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Commonly Confused Words Answer Key

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Accept and Except

Write the word except or accept in each blank to correctly complete the

1. There is nothing in the lost and found box, except a pair of mittens.

2. Dr. Sinclair will accept an award for his medical discovery.

3. “I watered all of the house plants, except the cactus,” boasted


4. Juan would not accept money for helping Mr. Rodrigo.

5. Grandma does not like to accept help from anyone.

6. All of the horses are in the corral, except the black stallion.

7. I had everything I needed to make cookies, except chocolate chips.

8. The vending machine will not accept my money.

9. Please accept this gift as a token of my appreciation.

10. My teacher will not accept any late homework assignments.


their, they're, or there

For each sentence, write their, they're, or there in the blank line.

1. Nathan ate dinner at their house.

2. Imani said they're coming over tonight.

3. Olivia set up the computer over there.

4. My friends cannot find their jackets.

5. There are four squirrels in the yard.

6. There is an exciting movie playing tonight.

7. They're always late!

8. The house over there is made of stone.

9. You can have another cookie if there is one left.

10. Can you help me fix their computer?


Advice and Advise

Write the word advice or advise in each blank to correctly complete the

1. Dr. Arias gave his patient advice on how to take care of himself.

2. “Let me offer you some advice, son,” Raj's father told him.

3. The dance instructor will advise her students on how to warm up for

4. “I don't give free advice,” Kevin joked with his brother, Randall.

5. “Will you advise me on what I should do?” Ashley asked her mom.
6. Joanna asked the pet store clerk for advice on food for her rabbit.

7. The young actress hired a stylist to advise her on the latest fashions.

8. Would you like to meet out for coffee? I could really use your advice.

9. Tia listened carefully to Stacy's dilemma before she offered any


10. It's the responsibility of the Department of State to advise the



To, Too, and Two

Use the word too, to, or two to complete each sentence.

1. Kate and Jan went to a football game.

2. James said, “I ate too much ice cream.”

3. Please pick up two gallons of milk from the store.

4. May I play too?

5. Madison likes to ride horses.

6. We will all go to the beach on Sunday.

7. My teacher said, “Your voices are too loud.”

8. Dexter wants to be in the school play.

9. Grandma bought me two birthday presents.

10. Would you like to have beef stew for dinner tonight?

10. Next month, my little sister will turn two years old.

11. You have too many toys in your bedroom.

12. When Pablo started school, he learned to count up to ten.


Affect and Effect

Write the word affect or effect in each blank to correctly complete the

1. A large body of water will affect the weather patterns on nearby land.

2. One effect of living next to a lake is greater amounts of snowfall.

3. The rescheduling of band practice might affect Kayleigh's study time.

4. What's the effect of giving the plant more water?

5. Wearing glasses had a huge effect on Monica's ability to see clearly.

6. Using flashcards to study might affect my grades in a positive way.

7. The heavy rain might affect our drive home.

8. A side effect of the medicine is drowsiness.

9. Will the new law affect small businesses?

10. My missing the bus will negatively affect my arrival time.


Bare and Bear

Write the word bare or bear in each blank to correctly complete the

1. Gideon likes the polar bear exhibit at the zoo.

2. All of the trees in our yard are bare in winter.

3. The boy caught a firefly with his bare hands.

4. I scanned the treeline with my binoculars and saw a grizzly bear.

5. The black bear munched on dandelions in the meadow.

6. Have you ever seen a bear in the wild?

7. The landscape looks bleak and bare in the middle of January.

8. When we moved the furniture out of our old house, it looked very

9. The bear growled when she felt her cubs were in danger.

10. The windows look bare without curtains.

Berth and Birth


Write the word berth or birth in each blank to correctly complete the
1. The woman gave birth to twins.

