Fractions - Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are that the lesson plans teach fractions, equivalent fractions, mixed numbers and ordering fractions using various teaching methods like worksheets, diagrams, videos and group activities.

The objectives are for students to understand fractions as parts of wholes, equivalent fractions, and mixed numbers. The outcomes are that students will be able to read, write, compare and simplify fractions and mixed numbers.

Teaching methods used include worksheets, diagrams, videos, group activities and quizzes. Teaching aids include computers, projectors, whiteboards, worksheets and number lines.

Daily Lesson Plans Date/ Day Time Form : 24 February 2011/ Thursday : 9.00am 10.

20 am (80 minute) : 1 Mualim

Number of Student : 32 students Subject Topic Subtopics : Mathematics : Fractions : Fractions, Equivalent Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Student Knowledges: Fractions


: Students will be taught to i. ii. iii.


Understand and use the knowledge of fractions as a part of a whole Understand and use the knowledge of equivalent fractions Understand the concept of mixed numbers and their representations.


: At the end of this class, student will be able to i. Read fractions


ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii.

Describe fractions as a part of a whole Represent fractions with diagrams Write fractions for given diagrams Find equivalent fractions for a given fractions Determine whether two given fractions are equivalent Compare the values of two given fractions Arrange fractions in order Simplify fractions to the lowest terms Recognise mixed number Represent mixed number with diagrams Write mixed numbers based on given diagrams Compare and order mixed numbers on number lines.


: 1. Fold a paper into many parts 2. Question and answer between teacher and students
3. Use materials and number lines to make student understand

4. Teaching by using module from internet.

5. Quizzes in group. 6. Video presentation.

Teaching aids : Computer, LCD, white board, marker pen, fraction module, A4 papers, manila card Value Skills : Attention, respect, listen to instructions : Communication, searching, manipulates the situation



Learning objective/ Learning Teacher activity outcomes

* Introduction to fractions - Teacher shows a recipe in slide which contain fractions element. - Teacher asks the students what they can see from the recipe. - Teacher shows the element of fractions in the recipe.

Student activity

Strategy/teaching aids/value/CCT
Strategy: Student and materials based learning. Teaching aids: Computer, LCD Value: Attention, CCT: Generating ideas Preparation: Teacher ensures that the computer and the LCD work well.

Induction set (3 minutes)


- Students see the recipe. - Students answer what they can see from the recipe.

Step 1 (15 minute)


* Read fractions * Describe fractions as a part of a

- Teacher shows a teaching module - Students see and from internet understand the module ( based on teacher

Strategy: Teacher, student and materials based learning.




* Represent fractions with diagrams - Teacher explains how to read - Students listen and fractions on white board. understand the teacher * Write fractions for given diagrams explanations. - Teacher explains how fractions can be representing with diagrams and - Students listen and see writing fractions for diagrams using teachers explanations. slide show. - Teacher gives questions on white - Students answer teachers board and chooses students randomly to answer the questions. questions. Step 2 Equivalent (15 minutes) fractions * Find equivalent fractions for a given fractions * Determine whether two given fractions are equivalent - Teacher shows a teaching module from internet ( fractions.html) - Teacher gives each student with one piece of paper. - Students see and understand the module based on teacher explanation. - Students take one paper from teacher.

Teaching aids: Computer, LCD, White board, marker pen, textbook Value: Attention, respect CCT: Generating ideas Preparation: Teacher ensures that the computer and the LCD work well.

Strategy: Teacher, student and materials based learning. Teaching aids: Textbook, Computer, LCD, A4 paper , white board, marker pen Value: Attention, respect, listen to instructions CCT: Generating ideas, conclude Preparation: Teacher ensures that the computer and the LCD work well. Gives paper to students before start the activity.

- Teacher asks students to fold the - Students fold the paper paper into two parts and shade one and shade the paper as part from the two parts. teacher instruction. - Then teacher asks the students to - Students fold the paper fold the paper again so that the paper again until the paper has will have four parts. four parts. Then, student will get :-

- Teacher asks students to fold the paper again but into three parts

- Students fold the paper

- Teacher asks students randomly into three parts. whether two fractions are equivalent - Students answer each or not. teacher questions. Step 3 Equivalent (20 minutes) fractions * Compare the values of two given - Teacher explains how to reduce fractions fractions into lowest term fractions using GCD on white board. And * Arrange fractions in order internet module, ( * Simplify fractions to the lowest fractions.html) terms. - Students listen and focus Strategy: Teacher and student the teacher explanations on based learning. using GCD. Teaching aids: Computer, LCD, White board, marker pen, textbook - Students try to answer the Value: Attention, listen to - Teacher gives questions and asks teachers questions. instruction, respect each student to answer. Teacher will call any student to answer the questions. CCT: Generating ideas - Students listen and focus the teacher explanations. Preparation: Teacher ensures that - Teacher explains how to compare the computer and the LCD work two fractions on white board. - Any student from the well. class answers the question - Teacher gives questions with two and then explains how fractions and asks any students to he/she get the answer. answer the question. When the student can answer the question, the student will be explains to class how he/she get the answer. - Any volunteer student come to in front and fills in - Teacher makes a number line on the blanks. manila card and asks any student to fill the blanks on number line. Step 4 Mixed number * Recognise mixed number (20 minutes) * Represent mixed numbers with diagrams - Teacher explains how to recognise - Students listen and focus Strategy: Teacher and student mixed number by using slideshow the teacher explanation. based learning. - Teacher explains that mixed Teaching aids: Computer, LCD,

* Write mixed numbers on given diagrams

Value: Attention, respect. - Teacher asks students to draw * Compare and order mixed numbers diagrams for a given mixed numbers - Students draw diagrams CCT: Generating ideas on number lines and write mixed numbers on given for given mixed numbers and write mixed numbers Preparation: Draw number lines diagrams on white board. on given diagrams on white on manila card. - Teacher makes number lines on board. manila card and asks any student - Students in group discuss to fill the blanks on number lines and fill in the blanks with with mixed numbers. mixed numbers. Step 5 Quizzes * Test the students understanding - Teacher asks students to stay in group. - Teacher gives questions to each group. Closed (5 minutes) Homework * Improve the student skills - Teacher gives homeworks from textbook. - Teacher shows video as th conclusion of the class. - Students stay in group of Teaching aids: Computer, LCD eight. Preparation: Teacher ensures that - Each group must answer the computer and the LCD work the questions. well. - Each student copy the homeworks. - Students see the video. Teaching aids: Computer, LCD, textbook Preparation: Teacher ensures that the computer and the LCD work well.

numbers can be representing with diagrams using slideshow.

marker pen, manila card.

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