.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Match the words a-f with the correct meanings 1-6.
a accurate 1 educational talk about a particular subject
b chew 2 liquid or pills doctors give to ill people to make them better
c furniture 3 move from one place to another
d lecture 4 correct / truthful
e medicine 5 chairs and tables are examples of this
f spread 6 break up food in your mouth before you swallow it

Answers : a 4 b6 c5 d1 e2 f3

Think of possible answers to these questions.

a Why do you think London’s first coffee house was opened by someone from Turkey?
b Why do you think important men sent their servants to other coffee houses instead of
going themselves?
c Why do you think people who started an argument had to buy drinks for everyone else in
the coffee house?

Answers :
a Coffee was already popular in Turkey and perhaps the Turkish man wanted to introduce it as
a business venture in London.
b Because it would take up too much time for the businessmen to go themselves.
c To discourage customers from starting arguments.

What do the underlined words in these sentences from the article on page 27 refer to?
a … they went to a coffee house. (line 5)
b … you could never be sure the information you found there was accurate. (line 14)
c From there, it spread to Arab countries... (line 19)
d They became the centre of social life in London. (line 27)
e If anyone started an argument, he had to buy a drink for everyone… (lines 36 – 38)

Answers :
a they = businessmen 300 years ago
b there = in coffee houses
c there = Ethiopia; it = coffee
d they = coffee houses
e he = the person who starts the argument

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Third conditional
If +s+ had +p.p+ rest , s+ would +have +p.p +rest
If you had come early ,you would have met my father .
. ) ‫ألنه مستحيل (مستحيل تحقيقه‬. ‫ال يمكن ان يتحقق هذا النوع من الشرط‬. ) ‫دائما ً يترجم ب (لو كنت قد‬
. ‫وتقلب بين الفاعل والفعل وتبقى الجملة شرطية‬if ‫يجوز لك في هذا الشرط أن تحذف‬
Had you played well ,you would have won the game.

Complete these conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
a If Ahmad…….. (not eat) so much food at the party, he ………(not become) so ill.
b If she …..(not visit) her family in Manbij, she ……….(not see) her cousins before the
summer holiday.
c If they ………(not buy) a ticket for the concert, they ……..(not be) able to get the singer’s

Answers: a hadn’t eaten - would not have become

b hadn’t visited - wouldn’t have seen
c hadn’t bought - wouldn’t have been able to

In English, there are several verbs which refer to different ways of ‘talking’.
a Choose the correct verb to complete these sentences.
1 I of ten spend hours agreeing / debating / approving with my friends.
2 It’s good to discuss / speak / talk your future plans with your parents.
3 Best friends should not argue / discuss / talk with each other.
4 A scientist is here t o chat / speak / tell to us about his subject.
5 Can you say / talk / tell me your email address, please?
Answers : 1 debating 2 discuss 3 argue 4 speak 5 tell

b Copy and complete these sentences with one of the verbs from 1a, then discuss the
questions with a partner.
1 How long do you spend with your friends on the phone?
2 Who do you your plans with?
3 Do you ever with your friends?
Answers : 1 debating 2 discuss 3 argue
Feelings: to feel thirsty, etc.
If people feel sleepy, they need to sleep. What do they need to do in the following
a if they feel hungry?
b if they feel thirsty?
c if they feel lonely?
d if they feel ill?

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Answers: a They need to eat.

b They need to drink
c They need to find some friends.
d They need to see a doctor.

Review 1, units 1-3

Complete sentences 1–5 with the correct forms of these verbs:
could couldn’t managed to
1 There were people in front and behind. We ………move in any direction.
2 All we ……….do was wait until the queues shrank.
3 Although it was very crowded, I ……….go and get a drink.
4 After an hour, the queue started to move but my uncle……….. find the tickets. He’d lost
5 In the end, he ………..buy new ones from the ticket office.

Answers : 1 couldn’t 2 could 3 managed to 4 couldn’t 5 managed to

Complete this story with one of the verbs from the list. Use the past simple or the past
bake blow up paint applaud smell can not
make look compose play want cook
We (1 ) ……….our grandparents’ wedding anniversary to be a wonderful celebration. My
mother and I (2) ……….a cake the night before and my cousins (3)……… the decorations. The
house (4) ………wonderful – my cousins (5)……… forty balloons, one for each year of my
grandparents’ marriage, and (6) ……….large banners with the word CONGRATULATIONS
on them. My aunts (7)…….. so much food by the time everything was ready. It (8) ……
delicious! When my grandparents arrived at the house at seven in the evening, they (9)…….
stop smiling. My brother (10)……….. a piece of music a few weeks ago, especially for the
occasion. He (11)……… it on the piano and everyone (12)……… at the end.

Answers : 1 wanted 2 had baked 3 had made 4 looked

5 had blown up 6 had painted 7 had cooked 8 smelt
9 couldn’t 10 had composed 11 played 12 applauded
Rewrite these pairs of sentences as third conditional sentences.
Muhanad and Wissam lost their tickets, so they didn’t go to the theatre.
If they hadn’t lost their tickets, Muhanad and Wissam would have gone to the theatre.
a Ali lost his watch, so he missed the start of the film.
b Ahmad didn’t get to the football match on time. There was a traffic jam in the city.
c There was a sandstorm at the airport yesterday, so our plane couldn’t take off.
d I didn’t travel to the Rio Carnival because I didn’t have enough money.
e He fell over because he hadn’t seen the crack in the pavement.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Answers :
a If Ali hadn’t lost his watch, he wouldn’t have missed the start of the film.
b If there hadn’t been a traffic jam in the city, Ahmad would have got to the football match on
c If there hadn’t been a sandstorm at the airport yesterday, our plane could have taken off.
d If I had had enough money, I would have travelled to the Rio Carnival.
e If he had seen the crack in the pavement, he wouldn’t have fallen over.

Now write your own sentences about these situations.

a Read about Talaa and Khaled, and write sentences about what you would have done in
the same situations.
1 Talaa arrived home and found that she didn’t have her door key. Nobody was at home. She
sat and waited for her parents to come home – an hour later!
2 When Khaled arrived at school, he found that he had left some of his school books at home.
He didn’t have time to go home to get them, so he phoned a taxi and asked the driver to go to
his home and bring the books back to school for him.

Answers :
1 I’d have gone to a friend’s house; I’d have phoned my parents
2 I’d have gone home again; I’d have phoned my parents; I’d have told the teacher

Choose the best adjectives in these sentences.

a We had a great family picnic. The weather was very good / perfect.
b When I heard I had been selected for the basketball team I was absolutely astonished /
c There were so many people that it was absolutely difficult / impossible to see the dancers at
the festival.
d There’s a very big / enormous sports centre in the city centre.
e He had an absolutely bad / terrible journey home. Everything went wrong.
Answers : a good b astonished c impossible d big e terrible

Write these words in your notebook.

a What is the word for someone who ...
1 writes novels?
2 sings songs?
3 writes plays?
4 composes music?
5 paints paintings?
6 plays a musical instrument?

Answers : 1 author / novelist 2 singer 3 playwright

4 composer 5 painter 6 musician

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Unit 4 Broadcasting
A short history of broadcasting
A German physicist, Heinrich Hertz, discovered radio waves in 1888, and eight years later an
Italian engineer, Guglielmo Marconi, designed a system which could transmit radio signals to
anywhere in the world in less than a second. Until this time, messages could only be sent short
distances along telegraph wires, and messages which were sent to other countries could take
months. Because radio signals do not need wires, the first name for the radio was the ‘wireless’,
which means ‘without wires’.
The first public radio broadcast in Syria was made in 1947 by Syrian Radio. It began with the
famed line: ‘‘This is Damascus!’’ At first, most broadcasts were news programmes, but soon
music and other entertainment programmes were also broadcast. The early radios, which were
in large wooden cases, were heavy to lift. In the 1950s, scientists invented transistors, and
radios became much smaller. People who could afford battery-powered portable radios carried
them around so that they could listen to their favourite programmes wherever they were.
The first television system was developed in 1926 by John Logie Baird, who was a Scottish
inventor. Ten years later, the BBC* started broadcasting a few regular TV programmes in
Britain. The first television sets, which were very expensive, had small screens with black and
white pictures. In 1951, the first colour broadcasts were made, but it was not until twenty years
later that most people had colour televisions in their homes. In the 1970s and 1980s, people
bought video recorders, so that they could record television programmes. In the 1990s and
2000s, digital TV, satellite and cable television systems have given people a wider choice of
television channels, and DVDs are replacing videos.
People have always worried about new inventions. In the 1960s, they thought that television
would replace radio, and in the 1970s they were sure TV and video would damage the film
industry, but these things have not happened.
* BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation

New words
Broadcasting ‫النشر اإلذاعي‬ Physicist ‫فيزيائي‬ Engineer ‫مهندس‬
Design ‫يصمم‬ Transmit ‫ينقل‬ Wires ‫أسالك‬
Signal ‫اشارة‬ Famed ‫سمعة‬ Transistors ‫ترانزستور‬
Portable ‫قابل للحمل أو الثقل‬ Inventor ‫مخترع‬ Damage ‫يضر‬

Complete these sentences using 1–3 words.

a Heinrich Hertz was a ………. ………... (2 words)
b Before the invention of radio, people used telegraph wires to send messages…….. ……….. .
(2 words)
c In 1947, Syrian Radio………………. its first programme. (1 word)
d The first radios were in big wooden cases and were not easy to …………. (1 word)
e In the 1950s radios became smaller because scientists…………….. . (2 words)

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
f The power for portable radios came from………….. . (1 word)
g John Logie Baird developed the……………….. . (3 words)

Answers :
a German physicist
b short distances
c transmitted / broadcast
d lift
e invented transistors
f batteries
g first television system

Find words in the article with these meanings. Paragraph numbers are in brackets.
a to send out radio or TV signals (1)
b another word for radio (1)
c programme sent out by radio or TV (2)
d adjective to describe something that people can carry (2)
e glass surface where TV pictures appear (3)
f to make a copy of music, radio or TV programme on cassette or video (3)
g object in space which sends television programmes to Earth (3)
h radio or TV station (3)

Answers : a transmit b wireless c broadcast (noun) d portable

e screen f record g satellite h channel

Copy and complete these lists with the nouns and verbs from the article.
Noun Verb
a transmission transmit
b development develop
c choice choose
d invention invent

Complete these sentences with periods of time.

a There are 1 2 in a year.
b There are 52 weeks in a .
c There are 24 hours in a .
d There are 28 days in the shortest .
e There are 60 seconds in a .