2. Ranveer slept on a small berth on his overnight train journey to


3. What is your date of birth?

4. We found the cruise ship docked at the last berth.

5. A mammal gives birth to live young.

6. Even though it was small, the sailor's berth was comfortable.

7. Our motorboat only needed a narrow berth at the wharf.

8. Cindy congratulated her coworker on the birth of her son.

9. Emil is Swedish by birth.

10. The birth rate in our country is higher this year than last year.


Break and Brake

Write the word break or brake in each blank to correctly complete the

1. Terrance will need a new left brake for his truck.

2. I fell off my bike when I used the brake too forcefully.

3. Let's take a five minutes break before we continue our meeting.

4. Abby likes to break her candy bar in half to share with her brother.
5. The screechy noise in the car might be coming from a worn-down

6. Bailey's lunch break is forty minutes long.

7. Mrs. Spencer slammed on the brake when a cat ran in front of her car.

8. Can you break an egg so that none of the egg shell gets in your

9. Deanna is really excited for spring break!

10. We need to break up the soil to prepare our garden.


Capital and Capitol

Write the word capital or capitol in each blank to correctly complete the

1. The capital of New York State is Albany.

2. Mitchell's class walked through the foyer of the capitol on their field

3. The Preston family took a picture in front of the impressive capitol


4. Winnipeg is the capital of Manitoba.

5. Can you name every state capital in the U.S.?

6. Miss Bolton traveled to the nation's capital for business.

7. The state capitol has such an intricate and unusual design.

8. When David grows up, he wants to work on Capitol Hill.

9. The news anchor is reporting outside of Connecticut State Capitol.

10. What is the capital of Australia?


Cereal and Serial

Write the word cereal or serial in each blank to correctly complete the

1. Bella eats a bowl of cereal before she goes to school each day.

2. Can you read me the serial number on our refrigerator?

3. How many digits are in the serial number?

4. Grandma always keeps Heather's favorite cereal at her house for


she sleeps over.

5. Would you rather have cereal or French toast for breakfast?

6. I really don't like to eat cereal.

7. Any book that is a part of a series can be called a serial.

8. Mrs. Aiken wrote cereal on her grocery list.

9. The books are arranged in serial order.

10. What kind of cereal does Juan like to eat?


Compliment and Complement

Write the word compliment or complement in each blank to correctly

complete the


1. Chelsea gave Emily a compliment on her new pair of shoes.

2. The sweet and tangy flavors in the sauce complement each other.

3. Be quick to compliment and slow to criticize.

4. Kiera always finds ways to compliment her family and friends.

5. Khepri and Nijah may be different, but they complement one another.

6. The artist added some earthy green tones to complement the rich reds

in his oil painting.

7. My neighbor came over to compliment my blooming rose bushes.

8. Hiro's bright, colorful clothing seems to complement his outgoing


9. Thank you for the nice compliment!

10. Miles' dad gave him a compliment on his good report card.


Dual and Duel

Write the word dual or duel in each blank to correctly complete the

1. Claire holds dual citizenship in Ireland and France.

2. My notebook serves a dual purpose as a planner and a journal.

3. The pirate challenged his foe to a duel.

4. The two young men fought in a duel.

5. Mrs. Sanchez has a dual role as a fourth and fifth grade teacher.

6. The hot-tempered man challenged the stranger to a duel.

7. A futon fulfills a dual purpose as a couch and a bed.

8. My little brother challenged me to a duel.

9. Casey plays a dual role in the school play.

10. Jenna's winter jacket serves a dual purpose: it keeps her warm

Farther and Further

Write the word farther or further in each blank to correctly complete the

1. Please don't swim any farther away from the shore.

2. Are you any further in the chapter book you've been reading?

3. The politician had no further comments for the reporters.

4. New York and Florida are farther apart than New York and Kansas.

5. How much farther until we get to Grandma and Grandpa's house?

6. Before we go any further with this project, let's develop a plan.

7. Police need to investigate further into the matter.

8. Delroy jogged farther today than he did yesterday.

9. Scientists are going to take the experiment even further.

10. Which is farther: the distance to the moon or the distance to Mars?


Foreword and Forward

Write the word foreword or forward in each blank to correctly complete

the sentence.

