Accepted Educational Concepts Basic To Modern Teaching

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BRAIN BASED It is an integrated approach that incorporates successful, research-based
INSTRUCTIONAL and brain-based instructional strategies.

WHAT ARE THE TIPS? - involving students in real-life or authentic problem solving -using
-simulation and role plays
-strategies using visual processing
-songs, jingles, any movements
-mnemonic strategies

WHAT ARE THE 1. Categories

CLASSROOM STATEGIES 2. For Analogy/ Graphic Organizers
USING VISUAL 3. Hierarchical Topic Organizer
PROCESSING? 4. Topic Organizer
5. Web Organizer
6. Episode Pattern Organizer
7. Concept Pattern Organizer
8. Time-Sequence Pattern in Arbitration
9. Process/Cause-Effect Pattern for Negotiation

Approach  Strategy  Method Technique

GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND It is a set of principles about the nature of learning which is translated into
METHODS OF TEACHING the classroom. Also, a systematic way of doing something and a well-
defined procedure to accomplish a task.

Teacher  Engagement  Learner

Subject Matter  Focus  Learner
TEACHING APPROACHES Individual  Number Learner

● Teacher-centered ● Subject matter centered ● Constructivist ●

Integrated ● Collaborative ● Direct ● Research based ● Whole child ●
Metacognitive ● Problem based

It involves the teacher presenting information to students in a

DIRECT/EXPOSITORY straightforward manner. This method typically includes lectures,
presentations, and demonstrations where the teacher is the primary source
of information, and students play a more passive role in receiving the
information. It's often used for introducing new concepts or delivering
essential information efficiently.

1. Direct Instruction/ Lecture Method

TWO TYPES OF METHOD -helping students acquire procedural knowledge which is
knowledge exercised in the performance of some task.
2. Demonstration Method
-teacher or an assigned students ir group shows how a process is
done while the students become observers.

1. Give a short introduction by providing the rationale

WHAT ARE THE STEPS ON 2. Present your lesson
THE DIRECT METHOD/ 3. Develop the lesson by explaining, illustrating it with diagrams if
LECTURE METHOD? appropriate and/ or by giving concrete examples
4. Give application of the lesson
5. Check for understanding and provide feedback

It involves the teacher facilitates learning by providing guidance and

GUIDED/ EXPLORATORY support while allowing students to explore concepts, solve problems, and
make discoveries on their own. This method encourages active
participation and critical thinking as students engage in hands-on
activities, discussions, and inquiry-based learning experiences. It
emphasizes student-centered learning, where learners take more
responsibility for their learning process with the teacher serving as a
facilitator rather than the primary source of information.

1. Inquiry Method
SEVEN TYPES OF -modeled after investigative processes of scientists
METHODS 2. Problem Solving Method
-employs the scientific method in searching for information
3. Project Method
4. Cooperative Learning
5. Peer Tutoring / Peer Teaching
6. Partner Learning
7. Deductive Vs. Inductive Method

1. Blended Learning
2. Reflective Teaching
OTHER APPROACHES 3. Metacognitive Approach
4. Constructivist Approach
5. Integrated Approach

I learned in this lesson is that the document outlines brain-based instructional strategies focusing on
classroom strategies utilizing visual processing, guiding principles, teaching approaches, and methods. It
introduces direct/expository teaching involving straightforward information delivery by the teacher, typically
through lectures and demonstrations. Guided/exploratory teaching emphasizes student-centered learning,
encouraging active participation and critical thinking. Methods such as inquiry, problem-solving, and
cooperative learning facilitate this approach. Other approaches mentioned include blended learning, reflective
teaching, metacognitive, constructivist, and integrated approaches, aiming to integrate successful and
research-based strategies into teaching practices.

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