Answers : a months b year c day d month e minute

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
: ‫تستخدم روابط الوصل لتربط بين جملتين على الشكل التالي‬
who ‫للعاقل نستخدم‬-1
‫بعد أن نحدد العائد عليه في الجملة األولى نضع الرابط ثم نكمل الجملة‬
: ‫ عندما يدخل الرابط يقوم بحذف ضمير أو اسم من الجملة الثانية‬: ‫مالحظة‬
:‫أو األسماء التي تحل محلها مثال‬I /she /he /you /they /we ‫ أو‬me /him /her/you/ us/them ‫تحذف‬Who
The girl is happy . She won the race .
The girl who won the race is happy .
‫ إذا حل ضمير الوصل بدل الفاعل ال يمكن حذفه بينما إذا حل مكان المفعول به يمكن حذفه والضمير العائد عليه‬:‫مالحظة‬
.ً ‫أيضا‬
I like clothes which are comfortable and make me feel relaxed.
‫ألنها حلت مكان الفاعل‬which ‫في هذه الجملة ال يمكن حذف‬
Some people who I know spend lots of money .
‫ألنها حلت مكان المفعول به‬who ‫في هذه الجملة يجوز حذف‬

Complete this story using who or which. Add any necessary commas.
When I was a child, most of the families (1) ………lived on our street did not have televisions.
In the evenings, many people listened to their radios (2)………. they had in their living rooms.
But I was lucky. The family (3) ……….lived next to us had a television and every afternoon I
went to their house to watch children’s programmes with my friend, Hassan. Hassan’s mother,
(4) ……..was very kind, always welcomed me. The programmes (5) ………I enjoyed most
were the cartoons. There were other programmes (6) ………my friend enjoyed but some of
these frightened me. When these programmes were on, I covered my eyes.

Answers : 1 who 2 which 3 who 4 who 5 which 6 which

Nouns with two or more parts are called compound nouns.

Combine a word from List A with a word from List B to make compound nouns used in
the article on page 39.
film distance
news signal
radio programme
short recorder
video industry
1 The………… ………. has not died because of television or video recorders.
2 Marconi invented a system for transmitting …………. …………...
3 Telegraph wires were only used to send messages ………….. …………….
4 To find out what’s happening in the world, watch a good …………… ……………. .
5 Having a…………. …………… means you can record a TV programme to watch later.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Answers : 1 film industry 2 radio signals 3 short distances
4 news programme 5 video recorder

Unit 5 Television-watching habits

Match these words and phrases from the interviews with their meanings.
a it depends 1 occasionally / sometimes
b headache 2 I’d prefer
c from time to time 3 it is different in different situations
d comedy 4 play, film or programme that makes you laugh
e I’d rather 5 pain in the head

Answers: a 3 b5 c1 d4 e2

Read the text about a Syrian soap opera and fill in the blanks with one of the verbs in
the box. Use the correct tenses.
(be) introduce (be) gather enjoy follow (be) make broadcast portray
Bab al-Hara is a famous Syrian soap opera that is watched by millions of people all over the
Arab world. It (1)………. Syrian society when the local population hoped for independence
from French rule. The story (2) ……...the daily lives of friends and families in a neighbourhood
in Damascus. The series (3) ……….in Syria during Ramadan in 2006. One of 31 episodes was
(4)………. each night at a time when families would (5)…….. together to break the fast. Critics
and audiences alike (6) ……….the series so much that a new series has (7) …...each year since.

Answers : 1 portrays 2 follows 3 was introduced 4 broadcast / broadcasted

5 be gathered 6 enjoyed 7 been made

. ‫ والفعل المضارع بالمصدر‬to ‫تستخدم أفعال القول والسؤال والنصيحة مع األسماء أو الضمير باإلضافة الى‬
Tell /like /prefer /advise /want /warn +noun /pronoun +to +verb (infinitive ).

What is the difference in meaning between these pairs of sentences?

a I prefer not to watch rubbish.
They prefer me not to watch rubbish.
b I want to watch educational programmes.
My parents want me to watch educational programmes.

Answers: In both pairs of sentences, the first one describes the speakers’ own opinions, the
second one describes what other people think and includes subject and object pronouns.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Write more sentences following the same pattern.
a ‘Turn the television off and do your homework.’ (Mazen’s father / tell / him)
b ‘If I were you, I’d record the programme and watch it later.’ (Mazen / advise / me)
c ‘Please watch the film with me.’ (Lubna’s mother / ask / her)
d ‘Don’t touch the DVD player.’ (Lubna’s mother / warn / her)

a Mazen’s father told him to turn the television off and do his homework.
b Mazen advised me to record the programme and watch it later.
c Lubna’s mother asked her to watch the film with her.
d Lubna’s mother warned her not to touch the DVD player.

There are many multi-part verbs with get in English.

a Match the verbs underlined in these sentences with the correct meanings A–F below.
1 I have to get up early to go to school.
2 My father and his colleagues get on very well.
3 I’ve had a bad cold, but I’m getting over it now.
4 We have an exam in three weeks – I should get down to revising.
5 I tried to phone you yesterday, but I couldn’t get through.
6 Naser got behind with his work because he was off school for a month.
A start doing something seriously
B get out of bed
C do not make as much progress as others
D manage to contact someone
E recover
F have a good relationship with someone

Answers : 1 B 2F 3E 4A 5D 6C

‫ينهض‬ Get up ‫ ينسجم مع –صلة بشخص ما‬Get on ‫يتغلب على‬ Get over
‫ يركز التفكير في‬Get down to ‫ينجز –يًتم‬ Get through ‫يتخلف‬ Get behind with

Else means ‘other’ and is often used with words like something, everybody or nowhere.
Complete these sentences with a word from the list and else.
somebody nobody everybody anybody something nothing
anything somewhere nowhere everywhere anywhere everything
a I’m not enjoying this programme. Can we watch ………… ………..?
b I’m still hungry. Can I have ……. ………to eat?
c We’re the last ones to leave. ……….. ………..has already gone home.
d We can’t stay here tonight. We’ll have to go ……… ………...
e I can’t understand why ………… ………..watches the news on TV. I find it very interesting.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Answers: a something else b something else / anything else c Everybody else
d somewhere else e nobody else
Unit 6 Uses TV Cameras
On Camera
In many hospital operations these days, tiny television cameras are being used by
surgeons to see exactly what is happening inside their patient’s body. This is called
keyhole surgery because the doctors can do operations through a small hole in the
patient’s body, instead of having to make a large cut. Television pictures are sent to a
monitor which the surgeon watches as he or she carries out the operation. Medical staff
say that by using the latest technology they can see inside the patient’s body as clearly
as if they were looking through a window. Keyhole surgery makes operations safer and
more comfortable for patients, and less complicated for doctors.
More and more closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras are being positioned high
above city centres and motorways to enable the police to check for accidents and traffic
problems. The cameras are controlled remotely by traffic police who use the information
to help keep traffic moving on busy roads. This information is also used by radio and
television stations which broadcast up-to-date traffic news.
Filmmakers use special cameras and video recorders to make animated films one frame
at a time. First, the models of the characters are put into their positions, then filming
can begin. After each frame has been filmed, the models are moved. Using this very slow
process, models often have to be moved over a thousand times to make one minute of
the final film. This means that a full-length film can take several years to make.
Another type of film camera is the webcam, a piece of equipment which is connected
to the Internet. Webcams are being used more and more by people who want to share
moving pictures with each other. One of the most popular uses is video calling or video
conferencing, where people can see each other while they are having a ‘telephone’
conversation. Webcams are often positioned on top of a computer, pointing towards
the user.
New words
Surgeon ‫ جراح‬Surgery ‫ جراحة‬Monitor ‫شاشة التحكم‬
Carry out ‫ ينجز‬Operation ‫ العملية‬Medical staff ‫الطاقم الطبي‬
Patient ‫ مريض‬Look through ‫ ينظر من خالل‬Complicated ‫تعقيد‬
Circuit ‫ دارة‬Remotely ‫ عن بعد –مسافة بعيدة‬Animated ‫متحركة‬
Frame ‫ اطار‬Put into ‫ يضع في مكان‬Conferencing ‫مؤتمر‬
Match these words from the article on page 51 with their meanings.
a complicated 1 one photo in a strip of film
b operation 2 at a distance / not close up
c remotely 3 camera connected to a computer
d surgeon 4 doctor who specialises in cutting bodies open to treat them
e webcam 5 cutting open a person’s body to treat something inside
f frame 6 difficult

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Answers: a 6 b5 c2 d4 e3 f1

Choose True (T), False (F) or Don’t know (DK) if the information is not given. Correct
the false statements.
a Keyhole surgery is less expensive than traditional surgery.
b CCTV cameras give radio and TV stations information about traffic conditions.
c To make a full-length animated film you have to move the models about a thousand times.
d Webcams allow two people to see each other while they are talking over the Internet .

