National Level Science Talent Search Examination: Test Assess Achieve

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Test Assess Achieve


Question Paper Code : UN474


1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C, D 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. B

11. A 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. D

21. B 22. A, B 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. C 30. B

31. B 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. D 39. C 40. D

41. A 42. A 43. A 44. D 45. C 46. C 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. C

51. B 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. D 56. D 57. D 58. A 59. C 60. D


05. (D) From the given figure, the number of
01. (D) 17 × 70 = 1190 squares shaded = No. of full squares +

02. (A) 7175 + 729 = 7904 (total number of no. of squares

+ no. of half squares
paper clips) 2
7904 ÷ 8 = 988 2 4 1
= 10 +  2  = 15
03. (C) Only shape Z has a square shaped face 2 2
04. (C, D) 25 + 14 Area of each grid square = 2 cm2

XXV + XIV = XXXIX  The area of shaded figure

= 15 × 2 cm2 = 30 cm2

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06. (C) Let Nisha age be 5 years 12. (A) Travelled time = 45 min
 Manisha age be 7 years Started time = ?
Vidya age = 5 + 6 = 11 years Reached time = 12:05
Difference of ages of Vidya & Manisha 12:05 – 45 min = 11:65 – 45
= 11 years – 7 years = 4 years
= 11:20 a.m.
07. (D) 1×9=9
13. (C) Mass of cashew nuts = 8 kg 360 g
2 × 9 = 18
Number of bags = 4
3 × 9 = 27
Mass of nuts in each bag = 8360 g  4
9 + 18 + 27 = 54
= 2090 g
08. (C) 32 × 19 = 608 (total number of pencils)
= 2 kg 90 g
608  4 = 152 groups
14. (B) Largest 5 – digit odd number = 96427
152 × 3= 456
Smallest 5 – digit odd number = 24679
1 4 96427 – 24679 = 71748
09. (D) 
3 12 15. (B) 100 – 64 = 36 (friend)
5 10 36 9
 Fraction  
6 12 100 25
16. (A) Numbers divisble by 4 between 478 and
3 18
 486: 480, 484
2 12
Numbers divisble by 6 between 478 and
By comparing the denominator the 486: 480
fractions arranged in order beginning
The number is 480
3 1 5 3
with smallest , , , 17. (B) 10 tens = 100
12 3 6 2
20901 – 100 = 20801
10. (B) Multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42,
4h 20 min
48, 54, 60, 66, , 78, 84, 90,

Multiples of 8: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 18. (D)

09:30 13:30 13:50
64, , 80, 88,
The duration is 4 h 20 min.
Common multiples of 6 and 8 that are
19. (A)
between 50 and 100: and
11. (A) Rearrange the shaded portion to see that
Greater number
3 192
of the figure is shaded
8 Smaller number

4 units  36
1 unit  192  4 = 48
2 units  48 × 2 = 96

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20. (D) 8 min  64 l SCIENCE
1 min  64 l  8
26. (A) Living thing labelled as 1 is mushroom.
=8l Mushroom is a fungi. Fungi are
2 min  8 l × 2 saprophytes.
= 16 l 27. (D) Cheese is a dairy product.
28. (C) Flower produce fruits and seeds.
21. (B) 5 = 4365
29. (C) Gas Z is oxygen.
= 435  5 30. (B) As position 2 it will be summer in
northern hemisphere.
= 873
31. (B) Turning on a light switch allows change
+ = 1927 of electrical energy to light energy.
32. (C) A mouse has the shortest lifespan.
873 + = 1927
33. (C) Bird’s egg have hard shells to protect the
= 1927 – 873 embryo from trauma.

= 1054 34. (B) Solar energy was converted to light and

heat energy.
+ = 2309 35. (B) Lion is a carnivore.
36. (A) Cockroach young one undergoes
= 2309 – 1054
moulting to form into an adult.
= 1255 37. (A) If you breathe on a mirror, the mirror
steams up ... When the water vapor
E D from your breath hits the cold mirror,
A some of it turns into a liquid. Thousands
22. (A, B) C
of tiny droplets of water form on the
B mirror, and this is called condensation.
G 38. (D) It is condensed from the water vapour
in air.
23. (B) (i) 14 cm 39. (C) The sharp spines on the cactus help it
(ii) 12 cm to keep animals away from the plant.
(iii) 20 cm 40. (D) Topsoil has more humus. Hence, it is
(iv) 14 cm easier to grow plants healthy in topsoil
than in subsoil.
So (i) and (iv) have same perimeter
41. (A) Energy is given off in many forms. All
4 6 8 objects always emit some radiation
24. (B) = = (energy). At room temperature or below,
6 9 12
the amount of energy given off is
25. (D) 40 min × 2 = 80 min minimal. Only at much higher
40 min + 80 min = 120 min temperatures is the energy of the
radiation (light) sufficient to make it
visible. When the wick of the candle
burns, it produces the visible light energy
and heat (the transfer of thermal energy
from one substance to another).
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42. (A) Plants in option (A) is sundew an CRITICAL THINKING
insectivorous plant, that grow in nutrition
deficient soil. Hence, it eats insects and 56. (D) North-West
also can make its on food. SE
43. (A) Both the arctic hare and the polar bear E S
have thick fur with a thick layer of fat
beneath their skin to survive the cold
climate. NE SW

44. (D) Bread, biscuit and chapati are made from

flour of cereals. Butter, ghee and cheese N W
are made from milk. NW
45. (C) Plants breathe through stomata.
46. (C) 1 : Nitrogen;
57. (D)
2 : Oxygen;
3 : Other gases 1 2
47. (D) A tooth decay results in bad breathe,
cavities and toothache. It is due to the
growth of bacteria.
Option (A) :
48. (B) An apple fall down when it gets detached 1 4
from the tree due to gravitational force.
49. (B) Q stage in the butterfly lifecycle is
called pupa. It undergoes changes to
become an adult. The process is called Option (B) :
metamorphosis. 2 3
50. (C) Rain, snow and sleet are precipitation.
51. (B) Insects have three body parts. Head,
thorax and abdomen. Option (C) :
52. (A) Plants make their food in the presence 3 4
of sunlight taking in water from the soil 58. (A) Friday, No leap in 2006, and 2007, if 8th
and carbon dioxide from the air. Dec 2006 is Friday then 8th Dec 2007 is
53. (B) Option (B) is large intestine it absorbs Saturday.
water from undigested food.
54. (C) A white dog has a puppy with a white
fur is an inherited trait, learning to ride
a bicycle, a brokenleg of cat and a scar 59. (C) 
from a burn are not inherited from parent
to child.
55. (D) Q is the moon. It is earth’s closest
neighbour and reflects light from the sun.

60. (D) 

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