Role of Yoga in Gastro-Intestinal Problems W.S.R. To Constipation (Vibandha) in Geriatrics

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Role of Yoga in gastro-intestinal problems w.s.r. to Constipation (Vibandha)

in geriatrics

Article · April 2017


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ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE Mar-Apr 2017

Role of Yoga in gastro-intestinal problems w.s.r. to

Constipation (Vibandha) in geriatrics
Kishor G. Satani,1 Hemang Raghvani,2 Kunjal Raghvani.3
Associate Professor, Dept. of Samhita Siddhant, 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Panchakarma, 3Assistant Professor,
Dept of Shalakya Tantra, J. S. Ayurved College, Nadiad, Gujarat. India.

Jararoga can be incorporated in geriatrics in modern parlance which is a branch of medicine concerned
especially with problems of ageing and diseases of elderly people. It tends to vary in different age
groups by genetic factors, dietary habits, socio-economically conditions, life style, occurrence of
diseases etc. Ayurveda has considered aged or elderly as Jara or Vardhakya, a natural disease. During
this period of life, due to Dhatukshaya, Vatavriddhi etc., Vatika disorders related to Gastro-intestinal
tract like indigestion, abdominal distention, flatulence, diarrhoea, joint pain, backache, tremors in
limbs, Insomnia are common problems. Among these constipation (Vibandha) is commonly
complained by every second elder person. So, to treat this problem completely various Yogic
procedures which are economically almost free can be a good alternative to treat constipation
holistically. Management of geriatric G.I.T. problems especially constipation by Yoga can be done in
two ways, by Yogic Ahara and by Yogic Vihara as Acharya Charaka says “Ahara Sambhavam Vastu
Roga Aahar Sambhava”. Yogic Vihara means by various Yogic Kriyas and Asanas like Surya-namaskar,
Vajrasana, Pashchimothasana, Dhanurasana, Pranayama, Pratyahara and various Agnisara Kriyas
through one can get control over Apana Vayu by correcting Jatharagni successfully.

Key words: Constipation, Geriatrics disorders, Yogic Ahara, Vihara.

INTRODUCTION world, it is common to mention the four ‘I’s as the

geriatric giants - Instability, Immobility, Incontinence
India is undergoing major demographic changes. As
and Impaired Intellect. However, this list is not
birth rates decline, we witness an increase in the
exhaustive. There are a few problems which are more
geriatric population. At 80 million, we are home to the
frequently encountered in this age group. Successful
second largest geriatric population in the world. By
aging can have many different meanings. Freedom
the year 2020, it is expected that this number would
from illness and disease is a wishful thought as the life
double to a staggering 160 million accounting for 13
span progresses over many decades after the fifth
percent of the entire population.[1] In the medical
decade of life.
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Kishor G. Satani The aging process includes maturity in thinking,
Associate Professor, Dept. of Basic Principles, J. S. Ayurveda planning, acting and evaluating the outcomes of
Mahavidyalaya, Nadiad, Gujarat, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
decision. It tends to vary in different age groups by
Submission Date : 0/0/2017 Accepted Date: 0/0/2017
genetic factors, dietary habits, socioeconomically
Access this article online conditions, life style and occurrence of diseases etc. It
Quick Response Code also means the aging of the human body. Some of the
Website: change that occur with aging included declining
function of some organs and body systems, which can
produce illness and disease processes, while aging
DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v2i2.7711 does not have to mean experiencing ill health, the
changes in physiology associated with aging are often
associated with illness and disease, given patterns of

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | Mar - Apr 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 2 104
Kishor G. Satani et. al. Role of Yoga in gastro-intestinal problems w.s.r. to Constipation (Vibandha)

ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE Mar-Apr 2017

decline may be in structure or function, whether from constipation.[6] One population based study from India
aging or disease or both. The decline may not be in only 505 people found the prevalence of
noticed until it reaches a level that is beyond the constipation by the Rome II criteria to be 16.8% and
individual’s ability to adapt. Successful aging includes self-reported constipation to be 24.8% in the last 1
successful adaptation to changes. Ayurveda has year,[7] but the true prevalence of constipation in the
considered aged or elderly as Jara or Vardhakya, a larger Indian population is not known due to lack of a
natural disease.[2] uniform definition of constipation. The term
Geriatrics disorders constipation is basically a patient’s perception
variously describing subjective feeling of inability to
Acharya Sharangadhara says; in old age physiologically
pass faeces smoothly or regularly, hard stool or
Dhatukshaya occurs and due to dominant Vata
obstruction to its passage, unproductive urges or
Vardhak Ahara-Vihara, Apana Vayu gets vitiated, the
feeling of incomplete evacuation and hence it is
sub-type of Vata that supports elimination and
difficult to define. The situation in Asia is different. In
stability of Mala. Due to Vata Dosha Vriddhi; Vatika
several Asian countries the normal stool frequency is
disorders like indigestion, abdominal distention,
1-2 motions/day in over 90% of population.[8],[9],[10],[11]
flatulence, frequently constipation and diarrhoea,
Although constipation is often looked upon as a
joint pain, of gastro-esophageal reflux disease or
common problem, if not treated or if treatment is
GERD, backache, tremors in limbs, insomnia,
delayed, it can lead to further problems such as
dementia, loss of memory etc. found much more in
hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal prolapse, fecal
this stage of life in compare to other period of life.[3]
incontinence, bloody stools, fistula.
Current Scenario
Among these disorders, G.I.T. disorders are much
important as, the functioning of the Gastro intestinal Constipation refers to the incomplete evacuation or
system has wide-ranging influences on the body. GI difficulty in passing of stools or passing of hard stools.
complaints are even more likely to be the chief In simple language it is irregular and infrequent or
complaint, rather than just an associated problem. difficult evacuation of the bowels. It is the most
Many G.I. tract disorders begin with a loss of appetite common digestive complaint yet, it is treated as a
and nausea with or without vomiting. Continued symptom and not a disease by itself. Constipation
nausea usually results in loss of appetite and potential occurs among all ages, from newborns to elderly
weight loss. More complicated G.I. conditions of older persons. However, this condition is more common
adults account for great personal expenditure for among the elderly.
treatment and a drain on the Nation’s economy.[4] In Ayurveda, it is referred to as Anaha, Koshta
There is increased evidence of several impaired Baddhata or Vibandha. It is usually a Vata disorder,
gastrointestinal functions with aging. The changes in particularly if it is a long-standing condition or in the
intestinal microfluora and reduced intestinal elderly. It may also be due to Tikshna and Ushna
immunity of aged may favour gastrointestinal Gunas of Pitta or Guru, Picchila Guna of Kapha. Proper
infections that are frequent in the elderly.[5] assimilation of food and elimination of faeces are
Every year approximately 62 million Americans are important for maintaining health. Improper
diagnosed with G.I. tract disorders. According to the elimination from the colon causes retention of waste
National Institute of health, digestive cost nearly 107 and morbid matter, which results in systemic
billion dollar in direct health care expenditures. poisoning or autointoxication. When the colon does
not function promptly, the result is an accumulation
Why constipation?
of offensive and highly poisonous wastes; Ayurveda
Constipation is a common complaint in any calls it “Ama”. Ama is considered as root cause of
population. About 20% of people in USA suffer from
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | Mar - Apr 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 2 105
Kishor G. Satani et. al. Role of Yoga in gastro-intestinal problems w.s.r. to Constipation (Vibandha)

ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE Mar-Apr 2017

most of the ailments as per Ayurveda. The normal have a bowel movement may eventually stop
duration between the times the food is eaten until feeling the urge, which can lead to constipation.
the faeces is expelled, is normally between 16 to 24 Some people delay having a bowel movement
hours. If the residue remains for more than 24 hrs, it because they do not want to use toilets outside
gives rise to Ama. the home. Others ignore the urge because of
emotional stress or because they are too busy.
Causes for constipation
Irregular sleeping habits or emotional
Constitution of the individual (Prakriti) especially Vata disturbances (stress, grief, fear or worry) are
type of Prakriti (constitution) are more prone to other causes for the constipation.
Specific diseases: Diseases that cause
Diet: The most common cause of constipation is constipation include Ajirna, Vatavyadhi,
an improper eating habits including eating a lot of Adhmana, Atopa, Arsha, Bhagandara, scanty food
food, foods that are heavy and difficult to digest or starvation (Anashana), plenty of exercising (Ati
as well as ingestion of Vata promoting food which Vyayama), intestinal obstruction (Antra
is dry (Ruksha), powdery (Pishta), cold (Shita), Avarodha) by foreign body or due to
astringent (Kashaya), bitter (Tikta), quickly intussusceptions (Sammurchhana), Worms
digestive and residue-free diet. For example, (Krumi), impacted feces etc.
cheese, eggs, and meats, refined flour and food Search for an alternative therapy for Geriatric
having such qualities lead to indigestion. problems
Not enough liquids: Liquids like water and juice Therapeutic modalities used in younger age groups
add fluid to the colon and bulk to stools, making are also applicable to the geriatric population, but
bowel movements softer and easier to pass. great attention needs to be given to side effects and
Other liquids, like coffee and soft drinks that drug interactions. There are so many alternative
contain caffeine seem to have a dehydrating therapies for curing these disorders but in old age due
effect. to Ojaskshaya and Balahrasa body can’t tolerate very
Lack of exercise: Lack of exercise can also lead to potent drugs which are useful in young patients for
constipation. For example, constipation often G.I. problems.
occurs after an accident or during an illness when
one must stay in bed and cannot exercise.
'Yoga' the word itself means union, i.e. union of body
Medications: Excessive use of Shita, Ruksha Guna
and mind for a healthy living. There is no organ in the
dominant compound or single Dravya like
body that Yoga exercises do not address. Yoga aims at
Balchaturbhadra Churna, Panchavalkal Kwath,
working towards bringing a balance in mind and body
Nagakesar etc.
of a person, Yoga exercises can give relief virtually
Changes in life or routine: During pregnancy,
from any ailment, relating to any organ of the body.
women may be constipated because of hormonal
So, Management of such geriatric G.I.T. problems by
changes or because the heavy uterus compresses
Yoga can be done in two ways,
the intestine. In addition, people often become
constipated when traveling because their normal 1. Yogic Vihara and
diet and daily routines are disrupted. 2. Yogic Ahara.
Abuse of laxatives: Laxatives usually are not
In Yogic Vihara, various Yogic procedures like
necessary and can be habit- forming.
Suryanamaskara, Yoga Mudras and Asanas
Habit of suppressing the urge over long periods specifically Vajrasana, Pavanamuktasana, Virasana,
(Vega Dharana): People who ignore the urge to Matsyasana, Pashchimottanasana, Bhujangasana,

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | Mar - Apr 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 2 106
Kishor G. Satani et. al. Role of Yoga in gastro-intestinal problems w.s.r. to Constipation (Vibandha)

ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE Mar-Apr 2017

Dhanurasana, Naukasana etc. which are not so heavy address stomach problems directly like the
to do for elder ones are adopted here. There is a very 'Dhanurasana' which makes you put entire weight on
old saying in India, that if the brain and belly are your stomach, thus toning stomach muscles and
healthy then a man is wealthy; meaning, when the making these stronger as well as to digest food better
mind is at peace and there is nothing ailing the and cleanse system of leftover food, etc. for beginners
stomach, then that person is fit and calm. The two in there are Asanas like the Ardha Dhanurasana half of
fact are connected hence to have a peaceful mind it is the Dhanurasana where you require to lift only the
absolutely essential that our digestive system remains upper torso to rest its weight on stomach.
strong and all these Asanas are perfect cure for gas
Yoga exercises are not like allopathic medicines which
and constipation, two niggling problems of the
generally provide short term but instantaneous relief,
these exercises will take a week to become
In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali suggests that Asana is "to completely effective. According to Shrimad Bhagvad
be seated in a position that is firm, but relaxed". At Gita,[12] Yoga combined happy life is described as;
the physical level Asanas, Kriyas, Mudras and Yogic Ahara (food, air and water taken for the
Pranayama stabilize and balance the energies of the sustenance of the body), Vihara (the contact with
adults and thus contribute to a proper usage of his nature needed by the body) Cheshta (the efforts
energy. They tone up the digestive system by the performed by the man with a Sankalpa
alternate stretching and compression of abdominal (determination), Karma (skillfully performed actions),
organs. It activates digestion and gets rid of various Swapna (sleep and rest etc) to awaken (to be in the
G.I problems and also, Strengthens abdominal conscious state). The combination of these can
muscles by putting entire weight on stomach, thus destroy all the sufferings of life. In Ayurveda,
toning stomach muscles and making stronger as well Maharshi Charaka supports it[13] and says people who
as to digest food better and cleanse system of leftover are desirous of a healthy and happy life should bring
food. They thoroughly ventilates the lungs and about a discipline and order in the above aspects of
oxygenates the blood, acts as detoxifying agent, by their life. E.g. the food should be pure, easily
getting rid of enormous of carbon dioxide and other digestible and inclusive of good Samskaras. The items
toxic gases. produced by nature in different seasons are
considered to be the most worthy food of the
Surya Namaskara, or the Sun Salutation, is a form of
respective seasons. Therefore consumption of
worshiping Surya, the Hindu solar deity by
seasonal foods is very helpful for maintaining good
concentrating on the Sun, for vitalization. The physical
health. The meaning of Vihara is behaving in
aspect of the practice 'links together'. This applies
accordance with nature. In nature every season and
even to gastrointestinal problems faced by us
place has its effect and there are principles to be
regularly. Yoga for digestive system has a set of
followed to take advantage of the place and the
exercises or positions, 'Asanas' and various Yogic
season. Understanding these principles and behaving
Mudras, Suryanamaskara etc. that can provide
accordingly would be advantageous to health. If our
complete relief from G.I. problems. Yoga and
efforts and actions are directed towards noble
Ayurveda in combination cannot just give relief but
objectives and are implemented in the right time with
also provide with perfect medication and complete
the right means, then they prove to be beneficial
cure from several stomach and digestive order related
otherwise in spite of being active and performing
ailments. Yoga therapy prescribes several Asanas that
exercise one does not incur any benefits. People
might affect digestion problems, these range to deep
desirous of leading healthy and happy life should also
breathing exercises to increase oxygen in blood as
be taking care of their Ahara.[14]
well as bring breathing in sync with the metabolic
system (Pranayama) as well as several Asanas that
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | Mar - Apr 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 2 107
Kishor G. Satani et. al. Role of Yoga in gastro-intestinal problems w.s.r. to Constipation (Vibandha)

ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE Mar-Apr 2017

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Kishor G. Satani et. al. Role of Yoga in gastro-intestinal problems w.s.r. to Constipation (Vibandha)

ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE Mar-Apr 2017

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How to cite this article: Kishor G. Satani, Hemang
[Internet]2017 [Cited on 07/03/2017] Available from:
Raghvani, Kunjal Raghvani. Role of Yoga in gastro-घेर डसं हता/प चमो या intestinal problems w.s.r. to Constipation (Vibandha) in
यः geriatrics. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2017;2:104-109.
15. Indian Journal of Gerontology; India: Volume 19, No. 1,
pp. 17-22, 2005, [Internet]2017 [Cited on Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None
07/03/2017]Available from: http://www.gerontology declared. / downloads / IJG-19-1.doc


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