Answers :
a DK
c F: to make one minute of an animated film you have to
move the models about a thousand times.

‫ المبني للمجهول‬PASSIVE VOICE
BE + P.P : ‫يتشكل المبني للمجهول من القاعدة التالية‬
.‫لتشكيل المبني للمجهول ننقل المفعول به في الجملة المعلومة إلى الفاعل في الجملة المجهولة‬
: ‫نغير الزمن حسب القواعد التالية‬
1-Simple present “am-is-are + pp” ‫المضارع البسيط‬
E.g.- Samar makes a fine toy.
A fine toy is made by Samar .
2-Simple past "was-were + pp” ‫الماضي البسيط‬
E.g.-Ali made a good composition .
A good composition was made by Ali .
3-Present progressive “am-is-are + being + pp” ‫المضارع المستمر‬
E.g.- They are feeding the horses .
The horses are being fed .
4-Past progressive "was-were + being +pp" ‫الماضي المستمر‬
E.g.- Leila was preparing the meal .
The meal was being prepared by Leila.
5-Present perfect "have-has + been + pp" ‫الحاضر التام‬
E.g. – The students have done the homework
The homework has been done by the students
6-Past perfect "had + been + pp" ‫الماضي التام‬
E.g.- My mother had cooked a delicious lunch .
A delicious lunch had been cooked by my mother .
7-Future" will-can + be + pp" ‫المستقبل‬

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
E.g.- They will teach Samar how to cook.
Samar will be taught how to cook .
‫نستعمل المبني للمجهول عند عدم االكتراث بالفاعل أو لسنا متأكدين منه أو غير موجود أو عدم االهتمام به وفي حال وجوده‬
.by ‫نضعه في آخر الجملة مسبوقا ً ب‬
-The company will send Ali to Cairo.
Ali will be sent to Cairo by the company.
: ‫االستفهام في المبني للمجهول بسيط جدا‬
.‫ألن الفعل المساعد موجود دائما نقوم بعملية التبديل وإن أردت اإليضاح ضع أداة االستفهام قبل الفعل المساعد‬:
‫إذا كانت مساعدة‬didn't ‫نقوم بحذفهم عند تحويل الجملة إلى المجهول وكذلك‬don't /doesn't ‫إذا كانت الجملية منفية ب‬
am /is/ are+ not +p.p ‫ ب‬do/does ‫واستبدال‬,
was /were +not +p.p ‫ ب‬didn't ‫أما‬
-They don't/didn't send me the prize.
I 'm not/wasn't sent the prize.
Are/Were you sent the prize ?

Underline the passive verbs in these extracts from the recording.

a The festival is used by filmmakers to showcase their work.
b Different types of cameras are used to make short films.
c The event is being organised by the government of Syria.
d It has been hosted by the Syrian Ministry of Culture since 1979.
e At the first festival, films were submitted from India, France and the United Kingdom.
f The number of participating countries has been increased over the years.
g All the films are entered into a competition to find the best one.

Now rewrite the sentences from exercise 1 in the active form.

a Filmmakers use the festival to showcase their work.
b Filmmakers (They) use different types of cameras to make short films.
c The government of Syria is organising the event.
d The Syrian Ministry of Culture has hosted it since 1979.
e At the first festival, filmmakers (they) from India, France and the United Kingdom submitted
f The organisers (They) have increased the number of participating countries over the years.
g Filmmakers (They) enter their films into a competition to find the best one.

Write the passive forms of these sentences.

a They made the film with three cameras.
b They were monitoring the traffic from a control centre.
c Shops will sell more webcams next year.
Answers :
a The film was made with three cameras.
b The traffic was being monitored from a control centre.
c More webcams will be sold by shops next year.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Newspaper stories often use passive verbs. In your notebook, rewrite these items of
news as newspaper stories, putting the underlined verbs into the passive, and making
any other necessary changes.
a Some local authorities in the United Kingdom are introducing speed cameras as a way
of preventing motorists from driving too fast. They are installing speed cameras on busy
roads. The courts are increasing fines for dangerous driving, and judges are sending
motorists who cause serious accidents to prison.
b Two days before the competition, they take TV cameras and other equipment to
the stadium. They spend two whole days preparing for the match. They test all the
equipment carefully. On the day of the match, the programme producers give the
commentators and cameramen their final instructions.

Answers :
a-Speed cameras are being introduced (by some local authorities) in the United Kingdom…
Speed cameras are being installed… Fines are being increased by the courts…
Motorists who cause serious accidents are being sent to prison (by judges).
b-…TV cameras and other equipment are taken to the stadium… Two whole days are spent…
All the equipment is tested… the commentators and cameramen are given their final
instructions OR final instructions are given to the commentators and cameramen.

Match a word from List A with a word from List B to make compound nouns which you
can use to complete sentences a–g.
animated cameras
city conferencing
medical centre
radio film
television news
traffic staff
video stations
a Many……….. ……….. broadcast news and other useful information and play popular music.
b ……….. ………is becoming popular because people like seeing who they are talking to.
c The phrase ……….. …………means doctors, surgeons and nurses.
d The……….. …………… is often the oldest and busiest part of a large town.
e If you want to know how busy the roads are, listen to……… ………… the on the radio.
f They often use several…….. ……….. when they film a sports event.
g The voices of well-known actors are often used for characters in a(n)………… …………. .

Answers : a radio stations b Video conferencing c medical staff

d city centre e traffic news f television cameras
g animated film

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
There are many nouns in English which refer to groups of people.
a Match each word 1–7 with the correct definition a–g.
1 audience a all the people who work on a ship or a plane
2 class b people who make laws for a country
3 crew c sportsmen or women who play together
4 family d all the people who work in a particular organisation
5 government e students who are taught together
6 staff f all the people who listen to a speech or a concert
7 team g people who are related to each other

Answers : 1 f 2e 3a 4g 5b 6d 7c

People can be connected by family or profession.

a Match a person from List A with another from List B to make a pair.
A doctor manager parent police officer shop assistant teacher
B child criminal customer patient pupil worker

Answers : doctor – patient; manager – worker; parent – child; police

officer – criminal; shop assistant – customer; teacher – pupil

b Write sentences about how these pairs of people are connected. Where possible, write
active and passive sentences, using verbs from this list.
arrest bring up educate employ serve treat
Answers :
Doctors treat patients. Patients are treated by doctors.
Managers employ workers. Workers are employed by managers.
Parents bring up children. Children are brought up by parents.
Police officers arrest criminals. Criminals are arrested by police officers.
Shop assistants serve customers. Customers are served by shop assistants.
Teachers educate pupils. Pupils are educated by teachers.

Review 2, units 4-6

Underline the relative clauses and add commas if necessary.
a The science programme which I watched on TV last night was very interesting.
b Dr Hassan, who presented the programme, is an expert on digital technology.
c The late film which starred Ayman Zidan didn’t finish until 1.30 a.m.
d I know someone who never watches television.
e Boris Becker who used to be a famous tennis player is now a TV commentator.
f My favourite film which was made by the Syrian film director Abdullatif Abdulhamid is
about a man who is kind to everyone he meets.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Answers :
a The science programme which I watched on TV last night was very interesting.
b Dr Hassan, who presented the programme, is an expert on digital technology.
c The late film which starred Ayman Zidan didn’t finish until 1.30 a.m.
d I know someone who never watches television.
e Boris Becker, who used to be a famous tennis player, is now a TV commentator.
f My favourite film, which was made by the Syrian film director Abdullatif Abdulhamid, is
about a man who is kind to everyone he meets.

Copy and add more information from the box below to this story to make it more
Add the information in the form of relative clauses at the places marked in the text. Use
commas if the information is extra rather than necessary.
A new way of building
Last night I couldn’t watch my favourite TV programme (a) , which started at 7.30, because I
had to go to a meeting (b) . So, of course I decided to record the programme before I left home.
I picked up the box of blank video cassettes (c) , but when I opened it I found it was empty. I
couldn’t imagine what had happened so I started looking round the house. As I was looking, my
younger brother, Obeid (d) started shouting. I rushed to his room and found him sitting on the
floor. ‘My house fell down’, he said. On the floor were my video cassettes (e) .
Additional information
I had bought the box of video cassettes the day before.
My brother is only 4 years old.
Obeid had used my video cassettes to build a house.
The meeting was being held at my school.
The TV programme started at 7.30.

Answers : Last night I couldn’t watch my favourite TV programme, which started at 7.30,
because I had to go to a meeting which was being held at my school. So, of course I decided to
record the programme before I left home. I picked up the box of blank video cassettes, which I
had bought the day before, but when I opened it I found it was empty. I couldn’t imagine what
had happened so I started looking round the house. As I was looking, my younger brother,
Obeid, who is only 4 years old, started shouting. I rushed to his room and found him sitting on
the floor. ‘My house fell down’, he said. On the floor were my video cassettes, which he had
used to build a house.

