Thesis Questionnaires
Thesis Questionnaires
Thesis Questionnaires
Name: ______________________________________________
Mother Father
( ) No Schooling ( )
( ) Elementary Level ( )
( ) Elementary Graduate ( )
( ) High School Level ( )
( ) High School Graduate ( )
( ) College Level ( )
( ) College Graduate ( )
( ) Graduate/Post-Graduate ( )
Parents’ Occupation
Mother Father
( ) Unemployed ( )
( ) Teacher ( )
( ) Entrepreneur ( )
( ) Farmer ( )
( ) Helper ( )
( ) Dress Maker ( )
( ) Clerk ( )
( ) OFW ( )
( ) Fisherman ( )
( ) Vendor ( )
( ) Military/Police ( )
( ) Doctor/Nurse ( )
Others, please specify
Mother’s Occupation: _________________________
Father’s Occupation: _________________________
Indicators (5 (4 (3) (2 (1
) ) ) )
A. Benefits of Distance Learning
1. The purpose of learning is 36 8 19 5 1
explicit or stated clearly and in
detail leaving no room for
confusion or doubt.
2. Learners build on previous 28 77 36 6 1
knowledge and experiences and
related it to the concepts in the
3. Learning impacts real life. 48 80 15 4 0
4. Learners learn to solve problems 45 78 19 5 0
that be used in real worlds.
5. Learners control their learning 24 90 27 6 0
process by their rate of
6. Transference of knowledge is 22 57 61 7 0
explicit and immediately
7. Knowledge retention increases. 23 55 64 4 1
8. Student motivation increases. 36 44 57 10 0
9. Learning is a _ effort, 46 78 18 3 2
encouraging student performance.
10. Learning the student’s 24 62 53 6 2
responsibility, not the
B. Implementation of Distance Learning
1. Clearly defined aims of distance 23 89 28 7 0
2. Clearly defined roles and 27 64 53 3 0
responsibilities of students and
teachers during instruction
3. Trained teachers in task/skills 34 56 48 9 0
4. Trained teachers in content 21 56 65 5 0
5. Meaningful task for the students 35 46 45 3 0
6. Maximum participation and 50 56 35 6 0
reinforcement for the students
7. Support students with regular 38 63 38 8 0
8. Well-structure materials for the 40 42 60 5 0
9. Keeping relevant instruction and 35 69 34 8 0
10. Thorough evaluation and 31 55 56 5 0
contextualization and
localization scheme
C. Problems of Distance Learning
1. Lack of teacher training on 36 45 57 7 2
distance learning
2. Not all lessons in Araling 31 38 71 6 1
Panlipunan can be delivered
through distance learning
3. Ineffective strategies used in 20 34 75 13 5
distance learning
4. More time and effort for teachers 17 60 66 4 0
to plan for instruction dues to
lack of published materials that
will support instruction
5. Lack of learning materials to 13 58 21 54 1
support distance learning
6. Lack of school and government 22 43 33 48 1
support for distance learning
7. Lack of trained teachers 21 39 28 52 37
8. Distance learning is hard to 39 45 37 22 4
9. Reluctance to distance learning 29 21 66 3 1
10. It is a new trend in education 41 41 61 3 1
and still research-based, hence
it may fail.
Thank you!