Lesson Plan Number System Class 9

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4.04.2022 to 15


Name of Chapter
Chapter 1: Number System

(Syllabus as per
Learning In this chapter students will
Objectives ● gain the knowledge of various types of numbers viz. natural
numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers etc.which
constitutes the Real number system
● explore the relation between various types of numbers.
● learn to insert rational numbers between two rational numbers.
● appreciate the fact that infinitely many rational numbers can be
inserted between two given rational numbers
● learn to represent irrational numbers like √2, √3, √5 etc on the number
● Understand the process to find the decimal expansion of real
numbers and discriminate between a rational and irrational
number on this basis.
● learn to insert irrational numbers between two rational numbers.
● learn addition, subtraction, multiplication & division of real
● learn the method of rationalising the denominator of a rational
● Learn to extend laws of exponents for negative exponents too
and apply laws of exponents in calculations involving

Content (This is https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/

a PPT which is 13I2l38MnvSzaaT2oMY7BKwBhs9WEbE3DPmUH8VqBiY0/edit?
used by teachers usp=sharing
on the smart
Instructional ● Introduction of the chapter will begin with a discussion on why
Strategies we need numbers? A video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
(Pedagogy- v=C59fnkCQ_wE) will be shown.Students will gain the
Tools and
knowledge of different systems of representing numbers.
techniques used
for assessment ● Discussion on how to define the various types of collection of
and learning) numbers . Students will take notes and do Frayer’s Model
● Number activity: Classification of numbers viz. Natural numbers,
whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational
● Ex 1.1 (NCERT)
● Method of finding rational numbers between two rational
numbers will be explained. Examples from NCERT
● Home work ( Ex 1.1 Q2,3 )
● Oral assessment

● Irrational numbers concept will be done in detail. Ex 1.2

● Students will be explained the method of representing an
irrational number on a number line. A video will be shown
explaining the process of representing sqrt2 on a number line.
● Students will be asked to plot sqrt 3 in the notebook. As a
homework Ex 1.2 Q3
● Maths activity- Making a square root spiral. Students will watch
the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncVE1iUT9yk)
from home and perform the activity in the class.
● Topic on real numbers and decimal expansion will be taken
up. Ex1.3.
● Students will look at the decimal expansions of real numbers
and see if we can use the expansions to distinguish between
rationals and irrationals.
● Problems on converting a decimal number into form p/q, q not
equal to zero will be taken.
● Students will watch a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=khco7i8qt9E) which explains the method of visualising a
rational number using the method of successive magnification.
Ex 1.4 will be discussed.
● Assessment- Practice sheet CBSE Manual
● Topic on operations on real numbers will be taken up. Ex 1.5
● Students will learn to represent an irrational number on a
number line. Ex 1.5 Q5 H.W.
● Assignment- 2, 1
● Laws of exponents will be discussed
● Assignment - 3
● SRC will be given before the UT

Learning After completing the chapter the students should be able to

Outcomes ● Define, what are natural numbers, whole numbers, integers,
rational numbers, irrational numbers
● Speak, A number r is called a rational number, if it can be written in
the form p / q , where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.
● Speak, A number s is called a irrational number, if it cannot be written
in the form p / q , where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.
● Do, problems based on inserting rational numbers between any
two given rational numbers. He/She should be able to tell that
there are infinite rational numbers between any two rational
● Represent, a rational number or an irrational number on a
number line
● Convert, a given decimal number into p/q form
● Know and visualise, the decimal expansion of a rational number
is either terminating or non-terminating recurring. Moreover, a
number whose decimal expansion is terminating or non-
terminating recurring is rational.
● Know and visualise the decimal expansion of an irrational
number is non-terminating non-recurring. Moreover, a number
whose decimal expansion is non-terminating non-recurring is
● Understand alll the rational and irrational numbers make up the
collection of real numbers.
● There is a unique real number corresponding to every point on
the number line. Also, corresponding to each real number, there
is a unique point on the number line.
Assignment https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwcLLqDTu9u-

Maths Activities https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwcLLqDTu9u-


Enrichment activities - Need based


Remedial As per need common errors discussion will be done. A document has
Strategies been created for the reference.

Websites/Useful https://docs.google.com/document/d/
Links (This 1PCae29aDLlfrURlpcqv3t22AlVi7UXcr5B1Z3Yap4ck/edit?usp=sharing
contains a list of
useful websites
and videos)

Books used NCERT (available in the content folder)

Exemplar (available in the content folder)

Teacher’s Extra question based on the topic from exemplar and Start up
Remark mathematics and universal mathematics will be given as an extra
Common Errors Discussion

MLL Assessment (This is for our reference)


We have created SRC(Student Reflection Checklist)

It will be given to students before the test.

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