Hamed’s father has broken his leg and cannot do anything for himself. He gets Hamed
to do everything for him. Rewrite some of the things he says, using the verbs in brackets.
a ‘Can you bring me the newspaper, please?’ (ask)
b ‘Please can you turn the volume up for me?’ (ask)
c ‘Rewind the video for me.’ (tell)
d ‘Please could you turn off the television?’ (ask)

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
e ‘Bring me a drink, Hamed.’ (tell)
f ‘Please watch this film with me, Hamed.’ (ask)
g ‘Can you look for the remote control, please?’ (want)

Answers :
a He asked Hamed to bring him the newspaper.
b He asked Hamed to turn the volume up for him.
c He told Hamed to rewind the video for him.
d He asked Hamed to turn off the television.
e He told Hamed to bring him a drink.
f He asked Hamed to watch the film with him.
g He wanted Hamed to look for the remote control.

Rewrite these sentences, using passive instead of active verbs.

a They showed a two-hour programme about volcanoes on TV last night.
b They filmed some of the world’s most famous volcanoes from an aeroplane.
c They also took some amazing shots of the red-hot centre of a volcano.
d While they were making the programme, hot ash burnt one of the cameramen.
e A helicopter rescued him and took him to the nearest hospital.
f Nearly 10 million people watched the programme.
g It was so popular that they’re showing it again tomorrow night.

Answers :
a A two-hour programme about volcanoes was shown on TV last night.
b Some of the world’s most famous volcanoes were filmed from an aeroplane.
c Some amazing shots of the red-hot centre of a volcano were taken.
d While they were making the programme one of the cameramen was burnt by hot ash.
e He was rescued by a helicopter and taken to the nearest hospital.
f The programme was watched by nearly 10 million people.
g It was so popular that it is being shown again tomorrow night.

Answer these questions with compound nouns made by taking a word from box A and a
second word from box B.
A city missing radio short traffic video
B centre distance news person recorder station
a How could you describe the position of a shop less than 1km away?
a short distance
b What do we call the middle part of a large town?
the city centre
c What machine do we use to copy a TV programme and watch it later?
a video recorder
d What do we call someone who disappears and can’t be found?

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
a missing person
e What do we listen to on the radio to find out how busy the roads are?
the traffic news
f What do we call an organisation which broadcasts programmes for listeners?
a radio station

Complete these sentences with the correct part of one of these multi-part verbs with get.
(One of the verbs is not used.)
get behind get down get on get over get through get up
a Ahmad missed the school bus because he ………..late.
b I’ve tried phoning all morning but I’ve only just managed to…………..
c My boss and I always ………….very well – we never argue.
d The two men talked about their families before they…………. to business.
e You’re very fit, so it shouldn’t take you long to……………your illness.

Answers : a got up b get through c get on d got down e get over

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Unit 7 Communicating
Copy and complete these sentences with words from this list.
envelope letter notepaper pen post box stamp (to) stick (to) write
Talaa decided to (a) ……….to her aunt, who lives in Rome. She asked for three pieces of
(b)…….. , and wrote with her favourite black (c) ………... When she’d finished writing, she
put the (d) ……….into a long white (e) ……….and borrowed a (f) ……..from her sister. She
(g)………… this on the envelope and took the letter to the (h)………… .

Answers : a write b notepaper c pen d letter

e envelope f stamp g stuck h post box

.‫( تستخدم هذة االداة قبل االسماء المفردة واالسماء التي تحمل صيغ جمع‬The) ‫أداة التعريف‬
The child insisted on buying the car that he saw in the store
I liked all the things that you sent to me
( some) ‫لذلك نستطيع استخدام‬,‫النستخدم غالبا ً أداة التعريف أو أدوات التنكير مع االسماء التي تحمل صيغ جمع‬:‫مالحظة‬
. ‫عوضا ً عنها‬
I wish I could buy some presents for my son
. ‫المعدود وغير المعدود‬, ‫للمفرد والجمع‬, ‫للتحديد والتخصيص‬the ‫تستخدم أداة المعرفة‬
The black pen over there is mine .
. ‫ماهر نكرة في الجملة األولى يصبح معرفة في الجملة الثانية‬
I bought a house .The house which …….
. ‫ال تستخدم أداة المعرفة مع الحقائق العلمية أو العامة‬-1 ‫مالحظة‬
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen .
‫لكن انظر التحديد في الجملة التالية‬
The water which I drank an hour ago was salty .
.‫الماء الذي شربته منذ ساعة كان مالح‬
.‫عدا أسماء األنهار والجبال (سلسلة جبلية) بحيرة(سلسلة بحيرات) وبعض الدول‬, ‫ أسماء العلم ال تستخدم معها أداة المعرفة‬-2
The united states ,the Netherlands, the Philippines
. ‫نستخدم أداة المعرفة أمام صيغة التفضيل من النوع الثالث‬-3
Rack sole is one of the richest men in the world .
Big – bigger –biggest
‫ال تنسى قاعدة التفضيل‬
(A) ‫استخدام‬
. ‫الذي يبدأ بحرف ساكن‬every ‫مع المفرد المعدود (الدال على مفرد )أو بمعنى‬A ‫نستخدم أداة النكرة‬
A cat –a car –a dog
A cat has a tail .

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
(An) ‫استخدام‬
. ‫مع األسماء المعدودة المفردة الدالة على مفرد التي تبدأ بحرف صوتي‬AN ‫نستخدم‬
An egg –an apple –an umbrella
‫إذا لفظ يو‬E ‫يستثنى من األحرف الصوتية‬
‫إذا لفظ يو‬U
(a ) ‫إذا لفظ و ←عندها نضع‬O
A Europe – a university –a one

Complete these sentences, adding a / an or the.

a If I’m writing to (1) ……….friend, I prefer letters.
b ... just click (2) ………..reply button on your phone.
c ... you have to find (3) ……..pen – sometimes (4)………. pen doesn’t write.
d I can’t remember (5)……….. last normal letter I wrote.
e ... put it in (6)……….. envelope, stick (7)……… stamp on (8)……….
envelope and take it to (9)………… post box.
f I’m (10) …………accountant and I think traditional letters are (11)…………. most polite way
of contacting clients.
g We’ve been writing to each other for (12)………… year.

Answers: 1 a (not a specific friend)

2 the (there’s only one reply button)
3 a (not a specific pen)
4 the (the specific pen you have found)
5 the (there is only one, specific, ‘last letter’)
6 an (not a specific envelope)
7 a (not a specific stamp)
8 the (the envelope you just referred to)
9 a (any post box)
10 an (indefinite article before a job title)
11 the (before a superlative)
12 a (not a specific year; one year)
Complete these sentences, adding a / an or the.
a Talaa’s father is (1) ………..teacher at (2)………. school on the outskirts of town. My
brother says he’s (3)…… best teacher in (4)……… school.
b I’ve just sent (1) ………..text message to (2)……. friend in Athens. It took me less than
(3)…………. minute to write. (4) ………..best thing about sending text messages is that you
can get (5)………. reply very quickly. In fact (6)…………. friend I’ve just sent a text message
to has already replied.
c (1) ……….‘Send’ button is usually on (2)………… right-hand side of your computer
Answers : a 1 a, 2 a, 3 the, 4 the
b 1 a, 2 a, 3 a, 4 The, 5 a, 6 the
c 1 The, 2 the

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

. ‫مع األسماء الغير معدودة لتدل على الجمع‬piece ‫نستخدم‬: ‫مالحظة‬

Match a quantity word from List A with a word from List B.

A bar grain item lump pane piece slice
B bread cake cheese chocolate clothing advice glass information lemon
news rice salt sugar toast

Answers : bar – chocolate

grain – rice, salt, sugar
item – clothing, news
lump – sugar
pane – glass
piece – bread, cake, cheese, advice, information, chocolate
slice – bread, cake, cheese, lemon, toast

b Copy and complete these sentences with the appropriate quantity expressions.
1 I want to write a letter. Can you pass me two pieces of paper?
2 I read an interesting………… about volcanoes in the paper this morning.
3 Can I give you a ………………? I think you should apologise to him.
4 For breakfast Ann usually has two………… with butter and honey.
5 I take a……………. to school in case I get hungry.

Answers : 1 pieces of paper

2 piece of information
3 piece of advice
4 slices of bread / toast
5 piece of bread / cheese / cake

Unit 8 Writing
The history of writing
Human beings have been writing their languages for over five thousand years. The
methodology started in Mesopotamia in about 3000 BCE, when people living in the region
developed a kind of writing to record and pass on information. The Mesopotamians used
pictograms mainly to communicate economic information, for example about crops and money.
Gradually, these pictures became a system of cuneiform symbols which were scratched on
blocks of clay with reeds. This system emerged in Sumer in southern Iraq. Only certain people
knew how to write, and for thousands of years, professional writers called scribes wrote about
daily life and trade. Cuneiform gave countries of the ancient world a way of transcribing their
history. At about the same time, another system based on pictures, or hieroglyphics, developed
in Egypt. In about 1500 BCE, Chinese scribes started writing on tortoise shells using a system

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
of characters similar to those which Chinese people still use today. Characters represent words,
so people have to learn to recognise thousands of characters before they can read even a simple
story. Traditionally, the Chinese write with a brush and ink. The Phoenicians pioneered the
alphabet, a system in which each letter signifies a sound, and letters are combined to make
words. The Roman alphabet, which has twentysix letters, is an improved form of the
Phoenician alphabet. Most European countries have been utilising this alphabet since they were
part of the Roman Empire two thousand years ago. The written form of Arabic, which people
have been using since the 4th century CE, is the second most widely used alphabet in the world.
It is used throughout the Arab world and is also the basis of other forms of cursive writing such
as Malay, Urdu and Persian. Unlike systems based on the Roman alphabet, Arabic is written
from right to left. It has twenty-eight letters. Like Chinese, Arabic writing is a precious art form
as well as a practical method of communication.