1. The foreword of the book revealed little-known facts about the

2. The chair is facing forward.

3. Priya Sachdeva is a forward-thinking entrepreneur.

4. Mrs. Hauck pulled her driver's seat forward so she could reach the

gas pedal.

5. It only took me five minutes to read the book's foreword.

6. The city is ready to move forward with the construction project.

7. “Don't skip the foreword,” our teacher warned. “One of your test

questions will come directly from there.”

8. I tapped the horse's sides with my heels, and the animal walked

9. Even though the road ahead will be challenging, we are moving


10. The foreword is written by a leading biologist in the field. LD


Using Lay and Lie

Complete each sentence with the correct form of lay or lie.

1. Grandma lays her spoon next to the stove.

2. Eddie is lying on his bed.

3. Earlier today, Martha had laid her purse on the chair.

4. John and Dennis lie on the ground, looking at the stars.

Note: Lie is present tense. Also accept past tense form, lay.

5. Kendra had lain on a raft in the pool all afternoon.

6. My dog lies on the sofa when I leave the house.

7. Yesterday, Aldea laid her pencil on the book.

8. Do you see Jacob lay his baseball cap on the shelf?


Site and Sight

Write the word site or sight in each blank to correctly complete the

1. I looked at a blueprint of the construction site.

2. Abib checked his favorite weather site to see the forecast.

3. Grandma Nora doesn't have good sight anymore.

4. “I don't want to lose sight of you,” Mom told Jayden.

5. The veterans' memorial site will be on the waterfront.

6. Mayor Rothschild cut the ribbon at the new school site.

7. That sunset over the lake last night was a beautiful sight.
8. The site where the daycare is being built used to be an open field.

9. If you have 20/20 vision, it means you have very good sight.

10. Paul wrote down the web address of the site he used in his research


Thorough and Through

Write the word thorough or through in each blank to correctly complete

the sentence.

1. Veda is very thorough when she cleans her apartment.

2. The accountant carefully looked through the stack of bills on his


3. Nyree taught her dog to jump through a hoop.

4. The detective made a thorough search of the crime scene.

5. Dr. Basnet gave his patient a thorough examination.

6. Ashton looked through the window at the pouring rain.

7. Pradeep trudged through the snow.

8. Mrs. Reimer was very thorough when she graded her students'
9. Chelsea gave a card to her friend who is going through a hard time.

10. I gave my rabbit, Daisy, a thorough brushing.

Part 1
1. Can I go to the party (to, too, two)?

2. This is my favorite (pare, pair, pear) of jeans.

3. I (sent, scent, cent) a letter to my aunt in Vietnam.

4. The children got (bored, board) during the lecture.

5. Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez like to work in (there, they’re, their) garden.

6. Alec is going to (wear, ware) his work boots today.

7. Do you think it is going to (rein, rain, reign) this afternoon?

8. I saw a restaurant just off the (rode, road) about a mile back.

9. David’s brother is in a (band, banned) which plays Russian music.

10. Juana wants her socks because her (tows, toes) are cold.

11. The teacher walked down the (aisle, isle) between the rows of desks.
12. Hadil has a (pane, pain) in her shoulder.

13. The school (principal, principle) spoke to a group of parents.

14. The clerk wants to (sell, cell) as many TVs as possible.

15. I don’t want to talk about the (passed, past) anymore.

16. Nobody (knows, nose) what you are thinking.

17. I have (for, four, fore) dollars in my pocket.

18. I need to take a (break, brake) from this exercise!

19. Humans have hands. Dogs have (paws, pause).

20. (He’ll, Heel, Heal) be here in a few minutes.

Part 2

1. Allusion
2. Between
3. Many
4. Too
5. They’re
6. Effect
7. Fewer
8. Rise
9. Hung
10. Lay
11. Than
12. Who
13. Imply
14. Less
15. Whose
16. Lie
17. Illusion
18. There
19. Who’s
20. Infer
21. Affect
22. Their
23. To
24. Hanged
25. Among
26. Then
27. Raise
28. Whom
29. Much

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