Challenges For Omnichannel Store

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Challenges for omnichannel store

 Don’t know from which channel to start with

The first step in creating a flawless omni-channel retail strategy lies in figuring out which
platforms, mediums, and devices our customers use on a daily basis. That includes where
they like to shop, to hang out, and what experiences motivate their daily lives. With so
many options, how do we know what’s right for us to start engaging with our prospective

Analyse the sales data and leads to see what Omnichannel opportunities we have.
 What are the most popular distribution channels for our consumers?
 Where do prospects fall out of the sales funnel?
These two simple questions should be a good starting point to help show us where our
opportunities lie. It is part of our market research we have to figure out through surveys
what customers are really looking for from us and what channels to add or improve to get
the best sales results. what retail channels they would prefer to see. Once we’ve defined
what channels we’re going to use, tell them about the new Omnichannel retailing options
with marketing campaigns to new customers along with existing customers.

 How to evaluate the success of channel

Even if we implement Omnichannel, how do we know if it’s working? What if we’re just
spending lots of money and effort on channels that aren’t effective at bringing in more

To overcome with these challenge we need Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Once we’ve
figured out our strategy and decided how to implement it, we should set KPIs that will help
us measure the success of our Omnichannel strategy.
Product trial per visit
Conversion rate on product trial
Revisit rate
Product recommend and offers per visit
Cross- channel conversion rate

 Improve sales and customer experience

To improve our sales and customer experience. We will give customers the flexibility of
looking up a product online through their ecommerce store and then visiting any of the
khadi (Retail stores) to see the product. On the visit, we will design consultant to guide
customers in choosing suitable khadi product. The customer can either make payment in
the Khadi store or go back home to order the product online. The customer is in complete
control at every stage of the process. We will also give free WiFi to customers who want to
complete their own research while in the store.

 Create a Seamless Experience on Mobile

 In the retail world, phones are a key tool when researching products while in-
store.  A lot of customers use mobile more for surfing the internet and placing
an order. If we are not optimizing our business for a seamless experience on
mobile, then we are simply leaving money on the table for someone else to
grab. To create a seamless experience on mobile starts with developing a
mobile-optimized site with a good user interface and give rewards point for
better customer experience shopping. We must have websites that load
quickly (3 seconds or less is ideal) to ensure customers don’t abandon their
search, or they may lose out on a sale. We need to develop our websites with
a mobile user interface in mind, include location settings to find nearby stores,
allow customers to search for products by scanning in-store items, and check
out through their smartphones. Display proper signage around your stores to
educate customers how to search for products through their mobile devices
and use their phones to complete checkouts.

To have a successful mobile commerce strategy, we must have:

1) high-speed mobile-first websites

2) self-checkouts using mobile sites in-store, and

3) store associates who use mobile devices to complete in-store orders or facilitate
online pick-ups.

 Building Seamless Integrations

When customers switch between multiple channels, they shouldn’t feel they
communicate with different companies. That’s why they shouldn’t start from the
beginning every time they switch channels.. So not only do brands have to be
available across different devices and platforms, these channels also have to be
connected with each other. Only then can a customer go through their entire journey
from start to finish without interruptions, dropping it off or picking it up at any time,
on any device. 

Adopting an API-first approach, no matter how small or limited the current scope of our
omnichannel strategy, APIs open up integration and communication across the different
delivery channels and customer touchpoints, allowing data and information to quickly get to
where it needs to be. This is advantageous for both the businesses and customers because:

 Well-integrated channels across the customer journey mean that customers can
start, continue, and complete their journey across different devices without having to
frustratingly repeat themselves. The order they placed on a retail app, will be in their
cart when their log in on their desktop. The complaint they raised on Facebook
Messenger, will be addressed when they open the app. Implement omnichannel
customer service by integrating chats, calls, social media, and email. Such a system
will also show which channels work well 

 Absence of Data-Driven Corporate Mentality

Omnichannel marketing automation relies on large data volumes. However, without data-
centric corporate mechanisms, businesses cannot leverage this data to personalize
customer experience across multiple channels.

 A central data management hub that unites all the data sources available. All teams
that participate in marketing campaigns should have access to this hub. What’s
more, they should have an idea of what kind of data is available.
 A data dictionary where all the metrics are explained so that different teams can
take the data provided by another team and understand how to use it.
 Actions cannot be based exclusively on gut feeling or the manager’s hypothesis.
Analytics needs to play a major role before any action is taken by any team or a
leader. So it will help in decision making.

Trends in future of omnichannel retail

Social selling through video content

By 2022, videos will constitute 82% of all online traffic. Moreover, the average person is
predicted to spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos.
Video consumption heavily influences buying decisions, too.
Fifty percent of consumers say videos have helped them figure out what product or brand to
buy, and 55% of consumers say they watch videos while shopping in-store.
Suffice it to say: this is a perfect time for social selling via video to become a major trend.

Selling direct to camera via livestream will continue to grow

Selling via live videos on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and other social platforms.
We’re all familiar with the trend of tapping on an Instagram post to buy the products we see
on our phone screens. Now, the same applies to Instagram videos.

Consumers want in-person shopping after the pandemic

A year ago, we loved browsing our favourite products from the comfort of our own homes.
As we enter 2022, however, the potency of that dream is dwindling. Consumer are hungry
for in-person shopping experiences. over the next year, 59% of consumers say they’re likely
to look at a product online and buy in-store. Not only does in-person shopping give
customers a chance to touch, feel, and try on your products; it also creates a sense of
community that’s been sorely lacking since COVID-19 hit.

Consumer journey continues to become more omnichannel

Not even a decade ago, the digital and physical shopping experiences were two separate
entities. Today, they’re blended together in such a way that retailers can no longer find the
dividing line.
Buy online, pickup in-store (BOPIS)

Thirty-seven percent of consumers become frustrated when they have to wait too long for a
purchase to arrive, and 23% dislike when they have to pay extra for shipping.

BOPIS is the retail resolution to these frustrations. Retailers can offer BOPIS to satisfy consumers
who prefer to browse online without having to wait for shipping.

Buy online, return in-store

Increased shipping costs have trickled down to consumers, especially the rates associated
with online returns. Stores are now offering customers the ability to return unwanted items
in-store, effectively saving on return shipping costs and inadvertently helping retailers
balance out their inventories.

According to a commissioned Forrester Consulting study conducted on behalf of Shopify,

51% of consumers said the ability to check out online and return items to a physical store
had a significant or very significant influence on their decision to order a product online. In
response, 44% of brands said they planned on prioritizing this in 2022.

Virtual shopping

virtual shopping has allowed shoppers to enjoy the perks of in-store shopping from home. Through
real-time connections, shoppers can ask questions, virtually try on products, and get
recommendations from experts

Now i would like to conclude our presentation. We must constantly keep in mind while
building an omni channel retail marketing plan that a successful approach is essential at all
times. As retailers and brands recover from the epidemic, it's evident that a strong digital
and multi channel strategy is needed to give customers a pleasant shopping experience. This
method is a multi-channel sales strategy that provides a seamless experience for customers.
An omni channel experience connects all of these channels so that users can move
seamlessly between them. This strategy's purpose is to ensure that customers see the brand
consistently across all platforms and devices. Customers remember the brand because of its
consistency, which encourages them to buy from it. Customer loyalty and repeat purchases
are improved when brand recall is improved: the more customers, the more revenue.

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