New words
‫علم المنهج‬ Methodology ‫منطقة‬ Region ‫ الحروف الهيروغليفي‬Pictograms
ً ‫تدريجيا‬ Gradually ‫الخط المسماري‬ Cuneiform ‫رموز‬ Symbols
‫يحفر‬ Scratch ‫ألواح‬ Blocks ‫طين‬ Clay
‫قصب‬ Reeds ‫ظهر‬ Emerged ‫مخطوطات‬ Scribes
‫ تدوين –تسجيل‬Transcribing ‫خط الهيروغرافي‬Hieroglyphics ‫ يرود –يمهد الطريق‬Pioneered
‫يعرف‬ Signifies ‫تتألف من‬ Combined ‫يثبت –يحسن‬ Improve
‫استفاد –استخدم‬ Utilizing ‫أحرف مطبعية متصلة‬Cursive

Answer the questions

a What were the main uses of pictograms in Mesopotamia?
b What kind of people knew how to write cuneiform symbols?
c How did the Chinese write their characters?
d Why do so many modern European countries use the Roman alphabet?
e How is written Arabic different from a system based on the Roman alphabet?
f In what way are Chinese and Arabic writing similar? Why do you think this is?

Answers :
a People needed a way to record things they traded.
b scribes
c on tortoise shells with a brush and ink
d Most European countries use the Roman alphabet because they were part of the Roman
e It is written from right to left and has twenty-eight letters.
f They are an art form as well as a practical method of communication.

‫‪layerofheart1@gmail .com‬‬ ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية ‪www.eschoolsy.net‬المدرسة ‪ :‬أ ‪.‬شغاف شومان‬
‫‪Match the words from the article with the correct meanings.‬‬
‫‪a (to) record‬‬ ‫‪1 mean / stand for‬‬
‫‪b (to) communicate‬‬ ‫‪2 valuable / worth a lot of money‬‬
‫‪c symbol‬‬ ‫‪3 put together / join with‬‬
‫‪d trade‬‬ ‫‪4 give information‬‬
‫‪e (to) represent‬‬ ‫‪5 business / buying and selling‬‬
‫‪f (to) combine‬‬ ‫‪6 write down for other people to read‬‬
‫‪g precious‬‬ ‫‪7 written sign which stands for something else‬‬

‫‪Answers : a 6‬‬ ‫‪b4‬‬ ‫‪c7‬‬ ‫‪d5‬‬ ‫‪e1‬‬ ‫‪f3‬‬ ‫‪g2‬‬

‫‪PRESENT PERFECT :S+ have- has + p.p.‬‬
‫الحاضر التام هو الزمن الذي يؤكد على وقوع الحدث ‪,‬ال تاريخ وقوعه‪.‬‬
‫مالحظة ‪:‬ال نستخدم أدلة الماضي البسيط مع الحاضر التام ‪.‬‬
‫يستخدم الحاضر التام ليدل على ‪:‬‬
‫‪-1‬عمل انتهى اآلن (نتيجة حاضرة غالبا يكون نهاية المضارع المستمر )‬
‫‪-Samer has written three letters.‬‬
‫‪-My mother has cooked the lunch .‬‬
‫‪-2‬عمل بدأ في الماضي وال يزال مع ‪ since / for‬في حالة مشتركة مع الحاضر التام المستمر‪.‬‬
‫‪-I have taught physics for 3 years.‬‬
‫‪-Maher has worked in this factory since 1990.‬‬
‫مالحظة ‪:‬الفرق بين ‪=since‬نقطة زمنية محددة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ =For‬مدة زمنية‬
‫‪-3‬تكرار أشير إلى التكرار دون تحديد تاريخ التكرار‪.‬‬
‫‪-Maher has gone to zoo three times.‬‬
‫‪-4‬السؤال عن أمر ال أدري إن حدث أم ال (دون تاريخ الحدوث )‪.‬‬
‫?‪-Have you seen the pyramids‬‬
‫? ‪-Has Huda met her mother‬‬
‫‪-5‬عمل لم يحدث في حياة اإلنسان قط‪.‬‬
‫‪-I have never seen the Alps .‬‬
‫‪-I have never had kubbe.‬‬
‫مالحظة ‪ :‬األفعال التي تأخذ زمن مطول مع عدم ذكر التاريخ نضع مضارع تام مستمر كالعمل والنوم والسفر‬
‫‪-‬أفعال المحبة والكراهية حاضر بسيط ‪.‬‬
‫‪PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: S +have /has +be en +v +ing +rest‬‬
‫يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر ليدل على‪:‬‬
‫‪-1‬عمل بدأ في الماضي وال يزال مع ( ‪(since –for‬‬
‫‪-They have been working here for 30 years .‬‬
‫‪-2‬يشبه الحاضر التام ولكن التوكيد فيه االستمرار أكثر ويركز على الفعل المطور ‪.‬‬
‫‪-3‬نتيجة في المضارع‪-‬الزمن الذي أوصل إليها –مضارع تام مستمر ‪.‬‬
‫‪-Mona is tired .She has been walking all day .‬‬
‫‪-4‬احذر الفعل الذي ال يقبل االستمرار ‪.‬‬
‫‪-5‬يركز على الحدث ال تاريخ الحدث ‪.‬‬

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Complete these sentences by choosing the right verb form and for or since.
a The Chinese have drawn / been drawing characters for / since 1500 BCE.
b By the age of 15, Chinese students have learnt / been learning over 3000 characters.
c Ali has lost / been losing his pen, so he can’t do his English homework. He’s looked / been
looking for it all evening.
d Asma has been reading for / since the age of three. She has read / been reading two or three
books a week for / since several years now.
e European countries have used / been using the Roman alphabet for / since 2000 years.

Answers : a been drawing; since

b learnt
c lost; been looking
d since; read; for
e been using; for

Copy and complete these sentences using verbs and nouns from these lists. You may have
to use the past form of some verbs.
Verbs: draw paint scratch write
Nouns: brush clay ink paper pen pencil
a Traditionally, the Chinese ………….their characters using a………. and ………….
b The Mesopotamians…………. their pictograms on blocks of …………..with a reed.
c Today most people write on ……………with a ball-point …………..
d Artists………….. pictures with a………. or …………..with a paintbrush.

Answers : a wrote; brush; ink

b scratched; clay
c paper; pen
d draw; pencil; paint

Adjectives and their opposites.

a Match an adjective from List A with an adjective which has the opposite meaning from
List B.
A ancient practical precious professional simple
B amateur complicated impractical modern worthless

Answers : ancient-modern; practical–impractical; precious–worthless;

professional–amateur; simple–complicated

b Now use words from List B to complete these sentences.

1 I thought the ring I’d found was real gold, but it turned out to be ………….
2 …………..sportsmen and women do not earn any money from their sport.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
3 I couldn’t understand that film – it had a very…………… plot.
4 Suggesting people stop using email and return to traditional letters is an……………idea.
5 The Roman alphabet is a more …………system of writing than pictograms.

Answers : 1 worthless 2 Amateur 3 complicated 4 impractical 5 modern

Unit 9 On the phone

Match these conversational expressions from the phone calls with their meanings.
a It isn’t my fault 1 I need it. / I’m dependent on it.
b We haven’t got any choice 2 The situation is improving.
c That’s right. 3 That is correct.
d I couldn’t do without it 4 There’s nothing else we can do.
e It’s getting better 5 I’m not to blame. / I’ve done nothing wrong.

Answers: a 5 b4 c3 d1 e2

‫ االستفهام التوكيدي‬QUESTION TAGS
‫االستفهام التوكيدي هو سؤال ولكن في آخر الجملة على القاعدة األساسية لألسئلة مع االنتباه إلى أن المثبت يصبح منفي‬
. ‫والعكس صحيح‬
‫منفي ؟‬, ‫مثبت‬-
‫مثبت ؟‬, ‫منفي‬-
do –does- did ‫عند عدم وجود الفعل المساعد نلجأ إلى‬-
He is lazy, isn't he ?
They have gone to Paris ,haven't they ?
They play tennis ,don't they?
1-let's -------shall we?
2-I'm --------aren't I ?
3-come /don't come ------will you ?
4-I'm not -------am I ?

Write the question tags for these beginnings.

1 We can’t walk from here, ...
2 We haven’t got any choice, ...
3 You use your mobile phone mainly for work, ...
4 But it’s sometimes difficult to get a signal, ...

Answers : 1 can we? 2 have we?

3 don’t you? 4 isn’t it?

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Match these sentence beginnings a–e with the correct endings 1–5 below.
a I can only just hear your voice – ...
b If you want to stop other people using your phone, ...
c I don’t recognise the ringtone, ...
d My friends live in a mountainous part of the country ...
e The battery in my phone is flat – ...
1 don’t tell anyone your security number.
2 so I know it’s not my phone I can hear.
3 I’ll have to recharge it.
4 where there’s a very weak signal.
5 you’re beginning to break up.

