Budget 2011: Regions Factsheet

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The Gillard Government:

Investing in our Regions

A Strong Economy for All Australians A Strong Economy for All Austra A Strong Economy for All Australians

This Budget builds on our record investment in the transport, water, energy, health, education and communication infrastructure of our regions by committing $4.3 billion, commencing 1 July. These investments, along with the NBN, will help lift living standards outside the big cities, provide the best health services and educational opportunities, and help regional communities reach their potential. A boost to skilled migration will deliver around two-thirds of the increased migration program to help fill critical skill needs, particularly in regional areas.

Better Hospitals and ConneCting regional Communities

This budget provides $1.8 billion for critical infrastructure upgrades to public hospitals and health services for regional Australians, so everyone can get access to world-class healthcare, no matter where they live. We are improving vital regional transport infrastructure, including upgrading the Hume, Pacific, Bruce and New England highways and investing in freight rail through the Australian Rail Track Corporation, to better connect communities and support local investment and jobs.

HistoriC HigHer eduCation reforms

This budget strengthens of regional higher education and vocational education and training institutions, through a $500m regional priorities round of the Education Investment Fund. In addition, further funding for regional loading will help to overcome the higher costs of regional campuses. The Government is also deploying more Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Coordinators and rolling out skills expos to ensure people from regional areas have access to quality education and skills training to get the jobs of the future.

Building Better regional Communities

Critical infrastructure is essential to ensuring we support the workforce and jobs in regional areas and mining communities. This budget provides $916 million for the first projects under the regional infrastructure fund to deliver important nation building infrastructure. The regional development australia fund will deliver $1 billion to back local infrastructure projects that best fit the economic and community needs identified by regions.

A Strong Economy for all Australians

Authorised by N.Martin for the ALP 5/9 Sydney Ave. Barton ACT. ,

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