LAB 1 Circuit Circulation

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Omes, Kevin O.

Microprocessor ELECS 2
LAB 1 Circuit Circulation C++




int main(){


float voltage, r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6 ;

cout << " -------^v^--------------^v^------";

cout << "\n |\tR1\t |\t R2\t |";

cout << "\n |\t \t |\t \t |";

cout << "\n |\t \t |\t \t |";

cout << "\n--- Vt\t \t < \t \t < ";

cout << "\n -\t \t > R3\t \t > R4";

cout << "\n |\t \t |\t \t |";

cout << "\n |\t \t |\t \t |";

cout << "\n |\t \t |\t \t |";

cout << "\n -------^v^--------------^v^------";

cout << "\n \tR5\t \t R6\t";

cout << "\n\nEnter the Value of Voltage (V) : ";

cin >> voltage;

cout << "Enter the Value of Resistance R1 : ";

cin >> r1;

cout << "Enter the Value of Resistance R2 : ";

cin >> r2;

cout << "Enter the Value of Resistance R3 : ";

cin >> r3;

Omes, Kevin O.
Microprocessor ELECS 2
LAB 1 Circuit Circulation C++

cout << "Enter the Value of Resistance R4 : ";

cin >> r4;

cout << "Enter the Value of Resistance R5 : ";

cin >> r5;

cout << "Enter the Value of Resistance R6 : ";

cin >> r6;

//calculating equavalent resistance

float req = (float) ( 1 / (( 1 / (r2+r4+r6) ) + (1/r3) ) ) + r1 + r5 ;

//printing the current and voltage values


cout << "TOTAL RESISTANCE: " << req<<" Ohms\t\t";

float current = voltage / req ;

cout << "TOTAL CURRENT: " << current <<" Amps";

//variable declaration for current and voltage

float v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6 ;

float i1, i2 , i3, i4, i5, i6 ;

i1 = current ;

i5 = current ;

i3 = current * ((r4 + r2 + r6) / (r4 + r2 + r6 + r3 )) ; // i3 using current division rule

i2 = i4 = i6 = current * ( (r3) / (r4 + r2 + r6 + r3 ) ) ; //i2 i4 i6 using current division rule3

v1 = i1 * r1 ; //voltage calculation at each terminal

v2 = i2 * r2 ;

v3 = i3 * r3 ;

v4 = i4 * r4 ;
Omes, Kevin O.
Microprocessor ELECS 2
LAB 1 Circuit Circulation C++

v5 = i5 * r5 ;

v6 = i6 * r6 ;

//printing the result


cout << "R1=\t"<<r1 <<"\t\t" << v1 << "\t\t\t\t" << i1 << "\n";

cout << "R2=\t"<<r2 <<"\t\t" << v2 << "\t\t\t\t" << i2 << "\n";

cout << "R3=\t"<<r3 <<"\t\t" << v3 << "\t\t\t\t" << i3 << "\n";

cout << "R4=\t"<<r4 <<"\t\t" << v4 << "\t\t\t\t" << i4 << "\n";

cout << "R5=\t"<<r5 <<"\t\t" << v5 << "\t\t\t\t" << i5 << "\n";

cout << "R6=\t"<<r6 <<"\t\t" << v6 << "\t\t\t\t" << i6 << "\n";


return 0;

Omes, Kevin O.
Microprocessor ELECS 2
LAB 1 Circuit Circulation C++


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