Answers : a 5 b1 c2 d4 e3

Complete sentences a–d using verbs and nouns from the box.
leave send an email a fax a message (for someone) a text message
a Hassan wasn’t in, so I ………..for him on his answerphone.
b Rasha ………..Reem …………….yesterday, but Reem hasn’t emailed her back.
c Maher didn’t answer his mobile, so I ………….him………. . He’s just texted back.
d If he needs the document now and he hasn’t got email, you could………… him a…………. .

Answers : a left a message

b sent… an email
c sent… a text message
d send... a fax

Review 3, units 7-9

Copy and complete these sentences with the correct article: a / an / the.
a When I leave school, I want to be …………archaeologist.
b I got…………. letter from my brother in England this morning. ……….letter only took two
days to get here.
c Have you got…………… photograph of your father?
d If ……………phone rings, I’ll answer it.
e ………….best way to contact him is to ring his mobile phone. Do you want number?
f …………first mobile phone I bought cost over 7,000 SYP.

Answers : a an b a / The ca d the e The / the f The

Complete these conversations with the present perfect simple or present perfect
continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
a Mother I (1) ………. (not see) you all morning. What (2) ………(you do)?
Daughter Most of the time, I (3) ………(do) my homework, but I (4)………. (also write)
emails to three of my friends.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
b Father (1) …………….(you see) my mobile? I (2)………. (look for) it for nearly an hour.
Son (3) …………(you try) ringing it from another phone?
Father Yes, I (4) ……….(ring) it three or four times.
c Mother You look really tired.
Daughter I feel tired. I (1)………. (revise) for a geography test that I have at school
Mother What (2)…………. (you study) in geography recently?
Daughter We (3) ………..(learn) about the effects of pollution on rivers and seas.
Mother That sounds interesting.
Daughter Yes, I (4) ……….(find) it very interesting.

Answers : a 1 haven’t seen

2 have you been doing
3 have been doing
4 have also written
b 1 Have you seen
2 have been looking for
3 Have you tried
4 have rung
c 1 have been revising
2 have you been studying
3 have been learning
4 have found

Copy and complete these sentences with the correct question tag.
a Email is quicker than traditional letters, ………..?
b But real letters show you care, …………?
c You don’t have to make an effort to write an email, ………..?
d Your aunt lives in the Netherlands, ………..?
e The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, …………….?
f In the past, the Chinese wrote with a brush and ink, ………..?
g Scribes were professional writers,………….. ?
h You’ve been talking to someone on the phone, …………?

Answers : a isn’t it? b don’t they? c do you? d doesn’t she?

e doesn’t it? f didn’t they? g weren’t they? h haven’t you?

Answer these questions using a word from the box below.

brush grain ink microphone post box slice stamp
a What do you stick on an envelope before you send it to someone?
b Where do you put the letter when it is ready to send?
c What is the correct word for a single piece of rice?

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
d What is the correct word for a thin piece of cheese?
e What do you use to paint with?
f What is the word for liquid that comes out of a pen when we write?
g What do you talk into when you speak on a phone?

Answers : a stamp b post box c grain d slice

e brush f ink g microphone

Copy and complete these sentences with the correct form of these verbs.
communicate draw paint record represent scratch
a In the earliest stages of writing, scribes …………marks on clay with reeds.
b The symbol £………… ‘sterling’ or ‘pounds’.
c Writing began as a way of …………information for the future.
d These days more people………… by email than by traditional letters.
e Before they start ……….., artists sometimes…………. a picture with a pencil.

Answers : a scratched b represents c recording

d communicate e painting / draw

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Unit 10 Accidents
-Guess which definition matches each picture above and write the letter.
1 a special lid on medicine bottles that prevents children from getting the medicine inside.
2 a fire-protection device that automatically detects and gives a warning of the presence of
3 a cloth canopy that fills with air and allows a person or heavy object attached to it to descend
slowly and safely when dropped from an aircraft.
4 a safety device fitted inside a road vehicle, consisting of a cushion designed to inflate rapidly
in the event of a crash.
5 a protective covering fitting over the whole face.
6 a belt or strap in a vehicle or aircraft that secures a person to prevent injury.
7 a safety device in an electrical plug consisting of a strip of wire that melts and breaks an
electric circuit if the current becomes too large.
8 a system of belts, ropes or restraints to hold a person to prevent falling or injury.
9 a thin glass instrument for measuring and indicating temperature.

Answers: 1 f : safety cap

2 a : smoke alarm
3 g : parachute
4 c : airbag
5 h : visor
6 b : seat belt
7 e : fuse
8 i : harness
9 d : thermometer

Complete these lists of nouns and verbs with words from the article.
Nouns Verbs
a decrease =decrease
b disappearance =disappear
c escape =escape
d invention invent
e prevention =prevent
f protection =protect
g treatment treat

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Inventions that keep us secure
Airbags protect car drivers and passengers if they are involved in an accident. Most modern
cars have a driver’s airbag in the steering wheel, and another for the front seat passenger.
Some cars also have side airbags fitted in the seats, and a few even have airbags which are
released from behind the driver to protect people in the back seats.
Airbags inflate in less than a second when a car collides with something solid, like another
vehicle or a building. They cushion the people in the car and stop them from bumping into
dangerous objects such as the steering wheel. Since cars have had airbags, the number of
serious car injuries has decreased dramatically.
Smoke alarms
In the past, before the invention of smoke alarms, many people died in their homes, not
because of flames, but because they inhaled lethal smoke while they were sleeping. This is
because most fires happen at night. However, it is now possible for people to buy inexpensive
smoke alarms which they can fit themselves. Like alarm clocks, they are loud enough to wake
sleepers and give them enough time to escape. The best place for a smoke alarm is at the top of
stairs or in halls and corridors. Some smoke alarms are so sensitive that fumes from cooking
can activate them, so they should not be installed in or near kitchens.
A vaccination is a medical treatment which can prevent people from catching serious diseases
and stop these diseases from spreading to large numbers of people. Many childhood diseases,
which were common in the past, have disappeared because of the mass vaccination of babies.
20 When doctors vaccinate people, they are infecting them with a very weak solution of the
disease they want to prevent. This helps the body to fight the disease in the future. Many
vaccinations last for a whole lifetime.

New words
‫آمن‬ Secure ‫شارك‬ Involved ‫توجيه –قيادة‬ Steering
‫عجلة‬ Wheel ‫مقعد‬ Seat ‫مسافر‬ Passenger
‫ حقيبة حماية السيارة‬Airbag ‫يحرر‬ Release ‫يمأل بالهواء‬ Inflate
‫ يتصادم –يتعارض‬Collide ‫صلب‬ Solid ‫مركبة‬ Vehicle
‫وسادة –يمهد الصدمة‬Cushion ‫يصطدم –يرتطم‬ Bumping ‫آضرار‬ Injuries
‫ينقص‬ Decrease ‫لهيب –ألسنة النار‬ Flames ‫يستنشق‬ Inhale
‫مهلك –مميت‬ Lethal ‫لقاح‬ Vaccination ‫يمنع‬ Prevent
‫مرض‬ Disease ‫منتشر‬ Spreading ‫طفولة‬ Childhood
‫يختفي‬ Disappear ‫عدوى‬ Infecting

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Answer these questions in your notebook.
a Who do car airbags protect?
b Why are various types of airbag needed?
c Where is the best position in a house or flat for smoke alarms?
d Why are smoke alarms accessible to everyone?
e How have some common childhood diseases disappeared?

Answers :
a car drivers and passengers
b because of the different positions of passengers, and the different types of car crashes
c at the top of the stairs or in halls and corridors
d they are an inexpensive way to protect against fire in any home, and can be fitted by anyone
e through mass vaccination

What do the underlined words in these sentences from the article refer to?
a Some cars also have side airbags fitted in the seats, and a few even have airbags… (line 3)
b … but because they inhaled lethal smoke… (line 10)
c Like alarm clocks, they are loud enough… (line 13)
d Many childhood diseases, which were common in the past… (line 19)
e When doctors vaccinate people, they are infecting them… (line 20)

Answers: a cars
b people who died
c smoke alarms
d childhood diseases
e doctors, people

Match these verbs from the article with their meanings.

a collide 1 reduce / go down
b cushion 2 hit with force
c decrease 3 become full
d disappear 4 make an accident less painful
e inflate 5 exist no longer

Answers: a 2 b4 c1 d5 e3

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Should +V( infinitive) Should +have +p.p
‫تستخدم لتدل على نصيحة عامة في الزمن‬- ‫تستخدم لتدل على نصيحة أو نقد في الزمن‬-
) ‫الحاضر أو المستقبل (يمكن ان تتحقق‬ ) ‫الماضي (اليمكن أن يتحقق أو يحدث‬

."‫ "ينبغي‬:‫نستطيع أن نترجمها إلى العربية بكلمة واحدة هي‬

Read these three short news stories about everyday accidents.

Write should have and shouldn’t have sentences about the three stories below. Then
compare your sentences in pairs.
1 A fisherman, who was alone in a tiny boat, got into trouble last week when he caught
a giant fish. Unfortunately the fisherman was very inexperienced and had forgotten
to tie himself to the boat. The fish was so strong that it pulled the man out of his
boat and into the sea. The fisherman had also forgotten to tell anyone that he was
shouldn't going fishing, so nobody came looking for him. After he had been in the sea for
nearly twelve hours, a ferry rescued him.
2 Ahmad was driving home from work in his car. He was thinking about the weekend.
down, but the car was going too fast. It left the road, crashed into a bush and stopped. Ahmad
was not hurt. When he came to a sharp bend in the road, he put his foot on the brake to slow
3 Khaled, who works at the head office of the National Bank, had a shock yesterday when he
was shredding some confidential letters. As he was putting the last letter in, he saw someone he
knew through the window. As he leant forward to wave to his friend, Khaled’s tie went into the
shredder. Luckily Khaled switched off the machine before he was injured.

