Concept of "Guru Cha Apatarpana" in Current Day Trend For Disease of Affluence A Review Article

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 6, November-December 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Concept of “Guru Cha Apatarpana” in Current Day

Trend for Disease of Affluence - A Review Article
Dr. Puja Yadav
Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Shree Krishna Ayurvedic
College Medical College and Hospital, Cholapur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Puja Yadav

Disease of affluence refer to health condition that are associated with "Concept of “Guru Cha Apatarpana” in
a high standard of living standard lifestyle and dietary excess Current Day Trend for Disease of
example include cardiovascular disease obesity and type 2 diabetes. Affluence - A Review Article"
These condition are linked to factor such as over consumption of Published in
processed food lack of physical activity and stress. Lack of physical Journal of Trend in
and stress which are more prevalent in affluent societies. A second Scientific Research
major issue facing modern food systems are chronic diet related and Development
disease that result from calorie over consumption often linked to (ijtsrd), ISSN:
increasing rates of majorly non communicable disease like obesities, 2456-6470, IJTSRD61202
DM, etc has become one of the leading health problem intiating right Volume-7 | Issue-6,
from the childhood in todays society. around the world. Acharya December 2023, pp.402-403, URL:
Charaka has described Santarpanjanya condition which refers
santarpana means aimed at nourishing and promoting the strength of
an individual and janya means born or derived. Santarpana janya in Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
charaka samhita woud typically refer to a condition or disease that Scientific Research and Development
arise due to an excess or imbalance in nourishment This concept is a Journal. This is an
part of broader understanding that imbalances diet life style factor Open Access article
which contribute to various health issues. Example- santarpana janya distributed under the
vyadhi to be treated with the Guru Cha Apatarpana protocol. The terms of the Creative Commons
prime aim of the paper is to analyze the drug and food material with Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Guru Guna and Apatarpana properties given in samhita with (
reference to the current day trends of diet in disease of affluence.
KEYWORDS: Santarpana Roga, Apatarpana, Disease of Affluence

Disease of affluence is a term given to disease and style disorders and provides better solution in the in
health condition which are commonly thought to be a the forms of proper dietary management.In charaka
result of increased wealth in the society. Examples of samhita the detail of santarpana janya roga has been
disease of alluence include mostly chronic non mentioned like Pameha Sthoulya, Grahani etc. the
communicable disease and other physical health ahara we consumed first forms rasa dhatu. The west
condition for which personal lifestyle and societal idea of food is a mere habit, when it comes to indian
condition associated with economic development are view, food is a spiritual worship. Ironically on the
believed to be an important risk factor such as type 2 other side, India Ranks 3rd in global obesity index.
Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, Gout, Coronary Heat This extreme is due to the faulty life styles and diet
Disease, Peripheral Valvular Disease and all are regimen.
interrelated to each other. it typically refers to health Concept of santarparna janya vyadhi chikitsa-
issues associated with sedentary life style,
गु च अतपणं चे ं थूलानाम ् कषणं ित.. Cha su 21
overconsumption of high calorie, processed food and
stress with rapid economic development and गु वात ् वृ ं अ नं यापयित, अतपण वात ् च मेदो
increasing westernization of lifestyle in the past few ह %त..... Chakrapaani
decades prevalence of this disease has reached
alarming proportion among indians in the recent The whole idea is food should be, Guru - so that the
years. As ayurveda is recognized as fore most life stasis time will be more, Apatarpana - should not
science and describe ways to prevent and manage life yield much energy example -Madhu -is the example