Answers: 1 The fisherman should have told someone where he was going.
The fisherman should have cut his fishing line when the fish pulled him.
2 He shouldn’t have been thinking about the weekend.
He shouldn’t have been driving so fast.
He should have concentrated on the road.
He should have driven more slowly.
3 He shouldn’t have waved to his friend.
He should have watched what he was doing.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Adjectives Nouns
ful → helpful : ‫نهايات الصفات‬ -dom ‫ كل كلمة تنتهي بـ‬: ‫نهايات األسماء‬
able→ portable -ment –tion –sion –ity –ship –
ous→ famous . ً ‫ وتكون الكلمة اسما‬ness
ible→ visible E.g. : decision –treatment –
cal → spherical ability –freedom –friendship –
y→ rainy existence .
less→ treeless

Find nine nouns and seven adjectives.

accidental busy careful dangerous environment equipment government
motorist natural neighbourhood poisonous regulation responsibility
smaller substance swimmer

Answers : nouns: environment; equipment; government; motorist; neighbourhood; regulation;

responsibility; substance; swimmer
adjectives: accidental; busy; careful; dangerous; natural; poisonous; smaller

d Choose nouns or adjectives from 1a to complete these sentences.

1 You must be ………..when you cross this road. It’s ………….very in the morning.
2 Fumes from cars are …………..and can damage the ……………..
3 The……………. is bringing in new s to fine s for speeding.
4 It is the………….. of parents to check that play is safe for their children.

Answers : 1 careful, dangerous

2 poisonous, environment
3 government, regulation, motorist
4 responsibility, equipment

man →men woman →women foot→ feet : ‫الجمع الشاذ‬
Fish → fish tooth → teeth child → children
Mouse →mice person→ people sheep→ sheep deer→ deer

a Copy and complete these sentences with correct plurals of the nouns in brackets.
1 Some (person)………… are afraid of (mouse)…………….
2 Three (man) …………and their (wife) …………were injured in the accident.
3 Some (child)………… forget to clean their (tooth)………… before they go to bed.
4 The (woman) …………..of the village looked after the (sheep)……………. .

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Answers: 1 people, mice
2 men, wives
3 children, teeth
4 women, sheep

Unit 11 The planet in danger

Match them with their meanings.
a chimney 1 feel a strong pain – from an insect or smoke
b extinct 2 parts of a town or city far from the centre / edges
c habitat 3 a passage that takes smoke out of a building
d outskirts 4 where animals live naturally in the wild
e (to) sting 5 when a type of animal doesn’t exist anymore (e.g. dinosaur ).

Answers : a 3 b5 c4 d2 e1

Complete these lists with missing words from the interviews.

Verb Noun
1 pollute =pollution
2 breathe =breath
3 disappear =disappearance
4 destroy =destruction

:‫تقسم األفعال باللغة االنكليزية إلى نوعين‬
. ‫( (وهي األفعال التي ال نتحرك عند القيام بها )تستخدم مع الزمن البسيط والمستمر‬state verbs ( ‫أفعال ساكنة‬
. ‫ ((وهي األفعال التي نتحرك عند القيام بها ) تستخدم مع الزمن البسيط فقط‬dynamic verbs ( ‫أفعال حركية‬
-NONPROGRESSIVE VERBS)‫( األفعال التي ال تستخدم في األزمنة المستمرة‬

(1) Mental ‫ يعلم‬know ‫ يؤمن‬believe ‫ يتخيل‬imagine ‫ يرغب‬,‫ يريد‬want

state ‫ يدرك‬realize ‫ يشعر‬feel ‫ يشك‬doubt ‫ يحتاج‬need
‫ يفهم‬understand ‫ يفترض‬suppose ّ
‫ يتذكر‬remember ‫ يفضّ ل‬prefer
‫ يميّز‬recognize *‫ يفكر‬,‫ يظن‬think* ‫ ينسى‬Forget ‫يعني‬,‫ يقصد‬mean
(2) Emotional ‫ يحب‬love ‫ يكره‬hate ‫يخشى‬,‫ يخاف‬fear ‫ يكترث‬mind
state ‫ يحب‬like ‫ يكره‬,‫ يبغض‬dislike ‫ يحسد‬Envy ‫ يهتم‬care
‫ يق ّدر‬appreciate
‫ يمتلك‬possess *‫يتناول‬,‫ يملك‬have* ‫يحوز‬, ‫ يملك‬own
(3) Possession ‫ينتمي‬,‫يخص‬belong

(4) Sense ‫يبدو الطعم‬Taste* ‫ يسمع‬hear ‫ يرى‬see see*

perceptions *‫يتذوق‬
ّ ‫ يشعر‬feel* , *‫يزور‬
‫ تبدو الرائحة‬smell* *‫يلمس‬ )‫يفحص*(الطبيب‬

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
(5) Other ‫ يبدو‬seem ‫ يكلف‬cost ‫ يكون‬be* ‫ يتكون‬consist of
existing *‫ ينظر‬,‫ يبدو‬look* ‫ يدين‬owe ‫(يستخدم في المستمر‬ ‫من‬
states ‫ يبدو‬appear* ‫ يزن‬weigh* ً ً
‫استخداما خاصا يلحق‬ ‫ يحتوي‬contain
*‫يظهر‬ *‫يوزن‬ ).‫شرحه و إيضاحه‬ ‫ يتضمن‬include
‫يكون‬,‫ يتواجد‬exist
.‫ األفعال اإلنكليزية التي ترافقها نجمة* تستخدم بالمعنى العربي الذي ترافقه نجمة* في األزمنة المستمرة‬:‫مالحظة‬

(existing state) (activity in progress)
)‫ يظن(غير مستمر‬Think I think he is a kind man. I am thinking about this
)‫يفكر (مستمر‬ grammar.
)‫ يملك (غير مستمر‬Have He has a car. I am having trouble.
)‫ يعاني (مستمر‬,‫يمضي‬ She is having a good time.
)‫ يبدو الطعم (غير مستمر‬Taste This food tastes good. The chef is tasting the
)‫يتذوق (مستمر‬
ّ sauce.
)‫ تبدو الرائحة(غير مستمر‬Smell These flowers smell good. Don is smelling the
)‫يشم (مستمر‬ roses.
)‫ يرى (غير مستمر‬See I see a butterfly. The doctor is seeing a
>‫يفحص <الطبيب‬,‫يزور‬ Do you see it? patient.
)‫ يبدو الملمس (غير مستمر‬Feel The cat’s fur feels soft. Sue is feeling the cat’s
)‫يلمس (مستمر‬ fur.
)‫ يبدو للنظر (غير مستمر‬Look She looks cold. I am looking out the
)‫ينظر (مستمر‬ I’ll lend her my coat. window.
)‫ يبدو (غير مستمر‬Appear He appears to be asleep. The actor is appearing
)‫يظهر<بعد اختفاء> (مستمر‬ on the stage.
)‫ يزن(غير مستمر‬Weigh A piano is heavy. It weighs The grocer is weighing
)‫يوزن (مستمر‬ a lot. the bananas.
)‫ يكون (غير مستمر‬Be I am hungry. Tom is being foolish.
. ‫توم يتحامق‬

Complete sentences a–c using the words and phrases you used to label the illustrations.
Chimney exhaust fumes factory landfill site smoke vehicle waste
a Look at that factory. There’s black…….. coming from its……….. , 24 hours a day, 7 days a
b ………………..from buses, taxis, lorries and other can make it difficult for people to breathe.
c There’s a ……………on the outskirts of our city where they take people’s household ……….

Answers : a smoke, chimney

b Exhaust fumes, vehicles
c landfill site, waste

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

a Use a word from List A and another from List B to form compound nouns. A B
1 animal change
2 climate chimney
3 global fumes
4 factory habitat
5 exhaust warming

Answers: 1 animal habitat

2 climate change
3 global warming
4 factory chimney
5 exhaust fumes

Unit 12 The power of nature

Natural threats and disasters
People have always tried to avoid natural threats; for example, we do not live too close to a
river that floods, or on the side of a volcano that may erupt. Scientists cannot stop these threats
completely, but there are things they can do to make them less dangerous.
Rivers flood when the water level rises too high and the river overflows its banks. The Nile
flooded for thousands of years until the Aswan High Dam was built in 1970. The dam stops the
flooding and generates electric power. It also collects water during the rainy season so that
people have water when there is a drought.
A different system protects London from flooding by the River Thames. High tides can
bring too much water up the River Thames and this could flood the city. To protect London, the
Thames Barrier was built. When there is a high tide, ‘walls’ come up out of the river to stop the
high water from reaching the city.
It would probably be impossible to design a building that would be completely safe in the most
serious earthquake. It would also be very expensive. Instead of this, engineers design buildings
which will not fall down when the earth shakes. There are two main ways of doing this:
buildings are built on springs or rollers, so that when the earth shakes, the building itself moves
a little. Another method is to use building materials that reduce the impact of an earthquake.
Throughout history, natural disasters have killed and injured human beings and damaged the
cities and buildings they live in. Humans cannot prevent these disasters, but we have learnt to
recognise the incredible power of nature.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

New words
Threats ‫تهديدات‬ Avoid ‫يتجنب‬ Floods ‫فيضانات‬
Volcano ‫بركان‬ Erupt ‫يثور‬ Dam ‫سد‬
Generate ‫يولد‬ Drought ‫جفاف‬ Tide ‫المد والجزر‬
Earthquake ‫زلزال‬ Shakes ‫اهتزاز‬ Reduce ‫يقلل‬
Impact ‫تأثير‬ Natural disasters ‫الكوارث الطبيعية‬

Match each paragraph 1–5 with one of these headings:

◗ Making earthquakes less dangerous
◗ Protecting London from the Thames
◗ Learning to live with nature
◗ Stopping floods, saving water and producing electricity
◗ Science can help

Answers: 1 Science can help

2 Stopping floods, saving water and producing electricity
3 Protecting London from the Thames
4 Making earthquakes less dangerous
5 Learning to live with nature
What do the words in italics in these sentences from the article refer to?
a Scientists cannot stop these threats completely, but there are things they can do to make
them less dangerous. (line 4)
b It also collects water during the rainy season … (line 13)
c … the River Thames and this could flood the city. (line 18)
d Instead of this, engineers design buildings … (line 27)
e There are two main ways of doing this … (line 29)
f … the cities and buildings they live in. (line 37)
Answers: a scientists
b the Aswan High Dam
c too much water brought in by the high tides
d designing a completely safe building
e designing buildings which will not fall down during earthquakes
f human beings

Write possible answers to these questions.

a Why does the water level in rivers rise?
b Look at the photo of the Thames Barrier. Why do you think it was difficult for engineers
to build?
c Why would it be impossible to design a building that would be completely safe in an
d What kinds of building materials do you think would reduce the impact of an earthquake?

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Answers: a Rain falling on hills runs into rivers and raises the water level.
b It had to be built in a river where the water level was constantly rising and falling
with the tides.
c Earthquakes are sometimes too powerful.
d Non-rigid materials, for example rubber, wood, some plastics, etc.

Match these verbs from the article with their correct meanings.
a avoid 1 think of, plan and draw
b erupt 2 produce / make / create
c generate 3 explode / throw out rock
d collect 4 escape
e protect 5 hold and save
f design 6 make safe / guard

Answers : a 4 b3 c2 d5 e6 f1

Reported Speech
:‫لتحويل الجملة من الكالم المباشر إلى الكالم المنقول نجري التغيرات التالية‬
‫مضارع بسيط ← ماضي بسيط‬-1
‫مضارع مستمر ← ماضي مستمر‬-2
‫← ماضي تام‬ ‫مضارع تام‬-3
‫← ماضي تام‬ ‫ماضي بسيط‬-4
could-would ← can -will -5
:‫تغيير الضمير‬-2
I ➞ he / she / it
we ➞ they
Fatima: ‘I want to go skiing this winter.’
Fatima said (that) she wanted to go skiing that winter.
Ali: ‘We are having a picnic on Friday.’
Ali said (that) they were having a picnic on Friday.
Samira: ‘Ali, I’m sorry about what happened.’
Samira told Ali that she was sorry about what had happened.
Samira said to Ali that she was sorry about what had happened.
:‫*تحويل الجملة االستفهامية إلى الكالم المنقول‬
‫نطبق نفس القواعد السابقة في تغيير الزمن والضمير والصفات الملكية والظروف الزمنية أيضا ً على الجملة االستفهامية‬
.‫ فنحذفهم‬Do-Does-Did ‫أما بالنسبة إلى‬. ‫باإلضافة إلى إزالة االستفهام وذلك بإرجاع التبديل‬.
-He asked me "Why are you lazy"
He asked me why I was lazy.
‘What are you going to do after school?’

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
She wanted to know what I was going to do after school.
In Yes / No questions, use ask / wanted to know + if or whether.
‘Did you enjoy the class?’
She asked me if / whether I had enjoyed the class.
She wanted to know if / whether I had enjoyed the class.
:‫تغيير الظروف الزمنية وأسماء اإلشارة‬
Today----that day
Yesterday-----the day before
Tomorrow-----the next day
Last week-----the week before

Report these things that people said. Copy and complete the sentences.
a ‘My house is near the river.’
b ‘They’re building flood defences.’ Mazen said that they ...
c ‘The river flooded the town last week.’ Asma said that ...
d ‘The water came into my house.’ Rana said that ...
e ‘They built the hotel on springs.’ The journalist said that ...

Answers : a Omar said that his house was near the river.
b ...were building flood defences.
c ...the river had flooded the town the week before.
d ...the water had come into her house.
e ...they had built the hotel on springs.

Now rewrite this story in your notebook using Nazrul’s words.

a (Ten-year-old Nazrul from Bangladesh said that) he had been trapped on the roof of his
I was trapped on the roof of my house.
b The river in his town had overflown its banks after heavy rain.
The river …
c (He explained that) his father had woken him early in the morning because the house had
been full of water.
d (Nazrul said that) he had looked after his baby brother while his parents had carried all
the furniture upstairs.
e (He said that) he and his family had spent a night on the roof of their house and that nobody
had rescued them until the following day.
f (Nazrul said that) he had been staying with his aunt since the flood.

Answers : a “I was trapped on the roof of my house.”

b “The river in my town has overflown its banks after heavy rain.”

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
c “My father woke me early in the morning because the house was full of water.”
d “I looked after my baby brother while my parents carried all the furniture
e “I and my family spent a night on the roof of our house and nobody rescued us
until the next day.”
f “I have been staying with my aunt since the flood.”

Review 4 Units 10-12

Write sentences saying what they should or shouldn’t have done. Use the words in
brackets in your answers.
a It was a difficult book to read. (put glasses on)
b I was very hungry by lunchtime. (eat more / breakfast)
c I went out in the evening and got very cold. (go out / a T-shirt)
d Someone stole my car. (lock / doors)
e I ran out of petrol in the middle of the desert. (fill up with / petrol)
f I got stuck in traffic and couldn’t tell anyone. (leave / mobile phone at home)

Answers : a You should have put your glasses on.

b You should have eaten more for breakfast.
c You shouldn’t have gone out in a T-shirt.
d You should have locked the doors.
e You should have filled up the car with petrol.
f You shouldn’t have left your mobile phone at home.

Use these verbs and nouns in your answers.

1 phone / garage
2 go home / spare keys
3 break / lock
4 climb / sunroof
5 buy / new keys
6 force open / back window
b Discuss your ideas in pairs.

Answers : 1 He should have phoned a garage for help.

2 He should have gone home for the spare keys.
3 He should have broken the lock.
4 He should have climbed through the sunroof.
5 He should have bought some new keys.
6 He should have forced open the back window.

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬
Are the verbs in these sentences right or wrong? Rewrite the incorrect sentences.
a Scientists are believing that Earth is getting warmer.
b My friends and I are thinking that ‘protected areas’ in Syria are a good idea.
c She is expecting an email about the job she applied for.
d Syrians have good habits when it comes to protecting the environment.
e Most people aren’t knowing very much about the environment.
f Experts are thinking that pollution is getting worse.

Answers : a believe (not are believing)

b think (not are thinking)
c correct
d correct
e don’t know (not aren’t knowing)
f think (not are thinking)

Report these people's words

a I’m going on holiday next week.
b I love the summer holidays.
c My family goes on holiday twice a year.
d I went on holiday last week.
e We visited Brazil last year .
f We are really enjoying our holiday .

Answers : a He said he was going on holiday the following week.

b He said he loved the summer holidays.
c He said his family went on holiday twice a year.
d She said she had gone on holiday the previous week.
e She said they had visited Brazil the previous year.
f She said they were really enjoying their holiday.

What were these people’s words? Write them in your notebook.

a Ahmad said he always drove carefully.
b Asma told me she was feeling ill.
c Waleed said he had passed his maths exam.
d Talaa told me she wanted to be a teacher.
e Wissam told me he loved fast cars.
f Maysaa said she was learning to play the flute.
Answers : a “I always drive carefully.”
b “I’m feeling ill.”
c “I passed my maths exam.”
d “I want to be a teacher.”
e “I love fast cars.”
f “I’m learning to play the flute.”

layerofheart1@gmail .com ‫شغاف شومان‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫المدرسة‬www.eschoolsy.net ‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬

Copy and complete these sentences with the correct form of the word in capital letters.
a It’s………….. to drive fast in the town centre. DANGER
b ……………….drivers don’t have accidents. CARE
c The fire in the shop was…………… . Nobody started it. ACCIDENT
d Don’t drink that stuff. It’s………………. . POISON
e It’s the……………. of parents to make sure their children are safe. RESPONSIBLE
f Earthquakes are examples of…………… disasters. NATURE
g Cars and other vehicles cause…………. . POLLUTE
h ……………….warming is leading to climate change. GLOBE

Answers : a dangerous b Careful c accidental d poisonous

e responsibility f natural g pollution h Global

Choose the correct words in these sentences.

a Some people are afraid of spiders and mouse / mice.
b Your temperature is very high / tall – you should see a doctor.
c Shaza is not as high / tall as her older sister.
d Woman / Women usually live longer than man / men.
e I can’t afford to buy that car – the price is too high / tall.
f Some people believe that child / children watch too much television.

Answers : a mice b high c tall

d Women / men e high f children

Good luck
Teacher: Sheghaf Showman
‫مدرسة سوريا اإللكترونية‬


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