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61202 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 402
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
given for Guru cha Atarpana..Still the madhu vibandhaetc.,) complaints are transient, and
available in the market is debatable in its quality.The without any systemic illness, then he can be
dietary fibre seems to be more appropriate as Guru considered fit for. The ketogenic diet
and Atarpana. The fibre is hard to digest and at administration will help in reduction in
Kudhanyas- All the rice varieties with husk not nidranasha and vibandha.
removed, the – kodrava shyamaka, kanguka, priyangu
etc., (millets). The fibre rich vegetables etc. come
 The Fibre Rich Diet can be considered under
under the category of Guru Cha Atarpana. the same
Guru cha Atarpana, the fiber is hard to digest
time it will not yield much energy. And also, even
(guru) and it doesn’t yield much energy
though some vegetables contain good fibre, the
(atarpana). While on the other hand, keto diet
amount of water content is more when compared to
also can be considered Guru cha Atarpana or
millets or unpolished rice varieties. Wheat on the
Accha Sneha or the Avapeedaka Sneha which is
other hand is not of desha saatmya. The godhuma
also indicated for some different kinds of
mentioned in our classics is not the wheat available
ailments. So the advice to be given for obese
today. Even wheat comes with an issue of having
patients, and the patients of other life style
gluten in it. (Some researches reveal that the gluten
disorders varies depending on the various criteria.
content of the wheat can easily be removed by
soaking it in Triphala kashaya over night.)  Ketogenic Diet -If the patient is obese, young,
Current Day Trends for Diseases of Affluence ruksha by nature (anidra, vibandhaetc.,)
1. Fibre rich diet: Fiber is a carbohydrate, not complaints are transient, and without any
easily digestible. This means it can provide early systemic illness, then he can be considered fit for.
satiety after eating without spiking blood sugar or The ketogenic diet administered here will help
adding too many extra calories. Fibrous foods him in sleeplessness and constipation.
often need extra chewing, which can also increase Conclusion
satiety. Cons of high fibre diet- Consuming more  The concept of Guru cha Atarpana covers both
fiber than your body can handle may cause the High Fibre Rich Diet and Keto Genic Diet.
bloating, abdominal pain, even constipation and  The selection of the diet regimen depends on the
sleeplessness. complaints, chronicity and the associated
High Fibre Diet- If the patient is aged, obese and systemic illnesses.
suffers from systemic illnesses like DM, Renal  The high processed foods are always a threat to
issues, Pandu and other metabolic related the Santarpana Janya Vyadhis. The personalised
ailments, he seems to be fit for the high fiber customisation of diet regimen will help the patient
being ruksha in nature, will address the Dhatu fight his ailment better.
Shaithilya Pathology of DM, and also beneficial References-
for renal issues (with kleda, mala sanchaya [1] vidyadhar shukla, charaka samhita (vol,
pathology) and other kleda janya vyadhis. chaukhambha sanskrit pratisthan, delhi, sutra
2. The keto diet: it is defined as low carb diet high sthana 21/17
fat diet. it involves drastically reducing [2] Vidyadhar shukla, charaka samhita (vol,
carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat.5 chaukhambha sanskrit pratisthan, delhi, sutra
percent of calories from carbohydrates, including sthana 22/38
low-carb, non-starchy vegetables and small [3] vidyadhar shukla, charaka samhita (vol,
amounts of leafy greens. The keto diet excludes chaukhambha sanskrit pratisthan, delhi, sutra
carb-rich foods like grains, beans, fruits and sthana 19/17
starchy vegetables. 20 percent of calories from [4] Priyavrat sharma, guna khanda, dravya guna
protein, such as meat, eggs and cheese. 75 percent vigyana (vol i), chaukhambha bharati academy,
of calories from fat, such as oils, unprocessed varanasi pg 168
nuts, butter and ghee etc. Cons of keto diet- Risky [5] Ganesh garade, astanga hridyam 2007, anmol
for diabetic patients. It can trigger ketoacidosis. prakashan sutra sthana 27
Keto Flu / carb flu Headache, foggy brain,
[6] https://en.m.wikipedia. Org
fatigue, irritability, nausea, difficulty sleeping,
and constipation are some of the symptoms of this
condition. The long term use may result in
nutrition loss. Ketogenic Diet -If the patient is [8]
obese, young, ruksha by nature (anidra, [9]

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61202 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 403

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